
[Displaced] Spare Or Slay

by DisplacedWriter

Chapter 1: Spirit Of Chaos

Summary: Two humans are sent and displaced into Equestria. The first human wants to stay alive and show mercy while the second one wants to protect and kill those who want to threaten his friends.

“I knew it.. I freakin knew it, that guy is the famous damn merchant who sends people away.” A young armored man with blue hair said, groaning as he got to his feet. “Where are we?”

“U-um, where am I? What happened!” A voice of a little girl come from behind the man.

“Oh no… You too?” The blue haired man said with shock and concern in his voice.

“Oh my gosh! Is that a glowing heart!?” the little girl said cradling a glowing red heart in front of her.

The two humans heard a gasp from above them, making them look up to see the royal sisters hovering over them.

The man wearing armor nervously waved at the twins. “Uh… Hi.” he said as frisk hid behind him.

“Who art thou?” The blue armored alicorn asked.

But before any of the humans could answer, the tree of harmony spoke. “They are Equestria’s future.” in the voice of Lauren Faust.

“..Wait-what? Why us?!” The blue haired man yelled as Frisk eyes widened behind him.

“You, Magus, will be the Eagle, the one to defeat evil unwilling to change. And you, Frisk will be the dove, the one who will help those who were corrupted or forced to do evil’s bidding.” The voice said.

“..Ok, But why though?” Magus asked in an attempted Cell voice impression.

“But why would you take us?” Frisk said, tilting her head cutely.

“Because I made a deal with the one you call ‘The Merchant.’” The voice said.

“WHAT!!” Magus exclaimed with anger in his voice. “But we’re no heroes, we don’t have powers, we’re not the smartest..” Magus said before pointing at Frisk. “And my friend pretty much hates everything equally.”

“Ah, but the merchant has changed you.” The tree of harmony pointed out… er, or would that be branched out because of it having… well, branches.

“I heard that…” The voice said with annoyance in her voice.

“Try not to anger the all powerful tree please!” Frisk says as she tried to pull me away.

“What is she gonna do, drop leafs on me?” Magnus said mockingly.

“Yep.” She said before releasing a blast of harmony, turning Magus into a small harmless cute bunny with armor on him.

He was only able to contemplate his situation for a second before he was suddenly being snuggled by frisk “So fluffy!” Frisk squealed out.

“Frisk, this is not the time!” Magus said with embarrassment in his voice.

“But so fluffy!” Frisk said as tears started to form in the sides of her eyes, she snuggled Magus Bunny with renewed Determination.

With another blast of magic, Magus was returned to normal. “Remind me again not to p-... er.. Anger you.” Magus said as he almost said a bad word.

“But, I want my bunny, change him back!” Frisk said tears starting to stream down her face.

“Don’t worry, if he does anything stupid like mock other ponies or bullies them, he will turn into a blue rabbit.” the tree of harmony explained.
[The thought of snuggling a blue rabbit fills you with determination] Frisk saw a blue screen pop up out of nowhere.

“...Well, that was random..” Magnus commented.

“I’ve been here long enough, you have the elements of harmony and your guardian angels, those two will never age. I must go now.” The voice said as the tree’s glow starts to began.

“Wait, what?! No! I don’t want to be..immortal… shit” Magnus said with discouragement in his voice.

Eventually, once the two sisters gained back their senses. Celestia suddenly scooped up Frisk. “Well, aren’t you just adorable.” She said as she rubbed her cheek on Frisk like a cat giving affection to a human.

Frisk only giggled as she rubbed Celestia back with her own cheek.

“So, what power does thou possess?” Luna asked, making Magnus stare like a deer in the headlight.

“Uh…” Magnus said, his mind suddenly informed him of what he’s capable at his current… level? Magnus blinked in confusion at that. “I can wield a sword, use its magical properties and summon units at my command.” He explained, suddenly causing said units to appear, making twelve small soldiers to appear on all sides of him. Meanwhile, with Celestia, two witches and paladin to appear near Celestia, startling Frisk.

“And of the child?” Luna asked, making Magnus look over at Frisk for answers.

“Um, it depends on which Frisk you are talking about, there are several, the original Frisk, glitchtale Frisk, endertale Frisk, Geno Frisk, AFAF Frisk and more!” Frisk said before going back to cuddling Celestia.

“But how wilt thou save evil like the tree explained?” Luna asked.

“Because reasons that's why!” Frisk said before burying her head into Celestia's Mane, Luna's eye started twitching.

“Please, Frisk, sweetie, tell us what you can do?” Celestia asked in a kind voice.

