
Know Thyself

by Jay David

Chapter 2: The Next Day

Previous Chapter

"What do you mean he's you?!"

Sunset's shock was clear, as was Adagio's irritation as she raised a single eyebrow.

"Okay, Sunset, are all of our conversations going to start this way?"

Currently, the two Equestrians were in the apartment of Adagio and her sisters, which remained about as luxurious in appearance as ever. Adagio herself was dressed very casually for the occasion, barefoot and wearing only her favourite dark-purple dressing gown. Sunset was dressed normally, however, and sat opposite the sofa her host was lounging on, with confusion and worry fighting for control in her face.

"I just...I don't...what?!"

Rolling her eyes, Adagio sighed before leaning forward and starting to explain.

"Allow me to spell it out for you. Andante, the boy you were so worried about? He's this world's version of me. Just as dear Twi is this world's version of Equestria's Princess Twilight."

Sunset stared at her, mouth hanging open, and slowly blinked.

"But...um...don't you think there's a certain...rather obvious reason why that's can't be the case?"

Adagio chortled briefly.

"What, you mean the fact that he's male?"

Sunset nodded, prompting Adagio to continue.

"Sunset, with all due respect, the Celestia in this world is a woman in her early forties who runs a High School, while her Equestrian counterpart is a thousand-year-plus old alicorn Princess with enormous magical abilities. If you can accept a difference like that, is a difference like this really all that unreasonable?"

The younger Equestrian looked as though she were about to counter that position, but then fell silent, taking in what had just been said to her. Eventually, she exhaled deeply, slumping her shoulders a little bit.

"Yeah...good point."

Adagio smiled, having obviously enjoyed winning that one, before getting back to the matter.

"But the point is, I know he's the me of this world. When we talked, and when he looked at me...I knew that look."

Her usual smirk returned.

"I've only ever seen that look in one other place...when I look at myself in the mirror every morning."

Sunset quietly listened to all of this, before looking deep in thought.

"Well...I suppose it's not unreasonable. I mean...I guess we all have counterparts in this world somewhere. You, me, Twilight, Celestia...everyone."

Adagio nodded to that.

"indeed. And I must admit, it was rather enjoyable getting to know the lad. It was like having a conversation with...well...myself."

Sunset smirked right back.

"I'm sure you just loved that, didn't you?"

Again, Adagio chuckled.

"Oh, you have no idea. I've known many men in my time, Sunset, and I can't tell you how often I've wanted someone like this to come along."

This time, it was Sunset's turn to roll her eyes.

"Taking an interest in a male version of yourself? Yeah, I guess I should have seen that coming."

Then, curiosity came to her.

"Wait...does that mean he has...?"

She didn't finish, for Adagio had already guessed what she was going to say, and answered her pre-emptively.

"Siblings? Oh yes. Two of them. Both brothers, whom he describes as, and I quote, bubbly and gruff."

Sunset grimaced.

"I'm not sure how I feel about there being two of all of you roaming around."

Adagio smiled devilishly to that.

"Speak for yourself. Who knows what we might get up to?"

Sunset looked back to her with some disapproval, then relented and sighed briefly.

"Well...this was all very interesting. But it might not be wise to carry things on with him. Spending too much time with another world's version of yourself? We have no idea what could..."

Unfortunately, she was cut off. For just then, the door that, by Sunset's memory, led to Adagio's room started to creak open. The ex-unicorn's eyes drifted to it immediately, while Adagio merely kept her eyes on her guest, looking as if she was waiting for something. Soon, Sunset noticed a figure starting to leave that room, and her eyes widened with shock to discover that it was none other than Andante himself. Even more shocking to her was the fact that, like Adagio, he too was somewhat dressed-down right now, wearing nothing but a similarly-purple towel wrapped around his waist. He walked confidently out of the bedroom, a smile upon his face, and headed straight for the nearby open kitchen, stopping just long enough to give Sunset a nod.

"Miss Shimmer," he said casually.

Instantly, Sunset's eyes snapped back in Adagio's direction, and the latter just kept looking to her as though nothing was wrong.

"You...you didn’t?!" Sunset asked.

But Adagio merely looked to her with a look that could only be described as triumphant.

"Oh...I so totally did."

Sunset's mouth started to open and close in rapid succession, as though she were some kind of gaping fish.


Adagio arched a single eyebrow.

"Something wrong, dear?"

Shaking herself out of her shocked state, Sunset stared at Adagio in a flabbergasted manner.

"I...I...YES!!! Don't you think this is...well...you know..."

Adagio shrugged her shoulders.

"What...strange? Unorthodox? Controversial?"

Sunset frowned.

"I was going to say incestuous!"

As before, Adagio rolled her eyes.

