
Ultimate Equestria

by Leo Pachino

Chapter 59: Chapter 059: Homebound

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As the royal ship sailed, Equestria’s coastline came into view. After weeks of travel on the barren sea, it was like coming upon gold. After all the conflicts, fighting, and battling the ocean, soon, everything would go back to normal.

“Land ho!” Cecil declared, poking his head out from one of the hull windows.

“Thank goodness,” Jarvis groaned from the adjacent window.

“I’m going to get sick at any second now, get me off!” Maurice whined from the back of the ship.

Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Spike, and Rainbow Dash looked over the incoming harbour from the main deck. A warm sense of relief was felt in each of them.

“We did it. Our adventure is over.” Twilight said.

“Until the next one,” Spike replied.

“I can’t wait to get home and finish ’Daring Do and the Lost Kingdoms of Trihearth’.” Twilight said.

“Oh yeah!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, “That book was awesome! Who would’ve guessed that Daring Do’s mother is a member of the Four Knights’ Counsel?!”

Twilight silently slid a hoof to her face in frustration.

“Oh, sorry Twilight…” Dash said.

“No… hard feelings…” Twilight mumbled below her hoof.

“What’s that?” Spike asked Dash.

Dash replied, “Well…”

She stopped for a moment, thinking of the simplest way to explain to a non-fan.

“The Four Knights’ Counsel is a group of ponies that seek out the Items of Death that belonged to the Tetrad after defeating Lord Muerte in his Draco Incarnation form.” Dash said.

“…” Spike was confused.

“Yeah, it’s fairly complex, but I think I summed it up pretty well.” Dash said.

“What about the Philosopher’s Legend: The most important thing to the Four Knight’s Counsel?” Twilight asked.

“Not after Wolf took the Philosopher’s Legend.” Rainbow Dash replied.

“It’s still being used as black money to fund the creation of Iron-Lock Gears.” Twilight retorted.

“Oh please, that isn’t canon. Even A.K. Yearly said it was just speculation.”

“How else do you explain the fourth clone?”

“There are multiple theories to it.”

“Look, ‘Daring Do Reascendance’ might not be the most well-received book, but it is canon!”

As Dash and Twilight continued to argue, Spike turned to Applejack. Applejack silently shook her head to him, a sign not to get involved. Rarity stood up to move to another part of the ship and away from her friends, but accidently bumped into Slasher behind her.

“Oh! My apologies, Slasher, I didn’t see you.” Rarity exclaimed as she turns to face her.

“It’s fine. This place isn’t all that big compared to The Perfection.” Slasher replied.

“Quite right, quite right. Are you going to be alright, without The Perfection and Korsan?” Rarity asked.

“Yeah. November and Nitin are thinking of hiring me along with a few other crew members, give us a change from criminal life.”

“What about prison?”

“I’ve heard that Equestria has some nice prisons, at least better than Ti. With some of my friends with me, it can’t be too bad to spend a few months there.”

“Well, good luck to you.”

“What about you, Rarity?”


“Are you going to be fine, even after Korsan?”

“…” Rarity turned quiet, too lost to answer.

“Yin and Yu told me about it. They said that it looked like you two were… you know…”

“I’ll be okay. Korsan was a-, a conflicted pony. I just thought I could bring out his better side.”

“Were you actually in love with him?” Slasher asked.

“I… don’t know. How are you and Yu doing?” Rarity asked, changing the subject.

“Wait, what?”

“Oh, right, names… Yu Shou. How are he and you doing?”

“We’re doing fine. There’s always been something going on between us, I guess. I hope when we get to the slammer, Yu and I get the same cell.”

The two mares instantly giggled. Behind them, Twilight and Rainbow’s argument grew louder. Soon, some of Korsan’s ex-crewmembers joined in. November Gale became the most vocal, yelling about how a character won’t get in the giant machine.

“What’s going on over there?” Slasher asked.

