
Yu-Gi-Oh! Friendship is Magic: The Numeric War

by moviemaster8510

Chapter 52: Chapter 51: Apocalypse Soon

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Author's Notes:

This chapter's featured card: Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse

Xyz Monster Rank: 4 ATK: ? DEF: ? Attribute: DARK Type: Dragon

2 Rank 4 DARK Monsters

Xyz Materials attached to the Xyz Monsters used for the Xyz Summon for this card also become Xyz Materials on this card. When this card is Xyz Summoned, send all cards in your hand to the graveyard and reduce your Life Points to 0. As long as this monster remains on your field, you cannot lose the Duel. This card’s original ATK and DEF become the combined ATK of the Xyz Monsters used for the Xyz Summon for this card. If you discarded 6 or more cards from this card’s effect, this card’s original ATK and DEF become ∞. If a “Number” monster was used for the Xyz Summon for this card, this card is treated as a “Number” monster. You can skip your Draw Phase to attach the top card of your Deck to this card as Xyz Material instead. Once during your Standby Phase, detach 1 Xyz Material from this card or destroy this card. If this card would be removed from the field, you can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card or destroy one “Black Pool – Tainted Pond” you control instead (ignoring its effect).

When everyone outside of the palace heard the screams coming from the duelists inside, they tried for minutes to open the doors, only to find them locked. Luna then tried to enter through the royal courtyard, but found the gate shut and locked. She tried to fly over, but found she couldn’t due to a magical barrier set up around it, making any kind of entrance impossible. Shining Armor then tried to penetrate the forcefield with a powerful spell. It looked like a challenge from the way he was groaning.

“Shining Armor,” said Princess Celestia. “Don’t overexert yourself.”

“I put up a protection spell all over Canterlot for my wedding,” he responded. “This is child’s play compared to that.”

It evidently wasn’t, but Princess Celestia and Princess Luna tried to penetrate the spell with him. After a minute of casting their magic, they were able to break the spell and enter. Most of the surviving army members stayed outside. When they entered the courtyard, they saw five stone doors, closed.

“Our magic was barely enough to destroy that barrier,” said Princess Celestia. “If these doors are closed and sealed too, I’m afraid all we can do is wait.”


After a mere ten minutes of waiting, all five doors began to open. From the door to their far left came Sammy, Eli, Orion, and Applejack. From the door to its right came Zelda, Lucas, Maddie, and Pinkie Pie. From the middle door came Alex, Charley, Spike, and Fluttershy. From the door to the middle’s right came Scott, Helena, Braeburn, and Rarity. Lastly, from the door on the far right came Ryan, Rainbow Dash, Spitfire, and Twilight Sparkle. Everyone exiting a door saw their friends coming out of the other doors and rushed to each other. They shook hands, hugged, and some even kissed.

“Twily!” called Shining Armor upon finding his sister. Twilight ran to Shining Armor, nuzzling each other. “Are you okay?” he asked.

“I’m fine,” she said. “Thanks to Ryan.”

Shining Armor walked up to Ryan. He tapped him on the shoulder with his hoof. Upon turning around, Ryan was greeted with a hug.

“Thank you so much for saving my sister,” he said.

“It’s the least I could do for the trouble I’ve helped cause,” he admitted, patting Shining Armor on the back.

Twilight went to join her other equine friends and they talked to each other about their restored elements. Alex was happy for the reunion, but knew there was one left to defeat. The happy clatter of friends and family was broken by a loud clapping. Everyone turned to the center to find Inverz standing in the center of the courtyard making claps at a slow tempo.

“Bravo,” he said. “Bravo. I didn’t think many of you would make it this far, and yet, here you all are, alive and well.”

“Inverz,” growled Eli, stepping to the front.

“Looks like we found our first challenger,” he said. Inverz casted a spell from his hand similar to the Vegas agents’ duel anchors as it snared Eli. “Do I have anyone else?”

Alex stepped up, yelling, “I!”

Inverz roped him in too.

“One more,” said Ryan.

Zelda tried to intervene, but Scott held her back, allowing Ryan to take the anchor.

“Let me go!” she yelled.

“No,” said Ryan calmly. “I helped bring this bastard into this world. I think it’s fitting that I help take him out.”

Zelda, while still angry, nodded in bitter acceptance.