Luna let out a groan. “This is no time for foolishness, Sister, we need to get back and defeat the vile draconian.” Luna sad as she ran out.

“I can help I did once defeated the god of hyperdeath!” Frisk said in an enthusiastic tone of voice.

“But…. I thought she said you save others, not kill.” Celestia asked confusingly.

“I did defeat him I defeated him with kindness!” Frisk said nodding her head vigorously.

“D’aaaaawwwww~” Celestia said

“SISTER!” Luna called out.

“Coming!” Celestia said as she placed Frisk on her back, she heads out of the Tree’s cave, the two witches and paladin following after Celestia.

“God help us all.” Magnus commented, having no choice but to follow after Celestia, the twelve small soldiers following Magnus.

Eventually, the royal sisters along with their new army, soon arriving at a scene thrown into chaos.

“...Heey.. I remember this..” Magnus commented quietly.

“Okay, who ripped off Alice in Wonderland?” Frisk exclaimed before looking around as they slowly approached discord's throne, unknowingly being heard by Discord.

Magnus blinked a few times, remembering that Discord can bend reality on a whim.

“And who says Alice In Wonderland didn’t rip me?” Discord said mocking, Magnus begins questioning the tree of harmony.

“Maybe because you're an idiot and you can't think of anything new to cause chaos!” Frisk says before she throws her hands over her mouth.

Discord raises an eyebrow “And who are you supposed to be?” Discord asked

“I'm Frisk and I fought a god of hyperdeath” Frisk says as she tries to give Celestia and Luna time to hit him with the elements.

“Oh, like I haven’t heard that one before.” Discord said as he sat up in his seat as Frisk was levitated up to him. Frisk starts squirming trying to get out of his grip, causing the Paladin to reaction to her mental distress, he runs up to Discord to slash at him, causing half of discord’s body to separate. Next, the witches cast Ray Of Paralyze on him.

Discord blinks in confusion, then begins chuckling madly.

“I’m sorry, but was the tree being serious about this? I mean, this is the God Of Chaos, I don’t think we can even damage him!” Magnus exclaimed as Discord was, quite literally, pulling himself together. I’m surprised my Witches that I gave to Frisk were able to even effect him.

“Hey Discord, I have a question for you before you finish us off!” Frisk says as she is still floating in the air next to Discord, catching his attention as he looks at her.

“And what would that be?” Discord asked.

“Why is it that you only use chaos to make everyone else miserable?” Frisk asked innocently, tilting her head to the side.

“I’m Discord, I don’t have to give a reason.” He said with a chuckle.

“Maybe because you're lonely.” Frisk said unknowingly hitting the nail right on the head.
“Lonely? HA! Didn’t you hear me? I don’t give a reason, reasons are part of making sense, and what fun is that?” Discord asked just as something suddenly jabs him in the back. “Ow, hey! Watch it with those toothpicks.” Discord said as he turned around to see three kids wielding spears.

“But Discord, everyone gets lonely, even gods, if you want, we can be friends.” Frisk says as the [Mercy] button appears before her.

The royal twins just couldn’t believe their eyes, they know that Frisk wants to save others, but Discord?

“Friend? Why would you want to be friends with me?” Discord asked with distrust in his voice.

“Why not every Frisk has made friends even with those that have tried to kill them or have killed them.” Frisk said with a shrug causing both Discord and the royal sisters eyes to widen.

Because of Frisk’s passive aura and her willingness to be his friend, Discord started to tear up. “Friend? I never had a friend..” He said as Frisk hugs him causing the royal sisters and Magnus eyes to widen in their jaws drop.

[Frisk spared Discord]

Magnus blinked, now thoroughly confused. “Well… That was easy..” He commented, making his little soldiers come back to him.

[Discord is available to recruit, Frisk unit Only]

“Wait What!?” Magnus exclaimed, scratching his head. “Since when does game mechanics work in real-.. Actually, nevermind, it’s Discord. Don’t question it.”

The sound of falling sounds are heard caused by the elements of harmony, they sit down to think, trying to figure out what the buck just happened.

“It’s Frisk, she makes friends like breathing.” Magnus explained, shrugging when they turn to stare at him.

Suddenly Frisk walks up to him and the royal sisters holding discord's hand “Hey princesses, look at my new friend!” she said as she beamed a smile up at them.

“I… don’t believe it..” Luna said with a frown.

Celestia smiled widely at this, the power of friendship overcomes all!

“Ok, that’s nice but what about.. I don’t know.. PONYVILLE!?” I exclaimed.

“Oh! Dreadfully sorry about that.” Discord said, and with a snap of his fingers, everything returned to normal.. Well, almost normal.

