
A Dragon's Selection

by CartoonNerd12

Chapter 19: Chapter 18

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"Banished?! How could she been banished?!" Applejack demanded.

Night Gilder continued, "She was caught last night after the party, where she kissed a guard in a closet, a Sir Sentry, I believe."

Applejack's eyes widen at the name, and suddenly she realized this was what Twilight was hiding all along! She was in love with the guard, Flash Sentry and that explained why she always stayed close to where the guards were stationed at the events they attended and that certainly explained why she was able to pull that stunt at the party last night with him.

Sugar Belle said as Coco's sobs became less, "Prince Spike had no choice but to follow through…"

AJ raised her brow, "What do ya mean Spike had to follow through…?"

"When it comes to the Selection he is the one that allows for punishments such as this."

The country mare gasped, "WHAT?!"

The maids nodded their heads in sorrow then Night Gilder said, "I'm afraid there's more, the families of the Elite have been asked to leave due to these recent events…"

Apple Bloom quickly hugged her sister and Applejack tightly held onto her. "Why?" the cowgirl asked.

Sugar Belle shook her head, "Orders from the princess I'm afraid, I'm sorry but that's all we were told. We must escort Miss Apple Bloom back to her grandmother."

The sisters exchanged one long sad embrace. They didn't think they would have to part this soon but now… Tears ran down Apple Bloom's cheeks and Applejack's tears followed after.

"I love ya, Sis…" the filly said.

"I love ya, too… Don't you ever forget that… Ya hear?"

"And don't ya forget either…"

"Give my love to Granny and Big Mac too, tell them that I'll never stop loving any of ya…"

"I promise…"

It took all their willpower to let go and when they did, Apple Bloom was taken out of the room by the maids and Applejack was left alone as she broke down into the bed. Her best friend was banished and her family was forced to leave before she had the chance to say goodbye to all of them.

The door slowly creaked open and a voice said.


She stopped crying for a moment and scowled. She knew it was Spike even when she wasn't looking at him.

"Have you heard?" he gently asked.

She merely nodded.

"Applejack, I'm sorry… I had to…"

"Why…?" her voice sounded funny.

"It was that or have my father issue they be caned… I couldn't let that happen…"

"I didn't even get to say goodbye… I'll never be able to see her again!"

"I know… I didn't want that but I had no choice…"

"Is it like that all the time in Dragonia?"

Spike stood silent.

She turned her head in anger and demanded, "Answer me, Spike! Is it or is it not like that?!"

But the look in the dragon's sad eyes was all she needed to know and she turned her head away from him.

He pleaded as he slowly approached her, "Applejack… sweetheart… please… I know how it looks but it won't be so bad…"

She turned back and yelled out loud, "NOT SO BAD?! If beings are punished over the littlest thing or for something so harmless, I am not going to be able to sit there and do nothing!"

Spike softly replied, "I know it will be hard…"

"And just now, I had to say goodbye to my sister! I knew that I would never see her again had I gone through with this but it came so quickly…" her voice broke and she shook her head, "I can't do it, Spike! I… I can't marry ya…" she put her hooves to her face.

Spike felt his breath stopped and his heart plummeted to his stomach. He faintly begged, "Please… please don't give up on us… I promised to make you happy and I intend to keep that promise…"

"How…?" she had to ask with tears in her eyes. "How can you possibly keep that promise when all that I had before was my happiness?" she turned her head away in sadness, "I don't think this going to work, Spike… I'm sorry…"

Spike was on the verge of tears and tried to find the words to say but there were none. Instead he pulled a desperate request, "Just stay a little longer and I'll make this right for you, somehow…"

Applejack doubted he would be able to do that but she slightly nodded her head.

He sighed in relief, "Thank you…"

She said in a near whisper, "I'd like to be alone right now, if ya don't mind…"

Spike gave an upset expression and slowly went out the door as he closed it behind him. He sadly thought as he walked down the hallway.

I was so close… so, so close to ending all of this…

He found a bench and sat down on it as he held his face with a look of despair.

Suddenly a voice said, "Spike?"

He turned to see Rarity coming toward him. "Are you alright?" she asked in concern.

