
Life of a Nobody

by Xinrick

Chapter 9: Nobody's discovery's and decision

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After a while of people coming down from their hangovers, and when people were done throwing up in the bathroom or in buckets when people were busy with the bathroom, Spike and I decided to help get people breakfast, Spike with the actual cooking and me just getting people some Water or the soda Sprite surprisingly. “Don’t you think...soda is bad in the morning?” Twilight asks quietly, holding her head as her head still felt like people were smacking it with sledge hammers.

“Surprisingly Sprite of all things can help with hangovers. Where I came from a study showed that caffeine free soda can help speed up the chemicals that cause a hangover and stop it sooner.” I say while taking a swig of the sweet soda. “That’s good…” I smile, glad to taste soda again while handing out the glasses of water for Aqua, Twilight, Rarity and Zecora while I put glasses of Sprite in front of Pinkie and Luna.

“By the way, where’s Luxu?” Aqua asks, looking around slowly and not seeing the two.

“He’s…” I start, thinking a little about how to say it. “He’s helping someone finally get a well deserved rest.” I smile softly, thankful for Luxu to give Time her first ever calm night of sleep.

“Time is sleeping?” Rarity asked.

“Yes she is...and the scene I saw was just beyond adorable.” I say with a smile.

“How old is Luxu anyway?” Luna asked.

“Well, that’s hard to say.” Aqua added. “He told me when he went into the realm of darkness he was sixteen, but that he was thirtyfive before that, fourteen when the Keyblade war hit, and now sixteen after however long her was in the realm of darkness. I think he can control his age. With what I saw Core could do, it wouldn’t surprise me really.”

“Yeesh...and here I thought seeing Luxu and Time sleeping and cuddling together was nice now you're making me think about immortality here…” I say with a frown. “Or at least agelessness, that’s probably a lot easier then that.”

There was a sudden small flash on the table, and a tiny Discord walked up. “Hey Ben, everyone.” He said.

“Sup Discord.” I say with a nod. “How you doing this morning? Having fun not having a hangover?” I ask, taking another sip of my Sprite.

“Last time I had a hangover was after I fled from the war. Lasted well over a hundred years… so can imagine I never touched alcohol again.”

“I can imagine.” I say with a little frown. “So, what’s on today’s agenda? Cause I still have to hand out Keyblades to my girlfriends here and...have a feeling I’m gonna have to take a very important test soon…”

“Sooner or later. I’m gonna show you something after you’ve eaten and such. I’d rather show you as soon as possible.”

“Alright.” I nod.

“Breakfast is ready.” Spike says, while I help out placing breakfast in front of all the mares and lady. “I read up on what to serve for breakfast, and apparently honeyed toast and eggs are perfectly good for such a thing.” Spike says honestly.

Breakfast went on as usual. After that I did a few other small things then met up with Discord outside. He was back to being full sized. “Ready?”

I summon Vexen’s shield just in case. “Um...ready for what?” I ask, not knowing what I need to be ready for.

Discord grabbed my arm, and I felt how a dog sticking it’s head out of a moving car looks. When that feeling passed, I was in a barren wasteland… surrounded by rusted Keyblades. “I felt I should show you the graveyard.”

“Still as barren and sad as a graveyard should be.” I say while looking around the area, rusted Keyblades as far as the eye can see but...in some places there wasn’t anything there when Keyblades should have littered the place. “Weird…” I mutter, not sure what to make of the Keyblades going missing.

“So you noticed. Some one has been taking them. If they had found a new wielder then I would know, but they wouldn’t have left footprints everywhere.”

“Maybe...maybe it’s Zeke…” I say while putting a hand to my chin.

“That human Keyblade? The Keyblades from the graveyard he took them from are all stored within him. They’d vanish as if they had found a new wielder, this is not the Keyblades doing, nor his. But that was just one strange part, the other is further ahead.” Discord and I walked for what felt like miles. The further we went, the more I could imagine the battle, the bloodshed. We walked into a cave of sorts, where… Ventus was sleeping in a crystal coffin. “That is what’s new here.”

