
Yugioh EQG

by Banshee531

Chapter 30: Turn 30, Accel

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Flash and Twilight were currently Turbo Duelling against the mysterious Masked Riders. Twilight had revealed that the Riders were none other then her older brother Shining Armor and his wife Cadence, who had joined the Celestic Cup under the Masked Riders guise. Now Shining Armor had Synchro Summoned his most power monster, Royal Paladin Grand Emperor, which was the strongest monster either of them had ever seen.

"Since I Synchro Summoned Grand Emperor using Royal Paladin Flag Bearer," Shining said, "Flag Bearer's ability grants my monster a new ability. Now he's immune to the effects of all your Spells, Traps and Monsters."

"So none of my cards can do anything to him?" Flash asked.

"That's right" Shining said, "plus Grand Emperor has his own ability. Since I have two Tuner monsters in my graveyard, that's the number of attacks he can wage during each Battle Phase."

"You gotta be kidding me" Flash said.

"I'm afraid not" Twilight told him.

"Royal Paladin Grand Emperor" Shining said, "attack Spectral Nova Dragon." The king's horse neighed as they galloped towards the Fusion Monster, before he slashed through it destroying the dragon.

Masked Riders: 3000
Flashlight: 3500

"Now for his second attack" Shining said, "destroy Spectral Sabre Dragon." Once again the Synchro monster rode its horse towards the Fusion Monster and though it tried to block the attack with its own swords, Grand Emperor broke through and destroyed him.

Masked Riders: 3000
Flashlight: 3000

Flash's Duel Runner began to wobble as the force of the attack pushed them back.

"This is bad" Spike said watching the Duel with the others on the rooftop.

"Flash has got skill sure" Rainbow said, "but he's facing a Pro-Duellist and his best monster."

"But Twilight's with him" Sweetie Bell said, "she must have a way to beat him."

"Don't hold your breath" Spike said, "Twilight's never beaten Shining before."

"She's gotten close right?" Applejack asked.

"The best she's gotten is getting his life points below two thousand" Spike said.

"He's really that good?" Fluttershy asked.

"He didn't win the Celestic Cup for nothing" Rainbow said.

"Come on Flash" Scootaloo prayed to her brother.

As Flash regained control of the Runner, he looked up at the Synchro Monster then turned back to Twilight. "So you've seen this card before right? What's the low down on it? Significantly its weaknesses."

"I'm not sure it even has a weakness" Twilight replied. "As far as I know no ones beaten that card before."

"No one?" Flash asked.

"This is the card that won Shining the Celestic Cup when he competed," Twilight explained.

"That doesn't mean its unbeatable" Flash told her.

"But he's already destroyed your best cards," she reminded him.

"Happened before" he shot back.

"Plus his monster is immune to your card effects."

"Again, happened before."

"Then you'd better find a way to beat it and fast" Twilight told him, "once my brother takes a lead he doesn't give it up easily."

"Just watch" Flash told her. "It's my turn, I draw and with that I'll use my Pendulum Cards to carve the arc of victory." His monster shot the beam into the air, and caused the portal to form above them. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and thee lights shot out and hit the road.

"To arms, Flash Knight." (A1800/D600/L4/P7)

"Invoke your moonlight magic, Magna Caster Lunara." (A2400/D1200/L6/P1)

"Shine your light of victory once again, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"Playing defensive huh?" Shining asked seeing the three monsters take up DEF mode.

"Next I activate the Spell card Starburst Loading," Flash said, "by banishing a monster in my graveyard I can draw three cards. I banish Mirage Gleam Dragon to draw four cards," he said doing so. "Finally I lay down three cards and end my turn."

Twilight looked down at the Duel Disk as it displayed the cards Flash had laid down, showing their names and effects. A plan formed in her head using what she knew about Shining's strategies.

"Looks like your sister is trying to predict your next turn honey" Cadence said, as she looked back at the teens racing behind them.

"Maybe" Shining said, "but I doubt she'll be able to hold up against our team work."

