
All Is Relative.

by The Midnight Stalker

Chapter 2: Who Are you?

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Who Are you?

Now I've had a few companions along the way, but none were as interesting as Zeek.  He was unique at the least.Now if you haven't guessed Zeek wasn't a pony. No he wasn't a human either, everypony knows that they are a myth. Anyway, Zeek claimed he was an Android. I don't really know, but he looked like a Zebra to me. He was shiny too, and always

spoke so formal. Man I really miss him.

I met Zeek at that diner I mentioned earlier. I was glad it showed back up. Although the food isn't always the same, It's still a good place to eat.

I had just walked in to the diner to grab a bite to eat. Thankfully this Equestria was relativity the same as mine. Only notable difference was the fact was that instead of Celestia being in charge for 1000 years, it had been Luna. Luna is more liberal towards the sciences, so there were things like cars, hydroelectric dams, and other really cool stuff. Getting off track.

He was sitting in the back just observing everything. Not eating or drinking or anything. Instead of going to the counter to order my food like I had planned I wound up grabbing a seat and staring at him.

Then I realized he was staring right at me. So I got up and walked up to him.

" Hey, What's your problem?"

He slowly looked at me.

" Well?"

" Oh Sorry. It's that your different than everyone else. "

" Different how? Is it my mane?" I Scoffed. I did check it though.

" Oh no, You give off a slightly different spectral energy that everyone else. From the level of variation your at lease 10 Oscillations off from your own Timeline" Now to anypony nearby that was just a bunch of nonsense, but I had a good idea of what he was saying.

" So, you're Jumping Too?"

" Sorry I don't know what you mean, but I infer that you are referring to trans-spatial Teleportation. If theatis the case than yes I am."

I couldn't believe my luck! Someone who knew what was going on. Now maybe I could get home.

" Thank Celestia! Now maybe I can home." He just looked at me. " Please tell me you have a better idea of how to get home than I do."

" Sorry I do not. I was sent as an experimental Specimen. If I do not return within 5 years of my departure in my home Timeline than the experiment will be deemed a failure."

" Oh. So your lost too. How long have you been at it? I've been lost for 3 weeks." I was kind of depressed now.

" 23 years 6 months 3 day 19 hour 6 minutes 9.38 seconds." I thought 'and I've been at it for like 3 weeks was it? close enough.'

" Well how about we team up, I'm sure between the two of us well figure out something."

" I concur. Lets." He went to get his Device.

" Hold up! I need lunch first."

I ate lunch and then we left.


3 Week Later: 5 or 6 Jumps later.

" Do you think this is it Zeek?"

" Probability based on prior encounters say 0.00673% chance it is either of our original Timelines."

" Well this one looks pretty cool lets stick around awhile."

Thankfully most versions of Equestria still use bits. So we went and checked into a cheap motel. At this point in my travels I started to notice that with each Jump things were shifting. I mean like locations of builds, even whole towns and even Manehatten! Anyway we had long since left Canterlot. We were in Las Pegasus at this point. I had decided that I may as well see the country.

Turns out staying was a bad idea. The local mob had decided it take to well to time travelers. You see sometimes we would slide forward or backwards in time as well as across Timelines. We were in the past. About 30 years from my point of Departure.

" Hey look Its a the old Highlands-Griffins game!"  I had just went into a bar. This Timeline had something call ' Television ' and they had the game on. for those who don't know it's a famous Hoof ball match. There was a lot of controversy surrounding that game. So Anyway I had a good Idea who was going to win. I  know not really ethical, but I needed some Bits

Well I bet on the Griffins. I put all my bits on them. The guy at the bar looked at me like I was nuts. Well they won like I expected. Then I Went to get Money

" What do you mean I can't Collect?"

" Simple, you had insider Information. There is no way the griffins won that Fair and Square. So ko Money"

When I refused to Leave They got Bubba.

Yes. Bubba. The biggest Earth Pony you ever saw  An.d he was mean. I ran for my life.

They chased me clear across the city before I found time to stop and call Zeek. They had me trapped in an alley when he showed up in the nick of time. When he got there they just laughed.

" What are you gonna do? Your just a wimp. I bet you couldn't even whip old horn head behind ya!" Yeh, of course they made fun of me.

Zeek responded in his trademark monotone drone.

" If you insist upon bodily harm I will be forced to use excess violence."

" Ha! Ya right! Go Get 'im Bubba"

" Yea Sir! Gladly"

Well not even I Saw What was coming. When Bubba Charged Zeek, He didn't run or hide. He just stood there and got out a little laser looking device ( not to confuse with The Device). He pulled the trigger and a multicolored beam of light shot out and vaporized him. Needless to say they all took off.

Later we returned to the Motel. and I got a late dinner. In case your wondering, no I'm nevergoing back. In Any Timeline.

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