
Dazzling Sunset: Past Scars

by Snowflake Dissonance

Chapter 2: Worth [Edited 31/12/2022]

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“That was great!” Rainbow Dash pumped a fist in the air as the band finished their rehearsal.

Rarity nodded in agreement and said, “Yes, I quite enjoy playing a variety of songs. It feels so wonderful being a happy band together again.”

“Odd how Sunset disappeared near the end, though,” Applejack murmured, rubbing her chin. “I wonder where she got off to.”

“Probably just needed a bit of time to herself,” Rainbow Dash shrugged. “She’s still getting used to our practice schedule, ya know? I mean, she’s nearly got it down, but it’s only been two weeks. We practiced for six months before she joined.”

Her friends nodded and looked ahead as they exited the music hallway. They paused when they found students and staff lingering morosely around the halls. Many were reaching out to others in comfort while some simply stared down at the ground with mixed expressions of horror, disbelief, or sorrow. The Rainbooms stared around in utter confusion, wondering what had happened.

“What’s going on with everyone?” Rainbow Dash wondered in puzzlement.

Applejack shrugged her own confusion. “They all look like someone died.” The students closest to her flinched at the word choice and sank further in on themselves.

Pinkie ducked her head slightly. “Someone probably found out what Sunset had been doing to herself after the Fall Formal.”

“I beg your pardon, Pinkie?” Rarity asked slowly.

“Sunset felt terrible for what she did after the Fall Formal,” Fluttershy said quietly. “She had nightmares about the darkness and… and she took all of her guilt out on herself. She... just wanted everyone's pain to go away, including her own. Even worse, with everyone acting so hostile to her, she was only further reminded that she didn’t belong in this world. That only made it worse…” A few students burst into sobs at this information.

“Maybe she did kinda sorta deserve skepticism,” Pinkie murmured. “She did a bad thing, she deserved for people to be mad and not trust her. But to the level the student body took it to? She just… wanted some way to make it better.”

Their friends stared at them in utter shock. “H-how… how do you know this?” Rarity whispered, her voice tight.

Pinkie and Fluttershy shrugged. “We… we saw the marks one day. She tried to hide it; she probably thought it went unnoticed, but we saw. We were trying to make her feel welcome, so that she didn't have to feel so bad about it. I kept trying to make her smile and laugh and... show her there was another way to make the pain go away, but… ‘no offense’ doesn’t really mean sorry, not when it hurts that much to remember.” This caused the other three to flinch.

“Wait, that doesn’t sound like Sunset at all,” Dash stated pointed out. “She’s always been strong and sure of herself. Yeah, she was a bit down whenever anyone mentioned the Fall Formal, but she wouldn’t resort to cutting. Besides, wouldn’t we have noticed if she had?”

Applejack shook her head sadly at her friend. “Not with that jacket she’s always wearin’ we wouldn’t. But you’re right, that don’t sound the least bit like Sunset.”

You didn’t see them,” Flash mumbled as he was comforted by his friends. “They were so bright and pink… and there were so many. Geez, and I just kept rubbing salt in the wounds, acting like she didn’t exist sometimes. She’s always been strong, but what we did to her… if not for you girls, she would’ve… she wouldn’t even be here probably.”

The group glanced to one another uneasily. Had they really not noticed the pain their friend was in? Sunset Shimmer always wore an air of confidence about her, for as long as they’d known her. While it had been absent during the six months after the Fall Formal, they all figured it had to do with her reforming herself. Now that they thought about it, however, they had rarely seen her without any of them nearby. Had Sunset been… afraid of being alone in the school?

“Where is Sunset now?” Rarity asked Flash desperately. The thought of burning that leather jacket so that Sunset couldn’t hide from them again rang through her mind so loudly, the violette nearly didn’t hear the response.

“Those siren girls took her out of the building,” Bulk Biceps said nearby. His head, like everyone else’s, was bent in shame. “Tossed Security Alarm off like it was nothing and just left with her.”

The group looked to each other in panic and Rainbow Dash demanded, “And you just let them? They could be planning to hurt her-.”

