
Yugioh EQG

by Banshee531

Chapter 18: Turn 18, The Pound of Music pt2

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It was the second round of the Shooting Star Micro Tournament and Flash was facing off against Lyra Heartstrings. Thing looked like they were going okay for him, until Lyra used Maiden of the Enchanted Harp to take control of Flash Heart Dragon. Now in order to move on he would need to find a way to defeat his best monster.

Celestia: It looks like Flash is in trouble. Has this Duels outcome just been decided.

"So Flash" Lyra said, "How does it feel to know your best monster is now under my control?"

Flash stared at his best monster in horror, before taking a deep breath and turning to her. "Your Maiden of the Enchanted Harp may have taken control of my monster for now" he said, "but it won't last long. I'll find a way to bring Flash Heart back to me, that's a promise."

"Is that so?" Lyra asked, "then way don't we play a little game. The rules are simple. You have to find a way to get Flash Heart Dragon back to your side of the field, before I use him to reduce your life points to nothing."

"I'll take that bet" Flash said.

"Then let's begin" Lyra said, "Flash Heart Dragon attack Shine Crest Magna Wolf" Flash Heart Dragon's boosters fired propelling them forwards towards Flash's last monster.

"I need an Action Card" Flash said, looking around but was unable to find one from his spot. As Flash Heart Dragon flew closer, Flash pressed the icon on his Duel Disk to flip up his face down.

Flash Heart Dragon sucker punched Shine Crest Magna Wolf, destroying it. "Gotcha" Lyra said, but looked confused when she saw Flash's life points.

Flash: 2600
Lyra: 2500

"Check your gear" she said, "your life points haven't changed."

Flash smirked, "my gears fine. Before Flash Heart's attack hit, I activated my Defence Draw Trap card. It saved me from taking damage and lets me draw one card."

Celestia: A close call for Flash. Looks like he's stuck playing defence until he can find a way to stop Lyra's strategy...if there is one.

"Fine then I end my turn" Lyra said, sound annoyed that her attack didn't cause damage.

Up in the stands Flash's friends watched the match closely.

"Flash saved himself from taking damage" Twilight said, "but he can't win like that.

"He needs to git Flash Heart Dragon back on his side before Lyra uses it to wipe him out" Applejack said, "which means he needs to destroy that Maiden of the Enchanted Harp."

"But how can he?" Sweetie Bell asked

"When Maiden of the Enchanted Harp takes control of a monster, she becomes and Equip Spell" Rarity explained. "Flash needs to find a way to use that against her."

"But Flash already sent Lumino Jaw Dragon to the bottom of his deck" Applebloom said.

"And he won't last long enough to go through his entire deck" Scootaloo agreed.

"I hate to say this" Rainbow said, "but I don't think he's winning this round."

"Rainbow Dash" Applejack said, "we can't say things like that."

"Yeah" Pinkie agreed, "when Flash's in trouble is when he Duels at his best."

"But Flash usually uses Flash Heart to win his Duels" Fluttershy said. "How is he going to win without him."

"I don't know" Twilight replied, "that's one of the problems with using a deck focused on one card. Take it out and the whole thing falls apart."

"So your saying Flash has no chance?" Scootaloo asked.

"I don't want to say that" Twilight replied, "but based on the situation."

Further down the stadium the girl in the white dress watched Lyra with a sad look in her eye. "Lyra" she said, "what happened to you? you use to respect your opponents monsters. But now.


"Attack" Lyra said as Black Luster Solider-Envoy of the Beginning attacked its Duellist, reducing their life points to zero.

"Looks like another win for me" Lyra said happily

"Lyra" she turned to see the girl in the white dress standing not to far off.

"Hey Bon Bon" she said, "did you see how I mopped the floor with that loser?"

"Loser?" the girl called Bon Bon said, "that's no way to talk to someone."

"Whatever" Lyra said, "I won so what does it matter."

"Since when has winning been so important to you?" Bon Bon, "and since when was that part of your Duel style? You can't just take other peoples monsters like that."

"Why not?" Lyra asked, "why should I try and summon a super strong monster when I can just take them from my opponents?"

"Because your destroying the bond between the monster and their Duellist."

"Bond" Lyra said before laughing, "don't be ridiculous. Those cards are nothing but paper and ink, so how can you have a bond with it?"

"There more then just that" Bon Bon said, "all cards have a heart. Anyone can form a bond with a card if they care enough."

"I've heard enough of this" Lyra said. She turned to walk away but Bon Bon jumped infront of her.

"If your won't believe me then I'll show you" she said pulling out her Duel Disk.