He sighed, "I wish I was, but no… with Twilight gone, Applejack is beside herself and it doesn't help that we had to ask your families to leave as well…"

Rarity quietly said, "Yes… Poor Twilight, it's a dreadful thing to have happen to her… But had it been me, I certainly would take banishment over a caning… At least she's with the colt she loves, right?"

Spike slightly smiled and nodded.

Rarity felt a smile on her lips as she magically summoned a green gem. "Here, I know they're your favorite gems… You told me so yourself…"

He gapped at the fairly large emerald before he took it.

She continued, "It's mostly a thank you for that beautiful firestone ruby you gave me on my birthday, but I also hope it cheers you up in this time of woe."

His smile grew wider as he uttered, "Thank you… The beauty of your soul matches the beauty of your appearance."

She blushed at his compliment, "Why, thank you… how very sweet of you to say so…"

"It's the truth." he said firmly, "Rarity, from the first moment I saw you, you were the most beautiful pony I had ever seen… Your love of gems increased my hopes that you and I could have something together. As time went on, I enjoyed your company."

She smiled, "I've enjoyed your company too… But I knew I had to set myself for disappointment… Given how close you and Applejack have gotten during this whole time… And last night, I saw how happy you two were being in each other's arms… I knew right away I lost but I didn't mind, you deserve to be in love with the mare you want…"

Spike sighed sadly which caused Rarity to be concern again as he said, "I'm afraid due to what's happen… Applejack has backed out of marrying me… I hope with time I can make her change her mind again but I honestly am not sure how I can do that… There are certain things that will require of her as my princess and I don't know how I can make it better for her…"

"Oh, Spike… I'm so sorry… I didn't think that would happen to you two… I certainly hope she does change her mind…"

"But what if she doesn't? Who could I possibly choose if she leaves after all?"

Rarity bit her lip and slowly said, "Well… there's always me…"

Spike's brow raised in intrigue.

"…and Fluttershy and Pinkie… we've been set on winning this competition since the beginning, any one of us would be happy to be your wife. I myself have grown quite fond of you, Spike… At first, I didn't think it was possible, me falling for a dragon… but the more I got to know you… the more… I actually cared for you…" she said that last part with big sapphire eyes.

Spike gawked at this revelation. He had always thought of Rarity as beautiful and kind but to know that her feelings ran deep to him made him wonder how he could have missed that. There always had been an uncertainty with Applejack since she had to choose between him and her family and now that uncertainty has grown tenfold it was hard to say if they would ever get back what they had. But here was a mare willing to be there for him no matter the outcome. It was quite refreshing.

After a long pause he finally asked, "Rarity, would you have dinner with me tonight?"

She beamed, "I would love to."

Applejack lied on her bed feeling numb when a knock came at her door.

I hope that's not Spike… I don't think I could bear to see him right now…

A voice mumbled from behind the door, "Applejack? Can I come in?"

It was Silver Shill. She called out, "Yes, you can."

The stallion entered with a somber expression on his face, "I'm sorry about Miss Twilight… I understand from some of the castle staff that you two were good friends…"

Applejack stated, "We were… She was my best friend."

"I wish I had some way to make this better."

"Just you being here is enough…" she moved to the balcony and saw Ponyville in the distance, "I have been such a fool… I nearly gave up everything I ever loved in this world… And for what? A place where I would have been force to sit on the sidelines while watching firsthoof of the cruelty that would be inflicted on others? I could never do that…"

Silver agreed, "No, you couldn't."

"At least you're the only piece I have of home right now since Apple Bloom, Granny, and Big Mac were force to leave…"

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that too. I was able to see them before they left and they asked me to check on you to make sure you were alright."

She scoffed, "I'm not sure about that. But at least I've stopped crying now."

"You were crying? Wow. And here I thought you always refused to shed a tear…"

"If it's something so overwhelming for me to handle, I do cry but if it isn't I'm able to keep it in."

"That's interesting information to know, I'll keep that in mind." he slightly smiled. "So, when are you going to go home?"

"I'm not sure. Spike said he would try to make this right for me and a part of me wants to believe him but another part doubts he will be able to. So I'm staying until then…"

Next Chapter: Chapter 19 Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 27 Minutes
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