
Mares in Pairs

by Trick Question


One Relationship

Princess Twilight Sparkle sighed and slumped forward in her throne, resting one hoof on the Cutie Map. "You'd think if Rainbow Dash and Applejack were the ones who called the meeting, they'd at least be here on time," she said, idly running her hoof in circles around the outskirts of the Dragonlands.

Fluttershy smiled demurely. "I'm curious too, Twilight, but it hasn't been that long."

Spike was sprawled out lengthwise across the armrests of his little throne. He began to snore.

"If we each got a note about a big announcement, then why didn't they just put the announcement in the note?" asked Pinkie Pie, awkwardly bouncing in her seat.

"It must be a remarkably juicy bit of gossip," said Rarity, narrowing her eyes. "But I'm afraid I'm with Twilight on this one, Fluttershy. Twenty minutes is much too—"

The main door to the room burst open. A smug-looking Applejack trotted inside and tipped her hat. Rainbow Dash followed closely behind, wearing a blush and nervously eyeing the floor.

"Yay, they're here!" said Pinkie, grinning with excitement. Twilight Sparkle breathed a sigh of relief. Rarity, however, bit anxiously at her lower lip. Her muzzle was quivering like a teakettle ready to go off at any moment.

"Do we have to do this?" Rainbow Dash grumbled.

"You ain't gonna chicken out on me now, are ya?" said Applejack, with a wink.

Rainbow Dash stood up straight and frowned. "Hay! I'm not afraid of telling anypony, I just... y'know, I didn't want to make a fuss about it."

"Oh, for crying out loud.... Spill!" demanded Rarity, as she stomped her forehooves against the Cutie Map.

"Gah!" yelped Spike, suddenly waking up as he fell off of his chair. He picked himself up and sat back down. "Did I miss anything?" he whispered to Twilight, who shook her head in response.

Applejack nudged Rainbow Dash with a knee. Rainbow sighed and stepped forward, clearing her throat noisily before speaking.

"Okay. Applejack and I are dating. There," she said, staring at the ceiling as a bright red tinge seeped through her cyan cheeks.

"Wow, nice!" said Spike, with a wide grin.

Fluttershy gasped and flapped her wings once, then ran over to hug both of her friends. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! I'm so happy for you both!" she squealed. Pinkie Pie leaped up onto the Cutie Map to cover the distance more quickly, then offered a hug of her own.

Rarity clopped her forehooves together and smiled broadly. "Oh, that's delightful news!" she said. "Definitely worth the wait." She stood up and walked the long way around. Spike strategically waited for Rarity to enter the group hug before joining in himself.

Twilight smiled too, though her brow furrowed slightly. "Wow, that is good news!" she said, standing up to partake in the hugging before returning to her seat.

Everypony took their chairs except for Applejack, who stood by Dash's throne. "Eeyup, we think so too," said Applejack. "Course, we dunno how it's gonna work out in the long haul, but it's been goin' on for a few weeks now so we figured it was about time—"

"Wait, aren't you going to tell us whom you're dating?" interrupted Twilight.

Six faces turned toward Twilight, showing varying levels of incredulity. Then Pinkie Pie broke out into peals of laughter. "Oh Twilight, you're so funny!" she giggled.

"No, I'm serious," said Twilight, furrowing her brow. "Do the rest of you already know who it is?"

"Uh, we just told you, Twi," said Rainbow Dash.

"Me and Dash," said Applejack, gesturing toward Rainbow Dash and herself.

Twilight facehoofed. "Okay, let me try again. Whom are AJ and Dash dating?"

Rarity cocked her head. "They're dating Rainbow Dash and Applejack," she answered plainly.

"Who are?!" said Twilight, her voice loud and filled with frustration.

"Oh, for the love of... here," said Rainbow Dash. She jumped out of her throne, grabbed Applejack by the shoulders, and kissed her firmly on the lips. Applejack blushed, but smiled.

"Wait, what?" said Twilight, shaking her head as though to clear out the cobwebs. "What... what in Equestria is going on here?"

"Twilight, they're dating each other," said Fluttershy, firmly but patiently. "Rainbow Dash is dating Applejack."

"Heh, even I figured that one out," added Spike, with a chuckle.

"AJ. Dash. You're both mares," said Twilight, with her forehooves upturned.