“Just some silly debate over Daring Do, lore and whatnot,” Rarity replied.

“I see…”

Out of nowhere, Slasher screamed out into the debating crowd, “Side note; Duo shot first!”

Instantly, the gathering on the deck erupted with argue and fandom rage. Slasher snickered to herself as the yelling echoed in her ears.

“Hehehe, it’s true though Rarity. He did.” Slasher stated.

“I’ll keep note of that.” Rarity replied. “See you when we land.”

Rarity left Slasher behind with the army of angry Daring Do fans and walked to the front of the boat. Along the way, Yin and Yu joined with her, trotting by her side.

“Hello, Ms. Rarity,” the two brothers said to her at once.

“Hello.” Rarity replied.

“Is Twilight getter better?” Yin asked.

“A little scarred up, but Twilight’s fine.”

“Have we told you yet about how awesome you and your friends were when fighting Korsan?” Yu asked, almost jumping in place.

“Yes, two times before.” Rarity answered.

“Oh.” Yu said.

“But it’s fine. I’m still a little overwhelmed from the fight as well.” Rarity reassured Yu.

“Aren’t we all? This should be worth of celebration.” Yin proclaimed.

“Quite right, Yin.” Rarity replied.

“Wait, you figured out which one of us is which? How?” Yu stammered.

Rarity answered, “I have a hunch that you wouldn’t usually use bigger words like ‘celebration’, Yu.”

“I hope that wasn’t an insult…” Yu stated.

“Oh course not, dummy. That’s my job.” Yin joked.

“Oh ha-ha, I hope we get cells at different ends of whatever jail we’re pent up in.” Yu said.

“Not as much as I do. Do you know how loud your snoring was to the cabins right next to yours back on The Perfection?” Yin asked.

“Not as loud as whatever you were doing in the toilets.” Yu retorted.

“Wait, what?! I thought those things were sound-proof.”

“It’s wood. I’m pretty sure loud clopping-or-whatever can get through it.”

Uncomfortable about where this conversation was going, Rarity said goodbye to the brothers as stoically as she could.

“Alright, he-he, I best be going now.” Rarity frantically said.

“See ya.” Yin and Yu replied before promptly returning to their own business.

Rarity galloped ahead into one of the more lavish areas of the large ship while Yin and Yu turned around and head back. She entered a parlor room, coming across, Sweetie Belle, tightly hugging onto Butch Taylor’s leg. Princess Cadence was with them, but didn’t really bother the two others. Noticing Rarity’s arrival, the Cadence held hoof up to her lips. Rarity nodded and quietly watched.

“Please, I don’t want you to go to prison. I don’t want you or any of our friends to do.” Sweetie Belle sobs into the dark blue fur she held.

Butch calmly whispered to her, “Look little one, I did a lot of bad things during these past years as a pirate. We all did.”

“But you’re good now. You helped us.” Sweetie weeped.

“I know we did, but…”

“But what?”

“…Not everypony is going to be happy if we were just let loose... Some debts need to be payed… It’s very complex.”

“I won’t be happy if you go to prison.”

“I know. Look at it this way; we good guys are only going to be gone for a couple of months. And then, it’s back to normal for everypony, like hibernation.”

“All the way back to ‘normal’?” Cadence burst in, curious.

“Well, save for a few habits, mostly.”

“…” Cadence was a bit suspicious, but bought his word.

“What?” Butch asked.

“Well, I guess I understand. I am still going to miss you, and all of our other friends.” Sweetie sniffled.

“I’ll miss you as well. One more hug alright, your sister’s waiting for ya.” Butch said.

“No, no, no rush at all.” Rarity replied.

“See you later Butch.” Sweetie Belle said.

A magic aura surrounded the filly and slowly lifted her up to the large stallion’s chest. Sweetie and Butch gave each other a final hug before Sweetie was set back down.

“Heh, I’d like to see some of the younger crewmembers deal with this.” Butch happily groaned.

