
The Thirty-Moon Roommate

by Lux

Chapter 9: Chapter 9 - Twilight and Trixie

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Chapter 9 – Twilight and Trixie

You made your way down the sidewalk with Twilight Sparkle, passing by a myriad of restaurants, shops, and apartments. All the while she held your hand, not tightly like someone who was scared of being in a new town, but friendly like the two of you have known each other for years and were enjoying a leisurely stroll. You liked sharing her company and pointing out places that you felt relevant in your life. No matter how mundane or seemingly boring, she was interested in every word and sight like a scientist studying some new culture. You wondered as you spoke to her how much of this was familiar to her world and how much was completely foreign as you tried looking at her for cues for understanding.

“Wow, you really seem to know a lot of these places,” she said.

“Well, after living here for a while you get accustomed to favorite places. I’m sure you have that in your home, right?”

“Oh yes, there are lots of places I like to go!” she said as her face lit up. “In fact, some of my friends actually own places. One operates a farm and the other a fashion boutique.”

“Neat,” you said as you noticed another familiar location. “Oh, here is one of my favorite places to eat.”

“Really? What do you like to eat there?” she said looking into the diner.

“Oh, the usual: hamburgers, chicken tenders, fries,” you said casually as you looked over at her to see her have a strange look on her face, “Err…what’s wrong? Do you not like those things?”

“I guess you can say that I’m a vegetarian,” she said with a shrug as if she felt like an alien saying it.

“Oh, well they have things like salads, too,” you said trying to make it not seem like a big deal as you continued walking, “In fact being a vegetarian isn’t so rare here.”

“Oh, well that’s good,” Twilight said, “I’d love to check it out sometime.”

“Well, how about after we talk with Trixie we can stop by here. What do you say?”

“Sounds like it’s a date,” Twilight said with a smile until she suddenly realized the implications of her words.

“Great, I’m sure you’d like it…wait, did you say date?”

“Err…no, I mean yes,” she said starting to get flustered. Finally she stopped and took a deep breath saying, “Yes, I said date, but I didn’t mean it, you know, like we are going out. It was a figure of speech. Sometimes my mouth just moves faster than my brain.”

“It’s alright,” you said while deep down you felt a bit disappointed despite knowing little about Twilight, “I know what you meant. It was just… surprising.”

“Ok, I’m glad you’re not upset. I know things must be awkward for you having a total stranger in your apartment.”

“Nah, it’s not that bad. In fact I think I’m getting used to it. Anyway, we’re here.”

The two of you stopped at what first looked like an ordinary storefront consisting of two large windows with a door in between. At first glance the only way to tell that it was a magic shop was the sign above the door that read Spellbound in white letters on a purple background. Upon closer look there were displays in the window showcasing everything from crystals and books to a Tarot card deck that was spread out like a fan. There was also a sign on a small easel that read: Psychic Readings and below that in a smaller but still noticeable text No Appointments Necessary.

“So this is Trixie’s shop?” Twilight said peering into the windows, “It looks kind of small.”

“Yeah, Trixie’s been trying to find a bigger place for her shop, but she hasn’t been doing well.”

“Why not?”

“Well, as I said, very few people believe in magic here, so when you own a store that sells magical supplies, you aren’t doing so well.”

“It’s so sad that magic isn’t accepted here. Where I come from there are lots of things for magic purposes like stores.”

“That sounds nice,” you said thinking of a world full of magic, “Maybe one day once I get you home I can come visit and you can show me around.”

“Maybe,” she said although it was clear from her face that she had doubts of this idea. You wondered why she seemed so against the idea. From what you heard the place she came from was nice. But what if it wasn’t so nice? What if she was afraid to be away from it and needed to get home as soon as possible because she was trying to fight against some malevolent force? There was one thing that you were certain of. Maybe the world she came from wasn’t nice, but Twilight was. Perhaps her reluctance was to protect you from potentially losing your way traveling through the portal and getting stuck just as she was now.

There was another thing that came to mind as you followed her into the store. You knew that Twilight wasn’t from Earth or at least this Earth, which made her an alien in your mind. Right now she looked very human other than the oddly colored hair and eyes. There was something about her, a sense of awkwardness that went beyond mere personality. It was as if she was uncomfortable in her own skin and didn’t know how your world worked. What if upon returning home she became something entirely different than what she was? Would you still find her interesting, someone to want to know more about? If she didn’t want you to visit her in her world, her true form could be another reason.
You pushed these thoughts away momentarily as you stepped into the shop. The space was small, about the same size as your living room in your apartment. There was a hodgepodge of tables and shelves circling the edge of the store, many of them appearing to be formerly furniture from houses and purchased from thrift stores or yard sales. Two large tables that once belonged to a dining room set sat in the middle of the room, adding more to the eclectic nature of the shop. Opposite the door was what looked like an old display counter, perhaps left behind when the former owners closed and three doors, one on each side of the counter and one behind it. Every imaginable space in the shop was filled with items ranging from incense sticks to crystals to books. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to the shop except in the mind of the owner.

“Interesting place, huh?” you said to Twilight as she stood silent while trying to take in the sheer amount of occult things.

“This is incredible! Your friend has an amazing assortment of things here. But, I don’t see Trixie here.”

“Oh, I think she’s here somewhere. She wouldn’t keep the door unlocked if she was gone.”

No sooner had you said this, a loud booming voice could be heard on the other side of the wall behind the counter saying.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Spellbound! I am the Great and Powerful Trixie, master of the magical arts!”

