
Leather-Winged Oddity

by Deyeaz

Chapter 13: XIII - What Was Lost

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Leather-Winged Oddity

XIII - What Was Lost

Something is terribly wrong.

Usually, I can never know what that something is until right before it happens, and I either stop it right in the nick of time or I am too late to prevent it from happening.

And it is one of those times where I’m not even around to stop it from happening.

Even worse, there’s something niggling in the back of my head, a usual sign that something else will happen. I wouldn’t exactly call it Extrasensory Perception, or special clairvoyant abilities. More like a main course of paranoia, with a side of tentativeness.

Poor Daniel... he didn’t have to go. Like Safetysuit perfectly said, there was more life left to go. It’s all my fault. I should’ve stayed by his side and keep him safe. Now he’s gone because of me... because I had been so careless into accepting Nut’s offe-


It was HER fault! Had she not taken me here, everything would be normal... Daniel would still be alive, I’d still be normal, and I’d still have my friends...

Oh, but what’s the use? Who the hell knows where she is now, and I not only don't have a way back home, but now? Now I don’t have anyone else left. My brother and dad have kicked the bucket, and God knows how many half-siblings my mom has created in my absence to cope with the loss.

Aw well...

I open my eyes, ready to greet the world of Equis and the adventures and quests it holds before me.

But I don’t see the world.

Instead, I wake up to pure blankness. The entire environment was a pure, glowing sky blue. White minuscule orbs of light drift around lazily in some nonexistent breeze. I go to touch one, my finger nudging an orb and causing some sort of droplet sound effect. The tiny orb bounces of and drifts away, the spot where my finger touched it now warm and soothing.

When I see my hand, my brows raise. They aren’t their usual Caucasian color, but instead, they’re an exotic dark tan hue. I examine my body even more, and see that it is also a dark tan, but more muscular than before, the exotic color accenting my black feathers quite nicely. The scars I have accumulated all of my life still remain. The only clothing I have on is an white and gold-trimmed Egyptian man-skirt. Around my neck is an ankh necklace wrought from pure gold. I look at the glass floor I’m resting on. Like my body, my face is tan as well. My eyes. however, are decorated with Egyptian kohl.

My God, I’m such a sexy beast.

I go to stand up upon the stained glass floor of the large and wide platform that sits beneath me. The glass is stylized to look like something out of a Kingdom Hearts game, where the glass resembles a mural. Situated in the middle of the mural were multiple figures, each one divine and serene as the next. I see the Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Cadence, Discord, Somnambula (who I think is from the G1 Series of the show, after I wikipedia’d the MLP franchise for a bit), Loki, Cthulhu (Urgh...), someone who I think might be considered Lady Luck, and many more, some I can’t identify off the top of my head, and others I have neither seen or heard of before.

But what catches my eye is the navy blue-skinned, glowing-eyed, human figure floating in the sidelines, wearing a dress woven from the stars, her hair being the same material.

Nut,’ my mind says automatically, albeit with a twinge of anger.

I step back from the center and examine the rest of the mural. Around the rim are an odd assortment of creatures, each one being the size of my hand as the figures marched in a circle like soldiers for war. One picture depicted a griffin wielding a giant black greatsword; the next is what looked like a Diamond Dog in a green duster; next is a Bast in brown clothes; a woman with pointy ears and a large black sword; a silver bipedal wolf with a black katana and Japanese clothes; a winged wolf with chocolate-colored fur; a humanoid changeling donning parade clothing and strumming an ax-like guitar; what I presume to be a bugbear with a metallic arm and a crossbow; a Minotaur with a gem-encrusted battleaxe; a red-haired satyr with a pouch-holding belt; a mere black cat with a fish in its mouth; a Timber Wolf; a grey humanoid-devil that reminded me of Hellboy, guns and large stone fist and all; what could possibly be a brown Werehog with a straw hat on its head; a tree-person that is strikingly similar to a human-shaped Deku Scrub; a strange black anthropomorphic dog with cat-like ears and long tail, slim appendages, and is decorated with neon-green tribal markings; an actual Ent of what appears to be sycamore; a large ape wearing a red tie (Donkey Kong?); a silver dragon in stylish red clothes; a wingless black dragon; a red dragon with black diamond-shaped shields on his arms; a gargoyle; a zebra; a Samurai Nobody with katanas on his/her/its back; a skeleton with a warped red sword and round shield; and multiple other creatures...