“It's okay. you can have fun causing all the chaos you want in the Whitetail Woods!” Frisk said trying to cheer her friend up.” I'm sure the princess's wouldn't mind giving it to you!” she said giving the princesses a pointed look.

“Sorry, Frisk, but we usually hold the fallen of the leafs event there.” Celestia said.

“Well give him something so he can have an outlet and have fun causing chaos there he needs a place to live” Frisk said as she crossed her arms and pouted, causing all in the area to d’awww at her.

“I have a suggestion.” Magnus said, raising a hand. “Why not a pocket dimension?”

“But then how will I get there to visit my friend!” Frisk said as she gave them all the puppy dog eyes.

“Oh please, it's not that hard to do.” Discord said, snapping his fingers to rip a hole in reality.

“But I can't do that! Why can't you just stay with me!” Fisk said as she hugged him.

“I can freely take you there. I mean, I am the spirit of chaos, I do what I want.” He said, earning a glare from the royals sisters.

“Then make a watch that we can use to communicate with that way we can talk whenever we want!” Frisk said brightening up

“But I like it when someone is there to create chaos with, its not fun when I can't see someone seeing my work.” Discord said with an amused chuckle, he may have been stopped, but he still likes making chaos.

“Why not make it into a TV show and spread crystals across Equestria into every home that will show what's going on?” Frisk said, tilting her head innocently confusing all of them but Magnus. who was face-palming at this moment.

“Good idea, but why not call it DV? Short for Discord-Vision.” Discord suggested Frisk nodded back thinking it was a good idea.

“Art thou planning on mind controlling everypony?” Luna excused.

“Well, I wouldn't call it mind-controlling, I mean sure people call it the idiot box, but it does keep filly's quiet so I don't think the parents will mind.” Frisk said, trying to placate the lunar princess.

“We’ll allow it, but we’ll be keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary.” Celestia said with trust in her eyes. Afterall, the tree sent those two humans to help them.

“So since we're already making this world's version of TV AKA Discord vision, why not make multiple channels with multiple different forms of Chaos?” Frisk said excitedly but was interrupted by the sound of someone screaming into his hands.

Magnus takes a deep breath and calms himself down. “Frisk? Can I have a moment with you?” he asked.

“I guess so. I'll be right back Discord!” she said happily before skipping over to Magnus.

“Don’t take long.” Discord said, wiggling all of his fingers at Frisk.

After walking a distance away from the group with Frisk, Magnus turned around and in a hushed yell. “What are you, crazy!? You’re messing with the time!”

“And I should care why? I'm just doing what feels natural and what all Frisks do is make everyone my friend and create peace!” Frisk said Crossing her arms.

“True.. True.. But what about the original timeline? Discord was suppose to be friends with Fluttershy, you also might of prevented or replaced a lot of friendship lessons, I don’t know which ones since there’s a lot of them.” Magnus explained.

“And I'll ask again, why should I care? the tree of Harmony brought us here to do what we thought was best and what I think is best, is to be friends with Discord and you can't tell me otherwise!” she said with angry tears in her eyes before she turned around. She wiped her eyes and stomped back towards the group.

The two witches and the paladin following Frisk, shook their head at Magnus.

“I know but-..” Magnus began to say, but Frisk was too far away to hear him. Magnus groaned in annoyance, while yes the tree did summon them, Magnus thought it was some other evil other than what he knew. Magnus can already see it happening, Frisk will befriend everyone like a mary-sue, even though she can do that easily in the original game.

Magnus returns to the group, or what was left of it due to the sisters returning to Canterlot.

“Are you ready to go to Chaosville, friend?” Discord said, not used to saying the word.

“Sure maybe it can cheer me up and maybe we can come up with new ideas for new chaos that we can show the world that chaos can be fun” Frisk said nodding wiping away the last of the tears that Magnus caused.

“I know what I said affected you, but I don’t want something going wrong. Like you becoming a target, I mean you’ve seen the Amazing Spiderman 2? Where Gwen Stacy got killed because the villains found out spiderman’s identity?” Magnus explained, then pointed at Frisk. “If you befriend everyone, they will go after you.. Just be careful, ok?”

“Ok..I guess.”Frisk said as she vanished with Discord.

Author's Notes:

[Chapter Complete!]
[Magnus Leveled up: 4]
[New Weapon Available: Baldr Sword]
[Frisk's Karma leveled up: 4 Positive Points]
[Luna, Celestia, Frisk, and Discord have joined Magnus's army, Discord only accessible by Frisk. ]

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