
Aria's Boy

by Jay David

Chapter 1: Aria's Fun

Wiz, to be perfectly frank, didn't really know what to do with himself right now. He sat in perhaps the last place he'd ever expect himself to be; the apartment of the Dazzlings. If you were to tell him a few months ago that he would one day find himself here, he'd have probably laughed. But, here he was, sitting beside a table that overlooked the window view of the apartment. His eyes drifted to a nearby door, and the sound of rushing waster could be heard. Nervously, he adjusted the collar of his pristine white shirt, taking a sip of a close-by glass of water before choosing to look around the place. There were plenty of creature comforts about the apartment, as well as other oddities, with a particular ornate-looking sword on a pedestal catching his interest. But, he didn't get any further chance to dwell on that, as the aforementioned door finally opened.


The angry-sounding grunt had come from none other than Aria, who, at this present moment, was clad not in her usual attire, but instead a simple green dressing gown and matching slippers. Her hair, usually worn in pigtails, was instead loose, hanging down naturally. Right now, she was tending to that hair with a towel, drying herself off as much as she could as she exited the bathroom of her apartment. As for Wiz, he stayed quiet for now, taking another sip of his water as he watched his girlfriend finish off what she was doing. When she was done, she cast her towel on a smaller table nearby, before taking her seat opposite Wiz. As she leaned back into the thing, she crossed one leg over the other which, just for a brief moment, exposed a tiny bit of thigh that the boy couldn't help but notice. A blush crept onto his cheeks, and he tried looking away, his voice faltering a bit as he at last spoke to her.

"So...um...how was the shower?"

The Siren looked to him, seeing the way he was avoiding looking at her, and knew immediately why. A smirk crossed her face because of this, though only for a moment, as her expression then became one of annoyance yet again.

"About as well as it usually is. But it would be a bit better if I didn't have to get all that mud off me!"

She looked away from her boyfriend again as she reflected on past events.

"I mean, it could have been a pretty good day, but no! Some jerk has to come swerving around at a million miles and hour and just...splash me! Ugh!"

Obviously, she was in a bad mood, much to Wiz's dismay. So, in the silence that followed, he once more occupied himself with looking around the apartment, thinking to himself on how best to cheer Aria up. Then, after many thoughts had come and gone in his mind, he considered one question in particular.

"So...he was a farmer?"

Aria looked to him and raised an eyebrow, prompting him to continue.

"The guy you mentioned to me earlier? From thousands of years ago? The one I remind you of, apparently."

That, at the very least, did a little to make her seem more relaxed, as a small smile crept onto her face. She glanced away briefly, staring at nothing in particular, and nodded as she started replying.

"Yeah...scrawniest kid you'd ever meet. He was pretty sweet though."

Wiz nodded.

"Did...um...were you two...?"

He didn't finish, but Aria had already picked up on his meaning, giving a brief chuckle.

"A couple? Nah. He was just good company. Probably the first human I actually liked having around, though I wouldn't really have called us friends."

She took a moment to cast Wiz a glance.

"When I first met you, I had this suspicion you might be some descendant of his. The face is pretty similar."

Here, it was Wiz's turn to laugh.

"I doubt it. The chances of me having any relation to some island farmer you met thousands of years ago are pretty slim."

To that, Aria returned to her earlier smirk.

"True...but then, it was also pretty unlikely that Adagio had any relation to Rainbow and her friends, and look how that turned out."

Wiz opened his mouth to reply, only to be halted with what his girlfriend had just said.

"Ah...good point."

Aria enjoyed this small victory, before then getting back to thinking on what they'd been discussing before.

"You know, all things considered, I actually kinda missed him when we finally managed to ship ourselves off that little speck in the Aegean."

A sultry smirk crossed her face.

"At the very least, I regretted not getting him in bed with me before we left. Having a partner I actually liked? That would have been quite a novelty for me back then."

Wiz, rather surprisingly, took that remark rather well, responding with little more than a look of curiosity.

"Aria...how long have your relationships lasted?"

Leaning further into her chair, the Siren shrugged.

"Hard to say. My sisters and I usually travelled pretty frequently. When I did have someone, it wasn't long before I'd have to finish up with them before moving on."

She looked back to him.

"Honestly? I think the time I've been with you has been the longest relationship I've had so far, Wiz."

A brief look of pride crossed the boy's face at that.

"Well...that's...pretty awesome, right?"

As before, Aria let out a small dry laugh.

"Sure thing, kid."

The two shared in that laughter, if only for a small while, and when it ended, there was once more silence between them. This time though, it was a calmer and more comfortable quiet than what had come before, and while it occurred, both the Siren and her boyfriend partook of their respective drinks. When Wiz had finished his, however, he looked to the older figure before him, and for a moment, seemed hesitant about something. Aria noticed this, but to her credit, she did not question him or push him to speak on what was on his mind. Instead, she gave him all the time he needed, which was a move soon rewarded when he asked his question.

"Um...Aria? Can...can I ask you something?"

She nodded in response, and so Wiz continued.

"I've been meaning to ask you for some time, but...does it..."

He was struggling, and so cleared his throat before finally just coming out with what he wanted to say.

