
Yugioh EQG

by Banshee531

First published

A young antisocial teen receives a deck of Duel Monster cards and is thrust into an amazing adventure. How will he fair when the fate of the world rest on his shoulders.

A young antisocial teen receives a deck of Duel Monster cards and is thrust into an amazing adventure. How will he fair when the fate of the world rest on his shoulders.

Takes place in the Equestria Girls universe but is separate from canon events, so there are some differences from the movies. So remember that when you see something that wouldn't make sense in the movies.

Now on Tvtropes

Turn 1, Flash Sentry

Author's Notes:

Welcome to Yugioh Equestria Girls, my first long story.

This story takes place instead of the Arc V series so Pendulum Summoning will be the main summoning style for the main character with the rest of the characters using other types.


For many years it has been the game everyone played, if you didn't own a deck you were nothing. Monsters, Spells and Trap Cards where the greatest weapon.


In the city of Canterlot we find a teenage boy walking the streets. He had blue hair and wore a black leather jacket over a white shirt, which had a blue shield and lightning bolt emblazoned on it. His name was Flash Sentry.

He was walking through the park on his way to school when he heard a loud crashing sound, which caught his attention but relaxed when he saw a couple of kids in a Duel. "I'm using my Super Conductor Tyrano to attack your Fire Princess!" a young boy said, as his robotic dinosaur charged at a woman in red carrying a staff.

"I use my Trap," the girl he was Duelling against said as a card flipped up, "Negate Attack"

Flash looked away from the Duel and once again walked off, he had no interest in Dueling. He had once when he was younger, but he turned out to be terrible at the game and lost so many times that he just gave up and had even thrown his deck away.

Flash arrived at his school, Canterlot High, and walked inside. He reached his locker and opened it up to grab his books, but something was sitting on top of them...a deck. "What the" he said taking the deck and looking it over, "this isn't mine."

Later on in class Flash sat at the back of the room half-heartedly listening to the teacher speak. "Write me an essay about your future goals before the end of class, three pages for now" the scribbling of pen to paper filled the classroom as the students wrote.

Flash sighed and began writing.

An hour later the bell rang signalling the end of class. Flash began to collect his things, when he suddenly felt someone standing beside him. Looking around he saw a violet skinned girl with purple hair, wearing a blue blouse and purple skirt. "Hey." she said smiling. "The teacher asked me to collect the essays." To emphasise her point, she held up the stack of papers she was carrying.

Flash just looked back down at his desk as he picked up his essay and placed it on top of the pile, before walking to the door. "Thanks" the girl said.

"Yeah sure, whatever" Flash replied leaving.

The girl, whose name was Twilight, glanced down at his essay wondering what he had written and had to take a second look when she saw the title.


During lunch Flash sat in a shady area eating the last of his lunch when he suddenly heard something above him. "Don't do it." He looked up just in time to see something falling towards him, and threw his hands up in defense until the thing landed on him. Opening his eyes, he found he was covered in Duel Monster cards.

"These things again." he said taking a card off his head and looking at it, the card's name was Gilford the Legend. He quickly gathered them all up into a deck, and when he was finished he heard.

"You found them." Flash turned around and saw two guys, possibly his age, standing not too far off. Behind them was a younger boy looking worried. "Our cards seem to have slipped out the window." one of the older boys said with a smirk.

"And they're special to us," the other guy said, "why don't you give them back."

"No!" the younger boy said trying to step forward. "Their-" he stopped as one of the older boys turned around and let out and angry growl at him.

Flash frowned seeing this, "I see what's going on." He said as he stood up and walked forwards a few feet, doing so brought him into the light revealing his face.

The two older boys suddenly lost all their confidence, as they saw who it was. "Flash Sentry." One of them whispered in fright as the stepped back.

Flash walked towards them, his face hardened. As he got closer the two held up their arms as if preparing for a beating, but no blows came. "Here you go." They opened their eyes and Flash wasn't in sight, so they turned and saw Flash had walked passed them and handed the younger boy the deck.

The boy held out his shaky hands as Flash placed the cards in his grasp. The older guys frowned at this, but they returned to being scared when Flash looked around at them.

"You guys got a problem?" he asked viciously.

"Er, no sir." They both said shakily, obviously scared at what might happen to them.

Flash just turned and walked away, unaware that he was being watched. Up in one of the buildings Twilight, along with her close friends Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, had seen the whole thing.

"What's that boys name?" Twilight asked. She was new to Canterlot High and didn't know a lot of people’s names.

"That's Flash Sentry." the blonde haired girl named Applejack replied as she looked out the window.

"He doesn't really hang around anybody." Rainbow Dash, the rainbow haired girl, continued. "He's always been a loner."

"I heard a rumour," a girl with light pink hair said "that even some of the teachers are scared of him."

"Don't be silly Fluttershy." Rarity, the purple haired girl in designer clothes, replied. "I'm sure he just likes his space."

Pinkie Pie, a girl with dark pink hair, nodded, "I bet all he needs is a party to turn that frown upside down."

"So he doesn't hang out with anyone?" Twilight asked.

"Not that we've seen." Rainbow replied.

Twilight continued to watch the boy walk away, feeling sad that someone was content at being so lonely.

Later after school had let out Flash was once again walking through the park. He looked down at the deck he had found earlier, wondering what he should do with it. Should he take it to the lost and found or something?

Suddenly he heard something, a loud cry of pain coming from not too far off. Moving before he could think, he ran towards the area but stopped in his tracks when he saw a trio of teens, one of them wearing a backpack with the emblem of Draco High. Below them laying on the ground was a younger boy of fourteen, with purple skin and green hair, his backpack showed the Canterlot Junior High emblem.

"Looks like you lost loser." the supposed leader said. He had red skin, orange hair and wore a dark red hoodie.

"You were an idiot to challenge the Great Garble." one of the teens said.

"I didn't challenge him," the boy said, "you guys made me."

"Whatever," Garble said "you lost so hand over your deck."

"I didn't agree to that." the kid said.

"Well too bad." Garble said as he grabbed him by his purple jacket and lifted him up. "Weaklings don't get a say." He grabbed the boy's left arm, and pulled off a purple device, before throwing him to the floor.

"Knock it off!" They all turned to see Flash walk out. "Just because you’re bigger that doesn't give you right to pick on someone."

"This doesn't concern you." Garble said.

"It does when your ganging up on a defenceless kid." Flash replied. "Grow a backbone and pick on someone your own size."

"Like say...you?" Garble said.

"You wanna go?" Flash asked.

Garble would have said yes, but then he noticed Flash was holding a deck of cards and smiled. "Tell you what," he said "why don't we settle this like Duellists?"

Flash wondered what he meant until he noticed Garble had a crimson Duel Disk on his arm, which he activated forming an orange energy blade. "You win and I'll hand back the deck, but if I win I get his deck and yours. Deal?"

Flash looked down at the deck in his hand and then back up at Garble. He didn't feel right betting something that wasn't even his.

"What's the matter?" Garble asked. "Chicken?" He and his buddies suddenly laughed and began making clucking noises.

"Fine then." Flash said before realising what it was he was saying. "You’re on."

"Great." Garble said tossing him the purple Duel Disk. "Let's get this started."

Flash affixed the device to his arm and placed the deck in the slot, a green energy blade forming. "Hey," he turned back to see the kid standing near him, "you don't have to do this for me."

"It's fine." Flash replied. "Bullies like him need to be put in his place."

"Okay." the boy said. "I'm Spike by the way."

"Flash." the teen said back.

Meanwhile Twilight and her friends were walking through the park. Suddenly Rainbow Dash's phone began beeping. “What's that Rainbow?" Twilight asked.

"My Duel app." Rainbow replied. "It goes off whenever it detects an active Duel Disk."

"Cool." Applejack said looking around. "Might be a good one, let's check it out." They followed the app and looked around for any signs of a Duel until they heard.

"Twilight!" They spun around and saw Twilight's little brother Spike standing not too far off, behind some trees.

"Spike," Twilight said, "what are you doing here?" But she soon realised why, when she saw Flash and Garble facing off.

"Looks like we found our Duel." Applejack said.

"Weird." Rainbow Dash said. "I don't think I've ever seen him Duel."

Flash and Garble's Duel Disks connected and showed their life points, as they drew their cards.

"DUEL!" they both yelled.

Flash: 4000
Garble: 4000

"I'll start off," Garble said drawing his card, "and summon Razor Scale Dragon." A green four-legged dragon appeared, it had spikes coming from its elbows, spine and tail. (A1300/D1100/L3) "I'll also throw down two face downs and end there."

"There must be something more to that dragon then he's letting on." Twilight said.

"Let's see what Flash does against it." Rarity said.

Flash drew his card and for the first time he looked at the actual cards he'd drawn and gasped seeing two of the cards in his hand were blank. They were the same colour as effect monster cards but had no picture, name, attribute, level or attack and defense points. Flash panic as his mind wondered what to do, he'd just have to work with the other cards he had.

"I'll summon...Starbreak Dragon." A humanoid dragon appeared, it was about Flash's height and wore yellow armour with jet plane wings while carrying a pair of long handled axes with star shaped blades. (A1500/D1200/L4)

"And I'll attack." Starbreak Dragon launched itself at Razor Scale Dragon, swinging its star shaped axes and slicing the monster in half destroying it.

Flash: 4000
Garble: 3800

"How'd you like that?" Flash said.

"Idiot," Garble said as he pressed a button on his Duel Disk and one of his face downs flipped up, "you activated my Trap Card. It's called Dragon's Call and it activates when you destroy one of my dragons, by removing the destroyed monster from play I can summon two new dragons with a thousand or less attack points."

"So what?" Flash said. "My Starbreak Dragon will have five hundred or more attack points than anything you summon."

"But who says they'll be attacking?" Garble said as two new monsters appeared. "They'll be defending! Rise, Golem Dragons!" A pair of rock skinned dragons appeared. (A200/D2000/L4)

"Two thousand defense points." Flash said before realising something, "Wait but you've placed them in attack mode, how are they gonna defend?"

"Simple," Garble said, "while Golem Dragon is face up he's the only dragon you can attack."

"So with two Golem Dragons," Fluttershy realised.

"Flash can't attack any of Garble's dragons." Twilight realised.

"And I'm betting every card in his deck is a dragon." Rainbow Dash said.

Flash thought this to, "I'm trapped."

"To right" Garble said, "and now I'll activate my other Trap, Dragon's Gate, which lets me add a dragon that was removed from play into my hand." He took Razor Scale Dragon and placed it in his hand.

Flash sighed, "I end my turn."

"My go," Garble drew his card, "and I'll activate Cost Down. By ditching one card I can reduce the level of a monster in my hand by two."

"He must be bringing out something big." Twilight said.

"Now I only need to sacrifice one of my Golem Dragons," Garble said as one of the stone dragons disappeared, "to summon this." A giant dark red dragon appeared. It was vicious looking with large clawed hands and razor sharp teeth, "Dark Rogue Dragon." (A?/D?/L8)

Flash had never faced anything like this before.

"If you think he looks scary just wait till his special ability kicks in." Garble explained. "My Dark Rogue Dragon’s original attack and defense increases by a thousand for every other dragon on my field and in my graveyard." (A3000/D3000/L8)

"Not good." Flash said. He must have discarded a dragon when he used Cost Down.

"Now I activate Monster Reborn to revive my Golem Dragon." the second rock dragon appeared in attack mode. "Now, Dark Rogue Dragon take down his puny Starbreak Dragon."

The Dark Rouge Dragon lifted its massive claw and with a single swipe it destroyed Starbreak Dragon, the force causing Flash to be knocked back.

Flash: 2500
Garble: 3800

"Then my two Golem Dragons will strike" the two rock dragons swiped and slashed Flash across the chest.

Flash: 2100
Garble: 3800

"Come on Flash," Spike said, "you gotta do something."

"I'm trying." Flash said as he drew his card. "I'll summon Magna Fighter Crossbolt in defence mode." A man in steampunk clothing that carried a large crossbow appeared. (A1400/D1400/L4) "And I'll end my turn."

"My draw." Garble said. "Too bad my Dark Rogue Dragon won't let me normal summon, but it can still flatten your silly cosplayer." Once again the massive dragon destroyed Flash's monster. "And now my Golem Dragons will attack."

Flash: 1700
Garble: 3800

"My draw." Flash said and smiled when he read what the card he'd drawn can do, "I summon Magna Fighter Arma in defense mode." A woman in steampunk carrying a large bronze shield appeared. (A1800/D0/L4) "Check this," Flash said, "while in defense mode Arma can't be destroyed by battle."

"That means Flash is safe for a little while." Pinkie said.

"Maybe," Twilight said, "it depends on what cards Garble has in his deck."

"My draw." Garble said before smiling. "Look what I got." He placed the card in his Duel Disk as a Spell Card appeared on the field. "Dragon's Wing Beat, which will change the position of one of you monsters at the cost of five hundred points" a huge gust of wind blew causing Arma to stand up into attack mode.

"Oh no." Flash said.

"Now Dark Rogue Dragon destroy her!" The dark dragon once again crushed Flash's monster.

Flash: 500
Garble: 3300

"Now Golem Dragons." Once again Flash was slashed which sent him flying onto his back with a cry of pain.

Flash: 100
Garble: 3300

"Is he okay?" Fluttershy asked in worry.

"I think so." Applejack said.

"Get up!" Spike yelled.

"I'll end with two face downs and pass to you." Garble said. "Come on loser, show me another lame card for my dragon to crush."

But Flash just laid there. How was he gonna win now? He looked at his hand and besides the blank cards he also had two monsters which weren't strong enough to beat Dark Rogue Dragon.

"This is why I hate Duelling," Flash said, "no matter what I always end up on my back and humiliated." He should just quit now since he had already lost.

"Don't give up."

Flash turned to see the girl he had talked to in class earlier.

"You still have one turn, one draw that could change everything." she told him.

"But what can one card do?" Flash asked as he sat up.

"If you believe in your deck then one card can do anything." she replied.

"Believe." Flash said looking down at the deck he had found. Could it be that the reason he was losing right now was because he didn't believe in it, because he thought of them as someone else's cards? But maybe that wasn't right. Maybe he hadn't found them, but had been given them. "One draw." He shakily got up and placed his hand on the deck and closed his eyes. "I believe that one draw is all I need." If his eyes were open he'd have seen his deck was glowing, "I...DRAW!" He drew his card and opened his eyes, seeing the glow he looked at the card and saw it was another blank card...but then.

The card's glow intensified and in a single second the card changed. The card was now an actual Duel Monster card, complete with text, numbers and an image. The only difference was the bottom half of the card was now blue like a Spell Card. "What the?" Flash said only for his attention to drift to the Monster's name, "Flash Heart." Suddenly his eyes caught another glow coming from the other two blank cards. Like the last card, they soon changed to two Monster cards with blue bottoms.

"What's going on" he asked himself but his body was suddenly moving on its own, as if by instinct he grabbed the two new cards and said "I'm using Scale eight Magna Caster Solaris and Scale one Magna Caster Lunara to set the Pendulum Scale." He placed the two cards on the far ends of his Duel Disk.

On each side of him two pillars of light appeared as two monsters floated upwards, hovering once they were ten feet high as the image of a one and eight appeared below them.

To Flash's left was a man in flame patterned wizards clothing, carrying a staff with a sun shaped head. To his right was a woman in silver and blue wizards clothing carrying a staff with a crescent moon head.

Everyone was in shock at what they were seeing. They had never seen something like this in a Duel before.

"Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory!" Flash chanted as the two wizards pointed their staffs up, and each shot a beam of light which connected and opened a portal above him. "I can summon monsters levelled two through seven all at the same time!" Flash explained. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

Three lights shot out of the portal, and as they hit the ground they took shape.

The first became a white wolf wearing bronze armour around it's legs and chest, the chest having a crystal embedded inside. "Howl to the Moon, Shine Crest Magna Wolf." (A1200/D1100/L3)

The second became a woman in steampunk carrying a bazooka. "Target sighted, Magna Fighter Radium." (A1600/D1400/L4)

The final became a twenty foot high silver robotic humanoid creature, with light blue armour and orange trim on its arms, legs, chest and shoulders. From its shoulders were a pair of square jet booster like wings, and it wore a red scarf which was emblazoned with the same symbol as the one on Flash's shirt. "Shine your light of victory, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

Everyone was catatonic at what they had just seen. Flash had somehow preformed an all new summoning technique that none of them had ever heard of.

Before they could say anything Flash continued. "Since I special summoned Flash Heart Dragon I can use his special ability, which allows me to send the Monster on your field with the lowest attack points to the bottom of your deck."

"Wait what?" Garble finally spoke as he watched a wormhole appear under one of his Golem Dragons, which it fell through.

"That means Flash can attack." Spike said

"And since a card was sent from the field to your deck my Magna Wolf get an extra three hundred points for this turn.” Magna Wolf's crystal began to glow. (A1500/D1100/L3)

"And don't forget that with Golem Dragon gone your Dark Rogue Dragon loses some points." (A2000/D2000/L8) "Magna Wolf," Flash ordered "destroy Golem Dragon." The wolf pounced on the dragon, and with a mighty bite destroyed it.

Flash: 100
Garble: 2100

"Flash Heart Dragon, attack Dark Rogue Dragon." Flash Heart Dragon's booster wings ignited and launched him at Dark Rogue Dragon.

"I can't let Dark Rogue be destroyed." Garble said, but then realised he had two cards face down. He had only placed them down to scare Flash but now. "I activate my Trap, Dragon's Fury, which will increase my dragons attack by one thousand."

"I don't think so," Flash said, "because I activate Solaris's Pendulum Effect, which prevents the activation of Traps when a Pendulum monster attacks." The flame clothed wizard waved his staff and fired a burst of fire which surrounded the Trap card causing it to flip face down.

"Then I'll activate the quick play Spell Shrink," Garble said, "this'll cut your dragon's attack power in half."

"Too bad I'm using Lunara's Pendulum Effect to prevent the activation of Spells." Like Solaris the female wizard waved her staff and sprinkled snow which frozen when it touched the Spell.

"There's nothing I can do!" Garble said as he watched Flash Heart Dragon sucker punch his dragon, destroying it.

Flash: 100
Garble: 1600

"Finish him Radium" Flash said as the woman knelt down and aimed her Bazooka at Garble, before firing a blast which hit Garble in the gut sending him flying onto his back.

Flash: 100 (Winner)
Garble: 0

As the Monsters vanished everyone was in shock. In just one turn Flash had come from behind and defeated Garble.

"That was…" Rarity was lost for words, but luckily Spike had the right one.


"I've never seen someone come from behind like that." Applejack said.

"Me neither." Rainbow Dash agreed.

Flash removed his deck from the Duel Disk and looked at the cards he had used, but the one he couldn't look away from was the one that shared his name. He was so focused on it that he didn't notice Garble had gotten up and was now charging at him, fists raised, ready to attack. Luckily Twilight did notice "LOOK OUT!"

Flash looked around and then moved in an instant, spinning away from the punch while grabbing his opponent's shirt and flinging him around and into the air. Garble flew several feet before crashing into the ground and rolling to a stop.

"As agreed," Garble looked up and saw Flash holding up a deck of cards, "I'll be taking these." Garble check the pocket he had put the cards in and found it empty. Somehow Flash had gotten the deck back while flipping him over.

Quickly getting up he stared at Flash with hate in his eyes, before running off. "You haven't heard the last of me." And with that he and his cronies were gone.

Flash turned back to the group and walked over, standing in front of Spike. For an instant, the girls wondered what was going on, before they saw Flash hold the Duel Disk and deck to him. "Here kid."

"Thanks." Spike said taking the them and holding them close.

"Wait," Twilight said, "what was that guy doing with your deck?"

"He forced me into a Duel," Spike explained, "and when he won he took them."

"Wait, so Flash was Duelling to get them back?" Twilight asked.

"And he put his own cards on the line." Spike said.

Everyone looked at Flash, who was now walking off, and felt very confused. He seemed like such a loner yet he helped someone he didn't even know with cards no one had ever seen before, just what was up with him?

Turn 2, Twilight Sparkle

The morning after Flash's Duel against Garble we find him in his home, an apartment building, cooking his breakfast as the TV sounded in the background. He finished preparing the scrambled egg and toast before placing it on two plates. He placed one in the microwave and took the other to the table.

"And in other news," the news anchor spoke, "we're just three months away from the start of the Celestic Cup, the biggest Duelling tournament this side of the country. Anyone whose anyone will be there and we managed to get an interview with the winner of the last Celestic Cup, Shining Armour." The screen changed to a man of about twenty, with blue hair.

"What do I like best about Duelling?" Shining Armour said, "I thought that would be obvious. The competition of cause, I love how every opponent I meet is different. They each have their own way of imagining the match, and I try to crush that image. And when I come across someone whose vision is as real as my own, I'm forced to reconsider my strategy. Facing a top contender like me is the ultimate test of skill."

Hearing this Flash couldn't help but think back to the Duel he had had, and how alive it made him feel when he performed that Pendulum Summon. "Imagine it." Flash repeated.

After breakfast Flash grabbed his backpack and headed for the door, stopping at one room before he did. Quickly knocking he opened the door and stared at the lump laying on the bed in the far corner, "Hey squirt don't oversleep or you'll be late." The person under the blanket just groaned in response. "Your breakfast is in the microwave." Flash said before closing the door and leaving, seeing the deck he had found sitting on the counter he made sure to grab it before exiting.

Flash arrived at Canterlot High but unlike most days where people just ignored him as he passed, the second he stepped through the doors he had all eyes on him. "Is that him?" he heard someone say.

"He's got some kind of new card type." another said.

"You think he'll let us see it?" another asked.

"Forget that," another said "I wanna Duel it."

Flash sighed hearing all this and just stared at the floor and he headed to his class, only to be bombarded by three girls. One had rainbow coloured hair, cotton candy hair and blond hair hidden under a stetson.

"Hey man," the rainbow haired girl said as she got close to his face, "you gotta show me how you pulled of that awesome Pendulum Summon."

"Err." was all Flash could say not sure what to say.

"Rainbow Dash," the blond next to her said as she grabbed the first girls ear and pulled her away, "you can't just go telling people to show you stuff, it's impolite."

"But I gotta know Applejack," Rainbow said as she pulled away, "that technique would totally kick my game to a whole other level."

"Yeah!" The pink haired girl said as she jumped around, "Pendulum Summoning looks like tones of fun."

Never had Flash been so grateful then when the teacher had walked in and told them to take their seats, this class was a triple period so by the time it got out, it was lunch time. When the bell rang Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Pinkie Pie all looked around at Flash hoping to once again get him to show his Pendulum Cards, but he had already grabbed his things and shot out the door.

Flash ran as fast as he could through the halls, hoping to get out of there before anyone had a chance to surround him. Eventually he found himself climbing the stairs to the roof, the best hiding spot he could think of.

He soon burst through the doors and ran straight into someone knocking them both over. "Ow." he said sitting up and rubbing the back of his head..

"Ow." he looked at who he had crashed into and his eyes went wide seeing it was the girl from yesterday.

"I'm sorry," he said getting up and offering his hand to help her up, "I wasn't looking where I was going."

"I can tell." She said looking up and like him her eyes went wide seeing who it was, "Flash Sentry."

"Yeah," he replied trying to remember her name only to realise, "sorry I never got your name."

"It's fine," she said, "I'm Twilight Sparkle, you met my little brother yesterday."


"Yeah," Twilight said, "thank you for that." she bowed.

"It was nothing." he said as he blushed in embarrassment .

"It wasn't nothing," Twilight said "but anyway, why were you running?" She raised an eyebrow, "you know you’re not allowed to do that in the hallways."

"Yeah sorry." Flash told her walking to the chain link fence and sliding to a seat, "I was trying to get away from all the psychos wanting to know about my new deck."

"Well can you blame them?" Twilight asked as she walked up and sat next to him. "I mean I'm pretty curious about them myself. After your match yesterday I spent all night looking for any reference of Pendulum Summoning, but found nothing."

Flash took the deck out of his pocket and stared at them. "So these might be the only ones."

"Possibly," Twilight replied before going shy, "can I...maybe take a look?"

For some reason, Flash couldn't deny her and held his deck for her to take. She cycled through the cards and marvelled when she found the Pendulum cards, "Flash Heart Dragon huh?" she said looking at the ace of the deck.

"Yeah I know," Flash said as he rolled his eyes, "I got the same name as a Duel Card hahaha."

"Hey you'd be surprised how many cards have actual names." she replied. "You wouldn't be the first Duellist to pick a card with their name."

"That's just it," Flash replied "I didn't pick it I found it." He went on to explain the events of yesterday.

"So the deck was just sitting there?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah," Flash replied, "and I have no idea who left it."

"But if that was the first time you used the deck," Twilight thought "then how did you know how to preform that Pendulum Summon?"

"No clue." Flash said with a shrug. "I just did it before I realised what I was doing."

"Like an instinct." Twilight said handing back the deck.

"I guess." Flash replied taking the deck back and then pocketing it.

"So what do you know about Pendulums?" Twilight said.

"Just the stuff I showed yesterday." Flash replied.

"Well then," Twilight said as she got up, "let's find out more."


"How else," Twilight replied with a smirk, "we're going to Duel."

"Twilight's going to Duel the guy with that new deck type," was what Twilight's friends heard when they asked what was going on. All the students were running through the corridors on route to the courtyard, where Twilight and Flash stood.

The two were staring each other down as they prepared to Duel.

Twilight pulled a light purple Duel Disk out of her backpack before to her arm, while Flash just stood there awkwardly. "Yeah so, I don't have a Duel Disk." Flash told her.

Everyone just chuckled at this, making Flash blush in embarrassment.

"Here." He turned to see Rainbow Dash throw something at him. He caught it and saw it was a light blue Duel Disk.

"Er,,,thanks." He said fixing it to his arm.

"Just make sure you use that awesome summoning we all want to see." Rainbow Dash replied.

Flash set his deck into the slot as a red energy blade formed. He then turned to Twilight and the two stared each other down.

"Hope you’re ready Flash." Twilight said as a violet energy blade formed from her Duel Disk.

"Let's do this." Flash replied.


Flash: 4000
Twilight: 4000

"I'll start," Twilight said as she drew, "and I summon Magician's Valkyria in DEF mode." a woman in magician's clothing carrying a hook shaped staff appeared. (A1600/D1800/L4) "And I'll end with a face down."

"Then I'll go." Flash drew his card and smiled seeing he had Flash Heart Dragon and Magna Caster Solaris in his opening hand. The only problem was using them in the Pendulum Scale would only let him summon monsters Levelled five to seven, and the only monsters he had were level three and four. "I summon Aura Spear Dragon, ATK mode." A large humanoid dragon with silver scales appeared. (A2000/D100/L4) "And now I attack your Magician's Valkyria." Aura Spear Dragon brought its hands together and a ball of spiritual energy formed, before expanding into a javelin shape which it threw at the magician destroying her.

Flash: 4000
Twilight: 3800

"Why did Twilight lose life points?" Fluttershy asked.

"That Aura Spear Dragon must have a piercing effect." Applejack replied.

"If that's true," Rainbow continued, "then Flash's dragon might have to change its battle position." And true to her word, Aura Spear Dragon kneeled down as it changed modes.

"I end my turn." Flash said.

"My draw," Twilight drew her card "and I'll start by activating my face down." Her card flipped up revealing a Trap. "Ritual of Rebirth, this trap card lets me revive a Spellcaster in my graveyard by discarding a card from my hand." She replaced a card from her hand, with the Magician's Valkyria in her graveyard and placed it on the Disk. The Magician reappeared on the field in ATK mode, "Next I'll summon a second Magician's Valkyria to the field."

A duplicate Magician appeared besides the other.

"You see Flash," Twilight explained, "when my Valkyria is out, you can't attack any other Spellcaster on my field."

"That's the same ability as Golem Dragon," Flash remembered, "and with two out."

"Then all of my Spellcasters are safe." Twilight finished.

"Twilight's using the same technique Garble was using." Rarity realised.

"Which will force Flash to use the only way he knows around it." Applejack finished.

"Magician's Valkyria one will attack Aura Spear Dragon." Twilight ordered, as the first magician fired a fireball from her staff which destroyed Flash's dragon. "Next, the second will attack directly" the other magician shot a fireball that struck Flash dead center.

Flash: 2400
Twilight: 3800

"I'll end my turn," Twilight said, "come on Flash you know how to get around this."

"She's right." Flash said looking down at his Deck. "Okay, let's see if yesterday was just luck or if Twilight's talk about believing was true. I...DRAW!" He looked at the card and smiled. "You all asked for it," he said "so here it is. I'm using Scale one Magna Caster Lunara and Scale eight Magna Caster Solaris to set the Pendulum Scale." As he placed the cards on the far sides of the Duel Disk the two pillars of light appeared besides him, and the two magicians flew up with their numbers appearing below them. "Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory." The portal formed above him. "I PENDULUM SUMMON."

The portal opened and two streams of light shot out.

"Howl to the moon, Shine Crest Magna Wolf." (A1200/D1100/L3)

"Shine your light of victory, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

Everyone marvelled at what they had just seen, some students were actually recording with the intent to post online. "There it is." Rainbow said.

"PENDULUM SUMMON!" Pinkie screamed.

"Wow Nelly is this gonna be good." Applejack said.

"Since I special summoned Flash Heart Dragon," Flash said, "his ability now activates and I get to send one of your Valkyria to the bottom of the deck." A wormhole opened below the second magician causing her to drop through. "And don't forget that when a card is returned to your deck I get to power up my Magna Wolf." (A1500/D1100/L3)

"Flash Heart Dragon attack Magician's Valkyria." The robotic dragon's boosters kicked in and fired him at the magician, before he spun around using his silver tail as a flail to destroy her.

Flash: 2400
Twilight: 2900

"Next Magna Wolf will attack." The wolf pounced at her, but just before he struck a force field of some kind appeared stopping him in his tracks. "What gives?" Flash asked.

"My Trap card is what gives." Twilight said.

"But you don't have a Trap card," Flash told her, "and even if you did Solaris's Pendulum effect should have nullified it when Flash Heart attacked."

"It's true your Pendulum Monster would have prevented me from activating Traps on the field," she told him, "but I can still activate the ones in my Graveyard."


"It's a trap that can only be activated in the Graveyard, so discarding it was a smart move in my opinion."

"Discard," Flash thought before realising, "Ritual of Rebirth."

"That's right." Twilight told him. "Soul Guard, it activated when you declared a direct attack and by removing it from play I negated the attack."

"Sneaky." Flash said with a smirk.

"I try." Twilight replied smirking right back.

"Are they...flirting?" Rainbow asked creeped out.

"Looks like it." Applejack agreed.

"I'll end my turn." Flash said.

"My draw." Twilight looked at her card and smiled, "Pendulum Summoning really is amazing to see, thanks for showing it to me."

"Er, yeah your welcome." Flash replied.

"As thanks I'll show you my favourite Summoning style." Twilight said. "I summon the Tuner Monster Shadow Charmer." A small boy in black wizarding clothes appeared, his hat was so big he had to hold it so it wouldn't cover his face. He carried a short black staff with a purple orb on the end. (A1200/D700/L3)

"What's a Tuner Monster?" Flash asked.

"You'll see," Twilight replied, "but first I activate Shadow Charmers ability to discard a Spellcaster to my Graveyard and in return I get to revive a Spellcaster whose level is equal to or lower than that of my discarded monster." She sent a card in her hand to the graveyard and a second later her Magician's Valkyria reappeared on the field.

"Her again," Flash moaned, "she's got more lives than a cat."

"Oh that's nothing," Twilight said "next I'll tune my Level three Shadow Charmer with my Level four Magician's Valkyria." Shadow Charmer glowed before transforming into three balls of light, which each circled around creating three rings which Valkyria jumped into. Once inside them Valkyria became transparent. "When two mighty magicians unite their magical power an amazing event will occur." In that moment Valkyria burst into light, "I SYNCHRO SUMMON."

When the light faded Flash saw a new monster appear. He wore black clothing below a purple overcoat and a purple pointed hat, with the same star pattern as on Twilight's skirt. in his hand he carried a long wooden staff with a star carved on the end, "Twilight Sorcerer.” (A2100/D2800/L7)

"Twilight...Sorcerer." Flash said in amazement.

"Told you you weren't the only Duellist who shared a name with a card." Twilight told him.

"You weren't kidding," Flash said "but my Flash Heart Dragon's still got more kick then him."

"You should never judge a book by its cover." Twilight replied. "Do you know why Twilight Sorcerer is my favourite card?"

"Besides the name thing?" Flash asked.

"Like me he understands that knowledge is power, and that makes books the greatest weapon of them all." she explained. "I activate Twilight Sorcerer's ability, an ability that lets me add one random Spellbook Spell card from my deck to my hand." Her deck randomly shuffled before a card slotted out. Taking the card Twilight smiled. "Just the one I wanted." She placed the Spell into her Duel Disk "I activate Spellbook of Secrets, which allows me to add another Spellbook to my hand." Another card slotted out of her deck which she took "now I activate Spellbook of Power, this Spell empowers my Sorcerer with one thousand ATK points." (A3100/D2800/L7) "what’s more, my Twilight Sorcerer has his own ability which increases his attack strength by an extra one hundred for each Spellbook in my grave. (A3300/D2800/L7)

"I'm in trouble." Flash said.

"Too right," Twilight replied, "Twilight Sorcerer attack Flash Heart Dragon." The magician raised his staff and shot a powerful burst of magical energy, which engulfed Flash Heart Dragon obliterating him.

Flash: 1600
Twilight: 2900

"Flash Heart!" Flash screamed seeing his best card be destroyed.

"And since a monster empowered with Spellbook of Power destroyed another monster," Twilight continued, "I can add yet another Spellbook to my hand." Another card slotted out of her deck, "I activate Spellbook of Rebirth which will revive your Flash Heart Dragon on my side of the field."

"Wait your reviving my dragon on your field?" Flash said in shock.

"I told you I was interested in Pendulum Cards" Twilight replied, "and what better way than to use one myself."

"Twilight's as good as ever," Rainbow Dash said, "she's gonna use her opponent's own moves against him."

"And what's more," Applejack said "since Flash Heart Dragon is getting special summoned, his ability will activate sending Magna Wolf to the deck and will leave Flash defenceless."

Flash heard this and started to panic. How could he stop her, how, how?

"Where is it?" Flash looked back up at Twilight, who was staring at her Duel Disk in confusion. "Why isn't Flash Heart showing up in the Graveyard?"

Flash looked down at the Duel Disk and pressed the slot that opened the Graveyard, but like Twilight said Flash Heart Dragon wasn't there. The only monsters in there were Aura Spear Dragon, Magician's Valkyria, Shadow Charmer and a monster named Maha Vailo but Flash Heart wasn't there. Flash scratched his head wondering what might have happened, had the Duel Disk malfunctioned or was this something else.

He got his answer when he noticed the Extra Deck tab flashing, had Rainbow Dash left a card in there be mistake? Pressing the tab to open the folder his eyes went wide at what he saw.

"Come on" Twilight said "where are you?"

"You wanna know why Flash Heart's not showing up in the Graveyard" she heard Flash say, looking back up she saw he wore a smug grin. "Well I'll tell you, it's because Flash Heart isn't in the Graveyard."

"Then where is he" Rarity asked?

"He's right here" Flash said "safe and sound in my Extra Deck."

Everyone gasped hearing this. Didn't destroyed monsters go to the Graveyard, what was it doing there.

Twilight understood. "I get it, when Pendulum Monsters get destroyed they go to the Extra Deck instead of the Graveyard" Twilight smiled having learned a new piece of information about Pendulum Cards. "Since my Spell card only summons monsters from the Graveyard I can't take Flash Heart, guess I'll have to summon something else so I'll revive Valkyria again." The female magician once again appeared on the field.

"Well then I guess I'll have to end my turn." Twilight said. "Spellbook of Power's effect wears off, but with three Spellbooks in my Graveyard Twilight Sorcerer will still be three hundred points stronger." (A2400/D2800/L7)

"Now it's my draw." Flash said drawing a card and seeing it was a new Pendulum Card. "Once again my Pendulum Cards will carve the arc of victory." Solaris and Lunara opened the portal again. "I can summon monsters levels two through seven all at the same time, I PENDULUM SUMMON." The streaks of light shot out of the portal.

The first became a new creature. It looked like a furry orange alligator with bat like wings and metal tubes wrapped around its body, it's lower jaw and underbelly were pale and two tubes around its head seemed to act like horns. "Snap to it, Lumino Jaw Dragon." (A2300/D1600/L5/P5)

"Shine your light of victory once again, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"So Pendulum Summoning also summons Pendulum Monsters in the Extra Deck." Fluttershy said.

"Meaning no matter how many times Twilight destroys them," Applejack said, "Flash can summon his Pendulum Monsters again and again. As long as he has the right Scale."

"With Flash Heart Dragon's effect I send Magician's Valkyria to the bottom of the deck." The wormhole opened up beneath her and she fell through. "With that done Magna Wolf will get a three hundred point power boost." (A1500/D1100/L3)

"Now Flash Heart Dragon attack Twilight Sorcerer." Flash Heart flew at the magician and sucker punched him causing him to be destroyed.

Flash: 1600
Twilight: 2800

"Sorcerer!" Twilight called as she watched her favourite monster be destroyed.

"And now Magna Wolf will attack." The white wolf pounced at her and used his claws to slash her.

Flash: 1600
Twilight: 1300

"And finally Lumino Jaw Dragon will attack." Twilight watched the alligator like dragon take to the sky and fly over to her, before lowering its head and firing fire from the horn like tubes of its head. Twilight covered her face as she was bathed in holographic fire.

Flash: 1600 (Winner)
Twilight: 0

"Flash won." Rainbow said in amazement.

"He sure did." Applejack said.

"I can't believe he beat Twilight." Rarity said.

Flash walked over to Twilight and held out his hand to help her up. "Thanks Twilight," Flash said, "now I know even more about Pendulum Summoning."

"My pleasure," Twilight replied, "and thanks for showing me more about Pendulum Monsters."

Before they could say anything else, Flash found himself swarmed by other students all asking to Duel next. While watching this, Twilight couldn't help but giggle seeing his uncomfortable face, which didn't go unnoticed.

"Ooh," she heard Applejack say, "looks like somebodies got a crush."

"No, no I don't." Twilight replied blushing and hoping he hadn't heard that.

"Oh she does," Rarity said, "she absolutely does."

"Don't be ridicules." Twilight said. "I barely know him, he's just an interesting Duellist that's all."

"Keep telling yourself that." Rainbow Dash told her as the bell went off signalling the end of lunch.

As everyone went back inside Twilight glanced back at Flash, who had his next class in a different part of the school, and smiled. Maybe the girls were onto something.

Author's Notes:

Tell me what you all think about Flash and Twilight's deck.
Also I'll be adding a OC next turn so don't hate me.

Turn 3, Cold Steel

We find ourselves on the top floor of an office building. Inside we find a man in his mid-twenty with pale blue skin and white hair, he wore a white overcoat that went to his knees with a red yolk, pockets and cuffs. He was looking out the large windows overlooking the city, before turning back towards a large desk where a deck of cards sat between two free cards. Picking the two cards up in each hand he crossed his arms before throwing them straight, sending the cards flying onto the desk where they began spinning on one of their corners like tops.

"Which of you has what it takes?" he asked. "Show yourself!" The cards spun towards each other and slapped one another two, three, four times before the one on the left sent the other flying off the table. "Awesome." He took the still spinning card and added it to the deck before leaving the office.

On his way out he saw a woman carrying many files walking along the corridor. "Move all my appointments, I have some special work that needs doing." He told her not stopping his pace.

"Yes Mr Cold Steel." She said not getting any response from him.

It was Sunday so Flash had gotten to sleep in most of the morning like he usually did.

When he finally did wake up he turned to his alarm clock, which read 11:50, and decided to get up. Quickly getting dressed he left his room and went to make breakfast, er, lunch when suddenly a buzz at the door's intercom caught his attention. "Hello?" He said pressing the button.

"Special delivery for Flash Sentry," the voice replied.

"I didn't order anything," Flash said.

"This is apartment 3C right?" the delivery man asked.

"Yeah but I still didn't order anything." Flash replied.

"Not my problem." he said back.

"Fine." Flash unlocked the door and the delivery man soon arrived with a package. Flash signed and he was gone, leaving the teen with the box. Flash placed the box on the kitchen table and studied it. The logo on the front he recognised as Freeze Industries, the well known producer and distributor of Duelling related stuff like the cards and Duel Disks. Deciding to open it Flash found a dark blue Duel Disk. Taking the device out of the box he activated it and checked the user detail, and just like that all his info was there. His age, birthday, where he lived everything.

"What is going on?" he asked himself. First he gets left a deck of cards and now someone bought, programmed and delivered a Duel Disk for him. He looked back down at the box and noticed an envelope had been sitting under the Duel Disk. Picking up and opening it his eyes went wide seeing new cards, some were normal ones and others were Pendulum cards. No doubt now this package was for him since not only did it have Pendulum cards, some were Magna Fighters like the ones in his deck. Finally in the envelope was a small map, he looked and noticed an area circled which he recognised as a nearby mall.

Before he had a chance to think he was out the door, running at full speed out of the apartment and down the street on route to the mall. He was going so fast that he wasn't watching where he was going, and when he turned a corner he ended up crashing into something or someone. "Ow," he said rubbing his head.

"Ow," looking at who he had hit his eyes went wide seeing it was Twilight. Twilight looked at him to and like him she was surprised seeing him.

Flash laughed as he got up, "we've got to stop bumping into each other like this." he said offering his hand to help her up.

"Maybe you just need to watch were you’re going." Twilight replied as she took his hand. "So what were you running from this time, more psychos."

"Actually," Flash held up his new Duel Disk.

"You got a new Duel Disk?" Twilight asked.

"It just showed up along with some new cards and a map showing the city mall," he explained, "I think whoever sent me my deck wants to meet."

"You think so?" Twilight asked.

"It's the only thing I can think of." Flash said as he pulled out his deck. "I know it sounds weird but ever since I got this deck I've been seeing things in a new light. I used to hate Duelling, but now when I use these cards I get this strange feeling like this was what I was meant to do."

"You talk about it like it's your destiny." Twilight told him.

"You think so?" Flash thought for a moment. Now that she said it this did sound like destiny, like some greater power was pulling him back into Duelling. "Maybe you've got a point?"

"Listen," Twilight said "I wish I could come with you and find out, but my mom's got me doing errands all day, so."

"Oh," Flash said "that's too bad. You wanted to learn new stuff about Pendulum cards so I thought."

"Yeah," Twilight said, "sorry." She then looked at her phone and realised the time, "I got to get going." She began running down the street. "If you find anything out tell me."

"Sure," Flash replied watching her leave, before restarting his journey to the mall.

He eventually arrived and started looking around trying to see if there was anyone suspicious, but the place was so big and there was so many people that it was next to impossible to tell them apart. "Man, I didn't think there'd be this many people." he said sitting on a bench. "I wonder why the map said to come here?" He pulled out his deck and began flipping through the cards along with the new ones.

"Excuse me," Flash looked up and saw the man named Cold Steel standing not too far off, "don't mean to be rude, but I couldn't help but notice you’re a Duellist," he pointed to the cards.

"I guess," Flash replied, "but who are you?"

"Just someone looking to pass the time." Cold Steel replied. "I had some business in this area and was hoping to find a good Duel, what do you say?"

Flash thought for a moment, since he couldn't find anyone he might as well. "Sure let's do this."

Flash and Cold had gone to the mall's rooftop parking lot.

"Are you ready?" Cold asked attaching a white Duel Disk to his arm, a white energy blade forming.

"As I'll ever be." Flash replied attaching his own Duel Disk to his arm as an orange energy blade appeared.

"Then we begin," they drew their cards.


Flash: 4000
Cold: 4000

"I'll start," Cold Steel said drawing his card, "I activate the Spell Reasoning. You declare a level and I draw until I get a monster, and if it's level is the one you stated I send it to the graveyard but if not I get to summon it."

"Okay," Flash said, "level four."

Cold drew his card and smiled, "My card is level three Blazing Soul Firefly, ATK mode," a humanoid insect appeared. His skin was black and he wore flame patterned armour on his chest, waist, arms, knees, feet and face along with a pair of flame patterned butterfly wings. (A900/D1400/L3)

"Why would he play it in ATK mode?" Flash asked himself.

"Since my Firefly was special summoned," Cold explained, "I can summon as many other copies of him from my deck," two identical copies appeared next to the original. (A900/D1400/L3)X2

"Next I play the Spell card Blazing Soul Fireball, this will deal you three hundred points of damage for every ATK position Blazing Soul monster on my field. The three Fireflies spat a fireball at Flash, hitting him dead on as he covered his face.

Flash: 3100
Cold: 4000

"I end with a face down." Cold said.

"My draw," Flash said as he drew his card and saw it was one of his new Pendulum cards, "I summon Magna Fighter Lucidum." A teen in yellow armour appeared, carrying a pair of circular blades. (A1000/D1000/L3/P2)

"Is that a Pendulum card?" Cold Steel asked surprising Flash.

"You know about Pendulum cards?"

"Of course," he said, "after all everyone is talking about them. A new mysterious summoning style, of course word would spread."

"I guess," Flash replied, he remembered his Duel with Twilight and how some people had been recording, "I never thought about it."

"Out of all the cards that exist," Cold continued, "why did you choose those ones? Why do you use Pendulum cards?"

"I didn't," Flash replied, "I found it."

"Out of convenience," Cold Steel said, "not because you were drawn to it."

Something about the way he said that struck a cord with Flash, when suddenly he remembered his talk with Twilight and smiled. "Destiny," he said, "that's why I use it."

"Really?" Cold Steel asked, his demeanour suddenly shifting to a more serious one. "You leave me no choice."

"No choice?" Flash repeated.

"I'm going to make you prove it to me," Cold Steel said, "now come and show me that destiny."

"You got it." Flash said, "I activate Lucidum's ability. Once per turn I select a monster on my field, and that monster can attack every special summoned monster on your field. Since Lucidum is the only one out I select him, and attack your three Fireflies." The armoured warrior ran towards the three insects his circular weapons raised before slashing through them.

Flash: 3100
Cold: 3700

"I'll end with my own face down." Flash said.

"My draw," Cold Steel drew his card, "and I summon Blazing Soul Knight Gekaa." A man in red armour with long black hair appeared. He carried a long silver lance (A1600/D1400/L4). "Attack." Gekaa threw himself at Lucidum and swung his lance down striking him, but instead of being destroyed like normal Lucidum shattered like he was made from glass.

"Reflection Guard activate," Flash said showing his face down Trap. "I may still take damage but my monster is safe." The mirror his trap had created disappeared showing the real Lucidum standing behind.

Flash: 2500
Cold: 3700

"I end my turn."

"My draw," Flash drew his card, "and I sacrifice Lucidum to summon Twin Lazor Dragon." Lucidum disappeared, replaced with a robotic brachiosaurus with two massive blasters attached to its sides. (A2100/D1500/L5) "Attack." Twin Lazor Dragon fired a blast from its left side cannon hitting Gekaa and destroying him.

Flash: 2500
Cold: 3200

"Also," Flash said, "Twin Lazor Dragon can attack twice a turn. Fire," the right cannon fired a blast at Cold Steel.

"I activate a Trap card," Cold Steel said, "Blazing Soul Wildfire. When you attack me directly I draw a card and if it's a monster I can summon it and negate the attack," he drew his card, "it's Blazing Soul Dragon, Burnout Dragon." A large red dragon appeared, its body covered in spikes (A2200/D1800/L6)

Twin Lazor's attack disappeared. "I end my turn."

"My draw," Cold Steel drew his card, "and I summon Blazing Soul Dragon, Magma Breath Dragon," a four legged dragon with rock like skin appeared. (A1800/D1500/L4) "Burnout attacks," the spiked dragon let out a burst of fire which destroyed Twin Lazor Dragon.

Flash: 2400
Cold: 3200

"Magma Breath," the other dragon shot a fireball at Flash, knocking him on his back.

Flash: 600
Cold: 3200

When Flash got back on his feet Cold continued. "Finally, I activate my Spell Blazing Soul Cleansing, now we both discard are hands and draw five new cards.” They did and as Flash looked at his new hand he smiled seeing Manga Caster Solaris, Lunara and Flash Heart Dragon. "I end my turn."

"My draw," Flash said. "Hope your ready. I'm using Scale one Magna Caster Lunara and Scale eight Magna Caster Solaris to set the Pendulum Scale." He placed the cards on the far sides of the Duel Disk creating two pillars of light besides him, where the two magicians flew up with their numbers appearing below them. "Now I can summon monsters levelled two through seven all at the same time. Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," the portal formed above him, "I PENDULUM SUMMON."

The portal opened and three streams of light shot out.

"Slice and dice Magna Fighter Lucidum." (A1000/D1000/L3/P2)

"Lock and load Magna Fighter Crossbolt." (A1400/D1400/L4)

"Shine your light of victory, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

Cold Steel didn't seem phased by what he saw.

"I activate Flash Heart Dragon's special ability and send Magma Breath Dragon to the bottom of the deck." A wormhole appeared underneath the rock skinned dragon, causing him to fall through. "Now attack," Flash Heart's boosters kicked in sending him flying at Burnout Dragon, but in that second he suddenly fell to the floor as if being pulled down by a magnet. "What's going on?" Flash asked.

"My Gravity Bind Trap card is what's going on," Cold Steel said. "I activated it before you Pendulum Summoned, it creates a gravitational field so strong that no monster level four or above can escape it, meaning they can't attack."

"But that means your monsters can't attack either." Flash said.

"Don't be so sure," Cold said, "now if you’re done?"

Flash sighed, "I'll set a face down and end my turn." He couldn't believe his Pendulum Summon was so easily stopped.

"My draw," Cold drew his card and when he saw what it was he smiled, before returning to his icy demeanour. "Listen up," he said "here's your lesson. A guy like you...will never be able to beat me, not a chance."


"You heard me," Cold Steel replied, "you’re finished, it's been decided. Let me show you." He took a card from his hand and placed in in the Duel Disk, "I activate my Mystical Revival. By paying a thousand life points this Spell Card lets me revive one monster for every face up Spell card on your field."

Flash: 600
Cold: 2200

Flash grinned. "Looks like you wasted a thousand points, since I don't have any Spell cards."

Cold Steel kept his stoic expression. "Look again."

Flash was about to ask what he meant but a pair of pained screams caught his attention. Looking up he saw Solaris and Lunara glowing a dark light, wincing as if they were in pain. The next thing he knew the dark light shot out of them and flew over to Cold's field and took the forms of a pair of Blazing Soul Fireflies.

"But...how?" Flash asked.

"It seemed your Pendulum cards count as Spell cards while in the Pendulum scale," Cold Steel said.

"No way!" Flash couldn't believe his own Pendulum cards were being used against him.

"A rookie mistake to not know everything about the cards you use," Cold told him.

"I am not a rookie!" Flash said while giving him an angry stare.

"Do you expect me to treat you like a real Duellist?" Cold Steel asked. "Without showing me anything worth watching."

"I won't lose," Flash told him.

"We'll see if you keep thinking like that after you see true strength," Cold Steel said taking the card he had drawn. "Forged in the flames of hell, a great rage is born," he held it up, "now it appears to burn everything to ashes." His three monsters suddenly burst into flames which pulled together into a tornado of fire.

Flash watched in shock as he saw a shadowy figure appear inside the cyclone.

"Blazing Soul Dragon, Purgatory Dragon," the flames dissipated revealing a massive humanoid dragon, it wore armour that was either dark red or jet black with yellow cone shaped spikes coming from the chest. It had a demonic face with large horns, long broad shoulders and massive claws (A?/D?/L10)

Flash stood in a catatonic state at the massive dragon. Never had he felt fear like this.

"Purgatory Dragon's origanal ATK points become that of the sacrificed monsters levels times three hundred.” (A3600/D3600/L10)

"But that means nothing," Flash said, "your Gravity Bind Trap will prevent it from attacking."

"Think again," Cold said, "Purgatory Dragon's ability negates the effects of all Traps during my turn."

"It what?" Flash asked, his eyes going wide. That meant not only was Gravity Bind's effect gone, but the trap Flash had face down was also useless. "There's nothing I can do."

"In the heat of battle, a Duellist's true character is revealed," Cold said, "and depending on your actions, your insecurities become crystal clear to your opponent."

Flash growled. "So from this one Duel you think you've got me all figured out?"

"But I do have you figured out," Cold said. "Purgatory Dragon attack Flash Heart Dragon." The giant dragon brought it's claws together, as a fireball formed and grew.

