
Reformation Brigade

by Metool Bard

Chapter 15: Let's Go, Bolts and Colts!

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"Principal Cinch, are you certain this man is who, or rather what, you say he is?"

Professor Flypaper stroked his chin in thought, looking over an odd gentleman he had never met before. The mysterious gentleman was a lanky fellow with beige skin, messy grey hair, bushy eyebrows and goatee, and inexplicable red eyes. He wore a dark scowl, which he directed at Principal Cinch.

"You can check the security footage for yourself, Professor Flypaper," said Cinch. "Lockdown can vouch for me as well. This monster took the guise of Ms. Dazzle and tried to attack me. When we stripped it of its magic, it turned into what you see now."

"How curious," Flypaper mused. "If I had the right credentials, there's quite a bit of research I could do into this phenomenon."

"Oh, sure. Just go ahead and keep acting like you're going to get away with this," snarked the mysterious gentleman. "Because y'know, that's never been a bad idea in the history of, well, ever."

"You shut your mouth, demon," Slitherquick hissed. "It's your witchcraft that has been causing Crystal Prep so much trouble."

"Correction: It's my chaos powers that have been causing you so much trouble," the gentleman corrected. "Or did you think I'd just stand by while you tried to spy on my friends, Fanny?"

Slitherquick bristled. "Why you—"

"Calm yourself, Slitherquick. It isn't worth it," said Cinch. "We'll deal with our troublemaking friend soon enough."

"Oh, no. I'm so scared," the gentleman said dryly.

Flypaper raised an eyebrow. "Is there something you know that we don't?"

"If you have to ask, then you don't know."

Flypaper blinked. "I, understand that. That's why I asked."

"Ah, I see you're the smart one here. Good for you."

Flypaper was about to retort when there was a knock at the door.

"That must be Ms. Dazzle," said Cinch. "Let her in, Slitherquick."

Slitherquick hobbled over to the door and turned the knob. She barely moved it before it swung open on its own accord, causing her to stumble in shock. Dean Cadence marched in, a stern look on her face.

"Abacus, we need to talk," she said.

Principal Cinch folded her hands and stared at Cadence. "First of all, that's Principal Cinch to you. Let's not forget our place here, Mi Amore," she admonished. "Secondly, can this wait? I'm expecting to meet with Adagio Dazzle soon."

"Oh, don't worry, Principal Cinch. We can still have our meeting."

Cinch blinked in surprise as she heard an unfamiliar voice from behind Cadence. On Cadence's left, Sunset and the Sirens appeared. On her right, the Shadowbolts made themselves known. None of them looked particularly happy.

"Oh, joy of joys! The cavalry's here," the gentleman cheered dryly. "What took you so long, Smitty?"

Sunset recognized the nickname right away and scoffed. "I see Cinch didn't manage to drain your rapier wit, Discord. By the way, nice look."

Discord shrugged. "Eh, seven out of ten. Too much symmetry."

Principal Cinch shook herself from her stunned silence and tried desperately to get her bearings. "Wh-what is the meaning of this, Dean Cadence?"

"I think you know," said Cadence, folding her arms. She looked over at Discord. "First thing first, though. Who's this?"

Cinch looked over at Discord, sweat forming on her brow. "W-well, um..."

"That is just a new custodian!" Slitherquick interrupted. "A-after that incident a few days ago, Principal Cinch decided we needed a new, janitorial staff. Don't question it."

Sugarcoat raised an eyebrow. "And she was planning to interview this new custodian and discipline Adagio Dazzle at the same time? Do you really expect us to believe that?"

"Believe what you want; it's none of your concern, anyway," Slitherquick growled. She waved her cane. "Now go on. Shoo. Get back to your classes."

"Oh, we're not going anywhere," said Adagio, leering at Cinch. "Not until we get what we came for."

"And what exactly have you come for?" asked Flypaper, adjusting his glasses.

"For starters, the truth," said Indigo, pointing an accusatory finger at Cinch. "We wanna know why you've been stealing magic from the Canterlot High exchange students."

Cinch let out an insincere snicker. "My my. You do have an impressive imagination, Indigo Zap. I have no earthly idea what you're talking about."

