
Luna the Lifeguard

by Lux

Chapter 1: The Whole Story

The Whole Story

Luna the Lifeguard

By Lux

Princess Luna sat on the high white lifeguard chair overlooking the crowded scene of the Canterlot Community Pool. The hot summer sun brought out many ponies to relax and cool off this day, and the Princess expected that her sister had something to do with it. After all, it was Luna’s first day as a lifeguard, so what better to encourage ponies to visit than to turn up the heat a little?

As she watched the crowded scene from her lofty perch, the Princess of Night wondered how she got to working as a lifeguard of all jobs. She remembered talking with Princess Celestia about trying to get to know her subjects more than simply visiting them in their dreams or royal occasions or events. After brainstorming where she could go, Celestia offered having her younger sister volunteer for the summer as a lifeguard, something Luna thought was a joke and off-handedly agreed to it. To her surprise, Celestia took the acceptance literally. Now here she was, watching ponies relax and swim.

It wasn’t a hard job sitting and watching to make sure ponies didn’t get hurt or rough housed. All the paying attention in fact was starting to get so boring that combined with the hot sun was making the Alicorn feel tired and restless. Of course her current throne that was the lifeguard chair was anything but comfortable as she frequently found herself shifting to ease her sore butt. There was another source of irritation, one she couldn’t easily fix: her lifeguard swimsuit. The red suit was clearly made for a normal Pegasus mare, not a Princess, which meant it felt about two sizes too small for her body. This made her constantly pulling on the elastic fabric to let her body breathe from its confines while thinking about how her swimsuit left little to the imagination, especially her well-porportioned butt and breasts. She wondered if she ran too fast she would bounce right out of her suit! One thing was for certain, there were certain mares in the pool who were pretty in their own right who kept giving her a jealous glare liked they wanted to be her while some stallions gazed at her with no doubt lusty thoughts.

Her wandering eyes soon turned towards a small group of colts on the verge of becoming stallions entering the pool area from the stallion’s locker room. They were a motley assortment of friends, the kind that she imagined had a bond just as Princess Twilight Sparkle had with her friends. They were laughing and talking to each other until one colt, a grey earth pony with a scruffy black mane and tail and dressed in a blue pair of swim trunks looked up at her with an amazed stare. The other friends followed suit in looking at her, all of them enamored at her perfectly proportioned body placed high above them for all to behold. She merely smiled and nodded their way, hoping that it satisfied their curiosity.

It was then that the group returned to their conversation, no doubt about her, but then suddenly the grey colt said something that made the others stop and turn. This time it wasn’t at her but the colt as he walked closer towards the lifeguard chair she sat on. He paused for a moment, staring up at her again for a few seconds, before trotting around the chair and over to the deep end and the diving boards. There were several boards there at various heights so that anypony daring enough could try them. The colt passed the one board a foot off the ground, then the three foot one, until finally he eyed up the tallest one six feet off the ground. For a moment Luna watched as the pony eyed the challenge that towered over him like a giant. Then gathering up his courage the colt ascended the steps to the board and walked out to the edge. For a moment he stopped and looked up at the Princess to make sure she was watching this. Then he bounced off the board and dove into the water.

The Princess smiled at the daring act the colt made no doubt to show off to his friends and of course her. But just when she was about to relax back in her seat she noticed that the colt’s friends were now looking worried, pointing at the deep end nervously. Luna bent over and surveyed the deep end for the colt, hoping for him to surface. A few seconds passed, but there was no sign of him. Then the unthinkable happened: the colt’s lifeless looking body suddenly rose to the surface in a dead pony’s float.

At this point everything happened in an instant. The colt’s friends were shouting his name in terror, and screams were heard from the swimmers and onlookers who spotted the body. She knew that she was the only lifeguard close to the deep end, so she stood up and dove off the lifeguard chair in a perfect swan dive, splashing down near the body of the colt. She surfaced and quickly grabbed hold of the colt by his shoulders, pulling him towards the edge of the pool. When she reached it there were other lifeguards there to assist pulling the colt onto the walkway and laying him on his back.

“Everypony get back,” she shouted to the others who surrounded her and the colt, particularly his worried friends, “I got this.”

She kneeled beside the colt and started compressions on his chest, hoping to flush the water from his lungs. Then she leaned over and gave him a breath. She repeated the process of compressions and breaths, trying desperately to revive him.

“Come on, breathe for me,” she said as she did more compressions while his friends were saying to their friends the same things to encourage him to return to normal.

Then it happened. Princess Luna bent over the colt one last time to give the colt a breath, but just as her lips touched his, the colt suddenly opened his eyes, wrapped his arms around the Princess’s waist and pulling her body on top of his started making out with her! The Princess’s eyes went wide as she realized this had all been a ruse. She struggled to break free, but the colt held on for dear life as she repeatedly kissed the Princess on the lips while caressing her back. In the confusion, she could hear the colt’s friends being both astonished and cheering on their friend. Just when she thought this couldn’t get any worse, she felt the colt’s one hand move down her back and grabbed her butt while the other slyly migrated up her body and took hold of her one breast, causing Luna to gasp.

Finally the Princess had enough as she pushed off the grabby hands of the colt shouting in her Royal Canterlot Voice, “Why you little pervert! Take your friends and get out of this pool now!”

The colt merely smiled back at her with the look of pure ecstasy knowing what he had done. The Princess then pulled him up with her magic, dragged him along the walkway and unceremoniously tossed him out of the pool while wearing a look of pure disgust as the crowd cheered her on. The other friends of the colt soon followed their friends carrying their clothes from the locker room. As the Princess turned and walked away, she couldn’t help but hearing the grey colt proudly stating how he had it all planned out how he was going to get to second base with the Princess. Luna walked back to her post in a huff after feeling violated, wrapping her arms around her body while muttering some unkind things. She then made her way back up the life guard chair and sat there as the crowd returned to their enjoyment of the pool like nothing happened.  

She sat there a moment brooding as she watched the colt and his friends walking around the perimeter of the pool’s fence. What the colt did was loathsome and perverted and, though she hated to admit it very daring. He kissed her long and passionately while groping her body, something that no pony would even dream of doing to a mare much less a Princess! It would certainly be a story to tell his friends about how he tricked the Princess off Night into making out with her.

As the colt and his friends in question neared the fence closest to the deep end of the pool and Princess Luna’s lifeguard spot, the colt couldn’t help but stop and star at the Princess. Luna looked down at him from her chair giving him an incredulous glare. But then her gaze softened to a coy smile as if admitting his conquest. Of course she had plans to visit him in his dreams at night, maybe giving him a nightmare of some mares laughing at him, but that would have to wait. Right now as the colt and his friends disappeared from view, Princess Luna could only sit back and relax, hoping that the rest of the day was ordinary and at peace.

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