
Twinkle/TOCP's Thirty Minute Ponies Stories

by Twinkletail

Chapter 39: Prompt #38: Fighting Boredom

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The Prompt: “You want weapons? We’re in a library! Books! The best weapons in the world! This room’s the greatest arsenal we could have - arm yourselves!”

Rainbow Dash beat her head against the closest bookshelf, groaning. "I'm SO BORED," the pegasus lamented. She looked around to her friends, who were all displaying various states of boredom. Applejack was slumped against another shelf, humming to herself. Fluttershy was idly tapping a hoof on the ground (and apologizing if a particular tap was too loud). Rarity was braiding Fluttershy's mane. Even the ever-jubilant Pinkie Pie was starting to show signs of boredom. Her bounces were becoming less energetic.

"Don't worry, Dashie," Pinkie offered. "I'm sure Twilight will be here soon! It's not like her to miss a party! Especially not one for her! Although I guess since it's a surprise party she wouldn't know that she was missing it so that wouldn't really factor into it but STILL! I'm sure she'll be here soon!"

"I sure hope so," Applejack said. "Ah cain't even r'member the last time Ah was this bored."

"Ooh, what about that time where you and Rainbow Dash entered that origami contest?" Pinkie asked, bouncing. Both AJ and Rainbow looked at her, confused. "Whoops, wrong story!" Pinkie said, and settled down. The two ponies shrugged. They were used to weird behavior from Pinkie by now.

"Anypony know what time it is?" Rainbow asked.

"Um...it's 5:00," Fluttershy said quietly.

"Wasn't Twilight s'posed ta be here at 4:00?" AJ asked. The other ponies nodded.

"Pinkie, darling," Rarity said, looking up from her task for a moment. "You DID inform Twilight that she needed to be here at precisely 4:00, correct?"

"Nope!" Pinkie said cheerfully. "I wanted her to be EXTRA-surprised!" The other ponies groaned.

"So let me get this straight," Dash said, flying in front of Pinkie. "You gathered us here to throw a surprise party for Twilight...a party which you still haven't told us the reason for...and you stressed that we need to be here at 4:00...but you didn't even make plans for Twilight to be here at that time?!" Pinkie nodded, beaming.

"Good job, Dashie!" Pinkie said, placing a detective hat on her head. Dash shook her head and threw it off.

"Pinkie!" Dash said. "Do you understand how ridiculous this is? How do we even know that she'll come any time soon?"

"I dunno!" Pinkie responded. "That makes it a DOUBLE surprise! Twilight doesn't know that there's gonna be a party for her, and we don't know when she's coming home! Eeeeheehee, it's like SURPRISE-CEPTION!" Dash facehooved and sat down. It was no use arguing with Pinkie Pie.

"So what, pray tell, are we gunna do till Twi gets here?" AJ asked. "Ah've run outta tunes ta hum!"

"We could play spin the bottle!" Pinkie offered. Fluttershy meeped.

"Will you remember to empty the bottle before you spin it this time?" Rarity asked as she finished up Fluttershy's braid. "It took me ages to wash the grape juice from my coat last time." Pinkie giggled.

"Nah, that game's no fun without Twilight here," Dash said. AJ rolled her eyes.

"Yer too sappy sometimes, Dash," AJ said. Rainbow just shrugged with a smile.

"Well, we must do SOMETHING to pass the time," Rarity said. "I've finished Fluttershy's mane. Does anyone else want braids?" Rainbow and AJ instantly shook their heads.

"I don't think you can do that with my mane!" Pinkie said. "It's all poofy and crazy and stuff!" Rarity nodded. Pinkie's mane was impossible to tame.

"This is ridiculous!" Rainbow said, smacking her hoof against the wall. As she did, a placard that was hung on the wall fell off and clocked her on the head.

"OWW!" Rainbow shouted. "What the hay?!" The others looked over to her as she picked the placard up, ready to hurl it across the room in her anger. She took a moment to glance down at it, and read it aloud.

"Books are ponies' greatest weapon against boredom," Dash read.

"What a coincidence!" Pinkie said, bouncing. Dash looked at the placard for a few moments. Suddenly, her eyes lit up.

"Duh!" Rainbow said. "Why didn't I think of this? It's so obvious now!" The other ponies gathered around and looked at the placard. One by one, they each nodded knowingly. Their boredom was about to end, right now.


Twilight smiled as she and Spike approached the library. She'd had a wonderful meeting with Princess Celestia today, one that she'd been meaning to make for a while. Despite this, it was still really nice to get home. Twilight lit her horn up and nudged the door open. She stepped one hoof into the library, then stopped short, staring at the carnage that had taken place in the library. The entire place was littered with books. Almost every shelf was bare, and books were thrown haphazardly around the room. One by one, her friends popped up from their individual book forts.

"Surprise!" Pinkie yelled, before she was smacked in the head with a softcover book that Rainbow had thrown.

"Score!" Dash said, as Pinkie giggled. "Books really ARE the best weapon against boredom!"

Twilight sighed heavily. Cleanup was going to be difficult today.

Next Chapter: Pormpt #39: Preoccupied in Ponyville Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 32 Minutes
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