
Blue Skies Burning

by The Red Parade

Chapter 1

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6 Months Ago

The inky black night swallowed the farm whole in its unforgiving grasp.Two ponies ran through the night, their eyes searching through the darkness. High above them, machines of steel and metal streaked through the sky, whistling as they dropped bombs and caused explosions and mayhem on the grounds below. The two skidded to a halt as the path they were on suddenly ended. The first, an orange earth pony in a brown stetson cursed aloud. “Are yah sure yah saw it come down over here?” she asked to the other pony, a very large red stallion.

“Eeyup.” The orange earth pony growled in frustration, her emerald eyes suddenly detecting a trail of smoke coming from a clearing ahead.

“There!” she yelled before taking off again, the stallion close behind.

Soon, the two came across the source of the smoke. “Sweet Celestia.” A plane lay in the field, smoke trailing from what was left of its engines. The hull was bullet ridden, and the plane was missing its left wing. Near the tail, a gold lightning bolt with white wings was painted on the side. The earth pony focused her attention on the cockpit, seeing two figures inside. Somehow, she had a gut feeling she would know the pony inside. “Come on!” She shouted, and again the stallion raced after her into the field. Seeing the ponies inside, the red stallion skidded to a halt before turning so his rear legs were facing the cockpit, before kicking hard with his two rear legs. The cockpit flew off, skidding to a halt a few feet away. Inside, a cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane opened her eyes before coughing up smoke. Tearing off her gas mask, she tried to get out of the cockpit, but was clearly dazed. “RD…” the orange pony muttered in disbelief.

“Ugh… Fleetfoot? Fleetfoot!” called the pegasus. As the injured pegasus climbed out of the cockpit, she nearly fell to the ground but was caught by the orange pony.

“Woah there, Dash! Yer hardly in any condition to walk!” The pegasus ignored her, tearing off her helmet.

“Fleetfoot!” she called weakly before losing conscious again. The earth pony turned back to the cockpit, seeing a sky blue pony still inside. She bit her lip, seeing that the other pony was unmoving.

As the stallion gently lifted the other pony from the tattered cockpit, the orange pony lay the cyan pegasus on the ground, frowning at her injuries. Above them, the night slowly turned into dawn, the air being filled with the distant buzzing of the mechanical beasts called airplanes. The orange pony looked up, watching as a plane far above exploded into pieces of flaming metal. “AJ?” asked the stallion, walking up next to her. The pony shook her head, taking off her hat.

“Mac… the damn sky’s on fire….” The stallion sighed, noting how flames from downed planes mixed with the sunrise, creating a shade of orange darker and deeper than he had ever seen.

“Come on, let’s get these ponies out of here”


A banging on the front door dragged the orange earth pony from her sleep. With a groan, she rubbed her eyes as she sat up in her chair. As her vision cleared, she saw that she had fallen asleep at her kitchen table again, bills and warnings surrounding her. The banging on the door was relentless, forcing the pony out of her chair, grabbing her brown hat from the table on the way. She threw the door open, half expecting a debt collector. Instead, she found a white mare with a purple mane. “Rarity.”

The mare nodded. “Applejack. Hope I’m not intruding.” Applejack just glared, having just woken up. Rarity rolled her eyes in response. “Darling, did you get any sleep at all? Your mane is simply a mess.” It was Applejack’s turn to roll her eyes.

“Look into mah eyes and ask me that again.”

Rarity was about to respond, but was interrupted by a thumping on the staircase behind Applejack. Applejack’s sister, Applebloom, came bounding down the stairs. “Hiya Rarity!” she chirped. Rarity smiled at the young filly.

“Hello, Applebloom. Are you ready?” The filly nodded.

“See ya later, AJ!” As the filly bounded off, Applejack frowned.

“Thought it was Fluttershy’s turn today.” Rarity gave Applejack a concerned look.

“Darling, are you sure you’re alright? I take care of the fillies every Thursday.” Applejack shook her head.

“I… don’t know, Rarity. I don’t know.”