“Now that we have our brave volunteers,” said Inverz, sounding them off like victims already, “let us begin our deadly game of Winner Takes All.”

The sky quickly turned dark. Inverz’ left arm began to melt into a thick black fluid. Once the fluid hardened, he had a gold gauntlet on his arm, complete with a wrist dealer. Inverz raised his left arm towards the sky. A black lightning bolt struck his arm, with a gold and red duel disk blade appearing on it. The main body of the blade was very jagged, and there looked to be a scythe-like blade protruding from its center, and a deck was now in the wrist dealer.

Inverz then raised his arms up with a yell. The ground began shaking underneath everybody. The ground under Inverz, Alex, Ryan, and Eli began to rise, surprising the latter three greatly. Princess Celestia ordered everyone back. Underneath the four duelists was a stone disk, and it began to levitate above the ground. Inverz used his powers to wipe off the dirt and grass clumps still on it. He wanted the place of their decisive battle to be clean as possible. The stone disk rose higher into the air until it was high above Canterlot, allowing a full view over all of Equestria. A dome then appeared and covered all of Canterlot.

“What is this?” asked Alex.

“I can sense that every Number is in this city. When you lose, all Numbers inside the dome will belong to me.”

Four enormous screens then appeared over each quarter of the disk, Inverz’ face appearing over all of them.

“Citizens of Equestria,” he boomed. Ponies from all of the towns could see and hear him clearly. “This is the final battle of the supposed Numeric War, with me being the inevitable victor. Prepare to grovel at the feet of your new ruler!”

Eli, Alex, and Ryan had their duel disks activated and unsheathed already from their previous duels. All that was left to do now was for everyone to draw for their opening hand. Everyone drew five cards from their decks. The battle would now begin.

“DUEL!” they all cried.

Eli, Alex, and Ryan vs. Inverz

Eli’s Turn: Eli summons Koa’ki Meiru Urnight (ATK: 2000 DEF: 1500). Eli activates Koa’ki Meiru Urnight’s effect. By revealing an Iron Core of Koa’ki Meiru from his hand, he can special summon a Koa’ki Meiru monster from his deck, choosing Koa’ki Meiru Gravirose (ATK: 1900 DEF: 1300). Eli overlays Koa’ki Meiru Gravirose and Koa’ki Meiru Urnight to xyz summon Number 164: Crystalline Chimera (ATK: 2700 DEF: 1200).

Eli places 2 cards face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-12000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2


“My deck is infused with the raw powers of darkness,” said Inverz calmly, “plus, a little extra…”


Inverz’ Turn: Inverz activates the field spell Black Pool – Tainted Pond. With its effect, it is impervious to negation or destruction. Also, Inverz can activate 1 of its 3 effects per turn. Inverz activates Black Pool – Tainted Pond’s first effect, allowing Inverz to special summon as many Verz monsters from his hand as he wants. Inverz special summons Evilswarm Heliotrope (ATK: 1950 DEF: 650), Evilswarm Azzathoth (ATK: 750 DEF: 1950), Evilswarm Salamandra (ATK: 1850 DEF: 950), Evilswarm Ketos (ATK: 1750 DEF: 1050), and Evilswarm Olanta (ATK: 1650 DEF: 1250). Verz activates Evilswarm Ketos’s effect. By tributing it, Inverz can destroy 1 spell or trap card on the field, choosing one of Eli’s face down cards. Next, he activates Evilswarm Olanta’s effect. By tributing it, Inverz can destroy a monster on the field, choosing Number 164: Crystalline Chimera. Inverz attacks Eli, Alex, and Ryan directly with Evilswarm Azzathoth, Evilswarm Heliotrope, and Evilswarm Salamandra.

Eli, Alex, and Ryan’s Life Points: 12000 -> 7450

Inverz overlays Evilswarm Azzathoth, Evilswarm Heliotrope, and Evilswarm Salamandra to xyz summon Number 16: Shock Ruler (ATK: 2300 DEF: 1600). Inverz activates Number 16: Shock Ruler’s effect. By detaching 1 xyz material from it, neither player can activate a card type of Inverz’ choice until the end of his next turn (trap).

Inverz ends his turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-12000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-0


“Did you see that?” asked Sammy. “Those looked like corrupted versions of our cards!”