"No," Flash said trying to think of a way to stop him.

"Imagine it," Cold said. Hearing this Flash looked at him, and as their eyes met the young teen suddenly found himself blinded by light. When his vision cleared he wasn't looking at Cold Steel, but at Purgatory Dragon.

"What's going on?" He asked moving his hand up to cover his face from the heat of the fireball, only to take a second look when he realised his hand wasn't that of a human, but a robot. Looking down at his arms and at his body he realised he had somehow become Flash Heart Dragon. "What...how?" He asked. Looking behind him at where he should be standing and he was, but something was different about him. He stood perfectly still as if he was a statue, his eyes were white voids. It was as if his very soul had been removed, which Flash realised is what had happened. "What's going on?"

"Look around you boy," Cold Steel said, "at the monsters you cower behind."

Flash looked down at Lucidum and Crossbolt, both standing ready for the fight. But on closer inspection he saw their faces had a look of fear engraved on them.

"This is why a guy like you will never beat me," Cold explained, "when you summon your monsters do you think about how they feel, about whether they want to battle?"

"I...I…" Flash didn't know what to say.

"You don't, you simply summon them as if they're mindless puppets, because you’re not strong enough to fight. Well I'm going to show you what your monsters must face every time you Duel."

Purgatory Dragon released the fireball, which was now three times the size of the dragon, and it flew towards him.

"No," Flash said trying to move, but his body refused as if it he frozen in place. The fireball finally reached him and all he could do was shield himself with his hands. "NOOOOO!" Suddenly Flash threw his arms out as a wave of energy shot out of him, the wave pulsed again and again causing the holograms to flicker.

"What?" Cold said protecting his face.

The holograms suddenly dissolved into data bits as the wave grew weaker. Flash, now back in his own body, fell to his knees and panted heavily. "Incredible," Cold Steel said in actual amazement, "he overloaded the Duel System."

"What happened?" Flash asked.

"Our Duel Disks detected a fault and have shut down for safety reasons," Cold explained, "we're done here." He turned to walk away.

"Wait!" Flash said making him stop. "What's your name? You owe me that much."

Cold Steel remained silent for a moment, his back still turned away, until he said "get stronger and I might tell you," and with that he left.

Now alone Flash's eyes never left the spot Cold had been, not even blinking. Never had he been so completely helpless in a Duel, even back when he was young. Who was that man, and how had he made Flash see all that stuff?

Back at the office building Cold Steel sat looking out the window. "He has far more potential then I had originally believed," he said aloud to himself, "but this is only the beginning."

Flash was on his way home, crossing a large bridge over a river when he finally stopped. His body was shaking with pent up frustration, so much so that he couldn't take it and let out a mighty yell that caused nearby birds to spook. Many people heard it and turned to the bridge wondering who would make such a noise, and what would drive them to it?

Author's Notes:

Cold Steel is a character I had envisioned to appear in my Flash Sentry Defender of the Peace story but he seemed to fit for the role I need him for in the story.
Next chapter everyone's favourite most random character gets to shine.

Turn 4, Pinkie Pie

An annoying buzz was the first thing Flash heard as he awoke that morning.

Getting up and getting dressed he walked out his room and saw a man in his late sixties standing at the stove. He had grey skin and grey hair, with a large scar over his eye. This was Grand Hoof, Flash's maternal grandfather. "Morning kiddo," he said seeing him coming out.

"Aren't you supposed to be at work?" Flash asked. Grand Hoof was a detective for the Ponyville Police department and had recently cracked a case, involving an illegal smuggling ring for counterfeit Duel Disks.

"They gave my entire team the week of after catching those criminals," Grand Hoof explained.

"Great." Flash replied.

"You okay?" Grand Hoof asked. "You seem down...well, downer than usual."

"Just something on my mind," Flash replied.

"Anything I can help with?" Grand Hoof replied.

"No," Flash replied, "just something I need to figure out." He quickly ate his breakfast and began packing for school, as he grabbed his Duel Disk Grand Hoof saw it and smiled.

"So you getting back into Duelling?" He asked.

"I guess."

"What brought this on?" He asked

"Just kinda happened," Flash replied before heading to the door, stopping at another door and knocking. "Time to get up," he was then out the door.

With him gone Grand Hoof sighed and turned to a picture on the mantle. The picture showed a man and a woman, the man looked like an older version of Flash with green eyes while the woman had silver skin and purple hair, they stood close showing a romantic bond. "Sometimes I wonder where he gets that sullen demeanour from, obviously not you two."

Back with Flash we find him walking to school but his head was elsewhere.


"In the heat of battle, a Duellist's true character is revealed," Cold said, "and depending on your actions, your insecurities become crystal clear to your opponent."


That Duellist hadn't even broken a sweat during the Duel, and had read every move Flash had made. Flash wondered whether he had had any advantage over him, or had everything he'd done been playing into his hand.

Flash was so focused on his thoughts that he didn't see someone walking around the corner and straight into him. "Oh, sorry." Flash instantly recognised the voice to be Twilight, who realised it was him and blushed. "We really gotta to stop bumping into each other like this," she said smiling at him only for him to give a frown and continue walking on. Noticing the downed look he was sporting Twilight ran up to him and walked besides him, before she asked, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Flash lied, "just having a bad day."

"Oh," Twilight said, "well okay. So, what happened yesterday? Did the guy show up?"

"No," Flash replied, "he didn't."

"Oh to bad," she said, "did you maybe find out anything new about Pendulum cards?"

"Yeah," Flash replied though he didn't sound exited, "they become Spell cards in the Pendulum zone."

"Really?" Twilight said her eyes going wide. "Well that explains why the bottom of the card is that colour."

"Yeah" Flash replied as they finally arrived at school.

"So what you doing after class?" she asked as they went in. "Gonna find someone to Duel?"

"Don't know." Flash replied causing Twilight to roll her eyes. Talking to him today was like pulling teeth.

The bell rang and Flash and Twilight had to go their separate ways to different classes. As she watched him walk down the hall she couldn't help but feel something was up with him, since he was back to being the same sullen guy he was when she first met him. Suddenly an idea popped into her head, that made her grin...there was only one person she knew who could make anyone laugh, and that was what Flash needed right now.

Flash sat in class staring out the window remembering what that guy had said about him.


"Do you expect me to treat you like a real Duellist?" Cold Steel asked. "Without showing me anything worth watching."


But what else was there? Flash had his Pendulum Summon but what else could his deck do to win a Duel?

"Mr. Sentry." Flash spun his head around to see the teacher looking at him not to happily.

"Yes miss?" he asked.

"I apologies for my lesson being so boring that you would rather look out the window," she said, "but do try and pay attention."

"Yes miss." He replied as his face went red as everyone looked at him.

"That's better." She said turning back and walking to the board.

After school let out Flash was on his way home when he suddenly heard someone running up to him and yell. "Flash!" He turned to see Twilight running up to him. "Can you give me a hand with something?"

"What do you need?" he asked.

"It's hard to explain." Twilight replied. "I'll need to show you, but we need to go through the park."

"Okay." Flash said. He might as well since he went through there to get home.

"Great," Twilight replied with a smile, "let's go." And with that Flash and Twilight headed to the park, as Twilight lead them to the area he had Duelled against Garble at.

"What are we doing here?" Flash asked.

"We're here for a Duel." Twilight said.

"But haven't we already Duelled?" Flash asked. "Why would we Duel again?"

"First of all," Twilight said, "your allowed to Duel someone more than once. Secondly, I'm not the one your Duelling."

"Then who-" Flash was cut off suddenly when a high pitched voice called out.

"Right here Mr. Grumpy Pants." He spun around to see Twilight's friends enter the area. The pink haired girl he remembered as Pinkie Pie stood at the front carrying a pink Duel Disk.

"You?" Flash said before looking at Twilight in disbelief.

"First off don't underestimate Pinkie's skill," Twilight told him, "and secondly I think she can help you."

"Help me with what?" Flash asked.

"You'll have to Duel her to find out."

That was how Flash found himself facing off against Pinkie. He strapped on his Duel Disk as Pinkie activated hers forming a pink energy blade.

"Let's get this over with" Flash said as his orange blade appeared.


Flash: 4000
Pinkie: 4000

"I'll take the first move," Flash said as he drew "and I summon Starbreak Dragon in ATK mode." (A1500/D1200/L4) "That's all."

"MY," Pinkie said as she spun around, "DRAW! First I'll use the Field Spell Balloon Jungle." She sent a card into the Duel Disk and suddenly the area around them began to change. The ground turned into a bouncy rubber while the trees changed into balloons shaped into trees.

"What the?" Flash said looking around.

"And who better to have in a jungle," Pinkie Pie said as she summoned a monster "then the king himself, so say hi to Balloonimal Lion." The monster was a bunch of yellow party balloons that had been shaped into that of a lion, with orange balloons used for its mane and its face was drawn on in felt tip. (A1500/D1200/L4)

"But it has the same ATK as my monster," Flash said, "if they attack it'll just result in a draw."

"Let's test that," Pinkie said, "Lion attack." The balloon animal bounced towards Starbreak Dragon. "Now I activate Balloonimal Lion's special ability," Pinkie said drawing two cards, "I look at the top two cards of my deck and add one to my hand, while sending the other one to the Graveyard." And she did, taking one of them and placing it in her graveyard.”

"Whatever she drew is probably something important since she's giving up her monster for it." Flash said, as he watched the balloon lion pounce on Starbreak causing an explosion. "Now she's defenceless." Flash said until the smoke cleared and his eyes went wide, seeing Balloonimal Lion was still on the field. "But..why...how?"

"SURPRISE!" Pinkie screamed. "As long as Balloon Jungle is in play, during my turn all my Balloonimals are indestructible."

"So she can attack anything and she won't lose a monster." Flash realised.

"Next I'll activate the card I drew thanks to lion, Swing of Memories." Pinkie said. "Now I can special summon a non-effect monster in my graveyard."

“But she didn't have any monsters.” Flash thought to himself, until he realised she must have sent one there with Balloonimal Lion's ability.

"Come on back Balloonimal Eagle." Pinkie called as a wormhole opened, and out from it came a bird made from brown balloons with white balloons for a head. "Finally, I activate this card, say hello to POL-E-MER-E-ZA-TION!" She placed a Spell into her Duel Disk, as a portal above her opened up and sucked her two monsters in. "Now watch as I fuse the mighty strength of a lion with a winged flight of an eagle, I FUSION SUMMON."

From out of the portal came a new monster. It looked like a four legged eagle made from balloons with a yellow behind, brown front and white head. "Balloonimal Griffon." (A2200/D1800/L6)

"Fusion Summon?" Flash asked in amazement.

"Since I already attacked I'll end my turn there." Pinkie said.

"Pinkie's battle style has really knocked him for a loop." Rarity said.

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash replied, "I always crack up watching her Duel."

"And hopefully Flash will to," Twilight said. She knew Pinkie was the only one who could show Flash the one thing he was missing about Duelling, how to have fun.

"My draw," Flash drew his card and saw it was Solaris. "With Scale one Magna Caster Lunara and Scale eight Magna Caster Solaris I can set the Pendulum Scale." As he placed the cards on the Duel Disk as the pillars of light appeared besides him, his two magicians flying into place. "Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," the portal formed above him, "I PENDULUM SUMMON."

The portal opened and a stream of light shot out, crashing to the ground and taking the form of a man. He wore steampunk armour over a giant overcoat, a top hat with goggles strapped on and carried a giant steampunk sword as long as he was tall. He took a defensive stance holding his sword out and hide behind him

"On guard Magna Fighter Gladio." (A2100/D2200/L6/P4)

"Awesome," Rainbow Dash said, "a new Pendulum monster."

"Since he's in DEF mode," Flash told himself, "she can't destroy him. I need to hold out until I can draw Flash Heart." That was the only monster he could use to get rid of Balloonimal Griffon. "I'll end it there."

"My turn," Pinkie drew with another spin, "I summon Balloonimal Dog." A monster made out of red balloons twisted into the shape of a dog appeared. (A1000/D1000/L3) "Now Griffon will attack your monster."

"But Gladio and Griffon have the same points," Flash said, "and since he's in DEF mode you can't destroy him the way you did with Starbreak."

"Maybe," Pinkie said swinging her head from left to right, "it all depends on his ability."

"What ability?"

"When Griffon attacks I get to guess a card type and then draw, if I'm wrong nothing happens but if I'm right...then Griffon gets one thousand extra points."

"Seriously?" Flash said.

"YEP." Pinkie said hopping from one leg to the other. "Now are you ready, because I'm guessing it's a...Spell card."

Everyone held their breath as they watched her draw her card, it felt like an eternity as she held the card up and looked at it.

"Well," Flash asked, "what'd you get?"

Pinkie looked up and him, and grinned a goofy grin before turning the card around showing it was a Spell card. "It's Balloon Gale."

"NO WAY!" Flash said in horror.

"That's one thousand extra ATK points of my Griffon." Pinkie said. (A3200/D1800/L6) "Now go." Balloonimal Griffon inflated its wings to take off, flying towards Gladio before stomping on him destroying him.

"Now my doggy will attack you directly." Balloonimal Dog bounced on the ground as it made its way to Flash, before pouncing on him bouncing off his chest as he flew back

Flash: 3000
Pinkie: 4000

"Ow." Flash said sitting up.

"I bet that was the funnest attack Flash ever took." Rainbow Dash said smiling.

"I don't think Flash thought so." Fluttershy said.

"I'll end my turn there." Pinkie said.

"My draw." Flash said drawing his card and saw it was Reflection Guard. He then looked up at his Pendulum cards, "Once again my Pendulum Cards will carve the arc of victory," Solaris and Lunara opened the portal again. "I PENDULUM SUMMON."

A streak of light shot out of the portal and Gladio appeared once again. (A2100/D2200/L6/P4) "I'll throw down a face down and end it there."

"My draw," yet another spin as she drew her card, "and I'll activate the Spell I got last time, Balloon Gale." Her Spell appeared infront of her, "The mean side of this card means I have to pop one of my Balloonimals." Her Balloonimal Dog burst creating a powerful gust of wind. "Now the YAY part," Pinkie explained, "I can return one Spell or Trap card to your hand for every level my doggy had."

"But he was level three." Flash said.

"So three cards go bye bye." Pinkie said.

Flash growled. Since he only had three cards in the Spell and Trap zone, he had to return them. His face down and Pendulum cards disappeared as Flash put them back in his hand.

"Now I activate this Spell," Pinkie said, “it's called Shuffle Party, now we both put the cards in are hands in our decks and after a quick shuffle we draw the same number of cards." As she explained she and Flash did it drawing a new hand.

Looking down at his new hand he saw the only monsters he had now were Flash Heart and Lucidum, whose Pendulum Scales would only let him summon level three monsters.

"Now I summon Balloonimal Fish," Pinkie summoned a monster made of blue twist balloons shaped like a fish. (A1000/D500/L3) "Now Griffon attack." The balloon fusion monster once again took to the skies, before flying at Gladio.

Flash knew he had a chance to survive if she guessed her next card wrong. Pinkie placed her hand on her deck and thought for a moment. "I think it's another Spell card." She drew and smiled seeing what it was. "I got Forgotten Talent, a Spell card."

"YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!" Flash almost screamed as Griffon's power rose and he destroyed Gladio.

"Now my fishy will attack" the fish shaped balloon flew at him like it was swimming, before slamming Flash sending him flying.

Flash: 2000
Pinkie: 4000

"Ooh," Rainbow said, "that had to hurt."

"I bet Flash isn't doubting Pinkie's abilities now." Rarity said.

"And finally," Pinkie said, "I'll pay five hundred life points to activate Forgotten Talent."

Flash: 2000
Pinkie: 3500

"Now all your monsters have forgotten how to use their special abilities."

"So all my monsters are powerless?" Flash asked. That meant Flash Heart couldn't use his ability. "She's too strong." Flash said falling to his knees, he could feel it...her strength went far beyond the game. It was like she was drawing power from something else.


"This is why a guy like you will never beat me," Cold explained, "when you summon your monsters do you think about how they feel, about whether they want to battle?"


"Was he right?" Flash asked himself.


"You simply summon them as if they're mindless puppets, because you’re not strong enough to fight."


"I'm not strong enough." Flash realised. In his Duels against Garble and Twilight it hadn't been his skill that had won him the game, but luck and surprise. Garble had lost because Flash had pulled a never before seen style out of nowhere, while Twilight would have probably won had she known about Pendulum's going to the extra deck. Flash realised now that he wasn't as good as he had thought.

"Lighten up." Flash was drawn from his thoughts by Pinkie. "What's the matter?" She asked. "You haven't smiled once during this whole Duel you know."

"Smile?" Flash said getting back up. "Why would I smile? I'm getting my rear handed to me."

Pinkie looked confused at his question, "Why would that stop you from smiling?" She asked.

"Because I'm losing," Flash explained, "what's there to smile at?"

"So you should only smile when your winning?" Pinkie asked. "That's silly, like saying you should only Duel to win."

"Well why else should I Duel?" Flash asked.

"That's easy silly," Pinkie replied, "you should Duel to have fun."

"Fun?" Flash repeated.

"That's what Duelling is suppose to be for." Pinkie explained. "Duelling is a game remember, and why do we play games?"

"To have fun." Flash realised.

"That's right." Pinkie said smiling.

Flash thought about what she had said. In his previous Duels he had just been focusing on winning without even considering having fun while doing it.

"Look around you," Pinkie said, "we're Duelling in a big bouncy castle." She jumped down on her butt, only to bounce back up onto her feet. "And look at my Balloonimals," she continued, "aren't they the funnest things you've ever Duelled against?"

She had him there, he had definitely never had this kind of experience while Duelling. Flash's gaze moved over to Twilight and her friends as he saw then all smiling...no they were laughing. Not at him but at Pinkie, and not at her but with her.

"That’s is why I love Duelling," Pinkie said, "because the more I Duel the more smiles I make."

Flash got it now. This was what made her so strong, because she Duelled to make the ones watching smile. As that thought entered his head a small grin cracked on his face, not so small that it went unnoticed.

"There it is," Pinkie said, "knew you had one in you."

Flash's grin broke out into a full on smile. "You’re right Pinkie," he said, "I've been so focused on winning that I never appreciated the Duel itself. Well not anymore, I still indent to win but I'm gonna have fun regardless."

"Atta boy," Pinkie said, "now it's your turn."

"And with it I'm gonna win." Flash said as he drew and his smile widened seeing what card he had. "Now I'll set the Pendulum scale with scale two Magna Fight Lucidum and scale eight Magna Caster Solaris" he set his cards, and saw the two monsters appear besides him in the pillars of light. "I can now summon monsters levelled three through seven all at the same time. Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," the portal formed above him, "I PENDULUM SUMMON."

The portal opened and two streams of light shot out.

"On guard Magna Fighter Gladio." (A2100/D2200/L6/P4)

"Shine your light of victory, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"You might have prevented Flash Heart's ability from activating," Flash said, "but Lucidum's Pendulum ability can still activate and raise the ATK of every Pendulum monster by five hundred.” (A2600/D2200/L6/P4), (A3000/D2000/L7/P4)

"Now Gladio can get some revenge on Balloonimal Griffon." Flash ordered, as Gladio raised his massive sword and swung it at the balloon animal causing it to pop and go flying around in the air, before dissolving into data.

Flash: 2000
Pinkie: 3100

"Now Flash Heart will attack Balloonimal Fish." Flash said as his dragon's boosters came to life, shooting him towards the fish as he raised his fist and smashed it into the ground. Balloonimal Fish found itself between a fist and a hard place as it burst.

Flash: 2000
Pinkie: 1100

"Finally," Flash placed a card in his Duel Disk, "I activate Double Strike. When a monster on my side of the field destroys a monster, I can halve his ATK points and let him attack again." (A1500/D2000/L7/P4) Flash Heart spun around on his fist and swung his tail around, slamming the ground in front of Pinkie sending up a dust cloud which blow her off her feet. But despite this she was still smiling.

Flash: 2000 (Winner)
Pinkie: 0

As the field and monsters disappeared Flash deactivated his Duel Disk and looked over at Pinkie to see she wasn't getting up.

"Pinkie!" Flash ran towards her hoping she wasn't hurt. But as he drew closer his worries were softened when he heard her laughing. "You’re okay."

"Are you kidding?" Pinkie said between fits of giggles. "I'm great, that was so much fun."

"It sure was," Flash turned to see Twilight and her friends coming up close. "So Flash, did you figure out why I wanted you to Duel Pinkie?"

"Yeah," he replied,"I think I do. You wanted to show me that Duelling isn't always about winning."

"That's right." Twilight said. "Duels can be intense and serious, and sometimes too much rides on them to enjoy. But if you only ever see a Duel like that, then your love for the game will disappear."

"I think that's what happened to me." Flash said taking out his deck. "When I was young I used to live in a neighbourhood where Duelling was about getting respect, not just fun. I used to lose so much that I lost my love of the game, but now since I got this deck I've been feeling a little better each time I Duel."

"Remember that feeling," Applejack said, "the next time a Duel becomes something other than having fun, remember what a real Duel is."

"I will," Flash said before turning to them, "thanks...I needed this."

"What are friends for?" Twilight said.

"Friends." Flash never had any friends before, but something about these girls made him smile at the thought. Duelling had given him the chance to make friends he'd never been able to have before, and that was something he was now thankful for.

Author's Notes:

So what did you think of Pinkie's deck, leave your comments bellow.

Turn 5, Rainbow Apples

Flash and Twilight were walking into school when a poster caught their eye.

"What's this?" Flash asked beginning to read it, "Class Rep Elections. Anyone interested in signing up for the chance to be your Class Rep, please inform your homeroom teacher."

Twilight continued, "Should you be elected it will be your responsibility to be the voice of your class. You will attend meetings and pass along any student suggestions."

"Well that sounds boring." Flash said.

"I don't know," Twilight replied, "I wouldn't mind trying out."

"I'd vote for you." Flash said.

"Aw thanks," Twilight said, "and I hope the rest of our friends will as well."

But unfortunately, when they got to class they found Twilight's prediction to be premature, as they found Rainbow Dash and Applejack literally butting heads.

"You’re going down AJ." Rainbow said.

"No," Applejack replied, "you are."

"In your dreams. You know I'm the best choice."

"Don't make me laugh."

"Girls," Twilight called grabbing their attention, "what is going on?"

"Nothing," Rainbow said, "just letting miss second place here know who’s going to be Class Rep."

"You been talking to yourself again miss second place?" Applejack replied.

"So you’re both going for Class Rep?" Twilight asked worriedly.

"Yeah" Rainbow said "when I'm Class Rep, I'll finally be able to get the school board to put some real focus on the sports department. Soccer, Basketball, Hokey and even Hop Scotch, our school will be the most athletic one there is."

"But not everyone likes playing sports." Fluttershy told her friend.

"Too right," Applejack said, "that's why when I'm Class Rep I'll have the back field converted into a vegetable patch. Then the students will be able to grow their own produce, which we can use to make healthier school lunches or sell at fund raisers."

"That sounds awfully muddy." Rarity said with a cringe.

"There's no way I'm letting you convert the sports field into a jungle." Rainbow almost yelled.

"Well there's no way I'm letting you turn the school into a bunch of sports obsessed meatheads." Applejack replied, her own voice beginning to rise.

"What'd you say?"

"Okay that's enough," their homeroom teacher said, "you'll have to let the voters decide what they want."

"Yeah," Flash said, "besides you guys might not even be picked since Twilight-" before he could finish, Twilight slapped her hands over his mouth.

"Since Twilight is what?" Applejack asked.

"NOTHING!" Twilight yelled. "I mean nothing...Flash just misspoke."

"If you say so." Applejack said.

When she and the rest of them turned away, Flash removed her hand and looked at her suspiciously. "What was that for? You gotta tell them you wanna sign up."

"No I don't," Twilight replied, "because I'm not signing up."

"Why not?"

"I don't want to compete against my friends. I'd rather just stay out of it."

"Even though you were really excited about it before?" Flash said.

"Just drop it." Twilight ordered him before turning to take her seat.

Over the next two days Applejack and Rainbow Dash's bids to be elected began.

Posters of the two lined the hallways, and they had been giving speeches during break and lunch.

"Vote for Applejack," the blond said, "vote for a healthier tomorrow that we will grow with our own two hands."

"If you want an awesome Class Rep then vote for Rainbow Dash," the rainbow haired girl said, "follow my lead and we'll show everyone how awesome we are."

"Is it just me," Flash said as he and the others watched, "or are their arguments surprisingly similar?"

"They both want what they think is best for the school," Twilight said, "but they’re not listening to what the people want."

"You seem to know a lot about politics deary." Rarity said.

"I've done a little studying about it." She replied.

"Maybe you should try-" Flash didn't get to finish as once again Twilight slapped her hand over his mouth, while giving him a look that could curdle milk.

The two continued their race for the reminder of the week, with each attempt to gain an upper hand more extravagant then the next. Applejack and her sister were putting up posters that read.

A vote of Rainbow
is a vote of Anarchy

While Rainbow Dash and her little helper Scootaloo, a thirteen year old girl with orange skin and purple hair, were putting up their own posters.

A vote of Rainbow
is a vote of Anarchy

Rainbow's posters had anarchy written all cool and edgy symbolising how great she fought it was.

"Anyone else think this is getting a little out of hand?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oh we passed out of hand somewhere between the promise for a bowling alley and milkshake makers in the classrooms." Flash replied.

With everything that was happening it was inevitable that something would cause the two to snap soon, and that thing happened the day before the final votes. The friends walked into the cafeteria expecting to see the twos final big gambit, but they didn't expect to see them butting heads in the middle of everybody.

"I asked for that stage first." Applejack said.

"So?" Rainbow replied. "That doesn't mean you own it."

"Now what's going on?" Twilight asked Pinkie, who had been in the cafeteria before they had arrived.

"Rainbow Dash wanted to perform a wicked guitar song about voting for her, and Applejack was going to handing out apples and stuff to show everyone what taste stuff they could grow. The problem is they seemed to have booked the stage for the same time." Pinkie said, as she stuffed her face with popcorn.

"This has gone way to far." Twilight said.

"I'm really starting to get sick of your stupid stunts." Applejack said.

"My stupid stunts?" Rainbow replied. "What about yours? You honestly think someone would pick a load of disgusting fruit over high action sports?"

"Them's fighting words." Applejack said.

"You wanna go?" Rainbow asked.

"You know it." Applejack replied.

Everyone crowded around the two girls in the courtyard as they prepared to face off.

"What do they expect to achieve with a Duel?" Rarity asked.

"I get the feeling this is about more than just the election." Flash replied.

"They have always been really competitive with each other." Fluttershy said.

"Hopefully they can blow off some steam with this Duel." Twilight said.

"So," Flash wondered, "how good are those two?"

"They’re possibly the most skilled out of us all." Rarity said.

"Really?" Flash asked before looking back at them. If they were as good as Twilight and Pinkie, even better, then this looked to be a really good match.

Applejack affixed an orange Duel Disk to her arm as an orange energy blade formed. "You ready to go down?"

"In history maybe." Rainbow replied, attaching her light blue Duel Disk on her arm as a red energy blade formed.


Rainbow: 4000
Applejack: 4000

"I'll take the first move," Rainbow said as she drew, "and summon Rainbow Wing Red Kestrel in ATK mode." A large red bird appeared before her, it let out a high pitched cry. (A1500/D1200/L4)

"Rainbow Wings?" Flash wondered.

"There birds that flock together in order to defeat their opponents." Rarity explained.

"Now since Red Kestrel was summoned I can summon another of my feathered friends to the field, so welcome please Rainbow Wing Orange Osprey." A large orange bird appeared hovering next to the red one. (A1200/D1000/L3) "And since he was summoned this way, I can boost him by one level." (A1200/D1000/L4)

"Here it comes." Rarity said.

"Here what comes?" Flash asked.

"Now," Rainbow ordered as her to birds began to glow and changed into lights, before shooting into the air, "with these two monsters I build the Overlay Network." A black hole appeared below her which the lights flew into. "When birds of a feather flock together an awesome power is unleashed." The black hole exploded in a burst of light, as a new monster appeared. "I XYZ SUMMON!"

The new monster was a person in black cloths with gold armour around his chest, waist, arms and feet. A single black wing was sprouted from the right side of his back while a gold metallic wing folded out of his left arm gauntlet. A scabbed carrying a long katana was strapped to the back of his hip, and a golden bird mask concealed all but his mouth. Two green lights flew around him, "Rainbow Assault Wing Gold." (A2300/D1700/R4)

"Xyz Summon?" Flash asked.

"Rainbow's favourite summoning style," Twilight explained, "it's very different from the others. Xyz monsters are summoned when two monsters of the same level are Overlayed, sometimes they also have to be the same type or attribute."

"Xyz monsters also have ranks instead of levels." Rarity mentioned.

"And don't forget the Overlay Units." Pinkie cut in

"Right," Twilight said, as she pointed to the lights floating around the monster. "Those lights are the Overlay Units and in order to activate an Xyz monsters abilities you need to remove a certain number."

"Wow," Flash said in amazement. Synchro, Fusion, Xyz and if you counted Pendulum that was four different summoning styles to build your strategy around. Maybe that was where he was going wrong, though he wasn't concerned with winning or losing anymore he still couldn't get what that guy had said out of his head.


"Do you expect me to treat you like a real Duellist?" Cold Steel asked. "Without showing me anything worth watching."


Maybe that was his answer. He hadn't really changed his deck since he got it, other than the few cards he had gotten with his Duel Disk, perhaps these summoning styles were the answer. His mind returned to the Duel.

"Since Osprey was used as an Overlay Unit my Assault Wing gains three hundred points." (A2600/D1700/R4)

"Then I'll throw down three face downs and call it a turn." Rainbow Dash said.

"Than it's ma draw," Applejack said, "and I'll use the skill of ma Astilbe Archer. I discard a card and reduce its level by two until the end phase, so I can now summon her to the field. A woman in pink flower print clothing who carried a large bow appeared. (A2000/D1000/L3)

"A level three monster with two thousand ATK points?" Flash wondered.

"It was level five before the ability." Twilight said.

"That monster on its own won't do a thing against my Assault Wing." Rainbow said.

"Who said she's alone?" Applejack said, in that second two flashes of light created a pair of monsters that looked like apple pips with faces. (A0/D0/L1)X2

"Where'd they come from?" Rainbow asked.

"My Apple Knight's special ability activated when I sent him to the grave," Applejack explained, "it created two Pip Tokens on my field."

"Well those three won't do much on their own." Rainbow said.

"Hold your horses," Applejack replied as she activated a Spell card in her hand, "I activate Ultra Growth. This card lets me plant my two Pip Tokens and grow a pair of new monsters." The tokens dug into the ground, as a pair of watering cans appeared and poured their contents onto the ground. Seconds later a pair of flowers shot out of the ground, and as their bulbs opened two new monsters appeared. "Now say hello to,"

The first was a woman dressed in green plant style clothing, vines were wrapped around her arms a flowed out like whips. "Median of Vines." (A1000/D1000/L3)

The second was a boy in apple style clothing. "And Apple Kid." (A200/D300/L2)

"Now she has three monsters out." Pinkie said.

"But none of them can take on Rainbow's monster." Flash said.

"Wait for it." Twilight told him.

"When Apple Kid is special summoned, his ability raises his level by one for this turn." Applejack said. (A200/D300/L3)

"Now her monsters are all the same level." Flash said only to realise what that meant.

"With these three monsters I build the Overlay Network" she said as her monsters turned into lights, and shot into the black hole as it appeared below her. "As the seasons bring fourth new growth, it can also bring fourth a new power," the black hole exploded in a burst of light, as a new monster appeared. "I XYZ SUMMON!"

The new monster looked like a cowboy wearing a brown poncho over a red shirt, brown pants and orange bandanna that covered his mouth. He wore a brown hat with an apple pinned to the front, along with an apple belt buckle and a pair of pistols with apples carved into handles. Three orange lights flew around him, "Orchid Cowboy." (A2100/D600/R3)

"So Applejack can Xyz summon to." Flash said.

"They both learned it at about the same time." Rarity explained.

"Now I equip my Cowboy with Turbo Revolver." AJ activated as Spell, as Orchid Cowboy held up one of his guns it changed into a shotgun revolver. "This little fire arm will give my buckaroo one thousand extra points." (A3100/D600/R3)

"Now her monster is stronger than Rainbow's" Fluttershy said.

"Alright Cowboy lock and load." Applejack ordered, as he monster aimed his giant revolver at the bird man. "Fire!" He shot a blast at the Assault Wing.

"I don't think so," Rainbow said as one of her face downs flipped up, "I activate Overlay Guard. By removing an Overlay Unit from my monster I can nullify your attack." One of the lights flying around Assault Wing, flew into the trap card as it created a force field between the two Xyz monsters.

"Too bad I'm nullifying your nullify," Applejack replied, "I'm removing one Overlay Unit to activate Orchid Cowboy's ability to negate the effect of any Spell, Trap or Monster I chose." One of the three lights flew into the cowboy's revolver as he fired a blast that hit the trap, destroying it instantly. "That means my attack's back on."

"Or is it?" Rainbow said, as her second face down flew up. "My Call of the Haunted Trap will revive the Red Kestrel I sent to the grave." And just like that her red bird was revived.

"What does that matter?" Flash asked.

"Rainbow Assault Wing Gold," Twilight explained, "gains five hundred attack points for every other Winged Beast monster on the field."

"So Assault Wing currently has twenty six hundred points," Flash did the math, "plus five hundred is..."

"The same amount as AJ's Cowboy." Twilight finished.

"They'll both be destroyed." Fluttershy said. Seconds later the Cowboys blast hit Assault Wing who exploded, but from the explosion his katanna came flying out and impaled the Cowboy destroying it.

"Wow," Flash said, "Rainbow gave up her best monster to destroy Applejack's."

"Don't think you've seen the last of either of those two." Rarity said.

"I activate my final card," Rainbow said, "Xyz Reborn. Now I can revive an Xyz Monster and this card becomes an Overlay Unit," Rainbow Assault Wing Gold reappeared in front of her, a single light flying around him. "And don't forget my Red Kestrel is still giving him a power boost." (A2800/D1700/R4)

"Well I activate Trigger Trap," Applejack said, "this Spell lets me pay five hundred life points to activate a trap in my deck."

Rainbow: 4000
Applejack: 3500

"Now I can activate my own copy of Xyz Reborn," Orchid Cowboy reappeared with a single light flying around him. (A2100/D600/R3)

"Man I've never seen such an even Duel." Flash said.

"Those two have always been on the same level," Rarity said, "when one pulls ahead in skill the other quickly catches up and keeps it even."

"So who won the last time they Duelled?" Flash asked.

"During their last Duel it was Rainbow who won." Twilight said.

"But Applejack won the time before that." Fluttershy said.

"And Rainbow won before that." Rarity said.

"And Applejack before that." Pinkie said.


"Okay I get it." Flash said.

"Like I said," Rarity told him, "those two might be friends but their also each others greatest rivals."

"I've lost count of the number of times they've Duelled each other," Fluttershy said.

Rainbow and Applejack both stared at each other for several seconds, only for their scrawls to turn to smiles before they burst out laughing.

"This is great." Rainbow said.

"Ya," Applejack replied, "we haven't had a Duel this close in forever."

"I almost forgot why we're doing this." Rainbow said. "Duelling you just got my head totally in the zone."

"Same here," Applejack said, "but I still intend to win."

"Me too." Rainbow said.

"LET'S GO!" They both yelled as their monsters launched themselves at each other, and just as they were about to strike.


The two monsters disappeared.

"Well that's the end of lunch." Twilight said getting up.

"Looks like they'll have to finish this later." Rarity said.

"Damn," Flash said, "I was hoping to see some more Xyz monsters."

Everyone left until only Rainbow and Applejack were left, both wide eyed and still in the action pose they had done when they ordered their monsters to attack. Eventually the two moved, by collapsing onto the ground and staring up at the skies. "So who won?" Rainbow asked.

"Well I had less life points." Applejack said.

"Only because you gave them up," Rainbow said, "I didn't damage you at all."

"Then I guess it's a draw partner." Applejack said.

"Looks like it," Rainbow replied.

"You know what," Applejack said, "maybe my idea to turn the field into a garden was a little extreme."

"No more than my plan to make the school run ten laps before each class."

The two laughed again as they sat up.

"You know Rainbow," Applejack said, "if I get elected I'm going to need a Co-Rep."

"Same here," Rainbow said, "no matter who gets elected we'll work together to make the school the most awesome on in the history of awesome schools."

"Deal." Applejack said as they shuck hands. "Now we both are pretty much guaranteed to win."

"WE LOST?!" They both yelled seeing only one piece of paper in each of the ballet boxes, compared to the mountain in the last one. Since they had each voted for each other, that meant not one other member of the student body had voted for them.

"Sorry girls," the teacher said "but that's just how politics works."

"I demand a recount!" Rainbow yelled.

"Who is this third candidate?" Applejack asked.

"I'm getting to that," the teacher said as she turned to the room, "everyone, I'd like to introduce your new Class Rep...Twilight Sparkle."

Everyone turned to look at the new Class Rep, who was currently looking shocked at the announcement. "But miss, I didn't even sign up."

"Well someone wrote your name down, with a PS that you'd like your ballet to not to have your name on it." she showed Twilight the sign-up sheet and instantly the teen recognised the hand writing.

She turned to a blue haired boy who was currently whistling nonchalantly. "Flash," she said, "what did you do?"

"Nothing," he replied, "I just wrote your name on the sign-up sheet, asked to have your ballet be anonymous and went around telling everyone that you were the unnamed candidate."

"Why would you do this?" Twilight asked.

"You really wanted to be Class Rep, and I saw how disappointed you were when you found out those two were competing. So I decided to do it for you."

"But I didn't want to compete against them." Twilight told him.

"Twilight," she turned to see Applejack and Rainbow Dash, "why didn't you tell us you wanted to be Class Rep?"

"If we had known we would have helped you." Rainbow said.

"But you two-"

"Even we can tell you'd be a million times better than us." Rainbow said.

"Yeah and don't forget," Flash said, "I only told people you were running. They're the ones who voted for you."

"I guess." Twilight said.

"Come on Sugarcub," Applejack said, "go make a speech." She pushed Twilight to the front of the class.

She stood there for a few seconds until finally she spoke. "So yeah thanks for the votes and, er, I promise to do everything in my power to improve school life for us, including a stronger focus on the sports department."

"YES!" Rainbow cheered.

"And I'm sure I can convince the school board to reform the empty space behind the school into a vegetable patch."

"YEEHA!" Applejack cheered.

Soon the all class was cheering.

"See," Flash said as she returned to his seat, "now aren't you glad I did it?"

"A little." Twilight said. "I am looking forwards to it, and I know you will to."

"What are you talking about?" he asked nervously.

"You’re my new Co-Rep," she replied, "you'll have to sit through all the meetings with me and write down any ideas I might have."

"What?" Flash almost yelled.

"Remember this the next time you think to go behind my back." She said with a smirk, and then laughed when she watched him slam his head on his desk.

Author's Notes:

Sorry I had to end the duel the way I did but I couldn't see any other option where the two both come out okay. So now Flash has seen four of the six styles of summoning, which one will be next?

Turn 6, The Great and Powerful Trixie

BOOM went one of the monsters in the duel.

It was midnight and a man stood trembling at his opponent. "Please," the man whimpered as he fell to his knees, "have mercy."

"Sorry," his opponent replied as her monster hovered above her, "but you don't become the best by showing mercy." And with that her beast flew at the man who screamed as his life points hit zero.

Moments later the Duellist was walking the streets. "Another Duellist overcome by me." She said as she held out her Duel Disk. "Now who shall be my next conquest?" She scrolled through until she came across a name. "Twilight Sparkle, who uses...Twilight Sorcerer, that could work nicely in my deck." She said with an evil chuckle.

"Twilight Sorcerer attack." Twilight ordered as her magician fired a magic burst that destroyed Spike's monster.

Twilight: 2700 (Winner)
Spike: 0

"Ow man," Spike said as he sat down, "lost again." The two of them were by the river, Twilight helping her little brother test play a new deck recipe, while Flash watched from the side lines.

"Well you did better than last time." Twilight told him.

"Yeah," Spike replied, "I got your life points down past three thousand this time."

"Don't sell yourself short," Flash said, "once you find the right deck you'll be beating Duellists left and right."

"That's right." Twilight said. "It's all about trial and error. You think I've always been this good, I went through tones of test decks till I found the one that was best for me."

"And boy was it worth it." Flash said. " you’re probably one of the best, if not the best, Spellcaster Duellists there is."

"That's sweet and all," Twilight said blushing, "but I still have much to learn. I probably wouldn't stand a chance against the likes of Yugi Moto or Dimitri Kagurazaka."

"You'd totally be up for it Twilight," Spike said, "you have just as much skill as them and you believe in your deck just as much as anyone else."

"Thanks guys," Twilight said, "I guess I have come a long way since I started Duelling. But what I need is someway to really test myself."

"TWILIGHT SPARKLE!" They all covered their ears and spun around to look up the bank. Standing there was girl their age with light blue shin and lighter, almost white, blue hair. She wore a dark blue hoodie with light blue star patterns here and there, along with a purple skirt with blue sparkles at the bottom. Blue and purple knee high boots were the last piece of her ensemble. "I challenge you." she said.

"Do I know you?" Twilight asked.

The girl seemed shocked at this question. "What do you mean, how could you not know the name of the greatest Spellcaster Duellist in the world?"

"Greatest Spellcaster Duellist?" they all said in unison.

"Indeed." The girl replied posing. "Bask in the radiance of the Great and Powerful Trixie!" After saying that she tossed something behind her and a second later smoke explosions went off.

"She's quite..." Twilight was trying to get the right word.

"Loud." Flash finished not sounding impressed.

"Twilight Sparkle," Trixie said, "you are a Spellcaster Duellist are you not?"

"I am," Twilight replied, "so what?"

"So you and I shall Duel to prove who is the best." Trixie explained.

"Why would she do that?" Spike asked.

"To prove which of us is the best of course." Trixie explained. "I know I'm the best but simply saying that won't get me the respect I deserve. So, I'm travelling around looking for the best Spellcaster Duellists, beating them and moving on to the next one."

"Seriously?" Twilight asked in amazement.

"In my travels I have defeated sixteen Spellcaster Duellists, and with you I will make it seventeen."

"That's actually kind of impressive." Spike said.

"So Twilight," she said "are you ready to do battle?"

"Pass." Twilight replied.

"WHAT!?" Trixie said.

"I Duel for fun," Twilight replied, "I won't Duel for such a trivial matter." And with that she began walking away with Flash and Spike.

Trixie looked shocked until her face changed to one of smugness. "Oh I get it, your terrified that I will beat you."

This got Spike to stop and turn back around. "What did you say?"

"Just ignore her." Twilight said not stopping.

"You heard me," Trixie said, "she's a chicken who knows she can't defeat me."

"Twilight could Duel circles around you." Spike said.

"That's enough Spike," Twilight said, "let's just go." She continued onwards.

"This isn't over Twilight," Trixie said, "we will Duel."

Twilight was showing Flash one of her favourite hang outs named Sugarcube Corner.

"Hi guys," Pinkie, an employee, said. "Come to try one of my new strawberry vanilla swirl cupcakes?" She held up a plateful of cupcakes with pink and yellow frosting.

"Sure," Twilight said as they each took one, "yum," she said taking a bite. "Best ones yet."

"Could use more sugar if you ask me." Twilight froze and turned around to see Trixie, sitting at a table with the same sugary snack and hot coco.

"You again," Twilight said, "what are you doing here?"

"Is it against the law to be sitting in an establishment enjoying its sugary snack?"

"Well no," Twilight replied, "I mean what are you still doing in town? Shouldn't you be off looking for your next opponent?"

"I've found my next opponent." Trixie said. "I'm just waiting for her to grow a back bone and Duel me."

"I'm not Duelling you Trixie." Twilight told her.

"Well then I'm not going anywhere." She replied.

Twilight sighed and turned to leave.

"You could just Duel her you know," Flash said, "once it's over she'll be gone."

"I'm not falling down to her level," Twilight said, "I'll just ignore her and she'll eventually get bored and leave to find someone else."

"Not sure on that." Flash said, he then stopped which caught Twilight's attention.

"What's up?" She asked.

"Nothing," Flash said, "just got something I need to check out. I'll meet up with you when I'm done."

"Okay," Twilight said before turning to walk down the street.

Once she was gone, Flash took out his Duel Disk and began typing. "Okay Trixie, let's see what we can find out about you."

When Twilight returned home she almost collapsed on the couch.

All day Trixie had been showing up wherever she went. When she was at the library she found her there reading a fashion magazine, when she went to the store to buy groceries for her mom she was there buying low fat yogurt and even when she was going to the bathroom, she just sat at the sink filing her nails.

"Twilight," her mother Twilight Velvet called walking into the room, "you'll need to set the dinner table for five tonight."

"Five?" Twilight asked.

"I met this delightful young girl and just had to invite her to dinner."

"What did she look like?"

"She's about your age and wears a blue hoodie."

"Oh no." Twilight said.

"Hello Twilight." she spun around and saw Trixie standing at the door.

"Seriously?" Rainbow Dash asked when Twilight explained what happened to her friends at the riverbank.

"It was horrible," Twilight said, "she acted all goody good when my parents were there but the second we were alone she was a nightmare."

"You have got to cut her loose Sugarcube." Applejack told her.

"And there's only one way to do that." Spike said.

"You have to Duel me!" They all spun around to see Trixie standing at the top of the hill.

"Get lost," Rainbow said to her, "Twilight already said no to your Duel."

"Well I don't intend to leave until I get what I want." Trixie said, walking down to their level.

"That's it," Twilight almost screamed, "I can't take it anymore. You wanna Duel, then let's Duel if it means you'll leave me alone."

"I knew you'd be willing to eventually." Trixie said as she took out her light blue Duel Disk.

"Let's just get on with it." Twilight said taking her own Duel Disk out.

"WAIT!" Everyone turned to see Flash running down the street, almost tripping over his own feet in his haste. "You can't Duel her Twilight." Flash said.

"Why not?" Twilight asked.

"I did a little digging into her," Flash explained, "I tracked down her other opponents and they all said the same thing. When they Duelled her she somehow nullified their decks, and then annihilated them."

"So what?" Trixie said. "There's nothing against the rules about those kind of techniques."

"Except I asked for a list of the cards you used, and found you had almost four hundred different cards. I doubt one deck could hold that many, and that you just so happen to pick the deck necessary to stop your opponents every move."

"Maybe I'm just lucky?" Trixie said sounding a little worried.

"And one more thing," Flash continued, "after the Duels the Duellists found that their best cards were missing. And you were nowhere in sight."

"WHAT?" all the girls said.

"You've been stealing other players cards." Twilight said.

"I never stole them," Trixie said, "I just forgot to tell them that we were playing an Ante Duel."

"That's despicable." Rarity said.

"How else would I prove to others that I had won?" Trixie pulled something out of her hoodie pocket, which she revealed to be sixteen cards. "Pretty impressive wouldn't you say? And after I win your Twilight Sorcerer will be joining them."

"Twilight you don't have to do this." Applejack said. None of them wanted to see her lose her favourite card.

"Yes I do," Twilight replied after a few seconds, "new stakes Trixie. If you win you can take my card, but if I win than you'll give back the cards you took...deal."

Trixie stayed silent for a moment until, "Deal." She attached her Duel Disk to her arm as a white blade appeared.

Twilight went to affix hers, but before she could it was yanked out of her hand. "Don't do this Twilight." Flash said.

"I have to Flash." Twilight told him.

"But she'll most likely know every card in your deck, and how to stop them."

"Maybe," Twilight replied, "but I'll still win."

"How can you be so sure?" Fluttershy asked sounding worried.

"Because she might know my deck," Twilight explained, "but she doesn't know me."

Flash saw the look of determination on her face and sighed. "Okay," he said handing the Duel Disk back, "just be careful."

"I will be." Twilight replied as she placed the device on her arm and activated it.


Twilight: 4000
Trixie: 4000

"I'll start," Trixie said drawing her card, "and I'll start by summoning Performage Tightrope Wheeler in ATK mode." A clown on a unicycle appeared carrying a long balancing stick. (A1800/D1300/L4) "Than I'll set down three cards and end my turn."

"My draw," Twilight drew her card, "and I'll summon Flame Burst Magician in ATK mode." a wizard in flame patterned clothing appeared carrying a staff that's end was on fire. (A1300/D600/L3) "And when Flame Burst Magician is summoned I can inflict eight hundred points of damage to you." The wizard shot a fireball at Trixie hitting her in the chest.

Twilight: 4000
Trixie: 3200

"So what?" Trixie said. "Your monster can't hope to injure mine."

"That's why I'm activating the Spell card Spellbook of Power," Twilight explained, "it powers up my Magician by a thousand points." (A2300/D600/L3) "Now attack." The wizard fired another fireball, this one directed at Tightrope Wheeler."

"I don't think so," Trixie said as she discarded a card, "by discarding Performage Mirror Juggler I can negate your attack." Another clown, this one juggling hand mirrors like juggling pins, appeared infront of Tightrope Wheeler and juggled his mirrors in a circle creating a magical barrier. The fireball bounced off the mirror and flew back at Twilight almost hitting her, though the explosion forced her back a bit.

Twilight: 3500
Trixie: 3200

"Did I forget to mention you also take five hundred points of damage" Trixie explained, "I know your strategy. You use your Spellbooks to power up your Spellcasters and win, well it won't work."

"We'll see about that," Twilight told her, "I'll throw down a face down and end my turn. Flame Burst's ATK points return to normal."

"My draw," Trixie said, "and I'll summon Performage Flame Baton in ATK mode." A clown carrying a flaming stick appeared spinning it around its body with ease. (A1200/D1400/L3) "Now I'll attack with Tightrope Wheeler." The unicycle riding monster rode its way towards Flame Burst and swung its balancing stick at him destroying him.

Twilight: 3000
Trixie: 3200

"Now I attack with Flame Baton." The second Performage threw its baton at Twilight.

"I activate my Trap Spirit Shackle. By removing a Spellcaster from my grave I'm able to negate the attack of a monster with less attack than it." A ghost of Flame Burst Magician appeared infront of Twilight and caught the baton, tossing it back at the monster.

"I'll end my turn." Trixie said.

"My draw," Twilight drew, "I summon Defender the Magical Knight in DEF mode." A knight in blue and gold armour appeared, carrying a large blue and gold shield with a red orb in the middle. (A1600/D2000/L4) "When Defender is summoned I can add a spell counter to him," the red orb glowed as a one appeared inside, "I'll end my turn."

"This isn't good," Applejack said from the side lines, "she's been forced to play defensively so early in the match."

"She needs to pick up the pace." Rainbow said.

"She can do it," Flash said before whispering, "I hope."

"My draw," Trixie drew her card and smiled seeing what it was, "this Duel is over."

"What are you talking about?" Twilight asked, "are you quitting?"

"Hardly," Trixie said, "but it's as good as over now I've drawn this. I have everything I need to beat you so watch as I activate the Dark Seal Ritual Spell."

"A Ritual Card." Twilight's eyes went wide.

"That's right. By sacrificing monsters whose combined levels reach seven or higher, I can Ritual Summon a monster who you can't stop." A magic circle appeared at her feet as the two Performages glowed as their souls were pulled out of their bodies, and into the magic circle causing it to explode as a new monster appeared. He wore a dark blue over coat with black runes patterned all over and a triangular hat on his head. His left arm was adorned with a crimson red metal gauntlet with sharp claw like fingers. "Arise Dark Seal Magician." (A2800/D1000/L7)

"That's not good." Pinkie said actually sounding worried.

"How is Twilight suppose to beat that?" Fluttershy asked.

"She'll find a way." Rainbow said though she didn't sound so sure.

"Next I'll Equip Dark Seal Magician with this." Trixie activated on of her face downs, that turned out to be a Spell. "It's called Battle Runes and it prevents me from summoning monsters, but in return it lets my Magician attack again and again until you have zero monsters on the field."

"What's the point of that?" Pinkie asked, "Twilight only has one monster on the field."

"Defender the Magical Knight," Rarity explained, "can prevent the destruction of Spellcasters by removing Spell Counters."

"Now I activate my other two face downs." Trixie said as her other two face down flipped up. "First is Anti-Spell Fragrance which forces you to set Spell cards before activating them, and the other is Dimensional Graveyard which removes any destroyed monster instead of sending them to the grave."

