
My Little Mages: The Sirens' Song

by Foxhelm

Chapter 1: Prologue: The Stellar Exile

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The smoke cleared revealing a crater, six people walked to the edge, three men and three women. Well, four actually walked as two flew. One of the two who flew was a woman dressed in a white dress that was little more than what would cover her breasts, her stomach to her knees, sewed above her heart was a depiction of a necklace with two pearls on each end, over it was a whitish clear loose overdress. On her head, over her dark arctic blue and moderate turquoise hair, was white head cover with a golden band in the front with what looked like a crescent moon with the points pointing towards the heavens. At her heels were a pair of ethereal wings that were like a falcon’s, which revealed herself as a Skyborn. Over her eyes was a white blindfold, which she took off and revealed her grayish blue-violet eyes. “Stygian’s plan worked,” she commented as they all were taking in that they had won.

“Looks like your hope in this was well placed, Somnambula,” the other one who flew, a man said, which made the recently identified Somnamubla smile. Like her, he was a Skyborn, but his ethereal wings were like eagle's wings, he had brilliant turquoise eyes with moderate amaranth hair, hidden under his helm. He was also the only one the group with actual armor, which was a series of what looked like straps of iron bound together to look like a shirt over a long red tunic, with an embroidered blue feather over a render of mountain peaks in the right sleeve. On his left arm was a bronze colored figure-of-eight styled heater shield with a four-pointed star with stylized wings above an olive branch etched into it.

“Now’s not the time for that Flash Magnus,” one of the four on the ground said as he stepped forward to be at the edge, the speaker was a towering man, in his mid-thirties, just over eight feet. He was an Earthborn, with grayish blue eyes, moderate gamboge with gold-like stripes hair, beard, and mustache. Behind his left ear, some of his hair was done in a braid. He wore a brown leather and fur tunic and pants, with fur covers for his forearms and lower legs, with a leather headband. He had tattooed on his right shoulder was a Valknut and in his hand was long shafted shovel which seemed to sharpen along the sides than most.

“Now calm down, Rookfoot, sugar,” came one of the others on the ground. Like the recently identified Rockfoot, she too was an Earthborn. As she spoke she removed the plaque mask she wore, which was designed to look like a parrot, but was yellow and blue in color, and showed her brilliant turquoise eyes as she took hold of Rockfoot’s left hand. In addition to the mask, she wore a grass green dress. Her hair was pink and scarlet and done up.

“Rookfoot-san is right to be concerned, Meadowbrook-san,” the remaining woman in the group spoke-up as she placed her left hand on the recently identified Meadowbrook's shoulder. Unlike Somnamubla and Meadowbrook, she was a Magicborn, which was hinted at by the wearing of what looked like a headband with a stone on her forehead. What also made her stand out was that she looked to be in her late eighties, with pale light grey cerulean eyes. Beyond that she was even more different from her allies, with her dress, which was a fog-like bluish kimono with a stylized cloud of mist rendered to take up the back of kimono and her focus gem was a pearl, which was unique to where she was from. But those were not the most peculiar things about her. No, what was most different about her was her hair, which seemed to float on its own, like mist, and was of several colors namely gradients of grayish arctic blue, turquoise-ish gray, grayish turquoise, and malachite greenish gray. She then turned from the recently identified Meadowbrook, “So what do we do know, Star Swirl-sensei?” she asked the last of the group.

The last of the group was a man, he too was a Magicborn that seemed to be in his late sixties early seventies, dressed in a long gray tunic, with a series of five-pointed stars and various swirls. Over it was a blue cloak and long brimmed pointed hat adorned with stars and moons with bells sewed to them. He had dark violetish gray eyes, with long light gray hair and beard. He turned to the other Magicborn, “We cast them into the void of space, Mistmane,” the identified Star Swirl said to his addressee, the recently identified Mistmane. He then preceded to tape the ground as azure-ish gray magic pulled a fairly large mirror out of it with the reflective part facing the pit. Star Swirl then started to mutter what sounded like nonsense as he aimed his magic at the mirror. Once he finished his incantation, from the mirror came a light that pulled something from the pit the six looked down into, the light of the magic obscured the what it held save for the faint silhouette of what looked like three women. There were screams of fright as the light vanished.