"Fine" Lyra said, activating hers.

"I'll show you the power of the bonds between and Duellist and their monsters.

<Ten minutes later>

"Agent Striker attack her directly" Lyra said. A figure in a trench coat disappeared into the shadows and then reappeared behind Bon Bon, striking her in the back and reducing her life points to zero.

"No" Bon Bon said as she fell to her knees.

"Wow" Lyra said, "you really showed me." She turned and began to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Bon Bon asked.

"To the Micro Tournament" Lyra replied, "there's some people I need to see again. They're going to be in the Celestic Cup, so I need to enter. I'm going to show them how strong they helped me become," and with that she was gone.

"Lyra wait" Bon Bon asked but it was to late.


"Hopefully there's a Duellist in this tournament, that can show Lyra what it means to share a bond with a monster" Bon Bon said. "Flash Sentry...Flash Heart Dragon, are they the ones who can?"

"It's my draw" Flash said. He looked at his hand and frowned since he didn't hold any monsters, "I'll place two cards face down and end my turn."

Celestia: Looks like Flash couldn't draw a monster, can he still keep himself in this game.

"It's my draw now" Lyra said. "Since Maiden of the Enchanted Harp is equipped to a monster I can't summon any knew monsters, but with Flash Heart Dragon under my control that doesn't really matter. Flash Heart Dragon attack" the dragon's boosters ignited propelling them towards Flash.

"If this attack lands Flash will only have a hundred life points left" Rainbow said.

"I can't watch" Fluttershy said covering her eyes.

Flash didn't look worried as his face down flipped up "I activate my Trap card, Beacon of Hope. This card works a lot like the Summoners Flute you used before, since I can now draw a card and if it's a monster I can summon it." Flash placed his hand on his deck and drew, before smiling. "I summon Aura Spear Dragon in DEF mode" the silver dragon appeared on his field. (A2000/D100/L4)

"He won't be around for long" Lyra told him.

She was right. But he couldn't allow his only defence to be destroyed yet. Suddenly something caught the corner of his eye, a large French Horn.

"Aura Spear, give me a lift" the dragon flew down and grabbed Flash, before tossing him at the horn.

"What's Flash doing?" Scootaloo asked.

"Almost there" he said as Flash Heart drew closer to his monster. He reached the horn and slid right inside, and seconds later Aura Spear Dragon was punched causing an explosion.

"Gotcha" Lyra said.

Celestia: Once again Flash's monster was destroyed

"You might want to double check that statement" Flash's voice echoed out of the horn.

The smoke cleared and Aura Spear Dragon was still standing....floating.

"But how?" Lyra asked.

"Just before your attack hit I grabbed the Action Card I saw in this horn" Flash said as he pulled himself out. "Evasion. It let my monster dodge your attack."

Lyra growled, as she watched Aura Spear Dragon flying him up to a piled of tambourines. "Your ability to clutch at straws won't save you forever."

"You don't know that" Flash said, "I've always been a survivor. Clutching at straws is one of the things I do best."

"I end my turn" Lyra said.

"It's my draw" Flash said, smiling as he saw that he had drawn. "I switch Aura Spear Dragon to ATK mode."

"What's Flash doing?" Fluttershy asked.

"I hate to do this Flash Heart" Flash said, "but I activate the Spell Reverse Polarity."

"Alright" the girls cheered at the mention of that card.

"Now Aura Spear Dragon's ATK power will rise by the difference between his and Flash Heart's." (A2500/D100/L4)

"Meanwhile Flash Heart's will go down by the same amount." (A2000/D2000/L7/P4)

"Flash Heart's weaker now" Lyra said.

"Do it Aura Spear Dragon" Flash ordered as his dragon flew up and brought his hands together, creating a ball of light.

Lyra leaped off Flash Heart's shoulder to a nearby trumpet. She landed on one of the buttons and caused a gust of wind to blow from the instrument, which blew something out. "An Action Card" Flash said, realising what she was doing.

"That's right" Lyra said, as she ran to the edge of the trumpet and leaped into the air catching the Action Card. "I'm taking a cue from you."

As Aura Spear Dragon threw its weapon at Flash Heart, Lyra placed the Action Spell in her Duel Disk. "I'll also activate the Action Spell Evasion" Flash Heart Dragon dodged the attack as it passed over him and hit a nearby accordion.

"Oh man" Rainbow moaned, "Flash almost had Flash Heart back."

Twilight nodded, "no doubt Flash Heart is the strongest monster in both of their decks. Lyra will want to keep him on her side for as long as she can."

