
Life of a Nobody

by Xinrick

Chapter 74: Nobody trains Part 1

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“Alright.” I muttered while hefting Skysplitter again. “Still kind of sucks I don’t have anyone to train with, that normally makes things a hell of a lot easier.” I muttered while swinging my weapon again, a massive shockwave launching through the grassy plains Cript made for this one clone to train. “Especially when I’ve just swung this thing an asston of times...now sure that does count as training…” I muttered, wondering why I’m even talking to myself to begin with.

“Even after so long with you weapons, you know very little. King of Nothing.” A voice suddenly said.

“Okay first off, I have barely been doing this for a year, and second who are you and why are you giving me a massive migraine?” I asked, seeing my Nothingness spark and crackle like mad.

A tall knight like figure stood a bit away. “You have already met my Emperor before, you should be able to piece it together Ben.” He said.

“Okay, again who are you?” I asked. “Cause knowing you work for Max is one thing, knowing who you are in general is another.” I stated.

“Fair point. I am Agamemnon The Overseer. The Void King of Knights. Master of All Weapons.” He said.

“Nice to meet you Sir Agamemnon.” I said, wanting to at least be respectful to the Knight that might be able to kick my ass. “What brings you here to my realm? Max wanted to laugh at me getting my ass handed to me or what?” I asked, knowing full well he's really strong.

“Hehe. Oh Ben. Not even Zeke at his current lvl can beat me, but I'm not here to fight.” He said walking a few feet closer.

“Well anyone trained can beat someone who normally brute forces things because of all the handouts their forced to take.” I rolled my eyes. “So, if your not here to kick my ass, then I suppose you're here to show me what Master of Weapons actually means?” I asked, knowing I have 13 weapons and a few other powers.

“First, it's Master of All Weapons. I didn't earn that as a handout, and Two-” he said before looking at….Skysplitter in his hand?! “-Max felt I should help you in regards to your Potential.”

“I mean, that depends. You mean the potential normally or the admin powers I got after I murdered that sick fuck Gideon?” I asked.

Agamemnon just waved Skysplitter in the air, and what felt like the whole world shook. The ground from miles around broke apart and floated above us and form floating islands. Water from even farther flowed up to them forming lakes on them. “The potential you can bring out with you weapons. This is just a small taste of Skysplitter real power.” He said.

“Uh…” I blinked. “Um...how ‘small’ is that for you? Cause your ‘small’ and my ‘small’ are two completely different things….” I said slowly, not believing what the hell I just saw. “Jesus christ Skysplitter is fucking strong.”

Agamemnon held up one hand towards the islands. “All you weapons are capable of similar if not greater feats then this. You just need proper guidance on them, and this is small...compared to what Skysplitter can do. My small...well there would be a new planet above us, but my power is still far higher than yours.”

Agamemnon couldn’t tell if I was a puppy dog super giddy for it’s first walk with their new family or a child that just got a mountain of presents on Christmas, but all I know is that I was bouncing in the air in absolute giddy joy. “Are you telling me I get to actually do all that and more?” I asked, feeling very giddy about this now.

“Hehehe. It's been awhile since I saw such excitement. Yes. You just need to truly master your weapons. That mark they got was just to open the Door. You need to step beyond that. Skysplitter can move, or split, planets with a single swing and create them as well. You just never had someone to properly show you.” Agamemnon said handing back Skysplitter. “Show me how you hold him”

I took Skysplitter and held it before getting into Lexaeus did in the games, my feet in a solid grounded stance, Skysplitter resting on my shoulders but looking like it was ready to snap out at an enemy, and my free hand out ready for anything else.

“Wrong!” Agamemnon yelled. He grabbed Skysplitter. “That style worked for that wielder, but you aren't him. That style doesn't suit your build nor Skyplitter’s weight in your hands. You might as well just drop it and slap your enemies.”

“I mean, my physical strength is through the roof for several reasons.” I said honestly. “But how so? It feels fine enough to me.”

“That's because of your Copy ability. It's a passive ability that copy's just about anything with exceptions. It's how you were so fast in gaining those marks. You just copied your old teachers styles without truly working for them.” Agamemnon said.

“You know, to be perfectly honest I thought that ability had to be activated for what I wanted to copy, not just it always being on even when I thought it wasn’t on.” I said honestly.

“How else do you explain your rapid growth? Not even the best of prodigies move that fast. Your ability basically handed you your teachers progress. Without it. It would have taken years to master even one for most beings.” Agamemnon told me.

“I mean, I’m the Protagonist of this story so bullshit protagonist powers?” I asked.

“While that helps somewhat you still progressed faster than reasonable. Not even Protagonist move that fast without cheat like abilities that help. Like those with a Gamer power. Which you don't have.” Agamemnon explained.

“I’m sorry but I thought it was an active thing, not a passive thing.” I said honestly. “But to be perfectly honest the old man really wouldn’t have liked waiting years to be perfectly honest.” I said, talking about the old King of Nothingness here.

“I've been around before he was even thought of, being inpatient leads to problems. Problems that could be worse than death. Nonetheless. It's not your fault for not knowing. Cript never explained how that power really works. Let me turn it off for now.” Agamemnon said.

“Oh thank god.” I said. “Cause honestly, I’d like to learn without having everything be handed to me to be perfectly honest. I’m not Zeke, I don’t take handouts...unless it’s an important handout.”

“Hold still...this will make you wish it only hurt.” Agamemnon said. Before shoving his hand...into my chest. I felt like someone was playing with my soul. I couldn't even think or move from what was happening. After what felt like an eternity he took his hand out. “There now. It's off for now.”

“Fucking ow!” I barked. “Jesus, couldn’t you have done something besides fisting me right in the soul?” I asked. “Jesus that sounded horribly wrong.”

“Perhaps, but that would require raising my power more, and it's even more dangerous if your unconsciousness. Don't want to accidentally shatter your soul while your asleep.” Agamemnon said.

I literally lifted my arm and showed my Assistant. “And you couldn’t have done something like this? Using a thing to basically open a menu for all my skills and turn it off like that? You know full well real life involves Video Game logic for...whatever reason.” I said honestly. “But...alright then...just a little surprised this world isn’t shaking from how close we are.” I said, knowing Nothingness and Void are just like Light and Dark.

“That shows both your lack of control of your powers, and my control over mine. If I let my power run free this land would be atomized by our powers reacting.”

“Again, I have been doing this for only a year, even with Copy and other bullshit stuff I have barely worked on...basically anything besides getting into actual fights.” I said nervously.