"So Twilight needs to wait one whole turn to activate her Spell cards." Flash said.

"And any monster that Trixie destroys will be banished." Rarity said.

"This isn't looking good." Twilight told herself.

"Now Dark Seal Magician attack and destroy Defender." Black lightning shot out of Dark Seal Magician's gauntlet striking Defender, who held up his shield in protection.

"By removing his Spell Counter Defender is safe from destruction." Twilight said.

"But don't forget that Battle Runes lets Dark Seal attack again." The wizard once again fired its black lightning, but unlike last time Defender was destroyed.

"This is going from bad to worse," Applejack said, "she's getting pushed into a corner."

"Too right," Rainbow Dash said, "she can't activate her best cards right away and even if she could she can't summon anything in her graveyard."

"It's my draw," Twilight said looking at her hand to see two Spellbooks, Valkyria Magician, Shadow Charmer and she had just drawn a monster called Mystic Mage. "I summon Mystic Mage in DEF mode." an old man in silver robes appeared. (A400/D600/L2) "Then I'll place two cards face down and end my turn."

"My draw," Trixie said, "and now I activate Dark Seal Magician's special ability to target up to two cards in your Spell and Trap zone. And if those two are Spell cards they're destroyed and you take three hundred points of damage.”

"What?" Twilight said as her two cards flipped up revealing her Spellbooks that were destroyed.

Twilight: 2400
Trixie: 3200

"And now I attack your Mystic Mage." The black lightning was fired destroying the old wizard.

"What'll she do now?" Fluttershy asked.

"No idea," Rainbow said, "Trixie's shutting down every move she makes. I'd sure like to know how she got Twilight's deck recipe."

"My guess," Flash said, "she hacked Twilight's Duel Disk a looked at the card stored in it."

"That filthy cheat." Rarity said.

"When Mystic Mage is destroyed," Twilight explained, "I can add a Spell Card from my deck to my hand."

"Like it'll do you any good," Trixie said, "and to show you that I'll activate Doom Draw." she activated a spell. "I declare a type of card added to you hand and if I'm right you have to return it and redraw a card, and since I know what you just got I'll declare a Spell card.”

Twilight groaned and returned her card. Her deck shuffled and then she drew a new card.

"I'll place two face downs and end my turn." Trixie said.

"My draw." Twilight said, but before she could draw her Duel Disk brought up a warning telling the action was prohibited.

"Sorry," Trixie said, "but my Time Draw Trap will put a stop to that." Her face down flipped up. "This card prevents you from drawing this turn, but don't worry, you'll get to draw twice next turn."

"So now she's stopping Twilight from drawing," Rainbow said, "what more can she do?"

"I'll summon Magician's Valkyria in DEF mode," Twilight said, "and place one face down and end my turn."

"Don't think so," Trixie said, "I activate Compulsory Evacuation Device which will return your magician to your hand." A machine appeared that sucked Magician's Valkyria inside, before opening and shooting her out as she changed back into a card that returned to Twilight's hand.

"Twilight's defenceless." Rarity realised.

"My Draw," Trixie said, "I activate Dark Seal Magician's effect and destroy your face down."

Then something unusual happened. Twilight smiled. "Not this time Trixie." Her face down flipped up revealing a Trap. "Go Mystic Curse, which will destroy one Spell or Trap on the field so say goodbye to you Anti-Spell Fragrance."

Trixie's eyes went wide when her Trap was destroyed.

"What's more my trap will deal you a thousand points of damage, while my life points get boosted by five hundred."

Twilight: 2900
Trixie: 2200

"You’re only delaying the inevitable," Trixie said, "Dark Seal attack." Her monster fired his black lightning electrocuting Twilight.

Twilight: 100
Trixie: 2200

Twilight fell to her knees panting.

"Twilight!" Spike, who had been remarkably quite through the Duel, said. "Are you okay?"

"I...can't...beat her." she panted.

"Don't say that," she heard Flash say, "remember what you taught me. One draw is all it takes to turn a Duel around."

"But against her cards..."

"Believe in your deck," Flash said "and you can do it."

"Don't let this cheat beat you." Rainbow said.

"Show her who the true master of Spellcasters is." Fluttershy said quietly.

"And don't forget to smile." Pinkie said cheerily.

"We're behind you Twilight." Rarity said.

"You can do it Sugarcube." Applejack said.

"Yeah!" Spike said.

Twilight smiled and looked back at Trixie. "I won't lose to you." She stood up and went to her deck, "I...DRAW!" She looked at the two cards she had drawn and her eyes went wide seeing what she had drawn. Looking over at Flash who was smiling she to smiled realising what he had done. "Hope you’re ready Trixie," Twilight said, "because I'm using scale one Magna Caster Lunara."

"What?" The girls and Spike said.

"And scale eight Magna Caster Solaris to set the Pendulum Scale." The pillars of light appeared before her as the two monster floated up.

"How did she get those?" Rarity asked.

"Let's say I evened up the odds." Flash said.

"I can summon monsters levels two through seven all at the same time." Twilight explained. "Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory." The portal formed above her. "I PENDULUM SUMMON."

The portal opened and two lights shoot out revealing Magician's Valkyria and Shadow Charmer. (A1600/D1800/L4), (A1200/D700/L3)

"What is this?" Trixie asked. She hadn't had these cards in her deck before.

"And now," Twilight said, "I'll tune my level three Shadow Charmer with Level four Magician's Valkyria." Her Tuner monster transformed into the three circles that surrounded Magician's Valkyria. "When two mighty magicians unite their magical power an amazing event will occur." In that moment Valkyria burst into light, "I SYNCHRO SUMMON."

The light fades and Twilight's best monster appeared. "Twilight Sorcerer." (A2100/D2800/L7)

"So I get to see the card I'll be taking." Trixie said.

"No way, Twilight Sorcerer is staying put, I activate his ability and add one random Spellbook to my hand."

"This whole Duel depends on which card she gets." Rarity said nervously.

Twilight's deck slotted out a card. As she looked at it she realised which one it was and smiled, "I activate Spellbook of Fate. By banishing three Spellbooks from my graveyard I can banish one card on your field."

"Wait what?" Trixie said.

"Say goodbye to your Dark Seal Magician." A wormhole opened up below the Spellcaster sucking him in. "And since I have a Spellbook in my graveyard Twilight Sorcerer gets a power boost." (A2200/D2800/L7) "Attack." Twilight Sorcerer let out a burst of magical energy which struck Trixie knocking her back.

Twilight: 100 (Winner)
Trixie: 0

"SHE DID IT!" They all cheered.

Twilight moved over to Trixie as she got up. "I won, so now you need to return the cards you took."

Trixie sighed and went into her hoodie, only to smile as she pulled something out that wasn't the cards. "Think again!" She threw whatever it was on the ground, revealing it as a smoke bomb which covered them both.

Twilight tried to grab her but instead she felt herself be pushed and went flying backward.

Her friends ran over to them only to hear a splash and looked towards the river, only to find Twilight laying in the water. Luckily she had managed to keep her Duel Disk and cards dry, but the rest of her wasn't so lucky.

"You okay?" Rainbow asked.

"Yeah," Twilight said, "but where's Trixie?"

"Gone." Flash said looking around. "She made a break for it with those Smoke Bombs."

Twilight sighed hearing this.

After fishing her out of the river, the eight of them walked down the street. Twilight was shivering from the water.

"Once we get you home we'll get a nice hot shower running for ya'h." Applejack told her.

"Thanks AJ." Twilight replied smiling, but suddenly a crash of thunder above them ruined their high spirits.

"Oh that's really great timing." Rainbow said sarcastically.

"Twilight could catch pneumonia." Fluttershy said.

"My house is closest." They all turned to Flash who looked awkward saying this. "If we hurry we can get there before the rain starts, Twilight can dry off and you guys can call for a ride."

"Great," Applejack said, "lead the way."

"Gramps," Flash called as he opened the door, "you here?"

"Flash," Grand Hoof said walking over to the door, "what's up?" His question was answered when he saw Twilight and the girls.

"Is it okay if my friend dries off here? She got dunked in the river."

Grand Hoof smiled and nodded.

As they waited for Twilight to finish off, the others looked around Flash's home. It was a simple three bedroom apartment that was simply furnished with pictures adorning the walls. "Homely." Applejack said.

"Thanks." Flash replied.

"Hey Flash," Spike called picking up a photo of two people, "who are these two? The guy looks like you."

"They're my parents." Flash replied. "My dad Trail Blazer and my mom Misty Vail."

"Oh." Spike said.

"So what are they like?" Rarity asked.

"No idea," Flash replied, "I never met them. They disappeared about twenty years ago."

They all looked sad at this, only for that feeling to change to confusion at what he had said. How could they have disappeared twenty years ago? When Flash could be no older than sixteen or seventeen.

Before they could ask, Twilight walked in having dried off and now sporting a pink kitty sweater. "Hey thanks for letting us stay here Flash," Twilight said, "and thank your grandpa for the dry clothes."

"No problem Twilight." Flash replied.

"But I can't help wondering what you’re doing with a girl's sweater." Twilight said.

"Well it's not mine," Flash explained, "it belongs to...my sister."

"Sister?" They all asked, only for the front door to open.

"I'm home." A familiar voice said, making them turn to see Scootaloo had walked in. "Hey," Scootaloo said looking around, "what's going on?"

Author's Notes:

An extra long chapter :pinkiehappy:. So what did you all think of the Duel and what did you all think about the twist ending?

Turn 7, Siblings

The news that Flash and Scootaloo were siblings spread like wild fire. Both of them were quite well known, so the fact that the previous loner of Eleventh Grade was the older brother to one of the coolest kids in Eighth Grade was something people talked about.

It had started when Applejack and Rarity had asked their little sisters Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell, who were best friends to Scootaloo, whether they knew anything about her having a brother. This lead to the two thirteen year olds asking about it to others, which lead to them asking around and before you knew it everyone knew about Flash and Scootaloo, who were the number one topic by Monday.

"Do you think we might have goofed?" Apple Bloom asked. Hearing everyone gossip about the siblings wasn't what they had intended.

"I'm sure it'll blow over." Sweetie Bell replied. They, their sisters, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were walking around the school courtyard listening to the rumours about the siblings.

"I don't know," Rarity told her sister, "this is pretty big news."

"Hey," they all turned to see Twilight and Scootaloo walking up to them.

"Hey," they all replied before Rarity asked, "so where's Flash?" She was looking at Scootaloo.

"He was already gone by the time I woke up."

"Wait," Rainbow Dash said, "don't you two walk to school together?"

"No" Scootaloo said, "all my classes start an hour after his, so he just wakes me up before leaving for school" she explained though she looked a little down. This did not go unnoticed by the others.

When the bell rang, everyone headed to their classes. The girls found Flash at his locker getting his book.

"Hey Flash," Rainbow Dash said marching up to him, "what's the deal with you and Scoot?"

"She's my sister," he replied, "what else is there to it?"

"It's more than that," Rarity said, "how come you never told us about her?"

"You never asked." he replied.

"Than how come we've never seen the two of you together before?" Applejack asked.

"Because we're never together outside our house." Flash replied.

"So you just ignore her?" Rainbow said.

"Pretty much." Flash said before he closed his locker and headed off to his next class.

"I can't believe that guy." Rainbow said.

"There has to be more to this," Twilight said, "we know Flash."

"To be fair we ain't known him that long." Applejack said.

"We know he's not the kind of guy to purposely hurt someone, especially his sister." Twilight replied.

"We need to find a way for the two other them to be together in one place," Rarity said, "than we can see what the problem is and try and fix it."

"Should we really be butting into Flash and Scootaloo's personal lives?" Fluttershy asked.

"Flash is our friend," Rainbow assured her, "and so is Scootaloo. Helping them sort out their problems is what friends do."

"And you don't mind possibly losing your biggest fan to her brother?" Applejack asked.

"Let's not get to ahead of ourselves." Rainbow said.

"But the question is," Rarity said, "how do we get the two together? We need something fun and easy to do together."

"I know," Pinkie said waving her arms around, "how about a carnival."

"Oh yeah," Rainbow said, "isn't there supposed to be one this weekend?"

"That's perfect," Rarity said, "no one can remain grumpy at a carnival. We go, put the two on a few rides, get them to play a though games and wallah."

"Good idea," Twilight said, "I'll get Flash to go."

"And I'll get Apple Bloom to invite Scootaloo." Applejack said.

"Then it's decided." Rarity cheered followed by the rest of the girls.

For the rest of that week the girls worked on their plan to get Flash and Scootaloo to do a little sibling bonding. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell were all for helping, especially if it involved going to a carnival, and promised to invite Scootaloo to the event.

Flash had been harder to persuade. "What is it again?" He asked when Twilight told him about it.

"A carnival," Twilight said, "haven't you ever been to one?"

"No." Flash just said.

"Well that changes this weekend." Twilight said.

"I don't know." Flash replied.

"Please." Twilight asked using her best puppy dog expression, something she had never tried before, until he finally gave in.

"Fine," Flash lamented, "just promise to never use that again."

"We'll see." Twilight said before skipping away.

That Saturday Flash found himself on the train with Twilight and Spike heading to the area the carnival was being held, totally unaware that his sister and her friends were in the next car. Applejack and Rarity were with them as they looked over everything taking place in the carnival.

"So if we get them on the ghost train we might be able to get a scared kid response from Scootaloo." Rarity explained.

"I don't see her as the kind of kid that gets scared." Applejack replied.

"Oh she'll be scared," Rarity said, "I'll make sure of it."

"You’re taking a lot of interest in getting these two closer," Applejack said, "any particulars why?"

"It's just," Rarity seemed to struggle with the words, "I think about how close me and my sister are now. But it wasn't always this way."

"I remember," Applejack said, "you never got along."

"Until you showed me what being a sister really meant," Rarity said, "I just want to show the same support you showed me."

"And I know Flash and Scootaloo will appreciate it." Applejack said.

"This is awesome!" Spike almost yelled looking around the carnival. It was like an amusement park, with more rides then they could count, loads of games and vending booths selling an assortment of snacks.

"It is impressive." Flash said.

"So what do we go on first?" Spike asked.

"Just hold on," Twilight said, "we need to wait for the others to arrive."

"Others?" Flash asked, "This is the first I'm hearing of this."

"Did I forget to mention that?" Twilight replied feigning ignorance.

"Howdy partners." they all turned to see Applejack, Rarity, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell and...Flash's eyes widened seeing his sister coming up, Scootaloo doing the same.

"What is she/he doing here?" the siblings said pointing at each other.

Flash turned to Twilight not looking happy. "What?" she said, "Not my fault Applejack and Rarity brought their little sisters. And it's not my fault they asked Scootaloo here."

"You guys set me up." Flash said.

"Don't be so dramatic." they turned to see Rainbow, Pinkie and Fluttershy had also arrived.

"HEY!" Pinkie screamed. "Ready for fun?"

"We sure are." Applejack replied.

"Then let's go." Rarity said. leading them into the park.

Over the next few hours they had tones of fun. They went on several rides, played several fun games and enjoyed scarfing down anything the vendors sold. "These are great." Spike said as he munched on another hotdog.

"Try the cotton candy." Sweetie Bell said offering it to him. He ripped off a chunk and tossed it in his mouth.

"Nice." Spike said.

"This is going pretty well don't you think." Twilight said before snacking on her burger.

"Not exactly." Rarity said looking over at the whole reason they had even come in the first place. Flash was sitting on a bench eating a hotdog while Scootaloo ate hers three benches away. "They haven't spoken two words to each other."

"This is going to be harder than we thought." Twilight said.

"I might have an idea," Fluttershy said quietly, "maybe if Flash did something nice for her. Scootaloo will want to spend more time with him."

"It's a shot." Rarity said.

They headed to the games area and found a ring toss game where Twilight saw Scootaloo eye up a stuffed lion. "Hey Flash," she caught his attention, "why don't you try winning that lion for her." She pointed at the game.

Flash would have objected, but he saw Twilight was about to use the puppy eyes again, and stepped over to the booth and bought three rings. Taking them in his hands he quickly threw them with barely a glance, only for one to land not only on the lion's podium but one also landed on the podiums for a stuffed cat and dog.

"We have a winner!" The game manager yelled taking the toys down and handing them to Flash.

As he turned around Flash saw Twilight and the others all standing slack jawed. "How?" was all Twilight could say.

Flash moved over to Scootaloo, the only one not shocked, and her friends and handed them the stuffed toys. "Here." He gave Sweetie Bell the cat and Apple Bloom the dog.

"Er, thanks." The girls said.

"Don't mention it," Flash said as he turned to his sister and held out the lion she had been eyeing, "here."

Scootaloo didn't look up at him as she took the toy, "Whatever." She said.

"How about a ‘thanks’." Flash said.

"Maybe if you hadn't had to be blackmailed into doing it." she replied her voice raising.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I know you don't want to be around me." Scootaloo said.

Rarity chose this moment to intervene, "Why don't we calm down and go find another ride to go on?"

"I'm not going anywhere with him." Scootaloo said.

"That's fine with me." Flash replied.



"FINE!" They both yelled before turning around and stomping off in opposite directions.

"Wait!" Rarity called out trying to stop them. "This isn't what was supposed to happen."

"Things are worse than we thought between those two." Twilight said.

"We need to find out what it is." Applejack said.

They found Scootaloo sitting on a bench near a pond tossing stones into the water.

"You okay kiddo?" Rainbow asked sitting next to her.

"I'm fine," Scootaloo said though they could hear she was upset, "it's the jerk who has the problem."

"You don't mean that," Twilight said "I'm sure whatever's going on between you two, we can fix."

"I don't want things fixed." Scootaloo almost yelled throwing a massive stone in the water, before she let out a sigh. "I want them back as they were before."

Everyone wondered what she meant but then she continued. "A long time ago me and my brother were as close as you guys and your siblings."


Me and Flash grew up in another city far away. In that city Duelling was just as popular as it was here, and if you were the best at Duelling than you had an easy life. But for the likes of me and Flash, life was hard.

"Attack." A ten year old Flash slammed into the ground as his life points hit zero. "Man what a loser," his opponent said laughing along with the rest of his friends, "let's get out of here." And they left.

"Flash," a six year old Scootaloo called rushing over to her brother, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine Scoots," Flash replied getting up, "I lost again but next time I'll show them."


"Even when he lost Flash never gave up," Scootaloo explained, "and when Gramps told us we were moving here I was so excited. I thought we'd get to make new friends and enjoy Duelling...until."


"Flash." Scootaloo called seeing her brother about to leave the apartment, the day after they had moved in. "Where you going?"

"Nowhere." Flash said not stopping or turning around.

"Can I come?"

"NO!" Flash yelled making her flinch. "Let's get one thing straight. Outside this apartment you don't know me, you don't talk to me, you don't even acknowledge I exist, okay. As far as you know, you don't have a brother." And with that he walked out the apartment, leaving a crying Scootaloo behind.


"That's so sad," Fluttershy said almost crying, "why would Flash say such mean things?"

"I don't know," Rarity said, "but I intend to find out.”

Flash was laying on the bank of a riverside, watching the boats float by. Suddenly he found himself in shade, forcing him to look up and see a not very happy Rarity. "What now?" He asked.

"You and I are going to Duel." Rarity said seriously.

The others found Flash and Rarity about to face off in an empty spot of the park.

As Flash attached his Duel Disk he wondered what she expected to learn from Duelling him, only for a memory to suddenly strike him.


"In the heat of battle, a Duellist's true character is revealed," Cold said "and depending on your actions, your insecurities become crystal clear to your opponent."


So that was it. She was trying to learn something about him while Duelling, well it wouldn't work. He'd just beat her before she could figure something out.

"Hope your ready Flash." Rarity said attaching a white Duel Disk to her arm as a purple blade formed.

"Bring it on." Flash replied activating his Duel Disk.


Flash: 4000
Rarity: 4000

"I'll take the first move," Flash drew, "I summon Magna Fighter Radium in ATK mode." The woman in steampunk appeared readying her bazooka. (A1600/D1400/L4) "I place one card face down and end my turn."

"My draw," Rarity drew her card while looking at her hand and smiling, "I'll set a monster face down." A card appeared at her feet. "Now I'll play the Spell card, Gem Mining, which will flip my face down monster face up."

"Why would she play a monster face down only to flip it up?" Flash asked.

"Say hello to my Gem-Turtle." Rarity said as a brown turtle with a shell made of an emerald appeared. "When Gem-Turtle is flipped face up, I can add a special Spell card to my hand." A card slotted out of her deck. "And now I'll activate that Spell card...Gem-Knight Fusion."

"A Fusion Summon," Flash realised as his eyes went wide.

"That’s right," Rarity said, "so now I'll fuse Gem-Knight Garnet with Gem-Knight Tourmaline together." A knight in red flame patterned armour appeared, alongside a knight wearing yellow lightning armour before being sucked into a portal above Rarity. "The brilliant warrior in armour of flames and the stone warrior in armour of lightning, come together as one" and portal exploded in light. "I FUSION SUMMON!"

Her new monster appeared as a knight in dark red armour, carrying a sickle like axe with a purple cape. "Gem-Knight Ruby." (A2500/D1300/L6)

"So Pinkie's not the only one of you who can Fusion Summon." Flash said looking up at her monster.

"Oh course," Rarity told him, "Fusion Summoning is like putting together an outfit. You take the separate pieces and combined them in just the right way, in order to create something fabulous."

"Okay," Flash said completely clueless, "I'm just going to pretend I understood any of that. Are you done?"

"Far from it," Rarity said, "I now attack your Radium with Gem-Knight Ruby." The knight raised his weapon and swung it at the steampunk, only for her to shatter as if made of class revealing another Radium behind her.

"Sorry Rare," Flash said, "but my Reflection Guard saves my monster from destruction."

"Maybe," she replied "but you'll still take the damage."

Flash: 3100
Rarity: 4000

"And with this face down I'll end." Rarity finished.

Meanwhile the others were watching with great interest. "Go Rarity!" Sweetie Bell cheered her sister on.

Scootaloo was watching her brother closely. Something seemed different about him now that he was Duelling. "You okay Scootaloo?" She looked up at Twilight, "You seem a little confused."

"It's just that… well," Scootaloo couldn't find the words.

"This is the first time you've watched your brother Duel in a while isn't it?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah it is," Scootaloo replied, "though by the looks of it he hasn't improved much since we were kids."

"I wouldn't say that," Twilight told her, "keep watching. You might be pleasantly surprised."

This confused Scootaloo as she turned back to the Duel.

"My turn," Flash drew his card, "and I summon Magna Fighter Lucidum in ATK mode.” The steampunk knight appeared. (A1000/D1000/L3/P2)

"Why would Flash summon a monster with such low ATK points?" Apple Bloom asked.

"You should know that it doesn't matter how strong the monster," Applejack told her sister, "it's how you use it that matters."

"First I'll activate the effect of Magna Fighter Radium," Flash said, "by tributing herself she grants any monster on my field Piercing Damage for this turn." Radium looked through the lens of her bazooka, before jumping over to Lucidum and whispering something in his ear as she dissolved. "Next I'll use Lucidum's own ability on himself, allowing him to attack every monster that was special summoned. And now I attack Gem-Turtle."

"But it's still not strong enough." Sweetie Bell said.

"Unless he uses a card effect." Rainbow said.

"I activate Reverse Polarity," Flash placed a Spell card in his Duel Disk, "this card activates when a monster on my field battles while you have a stronger monster out. Now I can increase my monsters ATK points by the difference between his and Ruby's attack." (A2500/D1000/L3/P2) "Meanwhile your Ruby's points get reduced by the same amount." (A1000/D1300/L6)

"He basically swapped their ATK points." Pinkie said in amazement.

"Now Lucidum destroy Gem-Turtle," Flash ordered. Lucidum leaped at the reptile, raising his circular blades, and swiped it cutting it in half.

Flash: 3100
Rarity: 3500

"And don't forget Lucidum can attack any special summoned monster, which includes Gem-Knight Ruby" the armoured knight threw his weapon at his opponent. Ruby tried to put up his axe in defence but it did nothing, as the blade struck him causing an explosion while the blade spun back to its owner.

"How's that?" Flash said smiling. But as the smoke cleared he was horrified to see Gem-Knight Ruby was still on the field.

Flash: 3100
Rarity: 3000

"How?" Flash asked.

"My Gem-Knight Polish," Rarity explained gesturing to her Trap, "I activated it just before your attack hit. It prevented his destruction and granted him one thousand extra points for this turn."

"Rats," Flash said, before placing a card face down and ending his turn.

"My turn," Rarity drew her card, "and I'll attack Lucidum with Ruby." The knight leaped at Flash's monster and swung his axe at him cutting Lucidum in half and sending Flash flying onto his back.

Flash: 1600
Rarity: 3000

"That had to hurt," Apple Bloom said, seeing the boy getting thrown back.

Scootaloo was also worried, "Flash is going to lose."

"Don't say that." Twilight said.

"It's true." the young girl replied. This did not go unnoticed by the Duellists.

"You hear that Flash," Rarity said, "your own sister doesn't believe you can win, and who could blame her?" she said as she watched Flash get to his feet. "After being abandoned like what you did to her, it would be a miracle if she did believe you had a chance."

"Shut up." Flash said in a near whisper.

"I'm just saying what we're all thinking," Rarity replied, "just because you don't care about your sister it doesn't give you the right to cut her out of your life."

"OF COURSE I CARE ABOUT HER!" Flash yelled, "THAT'S WHY I HAD TO STAY AWAY FROM HER!" He slapped his hands over his mouth after realising what he had said.

Everyone was silent after hearing Flash's declaration.

"I don't get it," Rainbow said, "if you care about her why would you not want to be around her."

Flash sighed knowing he would have to come clean. "I don't know how much about our past Scootaloo told you, but I'm positive it isn't the full story."


Scootaloo and I lived in a city where Duelling wasn't about having fun, it was about survival. If you won you got by pretty easily, but if you lost you were at the bottom of the barrel...like me.

"You lost again," Flash's opponent said after beating him, "now give it up."

"Okay," Flash said taking a card from his deck and handing it over

"Man what a loser," his opponent said laughing along with the rest of his friends, "let's get out of here." And they left.

If you lost you'd be forced to give up your best cards or else. I knew if I didn't they'd go after Scootaloo, so I gave in.

"Flash," he turned to see a six year old Scootaloo rushing over to him, "are you okay?"

I didn't want Scootaloo to see me like that, so I'd always put on a happy face.

"I'm fine Scoots," he replied getting up, "I lost again but next time I'll show them."

But I never did. Things stayed like that until one day when Gramps told us we were moving. I was so happy, a new life in a new place away from the bullies, where I could enjoy Duelling...but then a thought occurred to me. What if this new place was like the old one? What if I'd be just as much as a loser here as there? And what if people start picking on Scootaloo because of me? I realised there was only one way to keep her safe

Flash went to leave the apartment they had just moved into, when he heard. "Flash," Scootaloo called "where you going?"

"Nowhere." Flash said not wanting her to follow.

"Can I come?"

"NO!" Flash yelled before he could think, he didn't want his sister to be known as the loser’s little sister...so. "Let's get one thing straight. Outside this apartment you don't know me, you don't talk to me, you don't even acknowledge I exist, okay. As far as you know, you don't have a brother." And with that he walked out the apartment, when closing the door he broke out in tears. "I'm sorry Scoots, but it's for the best."


"Making sure no one knew we were related was the only way to make sure Scootaloo was safe from being bullied," Flash said, "I wasn't proud of it but it worked."

"So all this time you've been looking out for her." Rarity realised.

"At first I kept us at a distance, but made sure she was okay. If anything happened I would have stepped in, but nothing did, so I decided to keep it that way."

Scootaloo couldn't believe what she was hearing. He had been protecting her all this time and she didn't even know it.

"So that's it," Rarity said, "I must say I wasn't expecting that. But Flash, just look around, things aren’t the same as they were. You need to let go of the past, and look towards the future...a future where you and your sister are together like before."

"But what if it's too late?" Flash asked.

"It's never too late with family," Rarity said, "and you can start right here. Your sister is watching, so show her something she's never seen, and win this Duel."

Flash looked over at his sister, who had new light in her eyes. "Hey Flash," she called, "win this."

Flash couldn't help breaking out in a smile as he nodded. "Okay," he said, "let's do this. I activate the Trap Starburst Draw. I can activate this card when a monster with fifteen hundred ATK or less is destroyed, allowing me to draw one card for each of his level stars. Lucidum was level three so that's three cards for me." He drew his cards and smiled seeing what they were.

"I'll place one card face down and end my turn." Rarity said.

"Then it's my draw." Flash said. "Hey Scoots," he called getting his sisters attention, "watch closely as I set the Pendulum Scale with scale one Magna Caster Lunara and scale eight Magna Caster Solaris." He set his cards as the pillars of light appeared and the magicians took their places, "I can now summon monsters levelled two through seven all at the same time. Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory." The portal opened above him. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and three lights shot out.

"Slice and dice Magna Fighter Lucidum." (A1000/D1000/L3/P2)

"Howl to the moon Shine Crest Magna Wolf." (A1200/D1100/L3)

"Shine your light of victory, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"WOW!" The three young girls let out seeing this.

"I activate Flash Heart's ability. Gem-Knight Ruby to the bottom of the deck." A wormhole opened up below the knight which he fell through. "Now Magna Wolf's ability raises his ATK by three hundred.” (A1500/D1100/L3) "Now Lucidum will attack." The knight threw his blades at Rarity slashing her through the chest.

Flash: 1600
Rarity: 2000

"Now Magna Wolf." The white wolf pounced at Rarity and also slashed her.

Flash: 1600
Rarity: 500

"One more attack and Flash wins." Scootaloo said.

"And now I…" Flash said, "end my turn with a face down."

"What?" Everyone yelled.

"Why didn't he attack?" Sweetie Bell asked.

"I can't," Flash explained, "on the turn I use Flash Heart Dragon's ability, he can't attack directly."

"I guess sending a card away leaving your opponent defenceless against such a strong monster would be unfair." Twilight said.

"Then it's my draw," Rarity said, "and I activate the Spell card Graceful Charity. I'll draw three cards but must now discard two, and then I'll use this card, Gem Compression. With this I can perform a Fusion Summon using the Gem-Knights in my graveyard, by removing them from play. Now I'll fuse Gem-Knight Garnet with the Gem-Knight Emerald I just sent there, in order to Fusion Summon."

The earth smashed open revealing a powerful light, and from that light came a new Gem-Knight. He was massive, with thick armour and hammer like arms. "Gem-Knight Zirconia." (A2900/D2500/L8)

"Not good," Flash said.

"Now I attack Lucidum with Gem-Knight Zirconia." The new knight raised its hammer arms, and brought them down towards the knight.

"If this hits it's all over." Twilight said.

"I activate my Trap Interception. Now I can have one of my stronger monsters take the hit, Flash Heart." The robotic dragon flew in front of Lucidum and took the attack, getting destroyed.

Flash: 1200
Rarity: 500

"I end my turn." Rarity said.

"Close one," Flash said as he drew his card. "Now my monster will once again carve the arc of victory, so I can Pendulum Summon." The portal opened. "Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

Rarity smiled, despite what was coming next. Flash Heart's ability sent Zirconia back to her deck, and Lucidum attacked her directly.

Flash: 1200 (Winner)
Rarity: 0

"Flash won!" Scootaloo cheered jumping around. "That was awesome?"

"It sure was." Twilight said as she smiled.

Later on, Flash and Scootaloo were at the river bank.

The two sat in silence both trying to figure out what to say to the other. "So," Flash finally said, "this as awkward for you as it is me?"

"Yeap," Scootaloo replied.

"Listen Scootaloo," Flash said, "I'm sorry about how things have been with us over the last few years, but I only did it to-"

"I know," Scootaloo interrupted, "and I forgive you. Just promise it stops now." She placed her head on his shoulder.

Flash smiled and placed his head on hers, "Promise."

The others were looking around for the siblings as they hadn't seen them in a while.

"Anything?" Rainbow asked.

"No," Rarity said.

"Nothing," Applejack said.

Pinkie shuck her head and turned to Fluttershy, "How about you?"

She shuck her head.

"Found them!" Twilight said running up to them.

"Where are they?" Rarity asked. "Were they okay?"

"They were more than okay," Twilight said smiling. She held up her phone showing them a picture, "And no more puppy dog eyes for me."

They all looked at the picture and almost burst out laughing. It showed Flash and Scootaloo asleep on the river bank, Scootaloo curled up in Flash's arms with her new lion in her grasp. The two together looked adorable and no doubt if anyone sees it they wouldn't be coming out ridicule free.

Author's Notes:

Another extra long chapter, maybe the rest will be this long. We get some more info on Flash's past and we also get to see Rarity's deck. Hope you enjoyed.

Turn 8, Shining Armor

"A what?" Flash asked when Twilight showed him the flyer. They were in homeroom waiting for their teacher to arrive.

"Duel Festival," Twilight explained, "it's this weekend. They’re going to have booths open along with snacks and trade stations."

"Sounds fun," Flash said taking the poster and reading it through, but then he read a name that sounded familiar. "Shining Armor," Flash murmured, "I think I've heard that name before."

"You don't know who Shining Armor is?!" Twilight asked sounding offended.

"No wait I know him," Flash told her, "I saw him on the news before. Something about...The Celestic Cup, whatever that is."

"The Celestic Cup is only the biggest event this side of the Country," Twilight explained, "it's held once every three years. And Shining Armor won the last Celestic Cup, becoming its youngest champion and earning the title Duelling Paladin."

"A guy that strong's going to be at this thing?!" Flash asked in surprise.

"Of course," Twilight told him. "Shining Armor loves community events, and even sometimes teaches new players the rules."

"That's pretty awesome." Flash said.

"So you gonna come?" Twilight asked, "The girls and I are running a booth there."

"And you want me to help?" Flash said.

"No we're good," Twilight replied, "I just thought this would be something you'd enjoy. Maybe you and Scootaloo could spend the day there."

Ever since their reconnection he and his sister had been hanging out more to make up for lost time. "Scootaloo actually has plans that day," Flash said, "but I might stop by on my own to look around."

"Great," Twilight said, "if you decide to go look for us at the food section" they couldn't talk anymore as at that moment the teacher walked in.

Over the rest of the week all anyone was talking about was the Duel Festival and the chance to meet THE Shining Armor.

"Do you think he'll be willing to Duel me?" Rainbow asked at lunch, the day before the event.

"He might," Twilight said, "he has a take on all challengers policy."

"Awesome!" Rainbow cheered.

"How do you know so much about this guy anyway?" Flash asked.

"Er, well, er..." Twilight stuttered.

"Oh I get it," Rarity said smiling, "she's a fan girl."

"WHAT?!" Twilight yelled.

"Bet she is," Applejack said, "I bet ya'h room's wall is papered with his posters."

The rest of them laughed seeing her blush. "I only have one poster." she said.

"BUSTED!" They all yelled, laughing harder.

That weekend Flash was in his apartment getting ready.

His deck was scattered out on the table as he scanned it, to think of the multiple combos he could use in a Duel. The only problem was every one he could think of had Flash Heart Dragon as a key component, and as much as he liked that card he couldn't keep relying on it to win. One day he would come across someone who would be able to get around his Pendulum Summon, and when that happened he wanted to be ready.

"What's up?" He looked around and saw Scootaloo standing by him.

"Just trying to see what else my deck can do." Flash explained.

"What else do you need?" Scootaloo asked. "That Pendulum Summon of yours was awesome."

"But it's not enough," Flash said, picking up Flash Heart and his Magna Casters. "I want to get better, but to do that I need more options for my deck."

"Than get more cards," Scootaloo said.

"I thought about that," Flash said, "but I can't just throw random cards into my deck. That could ruin it."

"True," Scootaloo said before turning to the door, "I gotta get going."

"Right," Flash said, "see you later." Flash himself knew he had to leave soon since the festival was set to begin at noon. Picking up his deck and returning them to his Duel Disk, he was out the door on route to the park.

He arrived at the park at ten past twelve, and already the festival was in full swing.

Deciding to head over to the food court to find the girls, he noticed lots of cosplayers along the way who were dressed as monsters like the Dark Magician and Neos.

"COME ONE COME ALL!" An ever familiar voice caught his ear when he arrived, as Pinkie Pie was spinning around twirling a sign. "Come try our amazing Kuriboh Dumplings."

"Hay Pinkie," Flash said getting her attention.

"FLASH!" She cheered seeing him, "You came."

"Yeah I did," he replied, "so where's the stall?"

"Right there silly," Pinkie pointed at a booth were Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy were standing. Rainbow and Applejack were at a grill cooking something while Rarity and Fluttershy were at the front boxing whatever they were making.

"Hey Flash," Rarity said as he and Pinkie approached, "glad you could make it."

"Sure," Flash said looking down at the boxes. "So what are Kuriboh Dumplings?"

"It's Takoyaki," Rarity explained "I wanted to sell the real thing, but these penny pinchers refused."

"Do you know how expensive octopus is?" Applejack said from the grill, "It's just as good with apples."

"Than why haven't we had a single customer?" Rarity said.

"It's still early," they all turned to an unfamiliar voice and saw Twilight had arrived along with a woman with pink skin and pink, yellow and purple hair. She wore a dark green suit and dress skirt, with the only non-formal thing she wore being the trainers on her feet. "I'm sure you'll get more customers soon."

"Hey everyone," Twilight said, "I'd like you all to meet Cadance. She's the one organising this festival."

"Pleasure," Cadance replied.

"Hey," they all said.

"I'm Applejack." Applejack said.

"Rainbow Dash."




"I'm Flash," he waved.

"The Pendulum Duellist," Cadance said in interest, "Twilight's told me all about you."

"Not that much," Twilight said with a slight blush.

"So how do you know each other?" Rarity asked.

"Cadance is an old family friend, and my babysitter back when I was younger," Twilight explained.

"That's right," Cadance said, "I'm also the manager of Shining Armor."

"YOU ARE?!" Everyone but Twilight yelled.

"I know I know," Cadance said, "but it's not that big a deal."

"But you manage one of the best Duellist in the country," Rainbow said.

"I know," Cadance said "but he's still just a normal guy, that's why I married him."

"You're married to Shining Armor?" Rarity asked.

"Yeap," Cadance said, "aren't I a lucky girl?" Before they could continue her cell phone went off, forcing her attention from them. "Hello," she said before sighing, "I'll be right there." She closed her phone and turned back to them. "Sorry to cut this short, but a situation has come up with one of the attractions. I'm needed to fix it."

"That's fine," Twilight said, "we need to get back to work anyway."

"Right," Cadance said before leaving.

"Okay," Twilight said once she was gone, "let's get cooking."

"You guys sure you don't need any help?" Flash asked.

"Ya'd probably just get in the way," Applejack said pointing to the little space remaining, even with Pinkie out advertising. "Go have some fun, enjoy ya first festival."

"Why don't you head over to the main stage?" Twilight told him, "Cadance said Shining Armor are supposed to show up there soon."

"Okay," Flash said, "but call if you need some help."

"Will do." Twilight said.

Flash snacked down on his last Kuriboh Dumpling as he arrived at the main stage, where a bunch of other people were gathered.

He saw Cadance on the stage with a microphone in hand. "Welcome Duellists young and old, professional and amateur alike. I'm proud to welcome you all to the Duel Festival," she said smiling, "through events like this, Duellists can come together and share in the joy of the game we all love." She turned and pointed to the back of the stage, where a spotlight appeared on the curtain showing the silhouette of a man. "And now let me introduce the man, who came all this way to meet you all. He's known as the Duelling Paladin, the winner of the last Celestial Cup...Shining Armor."

The curtain was pulled back to reveal a man with white skin, blue hair and wearing a silver overcoat. As he walked forwards he smiled and waved to the crowd. "Hello," he said once he was at the microphone, "I hope you all have a good time here today and get to meet Duellists you wouldn't usually get to meet. And if anyone here wishes to try their luck against me...then I say bring it on." The crowd cheered at that and the festival was in full swing.

Flash traversed the many booths that were available, seeing what was going on. There were multiple trade stations, where collectors showed off portfolios filled with cards they were willing to trade. T-shirt stands with famous Duel Monsters printed on top, and tons of different games.

After winning an Ancient Gear Golem figurine at a target shoot game, Flash took pictures for people wanting photos with cosplayers and swung by the Duel Table, where little kids were playing sit down matches. "Here we go," he heard a familiar voice and turned to see Shining Armor was about to play against a young boy, he also saw Shining Armor had only three cards in his hand as they started. Flash smiled realising why Shining Armor had a take on all challengers policy. Even though he accepted the Duel, he gave himself a handicap to even the odds.

"Impressive, isn't he?" Flash turned to see Cadance had arrived and stood next to him.

"Yeah I guess," Flash replied, "I just wonder how much work I'd have to do to get as good as him?"

"You don't really need to work hard to improve," Cadance told him, "as long as you enjoy the game than you'll get better with each match you play."

"Yeah I guess," Flash said before turning to her. "I hope everything's going okay," Flash said, "with whatever problem you had to deal with."

"It's nothing," Cadance said, "problems like that are common at events like this. As long as you don't panic it doesn't really cause much trouble."

"That's good," Flash said, "I'd hate for the festival to be ruined."

"No way I'm letting that happen," Cadance told him, it was at that moment that Flash realised they had started walking around again. "Look around you, you think I'd let all these people down?"

"I guess not," Flash replied seeing all the happy faces.

"You see," Cadance said, "even if you’re not a Duellist, you can still connect over the love of the game. It's that love that makes me do what I do."

"But aren't you just Shining Armor's manager?" Flash asked.

"That might be my main job," Cadance said, "but I also get involved with all kinds of Duel related events. I do this in order to help the game flourish."

"How so?"

"Without getting connected to different Duellists," Cadance explained, "the gamers will never get to experience new sensations, new challenges, new memories. I work as hard as I do because if I didn't the game I love might die out."

"Wow," Flash said, "I never thought of it like that."

"We all have our roles to play," Cadance said, "it's just a matter of finding it."

"Well if there's anything I can do to help, just let me know." Flash said.

"Well there is something," Cadance said, "something only you can help me with."

Cadance took Flash to a secluded area of the park.

"So what do you need me for all the way out here?" Flash asked.

"I need you to help with something very important," Cadance said, before spinning around revealing a light pink Dual Disk strapped to her arm.

"You want to Duel me?" Flash asked.

"Of course," Cadance replied, "Twilight's gone on and on about your Pendulum deck and I want to see it for myself. I haven't had a good Duel in ages, so you think you can entertain me."

Flash smiled taking out his Duel Disk and affixing it to his arm, "I can promise you have never seen anything like this before."

"I look forward to it." Cadance said as a light pink energy blade formed.


Flash: 4000
Cadance: 4000

"I'll go first," Cadance said drawing her card, "and I'll start by playing my Crystal Butterfly in ATK mode." A silver butterfly with pink wings made out of crystal appeared in front of her. (A1200/D1000/L3) "When Crystal Butterfly is summoned I can add one random Crystal monster to my hand," Cadance's deck shuffled before it slotted a card out. "I'll end my turn there."

"My turn," Flash said drawing. "I summon Magna Fighter Deck Striker," the teen in steampunk appeared, brandishing his metal gauntlet. (A1300/D500/L3) "Now I attack." Deck Striker launched himself at the insect and true to his name he decked it with his metal fist destroying it.

Flash: 4000
Cadance: 3900

"I'll end my turn," Flash said.

"My turn," Cadance drew her card, "and once again I'll summon Crystal Butterfly in ATK mode." Another butterfly appeared, "And like last time I can randomly add a Crystal monster to my hand." Her deck shuffled out another card, as she looked at it she smiled "I'll now set one card face down and end my turn."

As Flash drew his card he wondered what she was up to. Why summon a monster that she knew he could beat? Unless she was looking for something. "I need to mix up her strategy," Flash said, only to realise his draw had given him just what he needed "I'm setting Magna Fighter Lucidum and Lumino Jaw Dragon into the Pendulum Scale." The two monsters entered the pillars of light that had appeared, a two and five appearing beneath them. "I can now summon monsters levelled three and four all at once," Flash said, "cut through space time and carve the arc of victory." The portal formed above him. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened as a beam of light shot out.

As the light hit the floor it took the form of a robotic bird made entirely out of clockwork. "Take flight Brass-Wing Magna Hawk." (A1400/D800/L4)

"So this is Pendulum Summoning," Cadance said in amazement, "but why would he go to the trouble of summoning a monster that he could easily summon?"

"Because Magna Hawk's ability only activates when he's special summoned," Flash explained, "now I can pick three cards in your hand and return them to the deck." Cadance had five cards, which meant he had a three in five shot of taking the cards she needed. "The middle card and the two end cards," Cadance took those cards and returned them to the deck as it shuffled. "Now you can draw the same number of cards back into you hand," and Cadance did. "Now I'll attack Crystal Butterfly with Deck Striker." Once again Deck Striker launched at the insect, only this time a force field appeared between the two protecting Cadance's monster.

"Sorry Flash," Cadance said, "but my Refraction Guard has nullified your attack." Her face down flipped up revealing a Trap. "By discard a Light Monster I take no damage and my monster is protected."

"I'll throw down a face down and end it there." Flash said.

"My turn," Cadance said, "smart move last turn. You realised I was looking for a particular card and tried to return it, before I could use it," she took a card from her hand and placed it in her Duel Disk. "Too bad for you the cards I needed...are the ones you hadn't picked, for now I activate Crystal Fragment. This spell revives one of my Crystals, but it's ATK and DEF points become zero." Her Crystal Butterfly reappeared alongside it's twin, but it's wings were cracked and even had chunks missing. (A0/D0/L3)

"Why would she summon a monster if it can't attack or defend?" Flash asked.

"Now I summon to the field," Cadance said, "the Tuner Monster Crystal Rosebud." A rose made entirely from pink crystal sprouted out of the ground. (A800/D600/L2)

"A Tuner monster," Flash said as everything made sense, "she's bringing out something big."

"Now," Cadance said, "I tune level two Crystal Rosebud with my two level three Crystal Butterflies." The flower glowed as it shot into the air and transformed into two rings, which the butterflies flew into as they became transparent. "Crystals are seen as little pieces of the earths heart," Cadance said, "and when they shine it feels as if that heart is beating." Her monsters exploded in a burst of light. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

From the light came a new monster. It was a woman with pure pink skin. She wore a pink and white gown with pink crystals sowed into the fabric, and knee high high heeled boots that were also made of pink crystal. Atop her head was a crystal tiara and large pink crystals floated around her. "Crystal Princess." (A2000/D2000/L8)

"Wow," Flash said in awe, "your Synchro Summoning is as good as Twilight's, maybe even better?"

"Why thank you," Cadance replied, "where do you think Twilight got it from?"

"So you taught Twilight how to Duel?"

"I taught her everything she knows," Cadance told him, before smiling a sinister smile, "but not everything I know." She took a card from her hand and placed it in her Duel Disk, "I activate the Continuous Spell Crystal Heartbeat. Now I can banish as many Crystal Monsters is my Graveyard as possible, and for each one I get a Crystal Heart Token. I banish my two Crystal Butterflies, Crystal Rosebud and Crystal Maiden in order to create four Crystal Heart Tokens." On her field four heart shaped crystals appeared beside her Princess. (A0/D0/L1)

"I should really thank you and your Magna Hawk for helping me draw this card," Cadance said, "as thanks I'll send Magna Hawk on a trip...to the Graveyard, Crystal Princess attack Magna Hawk." Crystal Princess raised her hands as the crystals that floated around her came together above her and began to glow, just as the four Crystal Heart Tokens did the same. "A princess draws power from her subjects, and my Princess gains five hundred ATK points for every other Crystal Monster on my field." The glowing changed into an aura that flooded into the crystals, as Crystal Princess let them go flying towards Magna Hawk. (A4000/D2000/L8)

"Not good," Flash said as he activated his Trap card, before his monster was destroyed at the hands of Cadance's knocking him backwards.

Flash: 1400
Cadance: 3900

"I activate Starburst Draw," Flash said getting up. "Since a monster with less than fifteen thousand ATK was destroyed, I get to draw one card for each of his level points" he drew four cards and smiled seeing his best card.

"With this face down I'll end my turn," Cadance said, as her Princess's attack points returned to normal.

"My draw" Flash said doing so, "man it's no wonder Twilight's so good with you teaching her."

"I only taught her the basics of Duelling and Synchro Summoning," Cadance explained, "everything else she figured out herself."

"Well I beat her," Flash said, "and now I'll beat you."

"Well to do that you'll need to defeat my Crystal Princess," Cadance said, "and as long as I have a Crystal monster on my field she can't be targeted for an attack."

"If that's the case," Flash said, "I'll need to get rid of those Tokens." He looked at the card he drew and smiled realising it was just what he needed. "Once again my Pendulum monsters will carve the arc of victory, allowing me to summon multiple level three and four monsters." The portal formed again, "I PENDULUM SUMMON."

The portal opened and two beams of light shot out.

"Howl to moon Shine Crest Magna Wolf." (A1200/D1100/L3)

The second beam became a new Pendulum Monster. It was a large red fox with nine tails, yellow armour on its legs and tail tips. "Get to work Glow Craft Magna Fox." (A1600/D1300/L4/P7)

"Impressive," Cadance said, "but unless you can Xyz Summon those monsters won't be much use to you."

"No, I can't Xyz Summon," Flash said, "but I can summon the regular way. I sacrifice Magna Wolf and Deck Striker, to summon," his monsters disappeared replaced with a robotic humanoid. "Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"So this is the famous Flash Heart Dragon." Cadance said.

"Lucidum's Pendulum ability will raise his attack power by five hundred. (A3000/D2000/L7/P4)

"I now attack your Crystal Heart Token with Flash Heart," the dragons' boosters kicked in and launched him at the heart, as he smashed it to pieces. "Now I activate the effect of Glow Craft Magna Fox, which allows a single monster to attack multiple monsters while increasing its ATK by two hundred."

Magna Fox's tail tips glowed, before shooting off spheres of light that spun around forming into a glowing ring. Flash Heart leaped through the ring as his power increased. (A3200/D2000/L7/P4)

Cadance realised what that meant, as Flash Heart destroyed the second Heart Token. (A3400/D2000/L7/P4)

Than he jumped through the ring again and attack the third. (A3600/D2000/L7/P4)

Then the fourth. (A3800/D2000/L7/P4)

"And now I attack Crystal Princess" Flash ordered, as his dragon flew towards the Princess.

Cadance smiled at the skill he used, but that didn't mean she would lose. But as she went to activate her face down.


The monsters stopped as Cadance pulled out her phone. "Hello," she said answering it, "what...how did that happen? Fine I'll be right there." she hung up and then pulled her deck out of her Disk, causing it to deactivate and the monsters to disappear. "I'm sorry Flash," Cadance said, "I thought we'd have more time but...something's come up."

"It's fine," Flash said, "too bad we have to cut the Duel short."

"Indeed," Cadance said.

Later on, when the festival was winding down, Flash was helping the girls pack up.

"Despite the slow start," Applejack said, "this was a really great day."

Everyone agreed as they finished packing up the last box, only to hear. "I'm glad to hear that," they turned to see Cadance walking up to them. "Having fun was my goal for this entire event."

"And you did marvellously." They all turned and gasped seeing who had arrived.

"It's Shining Armor." Rarity called in glee.

"Hey there," he said with a wave.

"You looked like you were having fun today," Cadance said.

"Can you blame me?" he replied, before turning to see Flash and smiling. "You must be Flash Sentry." He stepped over to him.

"You've heard of me?" Flash asked.

"Of course," Shining said, "your Pendulum cards are the talk of the town. Plus, my little sister's been talking about you nonstop since you Duelled her."

"Duelled her?" Flash thought back on the girls he had Duelled, and suddenly realised only one fit the bill. Spinning around he looked at Twilight and called out, "YOUR HIS SISTER!"

Twilight blushed hearing this and nodded, "Surprise."

"No way," Rainbow Dash said, "why didn't you tell us?"

"If people found out I was a pro Duellist's sister, they'd start treating me differently."

"We wouldn't do that Sugarcub." Applejack said.

"I know," Twilight replied, "but if it got out somehow...I just thought it would be better this way. Until someone blabbed." She shot her brother a sour look.

"My bad," Shining said before turning back to Flash, "so what you say to a Duel kid? I'd love to see your Pendulum Summoning in action." At the sight of Flash's unsure face, he went on, "if you're worried about being overpowered I can start with a three card handicap."

"That's a good offer," Rainbow told him, "go for it man."

Flash thought for a moment and then said, "Thanks but no thanks, I'd rather we play on even ground." This shocked everyone. "Here's my deal, I'll challenge you but only when I'm ready to face you as an equal. Until then you'll just have to wait I guess." He held out his hand.

