
[Displaced] Guardian & Child (Old, Non Canon)

by DisplacedWriter

Chapter 4: Bats & Knifes (WiP Title - Chara's PoV)

Previous Chapter

Author's Notes:

Yes, I know we've been focusing on Chara too much again. however, Don't worry, there is going to be three or four chapters starring Link and a second party member.

It had been a few hours since I had returned from Nick's world. I had been walking around the castle for a while now, trying to figure out what this weird feeling was that I kept getting around Celestia, it's a feeling I've never felt before I was walking through the garden with five different guards following me because of Celestia's freak out.

I was walking around the garden before something hit me on top of the head, knocking me down onto the ground. “Ow, God damn it,why!?” I moaned, rubbing my head as I got up and started looking around for what hit me. The guards rushed around looking for who threw it. Just as I found the gold coin that hit me, I picked it up and gave it a good look, it had a weird picture that looked like a weird crocodile thing on the back with three melted Loops, behind it was what looked like a baseball player on the front. Suddenly, I heard a message in my head.

{If anyone has a ghost problem or your face to face with a foe you can't beat alone. I will try to help you as soon as I can.} I could only think that this could keep my mind off of my troubles for a while deciding to summon whoever this guy was ”All right, whoever you are, come forth. I need something to keep me from being bored.” I said with a bored tone of voice, shoving my previous thoughts to the back of my mind.

A bright white light sprang forth as it soon died out as fast as it came. Where the light once was stood a Monochrome baseball player with four demonic red glowing eyes with an iron bat in hand. He looked around as if he was curious of his surroundings.

“Sup!” I said in a cheerful voice as all the guards were tensed and ready to attack the new bipedal that had just appeared

“Halt, intruder!” One of the silver armored guards said, causing the rest of his splatoon to draw their spears.

“It's alright guys, I summoned him, he's a displaced!” I tried to tell them but was interrupted as one of them put me behind them.

They were pretty focused on defending Chara as per the princesses’ orders, they were strict about their job. Afterall, Silver Bullet is their commander.

The newly arrived displaced simply stood there confused.

“Intruder? Me? I was just about to go to bed after finding a friend’s token and the next thing I know I’m standing right here. My guess is that the little kid in the striped sweater summoned me as they must be a displaced, so back off pal.” He said connecting the dots.

“But how do we know you’re a friend? By Celestia’s warning, she said that Displaced can be good or bad.” One of the armored unicorn said.

“Guys, I summoned him, plus I don't think any of you guys are actually equipped to fight a displaced.” I said with a roll of my eyes thinking that these guys need to learn the pecking order, anything that prevent them from being slaughtered.

“Very well, Mrs. Chara, but we will be keeping an eye on him.” the royal guard said, causing one of my eyes to twitch in annoyance.

“...You know what, try and hurt me. I dare you, if you don't clear half- no a EIGHTH of my Health. I'm not to be arrested or whatever.” The monochrome newcomer said with confidence wanting a challenge as he made a come at me bro hand gesture.

“WHYYYY!?” I asked loudly. making a grabbing motion at his neck out of sheer irritation.”Was this guy an idiot or something? I just got them to back down!” I mentally thought.

The guards suddenly went on the offensive, spears drawn but not attacking. They were waiting on Chara so that they don’t do something out of line.

“No, you fuckers back down right the fuck now, put those spears away, I will not have Celestia punish me for letting you throw your idiotic lives away!” I screamed, ranting at the stupid guards “You don't attack someone who is basically egging you on to attack them” I mentally ranted to myself remembering all the times that I had done the same.

“But we only did it incase she does attack you.” one of the guards in the back said.

“Did you just call him a she?’ I said skeptically with a raised eyebrow.

“Soldier! Get your mind out of the gutter!” the guard next to the other yelled.

“Sheesh, what's next? Calling me Nappa? I MUST PROTECT MY IMAGE!!!” The baseball player shouted comically, clearly fighting the urge to laugh, at the guards as he rushed at them preparing to hit them, only to fake them out and begin letting loose his laughter as he jumped back to where he was.

“I'm surrounded by idiots.” I said putting my head in my hands waiting for Celestia to show up in full battle armor.