...and finally, me, marching proudly with my scythe in hand.

I recognize that pointy-eared woman... that winged wolf.... that brown bast... and that Diamond Dog.

The first three I had seen in that vision, when I drank from the Fountain of Gods’ Tears, a name that was given to that fountain by the Urukai...

...Psych, I’m just kidding, I made up that name. Works swell, though, right?

But I digress. The Bast and the Diamond Dog I had already met. Khajiit and Echo, now that I reflect on it, are probably two of the many who were sent to Equestria via very bored gods and goddesses. These other characters, these... chess pieces... must also be fans of the MLP:FiM franchise, or at least have heard of it.

Maybe this is what Nut spoke about when I first awoke on the beach of the Ring Sea? Meeting all these other characters?

Ah... you've come to,” an all-too-familiar voice declares. I whip around to face who spoke.

Well, speak of the Devil....

“YOU!” I rush at Nut, who is standing on the far end of the platform. I throw a punch at her, only for the Egyptian sky goddess to dissipate on the spot, leaving me punching only air. “TAKE ME BACK!!!” I shout in pure fury as I turn around, spot Nut on the other side, rush her again, and use my wings to jump up and get some air time, preparing me to ax-kick/claw her. She dissipates again and reappears in the center of the platform.

Damien, stop,” Nut commands, a look of both disdain and worry etched into her face. "Please."

“NO!!! FUCK YOU!!! TAKE ME BACK HOME NOW!!!” I roar as I land on the floor and turn around once more. I go to attack her once more, but she grabs my fist before I can use it to make contact with her. “WHY?! A GODDESS SHOULD KNOW BETTER, DAMN IT!!!”

ENOUGH!!!” Nut cocks her free fist back and socks me square in the face. The punch is so devastating and powerful that it blows me back several yards, with me ending in a skid across the glass. How I don't have any broken face bones is a mystery. I almost fall off of the platform, but I hold my ground and stay on it. Nut walks over to me and picks me up by my hair. Despite her curvaceous frame, Nut is actually incredibly strong... like those buff guys you see lifting those huge weights in the Olympics. “Are you done?” Nut asks, her voice quivering from how hard she was straining to keep her voice level. I nod, still dripping with both rage and pain. “Good.

“Why did you bring me here?” I demand. In lieu of answering this, Nut drops me on my feet and turns around. She waves her hand in an arcing horizontal fashion. Something glimmering trails over where her hand had wavered, and a small portal appeared. I walk over to the portal and see it: Earth, still spinning in its everlasting glory. Nut zooms in on the planet, and my heart drops at what I see.

War. So much war and violent manslaughter. From the steel of a sword to the lead of a bullet, blood is spilled, spraying everyone and everything in proximity. Middle Easterners, Australians, Americans, Africans, Asians, and Europeans alike are slaughtering one another mercilessly, bathing in the gore of their fallen foes.

That’s why,” Nut explains as she waves her hand over the portal and closes it. “Be lucky I brought you here in the nick of time.

Remember what I said earlier about my brother and dad being the only ones in my family dead? Scratch that, please.

Certainly,” Nut says.

Goddamnit, not again!

Oh, hush... are you ready to go back now?” I shake my head. “Well, too bad.” With a small grin, Nut snaps her fingers. The sound of her middle finger slipping off her thumb and smacking her palm rings like a gunshot. The sky goddess vanishes again. The glass beneath my talons shatters, the shards raining down upon whatever is at the bottom of this chasm.

I try flapping my wings to stay afloat, but they refuse to respond to my commands, like Nut also disabled them.

Against my will, I plummet into the chasm.

It’s just one of those days where you don’t want to wake up.

“Damien... Damien... DAMIEN!!! WAKE UP, YOU DUMB SHIT!!!”