“Yes, you and the others don't really have a lot of battle experience. You mostly been making a harem to try and bring peace to your world. You all have so much to learn.” Agamemnon said.

“That would mostly be me, mainly because of an ancient law that really hasn’t been taken away yet. But yes, I have plenty of combat experience cause it has...basically been none stop fighting against people for this entire damn year.” I said honestly.

Agamemnon snapped his hand and we were somewhere else. There was a lake close by. Is this one of the islands? “I'll correct your stance with Skysplitter for now.” He handed back my weapon.

“Now, the position of your feet before were close. Move them a bit closer and bend them two degrees more. To help spring into action and carry the weight and momentum better.” He started.

I nodded while getting into the stance again, slowly moving to fix it properly and bending my knees a bit so it fit what he described.

“The new position should feel different and your knees should have a greater strain then before. That's ok. Your adapting to a new stance and it'll take time and practice to get it down. Just try not to slip back into your old stance.” Agamemnon advices. “The strain on your knees will help build them up to take greater pressure. If your knees buckle from an overhand strike you blocked it could mean death. This stance will help train them to better take the pressure.”

I gently bobbed up and down, mostly trying to feel how my new stance felt, and while it felt weird it was a bit more compact. “Hmm...well the stance feels a bit more compact that’s for sure.” I said, my combat experience at least helping me know how my body feels with a new stance and such.

“Next. Bring Skysplitter to your right side for now. Blade facing away from your body. Hand your right hand grip the handle near the top, and your left hand about one hand hold away. Skysplitter is two handed currently for your size. Both hands will not only help stabilize the weight, but add to the momentum and power of your swings.” He said next.

I nodded while moving my hands up to how he explained, knowing this thing is bigger than what a One handed weapon be for me but my strength helping me one hand it either way. “So, your teaching style...is it about being a perfectionist, where I need to do every tiny thing right?”

“Perfect….in all my time there is no such thing. Everyone has their own version of perfect. My teaching is to help bring out the best in my students.” Agamemnon said. “What I'm teaching you now is to help. Later on you may adapt and modify your style to better suit you if need be. After all. We are all constantly growing.”

“Makes sense.” I said honestly. “So, before you appeared...well you probably saw I was just swinging it repeatedly.” I said, knowing that’s one way to practice but not entirely sure if that was good for Agamemnon here.

“Yes...I saw, and if Skysplitter could come alive and form a body it would pile drive you through the planet. While “swinging” a weapon helps improve ones body. If you swing properly, train or spar, it will also build muscle memory that could one day mean the difference between life and death. What would you rather have then, a random swing with no real power, or a train practice swing that's hits it's mark?” Agamemnon said.

“Hits its mark, but knowing it would pile drive me into the planet would make me think it does care about me.” I joked.

“Of course it cares. Otherwise it would have simply killed you.” Agamemnon said with a chuckle. “Now as for now. You need to practice swinging in that stance. Use both hands, swing slowly. Skysplitter's weight will make it difficult to control if you swing at top speed. I'll form a knight to spar with you. It'll be using a weapon of similar weight. Practice with it for about an hour for now. This will help you adjust to your stance and Skysplitter's weight. While I know you can hold it one handed. It's entirely different after swinging it around for a while.” Agamemnon instructed while summoning a suit of armor that moved on its own. About as tall as myself while wielding a copy of Skysplitter.

“Alright...let’s get going then.” I said while digging into the ground and dashing forward at a slow enough speed, feeling quite a difference between my new stance and old one as I grabbed Skysplitter with my second hand and swung down slow and carefully so I don’t fuck up royally.

“Since your swinging at a slower speed you should notice that you have to use your strength to not only swing, but to slow it down as well. Putting a bigger strain then normal. My knight will easily keep up even at your best speeds. Also the strain will become noticeably worse as time goes on.”

“This is gonna hurt like a bitch won’t it?” I asked, the knight having blocked the attack without much issue and pushing me back.

“What's the term, ‘No pain, No gain’?” Agamemnon said it what sounds playful.

“Yeah, makes sense.” I said as I tried to swing at the knight again, but this time it dodged like a bitch. “Hooray, actual fucking hard work…” I muttered while swinging at the knight again, knowing this isn’t a test to actually hit the thing but to learn how to swing this.

“Remember, if you miss you have to stop the blade and get ready to defend. If you let a miss drag you like it almost did just before it could mean either your death, or an innocent life lost from your own attack.” Agamemnon told.

“That’s not good…” I muttered worriedly while I blocked the test dummies swing. “One thing I hate about being too strong...is that you can easily hurt everyone without even trying.” I said worriedly as I knocked it back and swung back at it.

“That's another reason why your starting with slow swings. To learn how to control the momentum and power of your swings with Skysplitter. Once you have that down it should become much easy to move, block, counter, and attack in the heat of battle without losing momentum from your swings. Enough control and you can turn a miss into a momentum powered block or counter.” Agamemnon told me.

“Makes sense.” I said, trying something new, as when I saw the knight try to slowly swing at me I actually pushed forward and shoulder checked the knight, moving my leg and twisting my body as I slowly swung Skysplitter, the position and action making it look like a slow baseball bat swing.

The knight blocked it, and Agamemnon spoke. “Don't leave your stance so casually, while using your shoulder is a good move to get the drop on an opponent who isn't expecting it. It'll only work at least once on an opponent. You also leave yourself open should it fail. That swing was for something much lighter than Skysplitter. The momentum was off and had less than a quarter of the power it could have had.”

“I suppose Baseball swings aren’t really good for a weapon like this huh?” I asked while backing away from the knight, panting and actually feeling the strain from this. “Even if I was sure I did the motion right.” I said, knowing the swing had to do with the momentum of turning your entire body into the swing.

“Maybe, but for a different class of weapon altogether. If the swing was a little closer to your body and if you grip was a bit tighter if would have been correct. The weight difference is what made the move wrong. As well as the shape difference. Even the smallest of detail can make a difference in weapons.” He said.

“Makes sense.” I said, getting back into my stance. “Jeez, this is pretty tough.” I said while moving forward and swinging again at the knight.

And this went on for the next two hours, me moving and swinging at the test dummy, and Agamemnon giving me advice, tips and tricks to make what I’m doing better, fixing faults in what I’m doing, which were plenty. It was really tiring, stressful and sweat inducing, but to actually feel like I’m getting better with my own two hands felt a lot better than having Copy solve all my problems. “Hard work feels so much better than having things be handed to you…” I sighed out with a smile.

Agamemnon nods. “You're doing well. Training like this will not only improve your fighting, but increase your battle stamina. What good is power in war if you run out of steam in the first few minutes?”