They were about to stab the humanoid, but the sudden attack didn’t quite help their judge, making them think that the man was still gonna attack. With a warcry, they rushed in with their spears.

“Oh look it's Silver Bullet and Princess Celestia!” I said pointing behind the soldiers trying to distract them from attacking the guy that I knew they couldn't beat.

“Good, they can join us!” the frontal guard said, their rushing still in progress, drawing close.

I did the only thing I could think of to stop them, bringing out my knives I grabbed all of them with light blue Soul strings to grab and raise them into the air, keeping them from assaulting the baseball batter. ”I'm sorry about them, they're idiots! Anyway what's your name, I never got it?” I asked him as the guards protested at being called idiots.

“The Batter. If we're talking about my original form, the names Sans, kinda ironic huh?” He said as he looked at the Soul strings and not seeing my eye twitch briefly at his name. “Heh, I guess you're a Undertale & Glitchtale fan?”

“Oh yes darling!” I said, doing my best intimidation of Mettaton while doing a Mettaton pose, causing the guards to swing in random directions as I did so.

Suddenly, in a streak of fire, Silver Bullet himself appeared. “Sorry for being late, I had to take care of a problem in Ponyville, some kind of giant lizard.” the white stallion said, noticing everything that is wrong. “...Should I back away and ignore this or is there an actual threat.. I mean if it's something personal, I won’t stop you.”

“B-but General!” one of the guards said.

“Oh, it was just these idiots not listening to my orders in not attacking something they clearly have no chance against.” I said, ‘throw them under the bus.’ I always say.

The Batter looked at said guards “But seriously? Holy crap I thought I was stubborn, and I once tried to fight the INVINCIBLE Tubba Blubba head on in Paper Mario when I first encountered him…” The Batter got confused looks from all ponies.”Of course you ponies wouldn’t know of quality gaming.” He said aggravated at them.

“Hmph, I’ll be sure to punish them and correct them on their mistake.” Silver Bullet said as he approached the bipedal creature. “Forgive my men, they’ve been on edge because of the creatures around Canterlot. Link isn’t with us to counter those monstrosities.”

“Wait LINK!?” The Batter said clearly surprised and he said, “Jeez, it’s been a week since I seen him after our…” he stopped and thought for a moment to choose his words. “...friendly competition.” He finished.

“So, you and Link duked it out?” I said not buying that it was a competition one bit.

“Ah, Link never mentioned anything about your...” He paused, giving the batter’s appearance a good look. “...kind.” He said, not knowing what exactly he is.

“Displaced, the term you're looking for is displaced.” The Batter said correcting the pony as he used Wide Angle on Silver Bullet.

Silver Celestial Bullet
Celestial Equine Commander Incarnation
HP: ??? CP: ???
Unknown Weakness/Resistance

(Silver Bullet, commander of the best of Celestia’s commanders and also the half-son of Celestia. With her power coursing through his veins, he is capable of accessing a powerful mode known as the Phoenix Form. In this form, he is a literal blazing bullet when he flies around, unleashing flames of power to those who dare to threaten him or the people he protects. In the past, he used to have anger issues that made him go insane. The last time it happened was when Chara pissed him off. At a young age, he was given this title because of how fast he was despite not being a pegasus, he can sometimes be late when there’s too much for him to do and not enough time on his hoofs, he is only one unicorn after all.)

“So, you're the asshole who gave him the power to check me out!” I said loudly, pointing at him accusingly and causing all the guard’s minds to hit the gutters again.

“Wait.. What did this Displaced do?” Silver Bullet asked.

“He checked you out. Silver Bullet” I said knowingly using something that could be misunderstood.

“I’m sorry to inform him that I don’t ‘swing that way’” Silver Bullet said in a stern commanding voice.

The Batter was confused by what he said and then the realization set in. “NOT LIKE THAT! I WAS CHECKING YOUR BLOODY STATS!”

“ Oh you mean like the length of his ’meat’”I said with a giggle before i noticed i still had the guards in my Soul strings and dropping them unceremoniously.

The guards scrambled, some of them leaving the garden while some of them stayed behind. “Where do you think you five are going? Get back here, soldiers!” Silver bullet said, then sighed when they didn’t listen. “I know what you’re trying to do, Chara, I know your tactics.” he said calmly, taking the time to perform his breathing exercises. Hearing this made me pout.