"Then how do you respond to this?"

Sunset took out her phone and played the video Discord had recorded. Cinch's face lost all color, and she shot Discord a glare. Discord merely shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know why you expected anything different," he said. "Why do you think I've been so calm about all this?"

Cinch scrunched her eyes shut and clenched her fists, turning her knuckles white. She looked like she would explode at any second, but instead, she calmly turned back to Cadence. However, her commanding presence was undermined by the sweat trickling from her brow.

"Cadence, listen," she said in a strained tone. "I-I can explain..."

"Don't bother, Principal Cinch. We're not stupid," said Indigo. "This all has to do with what happened at the Friendship Games, doesn't it?"

Cinch looked over at Indigo. "So what if it does?"

"So you freaking admit it!" Indigo barked. "You punished Sonata and Aria just for having magic, and you plan to do the same to Adagio!"

"I punished Ms. Blaze for threatening violence against a teacher, Indigo Zap," Cinch retorted, gesturing to Discord. "Plus, you neglected to mention this fellow, who intended to do me harm."

Indigo snorted. "O-oh yeah?! Well, what did Sonata and Adagio do wrong then, huh?! What've you got to say to that?!"

Cinch's eyes narrowed. "It is none of your concern, Indigo Zap."

"Like fun it's not!" Indigo snapped, pounding her fist into her palm. "You tell me right now what you did to my friends, or I'll—"

She was interrupted by a hand squeezing her shoulder. She turned to see Sugarcoat shaking her head.

"We're all upset with Cinch, Indigo," she said plainly. "But if we fly off the handle, it'll just make things worse."

After a pause, Indigo let out a sigh and nodded. "Y-you're right. I'm sorry."

Slitherquick snickered. "My my. It seems the leader of your little clique has lost her bite."

"I will thank you not to misconstrue my actions, Ms. Slitherquick," Sugarcoat stated darkly. "After all, I do share my friend's sentiments. Even if a case could be made for Aria and Discord's punishment, that still doesn't explain why Sonata and Adagio are getting the same treatment." She pressed her glasses against her face, causing them to shine. "Although if you will indulge me, Principal Cinch, I do have a theory."

Cinch arched an eyebrow. "A theory, you say?"

"Indeed," said Sugarcoat. "I think that you're afraid of us."

Cinch did a double take. Before she could get a chance to respond, Slitherquick scoffed.

"And here I thought you could never tell a lie to save your life, Sugarcoat," she chided. "Honestly, anyone could see through that bluff. Why on Earth would Principal Cinch ever be afraid of you?"

Sugarcoat let out a scoff of her own. "First of all, I said this was merely a theory. Second of all, you weren't at the Friendship Games, so I can only assume that you don't have an unbiased account of what happened."

She turned back to Cinch, a stern look on her face. "But you know what happened, don't you? After Twilight unleashed the magic and nearly destroyed everything?"

Cinch pressed her fingers together. "Of course I remember what happened. There's no need to recap."

"Then I'll keep this brief," said Sugarcoat. "Once things returned to normal, you wanted Canterlot High to forfeit for using magic. Noticing your blatant hypocrisy, we called you out on it. You then said that Canterlot High's magic had corrupted our minds." Her face darkened. "At first, it just sounded like a desperate grasping at straws, as you had no substantial rebuttal to our claims. But you actually think that, don't you? You honestly believe that we were corrupted by magic, which in turn caused us to oppose you. Why else would you go through all this trouble?"

Cinch leered back at Sugarcoat. "I am doing what is best for this school," she growled through gritted teeth. "These measures are for your benefit."

"Oh, you mean like the security cameras you placed everywhere?" asked Sour Sweet, fluttering her eyelashes.

Cinch nodded. "Exactly correct, Sour Sweet. I'm glad one of you under—"

"'Cause y'know, I love those things~!" Sour Sweet trilled, cutting across Cinch. "They were just such a good idea, weren't they~? I feel so much safer with them around~. I honestly don't know about you, but I can't imagine how my life would be without several eyes watching every move I make and silently judging me!"

Slitherquick scowled. "I don't think Principal Cinch appreciates your tone, young lady."

