

by CategoricalGrant

Chapter 37: Chapter 28

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You recommend that you sit side by side with the Princess. She tilts her head and flashes a soft smile at you before sitting on the loveseat and patting the region next to her.

Sitting down, you feel Princess Luna’s wing wrap around you and pull you into close contact with her. Her soft feathers caress and even occasionally tickle your back and sides, and you already feel your warmth being retained by their downy quality.

Feeling yourself blush, you place your hoof over one of hers. In response, she places hers over yours, creating a sandwich in which she gently massages your hoof between hers.

Princess Luna picks up her controller and begins to play. Aside from the sound of the game, the only sounds heard are the content sighs that occasionally emanate from you both.

Proceed to Chapter 29.

Next Chapter: Chapter 29 Estimated time remaining: 19 Minutes
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