“True.” I said honestly. “No need to become weak after so little time passes.” I stated.

“Currently it is unclear who out of you and the others has the most, but John during his mark of Mastery was forced to fight basically a horde mode in the realm of darkness with only his keyblade. No void, and just his one arm. He even forgot he had keyblade armor and fought for hours against all kinds. Can you do the same with such handicaps?” Agamemnon asked.

“I...actually did.” I said honestly. “When I was training to Master Eternal Flames, my Chakrams, I had to fight Horde Mode of Shadow Creatures.” I said.

“And tell me, did you have anyone there incase things went wrong, or did you tap into another power like humanity during it?” Agamemnon asked.

“I mean...that kind of happened.” I said honestly. “I remember I was doing it for literal hours, my master completely fucked off for me to master it, and then...Humanity happened for a split second and then...well I was apparently sent to a ‘Respawn Room’ because of Cript...still not sure how that works.” I explained simply.

“So using humanity for what's probably your first time sent you there. John was lucky, he ended up tapping into it twice, once against a decaying light that was still Pycho, and against his inner rage. He damaged himself greatly, Mobutu his next part put him right on the line of death.” Agamemnon told me.

“Huh, that’s interesting.” I said honestly. “Good to know me and John are...basically going along at some sort of same pace all things considering.” I said, blinking as my eyes changed into both Humanity and Psychopath colors.

“So you know he is a Psychopath?”

“That…” I actually took a moment and thought about it. “I honestly didn’t know. For some reason I thought I would have known but now that you mention it…” I scratched my chin curiously.

“He has been one since he was little back on earth. Your earth. He did everything he could to hold them back, unlike Zeke though. To be blunt, with his Void. Had he not held back. Core wouldn't have survived that battle last time. Even with his Pride form.” Agamemnon told me. “From what Max tells though. John is letting the gates to his Psychopath open. Which he used to kill a former admin. Unlike you, since this was a former admin, he only got his weapon and a powerful ability.”

“While I got all the other powers that only make it sound like worse Magic in context.” I frowned. “Seriously, what power makes you have to remember every number, every clause, and force you to remember a table of contents just to make a god damn wooden hammer?”

“You would be surprised. Now for the next step with Skysplitter. It's raw power feature.” Agamemnon told me. Snapping his finger again and we were on another island. “A change of scenery to help.”

“Oh boy.” I said while holding Skysplitter. “Can’t wait to see how this fully work’s.” I said, wondering what the special ability could do.

“At basic. It's just a power boost, but it can turn the tide if you know how to use it.” Agamemnon said. “That disk behind the blade there. You see it.” He said pointing at it.

“It’s...a gauge or what?” I asked curiously. “Oh wait...it’s a valve right?”

“Actually, more of a storage unit that's connected to its user. It can hold twice the amount or more of what you can hold. Example, you use the power to boost yourself about fifty times, the disk, for a short while, will add a hundred to it.” Agamemnon explained.

“So...what? Do I take it off or spin it?” I asked curiously.

Agamemnon just looked at me, like if he was debating if he should check my head for something. “No. You take that off...then you basically destroyed Skysplitter. You tap into it and absorb the power it holds to temporarily give yourself a massive boost. Let's give an example. On a certain world their is a power that boost the user almost endlessly. So if say, they had a power of 1 and was facing a 100. If they survive long enough their power would eventually double enough to surpass the 100. The disk is similar to a technique of the power called explosion. Which for a short time massively boost their multiplied power. Understand so far?”

“Sounds simple enough.” I said honestly. “So...gonna have to learn how to control that power?”

“Yes, because at the moment you absorb 100% of the boost with nothing going into the storage, basically increasing you power by 5 times every time, while not bad it's still a waste. Know why?” Agamemnon asked.

“How so?” I asked curiously. “I suppose it’s because it’s too small?”

“No. Like I said your getting the current max boost you can get till you train it more, but it means you have nothing in reserves in case you need it. If you did and were in a struggle where your opponent was slightly stronger than you. Those reserves would mean the difference.” He explained.

“Yeah, that is true.” I said while taking a deep breath.

“It's also a little trump card incase your opponent underestimates you. Pull it and overwhelm them before they know what happened.” Agamemnon said.

“Alrighty then.” I said while the Aura that normally benefits this weapon surrounded me. “So...how to proceed with this?”

“After taking the full process in for so long this will be a bit tricky. All I can say is meditate on how much power your taking in, and how much you can put away. As for the elemental portion, that's something you must learn yourself. I can't hold your hand throughout the entire weapon. That wouldn't make it yours then.” Agamemnon told me. For the next hour you'll power up slowly and see if you can separate the energy, do this till you can one day get about fifty fifty and it.”

“Alright...sounds simple enough.” I said while doing exactly that, my Aura growing and shrinking before leveling out as I imagined it going to two different vents to myself and the holder. “Gonna take a while…” I muttered while focusing my power.

“Do this when your practice this power. We'll do this for about an hour before moving on to another weapon.” Agamemnon said. An hour later and this practice was really hard to get down. Separating the power was very difficult. At the end it felt like barely any progress was made, but Agamemnon told me I had separated 0.05% from it. Which apparently was impressive since this is a hard technique to do.

“Now. The weapon will be Sharpshooters. Why their named that I'll never understand, but there have been worse names.” He said

“That is perfectly understandable.” I said while swapping Skysplitter out for Sharpshooters. “So, besides these things being able to control gravity, what mystical thing can they do that I obviously don’t know about?” I asked curiously.

“Show me what you can do first, since their guns there isn't really a lot on stances to work on especially since these things have so little recoil. Show me how you use them both separately, in their sniper mode, and in their GreatBow mode.” He said.

“Wait, Greatbow form?” I asked in confusion. “Was that from Kingdom Hearts 3 or something? Cause I still have yet to play that.” I frowned, really needing to get to doing that.

“If Xigbar never used that before when either training you or during those ‘games’ was most likely because he didn't think you can handle that forms power yet.” Agamemnon said before taking Sharpshooter. “It's like this.” He said before combing the two into a bow just a bit taller then myself.

“That’s just cool.” I said. “I always wanted to learn how to use a bow to be honest...really liked them to be honest.”

“They take more discipline and training then any crossbow. But make up for it with their precise aiming and range. This one in particular, can generate about ten times the power the sniper form can. As well as its own trick shots.” Agamemnon explained.

“Oh boy.” I said. “Can’t wait to learn all of that...this just gets better and better doesn’t it?” I asked with a smile, so glad to learn new things.