Shining smiled and took the hand to shake. "Now that sounds like a Duel I can look forward to."

Later on when Shining Armor and Cadance were giving Twilight a lift home in their car. Cadance wouldn't stop talking about Flash.

"You were right about him," she said back to her, "his skills are quite impressive. I find it hard to believe he only started a few weeks ago."

"He might be good," Shining said, "but he won't stand a chance against me."

"Don't underestimate him Shinning." Twilight said.

"Ignore him Twilly," Cadance said, "he's just annoyed because I got to face the Pendulum Duellist and he didn't."

"This has nothing to do with that," Shining argued, "it's just he has a long way to go before he can be my equal."

"Alright than," Cadance said, "how about a bet? If he beats you when you Duel, then you can't go into overprotective big brother mode when he and Twilight start dating."

"WHAT!?" The other two occupants of the car screamed.

"I saw the way you were looking at him Twilly." Cadance said smugly.

This lead to a very interesting argument for the remainder of the journey.

Author's Notes:

FOOLED YA :rainbowderp:. You all thought Flash would be facing Shinning Armor didn't you? What do you think about Cadance's deck?

Next chapter a character will face off against an old rival from the show.

Turn 9, The Phantom Disguise

It was a dark night in an area of the city that almost no one went to, but tonight someone was there. A young man watched in horror as his monster was destroyed and his life points reduced to zero, while his opponent laughed. Said opponent was a figure in dark clothing, wearing a black hooded cape with lighting bolts on the trim. His face was covered by a theatre mask with stars and a lightning bolt painted on.

"No" he said before he saw his opponent begin to walk up to him.

"I win" the figure said, his voice distorted so it sounded robotic, "hand it over just like we agreed. Your identity."

The boy sighed as he took out a card and held it out for the figure to take. As the figure took the card he began to laugh once again, louder than before and almost psychotic.

"Did you hear" Scootaloo said to her friends the next day, "the Phantom struck again last night."

"Your kidding right?" Applebloom replied.

"I thought he was just a myth" Sweetie Bell said.

"No way, he's real" Scootaloo said before putting on a creepy impersonation of the Phantom. "I'm going to steal your identity."

"knock it off" Sweetie Bell said obviously freaked out.

"What's this about a phantom?" the girls looked around to see Rainbow Dash.

"Oh hay Rainbow Dash" Scootaloo said, "how could you not have heard of the Phantom? He's this freaky masked Duellist who goes around at night time, challenging others to Duels."

"They say he's so scary that he can literally paralyse the monsters he Duels against" Applebloom said.

"And if you lose to him, than he makes you hand over your best card" Sweetie Bell finished. "Or as he likes to call it, your identity."

"Sounds like something that Trixie girl would try and pull off" Rainbow said, "why do people do this sort of thing? Duelling is suppose to be about having fun."

Later on Rainbow was walking home when a very familiar voice caught her attention.

"Rainbow Dash" she spun around and her eyes went wide seeing who it was.

"Lightning Dust" she said to the girl with light blue skin and orange and yellow hair.

"I thought it was you" Lightning said, "been to long."

The two had found a bench to sit on and began to catch up.

"So how have you been?" Lightning asked, "I haven't seen you since Soccer Camp."

"I've been good" Rainbow replied, "but what about you? Still the fasted thing on two feet."

"You know it" she replied, "once I get the ball nothing gets in my way."

"I seem to remember I got in your way quite a though times" Rainbow replied.

"That was then" Lightning said, "you should try me now."

"Is that a challenge?" Rainbow asked.

"You know it."

They soon found themselves a pitch and a ball and prepared to play. The ball sat in the centre of the field with the two an equal distance away, with the objective being to run to it and score a goal before the other.

"Ready?" Lightning asked.

"Set" Rainbow replied.

"GO" they both shot towards the ball, but Lightning got there a fraction of a second sooner and began dribbling it. Rainbow attempted to intercept but Lightning did something truly unexpected. She kicked the ball causing it to fly through Rainbow's legs, as Lightning did a side step before zooming forward under her arm.

All that happened in a fraction of a second. To Rainbow it was as if Lightning had walked straight through her at blinding speed, Lightning shot the ball at the goal and scored.

"Looks like you've improved your game since our last spare" Rainbow said, as they cleaned themselves up at a public sink.

"You to" Lightning said "just not as much as me".

"It's almost as if you were a ghost" Rainbow said.

"Just lots of practice" Lightning said.

"You may be better at Soccer then me" Rainbow said, "but there's one game I know I can beat you at."

"You talking about Duelling" Lightning said, "I'd probably wipe you at that to."

"Why don't we find out?" Rainbow said.

"As much as I'd like to," Lightning said, "I don't have my deck with me. Besides I've got other places to be, so I gotta get going."

"Alright" Rainbow said before watching her friend leave.

It was getting late as Rainbow made her way home she got a phone call.

"Oh" she said looking at who was calling, "it's Scootaloo" she answered. "Hey, what's up."

"Hey Rainbow" the teen heard, "I just got word on a blog that the Phantom's just struck again in our neighbourhood."

"What?" Rainbow said in surprise.

"I got the address of where he was last seen."

Rainbow frowned hearing this. "Where?"

Rainbow arrived at the area Scootaloo had told her, but so far nothing seemed out of the ordinary...until.

A loud cry was heard. Kicking into gear Rainbow rushed towards the sound of the voice, arriving in a damp and dark alleyway. "Hello" she called out, but nothing called back. Running down the alley and around the corner Rainbow froze at what she saw.

A figure in dark clothing with a lightning bolt stitched black cape and theatre mask, was stood not to far off. At his feet stood a beaten and unconscious Duellist.

"Hey" Rainbow called out running towards the figure, catching his attention.

The figure quickly took off down the alley with Rainbow in hot pursuit. They rushed around down several routes until they came to a dead end, as the Phantom found himself trapped.

"End of the line" Rainbow said.

The Phantom spun around to faced off against Rainbow.

"Just come quietly" Rainbow told her.

"I don't think so" the Phantom said, before rushing towards Rainbow and suddenly he was gone.

"What the?" Rainbow asked.

"I'm right here" she spun around and saw the Phantom had somehow gotten passed her, and than ran back down the alley.

"STOP" she yelled chasing after him, and he did. He stood at the end of the alley right where it opened out to the main street. This was Rainbow's chance, as she reached out for him the Phantom spun around and threw his cape at her. Instincts taking over Rainbow stopped and covered her face to protect from attack, but none came. Opening her eyes Rainbow found the Phantom nowhere in sight.

She rushed out into the street, but saw no one that even looked like the Phantom. "How did?" was all she could ask.

"WHAT" Scootaloo said the next day, "you let the Phantom get away"

"Sorry" Rainbow said the next day. She and the others were all at the park going over the situation, "I tried to the remove his mask but he was to quick."

"This is serious" Twilight said, "we need to find this Phantom guy and stop him."

"Agreed" Flash said before turning to the youngest of the group, "but you three are going home."

"WHAT" the three screamed, "You can't do that." Scootaloo said.

"I agree with him" Rarity said.

"Same ear" Applejack continued, "our house is closest so you can go there."

"That's not fair" Scootaloo said.

"That's final" Flash said.

The three looked unhappy at this but followed the order and left. "The rest of us should split up and call if you find anything" Flash finished.

The seven of them scowled the city for any sign of the Phantom.

Pinkie and Fluttershy searched the parks, why Applejack and Rarity were asking around for info at the mall. Flash and Twilight were searching each of the sights the Phantom had appeared at for clues. "Anything?" Twilight asked looking around.

"Nothing out of the ordinary" Flash replied opening a trash can to see if there was anything inside, but it was empty.

"So let's look over what we know" Twilight said. "The Phantom appears out of nowhere, challenges and Duels unsuspecting opponents and than vanishes back into thin air."

"He also manages to snag the opponents best card" Flash said, "we need to find this guy before he hits closer to home." Before Twilight could reply they were interrupted by the sound of a high pitched buzzing, which Flash instantly recognised making his eyes go wide.

"What is that?" Twilight asked as she watched him take out his phone.

"That's Scootaloo's distress signal."

"WHAT?" Twilight almost yelled hearing that, "why does she have a distress signal?"

"My Gramps might seem like a pretty laid back guy" Flash replied, "but he takes safety real seriously. So he had me and Scootaloo have danger apps in our phones, so that if we were in trouble we just press it and it sends the signal to me and Gramps."

"So she might be in trouble" Twilight said, "then we need to find her."

"The app also has GPS" Flash explained looking it up "Galloping Avenue."

"That's between the park and Applejack's" Twilight explained.

"Let's go" Flash said rushing.

Meanwhile Rainbow was searching around the alley from the previous night. She still couldn't believe how the Phantom had managed to get passed her last night. "It's almost as if he was a....ghost" before she could process that thought, her phone went off signalling a text. Reading it quickly her eyes went wide seeing what Twilight had sent her, and rushed off down the street.

"AAARRRR" the three girls screamed as their monsters where destroyed, and they were all sent flying. Applebloom, Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo had been on their way to Applebloom's house when they had run into the very being none of them wanted to meet.

"I win" the Phantom said walking up to them, "and now your identities are mine."

"We didn't...agree to that" Scootaloo said, trying to get back up.

"You have no choice" the Phantom said before, faster than they could blink, he moved up to them and grabbed their best cards before moving back to a safe distance. "Thanks for the Wild Rush Raptor, Floral Melodious Saint and Maiden of Great Bloom."

"NO" they all yelled.

"SCOOT" they all turned to see Flash and his friends rushing towards them.



The three siblings raced to the young girls and helped them up. "Are you okay?" Flash asked but his heart broke seeing her about to cry.

"I'm sorry" Scootaloo whimpered, "we couldn't stop her."

Flash carefully handed his sister to Twilight before turning to the Phantom. "Give my sister and her friends back their cards."

"Or what" the Phantom said, he soon got his answer as Flash rushed forwards to grab him. The Phantom quickly moved out of reach before leaping onto a nearby trashcan and up onto a fire escape of the building.

"You won't get away" Flash said following the Phantom's route, leaping onto trashcan and then the fire escape.

"Well well aren't we nimble" the Phantom said.

"Just give it up" Flash said.

"Never" the Phantom as he leaped over the fire escape and back onto the ground, before rushing away. With Flash trying to make his way down the Phantom would have gotten away, had it not been for her.

Rainbow had arrived and now blocked the Phantom's last exit. "Oh it's you" he said, "we played tag last night."

"That's enough Lightning" Rainbow said, her statement shocking the Phantom.

"Er who?"

"Don't play games" Rainbow said, "I know it's you."

The Phantom stood still for a moment before he chuckled "well well" he than went up and removed his mask and hood, revealing Lightning "this is a surprise. What tipped you off?"

"That move you pulled last night" Rainbow said, "you used it on me when we played."

"I should have known using that move on you twice was a bad idea" Lightning said.

"That was your first mistake" Rainbow said, "the second was hunting my friends little sisters" Rainbow pulled out her Duel Disk and threw it on her arm. "Duel me, and if I win you return every card you stole."

"Fine" Lightning said taking out a light blue Duel Disk, "but when I win you hand over your best card."

"That won't happen" Rainbow said.


Rainbow: 4000
Lightning: 4000

"Good luck" Scootaloo said as she and her friends watched in worry.

"I'll take the first move" Rainbow said as she drew, "I summon Rainbow Wing Red Kestrel in ATK mode" her red bird appeared beside her. (A1500/D1200/L4) "now I can summon another Rainbow Wing to the field, descend Rainbow Wing Green Hawk" a green hawk appeared hovering next to Red Kestrel. (A1400/D800/L3) "his level also increase by one for this turn." (A1400/D800/L4)

"Here it comes" Pinkie said.

"I now use level four Rainbow Wing Red Kestrel and Green Hawk to build the Overlay Network" her two monsters glowed before shooting into the ground, as a black hole appeared. "When birds of a feather flock together an awesome power is unleashed." The black hole exploded in a burst of light. "I XYZ SUMMON."

The light faded revealing Rainbow's best monster soaring through the sky, before taking a battle stance infront of her. "Rainbow Assault Wing Gold." (A2300/D1700/R4) "now I activate Assault Wing's ability" the monster pulled out its katanna and slashed through one of its Overlay Units, "now I can add a Wind attributed Winged-Beast from my deck to my hand." Rainbow's Deck slotted out a card, "I'll throw down a face down and end my turn."

"My draw" Lightning said as she did. "I summon Lightning Wing Soar in ATK mode" a jet appeared before her that was silver in colour with yellow trim. (A500/D500/L2)

"Such a weak monster" Applejack said.

"Don't underestimate it" Applebloom said in fear, "she started with that card when she Duelled us."

"I activate Soar's ability to add a Spell card to my hand" Lightning took a card from her deck, "now I'll activate it. Disassembly, this Spell forces me to ditch a machine type monster." She discarded a card from her hand, "but in its place I can summon monsters from my deck whose combined levels are equal to its." Four rays of light appeared before her, "I now summon four new Lightning Wings"

The first light changed into a silver jet with red trim, "Lightning Wing Thrust." (A500/D500/L2)

The second was a silver jet with blue trim, "Lightning Wing Boost." (A500/D500/L2)

The third a silver jet with green trim, "Lightning Wing Jet." (A500/D500/L2)

The last was a silver jet with pink trim, "and Lightning Wing Glide." (A500/D500/L2)

"Five level two monsters" Flash said in amazement, "she may be a bully but she's got skills."

"You haven't seen nothing yet" Lightning said, "now I use my five monsters to build the Overlay Network." Her five jets shot into the sky before zooming into the ground as the black hole appeared, "now watch as a storm of power begins to take shape." the black hole exploded in a burst of light, as a new monster appeared. "I XYZ SUMMON."

The new monster was a large mechanical bird with was light blue, with yellow lightning bolts painted on it's wings and tail. It wore a blue mask over its face and had a lightning bolt shaped tail. It's beak was red along with its feet, which had talons in the shape of lightning bolts. A lightning bolt shaped horn pointed out of it's forehead, and five green lights floated around it. "Jetstream Thunderbird." (A500/D500/R2)

"An Xyz monster with five Overlay Units" Flash said in horror.

"It only had three when she summoned it against us" Scootaloo said.

"It must be able be summoned with more Overlay Units then needed" Twilight explain.

"Now attack" Lightning ordered, as her monster took flight.

"But my Assault Wing is way stronger" Rainbow said.

"Not once I activate Thunderbird's ability" Lighting said, "by removing an Overlay Unit I get to zap your monster's ATK and DEF points to zero." One of the Overlay Units flew into Thunderbird's horn before it shot a lighting bolt out which struck Assault Wing. (A0/D0/R4) "now go," Jetstream Thunderbird's body discharged electricity which zapped Assault Wing, the static hitting Rainbow as well.

Rainbow: 3500
Lightning: 4000

"Lucky for you on the turn Thunderbird uses its ability it can't destroy monsters" Lighting said as she ended her turn, "but you monsters points won't return to normal until next turn."

"My draw" Rainbow said, "and I summon Rainbow Wing Yellow Eagle" a yellow bird appeared. (A1700/D1300/L4) "now attack" Yellow Eagle flew up and then dive bombed the Thunderbird.

"I activate Thunderbird's ability" Lighting said, as once again an Overlay Unit hit it's horn and shot out a lighting bolt that struck Yellow Eagle. (A0/D0/L4)

"You can activate it on your turn to" Rainbow realised with horror. Her monster struck the Xyz monster but all that did was injure the bird as it bounced right off.

Rainbow: 3000
Lighting: 4000

"This is bad" Twilight said, "all of Rainbow's monsters are getting paralysed."

"There has to be a way to stop it?" Flash asked.

"Well if anyone can find it" Applejack said, "then Rainbow can."

"I'll throw down two face downs and end my turn" Rainbow said, as her monsters ATK and DEF points returned to normal.

"My draw" Lightning said, "and I'll attack Rainbow Assault Wing Gold" Thunderbird to off yet again, "but not before activating his ability" another Overlay Unit struck its horn as a lighting bolt shot out hitting Assault Wing. (A0/D0/R4) "GO" once again Thunderbird discharged striking Assault Wing and zapping Rainbow.

Rainbow: 2500
Lightning: 4000

As the electrocution stopped Rainbow fell to her knees.

"RAINBOW" her friends yelled in concern.

"Poor Rainbow Dash" Lightning said, "completely helpless against me" she placed a card face down before activating a Spell. "Say hello to Access Denied, this spell will prevent you from Normal Summoning a monster next turn."

"Man she's good" Flash said.

"Well Rainbow's better" Scootaloo told her brother, "go Rainbow."

"Don't be nieve girl" Lightning said, "she's lost and she knows it" Lighting looked down at her face down which was Overlay Charger. During her next turn she could activate that Spell if her Thunderbird was out Overlay Units, it would allow her to add as many level two monsters to her Xyz monster as Thunderbird's maximum Overlays would allow. That meant five new Overlay Units to use against her. "This is my favourite part of the game" Lightning said, "when I crush any hope my opponent has of victory."

"That's despicable" Rainbow said, trying to get up.

"Don't be such a wet blanket" Lightning said, "I'm just enjoying myself as I prove to all the weaklings out there who the best is."

"The best...you."

"Of course" Lightning said, "didn't you wonder why I took the best cards away from the loser" she pulled the cards she had taken form her pocket. "It was to prove a point, that certain advantages in life are only meant for those with the skill to properly use them. I punish the ants who think themselves as giants, I crush them under my boot."

"That's insane" Rainbow said, "and stealing from little kids just for fun" Rainbow finally got back to her feet and looked Lightning right in the eye. "How you treat people says a lot about you, and one day your actions will come back to haunt you. Fitting that you name yourself after a ghost, because you don't know what it truly means to live." She went to her deck, "I...DRAW" she looked at her card a seeing what it was a plan formed as she activated her face down Trap. "Go Overlay Out, with this card I can return Assault Wing to my Extra Deck and summon any Overlay Units still attached to it." Rainbow Assault Wing Gold glowed as its Overlay Unit flew away from it, he became a stream of light that flew into Rainbow's deck. the Overlay Unit hit the floor and transformed back into Red Kestrel. (A1500/D1200/L4)

"Now Rainbow has two monsters that can attack" Scootaloo said.

"Now I attack with Yellow Eagle" the bird once again dive bombed Thunderbird.

"I activate Jetstream Thunderbird's ability" one of the two remaining Overlay Units struck it's horn as it shot a lightning bolt at the eagle, sending its ATK and DEF to zero, making the bird bounce off the Thunderbird.

Rainbow: 2000
Lightning: 4000

"Now I attack with Red Kestrel" like the yellow bird the red one dive bombed.

"And I activate my monsters ability" the last Overlay Unit hit the horn, making a repeat of Yellow Eagle's efforts.

Rainbow: 1500
Lightning: 4000

"Sorry Dashie" Lightning said with a smirk, "but it looks like your out of attacks."

"Think again" Rainbow said as she activated the Spell she had drawn, "I activate Instant Overlay. This card will allow me to use my two Rainbow Wings to build the Overlay Network once again, and Xyz Summon..." Her two monsters flew inside the black hole that had just formed, which blew up a second later release a very familiar monster. "Rainbow Assault Wing Gold." (A2300/D1700/R4)

"WHAT" Lightning screamed.

"Now I'll activate my other face down" Rainbow said, as her face down flipped up showing a Spell. "Overlay Booster lets me remove very Overlay Unit on my Assault Wing, and in return he gets a power boost equal to their combined attack power."

"So Red Kestrel has fifteen hundred points" Sweetie said.

"A Yellow Eagle has seventeen hundred" Applebloom said.

"So that's" Scootaloo tried to do the math.

"Thirty two hundred" Twilight finished.

Assault Wing drew his katanna and slashed both his Overlay Units. (A5500/D1700/R4) "Now attack!" The bird man took to the sky and raised his sword, before diving down and slashing towards Jetstream Thunderbird.

"NO...WAIT" Lightning tried to say, but Rainbow didn't listen as her monster destroyed the mechanical bird.

Rainbow: 1500 (Winner)
Lightning: 0

"SHE DID IT" everyone cheered.

"How could I lose?" Lightning asked herself, falling to the floor, "no I won't accept it."

"Lighting" Rainbow said, "return the cards you stole, or I'll have no choice but to tell everyone who you are."

Lightning growled before dropping the cards and running away as fast as she could. "You haven't heard the last of me."

An hour later after returning the stolen cards to their rightful owners, Rainbow and her friends were returning home.

"That was awesome how you managed to beat her" Scootaloo said, "even though the odds were stacked against you."

"It was nothing" Rainbow said, "I just hope Lightning's learned her lesson."

"Well if she hasn't" Flash said, "you'll have us to help you teach it to her again" everyone nodded at this

"Thanks guys" Rainbow replied.

Author's Notes:

Had to have Rainbow playing the hero at least once.
I know it was probably an easy mystery but what will you do, also tell me what you think of Lightning's deck.
Next chapter will have something a little different.

Turn 10, Fight at the Museum pt1

"Are we there yet?" Scootaloo asked. She, Flash, Twilight and Spike were on a train heading into the centre of the city.

"Still a little longer to go" Twilight told her.

"But we've been going for hours."

"It's been ten minutes" Flash told his sister.

"Feels like hours."

"You'll just have to wait" Flash told her.

"You can't blame her Flash" Twilight said, "I'm excited to see the exhibit too."

The four of them were on their way to the cities museum to see a special Duelling exhibit. There would be all kinds of Duel related subjects on show, including the first Duel Disk, origanal prints of G1 cards and other artefacts. Twilight had been dying to see it and had invited her friends along.

"It's to bad the others couldn't make it" Twilight said.

Applejack and Applebloom had a ton of chores to do today, Rarity had recently fallen behind on a homework assignment and her parent had refused to allow her to go anywhere until it was done. Pinkie was working today at a kids birthday party, while Fluttershy had already volunteered to help out at a local animal shelter and Rainbow Dash had a Soccer game. In the end only Flash and Scootaloo had been able to accept her invitation, hence why they her and Spike were on route to the museum.

"Do you think they'll have some rare cards on sale" Spike asked.

"Even if they did" Twilight replied, "they'd probably cost more then a years worth of our allowance."

"Drat" Spike said, "a Blue-Eyes in my deck would be so awesome."

Everyone chuckled at the fourteen year olds annoyance as the conductors voice sounded, telling they were at the stop.

"Welcome" a woman at the reception desk of the museum said, "how may I serve you today."

"Four tickets please" Twilight said having offered to buy the tickets.

"Right away" she said, "if your here for the Duel Exhibit than you'll want to head to the main hall as the first tour is in an hour."

"Thanks" Twilight said, taking the tickets and returning to them. "She said the tour isn't for an hour in the main hall" she told them as she handed out the tickets and programs to them.

"Great" Scootaloo said, "so what do you want to see in the mean time....Flash."

Everyone turned to see Flash was looking a little uncomfortable. "Flash" Twilight said placing her hand on his arm, "are you okay?"

"Yeah" Flash said, "just didn't realise it be this museum we'd be coming to."

"How many museums are there in town?" Spike asked before getting a swat from his sister.

"Is there something wrong with this place?" she asked him.

"Gramps used to bring me and Scoots here when we were young" Flash explained.

"He did?" Scootaloo asked not remembering that.

"You were to young to remember" Flash said, "but this is where our dad worked before he went...missing, with mom."

"It is" they said looking around.

"It's one of the reasons Gramps moved us to this area."

"Oh" Scootaloo said in amazement.

"If this is to painful" Twilight began.

"I'll be fine" Flash replied, "just feels a little weird. Come on, let's go" he headed inside followed the the other three.

The four teens enjoyed themselves looking over the other exhibits until the time for the next tour arrived. Scootaloo dragged them into the dinosaur exhibit to look at all the skeletons

All the while Flash still felt uneasy at the thought of being here, which was about to be even more so. "Trail" Flash froze hearing that voice speak his fathers name, and slowly he spun around to see a man in his mid thirties with silver skin and black hair. "Is it really you?"

"Sorry Relic" Flash replied, "but I ain't my dad."

The man named Relic's eyes widened, "Flash?"

"Long time no see" he said.

"My look at you" Relic said "your the spitting image of your father, except your eyes."

"I have my mothers eyes" Flash said, having heard that from all of his parents old friends.

"Flash" they both turned to see his friends had noticed the interaction.

"Scootaloo" Relic said kneeling down to the young teen, "the last time I saw you I could hold you in one hand."

"Er hey" Scootaloo said a little creeped out.

"This is Relic Fragment" Flash explained, "he was my dad's best friend."

"Indeed" he said, "we bonded over our love of adventure and mystery when we met in college."

"It's nice to meet you" Twilight said, "I'm Flash's friend Twilight" she turned to Spike. "And with is my little brother."

"Just call me Spike" he said.

"A pleasure" Relic said, "so what brings you to this fine establishment today."

"We came to see the Duelling Exhibit" Flash explained.

"Well in that case" Relic said, "how about a private tour."

"You can do that?" Twilight asked in wonder.

"Being the Museum Curator has its privileges" Relic explained.

That was how the five found themselves to be the first people to see the exhibit before anyone else in the public.

"And here we have some of the origanal tablets the first Duel Monsters were designed from" Relic said, showing them into a room filled with stones that had carvings of monsters from Duelling origanal days.

"Amazing" Twilight said.

"Hey look" Scootaloo said pointing to one, "that's a Giant Soldier of Stone."

"And over here's a carving of Feral Imp" Spike said.

"Yes these are truly amazing discoveries are they not" Relic said.

"They are" Twilight said, "they're probably worth a fortune. I hope your security can handle protecting them."

"Don't worry my dear" Relic said, "this room is the most secure one in the city. Should the alarm be triggered then doors made of ten inches of titanium would slam down locking them in, and making the room air sealed. Any thieves would find themselves without air in a matter of minutes."

"Impressive" Twilight said.

"Thank you" Relic said, "but this exhibit not only houses the Duelling past but also the future." They walked into a new room were they found a high tech device.

It was a humanoid robot that was around six foot high, and had a Battle City Duel Disk wired onto its left arm.

"Is this?" Twilight asked.

"A state of the art Duel-Bot" Relic said, "designed as the ultimate Duellist."

"The ultimate Duellist?" Spike asked.

"It has every known card in its database" Relic explained, "and wields a deck designed to stop every one of them. It also has ten skill settings, and so far not even the best Pro-Duellists have managed to defeat it passed level six."

"That's awesome" Scootaloo said.

"Do you want to give it a try?" Relic asked.

Scootaloo spun around and looked her brother in the eye.

"Go nuts" Flash replied.

"Alright" Scootaloo called before moving infront of the robot and strapping an orange Duel Disk to her arm.

"I'll set it to level one for you" Relic said, moving behind the Duel-Bot before opening up the back and typing on its keyboard.

The Duel-Bots eyes glowed green as it activated and scanned Scootaloo. "Duellist detected" it spoke in its robotic voice, "now initialising Duelling Protocol." A slot opened up revealing a deck which it placed in its Duel Disk, activating it along with Scoot's which formed a purple blade.


Scootaloo: 4000
Duel-Bot: 4000

"I'll start" Scootaloo said, "and play Gilasaurus in ATK mode" a brown raptor appeared infront of her. (A1400/D400/L3) "and since that was a special summon, I can now summon Rush Raptor in ATK mode" a raptor with purple fur appeared that had small black wing on its back, that were way to small to carry it. (A1200/D1400/L3) "and with him I can summon another monster out, say hello to Eggisaur" a red dinosaur appeared wearing an egg around its waist with its legs sticking out. An egg shard was on its head (A800/D400/L2) "plus I get to add a level point to him. (A800/D400/L3)

"Three monsters out at once" Flash watched in amazement at his sisters skills.

"And now" Scootaloo yelled, "I use these three monsters to build the Overlay Network." Her two monster changed into lights which shot into the air, before flying into the black hole that had just formed. "Watch as the ancient powers of a Dinosaur are awakened" the black hole exploded in light as a new monster appeared. "I XYZ SUMMON."

The new monster looked like a larger version of Rush Raptor with darker fur and a larger wing span, and three lights floating around "Wild Rush Raptor." (A2000/D2000/R3)

"Wow" Flash said.

"Rainbow taught her well" Twilight said.

"With Rush Raptor now as an Overlay Unit, Wild Rush gets five hundred points" Scootaloo said. (A2500/D2000/R3) "I end my turn."

"Now initialising Draw Phase" The Duel-Bot said as he drew. "Main Phase, now activating Spell card designated as Reverse Engineering. Function, by sending three Machine type monsters from hand to Graveyard Duel-Bot may now add Spell card from deck to hand. He discarded three cards and then pulled out his deck, which he then flipped through before finding the card he need. "Now activating card Scrap Summon. Function, by paying half of Duel-Bot's life points it may now summon as many level four or bellow Machine monster to available Monster Zones from Monster Graveyard, but all ATK and DEF points are neutralised."

"But he just discarded three" Spike said.

Scootaloo: 4000
Duel-Bot: 2000

"Now summoning" three cards appeared in front of him.

The first was a yellow robot in the shape of a scorpion, "A-Assault Core." (A0/D0/L4)

The second was a green robotic raptor with cannons on its back, "B-Buster Drake." (A0/D0/L4)

The last was a blue robotic Pterodactyl, "and C-Crush Wyvern." (A0/A0/L4)

"Union Monsters" Twilight said in shock.

"What's a Union Monster?" Flash asked.

"Monsters that combine into more powerful ones" Relic explained.

"Like Fusion Monsters" Flash asked.

"Basically" Twilight said.

"Now initialising Duelling Protocol twelve paragraph four subsection C, monsters combine." The Duel-Bots monsters flew up and began to transform and merge together, until they made one giant robotic death machine. "ABC-Dragon Buster, online." (A3000/D2800/L8)

"Not good" Flash said.

"It get's worse" Twilight said.

"Now discarding card to activate Dragon Buster's effect to banish one card on field" the Duel-Bot explained,

"So your saying" Scootaloo said in horror.

"Wild Rush Raptor is removed from play" the Duel-Bot explained, as a portal opened up below the Dinosaur swallowing it whole.

"Oh no" Scootaloo said before trying to calm herself. After that card's attack she would still have a thousand points left, which gave her one turn to find a way to save herself.

"Now activating Spell card, Limiter Removal."

"NOT THAT CARD" Scootaloo screamed.

"Now doubling Monster ATK points." (A6000/D2800/L8)

"Six thousand ATK points" Flash said in horror.

"Battle Phase, now attacking with ABC-Dragon Buster" the machine aimed it's multiple weapons at Scootaloo before firing a barrage at her, sending her flying.

Scootaloo: 0
Duel-Bot: 2000 (Winner)

"Scootaloo" Flash called as they ran up to her, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine" Scootaloo said sitting up, "if that's level one then I'd hate to see level ten."

"Well like I said" Relic replied as he plugged the bot into the wall to recharge, "no one has beaten the Duel-Bot passed level six."

"I can see why" Twilight said, "I'd probably have trouble against those Union Monsters."

"Indeed" Relic said, "you know there's still ten minutes until the exhibit is set to open so look around as much as you like."

"Thank you" Twilight said, "I think I'll go look at the tablets again."

"Okay" Relic said.

Flash was admiring the five piece set of Exodia the Forbidden One when Relic came up to him.

"It has been good to see you again" Relic said, "I know your parents have been a touchy subject for you and coming here probably wasn't your idea."

"It's fine" Flash said.

"I still can't believe it's been so long" Relic said, "and there's been no info about them since that day."

"The last piece proof we have that they're alive, is standing right over there" he nodded head over to the thirteen year old examining a Millennium Puzzle replica.

"I know it's hard" Relic said, "but I'm sure you'll discover the answers one day."

"I already know the answer" Flash said, "now I just need the question."

Before they could say anything else the lights above them began to flicker, before going dead. "What the?" Relic said before taking out his phone to call maintenance, only to find it was dead. "It must have been an energy surge that deactivated the electronics, but everything should reset in a moment."

"Everything" Flash said, only to realise "including the Security System?"

"Yes it should...oh no."

"TWILIGHT" Flash ran towards the tablet room.

"Hey guys what happened to the lights" Twilight asked, still in room.

"Get out of there before" but it was to late as the lights suddenly went on along with everything else. A loud clanking could be heard as suddenly a large metal door slammed down, trapping Twilight inside. "Twilight" Flash called reaching the door and pounding on it, before he kneeled down and tried to lift it.

"Flash don't bother it's ten inches of titanium" Relic told him.

Suddenly they heard a ringing and spun around to see Spike pull out his phone. "Twilight's facing me" Spike said answering it, "Twilight are you okay."

"I'm fine" they heard. They all gathered around and saw Twilight on the screen, "what happened?"

"There was a power surge that reset the system" Relic explained, "when it switched back on you must have activated the alarm and caused it to go into shut down."

"That doesn't sound so bad" Scootaloo said.

"Except that room is now air tight" Relic said, "if we don't open it she's going to run out of oxygen."

"We have to do something" Flash replied.

"Relax I can use the override" Relic said. He pulled out a card and moved to a small device on the wall, where he swiped it...but nothing happened. "Strange, that should have released the keypad so I could enter the code."

"You don't think the power surge caused it to malfunction do you?" Twilight said.

"It's possible the system's control signal was crossed with something else" Relic said, "but what?"

"Duellist detected" they all spun around to see the Duel-Bot active, it's eyes glowing red.

"I'm thinking that" Scootaloo said.

"So what now?" Spike asked.

"I think it means that the only way through this door" Relic explained, "is through that Robot."

"So you mean if we beat it in a Duel the doors will open?" Flash asked.

"If its programming has been linked to the security system" Relic said, "then yes."

"Then looks like I'm Duelling" Flash said pulling out his Duel Disk.

"Initialising Duelling Protocol" the Duel-Bot said placing its deck into the Duel Disk.


Flash: 4000
Duel-Bot: 4000

"I'll start" Flash drew "and I summon Magna Fighter Crossbolt, in DEF mode" the steampunk carrying a crossbow appeared. (A1400/D1400/L4) "I'll place a card face down and end my turn.

"Now initialising Draw Phase" The Duel-Bot said as he drew. "Main Phase, now activating Spell card designated as Magical Mallet. Function, select cards in hand and return them to deck then draw cards equal to number returned." The Duel-Bot did this returning three cards to the deck and drawing three new ones, "now summoning Justice Robo Mecha Fighter" a red humanoid robot appeared standing at about nine foot. (A1800/D1200/L4)

"Oh no" Relic said.

"What is it?" Scootaloo said, not like the sound of that oh no.

"That card is part of the level ten skill set" Relic explained, "no ones ever lasted two turns against that."

"But if Flash loses" Spike said, not daring to say anything else.

"Now activating Spell Double Summon. Function, allows additional summoning this turn. Now summoning Justice Robo Mecha Racer," a yellow formula 1 car appeared, it's nose had a blaster inside. (A1000/D1000/L3) "initialising Union" the racer drove into the air, straight at Mecha Fighter who raised its left arm. The races nose folded up as the back opened allowing the robots arm to go through, as a bigger hand folded out. "Equipment complete, plus five hundred to Justice Robo Mecha Fighter." (A2300/D1200/L4)

"Not good" Flash said.

"Battle Phase, Mecha Fighter targets Crossbolt and attacks" the robot aimed it's weapon at Crossbolt and fired the racers nose blaster destroying it.

"I activate my face down Starburst Draw, since a level four monster with fifteenth hundred or less ATK was destroyed then I can draw four cards." He drew and smiled seeing who he had drawn.

"When card equipped with Mecha Racer destroys monster, Duel-Bot draws three cards" he did so. "Main Phase Two, set one card, End Phase."

"My draw" Flash said, "time to finish this. I set Scale four Magna Fighter Gladio and Scale eight Magna Caster Solaris into the Pendulum Scale" his monsters rose up as the pillars of light formed. "Now I can summon monsters levels five, six and seven all at one. Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," the portal formed above him. "I PENDULUM SUMMON."

The portal opened and a single light shot out.

"Shine your light of victory, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"Alright" Scootaloo cheered.

"That's Flash's best card" Spike said before looking down at his phone, "he'll have you out soon Twilight."

"That's good" Twilight said from within the tablet room, "because I'm starting to get light headed." She slid down until she was sitting against the door.

Back at the Duel the Duel-Bot's system's were searching for any sign of Pendulum Summoning or Flash Heart Dragon. "Error error cards not found in Monster Database."

"Well watch and learn" Flash said, "Flash Heart's skill. Since he was Special Summon your Mecha Fighter is getting a one way trip to the bottom of your deck."

"Information obtained...analysing...counter measure detected, activating Mecha Fighter ability." The race car attachment disappeared, "tributing one equipped card to negate card effect."

Flash growled, "fine then I'll summon Shine Crest Magna Wolf in ATK mode," Flash's wolf appeared. (A1200/D1100/L3) "Plus Gladio's Pendulum ability raises any Pendulum Summoned monsters ATK strength by eight hundred for this turn. (A3300/D2000/L7/P4) "now I'll have Flash Heart attack your robot," Flash Heart's boosters burst into life sending him flying at Mecha Fighter.

"Quick Play Spell card" Duel-Bot said, "Emergency Shut Down. Function, switches ATK position Machine to DEF position" Mecha Fighter took a defensive stance just before Flash Heart destroyed him.

"Well now my Magna Wolf attacks you directly" the wolf pounced and slashed the bot.

Flash: 4000
Duel-Bot: 2800

"I end my turn with a face down."

"Now initialising Draw Phase" The Duel-Bot said as he drew. "Main Phase, now activating Spell card designated as Reverse Engineering."

"Not that card" they all cried realising what would come next.

"Function, by sending three Machine type monsters from hand to Graveyard Duel-Bot may now add Spell card from deck to hand." He did, and like in his Duel against Scootaloo he activated it. "Scrap Summon, function..."

"I already know what it does" Flash said.

Flash: 4000
Duel-Bot: 1400

"Now summoning" five lights appeared on the robots field.

The first was the robot Flash Heart had just destroyed, "Justice Robo Mecha Fighter." (A0/D0/L4)

The second was the formula 1 card, "Justice Robo Mecha Racer." (A0/D0/L3)

The third was a blue heavy loader truck, "Justice Robo Mecha Hauler." (A0/D0/L4)

The fourth was a green helicopter, "Justice Robo Mecha Copter." (A0/D0/L3)

The last was a white submarine, "Justice Robo Mecha Diver." (A0/D0/L3)

"Five Justice Robos" Scootaloo said in horror.

"There won't be for much longer" Spike said.

"Initialising Ultimate Maneuver" the Duel-Bot's five monsters glowed, "UNION" they flew into the air and transformed. Mecha Hauler disengaged from it's load and transformed into a new body armour, which connected to Mecha Fighter's front while the load transformed in a pair of legs which connected the Mecha Fighter, like putting on a pair of pants. Mecha Racer and Mecha Copter connected to Mecha Fighter's left and right arms, as their nose and wing blades detached. Mecha Diver transformed into a helmet which flew on top of Mecha Fighter's head becoming the new head. Mecha Racer's nose connected to the front of the Hauler body armour, while Mecha Copter's blades connected to the back forming an X. "Ultimate Justice Robo, Mecha Union Fighter, online." (A3200/D2600/L10)

Everyone looked up in fear of the new two story high monster, Flash especially. "To think that used to be my favourite part of those shows."

"Activating Mecha Hauler's ability from Monster Graveyard. Remove it an two other Machines to add three cards to Duel-Bot's hand," he did so and then activated them. "Cosmic Battle Armour Level 1, all opponent's Monster effects do not effect Union Fighter."

"Not good" Flash said.

"Cosmic Battle Armour Level 2, all opponents Spell effect do not effect Union Fighter."

"My Spells to" Flash said.

"Cosmic Battle Armour Level 3, all opponents Trap effects do not effect Union Fighter."

"He can't use Traps either" Scootaloo asked.

"You can't do this you can't do that" Spike said, "It's like I'm listening to Twilight."

"Spike" his phone yelled.

"Oh right" Spike said.

"Ultimate Justice Robo Mecha Union Fighter's ability plus three hundred ATK for each card equipped to it." (A4100/D2600/L10)

"So much power" Relic said, "this is the full power of the Duel-Bot."

"Do something Flash" Scootaloo said.

"I'm working on it" Flash said.

"Battle Phase, Ultimate Justice Robo Mecha Union Fighter target and destroy Magna Wolf" the robot aimed all it's weapons at Magna Wolf.

"If that attack lands then Flash's life points are going down in a big way" Spike said.

"FIRE" the robot unleashed all its power at Flash's monster.

Flash stood frozen as the attack approached. If he couldn't find a way to stop that behemoth, then not only would his life points be done for...but so would Twilight.

Author's Notes:

Dun dun dunnnnn cliffhanger :pinkiegasp:. Hope you liked it, and give me your thoughts on the Duel-Bot and its deck.

Turn 11, Fight at the Museum pt2

The Duel between Flash and the Duel-Bot continued. Although Flash had far more life points then the robot, he now faced a monster that was so overwhelming in power that Flash wasn't sure how he could beat it. Ultimate Justice Robo Mecha Union Fighter launched its all out attack against Magna Wolf, which would decimate Flash's life points if it connected. And what was worse was that unless he could win, Twilight would remain trapped inside an air tight room with no way out.

"Do something Flash" Scootaloo called to her brother.

Flash quickly jumped into action, "I activate the Trap card Interception. Now my stronger monster can take the hit in place of Magna Wolf, Flash Heart" the dragon jumped in and collided with the onslaught getting destroyed in the process.

Flash: 2400
Duel-Bot: 1400

"That was a close one" Spike said, breathing a sign of relief.

"But Flash's best card was destroyed" Scootaloo said.

"But since it's a Pendulum Monster" Twilight said over the phone, "it'll go to the Extra Deck which he can summon it from again."

"So as long as Flash has the Pendulum Scales set" Spike said, "he can continuously summon his Pendulum Monsters to protect himself."

"But that won't work forever" Relic said, "and Flash is on a time limit here. He can't afford to waste his time defending."

"But what can he do?" Scootaloo asked, "as long as that monster is equipped with those Spell cards Flash can't use any of his Spells, Traps or Monster effects to weaken or destroy it."

"Then he has to get rid of them before he can focus on attacking" Relic said.

Flash had heard that and knew he was right. Until those three Cosmic Battle Armour cards were gone, his monster wouldn't stand a chance against Mecha Union Fighter. And what was worse was the Duel-Bot might have other cards to equip to it, protecting it more and increasing the monsters ATK power.

Looking down at his hand he saw he had Brass Wing Magna Hawk, Magna Fighter Deck Striker, a Trap named Code Change and Reverse Polarity. None of them could help him right now.

"Turn End" the Duel-Bot said, "analysing data to calculate chances of victory....analysis complete. Chances of Duel-Bot victory one hundred percent."

"It's my turn" Flash said drawing, only to see it was his Lightspeed Spell. Even if he used it none of Flash's Monsters could beat...WAIT. "I'm using my Scale four Gladio and Scale eight Solaris to carve the arc of victory," the portal formed above him. "I PENDULUM SUMMON."

The portal opened and a beam of light shot out.

"Shine you light of victory once more, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"Why'd he play Flash Heart in ATK mode?" Scootaloo asked.

"Obvious" Flash said with a smirk, "how else would I attack with him" Flash Heart flew towards the robot.

"Is he nuts" Spike said.

"If he attacks he'll have barely any life points left" Relic said.

"Think again" Flash said, "don't forget Gladio's Pendulum Ability raises Flash Heart's ATK by eight hundred." (A3300/D2000/L7/P4)

"But that's not enough" Scootaloo said.

"It will be after I use my Lightspeed card" Flash activated his Spell card, "this card raises my Light attributed monsters ATK by a thousand points." (A4300/D2000/L7/P4)

"That's enough to destroy Union Fighter" Spike said.

"GO" Flash Heart flew at the robot, an aura of light surrounded it.

"Activating Mecha Copter's ability from Monster Graveyard" the Duel-Bot said, "by removing it Duel-Bot may negate activation of Spell card and destroy it."

"What" Flash said as he looked at his card as it exploded and the upwards, as the light disappeared weakening his monster. (A3300/D2000/L7/P4)

Mecha Union Fighter once again fired his cannons which struck Flash Heart destroying him.

Flash: 1600
Duel-Bot: 1400

Meanwhile in the air tight room Twilight was listening to everything that was happening. She could tell Flash was in trouble, and not just from the monster he was battling, but also from himself. He was so focused on beating the Duel-Bot that he wasn't thinking his moves out like he usually did, and now he was defenceless.

"I change Magna Wolf to DEF mode and summon Deck Striker, also in DEF mode" the steampunk with the metal gauntlet appeared. (A1300/D500/L3)

"Now initialising Draw Phase" The Duel-Bot said as he drew. "Main Phase, now activating Spell card designated as Mage Power. Function, plus five hundred ATK power to equipped monster for each card in Spell slash Trap Zone. (A6100/D2600/L10) "additionally with one new equipped Spell, Ultimate Justice Robo Mecha Union Fighter gains three hundred power. (A6400/D2600/L10)

Everyone grew more scared as the Duel-Bot's monster grew even stronger. "This monster should be illegal" Scootaloo said.

"Flash is in big trouble" Relic said.

"Battle Phase, Ultimate Justice Robo Mecha Union Fighter target and destroy Magna Wolf" the robot aimed all it's weapons at Magna Wolf, and fired destroying it. "Turn End."

"My draw" Flash said, drawing his card only to see it was Trap he hadn't used before. "I once again carve the arc of victory and Pendulum Summon" the portal formed and opened.

"Flash Heart Dragon." (A3300/D2000/L7/P4)

"I now summon Brass Wing Magna Hawk." (A1400/D800/L4) "I end my turn with a face down."

"Now initialising Draw Phase" The Duel-Bot said as he drew. "Main Phase, now activating Spell card designated as Emergency Injector. Function, return all monsters on opponents side of the field to deck, then shuffle deck."

"WHAT" they all yelled.

Suddenly a machine appeared between them that looked like the machine from Compulsory Evacuation Device. It's doors opened and a vacuum force pulled Flash Heart, Deck Striker and Magna Hawk inside, before the doors closed and the machine activated and his three monsters were fired out of the chimney like top. Once they were in the air the three monsters transformed into lights which flew into Flash's Deck.

"For each card returned to deck opponent gains five hundred life points" the Duel-Bot said.

Flash: 3100
Duel-Bot: 1400

"Battle Phase. Ultimate Justice Robo Mecha Union Fighter attacks you directly." The giant Tokusatsu robot aimed its many weapons down on the young teen, before it unleashed hell upon him.

"FLASH" Scootaloo screamed.

"Watch out" Spike called.

Flash felt like all was lost. His best cards had been nullified by this robot, his best friend was running out of time and he was powerless to do anything. He would do anything for a chance to turn everything around, for some hope to save...hope. Flash looked down at his face down and realised this was his only shot, and as the attack neared he activated it.

The three audience members watched in horror as Flash was consumed by the blasts. "No" Spike said falling to his knees, as the chance to save his sister was lost.

"Wait" Relic said, "look."

Spike looked back up and saw Flash standing in the flames, his life points untouched, and he wasn't alone. A girl in Steampunk attire carrying a large bronze shield stood infront of him, blocking the attack from making contact. (A1800/D0/L4)

"Thanks Arma" Flash said to his monster, who turned and smiled back at him.

"Error" the Duel-Bot said, "error."

"What's the matter?" Flash asked, "oh your wondering why I didn't go down. It's quite simple, I activated my Beacon of Hope Trap card" his face down flipped up. "I was able to activate it because you attacked me directly, and it allowed me to draw one card and if it was a Monster I could summon it."

"So Flash drew Magna Fighter Arma" Spike said.

"That has to be the luckiest draw in the history of Duelling" Relic said.

"You see Motor Mouth" Flash said, "as long as Arma is in DEF mode she's indestructible. You may have your most powerful offensive monster, but I've got my powerful defensive monster."

"Information obtained...analysing...no counter measure detected" the Duel-Bot said.

"Alright" Spike and Scootaloo said, "the bot doesn't have a card to beat him" Spike finished.

"Not yet at least" Relic said, "the Duel-Bot works by running countless Duel scenarios through its processor. With each new draw he'll analyse and try to find a way, so it'll only be a matter of time before the Duel-Bot can get around it."

"What ways are there to getting around monsters that can't be destroyed?" Scootaloo asked.

"Damage" they all looked down at Spike's phone as Twilight spoke. "Monsters that can't be destroyed are usually easy to give damage to under the right circumstances, and if the Duel-Bot has a card like Fairy Meteor Crush that can grant Piercing Damage."

"Then an indestructible monster with zero DEF points will be useless" Spike said. Suddenly he could hear coughing from the phone, "Twilight" he looked back up at Flash. "Hurry Flash, Twilight doesn't have much time left."

"You don't think I don't know that" Flash said.

"Turn end" the Duel-Bot said, "analysing data to calculate chances of victory....analysis complete. Chances of Duel-Bot victory ninety eight percent."

"Don't count you chickens till they hatch" Flash said.

"Scanning" the Duel-Bot said, "no poultry detected."

"No I mean...oh forget it, my turn" he drew his card and saw it couldn't help him but might be handy in a tight spot. "I'll throw down a face down and end my turn."

"Now initialising Draw Phase" The Duel-Bot said as he drew, "information obtained...analysing...no counter measure detected. Turn End."

"My draw" Flash smiled seeing his best card again, but he wouldn't do much good against Ultimate Justice Robo Mecha Union Fighter. "But he would be an okay defence if I need him" Flash said, "once again my Pendulum Monsters will carve the arc of victory." The portal formed above him, "I PENDULUM SUMMON."

The portal opened and a beam of light shot out.

"Shine your light of victory once again, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"Flash Heart's back" Scootaloo cheered.

"But he won't be much use" Relic said.

"I end my turn" Flash said.

"Now initialising Draw Phase" The Duel-Bot said as he drew, "information obtained...analysing...counter measure detected."

"That can't be good" Spike said.

"Main Phase, now activating Spell card designated as Stop Defence. Function, switch one monster from DEF to ATK."

"NO" they yelled as they watched Flash Heart stand up.

"If he's in ATK mode Flash's life points a vulnerable" Scootaloo said.

"Battle Phase, Ultimate Justice Robo Mecha Union Fighter target and destroy Flash Heart Dragon" the robot aimed all it's weapons at Flash Heart, and fired.

"I activate my Trap, Brittle Shield" Flash said as his face down flipped up. "This card switches an attacking monster to defence, as long as its ATK is more then it DEF" Flash Heart kneeled back into DEF mode just as the blast struck him. "Nice save Flash Heart, now rest up in my Extra deck" Flash told his monster."

"Turn end" the Duel-Bot said, "analysing data to calculate chances of victory....analysis complete. Chance of Duel-Bot victory ninety seven percent."

Spike meanwhile was still trying to comfort his sister. "Don't worry Twilight, Flash will have you out soon."

"I know he will" Twilight replied. Her eyes were growing heavier as the last of the air entered her lungs, slowly her consciousness began to fade.

"You'll be fine I promise" Spike said, but he received no answer. "Twilight...Twilight...TWILIGHT" Spike turned back to Flash, "you've got to end this now."

Flash knew he was right, he had to finish this or it would be to late for Twilight. He looked down at his deck and spoke, "okay deck, I know you have a way to let me win. And we can lose the next hundred Duels, and I won't mind if you can just help me this once. I...DRAW." He looked at the card he'd drawn and couldn't believe it, "my Pendulum Cards will carve the arc of victory one more time." The portal formed above him, "I can summon monsters levels five through seven all at the same time. I PENDULUM SUMMON."

The portal opened and two beams of light shot out.

"Shine your light of victory one last time, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"Snap to it, Lumino Jaw Dragon." (A2300/D1600/L5/P5)

"How is Flash suppose to win with those two?" Scootaloo asked.

"When Lumino Jaw Dragon is Special Summoned" Flash explained, "I can send every card in your Spell and Trap card zone to the bottom of your deck."

"He can?" everyone asked in shock.

"Error" the Duel-Bot said, as Lumino Jaw Dragon flapped its wings and sent the cards flying away.