"After Aura Spear Dragon attacks he switches to DEF mode" Flash said, as his monster kneeled down. "I end my turn."

Celestia: He was so close, but yet again Lyra forces him back.

"It's my draw" Lyra said, but after doing so she turned around and grabbed something off the ground. "Look what fell out of the accordion after your monster's attack" she held up the Action Card for all to see. "I activate the Action Spell Offensive Dance Style, which will cause your Aura Spear Dragon to switch into ATK mode."

"What" Flash said looking at his monster who stood back up.

"Flash Heart Dragon attack" Lyra said. Flash's brainwashed monster flew at Aura Spear Dragon.

"I activate my Trap card" Flash said, "Brittle Shield. When you attack an ATK position monster with more ATK the DEF points, then I can switch him back to DEF mode." Aura Spear Dragon kneeled down just before he could be destroyed. "Close one."

"I end my turn" Lyra said.

"It's my turn" Flash said drawing and smiling, "I summon Magna Fighter Arma" the steampunk teen girl appeared. (A1800/D0/L4) "And while Arma is in DEF mode she can't be destroyed."

"Is that so" Lyra said.

"I end my turn" Flash said.

"Then it's my draw" Lyra looked through her cards and sighed, "I end my turn" she said.

"It's my draw" he said looking at what he gotten "Reflection Guard," he said to himself. "I can't use it right now, but it might come in handy later. I set one card face down and end my turn."

"It's my draw" Lyra drew and her eyes went wide, seeing what it was. "This card will win me the entire match."

"What?" Flash asked hearing this.

"I activate the Spell card Sound Crash," she placed the card in her Duel Disk. "This card destroys one monster on the field and deals you damage equal to half that cards ATK strength."

"Oh no" Flash and the girls said.

A high pitched sound blasted out of her Duel Disk that struck Arma. The steampunk winced in pain before she was destroyed, and Flash was hit by it getting blown off the tambourine pile and crashed onto the floor.

Flash: 1700
Lyra: 2500

"FLASH" the girl said.

"One more hit and it's all over for you" Lyra said. "Tell you what, I'll give you the same offer I gave my last opponent. Surrender this Duel and I'll spare you the embarrassment, of being beaten by your own monster."

As Flash got up he began to seriously consider giving up. He couldn't see any way for him to win, so why suffer. When he was on his feet he raised his Duel Disk, and began lowering his hand ready to surrender.

"Don't do it Flash" Twilight and the girls all yelled.

"Do it" Lyra said, "you know it's your only option."

Bon Bon sighed and turned to leave, not able to watch her friend continue to act this way.

Flash's hand was inches away from his deck, but has he looked up and his eyes met with Flash Heart Dragon's his hand suddenly froze. "What am I doing?" he asked himself as he moved his hand away. "There is no way I'm giving up" he said, "if I did that it means I'd be giving up on Flash Heart."

Bon Bon froze hearing him say that.

"What are you talking about?" Lyra asked.

"If I surrender this Duel it means I'm letting you get away with stealing my best monster, and there's no way I'll let that slide. I owe everything to Flash Heart Dragon. Ever since he came into my life it's been nothing but good things. I've grown to love Duelling again, I've made great friends and I've reconnected with my love ones. I owe all of that to Flash Heart, because he's more then just a card. He's my partner...my friend. We share a bond that you'll never destroy."

"Bond" Lyra said, her memory flashed back to what her best friend Bon Bon had said. But suddenly that memory was shattered by another, this one being of three individuals who had shown her the unbelievable power she now used. "That's enough" she almost screamed, "don't say I didn't warn you. Flash Heart ATTACK" Flash Heart's boosters fired sending him towards Flash.

Flash spun around and ran as fast as her could. "There's only one card that can save me" he said, looking around frantically. Finally something caught his eye, and he took a great leap forwards as Flash Heart Dragon drew closer.

"FINISH HIM" Lyra screamed.

Flash Heart reared back its fist ready to strike.

Celestia: This could be it.

Flash Heart attacked, only for something to tackle him out of no where. The force of the blow caused the attack to miss Flash by inches.

"What happened?" Sweetie asked.

The dust cleared showing Magna Fighter Crossbolt standing between Flash Heart and Flash. (A1400/D1400/L4)

"But how?" Lyra asked.

"I managed to snag an Action Card" Flash explained, "you probably remember it. Summoner's Flute."

"So Flash drew Crossbolt" Twilight said, "now he can defend himself."

"Except Flash summoned him in ATK mode" Rainbow pointed out.

"Why would he do that?" Applejack asked.

"He must have a reason" Rarity said.