“Why didn’t we just kill them, Star Swirl?” Rockfoot asked Star Swirl as the sorcerer preformed another spell in silent that made the mirror shrink to the point that he could place it in a pocket in the cloak as everyone turned to Star Swirl.

“I have to agree, killing them would have resolved the matter permanently.” Flash Magnus concerned as he and Somnambula landed while Star Swirl put the mirror into a pocket.

Somnambula, Mistmane, and Meadowbrook each placed a hand on either Flash’s or Rockfoot’s upper arm, “Now before we get into an argument, maybe we should hear Star Swirl’s reasoning and what he actually did,” Somnambula offered in consul to her compatriots, Mistmane and Meadowbrook nodded in agreement, much like one parent silently affirming a united front with the other. Reluctantly Rockfoot and Flash Magnus sighed in protest, but in the ended silently agreed with their sisters-in-arms.

“Death is but one fate that would resolve the matter with them. There are many others, being sent to the stars forever is one of them.” Star Swirl informed as he headed away from the group, in order to inform the villagers that the threat was over. It was more of a non-answer, but Star Swirl was not a man known to provide answers.

The five looked to each other not entirely sure if Star Swirl’s plan to banish their foes to the stars was a good idea, “I am not a fluent in the language Star Swirl used as I should be if I wish to compare notes with him as often as I want, but the spell didn’t have the word for 'forever' in it, the phrase at the end translates to ‘until sunsets no longer at midnight’," Meadowbrook commented as she thought back on what was said in the spell.

“But the sun never sets at midnight, because it never actually sets, and where the sunset it's not midnight there but midnight elsewhere. Conversely, you could argue that the sun always set at midnight, as the sun would set at one place while it is midnight somewhere else in the world.” Mistmane countered after she took another few seconds to think further, she found that she agreed with Star Swirl, “So in a roundabout way, Star Swirl’s spell did banish them forever," she confirmed her stance.

“We can only be brave enough to hope in the strength of Star Swirl’s sorcery. But for now, let’s heal the people and restore the beauty that was almost destroyed by those three monsters,” Somnambula said as she took to flight following Star Swirl. The rest shrugged their shoulders or shook their heads before they joined their comrades.

Two thousand years later:

Three stars fell into the sea, within a few minutes three female humans emerged from the sea and walked onto the shore. They were dressed in long black robes that had hoods that currently covered all but their lips and chins, and around their necks was a necklace of a black cord with a ruby. One had a treble clef with a light orange gem next to it embroidered on her robe, one had a purple five-pointed star-shaped gem over a forte symbol on hers and the last one had a heart with an eighth note stylized to have a slight lightning bolt theme. “So much for that,” the one with the purple five-pointed star-shaped gem over a forte symbol on her robes commented in what sounded like a complaint in a tone that made her sound like she was disinterested, but there was an underlined glee, which the other two picked up on easily.

“Star Swirl was kind of stupid just casting that spell,” the one with the heart with an eighth note stylized to have a slight lightning bolt theme on her robes said in a very chipper tone. “But where are we?” She turned her hooded head around, not unlike a lost child.

The one with the treble clef with a light orange gem bent down and picked up some of the soil. She held it to her nose and took a sniff. She then let it fall from her hand before she cleaned it with the ocean's water, “Same planet, some other part,” she answered as she looked around the area. She soon spotted a minotaur with long horns and a long wavy red colored coat, wearing what looked to be a skirt. He seemed to be panting as if he was near the end of his rope. “But first, who’s hungry.” The other two turned to see the minotaur and chuckled as all three of their gems started to glow as the three started to sing, “Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh.”

Next Chapter: Be-Dazzling Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 7 Minutes
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