After Rarity left with Applebloom, Applejack entered the kitchen of the farmhouse. With Applebloom off in the care of Rarity for the day, the farmhouse was empty except for Applejack. Granny Smith was in the hospital now, the medical bills just being more fuel to the proverbial fire. And Big McIntosh… Applejack sighed as she eyed the brown horse collar hanging on the wall. It had now been 6 months since she heard from her brother.

6 months ago

“Yah can’t be serious.” Applejack stared at her brother, trying to figure out if this was some elaborate joke. “Tell me yer joking.” The stallion sighed.

“Eenope.” Applejack was overcome by a series of emotions.

“Mac!” she growled in anger. “Yer leaving?! Now?!” Big Mac nodded.

“Eeyup.” The orange pony scowled, moving next to him.

“This is ridiculous! How could yah do this? Ah need you here, you’ve seen the bills! We need ta double our output, and ah sure can’t do that alone! Why, ah thought you were smarter than-”

Abruptly, Applejack was cut off when Big McIntosh slammed his hoof into the table, in a very rare display of anger and frustration. His usual calm and controlled demeanor was gone now as he shouted. “Damn it AJ! ‘Ah know that we’re in debt! That plane crash took down half our orchard! ‘Ah also know that there ‘ain't no way on Celestia’s earth that we are going ta get food, keep the farm, repair our orchard, and pay off Granny’s bills! Now, ‘Ah can get at least 50,000 bits by joining the army, an’ that’s what I plan to do unless you’ve got a better idea.” There was a strange silence that filled the farmhouse now.

Applejack knew in her heart that Mac was right. There was a crippling debt bestowed upon them, made worse by Granny Smith’s medical bills and the fire caused by the recent crash. All of the anger left her and was replaced by sadness. “When are ya going to be back?” she asked in a soft voice.

Big Mac, recomposing himself, sighed. “Hard ta’ say. Half a year, maybe more.” Applejack frowned, a tear rolling down her face.

“Just… just make it home.”

Big Mac gave a small smile. “Eeyup.”


The war was driving everypony crazy, Applejack decided. It was draining her friends and family away from her. Big McIntosh was still out fighting, Twilight Sparkle had been called upon to negotiate treaties and secure allies. And Rainbow Dash… Applejack sighed.

The entire war fiasco started about a decade ago. It started with two pony brothers, the Wrights. The two brothers discovered how earth ponies could harness the power of flight. As time went on, Equestria developed airplanes, which could fly faster and maneuver better than any pegasus could. It was over this new technology that the war started. Changelings had somehow stolen an airplane, flying it back to the Crystal Empire. Soon, Queen Chrysalis began developing an equally intimidating air force, to the alarm of Princess Celestia. The two kingdoms were unable to come to a peaceful resolution, and war ensued. The war never came close to Applejack’s hometown, until 6 months ago. The main target, the residents later learned, was Manehattan, but some of the pilots found Ponyville to be an easier target.

Applejack sighed as she remembered hearing about the Manehattan bombing. Manehattan was one of the biggest markets for Sweet Apple Acres, but now the residents were more concerned with rebuilding and constructing bomb shelters then they were making apple pies. Applejack returned to the table she had fallen asleep at, grimacing at the sight of the bills and warnings. She would have to visit Granny Smith later. Applejack desperately wanted to lie to her; tell her that Big McIntosh was home, that their bills were paid off, that they could afford to buy Applebloom anything she wanted. But she simply couldn’t.


The hospital waiting room was filled with ponies, each there for a variety of reasons. A cyan pegasus sat nervously in the plastic chair, waiting for news. She ran a hoof through her rainbow colored hair, shivering at the hospital’s strong air conditioning. Normally, she would be dressed in her brown flight jacket, with the Wonderbolts logo proudly stitched onto the sleeve, but Rainbow Dash simply couldn’t bring herself to wear it… not after what happened 6 months ago.

6 months ago

Explosions rocked the hangar as ponies ran about, shouting to each other. Searchlights lit up the sky, illuminating the night sky. “Dash! Thank Celestia!” Rainbow turned to see her captain, Spitfire, running towards her.

“What the hay is going on?” Both Spitfire and Rainbow instinctively ducked as a nearby explosion shook dust off the ceiling.