"Without those Equip Spells your monster loses a few points" Flash said, the Mecha Union Fighter lost power. (A3200/D2600/L10) "and now he's also vulnerable to my card effects" Flash said, as he activated the card in his hand. "I activate Reverse Polarity, which will increase Flash Heart's ATK power by the difference in his and Union Fighters while lowering you machines by the same amount. (A3200/D2000/L7/P4), (A2500/D2600/L10) "and don't forget that Gladio's ability is still in play, meaning an extra eight hundred ATK points for all of my Pendulum Summoned monsters. (A4000/D2000/L7/P4), (A3100/D1600/L5/P5)

"Now Flash Heart is stronger then Union Fighter" Spike said.

"Take him down" Scootaloo cheered.

"Flash Heart Dragon" Flash ordered "ATTACK." Flash Heart's boosters burst into life, propelling him up towards the machine. Mecha Union Fighter fired it's many weapons in an attempt to save itself, but Flash Heart flew through them completely unscaved and with one mighty punch...he ripped through the robot forming a giant hole through its centre. Ultimate Justice Robo Mecha Union Fighter sparked and sizzled before exploding and its pieces falling on top of the Duel-Bot.

"Mal-mal-malfunction" were the Duel-Bots last words as it shorted out.

Flash: 3100 (Winner)
Duel-Bot: 0

"HE DID IT" they all yelled.

Flash didn't have time to celebrate, as he turned to the doors and waited.

"Why aren't the doors opening?" Scootaloo asked.

"Don't tell me the bot wasn't connected to the security system" Spike said, but his fears were quickly diminished as a clanging sounded before the doors slowly raised.

"Twilight" Flash rushed towards it, sliding under the doors as the were half way up.

Twilight laid unconscious on the floor.

"Twilight" Flash gently lifted her up, "come on wake up."

"Twilight" Spike said, standing above them

"Is she breathing?" Scootaloo asked.

"Ambulance please" Relic said on his phone.

"Twilight" Flash placed her back on the ground, and put his ear to her chest listening for a heart beat. "No" he began chest compressions before he plugged Twilight's nose and gave one big breath into her mouth, "come on Twilight" he repeated the process until.

Twilight let out a cough as Flash breathed in again, and soon that cough broke out into a full fit as her eyes opened.

"Twilight" Flash smiled seeing her awake.

"Hey" she said smiling back, "I'm guessing this means you won?"

"Yeah" Flash said pulling her into a hug, which was joined by Spike and Scootaloo.

Twilight was admitted to Canterlot hospital for check ups.

Spike had phoned home and told his parents what had happened and soon they, Shinning Armor and Cadance had rushed to the hospital.

"So is she going to be okay?" Applejack asked when she and their friends arrived.

"She should be" Flash said, "the doctors will be keeping her in for observations."

"I hope she'll be okay" Fluttershy said.

The doors to Twilight's room opened and her parents, brothers and Cadance walked out. As soon as they closed the doors they were swarmed by Twilight's friends, all asking whether Twilight was okay.

"She's fine" Twilight Velvet "but she won't be going anywhere for a while." She then walked up to Flash and pulled him into a hug, "She and Spike told us what you did. Thank you for saving her."

"It was nothing" Flash said.

"It wasn't nothing" Shinning Armor said, "I've faced that Duel-Bot and haven't managed to get passed level five. You beat it at its highest level possible."

"It's not just me you should thank" Flash said pulling out his deck, "the Duel-Bot didn't have my deck's cards in its system. If I didn't have my Pendulum Cards then I might not have been able to save her, so really you should also thank the one who gave them to me. Whoever they are."

"So it didn't have any card in your deck in its database?" Cadance asked.

"By the looks of it" Flash said.

"That's odd" Cadance said, "The Duel-Bot's systems are linked with the Freeze Industries Database. And your cards should also be in that Database since they wouldn't react to the Duel Disks if they weren't.

"Really" Flash said looking down at them.

"They only way your deck would be in the system and not be accessible to the Duel-Bot is if they were classified," Shinning explained.

"But why would Flash's deck be classified?" Rainbow asked.

"Who knows" Shinning replied.

Cold Steel sat on his deck watching the recording of Flash's Duel against the robot. If he was impressed he wasn't showing it, as he rewound the footage and began to watch it again.

"You seriously need to get yourself a new hobby" a female voice spoke.

Cold turned and saw a teenage girl with red and yellow hair stepping into his office, before walking over to his desk.

"What I do with my time is no concern to you" he replied

"Considering I was the one who had to sneak that electro pulsar into the museum, wait until one of his little friends was alone in that room and then sneak the pulsar back out. I'd say I've earned a little info" the girl snapped back.

"Just stick to the plan" Cold said. "To see how far that boy is capable of going, he needs to be pushed."

"And exactly how many people are you willing to risk to push him."

"Had he failed I would have released the doors manually" Cold said, "the girl was in no serious danger."

"Aw you do care" the girl joked, "and all this time I thought there was nothing but ice in that chest."

"That's enough" Cold almost yelled, "now unless you have something of actual importance to talk about. Then get out because I have things to do" he spun around and looked out his window, over looking the city.

"Well I was going to hand you the new cards you designed" that got his attention, making him spin back around.

"Their complete?" he said.

The girl went into her pocket and pulled five cards which she placed on his desk, "hot off the presses."

Cold picked them up and actually smiled a sincere smile. "Perfect, after a little practice we'll see what the boy is truly capable of."

"And then what?" the girl asked.

"We prepare for the coming storm" Cold replied, "it won't be long before my brother makes his move. But when he does we'll be ready."

Turn 12, Frozen Heart pt1

It was almost one week after the museum incident, and in that time the story had spread like wildfire. Everyone wanted to hear about how Flash had heroically fought off a two story high robot, and brought Twilight back to life with a single kiss. Obviously the story had been exaggerated as more and more people talked about it.

Flash found himself in a similar position to the one he was in when he had first gotten his deck, with people coming up to him asking about the event. It got so bad that he once again found himself hiding out on the schools roof, eating his lunch and waiting for his next class.

"You don't handle crowds well do you?" a voice asked. He turned his head and saw Rainbow and the others stepping out onto the roof.

"It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't swarm me like locus" Flash replied.

"You have been getting very popular lately haven't you?" Rarity asked as they all sat down.

"Maybe I'm cursed" Flash said.

"You heading to the hospital after school again?" Applejack said.

"Yep" Flash said, "if I don't Twilight will probably go steer crazy."

Twilight had been in hospital the whole time since the event, and was now beginning to suffer from another illness...cabin fever. Her friends helped by coming to visit her and just talk or play some table top Duels to entertain her, until visiting hours closed. The only problem was that after they left Twilight was back to being bored. It didn't help that her only means of entertainment were the books each of her friends kept bringing her, she finished by the very next day. How someone could read seven books that fast was beyond Flash.

After school they headed to the book store to each pick up a book before arriving at the hospital.

By now the seven of them could traverse the hallways with their eyes closed. Flash knocked on the door and Twilight's voice replied, "come in."

They opened the door and stepped inside, to find Twilight sitting on her bed reading what looked to be her last book. "Hey guys," she said as she put her book down.

"Looking good egghead" Rainbow said as she sat on the edge of the bed.

"Thanks" Twilight said.

"So do ya now how much longer ya'll be in here?" Applejack asked.

"With any luck she should be out tomorrow" they all turned to see her parents walk into the room, "the doctor says everything looks good" her father Night Light said.

"YAY" Pinkie said with a clap of the hands.

"I second that" Twilight said, "if I have to spend one more day in this place I think I'd go nuts."

"You know it's for your own good sweetheart" Twilight Velvet said.

"I know" Twilight said, "it wouldn't be so bad if I had someone to talk to. Having your own room isn't all it's cracked up to be."

"We know sweetheart" Night Light said, "but you'll be out of here tomorrow."

"If it's okay with you" Rainbow said, "why don't we stay over tonight."

"Would we be allowed?" Fluttershy asked.

"As long as you don't make much noise it shouldn't be a problem" Velvet replied.

"I'll go ask the doctor" Night Light said. He left and several minutes later he returned, "the doctor said it's okay as long as you behave yourselves."

"We will" Pinkie said, "cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye."

"And you'll need to get your parent's permission as well" he continued.

"We'll just go call them" Flash said. He and the girls all left and headed to the lobby to call home, Flash was the first to get through since Grand Hoof's job allowed him to have his phone on almost all the time.

"Hey kiddo, what's up?" he asked.

"Is it okay if I stay out tonight?" he asked, "me and the girls are gonna keep Twilight company."

"Sure" Grand Hoof said, "just call your sister and tell her so she doesn't worry."

"I'll text her" Flash replied, "see ya."

"Have fun" Grand Hoof hung up.

Flash returned to Twilight's room, "I'm good" he told them.

Unfortunately it seemed like he was the only one.

Applejack was the first to return, "sorry Sugarcube" she said "but Granny threw her hip out again and won't be able to move for a while."

"That's fine Applejack" Twilight said.

Rainbow was next. "Sorry Twi, but my folks said I couldn't stay. They probably think I was lying or something about you being in hospital."

"Same here" Pinkie said as she entered, her hair deflated, "Ma and Pa say late nights are undisciplined."

"Oh" Twilight said, looking a little disheartened now.

Rarity arrived next. "I'm terribly sorry deary, but my parents have gone out and won't be back till tomorrow. I'm stuck looking after Sweetie Bell tonight."

"Not you to" Twilight moaned.

Fluttershy was last, not looking happy either. "I'm sorry Twilight, my parents said it was okay but my brother started throwing a hissy fit about not being allowed out."

"It's okay Fluttershy" Twilight said before turning to Flash, "looks like it's just you and me."

"Should be fun" Flash said.

"I don't think that's such a good idea" Velvet said.

"Oh come on mom" Twilight said giving them the puppy dog eyes, "I won't last without someone to talk to tonight."

Velvet and her husband shared a look for several seconds before nodding, and turning back to them. "Okay Twilight, but just one night."

"Thanks guys."

Fast forwards several hours and we find Flash and Twilight alone in her room.

Flash sat cross legged on her bed as they played a table top Duel while enjoying the snacks Flash had brought from the hospital vending machine.

"I sacrifice Starbreak Dragon and Magna Hawk, to summon Flash Heart Dragon." Flash said placing his card on the wheelie table between them. "I attack your Twilight Sorcerer."

"I activate my Negate Attack Trap card" Twilight replied flipping her face down up.

"I end my turn" Flash said before reaching into his bag of gummy worms.

"My draw" she said as she drew, "thanks by the way Flash. I know you probably had better things to do then spend your night here."

"You kidding" Flash said, "staying here is better than anything I'd be doing otherwise."

"I still appreciate it" Twilight said, "I'm lucky to have a friend like you."

"Don't mention it" Flash replied, before he chuckled.

"What's so funny?" Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Just thinking about how we've only known each other for about two months, but it feels more like I've been friends with you for years."

"It is funny isn't it" Twilight said as she chuckled to, "but I'm happy we met."

"Same here" Flash said, "so much has changed since then. I got back into Duelling, I reconnected with my sister and I've made so many friends."

"Yeah" Twilight said, "and who knows what else will happen in the time to come."

"As long as you and the others are there" Flash said, "I'm looking forward to it" he looked down at Flash Heart. "The day I met you, was the day my life changed forever. They continued their Duels until it was lights out and they had to go to bed.

Meanwhile in his office building Cold Steel was busy flipping through a Duel Deck when his secretary walked in. "Excuses me sir" she said, "I have those final review documents for the Celestic Cup that you need to sign."

Cold waved her over and she quickly rushed over and dropped the folder on his desk, which he picked up and skimmed through. "Everything looks in order" Cold said, "but what about the Micro Tournament?"

"I made sure to save a space open like you requested" she replied.

"Very good" Cold said, "and what about tomorrow?"

"I rescheduled everything so you'll be free all day" she said.

"Good" he replied, "that'll be all. You can go home now."

"Thank you Mr Steel" she said before leaving.

Once she was gone Cold picked the deck back up and looked out the window. "It's time for a true test of your abilities."

The next morning Twilight awoke to the first rays of the sun hitting her face through the window. Slowly getting up she stretched and looked around the room, only to have to throw her hand over her mouth to stop from laughing at what she saw. Flash was sleeping on the couch next to her bed, using his leather jacket as a pillow, but the look on his face was the goofiest expression she had ever seen as a small bit of drool hung from his mouth.

The door opened showing her parents entering.

"Have a good night sweetheart?" Velvet asked.

"Yeah" Twilight replied, "it was really fun."

"Not to fun I hope" Night Light replied, getting a nudge from his wife. It was at that moment Flash decided to wake up.

"Morning" he said before yawning.

"Good morning" Twilight replied, "sorry about the couch. It can't have been comfortable."

"More comfortable then sleeping on the floor" Flash said, "and since sharing your bed was out of the question this was my best option."

"Well sweetheart" Velvet said changing the subject quickly, "good news for you. Your getting out of here."

"Thank you god" Twilight said as she laid back on her bed.

Three hours later Twilight was discharged and as they left the hospital, found her friends waiting outside along with Spike, Scootaloo, Applebloom and Sweetie Bell.

"Hey guys" Twilight said.

"Howdy Twilight" Applejack said, "we're mighty sorry bout yesterday."

"It's fine" Twilight replied, "You all had no choice."

"Well to make it up to you" Rainbow said, "we're having a whole day of fun.

"And not your regular fun" Pinkie said, "but ultra mega super duper fun."

"Sounds...fun" Twilight said as she sweat dropped.

"Then what are we waiting for" Scootaloo said, "let's get going."

"YEAH" they all cheered as they rushed of to their day of enjoyment.

The eleven teens arrived at an area of Canterlot the young of the town frequented regularly. It had a real name but due to the many fun places boarding its streets. it had come to be known simply as Amusement Row.

The kids headed into the first building of the street, which was an arcade. Flash and Spike played some air hokey, while Pinkie and Rarity played the several dancing games. Applejack and Rainbow Dash had a friendly competition at the hoop toss game to see who could win the most tickets. Scootaloo had convinced Twilight into playing a race game, while Sweetie Bell and Fluttershy watched in enjoyment.

Once they had done everything they wanted in the arcade they moved onto the next building which was a music shop, where they listened to all the latest releases and a couple oldies. Twilight showed Flash one of her favourite Japanese bands, which he had to admit were pretty fun. He particularly liked the songs whose English titles where Bravery Flame and Believe in my Existence.

After that they found the next attraction wasn't a building but a mini golf course where Fluttershy showed significant skill, probably because she had such a gentle touch. Rainbow grew more and more infuriated as her ball kept going flying into the same water hazard.

"This is rigged," she said after seeing she was miles behind the rest in points.

By midday they were pretty much warn out as they enjoyed the fast food lunch under a shady tree.

"Man" Flash said finishing his fish and chips, "when you girls have fun you take it to the extreme."

"I told you so" Pinkie said as she sucked up her ice cold soda, brain freeze be damned.

"It was definitely fun" Spike said, "but if we weren't taking this break I might of keeled over from exhaustion."

"Well get as much of your breath back as you can" Rainbow said, "because after we eat it's back to awesome fun."

"Yeah" they cheered finishing they're lunch.

They returned back out to the street to decide which activity to do next. "Maybe we could catch a movie" Applebloom said.

"Or how about a game of laser tag" Scootaloo said.

Flash looked around to see if they're was anything he wanted to do, when his eyes landed on a familiar face. It was him, the guy he had Duelled when he first got his Duel Disk. He stood at the far end of the street, not doing anything he just stood there as people rushed passed him he stayed perfectly still.

"You okay Flash?" Twilight asked, noticing his concern.

"It's him" Flash replied, not turning away.

Suddenly the man turned and walked away.

"WAIT" he called, his feet moving before he could think of anything else.

"Flash" Twilight called, "where are going?" but Flash didn't reply as he rushed towards the end of the street.

"Excuse me" he said pushing by people, "excuse me" he finally reached the end of the street and turned in the direction the man had walked. He spotted him and followed. This went on for a while, as Flash barely managed to keep up. The chase finally came to an end, when Flash ran into a construction site of a new building.

The site was in its early days so it was mostly girders and machinery. But the one thing it didn't have was that man, who had disappeared into thin air.

"FLASH" the teen turned to see his friends also enter the area. "What's the big idea running off like that?" Rainbow asked

"I saw someone" Flash said.

"Who?" Twilight asked.

"Me" they all looked up to an area of the building and saw Cold Steel standing on a girder, about twenty feet off the ground.

"You" Flash said.

"Who is that guy?" Twilight asked.

"Remember that bad mood I was in the day I Duelled Pinkie. Well he's who caused it."

"Don't be so childish" Cold said.

"I want some answers" Flash said, "who are you? and how did you pull off that mind trick you played on me?" Cold Steel remind silent at that moments, "ANSWER ME." Flash yelled in frustration.

"Have you gotten stronger?" Cold asked. This surprised them since it was such an out of no where question.

"I have" Flash replied, "I'm not the same Duellist you beat before."

"Forgive me if I have trouble believing you" Cold said.

"What's your deal?" Scootaloo said, "my brother is super strong."

"He's beaten most of us" Rainbow said.

"And that should impress me why?" Cold asked, "the weak defeating the weak is nothing impressive."

"Why you" Rainbow began, but Flash stopped her as he stared up at the man.

"Duel me" Flash said, "I'll show you how powerful I am."

Cold stayed quite for a moment, then he spoke. "What's in it for me?" he asked, "if I should win what will you give me?" Flash didn't have an answer, but Cold then said. "If I should win, then your deck will belong to me." He pulled out his Duel Disk and threw it on his arm, "if you accept then go stand over there" he pointed to another set of girders approximately fifty feet away from him.

"Are you nut?" Twilight said, "no way Flash'll Duel for such high stakes" she turned to him. "Let's get out of here Flash" she took hold of his hand and tried to pull him away, but he stayed firm. "Flash?" was all she could ask before Flash pulled his hand from her grasp, and ran towards a nearby bulldozer jumping on top. Before leaping off and onto the area Cold had pointed to. "Flash get down from there" Twilight told him.

Once he was there he pulled out his Duel Disk and affixed it to his arm. "I hope your ready?" he said, "because when I win your gonna answer every question I ask you."

"We'll see" Cold replied.


Flash: 4000
Cold: 4000

"I'll take the first move" Flash said, "and I summon Brass Wing Magna Hawk in DEF mode" the mechanical bird appeared on the field. (A1400/D800/L4) "I'll throw down a pair of face downs and end my turn" he finished, "come on, I'm ready for anything you throw at me this time."

"Is that so" Cold said as he drew, "alright then since you have a monster out and I don't. I can Special Summon this card to the field in ATK mode" a monster appeared that looked like a man in a suit of armour made from ice, he carried a sword and shield that were also ice. "Frozen Heart Knight." (A1700/D1500/L4)

"What?" Flash said looking confused, "Frozen Heart. What happened to your Blazing Soul cards?"

"I reveal to you my true Duelling Deck" Cold spoke.

"So in our last Duel you didn't even use your real deck?" Flash asked.

"Of course" Cold replied, "had I used this deck you wouldn't have last two round against me."

"Oh you think so" Flash said.

"I now summon my Frozen Heart Enchantress also ATK mode," a woman in an ice coloured dress appeared with blonde hair under an ice coloured hat. She carried a staff made of ice with snowflake carved on the end. (A800/D1600/L4) "and now Frozen Heart Knight will attack Magna Hawk" the knight charged at the bird, swinging his icy sword down destroying the bird. "Next" Cold said, "Enchantress" the ice magician pointed her staff at Flash, before a breath of ice cold wind burst out of it striking Flash.

Flash: 3200
Cold: 4000

"That's cold" Flash said shaking, "are you done?"

"Barely" Cold replied, "I now activate the effect of Frozen Heart Statue Norr. By discarding it from my hand, I can activate the effect of Spell card that's not even in my deck."

Everyone wondered what card he would use, only to be given the answer. "I believe your familiar with this card, it's called...Polymerization."

Everyone's eyes went wide hearing this. He was going to Fusion Summon without a Spell card.

Cold discarded his card as a monster that was an ice sculpture of an arrow pointing upwards, with a face carved in it appeared on the field. In a second the sculpture exploded creating a wormhole, which sucked his two monsters inside. "Ice is an element that symbolises both strength and fragility, and when two pieces of ice meet they freeze together to make and even stronger piece." The portal exploded revealing a new monster, "I FUSION SUMMON."

The new monster looked like a large version of Frozen Heart Knight. The only differences were that instead of a sword and shield it carried a pair of frozen cutlasses, and a long ice coloured cape flowed down its back. "Frozen Heart Lord of the Sword." (A2000/D1500/L6)

"Incredible" Rarity said. "He could of Fusion Summoned from the start, but he saved it to deal Flash damage instead."

"What a combo" Sweetie said.

"You guys think Flash can win?" Fluttershy asked.

"It's not like it's his first Duel against a Fusion Monster" Rainbow said, "he should be fine."

"I end my turn" Cold said.

"It's my draw" Flash said drawing and looking at his hand. Nothing in his hand could take on that monster, so he'd need a little teamwork. "I summon Starbreak Dragon in ATK mode" his dragon appeared swinging its star shaped axes. (A1500/D1200/L4) "now I activate the Spell card Reverse Polarity, which will increase my Starbreak's ATK by the difference between his and your Lord of the Sword." (A2000/D1200/L4) "meanwhile your monster loses the same amount." (A1500/D1500/L6)

"Flash's dragon is stronger than the other guys" Applebloom cheered.

"That Lord of the Sword is going down" Scootaloo cheered.

"Don't be so sure" Twilight said, "just look at him." They looked at him and saw his face showed no fear, well it didn't show any emotion at all, as his monster grew weaker. "He doesn't have any face downs, yet he isn't worried. That means he either has a way to save it or wants it destroyed."

"Then that means" Scootaloo followed.

"Flash is walking into a trap" Spike finished.

"Starbreak Dragon attack" Flash ordered his monster, as it flapped its wings and flew upwards before diving down and swinging its axes at the ice monster causing an explosion.

Flash: 3200
Cold: 3500

"Got ya" Flash cheered, only to gasped when the smoke cleared and Frozen Heart Lord of the Sword was still standing. "But how?" Flash asked.

"By discarding Frozen Heart Gardna I negated my monster destruction" Cold explained as he discarded a card.

Flash growled, "I place one card face down and end my turn. Reverse Polarity's effect wares off returning our monsters ATKs to normal."

"My turn" Cold said "your deck is well built, with cards that support each other meaning no mater what you draw you'll always have something to work with."

"So what?" Flash asked.

"That means the fault for any loss is directly yours" he answered as he drew. "Relaying on luck is a weaklings path to victory, let me show you how the strong Duel. I summon the Tuner Monster Frozen Heart Statue Söder" another ice sculpture appeared on the field, but unlike Norr this one was a downward arrow with a face almost like an anchor. (A900/D700/L3)

"Did he say Tuner Monster?" Spike asked.

"He did" Twilight said, "but I don't believe it."

"When Frozen Heart Statue Söder is successfully summoned" Cold said, "I can revive a Frozen Heart monster in my grave by zeroing out it's ATK and DEF points." His Frozen Heart Knight reappeared on the field. (A0/D0/L4)

"But that means" Flash realised.

"I tune level three Frozen Heart Statue Söder with level four Frozen Heart Knight" the Tuner Monster transformed into three lights, which spun around to create a trio of circles that the Knight jumped in. "Once again two mighty pieces of ice merge into a new strength," the two monsters disappeared in an explosion of light revealing a new monster. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON."

The new monster was similar to Lord of the Sword, only instead of a pair of swords he carried a long spear made out of ice. "Frozen Heart Lord of the Javelin." (A2500/D2200/L7)

"He can Synchro Summon too" Rainbow said in shock, "who is this guy?"

"Now Lord of the Swords ability activates" Cold explained, "since a Frozen Heart monster other than himself was summoned. I can now revive one Frozen Heart monster, so I'll revive Frozen Heart Enchantress" the snow witch reappeared. (A800/D1600/L4) "When Enchantress is Special Summoned I can revive yet another Frozen Heart monster, so appear Frozen Heart Gardna." A monster similar Frozen Heart Knight appeared, only it had a pair of large round shields on both arm gauntlets. (A800/D2000/L4)

"Two level four monsters" Flash said worried, "if he can use Fusion and Synchro. Then maybe."

"I now use these two monsters to build the Overlay Network" Cold said, as his monster changed into lights which flew into a black hole as it formed. "Unite once again my frozen hearted monsters" the black hole exploded in a burst of light, revealing a new monster. "I XYZ SUMMON."

The new monster was similar to the two Frozen Heart Lords. The only difference was instead of swords or a spear, it carried a large chain made of ice with a giant fishing hook like object on the end. Two blue lights floated around it, "Frozen Heart Lord of the Hook." (A2400/D1200/R4)

Flash and his friends looked on in horror at the sight of the three different monsters staring the young Duellist down. "No way" he said shaking. If he couldn't find a way to beat these monsters then he would lose not only this Duel, but his deck as well.

Author's Notes:

Before anything I'd like to thank Foxhelm for the hospital idea, Thank Youuuu :pinkiehappy:.
Secondly, we have Cold Steels true deck, What did you think to it?

Turn 13, Frozen Heart pt2

The Duel between Flash and Cold continued. While Flash had Starbreak Dragon and three face downs, Cold Steel had successfully Fusion, Synchro and Xyz Summoned three Frozen Heart Lords to his field.

Frozen Heart Lord of the Sword. (A2000/D1500/L6)

Frozen Heart Lord of the Javelin. (A2500/D2200/L7)

Frozen Heart Lord of the Hook. (A2400/D1200/R4)

And the worst thing of all was that if Flash lost, then Cold would take his deck and there'd be nothing he could do.

"This is bad" Spike said.

"Poor Flash must be feeling terrified right now" Sweetie Bell said.

"I wouldn't blame him" Rarity said.

"Duelling against just one of those summoning styles would be tough, but facing three" Rainbow said.

"Whoever this guy is he's strong" Applejack said, "just wish we knew more bout him."

"Same here" Twilight said, "but I feel like I've seen him before."

"This is where the true Duel begins" Cold said, "Frozen Heart Lord of the Sword attack Starbreak Dragon" the sword wielding monster flew towards the dragon. It raised its swords high, before slashing them down in an X formation cutting through Starbreak.

Flash: 2700
Cold: 3500

"Now Frozen Heart Lord of the Javelin is free to wage a direct attack on you" he said, as his monster flew into the air and aimed its spear at Flash.

"I don't think so" Flash said, as one of his face downs flipped up. "I activate the Trap Beacon of Hope, which will allow me to draw a card. If that card happens to be a Monster than I'll get to summon it."

"Once again your relying on luck over skill" Cold said.

"You call it luck" Flash said, "but I call it faith. My deck's never let me down in a pinch," he put his hand on his deck. "Here we go, I...DRAW" he drew his card and smiled at what it was. "I drew Magna Fighter Arma, meaning I can now summon her to the field in DEF mode" the teen girl in steampunk appeared, brandishing her bronze shield. (A1800/D0/L4)

"ALRIGHT" everyone cheered.

"That's the combo that saved him when he Duelled that Duel-Bot" Scootaloo said.

Lord of the Javelin threw its spear at her only for it to bounce off.

"As long as Arma is in DEF mode she's invincible" Flash explained.

"Then I guess it's a good thing for me that when Lord of the Javelin fails to destroy a DEF position monster, it forces that monster into ATK mode."

"What?" Flash asked.

Lord of the Javelin caught its spear and landed infront of Arma. He then hooked it onto her shield, and with one good yank he pulled it from her grasp forcing her to her feet.

"That's not good" Rarity said.

"Lord of the Hook" Cold said, "it's your turn." The Xyz monster loosened its grip on its ice chain, causing it and the hook to fall to its feet. It took hold of the end and began swinging it around, before spinning on its heel bringing the weapon around and swinging it at Arma. She tried to defend herself, but without her shield she was no match as the hook sliced through her destroying her.

Flash: 2100
Cold: 3500

"I activate my other face down" Flash said, as his second card flipped up. "Starburst Draw, now since a level four monster was destroyed I can draw four cards"

This confused everyone. "But Starburst Draw only works when a monster with fifteen hundred or less ATK is destroyed," Scootaloo said.

"Arma's to strong for that" Applebloom said.

"That's why I'm using my other Trap" Flash explained as his last face down flipped up. "Code Change, now I can change one piece of text on a card on my field. I change Starburst Draw's text from fifteen hundred to two thousand, meaning Arma now fits the bill." Flash drew four cards and smiled seeing which four he had.

"I've accomplished all I intended to do this turn" Cold said, "so I will end it there."

Despite surviving the last turn, Flash still felt uneasy about those Frozen Heart Lords. "I have to admit you being able to summon three different ways was a surprise for sure."

"Limiting your focus to only one style limits your chances of victory" Cold said. "No one type is effective against everything, so mastering multiple Summonings will guarantee you'll have a way to win."

"I remembered what you said to me during our last Duel" Flash replied. "You said I wasn't a real Duellist, that I had nothing worth seeing when I Duel and I guess you were right." Cold nodded hearing the, glad the boy understood "but things are different" Cold looked up in surprise at that. "Since that day I've Duelled countless Duellists and seen how they Duel to suit there own style. I've battle against so many different monsters, and seen those Duellists own souls reflected in the cards they wield. And in each Duel I've changed a little by little. This is what Duelling has made me, and it's what'll help me beat you."

Cold frowned at this. "Is that so, then show me, show me what you've learned."

"Alright" Flash said, placing his hand on his deck. "I...DRAW" looking at the card he smiled seeing what it was, he took it and a card from his hand. "I'm using Lunara and Solaris to set the Pendulum Scale" he placed the cards on his Duel Disk, as the pillars of light appeared besides him being filled by his magicians. "With these two, I now have the power to summon monsters whose levels are between one and eight all that once. Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory" his magicians each shot a beam of light from their staffs, which connected and opened a portal above him. "I PENDULUM SUMMON."

The portal opened and three beams of light flew out and struck the ground.

"Howl to the moon, Shine Crest Magna Wolf." (A1200/D1100/L3)

"Get to work, Glow Craft Magna Fox." (A1600/D1300/L4/P7)

"Shine your light of victory, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

As the three monsters stood before him facing off against the three Frozen Heart Lords, the audience cheered.

"Alright" Scootaloo cheered, "this guy doesn't stand a chance now that Flash has his Pendulum cards ready."

"Hope your not to attached to your Lord of the Sword" Flash said, "because Flash Heart's skill is sending him to the bottom of your Extra Deck." A wormhole appeared below the Fusion Monster, which it feel through.

"That's one down" Rainbow said.

"I think not" Cold said.

Before the wormhole closed a icy chain flew inside it, latching onto something.

"What's going on?" Flash asked.

"My Frozen Heart Lord of the Hook's ability" Cold said. "When a card effect that removes a Frozen Heart monster is activated, he can detach one Overlay Unit and negate the effect." Lord of Hook pulled on the chain, slowly dragging Lord of the Sword out of the wormhole.

Flash growled at this, "fine then I'll take him out the old fashioned way. Flash Heart attack" the robotic dragon's boosters kicked into life, propelling him towards the Fusion Monster before sucker punching it into destruction.

Flash: 2100
Cold: 3000

"And now since my monster attacked and you have other monsters on your field" Flash explained, "the effect of Glow Craft Magna Fox activates. Now Flash Heart can attack again, with a power boost of two hundred." Magna Fox's tail tips glowed, before shooting off spheres of light that spun around forming into a glowing ring. Flash Heart leaped through the ring as his power increased. (A2700/D2000/L7/P4) "attack Lord of the Hook," the dragon flew towards the Xyz monster and sucker punched it like it did with Lord of the Sword, destroying it.

Flash: 2100
Cold: 2700

"And just like before Magna Fox's skill activates, letting Flash Heart attack again." Magna Fox's tail shot the light spheres again, forming the ring of light which Flash Heart flew through powering him up once again. (A2900/D2000/L7/P4) "now attack Lord of the Javelin," Flash Heart once again launched its attack and struck the final monster destroying it.

Flash: 2100
Cold: 2300

"And finally Magna Wolf will attack you directly" the large wolf leaped at Cold, slashing him down the chest.

Flash: 2100
Cold: 1100

The audience was cheering at Flash's come from behind lead.

"Wow Nelly that was something" Applejack said.

"With his best cards gone" Spike cheered, "he doesn't stand a chance."

"I wouldn't be so sure" they all turned to Twilight. She looked concerned at the way the Duel was progressing. "Don't you think that was a little to easy? After all his talk about mastering those techniques, he suddenly lets his monsters be destroyed without even fighting back."

"Maybe Flash just caught him by surprise" Scootaloo said.

"I doubt that" Twilight said, "he's planning something. And Flash needs to be careful."

"Since Magna Fox used his ability he's forbidden from attacking" Flash explained, "and the rest of my monsters are battled out for the round. So I'll end my turn." He smiled and fist pumped at what he had done, "how do you like that. I might not be able to Fusion, Synchro or Xyz Summon, but since I've mastered Pendulum Summoning I can still take you down."

Cold frowned at this. "You've mastered Pendulum Summoning...don't make me laugh."

"What?" Flash asked.

"You've barely scratched the surface of what Pendulum Summoning can do" Cold explained, "you use it to summon multiple monsters to gang up against your opponent. That's a cowards way of Duelling."

"What did you call me?" Flash replied in anger.

"You say you've improved your Duelling style, but all I've seen is that you've gotten better at Duelling like a scared little boy. You still hide behind your monsters, because your to much of a coward to truly fight alongside them."

"What's he talking about?" Rainbow asked.

"I don't know" Rarity replied.

"The fact that you'd call yourself a Pendulum Master is laughable" Cold continued, "you're a million years away from ever being able to call yourself that. I've seen what a true Pendulum Master can do, and compared to him your nothing."

"What do you mean?" Flash asked.

"Let me show you" Cold said, "what someone who has seen what Pendulum Monsters are truly capable of can do. I...DRAW" he drew his card and then activated it, "I activate the Spell card Icicle Crash." The Spell card appeared on the field and from it a sudden burst of cold wind blew, freezing the area around them

"What's happening?" Pinkie asked, as she and the rest of them tried to shield themselves from the wind.

The wind finally died down and Flash managed to see what was going on, and gasped at what he saw. The whole area was frozen solid, and from the roof five icicles hung. "What the?" he asked.

"Flash" Twilight called, "look inside them."

Flash did so and realised that inside each icicle was one of Cold's monsters, including the three Frozen Heart Lords, Frozen Heart Knight and Enchantress. "Icicle Crash" Cold said, "it allows me to banish up to five Frozen Heart Monsters from my graveyard. For each one I can add a card from my deck into my hand."

"So he now gets access to any five cards he wants?" Sweetie asked.

"He can make up any stratagy he wants with that" Rarity said.

The five icicles shattered as Cold removed five cards from his deck. "Prepare yourself, as I use Sol of the Frozen Sun and Måne of the Frozen Moon to set the Pendulum Scale."

"DID HE SAY PENDULUM" they all screamed.

Two pillars of light appeared besides him, where a pair of monsters floated up until they were ten feet above Cold's head. To his left was a blue skinned goblin creature sitting on a throne of ice, with a large sun carved out of the top and beneath him appeared a number ten. To his right was a similar monster, except it's throne had a crescent moon carved atop the throne and a one bellow it. "Now watch as with these to monsters I can cut through space time and carve my own arc of victory." A beam of light shot out of the sun and moon, which connected and opened a portal above him. "I PENDULUM SUMMON."

The portal opened and three beams of light flew out and struck the ground.

The three lights took the same form. A giant monster made entirely of ice, that were in the shape of a sphere. Suddenly cracks appeared on the front as the monsters fronts folded out into five points, revealing a face carved into the ice bellow. These new monsters now looked like a trio of huge stars carved from ice. "Behold my trio of Stjärna of the Frozen Star." (A2000/D2000/L8/P4)X3

"He can Pendulum Summon" Flash said looking catatonic, "how can he Pendulum Summon?"

"I've never seen anything like this before" Twilight said, she to being in shock.

"I now activate this Spell card" Cold placed the last card in his hand into his Duel Disk, "Frozen Crevice. Now the pair of us must select a monster" Cold waited for an answer but none came, as Flash was still in shock. "SNAP OUT OF IT." he yelled.

"What?" Flash said in confusion.

"I said select a monster" Cold said.

"Em I chose Flash Heart" Flash said, not thinking.

"And I'll select one of my Stjärna's" Cold said. "Now the rest of the monsters are destroyed" he explained, as his two other monster vanished along with Magna Wolf and Magna Fox.

"What did you do?" Flash asked.

"Frozen Crevice can only be activated when we both have two or more monsters" Cold explained, "it destroys all monsters on the field other than the ones we chose. It's evened up the battle field wouldn't you say?"

"Hardly" Flash said, "you just destroyed two of your strongest monsters. And since my dragon is five hundred points stronger then your star, you've put yourself in a corner."

"Don't be nieve" Cold said, "since my monsters were Pendulum Monsters they were sent to the Extra Deck. Exactly where I wanted them."

"What?" Flash asked.

"Now Stjärna of the Frozen Star attack Flash Heart Dragon" he ordered as his monster folded back into a sphere, before raising upward.

"Why is he attacking?" Scootaloo asked, "his monster's just going to get creamed."

"Now Stjärna of the Frozen Star's ability activates" Cold explained. "When he attack's his ATK points increase by the ATK points of every Frozen Pendulum Monster in my Extra Deck."

"WHAT" everyone yelled.

"But he just sent two monsters to the Extra Deck" Twilight said. (A6000/D2000/L8/P4)

The Pendulum Monster began to descend towards Flash Heart Dragon.

Flash stood frozen in place as the attack approached. His friends were yelling at him but he couldn't hear them over the force of the attack, as it struck Flash Heart destroying him. The force was so powerful that Flash was sent flying off the girder he stood on, and he dropped towards the ground.

Flash: 0
Cold: 1100 (Winner)

"FLASH" Twilight and Scootaloo yelled, as they watched him fall.

"HE LOST" the rest of them said.

Flash collided with the ground and came to a rolling stop.

"Flash" Twilight yelled, as she and the others rushing over to him. "Are you okay?"

Flash groaned as he got back up, "I'm fine" he said.

"I can't believe Flash lost" Rainbow said.

"He did more then lose the Duel" Applejack said looking over to where Cold had jumped down, "he lost his deck."

Flash managed to shakily get back to his feet, unable to comprehend what had happened. Not only had he lost, but now he would be forced to hand over the most important thing in his life. "you can't have it" he finally said, "I won't give this deck to anyone."

Cold remained stoic for a moment until he spoke, "if those cards were so important to you then why would you risk them on a Duel?"

Flash grew quite. Why had he risked them like that? He had been so focused on winning and getting answers that he but something so important on the line, without even thinking.

"The deck is mine" Cold said, "but I'll leave it in your care for now."

"What?" Flash asked, but he received no answer as Cold turned and walked away. "Wait" he called but his legs gave out and he was forced to stop and watch him go.

"I suggest you improve your skills before our next match" where Cold's last words before he was gone

"You better believe I'm gonna be ready for you" Flash called, "and I'll get some answers on who you really are."

Later on Cold returned to his office where the redhead teen was sitting at his desk.

"Have fun?" she asked.

"Just tell me what you found" Cold replied.

"The scans from your Duel Disk were received" she said holding up a tablet, "the energy levels from the Pendulum Summon held steady." Cold was happy hearing this, "but" he looked up at her as she held out the tablet. "The white is your and the blue is his."

Cold took the tablet which showed a bar chart with a white bar next to a blue one three times its size. "So that's it" he said, "even after all that work our Pendulum Cards are nowhere near as powerful as hers."

"What does this mean?" the girl asked.

"It means we have more work to do" Cold replied.

Meanwhile Flash and his friends were at Sugarcube Corner, where Fluttershy was checking him over. "It doesn't look like there's any serious damage" she said, "you'll need your rest though."

"Maybe you should go to the hospital?" Twilight said.

"And be stuck there for a week like you were" Flash replied, "no thanks."

Everyone remained quite as they all still had so many questions about that man. Suddenly the TV on the wall burst into life as a commercial came on, grabbing their attention.

"Welcome one and all" someone on the TV said as a pair of women appeared on a stage. The tallest had light pink skin and hair that was pink, green and blue, while the shorter had dark blue skin along with darker blue hair. "Our sincerest greetings to you all" the taller one said.

"We are your official mascots for the Celestic Cup" the shorter on said.


"I shine in the light of the glorious golden sun" the tall one said, "Celestia here."

"The magic of the moonlight is my thing" the shorter one said, "the names Luna."

"We are here today to announce that registration for the Celestic Cup is now open" Celestia said.

"Any aspiring Duellist is welcome" Luna said.

"And here to express his views" Celestia said, "let's welcome the president of Freeze Industries."

"He's also a former champion of the Celestic Cup" Luna continued, "and the sponsor of this years tournament."

"PLEASE WELCOME COLD STEEL" they sang as the screen cut to a very familiar face.

"It's him" Flash screamed jumping up off the couch.

"As Duellists it is our duty to stride to be the best we can be" Cold said, "and that is where the Celestic Cup comes in. Anyone looking for some friendly competition is in the wrong place, for this will be an all out war. And any Duellist skilled enough to make it to the finals, will be rewarded with more then just respect. They will be given custom made Pendulum cards that are being produced by my company."

"Freeze Industries are producing Pendulum Cards?" Rarity said.

"Guess now we know where he got his from" Twilight replied.

"Prepare yourselves for the greatest Duelling challenge any Duellist has ever faced" where Cold's last words, before the screen changed back to the Celestial Sisters.

"Wow what a great prize" Celestia said.

"I thought Pendulum cards were just a myth" Luna said in mock confusion.

"Not anymore by the looks of it" Celestia said.

"I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE CELESTIC CUP" they said before the screen went blank.

Everyone remained silent as they processed what they had just learned.

"Cold Steel" they finally heard Flash say, "so that's his name."

"I thought I recognised him" Twilight said.

"To think someone that important is so interested in you Flash" Rainbow said.

Flash shook in frustration. He had to find a way to talk to him again, to learn what his deal was with him. Finally he made a decision. "I'm entering."

"What?" Twilight asked.

"The Celestic Cup" Flash explained, "I'm entering. It's might be the only way I'm ever going to be talk to him, to find out what he knows about my deck, to Duel him again.

"Then you'll need to do a lot a winning" Applejack said, "he's only going to want to talk to the top players."

"Then I'll win" Flash said, "as many Duels as I need. I'll win the whole thing if it gets me the chance to face him again."

"And we'll be with you" Twilight said.

"I was planning on entering anyway" Rainbow agreed, "just gives me more of a reason. Besides, winning means I'll have my very own Pendulum cards."

Soon everyone was in agreement. They would enter the Celestic Cup and win their way to the finals in order to speak with Cold Steel again.

"Okay guys" Flash said, "hope your ready for the toughest Duels of your life?"


Author's Notes:

And now Flash and his friends prepare for the tournament, I can't wait.

Also a quick note. Since I suffer from a combination of being from Britain, Yorkshire and the male gender. I have terrible spelling and grammar, but luckily a loyal reader by the name of SuperSonicHeroes has agreed to help edit this story and as already redone Turn 1 and 2 so go check it out. Thanks man. :pinkiehappy:

Turn 14, Grand Hoof

"WHAT" Flash yelled hearing the news, "what do you mean I can't enter the Celestic Cup?"

He and his friends were in Sugarcube Corner going over their registrations for the Celestic Cup. Unfortunately when Flash was putting his details into the website, his Duel Disk sent up an alert saying he couldn't enter. Twilight had looked over the problem and came to a simple conclusion.

"You don't meet the requirements" she explained.

"How?" Flash asked.

"The Celestic Cup only accepts Duellists with a sixty percent win ratio, with a maximum Duelling quota of one hundred Duels" Twilight explained. "You started Duelling two months ago and so far you've only had approximately twenty or so Duels."

"So I need to Duel another eighty Duellists and win?" Flash asked.

"There's no way you can do that before the sign up ends" Rainbow said.

"So I'm screwed" Flash said sitting back on the couch with his head held low.

"There has to be someway to get you in?" Scootaloo tried to comfort her brother.

"But how?" Applebloom asked.

They all remained quite for a moment until Twilight cut the silence with a loud gasp, "that's right" she suddenly took back Flash's Duel Disk and started searching for something.

"What are you doing?" Flash asked.

"There is a way for you to get into the Celestic Cup" Twilight said, "right here" she held out the Duel Disk that was now showing an advert for something.

"The Shooting Star Micro Tournament" Flash read, "all applicants welcome. The prefect tournament for those with less then the required sixty percent win ratio, for the winner...WILL RECEIVE AUTOMATIC ENTRY INTO THE CELESTIC CUP!"

"It's perfect for you" Twilight said, "if you win you can still compete in the tournament."

"This is great" Flash said taking his Duel Disk back to sign up, only for a part of the advert to confuse him. "Action Duel...what's an Action Duel?" this made everyone go quite.

"I know you haven't been back in the Duelling world for long" Rainbow said, "but have you been live under a rock? how can you not know what an Action Duel is?"

"Just tell me already" Flash said.

"An Action Duel is the latest Duelling experience" Twilight explained, "it uses an ARC System to increase the action."

"And an ARC System is?"

Twilight sighed. "An Augmented Reality Combat System, or ARC System for short, can create hard light Duelling holograms to make the Duel feel more real. It creates a Duel Field with tons of different environments to run around in, while the monsters created using an ARC System are solid images you can touch, ride and battle with."

"They're real?" Flash asked in amazement.

"They're solid holograms" Twilight corrected, "they look and feel real but they're not."

"So how real do they feel?" Flash asked, looking nervous.

"Why'd you ask?" Twilight replied.

"Well if the monsters are solid then wouldn't their attacks be solid?" Flash said, "and if so isn't that dangerous? I mean my best card uses a literal sucker punch as its attack. Can you imagine if he attacked someone directly?"

They all created an image in their heads of a solid Flash Heart Dragon punching them, and shivered at the idea.

"Don't worry Flash" Twilight said, "there are a ton of safety protocols to prevent actual damage. No one has ever been seriously injured during an Action Duel."

"Alright" Flash said. He placed his info into the signup and pressed enter. Seconds later a message was sent back to him, signalling he was officially entered into the Micro Tournament, which was in three days time.

"Okay" Twilight said, "we have three days to get Flash Action Duel ready."

"RIGHT" everyone said.

"Why do I get the feeling I'm going to regret this?" Flash asked himself

He did in fact regret it. As for the next three days he was subjected to agonistic training at the hands of his 'friends'. Rainbow had him running long distances to improve his stamina, for when he would be traversing the field. "Come on lazy bones" Rainbow called back at him after he had fallen behind on the fifth mile, "you'll never last with that dismal performance."

"Don't...you think...this is...overkill?" Flash panted as he finally caught up.

"Do you want to win the tournament or not?" Rainbow asked.

"Yes" Flash replied, "but it won't matter if your exercise kills me before it even starts."

"You wuss" Rainbow said.

It wasn't just running Flash had to suffer through. Twilight had designed an obstacle course, in order to help Flash hone his already impressive reflexes. "Okay Flash" Twilight said, "Action Duels have something called Action Cards. They're scattered along the course, so the object is to pick them all up and reach the end before the timer goes off."

"Got it" Flash said.

"And...GO" she started the timer as Flash started running.

Jumping over the barrel Flash spotted one and snatched it up before moving onto the next one. By the end of the course Flash grabbed the last card and passed the finish line, "done" he said.

"Yes" Twilight said, "twenty seconds after the timer went off."

"Damn" Flash said.

"Again" Twilight ordered.

Flash tried again and again to master the course, but always slipped up somehow.

"Maybe this tournament isn't for you?" Applejack had told him after the eighth try.

"I have to" Flash replied, "it's my only way into the Celestic Cup. The only way I'm ever going to talk to Cold Steel again" at the sound of his name everyone shuddered, remembering that man.

"I just wish we could get some more information on him" Rarity had said.

"Well I did a little digging to try and learn more about him" Twilight said, "but all I could get was basic information."

"Anything is helpful" Flash said.

"Well" she continued, "his family relocated to this country from Sweden a century ago. They set up Freeze Industries and have grown it into one of the richest companies in the world."

"Anything else?" Rainbow asked.

"Just that Cold is a Duelling prodigy, and won the Celestic Cup six years ago" Twilight said. "Then he travelled the world looking to hone his skills, up until last year. Where he took over the family business."

"That's still doesn't explain his interest in Flash" Fluttershy said.

"Which is why I need to get into the Celestic Cup and talk to him" Flash said. "Let's try again."

The training went on for the entirety of the three days until it was the night before the tournament was set to begin. Flash and Scootaloo were sitting in their apartment, as Scootaloo pressed a large bag of ice onto Flash's upper back. "How's that feel?" she asked.

"Better" Flash said, "though would it have killed Pinkie to find something other then sand to fill that bag with."

"Well you knew it was coming" Scootaloo said, "next time actually try dodging it."

"Whatever" Flash said, but before he could say anything else Grand Hoof walked out of his room. He was dressed more business savvy then he usually was, with a suit and tie style. "Hot date Gramps?" he asked.

"I'm meeting an old business contact" Grand Hoof replied, "I'll be out most of the night. You two know the rules."

"No loud music, no friends over after nine PM and get to bed on time" the siblings recited in unison.

"Good" he said, "see you two later."

"Later" they said.

An hour later Grand Hoof stepped off the train and made his way through the city, heading towards a very unusual place. "Excuses me sir" a woman said as he headed for the entrance, "I'm sorry but the Museum is closed."

Grand Hoof reached inside his jacket and fished out his police badge, which he flashed at her. "I have business with the curator" he explained.

"Of course" the woman said, "go right ahead."

Grand Hoof entered the building and looked around, remembering the many times when he had brought his grand kids when they were younger.

"Well well well would you look who the cat dragged in" Grand smiled hearing that voice, as he turned to see Relic Fragment standing at the top of a nearby staircase. "Grand Hoof" Relic said stepping down, "I haven't seen you in years. Not since your granddaughter destroyed half the dinosaur exhibit" he chuckled.

"Indeed" Grand Hoof said, "even with so many cases under my belt I still haven't the foggiest how she managed it."

"So I'm guessing that you being here means you got the invitation to?" Relic said.

"Yes I did" Grand replied, "though I almost didn't come."

"Your not the only one" the two men turned hearing the female voice behind them. Cadance and Shining Armour walk into the room, both looking unsure about why they were there.

"Well if it isn't the famous Shining Armour" Grand said, "and his lovely wife Cadance."

"You've heard of us?" Shining asked.

"I do follow the Duel circuit you know" Grand replied, "but even if I didn't I'd be able to recognise you both in an instant. My grandson spoke rather highly of you both."

"Your Grandson?" Cadance asked.

"Flash Sentry" he explained.

"Oh" Cadance said smiling, "well I see where he gets his manors from."

"So does anyone know the reason we're all here?" Shining Armour asked.

"Your here because I asked you all here" they all turned around to see Cold Steel enter the building, "thank you all for coming."

"Your lucky I did" Grand said. "My family hasn't exactly had the best experience when we get involved with yours."

"I understand your caution" Cold said, "but this meeting was paramount."

"Then what's it about?" Cadance asked.

"A situation is arising" Cold explained, "and I require your services to help in the matter."

"What kind of services?" Relic asked.

"For you Mr Fragment I require your knowledge and connection in all things ancient" Cold replied. "You've studied countless ancient civilisations and have amassed a myriad of contacts in every country, which can gather the information I require."

"And the rest of us?" Grand asked.

"I may need your detective skill to run down leads I have" Cold said.

"What leads?" Grand said.

"In time" was all the twenty five year old explained.

"And you expect me to just trust you?" Grand said sounding angrily. "I already tried blind faith with your family and that lost me more then I care to risk again."

"And if you don't trust me, then your grandson will be in serious peril." Everyone froze hearing this.

"Is that a threat?" Grand Hoof asked.

"It's a warning" Cold replied, "for soon a great threat will rise, and your grandson may be the only one who can stop it."

"What kind of threat?" Cadance asked.

"I'm unsure right now" Cold said, "but I'm sure they will make they're move during the Celestic Cup. That's why I need you and your husband."

"To do what?" Shining asked.

"For now just to keep an eye out. Depending on what I learn I may require your help in other departments."

"But what does my grandson have to do with it?" Grand asked.

Cold remained quiet at this.


"How much do you know about your grandson?" Cold asked.

"What kind of question is that?" Grand asked, "I know everything about him. I raised him."

"Then let me ask you" Cold said, "where did he come from?"

Grand grew quiet at that, his body shaking at the question. "I don't know."

"What are you talking about?" Cadance asked.

Grand Hoof sighed and with one massive breath in, he began to explain.