"I can speak for myself, Slitherquick," said Cinch. She then sighed. "Sour Sweet, I don't expect you to understand. In fact, I don't expect any of you to understand. All you need to know is that implementing these measures was necessary for maintaining order in Crystal Prep."

"Oh, sure~! That'll get us off your back~!" Sour Sweet chirped facetiously. "Just go ahead and patronize us like a bunch of toddlers who don't know any better!"

Slitherquick huffed. "Considering you're all acting like a bunch of entitled brats right now, I don't see any reason for Principal Cinch to treat you differently."

Sour Sweet gnashed her teeth, forcing herself to smile as her eye twitched. "Y-yeah. Entitled brats. Th-that's what we are! We don't know nothing about nothing!"

"That's a triple negative," Sugarcoat pointed out.

Sour Sweet's eye twitched even more as she struggled to contain her rage.

"Um, maybe not the best time to correct her grammar, Sugarcoat," said Indigo.

Lemon Zest sighed and took off her headphones. She then placed them on Sour Sweet's head and turned up the volume. Sour Sweet was about to protest when her disposition slowly changed. She closed her eyes and took in a few deep, meditative breaths. Indigo stared blankly at Lemon Zest, who simply shrugged.

"What? I like ASMR," she said. "You don't think I just listen to rocking jams all day, do you?"

"I do believe we're getting off-track," said Cadence, clearing her throat. "Principal Cinch, Sour Sweet has every right to be upset, as do the rest of us. You can't just dismiss our concerns like this."

Cinch gave Cadence a cold glare. "To be frank, Dean Cadence. We wouldn't be having this discussion if you hadn't invited Canterlot High to our school in the first place. It was because of this student-exchange program of yours that I had to resort to these measures. You forced my hand."

Indigo scoffed. "First of all, credit where credit is due, Principal Cinch. Dean Cadence isn't the one who made that petition. It was us." She gestured to her fellow Shadowbolts.

"Indeed," said Sugarcoat. "And part of the reason we came up with this proposal was that we noticed the increased security measures you implemented after the Friendship Games. Even Lemon Zest was not blind to it, and you know how hard it is for her to pay attention." She cleared her throat. "N-no offense."

"It's cool," said Lemon Zest with a shrug.

Sugarcoat nodded and continued. "Anyway, we felt as though we were being punished simply because we didn't stand by your unsportsmanlike behavior once it was revealed."

Dean Cadence stepped forward. "You like to go on about how reputation is everything, Abacus. Well, here's your reputation on full display. The students at this school view you as a paranoid tyrant trying to quell an uprising that isn't happening. Is that what you want?"

Cinch closed her eyes and let out a great sigh. When she raised her head, she was still as stoic as ever. However, her commanding presence began to diminish even more as she trembled ever so slightly.

"It's not about what I want, Mi Amore. It's never been about what I want," she said hoarsely. "This is what I have to do to keep my school safe and orderly. Besides, you're blowing my actions out of proportion. I didn't steal Ms. Dusk and Ms. Blaze's magic with the intention of keeping it. I merely confiscated it from them so that it wouldn't be a threat to others. My actions are no different than taking away a student's toy gun or headphones. They'll get it back once they leave, I promise. It's not like I'm hurting them."

"Wanna bet?"

Sunset's face darkened as she stepped forward. She looked Cinch right in the eye.

"I'll be the first to admit that magic can be dangerous. I should know; I'm the one who brought it into this world in the first place," she said firmly. "But you have to understand something, Principal Cinch. Stripping it away from us is a horrible solution to that problem. Equestrian magic isn't just some performance enhancer. It's part of who we are. You're not just taking away someone's headphones. You're taking away someone's personality; their true self."

"Plus, everything you said is a load of baloney," Aria added. "You told us we'd only get our magic back if we kept our mouths shut."

"And also, it does hurt. Like, a lot," Sonata chimed in.

Cadence gave Cinch a chiding look. "Principal Cinch, I told you that I would have the magic situation under control. Why go behind my back with all this? Don't you trust me?"

Cinch grew pale, wringing her hands and averting her eyes. Before she could answer, a sinister laugh came from Slitherquick.