“Could this guy really be that powerful?” asked Applejack.


Alex’s Turn: Alex special summons Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit, as his opponent controls a monster while he doesn’t (ATK: 2100 DEF: 1400). Next, Alex special summons Hieratic Dragon of Su by tributing Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit (ATK: 2200 DEF: 1000). When Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit is tributed, Alex can special summon a normal Dragon-type monster from his deck, choosing Hieratic Seal of the Sun Dragon Overlord (ATK: 0 DEF: 0). Alex then activates Monster Reborn, special summoning Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit from his graveyard. Alex normal summons Dragunity Partisan (ATK: 1200 DEF: 800).

When Dragunity Partisan is summoned, Alex can special summon a Winged Beast-type Dragunity monster from his hand and equipping it with Dragunity Partisan, choosing Dragunity Militum (ATK: 1700 DEF: 1200). With Dragunity Militum’s effect, Alex can special summon a Dragunity monster from the spell and trap card zone, choosing Dragunity Partisan. Alex tunes Hieratic Seal of the Sun Dragon Overlord with Dragunity Partisan to synchro summon Nero, the Dragon Warlord (ATK: 3200 DEF: 2800). Alex overlays Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit and Hieratic Dragon of Su to xyz summon Number 132: Platinum Scales Wyvern (ATK: 2400 DEF: 2000). Alex attacks Number 16: Shock Ruler with Number 132: Platinum Scales Wyvern.

Inverz’ Life Points: 12000 -> 11900

Alex then attacks Inverz directly with Dragunity Militum.

Inverz’ Life Points: 11900 -> 10200

Alex then attacks Inverz directly with Nero, the Dragon Warlord.

Inverz’ Life Points: 10200 -> 7000

For every 1000 points of damage Nero, the Dragon Warlord inflicts through battle by the end of the battle phase, Alex draws 1 card (3).

Alex places 2 cards face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-7450 Monsters-3 Face Down Cards-2


“Alright, Alex!” called Rainbow Dash, flying up to Alex’s level.

“You stay out of this!” yelled Inverz, casting a spell at Rainbow Dash.

Thankfully, she was able to dodge it and join her friends back on the ground. Inverz still didn’t seem fazed by the attack.

“Now,” he said, “where were we?”


Inverz’ Turn: Inverz activates the second effect of Black Pool – Tainted Pond, allowing him to draw 6 cards. Inverz special summons Verz Mandragora, as his opponent controls more monsters than he does (ATK: 1550 DEF: 1450). Inverz then summons Evilswarm Castor (ATK: 1750 DEF: 550). When Evilswarm Castor is normal summoned, Inverz can normal summon another Verz monster, summoning Evilswarm Hraesvelg (ATK: 1150 DEF: 1850). Inverz activates Token of Shadows, allowing him to activate any one of Black Pool – Tainted Pond’s effects again. He activates the third effect, declaring a number between 1 and 12, allowing him to have the levels of all monsters he controls become the level of the declared number, choosing 2.

Inverz overlays Verz Mandragora, Verz Castor, and Evilswarm Hraesvelg to xyz summon Number 96: Black Mist (ATK: 100 DEF: 1000). Inverz attacks Number 132: Platinum Scales Wyvern with Number 96: Black Mist. Inverz activates Number 96: Black Mist’s effect. By detaching 1 xyz material from it during battle between it and another monster, Inverz can halve the ATK of the monster Number 96: Black Mist and increase its ATK by the amount halved (ATK: 2400 -> 1200) (ATK: 100 -> 1300).

Eli, Alex, and Ryan’s Life Points: 7450 -> 7350

Inverz places 2 cards face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-7000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2

Ryan’s Turn: Ryan summons T.G. Cyber Magician (ATK: 0 DEF: 0). When Ryan controls a T.G. monster, he can special summon T.G. Gear Zombie from his hand (ATK: 600 DEF: 0). Ryan tunes Dragunity Militum with T.G. Gear Zombie to synchro summon T.G. Hyper Librarian (ATK: 2400 DEF: 1800). Ryan then activates the effect of T.G. Cyber Magician, allowing him to use T.G. monsters in his hand as the non-tuner synchro material for a synchro summon. Ryan tunes T.G. Warwolf and T.G. Drill Fish in his hand to synchro summon T.G. Wonder Magician (ATK: 1900 DEF: 0).