“Well anyway I believe you summoned me to be a cure for your boredom kid.” The Batter said crouching down to my eye level.

“Hey I'm not a kid I just don't age!” I said, thoroughly annoyed at being called a kid.

“Geez, touchy subject. So what did you want to do?” The Batter said getting up.

“Maybe we should go on a tour or something come on Silver you're coming with us!” I said in a happy-go-lucky voice as I grabbed him silver with my soul strings to drag him along.

“Miss Chara, I am capable of walking on my own.” Silver Silver said. “And besides, I have other duties to attend to, so perhaps my son Blueblood can help with that.”

“Yeah, your son should be the one doing this he is a better person after all.” I said in a false thoughtful voice. Silver Bullet chose to ignore that comment as he walked out in a calm matter.

“Who’s Blueblood?” The Batter asked.

“Oh he's just a friend that I met here the other day!” I said with an eye twitching slightly at the thought of Blueblood actually being a decent person.

“Want me to knock him out and we can tour on our own?” The Batter said as he slung his cast iron over his shoulder.

“Yeah, I'm going to have to ask you not to knock him out!” I said to the batter. ‘If only things were like in canon, then I wouldn't mind.’

“Well, where is he?” The Batter asked, clearly annoyed at the fact Blueblood wasn’t there yet. He noticed a maid nearby and asked her in a gentlemanly tone “Pardon me miss, but have you seen a Mr. Blueblood around here?”

“Yeah he's supposed to be our tour guide” I said, causing the maid's eyes widen when she saw me.

“H-he's currently cutting a ribbon to declare Donut Joe’s new and improved remodeled store..” The maid said.

“Thanks, come on batter, we got things to do!” I said before grabbing a hold of the batter's hand and dragging him behind me.

The Batter felt like he almost tripped as he was dragged along to the recently opened donut shop.

When I arrived at the store, I could tell it definitely improved, looking more like smaller restaurant than a simple shop, I even saw Blueblood smiling at the crowd cheering him on as he was about to cut the ribbon.

I use my soul strings to lift myself and the batter over the crowd and onto the stage. ”Hey, blue! My friend here need a tour of the castle!” I said as everyone stared at me.

“Howdy.” Batter said, slinging his bat over his shoulder and scanned the crowd for any faces he’d seen in his world.

“O-oh, Chara.” Blueblood said with a chuckle. “Fancy meeting you here, just give me a moment to cut this and i’ll be happy to give you a tour.” Blueblood’s horn levitates the oversized scissors up and was about to cut the ribbon before I noticed something.

I jumped in the way as an arrow went straight for Blue Bloods head, and taking it in the eye for him.

“HOLY CRAP!” The Batter shouted as he looked for the archer and that was the last thing I saw before I was forced to reload.

I appeared as usual with a twitch in my eye, seeing the guards pull their spears out and started looking for the Archer. “I really hate getting fucking headshot!” I said through gritted teeth.

“Oh.. my mother’s name..” Blueblood exclaimed as his eyes darted all over the place, no one has ever tried to assassinate him before.

“Don't worry, blue! I'll keep you safe.” I said as I put up a green soul shield around him. “Have you fucking useless assholes found the sniper yet!” I yelled at the guards not caring that I was in public.

“Who you calling a ‘useless asshole’?’” a familiar voice said.

“Oh yeah, you're still here. I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about the useless guards.” I said the last part of little louder then the rest.

“No, Miss Chara.” They said, taking off into the air without letting me answer back.

“That Archer better hope and pray that I don't get my hands on him or I'll show him why I was in charge of the torture and interrogation division in my universe!” I said and I was sure my eyes were glowing with a sadistic glee.

The Batter smirked and said “Heh, I want to watch you do that. I want to see the look on my friends face at me telling them whatever you do to the poor fool.”

At that moment, the sound something dropping on the floor was heard, making me turn to look at what it was. On the ground was a black stallion wearing dark clothing, although more darker than usual due to the guy being burnt alive.
“And this is why I tend to punish those who try to harm my little ponies.” A voice spoke, revealing herself to be the goddess Celestia.