“There is much to learn about all your weapons. Unfortunately even though I know them you yourself have to learn them. I can't show you every trick your own gear has. As for this one.” He then pulls back on the string as a huge arrow appears. “Watch.” He lets go and the resulting gust of wind actually nearly blows me over. I turned and saw the arrow...annailate an island and soon past it increasingly fast. Not once dropping from its trajectory.

“Jesus christ…” I muttered. “First, Skysplitter can just make new land masses...and now Sharpshooters can just blow them up without much problems…”

“And this is just the beginning. With enough practice you can even control the arrow for precise targets. Example, someone is holding one of your kids hostage and you don't have a clear shot in front of you. Just fire in a different direction and make the arrow come at them from a blind spot.” He says.

“Wouldn’t one of the auto homing mods of the weapon help with that? Or does the bow form turn off those things?” I asked curiously, remembering there were some mods to help make Sharpshooters better.

“You do know that while crossbows can shoot more than one arrow, but a bow would at most only shoot one before you have to draw another right?” He asked.

“I mean...depending on the person they can probably fire a bunch of arrows rather quickly.” I said honestly.

“That's still one arrow. Just shot and reloaded and shot again extremely fast.” Agamemnon said. “Even if you notched more then one the accuracy drops depending on how many you notched. That's why learning how to control the arrow or arrows motion comes into factor.” He explained.

“Makes sense.” I said honestly. “Even then it’s mostly one at a time, while Sharpshooters can fire...millions from my own personal experience.”

“The gun mode has the speed to overwhelm the target while the sniper mode has the precision to nail even an opening the size of a papercut. The bow...has the power to pierce even some of the toughest hides to armor in a single shot. Sharpshooter is a versatile weapon in the right hands.” Agamemnon said.

“I suppose that’s why it is both insanely difficult to make, and costs a metric fuck ton to buy…” I said honestly. “The more you know I suppose.”

“With your current Strength you should be able to handle the bow at low power, it can compact or grow depending on the power you might need. Its currently in its GreatBow form. You can handle its compact form.” Agamemnon said as the bow shorten a bit before handing it back. “And to give an example of its power again. A full power shot from the compact form. Makes a nuke look like a firecracker.”

“Honestly, when you have magical weapons of unknown strength literally anything that should be scary isn’t really that scary anymore.” I said while taking Sharpshooters back. “Like Nuke’s for example, supposed to be one of the most dangerous weapons in human history...and then you have these things.” I said while raising Sharpshooters up. “Funny how that works isn’t it?”

“It is. Now you won't make an arrow yet. For now just practice pulling the string, aiming and letting go. Hold the string back as long as you can to help build strength and stamina. Because the opening for the shot can take awhile. Every Hunter knows that they might even wait hours for the shot.” He said. Making a target in the distance.

I nodded. “Yeah, I’ve done some hunting before, just without weapons and it normally takes a while.” I said while taking a step back to get my footing as I raised my bow and pulled the string back, taking aim at the target carefully.

This continues for about an hour. Half way through he made me switch to the GreatBow and the difference was very noticeable. Couldn't hold the string back even half as long as the compact mode, but when I let go the gust of wind definitely shows the power.

“Now go back to compact. We will now begin making arrows. Unlike the gun, you must use your magic to make them, and it cost more on your reserves to make one then it does to make over a hundred, and that's not counting the GreatBow arrows or trick arrows.” He said.

“Oh boy.” I said while shrinking the thing down and pulling the string back, focusing my mana to form one arrow and I could feel the mana poured into the actual arrow. “Jeez...that’s a lot of power…” I muttered, taking aim at the target again and holding it, feeling the difference between just holding the string and having an arrow there as well. “This right?”

“Correct. I've made the target very sturdy. So unless you end up using an arrow that somehow has a thousand time more power then what your current mana pool can give you won't break it. Doing this has three benefits. One, it'll help you get the feel of forming the arrows to allow quicker making. Two, it will help your control to make making these arrows as well as high cost spells more efficient on magic then before. And three, this will help increase your mana pool.” Agamemnon said before looking at the sun. “Once we're done with sharpshooter we will have enough time to do one more before nightfall. Then we use Lunatic as its power mainly draws from the moon, especially the moon phase it's in.”

“I was explained that Lunatic, while being forged from a Moon that survived a SuperNova, don’t ask me how that was at all possible, that the Claymore is actually a lot more than just a rage weapon, that it actually works with the full spectrum of emotions...I wasn’t entirely told about the moon phases though, just thought that was a little...metaphorical?” I asked, wondering if that was the right word for the whole ‘Moon’ theme Saix had given that he was a pair of ears away from becoming a full Werewolf.

“True, but it's ties to the moon are much more important. Emotions are one half of its power. Like half of the moon if you will. The moon provides the other half. Especially a Lunar Eclipse.” He said.

“Oh?” I asked curiously. “What, is it like Inuyasha where Lunatic goes full berserk or where it can literally do nothing?” I asked curiously, randomly remembering that old anime.

“A new moon provides no boost, but still have the emotion part. A Lunar Eclipse on the other hand. Provides it's full power. Tonight in this world is a half moon. So you'll see a taste of its power. As for why the moon survived the SuperNova. Is because that wasn't an ordinary moon. You see only three types of moons can survive that type of explosion. Moons that were altered and trapped in the Void, which this wasn't, Moons that have survived the era of admin when they first started, again not this one. Or...Moons that have escaped Nothing.” He said. “But we will continue this another time. Now. One hour. Or try to last as long as you can.”

“Huh...well isn’t that just a sudden twist of irony.” I said honestly while aiming at the target and firing one of my arrows at the target. “Escaped Nothingness...only to be forged into a Nothingness Weapon…” I said while drawing my bow back and summoning another arrow. “You know…” I said while firing another arrow, hitting the target again. “It’s gonna suck when we have to fight you guys...if given my past experiences mean anything of becoming King of a Fact of Reality is anything to go by.” I mentioned, drawing my bow again and summoning another arrow.

“We aren't allies. Let me make that clear now. Max has...plans. For what will happen after Cript makes his Utopia. Cript either doesn't realize or forget a crucial fact about something. Max won't begin it immediately. He’ll let you rest from that ‘war’.” Agamemnon said.

“I know you and your fellow King’s follow Max but…” I fired another arrow and hit the target again. “Can’t we just...you know, not do that obvious crap? Being friends and not trying to kill each other is a lot better...unless you and the other’s are just tired from however long you’ve lived and just want it to end like the old King of Nothingness.” I said, not knowing their full stories but having a feeling there’s something like that there as I drew my bow and summoned another arrow.