"Now why on Earth would she trust you, Mi Amore Cadenza?"

Aria deadpanned at Slitherquick. "Okay, why are you even here? You haven't been contributing anything to this conversation."

Slitherquick sighed. "And here I thought losing your corrupting magic would teach you some manners. Oh well. It's not like any of this matters."

Sunset raised an eyebrow. "Excuse you?"

Slitherquick scoffed. "You're all wasting your breath. Cinch doesn't have to listen to anything you say. We have the advantage."

She hobbled over to the desk and gestured to Discord. "We have your magic, and we managed to apprehend your demonic friend here. All we have to do is take this evidence to the school board, and Canterlot High will be ruined! And it'll serve you right, for thinking that you thugs could ever hold a candle to us!"

Discord blinked. "Are we absolutely certain Cinch is the villain here? I'm starting to have my doubts."

Cadence deadpanned. "Fanny, you can't threaten us into silence like this. Principal Cinch has to hear us out."

"She doesn't have to hear anything, Cadence," Slitherquick snarled. "She's already won. Your conspiracy to have these petulant children overthrow her has been unraveled. Don't try to deny it."

She marched up to Cadence and jabbed at her with her cane. "These unruly cliques only lead to trouble. Canterlot High is full of them, and you foster that mentality here by coddling these hooligans. But now, the cameras have seen everything. And when Canterlot High falls, you'll lose your tenure as well. Maybe then, we'll have a Dean of Students who can actually keep these punks in line."

Cadence wasn't the least bit intimidated. "And here I thought you didn't want my job. Though I think even Abacus would have the good sense to see that you're far from qualified."

"You're in no position to sass me, Mi Amore!" Slitherquick roared. "In fact, this conversation is over!" She marched towards Sunset. "You. Give me your phone."

Sunset crossed her arms. "And why should I?"

"Because if you don't, I'll take your magic! How's that for a reason?!"

Flypaper groaned and palmed his face. "Ms. Slitherquick, disposing of evidence is a felony. Your behavior is most uncalled for."

Slitherquick whipped around. "D-don't take their side, Flypaper! We don't have to play their game!"

There was a fit of giggles from the corner of the room. All eyes turned to Adagio, who was laughing haughtily.

"And just what is so funny, Ms. Dazzle?" Slitherquick snarled.

Adagio continued to laugh. "Aw~. You think this is a game!"

In an instant, her cheery demeanor vanished. A pulse of magic burst forth from her body, causing everyone to flinch. She was back in her pony form and leering at Slitherquick.

"I feel like I've been pretty patient up to this point, but it appears mere words aren't going to cut it," she said. "So let's just cut to the chase, shall we? You either return what you stole from my friends, or I'm going to take it back by force. And if you honestly believe that I'm just playing around, try me."

Slitherquick cackled. "You don't scare me, witch. I'll just take your magic, too!"

Without even asking for Cinch's permission, she went behind the desk and pulled out the dreaded device. Adagio stood her ground, but suddenly, she found five figures standing in her way.

"Not if we have anything to say about it," said Indigo, folding her arms.

Slitherquick's eyes narrowed. "You nosy little brats. Out of the way!"

"No dice, dude," said Lemon Zest. "Adagio's our friend, and you ain't hurting her."

Slitherquick's lips curled into a crooked smile. "Fine then. See what happens when you disrespect your superiors!"

Flypaper blanched. "Ms. Slitherquick, I highly advise against this! The device hasn't been tested for this specific circumstance! If non-magic individuals are caught in the crossfire, they might get hurt!"

Slitherquick shrugged. "They made their choice, Flypaper. It's their own fault for being disobedient troublemakers!"

She continued to stare down Adagio and the Shadowbolts, each side waiting for the other to make a move. Sonata hid herself behind Aria, who in turn hid behind Sunset. Sunset herself couldn't decide whether to rein Adagio in or punch Slitherquick in the face. Cadence, however, was distracted by Cinch. The proud, commanding principal was now visibly shaking. Her eyes were scrunched shut, and her knuckles had turned white. Before either side budged, she slammed her desk hard.

"That is enough, Slitherquick!" she bellowed.