“They weren’t,” Treehugger piped in. “They had no intention of hurtin' Sunset, dude, like, at all. Sonata said somethin' about gettin' her help or care or somethin'.”

“And that Adagio chick was really gentle with her wrist,” Captain Planet added. “She didn’t hold her tight or anything.”

“It was so weird seeing them go from being all confident and haughty to being gentle and caring like that,” Trixie muttered, holding herself tight and trying to forget the images in her head. “One minute, they’re swaying down the hall like they always do and the next, they’re practically running for the door with Sunset Shimmer between them. That girl, Aria, looked ready to punch anyone who got too close.”

The group looked to one another uneasily and Rainbow Dash set off for the door. “Come on, we’ve gotta make sure she’s okay.” The group followed suit. Security Alarm made to stop them before remembering who they were. He couldn’t take on a group that big on a regular day, let alone when they have magic. Sighing, he stepped aside and let them go.

“Does anyone know where the Sirens live?” Rarity inquired as they all hopped into Applejack’s truck.

“Ooh! I do!” Pinkie piped up.

Applejack slapped the pinkette a high five and revved the engine. “Lead the way, Pinkie!”

Several blocks from Canterlot High, near the outskirts of town, the Sirens arrived at their moderately-sized manor and guided Sunset Shimmer from the car. Aria unlocked the door as Adagio kept a firm but gentle hold on their guest. Sonata made her way toward the living room while Aria followed Adagio. The leader of the trio led Sunset up the stairs and into her bedroom.

Sunset was surprised to find that the room was much softer than she expected. The room was a dark orange with yellow accents and the bedspread was deep purple, a color the Sirens seemed particularly fond of. A mahogany dresser sat against one wall with a large vanity mirror and different makeup kits and hair care products lining the top. An entire shelf of stuffed foxes sat nestled near the bed, right over a desk holding a neatly stacked pile of blank line paper. The floor was covered in a plush red carpet that instantly made Sunset feel ashamed of walking on it with her boots.

Adagio didn’t care about the carpet as she sat Sunset Shimmer down on the bed. Aria retrieved the first aid kit from the en suite bathroom and began setting out the different supplies necessary.

“Th-the scars aren’t bleeding anymore,” Sunset pointed out hesitantly. “They aren’t even scabbing now.”

“But if not properly cared for they won’t heal very well,” Adagio told her, picking up a large tube of cream. “Just try not to fidget while I apply this. It will help them fade faster.”

Sunset bit her lip uncertainly before asking, “Why are you doing this? I thought you hated me and my friends for what we did to you. I mean, we endangered you for a while…”

“We could care less about your stupid friends,” Aria huffed, leaning against the doorframe and watching her sister set to work. “But you’re the only person who bothered worrying about us, and, as idiotic and sappy as it sounds, that was an alright enough thing for us to be not as pissed at you.”

“But that doesn’t explain… this,” the redheaded woman pointed out, gesturing to the first aid.

Adagio chuckled softly, keeping her touch light. “We are petulant, arrogant beings, Sunset,” she sighed. “We think mainly of ourselves and often argue with one another over petty things. Sometimes, we even split up, though we can’t separate for very long. Even despite our penchant for chaos and spreading hatred, this is not something even we can overlook.”

“And we kinda owe you for saving our asses,” Aria muttered. She and Adagio paused to touch their new jewels before going back to what they were doing.

Sunset wasn’t sure how to respond to that and instead remained quiet. For a while, it was silent aside from the sounds of Adagio applying the cream and Sonata moving around downstairs. However, the peaceful atmosphere did not remain for long.

A crash sounded downstairs and Aria groaned in irritation. “If it’s Sonata in the kitchen breaking something again, I swear to Star Swirl.”

“Come out, Sirens!” Rainbow Dash’s voice echoed from below. “We know you’re here!”

Adagio rolled her eyes and sighed as she continued applying the cream to the scars. “Aria, be a dear and make them shut up?”

“With pleasure,” the purple siren grinned, cracking her knuckles. She turned and strode from the room as Sunset looked to her arm nervously.