...and to make matters more exacerbated, a certain cat-woman with ambivalent feelings for me decides to jack off all over the opportunity to just simply sleep in.

“Mmph... piss off... M’tryin’ t’ sleep,” I mumble blearily.

“C’mon, damn it!” the Bast roars. “It’s half-past noon!”

“So?” Kaileena seethes in frustration before grabbing me by my ankles and dragging me across the dirt. “What the hell?!” I look up to see a nearby pond eerily getting closer, and my heart drops into my stomach. “No no no no no NO!”

“Yes, you lazy prick!” Kaileena chucks me into the drink like a professional Olympic hammer-tosser. I flip and spin multiple times before finally landing in the water. The cold fluid immediately slaps my senses awake and causes me to shiver from the sudden and immediate change from hot to cold. Every single nerve in my body screams in agony from the sheer frigidness of the water.

I quickly pull myself out of the pond and shake myself dry. Kaileena rolls around and clutches her sides as she laughs uproariously at my misfortune. “M-m-m-motherf-f-f-fucker....” I stutter, shivering violently from the water’s chill touch. After a quick inspection, I see that I’m back in my black underclothing and white hooded tunic. My skin is still its usual Caucasian color, and after wiping my eyes a bit, I see no running kohl.

“Are you awake?” the woman asks me smugly as she wipes a tear of mirth from her eye. Regardless of the grimace I fire at her, I nod. She smiles and crosses her legs. “So where are we gonna go now? That town?” She jerks her head to the direction of the town that was a few kilometers from us.

“Eeyup.” I shake myself once more to ensure that I’m completely dry. Kaileena gets to her feet and stretches her limbs. I hesitate before following her towards the town.

There isn’t much scenery to take in: all there is is simply grass, trees, and rocks. Well... except for Kaileena’s round arse slightly wiggling underneath her loincloths as she walks.


“I know you’re staring...” she deadpans. I can feel my face flush at being caught in the act. Kaileena looks behind her to face me and smirks. “If you’re interested in me, just say so~” She flicks her tail playfully in my face. She then walks a bit faster, wiggling her butt and swishing her tail in a more erotic fashion.


But all possible love stories aside, that went much better than I expected: I thought she was going to kick my ass. Personally, she couldn’t because I could just simply fly away, but in all seriousness, if I didn’t have my wings, she actually would’ve killed me.

However, I digress once more.

Do you also remember what I said about how I’m usually good at figuring out what’s wrong right before it happens?

Well, guess what? Fecal matter has struck the electrical cooling system.

Me and Kaileena are about a third of the way to the town when we both feel the ground rumble beneath our feet. Kaileena quickly draws her hooked sword and I summon Ellipsis from out of the Abyss. Not a moment after we unsheath our weapons does a gargantuan, wormlike creature burrow out of the ground and arcs fifty feet in the air above us, dropping small mounds of unsettled dirt upon us. Before it can burrow back into the earth, I catch a glimpse of it. It is about thirty to forty feet long and fifteen feet wide, causing me to feel so puny under its immense weight and size. The sickly-tan hue of its scaly exterior shined in the light of the sun. The large circular maw, lined with a plethora of sharp teeth, is open wide in ravenous greed.

"Oh hell no!" Kaileena wails. "Trying to hurt this thing's only gonna make it mad! RUN!"

Without hesitation, I scoop Kaileena in my arms and fly up high, making sure to avoid its reach. The Bast in my arms squeaks in surprise before she discovers what I’m doing and clings onto me for dear life.

What the hell is a monster like this doing in the most peaceful country in this world?

Before an answer can be found, the worm shoots out of the earth again, intending to swallow us whole. Sadly for him, we are out of his range at the time.

However, that doesn’t stop him from firing a yellow-green substance at us. I dodge just in time, but the affected area of the back of Kaileena’s loincloths takes some damage. The substance sticks to the bottom of the loincloth, before the affected cloth begins to sizzle and dissolve, the nasty substance being the cause of it as it fell on the ground.