“If we die then so be it. We all have come to accept that, but we each have our reasons for both following Max, and continuing what is to come. If it were possible then we could have been friends, but such a world doesn't exist. And if what Max has planned comes to fruition. Then even if Cript and Lord team up. They wouldn't be able to stop.” Agamemnon said. “Now let's continue this. If you want to be ready for this ‘war’.”

I could only sigh at hearing that. “Jeez...when Reality was opened up, it felt like there was infinite possibilities...yet it’s still so damn limited sometimes.” I said while firing another arrow, this time hitting the dummy in the head.

This continues for the rest of the hour. Making these arrows are taking a good hit to my magic, and it's getting exhausting. But I push though. I continue to hit the head while missing a few time. Though those misses hit the body. Before I know it the hour is up. “Alright...that’s an hour…” I muttered while pulling out an Elixer and chugging it, feeling my stamina and mana go back up. “Ah, that feels better.” I said. “Now…” I looked up, seeing the sun was still up. “Well we still got time, which one next?” I asked curiously, wondering which of my nine other weapons could work since Lunatic was waiting for night time.

“Next Interdiction. Remind me who created those if you know?” He asked.

“That would be the Previous King.” I said while summoning Interdiction. “He told me...he made this weapon with his own Heart, which is why it’s really strong and has Nothingness as it’s basis of power.” I explained.

“True. He was deserving of his title. To master thirteen weapons as powerful as there are takes true dedication. Did you also ever wonder where lightsabers got their base from?” He asked.

“Um…” I looked a little concerned. “I mean, I doubt talking about Star Wars is a good example…” I said sheepishly. “But...I know normal Lightsabers are made of plasma and not light that’s for sure.”

“I meant he once used them in a battle long ago and the creator of Lightsabers was inspired. So in a way. The old King was the first Lightsaber master.” He said before summoning one with a purple beam. “Such weapons are truly remarkable.”

“They are really cool.” I said honestly. “But I read up that these things have a special ability of...being really really good at murdering Abomination’s of Balance, I have a feeling it’s tied to either it’s name or the fact this was made from a person’s heart?”

“That is something you'll have to learn. I will tell you it's somewhere in his archives. Just know it's nowhere. Also. Interdiction can also be held like a Lightsaber, but forming the hilt is an advanced form. Remember...ah remember that hidden boss for birth by sleep that had similar weapons to Interdiction?” He asked.

“That guy can eat a dick.” I frowned. “Seriously, bullshit fight...even if his attacks were cool.”

“Those range attacks that had your character constantly rolling are also part of Interdiction. So with enough practice you can use his techniques as your own. Though it is puzzling how he had the mastered version of Interdiction while Xemnas only had the adapt version.” Agamemnon said.

“Time Travel.” I said. “That was Young Xehanort, where he had No Name to just openly go to whatever time he wanted cause Nomura needed to add Time Travel to that whole convoluted story.” I rolled my eyes. “So yeah, Time Travel is a hell of a solution.”

“Not what I meant but we’re getting off schedule. Since Interdiction is basically weightless. You'll be doing the stances you were taught, since unlike the others the king actually taught you a stance that works for you. I'll weigh your clothes and personal gravity to make this harder, and I want you to take it slow like with Skysplitter. This will teach accuracy over speed so when the time comes you won't miss and either die or kill and innocent.” He said before I suddenly felt extremely heavy.

I nodded while taking a deep breath. “Damn, this is heavy…” I muttered while looking at my new sparring dummy. “Alright…” I said while trying to see if I could lift my arms up normally, cause even with my massive strength this was really heavy.

“Now for one hour. When that is done you will then try and maintain a hilt for Interdiction for an hour, and after that. You'll repeat the first step only with the hilts. Fore handed for the first half hour then back handed. Once that's done its should be night time for Lunatic.” He explains.

“Alrighty then.” I said while taking my stance and with lead hand to start and took this slow to get used to both the weight and gravity as I fought against the test dummy.

“The hour has passed.” He said as he removed the weights and gravity.

I rolled my shoulders, feeling so light now. “Jeez, feels like I can barely stay on the ground.” I chuckled a little.

“You got use to the higher gravity, it also help make you faster as well as built up your endurance. Like it did with Goku after his trip to Namek training. As a bonus your body being tougher should let you use more True Nothingness than before since you can handle it. Now, we will begin with forming a hilt.” He told me.

“A hilt?” I asked curiously. “Like what? Turning this thing into an actual sword or putting the two together to for a double bladed staff?” I asked curiously, knowing that what Mysterious Figure did with Interdiction I could do.

Agamemnon held out his hand as a hilt similar to what the Mysterious Figure had formed. “The hilt like I said is an advanced form of Interdiction. Although Xenmes didn't use it, that dome he made proves he was a master of it. You must picture the hilt in your mind. As this is advanced you probably won't get it right away and when you do the concentration to hold it and form the blade would take its toll. Just the blades would take almost no concentration.” He explained.

“Alrighty then.” I said while taking a deep breath and focusing, trying to form a hilt for at least one of the blades on Interdiction.

“They don't have to look like what he had or what I had. The hilt can be a simple sword hilt if you want. You chose the hilt.” Agamemnon said.

I thought for a moment, before an idea popped into my head as I slowly formed a hilt for Interdiction, the two lightsaber blades growing basket hilts in the shape of wings that covered up my hands, the two actually having an angel wing and a bat wing...and good lord was this a bitch and a half to form. “Christ...even with the full image and focus...bitch and a half…” I muttered while continuing to focus and create the hilts for my weapon.

“Like I said, the toll on you mentally is more than you ever had to use. Unlike John's Void Construct ability creating things like this is mentally tasking. John's ability not only has a much wider array of creation but the mental toll is almost nonexistent. This should also help prepare for mental attacks that's supposed to hurt.” Agamemnon said.

“True...but that’s not until I figure out how to do...basically all of that.” I said honestly. “Seriously, barely know half of what Nothingness can do, and have yet to fully go into all that crap…” I sighed out.

“Then this training as well as the others will help prepare you. Now continue.” He said.

“Alright…” I said while taking a deep breath and the hilts finally fully formed. “So...is the symbolism too blunt given the origins of this weapon?” I asked curiously, gripping the hilts tight as I kept up my focus to keep the hilts there.

“It doesn't matter. If those are the hilts you want then go ahead. I'm surprised your starting with two instead of one at first.” He said.

“I just...had the idea honestly.” I said. “Just popped into my head...wanting to see if I could do it...and apparently I can...if I’m only doubling the trouble…”

“It's fine. How you start this is up to you. At some point you should be able to make a two handed hilt that while not as fast would strike with more power, but not for now. Making two is taking a big toll as it is.” He said.