Slitherquick turned to Cinch, more than a bit confused. "P-Principal Cinch?"

"I thought I told you that I do not need you to speak for me!" Cinch snapped. "Taking initiative is one thing, but this has gone too far! I don't want to constantly remind you of your place, Slitherquick! Remember who's in charge here! This is my school, not yours! I am in control!"

Sunny Flare suddenly smiled. "And lo, the final light has been shed."

Cinch turned her attention to Sunny Flare. "Excuse you?!"

"Do pardon my musings, o troubled principal," said Sunny Flare with a curtsy. "I merely believe that we've come to the root of your problem. It is not the students that you fear per se. Rather, it is change."

She placed one hand behind her back and started gesturing with the other. "Verily, Canterlot High has changed us, Principal Cinch. But not in the way you think it has. This paradigm shift did not come about through any form of mind control. All we did was open our eyes to the world around us. We saw you, a manipulative coward fleeing the scene when your plans went pear-shaped. We saw people suffering at the hands of our poor intoxicated colleague. We understood that our actions caused that mess. And ye, we tried to fix it."

A shadow cast over her face as she looked straight at Cinch. "When all was said and done, we took what happened to heart. We found that there was more to this life than being victorious. More than our own selfish desires. But because we act on that new philosophy, you see us as a threatening conundrum. For lo, if we are not drones fixated on our own personal glory, then surely, there is something wrong with us. Something vile and sinister that needs to be stamped out, lest you lose everything you have obtained."

She sighed and bowed her head. "Allow me to put your fears to rest, Principal Cinch. We started this student-exchange program not because we were seeking a coup d'état. All we ask is that you see what we see. What's more, we wish not to be treated as potential criminals simply because we no longer tow your line. It isn't that we hate Crystal Prep; far from it. Just like you, we want what is best for our school."

Cinch took off her glasses and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Th-that's all well and good, Sunny Flare. But you don't get to make that decision. This is my responsibility. I know what's best for Crystal Prep. I'm the one in control. I have to be. Otherwise, everything we built here; all that we accomplished... I-I can't lose any of it."

Something about Cinch's words caused something to stir within Adagio. She couldn't quite put this feeling into words, but for whatever reason, it compelled her to speak to Cinch. She floated over to the principal and sat on her desk.

"Th-this might sound a bit, strange. But, I actually know how you feel," she murmured.

Cinch gave Adagio an odd look. "What do you mean, Ms. Dazzle?"

Adagio sighed. "For a long time, I had a lot of power and control, too. I was responsible for leading my group to glory and adoration. But a few months ago, I lost that power." She sniffled. "It hurt. I won't deny that it hurt me so bad. I tried desperately to reclaim what I had lost; to make things go back to the way they were. However, all of my efforts were in vain. All I managed to do was become bitter and withdrawn, clinging to the past while everyone else, moved on."

She shook her head. "But today, I discovered that I can't live my life like that. Not if I really want to help the people I care about. Which is why I'm standing here right now, willing to do whatever it takes to stop you from making my mistake."

Cinch arched an eyebrow. "Well, what would you have me do, then? Let this school fall to anarchy? Undermine myself as a leader by giving into these demands?"

"I wouldn't mind the anarchy thing," Discord interjected.

"Shush, you. She's having a moment," Sunset whispered.

Adagio breathed out a sad snicker. "You misunderstand. You want to be the leader of this place? Fine. But being a leader isn't just about telling other people what to do."

She smiled at Indigo. "In fact, it was your own students that taught me that listening to your followers, can sometimes be worthwhile. You need that kind of information if you have any hope of making the right decisions for everyone." She then gave Slitherquick a bemused look. "Of course, there are exceptions."

"Hey!" Sonata snapped.

"She's not talking about us, you idiot," Aria sighed.

Slitherquick snorted. "I won't have you corrupt Principal Cinch with your lies, demon! This school's legacy will be preserved, while yours will fall!"

Adagio smirked. "Oh, you want to dance? Then let's dance."

She sang out a haunting tune. A golden construct of energy sprang forth from her body, depicting a golden sea pony with blazing red eyes. Slitherquick scowled and readied the device.

