
I'm Real

by Feeling Grand

Chapter 5

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The wolf's skull was slammed into the ground.

I looked up, my arms still blocking me from the attack but all I saw was a swish of blue.

I heard a girl's cry, but what I saw wasn't a human girl... but a pony.

Rainbow Dash had smashed her hind hoof into the wolf's head so hard from a dive in the sky that she had crushed it.

Only it's tongue hung out, the animal dead and Rainbow yelled to me.


"W-What?" I cried in a confused beg and she roared at me angrily, as the other wolves regained their senses from the sudden attack.


I ran up to Rainbow and just flung myself onto her upright back. I could hear the door behind me suddenly opening, but that sound was drowned out in an instant as Rainbow burst into the sky, the sudden zoom terrifying me.

We just shot straight up, so high that we nearly reached the clouds. I was panting and breathing so hard as I clung onto her, my legs dangling in the air, and I cried.


The second I said that, a gunshot noise blasted throughout the mountain regions, and Rainbow screamed.

I looked at her, petrified when I saw a bullet had sliced through her wing, and she roared in agony as she began to fall a little.

I screamed my head off.

Rainbow however, roared a screaming bellow so loud, as she suddenly began to spark electricity, and a second later she was like an electric chair, and I was the one being executed.

She was glowing bright yellow with electricity, but it was running through my body, causing me horrific pain, and in a second the yellow bouncing hot sparks burst off her like lightning. I saw she was no longer bleeding, but my body felt like it had been frying. I swear my hair was sticking up at it's ends, but her wing was now healed and she began to soar in the sky with direct aim at the location she was taking me to.

All I could think however, as my little heart beat so hard it was near going to explode was-


I held onto her tightly and she just flew for a while longer, the valley so wide and big. I was too shook up to cry, too taken aback by everything to speak.

But she eventually said the first few words.

"You okay, kid?"

I was silent, my throat aching from the electricity that had run through me minutes before. I said, still frazzled, my voice weak.

"My granny... tried... to kill... me."

"Welcome to the club of who she's tried to kill." Rainbow said back with a sarcastic raspy voice and I just sat on her back, looking ahead at the mountains as Rainbow neared a cave in the distance.


The pegasus listened as I said this, my breath barely there, and my tears no longer able to come out. My body was in pain all over.

"Because some people are just bad."

"But..." I said, so confused, and Rainbow began her descent down. "She... she..."

"I'm sorry..." Rainbow said to me, quietly, and she landed then on the hard ground of the rocky insides of a cave. She made a small grunting sound, indicating for me to get off, and I slowly obeyed. I swung my leg off her and stood just to her side, the pony looking up at me quietly before I dropped to the ground in near tears. But it seemed all my tears had dried up from the shocks of electricity running through my body from before.

Rainbow looked at me, and pulled an uneasy look, as I sat there, dumbfounded on the ground, and I asked confused.


"You... I didn't think about what would happen to you when I lit up back there..."

"What do you mean...?" I peeped out confused, and she pointed down to my arms, I looked down too and could see that white pristine scars were running all throughout my skin, like lightning bolts of their own.

"W-w-w-hat...?" I began to stutter in terror, I was covered in lightning scars, and I lifted up my shirt to see that I had more of them running deep throughout my whole body.

Rainbow muttered.

"Your face... it's..."

"My what...?" I begged.

My... f-f-face?!

I tried to find a mirror or a puddle somewhere. I could hear a grumble of the sky outside as thunder could be heard bellowing through it, and the sky began to get dark as it past two o clock. The sun was blocked by ominous foreboding dark clouds.

"Its... cool?" Rainbow tried to reassure. I was standing up now and I shouted at her in anger.


"You're right..." Rainbow said back, nervously, and looked at me uncomfortable. "But I'm sure it'll all fade."

"How could you do that?" I asked Rainbow, forgetting about my injuries for now and wondering about this new power she had somehow obtained. "How could you set yourself on electricity?"

"I think because... I'm basically made out of it..." Rainbow said back quietly and I cocked an eyebrow up, completely baffled by this.

"No, your made out of flesh and bone!"

"Well yeah... and whatever else came out of that TV and cage machine... which was...?"

Suddenly the images flashed back in my eyes. Of when Rainbow was being created in the real world, how she had been rainbow lights and yellow sparks of... of...

"Electricity...?" I said, my voice not even there, myself still so shocked.

"Yeah... last night when I escaped, I got hit by lightning... but it didn't affect me... I got scratches... but when I screamed in pain and my rage was built up, I burst into yellow sparks and I was healed again... like rejuvenated or something..."

"No, no, no..." I said in fear, wandering back and forth in the cave, and suddenly could hear the pouring of rain from outside, hitting the mountains and valley in the distance. "I didn't know you could do that."

"Pretty cool, right?"

"IS IT?!" I yelled, suddenly spinning around away from the cave's entrance and to the startled pegasus behind me. "That means you can never die!"

"Isn't that a good thing?" Rainbow said, confused, and slightly annoyed at that remark.

"My granny is trying to kill you, Rainbow!"