“And I’m dumb enough to try to take leaps instead of steps for some dumb reason…” I said, trying to keep it as long as I can. “So...can I learn who your fellow Kings are...or am I going to figure that out when one of them appears to actually try and kill me?”

“It wouldn't matter if you did know and Max doesn't care so sure.” Agamemnon said. “You know of me already. The Void King of Knights. Not only am I best with Weapons, but I'm faster than the others bare Max. Then there is the Void Berzerker King. Broly.”

“Uh...excuse me, did you just say ‘Broly’?” I asked, my eyes widening at hearing that. “Okay wait, I have a feeling I’m thinking of a completely different Broly right now...but honestly just the thought of Broly with Void powers...that’s both awesome and extremely terrifying.”

“If you meant the non-canon one well Max had him and his canon self fight….canon won without even transforming.” Agamemnon said.

I don’t care if this broke my concentration but I could only jump up in joy at hearing such an awesome thing. “Okay, what movie was this new Broly in? I need to know.” I said with a giant ass smile.

“Dragon Ball Super: Broly. It happens after this tournament called the ‘Tournament of Power’ that had a few fighters close to or even surpassing Gods of Destruction. And Broly is in the upper tier even though he wasn't in the tournament. He isn't alone with us. This friend of his joined as well. Max let her because she can calm him down better then we can. Though Max could knock him out this is a better way.” He explained.

“Holy crap, Broly has a Girlfriend.” I chuckled a little. “But I really have a lot of Dragon Ball to catch up on apparently...I am just so happy to hear this even if he could apparently easily beat a lot of people.”

“His raw power is higher than the other kings with Max being the only one with more. There was a reason he was trained by Cript. He and to an extent John have a massive amount of potential. Should I also mentioned when canon fought non-canon the non-canon had void while the other didn't?” He asked.

I imagined that…“I’m sorry, but the Hype Train can only go so fast.” I said, just having a stupid ass smile at how awesome that sounds. “Never before have I been so happy to meet someone that can just as easily murder everything without much thought.”

“Oh this Broly is more chill then the other, but his anger and rage when set off makes him a terrifying opponent since he still learns as he fights. As for the next king. There is the Void King of Sorcery. Madoras.” He said.

I thought for a moment. “I’m either imagining an old man who’s so good at magic any word he says holds power...or Raiden from Metal Gear Solid 2…” I said, not entirely sure why that came to mind.

“He was once the ruler of his own kingdom that spanned half his world. He was of course the evil one and had a war with the other kingdom. He eventually made these giant suits of armor called Knights that are almost like mechs really. Powerful magic in his world, but when he was losing he made a spell and sealed himself in one of these Knights. After ten millennia he returned. Only to be defeated by the former pactmakers and an artificial knight. He was once known as the ‘Dark God of Destruction’. His magic power is only surpassed by Max. And I'm not even counting the power he gets from his own knight.” Agamemnon explained.

“Well that sounds nifty.” I said honestly. “Hmm...that sounds weirdly like Xenogears mixed with Final Fantasy now that I think about it…” I said, finding that just a bit weird.

“Next is the Void Paladin King. Ardyn. He is actually from a Final Fantasy world. 15 I believe.” He said.

“That...name sounds familiar for some reason.” I said, thinking back. “Maybe Joy played Final Fantasy 15 in his spare time? Hmm…” I hummed.

“You, him, and the main character of that world share one thing.” He said. “You each have a multitude of weapons to summon and use, but while you have thirteen. They had fifteen. Not as powerful as yours but versatile nonetheless.”

“Makes sense.” I said honestly. “But those fifteen weapons probably have some mystical super power locked away behind something or another.”

“That will be learned later if you ever meet him. The final King though. The King of Champions and the second command to Max. Her name is Frisk.” He said.

“That’s...a completely different Frisk than the one Joy’s dating right?” I asked nervously.

“Unless she is blond, has seven souls, and has a god complex as well as sadistic when she feels like it. Then probably no.” He said.

“Okay, cause Joy is dating...Storyshift Frisk if I got her worlds name right.” I said with some thought. “But I’m...curious as to why that Frisk has...all those things.”

“She is different then all the other Frisk’s. Her power is something fierce. As the Champion while she can't beat me in speed, Broly in raw power, Madoras in magic, or Ardyn in combat. Her balance of them all and with how close each category is to us means none of us could beat her even if we fight her at once.” He said. “Max is the only one that can beat her, easily to, and the only one she truly respects. She acknowledges us but she practically loves him. And before you say something like age being an issue. One, she doesn't care for any of that, and two. She has an adult form. Just prefers her kid form.”

“I would be shocked if she didn’t.” I said honestly. “I have a feeling she flirts constantly though…”

“You have no idea, but do my numbness to such things, Broly’s innocence, Ardyn not caring about that stuff, and Madoras being questionably gay or something. It doesn't work much. Although Max might be affected a little even if she doesn't know it. His mask hides it.” He said.

“That’s probably for the best...given I know full well how both Frisk and Chara flirt due to Joy.” I rolled my eyes.

“Well she tries her best to get him. Even using her adult form and other tricks. Max knows if she does affect him and learns it. She will be much more aggressive.” He said. “Although Max is the only one that didn't shiver when she tortured someone at base...it wasn't pleasant at all. Madoras even thought of heading to Gideons realm to get away from that.”

I tasted bile. “Please...let’s just skip right past that right now please.” I said while trying not to throw up at that mental image if Gideon was more pleasant than whatever that Frisk did.

“She actually has a bone to pick with you for that. She wanted a new ‘toy’ to play with before you killed him, and I meant him not whatever he had in his realm. Max also hated him, but do to him being a delete to someone else he couldn't really make a move till he finds a way past that. Gideon was worse than trash, but was actually smart enough not to do anything to summon a delete into his realm as he didn't want his...you know what's possible damaged.” He said.

“Well Max can thank me later for killing him.” I said. “Seriously, Gideon saw me, he could have done something...he just stood there as I beat the ever loving shit out of him.” I said honestly.

“...do I need to explain what the opposite of sadist is to show why he stood there…?” He asked.

I raised a hand up...before walking over the side and throwing up. “Hate you...hate you so much...for that thought process…” I groaned.

“Max does send thanks. Although Frisk is still pissed. Trust me with what she would have done. He wouldn't have like even an atto second of it. She is good at what she does.” Agamemnon said.