When T.G. Wonder Magician is synchro summoned, Ryan can destroy 1 spell or trap on the field, choosing 1 of Inverz’ face down cards. With T.G. Hyper Librarian’s effect, when a monster is synchro summoned, Ryan draws 1 card. Ryan then activates Xyz Plant, which becomes a monster with the same level as a monster he controls. Ryan overlays T.G. Hyper Librarian, T.G. Wonder Magician, and Xyz Plant to xyz summon Number 160: Cannon Android – Rocket Rocky (ATK: 2000 DEF: 3500). Ryan activates Number 160: Cannon Android – Rocket Rocky’s effect. By detaching 2 xyz materials from it, Ryan can destroy one monster the opponent controls and inflict damage equal to its original ATK, choosing Number 96: Black Mist.

Inverz’ Life Points: 7000 -> 6900

Ryan then attacks Inverz directly with Number 160: Cannon Android – Rocket Rocky.

Inverz’ Life Points: 6900 -> 4900

Ryan places 2 cards face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-7450 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2


“For someone who’s taking a fuck ton of damage,” said Eli, “you sure seem pretty confident.”

“But of course,” giggled Inverz. “Because the power I have in my deck will wipe you three out. Why not introduce it now, shall we?”


Inverz’ Turn: Inverz activates Black Pool – Tainted Pond’s second effect again and draws six cards. Inverz activates another Token of Shadows, using Black Pool – Tainted Pond’s second effect again to draw six cards. Inverz activates another Token of Shadows, using Black Pool – Tainted Pond’s first effect to be able to special summon as many Verz monsters from his hand as he wants. Inverz special summons Evilswarm Zahhak (ATK: 1850 DEF: 850), Evilswarm Thunderbird (ATK: 1650 DEF: 1050), and another Evilswarm Salamandra. Inverz overlays Verz Zahhak, Verz Thunderbird, and Verz Salamandra to xyz summon Evilswarm Ouroboros (ATK: 2750 DEF: 1950). Inverz then special summons another Evilswarm Heliotrope, Evilswarm Obliviwisp (ATK: 450 DEF: 2050), and another Evilswarm Azzathoth. Inverz overlays Evilswarm Heliotrope, Evilswarm Obliviwisp, and Evilswarm Azzathoth to xyz summon Number 194: Black Hole Sun (ATK: 3000 DEF: 3000).


Both xyz monsters were then absorbed into Inverz, causing great shock in the duelists and whoever was watching. Inverz’ body began glowing a dark purple, and he bowed his body limply. Alex then saw the area around Inverz’ shoulder plates began to squirm violently. Two black wings burst from his back, spewing black liquid everywhere. Inverz’ body was mutating. Every single vein in his face was visible and his muscles began to enlarge to the point of bursting out of his skin. Inverz’s body then exploded, revealing a black, fleshy, bipedal dragon, enlarging to the point where he was almost half as big as Canterlot’s tallest building, forcing him to fly off the stone disk and fly over his opponents. His deck was found in a pouch of skin on the left side of his left wrist, like a D-Pad, he had a flap of skin on the top of his left wrist, no doubt his graveyard, and a slit on the right side of his left wrist, where he probably set and played cards. There was no doubting it, this was Inverz in his true form.


Inverz overlays Verz Ouroboros and Number 194: Black Hole Sun to blackness xyz summon Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse (ATK: ? DEF: ?). All xyz materials that were attached to the xyz monsters used in the xyz summon of Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse become xyz materials to it instead. Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse is xyz summoned, Inverz must discard his entire hand to the graveyard and his life points become 0.

Inverz’ Life Points: 4900 -> 0

As long as Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse remains on the field, Inverz cannot lose the duel. Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse’s original ATK and DEF becomes equal to the ATK of the xyz monsters used for the xyz summon (ATK: 2750 + 3000 = 5750, DEF: 2750 + 3000 = 5750). If Inverz discarded 6 or more cards with Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse’s effect, its original ATK and DEF become ∞ (ATK: 5750 -> ∞, DEF: 5750 -> ∞).

