
The Thirty-Moon Roommate

by Lux

Chapter 13: Chapter 13 - Confession

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Chapter 13

You stared at the doorway for what felt like an eternity as if waiting for something. You couldn’t help but feel a sense of longing, as if something precious to you was lost. You knew who it was that you were missing, and yet you couldn’t understand why. After all, Twilight was only going with Trixie out shopping, so there was little to no danger in that. Still, when Twilight was there your world felt complete. When she was gone, you were back to the way things were with you being just with your friends. It wasn’t bad, but it certainly wasn’t the kind of reality you wanted to revisit.

“Missing something?” Starlight said behind you, shaking you out of your thoughts. “Or maybe you’re missing someone.”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“Come on,” Starlight said resting her hands on her shoulders and giving you a look like you were guilty. “We’ve known each other for how long?”

“Well, I met you not long after meeting Trixie, so I guess it’s now over five years?”

“Exactly, so don’t you think that when you’re trying to hide something I’d know? Besides that, you’re horrible at lying.”

“Alright then, what do you think I’m lying about?”

“Oh I think you know that answer,” Starlight said seeing through your game, “You like Twilight. In fact I may be bold enough to say you love her. And before you ask me how I know this, you’re talking to someone who is able to feel the emotions of others. When you came in here, I could tell there was someone who was in love, and when I saw you with Twilight I knew who that feeling was directed towards. There are many feelings of love, and I’ve felt your love towards Trixie and I, the love of friendship. This, however, was different. What you showed to me was the same feeling I get from Trixie: pure love. But it doesn’t take an empath to figure out how in love you are with Twilight. You light up like a candle when you are around her and stare longingly at her. Then there’s what just happened now. When she left, it was like a part of your soul was missing, right? I felt the same way when first meeting Trixie and when she had to leave me. It was like I couldn’t be without her!”

She paused, letting in all the words your friend said settle into your mind. The more you mulled over what she said it was like someone chipping away at a block of ice, getting closer to the center and the truth.

“So, let’s hear it,” Starlight said.

“Hear what?”

“Again with all the cover up,” she said frustrated. “You know how Trixie and I help counsel others with their problems, right? Well, the first step to helping with a problem is admitting that you have one.”

“But I don’t have a problem!” you said.

“You’re right; you don’t have one per se. But the more you try to bottle up these feelings, the more you they become a problem. Believe me I know. Bottled up feelings mixed with magic doesn’t go well together. So, come on, I want you to admit to me that you love Twilight Sparkle, right here and right now!”

You knew there was no way out of this situation. Starlight was right: denying your feelings was only making things worse. It was silly though. How could you meet someone for one day and feel this way for her? After all, love at first sight was merely something from a fairytale, right? But the more you tried to deny it, the more you realized that it was the truth.

“Fine,” you said as you gathered your courage, “I like Twilight.”

“Like, huh?” Starlight said with a giggle, ‘I think it’s a little more than that!”

“Ok, I love her! She’s beautiful, smart, and funny. She made my life magical since I met her, and I feel lost when she’s gone. Happy now?”

“I’m happy you admitted the truth, but the question is: do you feel better now that you told me the truth?”

“Actually,” you started but then upon examining your thoughts said, “yes, I do feel better. I feel lighter and freer.”

“See? I told you so,” Starlight said with a smile.

“But… why, how can I just love her when I just met her?”

“Love can’t be explained,” your friend said with a shrug. “I can’t say how I fell in love with Trixie. It just did. One minute we met and became friends and the next minute we found we were in love. But really, why try to explain it? You’re in love, that’s all that matters. But you’re not done yet.”

“I’m not?” you said.

“No. You think admitting to yourself or me that you’re in love with Twilight and that’s it? That was the easy part. Then next thing is deciding what to do with this. How do you show your love to Twilight?”

“Well, how do I?”

“That’s the hard thing about it, isn’t it? All I’d say is to be yourself and don’t pour out your feelings to her right away. She might get scared if you do that. Just get to know her and one day you two will eventually fall in love. But I have some good news about this.”

“Really? What’s that?”

“Isn’t it obvious, the way she looks at you and is interesting in everything you say? She likes you, too!”

“Sh…she does, even after she said she doesn’t?”

“Blame Trixie for that. I think that Twilight was just caught off guard.”

It was then you heard Twilight and Trixie’s voices outside the shop, approaching closer with each step.

“So, what are you going to do next?” Starlight said, “Better make it fast because here she comes.”

Author's Notes:

So I decided to do a little spin on Starlight's ability as seen in "All Bottled Up." Starlight's magic is fueled by emotions, so why not make her an empath, a person who can literally feel the emotions of others?

Also, I know this was a little late, but I was on vacation last week.

Next Chapter: Chapter 14- Descision Estimated time remaining: 26 Minutes
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