"Fine then" Lyra said, "I'll just destroy your monster. Attack" Flash Heart re-aimed his punch and struck Crossbolt, who held up his crossbow in defence. The attack hit and shattered Crossbolt, but not like it should have, since Crossbolt appeared behind the first unharmed.

Flash: 600
Lyra: 2500

"Sorry Lyra" Flash said, "but my Reflection Guard prevented my monsters destruction."

Lyra growled, "fine I end my turn. It makes no difference, since I can just destroy you on my next turn."

"Wrong" Flash said, "your not getting a next turn."

"What?" Lyra asked.

"The outcome of this Duel was decided the second I drew Crossbolt" Flash explained, "let me show you. I draw, and with it I'll activate Crossbolt's ability. When he's in ATK mode during my Standby Phase, he can take aim at a random card in your Spell and Trap card zone...and destroy it."

"But wait" Lyra said, "I only have one card in my Spell and Trap card zone." Everyone looked up above the Duellists where Maiden of the Enchanted Harp floated, playing her harp.

"That's right" Flash said, "meaning he's got one easy target" Crossbolt aimed his crossbow. "Ready...aim...fire" Crossbolt fired his energy arrow which struck the Maiden, destroying her.

"No" Lyra said, "without Maiden of the Enchanted Harp." She turned to Flash Heart Dragon, as his eyes returned from being red to bright blue. Seconds later his boosters fired and he flew towards Flash, but not to attack.

"Welcome back bud" Flash cheered and he ran and leaped onto a drum, bouncing himself straight onto his monsters back.

Celestia: Unbelievable. Flash got his monster back.

"How is this possible?" Lyra asked in shock.

"I told you" Flash said, as he stood himself between his monsters wings. "We're connected, and it'll take a lot more then a little off key music to break that bond."

"Bond" Lyra said. That word again. Is this what she had meant by it.

"It's time to end this" Flash said, as Flash Heart took the position of a football player ready to charge. "Let's do this...PARTNER" Flash Heart burst forwards, and with one swift punch, he struck Lyra.

Lyra screamed as she was sent flying back.

Flash: 600 (Winner)
Lyra: 0

Celestia: HE DID IT. Flash was behind all Duel, but he found a way to push back and win the Duel.

As the field disappeared Flash went over to Lyra and held her up. "That was one tough Duel."

"But you still won" Lyra said, "thank you Flash. I finally understand what it means to share a connection with your monster."

"Everyone has one monster they can relate to" Flash said, "you just got to find it."

"I will" Lyra said, "I'll look until I find a card that really connects to me."

"And when you do" Flash said, "I want to be the first guy you face."

"Right" she said, "promise." With that she turned around and left the stadium.

Cold turned away from the TV.

"Well that was an interesting Duel" Sunset said, "wasn't sure he would make it out of that."

"Their connection is growing stronger with each Duel" Cold said. "Now if only they could take the next step."

As Lyra left the stadium she suddenly noticed someone standing not to far off from her. Bon Bon stood there silently.

The silence was so great you could hear a pin drop. Finally a sound broke it, as Lyra's eyes filled with tears she sniffed and finally broke out crying.

"Oh Lyra" Bon Bon was by her in a second, pulling her into a hug as she cried into her shoulder.

"I'm so sorry" Lyra said, "I let the need to win come between us."

"It's okay" Bon Bon said, "you just got overwhelmed by those Duellists."

"I promise I won't ever be like that again" Lyra said, still crying.

"Thank goodness" Bon Bon said to her, "and thank you Flash" she said to herself, "I'll always be grateful for this."

After the second round concluded Flash returned to the spot he and his friends agreed to meet.

"Flash" he looked up to see Scootaloo running towards him, before throwing her arms around him. "You did it, I knew you could."

"Thanks Scoot" Flash said, "it was touch and go for a moment though."

"But you did it" Twilight said, "despite all the odds your did it."

"It wasn't just me" Flash said taking out his ace. "Ever since I met you, the wheels of fate have spun. I know you'll always be there for me."

"Well I'm starving" Rainbow cut in, "let's go get something to eat."

"Agreed" Flash said as he returned his card to his deck. Had he by chance looked inside his Extra Deck, he would have seen it. The two blank Fusion Cards were beginning to faintly glow.

Author's Notes:

How's that for a connection between Duellist and Monster?

Next chapter I'll be introducing an OC based on another character from one of this stories inspirations, and one of my favourite characters from the franchise. :pinkiehappy:

Next Chapter: Turn 19, Might of the Sea pt1 Estimated time remaining: 8 Hours, 3 Minutes
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