My daughter Misty Vail had always been odd. Even as a child she had an overactive imagination

"Look daddy" a five year old Misty Vail said showing her father a picture of a fairy.

"That's beautiful pumpkin" a much younger Grand Hoof said, "what's it called?"

"She's called Vail Pixie" she said, "she asked me to draw a picture of her so everyone knew what she looked like."

"She asked you?" he asked her in confusion.

"She's right here" Misty said, "but only I can see her because we're best friends."

"Of course you are sweetie" Grand Hoof replied trying to sound sincere.

Back then I just thought it was a child's fantasy, but as she grew older she continued to keep saying she could see creatures others couldn't. Many times I would walk into a room and hear her talking to thin air. Years went by and she never seemed to have any friends, but she never felt lonely. And then she started Duelling.

"I summon Divine Sky Angel" a teenage Misty Vail said as she placed her card on a purple D-Pad. Suddenly a monster appeared that looked like a woman in white robes, with three sets of angel wings and a pink Bow in her hand. (A2300/D2600/L7) "Finish him off" she ordered as Divine Angel drew her bow and fired an arrow at Levia-Dragon - Daudalus destroying it and reducing her opponents life points.

"That was amazing sweet heart" Grand Hoof said hugging his daughter.

"Thanks dad" Misty replied, "but the praise shouldn't just go to me. My cards helped me out to."

Grand sighed, "this again."

"I'm telling you they talk to me" Misty said.

"Quiet down" he told her, "if people heard you..."

"Who cares what people think" Misty said, "I'm not crazy. My cards talk to me, and tell me how to use them to win."

Even into adulthood she continued spouting on about it. It wasn't long until someone very important learned about it.

Grand Hoof and Misty Vail found themselves in an office building where they had been invited by a dark figure who was sitting on the other side of the table.


"That man was the former President of Freeze Industries" Grand Hoof explained. He turned to Cold who was staring at one of the ancient duel tablets.

"My adopted big brother...Sombra."

"Your big brother?" Shining said in amazement.

"He ran the business until I was old enough to inherit it" Cold explained.

"He had heard of Misty's claims about being able to see what he called Duel Monster Spirits" Grand said, "and he believed her. He offered her a job at his company, designing new cards for distribution. She accepted and began her work, finding much joy in it. Every monster she had seen as a kid she designed."

"Sounds like a perfect job for her" Cadance said.

"It was" Grand Hoof said.

"What does this have to do with Flash?" Shining asked.

"A year after being hired Misty Vail and I met a young man" Grand Hoof replied, "he wasn't that much older than Misty. He worked for this very museum, where he collected artefacts to put on display."

"Trail Blazer" Relic said smiling at the memory of his friend.

"He was brash, fool hardy and could never take anything seriously" Grand said before he to smiled, "but he was also loyal, brave and had an unshakeable sense of justice. He and Misty were drawn to each other and one year later I was walking her down the aisle."

"That's so romantic" Cadance said.

"But that's the end of the happy times" Grand said. "A year after their wedding Sombra asked Misty and Trail to accompany him on an expedition, to find a new world."

"What new world?" Shining asked, eyebrow raised.

"He believed the Duel Monsters in the game really existed, and that certain individuals like my daughter could see into their world. He also believed that there was a way to cross into that world, and that people and monsters had been traversing the worlds. People going missing and monster sightings were caused by these...breeches, and he intended to find them. He along with Misty and Trail set out on their global trek to find a way into that other world."

"Did they?" Cadance asked.

"Whether they did or not is unclear" Grand Hoof said, "but during an expedition in Egypt they were exploring an ancient tomb dedicated to some Pharaoh name Atim or something. There was an accident and the tomb collapsed.

"That's horrible" Cadance said.

"When I heard of it I rushed to Egypt, but by then they had ended the rescue attempts. They couldn't find anything under the rubble, not even a body."

"But if they died" Shining asked, "then what about Flash and his sister?"

Grand Hoof sighed remembering that day.


Three years after his daughter and son-in-law were 'killed'.

Grand Hoof was asleep in his apartment one night. Suddenly he was awakened by a mysterious light that filled his room from the outside.

Getting up Grand Hoof looked out his window, but the light was so bright he couldn't see anything, so he headed out into the main room and grabbed his gun. Slowly he stepped towards the door as the light continued to shine through the cracks, before he flung open the door and was blinded as the light shot into the room in a tremendous flash. It was over within a second as the light disappeared. Grand Hoof looked outside to see if there was anything or anyone around, but no one appeared to be there. Suddenly his hears picked up on a sound below him, and as he looked down his heart almost gave out at what he saw.

A small basket lay on the ground, filled with a bundle of blankets wrapped around something moving.

Picking the bundle up out of the basket he opened it up to see an orange skinned baby with blue hair. He couldn't be more then a few weeks old at most, and as he opened his eyes and looked up at him Grand Hoof gasped seeing his eyes. They were the same as his long lost daughter.

His eyes moved back to the basket, where an envelope sat with a seal in the shape of a shield with a lightning bolt. Inside was a note saying the child was named Flash Sentry, along with some more basic info about him.


"They investigated the child" Grand Hoof explained, "they even did a DNA test between us to show we were indeed related. But even before that I knew this was my grandchild, even as a baby he was the spitting image of his father but with his mothers eyes."

"I can't believe it" Cadance said.

"Four years later Scootaloo arrived in the same fashion" he continued, "only this time there was no flash of light. I just opened the door and there she was, same basket, same bundle, same note telling me about her."

"And you still have no clue where they came from?" Shining asked.

"No clue" Grand Hoof replied, "Flash has always been a bit of mystery."

"How so?" Shining asked.

"Well first there's his amazing physical skill. I've often told him he could be an Olympian if he wanted to."

"Anything else?" Cadance asked.

"Yeah" Grand said, "the fact that he's never even had a cold."

"Really?" the three asked.

"Seriously" Grand replied, "when Scootaloo had chicken pox I tried everything to get him infected but nothing worked."

"Incredible" Cadance said.

"It is" Grand said as he turned to Cold, "that's what I know about where Flash came from. Now answer my question, what does my grandson have to do with this great threat your warning us about?"

Cold Steel remained quiet for a moment, until he final explained. "The Pendulum Deck. Even after countless tests and study we have been unable to duplicate their power to the same levels. Currently your grandson is the only one who has the real thing, but I've encountered the deck long before I ever met him."


Years ago Cold was traversing a snowy mountain. It was during a blizzard when he was climbing a steep cliff face looking for shelter, when his hand slipped mere feet from the top. But before he could fall something grabbed hold of him. Looking up Cold saw a figure clad in a brown cloak leaning down and holding him up.

After being pulled up the figure had taken Cold to a nearby cave where they waited out the blizzard. To pass the time they played a sit down Duel, using a large flat rock as a table.

Cold Steel had his three Frozen Heart Lords on the field and had three thousand more life points then his opponent. Then suddenly the figure took out two cards from his hand and showed them to Cold, revealing Magna Fight Lucidum and Glow Craft Magna Fox. It wasn't long before Cold's life points were reduced to zero.

Cold was amazed at the turn around the Duel and taken, and it was all because of the Pendulum Cards.

Suddenly something flew into the cave and landed on the figures shoulder. It to was covered in a cloak, but from what Cold could tell it stood at about two and a half feet. It had silver skin and a pair of sparkling insect wings on its back.


"Those cards have the power to do unbelievable things" Cold said. "If your grandson has been given them then he is the chosen one."

The four of them stood in quiet thinking this through.

"He has proven his potential as a Duellist" Cold continued, "but he still has much further to go before he is ready."

"So him being in the Celestic Cup?" Shining asked.

"The best Duellists in the world will be competing, and by facing them he will grow."

"I'd hate to say it" Relic said, "but it looks like we'll have to help you. If what your saying is true, then a lot of people will be in danger if we don't."

"Yes" Cold said, "so can I count on you?"

The four all shared a look, before they nodded.

"Then let's get to work" Cold said.

The next morning Scootaloo was cooking breakfast while Flash was taking on final look over his deck.

"Here you go" Scootaloo said placing a full English breakfast on the table in front of him.

"Er...thanks" Flash said.

"Your gonna need your strength for today" she replied.

"I guess" he quickly ate his breakfast before getting ready to leave.

As he and Scootaloo grabbed their backpacks and headed to the door, it opened revealing Grand Hoof walking in.

"Are you just getting in?" Scootaloo asked.

"Long night" he replied, before pulling something out of his pocket. "This was left in the mailbox for you Flash," it was a brown envelope with his name on it.

Flash took it and opened it causing his eyes to go wide seeing what was inside. Three cards were inside. The first was an odd monster card that was completely grey in colour, with a picture of a small dragon holding a round science beaker in its hand, but it had no name, level, attribute or ATK and DEF points. The other two cards were also blank like when he had first go his deck, except instead of effect monsters these the purple like.

"Fusion Cards" Scootaloo said, "what's the point in sending you those?"

"No idea" Flash said, but something told him we would soon find out.

Author's Notes:

Hows that for an info dump? What did you think.

Turn 15, Advance of Technology pt1

"Greetings Duellists young and old" the Celestic Sisters said over the megascreen, "we welcome you all to the Shooting Star Micro Tournament."

Celestia: We hope you all enjoy today's competition.

Luna: And to all competitors we wish you the best of luck. To confirm your entry please head to the reception desk inside.

"Well that's me" Flash said looking towards the entrance. The building where the tournament was being held was a large domed building, surrounded by two smaller domes connected by circular corridors.

"You'd better get in there" Scootaloo said.

"Right" Flash said as he walked in.

"Hello" the receptionist said.

"Hello" Flash replied, "I'm here to confirm my entry into the tournament."

"Of course" she said, "just place your Duel Disk into the scanner" a slot in the desk opened up and Flash inserted his Duel Disk inside. Several seconds later it came back out, as a picture of Flash came up and her computer. "Your registration is complete" she said, "your Flash Sentry and your contestant number fifteen. Once the last contestant arrives our computer will select your opponent."

"Thank you" Flash said.

"You all set" he turned to see his friends arrive.

"So how much longer until the first match starts?" Rainbow asked.

"The receptionist said once the last Duellist arrives everything will start then" Flash replied.

"Oh I hope he get here soon" Pinkie said excitedly.

"Same" Flash said but then something caught his eye, or maybe the lack of something or someone. "Hey where's Spike?" He asked Twilight about the lack of her little brother.

"Not sure" Twilight replied, "he said he had to go somewhere important but would try and show up later."

"That's odd" Flash said, "Spike never miss an opportunity to watch a Duel." Flash couldn't think about it any longer as at that moment the megascreen above them switched on, showing the Celestic Sisters.

"HELLO DUEL FAN" they said in unison.

Celestia: With all contestants at the stadium we're finally ready to kick this tournament off.

Luna: Here's how the tournament will work. We have sixteen Duellists who have been split into two groups of eight, with the A block Duellists in Duel Hall One and B block in Duel Hall Two.

Celestia: This is a single battle knock out tournament, where the two blocks will each have three rounds to crown a Block Champion. During the fourth and final round the two Block Champions will Duel against each other, to crown the tournaments winner.

Luna: Remember, the prize for this tournament is the chance to play in the Celestic Cup. I'm sure no ones wants to miss that.

Celestia: Right now our computer is randomly selecting who will face who in the Tournament. Contestants take out your Duel Disks to upload your entry card.

Flash activated his Duel Disk as it uploaded a new app. Opening it his Disk displayed an A4, "guess that's my number?"

"Block A contestant four" Twilight said, "that puts you in the second match."

"You'd better get to your designated area then" Rarity said, "each contestant has their own private room to wait for their match in."

"Right" Flash said, as he began to run down the corridor. "Wish me luck guys."

"We'll be cheering you on all the way" Rainbow called back.

"Good luck" Rarity said.

"Be careful" Fluttershy said.

Flash ran as fast as he could towards his area. He was going so fast that as he turned a corner, he didn't have time to stop when he found himself heading straight at somebody. "WOW" was all he could say as he crashed into them, "ow" he said getting up as turning to the guy "sorry."

"Yeah sure you are" the guy said standing up. He was a young man, possible early twenties, with cream coloured skin, brown hair, buck teeth, taped glasses, green bow tie and zits littering his face. "Why don't you watch where your going?"

"look I said I was sorry" Flash replied.

"Like I haven't heard that before" he said, "just stay out of my way" and with that he turned and headed back down the hall.

"Man what's eating him?" Flash asked, only for the memory of his match to erase it from his memory as he once again rushed down the hall.

He arrived at the A block and showed his entry card to the guard, who stepped aside and let him in. Flash found room four and walked in, looking around to see it was a very plain looking room. It had cream walls with a small black couch and table where a pitcher of water sat besides a cup. At the far end was another door which he guessed lead to the main Duel Field.

Flash sat on the couch and pulled out his deck. The room was completely sound proof, so he couldn't hear what was happening in the first Duel so he instead just looked through his deck making sure he had it just the way he wanted. Then he remembered something and went into his jacket pocket, pulling the envelope he had received that morning. The three cards were still there and once he pulled them out he stared intensely at them, as if doing so would cause them to do something. But nothing happened and the three cards remained the same.

Suddenly the door on the far wall opened, and a man in the same uniform as the receptionist walked in. "Your Duel is set to begin in five minutes sir."

Flash nodded and collected his deck to put back in his Duel Disk. When his gaze hit the Fusion Cards he decided for the hell of it and placed them in his Extra Deck, while returning the colourless card to the envelope and into his pocket.

Flash walked out the door and the man directed him down the corridor where a bright light could be seen. Told to stand just before the opening he waited as the voice of Celestia could be heard.

Celestia: Wasn't that an amazing Duel. Well I hope you didn't use all your energy watching it, because we have another one starting right now. Let's welcome our Duellists to the field.

Flash took that as his cue and out onto the field. Said field was the size of a football field, with a glass floor surrounded with the audience's seat. As Flash stepped out he felt a little over whelmed hearing the cheers of the hundreds of Duel Fans, and as he looked around he felt a little uneasy especially since he couldn't see his friends anywhere.

But even though he couldn't see them his friends were all in the stands cheering for him.

"Yeah Flash" Scootaloo cheered.

"Knock them dead partner" Applejack said.

"You can do it" Twilight called.

As Flash reached the centre of the field where the Ref stood, he looked to his opponent who was walking from the other direction and his eyes went wide. It was the same guy he had run into earlier, with the same zit and bow tie combo.

"So your my opponent" he said, "it's no surprise you were incapable of getting the sixty percent win ratio" he said.

"What are you talking about?" Flash asked

"A mindless oath like yourself probably can't even read the worlds on his cards" the guy said.

"Mindless...oath" Flash couldn't believe the nerve of this guy.

"Oh of course" he said, "mindless means having little intellect why'll oath means-"

"I KNOW WHAT IT MEANS" Flash yelled out, "and I am not mindless or an oath."

"Typical" he said, "can give an insult but the second you hear one coming at you you turn violent."

"Who the heck are you?" Flash said.

"The names Gizmo Poindexter" the guy named Gizmo said.

Up in the stands Twilight grew nervous. "He couldn't be that Gizmo could he?"

"You know him?" Fluttershy asked.

"Not personally" Twilight replied, "but I have heard of him. Gizmo Poindexter was one of the beta testers of the ARC System, since it was his father who created it."

"That guys dad built the ARC System?" Rainbow called out in shock.

"Yes" Twilight replied, "meaning Gizmo has probably used every Duel Field in the system."

"What" Scootaloo said, "that's totally not fair. It's basically giving him a home field advantage."

"But Flash isn't at a complete disadvantage" Rarity said, "by the looks of him Gizmo isn't that physically fit. Flash will most likely be more agile, meaning he'll be able to get around better."

"So it's a battle between skill and intelligence" Twilight said.

Back on the field Flash and Gizmo were staring each other down.

"Against my superior brain you don't have a chance of beating me" Gizmo said, as he pushed his glasses back up his nose.

"Don't underestimate me" Flash replied.

"It's not an underestimation" Gizmo said, "it's simply a fact. How can you expect to defeat a Duellist who knows every nook and cranny of whatever Duel Field we play on."

"Even if what you say is true" Flash said, "it doesn't mean anything. The Duel hasn't even started yet."

"Then why don't I just prove it to you. A theoretical explanation will probably be to confusing for your tiny brain to understand."

Flash growled hearing this and placed his Duel Disk on his arm, while Gizmo did the same with a brown one.

Celestia: it looks like our Duellists are ready to play. And now I'll select a Duel Field.

Celestia held up a remote and pressed a button.

Suddenly the glass floor beneath Flash's feet began to shine as it projected the Duel Field, as a robotic female voice said. "AUGMENTED REALITY COMBAT SYSTEM ENERGISED."

In a blink Flash found himself standing in the middle of a street, surrounded by metallic buildings from some futuristic city.

Celestia: it's Techno City.

Flash let out a gasped of amazement as he looked around the field. He knocked on the building and just like Twilight said, it was as solid as a real building. Suddenly he heard laughter and turned to Gizmo.

"If I believed in luck I'd say it wasn't on your side, since this is my best field."

"It is?" Flash asked.

"Indeed" Gizmo said, "Techno City is based along the idea that the future belongs to the realm of science. As it improves so does the lives of humanity."

"I get enough science lectures at school" Flash said, "can we just get the Duel started?"

"Very well you simpleton" Gizmo replied activating his Duel Disk, as it formed a white blade.

Meanwhile in his office Cold Steel was watching the Duel on his TV.

The redheaded teen named Sunset sat in a corner. "So not only did you rig the computer to give this guy possibly the worst Duellist for him to compete against, but you also rigged the ARC System to give him the best field for his opponent?"

"Only through truly intense Duels will his skills improve at the rate we need" Cold said, "if he is unable to overcome this obstacle then he won't stand a chance in the battles that matter.

Celestia: It looks like our combatants are ready. Then in three.

Audience: TWO

Celestia: ONE


Flash: 4000
Gizmo: 4000

Above their heads an orb filled with cards appeared before exploding, scattering the cards.

"ACTION CARD DISPERSED" the voice said.

"Brains before brawn" Gizmo said as he drew, "and I summon MechanicalChaser in ATK mode" a spherical robot with several arms appeared. Each arm had a different weapon attached. (A1850/D800) "Next I play the Continuous Spell card Machina Armoured Unit and end my turn."

"Then it's my turn" Flash said drawing. Looking down at his hand he found he didn't have much to stand up to the machine, since the only monster he could summon was Magna Fox. His other cards were Twin Lazor Dragon and Flash Heart, which he couldn't summon unless....

"Got no choice" Flash said, "I use Flash Heart Dragon and Glow Craft Magna Fox to set the Pendulum Scale" the pillars of light appeared as the two monsters flew up.

Up in the booth Celestia was commentating.

Celestia: What's this? it looks like Flash can use that mysterious new Duelling Technique.

"With these two cards I can cut through space time and carve the arc of victory, to summon monsters those are levelled five and six." The portal formed above his head, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and a stream of light flew out and hit the ground.

"Twin Lazor Dragon, energised." (A2100/D1500/L5)

The robotic dinosaur dragon let out a powerful roar as it prepared for battle.

"What's Flash doing?" Rainbow asked, "he just used his best card to summon a lesser monster."

"His hand must be really bad if he's using it like that" Twilight said.

"Here we go" Flash said, as with one great leap he jumped up onto the dragon's back. Just like the field Twin Lazor Dragon was as solid as a rock, "okay" he said getting comfortable. "I'll attack your MechanicalChaser with Twin Lazor Dragon" the blaster on the dragons left began to charge, and a few seconds later they fired hitting the robot and destroying it.

Flash: 4000
Gizmo: 3750

"When a machine monster is destroyed the effect of my Machina Armoured Unit activates, letting me summon a new machine from my deck." Gizmo's deck began to shuffle before it slotted out a new card, "I summon Technobot LV3" a new robot appeared behind Gizmo. It stood at about eight meters in height, with mostly red armour with white on the upper arms, legs, waist and head. In its chest was a cockpit with computers and a large leather seat. (A1200/D900/L3)

"Level?" Sweetie asked up in the stands.

"Yeah and three's the lowest" Twilight said, "if he plays this right then that robots going to get a whole lot bigger."

"Then Flash needs to destroy it before then" Rainbow said.

The Technobot kneeled down and held its hand down for Gizmo to step on, before it lifted him up as the canopy opened. Gizmo jumped in and detached his Duel Disk, before placing it on a computer that attached it to Technobot's systems as a pair of robot hands took his cards.

"What are you doing?" Flash asked.

The thrill of Action Duels" Gizmo said, sitting down. "You get to ride, or in my case, drive your monsters." He took hold of the controls and began commanding the robot.

"Don't get to comfortable" Flash said, "at only twelve hundred ATK points that monster won't stand a chance against Twin Lazor Dragon. As his name suggests he's allowed to attack twice in a turn, fire again." The dragon's right blaster began charging.

Gizmo smiled and using the controls he turned the robot around as it began running down the street.

"Hey where you going?" Flash asked as Twin Lazor chased after them.

"That dork's running away" Scootaloo said.

"No he's not" Twilight said.

The Technobot kept running until it reached a building that looked like it was still being constructed, and with one great punch it caused it to collapse.

"What was the point in that?" Flash asked as his dragon stopped, "fire now" the dragons blaster went off. The shot hit the robot causing an explosion. "All right" Flash cheered, but he stopped cheering when the smoke cleared and the robot was still there. "But how?"

"I activated the Action Spell Evasion" Gizmo said from with in the cockpit. "It allowed my Technobot to evade your attack."

"But where did you get it?" Flash asked.

"My Technobot retrieved it for me" Gizmo said as the robot held up its hand, showing a hole in the palm. "My Technobot's arms have vacuum tubes, which let it suck up any Action Spell it comes across. Those vacuum tubes led straight to this cockpit, meaning I don't have to lift a muscle to get the cards I need."

"This is bad" Twilight said, "Flash had the physical advantage but with that robot Gizmo has taken that away."

Celestia: What a turn around. Now that his monster is out of attacks, what will Flash do now?

"I place one card face down and end my turn" Flash said.

"It's my turn" Gizmo said as one of the robot hands drew a card. "It's time of technology to advance" he said as his robot began to glow.

"What's going on?" Flash asked.

"Progress" Gizmo replied, "my Technobot is getting an tune up" the robot was consumed by the light. "When inventing a device it's almost impossible to get it right the first time, so multiple versions are designed and upgraded." The light faded and a new monster was being shown, "the prototype is rebuilt and improved upon." The monster was a newer version of Technobot, with a darker red paint job. It was four or five meters taller then the previous form and had stronger looking armour, complete with large shoulders. "To become Technobot LV5!" (A2400/D1700/L4)

"Oh man" Flash said looking up at the upgraded robot.

"I activate Technobot LV5's ability" Gizmo said. "By discarding a card I can now destroy one monster on the field with equal to or less attack points"

"What?" Flash asked.

"I'll get rid of Machine King to destroy your dragon" Gizmo discarded and as did so, the robot's shoulders opened and a pair of lazor cannons folded out. They let loss a mighty ray of light which struck Twin Lazor Dragon destroying it.

Flash cried out as he was sent flying off his monster.

Celestia: I'm sure Flash wasn't expecting that. Now he's wide open and defenceless

"And that was just his ability" Gizmo said, "I still have his attack to hit you with" Technobot raised its fist.

"If this hits it'll take a serious chunk out of Flash's life points" Sweetie said.

"I can't watch" Fluttershy said as she and the others covered their eyes as the robot threw its punch. Seconds passed but none of them heard Flash yell out, like he should have considering he had just take a lot of damage.

Slowly opening their eyes they looked out and their eyes went wide.

Technobot's fist was inches away from Flash, but it couldn't get any closer as its wrist was being held by Flash Heart Dragon.

"What is this?" Gizmo said as Flash Heart pushed him away and stood between him and the Duellist.

"Guess you didn't know" Flash said, "that when Flash Heart is in the Pendulum Zone and I'm targeted for a direct attack he can jump out and summon himself." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"He can?" the girls asked.

"Sure I can't use his special ability when he's summoned like this" Flash continued, "but considering he just saved my hide I think it's a good trade off." He looked up and threw a thumbs up at Flash Heart who did the same, before kneeling down and picking him up to place on his shoulder.

Celestia: That sure was a close one ladies and gentlemen. These Pendulum Monsters seem to go above and beyond what the rumours say about them.

"Now Flash has his best card out" Scootaloo cheered.

"But the problem isn't as good as it looks" Twilight said. "If Gizmo can somehow destroy Flash Heart, then Flash won't be able to resummon him like he usually does."

"Magna Fox's Pendulum Scale is the same as Flash Heart's level" Rarity said, catching on.

"Then we better hope Flash can end this soon" Applejack said.

"Your only delaying the inevitable" Gizmo said.

"Hardly" Flash replied, "because with my dragon on the field you can't attack me so you'll have to end your turn."

Gizmo growled but did so.

"It's my turn" Flash said drawing, "I summon Magna Fighter Lucidum in ATK mode" the steampunk knight appeared, spinning his circular blades. (A1000/D1000/L3/P2) "Now Flash Heart will attack your Technobot LV5" he held on as his dragon's boosters lite propelling them forwards, before he sucker punched the giant robot destroying it.

Flash: 4000
Gizmo: 3650

Gizmo went flying as monster disintegrated around him.

"Now Lucidum attacks" Flash ordered as his knight ran towards the glasses wearing Duellist.

Gizmo grabbed his Duel Disk and started running, with the monster behind him. Flash knew he was running to find an Action Card but hoped his knight would hit him before he could find one. That hope was quickly dashed when Gizmo did a ninety degree turn and ran towards a lamppost, where a card was waiting.

"Hurry Lucidum" Flash said. His knight leaped at his target but in that second Gizmo managed to grab the card and slotted it into his Duel Disk.

"I activate the Action Spell, Trap Blueprints. Now I can take a Trap card from my deck and activate it, so I chose Defence Draw" Lucidum struck him with his attack but Gizmo took no damage. "Now I get to draw one card" he said doing so.

"I end my turn" Flash said.

"My draw" Gizmo said. He looked at his card and smiled at what he saw, "I activate the Spell Monster Reborn. Now I can revive one of my monsters" light surrounded him as his monster returned from the grave. The light faded and Technobot LV5 was back, with Gizmo sitting inside the cockpit. "And now it's time for the Advance of Technology to continue" he said "as I activate LV Up" he placed a Spell into his Duel Disk. "Now watch as the Beta Version's final bugs are removed" the robot was surrounded by light, "and my Technobot reaches his ultimate form." The light faded and the new Technobot towered of Flash and his monsters. His paint was now blood red, with yellow trim and grey for its upper arms and legs, head and waist. His armour was bulkier with many weapons hidden with in. His height was somewhere around eighteen to twenty meters.

"No way" was all Flash as he saw the robotic behemoth.

"How do you like me now" Gizmo said, "you don't stand a chance now that I have my Technobot...LV7." (A2800/D1000/L7)

Flash was inclined to agree. He didn't think he had a card in his deck that could save him now.

Author's Notes:

What is it with me having Flash face giant robots?

Now we have LV Monsters, which after Pendulums are my favourite type of monster.

Gizmo is that pony seen in Putting your Hoof Down and some of the comics. Tell me what you think of his deck

Turn 16, Advance of Technology pt2

It was the first round of the Shooting Star Micro Tournament and Flash had suddenly found himself in hot water. Sure he had his best card out, but his opponent Gizmo had summoned a monster that was way more powerful then anything Flash's deck had.

"Now that my Technobot has reached his ultimate form" Gizmo said, "there's nothing you can do to stop me from defeating you."

"Don't count me out just yet Gizmo" Flash said, "me and my monsters are ready for anything you throw at us."

Celestia: This has been one roller coaster of a Duel. But now that Gizmo has his number one monster out on the field, it might be the end of Flash's time here and the Micro Tournament.

"It looks like the crowd has already decided a winner, hey Flash" Gizmo said.

"This Duel is far from over" Flash replied. "You may have the strongest monster on the field, but that doesn't guarantee you the win. My monsters work better when their together, as a team.

"Is that so" Gizmo said, "then why don't we test that theory. I activate LV7's special ability, to let me discard a card and destroy every monster on your field with fewer ATK points the what I discarded."

"ALL OF THEM" Flash and the girls yelled.

"I discard my Perfect Machine King to destroy every monster with less than twenty seven hundred points" Gizmo said, as he discarded a card from his hand. Suddenly slots in the machines arms, legs and shoulders opened revealing multiple lazor cannons which fired into the air. Everyone watched as the blasts flew into the sky and exploded like fireworks, which suddenly began flying downwards towards Flash and his monsters like hundreds of little meteors.

Flash knew he had to find a way to stop his monsters from getting destroyed, when suddenly he noticed a card on one of the buildings in a window frame. "My only chance, Flash Heart" he pointed at the window and his monster flew towards it in an attempt for Flash to grab it, which he did by holding onto the edge of his monsters shoulder. Flash snatched up the Action Card, "got yeah" he said but his excitement quickly turned to dread when he saw the card wasn't an Action Spell, but and Action Trap named Short Circuit. Suddenly he felt himself get shocked by the card as it vanished.

Flash: 3500
Gizmo: 3650

"You fool" Gizmo said, "Action Cards are a mixed blessing. They can either help you or destroy you, and you just wasted your time." The meteors continued the descent towards Flash, getting closer every second.

Flash Heart grabbed Flash and placed him on the ground before shielding him as the blasts finally struck, destroying both him and Lucidum. "No guys" Flash called seeing them be destroyed.

Celestia: And just like that Flash's monsters are gone. Is anyone else getting a déjà vu feeling? Only this time Flash Heart Dragon won't be around to save Flash.

"With your field completely empty, my LV7 is free to attack and decimate your life points." The giant robot raised its fist and threw it at Flash.

"I activate my face down" Flash said, "your not the only one with a Defence Draw Trap Gizmo." His face down flipped up, as a force field appeared around him which the robots attack bounced off. "Now I get to draw one card" Flash did so.

"I end my turn" Gizmo said.

"My draw" Flash did so and smiled seeing what he drew, along with the card he had got thanks to his Trap. "I'm resetting the Pendulum Scale, with Scale four Magna Fight Gladio" the steampunk swordsmen appeared in the empty light pillar. "Now i can once again cut through space time and carve the arc of victory, to summon monsters levelled five and six." the portal formed above him, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and a beam of light shot out and hit the ground.

"Snap to it, Lumino Jaw Dragon." (A2300/D1600/L5/P5)

"Why's he playing that card in ATK mode?" Applebloom asked.

"He must be intending to destroy Technobot with it somehow" Twilight replied.

"First of since Lumino Jaw Dragon was special summoned, I can return all your Spell and Trap cards from the field to the bottom of your deck." The dragon flapped its wings and caused Machina Armoured Unit to return to his deck.

"Now if he destroys LV7, Gizmo won't be able to summon a new monster to take its place" Rainbow cheered.

"Now Lumino Jaw Dragon, attack Technobot LV7" Flash ordered.

"My Technobot is far superior to your dragon" Gizmo reminded him.

"That would be true if it wasn't for Gladio's Pendulum ability" Flash replied. "Since Lumino Jaw Dragon was Pendulum Summoned while I have a monster Magna in its card name, other than Gladio, I can increase my monsters attack strength by eight hundred points." (A3100/D1600/L5/P5)

"What" Gizmo said in shock.

"Do it Lumino" Flash said as his monster took flight as the pipes around it began to smoke.

Gizmo had his monster look around, in a hope to find an Action Card.

Lumino Jaw Dragon fired its flames at the robot, who quickly threw a punch at a nearby building. The fire struck the robot a second later causing an explosion.

"Gotcha" Flash cheered, but as the smoke cleared his eyes grew wide seeing Technobot was still standing.

Flash: 3500
Gizmo: 3450

"Nice try" Gizmo said, "but I got the Action Spell Miracle. It saved my monster and cut the damage I would have taken in half."

Flash growled, "I end my turn." (A2300/D1600/L5/P5)

"My draw" Gizmo said. "Since you monster is back to its original points I'll have my Technobot attack."

"Why isn't he using the monsters ability?" Sweetie Bell asked.

"Don't forget that ability requires him to discard a monster, whose ATK points are the same or greater than the monster he wants to destroy" Twilight reminded her. "He must not have a monster with twenty three hundred points or more."

"Lumino" Flash waved to his dragon, who flew down as Flash leaped up and onto its back.

Let me guess" Gizmo said, "your going to go looking for an Action card."

"Hey" Flash replied, "if at first you don't succeed then try again." He and his dragon flew through the city, Gizmo hot on his tail. Despite Flash's dragon being significantly faster then the giant robot, Technobot's large size and long strides allowed him to keep up. Suddenly he saw what he was looking for, an Action Card in a window sill. His dragon flapped its wings and created a gust which dislodged the card and sent it floating through the air towards Flash, before another gust of wind hit it sending it flying in another direction.

Technobot held out its hand as a vacuum tube in its palm sucked the Action Card inside.

"Hey" Flash said, "that Action Card is mine."

"Wrong" Gizmo said, "it's mine. Like the rules say the first Duellist to touch the Action Card can use it. Now back to your monsters destruction" the robot raised his fist and with one great punch, he knocked Lumino Jaw Dragon and Flash out of the sky.

Flash: 3100
Gizmo: 3450

Flash cried out as he fell all the way to the ground. Luckily he hadn't been flying to high, so the fall wasn't that far. But it still hurt as he crashed into the ground.

"FLASH" the girls cried out in worry.

"Is he okay?" Fluttershy asked, petrified to hear the answer.

"he's not moving" Rainbow said.

As Flash finally began to pick himself up, Gizmo laughed from within his cockpit. "How does it feel? To be helpless against someone so much bigger than you. Maybe now you know how it feels."

"How what feels?" Flash moaned out once he was on his feet.

"How it feels to be the little guy. The guy everyone just steps on, ignores or pushes out of the way. You'll soon know what it feels like to be like the innocent victims of your bullying."

"Bullying?" the girls asked.

"What the heck are you talking about?" Flash asked.

"Don't try and deny it" Gizmo said, "I've seen your type a hundred times over. The styled hair, the leather jacket and the way you so easily push people around. Bullies never change, no mater what you do."

"But I'm not a bully" Flash tried to defend himself.

"Then what do you call the stunt you pulled on my back in the corridor?" Gizmo asked.

"That's what this is about" Flash said, "that was an accident. It's not like I waited around the corner to slam into you or something."

"Typical" Gizmo said, "try and talk your way out of trouble because someone bigger and stronger showed up. Just like you bullies, being all high and mighty as long as your the biggest fish in the pond. But as soon as a bigger fish shows up you scurry away and hide, like the coward you are.

"Anyone else thing this guy has a few screws loose?" Rainbow asked.

"Sounds like he's had to suffer some pretty bad abuse concerning bullies" Twilight explained. "I guess after experiences like he's had, it can be hard not to see everything in black and white."

"You sound like you have some level of experience in this?" Rarity asked.

"Back in my old school I used to be picked on as well" Twilight explained. "It was so bad my parents made me transfer to Canterlot High."

"So you know what he's been through" Applejack said.

"Mostly" Twilight replied, "but he's going about it in the wrong way."

"Listen pal" Flash said, "I don't know where you get this assumption about me? But I can assure you that I hate bullies as much as you do."

"Like I'd fall for that" Gizmo said.

"It's true" Flash said, "in fact I used to suffer from bullies just like you did. They'd force me into Duels and threaten my little sister, if I didn't hand over my cards when I lost. It got so bad that I grew to hate Duelling and started distancing myself from my sister. But I've never tried to be a bully like them, in fact I've gone out of my way to try and stop it when I see bullying, that's what got me back into Duelling to begin with."

"Enough of the lies" Gizmo said, "it's time you felt the power of my Technobot."

"Well you'll have to wait until after my turn" Flash said drawing, "once again my Pendulum cards with carve the arc of victory." The portal opened once again, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and once again Lumino Jaw Dragon appeared, powered up by Gladio. (A3100/D1600/L5/P5) "ATTACK" Flash ordered, as his dragon fired its flames again.

"I activate the Action Spell card Miracle" Gizmo said, "once again my monster is safe." The flames struck the robot but it remained standing.

Flash: 3100
Gizmo: 3250

"I'll place one card face down and end my turn" Flash said.

"My draw" Gizmo saw what card he had and smiled. "I sacrifice Jinzo to activate my Technobot's ability" the robots blasters folded out and aimed upwards, before firing. Like before the blasts flew up and exploded, before they came crashing down and destroyed Lumino Jaw Dragon.

Celestia: And once again Flash's field has been emptied.

"Now Technobot attack" Gizmo controlled his monster as it raised its fist and brought it down.

"I Activate my Beacon of Hope Trap card" Flash said, as his face down flew up. "With this I can draw one card, and if it's a monster card I can summon it." He went to his deck and drew, "I summon Starbreak Dragon" his axe wielding dragon appeared in DEF mode. (A1500/D1200/L4)

"Not so fast" Gizmo said, "I activate the Quick-Play Spell card Hacking. It allows me to change the battle position of a monster on the field, and I chose your dragon's. Starbreak stood up as the robots fists crashed into it, causing it to be destroyed.

Flash: 1900
Gizmo: 3250

Flash stood uneasily as he withstood the attack. "My draw" he drew and found he had gotten Aura Spear Dragon, which was useless against Technobot, especially if Gizmo drew a monster strong enough to sacrifice. Flash couldn't take that chance and knew he had only once other choice. "I've gotta find an Action card" he said looking around.

"Even if you do find one what are you hoping for?" Gizmo said. "The odds of one Action card being able to turn this Duel around are slim to none."

"That may be" Flash said, "but that still gives me a chance." He suddenly spotted a card near a construction zone, and began to run.

"I pity you" Gizmo said, "it must be so painful to not have enough brains to see the facts infront of you. If only you would stop and think about the situation."

"That's the difference between you and me Gizmo" Flash said, as he continued to run. "You follow your head, and I respect that, but I follow my gut. Sure it gets me in trouble just as much as it saves me, but it's just who I am. And right now my gut is telling me to grab that Action card."

"Well lets see what your gut tells you to do, once that card is in my hands" Gizmo kicked his robot into high gear, as it rushed towards the construction zone. The only problem was that Flash was already at the area and would definitely get the card before him, so Gizmo used a different method. With on swift jump the Technobot came crashing down, causing the ground to shake and the many girders and steel beams began to rattle.

Flash had almost lost his balance due to the shaking, but got it back in time to see the half built building beginning to rattle. Without a seconds thought he leaped onto the lowest beam, and then leaped up to a higher one. All the while the now unstable structure began to rock from side to side.

"Are you insane?" Gizmo asked.

"Get down from there Flash" Twilight yelled.

"That's to dangerous" Rarity called.

None of the other girls could bare to look, especially when parts of the building began to collapse. But Flash continued to climb upwards, drawing closer to the card and just as he was about to reach it, the whole thing toppled over.

"FLASH" the girls screamed.

Celestia: Oh my.

Everyone remained quiet as the the dust finally cleared, showing the wreckage of the building...but no Flash.

"Oh no" Twilight said, before placing her face in her hands.

"Wait" she heard Rainbow say, "look"

She and the rest all looked back up at the rubble which had begun to shake. Suddenly it exploded as a massive tornado shot out, and standing in the centre of it was Flash.

"What's happening?" Gizmo asked.

"I got the Action Spell Mad Hurricane" Flash explained as the twister disappeared, along with his Pendulum Monsters. "This card returns every card on my field to my deck, and then I can draw the same number of cards" he placed his Pendulum cards in his deck as it shuffled. Flash then drew two new cards.

"Two cards won't save you" Gizmo said.

"Don't be so sure" Flash said, "Because I'm setting the Pendulum Scale with Scale one Magna Caster Lunara and Magna Caster Solaris." The two magicians appeared in the pillar of light, "now I can summon monsters levelled two through seven. Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory" the portal formed above him. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and four beams of light flew out.

"Slice and dice Magna Fighter Lucidum." (A1000/D1000/L3/P2)

"Snap to it Lumino Jaw Dragon. (A2300/D1600/L5/P5)

"Let your aura flow Aura Spear Dragon." (A2000/D100/L4)

"Shine your light of victory, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"So what if you have four monsters?" Gizmo said, "not one of them can hold a candle to mine." Suddenly his computer began beeping.


"What's going on?" Gizmo asked, before the hood of his canopy opened and his seat ejected sending him flying. Once he 'landed' Gizmo turned back to his monster and saw it was falling through a wormhole, before disappearing into nothing.

"You like it?" Flash asked, "my Flash Heart Dragon's ability activated when he's special summoned. It sent your Technobot to the bottom of your deck."

"That can't be possible" Gizmo said.

"Don't worry" Flash said, "Flash Heart can't attack you directly but my other monsters are happy to do that. Lucidum" the knight leaped at the Duellist and slashed him.

Flash: 1900
Gizmo: 2250

"Now Aura Spear" Flash said, as his dragon took flight and formed his energy spear.

"I need an Action card" Gizmo said, as he spotted one and leaped for it. He took hold of it and the second he did he felt a surge of electricity hit him, the card was a Short Circuit card like the one Flash had grabbed earlier.

Flash: 1900
Gizmo: 1750

Aura Spear Dragon released its attack and it went flying straight at Gizmo, hitting him through the chest and causing him to fall.

Flash: 1900 (Winner)
Gizmo: 0


"He did it" the girls cheered.

Celestia: That was certainly an impressive comeback. I'm looking forward to what young Flash has in store for the next round

As the field dissolved Gizmo got up, only to find Flash standing above him. So this was where the ridicule came, was the first thought that entered Gizmo's head. But instead Flash held out a hand and said, "good game." Gizmo's eyes went wide, but he took the hand and was pulled up.

"Yes indeed" Gizmo said, "you to...good game."

"I know you think I'm a bully" Flash said, "but I want you to know that I'm nothing like that. What happened before, that wasn't me being mean...just me being overeager and clumsy, and I am sorry."

"No I'm sorry Flash" Gizmo replied, "I was wrong about everything I said about you."

"Glad to hear it" Flash said.

"Yes" Gizmo said, "and good luck in the rest of the tournament." With that said, Gizmo turned and left the arena.

Cold turned away from the TV and sighed.

"Not going to watch the other Duels?" Sunset asked.

"I've already seen his next opponent's skills" Cold said, "her technique should be quite tricky for him to overcome."

"He's pretty ballsy I must say" Sunset said, "pulling off that little stunt." She paused the TV on Flash's face, "and he's not bad looking either."

Meanwhile Flash returned to his room and sighed as he slid down the door. He was exhausted and this was only the first match. The rest of the tournament was only going to get harder, and he would need to be ready for anything.

Author's Notes:

Any guess on who Flash's next opponent will be? I bet none of you will figure it out.

Turn 17, The Pound of Music pt1

Flash was walking through the stadium looking for his friends. After the first round the contestants were given a half hour reprieve, before the next round started.

Despite his victory Flash was still a little shaken due to how difficult it had been. Plus the fact that he was still reeling from the last Duel, after all hologram or not you didn't just brush off the fact that a building fell on top of you.

Suddenly a sound hit his ears. It was a soothing melody which filled the air around him and caused all his fears and worries, to just melt away.

Following the sound he found a girl sitting on a bench playing a harp. She had aquamarine skin and hair, wore a pink top and dark blue shorts and around her neck was a necklace of a harp. In he hand was a small harp which the music was resonating from.

Once she finished Flash did a small clap, "that was very good" he said, getting her attention.

She looked up at him and smiled. "Thanks" she said, "I find it relaxes me before a Duel."

"You in the tournament?" he asked.

"Yes I am" she replied, "the names Lyra, Lyra Heartstrings."

"Flash Sentry" he replied, "so I'm guessing that if your trying to relax yourself then you won your Duel."

"Yep" Lyra replied, "my opponent didn't stand of a chance. He actually quit halfway through."

"Really?" Flash asked.

"What can I say" she said, "I guess my stratagy was just to much."

"Wish I could say the same" Flash said, "I won mine by the skin of my teeth."

"Was it your first time on an Action Field?" Lyra asked, and when he nodded she continued. "Everyone has trouble in their first Action Duel, but once you've got the hang of it then you'll be fine."

"I guess" Flash said.

"Well it was nice meeting you" Lyra said, "I need to go prepare for my next match."

"Well good luck" Flash said.

"You to" Lyra replied before walking away.

Seconds after she was gone a voice caught his attention. "Flash!" He turned to see his friends running towards him.

"Hey guys...OW" he cried as Twilight slapped him across the face.

"ARE YOU INSANE FLASH SENTRY?" she screamed, "pulling a stunt like that."

"What's the problem?" he said, "I won didn't I?"

"Only by putting yourself in unthinkable danger" Rarity said.

"Look I won" Flash said, "and to me that's all that matters. So excuse me if my methods are a little extreme."

"You call jumping into a collapsing building a little extreme?" Rainbow said.

"Okay fine" Flash said, "I'm sorry...better."

"A little" Twilight said, "but don't pull anything like that again."

"I won't" Flash said, "promise."

"Good" Twilight said, before smiling "then congratulations. I can't believe you pulled it off."

"Wow Nelly it looked like you were out back there" Applejack said, "but ya did it."

"That tornado looked super fun to be in" Pinkie said.

"It was pretty cool" Flash said, "I'm just lucky I grabbed the card."

"Well you can't relax yet" Rarity said, "the competition is only going to get tougher."

"I know that" Flash said. He pulled out his deck and shuffled out his best card, "but as long as I've got you I know I've got a chance."

"You'll need to be careful" Scootaloo said, "we saw what your opponent could do and-"

"Stop" Flash said holding his hand up to her face, "I don't want to know."

"But if you don't know" Scootaloo began.

"I'll figure it out" Flash replied, "I'll never grow as a Duellist if I know what my opponent is going to do. It's the unexpected that'll help me get better.

"I guess" Scootaloo said, though she sounded worried.

"Well then you'd better get back to your room" Twilight told him.

"Right" Flash said, "wish me luck." He began walking away, but then heard Rarity say.

"Meet us back here after the match, so we're not aimlessly wondering around to find each other."

"Got it" he said as he returned to his room, to wait for his match to start.

Meanwhile Cold was in his office waiting for the match to start.

Sunset arrived now carrying a bag of chips. "I got snacks. This should tie us over till after the match, then we can get lunch."

"Must everything be a joke to you?" Cold asked.

"Hey, until you get me a real assignment, I'll do whatever I want to pass the time.

"Your mission will begin the second the Celestic Cup starts."

"I still don't get why you want me to focus on that girl?" Sunset asks "she doesn't seem like anything special."

"Just do as I say" Cold said.

"Fine" she replied, "but since the tournament is a ways off. I'm vegging." She sat on a couch and opened the bag, as the match began.

Celestia: It's time for the second round to begin. The excitement is sure to be twice that of the last round, so lets get our competitors on stage.

Flash walked out onto the field where the the ref stood. And walking out from the opposite direction was none other then Lyra Heartstrings.

Flash shouldn't have been to surprised since she had said she was in the tournament, so facing her would have happened eventually. He just hadn't expected it to be so soon.

"Fancy meeting you here" she said with a smile.

"Yeah" Flash replied, "what are the odds?"

"I think this is going to be fun" she said, taking out her aquamarine Duel Disk and fixing it to her arm.

"I hope so" Flash replied doing the same.

Celestia: It seems our competitors are ready. So lets get this started and chose our Action Field.

She pressed the button on her remote and in that second the floor glowed as it formed the Duel Field.


In the blink of an eye Flash had been transported into a giant room filled will massive instruments. Flash felt like he had somehow shrunk since comparing himself to a nearby flute would put him at about five inches tall.

Celestia: It's the Giant's Orchestra.

"Just my luck" Lyra said.

"What do you mean?" Flash asked.

"This is my field" Lyra explained.

Flash sighed hearing her say this. Twice now he had to face his opponent on a field they did well on. "Doesn't matter" Flash said, "I beat Gizmo on his field and I can beat her the hers."

Up in the stands a girl walked in. She had creamy skin and blue and pink hair. She wore a white dress with yellow and blue trim.

"Lyra" she said sadly, "what happened to you?"

Celestia: Let's get this started. In three.

Audience: TWO

Celestia: ONE


Flash: 4000
Lyra: 4000


"I'll take the first move" Lyra said, "and I think I'll go with the Spirit of the Harp in DEF mode." A woman in a yellow robe appeared alongside a giant harp. (A800/D2000/L4) "Next I'll place two cards face down and end my turn."

"My draw" Flash said, "I'll summon Starbreak Dragon in ATK mode." (A1500/D1200/L4) "And I'll play Lightspeed." (A2500/D1200/L4) "Now attack" the dragon flew up and swung its axes which slashed through the woman. "I'll set two cards face down and end my turn."

"My draw" Lyra said, "I summon another Spirit of the Harp in ATK mode." (A800/D2000/L4) "And now I'll activate the Spell card Music of Reversal, which switches the ATK and DEF points of my Spirit." (A2000/D800/L4) "Now I attack" the woman strung the harp, the music creating shock waves that hit the dragon destroying it.

Flash: 3500
Lyra: 4000

"I activate my trap card, Stardust Draw. Now I get to draw four cards"

"I end my turn" Lyra said.

"It's my draw" Flash looked at the cards he had and smiled, "I'll use Scale two Magna Fighter Lucidum and Scale eight Magna Caster Solaris to set the Pendulum Scale." The pillars of light appeared and the two monsters entered them. "Now watch as I now have the power to summon monsters, whose levels are three through seven all at the same time. Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory." The portal formed above him. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and three beams of light shot out.

"Snap to it, Lumino Jaw Dragon." (A2300/D1600/L5/P5)

"Howl to the moon, Shine Crest Magna Wolf." (A1200/D1100/L3)

"Sky high, Brass Wing Magna Hawk." (A1400/D800/L4)

Celestia: There it is. The amazing Pendulum Summon. How will Miss Heartstrings deal with this?

"Lumino Jaw Dragon and Brass Wing Magna Hawk's abilities both activate, since they were special summoned" Flash said. "Lumino Jaw's sends every card in your Spell and Trap card zone to the bottom of your deck, and Magna Hawk's forces you to return three cards in your hand to the deck, shuffle and draw the same number of cards."

Lyra did so.

"Now Magna Wolf's skill. For every card returned to your deck, he gets a power boost of three hundred points. I count four cards, so that's and extra twelve hundred points till the end of the turn. (A2400/D1100/L3) "Plus Lucidum's Pendulum ability raises the attack power of every Pendulum Monster by five hundred, so Lumino Jaw's getting a power boost. (A2800/D1600/L5/P5)

"If his next move works then Flash will take the lead" Pinkie said.

"Do it Flash" Scootaloo cheered.

"Don't be so sure of that" Twilight said, "you saw what she's capable of last round."

"Magna Hawk attacks" Flash said. His mechanical bird flew at the monster, its metal talons primed.

Lyra quickly spun around and ran away. Flash knew she was heading for an Action Card, but as long as his monster destroyed hers before she found one he would be fine.

Lyra ran towards a large drum, which she used her monster's harp as a spring board to jump onto. The drum acted as a trampoline which catapulted her upwards towards a grand piano, where an Action Card was jammed in the lid, and she grabbed it before landing on top. "I activate the Action Card Defensive Dance Style, which will create a melody that my monster will dance into DEF mode to." True to her word her Duel Disk blurted out music which her monster began to dance to, before kneeling down.

"Magna Hawk stop" Flash ordered, as his monster pulled up and soared over the monster. "Magna Wolf go" Flash's monster pounced on Spirit of the Harp, destroying her. "Now Lumino Jaw Dragon attacks" the dragon flew towards Lyra, who ran to the edge of the piano and jumped off towards a saxophone.

She landed and grabbed an Action Card, "I activate Summoners Flute. This Action Card lets me draw a card from my deck, and if it's a monster I can summon it." She drew her card and smiled, "I summon Master Composer" a man in suit and bow tie appeared in DEF mode. (A1700/D1300/L4)

Lumino Jaw Dragon's fire hit the new monster, destroying it but Lyra's points remained safe.

"I end my turn" Flash said.

"My draw" she said, smiling at what she had drawn. "First I'll activate Cost Down, so I'll ditch a card and lower the level of a monster in my hand. Now I can summon Maiden of the Enchanted Harp in ATK mode" a woman in majestic ropes appeared. She carried a hand harp made entirely out of crystal. (A0/D0/L6)

"A level six monster with no ATK or DEF points?" Flash asked, "what's she planning?"

Up in the stands the girls were worried seeing that monster.

"This is going the same way her last Duel went" Sweetie said.