“Damnit sunbutt, I wanted him!” I said glaring at her as the crowd around us gasped and started yelling at me.

“Oh piss off!” The Batter shouted at the crowd and looked he was gonna show them his ‘magic finger’.

“And you would.. If you could spot someone using an illusion spell to make himself invisible.” Celestia pointed out, she slowly made her way to the barely alive unicorn, its chest having a symbol of the moon. “Oh, not another one of Nightmare’s culturists.” she said with a annoyed sigh. “Me and Luna have been trying to get it through their minds that the Nightmare is gone!”

“If you want them to fucking talk, heal that bastard and I'll make him to talk.” I said unconsciously made black blood start to leak from my eyes at the sheer hatred I felt at this bastard.

“Chara.” She said in a firm motherly voice.

“Oh come on give me five minutes in a room alone with this bastard he'll be begging to tell you what they know!” I said as I gained a sadistic smile thinking of what I'm going to do to him

“...All...Hail.. the nightmare..” The unicorn said weakly before suddenly twisting his own neck with his telekinesis

I did something that I haven't done since my universe I grabbed a hold of his soul and dragged it into my body “My Shadows going to have fun with you!” I said as I started giggling hearing his screams in the back of my mind, however.. The screams didn’t last long.

“Oh phooey…” The voice in my head said. “He barely tried to escape.”

“So Shadow did you get anything useful out of him.” I said unconsciously speaking out loud.

“Nope, the guys nothing but an empty shell, nothing but ‘kill, kill, kill’ on his mind.” the voice said back.

“...Shadow?” Celestia asked as she narrowed her eyes at me.

“Wait, I said that out loud? Shit!” I said under my breath. “Um, well when Discord.. um took Frisk out of my mind he… um, kind of gave me a shadow, she and I made an agreement, she kind of needs negative energy to survive so I gave her my bottled-up pain.” I said chuckling nervously hoping to all hell that she bought it.

“Interesting…” The Batter said, clearly curious by the existence of Shadow.

“Chara…” She said in that motherly voice again, causing everypony else to back away from the scene.

“Yes?” I said in response as I was mentally screaming ‘shitshitshitshit we are so screwed game over!’

“I feel like Determination is playing somewhere across the multiverse.” The Batter deadpanned.

“While it may not have brought harm to my little ponies, I don’t think it's healthy to allow it to keep consuming your emotions.” Celestia commented before looking toward the new human of the group.

“But it's not eating my emotions, just eating all the pain I bottle up people think it's not good to bottle up pain as it eventually breakouts and now I solved it without actually having to do anything” I said trying to keep my shadow safe.

“Reminds me of Nail in Piccolo’s mind...” The Batter said in a tone that sounded like he was talking a walk down memory lane…. Only for an sudden shout of “NAIIIIIIIL!!!” In a false serious voice.

“Yes Lord Guru” i responded doing my best intimidation of Nail hoping that this would get her out of having to talk to Celestia about her shadow.

“Uh…” Celestia said at first, blinking a few times in confusion. “Anyways… I will keep you monitored, but if I see anything wrong with you, I will not hesitate to purify it. Afterall, it was caused by Discord.” Celestia said, looking between both Chara and Sans. “Mind introducing me to your friend? I did felt his presence from before, but I had trust in you that you knew what you were doing.”

“Oh. it's just some idiot I summoned out of boredom, not really knowing what would happen.” i said shrugging my shoulders as Celestia stared at me.

The Batter meanwhile was still laughing at his imitation of Lord Guru/Super Kami Guru. “Oh man good series.” he final said and offered Celestia a handshake to at least show he was peaceful or that he won’t kill anypony.

At the strange gesture offered by The Batter, she responded the only how ponies know how to ‘shake hands’. In this case, she tapped her hoof on San’s hand.

The Batter was confused but accepted it anyway as he noticed a few camera ponies take picture “Well the cat's out of the bag.” he muttered

I was grabbed by Celestia's Magic and floated over behind her “ I'm in trouble aren't I” I said with my head hung low.

“Yyyeep. Also, if your friend wants to come, all he needs to do is hold my hoof.” Celestia said as she offers it, she really doesn’t like this kind of attention at the moment.

