
Ponemurdered 2

by The Gentlecolt

Chapter 1: Chapter Numero Uno: Winter Is Coming [Dreadnought]

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It was a beautiful summer afternoon. Celestia’s golden sun hung high in a cloudless sky, but a cool breeze made it quite comfortable, even for those who had to spend all day working the land. Birds sat in the trees chirping happily and feeding the growing chicks, who would soon be making their first cautious attempts at flight. Squirrels ran about, collecting enough nuts to last through the whole winter.

Deep in a forest of apple trees, a loud noise disturbed the peaceful tranquility. Bam! A mighty tree trembled under the impact, the branches swinging wildly causing ripe apples to snap free and fall neatly into awaiting baskets. A lone red stallion collected the fruits of his labor. He hauled the baskets, loaded with large red apples, to the wagon which was soon overflowing. Pausing, he observed the entire row of trees harvested. But it was just a start. Row upon row upon row made up the orchard, and the farm contained several orchards that produced an abundance of its namesake fruit. Much work lay ahead, and he had little time to waste.

Hitching himself into the harness, Big Mac began his trek back to the heart of Sweet Apple Acres. He pulled slowly at first, allowing the natural slope of the land to do most of the work for him, but always careful to never go too fast or lose control. Along the way, he enjoyed the beautiful day, listening to the sounds of the birds, feeling the breeze blow through his mane and wicking the sweat off his body, and smelling the fresh sweet fragrance of apples, something he never grew tired of.

He was truly happy working the farm. He was the son and the grandson and the great-grandson of farmers, and expected his son and grandson and great-grandson to be farming long after he was gone. He loved the work, planting seedlings into the ground and watching them grow into large healthy trees, or seeing livestock born then grow big and strong. It was simple and complicated all at the same time.

Still, he couldn’t help but feel a bit lonely. And not just because he had yet to find a special somepony. His sister Applejack, the Element of Honesty, was away with her friends on another Equestria-saving mission, risking life and limb for the good of all. He was proud of his sister and would love and support her always, but he worried immensely for her safety and wished she would find some safer way to contribute to society. But before Applejack left, Granny Smith had taken Apple Bloom to visit her cousin Babs in Manehattan for a week. So Big Mac was left alone on the farm, doing everything by himself. He loved his family and didn’t begrudge them anything, so he really couldn’t complain. But it was lonely.

Reaching the bottom of the gulley, he crossed the stream, water splashing all around him as he forded the creek and climbed the bank on the other side. Now he could feel the weight of the cart pulling on him. But Big Mac was up to the challenge. After all, he had once dragged an entire house halfway across Ponyville; a wagon filled with apples wasn’t going to beat him. He pulled the cart up the steep slope and soon crested the hill, the old family farmhouse and red barn coming into view.

Reaching the barn, he pulled the wagon inside. He would unload quickly and go out for more applebucking. Tomorrow morning he would haul the apples to market and sell them for a nice sum. Ponies always loved their apples. Maybe not as much as zap apple jam or cider, but then again those were seasonal items that ponies could only get certain times of the year, making supply rather small and hence demand very great. But the apples – red delicious, mcintosh, granny smith, jazz, braeburn, pink lady – could be purchased throughout the year. Still, he hoped to sell out early so he could return to the farm and get more work done. One thing about summer, Celestia afforded lots of daylight for hard work.

Big Mac finished unloading the wagon and was about to hitch himself back into the harness when a sound caught his attention. There was a slight rustle in the hay. Ordinarily he would brush this off as maybe Apple Bloom or Winona playing around, but he was alone on the farm. Or was he? Carefully he scanned the interior of the barn for anything amiss, listening for any stray sound. He was about to hitch himself into the wagon but stopped again. He felt as though he was being watched. It was silly really. Who would watch him? Applejack maybe, being the Element of Honesty and a close friend of the Princess, but why him? Still, something unnerved him, and he carefully began moving around the barn looking for someone or something. He scanned slowly, methodically, never letting his guard down. Suddenly there was a knock behind him and he glanced behind – nothing. Turning back, he caught a glimpse of a shadow moving in the barn. He bounded after it, determined to find out what was going on. He rounded a stack of hay bales and found a golden-brown pegasus with a two-tone mane standing her ground and ready to pounce.

