
Pony Star Cross

by Phoenix Kitten

Chapter 3: Chapter 2- The letter.

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Chapter 2- The letter.

"I see.. this is a troubling development, Twilight." Celestia nodded.

"Indeed, it would seem to be in our best interest to leave this be for now." Luna spoke up.

"Sister! If there are creatures in trouble then we must help them!" Celestia scolded her sister.

"Think sister, if Twilight is correct, then what would happen to Equestria were we to break down the barrier? What would happen to those inside?" Luna shook her head. "Your intentions are pure, dear sister, but we must act with Equestria's interests and safety first, and right now we can guarantee neither if we crack the barrier."

Celestia opened her mouth to retort when Twilight cut her off.

"With all due respect Celestia.. I agree with Luna's judgement, while I'd like to help those inside the barrier, we don't know what will happen, to either side, if we do bring it down. It could be catastrophic." She sighed. "The path to Tartarus is paved with good intentions."

Celestia sighed. "Very well. I understand your concerns, and you are both correct. My apologies sister. I shall send word, the top scholars of Canterlot shall be brought here to study the barrier. Twilight if you could return to Ponyville and conduct your own studies, I would be most grateful."

"Actually, I'd like to remain here to study the barrier as well. If I can learn how it works... then I might be able to devise away to remove it without ill effects." Twilight smiled hopefully.

Once again, Celestia was interrupted by the arrival of a letter.

"Dragon fire, Spikes fire. This is for you, Twilight." The solar princess dropped the letter into the younger alicorn's levitation field.

"What could Spike possibly be contacting me about..." She wondered aloud, tearing open the top with her magic, her practised eyes swiftly reading the words. "I see..." She placed the letter down on the table. "My apologies, Celestia, Luna. But something has come up that requires my immediate attention."

"Of course Twilight Sparkle. We understand." Luna nodded. "Your duties to your kingdom are your top priority."

Celestia nodded. "Indeed, we shall keep you up to date on any discoveries made about the barrier."

"I appreciate it." Twilight nodded before flaring her wings and taking off, gathering her friends in a levitation field and teleporting herself, and them, back to Ponyville.

"Captain Spitfire!" Celestia called out. "I have a job for you!"

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