
My Own Wings

by Tatsurou

Chapter 27: Shopping Spree

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The results of the initial excursion to Dinosaur Planet were positive all around. Not only had Sunset made great friends with Prince Tricky, but the magical environment of the planet was enough that she didn't have to worry about magical buildups and surges. As a result, it was decided that she'd spend as much time on the planet as possible, so she could get used to natural gravity and environments with the eventual goal that either her magic would adapt to the point she could function in a non-magical environment or Slippy could use information from planetside to determine a way to make a mobile ACSU system that Sunset could carry around with her.

As such, Slippy took her down planetside for the second excursion, hoping to gather more information. He was unsurprised that Sunset's first destination - with Tricky in tow - was back into the shop, and he followed, both to keep an eye on her and to see if the shop had anything he could use.

Shabunga floated up as they entered. "Oh great," he groaned as he caught sight of Sunset. "It's you. I already owe you more in store credit than my store and all its contents are worth. What more do you want from me?"

"Candy!" Sunset declared eagerly.

"Now now, Sunset," Slippy chided, "you're supposed to eat healthy. Candy now will spoil your dinner."

"CANDY!" Sunset insisted more firmly.

"<Candy!>" Tricky added. Both of them had picked up a few words of the other language from each other, though they could only understand them at this point, not speak them.

"I have candy you won't get in trouble for having," Shabunga offered with a grin. "Ten scarabs, no haggling."

"But-" Sunset began with a pout.

"And don't bother trying to give me sad eyes or sob story to haggle with, I know you can afford it!" Shabunga declared intensely, waggling his finger at her.

Sunset scowled for a time, then sighed. "Fine!"

Smiling, Shabunga marked off the cost from Sunset's slate before delivering to her a large stone square with odd markings and a gem in the center. "Here you go! Rock Candy!"

Sunset smiled eagerly as she took it, and immediately tried to take a bite. She then pulled back. "Ow!" she complained, rubbing her jaw. "Not candy! Money back!"

"And how am I supposed to sell it now it's got your saliva on it?" Shabunga countered in mock distress. "I never told you it was edible! No refund!"

"That wasn't very nice," Slippy observed glumly as Sunset pouted.

"I owe her 655,350 Scarabs more off double or nothing games," Shabunga pointed out dryly. "I'm allowed a certain amount of spite. It's not like it hurts her at all. Now what do you want?"

Slippy turned to his readings and the ACSU panel he had with him. "I'm trying to figure out a way Sunset could carry this with her," he pointed out ruefully. "At the moment, she can only come down here to Dinosaur Planet or stay aboard the Great Fox. We'd like her to have more options than that."

"Hmm..." Shabunga murmured as he lifted the panel, turning it this way and that before nibbling on one corner. "I think I could reproduce this material in cloth," he observed idly. "The right cloth would be easy enough to gather here on planet if you know where to look - which I do - but at best that would give her an outfit that would grant her greater focus for her magic, like that little number her mother wears. If you want something that will let her store her magic like this does at the scale she gives off, that will take at least a decade just to research the proper runes to inscribe. And I don't know what to do with these metal bits."

"The circuitry?" Slippy asked curiously. "I can handle that part. If you could provide the cloth and the magical research, I could apply it to technology and between us we could make an ACSU suit Sunset could wear!"

"50,000 Scarabs for the focus outfit, complete with a 'grow with me' enchantment so I don't have her coming back every month for a new fitting," Shabunga stated firmly. "For the storage suit, 300,000 Scarabs for time and effort of researching runes, 100,000 for materials, and 55,000 scarabs for having to work with someone else with materials I don't have experience with. Hazard pay and all. Can you afford it?"

"Credit!" Sunset called out happily.

Shabunga's eyes went flat. "Of course...with a guarantee on my part to have the finished focus outfit before the year is out, and the finished storage suit within the decade, that brings your Store Credit down to 150,350 Scarabs. At least you no longer have enough to buy the shop out from under me..."

"How do you know how to do it, anyway?" Slippy asked curiously.

"That answer will cost you 1000 Scarabs," Shabunga countered.

"Nah!" Sunset declared as she raced out of the store with the Rock Candy on her head.

"Thought that would get rid of her," Shabunga grumbled. "Now, here's where we'll begin..." He began making sketches in the air, which hovered in light as Slippy immediately began bouncing magi-techno-jargon back and forth with the shopkeeper.

Sunset and Tricky's further exploration of Thorntail Hollow proved to be blocked by a cracked wall. After giving it a thorough consideration, Sunset used her magic to float them both over the wall to the area beyond...where a massive statue could be seen slowly snoring. It was wide at the base with two hanging arms and a rather goofy looking face, and crafted of bright green stone. It sat an a small island of land surrounded by the river, with a ring of land around it. Curiously, Sunset led Tricky around to the front of it.

The statue seemed to come awake as they approached. "Wha?" it demanded curiously in a mildly Scottish accent. "What do you want with the Mighty Warpstone? Ye just think I'll send ye wherever ye want just because that's what I was made for, do ye? Ye danna think about how much magic it takes ta make sure ye go where ye wanna go, and not end up in some mountain or on one o' the suns by mistake! And just like everydino else, ye never think ta say Thanks or even ask How ye doing?" He let out a gusty sigh. "But that's me lot, ain't it? Just a tool ta be used, and not even allowed ta charge a toll. Nobody brings me presents anymore..."

Sunset's ears drooped as she heard the statue's litany of sadness. Her ears then perked up as a thought went through her mind. He was rock...did he eat rock? "Candy?" she offered helpfully, holding up the Rock Candy for him.

The Warpstone gasped in surprise. "Ye brought me a sweetie? Even before ye heard my sadness?" Reaching down, he gently plucked the Rock Candy from her grasp and ate it. "Ah misjudged ye, lass. Tell me, who be ye and what do ye need from the Mighty Warpstone?" As he spoke, the small green circle directly in front of him Sunset and Tricky had been standing on lifted up.

"Sunset Shimmer!" Sunset offered happily, holding out her hand to shake.

"Tricky!" Prince Tricky introduced himself.

The Warpstone extended one finger to accept the greetings, though the tip of the finger was bigger than Sunset's entire body, forcing her to shake with both hands. "Now, where be ye wanting to go, my little friend? I can send ye both to the ancient Krazoa Palace, center of magic in this world. Or perhaps ye'd like to explore the ancient labyrinth? Or maybe one o' the distant lands of the planet be to yer liking? Just tell me what ye'd like ta see, and I'll take ye there...and leave a little warp spot where ye arrive so ye can come back whene'er ye like."

Sunset and Tricky looked at each other and grinned widely.

Next Chapter: Magical Excursion Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 26 Minutes
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