“Who are you?” he demanded.

“I’m a friend of Applejack’s. Where is she?” replied the stranger.

“Ah know all her friends, an Ah ain’t never seen you before. Who are you?” he again demanded.

“Well, who are you?” echoed the stranger, with even more snarl in her voice.

“Ah’m McIntosh Apple, her brother,” he replied, taking a slightly more aggressive posture to defend himself against an attacking pegasus, which seemed more and more likely with each passing moment.

“Her brother? I never knew she had a brother,” said a slightly confused pegasus.

“Some friend you are,” he retorted, taking great satisfaction in calling her out.

“Well, we didn’t have much time together,” she admitted a bit embarrassed.

“Well, she ain’t here. She’s out with her friends on some mission. Now, will you tell me who ya are?”

“Look Red, the less you know the better.”

“You’re spying on me in ma barn, Ah have a right to know,” he countered.

“I don’t want there to be any trouble for you,” she said.

“Are ya threatin’ me?” he asked, bracing himself for a fight.

“No, but there’s stallions after me. I came to Ponyville to get Rainbow Dash, but she wasn’t home. I thought Applejack might be able to help me, but she’s apparently not here. I hid in your barn so I wouldn’t be seen.”

“Well, that’s a mighty fine story. But that still doesn’t answer ma question. Who are you?”

“Don’t you recognize me?” she asked.

Taken aback, he replied, “No, why should Ah?”

“Don’t you read? Geez Red, I’m Daring Do!”

“Ya mean like that tomb raider –”


“– from the books?”


“Well, Ah admit that’s a pretty fancy costume, looks just like the one on all the covers,” a tad bit of condescension underscoring his voice.

“That’s because I am Daring Do!” she exclaimed, frustration rising in her voice.

“Pfft!” Big Mac did his best to contain his laughter, but his reaction helped ease some of the tension between the two.

“I’m serious,” she said flatly.

“Those books are written by A.K. Yearling,” he noted.

“I know. I’m A.K. Yearling.”

“Ah thought you said you were Daring Do,” he said, pleased to have caught the mare squarely in a lie.

“I am. My real name is A.K. Yearling, but my adventure name is Daring Do. It’s like a pen name in reverse.”

“Why should Ah believe you?” he asked.

“It doesn’t matter. There’s a group of stallions after me. Since I can’t find help here in Ponyville, I have to keep moving.”

Suddenly both ponies froze as they heard a snapping twig outside the barn.

Author's Notes:

Dreadnommentary: When Doctor Disco invited me to participate in Ponymurdered 2, I had yet to read the first one. But the concept sounded really interesting, so I was eager to join in the fun. Only after I agreed to write did I learn that I would be working with fifteen amazing authors.

Given that there are 16 authors, I did not expect to write the first chapter. Well, there was a 6.25% chance of it, which meant a 93.75% chance that I would be writing somewhere between Chapter 2 and 16. So needless to say, I was quite surprised to learn that I'd be kicking this story off. At first I had a bit of writer's block. I've come up with a slew of stories, but always planning them out way in advance. To write something and purposely leave it unfinished, without a clear understanding as to what would happen, became a daunting prospect.

Then I had a flash of inspiration. I'd always loved Big Mac stories, and Daring Do adventures, but never have I seen the two of them together. I always thought they'd make an interesting pair, a big family stallion of few words paired with a solitary treasure-hunting Pegasus. But I could never think of a story to put them together. But fortunately, I wouldn't have to. I'd only have to think of 6.25% of a story, and leave the remaining 93.75% to my co-writers. So that's what I did. I can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter!

Next Chapter: Chapter The Second One: The Chapter Where Big Macintosh Probably Doesn't Kill Anypony [Cold in Gardez] Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 22 Minutes
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