"Still?!" she said frustrated. "What did I ever do to that old hag?! Nothing!"

I began to hyperventilate again, and needed to step out of the cave a bit to get some fresh air, but when I stepped near the edge, I soon found I was on a rocky ledge, that was hundreds of feet from the ground.

"I can't breathe!" I said panicky, and Rainbow only looked at me, concerned and confused.

"Just breathe in and out through your nose."

"You killed that wolf!"

"I had to!"

"You're meant to be about friendship and harmony!"

"I'm more about saving little girl's butts!"

I began to want to cry again, but I was so dried up and dehydrated that I begged the pony just then.

"Please!" She looked at me worried, as she saw my red face and how upset I was getting. "Please just... g-get me something to drink... I'm... I'm so t-thirsty..."

Rainbow looked at me silently for a minute more, before sighing and looking back at to the heavy rain outside.

"Okay... I'll find something and get you water in it... I'm sorry for the scars and-"

"Just get me something to drink, Rainbow..." I begged and wiped my dry eyes, looking at her, in inner torment "p-please."

She nodded her head slowly and took one last look into the sky, then back at me, before blasting off into the dim wet sky.

I could see her rainbow trail leave off behind her, and I breathed in and out heavily, plopping down in exhaustion on my bum and just crying with no tears. My voice was sobbing from thirst and utter betrayal from my loved one.


After a couple of minutes of sadness, I crawled to the side of the cave and leant against the stone wall. I closed my eyes in drowsiness and tried to sleep.

To rest. To regain all the energy I had lost and dispensed in the very few hours of my awakening this morning to now.

When I woke, it was because I heard a loud bellow throughout the cave. I tightened up, quickly looking ahead into the darkness.

What was waiting for me now? What else would try to kill me. I looked around quickly for an escape but froze when I saw the large beast approach.

A grizzly bear.

I screamed.

I quickly got up as it stood on its two big legs, towering over me. Its black eyes stared with hunger into my quivering blue ones.

I ducked just the moment it swung its paw's claws at me, scurrying in haste as I could hear a grinding sound as the sharp glassy claws hit the stone wall and scratched through it. I ran out to the cave's ledge, and turned around, seeing the bear approach me, back on all fours.

"RAINBOW!" I shrieked, not turning my eyes away from the monster and my yell rang throughout the valley.

I stumbled back as the bear grew nearer and I suddenly slipped on the cave's edge.

I fell, but grabbed hold of the rocky side of the mountain as the grizzly came towards me, looking around for it's meal. I began to cry, managing finally to slip one tear out.

I suddenly heard a young woman's voice call to me.

"Little girl! Little girl!"

I looked from side to side, before I saw a blonde pretty woman in hiking gear was climbing the mountain's ledge, and was only meters away from me.

"HELP!" I begged her and she reached out her hand to me.

I looked down at it, terrified, I looked into her beautiful eyes however, and how calm they were.

"Give me your hand!" She called to me, and I began to tremble, as I reached my hand forward but the bear slashed it's paw forward, scraping my hand that was clinging to the ledge. I yelped and let go on- screaming as I began to fall but the woman caught my hand and swung me across the scaling heights with a firm grip. She pulled me with all her might onto the mountain's side, and yelled.


I looked at her, so scared, but obeyed, and we both began to step our feet hurriedly away from the cave till we reached a more solid flat ground.

I would've breathed a sigh of relief, but the moment of calm was cut short as the bear could be heard growling and roaring as it tried to scale the mountain itself. The woman however pulled a sharp knife out from her utility belt, and flung it at the beast.

It pierced its side, and the bear's eyes widened in agony as blood gushed out of it. It lost it's grip and stumbled backwards, before slipping its feet off the ledge, and plummeting into the woods in the deep below.

I was breathing frantically, angry, and upset, as I screamed.

"I don't like animals dying!"

"That bear was trying to kill you!" The woman said to me, and I yelled at her, furious as I looked for a way to escape back to the cave.

"It didn't know what it was doing!"

"What in the name of God is a little girl doing all the way up here?" The woman asked and I looked at her, so upset.

"Leave me alone!"

Before I could make a go at the ledge again and climb my way back to the cave, the woman grabbed hold of my wrist, quite harshly, and said.

"I'm responsible for you now, little girl... I can't be held accountable if I let a lost child die out here."

"I'm not lost!" I yelled at her, and she crossed her eyebrows low to her eyes, not believing me. "I'm with a friend!"


I suddenly remained quiet, afraid to say the words and she looked at me questioningly. I swallowed. I couldn't tell her, she wouldn't believe. She wouldn't understand.

But in the end I didn't have to tell her as a sudden familiar raspy voice shouted, the woman being pinned all at once to the ground by Rainbow Dash.

"Anna, WHO IS THIS?!"

The woman's eyes widened as she looked at Rainbow and the pegasus glared at her, waiting for an answer.

"Who. Are. You?" Rainbow demanded then, deadly.

The woman took a nervous breath and answered.


Author's Notes:

I'll admit, I like writing action scenes...

Next Chapter: Chapter 6 Estimated time remaining: 32 Minutes
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