“Good lord…” I grumbled while taking deep breaths to try and settle my stomach so I can relax. “Fuck...but hey, at least Max is okay with what I did...even though he’s probably going to be Cript and Lord’s Delete if I’m good at seeing obvious fucking details.” I said. “I mean, when you think about it, Cript and Lord trying to make everything one world out of all the reflections? Someone’s going to stand up and kick them back down right?”

Agamemnon was silent for a minute. “....Max told me to tell what would happen if you guessed that. Though he figured you might.”

“He’s a Delete...and from what I was told Deletes are supposed to be there to keep Admins in check right?” I asked curiously.

“Correct. Max won't start right away. He’ll give you all time to rest and enjoy your win.” He turned towards me...did he get taller? “There will be another war.” He said walking closer to me. Am...am I shaking?

I really hated that I was on the side of this island’s cliff. “Uh...yeah...I was told there was going to be two or three more after this...this one brings the worlds together...the next one...or the last one...kills Kingdom Hearts…I was told this...a long time ago.” I said, not remembering when I learned that.

“Hehehe.” He chuckles as killer intent came off him. “This isn't a keyblade war. Max doesn't consider those even a battle.” He said.

“I mean...neither do I cause this will be a glorified boss rush, after that it would be clean up that’ll take months.” I rolled my eyes. “Stupid how Power Creep works doesn’t it?” I asked, trying to bring a lighter mood to this even if it might not work.

It didn't work as he came closer. My instincts yelling at me to run. “This isn't like that. You think you stand a chance?” He asked as he got two feet from me. Looking down on me. “....you already lost.”

“You never know.” I said, gulping down my fear and trying to stay strong here. “We have three years till the war starts...and then we have however much time we have until you decide to make your move...so a lot can happen in that time.”

“Yes...so do we. And maybe even more. Frisk can create alternative dimensions that go on a different time stream. And Max prepares, plans, and backup plans. There is not a thing you can do that he won't to an extent be able to predict and counter.” He said.

“So why even bother helping?” I asked. “If your all going to win anyways, why not just do it now and save yourself the trouble?”

“Because, Max wants there to be some challenges for us. Just Cript and Lord won't be enough for him.”

“There’s just...one tiny detail Max might be overlooking here...and that would be John and his Kings.” I said honestly. “Cause if I know anything from personal experiences...John and his Kings are going to replace all of you.”

“You learned how to use code and see the ID of everything right? Check mine.” He said. Making me pause at that.

“You cheating mother fuckers…” I muttered while my eyes flashed white, noting...there wasn’t anything. “I call heavy sets of horseshit cause that should be physically impossible, mostly because other you’s exist so how in the high hell?”

“There are no other me’s. Nexus made sure of that. And did you think your admin code, Nothingness Code, was the only unique code? That Max couldn't have gain one?” He said.

“Um...I know he trained under Cript but...aren’t Delete’s supposed to...you know, be the Antithesis to Admins? So shouldn’t that also be impossible?” I asked, finding this both very informative...and very confusing on how that works. “What, did he figure out how to mix what he learned from Cript and his Delete powers to...basically make a Virus Code?”

“You guess his second, or third Code well. Max is very persistent. And patient. Took him over twenty millennia in Frisk’s dimensions.” Agamemnon said.

“Goody.” I sighed out. “Cause that’s what I want to know...also sorry for guessing so much about Max’s plan...past experiences and me just being a book nerd help cause that.” I said honestly.

“He knew you would so it's fine. He had one last message though. ‘Let's start’-” Agamemnon held out his hand as...I couldn't see it clearly, but that shape...it..couldn't be. “-’ the X-Blade War’.”

“No...that...that can’t…” I muttered while turning into my Heir Final Form, dashing away as all my weapons floated around me. “This can’t be fucking happening...and here I thought this was just going to be a good training time...not having me get murdered immediately.” I said while holding No Heart at the ready, all my other weapons at the ready as well.

“Don't worry.” He said as he not only put his weapon away, but powered down as well as stops his killer intent. “This is training. That war won't happen for some time. Now are you going to keep up this act, or are you going to resume your old training?”

I sighed out. “Maybe don’t scare the shit out of me for one…” I sighed out while floating back onto solid ground and deactivating my drive form. “Christ...alright so after all that nonsense…” I said while looking up, wondering what time it is right now.

“About an hour till moon rise. So we’ll alter the training a little, half an hour keeping the hilts stable, and then practice with them.” Agamemnon said.

“Alright…” I said while summoning Interdiction again and making my hilts again, focusing to keep them stable.

This continues till the half hour mark. I've been able to keep them somewhat stable. Wishing I didn't start asking questions for two reasons now. Now I'm going through the first training only with the hilts. The weights, gravity, and the concentration all together made this much worse than I thought. Soon though the moon is up and time is done.

“Well done. Now bring out Lunatic so we can begin.” He said.

“Alright…” I said while summoning Lunatic.

“Once we’re done with this you'll take a break and rest. No arguments, but even admins need rest now and then. Now, while like the last one the style with how the weapon is suits you, and you already have a good grasp on the emotion side. You just need to learn how to tap into the moon side.” He explained. “Hold out Lunatic, and try to feel the moon inside it. Feel the power that sleeps within, that only the light of a moon can bring out. Don't use emotion or you might draw in the other source.”

I nodded while holding out Lunatic, focusing to feel the light of Lunatic’s Moon. “Alright...time to feel the moon…” I muttered.

“If we had a full moon or a lunar eclipse it would be easier, but this is good since it would give you something to find.” Agamemnon said.

“Yeah, that’s true.” I said while sensing the light of the moon. “I mean...this should also be simpler given I’m a Dire Wolf…” I said while taking a deep breath, trying to follow more of the moonlight to see what strength it could give.

“Your blood as it is now would make this easier then for most, but that still doesn't make it easy.” He said.

“Yeah...cause even if it makes it easier...nothing’s ever easy.” I said honestly. “But...I can feel the Moon…”

“If that's true. Then don't lose or forget that feeling. Hold onto it, and pull it in.” He said.

I took a deep breath. “Moon shine down…” I muttered, feeling the light of the Moon being pulled out strongly. “Jeez...even a half moon...this feels pretty strong.”

“Your not there yet. Tap deeper. Your nearly there.” He said. I did and tried to go deeper. I felt like something was blocking me from it.

“Something’s blocking me…” I said, finding that a bit curious.

“You mean your blocking yourself. The intensity of Lunatic’s power is one of the highest in your arsenal. Your subconsciously walling yourself to protect yourself. Break those limits, and prepare for it.” Agamemnon said.