Flash felt Twilight clutch him harder as she looked down. "Don't listen to them" he told her, "you might not have stood a chance when you were younger but things are different now. Your a great Duellist who's beaten tons of strong opponents before, so don't lose faith."

"I don't doubt that she's a strong Duellist" Shining said, "but the fact is against me and Cadence you two just out of your league teamwork wise."

"Maybe" Flash said, "but Twilight knows my deck better then anyone else. So if anyone can use it to beat you it's her."

"Flash" Twilight let out in barely a whisper.

"I trust you Twilight" he said back. "I know Duelling your brother wasn't something you expected to do, but we can do it."

Twilight wasn't sure why, but him saying that filled her with confidence. She nodded and looked back at her brother and sister-in-law, "bring it!"

"Oh it's on" Shining said. "It's my turn, I draw. I summon Royal Spear Paladin in ATK mode," A monster similar to Royal Sword Paladin appeared carrying a spear in place of a sword. (A1900/D100/L4) "Now I attack with your Flash Knight with Royal Spear Paladin," the two knights faced each other as Spear Paladin charged at him and they began sparing until Royal Spear Paladin managed to get passed his sword and impale him with his weapon, destroying him.

As Flash Knight was destroyed his sword flew into the air and struck Flash making him almost lose control of his Runner

Masked Riders: 3000
Flashlight: 2400

"Why'd we take damage?" Flash asked as he centred the bike.

"Royal Sword Paladin's ability activates when it destroys a monster in DEF mode," Shining explained. "It deals you damage equal to your monster's DEF points, but my monster switches to DEF mode after." As he said his Paladin kneeled down into DEF mode.

"Right" Flash said.

"Well we're activating two of our face downs" Twilight explained as their cards flipped up, "Starburst Draw and Code Change. First Code Change will change Starburst Draw's text to say two thousand in place of fifteen hundred, meaning Flash Knight now fits the bill for Starburst Draw. So now we can draw four cards," Flash did so.

"Fine" Shining said, "then my Grand Emperor will attack Lunara." The Synchro Monster Galloped towards the Pendulum Monster and slashed through her, destroying her. "I end my turn."

"Why' didn't he attack Flash Heart?" Scootaloo asked.

"He's taking Flash Heart Dragon's ability into account" Rarity told her, "when he's Special Summoned he can send a card to the bottom of the deck. But if he keeps him on the field his monsters are safe from the effect."

"But I though Grand Emperor was immune to card effects?" Sweetie Bell asked her sister.

"Maybe" Applejack said, "but Spear Paladin isn't."

Rarity nodded. "Unless Flash destroys Spear Paladin, it'll keep dealing damage to Flash when it destroys a DEF monster."

"But to destroy it he'd need to attack" Fluttershy said.

"Which means he needs a monster in ATK mode" Rainbow said, "giving Shining a target to deal Damage to Flash."

"No wonder he's a pro" Scootaloo said, "he's thinking three steps ahead."

"And Flash is gonna need ta think even further ahead," Applejack told her, "If he wants to stand a chance."

"It's my draw" Flash said. "And once again my Pendulum cards will cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," the portal formed once again. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and three beams of light shot out.

"Target sighted, Magna Fighter Radium." (A1600/D1400/L4)

"To arms, Flash Knight." (A1800/D600/L4/P7)

"Invoke your moonlight magic, Magna Caster Lunara." (A2400/D1200/L6/P1)

"Still defending huh?" Shining asked, seeing Flash's monsters were all in DEF mode again.

"Maybe they are" Flash said, "but Flash Heart won't be." Flash Heart Dragon stood up into ATK mode, shocking everyone.

"What's he planning?" Cadance asked.

"I'm using the ability of Magna Fighter Radium" Flash said, "by tributing her I can grant a monster on my field Piercing Damage." Radium jumped onto Flash Heart's shoulder and took aim at Royal Spear Paladin, before whispering into Flash Heart's ear.

"Royal Spear Paladin only has a hundred DEF points," Scootaloo cheered, "so Shining Armor's gonna take twenty four hundred points of damage."

