
Adventures in the human world

by Dark Nightshade

Chapter 2

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Celestia woke up the the smell of pancakes. She opened her eyes, yawned and stretched.

Pancakes? she thought. I like these girls. She rolled out of bed, and sniffed the air again.

Chocolate chip pancakes? she thought. Oh, nice! She hurried down the stairs, and was greeted with a hug by Luna.

"I was about to wake you," Luna said. "Before you go into the kitchen, let me just say that these girls are awesome!"

"I could smell the pancakes from upstairs!" Celestia said.

"And they're chocolate chip!" Luna said with a grin. Celestia's stomach rumbled and Luna snickered. "Go eat. There good." Celestia entered the kitchen.

"Hello!" the girls (and Spike) coursed. There was a giant pile of chocolate chip and blueberry pancakes.

"Hello!" Celestia said. "Those look delicious." Candy Burn smiled.

"Thank you!" she said. "Feel free to eat. The syrup is over there." Candy Burn pointed at the opposite counter, at a blue pitcher-like thing. Celestia grabbed a plat, put a few pancakes on it, and started pouring the syrup on it. She took a bit and sighed.

"This is amazing," she said after she swallowed. "By the way, when's Sunset Shimmer getting here?" As if on cue, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" Twill Weave said. She left the kitchen, and the sound of an opening door could be heard.

"Hello!" they could hear Sunset Shimmer said.

"Hi!" Twill Weave said. "Come in!" When Twill Weave reappeared with Sunset Shimmer, after the hellos were said, Taissy looked at Celestia.

"You know where Rarity's boutique is, right?" she asked. Celestia nodded.

"I'm guessing it's safe to assume that you girls will be gone for most of the day?" Luna suddenly said from behind Sunset Shimmer. Sunset Shimmer jumped and let out a small yelp.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were up," Sunset Shimmer said. "But yes, knowing Rarity, most of the day."

"Well, you can't rush perfection," Floriba said.

"That's probably true," Sunset Shimmer said. "Now, we should probably get going."

"And why are these bras important again?" Twill Weave asked. Rarity sighed.

"Mainly, it helps to stop boys from looking at your breasts," Rarity said. "But they help support your breasts as well. And if you don't mind me saying, with your size, and this means you 3 as well, with your breasts sizes you need the support."

"Yes, they are very intresting," Taissy said. "It's way different in Equestria. There, they're closer to your crotch, and boys don't try and look at them." Rarity blushed.

"Yes, sounds much more comfortable than here," she said. She turned to Twill Weave. "And do you mind coming over tomorrow?" Twill Weave snickered.

"Let me guess, you want to study my skin, and ask questions about how my skin works?" she asked. Rarity blinked.

"Yes, actually," she said. "How did you know?" Twill Weave let out a small laugh.

"Your Equestrian counterpart asked the same thing!" she said. "And I don't mind doing it. Me and Mom weren't really able to check it all out, unfortunately." Twill Weave, her sisters and Floriba all got sad looks on their faces and looked down. Rarity sighed.

"Hey, it's going to be ok," she said. "Considering what this worlds Luna and Celestia are like, thinking of what the're like with magic, both of them are are probably really powerful."

"Well, they control the sun and moon," Taissy said. Rarity's eyes widened and she gasped.

"The sun and moon?" she asked. "They control them? What kind of unicorns are they?"

"They aren't unicrons," Twill Weave said. "They're alicorns. They have both horns and wings, and their super powerful."

"Ok, but the sun and moon?" Rarity said.

"Please," Floriba said. "Mom is the Princess of Friendship, and Cadence is the Princess of Love. Cadence can sense love, and to an extent, control it. I don't know if Mom can do anything like that, but it's still cool."

"Wow," Rarity said. "Cadence is a princess?"

"Yep," Candy Burn said. "And ruler of the Crystal Empire."

"That sounds very impressive," Rarity said. "Is that like the Crystal Prep school?"

"I think so," Candy Burn said. "Now, these clothes are going to take a while, right?" Rarity glanced at the measurements she had taken of the girls, and nodded, retuning her gaze to Candy Burn.

"Probably the rest of the afternoon," she said. "Honestly, I thought that the measurements would take longer than it did, but you girls were surprisingly ok with taking your clothes off. The girls shrugged.

"Well we don't really wear clothes in Equestria," Taissy said. "We can wear clothes, we just don't wear them all the time." Rarity nodded understandingly.

"Ok. Well then," she said. "In that case, I should get started on the clothes. You 4 can go back to Celestia's and Luna's. You remember the way, right?"

Author's Notes:

Have a good summer!

Next Chapter: Getting school ready Estimated time remaining: 9 Minutes
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