
Ultimate Equestria

by Leo Pachino

Chapter 50: Chapter 050: Celestial Intervention (Part 2)

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Hurricane winds swirled and roared outside The Perfection. A storm was drawing near.

Over the short time Twilight and her team of heroes and pirates have been with Korsan, they have been preparing to battle him when the time came. As they worked aboard the ship, they amassed an array of weaponry and supplies for the coming mutiny. As the long days progressed, their time was coming closer to an inevitable end. Every moment of preparation counted.

On this stormy day, Rarity, Maria, and Sweetie Belle snuck into the armoury. Although they have looted this room on several occasions before, hundreds of sharp weapons and articles of armour still hung from the walls and stands, a clear sign of the crew’s hording habits. Quickly, the trio of mares got to work. They sifted through the armoury and grabbed as many good items as their magic abilities could handle.

As Rarity searched through a pile of battle garments, she found a red silk dress. It looked to be misplaced. It had no weapon-holding pockets, no long strap with a weight at the end, no obvious blades sticking out of it.

“Huh. This is odd.” Rarity remarked aloud.

“What is?” Maria asked.

She looked over from the other side of the room to see Rarity. Maria pulled away her red bangs in order to actually see what Rarity was looking.

“This, Maria. It looks nice, but it is out of place in an armoury.”

Just as Maria, could get a clear view of the dress, Rarity flick the dress in the air to fluff it.

“Look out!” Maria exclaimed.


The red dress suddenly snapped. Several large spikes popped out from the near invisible seams of the slick dress. Rarity dropped the dress and leapt into the corner. She looked back to see the dress, now coated in sharp, serrated spikes.

Maria put a hoof to her face. She was scared for Rarity for a moment, but it was quickly replaced by annoyance.

“Have you never heard of a trap dress?” Maria berated Rarity.

“Only in story books, I never thought they were really used.” Rarity replied.

“Of course they’re real. Sheesh.” Maria rolled her eyes. “And Korsan thought he could train you to be a killer.”

“It was only two weeks, I could be a decent fighter.” Rarity replied.

“’I could’, so what of it? But this is not the time for fighting. I’ll just take the dress. I have a tickling feeling this maybe our last time going in here.” Maria said.

Carefully, Rarity picked up the spiked garment with her magic. Seeing as how flicking extended the spikes, Rarity flicked it once more to retract them.

“Not like that!” Maria gasped.

The dress snaps once more. It fired the metal spikes from the cloth in every direction of the room. A needle flew directly at Maria. She ducked under it in time and the spike nails itself to the wall behind. Several spikes barely miss Sweetie Belle as she scampered across the room. She jumped behind a shield in a worried panic. The final flung spike soared into the galley and smashed a window, creating an earsplitting shriek that ring across the entire quarterdeck.

“Oops…” Rarity moaned.

“You are such an idiot!” Maria snapped, rife with anger.

“Well sorry, I didn’t know it was going to do that!” Rarity retorted.

“Ivan or somepony is going to come in here any second and catch us!”

“Aye.” A large, booming voice replied from the armoury doorway.

The three mares looked behind them to see the massive black stallion, Ivan. He walked into the room and approached Maria. Maria immediately began to panic, but calmed down in order to talk to Ivan.

“Oh, hey Ivan, sorry about the window. You forgive me right?” Maria asked in an uncharacteristically laid-back tone.

“Aye,” Ivan coldly replied in his usual stoic nature.

“I was just showing Rarity some of our newer weapons. You know, letting her test one or two of them.” Maria explained.


“So yeah, how about you hurry along back to the kitchen and prepare some supper for us? How about letting Sweetie Belle help ya?”


“Look, I’ve just been a bit jumpy from the storm and the dress problem, nothing more. Don’t judge.”


“Just get back to your job and quit snooping.” Maria commanded Ivan, returning into her equally cold attitude.

“…Aye.” Ivan grumbled.

Stiffly, the large unicorn backed out of the armoury and returned to the adjacent kitchen.

“Sweetie Belle, follow him.” Maria told Sweetie.

Sweetie nodded her head and galloped after Ivan.

Maria looked back at Rarity. Rarity was still embarrassed from the dress incident.

“Alright, Rarity, we better make ourselves scarce. Take these weapons into the brig with the others while I clean up this mess.” Maria said.

“Got it.” Rarity replies.

With a flick of her horn, the couple of piles of weapons and tools were levitated into a single floating ball of metal, wood, and cloth. Rarity galloped out of the armoury with the ball in tow and went down to the bottom of the ship, leaving Maria all alone.