"Except Flash isn't going to lose to it" Scootaloo said, confidant that her brother had the skills to beat her technique.

"I activate Maiden of the Enchanted Harps ability" Lyra said, "I discard level five Grand Maestro."

"Her ability is discarding a card?" Flash asked, but a second later he got his answer.

Maiden of the Enchanted Harp strummed her crystal harp causing some sort of waves towards him and his monsters.

"What's happening" Flash asked, but then something caught his attention. Lumino Jaw Dragon slowly began to fly towards Lyra's monster. "Lumino, where you going?" Flash asked.

"He's heard the sound on my Maiden and has fallen under her spell. Now he works for me." The dragon spun around and stared at its former master, his eyes now shinning red.

"Your controlling my monster?" Flash asked.

"By discarding a monster of the same level Maiden of Enchanted Harp can equip herself to a monster on the field and lets me take control of it."

"So she can just take my strongest monsters at will" Flash asked.

Celestia: Once again Lyra is showing her alluring Duel style. This is how she achieved victory in her first round match.

"It is?" Flash asked hearing her say that. It made sense that her opponent would forfeit if she stole their cards.

"Now Lumino Jaw Dragon attack Magna Hawk" Flash's brainwashed monster flew towards the robotic bird and fired its flames at it destroying it.

Flash: 2600
Lyra: 4000

"Why did she destroy Magna Hawk?" Applebloom asked, "Magna Wolf has less ATK points and would have caused more damage."

"She's not just focusing on life points but the field" Applejack explained to her sister.

"Take a closer look at the field" Twilight continued.

Everyone examined Giant's Orchestra. It was basically a giant music room.

"All the Action Cards are in the instruments" Twilight explained, "and since the instruments are so large getting the cards is going to be tricky. Unless you have a monster that can fly."

"Oh I get it now" Applebloom said, "she destroyed Magna Hawk so Flash would be grounded."

"Magna Wolf is fast but it wouldn't be get him high enough to grab any Action Cards" Twilight said, "limiting your opponents movements is a smart stratagy in an Action Duel."

"I end my turn" Lyra said.

"There's only one way I'm going to beat her now she has Lumino Jaw Dragon" Flash told himself, as he placed his hand on his deck. "Let's do this bud...I DRAW" he drew, and without even looking he knew who he had drawn. "Once again my Pendulum Monsters will cut through space time and carve the arc of victory" the portal formed above his head. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and a stream of light shot out.

"Shine your light of victory, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"Now he's playing serious" Scootaloo cheered.

"With him out he can beat Lumino Jaw Dragon" Sweetie Bell agreed.

"Flash Heart's skill" Flash said, "Lumino Jaw Dragon will be sent to the bottom of the deck. Hate to do this but" the wormhole opened bellow the dragon, sucking it in and causing Maiden of the Enchanted Harp to be destroyed. "Now Magna Wolf's skill boosts him by three hundred points." (A1500/D1100/L3)

Flash jumped onto Flash Heart's back. "Mind giving Magna Wolf a lift?" Flash Heart grabbed the wolf and threw it at Lyra, "I attack with Magna Wolf. The wolf slashed Lyra across the chest.

Flash: 2600
Lyra: 2500

"I end my turn" Flash finished.

In his office Cold frowned seeing the last turn.

"Flash Heart Dragon" he said, "the two of them share more then just a name. I wonder how far that connection can take them? Maybe she can help me find out?"

After recovering from the attack Lyra leaped onto a giant cello before staring up at Flash who had ridden Flash Heart to a large tuba.

"Flash Heart Dragon" she said, "that's the card you've come to rely on. When all else fails you can trust him to save the day, am I right?"

"That's right" Flash said, "no matter what Flash Heart always has my back."

"Interesting" Lyra said, as she pulled an Action Card from the cello's strings. "I wonder what you'd do if you had to fight against it?"

"What are you talking about?" Flash asked.

"I activate the Action Spell, Musician's Comeback. This card lets me revive a monster in my graveyard, so rise again Maiden of the Enchanted Harp" her monster returned to the field. (A0/D0/L6)

"That card again" Flash said, only to realise what she was planning.

"And now" Lyra said, "I'll discard level seven Melodious Harpist."

"Oh no" Flash yelled.

"Do it Maiden" she said, as her monster strung her crystal harp and created sound waves that struck Flash Heart.

"Don't listen to it" he said, but it was useless. Flash Heart shuck itself causing its Duellist to be flung off his shoulder and onto the Tuba bellow, before it flew over to Lyra. His once blue eyes now shinning red. "FLASH HEART." he screamed.

"NOT HIM" the girls screamed.

"To late" she said, "he's fallen under my Maiden's spell. Your number one monster is mine."

"That can't be" Flash said in horror. How could his best card be so easily taken?

"Face it Flash" Lyra said, as she jumped up and sat on Flash Heart's shoulder. "I've just played your Swan Song."

Author's Notes:

How's Flash going to defeat his own monster.

Also. HA knew you'd never get it.

Final note to any fan artists. I'm looking for cover art for this story and the Element of Courage, so anyone willing to give it a try can PM me any pictures they come up with. I'll keep it open until...the 1st of February, where I'll place the winning entry. The winner will get their name in the description, and if I can figure out how I'll add a link to any other fan art page they have. Good look.

Turn 18, The Pound of Music pt2

It was the second round of the Shooting Star Micro Tournament and Flash was facing off against Lyra Heartstrings. Thing looked like they were going okay for him, until Lyra used Maiden of the Enchanted Harp to take control of Flash Heart Dragon. Now in order to move on he would need to find a way to defeat his best monster.

Celestia: It looks like Flash is in trouble. Has this Duels outcome just been decided.

"So Flash" Lyra said, "How does it feel to know your best monster is now under my control?"

Flash stared at his best monster in horror, before taking a deep breath and turning to her. "Your Maiden of the Enchanted Harp may have taken control of my monster for now" he said, "but it won't last long. I'll find a way to bring Flash Heart back to me, that's a promise."

"Is that so?" Lyra asked, "then way don't we play a little game. The rules are simple. You have to find a way to get Flash Heart Dragon back to your side of the field, before I use him to reduce your life points to nothing."

"I'll take that bet" Flash said.

"Then let's begin" Lyra said, "Flash Heart Dragon attack Shine Crest Magna Wolf" Flash Heart Dragon's boosters fired propelling them forwards towards Flash's last monster.

"I need an Action Card" Flash said, looking around but was unable to find one from his spot. As Flash Heart Dragon flew closer, Flash pressed the icon on his Duel Disk to flip up his face down.

Flash Heart Dragon sucker punched Shine Crest Magna Wolf, destroying it. "Gotcha" Lyra said, but looked confused when she saw Flash's life points.

Flash: 2600
Lyra: 2500

"Check your gear" she said, "your life points haven't changed."

Flash smirked, "my gears fine. Before Flash Heart's attack hit, I activated my Defence Draw Trap card. It saved me from taking damage and lets me draw one card."

Celestia: A close call for Flash. Looks like he's stuck playing defence until he can find a way to stop Lyra's strategy...if there is one.

"Fine then I end my turn" Lyra said, sound annoyed that her attack didn't cause damage.

Up in the stands Flash's friends watched the match closely.

"Flash saved himself from taking damage" Twilight said, "but he can't win like that.

"He needs to git Flash Heart Dragon back on his side before Lyra uses it to wipe him out" Applejack said, "which means he needs to destroy that Maiden of the Enchanted Harp."

"But how can he?" Sweetie Bell asked

"When Maiden of the Enchanted Harp takes control of a monster, she becomes and Equip Spell" Rarity explained. "Flash needs to find a way to use that against her."

"But Flash already sent Lumino Jaw Dragon to the bottom of his deck" Applebloom said.

"And he won't last long enough to go through his entire deck" Scootaloo agreed.

"I hate to say this" Rainbow said, "but I don't think he's winning this round."

"Rainbow Dash" Applejack said, "we can't say things like that."

"Yeah" Pinkie agreed, "when Flash's in trouble is when he Duels at his best."

"But Flash usually uses Flash Heart to win his Duels" Fluttershy said. "How is he going to win without him."

"I don't know" Twilight replied, "that's one of the problems with using a deck focused on one card. Take it out and the whole thing falls apart."

"So your saying Flash has no chance?" Scootaloo asked.

"I don't want to say that" Twilight replied, "but based on the situation."

Further down the stadium the girl in the white dress watched Lyra with a sad look in her eye. "Lyra" she said, "what happened to you? you use to respect your opponents monsters. But now.


"Attack" Lyra said as Black Luster Solider-Envoy of the Beginning attacked its Duellist, reducing their life points to zero.

"Looks like another win for me" Lyra said happily

"Lyra" she turned to see the girl in the white dress standing not to far off.

"Hey Bon Bon" she said, "did you see how I mopped the floor with that loser?"

"Loser?" the girl called Bon Bon said, "that's no way to talk to someone."

"Whatever" Lyra said, "I won so what does it matter."

"Since when has winning been so important to you?" Bon Bon, "and since when was that part of your Duel style? You can't just take other peoples monsters like that."

"Why not?" Lyra asked, "why should I try and summon a super strong monster when I can just take them from my opponents?"

"Because your destroying the bond between the monster and their Duellist."

"Bond" Lyra said before laughing, "don't be ridiculous. Those cards are nothing but paper and ink, so how can you have a bond with it?"

"There more then just that" Bon Bon said, "all cards have a heart. Anyone can form a bond with a card if they care enough."

"I've heard enough of this" Lyra said. She turned to walk away but Bon Bon jumped infront of her.

"If your won't believe me then I'll show you" she said pulling out her Duel Disk.

"Fine" Lyra said, activating hers.

"I'll show you the power of the bonds between and Duellist and their monsters.

<Ten minutes later>

"Agent Striker attack her directly" Lyra said. A figure in a trench coat disappeared into the shadows and then reappeared behind Bon Bon, striking her in the back and reducing her life points to zero.

"No" Bon Bon said as she fell to her knees.

"Wow" Lyra said, "you really showed me." She turned and began to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Bon Bon asked.

"To the Micro Tournament" Lyra replied, "there's some people I need to see again. They're going to be in the Celestic Cup, so I need to enter. I'm going to show them how strong they helped me become," and with that she was gone.

"Lyra wait" Bon Bon asked but it was to late.


"Hopefully there's a Duellist in this tournament, that can show Lyra what it means to share a bond with a monster" Bon Bon said. "Flash Sentry...Flash Heart Dragon, are they the ones who can?"

"It's my draw" Flash said. He looked at his hand and frowned since he didn't hold any monsters, "I'll place two cards face down and end my turn."

Celestia: Looks like Flash couldn't draw a monster, can he still keep himself in this game.

"It's my draw now" Lyra said. "Since Maiden of the Enchanted Harp is equipped to a monster I can't summon any knew monsters, but with Flash Heart Dragon under my control that doesn't really matter. Flash Heart Dragon attack" the dragon's boosters ignited propelling them towards Flash.

"If this attack lands Flash will only have a hundred life points left" Rainbow said.

"I can't watch" Fluttershy said covering her eyes.

Flash didn't look worried as his face down flipped up "I activate my Trap card, Beacon of Hope. This card works a lot like the Summoners Flute you used before, since I can now draw a card and if it's a monster I can summon it." Flash placed his hand on his deck and drew, before smiling. "I summon Aura Spear Dragon in DEF mode" the silver dragon appeared on his field. (A2000/D100/L4)

"He won't be around for long" Lyra told him.

She was right. But he couldn't allow his only defence to be destroyed yet. Suddenly something caught the corner of his eye, a large French Horn.

"Aura Spear, give me a lift" the dragon flew down and grabbed Flash, before tossing him at the horn.

"What's Flash doing?" Scootaloo asked.

"Almost there" he said as Flash Heart drew closer to his monster. He reached the horn and slid right inside, and seconds later Aura Spear Dragon was punched causing an explosion.

"Gotcha" Lyra said.

Celestia: Once again Flash's monster was destroyed

"You might want to double check that statement" Flash's voice echoed out of the horn.

The smoke cleared and Aura Spear Dragon was still standing....floating.

"But how?" Lyra asked.

"Just before your attack hit I grabbed the Action Card I saw in this horn" Flash said as he pulled himself out. "Evasion. It let my monster dodge your attack."

Lyra growled, as she watched Aura Spear Dragon flying him up to a piled of tambourines. "Your ability to clutch at straws won't save you forever."

"You don't know that" Flash said, "I've always been a survivor. Clutching at straws is one of the things I do best."

"I end my turn" Lyra said.

"It's my draw" Flash said, smiling as he saw that he had drawn. "I switch Aura Spear Dragon to ATK mode."

"What's Flash doing?" Fluttershy asked.

"I hate to do this Flash Heart" Flash said, "but I activate the Spell Reverse Polarity."

"Alright" the girls cheered at the mention of that card.

"Now Aura Spear Dragon's ATK power will rise by the difference between his and Flash Heart's." (A2500/D100/L4)

"Meanwhile Flash Heart's will go down by the same amount." (A2000/D2000/L7/P4)

"Flash Heart's weaker now" Lyra said.

"Do it Aura Spear Dragon" Flash ordered as his dragon flew up and brought his hands together, creating a ball of light.

Lyra leaped off Flash Heart's shoulder to a nearby trumpet. She landed on one of the buttons and caused a gust of wind to blow from the instrument, which blew something out. "An Action Card" Flash said, realising what she was doing.

"That's right" Lyra said, as she ran to the edge of the trumpet and leaped into the air catching the Action Card. "I'm taking a cue from you."

As Aura Spear Dragon threw its weapon at Flash Heart, Lyra placed the Action Spell in her Duel Disk. "I'll also activate the Action Spell Evasion" Flash Heart Dragon dodged the attack as it passed over him and hit a nearby accordion.

"Oh man" Rainbow moaned, "Flash almost had Flash Heart back."

Twilight nodded, "no doubt Flash Heart is the strongest monster in both of their decks. Lyra will want to keep him on her side for as long as she can."

"After Aura Spear Dragon attacks he switches to DEF mode" Flash said, as his monster kneeled down. "I end my turn."

Celestia: He was so close, but yet again Lyra forces him back.

"It's my draw" Lyra said, but after doing so she turned around and grabbed something off the ground. "Look what fell out of the accordion after your monster's attack" she held up the Action Card for all to see. "I activate the Action Spell Offensive Dance Style, which will cause your Aura Spear Dragon to switch into ATK mode."

"What" Flash said looking at his monster who stood back up.

"Flash Heart Dragon attack" Lyra said. Flash's brainwashed monster flew at Aura Spear Dragon.

"I activate my Trap card" Flash said, "Brittle Shield. When you attack an ATK position monster with more ATK the DEF points, then I can switch him back to DEF mode." Aura Spear Dragon kneeled down just before he could be destroyed. "Close one."

"I end my turn" Lyra said.

"It's my turn" Flash said drawing and smiling, "I summon Magna Fighter Arma" the steampunk teen girl appeared. (A1800/D0/L4) "And while Arma is in DEF mode she can't be destroyed."

"Is that so" Lyra said.

"I end my turn" Flash said.

"Then it's my draw" Lyra looked through her cards and sighed, "I end my turn" she said.

"It's my draw" he said looking at what he gotten "Reflection Guard," he said to himself. "I can't use it right now, but it might come in handy later. I set one card face down and end my turn."

"It's my draw" Lyra drew and her eyes went wide, seeing what it was. "This card will win me the entire match."

"What?" Flash asked hearing this.

"I activate the Spell card Sound Crash," she placed the card in her Duel Disk. "This card destroys one monster on the field and deals you damage equal to half that cards ATK strength."

"Oh no" Flash and the girls said.

A high pitched sound blasted out of her Duel Disk that struck Arma. The steampunk winced in pain before she was destroyed, and Flash was hit by it getting blown off the tambourine pile and crashed onto the floor.

Flash: 1700
Lyra: 2500

"FLASH" the girl said.

"One more hit and it's all over for you" Lyra said. "Tell you what, I'll give you the same offer I gave my last opponent. Surrender this Duel and I'll spare you the embarrassment, of being beaten by your own monster."

As Flash got up he began to seriously consider giving up. He couldn't see any way for him to win, so why suffer. When he was on his feet he raised his Duel Disk, and began lowering his hand ready to surrender.

"Don't do it Flash" Twilight and the girls all yelled.

"Do it" Lyra said, "you know it's your only option."

Bon Bon sighed and turned to leave, not able to watch her friend continue to act this way.

Flash's hand was inches away from his deck, but has he looked up and his eyes met with Flash Heart Dragon's his hand suddenly froze. "What am I doing?" he asked himself as he moved his hand away. "There is no way I'm giving up" he said, "if I did that it means I'd be giving up on Flash Heart."

Bon Bon froze hearing him say that.

"What are you talking about?" Lyra asked.

"If I surrender this Duel it means I'm letting you get away with stealing my best monster, and there's no way I'll let that slide. I owe everything to Flash Heart Dragon. Ever since he came into my life it's been nothing but good things. I've grown to love Duelling again, I've made great friends and I've reconnected with my love ones. I owe all of that to Flash Heart, because he's more then just a card. He's my partner...my friend. We share a bond that you'll never destroy."

"Bond" Lyra said, her memory flashed back to what her best friend Bon Bon had said. But suddenly that memory was shattered by another, this one being of three individuals who had shown her the unbelievable power she now used. "That's enough" she almost screamed, "don't say I didn't warn you. Flash Heart ATTACK" Flash Heart's boosters fired sending him towards Flash.

Flash spun around and ran as fast as her could. "There's only one card that can save me" he said, looking around frantically. Finally something caught his eye, and he took a great leap forwards as Flash Heart Dragon drew closer.

"FINISH HIM" Lyra screamed.

Flash Heart reared back its fist ready to strike.

Celestia: This could be it.

Flash Heart attacked, only for something to tackle him out of no where. The force of the blow caused the attack to miss Flash by inches.

"What happened?" Sweetie asked.

The dust cleared showing Magna Fighter Crossbolt standing between Flash Heart and Flash. (A1400/D1400/L4)

"But how?" Lyra asked.

"I managed to snag an Action Card" Flash explained, "you probably remember it. Summoner's Flute."

"So Flash drew Crossbolt" Twilight said, "now he can defend himself."

"Except Flash summoned him in ATK mode" Rainbow pointed out.

"Why would he do that?" Applejack asked.

"He must have a reason" Rarity said.

"Fine then" Lyra said, "I'll just destroy your monster. Attack" Flash Heart re-aimed his punch and struck Crossbolt, who held up his crossbow in defence. The attack hit and shattered Crossbolt, but not like it should have, since Crossbolt appeared behind the first unharmed.

Flash: 600
Lyra: 2500

"Sorry Lyra" Flash said, "but my Reflection Guard prevented my monsters destruction."

Lyra growled, "fine I end my turn. It makes no difference, since I can just destroy you on my next turn."

"Wrong" Flash said, "your not getting a next turn."

"What?" Lyra asked.

"The outcome of this Duel was decided the second I drew Crossbolt" Flash explained, "let me show you. I draw, and with it I'll activate Crossbolt's ability. When he's in ATK mode during my Standby Phase, he can take aim at a random card in your Spell and Trap card zone...and destroy it."

"But wait" Lyra said, "I only have one card in my Spell and Trap card zone." Everyone looked up above the Duellists where Maiden of the Enchanted Harp floated, playing her harp.

"That's right" Flash said, "meaning he's got one easy target" Crossbolt aimed his crossbow. "Ready...aim...fire" Crossbolt fired his energy arrow which struck the Maiden, destroying her.

"No" Lyra said, "without Maiden of the Enchanted Harp." She turned to Flash Heart Dragon, as his eyes returned from being red to bright blue. Seconds later his boosters fired and he flew towards Flash, but not to attack.

"Welcome back bud" Flash cheered and he ran and leaped onto a drum, bouncing himself straight onto his monsters back.

Celestia: Unbelievable. Flash got his monster back.

"How is this possible?" Lyra asked in shock.

"I told you" Flash said, as he stood himself between his monsters wings. "We're connected, and it'll take a lot more then a little off key music to break that bond."

"Bond" Lyra said. That word again. Is this what she had meant by it.

"It's time to end this" Flash said, as Flash Heart took the position of a football player ready to charge. "Let's do this...PARTNER" Flash Heart burst forwards, and with one swift punch, he struck Lyra.

Lyra screamed as she was sent flying back.

Flash: 600 (Winner)
Lyra: 0

Celestia: HE DID IT. Flash was behind all Duel, but he found a way to push back and win the Duel.

As the field disappeared Flash went over to Lyra and held her up. "That was one tough Duel."

"But you still won" Lyra said, "thank you Flash. I finally understand what it means to share a connection with your monster."

"Everyone has one monster they can relate to" Flash said, "you just got to find it."

"I will" Lyra said, "I'll look until I find a card that really connects to me."

"And when you do" Flash said, "I want to be the first guy you face."

"Right" she said, "promise." With that she turned around and left the stadium.

Cold turned away from the TV.

"Well that was an interesting Duel" Sunset said, "wasn't sure he would make it out of that."

"Their connection is growing stronger with each Duel" Cold said. "Now if only they could take the next step."

As Lyra left the stadium she suddenly noticed someone standing not to far off from her. Bon Bon stood there silently.

The silence was so great you could hear a pin drop. Finally a sound broke it, as Lyra's eyes filled with tears she sniffed and finally broke out crying.

"Oh Lyra" Bon Bon was by her in a second, pulling her into a hug as she cried into her shoulder.

"I'm so sorry" Lyra said, "I let the need to win come between us."

"It's okay" Bon Bon said, "you just got overwhelmed by those Duellists."

"I promise I won't ever be like that again" Lyra said, still crying.

"Thank goodness" Bon Bon said to her, "and thank you Flash" she said to herself, "I'll always be grateful for this."

After the second round concluded Flash returned to the spot he and his friends agreed to meet.

"Flash" he looked up to see Scootaloo running towards him, before throwing her arms around him. "You did it, I knew you could."

"Thanks Scoot" Flash said, "it was touch and go for a moment though."

"But you did it" Twilight said, "despite all the odds your did it."

"It wasn't just me" Flash said taking out his ace. "Ever since I met you, the wheels of fate have spun. I know you'll always be there for me."

"Well I'm starving" Rainbow cut in, "let's go get something to eat."

"Agreed" Flash said as he returned his card to his deck. Had he by chance looked inside his Extra Deck, he would have seen it. The two blank Fusion Cards were beginning to faintly glow.

Author's Notes:

How's that for a connection between Duellist and Monster?

Next chapter I'll be introducing an OC based on another character from one of this stories inspirations, and one of my favourite characters from the franchise. :pinkiehappy:

Turn 19, Might of the Sea pt1

Flash and his friends were in the stadium food court getting lunch.

"Two down two to go" Scootaloo said, "one more victory and you'll be the block champion."

"I guess" Flash said, "but I doubt it'll be getting any easier."

"Your right" Twilight said, "your next opponent is possibly even stronger then your last two."

"You flatter me Señorita" a voice with a Mexican accent said from behind them. They spun around and saw a man in his early twenties. He had light brown skin, light blue hair and wore a white shirt, denim jeans and a dark blue scarf around his neck.

"Can we help you?" Flash asked.

"That's Tidal Wave" Rainbow told him.

"Who?" Flash asked.

"He's your next opponent" Rarity explained.

"Yes indeed" the man named Tidal said. "It's a pleasure to meet you mi amigo" he held out a hand for Flash.

Flash took it, "same to you."

It wasn't long before they were all sitting at a table with their lunch talking.

"So Tidal?" Twilight said, "why are you competing in the Micro Tournament? Considering your last two Duels your skills might even be on par with most Pro-Duellists

"He's that good?" Flash asked.

"Yeap" Scootaloo said, "I'd tell you more but you said you didn't want to know."

"Well to answer your question Señorita Sparkle" he said, "I'm in this tournament because I've only recently moved to this country. I didn't have the time to gain the hundred Duel quota, for instant access into the Celestic Cup."

"So your like me" Flash said, "I didn't have enough time to get the hundred Duel quota either."

"I knew a Duellist of your skills had to have a reason for being here" Tidal said cheerily, "my heart beat when I watched you Duel.

"Yay" Pinkie agreed

"I think we've found Pinkie's long lost sibling" Rainbow said to Applejack, making her chuckle.

"So Tidal?" Rarity said, "why did you decide to move here?"

"I came for the Celestic Cup" Tidal replied. "To me this is my chance to make it as a Pro here in the US."

"So you have professional aspirations?" Twilight asked.

"Indeed" Tidal replied. "For the name of my father I aspire to reach as far as I can in the world of Duelling."

"Your father?" Flash asked.

"Indeed" Tidal said.


"My father was Almirante High Tide. He was one of the most decorated soldiers in the Armada de México. He was the first man in our village to join the military. As an Almirante my father spent much of his time at sea, and as such."

"Welcome aboard señora" a young private said to High Tide's heavily pregnant wife, Sweet Fleur, as she stepped onto the boat.

"Hola mi amor" Almirante High Tide said as he embraced his wife.

"Hola High Tide" Sweet said.

"I'm glad you could come aboard" High said.

"It's just for a couple of days" Sweet said, "then I'll be staying put back home until the bebé is born."

"They say the storm came out of nowhere. The men say it was as if Chalchiuhtlicue himself was targeting their boat. For three days and night they were rocked by the raging ocean. And then."

Sweet Fleur held her stomach in pain. "Oh, I think the bebé is coming."

"it can't be" High Tide said in panic, "it's to soon."

"Well it seems our little one is eager to meet the world."

"As the storm raged my mother brought me into this world."

"Almost there" the ships medical officer said, "one last push." Sweet Fleur screamed as she pushed, and a second later a new scream could be heard. "It's a boy" the doctor said, as he gave the baby to its mother.

"He's beautiful" she said cradling him.

"He really is" High Tide said.

"Almirante" an officer yelled running into the room, "the storm."

Everyone looked outside the port window, to see the sky was clear and sea was peaceful.


"What an incredible story" Fluttershy said.

"I've never heard of someone being born at sea before" Rainbow said.

"Well it's true" Tidal replied, "It's said that people hold a strong connection to the place where they are born and I agree. All my life the ocean and I have been as one."

"Really?" Twilight asked intrigued.

"Sí" Tidal replied. "I can tell when a storm is about to brew, and where the best places are to fish. The sea itself speaks to me."

"With all that it sounds like you should have become join the military instead of becoming a Duellist" Flash said.

"You wouldn't be the first to say that" Tidal said with a smile, "everyone in my village thought I would follow in my fathers footsteps. Everyone except my father."


High Tide and a ten year old Tidal Wave sat on the edge of a pier fishing.

"What do I want to do in my life?" Tidal repeated his fathers question, "isn't it a little to early to ask me that Papá?"

"It's never to early to decide what you want in life" High Tide replied, "as long as you feel it in your heart."

"Then I..." Tidal hesitated for a second, "I want to be a Duellist."

"Really?" High Tide said.

"I know you think it's a silly dream" Tidal began, but his father cut him off.

"Oh course I think that's a silly dream" High Tide replied, making his son frown. "But you know what...all dreams are silly, that's why their dreams. But if you want something enough, then a dream can come true."

"Really Papá?" Tidal asked.

"Did you think they believed I could make it as far as I did in the Armada de México. They didn't but I proved them wrong."

"Wow" Tidal said.

"Never forget that you are the maker of your future" High Tide continued. "If you want to be a Duellist, then become a Duellist. Just remember where it is you come from, and that I'll always be supporting you."


"My father believed I could become a master Duellist" Tidal explained, "so now when I Duel in his memory."

"Memory?" Flash asked. "You mean?"

Tidal nodded still smiling, "not long after that my father went off on duty and his ship was caught in a surprise storm. The ship was never seen again."

"Oh Tidal" Rarity said.

"It's fine" Tidal replied, "it was a long time ago and I've gotten over it. Besides my father is always with me in a way."

"What do you mean?" Rainbow asked.

Tidal took something out of his pocket which he revealed as a Ritual Monster card. "You see."


"I'll miss you Papá" Tidal said as he and Sweet Fleur had come to see him off.

"I'll be back before you know it" High Tide said, before pulling something out of his pocket. "But when I get back I'll want to see you've master this" he showed his son the card.

the boy took the card and read it, "Commander of the Raging Storm Soveruin."

"You said you wanted to be a Duellist right?" High Tide said. "Maybe this card can help you become that Duellist."

"Thank you Papá" Tidal said as he threw his arms around him.


"Ever since then" Tidal said, "every time I've played this card I've felt my fathers presence."

"Wow" they all said.

"I entered this tournament to begin my rise to the professional circuit" Tidal finished, "my father believed I could make it and I intend to do so."

"Well first you'll have to get through me" Flash said.

"I look forward to it mi amigo" Tidal replied. The two bumped fists in respect, knowing they wouldn't hold anything back.

Meanwhile Cold had just finished his lunch and turned back to the TV as the Duel would soon begin. Tidal Wave was one of the most promising Duellists in Mexico, and his skills would surely push Flash's. "It's time to evolve your style" he said, "or be left in the dust."

Flash sat in the waiting room while the audience took their seats for the Duel.

He was once again looking through his deck making sure everything was ready, but he still felt like something was missing from it. Suddenly his hand shifted to the pocket of his jacket, and pulled out the envelope he had been given that morning. Pulling out the colourless card he stared at it in confusion, still wondering what its purpose was. A thought entered his head. It was stupid, insane and dangerous but it was the only thing he could think of.

As the door opened and the guard walked in Flash placed the card in his deck and returned it to his Duel Disk.

Celestia: It's time for the third and final round in the A block competition. Who will be our Block Champion and move on to the final round?

The crowd cheered on as the competitors entered the arena.

Celestia: Will Flash Sentry's luck from the previous two rounds grant him a third victory, or will the Mexican Heart Throb Tidal Wave continue his overwhelming winning streak.

As Flash walked to the centre he heard a portion of the female crowd begin to scream.

"We love you Tidal."

"Win this for me Wavey."

"Oh man" Rainbow said hearing this. "This crowd is really eating him up."

"Flash is lucky this tournament isn't about popularity" Rarity agreed.

"So amigo" Tidal said, taking out a light blue Duel Disk "you ready to do this?"

"You know it" Flash said taking out his own Duel Disk.

Celestia: It looks like our Duellists are set to begin. Then lets see what field they'll be Duelling on.

She pressed the button on her remote and in that second the floor glowed as it formed the Duel Field.


In the blink of an eye Flash found himself under water. He almost began to panic, until he realised he could breath and the water was just part of the hologram. Looking around he found himself standing on an ancient temple like building, and around it were other ancient buildings. Tidal was standing not to far off, on a building of the same height making them eye level.

Celestia: It's the Sunken Ruins.

"Fantástico" Tidal cheered with a spin.

"Don't tell me" Flash said face slapping.

"This is my field" he said.

Okay, someone in this tournament had it in for him Flash decided. "It doesn't mater" he said to himself, "I still have no interest in losing."

"Then lets get this Duelo going" Tidal said.

Celestia: Alright, in three.

Audience: TWO.

Celestia: ONE.


Flash: 4000
Tidal: 4000


"I'll start" Tidal said, "and summon Officer Cadet Andrew in Ataque mode." A teenager in a Navy uniform appeared, carrying a rapier. (A1000/D1000/L3) "Turn end."

"My draw" Flash said, "I summon Aura Spear Dragon in ATK mode." (A2000/D100/L4) "Attack" the dragon cut through the water and created his spear of light.

Tidal ran to the left and leaped off the edge of the building he had been standing on, and flew towards a nearby stone pillar.

"He's flying" Pinkie said.

"It's the water" Twilight said, "Flash is going to have to take that into account as he moves around."

As Aura Spear threw its attack Tidal swung around the pillar and pulled an Action Card off it. "I activate the Action Spell Life Jacket."

The light spear struck Officer Cadet Andrew, but even though it looked like it hurt him he remained on the field.

Flash: 4000
Tidal: 3000

"I might still take the damage" Tidal said, "but my monster is safe."

"Aura Spear Dragon's ability switches him to DEF mode" Flash said, "I'll place two cards face down and end my turn."

"My turn then" Tidal said, "and due to Andrew's ability I get to draw one additional card ever time I draw." He drew two cards from his deck. "Now I tribute Officer Cadet Andrew for Ocean's Caviller," Andrew disappeared in a vortex of water and was replaced by a new monster. He also wore a Navy uniform only it was more extravagant, and carried a long spear. The most noticeable thing about him was he was riding a giant green sea horse. (A2300/D1400/L5) "Something to note about Ocean's Caviller, is that when he's tribute summoned he gains the ability of the monster used to summon him."

"So now he's got Andrew's ability" Flash said.


"So now whenever he draws a card" Scootaloo guessed, "he'll get another card as well."

"He's looking for something" Twilight said.

"Now I activate the Spell card Graceful Charity, which allows me to draw three new cards along the the extra card" Tidal said. "Now to discard two" he did so.

Celestia: With each move his hand gets bigger and bigger. Just what is his stratagy?

"Now Ocean's Caviller will attack Aura Spear Dragon" Tidal ordered. His monster raised his spear high and threw it at the defending monster, causing him to shatter into a million pieces which floated in the water for a moment.

"I activate my two face downs" Flash said, "Starburst Draw and Code Change. Code Change will rewrite Starburst Draw's text from fifteen hundred to two thousand, meaning Starburst Draw's effect activates letting me draw one card for every level star Aura Spear Dragon had." Flash drew four cards.

"I'll end my turn" Tidal said.

"It's my turn" Flash said drawing a card and looking at his hand. He had Lunara and Flash Heart, but that Pendulum Scale only allowed him to summon level two and three monsters. He need to play defensively until he could draw another Pendulum Monster. "I summon Magna Fighter Deck Striker in DEF mode," the steam punk with the metal gauntlet appeared. (A1300/D500/L3) "I end my turn."

"Flash is playing defence way to early" Rainbow said.

"He might not have a choice" Twilight said, "let's just hope he can find a way to pull ahead before Tidal pulls out his ace."

"I draw" Tidal said drawing two cards and smiling. His stratagy was almost complete, with just one card needed. "I attack with Ocean's Caviller" his monster raised his spear and threw it at Deck Striker.

Flash ran across the temple and threw himself off towards another building, where he had spotted an Action Card. Unfortunately the water had slowed his movements and his leap hadn't been enough, so Flash ended up sinking just before the ledge which his fingertips barely caught.

As he hung over the side he looked around at his monster, as he was hit by the spear destroying him.

Celestia: So close but so far. Flash just wasn't able to reach the card in time.

Tidal smiled seeing his opponent struggle to pull himself up. "I'll place one card face down and end my turn. It's your turn amigo."

"Right" Flash said standing up, "it's my draw" Flash did so and smiled seeing what he had drawn. "It's time for me to blow you out of the water" he said, "as I use Scale eight Magna Caster Solaris and Scale one Magna Caster Lunara to set the Pendulum Scale." the pillars of light appeared as his magicians flew up above him, "now watch as with these two monsters I cut through space tie and carve the arc of victory." The portal formed above him. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and four beams of light shot out and crashed into the ground.

"Swing for a win Starbreak Dragon." (A1500/D1200/L4)

"Howl to the Moon, Shine Crest Magna Wolf." (A1200/D1100/L3)

"Target sighted, Magna Fighter Radium." (A1600/D1400/L4)

"Shine your light of victory, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

Everyone cheered seeing Flash's Pendulum Summon in action. No one more then Tidal.

"My heart is...FULL" he screamed throwing his arms out. "The Pendulum Summon, such an amazing technique."

"Thanks Tidal" Flash said, "and you haven't seen the least of what it can do."

"Then show me amigo" Tidal challenged.

"Okay then" Flash said, "Flash Heart Dragon's ability now activates and sends your weakest monster to the bottom of your deck. Then Shine Crest Magna Wolf's ability, will increase its ATK points by three hundred until the End Phase. When all my monsters attack this Duel is mine."

"An interesting stratagy" Tidal said, "to bad for you that my Trap card will put an end to it."

"Trap card?" Flash asked.

"That's right" Tidal replied, as his face down flipped up. "My Tsunami Surge Trap will negate to effect of your Flash Heart, and force monster on the field into DEF mode."

"ALL OF THEM?" Flash and the girls screamed.

A vortex of water burst out of the trap, hitting all of Flash and Tidal's monsters and forcing them to take up a defensive stance or risk being blown away.

"Also" Tidal continued, "my Trap card will be sticking around for three turns. In that time we aren't allowed to change to battle position of any of our monsters."

"So Flash is basically trapped?" Rainbow asked.

"If he can hold out for three turns" Twilight said, "then he can change Flash Heart back and attack."

"But by then it might be to late" Sweetie Bell said.

With all of his monsters stuck in DEF mode Flash was forced to do one thing, "I end my turn."

"Then it's my turn" Tidal said, drawing two cards. Seeing what they were he grinned, "it is finally time."

"What?" Flash asked.

"Oh no" the girls said, knowing what was to come.

"First I activate Monster Reborn" Tidal said, activating a Spell card. "With it I can revive Officer Cadet Andrew" his monster returned to the field, rapier at the ready. (A1000/D1000/L3) "And now" he held up a card, "the greatest gift I've ever received. I activate the Raging Storm Ritual," a underwater tornado appeared sucking Tidal's monsters into its centre. "Now I summon a monster whose command over the wind and seas is unwavering. A friend in the eye of the storm, I RITUAL SUMMON!"

The tornado exploded revealing a new monster. He was a man in a white Navy uniform with gold trim, and a large cutlass in his right hand. In his left were rains connected to a large green sea horse in majestic golden armour. "Commander of the Raging Storm, Soveruin." (A2400/D2200/L7)

"There it is" Applebloom said in awe.

"This is bad" Twilight said.

Celestia: Commander of the Raging Storm Soveruin. This card single handedly won the match for Tidal in the previous two rounds.

"Now I activate Soveruin's ability" Tidal said. Soveruin raised his cutlass and from it came another tornado.

"What's happening?" Flash asked, but then he got his answer. Lunara and Solaris found themselves transforming back into cards, before being pulled into the vortex along with Tsunami Surge. The three cards flew around until Soveruin threw the sword and the tornado down, blowing the cards at Flash slashing him.

Flash: 3400
Tidal: 3000

"What the" Flash asked.

"By returning every card in our Spell and Trap card zones to our hands" Tidal explained, "Soveruin deals you two hundred points of damage for every card. And now I attack Flash Heart Dragon" Soveruin rode the armoured sea horse at Flash Heart, slashing him with his cutlass destroying him. "I end my turn with a face down."

"That face down" Flash said, "no doubt it's Tsunami Surge." He now realised Tidal's stratagy. During his turn he'll activate it again and force all of their monsters into DEF mode to stop him from attacking, before using Soveruin to return it and start everything over again." Looking at it from every angle, he only knew one thing for certain. "I'm trapped."

Author's Notes:

Question. Did I overdo it on the Spanish? :twilightsheepish:

Tidal Wave is an OC based on another character from one of my favourite shows. Tell me what you think of him and his deck.

Turn 20, Might of the Sea pt2

In the third round of the Shooting Star Micro Tournament, Flash faced off against Tidal Wave. Despite Flash being ahead in life points Tidal had summoned his ace, Commander of the Raging Storm Soveruin, along with his trap Tsunami Surge had him trapped.

"Flash is in major trouble" Rainbow said.

"Tidal's stratagy has Flash totally trapped" Twilight said. "First he uses Tsunami Surge to negate Flash's monster effects and change them to DEF mode, before using Soveruin's ability to return his cards to his hand and deal damage to Flash."

"How is he going to beat him then?" Scootaloo asked.

"It's not going to be easy" Twilight replied, "he needs to overcome Tidal's Trap and whatever else he puts down."

Celestia: Can Flash find a way to beat the stratagy that won Tidal his last two Duels?

"I gotta find a way around his stratagy" Flash said as he drew his card but nothing he had could get around it. "I'm using Scale eight Magna Caster Solaris, and Scale one Magna Caster Lunara to set the Pendulum Scale. It's time for the Pendulum Scale." The monsters returned to the pillars of light, "it's time to carve the arc of victory once again." The portal formed once again, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and a beam of light shot out.

"Shine your light of victory once again, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"Sorry amigo" Tidal said, "but I activate my face down Tsunami Surge." The face down flipped up showing the trap again, before it unleashed the powerful current that forced Flash Heart and Soveruin to join the rest of Flash's monster in DEF mode.

"What was Flash thinking?" Rainbow asked. "He knew Tidal had Tsunami Surge but he still triggered it anyway."

"He's looking for a way around Tidal's stratagy" Twilight explained.

"I end my turn" Flash said.

"It's my draw" Tidal said drawing "and once again Commander of the Raging Storm, Soveruin will use his special ability." Soveruin raised his sword and created the tornado, which once again sucked the Pendulum cards and Tsunami Surge inside. He then fired the cards at Flash, slashing him again.

Flash: 2800
Tidal: 3000

"Now I switch Soveruin to ATK mode" Tidal said, "and now I attack Flash Heart Dragon." Soveruin rode his armoured sea horse towards the robotic dragon and slashed him through, destroying him. "And now I'll set two cards face down and end my turn."

"Two cards" Flash thought, "I have to find a way to stop him. It's my draw" Flash drew and smiled seeing what he had drawn. "This card is just what I need," he took two cards from his hand. "I'm using Magna Caster Solaris and Magna Caster Lunara to set the Pendulum Scale," he once again placed his cards in the pillars of light. "Now I will cut through space time and carve the arc victory," the portal formed above his head. "I Pendulum Summon!"

The portal opened and two beams of light shot out, hitting the ground.

"Shine your light of victory once again, Flash Heart Dragon. (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"Snap to it, Lumino Jaw Dragon." (A2300/D1600/L5/P5)

"Alright" the girls cheered, "that card is just what he needed" Applebloom said.

"I'm activating Flash Heart and Lumino Jaw's ability" Flash said.

"And I'll activate Tsunami Surge" Tidal said.

"Well now you'll need to pick which ability your negating" Flash said while smiling. This would get rid of his combo, because if he negated Flash Heart's ability Lumino Jaw Dragon's ability would send Tsunami Surge to the bottom of Tidal's deck. But If he negated Lumino Jaw Dragon's ability Flash Heart's ability would send Soveruin to the bottom of the deck.

Everything looked to be going his way, until Tidal chuckled. "You seem to be under some misconception about my Traps effect amigo."

"Wait" Flash said nervously, "you mean?"

"Si" Tidal said, "Tsunami Surge can nullify every active ability when it's activated."

"So he's stopping both Flash Heart and Lumino Jaw Dragon's abilities?" Scootaloo asked.

"It looks like it" Twilight said.

Celestia: No matter what Flash tries, he just can't seem to get a handle on Tidal's stratagy.

"I end my turn" Flash said knowing what was coming next.

"It's my draw" Tidal said, "and once again the ability of Commander of the Raging Storm will activate." Soveruin held his cutlass high and created the tornado which blew the four cards inside, before slashing Flash with them again.

Flash: 2000
Tidal: 3000

"Now I attack Flash Heart Dragon."

Flash couldn't let Flash Heart be destroyed. If he could save him then maybe he could use him to break through Tidal's stratagy. He then remembered the Action Card he had tried to get before, and spun around to grab it. When his hand touched the card he suddenly had a very bad feeling, and as he picked it up his feeling was confirmed when it revealed an Action Trap. "Whirlpool" he said in shock.

"Sorry amigo" Tidal said, "but that card forces you to discard three cards." As he said that a whirlpool appeared around Flash, pulling three cards from his deck which included a Spell, and two Magna Fighters, Lucidum and Crossbolt. Seconds later Commander of the Raging Storm Soveruin slashed through Flash Heart Dragon, destroying it. "And now I'll set two cards face down and end my turn."

As Flash recovered from the effects of the Action Trap, he looked over his situation. Right now Tidal had Tsunami Surge face down along with another mystery card, which would no doubt be something that would stop whatever Flash decided to try against Tidal. What's more the only card that had a chance at stopping Tsunami Surge, had just been sent to his graveyard.

"Come on deck" Flash said as he drew, he saw he had gotten Twin Lazor Dragon. This card couldn't stop Tsunami Surge...wait. Flash had been trying to find a way around Tidal's trap, but maybe there was a way around it that he now couldn't believe he had thought of. "With Solaris and Lunara, I'll now set the Pendulum Scale" for the fourth time his magicians appeared in the pillars of light. "Now I'll be able to summon monsters levelled two through seven," the portal formed. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and a beam of light shot down.

"Shine your light of victory once again, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"I think Tidal's stratagy is driving Flash insane" Rarity said, "he's trying the same thing over and over again and is expecting a different result."

"I activate my Trap Tsunami Surge" Tidal said, as once again his trap activated and forced all the monsters into DEF mode.

Flash smiled seeing this. Everything was set, "I tribute Starbreak Dragon to summon Twin Lazor Dragon" the axe wielding dragonoid disappeared, replaced by the robotic dinosaur. (A2100/D1500/L5)

"Flash got a monster into ATK mode" Pinkie cheered.

"But Twin Lazor won't be enough to destroy Soveruin" Rainbow reminded her.

"It will once he plays that" Applejack pointed to the card Flash placed in his Duel Disk.

"I activate the Spell card Reverse Polarity" Flash said. "This card will increase the ATK of my Twin Lazor Dragon by the difference between his and Soveruin." (A2400/D1500/L5) "While it decreases your monsters by the same amount." (A2100/D2200/L7) "Now I attack with Twin Lazor Dragon" one of the dragon's two lazor blasters began to charge, as it aimed at Soveruin. "Also Twin Lazor Dragon gets two attacks in one battle" Flash explained as he looked down at his hand, which also contained Double Strike.

"Very nice amigo" Tidal said, "but unfortunately I have a way to stop that. I activate the my face down Trap card, Spellbinding Circle." Suddenly Twin Lazor Dragon froze, as the magic seal encircled it. "Any monster caught in this mystical stigmata is paralysed."

"So he can't attack" Flash realised.

"Si" Tidal replied.

Flash growled, he thought he had had it. "I end my turn.

Celestia: Once again Flash is trumped. I think he's been truly beaten.

"It's my draw" Tidal said drawing as he walked up a staircase, to a statue of a merman with a trident and pulled an Action Card out of his hand. "Arr my favourite Action Card, though I don't condone the act I activate Piracy. Now by discarding a card I can look at your hand and take any Spell card I want."

"Any of them?" Flash asked looking nervous.

"Si" Tidal said, "now show my your hand."

Flash sighed and revealed his hand. Tidal looked through it and smiled, "I chose Double Strike."

Flash said nothing as he took his card and threw it at Tidal, who caught it with ease. "Next I activate Soveruin's ability once again," the tornado was formed and every Spell and Trap was pulled inside before slashing Flash.

Flash: 1200
Tidal: 3000

"Now I activate this equipped Spell, named Permanent Rank. This card prevents my monsters ATK from changing" Tidal explained, "so I'll now attack Flash Heart with Soveruin." Once again Soveruin flew through the water, and slashed through the dragon destroying it. "Next I'll activate the Spell I stole from you, Double Strike. Usually I'd have to half my monsters ATK to use this, but with Permanent Rank I'm safe." Soveruin turned to Twin Lazor Dragon and slashed it through.

Flash: 900
Tidal: 3000

"I'll end my turn with two face downs" Tidal said, as he set the two cards everyone knew were.

Flash stood there unable to even move as he looked over his situation. Right now Tidal had three cards he could return to his hand to damage Flash, and if Flash set his Pendulum Scale he would give Tidal enough cards to finish him off. "I can't do it" he said quite enough so only he could hear, "I can't see anyway out of this situation. I used to think my deck could handle anything but it can't, and it's my fault. Way didn't I ever try and upgrade my deck?" He went to his deck and drew his card, only to have a small heart attack when he saw what it was. The colourless card he had received that morning, which he had stupidly placed in his deck. "What am I suppose to do with this?" he asked himself as he fell to his knees.

"What's wrong with him?" Scootaloo asked.

"I think" Twilight said, "he's given up."

Flash had given up. Nothing in his deck could get passed Tidal's card combo. Suddenly something caught his eye, making him look at his hand to see the card he had drawn begin to glow. "What the?" he asked but then noticed another glow, coming from Flash Heart and Lunara. Without even thinking he brought the cards together, before they burst with light causing Flash to shut his eyes or risk losing a retina.

When Flash opened his eyes the first thing he realised was he wasn't in the Sunken City anymore. Now he appeared to be in some kind of ancient ruin you'd see in a Daring Do movie. It was a dilapidated area that was overgrown with plants and vines, along with crumpling statues.

"Where am I?" he asked, but when he turned around his question was forgotten when he saw them. Flash Heart Dragon and Magna Caster Lunara stood a hundred foot away, side by side staring at him. "Flash Heart...Lunara" he said in confusion, "what's going on?" he never got an answer since something else caught his attention. "OW" he yelled as something slammed into the top of his head, bounced off and crashed into the ground in front of him. As Flash rubbed his head he looked down at what had hit him and found it was alive. It was around the size of an overweight house cat, and appeared to have its head stuck in the ground as its body flailed around trying to free itself.

"Hold on" Flash kneeled down and took hold of it, before pulling and with on good tug he freed it. The creature purred as it was freed and flew up to Flash, revealing it was the same small dragon on the blank card he had. Now it was pure white and wore a Victorian baby hat. The dragon flew close and affectionately rubbed its head on his chest, "okay your welcome" Flash said. "But what are you doing here?"

The dragon stopped and flew away from Flash, towards his monsters. It took Flash Heart's finger in its small paw and then the same with Lunara, before pulling the two hands up and then together. The second the two hands touched a great light appeared forcing Flash to close his eyes. Flash tried to open them but all could see was a bright light along with something else. A figure of a monster he couldn't make out, as the light forced his eyes closed.

"Amigo" Flash opened his eyes hearing the voice, only to find he was back on the Duel Field. "Are you okay?" Tidal asked, "you zoned out for a second."

"I'm fine" Flash said as he looked down at his cards, only to do a double take. The previously blank card was now glowing bright white, before the light exploded revealing a new colourful Pendulum card with the little dragon he had just met. Suddenly everything clicked in his head, as he realised what he needed to do. "Okay" he said, loud enough for everyone to hear, "this is it. The outcome of this Duel...WILL BE DECIDED ON THIS TURN."

Celestia: It seems Flash is making a final turn declaration.

Tidal smiled hearing this. "Do it Flash."

"Alright" Flash replied, "first I'll place Solaris into the Pendulum Scale." A pillar of light appeared to his left, as the magician appeared inside.

"Let me guess" Tidal said, "Lunara is going in the other one."

"Not this time" Flash said, "I'm gonna rock the boat and place a new Pendulum Monster there. Making her Duelling debut it's Alchemy Dracokid," he placed his new card on the Duel Disk as the pillar of light to his right appeared and the little dragon flew up. She was now holding a round science beaker and as she reached the top, a three appeared bellow her.

"It's so cute" Sweetie Bell cheered.

"Let's just hope it's stronger then it looks" Rainbow said.

"With they two monster I can now cut through space time and carve the arc of victory one last time," Flash said as the portal formed above him. "I can summon monsters levelled four through seven all at the same time, I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and two beams of light shot out.

"Shine your light of victory once again Flash Heart Dragon. (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"Invoke your moonlight magic, Magna Caster Lunara." (A2400/D1200/L6/P1)

"I activate my Tsunami Surge Trap card" Tidal said, as his face down flipped up and created the current that pushed the monsters into DEF mode. "Sorry amigo, but it looks like your final turn couldn't come to pass."

"Who says?" Flash asked coyly, "my monsters maybe in DEF mode but my turns not done."

"Is that so?" Tidal asked.

"That's right" Flash said, "your Trap may have negated my monsters abilities but it didn't stop my Pendulum cards abilities." He looked up at his new monster, "you ready Dracokid?" seeing the small dragon node he looked back at Tidal. "Alchemy Dracokid's Pendulum Ability allows me to use the effects of a certain Spell card, even if it isn't in my deck."

The girls became confused, especially since it felt like they had heard someone say that before.

"I think you've heard of it" Flash continued, "it's called POLYMERISATION."

Everyone in the audience gasped hearing this.

"Flash is Fusion Summoning?" Pinkie asked.

"But how?" Rarity asked.

Everyone watched as Alchemy Dracokid used its mouth to pull the cork out of its beaker releasing a white smoke from inside, which flew out and consumed Flash Heart and Lunara. The two clouds of smoke changed from white to blue and silver, before being pulled back into the beaker which was corked again. As the two types of smoke mixed together Flash spoke. "Now watch as I combined the unequalled might of a Dragon, with the mystic proprieties of a Spellcaster." Alchemy Dracokid uncorked the bottle again and unleashed the now pure white smoke.