"Wait, didn't you know that before?" asked Pinkie Pie, with a look of confusion on her face. "I mean, Applejack is kind of a tomboy but she's pretty obviously a mare. Dashie I can see, though. I actually didn't know Dashie was a mare until a week after I met her! But when she flies it's really easy to look under her tail so—"

"PINKIE!" shouted Rainbow Dash, wide-eyed and blushing.

"Yes, I know they're mares!" said Twilight, rolling her eyes. "I'm saying girls date boys. I can't believe I have to explain this to you."

"Oh my. I think she's serious," whispered Fluttershy.

"Darling, please. You grew up in Canterlot," said Rarity. "Same-sex partners are common there."

"They are?!" said Twilight. "That... that doesn't even make any sense!"

Spike buried his face in his claws and groaned.

"What's to make sense? They're in love," said Pinkie Pie.

"I can't believe I'm hearing this," said Twilight. "This is completely insane."

Rainbow Dash made a sound of exasperation and covered her eyes with a hoof. Applejack briefly hugged her fillyfriend, then walked right up to Twilight Sparkle.

"Listen, hon. This is a thing that happens," Applejack calmly explained, looking directly into Twilight's eyes. "There's a few pairs o' mares here in Ponyville, too. It ain't that unusual."

"Two mares can't have foals, Applejack," said Twilight, in her best lecturing voice. "Biology doesn't work that way."

"That's not the only reason to date someone, Twilight," growled Rainbow Dash, her eyes flashing with anger.

"Besides which, they can," said Rarity. "Two mares can use a donor stallion to become pregnant."

"Or they can adopt a foal," added Fluttershy.

Twilight stood up and backed away from her friends. "This is nuts. I'm sorry, I... I can't handle this right now. I need some time to think." She turned and galloped out the side door to the dining hall, then shut it behind her with magic.

Rainbow Dash sighed dejectedly. "Horsefeathers," she cursed.

"I'm sure she'll come around," said Fluttershy. "It's just... new to her, that's all."

"I grew up on a rock farm and even I knew mares could date!" said Pinkie Pie. "Mostly because Maud dated a filly once."

"Gracious. I suppose we never realized just how oblivious the poor dear is when it comes to matters of the heart," said Rarity.

"Yeah," said Spike, "she didn't pay attention to that kinda stuff back when we lived in Canterlot."

Applejack frowned and knitted her brow. "But ain't she studied history, Spike? Landsakes, she got pretty much everythin' else in the library memorized!"

Spike shook his head. "Twilight only studies ancient history. She never really cared for the modern stuff. And she prefers older books, even if they're outdated. Unless it's for something that gets updated a lot, like science or math."

Rarity pursed her lips. "Well, then I suppose it's good fortune we found out about this now," she said. "Twilight may be an adult, but in many ways she has a lot of growing up to do. When she realizes how important this is to the two of you, she'll have a change of heart."

For a few moments, nopony said anything.

"But... what if she doesn't come around?" Rainbow Dash said, in a voice uncharacteristically soft for the normally-brash pegasus.

"She has to," said Fluttershy, staring down at the edge of the Cutie Map.

Applejack put one leg around Rainbow's withers. "What Fluttershy said, hon. We're two of her best friends, and she's the Princess of Friendship. It won't take her long."

Applejack's voice didn't sound half as certain as the words it carried.

Two Mistakes

For the rest of the day, Twilight stayed in her room. Spike decided it would be best not to bother her, so he went to bed early.

Shortly after Celestia's Sun had risen, Spike awoke to a loud thumping noise. He groggily opened his window a crack, and heard sounds of commotion coming from outside. The thumping noise continued.

"What the hay is going on?" Spike grumbled, still gathering his bearings. He left his room and jogged down the main hallway of the castle. The sounds seemed to be coming from the main entrance. Somepony was pounding on the door, and it sounded like ponies were shouting.

Upon reaching the front doorway, Spike noticed something unusual. The main entrance to the castle had been bolted shut.

"We never lock the entrance," Spike said. The Castle of Friendship was supposed to be open to all citizens of Equestria. This was only the second time Spike could remember seeing the door bolted.

Spike ran up the long flight of stairs to the announcement balcony and peeked out the window.

"Oh no," he gasped, staring at the scene below. "Twilight, what the hay did you do?"