"Go Flash" Rainbow cheered.

"Flash Heart Dragon attack" Flash ordered, as his dragon's boosters came to life and propelled it towards the spear wielding knight.

"We activate the effect of Royal Shield Paladin" Cadance said, as Shining discarded the last card from his hand. "By discarding it to the graveyard, Royal Shield Paladin negates the attack of one of your monsters."

Another Royal Paladin, carrying a large rectangular shield, appeared between Royal Spear Paladin and Flash Heart Dragon and held up its shield. Flash Heart's fist struck the shield and destroyed him, but left Royal Spear Paladin unharmed.

Flash growled, looking down at his face down, Lightspeed, which he had planned to activate to up Flash Heart's ATK but Cadance had acted before he could. Maybe they had been right, their teamwork felt like to much for the him and Twilight.

"Don't lose faith" Twilight's voice reached his ears, making him turn to her. "You trust me don't you?" she asked.

"Of course" he replied.

"Well I trust you" she said back. "We can win this, but only if we don't lose hope. Remember what you said, that no monster is without weakness so let's find his."

Flash smiled and looked back to the road. "I set one card face down and end my turn."

Twilight checked her Duel Disk to see he had set Defence Draw, explaining why he'd taken the risk of using Flash Heart to attack.

"It's my turn" Shining said, "I draw and activate the Spell Paladin's Mage. With this you have to select a face up Spell card on your field and destroy it," he explained with a smile.

Twilight looked up at the Pendulum cards, their only face ups, and knew she had to pick one.

"It's your choice" Flash said, "I trust you."

Twilight nodded and went over their options, until finally she said. "Alchemy Dracokid."

From out of nowhere came a man dressed in white and blue wizard clothing, who waved his staff at the chosen Pendulum Monster and in a puff of smoke the little dragon was destroyed.

"Another effect of my Spell card lets me add a Spell card to my hand," Shining said as his deck slotted out a card. "Next I'll activate that Spell card Paladin's Provisions, which lets me banish up to five Royal Paladin's from my graveyard, though I'll only remove three." As he removed the three cards from his graveyard, the spiritual forms of Royal Sword Paladin, Royal Shield Paladin and Royal Paladin Commander appeared on the field before exploding. "Now for each one of them, I can add a Spell or Trap from my deck to my hand."

"So he's getting three cards" Flash realised.

"Correct" Shining said, as three cards slotted out of his deck. "And now I equip Royal Paladin Grand Emperor with Paladin's Lance," the king's sword transformed into a large lance with a drill like design. "As long as he's equipped with Paladin's Lance, my Grand Emperor can inflict Piercing Damage."

"You gotta be kidding me?" Flash asked.

"I'm afraid not" Twilight said.

"Now I'll active my Quick Play Spell, called Spell Stunner. Now you can't activate Spell cards for this turn."

"That means my Lightspeed is useless" Flash said.

"That's right and by discarding the top three cards of my deck I can reset my Spell card to use during your turn." Shining and Cadance looked back at them and smiled. They intended to end it here. "I switch Royal Spear Paladin to ATK mode and then have Grand Emperor attack Flash Heart."

The Synchro Monster charged at the dragon and aimed its new weapon at it.

"Twilight?" Flash asked nervously.

"Not yet" Twilight told him. In that second Flash Heart was destroyed, with such incredible power that once again Flash almost lost control of the bike.

Masked Riders: 3000
Flashlight: 1400

"Now Royal Spear Paladin attack Lunara," Shining ordered as his knight threw his spear at the female magician destroying her. Her staff flew through the air and struck Flash and Twilight.

Masked Riders: 3000
Flashlight: 200

"And now Grand Emperor finish them," the king charged at Flash Knight, "destroy Flash Knight and end this Duel."

"I don't think so," Twilight called out, as their Trap flipped up, "because we're activating Defence Draw. Not only does this card protect our life points but it also lets us draw a card." Despite Flash Knight getting destroyed, the teens life points remained unchanged.

"Lucky move" Shining said.