"At your ready," Adagio taunted. "I'll do whatever it takes to save my friends."

"There is no hope for your kind," Slitherquick spat. "Your magic will corrupt this school no longer!"

All the while, Cinch furrowed her brow, mulling over Adagio's words. She looked up at Dean Cadence, who had a concerned frown on her face.

"Remember your reputation, Abacus? Well, here's your chance to change it," she said. "We're all waiting on you."

Cinch sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. Adagio and Slitherquick stared each other down. The device opened ever so slowly, and Adagio's sea pony construct reared back. Before either could strike, Cinch held up her hand.

"Stand down. Both of you."

Slitherquick complied, while Adagio remained cautious. Cinch gave Adagio a look.

"Relax, Ms. Dazzle. I do not want a fight," she said. "Merely a truce."

Adagio blinked. "A, truce?"

Cinch nodded and stood from her seat. She then approached Dean Cadence.

"I never wanted things to come down to this, Mi Amore," she said.

"You should've thought of that before you tried hiding this from me," Cadence scolded. "What were you thinking?"

Cinch shook her head. "I knew you'd fight me on this, Mi Amore. I had to keep everything a secret until I could convince you that I was right. But Slitherquick, she either misunderstood or chose not to understand." She shot Slitherquick a glare. "I always knew you never liked Dean Cadence or her methods, Slitherquick. Never did I ever think you had the nerve to try and take her job."

Slitherquick squeaked. "B-but Principal—"

"Don't but me, Slitherquick," Cinch interrupted. "At this point, I trust Dean Cadence far more than I trust you." She turned back to Cadence. "After all, I never had a doubt in my mind that you wanted what was best for this school, too."

Cadence blinked. "Really? Well, this is a surprise, coming from you."

Cinch chuckled. "Don't be so shocked, Mi Amore. In the end, we both want the same thing. We just have different ideas of what that thing is. You wish for a more comfortable environment; I wish for order and stability. I was hoping my ideology would win out against yours, but after hearing everything today, I don't think a compromise is out of the question."

Slitherquick sputtered. "C-compromise?! Have you gone mad?!"

"Funny. I was going to ask you the same thing," said Flypaper.

Cadence ignored Slitherquick and smiled. "That feels very reassuring, Principal Cinch. I'd be willing to accept a compromise."

"Good," said Cinch with a nod. She then looked over at Aria. "Ms. Blaze?"

Aria tilted her head. "Yeah?"

"Do you understand why threatening violence against a teacher is against the rules?"

Aria scratched her head for a moment. "I thought this had to do with my magic."

"Don't be dense," Sugarcoat admonished. "You would've gotten in trouble even if you didn't use your magic, because threatening violence against anyone is generally wrong."

"Even if you feel he deserves punishment, it's not your job to dole it out," Dean Cadence added. "Next time you encounter that sort of trouble, you should come to me or Principal Cinch. We'll do everything in our power to handle it."

Aria rubbed her arm sheepishly. "Um, yeah. Okay. That makes sense, I guess."

Sugarcoat gave Indigo a smug grin, to which Indigo groaned.

"Yeah, right. I get it. Screw me for being a reckless idiot," she grumbled.

"At least you took a stand for what you believed was right," said Sunset with a smile. "I don't think anyone can fault you for that."

"Verily," Sunny Flare concurred.

Cinch nodded. "Well, as long as you understand that, Ms. Blaze, we can get right to business."

She went to her drawer and took out six devices, each of them pulsing with magic.

"Ms. Dusk, Ms. Blaze. I will be returning your magic to you earlier than I have promised," she stated.

"Hey, what am I? Chopped liver?" Discord inquired. After a pause, he sulked. "It feels so weird, not being able to actually turn into chopped liver after saying that."

Cinch tilted her head. "Why would you—?" She shook herself. "N-never mind. I suppose I can grant you your powers back as well. However, I have one condition."

Adagio raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Are we going to like this condition?"

Cinch's face turned serious, but it didn't feel as intense as before. "We all agree that this power is dangerous when misused. Which is why I'm trusting all of you to be responsible with it. You cannot use it to hurt anyone, and you certainly can't use it to cheat. If I find out that any of you are abusing your gifts, there will be harsh penalties. I don't believe this is unreasonable, do you?"