Idiot.” Maria hissed under her breath. “…I do feel sorry for her. She’s been through a lot. I know what that feels like…”

As Maria cleaned the needles from the walls, ceiling, and floor, a cold breeze slowly washed over the room. Maria didn’t pay mind to the cold and continues to clean up. She stuffed all of the spikes into a chest in the corner of the room. Surely, no pony would look there and uncover what she and the other mutineers were doing. With her back turned against the rest of the room, she carefully placed the misplaced artifacts in a non-suspicious area of the box, already filled with kunai daggers and other throwing knives.

As she closed the chest, two cold, metal fingers ran across her cheek. A feeling of instant terror shot across her even paler body.

A menacing, icy voice whispers to the back of her head, “Maria Vanshwitz.”

Without turning around, knowing her fate when she does, Maria coldly replied, “…You.”

“And your favourite fellow crew member.” The voice said.

“The clown?” Maria asked.

“Mime, you know that. He gets easily offended.”

“I know what you want.”

“Do you now?”

“What else? You want to kill me, maybe torture me for a good while.”

“You would want that, wouldn’t you?” The voice asked.

A cold, slimy feeling licked Maria’s neck, clearly coming from the being right behind.

“What are you talking about?” Maria asked.

“Don’t play coy with me. You want to out of your misery, to forget the deep inside you.”

“What misery? The only thing close to misery is resentment towards you, Korsan.”

“Good, you still have that cynical sense of humour mixed in with that sassy, can-do attitude. I'm glad. I did so want you to be at your best for what I’m about to say.”

“Another speech? I’m speech-less.”


“Just get this ego-trip of yours done with.”

“Fine. You see, it doesn't matter if you stop me and kill me with whatever amount of magic you’ll have. I’ll be proven right. Insane you may say? You claim that I am not even a pony anymore, but more of a suicidal monster? Well then you’d be wrong, Maria. I've proved my point to you, thanks to your own self. I've demonstrated there's no difference between me and everypony else! All it takes is one bad turn of events to reduce the noblest pony into the scourge of all walks of life. That's how far the world is from where we are: Just one bad turn of events. You got some bad luck, am I right? I know I am. I can tell. You got unlucky and now there is no hope for you. It was what got you here, and what will keep you here, the failed resistance and the failed mutiny.”

“You think you can just walk away after that last bit?” Maria asked. “I’ll carve a Glascow frown right into that dumb grin.”

“When? During this next mutiny you’re trying to pull.”


“Now, let’s see, who was in it again? Yu, Yin, Butch, Alexander, Rarity, Twilight, her friends, Slasher, Hans, Mordechai, Lilis…”

“How did you-”

“The same way your enemies found out.”

“A traitor? But-”

“…” A piercing grin stabbed Maria from behind.

Hans?!” Maria gasped.

“Hans practically resented you ever since you joined the mutiny, even now as we speak weeks later. My, what a poor turn of events. Everytime you try to earn, what? A second chance? A better life? Reform? Regardless, everytime you do something outside the order, everything comes crashing down on you.

Love and life are pointless without me, only you won't admit it! You have to keep pretending that what you do makes sense, that there's some point to all this struggling! And now you make it all the more evident and obvious by joining this second uprising? By Tartarus, you make me want to puke. I mean, what is it with you? What made you what you are now? Some promise of Hans’ returning love? Pfff, obviously not. The threat of this ‘fear’ that everypony on this ship has been gossiping about? You know I carry through with my threats. Experiences from your past somehow motivating you? Your rebellions never worked. Perhaps something else? Perhaps maybe, something before your rebellious nature kicked in.”

“…” Maria wasn’t sure how to reply.

“Something like that, I bet. Something like that. Something like that happened to me, I’m sure you know. I... I'm not exactly sure what it was. Not sure which day, what event, what mindset I even was in when I finally snapped. I’ve had my fair share of breakdowns, but I can never recall which was the last straw. Sometimes I remember it one way, sometimes another, sometimes two weeks ago, when Isyan removed my eyepatch, sometimes twenty years ago when I was only a wee colt and being rejected by my family.

If I'm going to have a past, it might as well be multiple choice! Ha-ha-ha! But my point is... my point is, I went crazy. When I saw what a black, awful joke the world was in this ludicrous state, I went crazy as a coot! I admit it! Why can't you? I mean, you're not unintelligent. You must see the reality of the situation. Do you know how many lives I can heal from the struggling of inferiority? Plenty more than I can count! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Don’t you see it? It's all a joke! Everything everypony ever valued or struggled for, struggled for in this pathetic, downgraded planet, it's all a monstrous, demented gag!”

“…” Maria kept a tight lip and stayed quiet.

“So why can't you see the funny side, or any side that makes at least some sense? Either you’re mad, or you’ve just haven’t accepted the punchline. Why aren't you laughing?"