"It wasn't luck" Twilight replied to him, "I knew you'd try and go for the kill here so I saved the Trap for when you would target Flash Knight and try and deal the most damage."

"She got you there" Cadance told her husband.

"Well I set one card face down and end my turn," Shining said.

"That was a close one" Rainbow said, with a sigh of relieve.

"Good thing Twilight knew ta save that Trap for the right time," Applejack agreed.

"Yeah" Scootaloo said, "my brother would have probably used it to defend against the attack on Flash Heart."

"Alone they might not have had a chance," Rarity agreed, "but together they just might be able to pull this off."

"That all depends on Flash" Fluttershy said.

"Twilight got him another turn," Rainbow said nodding, "but unless he does something with it they won't be getting another."

"He can do it" Scootaloo told her.

"Great work Twilight" Flash said, smiling back at her.

"Thanks" she replied, "but we're not out of the woods yet. That face down's no doubt a Trap to negate any attack we try," Twilight told Flash.

"Then we need to find a way to neutralise it" he said.

"How?" she asked. "You could try and draw Lumino Jaw Dragon but I'm not sure what else we can try."

"There's gotta be something" Flash said, but in that moment he felt something. It was coming from his Extra Deck and felt...familiar. "Flash Heart?"

"What's up?" Twilight asked in concern.

"It felt like Flash Heart Dragon was...speaking to me."


"It sound nuts I know but..."

"If it spoke to you, what did it say?"

Flash wasn't sure, it just felt like Flash Heart wanted him to do something. His eye then drifted to his deck and suddenly he felt it again, and knew then that he had to draw to understand. Drawing his card he and Twilight's eyes went wide seeing the colourless card he had gotten that morning.

"What's that card doing in your deck?" Twilight asked, "why would you-" but her question got caught in her throat when her eyes noticed a weird glow. The card Flash had just drawn was now glowing, and each second it grew stronger. "What's going on?" Twilight asked, but she received no answer as in that second the glow turned into a brilliant burst of light which forced the two to slam their eyes shut.

As soon as it appeared it was gone and the two opened their eyes, only to find they were no longer on their Duel Runner on the highway. Now they found themselves floating above an ancient ruin with crumpling statues and overgrown plant life.

"This place again" Flash said looking around.

"You know where we are?" Twilight asked him.

"Not really" he replied, "but I've been here before. When I first used my Fusion cards something similar happened."

Before either of them could say anything else, a figure's arrival caught their attention. Flash Heart Dragon flew into the ruins and stood in its centre, before kneeling down infront of one of the large statues. Two other figures then arrived and stood on either side of the statue. The one on the right was Magna Caster Estella and on the left was the boy on the blank card, now showing to have purple hair and wore a black tank top and grey shots. The adjustable spanner he carried was now bronze in colour.

"What's going on?" Twilight asked, but before Flash could even guess a voice from no where spoke.

"Your future path lays before you," it spoke, "the time has come to accel passed your limits." In that second both Estella and the boy lifted up their staff and spanner and from them came a great light, so bright the two were forced to shield their eyes. Flash tried to look but all he could see was Flash Heart being enveloped by the light, before he was forced to close his eyes.

Once again the light faded and the two opened eyes to find themselves back on the highway on their Duel Runner.

"You two okay?" Cadance called back.

"You spaced out for a second" Shining agreed.

"What did we just see?" Twilight asked.

Before Flash answered their eyes caught sight of the blank card from before, which was still glowing before the glow exploded off the card revealing a new Pendulum Card in its place.

"The card...changed" Twilight couldn't believe it, but Flash could.

"This is it" he said, "our path to victory has just been shown to us."

Everyone wondered what he meant by that, until they watched what he did next.

"Here goes. I'm resetting the Pendulum Scale using Scale three Magna Mechanic Kuda," the new Pendulum Monster flew into the right pillar as a three appeared below him. "With these cards I can cut through space time and carve the arc of victory one last time," Flash chanted as the portal formed above them. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and two beams of light shot out.