Sunset paused for a moment, slightly stunned by Cinch's change of heart. Finally, she shook herself.

"N-not at all, actually. I can abide by that," she said. "What about you, Adagio?"

Adagio knitted her brow, looking over at her fellow Sirens. She then sighed.

"This is what's best for all of us," she said solemnly. "On behalf of the Sirens, I accept these terms."

Cinch arched an eyebrow. "And the Sirens are...?"

"O-oh, Sonata, Aria, and myself," said Adagio. "L-long story."

"I see," said Cinch. "And what of you, Mr. Discord, was it?"

Discord chuckled sheepishly. "Well see, that's a bit of a problem. I'm the Master of Chaos, and you can't really control that easily. On the other hand, though, I don't exactly plan to stick around for much longer."

Sunset shrugged. "That's the best you're gonna get out of him, I'm afraid."

Cinch sighed. "Well, I suppose it'll have to do."

She tapped each device in turn, and they all sprung open. The magic flowed out of them and back into their rightful owners. In a flash, Discord was back in his old body. Sonata and Aria cheered and hugged each other.

"I'll be sure to inform your professors about our little meeting here," said Cinch. "In the meantime, you've all given me quite a bit to think about. I wish not to be disturbed for the rest of the day. I trust you'll be able to handle things in my absence, Dean Cadence."

"Certainly, Principal Cinch," said Cadence with a bow.

"Good," said Cinch. She then smiled. "I look forward to having further discussions with you about Crystal Prep's future, Mi Amore."

Cadence smiled back. "I do as well, Principal Cinch."

Cinch chuckled. "No need to be so formal, Mi Amore. We both have the same goal, after all."

Cadence let out a chuckle of her own. "Very well, Abacus. And, thank you. For listening."

"Indeed," said Cinch. "All of you are dismissed. Except for you, Slitherquick."

Slitherquick gulped. She watched as Cadence and her entourage filed out, while Discord disappeared in a flash of light. Flypaper gave Slitherquick one last knowing look before exiting the room, leaving her alone with Cinch.

"Slitherquick, take a letter," said Cinch.

Slitherquick fumbled with a notepad. "Y-yes?"

Cinch cleared her throat. "It has come to my attention that the security of Crystal Prep Academy has become far too, extensive. As such, I'll be having Lockdown remove most of the cameras, save for a few select areas. Also, the magic detectors are to be stripped out and demolished."

Slitherquick scribbled furiously. "A-anything else?"

Cinch gave Slitherquick a dark look. "Yes, as a matter of fact. I may soon be in the market for a new secretary. One who actually follows directions, understands her role, and doesn't try to undermine one of my most trusted faculty members just because she disagrees with her approach."

Slitherquick froze before letting out a groan of despair and fainting dead away. Cinch sighed and shook her head.

"Good help is so hard to find these days," she muttered.


"Alright! We did it!" Indigo cheered. "Who's awesome? We're awesome! The Shadowbolts are making a difference!"

"Yes, this was no small victory," Sugarcoat confessed. "I have to admit, it felt a bit, anticlimactic."

Lemon Zest laughed. "Dude, don't tell me you actually wanted Cinch to turn into some raging she-demon that we had to blast with rainbows."

"N-nothing like that," Sugarcoat muttered, blushing profusely. "If anything, I think it's better this way. I-I'm just surprised Cinch was so, open to us."

"I think I can explain that," said Cadence sagely. "I've known Abacus for a long time. She never felt like she had to listen to anyone, because she always felt that she was the one in the right. But this time, she was forced to listen. She had to hear our side because she knew we wouldn't let it go. You'll notice that convincing her wasn't easy, even if she didn't resort to threats like Ms. Slitherquick did."

"Yeah, she did fight us quite a bit. Always having an excuse for everything," said Sunset. She then looked over at Adagio. "In fact, I think you were the one who was finally able to reach her."