“What do you think?! We’re under attack! I’m scrambling every fighter we’ve got! Get up there!” Rainbow nodded, running to her plane as she pulled her helmet on. Her copilot, Fleetfoot, was already waiting. As Rainbow pulled herself into the cockpit, she heard the voice of her squad leader, Soarin.

“Everyone set?” Rainbow grabbed the transmitter.

“Blue-2, standing by.” She listened as the other Wonderbolts responded.

“Alright, Wonderbolts. Let’s show them what we’ve got!”

Rainbow always loved flying, that was no question. When word got out of the invention of the airplane, Rainbow decided to take a look. To say she was amazed would be an understatement. She had managed to acquire an airplane, and found she was able to fly farther, longer, and higher than ever before. It was her new found passion for stunt flying that got her into the Wonderbolts when the war broke out.


“Miss Dash?” Rainbow was pulled from her thoughts by a voice.

“Oh, sorry. Is she…?” Nurse Redheart shook her head sadly.

“I’m afraid Miss Fleetfoot has not awoken yet.” Rainbow’s head lowered, sadly.

“Oh. Thanks anyways, Nurse Redheart.” With a sigh, Rainbow turned to leave the hospital, Nurse Redheart following the dejected pony with her eyes, pitying her for her predicament. As Rainbow entered the elevator, her thoughts wandered back 6 months.

6 months ago

“Watch your 6, Blue-2!” At the warning, the plane banked sharply, a machine gun volley narrowly missing it.

“Cutting it close,” remarked Fleetfoot.

“You know me!” Rainbow replied. Rainbow pulled the plane upwards, evading the enemy plane. As the other plane resumed firing, Rainbow pulled the plane behind the enemy, returning fire and causing the engine to burst into flames. As the other plane exploded in a fireball, Rainbow cheered. “Got ‘em!” Fleetfoot was about to say something, but decided against it. Spitfire’s voice came over the radio.

“Listen up, Wonderbolts! We’ve got intel that some of those planes are bombers, take them out before they do damage.”

Rainbow growled. There was no way she was going to let them drop bombs on her home town. “I’ve got eyes on a bomber, let’s take it down!” The squadron quickly assumed an attack formation, swooping down at a larger plane. A few fighters flew over, attempting to defend their bomber.

“2 buzzards, Blue-4 and Blue-6, break off and engage!” Two of the planes obeyed, breaking formation and engaging with the enemy fighters.

The bomber began to return fire, forcing the Wonderbolts to do evasive maneuvers. Despite the efforts of the gunners, the bomber’s hull was soon riddled with bullets. Suddenly, machine gun fire from behind the Wonderbolts tore into one of the plane’s wings and hull. “Woah! Blue-3, you’re smoking!”

The plane, piloted by two ponies named High Winds and Lightning Strike, began swerving as High Winds tried to regain control. “No good, I’ve got to land this thing,” he muttered bitterly into the radio. As the damaged plane began losing altitude, another squadron of planes swooped down from the clouds.

“Woah! The hay did they come from?!”

Soarin growled before shouting instructions into the radio. “Everyone fall back, we need to regroup. Blue-4, make sure Blue-3 makes it back to base.” Rainbow couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“We’re running?!” Rainbow pulled the plane up, evading another fighter.

“Blue-2, get back! Those buzzards are right on top of us!” Rainbow ignored the command, setting her eyes on the bomber.

“Rainbow, we’ve got to fall back!” Fleetfoot shouted. Rainbow smiled grimly, as she flew directly towards the bomber.

“Gotcha. You’re not bombing my town, not today.” Soarin’s eyes widened when he saw Rainbow’s plane flying head-on towards the bomber.

“Blue-2! What the hay are you-”

“Rainbow!” Fleetfoot screamed. Rainbow didn’t respond, but began firing the plane’s machine guns. The bullets tore into the cockpit, and the bomber began to dip. Rainbow smiled, satisfied, and began to pull away when the bomber abruptly exploded. The explosion dwarfed the plane in smoke. Rainbow swore and tried to pull up, but the engine began stalling.

“Come on, come on!”