“What in the hell's?” I say breathlessly, my eyes furrowed in concern as I saw Ventus in that coffin. “He...he shouldn’t be here…” I say worriedly, shaking my head at this worrying sight. “He should be….somewhere completely different.”

“I know. I sorta entered Aqua’s dreams to see what was up with her. I felt something off here not long before you arrived in this world Ben, but this just makes no sense. And that’s coming from me.”

“What...what happened to Castle Oblivion?” I ask seriously, finding this way too worrying. “He should be there...not in the Keyblade Graveyard...what the hell is Core doing?” I mutter the last part, knowing this has something to do with Core in some way shape or form. ”I mean technically we’re all fucking with time in some way shape or form but this...this is fucking with time to a whole new level…” I think to myself, my mind racing through all the possibilities of what could have happened.

“I checked on that place before I came to you this morning… it’s fallen Ben, the whole place was swallowed in darkness.”

“B-but how? That place should have been locked up tighter than Celestia’s willingness to date a man!” I say, not knowing why I compared Castle Oblivion with Celestia.

Discord chuckled. “Not the time for a joke, but good one. I’m not sure either. Only Aqua and the Master Keeper could undo it, so I’m at a loss. I’m not even sure how this kid got here.”

“Someone has fucked with time...to no end…” I say seriously. “Should we move the coffin? Aqua might want to know about this...she’s the one that’s trying to help him the most…” I say. “Let’s just hope Terra’s alright…” I mutter, having a feeling that if Castle Oblivion is fucked over then Terra is in major trouble.

“Maybe. The boy’s heart is not with him, but he is the one who made that coffin around him, so it might be possible to talk to him.”

“I would be the best...he’s technically a Nobody at this point…” I say while walking over to the coffin, hoping my heart would reach out to the kid with no heart. “How the hell did this happen Ventus?” I mutter.

There was no response. I took a deep breath and stepped closer to the coffin, gently putting a gloved hand on the crystal coffin. “A kid that was supposed to be comatose made this? How in the nine hells…” I mutter, trying to find a way to open the coffin.

“Try mentioning Aqua, or something familiar to him?” Discord offered.

“Maybe…” I nod. “I met Aqua, one of your dear friends…” I say simply. “A nice woman, kind and smart, always smiling and just a great person to be around.” I say, even though I met her under bad circumstances and her being drunk.

The crystal cracked. “Keep talking about these things!” Discord insisted. “How he’s even doing any of this is beyond me, but keep at it.”

“Have you ever seen Aqua drunk? The smart and stoic Aqua bumbling around and giggling like a madwoman, oh lord was that quite a sight.” I chuckle. “But right now she’s doing alright...Aqua talked about you and Terra, how much she want’s to save you both and be together again…” I explain gently. “She would be the happiest girl in the world to see you awake and happy again…” I say, not sure if any of this will help crack the coffin more. The crystal coffin cracked greatly, it looks like one more thing might do it. “You can meet Sora in person when you wake up…” I mutter.

The coffin broke, the crystals shattering into dust as Ven fell on the ground. “ …….s…….s…...sor…… sora……”

“Good morning.” I say with a smile. “But yes, you can meet Sor-”

Before I could finish, Ventus stood up. His eyes looked hollow, like when Xehanort first split him into Ven and Venitus. His Keyblade appeared, and he screamed an inhuman sound. I covered my ears, Discord did the same as he continued. He finally stopped, and spoke. “No… no… NOOOO!” He yells, as a dark aura cloaked his body and he went in to strike me.

I summoned Vexen’s shield and blocked the strike, summoning my Duskblade in my right hand and swung straight at Ventus, hoping to keep my attacks from hurting him badly. ”What in the hell? Is Venitus doing something?” I think to myself worriedly, hoping there’s an answer to this.

“Stop it!” He yelled as his dark aura grew. His attacks still coming.

“Discord! Need some help to calm him down!” I shout, blocking his attacks the best I could against the berserk Ventus.

Discord snapped his fingers, chains wrapped around Ventus, making him fall to the ground as he struggled. “STOP! STOP! STOP!”

“How?” Discord asked. “His heart is not with him, how is that much darkness in him?”

“Vanitas…” I mutter while pointing my Duskblade at Ventus’s chest.

