
Daring Do and the Nightweavers

by Nexas

Chapter 2: Overhearing

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Adventurer Headquarters; the control center of the adventurer's guild and academy, scores of Ponies from all over Equestria have traveled here to learn about the world and what it may hold for them.

The building was massive; a sphere shape building that was built into a mountainside, much like the city of Canterlot. Its golden plated exterior gleamed in the suns rays, a beautiful sight for all who saw it. Parts of the sphere were open allowing runways for things like planes, balloons and Pegasus's easy entrance.

Daring and her companion stepped into the foyer; it was very well decorated with marble columns running up the walls and even a fountain that was installed a few days earlier. Daring looked up at the high ceilings and stunning architecture, she felt a sense of awe no matter how many times she saw this place.

Everywhere the duo looked there were Ponies of every size, gender and color running around to class or some other activity, carrying supplies and tools for exploring any type of terrain.

This didn't interest Daring though, she already had all that she needed.

"Miss Do?"

A voice called out behind them; stoic and calm but still showing signs of irritation. The two mares looked over their shoulders to see Dr. Fossus. A bespectacled Earth Pony of considerable knowledge, his ordinarily dark brown fur and grey mane were bleached from long days in the past spent in the sun at archelogical digs, he had traveled all over Equestria before becoming a teacher here.

Daring chuckled sheepishly. "Hello Professor, lovely day we're having."

Fossus's stone face said enough.

Her fake grin grew wider. "I know you're wondering why we weren't in class, right?"

Fossus continued to glare daggers at the impudent Pegasus but slowly his expression softened.

He sighed. "Miss Daring, you cannot just skip your classes and go off on these trips."

He turned his attention to Poppy. "And you, why do you insist on going into certain danger with her?"

Poppy shrugged matter-of-factly. "Somepony has to be around to keep telling her she's the greatest."

"Besides." Daring added, wrapping an arm around the Earth Pony. "I need a partner. You and dad always did stuff together."

Fossus froze for a moment, his spectacles sliding down the bridge of his snout. He quickly shook this off and pushed his glasses up again.

"I know he's told you about our old exploits." He cleared his throat. "But you really mustn't go off unprepared and unprotected. It's much more dangerous than what he has told you, you're inexperienced"

Daring scoffed. "I'm just as experienced as he is." She reached under her hat and pulled out the golden idol. "Here, proof of my renowned expert skills."

She tossed the idol over to Fossus, who caught it expertly in his mouth. He sat down on the floor and inspected the idol closely, occasionally stopping to push his glasses back up.

Daring thumped her chest proudly. "How's that for inexperienced? It's the treasure we found in the ruin today."

"It's fake."

"What." Said Daring bluntly.

Fossus held up the idol to see. "It's fake, I.E. It's not made of gold." He ran the idol against the stone floor, eliciting a few screeching noises. He held it up and showed that the idol had long scratches down its side, revealing the wood just underneath. "It's just gold plating."

"Again?!" Daring shouted, throwing her hat down in anger.

Poppy looked down at the idol. "How can you even tell that this is fake?"

"I was so sure this time!" Daring continued complaining.

Fossus shrugged. "You learn certain things like this along the way."

Daring could swear that if only for a second she saw a tiny grin grace her usually stoic teacher's face.

"But I suppose it counts for something." Said Fossus as he tucked the item away into the saddlebag that hung by his side. "It'll be an excellent paper weight."

Daring facehoofed. "Well that was a bust." The Pegasus said hastily picking her trusty hat off the ground, dusting it off and placing it gently atop her head one more. "I guess I have to learn a bit more."

"Well, yes." Fossus said, rather surprised that the usually defiant student was actually listening to what he said. "I'm glad that you see it-"

"So I'm just gonna have to get dad to help me!"

Without another thought, Daring raced off towards one of the many stone staircases that lined the massive building, leaving two very confused Earth Ponies in her wake.

"Daring!" Poppy shouted, shaking off her initial confusion and chasing after her friend. "Wait for me!"

The Earth Pony teacher watched as the adventurous Pegasus speed off with her yellow companion chasing after her.

"She's just like her father."


"Daring... slow down..." Poppy gasped for air as she leaned against one of the many pillars in the hallway for support. . Racing after her flying friend through the long hallways and corridors of the academy had left her ragged.

"Fine..." Daring grumbled. She landed and walked over to one of the many maps that hung in the halls. Because of the size of the building, many of the students and even some of the teachers got lost quite frequently.

Poppy noticed the confused look on Daring's face as she looked over the map.

"You don't know where you are anymore, do you?"

"Hmm?" Daring grunted, not paying attention.

"Daring." She insisted, crossing her arms and grinning at the Pegasus. "You're lost again, aren't you?"

Daring didn't say anything but instead turned towards her companion and flashed a charming smile.

"Well if I am lost, I'm glad that your here with me."

Poppy squeaked and turned away, her face adopting a soft red glow.

"Is she doing this on purpose?" Poppy's thoughts screamed, completely confused by the adventurer's actions.

"Besides." She continued, completely unaware of her friends glowing blush. "I have an amazing sense of direction. It's my cutiemark." She pointed to the side of her flank; a small picture of a blank compass rose, pointing in all directions. "See?"

Poppy quickly shook off the blush and looked back at her friend.

"I thought it meant that you were directionless, what with the compass having no marked directions and all." Poppy chuckled at this despite the glare Daring was giving her.

"What do you mean, it was stolen?!"

The two were interrupted when a voice suddenly shouted near them. They both turned and looked towards a large door that neither of them had noticed.

The two stared at the doors; a heated conversation going on behind them.

"Told you we weren't lost." Daring grinned at Poppy before tiptoeing towards the door to avoid detection. She reached the door and lightly pressed her ear to the wood.

"A single thief snuck in and made off with it." A gruff voice spoke in response to the other voice. Daring pressed her ear closer to the door; she knew one of the voices but the other...

"I thought the Princesses were going to move it to a more secure place!" The other voice shouted back, the sound of something expensive breaking on the other side of the door breaking the silence..

"W-we were just about to move in and take it away." The gruff voice stuttered in the face of the other voices anger. "In fact we were going there that very night to get it but the thief had come and gone right before we go there and had left barely a trace."

The other voice was silent for a moment before talking again.

"Do the Princesses know?"

"They wouldn't have sent me if they didn't."

"The Princesses..." Daring whispered in awe. Something big must be happening and she just walked into it.

"Awesome." She joyfully whispered.

"Daring!" Poppy whispered nervously. "I really don't think this is a good idea!."

"Oh come on Poppy." Daring whispered back excitedly. "Where's your sense of adventure?"

"Back in the ruins we were in earlier. Somewhere in the last death trap."

"Alright I'll help, if it's the fate of Equestria and the world and all that." The voice concluded.

"The fate of Equestria!" Daring jumped up in excitement. She reached towards the door handle but was stopped by Poppy.

"Don't do this Daring. Isn't one near death experience enough for one day?" She insisted, trying to pull the Pegasus away.

"Don't try and stop me Poppy." Daring grinned ecstatically, her mind already set on this new adventure.

"Daring please, don't-AAAAHH!"

While Poppy was trying to talk her out of it, Daring Do had pulled against the Earth pony with all her might and accidently flung the Earth over her head and into the doors, knocking them wide open and sending the Pony crashing to the floor at the hooves of two other Ponies. One of said Ponies was one of the Princesses royal guards; clad in the signature golden armour.

And the other was a Pony Daring knew very well.

"Daring?" The Pony raised an eyebrow in confusion, looking down at the Pony groaning on the floor.

Daring smiled guiltily. "Hi dad."

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