The Batter accepted to come in the most insulting way he knew how, by climbing on her back and shouting “Leeroy Jenkins!!!” as he pointed his bat out into the sky.

“U-um…. R-right..” Celestia said with an embarrassing blush. and with a simple spark of her horn, they were all teleported to Celestia’s room.

“ you do realize it's going to be all over the paper by tomorrow if not tonight.” i said with the most deadpan voice ever.

“Not if I can help it. I’m definitely going to use a memory erasing spell to prevent them from printing that moment!” Celestia said before suddenly bucking The Batter off. “Tell me, was that really necessary?!”

“...Worth it…” he said and laughing like madman.

“I'm gonna to have to step up my game at this right!” I mumble at this. unfortunately for me Celestia heard it.

“And besides… Displaced.” Celestia began, giving the batter a firm glare. “You’re definitely not my type.”

“Sorry but I'm not looking for romance yet.” He said posing in a Mettaton pose, most likely to troll Celestia

“A-anyways!” Celestia said, taking a deep breath to calm herself down. “Don’t ever do that, ok?” She said before looking over at Chara on her back. “Step down, Chara.”

“Can I ride you Celestia?” i say with the most innocent voice.

“..You’re on my back now, Chara. I’m letting you because you’re a child. Your friend, however.. Made it quite embarrassing.”

Sans tried not to laugh and said “Shouldn’t you take her out on a date first?” He then broke and fell down laughing at the joke.

“Chara, can you keep your friend under control?” Celestia said, her hair threatening to spark on fire from her anger.

“You know, I would try to if I didn't find it hilarious!” I said with a happy tone of voice ‘Now. I'm going to see how long it takes him to be sent to the Sun’ I mentally said to myself.

“Chara..” Celestia said in a stern motherly voice as she levitated me onto her bed. “Enough of that.” She said, making her way over. “Now, I’m going to cast a scan spell before I let you go, I need to make sure your Shadow hasn’t poisoned you yet. Well, besides you using hatred as your power.”

I mentally screamed for Shadow chara to leave my body and go into my shadow. I made sure to also make my shadow knife disappear into my inventory before Celestia casts her spell.

A bright light washes over me and moves right back up. “Hmm.. other than small traces of your Shadow.” Celestia said with a glare. “And the mental scars from your previous world, I don’t see anything wrong except what you can fix on your own.” Celestia said, looking over at Sans. “By the way, I didn’t get your name.” Celestia said as sigh not noticing as part of my shadow fused into me.

“You can call me The Batter, but my real name is Sans.” He said, tipping his hat. my eye twitch as he said his name again.

“Any reason why you’re called the Batter?” Celestia asked.

“I carry an iron bat around as my weapon and I’m wearing baseball clothes, my options are so limitless.” Said displaced deadpanned with an anime sweatdrop.

I stared at Celestia like she was an idiot.

“...I thought it was a special title besides you playing a Displaced game.” Celestia said, staring back at Chara with an equal glare.

“Well that too.” The monochrome sportsman added, clearly ignoring the fact they were glaring at each other.

A Royal Guard soon came into the room “Your highness, we found Discord’s statue covered in inappropriate graffiti.” The guard said, handing her a picture of Discord. The most notable feature is the permanent graffiti above his ass saying Celestia's horn sheath.

Celestia clears her throat. “Thank you, dismissed.” She said, soon looking at Chara with eyes of fire. “Chara.” She said firmly.

“Whatever it is I didn't do it!” I said with a defensive tone of voice.

*Click, Click* The sounds of doors locking. And I started shaking as I looked to the batter for help.

“I warned you, Chara.” She said as half of her mane sparked to flames.

The Batter got into a battle pose as 3 glowing white rings materialized into existence.

Slowly, Celestia draws out her weapon of choice… a spanking paddle??

I did the only thing I could think about at the time and pull up the load button, disappearing and leaving the batter to deal with her.

The Batter noticed her disappearance and shouted “Oh for the love of whatever deity you worship here!”

“You stand before one, you have my attention.” Celestia said in a deadpan expression.

“...Good to know.” He said sarcastically, rolling his eyes as well.

I stood silently outside of Celestia's room doing my best to stay out of notice as I listened to them, mentally apologizing to the batter.