“Leave him alone!” Ven yelled. “Leave Sora alone!” He spat out.

“Ventus listen! We have done nothing to Sora, why are you freaking out?” I ask Ventus, hoping to get some answers. ”Hell considering a few factors I haven’t seen or heard anything about the bastard…” I think to myself, having a feeling Sora might have went to one Equestria or another by accident.

“Help him! Someone help him!” Ven kept screaming. “Keep that man away!”

“Ven calm down!” I shout. “What man do you want Sora to stay away from? What the hell are you talking about?” I ask worriedly, hoping my worst fears aren’t coming true.

To my surprise, Ven broke his chains, and pointed his Keyblade into the air. “SORA!” He yelled as it shot a beam of light into a sudden portal. When it faded, a heart floated out of it, and down into Ventus. When it entered, he passed out.

“What the fuck?” I say simply, looking at the passed out Ventus and not really sure what to do. “Uh...want to...go back home?” I ask slowly, disbanding my weapons and gently picking up the unconscious boy carefully.

“How…” Discord said. “He… his heart is back? Like he knew where it was…”

“I’d love to explain at least...what I think of the situation but we need to get back...we need Aqua to see this…” I say. ”If Core killed Sora Riku and Kairi...then what the fuck is going to happen to the whole multiverse?” I think to myself worriedly.

Discord nodded, and grabbed both my, and Ven’s arms and that rush wind feeling passed over and we were in front of the library. As we entered, Aqua spotted us. “Ven?!” She yelled, coming over and taking him from me. “How?”

“We have a lot of explaining to do…” I say to her. “Let’s go inside and let Ven sleep in a bed….”

Discord and I explained everything that happened to Aqua, she was shaking when Discord told her about Castle Oblivion, and the rest seemed to more confuse her rather than calm her. “But… if the castle is gone, then how did Ven get to the Graveyard?”

“And how did he somehow get there in a coffin made entirely of some kind of crystal?” I add, still confused on that part. “But...all I can say is Ven’s safe...but Terra is another story…” I say nervously, knowing his situation is quite a special one.

Aqua looked at Ventus and rubbed his arm. “Ven… what happened?”

Ven moaned, which startled us. He got up on the bed and stretched. “Man… that was a power nap… Aqua?”

“Ven!” She cheered, hugging him tight.

“Wow! Aqua, I was just napping! You act like it’s been years since you saw me.”

“Yeah...about that…” I say sheepishly. “As far as I know...you’ve been….asleep for maybe at least eight to ten years…maybe less.”

“What? No way! Um… who are you anyway? And where am I? Last thing I remember was leaving Aqua and terra to finish their Mark of Mastery exam.”

“Wait what?” I ask, tilting my head in confusion. “Did you...see anyone when you were leaving? Anyone at all?” I ask with a frown, knowing for a fact that’s not what happened in Ven’s storyline.

“No… I was just waiting in my room for them and then… I think I fell asleep.”

“You don’t remember any of what happened Ven?” Aqua asked, concern all over her face.

“Remember what?”

“You...have a lot to remember.” I say simply. “Aqua can fill you in on some things...I can fill in the rest.” I say, hoping my explanation fits the storyline well enough.

“Wait.” Ven said. “So… Terra is missing, Aqua and this Luxu guy were in the realm of Darkness, and who is Sora?”

“Wait...you don’t know who Sora is?” I ask in confusion. “You were screaming the guy’s name when you were flipping the fuck out when I got you out of that coffin.”

“Sorry, I don’t remember any of that. But… coming from anyone other than Aqua I’d call you a liar. So, if this is all true then what the heck happened to me when this… Vanitas… merged with me? All I can remember was being in my room waiting for Aqua and Terra to tell me what happened.”

”Which is weird cause he was there when Terra and Aqua were doing their exam…” I think to myself. “But this Vanitas, the dark half of your heart, when you and him merged the X-blade was formed, and Aqua and Mickey had to fight you to stop Vanitas from causing havoc since he was in control of your body...in your mind however it was you two fighting to see who would be in control of...well you. It ended with you being comatose, Terra’s body and heart being in Xehanort's control while his Armor is...doing something, and a bunch of other things.” I explain as best I could. “I know it literally makes no sense but believe me it’s true.”