Alarms were ringing inside the cockpit as the plane began to lose altitude. “Rainbow!” Fleetfoot shouted again.

“Shut up! I’ve got this!” Rainbow responded as she tried to pull up. The engine, badly damaged by a piece of shrapnel, finally gave out, and the plane pitched towards the ground.

Rainbow desperately tried to restart the engine, although she knew in her heart there was no way the engine was going to restart. Fleetfoot reached for the radio. “Mayday! Mayday! This is Blue-2, we’ve lost our engine, going down!” Rainbow tuned out Soarin’s response. Rainbow was too focused on pulling the plane up to realize the engine had caught fire. Abruptly, the engine exploded, causing the plane to fall faster.

“Blue-2?! Come in!” Neither Fleetfoot nor Rainbow gave a response.

“Come on…. Come on… I can do this, I can do this,” the pegasus mumbled to herself. The ground was coming closer, closer. “I can do this… I can do-” At the last moment, Rainbow was able to prevent the plane from nose diving. Instead, the plane plowed into a field, the left wing hitting a tree and coming off. The plane continued to skid for a few feet, abruptly stopping. The momentum caused Rainbow to lurch forward, slamming her head onto the dashboard and shattering her helmet’s visor.

With a groan, Rainbow tried to sit up in her seat. Her hoofs shaking, she tried to undo the harness that kept her in the seat, but was unable to. Suddenly, the cockpit covering flew off, as if a powerful stallion had simply kicked it off. A familiar orange pony in a Stetson cowboy hat climbed on. “RD…” she muttered in disbelief.

Rainbow ignored her, tearing off her gas mask. “Fleetfoot!” she called, trying to rouse her copilot as the orange pony undid the harness. Rainbow stumbled out of the wrecked plane, still dizzy from the crash. “Fleetfoot!” she called, weaker this time. Through her dazed vision, she saw her copilot slumped over, unmoving. Rainbow tore off her helmet, trying to climb back into the cockpit. The orange pony was saying something, but Rainbow didn’t hear her voice. Her body, still shocked and injured from the crash, gave out again, and Rainbow lost consciousness. The last thing she heard before blacking out was the pony’s voice.

“The damn sky’s on fire…”


Rainbow sighed as she recalled the crash that landed Fleetfoot in the hospital. The 6 months after the crash had been quite hard on her, even though her injuries were mostly minor. Of course, Rainbow thought bitterly she was the lucky one. The elevator dinged and she stepped inside. “Why not me?” she wondered aloud.

“Hmm?” Rainbow snapped out of her thoughts to realize she wasn’t alone in the car.

“Applejack?” The orange earth pony smiled.

“Oh, hey Rainbow.”

The two ponies walked out of the hospital together. “So, what brings you ta the hospital?” Applejack asked. Rainbow sighed.

“I was… visiting a friend. What about you?” Applejack looked away.

“Granny Smith.” Rainbow nodded in recognition.

“Ah. How’s she doing?” Applejack frowned.

“She’s doing fine… it’s just, ah don’t know how we’re going ta pay off those medical bills.” The two walked in silence after that remark. It was no secret that Sweet Apple Acres had seen better days.

“Hey, I never really apologized.” Applejack glanced at her friend.

“Apologized fer what?” Rainbow sighed again.

“Well, if I hadn’t crashed in your orchard, you probably wouldn’t be in debt.” Applejack smiled.

“Rainbow, don’t go beatin’ yerself up for that. Yer engine gave out, that wasn’t yer fault.” Rainbow took a shaky breath, closing her eyes.

“No… it was…” Applejack stopped, giving her friend a concerned look.

“Do ya want to talk about it?”

Rainbow sighed, fighting back tears. “Yeah… I do.”

Author's Notes:

Well then. I'm really not sure what to say about this. This type of story is... different from what I usually write. I'm not really sure why I chose to come here... guess I needed a change of scenery. Anyways. How I got into this fandom is a bit ... complicated. Quick disclaimer: I haven't watched any of the episodes, I'm not too familiar with the fandom or the show itself. Again, how I got here is complicated. Anyways, hope you liked it...

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