"...Does it bother you that we haven't had sex yet?"

For perhaps the first time in their relationship, Aria was taken aback by what Wiz had just said to her, and so took a few moments before giving him some kind of response.

"Where did that come from?"

Wiz looked away, scratching the back of his head.

"It's just...you and your sisters talk so much about...that stuff and...well...I just maybe started wondering if...if maybe you were expecting a bit...more from me."

Aria's face softened, and she saw the look on Wiz's own expression. He was clearly embarrassed about this topic, and for this moment, he just looked so vulnerable to her. In fact, at one point, he even looked a little ashamed of himself right now, causing her a pang of guilt. She considered what he'd said, glancing away from him for a time. When she spoke, she did so with a tone that was far more considerate than most would normally hear from her, complete with a genuine, if small, smile.

"Look...you've got nothing to worry about, Wiz."

Wiz looked to her as she continued.

"I mean it. Sure, we Sirens may love that kind of stuff more than most...but that doesn't mean it's all we think about."

Again, Wiz said nothing, and Aria carried on.

"The stuff we do, just...just talking and hanging out? I like that. I've never really done much of that with humans until recently, but...yeah, I just like it."

Her smile widened, albeit just a fraction.

"So don't worry, kid. You're doing fine."

To that, the boy returned the smile, looking quite relieved.

"Thank you, Aria. I guess...I guess I was just worried that I...you know...wasn't being a good enough boyfriend for you."

Aria gave a brief cackle to that.

"Trust me, Wiz. If you were being a bad boyfriend, I'd tell you."

As before, the two laughed together, and the mood had lightened up considerably from what it was before. But, when that laughter too died down, Wiz looked to his Siren girlfriend with a more curious expression. Though again, he seemed hesitant to speak, only managing to do so in a rather jittery tone.

"So...um...can I ask you something else?"

Aria nodded, leading to him coughing nervously before he continued.

"Well...er...I was just wondering...how would you...I mean...how would you go about our...um...first time together?"

Slowly, the standard sultry smirk of a Siren crept onto Aria's face, and she leaned forward, resting her chin on her hand as she propped her elbow upon the table.

"Oh? Getting interested, are you?"

Her voice sounded extra husky with those words, causing Wiz to blush a considerable amount. But them, Aria knew how much he liked the sound of her voice, so it was probably deliberate on her part. To further emphasise the mood, she "accidentally" allowed the left shoulder section of her dressing gown to slip down slightly, exposing her shoulder to him. As for the boy, he did his best to cover himself, though the increased amount of visible skin from Aria wasn't making it easy for him.

"I...I just...wanted to know what to expect...just in case."

Aria chuckled, then looked away as if to think hard on the question. But, as she did this, and unbeknownst to Wiz, she slowly slid one foot out of her green slipper.

"Well then...just to put your mind at ease..."

She stretched her leg further and further out under the table.

"...I'd probably use some rope."

Wiz's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates at that.


Aria's smile widened, and again, her leg inched closer.

"Sure. It's always been a favourite of mine. Wrists and ankles tied to the bedposts, then I'd climb on top."

Wiz opened his mouth to respond, only to be suddenly halted when, just then, the Siren had slipped her foot under the hem of his trouser leg, gently using it to caress the skin of his lower shin. The boy's face was about as red as a tomato right now, and he gripped the edge of the table as if afraid to let go. Naturally, Aria was rather amused by this, and so just kept on speaking.

"Then, I'd slowly start taking my clothes off, all while you watched. Jacket, shirt, bra, you'd watch all of it go. Helps get guys nice and...ready."

Sweat was pouring down the boy's face as he heard this, made all the more difficult by the way his girlfriend's foot was constantly stroking up and down his leg.

"So...um...what then?"

To that, Aria gave him a smouldering look, sensually tracing a circle on the table with one finger, as well as making the same motion with a toe along the skin of Wiz's leg, before speaking in that low tone she knew he loved.

"Then? Then...I'd make you mine."

Here, the boy froze, and just for a moment, Aria was a little concerned that she'd literally broken him with just her words. But then, he stood bolt upright, his face still frozen in that way that made it clear that he was unable to process everything that had just happened to him. Then, at last, he started to emote again, coughing slightly before looking to her in an uncertain manner.

"Um, Aria? Sorry to do this, but...I think I kinda need to use your shower...like, right now!"

But, rather than be concerned by that, the Siren merely leaned back into her chair, folded her arms and gave a short shrug of her shoulders, all while bearing a knowing smile.

"Sure, knock yourself out."

Wiz looked to her in a thankful manner, and as he started walking around the table, Aria slid her foot back into her empty slipper, before then taking a sip of her neglected drink. But, after doing so, and after hearing her boyfriend grab hold of the knob of the bathroom door behind her, her smirk returned.

"Oh, and just to warn you...our shower doesn't have a cold option."

Hearing that, Wiz's head snapped in her direction, and he looked at her in the same way one looks at a person that's just cut off their only lifeline.

"What?! But...but...how's that even possible?!"

Chuckling, Aria glanced over her shoulder to him, giving a half-lidded look.

"Trust me...Adagio found a way."

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