“Alright...if you say so.” I said while taking a deep breath, pulling down my limiter on Lunatic and pulling more of the Moons power into me. “Almost…” I muttered, making sure my limiters are down as I felt more of the power pour forth.

“That's it.” He said, and then suddenly. Like a dam breaking. I...felt a rush of power. Like an uncontrolled ocean running free. It was….was...intense. I barely noticed the strain I was suddenly on.

“Holy damn...and this is just a half moon?” I asked, gritting my teeth as I tried to reign in this ocean of power so it didn’t do something bad to me.

“That's why you needed to feel this now. Under a full moon or even worse a Lunar Eclipse you would most likely have been put into a coma. While True Nothingness is more intense this will help prepare your body for pressure like this. Learn to regulate it and control it. It will intern allow you to access more and more of its power. Now try and keep it under control, but don't force it. Guide it. Show it the path it needs to go so it doesn't ravage your body.” Agamemnon explained.

“Alright…” I nodded while taking a deep breath and directing my power through my entire body and towards Lunatic especially, using Lunatic as a Ground for all this power, seeing the Claymore go into it’s ‘unleashed’ form as it glowed a pale light. “Alright...I think I’m getting the hang of it…” I muttered hopefully.

“A little, but that's to be expected. Continue this for half an hour. Then after that we will stop for the night. Even Admins need breaks once in a while, and this isn't up for debate.” Agamemnon said.

“That’s fine...cause seriously this has been one hell of a workout…” I said while continuing to direct the currents so it wouldn’t rip me apart. “Kind of wish I knew all these things before…” I muttered to myself.

“Many have said the same thing.” He said.

“And many more will say it in the future…” I sighed out. “It’s only going to get worse from here…”

I continue for the half hour. Many times the strain nearly knocked my out, but I held on. It's getting a little easier, but still far from controlled, and this is just a half moon version.

“Alright...that’s half an hour…” I muttered. “Now...how to stop this before I do something stupid…”

“Just relax, and let the moon go. Slowly now. Don't want it to drag your own magic with it.” He said.

I nodded while taking a deep breath and slowly letting the moon’s power go, feeling it slowly leave me. “Just...let it out slowly…”

“Slow. To fast and at best you'll drag your magic with it and exhaust yourself. I don't think I need to say what the worst is do I?” Agamemnon said.

“No.” I said while feeling the power slowly leave at a gradual pace.

“Good. Your doing well. Once your done we’ll stop for the night. You'll need your rest for tomorrow. I won't stay for the entire duration of your training. I'll help show you the path, but you must walk it yourself. As for what Max is planning. That won't happen for some time.” He said.

“Yeah...but it’s a little weird…” I said. “Is he trying to find something out of all of this? Cause while he hates Cript and that’s fine...why bring everyone else into it?” I asked curiously, feeling like there was something else involved in this. “Or...is it a someone?” I asked, finding revenge to be a bit petty for Max all things considered.

“ ‘sigh’ There….is something out there in existence. Something that shouldn't exist yet does. Something as old as Admins themselves, and has the power to effortlessly...kill both Cript and Lord despite what they are.” He said.

“Cause...of course…” I sighed out. “And let me guess, that’s how you don’t have an ID? Max has been trying to become...whatever the hell that is?”

“Close. He wants to surpass it. You see after Max killed, or at least thought he killed, his Cript he first headed to the place souls go to find those he last to Cript...only for that place to be barren. Cript doesn't know...but that thing was there. Now….nothing can bring them back. Not even Admins. Because how can you bring back something...that erases Deletes themselves.” Agamemnon said.

I blinked. “That...should be literally impossible but...I suppose when you kill enough of a certain thing…”

Agamemnon was about to speak when a...small portal made of void appeared and a letter came out. He read it and chuckled. “Well now. That's interesting.”

“What? Did I call how...whatever the hell that thing was was formed?” I asked curiously.

“That was close. When the Deletes first formed with the admins not much was known. After a bit of time they decided to basically have a Royal rumble to say. One...was left standing, and became something that can't by any current means can be killed. Not even that new sword that Cript made to kill Facts themselves can kill it. I wouldn't be surprised if he tried anyway. Max has ideas and plans that could stop it, but…” Agamemnon said.

“Excuse me, did you say Cript made a weapon that kills Facts?” I asked. “Good lord…” I sighed out while all the extra moon power left me and I took a deep breath.

“Yes he did. Also Vincent is dead now.” He said. Like it was just the weather he was talking about.

I face palmed. “God damn it...and here I thought he would have been an important part of the upcoming war or something after that.”

“Nope. Cript's adventures when it doesn't involve you or the others is basically off screen, or off page in this case. Not like Vincent was an actual threat nowadays. At least not to Max.” He said.

“That actually raised some questions, Cript made him seem like a massive problem for literally everyone, then Max struts in and makes him his bitch...seemed a little weird.” I said honestly.

“Max wasn't anywhere near as strong as he currently is back then. Vincent played him. Although because of that Max learned a large portion of his power was held back by mental barriers that formed after what his Cript did. He went to work to not only remove those barriers, but to gain more power than ever. He made sure we weren't lagging behind as well.” Agamemnon explained. “Now after all this he is at the very least close to even Cript's strength, and that's not even counting Virus.”

“Oh boy, sounds like a wonderful time.” I said while using Lunatic as a crutch cause I was shockingly tired from everything. “Jeez, didn’t expect to be this tired...even after popping an elixer.”

“Lunatic is more taxing thAn most of your weapons. So it's to be expected. That's why that's the last one for tonight. Also the letter wasn't about what you guessed. Max has informed me the Zeke and Eclipsa has entered a special dimension made for Admins to go all out. Zeke lost, but has gotten stronger.” He said.

“It’s weird...I’ve never actually fought Zeke.” I brought up. “Honestly I thought I would have been the one to knock Zeke down a peg since I couldn’t give a shit about his place in reality...but it’s good Eclipsa did it.”

“He has learned that he isn't nowhere near the limit. He can still grow and improve. That makes him a bit better than that Nexus Spawn. Get some rest now. You'll need it.” Agamemnon said before walking over to a tree a couple meters away and sitting underneath it.

“Alright…” I said. “Well...good to know some good things happened…” I said before falling over, Lunatic disappearing as I clonked out on the soft enough grass under the calm night sky.

Before I completely clocked out though. I heard him say one last thing. “You and the others are his last resort….should he fail to destroy it.”

“Don’t worry….we will….” I muttered before falling asleep.

To be continued...

Author's Notes:

Thank you DeathWatch456 for helping me with this chapter

Next Chapter: Nobody does...things? Estimated time remaining: 42 Hours, 42 Minutes
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