“Crap!” She hisses. The monolithic monster burrows back into the earth and jumps back at us again only seconds later, spraying another torrent of acid. I position Kaileena so that I can hold her in one arm and use the other arm to swat the acid away with the flat side of Ellipsis’s blade. While most of the deadly substance is smacked away and goes off in a different direction, some of it adheres to the blade. I would’ve flicked it off...

Had it not been for the acid being sucked up by the blade, leaving the tool of murder untainted as before.

“What the hell...?” I whisper.

“Damien!” Kaileena’s shout snaps me out of my brief trance... that, and the fact that she slapped me across the face. “Focus!” I nod, nursing my now tender cheek. I try and scan for a weak point on the large monster beneath us until I spot-


A large, abnormal-looking orange eye on top of where the worm’s head would be. That might be it....

I look at Kaileena, who is still clinging to me. “Think ya can hit that eye an’ get rid of it?” I ask. She nods, but I think it was out of reluctance. I smile and wait for the worm to reappear again.

The accursed beast pops out of the ground, mouth still opened widely enough to swallow a house. It tries to spit acid at us again, yet I fly us out of the way. Almost immediately, I rocket over to the eye and drop Kaileena onto its back. She then flips her sword and holds it in an upside down fashion before stabbing it. The monster writhes viciously from the force of the stab and burrows back into the earth, its violent shaking whilst in mid-air causing Kaileena to fall off of its back. I quickly zoom down to catch her, grab her by the hand, and stop her from meeting a nasty fall.

“You got this?!” She asks. I nod, and with an almighty heave, I toss her to the sidelines and away from the battle, and she gracefully flips multiple times before landing on her paws. I turn back to face the monster and fly towards it. The overgrown worm charges at me, and I fly out of the way of its massive mouth.

Unfortunately, I pay no mind to its sharp and spiky tail.

The appendage lashes out at me and hits my left arm, the spikes digging into the flesh. I scream bloody murder from it. Every single muscle in my left arm shrieks in agony as I watch my arm get removed from the spikes of the worm’s tail, the whole event going so slowly that I thought time has slown down. First, the skin... then the flesh... then the muscle... then the actual bone....

This is a pain that practically rivaled crucifixion itself. The spikes must be corrosive as well, for my arm is slowly being eaten away, right before my very eyes. The sight of black blood cascading from my bleeding stump of an arm almost makes me vomit, but I swallow and bite my tongue to prevent that from happening. Summoning all the strength I have, I chuck Ellipsis at the large acid worm. Surprisingly, even impossibly, the scythe’s blade greedily burrows into the eyeball and stays there. I hear a sizzling noise and I glance over to see the eyeball slowly corroding from the blade of the scythe, the destructive dissolving spreading like a wildfire.

So that’s what happened when acid landed on the scythe... the weapon imbibes that which strengthens it....

The beast writhes, squirms, and screeches in despair and excruciation, the eyeball on its head profusely leaking blood. The jerking movements grow weaker and weaker, until finally, it curls up in a little coil and slowly shrivels up, turning from a dirty-tan hue to a black, burnt color. It begins to slowly chip away, until only shriveled pieces that litter the floor are the only evidence to the monster’s existence. Ellipsis falls and lands on the grass with a thud.

The blood loss has made me severely lightheaded, and my breathing became more ragged and weak by the second. The pain in my arm is so blinding and terrible that I can barely keep my balance when I land precariously on the earth. Kaileena rushes over to me and catches me in her arms right when I lose my balance and fall.

“Damien!” She cries, tears almost ready to leave their ducts. Her voice grows fainter and fainter as my vision starts going darker, like my brain wants to shut down again. “It’s gonna be ok... it’s gonna be alright.... I promise....”

I can feel my heart slowing down a bit...

"Stay with me, damn it!"

But... I don't want to... I feel so heavy... so tired, even.

Surely... it can't hurt to sleep in for a little bit... right....?


I just want to sleep, Kaileena.... that's all I want right now... and nothing else....

Shadow: I do not own ANY of the characters on that mural.... except for my own character. A lot of them go to the authors for the Chessverse, so.... yeah. It'd be nigh-impossible to name them all w/o getting confused.

Next Chapter: XIV - "It Feels Good To Ventilate" Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 40 Minutes
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