
Same Faces,Wrong universe

by Polaris Solarmoon

Chapter 1: It begins...

It begins...

We find ourselves at the tree home of Twilight Sparkle where she is currently working on a new spell, hopefully nothing goes wrong, let's go see shall we?

"Ok now that the calculations are complete it's time to put this spell to the test."I say to myself while getting ready to cast my newest spell that would allow me to teleport long distances without doing any harm to the caster.

Oh! I should introduce myself...

I'm Twilight Sparkle personal student to Princess Celestia and one of the Elements of Harmony, right now I'm currently working on a new spell.

"If everything goes according to plan I should be able to teleport all the to Canterlot without any problems... I hope..." I had said as I prepared the spell.

"Okay, here goes nothing!" I said but as I was about cast it my assistant Spike barges in at the worst possible moment.

"Hey Twilight what cha up to?"he said not realizing that he just interrupted me during a spell, which is never a good idea!

He should really lean to knock first before entering my room...

Because of his sudden appearance I had jumped which made my spell backfire on me, the interrupted spell caused a mini explosion that had knocked me out cold, the last thing I heard was Spike calling my name before everything went black...

A few hours later I had woke up and saw that the library was empty and Spike was no where to be found...

"Spike?" I said but there was no response from him.

("He must've went for help.") I thought to myself.

I decided to walk around for a while until he returned, I then noticed that some of the books in the library were a bit different than the ones that I had.

"Odd, I don't remember having these books in the library..."I muttered to myself as I continued to look around.

I countinued to look around until I had accidentally bumped into something, or should I say somepony.

"S-sorry about that I wasn't... " I said to the pony I bumped into.

The pony then turned around and I was shocked at who it was.

"P-Pinkie Pie!?" I had said in confusion and shock.

It appears that the pony who I bumped into was Pinkie Pie of all ponies... But something was different about her, first thing was that she was wearing a pair of reading glasses and her mane was not curly but straight, second was the fact that she was staring at me with an almost unamused look, like if I said something wrong, the last thing was that she wasn't acting very hyper and that her cutie mark was an open book instead of the three ballons she normally has, it looked as if she were the librarian here!

"Hello there my name is Pinkamina Dianne Pie but please call me Dianne Pie for short, may I ask your name?, Because judging by your behavior and the fact that you called me by a name I do not know, you are defenetly not Glitter Brightstar... Yet you look nearly identical to her."she had said in an almost emotionless tone.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle nice to meet you Dianne,um have you seen my assistant Spike?" I had asked her.

"Is he a purple dragon with green spikes on his head."she says while adjusting her glasses.

"How did you? Never mind... Have you seen him?"I asked.

"No,however what I described lives in Sugercube Corner, if anything try there."she said.

"Thank you so much Dianne, I'd better get going." I say while getting ready to leave.

"Good luck Twilight Sparkle and do be careful." Dianne told me as I left the library.

When I went outside,I saw that ponyville looked the same, I started to go over to Sugercube Corner, before I had left Dianne gave me a map of the town which I found even more odd, I've lived in Ponyville for a few months so I should already know my way around, so I told her that I didn't need it but she had insisted that I'd keep it just in case.

As I was walking around past the food vendors, I noticed that something was really off, Rainbow Dash, of all ponies on the ground buying fruits and vegetables, she wasn't alone, her pet tortoise Tank was with her.

"Rainbow Dash,is that you?"I asked her clearly confused at the fact that she was not flying about or showing off or telling ponies just how awesome she was.

"Huh?, oh no my name is Prism Shine and this is my pet tortoise Fluffy,what's your name?"the Pegasus in front of me had said kindly.

I noticed that she still had Rainbow's raspy voice but her mannerisms reminded me of Fluttershy, her cutie mark was a rainbow over a butterfly.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle" I said.

I just was about to go on my way until she stopped me and said "umm excuse me but Sugercube Corner is over there."

She then points me in the direction of the bakery.

"Thank you, miss Prism Shine but I can find on my own." I say while going the opposite direction of where her hoof was pointing, I know... not a smart move on my part but the day was getting weirder by the second, so I tried to go another way... but She suddenly went right in front of me with an almost surprising amount of speed than started to drag me over to the bakery, I had my hooves crossed the whole way.

"Here we are miss Twilight, goodbye." she than leaves with her pet tortoise Fluffy riding her back.

"Gee thanks..." I muttered to myself than went inside the Sugercube Corner.

When I had went inside, I looked around and noticed a Wonderbolt at one of the tables.

("A Wonderbolt!? This place must be really popular to attract the attention of them.") I thought to myself while I got a closer look.

