
The Dishonored

by Deathwatch 456

Chapter 4: Preparations.

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A few months has passed since I ran into the, from what the outsider said, unversed. From reports I gathered from the guards, papers, and conversations I overheard they have been appearing everywhere. Ponies have either been killed or taken by them. Those that are taken are never seen again. It's been hell for Equestria because of them. Not even the princesses can destroy them. Although that's to be expected. Some unversed are more unique than other and more powerful. I fought one before and barely survived. Almost got caught by the guard to.

One month after appearance

I was patrolling the forest in the everfree looking for more unversed or ponies in danger. I normally try and lead the unversed away from ponyville then ditch in the forest. I also ride the train back to Canterlot and patrol there from time to time.

I suddenly heard lots of shouting coming from with lots of destruction happening. ‘What's going on over there? They might need my help’. I thought.

Quickly making my way to town I blink onto the nearest rooftop and head to all the noise. I saw a huge unversed that looked a bit strange. ‘No doubt that's a boss from the game’. It was floating in the air, but that's not the strange part. It looked like it was locked up completely. It's head was wearing a metal mask with its arms covered in chains. It's legs were in some kind of box. It had a small cage floating around it for some reason.

It made its way over to a cowering mare that was too scared to move. ‘Is that one of the flower mares? Now is not a good time to be frozen in fear!!’ Even though she has a good reason to this time. Thinking quickly I grabbed my gun and loaded an explosive bullet in the chamber. I aimed at its head and fired. The bullet hits its mark and exploded. Taking its attention off the mare and to me. “HEY UGLY OVER HERE!!” I yelled while waving my hands like an idiot.

It started heading towards me while I blinked to another building. It chased me through town till we were back in the forest. I ran to a clearing hopping it followed me. Suddenly the cage from before closed around me trapping me. ‘Crap where did this come from?!’ I thought . The unversed appeared and then….started charging a frickin LASER under him. ‘CRAP’!! I thought as it fired the laser at me. I used wind blast the last second. It didn't stop the blast but weakened it a little so I was able to survive, but I took a lot of damage.

I had to do something or I would die. I remembered my choke dust I had on me and used three on the ground in front of me, creating a smokescreen. I then used time bend and blink to get out of there while it couldn't see me. I managed to get away, but realized how weak I was. I had to start training to get stronger.

That was not a good day for me. That is thing is still out there somewhere. I have to get stronger so I can defeat it. I started training my body first. Push-ups, Sit-ups, squats, pull-ups,and practicing with my blades. Daud’s assassin blade and Corvo's folding sword. I might prefer stealth most of the time,but if I need to fight I need to be able to take the hits and dish them out.

When it comes to powers I train them each an hour straight. So they uses less mana and are stronger.Void gaze has a greater range than before. Wind blast is strong enough to move a boulder about my size a few feet. Blink can go about twelve meters and( like with Daud) if I'm not moving when aiming blink time stands still. Possession has a great range of about twenty meters. After practicing Domino on drug smugglers, I can use it on up to three beings. With pull I can pull a fully grown stallion up close so I can knock him out while in hiding. I still have a long way to go before I mastered my abilities.

I've also collected some runes while on patrol in both ponyville and Canterlot. They was absorbed into my mark. Letting my body handle more void energy.

While patrolling I came across a new base for ponyville. The castle of the two sisters.

Two months after appearance

I might need a new place to stay. Manticores and other are getting to close. I can handle them but I don't need to draw attention from the guards in ponyville. Isn't there an old castle here? Might be worth a check. I could even check the tree of harmony to help check what season I'm in. I know I'm not in season four because twilight from what I see in town is still a unicorn.

After exploring for a bit I found the castle. It was more worn out and broken then in the show. I looked around a bit and with the help of void gaze discovered a few things. There are many good vantage points to survey the forest here. Lots of armor and weapons that while rusted and worn out could still be of some use. The library here is full of lots of books with many secrets. I even found a hidden room full of bits and jewels behind a hidden bookcase door. ‘Well as least I don't have to worry about money if I need it. This castle even has a workshop that once repaired I could use it to help upgrade my equipment and make ammunition. Running low on bullets.

I took Luna's old room, which still had a surprisingly soft bed and covers, as my personal quarters for now. Now I got an HQ. Hope things keep getting better, but knowing my luck. It probably won't.

Things were looking up for a time. I had a better place to live and train when I'm near ponyville. When I'm in Canterlot I use an abandoned apartment in the poor district. I kept an eye on the crime lords and corrupt nobles while here. Stop a mugging now and then, but when some crime lord's minions tried kidnapping foals that's when it gets bloody.

Also a pony named Wise Gear has been making a few breakthroughs in science and magic. They discovered what whale could do and in a humane way without killing or hurting them(cause magic) they extract the oil and use as a fuel source like in Dishonored, and since the whales are alive and unhurt they can get way more oil from a few whale the the ones in Dishonored could.

It worries me a bit. Somepony already figured out how to make guns. Now guards got rifles, pistols, and shotguns. They still carry swords or spears but the new weapons will make it harder. Not to mention the security systems.

Three months after appearance.

Things have been getting strange lately. With the introduction of whale oil and its uses ponies have entered a sort of Industrial Age. Although a few idiots found out the hard way that whale oil is very volatile when lit.

Security has also been upgraded. Restricted areas have walls of light near them which fries anything dumb enough to get close to it. An arch pylon that sends a non-lethal bolt of lightning at targets not wearing the right enchanted necklace that lets you move near it without it frying them. They are even making airships with the oil as the power source.

Even with the new technology the unversed are still a problem. Even with all the training I did I can't destroy them. There has got to be a way for me to beat them.

Anyway, it's time to head back the everfree castle( I'll call it that now.) time to sneak onto the train again.

I made my way to the train station while avoiding the guards again. ‘It feels to easy sometimes.’ When I got to the station I saw something I wish I didn't see. There were walls of lights at each train door. I see the ponies getting on had a necklace with a train symbol on it. ‘Crap! They updated the trains.’ Not far off I see Shining Armor himself expecting the system. ‘Must have just installed them. Crap, regular guards I can handle. Shining will be difficult.’ I thought. I tried blinking on to the top of the train when suddenly I'm in a lot of pain. ‘Dang it! Did they electrocute the roof!?’ I'm on the ground in pain when I heard hoofsteps coming in my direction. “Finally caught you. We figured you were using the trains so we add new security features for you. You're coming with us and paying for all you've done.”

I couldn't tell who said that, probably Armor, but I can't let them catch me. Without thinking I threw my hand out and used one of my abilities. When I opened my eyes no pony was moving. Did I stop time? I can't dwell on it for long because it's temporary. I blinked into the train and hid in the rafters in the back.

Thankfully the train was already moving when time resumed. ‘That took a lot out of me. I can't believe how weak I am. I need to get stronger.’

That brings me here. Patrolling the everfree again after just finishing my daily training. I'm near Zecora’s if I'm not mistaken. I'll stop by and see if she is doing ok. Oh I found out I'm somewhere in season two. I noticed by the statue of discord. I threw rotten eggs because one, payback for all the crap you've done in the past and two, I was bored.

I was on my way when I heard someone shout “Get inside!” Alarmed I increased my speed to to Zecora get in her house while two…..wait, HUMANS!?!? Where did they come from. They both had strange weapons. The girls had a keyblade I've seen before can't remember it's name. The guy had a bigger weapon then I didn't recognize it at all. Then they proceeded to make short work of the unversed. ‘They actually managed to beat them. I need to know how.’

With that in mind I called out to them. “You two.”

Next Chapter: Meeting Zeke. Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 60 Minutes
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The Dishonored

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