
Lab Horse

by TheMajorTechie

Chapter 22: Log 4040: Plans

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"Okay, so here's what I know," I began, tossing a paper onto the table. Hagen was sitting across from me, and Ranell was currently on video-chat with me.

"Last night, after realizing my origin, I've decided to try and go back."

Hagen raised an eyebrow. Ranell simply sat quietly, staring back through the illuminated screen.

"What do you think?" I asked, pushing the paper closer. It was a diagram I had crudely sketched of different ways that I could possibly break into my home universe.

Ranell cleared his throat as he read through the paper. "Y'know, Gadget," he finally said, "I don't think that strapping you into the Large Hadron Collider would do any good other than obliterating your atoms."

Hagen nodded, and returned his gaze to me from the paper. "And neither would 'punching a hole in space'."

I frowned. "Don't blame the eleven year old for her childish plans, geez." I replied.

The doctor sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose with his fingers.

"Gadget, I may not know as much as Delmar in terms of universal physics, but..."

"But what?" I snapped.

"...but these ideas here all lead to either certain death, or cataclysmic explosions. Either way, they'd result in death to all parties involved."

Yeah, I guess he's right. Accelerating me past the speed of light would probably kill me.

"What about that Delmar guy?" Ranell suddenly asked, breaking through my train of thought.

I shrugged. I guess he'd be able to help.

Okay, so Delmar sent me another message. He's arriving sometime tomorrow, so for now I'm just gonna sit here, eat some pizza, and think.

The show that I supposedly came from ended almost half a century ago, based on what Delmar said about his college studies and his current age.

My body structure, intelligence, and the so-called "magic" skills that I have all point to the conclusion of my origins in that show.

...And if I'm here, and the show ended back then, that means... it still exists.

Which means I can go home!

Author's Notes:

Sorry for the dialogue-intensive chapter. :twilightsheepish: I had to do some sort of additional transition to make the next few chapters actually have some more sense.

Next Chapter: Log 4041: Journey to Delmar's... place Estimated time remaining: 53 Minutes
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