“I’m pretty sure it would’ve taken them a fair while.” Cadence replied.

“Geez, Louise ,that was too much to handle.” Applejack muttered between herself and Applebloom, “All of that talk about Gears and stuff. It really tires out your head.”

“You said it ‘sis.” Applebloom replied.

As the two Earth ponies walked around the ship, Maria approached them from the other direction, holding something in her mouth. Maria’s red eyes were glued to the floor as the three mares stop in front of each other.

“Howdy there,” Applejack greeted her. “You’re…”

“Maria.” She mumbled back.

“Maria!” Applejack exclaimed. “That’s right. What’s that you have in your mouth?”

Slowly, Maria lowered her head to the floor and dropped out the object from her teeth. It was a black strip of fabric with a green glow to it. Applejack recognized it immediately.

“It’s one of Korsan’s anti-magic straps. The guards got it off of Chopin, the mime.” Maria explained.

“Oh. What are you doing with it?” Applejack asked.

“I’m giving it to you. Well, more specifically, your sister.”

Gently, Maria grabbed the strap with her hooves and firmly wrapped it around Applebloom’s right leg as if it were a bracelet. The two sisters examined the small device now on Applebloom.

“You wanted to protect your family, right? Here you go. If you want to disable it and take it off, just get a small needle and poke it into the lock in the middle.” Maria said.

“T-thanks.” Applejack stuttered, unsure on how to react to something like this.

Her gaze turned to face Maria once more. Maria had returned to her solemn staring of the carpet floor.

“Hey, what’s eatin’ you hun?” Applejack asked.

“…I’m sorry. I’m sorry for what I’ve done to your friends and your kinds. I was at Korsan’s side. I let him force me to hurt Earth ponies and pegasi. I didn’t think twice when he told me what to do for no good reason. I don’t know how I’ll ever be forgiven for the way I treated you and your friends.”

Maria’s voice broke down before eventually turning into sobs.

She cried, “I’m so sorry! I have no excuse for it! I was too cowardly to do anything! I was too gutless to stand for what is right, risking what can only amount to a beating in exchange of another’s life! I-”

“Hey, hey, hey,” Applejack shushed Maria. “Don’t beat yourself up like that. You’re not the only one. Even I joined Korsan. I was so scared of my family getting hurt, I forgot about the lives of others. At least you stepped up to Korsan in the end.”


“Maria, I forgive you.”

Maria sniffed, “…Really?”

“Yeah, and besides, your life ain’t over yet. After a few months’ time, you’ll be back on your hooves, and can start your life anew.”

“True… Thanks.”

“No problem ma’am.”

Applejack and Maria gave each other a small hug, embracing each other from their woes.

In the corner of Applejack’s eye, she could see Applebloom fiddling with her new bracelet.

“Actually, can I get a small needle off of ya?” Applejack asked Maria.

“Huh?! S-sure…”

Maria and Applejack parted from each other and Maria pulled out the skinniest dagger from her saddle. Applejack grabbed the knife and carefully jammed it into the anti-magic strap. The strap immediately snapped and fell to the floor. Applejack picked it up and lent it to Maria.

“What are you doing?” Maria asked.

Applejack mumbled in response, “You know, after some thinking over these past few weeks, I realize that I don’t need this thing. With my friends and determination, I can protect my family just fine. Just give this back to the guards you stole it from. Those Equestrian royals can study it and whatnot.”

“Oh… Okay.”

“Take care, Maria.”

Maria took the anti-magic strap and tucked it into her saddle. Applejack walked around Maria and continued on her walk, only to have Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and a bunch of other ponies cut her off.

“Uhh… Can I help you?” Applejack asked.

“Applejack, were the Federalists in cahoots with Renegade during the Shadow Noah Incident?” Twilight and Rainbow Dash asked.