Furthermore, if a Number was used in the xyz summoning of Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse, Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse is treated as a Number. Inverz activates his trap Final Attack Orders, forcing all monsters into attack position. Inverz attacks Number 160: Cannon Android – Rocket Rocky with Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse, but Eli activates Attack Invulnerability, choosing its second effect to have no battle damage inflicted to them. Ryan activates Card of Last Will, drawing 5 cards if a monster he controls was destroyed.

Inverz ends his turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-0 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-0


Ponies from all over Equestria ran and screamed in panic at the sight of this dragon.

“I don’t care what you throw at me,” said Eli to himself. “As long as I have hope, I’ll never give in!”


Eli’s Turn: Eli activates Pot of Greed, drawing 2 cards. Next, he special summons Koa’ki Meiru Maximus by removing an Iron Core of Koa’ki Meiru from his hand (ATK: 3000 DEF: 2500). Eli activates Koa’ki Meiru Maximus’ effect. Once per turn, Eli can destroy 1 card on the field, choosing Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse, but Inverz activates Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse’s effect. By detaching 1 xyz material from it, Inverz can prevent Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse’s destruction.

Eli places 1 card face down and ends his turn. During Eli’s end phase, Eli must discard an Iron Core of Koa’ki Meiru, discard a Koa’ki Meiru monster, or destroy Koa’ki Meiru Maximus. Eli discards a Koa’ki Meiru monster.

Status: Hand-0 Life-7450 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1


“Pathetic,” said Inverz in a deep, booming voice in his new dragon form. “My monster is invincible. You will never beat it.”


Inverz’ Turn: During each of Inverz’ draw phases, he can skip his draw phase and attach the top card on his deck to Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse as xyz material. He does not. During each of Inverz’ standby phases, he must detach 1 xyz material from Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse or destroy it. Inverz detaches an xyz material. Also, with Black Pool – Tainted Pond’s effect, Inverz cannot activate its effects when Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse is on the field. Inverz activates his Pot of Greed, drawing 2 cards. Inverz attacks Koa’ki Meiru Maximus with Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse, but Ryan activates Iron Resolve, halving his life points to negate the attack.

Eli, Alex, and Ryan’s Life Points: 7450 -> 3725

Inverz places 1 card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-0 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1


If I can get our monsters into defense position, thought Alex. Then we can ride out this duel until he eventually runs out of cards in his deck. It’s a long shot, but it’s worth it.


Alex’s Turn: Alex activates Mystical Space Typhoon, destroying Final Attack Orders. Alex then activates Earthquake, switching all monsters into defense position.

Alex ends his turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-7450 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2


“I’ll teach you to interfere with my plans,” said Inverz.


Inverz’ Turn: Inverz does his draw phase. Then, he detaches 1 xyz material from Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse. Inverz switches Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse into attack position. Inverz activates his trap Burning Strike, giving Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse the effect of piercing damage. Inverz attacks Nero, the Dragon Warlord with Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse, but Alex activates Negate Attack.

Inverz places 1 card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-0 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1


“Invincible you say?” said Ryan, smug. “I’ll be the judge of that.”


Ryan’s Turn: Ryan activates his Pot of Greed, drawing 2 cards. Ryan special summons T.G. Striker, as his opponent controls a monster while he doesn’t (ATK: 900 DEF: 0). When a level 4 or lower monster has been special summoned, Ryan can special summon T.G. Warwolf from his hand (ATK: 1200 DEF: 0). Ryan tunes T.G. Warwolf with T.G. Striker to synchro summon T.G. Power Gladiator (ATK: 2300 DEF: 1000). Ryan then activates Monster Reborn, special summoning T.G. Wonder Magician from the graveyard. Ryan tunes T.G. Power Gladiator with T.G. Wonder Magician to accel synchro summon T.G. Blade Blaster (ATK: 3300 DEF: 2200).

Ryan then special summons another T.G. Gear Zombie with its effect. Next, he normal summons another T.G. Drill Fish (ATK: 100 DEF: 800). Ryan tunes T.G. Drill Fish with T.G. Gear Zombie to synchro summon T.G. Recipro Dragonfly. Ryan activates T.G. Recipro Dragonfly’s effect. By sending a T.G. synchro monster to the graveyard, Ryan can special summon the synchro materials used in the synchro summoning of that monster, special summoning T.G. Wonder Magician and T.G. Power Gladiator. Ryan tunes T.G. Power Gladiator and T.G. Recipro Dragonfly to delta accel synchro summon T.G. Halberd Cannon (ATK: 4000 DEF: 4000).

