
A Dragon's Selection

by CartoonNerd12

Chapter 34: Chapter 33

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Twilight had Applejack laying on a table in the athenaeum as she examined the broken leg and then the unicorn turned to the dragon with a scowl on her face, "What in the world made you think of taking her into that enchanted comic, Spike?!"

He nervously chuckled before looking down in shame, "I thought it was a good idea at the time."

Applejack assured her friend, "Don't blame Spike, Twilight. I did this to myself."

Spike said in awe, "You should have seen her, she was so amazing and brave…"

The country mare blushed, "Aw, shucks, Spike… You don't have to go into all that…"

Twilight beamed at the pair as she commented, "Well it sounds like you two finally mended your relationship…"

AJ agreed, "We sure did, but now we need to find some way to mend mah leg."

Spike said, "Which is why we came to you. You got to know some kind of spell that can fix it."

Twilight bit her lip as she summoned a book and flipped its pages as she said, "There is a spell in one of Star Swirl's old journals that can mend bones in a heartbeat but his notes say it's incredibly painful to the pony as their bones are being put back together. If you are willing I can cast it, but I would completely understand if you don't…"

Applejack and Spike exchanged a look as he said, "I don't like the idea of you being in incredible pain…" he sighed, "But we don't have much of a choice at this point…"

She nodded as she reached for his claw, "I'll be okay, sugar cube. Besides I've worked on a farm my whole life, I'm used to the pain of hard work. I'm sure my bones getting mended by magic won't be that much different."

"I really hope you're right…"

Twilight instructed, "Okay, I'm going to need you to hold her and even though I'm pretty sure we're underground enough to be unheard, there's no telling how painful it'll get so I'm going to give you something to bite into so your screams will be muffled enough." telling Applejack that last part and gave her a cupcake to put in her mouth.

Spike held on to AJ's shoulders and forelegs so she would be completely still on the table.

Applejack was comforted by the fact that her beloved was right by her side and her best friend being there to cast the spell. As much as she told herself that it wasn't going to hurt a part of her knew better and had to prepare for the worst.

Twilight asked, "Are we ready?"

The couple nodded with Applejack saying, "Do it."

Twilight focused on the spell as her horn glowed bright and pointed directly at Applejack's bloody leg. To Applejack the pain started out small before it started growing to the point it reached to its highest level, she started to scream and bit down on the sweet. Spike didn't like hearing her muffled screams like that and kept blaming himself for causing this to her.

Twilight grunted, "Almost there… it's almost over…"

Tears of pain went down Applejack's cheeks making Spike feel even more guilty.

I'll make this up to her! That I swear!

Finally, her screams died down and she swallowed the cupcake, telling Twilight, "Wow. You weren't kiddin' about it bein' incredibly painful."

The unicorn replied, "I did warn you. How are you feeling now?"

Applejack felt her leg and slowly moved around, "A little sore but okay…"

Twilight nodded, "Yes, the notes did say there would be soreness afterwards but that should go away in a few days."

Spike began to carry Applejack again as the mare protested, "Spike, my leg is healed up. I can walk it out."

"But you shouldn't overexert yourself especially since you'll have to be on Discord's broadcast tonight."

She groaned, "I almost forgot about that…"

"Just what is happening with the Selection? Who's left at this point?" Twilight asked.

Applejack replied, "Me, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Sunset."

The unicorn narrowed her eyes at Spike, "Sunset Shimmer is still here?"

The dragon sighed deeply, "It's a long story…"

Applejack reassured, "And you won't believe this Twilight, but Sunset's a different pony then from when you last saw her."

Twilight's eyes widen and stated, "You're right I don't believe it, but since I know you're not a liar so it must be true, but what I don't get is now that you two are back together why aren't you getting married?"

Spike said, "We can't. Not until my father gives approval."

"What? Why?"

When Applejack and Spike finished explaining the reason Twilight frowned before her face softened in sympathy as she said, "I wish I had a spell that could make the Dragon Lord give you the approval you need but as it is…" she shook her head.

Applejack told her, "Don't worry; the girls are helping me out so I can get it."

Twilight nodded feeling assured.

Spike asked, "I just realized, where's Flash?"

Twilight slightly grimaced, "Things had been kind-of tense lately… So he's living on the other side of the cavern at the moment."

AJ questioned, "Why? Uh, that is… I hope you don't mind me asking?"

Twilight sighed, "Its okay, recently we've been getting on each other's nerves and well, we needed the breathing space. So I got everything on this side of the cavern given its where the athenaeum is and he's got everything else on the other side."