“Wait… Xehanort as in the old guy with a bald head and silver hair?”

“Yes.” I nod. “He decided to use you as a test subject to forge the X-blade, and when that worked and failed he stole Terra’s body by very forcibly shoving his own heart into Terra’s body…” I explain. “But that’s probably something you don’t want to know or something I ramble to much.”

“You remember something about him Ven?” Aqua asked.

“Sorta… I remember a big house, lots of kids, and he walked in and took me… the other kids wished me luck… Sunset Orphanage? … Right! That’s where I was before Xehanort adopted me!”

I leaned over to Aqua. “The fuck is he talking about?” I whisper to the blue haired lady, not knowing a single thing he’s talking about.

“We didn’t know anything about Ven’s past other than he was Xehanort’s apprentice. Ven, you remembered where you came from?”

“Yeah… It’s still fuzzy though…” Ven spoke, scratching his head.

“This is just so weird…” I say while scratching the back of my head. “You have amnesia that’s for sure...but it seems a little too selective…” I frown, finding it weird that he forgot literally everything from when he went to his room to now. “Well...we’ll figure it out in time in suppose...even though time is all sorts of screwed up at this point…”

“Whatever the case, Ven is remembering things he couldn’t before.” Aqua stated. “He may not remember our journey across the worlds, but he’s finally remembered something about his own past. I’ve been worried since he came to live with Terra, Eraqus and I that he’d never remember.”

“Yeah…” I nod. “But right now I have to do important things, you and Ven spend some time together...I think you still have a lot of stuff to tell him.” I say honestly, not knowing what sort of things Aqua’s been through in the Realm of Darkness.

The day went on rather uneventful after that, besides the oaths I had my other girlfriends take. The things Ven said still rang in my head though, bothering me to no end. It wasn’t til dinner when Ven and Aqua finally came downstairs. “Hey.” Ven said.

“Hey Ven.” I say, with a nod.

“So, what world is this?” Ventus asks curiously.

“Equestria.” Luna said, sitting at the table with a pile of paperwork Celestia promised would come.

“Oh, so… Ben, you have a Keyblade?” Ventus asks, wanting to know more about me.

“Why yes, yes I do...well technically two but...I’m not showing you that one.” I say before raising my hand and summoning my normal Duskblade. “This is Duskblade...a special kind of Keyblade that...was made out of a part of me believe it or not.”

“From all the stuff you and Aqua told me, I believe it.”

“I also have other special powers.” I say honestly. “But it’s best if I wait to show you, Aqua and Luxu. By the way where has Luxu and Time been?” I ask, wondering where they’ve been all day given I haven’t seen them for a while.

“They went out while you and Discord were gone.” Sweetie Bell said. “Not sure where.”

“Well as long as there having fun on their date I’ll be fine.” I say with a shrug. “They both deserve some time alone...let’s just hope they're not doing anything bad.” I chuckle.

“Define bad.” I looked up, seeing Luxu and Time standing on the ceiling. “Nice trick huh?” Luxu said.

“It’s just a gravity spell.” I say simply. “But what do I define as ‘bad’? Well...I could say you two were doing something me and Luna did after our date...but I’ll just keep it clean and say you two didn’t pull and pranks.:

“We are not horny perverts like you.” Time said before giggling like crazy. “Though, what we did was pretty bad.”

“We spiked the ‘non-alcoholic’ wine at Celestia’s Day court, the whole bunch of them were so wasted after one sip.” Luxu explained as he laughed.

“Okay that’s pretty bad…” I frown. “Dude you do know you just made the co-ruler of a country a silly drunk during her job right?” I ask. “That’s not good at all...even if it’s funny that’s actually a very bad thing to do…” I say, knowing that sometimes you just shouldn’t mess with someone important when their doing something important.

“That's just it! We recorded the whole thing on video, the nobles there confessed in their drunk state so many illegal things! They're all likely in jail now.”