A magenta magic bubble covered the entire balcony. Rainbow Dash was repeatedly stomping the top of the bubble, and she did not look happy. Below, an enormous crowd had gathered. Many ponies were shouting for Twilight Sparkle to open the castle. Some of them had protest signs.

Spike decided one look was enough, and he bounded down the stairs to search for Twilight.

"Twilight! Where are you?" he yelled down the main hallway, to no response. He checked the library first, but she wasn't there. Next he went to her bedroom. Her door was shut.

Taking a deep breath, Spike knocked on Twilight's door. "Twilight, we have a problem," he said. Hearing no response, he opened the door.

Princess Twilight Sparkle was sitting at her desk. She looked over her shoulder at Spike as she closed one of the desk drawers. "Spike! You shouldn't come into my room without permission!" she said. Twilight looked very worried as she stood to face her assistant.

"Twilight, there's an angry mob outside," said Spike, frowning. "Maybe half of Ponyville."

"Oh, um, that's weird?" said Twilight, donning a fake and unconvincing grin.

Spike sighed as he walked in and sat on the bed. "Good grief. What did you do, Twilight..."

Twilight clopped at the floor with one forehoof, then nervously rubbed her other knee with it. "It's no big deal. I'm just looking out for Ponyville's best interests, okay?"

"Twilight!" said Spike.

"Okay! Fine! I posted a proclamation in Town Square this morning that says mares are not permitted to date other mares," said Twilight. She sounded confident, but she visibly winced as she said the words.

Spike sighed and rubbed the bridge of his muzzle with his claws. "Sweet Celestia. No wonder half the town wants to kill you."

"It can't be that bad—"

"It's that bad. You'd better go explain yourself before they break down our door," said Spike.

Twilight grimaced, then nodded slowly. "Okay. Ugh," she said, then walked past Spike and into the hallway.

Spike tailed Twilight all the way to the balcony, but remained just inside the castle as she walked out into the open.

Rainbow Dash continued stomping at the bubble. "Twilight Sparkle! You let me in right now so I can strangle you!" she shouted, gritting her teeth.

"Let her speak!" said a voice in the crowd, and the noise died down. Except for the loud stomping sound directly over Twilight's head, at least.

"Citizens of Ponyville, what, um, seems to be the trouble?" she said, wearing a plastic smile.

"Twilight!" shouted Applejack, and the crowd parted. "Are you responsible for this thing here?" She held aloft a copy of the proclamation.

"I know this is difficult to understand, but this is really for the best," said Twilight, as the crowd began to gasp and boo. "Mares can't have foals with other mares. You shouldn't have any difficulty finding a stallion if you try!"

"MY WIFE and I aren't interested in finding another pony to spend the rest of our lives with!" yelled Lyra Heartstrings. One hoof lay draped over Bon Bon's withers, and the other held a sign bearing the statement, "UNFAIR TO MARES".

Twilight took a deep, empty gulp of air. "Okay! Well, um, I guess maybe we could use some time to calm down, so, I'll just check back tomorrow goodbye—" she said, before disappearing in a magenta burst of light.

Spike turned and saw Twilight downstairs, checking the bolt on the door. He sighed and walked out onto the balcony, holding his arms aloft.

"Spike!" said Rainbow Dash from above, momentarily pausing her assault on the bubble. "You need to talk some sense into her! Like, right now!"

"Listen, everypony," said Spike, which tempered the noise. "I'm really sorry about this. Twilight doesn't know any better. Before yesterday, she didn't even know mares dated each other. I'll try to change her mind."

"Spikey," shouted a familiar voice from below. Rarity pushed her way to the front of the crowd. "I think it's high time to send a note to Princess Celestia, don't you?" There were murmurs of assent all around her.

Spike paused for a moment in thought. "Actually, I think I have an even better idea. Give me until tomorrow to fix this, okay?"

The crowd murmured in discontent, and Spike returned to the castle.

A loud pounding echoed on Twilight's door.

"Spike, I told you. Leave me alone," said Twilight, her voice muffled by the pillow over her head.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle, this is not Spike," came the voice. Twilight leaped out of bed and trotted to the door, swinging it open.

"Then how did you get inside the... oh," said Twilight. Standing before her was Princess Luna, a gentle look of concern on her muzzle.

"Teleportation, naturally. May I enter?" she asked.