"To arms, Flash Knight." (A1800/D600/L4/P7)

"Shine your light of victory once again, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"With the skill of Flash Heart, Spear Paladin is sent to the bottom of the deck." A wormhole opened up and swallowed the knight.

"What's he planning?" Shining asked looking at the ATK position monsters he had summoned.

"Now I activate the Pendulum Ability of Magna Caster Estella," Flash said as his magician waved her wand. "Once per turn she can either increase or decrease the level of a monster on my field by a maximum of three, so I'm dropping Flash Knight all the way down to level one." From the star on her wand came a beam of light, which struck Flash Knight. (A1800/D600/L1/P7)

"What's the point of that?" Cadance asked in confusion.

"The point," Flash said with a smile, "is that Magna Mechanic Kuda's Pendulum Ability only effects monsters that are level three or below. An ability that changes them into a Tuner Monster."

"WHAT?" Shining, Cadance, Twilight and their friends all yelled.

Kuda pointed his spanner at Flash Knight and from it came another beam of light that also struck him.

"I can't believe Flash has a Tuner Monster" Applejack said in amazement.

"He might have a Tuner," Rarity said, "but without a Synchro Monster it's useless."

"But he does have a Synchro Monster" Fluttershy said.

"You mean that blank card he got?" Rainbow asked, "how can he use that to Synchro Summon."

"Unless he wasn't making it up" Pinkie said, "maybe it will change."

"But that's impossible" Rarity said.

"Let's find out" Applejack said.

"And now," Flash said, "I'm tuning Level one Flash Knight with Level seven Flash Heart Dragon." Flash Knight glowed before transforming into a ball of light, which flew high up into the sky before carving a single ring that Flash Heart flew into. "Awaken the power sleeping within us all and allow your light to shine brighter then ever." Flash's Extra Deck opened as he pulled out the blank Synchro card which was now glowing, as Flash Heart was consumed by a burst of light. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light began to take shape before it exploded revealing Flash's new monster. It was Flash Heart, only he was...evolved. He looked more dragonic then before, with a lizard shaped head and body. His hands and feet became longer and sharper like claws and his booster wings disappeared and were replaced with glider shaped dragon wings. On his shoulders and hips were square engine like devices and his scarf changed and folded around his body to become more like a poncho/cape covering his neck, shoulders and flowing down his back.

"Flash Dragon...ACCEL." (A3000/D2500/L8)

Everyone was in awe at the sight before them.

"Is that Flash Heart?" Fluttershy asked in amazement.

Rainbow slowly nodded, not looking away from the screen, "it is. But he's...evolved."

"Incredible" Rarity said,

"That's a new one" Cadance said.

"Maybe" Shining said, "but it's no match for Grand Emperor."

"He will be" Flash said, "once I activate the Spell card Lightspeed."

"To bad our Spell Stunner will put a stop to that" Cadance said, but as she pressed their face down on her Duel Disk the device let out a error message. "What's going on? why won't it activate?"

"Oh" Flash said, "did I forget to mention that when Flash Dragon Accel is Synchro Summoned, you can't activate Spells or Traps for the rest of the turn."

"That's not good" Cadance said.

"So not only is Spell Stunner neutralised," Twilight finally spoke up, "but also their Trap."

"That's right," Flash said, "and now Lightspeed will activate and raise my Light Attributed monster's ATK by one thousand." Flash Dragon Accel glowed as the Spell increased his power. (A4000/D2500/L8)

"Now Flash's monster is stronger then Grand Emperor," Scootaloo cheered.

"Let's do this Flash Dragon Accel," Flash ordered as his Synchro Monster flew up. Once he was high enough the dragon took aim at the king as the top of the engine devices on its shoulders and hips opened up revealing a quartet of lazor cannons which folded out and began charging. "Rip through space time and blast them to the far side of destiny. Supreme Energy Blast." The four cannons fired, launching a quartet of energy beams which combined into a single shot which struck Grand Emperor, destroying it.

Masked Riders: 2500
Flashlight: 200

"Flash actually defeated Grand Emperor" Spike said in disbelieve, along with the others.

Twilight was in shock over what see had just seen, but smiled all the same.