"Overthinking things, aren't we? It’s not as if he and I are actually related after all."

Sunset kept on looking to her with that same sense of disapproval.

"So...you just met him yesterday, found out he was your otherworldly counterpart...and then you've made him your boyfriend?! Just like that?!"

The eldest Siren sister, upon hearing that, let out a hearty laugh.

"My boyfriend?! Certainly not! Could you ever see me having that kind of traditional romance or the like?"

Then she pondered on that.

“Well...aside from my late husband of course?”

Confusion came to Sunset.

"But...but you two have...?"

Seeing her struggle with this, Adagio sighed, leaning forward slightly.

"It's quite simple, Sunset. We're not a couple, but we have become, for lack of a better word, available to one another."

A sultry look came to her.

"In a rather refreshing turn, we're actually quite open about this. I knew from the start exactly what he wanted from me..."

She leaned back, crossing her legs and allowing quite a bit of skin to show through her dressing gown as a result, as though to emphasise her point. And when she'd made that point, her eyes drifted back to Andante, who had taken to getting himself a cooling glass of water, which she watched him drink with hunger in her eyes.

"...and he most definitely knows what I want from him."

Looking back to Sunset, she continued.

"My sisters may be dabbling in that whole relationship thing, but me? Me...I know what I like. I know what I'm comfortable with. And what I'm comfortable with..."

A look of certainty and confidence came to her.

"...is what I've done here."

Sunset paused, taking in her friend's words. Briefly, she cast a glance over in Andante's direction, and seeing that he'd just finished his water, she looked back to Adagio. Slowly, her expression softened, and she gave the Siren a small nod.

"Alright then...if that's what you want. It’s still seems weird to me, but I’ll accept it for your sake. But..."

Again, she looked over to Andante, then looked back to her colleague, leaning forward and speaking in a quieter manner.

"...does he...you know...know?"

Understanding came to Adagio immediately, and she smiled once more, looking over in her lover's direction.

"Andante, sweetie? Remind me...what am I?"

The boy looked to her, bearing a smirk that Sunset recognised all too well, before giving the expected answer, speaking as though it was the most ordinary thing in the world.

"You're a magical Siren from the world of Equestria, who's thousands of years old and was cast here by an ancient unicorn called Starswirl the Bearded. You tried to take over the world, failed, and now you're friends with the ones who defeated you. I think that about covers everything, right?"

A low chuckle came to Adagio after hearing him.

"Very good. Thank you, dear."

Sunset stared at her, wide-eyed.

"So...he knows everything? You told him? And he’s fine with it?"

Adagio nodded.

"Indeed. Others may see magic online and think cheesy effects, but others..."

She looked back to Andante, keeping her eyes particularly focused on his posterior, towel-covered though it may have been.

"...have a bit more going for them."

Sunset rolled her eyes at this.

"Okay, okay. So...I guess this is it then. You and...well...you?"

A mischievous smile crept onto Adagio's lips.

"Well...would I settle for anyone else?"

Considering that, Sunset let out a sigh.

"Right...good point."

And it was at this point that Andante himself arrived, standing beside Adagio's sofa and placing a single hand upon it, before looking to Sunset with a degree of amorousness.

"So, Adagio...will your friend here be...joining us?"

Sunset's head snapped to him, and a blush appeared on her cheeks. But, she didn't get the chance to reply, as Adagio, after hearing that suggestion, soon started to look at Sunset in a manner exactly like Andante.

"Hmmm...that could be fun. Oh! Why don't we ask her boyfriend, Flash, to take part too?"

Andante looked to her with clear approval in his expression.

"Ooh! Sounds good to me!"

Sunset, having obviously heard enough, got to her feet, laughing nervously before pointing to the apartment door behind you.

"You know, speaking of Flash, I think I hear him now...from the other side of town."

Grabbing her back-pack, she regarded the two newly-minted lovers with some trepidation.

"So...see ya!"

And with that, she bolted as diplomatically as one could under the circumstances, all while the other two watched her go. When she was finally gone and out of earshot, Andante let out a quick laugh before looking down to his partner.

"You were right...she is cute when she's being teased like that."

Adagio laughed as well, then looked up to him.

"Just wait till you meet her friends."

Then, she looked away, placing a finger upon her chin and looking like she was deep in thought, even though it was clear that she was putting on an act.

"Now then...where were we?"

Amorousness returned to Andante, and he took a seat right next to Adagio, gently drawing her face to look at him before leaning closer and planting a soft kiss upon her lips. When they parted, he kept his eyes firmly on hers.

"Oh...I think I have an idea."

Adagio's infamously seductive eyes came to her, and she wrapped her arms behind him, drawing him closer to her.

"Yes...I think I'm going to like having you around."

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