“Damn.” I say honestly, my eyes wide with the fact that in a drunken stupor a bunch of nobles explained their illegal doings. “Well...that’s something. So when are we going to get down to training? Cause while peace is a fine and dandy thing I’m still worried about Core...and sorry if it get’s in between you and Time here Luxu. I know you two love each other dearly, your cuddling this morning told me enough.” I say with a warm smile.

“Fine… I’ll teach you some things tomorrow… but tonight, how about a few Keyblade facts?”

“The things are actually sentient beings with minds of their own?” I ask honestly, having been shown that by Zeke.

“Yeah, that's one. Another is that the ‘body’ of the Keyblade is flexible.”

“I believe Terra has done that...and his Armor…” I say, knowing full well about the ‘Lingering Will’ in the Keyblade Graveyard.

“Not like that. A Keyblade and all it's power are in the Keychain. The body can actually be anything the chain attaches to.”

“I know that. That’s how my Duskblade is how it is right now.” I say, still having the Nobody designed keyblade out.

“You miss the point, if the keyblade’s chain is taken off and attached to say, a sword, the chain altars the body it's attached to, changing it into how it looks.”

“Huh...I thought only Keyblades could have the Keychains…” I say honestly. “But then how the hell can someone turn something like a normal keyblade into a giant fuck off cannon?”

“Magic, duh. Spells and abilities made, and perfected over the years. Just takes practice and time.”

“More magical mumbo jumbo bullshit.” I sigh out. “Makes sense. What other facts about a keyblade do you want to tell us? That your Keyblade actually has a human eye in it or what?” I joke, having always found the fact it has an eye in it a little weird.

“That's besides the point. A Keyblade will keep it's wielder alive. With the proper training a Keyblade will allow you to control how you age, be it slow, not at all, or fast. You decide.”

“No wonder why you're so young.” I say simply. “Or maybe that’s just the realm of Darkness doing something silly I don’t know.”

“Kid, officially I’m over a billion years old. That was well before the realm of darkness crap.”

“My god.” I frown. “Doesn’t life get...ya know a little boring after that long of a life?”

“I keep busy. One thing I always loved watching was how the worlds and people change. Never static.”

“Sounds about right.” I shrug. “But how does it feel having a girlfriend?” I ask honestly. “Cause having five is wonderful.” I say with a smile. “And no I’m not meaning it in a pervy context Time.” I add with a frown.

“Well, this is the newest thing for me, never bothered because I outlived everyone. Time no longer has her mortality, so who better to spend eternity with?”

“Sounds about right.” I nod. “Spending the rest of your life, even if it’s for eternity, with the one you love is always a good thing.” I smile, looking around at the ladies that I love dearly.

“For once I’m with Ben.” Time said. “So Luxu, what's the place you're from called?”

“Daybreak Town. After the war I… went around through all the reflections… only one was still intact so I hid some things in it then locked it away, and flung the world into the realm of light, well, closer into it.”

“So we have Daybreak Town, which most likely takes place at Daybreak or sunrise, then we have Twilight Town, which takes place at sunset or Twilight...and then Traverse Town is always at night...what other ‘time of day’ themed towns are there?” I ask with a frown, finding that all sorts of silly.

“Huh, well in any case, where be the food?”

It was late in the night. For some reason I couldn’t sleep. I kept trying, but nothing seemed to work, so I got up and walked around a bit. Everyone else is asleep, yet I’m wide awake at ass-crack in the morning. I walked into the living room, turning the light’s on and just dropping onto the couch. “What’s worrying me?” I mutter to myself, wondering if I was worried about anything. “Is it Ven’s words? Is it Core messing with Sora, Riku, and Kairi?” I mutter while rubbing my forehead. “Christ…”

“Not quite.” I jumped, looking and sitting up to see God standing across from me. “You’ve been well Ben.”

“Nice to see ya again God.” I say. “But yeah, I’ve been well...your grandson’s downstairs just so you know.”

“I saw, we talked before you came down… that might be the last time I see him…”

“Why?” I ask, my voice mixed with curiosity and worry. “Is Core up to something?”

“When is he not? Anyway, I saw you met Zeke, and brought back people. I was hoping you two would do that.”