"I don't believe it" Cadance said, unable to believe that someone had actually defeated Shining's best card.

"Relax" her husband told her, "next turn we'll work to revive him."

"Your not getting another turn," they heard Flash say as Accel began to glow. "I'm activating Flash Dragon Accel's Special Ability. After his attack I can then tribute him and summon a copy of Flash Heart Dragon from my Extra Deck." The glow spread to Accel's entire body and in a great flash it was gone and Flash Heart appeared in its place. (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"No way" Shining said in disbelieve.

"Sure this effect neutralises Flash Heart's ability," Flash said with a cocky grin, "but with your field empty and it still being my Battle Phase, I'd say it's a good trade."

"Flash Heart can attack us directly" Shining realised.

"And Accel's ability is still preventing us from using our face downs," Cadance said as she looked back at her husband. "What do we do?"

Shining looked over their options and with one quick flick of the wrist he spun his Runner around, so it was running backwards and they were facing Flash, Twilight and Flash Heart. "We take the attack like true Duellists," his eyes locked with Flash's as he smirked. "BRING IT!"

Flash nodded and a looked back at Twilight. "Care to do the honours?"

Twilight smiled back, "let's do it together."

They both looked back and then up at the Pendulum Monster. "FLASH HEART DRAGON, ATTACK THE MASKED RIDERS DIRECTLY!"

Flash Heart's boosters came to life and rocketed the dragon forwards towards Cadance and Shining, before he spun around and swiped his tail around to strike them.

Masked Riders: 0
Flashlight: 200 (Winner)

The Masked Rider's Duel Runner was forced to shut down, as they came to a undignified stop while Flash managed to stop theirs fine.

As everyone took what had just happened to heart they stayed quiet until finally Twilight said.

"We did it" she got off the bike and looked over at her brother and sister-in-law, "we beat Shining Armor."

"Yeah" Flash said getting off the bike, "we did." They both looked over each other and despite their helmets, they knew the other was smiling.

"WE DID IT!" Twilight threw her arms around him as they hugged in celebration.

"You sure did" they saw Shining and Cadance get off their Runner, helmets off, and smiling at the two.

The four of them returned to the port where they met up with their friends.

"I can't believe you beat Shining Armor" Scootaloo cheered for her brother.

"I only pulled it off because Twilight was able to keep me in the game."

"But you still managed to defeat us" Shining said, as he and Cadance held up a white and pink DPM, "so this is yours."

Flash and Twilight's DPMs beeped and they looked up to see their new totals.

Flash Sentry: 3200Ps

Twilight Sparkle: 3050Ps

"That's over three thousand points" Flash said in amazement.

"Your really giving us that many points?" Twilight asked.

"You earned them" Cadance said as the two placed their helmets on and got on Shining's Duel Runner.

"Hey" Flash said, pointing at Cadance's Runner, "what about this?"

"Keep it" Cadance said, "I got two others back home." And with that they shot off down the street and into the night.

With them gone everyone looked over at Flash's new Runner and suddenly the three youngest teens cried.

"AWESOME!" They moved over to look it over.

"I wanna give it a try" Sweetie Bell said.

"No way" Applebloom said, "I'm going first."

"It's my brother's" Scootaloo said, "I should get first go."

"No one's getting a go" Flash said, "I can barely drive this thing right now. No rides until I can actually ride it safely."

The girls all moaned but agreed, as Flash got on his new Runner and started messing with it to see how everything worked.

One by one the gang gathered around, until only Twilight remained. "You okay Sugarcube?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah" Twilight said, but she wasn't so sure. What had happened back in the Duel was still troubling her. How had she and Flash seen all that? And how had his cards actually changed like they had?

Twilight knew there was more to this then any of them realised, and she wanted to know what.

Author's Notes:

Man that was fun to write, I couldn't stop myself from typing. Now I'm exhausted.

I hope you enjoyed Flash's Synchro Summon. He'll get more soon.

Next Chapter: Turn 31, Survival Duel Estimated time remaining: 5 Hours
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