Applejack shook her head, "I'm real sorry to hear that, sugar cube. Hopefully you'll be able to patch things up soon…"

Spike added, "Yeah! Just like me and AJ!"

The cowpony looked at him in confusion making him give off a cheesy grin and nervously chuckled, "That is to say, can I call you 'AJ', sweetie?"

Applejack slowly smirked, stating, "Of course you can, sugar cube. In fact, I actually like how you used my initials just now. It's pretty dang fitting."

"Alright!" he exclaimed.

Applejack looked at Twilight again, "Hang in there, hon. I'm sure things will get better for you two…"

"I hope you're right…" the unicorn softly said before embracing her friends. Then she asked, "Oh yeah, weren't you two going to check out the Erised mirror again to figure out if you two have a desire for each other?"

The two exchanged a smirk with Spike answering, "Somehow, I don't think we need to look anymore…"

Applejack nodded while wrapping her hooves around his neck, "You said it."

When they said their goodbyes to Twilight, they started heading for the exit when they heard voices outside and they took a peek to see who was talking. To their surprise, they saw Rarity and Fancypants conversing in the abandon wing, and since they had to wait until they were gone, the dragon and earth pony had no choice but to overhear the two unicorns.

Fancy inquired, "So you have no regrets in losing the prince?"

Rarity responded, "None what-so-ever. Of course, that might be only because I gave him a kiss and felt nothing from it. Now had I not kissed him, I think I would gone through the rest of my life, thinking "what if"? Thankfully, that's not the case. Yes, from the first moment I saw him he was quite handsome for a dragon but I was feeling unsure about being with him. But when he and Applejack had that terrible break-up, I felt so sorry for him that I convinced myself that we could have something and for awhile there it did seem we did… But when he admitted to me that I was his second choice, I knew then we weren't right for each other.

"Is it too much to ask I want someone who's going to love me and only me? And not be somepony that someone would just settle with?"

Fancy smiled, "On the contrary that's not asking for much at all. You do deserve someone who's going to love only you and no pony else…"

Rarity smiled back, "Thank you, Fancypants, that means a great deal to me… Now the question is, who would love me and me alone?"

"That is the question, isn't it? I'm afraid I do not have the answer for you, Miss Rarity but I can give you some advice from an old stallion whose had quite the dating experience in his time."

"Oh?" she smirked, "And what kind-of advice would that be, Mister Fancypants?"

He kept smiling, "Well, for starters, you got to let time take its course as you heal from your previous relationship and take your own time to learn from it. Because of that you can do better in your next relationship and correct any mistakes you had from your old one."

Rarity marveled, "That's very good advice, Fancy. Is there more?"

He replied, "Just that, when you do find the right pony, don't ever let them go, or else you'll regret it for the rest of your life…" he made a small frown.

Rarity frowned in concern, "Sounds like you've dealt with heartache yourself…"

Fancy sighed, "That I have… I was engaged to be married but things weren't going so well and well, I broke it off and left."

"Maybe she wasn't the right one for you after all…" Rarity suggested.

"Perhaps, but it's hard to say for sure given how well we gotten along and I can't help but wondering if I made a mistake… And even if I did go back to her, would she want me back too?"

Rarity muttered, "That is the question isn't it...?"

Fancy heard her and slightly chuckled, "Exactly what I said… You know, you do remind me a bit of her: elegant, sophisticated, well-mannered, posh… A true lady through and through."

She blushed at his compliment, "Why thank you, I am honored to be compared by one so lady-like." she let out a giggle.

Spike whispered to Applejack, "Think they'll be done anytime soon?"

She whispered back, "From the way they're talkin', I reckon' we could be stuck here awhile…"

"Sweet Celestia… really? I mean it's great that Rarity is moving on to someone who could love her but to stand around and listening in on them is very embarrassing…"

"I agree. But we can't do anything about it, unless you want us to reveal ourselves but that would mean giving away Twilight and Flash's hiding place…"

He sighed and shook his head.

Luckily they didn't have to listen in for long as Rarity mentioned, "Oh my, do forgive me but I've lost track of the time and I must go and get ready for tonight."

Fancy nodded, "I understand. What with Sir Discord's broadcast and all, one must look presentable and as such must make the time to do so."

Rarity exclaimed happily, "Exactly! Why can't I meet more ponies like you who grasps that concept?!"

Applejack muttered under her breath, "Because no pony else has' you two's way of thinking…"

Spike smirked, "And that's what makes them perfect for each other."

She grinned back, "Darn right…"

By then Rarity and Fancy said their farewells and took separate ways giving Applejack and Spike the chance to get out and head straight back the country mare's room.

Next Chapter: Chapter 34 Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 13 Minutes
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