Suddenly, a figure appeared from behind the door striking a pose with her arms raised and eyes closed. She had long white hair and like Twilight had purple eyes. She was dressed in a purple cape covered in blue and yellow stars with a large pointed hat that complimented her look. Twilight looked at her then at you as if unsure what to say or do next. You also noticed that your companion wore a smile on her face as if to say that the Trixie on your world was exactly the same personality wise to the one in her realm.

“Uh… Trixie? It’s me. No need for the theatrics.”

“Oh,” she said as her eyes opened and her posed relaxed into a slump as she removed her hat and set it on the counter, “I thought you were a new customer that I could wow.”

“How did you know someone was here?” Twilight said.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie knows when someone enters and leaves her realm! Also there’s a security camera pointed right at the door. And who might you be?”

“Oh this is…” you began before Twilight stepped forward.

“Hello Trixie. I’m Twilight Sparkle.”

“Twilight Sparkle? What a very New Age name! Wait, you’re not one of those Magical School fans who come in here thinking that you can conjure a dragon with a flick of a wand, are you?”

“No Trixie,” you said seeing that Twilight had now clue what she was talking about, “That is her real name, and she practices real magic.”
“Oh, well then welcome to my shop,” she said before noticing something else about Twilight and raising her eyebrow, “and what are you wearing?”

You thought about what to say before Twilight suddenly spoke up and candidly replied, “Those are his. My clothes got soaked in the rain and I he gave them to me when I stayed over at his apartment.”

“Oh he did, did he?” she said with a smirk before turning to you and said, “Well, isn’t this a pleasant surprise? I thought you were hopelessly single, but I was fooled. How long has it been?”

“How long?” Twilight said.

“Oh come now, don’t be coy you two! Twilight staying over at your house and wearing your clothes in the morning? Sounds like things are getting very magical in the bedroom if you ask me.”

“Trixie, it’s not like that,” you said seeing Twilight’s face turn red with embarrassment, “She needed a place to stay for the night.”

“One night, huh? You sly fox you! I’m impressed you were able to land quite a catch on one night.”

“Trixie,” Twilight said raising her voice which stopped both you and the shop owner from speaking, “He’s telling the truth. I’m…not from here and I got caught in the storm. He offered to help me by letting me stay. That’s it. There’s no bedroom magic or even romance between us, right?”

She turned towards you as if to confirm it. You knew what you wanted to say, but somehow you paused. Was this feeling towards her simply a budding friendship or the start of something else. You could see both Twilight and Trixie waiting for your confirmation so you said, “Yeah, right, nothing going on. We’re just friends, right Twilight?”

“Yeah…friends,” she said as her voice even sounded a little unsure. You wondered if she even saw you as a friend or as just an acquaintance. In that instant all possibilities of getting to know her and let your relationship with her develop suddenly was but into doubt. You looked towards Trixie who seemed to have a doubtful gaze as she stared back at you two. It seemed that even she questioned what the two of you said. But soon her expression relaxed as she knew when not to delve further.

“Fine,” she said with a shrug, “So, what brings you to my shop, Twilight? Have a magical area you want to build on, or maybe try something new? I recently got in a full octave collection of Tibetan singing bowls for meditation and rituals.”

“Um…” she said, “I would definitely want to check out your shop afterwards, but I need your help and I was told that you could be the one to help me.”

“Interesting,” Trixie said walking out from around the counter, “You need my help, other than of course maybe a lesson in fashion. Were you looking for some kind of reading? I’m skilled in palmistry, psychic readings, and of course Tarot cards. I can tell you your fate, health, or maybe even love.”

“Trixie,” you said noticing Twilight getting a little uncomfortable with mentioning love especially the way she said it as if to question what she said.

“Fine,” the white haired girl said with a huff, “If you’re not looking for something in particular from the store or for a reading, then what are you looking for from me?”

“Well, this is hard to explain,” you said, “but you have to trust me that this is not a joke.”

“I’m listening,” Trixie said, but before you could say anything else you heard another female voice come beyond the wall behind the cash register.

“Trixie, Is that you?” the voice said, “Do we have customers?”

“Yeah, we do,” Trixie said before mentioning your name and Twilight. You could tell that Twilight had a very strange expression on her face when that new voice was heard.

“Twilight, what’s wrong?”

“That voice, it sounds familiar. Almost sounds like…” she started but before she could finish her thought the three of you heard footsteps from behind the wall. Suddenly another figure appeared in the door frame, one that took Twilight by surprise. She was about the same size as Twilight and Trixie with purple hair that sported a green streak down the one side done up in a ponytail. Unlike Twilight or Trixie, however, this girl’s eyes were more a more normal dull blueish color.

“Hello again,” she said to you before drawing her attention to Twilight, “Oh, a newcomer. Nice to meet you. What’s your name?”
“Err… I’m Twilight Sparkle.”

“Nice name,” she said before looking at what she was wearing, “and…nice wardrobe?”

“Aren’t you going to say hello to me?” Trixie said.

“Well of course I will honey,” the purple haired girl said embracing Trixie and giving her a kiss that was clearly not one simply between friends, “You know I’d never ignore my love.”

“Who is that?’ Twilight said asking you.

“Oh, sorry about that,” the new girl said, “I’m Starlight Glimmer, and I co-own the store.”

“And she’s my girlfriend,” Trixie added.

Author's Notes:

Sorry about the delay. Life sometimes puts my writing on hold.

So yes, I decided to make Trixie and Starlight a couple. Why? Basically to establish an interesting dynamic in their life and act as a mirror to the relation Twilight and "You" are trying to have. Plus this is going to unhinge Twilight for a while seeing the two not just as friends like in Ponyville but as lovers.

Next Chapter: Chapter 10 - Of Portals and Power Estimated time remaining: 49 Minutes
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