Now that I was close enough to make out who the Wonderbolt was I saw that it was a pegasus mare with a pink mane,I noticed that the mane had a red streak down the middle,other than that there was no mistaking that this particular mare was Fluttershy.

"F-Fluttershy? Is that you?" I asked her.

"Hello there, Are you a fan of mine?"she said.

"Oh uh... No I thought you were somepony else."I quickly said.

"Oh, thought that you said my name there for a second, oh well the name's Phoenix Firewing but you can call me Fluttersky,as the Captain of the Wonderbolts it's nice to see somepony who isn't a fan of mine say hello to me without freaking out or askin' for my autograph."

I had nearly fainted when she told me who she was, I didn't expect somepony like her to be the Captain of the Wonderbolts not that she's mean or anything, in fact she seems so down to earth and kind, I figured that she would be more like Rainbow Dash but I guess I was wrong.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle nice to meet you Fluttersky, have you seen a purple baby dragon around here?" I said.

"Oh you mean Violet?, she's helping the Cakes at the moment,why you need anything because if you do tell her I sent you."she said.

"She!?"I say in shock.

"Yeah uh... Violet's a girl,so who were you talking about then?" Fluttersky said.

"My assistant Spike, I was looking for him but I guess, he's not here..." I said a little upset.

Fluttersky put a hoof on my back and said "Hey don't worry 'bout it I bet your friend is fine,I'm sure of it... Now let's go get some grub shall we? I'm starving."

"Thank you "Phoenix", I have to admit I am hungry." We both laughed than went up to the counter to place our orders.

As we placed our orders, I noticed that a young purple Dragon was taking our orders.

("This must be Violet") I thought to myself.

I asked her where the owner was and she had simply shrugged and gave us what we asked for, Fluttersky had paid for the both of us.

After we had ate, I decided to go back to the library and see if I can't find a way to return home, I noticed that Dianne was outside reading a book.

As I got closer she closes the book and chuckles.

"Ah, back so soon... I was almost finished reading this book, have you found what you were looking for?" Dianne had said, holding a now closed book in one of her hooves.

"No,I didn't find him for he-" out of nowhere Dianne had cut me off and finshed my sentence.

"Was not in this universe?, You see miss Twilight Sparkle when we first met, I knew you were not from this universe and from what I could tell, You now wish you were home correct? However I do believe that all you must do is wait and then you can return home."she said in a cryptic way.

I looked at her with a confused stare and wondered what she had ment and then all of a sudden I had felt faint and fell over...

"Hi Dianne! What did I miss?" The hyper purple unicorn named Glitter Brightstar said.

"Glitter... Remind me never to allow you to use another universe swap spell ever again." Dianne says in a monotone.

"Aww but it was fun I got to party with your counter part Pinkie Pie !" Glitter says brightly.

"Just... don't do it again, You accidentally brought over your own conterpart Twilight Sparkle."Dianne then gives Glitter a stern look than sighs.

"Oooo what was she like?, Was she as smart as you?, Was she good at magic?, Did she meet Violet?"Glitter asked with a barrage of questions.

"Number1. She was nice, Number 2. Possibly , Number 3. I'm not sure I didn't ask and Number 4. I believe she did but I am not 100% sure." Dianne answered.

"Yay!"Glitter cheerfully says while bouncing in place.

"Aren't you supposed to be working Glitter?"Dianne says in an almost flat tone of voice.

"Oh right sorry, I had better get going, bye Dianne!"Glitter says as she bounces away.

Dianne sighs then says to herself"oh Glitter what am I going to do with you, I wonder how Twilight is doing?"

After a few minutes or so I had woke up and saw that I was back in my library home, the books were in the same places as where I had left them and even my bed was the same.

I had went down stairs and saw that Spike was cleaning up the library, I was overjoyed to have finally seen him after I was gone for so long, so I ran down stairs and hugged him.

"Spike thank goodness your okay!"I had said.

"Hey Twilight! Your back to normal, See I knew rest would get your memories back."he said.

"What are you talking about Spike?"I asked him.

"Oh nothing... I'm just glad you're not acting weird anymore, so do you want me to send a letter to the princess?" he said.

"Ok sure go ahead"I said.

And that ends this tale as we leave Twilight Sparkle's home,but what of Glitter Brightstar's side of the story,well that my friends is a story for another time...

Author's Notes:

And that's that, this story was buzzing around my head when I was making "A Different View"so I hope you guys liked it.

(11/4/17: hello Polaris Solarmoon here just wanted to tell you all that I went back and fixed this story up a bit, let me know if you like it! :yay:)

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