"I don't really think—"

"Ah. I fear my statement was merely a nicety. The correct answer is 'yes'," said Luna. She pushed her way into Twilight Sparkle's bedroom and shut the door behind her, then sat on the edge of Twilight's bed. "This is a discussion that you and I must have, right now."

Twilight looked distraught, but nodded. She pulled up a chair and sat, then rested her face in her hooves. "I guess I've made a pretty big mess this time," she said, glumly.

"Nopony is perfect," said Luna. "But admitting to a mess is not the same as admitting to a mistake. I think it is important you realize the consequences of your actions."

"I do, okay?" said Twilight, nervously rubbing her forehooves against her lap. "Look, I know I've hurt a lot of ponies, and I feel terrible about it. I just... I never realized it was even possible for mares to date other mares! I'm still trying to wrestle with the idea. I don't even know how to feel right now. I only wanted to make things simpler than this... this craziness. Maybe it isn't possible to do that anymore." She stared down at the floor and frowned.

"Twilight Sparkle," said Luna, lifting Twilight's chin to force her to meet her gaze. Twilight's eyes were wet, and her muzzle was wrinkled in frustration. "I understand what it is like to be confronted by new and unusual things in the world."

Twilight furrowed her brow, then slowly nodded. "Ah, right. You were gone for a whole millennium."

"Indeed," said Luna. "And upon my return, I discovered that very few things in Canterlot were as I remembered them to be."

"So... how did you deal with it?" asked Twilight.

Luna smiled. "Due to my absence, I am no longer even one-third the age of my sister. However, I have yet outlived nearly all of the ponies in Equestria. One gets used to seeing many changes over the years. Most of these changes are not under our control, nor should they be."

Twilight huffed. "But how am I supposed to help my little ponies if I can't prevent them from making mistakes?"

Luna paused for a moment before speaking. "Twilight Sparkle, do you remember when you reformed Discord?"

"Yes, of course," said Twilight.

Luna nodded. "And to teach him friendship, did you force him to make friends? Friendship is preferable to being friendless, after all."

"Well, no, of course not," said Twilight. "It doesn't matter if friendship is preferable. It isn't really friendship if it isn't your choice..." Then Twilight looked down at her hooves, lost in thought.

"I believe you see my point," said Luna. "Even if it were 'wrong' for two mares to be in love, it would not be right to force them to do what you think is right. They must have the freedom to make their own mistakes. This is true in friendship, and it is even more true with love."

"And I guess you don't think it's wrong, either," said Twilight, with a sigh.

Luna shook her head. "Neigh, I do not. However, it took me a few months to come to that conclusion, and I did not come to it on my own. I spoke with my little ponies. I listened to their stories. These things convinced me that the pairing of two mares, or two stallions for that matter, is not necessarily a vice."

"You're right," said Twilight. "I should at least have taken the time to listen to my friends." She pursed her lips and sniffed, holding back tears.

"I believe you know what you need to do," stated Luna.

Twilight shook her head. "I do, but I can't face them. I need time. I can address Ponyville tomorrow, though. Luna, could you do me a big favor?"

"Almost undoubtedly."

"Could you tell Ponyville that I'm rescinding the order, that I'm sorry, and that I'll address them tomorrow?" asked Twilight. "Assuming they're still outside the castle, I mean."

"Yes, I believe I can handle that. And they most definitely remain outside, but will surely be elated to hear the news," said Luna, and she smiled and placed a hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "I am proud of you for making a difficult decision like this, Twilight Sparkle. You are welcome to consult me should you ever need a kindred spirit to relate with."

Twilight smiled very briefly and nodded, and turned around to face her desk. Luna left without another word and closed the door behind her.

As Twilight pulled her chair up to the desk, an uncomfortable thought began to surface. She closed her eyes and tried to clear her mind, but it wasn't working. The idea kept turning over in her head, and she couldn't suppress it. It felt like something very heavy had just saddled itself upon her withers.

"Dear Celestia... is that why I did this?" she whispered to herself. Her hooves knocked lightly against the wood as they trembled.

Slowly, Twilight Sparkle pulled open one of the drawers on her desk and removed an old photograph she liked to look at. She placed it face-up on the desk and ran her hooftip gently across the glossy surface, staring at it for a few moments, lost in thought.

Then she wiped a tear from her cheek, and placed the picture of Applejack back into her drawer.

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