
Trixie's Grand and Magical Adventure

by Eighth

Chapter 1: Prologue


Every adventure is about finding a piece of yourself. Longing for companionship, anger, growing up, etc.


Trixie relives her cruelty in a dream

Wakes up and goes outside to wander the town

Comes across her poster stamped cancelled

Admits to herself she just doesn't have it in bed to perform any more

Finds an odd magic shop

Wanders I. Out of boredom

Gypsy tells her what she really wants is a piece of herself, a piece of the future

Tells her where she can find an oracle to see the future

-journey of soul searching

Question she asks is if she'll ever be famous

You almost think she's changed

Answer is is maybe. The are many ways she could reach fame but oracle mentions she should have asked if she'd ever be happy

Question sticks with Trixie

Decides to try another show.

Show is packed

Sneaks I to crowd to hear opinion.

Someone says one trick pony

Panic over need last minute new show

Trixie decides to dress as a barf and regale with the tale of a made up adventure name of the journey she went through

People love it

"Why is she so mean to us?" Snails wails.

"Yeah! I miss the days when she was just... A fraud," lips Snips.

Trixie leaps forward to glare at the two as she towers over them on her new golden bed. Then with her faithful and cruel whip floating in a deep red aura, she gives it a firm crack causing them to shudder and huddle into one another. The two then immediately rise to their feet to begin their struggle anew, pulling this heavier carriage you made only to chastise the pair. As Snips huffs and wheezes as Snail groans and struggles, Trixie dangles the tip of the whip in front of them to remind them of their new god's ever watchful eye.


Trixie wakes up in a panic. Sweat drips from her forehead as she begins to awaken to the fearful state her body is in. Her breath is quick and sharp, her heartbeat thunders in her head and her pillow is damp from the beads of sweat falling from her brow.

"Again," Trixie grunts in frustration as she shuffles out of bed.

It's been nearly six months now since that time but Trixie's conscience isn't willing to let up as she still relives that day most nights. No amount of regret seems to shake that either as it even appears to become even more vivid as time passes.

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