As ship landed in the harbour of Vanhoover, everypony on board picked up their belongings and prepared to exit. The ramp to the outside opened, and the land-reflected sunlight immediately poured onto the crew. Ponies, guards, and pirates flooded out onto the stone ground of the harbour.

Maurice and Yu jumped out to port and immediately bent over and kissed the ground. However, the sudden urging in their stomachs caused them to instantly stop.

As Twilight and the others stepped out of the vessel, were are immediately greeted by their friends and family from Ponyville. Except for Applejack, who walked away from the crowd and towards the princesses.

Princess Celestia noticed Applejack walking to her and she and Luna turned their attention to her.

“Princess Celestia,” Applejack said.

“What is it, Applejack?” Celestia asked.

“You know what Korsan was sayin’ about pegasi and Earth ponies, right?” Applejack asked.

“Yes…” Celestia nervously nodded.

“Well, don’t let it get too deep alright.” Applejack said, surprisingly optimistic.


“Even though ya might not have the happiest of beginnings, or born with what you want, or anything like that, you’re still you. You can still do great things. Everypony can. Ain’t that right?”

“Correct. You have made many friends and have done so many things.”

“I just need to make sure that everypony knows that.”

“I’m sure that will be the case, especially with you around.”

“Thanks, Celest’.”

“Alright then. Sister?” Celestia said, turning to Luna.

“You go on ahead.” Luna replied. “I’ll just check on Twilight one more time and see how our pirate friends and foes are doing.”

“Very well then, Luna”

With a flick of her horn, Celestia vanished in a bright flash of light, leaving behind Luna and Applejack.

With her sister gone, Luna flew over above Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Spike, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. In front of the ten ponies were guards transporting Korsan’s loyal pirates, including Chopin, Horus, Ivan, and Pip to the barred coaches waiting for them. Tightly held by the guard’s anti-magic spells, all the villainous pirates could do is give their evil glares at the onlooking mares, who simply brushed off the invisible threat.

“Well they’re not going to be seen for another thirty or so years, I can tell that.” Luna muttered out loud.

Hearing the comment, Twilight looked up and saw Luna.

“Hi Luna!” Twilight exclaimed.

As Luna descended, Twilight scooted over to make room for her in the crowd.

“Quite a humble departure, isn’t it?” Luna asked.

“Expecting something?” Twilight asked.

“Not yet anyways. Tomorrow most likely is when the ceremonies will take place.”

“I’ll remind the girls to wear their formal outfits tomorrow. Since somepony ruined the twist on one of my books, there isn’t really a purpose to finishing it so soon.”

Twilight then suddenly exclaimed, “Shoot!”

“What is it?” Luna asked.

“I forgot the Diamond Eye! Now it’s probably at the bottom of the sea next the wreckage of Korsan’s ship. The other half of it is also right there as well… Bah…”

“Don’t fret over spilt milk. We can always find the Diamond Eye some other day. We know where it is now.”

“You’re right, you’re right. Say, speaking of the Diamond Eye, do you know anything about someplace known as Alicorn Island?”

“Hm… Not much comes to mind. Sorry.”

“Oh well.”

After Korsan’s loyal pirates hopped into the wagon, the pirates that fought alongside Twilight, including Slasher, November, Yin, and Yu, marched under the aid of the guard. They were taken to their own prison carriages. Unlike their rivals, Slasher and the other heroic pirates were smiling, waving goodbye to their friends.

“Don’t worry about your friends, Twilight.” Luna reassured her. “They’ll be well taken care of. Hopefully these other nations Korsan has messed with will understand and forgive them.”

“If you say so,”

Twilight and her friends all waved back to the pirates as they were whisked away to prison, but only for a short time before coming back just as happy and free as ever.

All that was left to do now was readjust to home life. The battle of the skies was over. The war for the fate of the world was over. The threat of the pirate pegasus was over.

Next Chapter: Chapter 060: Back to Normal? Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 44 Minutes
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