“No, really. I am a goddess. Not going to go into a long story about it though.” Celestia said as she raised her horn, suddenly casting a tracking spell. An orb of light zips toward me and attaches to my body.

“So are you gonna come at me or not?” The Batter taunted.

“You haven’t done anything, no harm to my little ponies, you aura isn’t evil, and you’re no discord.” Celestia said before using a Blink spell to appear in front of me.

“No-no-no-NO!”I said as I tried to put the batter between me and her.

“This is only for your own good, Chara. Be glad I didn’t heat it up.” Celestia said.

“Save me, batter! You're my only hope” I scream as a last ditch effort to not get my ass lit on fire.

“Okay fine, calm down Princess Leia.” He said jokingly as he then prepared to duel.

“Sans, please move aside. She’s only getting her flank spanked.” Celestia said

The Batter looked at my expression and turned back saying “Her expression says otherwise. Purification in Progress...” Suddenly, the area faded as a mysterious white symbol appeared on the left side of the room and the words ‘Battle Time’ appeared on it’s side to the right side of the room.

“...Really, Sans? I’m only giving proper punishment. Not sending her to the moon or the sun, I’m not sentencing her to death and it's not going to be a fatal wound.” Celestia said calmly, but her half-fire mane still shows her minor anger.

‘Maybe Sans can buy me enough time to get away before he gets his power sealed’ I said mentally as I was preparing to run.

“Unless you can truly prove it was Chara or you beat me, I’m not moving.” He said

“Oh, I know it was Chara, none of my little ponies would write that kind of thing.” Celestia commented.

“Who knows, maybe a Discord from another timeline or universe traveled through time and/or space to write that.” He argued.

“Then I would've sensed his chaotic energy.” Celestia said with a sigh, her horn sparks for a second as a strange holographic rail-to-rail picture appeared in mid-air, rewinding itself and playing the Discord scene to see who truly did it.

I watched with resignation as I saw myself on the screen pull out a permanent marker and started doodling all over Discord. “And that is for fucking with me. you big dumb Frankenstein reject!” the me on the screen said laughing loudly before walking off, Discord’s statue shaked a little bit in response to this.

“Oh for crying out loud, that could be any small human! ....No offense Chara.” The Batter both argued and apologized.

“Non taken.” I said with a shrug of my shoulders.

“The only humans that exist here, are you and Chara, not including Link as he is a Hylian.” Celestia said.

“Correction, I’m technically a human looking creature or if you want to call me something shorter, humanoid.” The Batter interjected.

“SISTER!” A voice cried out, causing everyone, me included to see who it is, it was Princess Luna looking half awake, she was also in her nightwear; a simple nightcap with bunny slippers.

‘Yay distraction!’ I screamed mentally nearly crying tears of joy at the thought of Celestia maybe forgetting about my punishment.

“I believe it would be in our best interest to should run before she remembers.” The Batter whispered to me.

“Yeah, we're just going to go your sister seems like she needs you so.” I said before I tried to leave with the batter.

Suddenly, Chara is picked up in a telekinesis grip. “It's only three swings, Chara. Stop acting like it's my own blade.”

“..A spanken, really sister. You’re still going that old method?” Luna said in a slightly annoyed expression.

“See even your out-of-date sister knows that it's old!” I screamed, trying to wiggle out of her grip.

I saw the Batter was sneaking around the room without the sisters noticing.

“What do you suggest then?” Celestia asked.

“...Go ahead with the paddling.” Luna said as she walked past Celestia and me.

“While you do that, there’s a certain human I’m curious about.” Luna said, suddenly Blinking out in array of stars.

I looked at the batter in betrayal as he opened the door and left me to my Punishment.

The Batter had a look that said “I tried my best alright.”

“ Gee, my he- Owww!” I said as Celestia landed the first swing, followed by a harder second and an even harder third, she did it despite her knowing that I can just load and heal.

However the spanking was soon cut short.

“Leroy Jenkins!” a familiar voice shouted as The Batter fell from the roof and onto Celestia’s back.... With dark blue panties with a moon symbol on his head under a lampshade. “VENGEANCE FOR THE SPANKED!!!” He shouted,
slapping her flank hard and leaving a red mark.