“Well it wouldn’t be right if we just decided not to resurrect the dead.” I chuckle. “But yeah, nice guy even with his family’s history.”

God sighed. “And that’s why I am here. Next you see Zeke, tell him, and the others, I will be in hiding for… a while…”

“Do you need some help?” I ask. “And...did Zeke say something bad about a missing loved one?” I ask, knowing that if Yellow kind of freaked about losing someone important than Core would probably do the same.

“Your actions towards Yellow altered her. In the same day, she tampered with something my brother stole from the X-blade when it was with it’s second wielder, back when the world fell into multiple. That part of the X-blade cured Yellow, turning her back into the human she was… Unum… a reflection of Core’s wife he tricked into joining him.”

“The Grandfather Light turned Yellow back into a human huh? Also why am I honestly not surprised to hear Unum was a reflection of Core’s wife?” I ask with a frown, feeling bad about knowing an important thing before I was told it.

“So Luxu told you about that? Good. As for that, you probably assumed it already. Thanks to her efforts, Zeke now has two upper hands on Core, and he’s responding with rather sadistic actions. I have to leave and hide where I know he won’t be able to find me. He’s finally coming after my greatest secret.”

“That power?” I ask while tapping my head gently. “Trust me, I’ve thought of that power before and how overpowered it, you better keep that power safe.”

“That’s why I must hide… if Core is to learn how it works… He won’t need the X-blade to achieve his goal. Ben, I must also ask of you something rather… unpleasant…”

“I’ve been suspecting unpleasant things for awhile...I mean besides that cheap one shot Unum threw at me that one time.” I frown.

“This is your choice… if Core is to find me… he will make it known, taking the information and power from me by force… if he does find me Ben… please, find where he will be holding me… and kill me.”

“Well that’ll be tricky because I have no idea where you’ll be if, or when, Core finds you.” I say, keeping my thoughts clear with the ‘if or when’ part.

God smiled. “Just trust in ‘Xion’, she can guide you to me if the time is to come. Use her to end me, my life, and memories, will be erased from existence with one swing from it.”

“But...won’t I keep all your memories?” I ask. “That was...one of the conditions about her weapon.” I point out.

“Normally yes, but not when you use it’s special ability… Essence Eater… it will take everything away… even… earth…”

“I understand.” I say with a nod. “I’ll make sure...and sometimes...you gotta leave the past to move forward. And I’m willing to take that step forward…” I say with a determined look on my face.

“This is why I ask you Ben… your heart isn’t healed enough to fully understand what you have accepted… and it pains me to hope it still is like this when the time may come…”

“I’m a bookworm, even if my heart was whole I’d understand the cost…” I say simply.

“Really? THen you know killing me means mass genocide of an entire multiverse… everyone that ever has or ever will be gone…. No recompense can wash that much blood off Ben… think clearly now, even with a partly dead heart… do you have it in you to kill one… and simultaneously kill everything?”

“You’re making this sound a lot worse than it already is.” I say.

“You’d be doing what Core wants to do to our reality… I only feel I should make sure you understand.”

I sigh out, looking up at the ceiling knowing my girls were sleeping up there. “Listen...I know that killing an entire multiverse sounds terrible...but...it’s for the best that the multiverse you made...doesn’t exist if it means all of creation can be saved.” I say simply. “It sounds cold hearted but...it’s just one of those things a hero has to do. Will I feel bad that I killed god? Yes. Will I feel terrible about killing an entire multiverse? Most likely, cause that’s how it is. But if it means I can keep my friends and family safe...then I’ll make sure to do my part in keeping everything safe.” I say, knowing full well the shit storm I’m gonna be pushed in. “But hey, as an old master once said ‘Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, but Today is a gift...that is why it’s called the Present’.” I say with a warm smile.

God smiled. “Thank you child… you should go upstairs now… get some rest.”

As Ben went back upstairs, and climbed into bed, God was suddenly cloaked in darkness… and Core stood in his place. “That was almost too easy… Zeke is gonna have quite the ‘party’ to host when the time is right.” With that, he vanished into a DTD.

Too be continued...

Next Chapter: Nobody's test Estimated time remaining: 82 Hours, 44 Minutes
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