Ryan activates the spell card Riryoku, halving a monster’s ATK and having another monster gain ATK equal to the amount halved. Ryan halves Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse’s ATK to increase T.G. Halberd Cannon’s ATK (ATK: ∞ -> ∞) (ATK: 4000 -> ∞). Lastly, Ryan activates the spell Forced Release, detaching all xyz materials from Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse. Ryan attacks Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse, but Inverz activates Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse’s effect, destroying Black Pool – Tainted Pond, ignoring its effect, to negate Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse’s destruction. Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse and T.G. Halberd Cannon have equal ATK, but because of Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse’s effect, only T.G. Halberd Cannon is destroyed. When T.G. Halberd Cannon is sent from the field to the graveyard, Ryan can special summon a T.G. monster from his graveyard, choosing T.G. Blade Blaster (ATK: 3300 DEF: 2200).

Ryan ends his turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-3725 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-0


“NO!” yelled Inverz. “What have you done?”

“Enough,” said Ryan. Inverz roared at Ryan with deafening volume.

“Then you shall taste the full pain of your defeat!”


Inverz’ Turn: Inverz skips his draw phase to attach the top card of his deck to Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse as xyz material. Inverz detaches 1 xyz material from Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse to prevent its destruction. Inverz attacks T.G. Blade Blaster with Inverz Dragon of the Apocalypse, but Eli activates Dimension Trap, tributing his Koa’ki Meiru Maximus to make Dimension Trap’s effect the same as one in his graveyard, choosing Iron Resolve. Inverz tries to activate Trap Jammer, but Alex activates Curse of Royal, negating and destroying Trap Jammer. Dimension Trap’s activation continues.

Eli, Alex, and Ryan’s Life Points: 3725 -> 1862.5

Inverz activates Misfortune, inflicting damage equal to half of the ATK of a face up monster his opponent controls, choosing T.G. Blade Blaster.

Eli, Alex, and Ryan’s Life Points: 1862.5 -> 212.5

Inverz ends his turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-0 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-0


Eli crumpled to the ground after the halving of their life points.

“Eli!” called Alex.

Sammy had her hands clasped in prayer.

“Are you alright?” he asked.

“More than alright,” Eli wheezed, “and so will you be.”

“Eli what are you talking about?”

“Hurry and make your turn!” yelled Inverz.

Eli stood up, still.

“What are you waiting for?”

Eli just smiled.

Down below, the Elements of Harmony, which were in their owners’ possessions, began to dissolve into dust and fly into the sky.

“What’s going on?” asked Twilight.

“Wait!” shouted Pinkie Pie to the fragments of her element. “Don’t go!”

Everyone watched desperately as the elements of harmony, the greatest source of magic in the world, faded away. Inverz laughed.

“Just look at how much the elements trust you!” he said. “You have no hope left! Surrender now and your deaths shall be free from suffering.”

Eli looked up as the last of the dust particles flew into the dark clouds. Eli raised his left arm into the air. Suddenly, a bright spot appeared over the disk in the clouds. The princess’ were in total shock.

“Princess Celestia!” called Twilight, “what’s going on?”

“Could it be?” asked Princess Celestia to herself.

As the spot reached maximum brightness, a white beam shot out of the clouds, engulfing Eli in a brilliant white light.

“What’s happening?” asked Inverz.

“Oh. My. God,” Sammy barely got out.

Everyone else was at a loss for words.

When the light faded, Eli was now wearing a knight’s armor that looked as if it were made from gold, minus a helmet. He also wore a brilliant crimson cape. The armor matched Eli’s gauntlet perfectly. That wasn’t it though. Eli’s duel disk also changed. Where the center of the duel disk blade was a royal blue, it was now magenta. Magic. Each of the monster card zones was also a different color from left to right:

Orange. Honesty.

Pink. Kindness.

Cyan. Laughter.

Purple. Generosity.

Red. Loyalty.

Eli had full control of the elements, and Eli could see that Inverz was right to start fearing for his life. Eli also noticed that the top card on his deck was glowing white.

“Let’s end this,” said Eli, his fingers upon the card. “It’s my turn.”

He drew the card.

Next Chapter: Chapter 52: The Profit From Our Victory Estimated time remaining: 29 Minutes
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