“M-maybe I should go down to them,” she suggested. “Someone must have told them what happened by now or else they wouldn’t be here. It’s best if we all avoid a fight-.” Another crash reverberated below.

“Too late to avoid a fight,” Adagio stated nonchalantly. “Best thing to do now is to allow Aria to release her pent-up feelings and then see what’s going on. Besides, I’m nearly done with these, I promise.”

Downstairs, Sunset’s friends stared as Aria locked heads with Rainbow Dash on an equal level. None of them had ever seen anyone match their friend’s strength. There had been plenty who had outdone it, of course, but for this girl to be able to fight Rainbow Dash so easily when no other girl in their school could was highly impressive.

“What gives?” Rainbow Dash growled, rubbing her head. Aria had practically barreled down the stairs and slammed a fist into the side of her skull. “We’re here for our friend!”

“As if you can call her that!” Aria snarled. She missed Applejack and Pinkie Pie sneaking behind her and stealing up the stairs as her violet eyes focused on Rainbow Dash. “You don’t have a right to claim you’re her friend!”

Dash’s eyes narrowed in rage at the insinuation and she charged the purple-haired siren furiously. The two locked in a furious boxing match, trading punches and kicks as they tried to gain the upper hand. Sonata popped up beside Fluttershy and led the timid woman into the kitchen.

“U-um…” Fluttershy glanced around nervously. “You don’t plan to attack me?”

“Of course not!” the blunette chirped, removing fruits from the refrigerator and tossing them into the blender. “That wouldn’t be very nice at all. You just came to check up on your friend. I know you don’t really like conflict, so I decided to bring you in here so you weren’t scared off by Aria kicking your friend’s butt.” Throwing some ice into the machine, Sonata placed the top over it and held it in place as she pressed the Start button.

“You did that for me?” The pink-haired woman couldn’t believe this person who had been her enemy at one point and whom she’d never reconciled with was looking out for her well-being.

“Yup!” Sonata hummed. Fluttershy stared with wide eyes as wings, a pair of pony ears and a ponytail magically appeared on Sonata. “We’re evil, but we’re not heartless, you know. It would bite for you to panic in a situation like that. Do ya want a smoothie while we wait for them to finish?”

With a small smile, Fluttershy nodded. While she waited for the blender to finish, Sonata told her shy guest about how they had acquired the house. Fluttershy listened attentively, intrigued by the continued presence of the magic.

Meanwhile, Aria had finally thrown Rainbow Dash into the wall, glowering down at her contemptuously. “You call yourself her friend?” she snarled, hands curling into fists as she scowled at the breathless athlete. “You couldn’t even tell how much pain she was in! She’s been hurting for months, but you were so consumed with your precious band and magic that you didn’t notice. None of you did. Is that what friendship is? Being so conceited you don’t even realize your friend needs you?”

“Like it’s any of your business!” Rainbow Dash growled. She wiped her cheek and shakily stood, leaning on the wall for support. Rarity rushed to her side and helped support her.

Aria’s eyes narrowed on her blue opponent. “I shouldn’t have had to make it my business,” she snapped. Rarity and Dash gaped in horrified shock as wings spread from her back and pony ears sprouted on her head, a third ponytail signifying her transformation. “If you’re her friends, you morons should have noticed something long before Adagio and I found her trying to cover the scars in the bathroom. Even an idiot like Sonata knew that something was wrong with her before we found out.” Aria crossed her arms and glared at them. “If that’s the friendship you’re preaching about, it’s probably better that we didn’t get in on it.”

Rainbow Dash and Rarity stared at her before glancing to one another worriedly, wondering how they were going to deal with the situation now.

Author's Notes:

I don't think the Sirens wanted to cause the kind of trouble that would push someone to suicide. Competitive animosity is fine, but the stuff Canterlot High was putting Sunset through wouldn't be on their to-do list. I'm of the sound mind that the school took the animosity toward Sunset too far. Being skeptical of her is one thing, but ostracising her is just another form of bullying.

Next Chapter: Healing Touch Estimated time remaining: 23 Minutes
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