
Yu-Gi-Oh! Friendship is Magic: The Numeric War

by moviemaster8510

Chapter 56: Epilogue: The Night of the Auction

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As the man left the Goldenrod City Hotel and Casino, he hailed a taxi to the airport. On the ride there, he checked the Numbers he bought with certain pleasure. When they made it, the man gave the cab driver a hefty tip of $50. He then walked through the airstrip to see a private jet waiting for him. He boarded the plane with the briefcase in hand. In 10 minutes his plane was up in the air, headed for Veilstone City.

The man then undressed himself from his disguise. He took off his wool jacket to reveal a nylon black and silver shirt with black sleeves and a gold “G” embroidered on the chest. He unzipped his khaki pants to reveal a pair of wide black pants with thin black stripes going around the leggings. Then he took off his pageboy cap to reveal a blue head of hair styled into two short, thick horns on both sides of his head. After pouring himself a drink, he picked up a phone he left on a table and dialed a number into it. The phone rang for only a couple of seconds before an older man picked up the phone.

“Have you gotten them?”

“Twenty-five of them, sir. There were a couple buyers there that I’d be daft to try and outbid. Plus, there were some missing from the set. That band must have taken a couple for themselves.”

“No matter. You’ve done a fine job, Agent Saturn. When will you touch down in Veinstone?”

“In three hours, sir.”

“Excellent. I will meet you at the airport. Cyrus, over and out.”

“Agent Saturn, over and out.”

He hung up the phone and retired back to his drink. As the plane flew forwards towards its destination, dark clouds began to roll in.

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