Maria finally replied. “Because I’ve heard this a million times from you, I’ve heard that pointless speech each and everytime you open your dumb mouth, and it wasn’t funny or insightful the first time. You want me enjoy life on this boat for a day? Fine, you’ll get one. You’ll get one from me and everypony else when your dead corpse is hanging from the highest mast of this ship. We’ve all had enough of your garbage. Sooner or later, all of us are going to want to see you as dead as your cousin!”

“…Perhaps it’s Twilight and the prisoners in the brig that are causing this, this corruption? What do you say, Chopin? Juliana? My thought exactly. Hans Kraus?”

Maria immediately gasped. She peeked behind her and, in the corner of her eye, caught a glimpse of the Hans. He, Chopin, and Juliana, were standing behind her and Korsan. She couldn’t believe Hans was here. She couldn’t believe he was here to see her downfall.

“Hans?!” Maria exclaimed. “You sold us out?”

“You need to know your priorities.” Hans coolly replied.

“I never said you were correct about your favourite…” Korsan teased Maria.

“Hans! You don’t need to give into Korsan!” Maria exclaimed.

“How adorable is this?!” Korsan asked his followers.

“No…” Maria cried in disbelief.

“It’s a pity really. Hans was so romantic and heroic for you up to this point. We all heard it on Alicorn Island. However, sad as it was for you, he was wrapped around my claws this whole time. I think he started to shift sides when you were talking it up with Isyan a while back…”

“No… No! Hans! Tell me it isn’t true!” Maria begged Hans.

“…” Hans kept quiet.

“…No…” Maria cried.

Warm tears slowly crawled down Maria’s cheeks. The tears vaporized on her red cheeks, burning with terror, loss, fury, and depression. Maria wept atop of the closet chest below her. She could feel her hopes wither away in the most gruesome of ways.

“Your illusion is shattered my dear, and so will everypony else’s once the first cannon is fired.” Korsan told her.

“Please, if you’re going to kill me, or torture me, just do it now.” Maria begged Korsan, barely able to speak amidst her crying.

“…I have a different idea.” Korsan replied. “After finishing my newest weapon a while ago, I’ve been begging fate to find me a use for it. I needed to test this ‘pinpoint-control’ technology, to extend the prowess of my mechanical control to not just be limited to my muscles. And, well, sandbags and watermelons don’t yield enough results for proper research.”

“…!” Maria’s eyes bugled in fright.

“Hans, Chopin, take Maria to my quarters and have her ready for my newest device. I got some business to take care of involving some very naughty mares.”

In the brig, Rarity, Twilight, and all the other pirates on their side gathered up. There, they armed themselves from the miniature armoury they created. Swords, crossbows, mini-cannons, and all other sorts of weaponry were passed around and were ready to fire or swing.

With the disappearance of Maria and Korsan’s growing impatience, they knew the final battle was within moments away. This was their last stand.

The choice was simple. Either stand idly by and let Korsan unleash his arsenal on the world, or fight back and most likely die to protect their fellow ponies. The pirates with Twilights knew this, and have committed to their choice. They’d rather die than see that fear-mongerer, Korsan, win.

“Hurry up!” Twilight yelled out.

“Do you think Celestia will get here on time?” Spike asked.

“She’ll have to. We’re going to have to get the jump on Korsan first to throw him and his crew off before to buy time for Celestia to catch them off guard.”

“Oh, we’re running out of time…” Fluttershy moaned in fear.

Soon, everypony was suited up and ready to fight. The small army of rebels then marched towards the stairs at the end of the brig. Up those stairs was the end. Who’s end? Only time would tell.

“Alright everypony, we’ve been gettin’ ready for this moment for weeks. Now is the time that we fight back for what’s right. It’s time to stop slouchin’ around and and save the world from the evil hooves of Korsan!” Applejack loudly declared.

“Yeah!” The others roared in triumph.

“Are you all ready?!” Pinkie Pie asked the pirate rebels.


“Is anypony having second thoughts?” Fluttershy asked.


“Will we make them know who we are?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!”

“Well, it’s been good meeting you all and getting to know you all.” Rarity said. “I hope we all come out of this.”


Twilight finished off the motivational buildup with a final speech.

She declared, “As Princess of Friendship, I am proud to declare all of you Knights of Equestria. Your bravery, even in the face of danger, your hope, even in the darkest of night, your will, stronger than the thickest metal in the world, all of you have proven yourselves. Though some, if not many of you, might die, it will not be in vain. Your names will be known across the world for thousands of years, as heroes, martyrs for the safety of billions. This is our final stand, we are the world’s last line of defense, we are what shall make history!”

“Get on with it!” The pirates roared.