“E-BUCKING-NOUGH!” Celestia said as her mane roared to flames, bucking the batter and then, when he fell within range, she planted a good buck to his face, sending him flying into the nearest castle wall. This, in return, causing the royal guards to come running in and seeing the red mark on her rear.

“Batter, you are a visitor on Chara’s behalf, do not be like her!” Celestia shout, her eyes threatening to turn black and orange.

The Batter got up, his wounds somehow healed and then said “Yeesh, calm down.” He said and took off the lampshade, revealing the blue panties, which he quickly took off and put away before anyone could get a good look..

“Calm down? Calm down!? You delayed Chara’s spankings, you’ve embarrassed me twice, and you tell ME to bucking. Calm. DOWN?!” Celestia said, suddenly using the Canterlot Voice, her rage left burnt marks on the castle roof.

“Maybe, he could take my spankings as punishment!”I said trying to throw him under the bus.

The Batter’s eyes widened “...You son of a glitch.” He muttered, with surprisingly a lack of anger in his tone.

“Actually, I know something far worst than just one spanking session..” She said with a malicious grin. “Sleep well tonight, Batter.” Celestia said as her mane’s flames turned blue, then soon turned back to their normal mane flowing appearance. “By the way, consider yourself congratulated for almost forcing me to my second leveled form.”

“But he's going to get my punishment right?” I asked hoping against hope that she would give it to him instead.

“Huh, I never thought she might be one of those kind of ponies.” The Batter muttered with a small trace of alarm and shock in his voice.

“What I have in store for him will be far worst than what I did to you, Chara.” Celestia said, her anger now replaced with that familiar serenity.

“So my punishment is done!” I said hopefully not even feeling sorry that I've been trying to throw the batter under the bus.

“Crap. ...Can I stay with you and Link for the night?” The Batter asked. At this moment, Sans looked paler than he looked before, as if some sort of spell had be casted on him.

“Um… no, our contact is complete! Ba-Bye!” I said, doing my best overly happy wave and my best bratty grin. As he was sucked through a portal with a look of sheer rage as he held up his two hands giving me a double middle finger “You mother fuc-” before vanishing in the portal just as Link walked into the room.

“Alright, what in Din’s unholy wrath did you do, Chara? Silver Bullet was panicking when he came to visit.” Link asked.

“Would you believe it's because I summoned the batter?” I asked with a smile that I hoped was convincing.

“Right now, Frisk has been crying for some reason of whatever she was sensi-” Link stopped in mid sentence as he gave Chara a firm glare. “Did you get hurt..”

“I gave her a spanking for writing graffiti.” Celestia explained.

“Well, you also ended up harming Frisk since the two were once one.” Link said, causing Celestia to grow paler than usual.

For some reason after hearing this, I was enraged, sudden turning around and punching Celestia in the muzzle.

Celestia held a expression of anger, confusion, shame, and disbelief. “...L-looks like I’ll need to figure out a different k-kind of punishment both of you w-..” She stopped as an amused grin spread across her muzzle. “Perhaps i’ll have Frisk teach you the ways of mercy.”

“Mercy what's Mercy? is that another word for coffin.” I said trying to do my best impression of Broly.

“Nope.” Celestia said with a smile, walking off and leaving me confused and concerned but I think I hid it well.

Meanwhile, Luna was heard asking Celestia “Have you seen my panties? ...And more importantly, my book of… private things?” She blushed at the mention of it.

“...Remind me to find whoever gave you those, Sister.” Celestia said as the two vanished around the corner.

“Hylia damnit..” Link mumbling under his breath he glared at Chara

“What, it's not my fault.” I said trying to look innocent.

“But why summon my friend, Sans?!” Link exclaimed. “Great, now we have two of his tokens here. You better keep your copy safe, I’d rather not have some villain controlling him.”

“Hey, I only summoned him because I was bored and it fell on my head!” I yelled back at him with a glare as I brought up the load button.”Now if you'll excuse me, I have a sister to go comfort.” I said before disappearing.

“I- oh for the love of- Chara- FFFFF-” Link was frusterated beyond reasoning

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[Displaced] Guardian & Child (Old, Non Canon)

Mature Rated Fiction

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