Adagio let out a cough. "Um, yes. I-I guess so." She turned to Sunset. "I don't know why I did that, by the way. I mean, I know I was doing this for Sonata and Aria, but there was, something else. Once Cinch started talking about needing to be in control, and how this school was her responsibility, i-it kinda, I don't know, struck a chord with me. Like, I understood why she felt the way she did, and I had to share my experience with her. For some reason."

Sunset giggled. "That's called empathy, Adagio. It's pretty much a key aspect of friendship. It's what drew Discord to me in the first place, and it's the same reason why I wanted to help you guys so much."

Adagio blushed. "I-is that right? Huh. I-I never felt this way before. I mean, it wasn't exactly pleasant, reliving all those bad memories. But after everything was said and done..."

After a pause, she let out a snicker. "Okay, Shimmer. You win. This is going to take some getting used to, but I suppose it's better than being miserable for the rest of my—"

She was interrupted by a strong force clamping around her waist from both sides. Looking down, she saw that Sonata and Aria were hugging her, nuzzling against her stomach. Adagio's face turned even redder.

"Um, girls? What exactly are you doing?" she inquired.

"Hugging you, silly," Sonata chirped.

"B-but why?"

"'Cause you're a great leader," said Aria.

"And an amazing friend," Sonata cooed.

Adagio looked around at the Shadowbolts and Sunset, completely at a loss. "I-is this a nightmare, or a dream?"

Sunset laughed. "You'll get used to it after a while." She then fell into a powerful embrace herself. "Whoa. C-case in point."

Discord squeezed Sunset tightly. "I knew you'd come for me, Smitty. You really are a true friend."

Sunset chuckled. "Yeah, well. Now do you see why I kept telling you to be discreet?"

Discord's smiled faded as he gave Sunset a curious look. "I'm afraid you've lost me."

Sunset let out a small sigh. "Discord, I was worried about you causing trouble; I'm not gonna lie and say that didn't bother me. But when things started to get deeper, I wasn't just worried about you causing trouble. I was worried about you getting in trouble."

Lemon Zest looked up at Discord, and then at Sunset. "Seriously, dude? You were worried about this guy getting in trouble? The guy who could pretty much do anything?"

"I know, I know. I'm not saying Discord can't take care of himself. Of course he can," said Sunset. She then gave Discord an apologetic look. "But I also know you're not invincible. What's more, I wasn't sure how far Principal Cinch's plans went. I didn't want you to end up, well, how you ended up."

"Aw~! That's really sweet~!" Sour Sweet purred. She then frowned. "Why didn't you tell him about this earlier? He probably deserved to know how you felt."

Sunset shook her head. "I know. Part of it was, I was just too stressed out by everything. I couldn't really get my thoughts together. Besides, I felt if I told him, he'd just laugh at me and brush me off."

Discord scoffed. "To be fair, I probably would've done that," he said. He then stroked Sunset's chin with his paw. "Still, it's nice to hear that you care about me so much. I'm very happy to be your friend, Smitty."

"Same here, big guy," said Sunset, giving Discord another hug.

Just then, the bell rang.

"Figures. Just when I was moved to tears," Sunny Flare said with a sniffle.

"Believe me, I'd stay longer if I could, Burbligun," said Discord. "But it appears my work here is done. Farewell, new friends! I'll be sure to keep in touch!"

With that, he took out a pair of golden scissors and cut a hole in reality. After slipping through the portal, it closed behind him. Sunny Flare pouted.

"It's not like I knew he used my given name as a nickname for his best friend," she grumbled.

"Just drop it, Sunny," said Indigo. "Right now, all we've got to worry about is classes, and that's fine by me! Shadowbolts, break!"

"Let's go, guys," said Sunset. "And thanks for everything, Dean Cadence."

With that, the students all rushed off to their classes. Dean Cadence chuckled to herself.

"I must say, this has been most intriguing," said Flypaper, adjusting his glasses. "Quite the opposite of my methods, yet it does seem to work for them. Then again, humans are social animals."

"Ponies, too," Cadence added.

Flypaper raised an eyebrow. "I fail to see how equines factor into any of this, Dean Cadence."

Cadence let out another laugh and shook her head. "More than you know, Professor Flypaper. More than you know."

Next Chapter: Old Grind with New Friends Estimated time remaining: 21 Minutes
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