“Right, right, to the deck.” Twilight said.

Rapidly, the sea of pirate rebels poured up from the brig and flooded the medical hallway. They bolted up the following flights of stairs and darted past the crew cabins. Startled onlooking pirates leapt out of the way of the mob. As the rebels went to the gun deck, the onlooking pirates realized that the rebellion was happened. They darted to their cabins and prepared to fight for their captain.

The rebel ponies surfaced to the main deck. The area was covered in thick veils of the night’s rain. The ponies walked over to the center of the deck areas and stopped. The faint image of Korsan walking to them appeared at the quarterdeck. Lightning seared the sky amongst the endless rain, giving temporary glimpses of Captain Korsan in full detail.

The howling gales blast blasted against his cape, causing its long length to rapidly flutter. His black mane and tail, drenched in rain, slapped against Korsan’s body. His front hooves were armed with his serrated cutlasses. Juliana circled shortly above her master.

Korsan’s scarred eye stares at the rebel army. A sly grin could be seen on his face.

“Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Applejack, Applebloom, Spike, Noisy Pegasus, Shy Pegasus, Odd Earth Pony, Tiny Pegasus, Lilis Jewmerin, Yin Shou, Yu Shou, Alexander Grevious, Slasher Gutzoult, Ryan Aran, Butch Taylor-”

“Can it, Korsan, there’s 31 of us here and we’re all ready to take you down.” Twilight snapped.

“Is that so?” Korsan asked.


“As impressive as this gathering is, it’s no match against me.”

“Ha! You and what army?” Yu snidely remarked to Korsan.

Don’t say that!” Yin quietly yelled at his brother.

“I’m glad you asked.” Korsan replied. “Juliana!”

Juliana screeched on crew, summoning Korsan. Immediately, Korsan’s loyal crew walked out onto the main deck. They surround the rebel pirates. Their swords and weapons were aimed at them from all sides, trapping them practically.

Ivan walked forth from the loyal pirates and walked towards Twilight, pushing Sweetie Bell into the congregated army. He returned with the others and prepared his weapons.

“…I have 78 of the most highly skilled unicorns at my disposal. A ‘close call’, but I have the upper hoof.”

“You’re going down Korsan, once and for all.” Twilight threatened.

“Noble, but very misguided.” Korsan kindly retorted.

He then turned to his loyal pirates and told them, “Alright sea artists, let’s put an end to this before any real action can begin.”

Quickly, the outnumbered rebel team was forced into each other. They were pinned against the large mast as the dozens of razor sharp weapons hovered towards them. The rebels lifted their weapons up to try and deflect them, but all they can do was prolonging the sheer superior strength in magic.

“On my mark, finish them!” Korsan roared. “In five… Four… Three… Two… One-”

Just as Korsan was about to lower his hoof and command the final blow, a massive, fiery explosion erupted right in front of him. Chunks of wood and metal soared out of the blast. The shockwave launched Korsan into The Perfection’s wheel headfirst. Juliana flew over to Korsan and aided him up.

Two more blasts went off from both sides of the hull. The surrounding pirates broke formation and scrambled away from the attack. A large volley of explosive cannonballs soon soared in from above. The Korsan looked over the absolutely barrage on his ship. Both terror and awe washed over him.

He looked over the side of the ship and saw Celesita’s massive battleship and armada approaching him. The boat sails just under The Perfection starboard. Celestia and Luna were at the main deck, looking back up at Korsan.

Alongside the princess’s armada were several other boats. They were the pirates from Thieves’ Hold. Having banded together to take Korsan down.

Korsan couldn’t help but to laugh at what was before him.

“So, you got the letter.” Korsan said to Princess Celestia, just loud enough for her to hear.

“Korsan Maden! You are to stop these atrocities to ponykind right now or we will use force!” Celestia powerfully announced from her ship.

“Bahahaha!” Korsan laughed manically.

He grabbed the wheel behind him and lowered his airship onto Celestia and Luna’s ship below. The two vessels crashed into each other before Korsan pulled back up, just out of their reach. The armada of regal and pirate ships collected together and surrounded The Perfection

His white smile grew even wider as he saw the ships collect. This would be his ultimate show of power. Despite the sheer size and spectacle of Twilight, Equestria, and the pirate world’s combined efforts, Korsan believed he was going to beat them all. This battle would prove to the entire world that he would be the ultimate force.

“You want force? We got it! Attention all crew members! Take to your battle positions! The war has begun!” Korsan announced.

Author's Notes:

👍 Remember to add this story to Tracking and follow me for updates regarding Ultimate Equestria.

Next Chapter: Chapter 051: Battle of the Skies (Part 1) Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 37 Minutes
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