Flash's Extra Deck opened, and he pulled out one of the previously blank cards. Now it shined as he held it up and then slapped it down on the Duel Disk, as the glow faded revealing a new monster. "I FUSION SUMMON!"

The large cloud of smoke began to fade, revealing a new monster. It was the largest most dragonic monster Flash had ever summoned, as it was a giant bipedal lizard with purple scales, though it was hard to tell since the only part of its body you could see were its head, hands, upper arms, feet and tail. The rest was hidden beneath bronze armour with silver trim, along with bronze robotic wings with five silver blades in place of a membrane. In each hand it carried a large silver lazor cannon. "SPECTRAL NOVA DRAGON." (A3000/D2000/L8)

Everyone was speechless seeing this.

Celestia: Well this came out of left field. I don't think anyone was expecting that.

"An impressive feet Flash" Tidal said, "but it means nothing since I'm activating my Spellbinding Circle." His Trap flipped up and fired a beam of light at the new monster, forming the magic circle around it. But then Spectral Nova Dragon flailed its body around, smashing the circle to bits. "Que pasó?"

"Sorry Tidal" Flash said, "but on the turn Spectral Nova Dragon is Fusion Summoned using a Spellcaster, he's unaffected by any of his opponents Spells, Traps or Monster Effects."

"I see" Tidal said. He looked down at his hand and saw Monster Reborn, so even if Flash destroyed Soveruin he could revive him next turn and use his ability to win.

"I can see you think you'll survive my turn and be able to win" Flash said, "but that all depends."

"Depends on what?" Tidal asked.

"On my monsters abilities" Flash replied as he looked at his other monsters. "Magna Fighter Radium, lend Spectral Nova Dragon your strength. The bazooka carrying woman leaped onto the Fusion Monsters back, and looked through its sight. "By sacrificing herself, Radium can grant a monster on my field Piercing Damage."

"So your monster will deal me damage even though my monsters in DEF mode?" Tidal asked.

"That's right" Flash said.

It was still okay. The attack would only deal him eight hundred points of damage he would be fine.

"And then there's Spectral Nova's ability" Flash explained, as he leaped off the building onto his dragon's back and looked down at Tidal. "When Spectral Nova Dragon attacks, I draw a card and what happens depends on that card. If I draw a Spell card, I can destroy one card in your Spell and Trap card zone. If I draw a Trap my Battle Phase automatically ends. But if I draw a monster card, I can reduce your monsters ATK and DEF by that of the drawn cards ATK and DEF."

Everyone realised what that meant. If Flash drew a strong enough monster, he could reduce Soveruin's DEF power enough to win.

"Spectral Nova Dragon has three thousand ATK points" Twilight did the math, "the same amount as Tidal's life points. In order to win he needs Soveruin's DEF points to be zero."

"So he needs to draw a monster with at least twenty two hundred DEF points" Rainbow said.

"What are the chances of that?" Scootaloo asked.

"I'm not sure" Twilight replied.

Celestia: What a gamble. How will it pay off for Flash.

Tidal meanwhile was looking over his situation and began shaking. "My heart overflows...WITH JOY" he yelled getting everyone's attention. "This is what a true Duel is all about. Okay Flash, it's time we let fate decide."

Flash nodded and ordered his monster, "attack with Mystery Flare Cannon." The two lazor cannons it held powered up, and from them shot a thin lazor at Soveruin to target him. "Now activating Spectral Nova Dragon's ability" Flash placed his hand on his deck, he closed his eyes as he let what was about to happen run through his mind. "I...DRAW" he drew his card and held it up for all to see.

Everyone looked up at the screen as the camera zoomed in on the card, and Celestia announced.

Celestia: Magna Fighter Gladio. It's DEF points are twenty two hundred, the same as Soveruin's

"YOUR KIDDING" everyone in the audience screamed.

Soveruin flinched as it felt its power drain. (A300/D0/L7)

"That's just what I needed to win" Flash said, "fire now." The Fusion Monster fired its cannons at the Ritual Monster.

"I can still win with an Action Card" Tidal said as he ran further up the staircase in search of a card, and found one on an alter. He leaped for it but just as his fingers touched it, Spectral Nova Dragon's attack struck Soveruin destroying him with a force that sent Tidal flying. As his life points dropped to zero he looked at the Action Card and found it was another Life Jacket card, which would have saved his monster but he would have still lost. "Sorry Papá."

Flash: 900 (Winner)
Tidal: 0

Celestia: HE DID IT. Flash Sentry has defeated Tidal Wave in another amazing come from behind victory. He is now the A Block Champion.

"I can't believe it" Fluttershy cheered.

"I never would have seen that one coming" Rainbow said.

As the Action Field dissolved, Flash fell to his knees in exhaustion. "That was intense."

"It sure was" Tidal said walking up and offering a hand. "Thanks for the great match amigo."

Flash smiled and took the hand, getting pulled up. "Same to you, amigo."

Tidal smiled and turned to leave. "Now that you've beat me, you'll need to go all the way" and he walked off.

"I will" Flash replied, "that's a promise."

Back in his office Cold turned away from the TV. Though he didn't show it, he was happy.

"A person holds a strong connection to the place they're born" he said. "It appears your connection is now strong enough for you to call them."

As Flash returned to the foyer, he suddenly found himself surrounded by his friends.

"YOU DID IT" they all screamed.

"I can't believe you managed to beat Tidal, after being behind the whole Duel" Scootaloo said.

"Thanks" Flash said.

"And that Fusion Summon" Rarity said, "I'm amazed you were able to pull it off so flawlessly."

"Thanks Rarity" Flash replied, "I just sort of...did it."

"Well it sure was amazing" Twilight said. "Using a Pendulum Ability in place of a Fusion card is incredible."

"PENDULUM FUSION" Pinkie screamed.

Everyone agreed with that, and continued on until Applejack realised. "Hey the B Block might still be on, we can see your next opponent.

Everyone agreed and ran to Duel Hall Two. But as they arrived they heard Luna's voice over.

Luna: And with that our B Block Champion has been decided.

"I don't believe it" Flash said, seeing who his opponent was.

Luna: Let's give it up for the winner of the B Block, SPIKE.

Spike waved at the crowd before his sight landed on Flash and the rest of his friends. The two stared at each other, one staring in shock and the other in joy. One thing was for sure. The finals would be interesting for sure.

Turn 21, Battle in the Dragon Sanctuary pt1

Flash sat in his waiting room looking over everything he had been through in just this one day.

In his first match he'd faced the seemingly unstoppable advance of technology when he'd Duelled against Gizmo and his ever evolving Technobot.

In his second match the bonds between Flash and his monster had been seriously tested, when he faced Lyra and her mind controlling Maiden of the Enchanted Harp.

And of course his last Duel, where he had faced the seemingly unbeatable stratagy of Tidal Wave and his Commander of the Raging Storm Soveruin. He had managed to win by pulling off a Fusion Summon.

But now even after everything he had faced, he felt like this would be toughest Duel of the whole tournament.


"Spike" Flash called seeing Spike enter the foyer. He and the girls rushed towards him.

"Hey guys" Spike said, as they drew closer.

"Spike" Twilight said, "what are you doing here?"

"I'm competing in the Micro Tournament" Spike answered.

"Yeah we got that" Rainbow said.

"But why are you in the Micro Tournament?" Rarity asked.

"Well" Spike said looking down at his feet.

"Well?" Flash asked.

Spike looked up into Flash's eyes, before his face turned from shy to serious. "I entered to face you."

Everyone's eyes went wide hearing this. Why would Spike want to face Flash in the tournament? he could have just challenged him to a Duel.

"Spike" Twilight said to her little brother, "what's this really about?"

They soon found themselves sitting around the table they had had lunch at, as Spike explained himself. "The reason I entered this tournament was because I wanted to prove myself as a Duellist."

"Prove yourself?" Applejack asked.

"Think about it" Spike said, "my oldest brother is a Pro-Duellist and Twilight's shown her own skills multiple times. Then there's me. I'm not like them, I'm not even really part of their family."

"SPIKE" Twilight almost yelled.

"It's true Twilight" Spike said, "I'm not."

"What are you talking about?" Flash asked.

"Spike is adopted" Twilight explained, "my parents took him in as a baby after he was abandoned at an orphanage. A family friend runs it and called them, asking if they could take him and they did."

"That exactly the reason I'm trying to prove myself" Spike said, "to make them forget about my family."


Spike entered his classroom on the first day of the school year.

"Hey look" he heard a kid say, "I think that's Shining Armor's little brother."

"THE Shining Armor?" a girl squealed.

"Don't get to excited" another kid said, "he's not even his real brother. He's just some nobody Shining's family took in."

<Time Skip>

Spike was in the park looking over his deck when he heard some kids not to far off say

"I heard Shining Armor's little sister just won the under fifteens micro tournament."

"Maybe Duelling skills are genetic?" a boy said.

"Guess that means that Spike kid is a lost cause."

"Yeah" another said, "no way he can hold up against those two. He's not even their real brother."

Spike frowned hearing this and got up to leave the park.


"No matter what everyone compared me to them" Spike explained. "I wanted more then anything to show people I was just as good as them, then one day."


Spike was walking through the park on his way home, until he bumped into someone.

"What do we have here?" he looked up to see a teen with red skin, orange hair and wore a dark red hoodie. "A little baby not watching where he's going."

"Sorry" Spike said.

"Whatever" the guy said.

"This kid's got a lot of nerve pumping into the Great Garble" one of Garble's lackeys said.

"Maybe we should teach him some respect" another one said, cracking his knuckles.

"Now now boys" Garble said, "we're all gents here. We'll show him why he should respect me." He pointed at Spike, "you Duel?"

"Yeah" Spike answered.

"Good" Garble replied, "then lets Duel."

"I don't really want to" Spike said.

"You sound like you got a choice kid" Garble said, "now get out your Duel Disk."

Spike couldn't see any other option but to Duel. He got out his Duel Disk and placed it on his arm, hoping he could find a way to beat him.

<Ten minutes later>

Spike let out a scream as his last monster was destroyed and he was sent flying back.

Garble: 4000 (Winner)
Spike: 0

As Spike pulled himself up Garble walked over and stood above him. "Looks like you lost loser." he told him

"You were an idiot to challenge the Great Garble." one of the teens said.

"I didn't challenge him," Spike said, "you guys made me."

"Whatever," Garble said "you lost so hand over your deck."

"I didn't agree to that." Spike said.

"Well too bad." Garble said as he grabbed him by his purple jacket and lifted him up. "Weaklings don't get a say." He grabbed Spike's left arm, and pulled off a purple device, before throwing him to the floor.

"Knock it off!" They all turned to see Flash walk out of the treeline. "Just because you’re bigger that doesn't give you right to pick on someone."

"Here he was. A guy I didn't even know stepping up to defend me, putting his own deck on the line to help me because I wasn't strong enough to defend myself."

"Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory!" Flash said, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

"Even when the odds were against him he managed to pull off an amazing victory. And then."

"Flash beat you?" Spike asked his sister as they eat dinner.

"Yeah" Twilight said, "and the funny thing is it was only his second Duel in years."

"Really?" Spike asked.

"I was surprised to" Twilight replied, "but it's true."

"Wow" Spike said sitting back.

"And it only got more amazing. Again and again he showed his skills beating Duellists I always thought I wouldn't stand a chance against, and even saving my sister's life. I knew that if I was ever going to improve as a Duellist, I needed to set a goal.


"And you were that goal Flash" Spike said.

"Me?" Flash asked.

"Of coarse" Spike replied, "I've had years more training and practise, but in the short time since you've started Duelling again you somehow soared ahead of me in skill. I wanted to beat you at your best and knew this tournament was my best chance for that."

"So you secretly entered in the hopes of facing him" Twilight finished.

"Yeah" Spike replied. "I knew he'd make it to the finals so all I had to do was keep winning."

"That seems like an awful lot a trouble just to Duel Flash" Applejack said.

"You could have just asked him to Duel" Scootaloo said.

"But then he would have just seen it as a friendly game" Spike explained. "like I said I wanted to Duel him at his best, and he always Duels best when he absolutely needs to win."

"So that's it" Flash said, "this tournaments the only way for me to enter the Celestic Cup. I need to win no matter what."

"So you'll Duel me at full force" Spike finished. "I know it's probably a little selfish of me to stand in the way of your chances to enter the Celestic Cup, but this is the only way I feel I can prove myself."

"Oh Spike" Rarity said her hand over her heart.

Flash took a deep breath and thought this over, before smiling and standing out of his chair to hold a hand out to his opponent. "Spike" Flash said "I have zero intention in losing, but if I do I'll be glad it's to you."

Spike smiled and took his head to shake.


When Flash had entered this tournament he never expected to go through the things he had. And now that his final opponent was none other then Spike, he knew his time at the Shooting Star Micro Tournament was something he'd never forget.

The Door opened showing his guard waiting for him. With one large breath Flash stood up and walked out.

Meanwhile Spike was sitting in his own waiting room looking through his deck.

"Relax" Spike said to himself, "this is what you've been waiting for. You know Flash's Duel stratagy better then anybody, and your prepared to beat it." He pulled a card from his extra deck and nodded, "your just what I need to defeat him."

The door opened and the guard ordered him out. He reset his deck and left the room

Cold and Sunset waited for the finals to begin.

"So after all you put him through" Sunset said, "your final opponent for him is a fourteen year old."

"The boy Spike has a personal history and connection with Flash Sentry" Cold explained. "He sees him as a role model to one day overcome."

"I see" Sunset said smiling, "nicely done. Your using his own personal connection as a way to push Flash yet again. Let's see if he can overcome it, or will it be to much?"

The audience cheered as the finals were about to begin. Everyone had taken their seats in the main stadium, which was twice the size of the other two arenas and could hold everyone who had been watching the A and B blocks and more so.

Gizmo, Lyra, Bon Bon and Tidal all sat next to each other, ready to cheer for the Duellist who had beaten them.

Meanwhile the girls took their seats as they waited patiently for the Duel to begin, one which would pit two of their closest friends against one another.

Twilight was very nervous for the Duel's outcome, and it was noticed. "You okay Sugarcube?" Applejack asked her.

"I'm just a little confused" Twilight replied.

"Can't decide who to root for er?" Rainbow asked.

"Yeah" she said, "I want Flash to win because of everything he's had to go through to get here. But Spike is my brother and hearing him earlier, has made me want him to win and prove his skills just as much."

"No matter what we can't do anything but watch," Rarity said. "This Duel will decide itself how those two do."

"I know" Twilight said, "but it's still hard."

The screens in the stadium switched on showing the Celestic Sisters.


Celestia: It sure has been an eventful day here at the Shooting Star Micro Tournament.

Luna: It has, and with the biggest event about to start I think we're in for a treat.

Celestia: Indeed. It's time to welcome our Block Champions onto the stage.

Luna: First the winner of the B Block. He may be young but he's fierce, it's Spike.

Spike walked out onto the field, waving to the crowd.

"Good luck Spikey Wikey" Rarity cheered.

"No matter what happens we're proud of you" Rainbow said.

"That's right" Twilight said, having finally come to a decision to cheer for them both.

Celestia: And next we have the winner of the A Block. The Pendulum Power House, Flash Sentry.

Flash walked out to meet Spike in the centre of the arena. "This is it Spike" he said, "no turning back, no holding back." He pulled out his Duel Disk and fixed it to his arm.

"It's time I show you just how strong I've gotten Flash" Spike said, fixing his own Duel Disk to his arm.

Both: It's time to see the Duel Field these two will Duel on.

They both pressed the button on the remote and in that second the floor glowed as it formed the Duel Field.


In the blink of an eye the boys found themselves in a mysterious, brightly lite cavern. It had giant stone formations and pillars, all covered in many different plants. It had many cliffs and waterfalls, all flowing into small ponds and streams leading to a giant lake in the centre of the cavern.

Both: The Dragon Sanctuary

"That sounds about right" Flash said, having expected something like this.

"Awesome" Spike said, obviously loving the location of their Duel. "This place is perfect for me."

Celestia: With nothing else to say let's get this Duel going. In three

Luna: TWO.

Audience: ONE.


Flash: 4000
Spike: 4000


"I'll take the first move" Spike said drawing, "and I summon Ember Dragon in ATK mode" a mid sized red lizard appeared. it wore yellow armour around its hands and feet, along with metallic instruments around its chest and back that spurted out fire into the shape of wings. (A1200/D1100/L3) "I'll end my turn with a face down."

"Then it's my draw" Flash said, looking at his hand. Nothing in his hand could set up a good Pendulum Scale, so he'd need to wait for later. "I summon Magna Fighter Deck Striker, in ATK mode" the steam punk with the metal gauntlet appeared. (A1300/D500/L3) "Attack" Deck Striker flew at Ember Dragon and raised his metal fist, before slamming it down into the monster destroying it.

Flash: 4000
Spike: 3900

Sparks from the dragons fire hit the ground and caused two small fires to appear, with eyes and a mouth on each. (A0/D0/L1)

"What the?" Flash asked.

"When Ember Dragon is destroyed" Spike explained, "he leaves behind two Ember Tokens."

"I end my turn with two face downs" Flash said.

"My draw and I activate my face down" Spike said, as his face down flipped up to reveal a Spell. "Stoke the Fire, it lets me sacrifice my Ember Tokens in exchange for a pair of level four or below Fire monsters from my deck." The two fireballs transformed into a pair of flaming tornadoes, which then burst revealing two new monsters. "Introducing."

The first was a serpent like creature, with a pair of Pterodactyl like wings and large fangs coming from his mouth. "Lava Fang Dragon." (A1400/D1300/L4)

The second was a humanoid lizard wearing red armour over its black body with only its head being visible. "Armoured Wyvern." (A1500/D1200/L4)

Celestia: Impressive. He used his monsters destruction as a means to summon a pair of stronger monsters.

Luna: That's the way Spike started in his earlier Duels, if the rest of this one goes like them then Flash is in trouble.

"Now I sacrifice Lava Fang Dragon to summon Iron Tail Dragon," in a burst of fire the winged serpent was replaced by a red dragon with orange blades on its arms and tail end. (A2100/D1400/L6) "I attack Deck Striker with Armoured Wyvern" the armoured dragon flew towards the steam punk, its razor sharp claws at the ready.

Flash and Deck Striker spun around and legged it, in search of an Action Card. Flash spotted one on a nearby cliff face. "Give me a boost" he said as he leaped on to the wall and the jumped back at his monster, who used its metal fist and great strength to spring board Flash upwards just as Armoured Wyvern caught him. Flash grabbed the Action Card and placed it in his Duel Disk, "I activate the Action Spell Miracle." Armoured Wyvern slashed Deck Striker but he remained standing.

Flash: 3900
Spike: 3900

"That Action Spell saved my monster and halved the damage I took" Flash explained.

"Then I'll attack with Iron Tail Dragon" Spike said as he jumped on his monster, as it flew towards Deck Striker.

"I activate my Trap Brittle Shield. This Trap lets an ATK position monster switch to DEF mode if its offensive power, is more then its defence." Deck Striker kneeled down as he was struck by the dragons scythe like tail. "Next I activate the Trap Starburst Draw. This lets me draw one card for each level point my destroyed monster had, meaning I get three." he drew three cards.

"I end my turn" Spike said.

"It's been a pretty close match so far" Rainbow said.

"It's only just beginning" Twilight said.

"It's my draw" Flash said smiling at what his draw had given him. "I'm using scale two Magna Fighter Lucidum and scale seven Glow Craft Magna Fox, to set the Pendulum Scale" the pillars of light appeared besides him as him monster rose up. "Now I can cut through space time and carve the arc of victory, to summon monsters levelled three through six." The portal formed above his head, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and three beams of light shot out.

"Howl to the moon, Shine Crest Magna Wolf." (A1200/D1100/L3)

"Sky high, Brass Wing Magna Hawk. (A1400/D800/L4)

"On guard, Magna Fighter Gladio. (A2100/D2200/L6/P4)

Luna: so that's the fabled Pendulum Summon.

Celestia: Yes. That technique is responsible for Flash's multiple victories leading up to the finals.

"Magna Hawks ability" Flash said. "Since he was special summoned three cards from your hand are shuffled back into your deck, and replaced by the same amount." Flash selected the cards and Spike shuffled them in and drew three new ones. "Now Magna Wolf's ability activates, and increase his power by three hundred for each card returned to the deck. (A2100/D1100/L3) "And finally Lucidum's Pendulum ability increases every Pendulum Monster's ATK by five hundred, so Gladio now gets a boost." (A2600/D2200/L6/P4)

"That's a whole lot of power" Scootaloo said.

"And it's all heading for Spike" Rarity said in concern.

"I attack Armoured Wyvern with Magna Wolf" Flash said, as his wolf pounced on the dragon destroying it.

Flash: 3900
Spike: 3300

"Next Gladio attacks Iron Tail" the warrior charged at the dragon, swinging his massive sword straight through it. Spike had leaped off his dragon onto a nearby cliff as it was destroyed.

Flash: 3900
Spike: 2800

"And finally Magna Hawk will attack you directly" Flash ordered as his mechanic bird, who swooped towards Spike.

In that moment Spike grabbed an Action Card off the ground. "I activate Endurance of the Weak, which lets me banish a level three monster and reduce the damage I take by its ATK points." He removed Ember Dragon as Magna Hawk's attack struck.

Flash: 3900
Spike: 2600

"I end my turn" Flash said.

"My draw" Spike smiled seeing what he had gotten. "Pendulum Summoning. It allows the user to summon multiple monsters and overwhelm their opponent. Against that style of Duelling anyone would have a hard time winning."

"Thanks Spike" Flash replied with a smile.

"However" Spike continued, "I have just the card to stop your Pendulum Summon."

"What?" Flash asked his smile fading.

"I play Monster Reborn, to revive Iron Tail Dragon" Spike's large dragon reappeared on the field. "And next I'll summon the Tuner Monster Fireheart Dracokid," A small red dragon appeared on the field besides Iron Tail. (A1000/D800/L2)

"A Tuner Monster" Flash and the girls realised what Spike had planned.

Luna: here it comes.

"Now I tune level two Fireheart Dracokid with level six Iron Tail Dragon." The small dragon flew into the air and transformed into two balls of fire, which carved a pair of burning rings which Iron Tail Dragon flew into. "Cast your flames across this battle field, and burn everything that is weak to ashes" Spike said as his monsters burst in an explosion of fire. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

A new humanoid dragon erupted out of the fire, standing at around nine meters tall. It was mainly dark red in colour with blue running down its neck, stomach and tail. It had long spikes coming out of its shoulders, hips, wrists, knees and wings. A long horn extended out of its snout and in its claws it carried a very long but slightly curved sword, which quickly set ablaze. "DRAGONIC BLAZEMASTER." (A3000/D2000/L8)

Everyone was in terror at the new monster. It looked so monstrous and threatening.

As Spike leapt onto its shoulder, he looked down at Flash and his monsters. "Hope your ready?" he said, "because my Dragonic Blazemaster is going to burn your field to nothing."

Author's Notes:

What'd you guys think of Spike now. Dragonic Blazemaster will be putting Flash's deck through it's paces next Turn, so stay tuned.

Turn 22, Battle in the Dragon Sanctuary pt2

The final round of the Shooting Star Micro Tournament has pitted Flash against Spike. Flash had Pendulum Summoned Magna Fighter Gladio, Shine Crest Magna Wolf and Brass Wing Magna Hawk and taken the lead, but Spike had surprised everyone by Synchro Summoning Dragonic Blazemaster.

"Hope your ready?" Spike said from atop his dragons shoulder, "because my Dragonic Blazemaster is going to burn your field to nothing."

"That dragon is incredible" Applejack said as she turned to Twilight, "what kind of power does it have."

"No clue" Twilight answered, "I've never seen that card in Spike's deck before."

"So he's only just got it?" Rainbow asked.

"Or he's had it for a while and just wasn't confident enough to use it" Twilight guessed. She looked down at the battle field where the two Duellist were facing off, "Spike...Flash."

Luna: This is Spike's ultimate strength. In his previous Duels once that card was unleashed Spike's opponents stood no chance.

Celestia: Let's see how Flash does against it.

"Now I attack Magna Fighter Gladio" Spike said as his dragon raised his flaming sword. This confused some of the crowd.

"Why is he targeting Gladio?" Applebloom asked, "while attacking one of Flash's other monsters would cause more damage."

Dragonic Blazemaster swung its sword down and as Gladio held his own up in defence only to have the dragon cut through it. Flames from the sword flew from the attack and engulfed Flash, who groaned as he was burned.

Flash: 3000
Spike: 2600

"Now I activate Dragonic Blazemaster's ability" Spike said. "When he's successful in destroying a monster, he's allowed to attack again."

"WHAT" Flash and the girls screamed.

"Witness the power of Dragonic Blazemaster's ultimate power, Eternal Flame." Dragonic Blazemaster's sword reignited as it swung it towards Magna Hawk, slashing through it and causing Flash to be bathed in the holographic fire.

Luna: This was how Dragonic Blazemaster decimated the previous rounds.

Flash: 2200
Spike: 2600

"Sure the damage you take is only half its usual amount" Spike explained, "but it's still a lot once it builds up. Especially since I'm attacking Magna Wolf" the sword reignited, as he aimed it at the armoured wolf.

Flash knew he had to stop it and ran along the cliff in search of an Action Card. As Blazemaster drew closer Flash leaped off the cliff, dropping onto a lower one where an Action Card awaited. He grabbed it, "I activate the Action Spell Evasion. This card lets my wolf dodge your attack," Magna Wolf leaped up and narrowly dodged the sword.

"That was close" Applejack said.

"But can't Blazemaster just attack again?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Remember" Rarity told her sister, "the Eternal Flame ability only activates when Blazemaster destroys a monster."

"Since Flash managed to save his Wolf" Twilight continued, "Spike's monster can't attack again."

"I end my turn with a face down" Spike said.

"I gotta say Spike" Flash said, "you Synchro Summoning such an awesome monster sure was unexpected."

"Like I said Flash" Spike said, "I intend to beat you and show how strong I really am. So don't go wimping out on me, I want to beat your very best."

"And I'll bring it" Flash replied as he drew, "but you won't be beating me." He looked down at his hand and saw he had drawn Flash Heart, but against Dragonic Blazemaster he wouldn't stand much of a chance. Lucidum's Pendulum Ability could even their scores, meaning they could both destroy each other, but Spike's face down might counter act it. If only he could Fusion Summon Spectral Nova Dragon, then he would stand a chance, but without Lunara and Alchemy Dracokid he couldn't. "Looks like I'm playing defence for now" he said, "I use my Pendulum Scale to cut through space time and carve the arc once again. The portal reformed, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and a beam of light shot out.

"On guard, Magna Fighter Gladio." (A2100/D2200/L6/P4)

"I switch Shine Crest Magna Wolf to DEF mode and end my turn."

"Not much else he can do against such overwhelming power" Rarity said.

"So he's gotta keep himself safe until he finds a way around it" Scootaloo continued.

"Except Flash can't win that way" Twilight said, "unless he can up his offensive power he won't last long."

"What he needs is to pull off that Pendulum Fusion he used last time," Rainbow said.

"But for all we know he doesn't have any of the three cards needed to pull it off," Rarity said.

"Then Flash needs to get them" Applejack said, "an fast."

"It's my draw" Spike said, "and I'll attack with Dragonic Blazemaster." The humanoid dragon once again raised his flaming sword and sliced down against Magna Wolf, destroying him, before he turned to Gladio. "Now I invoke the Eternal Flame," Blazemaster reignited his sword and slashed through the steam punk swordsmen.

Flash grunted as he watched his monster be reverted to bits.

"I end my turn with a face down" Spike said.

"It's my turn" Flash drew and saw it was Magna Caster Lunara, but without Alchemy Dracokid or having Flash Heart Dragon on the field she was no match against Dragonic Blazemaster. "I need to do something" Flash looked around and noticed something glittering in a nearby stream, causing him to run towards it and dive in.

"What's he doing?" Rainbow asked.

They waited and watched, until Flash suddenly came flying out of a waterfall the stream lead to and landed in one of the mid sized pools. Flash broke through the surface held up an Action Card, which he placed in the Duel Disk. "I activate the Action Spell Mystical Mirror Pool, which lets me activate the effect of a Spell card in your graveyard. I activate the effect of your Monster Reborn Spell card, to revive Brass Wing Magna Hawk." His robotic bird reappeared on the field, letting Flash grab its foot pulling him out of the water.

"Why'd he play Magna Hawk in ATK mode?" Scootaloo asked.

"He must have something planned" Twilight said, "I hope."

"Now watch" Flash said, still flying, "as my Pendulum cards will once again carve the arc of victory." The portal formed once again, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and two beams of light shot out and crashed to the ground.

"On guard, Magna Fighter Gladio." (A2100/D2200/L6/P4)

"Invoke your moonlight magic, Magna Caster Lunara." (A2400/D1200/L6/P1)

"What's Flash planning?" Spike asked.

"Next I sacrifice Gladio and Magna Hawk" Flash said, as his two monsters disappeared causing Flash to free fall, "to summon Flash Heart Dragon." His dragon appeared below him, as he landed on his back.

"There he is" Spike said, now the real Duel was about to begin.

"And now I invoke Glow Craft Magna Fox's Pendulum Ability" Magna Fox's tails glowed and fired the nine balls of light, which spun around Lucidum forming a ring of light. Lucidum returned to being a card which flew into Flash's hand. "By returning a Magna Pendulum Monster to my deck, I can add another on to my hand with a Pendulum Scale of five or less." His deck shuffled before a new card was slotted out. "And now" Flash held the card up, "I reset the Pendulum Scale with Scale three Alchemy Dracokid." The pillar of light to his left reappeared as the small dragon flew up.

"So what?" Spike said, "even you set the Pendulum Scale again you can't Pendulum Summon again this turn."

"Your right Spike" Flash said, "I can't Pendulum Summon...but I can use Alchemy Dracokid's Pendulum Ability."

"Oh boy" Spike said, knowing this was going to be big.

Flash jumped off Flash Heart's back as he spoke. "Alchemy Dracokid unleash your power, and allow me to Fusion Summon without Polymerisation." The little dragon uncorked her beaker and released the smoke, which enveloped Flash's other two monsters and pulled them inside the science instrument. "Now watch as I fuse the unequalled might of a Dragon, with the mystic properties of a Spellcaster." Dracokid uncorked the bottle again and unleashed the smoke, "I FUSION SUMMON!"

The smoke faded revealing Flash's Fusion Monster which Flash landed on, "Spectral Nova Dragon." (A3000/D2000/L8)

"Wow" Spike said in amazement, "when did Flash get that upgrade?"

Celestia: And there it is, the monster that won Flash his place here in the finals.

Luna: Can it overcome Dragonic Blazemaster? Let's find out.

"I attack Dragonic Blazemaster with Spectral Nova Dragon" Flash ordered, as his monster raised its cannons and aimed at the humanoid dragon.

"But if you attack" Spike said "they'll both be destroyed."

"That all depends" Flash said coyly. "When I attack with Spectral Nova Dragon, I can draw one card from my deck and what happens next depends on the card. If I draw a Spell then I can destroy one card in your Spell and Trap card zone, but if I draw a Trap then my Battle Phase ends. But If I draw a monster then I can lower your monster ATK and DEF by that of the card I draw."

"Your putting everything on this one draw?" Spike asked.

"Here we go" Flash said, placing his hand on his deck. "I...DRAW" like in his last Duel he held the card up so the monitor showed the card.

Celestia: Starbreak Dragon, fifteen hundred ATK points

Luna: That'll cut Dragonic Blazemaster's ATK in half

"Not good" Spike said as his monster weakened. (A1500/D800/L8)

Flash's monster's cannons began to charge, "Mystery Flare Cannon...FIRE." The blast fired at the dragon, forcing Spike to leap off as he pressed something on his Duel Disk. Flash smiled as the smoke from the attack began to fade, until he saw something that made him gasp. Dragonic Blazemaster stood tall, seemingly unaffected by the attack. (A3000/D2000/L8) "But how?" Flash asked.

"Before your attack hit I activated my two face downs" Spike explained. "first Synchro Out, which de-tuned my Dragonic Blazemaster into Iron Tail Dragon and Fireheart Dracokid, meaning your attack had no target. I then used Urgent Tuning to Synchro Summon my Blazemaster back to the field."

"I can't believe he pulled something like that off" Rarity said.

"Spike's skills really have grown" Twilight said in amazement of her little brother.

"Nice work Spike" Flash said "I end my turn."

"It's my draw" Spike said jumping back on his dragon's shoulder, as they flew up followed by Flash and his dragon. Spike leaned off the edge towards a cliff face and swiped up an Action Card, "just what I needed" he said. "I activate the Action Spell Small Reinforcements, which causes me to discard a level four or lower monster and I can increase the ATK of monster with the same Attribute by five hundred. I'll ditch another Ember Dragon to raise my Fire type Blazemaster by five hundred." (A3500/D2000/L8)

"Not good" Flash realised.

"Attack" Spike ordered as Blazemaster ignited his sword and slashed through Spectral Nova Dragon, causing Flash to fall.

Flash: 1700
Spike: 2600

Flash caught the edge of a cliff and pulled himself up onto the ledge as he caught his breath.

"And to end my turn I activate the Spell Interdimensional Vortex" Spike said, "this is a card I put in my deck especially for you Flash."

"What's it do?" Flash asked.

"First I have to declare a Monster card and if it's in your Extra Deck then the effects activate" Spike explained, "I declare Flash Heart Dragon."

"Well he's in there" Flash said, "now what?"

"Now you take him out of your Extra Deck" Spike explained, Flash doing so, "and banish him."

"WHAT?" the girl asked.

"He's removing Flash Heart Dragon from play?" Sweetie Bell asked.

"I know if you find a way to reset your Pendulum Scale, your dragon's ability will send Blazemaster to my deck" Spike said. "Now that plan is nullified."

Sunset smiled seeing this. "I underestimated this kid, he's playing this like a pro."

"He's specifically designed his deck around defeating Pendulum Monsters" Cold said, "Sentry might not be able to do this."

"He's pulled off miracles before" Sunset said.

As Flash placed his ace in his pocket he looked over his situation. Spike had a monster that could attack every monster on his field, while Flash's best card was removed from play.

"Spike" Flash said, "you sure are one worthy opponent."

"Thanks Flash" Spike said, "that Fusion Summon was a surprise but I catch on quick."

"I can safely say I have no clue how I can get out of this," Flash said. He drew and saw it was a Spell he'd never used before, called Last Ditch Effort. Reading its effects he couldn't see how it would help in this situation.

But then.

Flash felt something coming from his deck. Looking down at his Duel Disk he saw a glow coming from his Extra Deck, which he opened and pulled out the cause of the glow which was the last blank Fusion card. "What the?" was all he could say before being consumed by the light.

When the light faded Flash opened his eyes and found himself back in the ruins from before. "This place again" Flash said looking around, but realised this wasn't the same as last time. Flash was looking down from the sky at it.

Flash looked around and noticed Flash Heart Dragon and Magna Fighter Gladio.

"Guys" he said, "what's going on?" But his monsters didn't respond. It was then that Flash noticed they weren't alone, as something was gathering around them. Whatever it was was cloaked in shadows as they surrounded the two, who were punching and slashing their way through it. Suddenly the shadows caught Gladio from behind, causing him to drop his sword as he was consumed by them.

"NO" Flash hollered.

Flash Heart was also beginning to be overcome and quickly got swallowed by the shadows. Seconds passed and Flash grew more and more worried, until suddenly the shadows were ripped to shreds from the inside revealing Flash Heart with Gladio's sword. Flash Heart slashed away and even freed Gladio. Flash Heart held out the sword, but when Gladio touched it the sword released a brilliant light.

Flash was forced to shut his eyes, getting a glimpse of a new creature appearing.

Flash opened his eyes and found himself back in the Dragon Sanctuary, the Fusion card still in his hand...except. The glow from the card had died down revealing a newly formed Fusion Monster, making Flash realise what he need to do. "I get it" Flash said looking up at Spike. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!" the portal formed and opened, shooting a beam of light out.

"On guard, Magna Fighter Gladio." (A2100/D2200/L6/P4)

"What's Flash planning?" Spike asked.

"And now I use the Spell Last Ditch Effort, which allows me to revive Spectral Nova Dragon" his Fusion Monster returned to the field. "The only down side is his abilities are negated during the Battle Phase, and at the end of my turn he's has to return to the graveyard."

"But without his abilities" Scootaloo said, "he doesn't stand a chance."

"What's the point of this Flash?" Spike asked, "hoping to destroy both monsters and attack with Gladio."

"Nope" Flash said, "I'm using Spectral Nova Dragon's other ability. While he's on the field he can substitute himself in place of Flash Heart Dragon." As he said that light from the dragon poured out and took the shape of a corporal Flash Heart Dragon, which broke apart and surround the Fusion Monster. "Now watch as with Alchemy Dracokid's Pendulum Ability I can Fusion Summon a new monster."

"Another Fusion Summon?" Twilight wondered where he had gotten these cards from.

The little dragon uncorked her beaker and once again released the smoke. The two monsters were consumed and sucked inside the glass bottle, "now I fuse the unequalled might of a Dragon with the unshakeable courage of a Warrior." The smoke shot out of the beaker, "I FUSION SUMMON!"

The smoke cloud began to fade, revealing Flash's new monster. This one was humanoid in appearance, wearing bronze armour with silver trim and wings similar to Spectral Nova Dragon's. In its claws it carried a pair of silver long swords with bronze cross guards. "SPECTRAL SABRE DRAGON!" (A3000/D2000/L8)

"Wow" Scootaloo said seeing her brothers new monster.

"Never thought I'd see two sword wielding dragons duke it out," Rainbow said

"But their ATKs are the same" Rarity said, "how does Flash expect to win with it?"

Flash leaped off the ledge and onto his monsters back, as he and Spike stared each other down. Both thought the same thing.


They looked around for one and finally found one, or more like two. On the highest cliff a pair of Action Cards were hanging from the rock face.

Both dragons spread their wings and shot up towards them, hoping to grab the better one. Flash and Spike leaped off their backs and onto the swords, as the dragons sliced them through the air catapulting the Duellists towards the cliff. "I ATTACK" Flash called as he reached for the card, and Spectral Sabre Dragon swung at Dragonic Blazemaster.

"I can't watch" Fluttershy said, covering her eyes as the girls watched.

Flash and Spike reached the ledge and both grabbed an Action Card, which they slotted into their Duel Disks as they landed on their dragons who drew closer to each other.

"I got another copy of Small Reinforcements" Spike said, "so I'll ditch Lava Fang Dragon." (A3500/D2000/L8)

The dragons clashed swords for a few seconds, until Dragonic Blazemaster's cracked and shattered.

"What the?" Spike asked looking down at his Duel Disk, only to see. (A2500/D2000/L8) "Why's Blazemaster a thousand points weaker then he should be?"

"Because my Action Spell countered yours" Flash said. "Hidden Ambush, it put your Action Spell's effects into reverse meaning instead of increasing your monster's ATK."

"It lowered it" Spike caught on.

Spectral Sabre Dragon flew above his target and raised his swords high. "Let's do this" Flash said as they descended, "Twin Sword Cleave." Swinging the swords in an X formation the Fusion Monster slashed the Synchro Monster, destroying it and sending Spike falling into the giant lake bellow.

Flash: 1700
Spike: 2100

Celestia: Spike's number one monster has fallen.

Luna: I'm having a hard time believing this.

"Now Spectral Sabre Dragon's ability will activate" Flash continued. "When he destroys a monster, he can then deal you damage equal to the ATK of the Warrior-Type monster I used to Fusion Summon him."

"Flash used Gladio to summon him" Twilight said.

"Meaning twenty one hundred points of damage" Rarity counted.

"Leaving Spike with" Rainbow realised.

Celestic Sisters: ZERO.

Spectral Sabre Dragon slashed at the air, creating a shock wave which struck the water washing Spike away and then out of the lake.

Flash: 1700 (Winner)
Spike: 0

Celestia: He did it. Flash Sentry has defeated Spike and claimed victory.

Luna: He as earned his way into the Celestic Cup.

As the field dissolved Flash stood completely still, unable to believe what had just happened. "I did it...I won."

"You sure did" he looked over at Spike, who had just recovered from the attacks, "you won despite everything I'd thrown at you." He held out his hand.

"Thanks Spike" Flash said taking it, "but you didn't make it easy. You definitely earned your place in the finals."

"Thanks Flash" Spike said. "Like you said before, if I could lose to anyone I'm glad it's you."

Up in the stands the girls were all practically crying. "I'm so happy" Pinkie said.

"After everything he's been through" Applejack said, "I don't think any other outcome would feel right."

"I'm just proud of them both" Twilight said, "they gave it everything they had and have nothing to regret."

Later on Flash stood on the main stage where the Celestic Sister greeted him.

"Congratulations Flash" Celestia said as she handed him a trophy with a shooting star on top.

"Your entry into the Celestic Cup has been confirmed" Luna said, "we look forward to seeing you compete."

"Thank you" Flash said as he turned to the audience and waved as they cheered for their champion.

Later that night Cold and Sunset were going over every match Flash had competed in, estimating his skill.

"So what do your think?" Sunset asked.

"His power is growing" Cold replied, "but it's nowhere near the level it should be. Even with everything he's been through he requires more pressure."

"What else can you do?" Sunset asked, "you keep pushing him and he might be to overwhelmed."

"That's a risk we must take" Cold said. "He was able to Fusion Summon, but he still as a long way to go before he can unleash the others. Without them he won't stand a chance."

Author's Notes:

So ends the Micro Tournament. How do you think the Duel against Spike went?

We've got one more chapter before the main Tournament begins, and one more main character is getting her dues.

Turn 23, Fluttershy

Author's Notes:

Happy New Year. Here's a New Years treat, one day early. Tell me what you think.

As for the ending, think Equestria Games.

It was now the day before the Celestic Cup and we find Flash and Scootaloo in their apartment Duelling on the table.

The rest of their friends were all doing some last minute prep work with their own decks at home, so the two siblings were on their own as they Duelled.

"Magna Fighter Gladio will attack Wild Rush Raptor" Flash said, as his sister removed her Xyz monster from the field. "Brass Wing Magna Hawk will then attack you directly."

"Oh man" Scootaloo said, "that wipes out the last of my life points."

"Sorry squirt" Flash said, "want to go again?"

"No thanks" Scootaloo said, "five loses in a row is enough for me. Maybe I'll go through my deck again."

"You've been through it ten times since breakfast. I wouldn't be surprised if you could recite the cards serial numbers."

"I gotta make sure my deck is the best it can be" Scootaloo said, "the Tournament begins tomorrow."

"Yeah your right" Flash said, "but I think my deck is as good as it can be right now." He grabbed his Duel Disk and headed for the door.

"Where you going?" Scootaloo asked.

"Out for a walk" Flash replied, "see who wants to hang out."

"But everyone will be working on their own decks."

"I'll think something to do," Flash said. Before he reached the door he looked over at pair of boxes with the Freeze Industries logo, which had been delivered to Flash and Scootaloo that morning. Inside each one was a watch like device, blue for Flash and purple for Scootaloo, along with a map explaining to be at Canterlot town centre tomorrow before noon. Flash looked at them for a moment before turning back and heading out the door.

That was how Flash found himself wondering the streets looking for something, anything to pass the time.

"Come on Flash" he said to himself, "you survived seventeen years without friends. You can find a way to kill a couple hours."

Suddenly a loud banging noise caught his attention. Looking to his side he found he was outside the Ponyville Animal Rescue Centre, which currently had a large hamster plastered on one of the glass windows before slowly sliding down. Curiosity getting the better of him, Flash opened the door of the building and stepped inside. Chaos was what he found inside as many different animals scurried around the place, some being completely drenched.

"Oh no," a familiar quite voice caught his attention, "please stop...that's not very nice." Fluttershy was running around after the out of control animals.

"Fluttershy" Flash called over the commotion.

Fluttershy looked up at him and gasped. "Oh Flash," she said, "I'm sorry I didn't hear you come in."

"It's fine" Flash replied, "by the looks of things you seem quite busy." He narrowly dodged a kamikaze bunny which instead flew over him, "what the heck's going on?"

"A pipe in the back broke flooding most of the animal habitats," Fluttershy said, as she managed to grab a distressed pussy cat and place it on one of the high shelves away from the water. "I'm trying to calm everyone down but the water is still running."

Flash couldn't bring himself to leave her in distress like this. He might not have been good with animals, but he knew a thing or two about plumbing. That was how he ended up fixing the shelters faulty pipes, as Fluttershy finally managed to get the animals calm and dry.

"There you go" she said as she finished towelling off the last guinea pig, "now your all clean" she gave him a quick scratch before putting him in the basket with the rest of his group. "FLASH" she called walking into the back, hoping Flash wasn't to overwhelmed by the job, only to be amazed at the progress he had made.

Most of the water had been mopped up and the cages had been cleaned of the waterlogged bedding. She found Flash tightening the last bolt of the pipping, before wiping his forehead with his sleeve.

"My word Flash" she said looking around, "I thought this place would be a disaster after the flood. But you cleaned it up so quickly."

"No biggy" Flash said, "a rusted bolt snapped causing the pipe to burst. I taped it up but you should really have a professional get it checked out."

"Thanks again" Fluttershy said with a bow, "if you hadn't come along it would have taken so long to clean up."

"It's fine Fluttershy," Flash replied. "But I would have thought a Rescue Centre like this would have more people to help out."

"There are other volunteers" Fluttershy replied, "but most of them are competing in the Celestic Cup and needed today to prepare. The other two both called in sick, so it's just me today."

"You should have called your friends and asked for help" Flash said, "you know we would have dropped everything and come."

"Oh no" Fluttershy said, "I could never waste their time like that. The Celestic Cup is just to important to them."

"Your important to" Flash replied.

"But still" she said, "I'm not competing in the Tournament so it's not like I need the time."

"Yeah I figured" Flash said, "I mean why enter a Tournament when you don't even Duel?"

"I Duel" Fluttershy replied, "I just don't enjoy competitions."

"Really?" Flash asked. "I just figured since I've never seen you play."

"I'm not that big on more modern Duels" she said, "but I do enjoy the occasional table top Duel. I like to imagine my monsters instead of letting a Duel Disk do it for me."

"Cool" Flash said with a smile. "Say, since everything's pretty much done here, why don't we have a Duel?"

Fluttershy thought for a moment, before nodding. "Okay, I guess I do owe you for helping me today."


The two went into the Centre's kitchen, where a table large enough to place their cards was, and they set everything up. They took out their Duel Disks, Fluttershy's being yellow, and placed them on the counter to act as point counters.

The two shuffled their decks and placed them on the table as their Duel Disks counted out their points

"You ready?" Flash asked.

"Sure" Fluttershy replied, though she didn't sound confident.

"Then let's go" he said.


Flash: 4000
Fluttershy: 4000

"I'll go first if that's okay" Flash said.

"Okay" Fluttershy replied.

"Then I'll summon Aura Spear Dragon, in ATK mode" then he noticed Fluttershy closing her eyes. Realising what she was doing he closed his eyes and did the same.

He imagined himself in a grassland. He looked down at his body and saw he was corporeal, like a spectre looking into the world. Fluttershy stood a hundred yards off, also corporeal, and his silver dragon stood between them. (A2000/D100/L4)

"I end my turn."

"My turn" Fluttershy said, "I draw."

"In ATK mode I summon Kuriboh" she said, as a furry creature appeared before her. It looked like a furry brown hairball, with green paws, claws and purple eyes. (A300/D200/L1)

"Kuriboh" Flash looked at her monster sceptically. Why would she play such a weak monster in ATK mode?

"And now I activate Block Attack" Fluttershy continued, "which will switch your monster into DEF mode."

"Uh-oh" Flash said.

Aura Spear Dragon knelt down into DEF mode as Kuriboh stared it down.

"Now I attack with my Kuriboh" Fluttershy said. The fur ball charged at the dragon and body slammed it, destroying it. "And now I end my turn with a face down."

"My turn," Flash drew his card and smiled at what he had gotten. "I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale two Magna Fighter Lucidum, and Scale four Magna Fighter Gladio."

The pillars of light appeared besides him as his monsters rose up.

"Now I'll cut through space time and carve the arc of victory" the portal formed above him. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and a pair of lights shot out, hitting the ground.

"Howl to the moon, Shine Crest Magna Wolf." (A1200/D1100/L3)

"K.O, Magna Fighter Deck Striker. (A1300/D500/L3)

"You may have a pair of strong monsters on the field," Fluttershy said "but my trap will make them useless." She flipped her face down up, "Threatening Roar. It forces you to skip your Battle Phase."

"So I can't attack Kuriboh" Flash said, "but I can still prepare for later. I'll place one card face down and end my turn."

"My turn" Fluttershy said, "I activate the Spell Charity of the Weak. This card forces me to tribute one level one monster" she explained, moving her Kuriboh from the field to the graveyard, "and now I can view the top five cards of my deck." She took five cards and looked at them, "I add on to my hand and the rest go to the grave."

Flash gave a quizzical look. Was she looking for something?

"I now summon Sacred Guardian Beast, Rush Rabbit."

In a flash of light a white humanoid rabbit appeared, standing at five foot and wearing brown gloves and boots. (A1800/D1300/L4)

"Now I attack Deck Striker" the rabbit leaped at him, pulling his foot back ready to launch a kick.

"I activate Rush Rabbit's ability" she picked up her deck. "I take one level one monster from my deck and send it to the graveyard," she revealed a copy of Winged Kuriboh and placed it in the graveyard. "Now I can negate the attack I just ordered."

Flash was quizzical at this. Why would she attack only to negate it?

"Now I end my turn with Downfall of the Prideful. This continuous Spell card forces every monster on the field to attack a weaker monster or be destroyed during the End Phase."

"So any strong monster I summon has to attack" Flash said. What was she planning? He drew and smiled seeing his ace. "I tribute Deck Striker and Magna Wolf to summon Flash Heart Dragon."

The two monsters disappeared, replaced by the robotic dragon. (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"Because of your Downfall of the Prideful I have to attack" Flash Heart Dragon flew forwards and aimed a punch at the rabbit.

"Rush Rabbit's ability activates" Fluttershy took her deck again. "I discard Kuribon and negate the attack."

Flash couldn't make heads or tails of her stratagy. It was so timid and defensive, plus at this rate she would burn through her whole deck in no time.

"That's seven" Fluttershy said putting her monster in the graveyard.

"Seven what?" Flash asked.

"You'll see" she said as she drew. "I summon Sphere Kuriboh."

An orange metal sphere with green feet and hands appeared. "I attack Flash Heart with Sphere Kuriboh," the odd looking creature charged at Flash Heart.

"Once again Rush Rabbit's ability activates."

"Even if another monster battles?" Flash asked.

"Rush Rabbit can negate any attack as long as I have level one monsters to discard," Fluttershy said. She revealed a card named Clear Kuriboh, and placed it in the graveyard. "Eight, now Rush Rabbit will attack before I activate his ability and send another Winged Kuriboh to the graveyard...nine."

"It's almost like she wants them in the graveyard" Flash said to himself, but couldn't see the reason.

"I end my turn" she said.

"My turn" Flash realised he had drawn Alchemy Dracokid, which would come in handy later. "I attack Sphere Kuriboh."

"And I activate Rush Rabbit's ability and send Kuribon to the graveyard, to negate the attack."

"I end my turn" Flash said.

"My draw...and I activate Charity of the Weak, so I tribute Sphere Kuriboh and look at the top five cards of deck. I chose one and the rest go to the graveyard. That makes twelve...twelve level one monsters in the graveyard."

"So what?" Flash asked.

"I tribute Sacred Guardian Beast, Rush Rabbit. In its place I summon Sacred Guardian Beast, Grand Grizzly."

The humanoid rabbit disappeared in a flash of light, and was replaced by a giant bear. It had brown fur and wore metal armour around its chest, head and each of its four arms. (A2300/D1800/L6)

"So what?" Flash asked, "your bear only has twenty three hundred points. It's not strong enough to beat Flash Heart Dragon."

"But your forgetting my graveyard contains twelve level one monsters" Fluttershy said.


"My Grand Grizzly's ability increase his ATK points by one hundred, for every level one monster in my graveyard."

"Each one?"

Grand Grizzly let out a roar as its power rose. (A3500/D1800/L6)

"I attack with Grand Grizzly" the bear shot at Flash Heart, ready to slash it with its claws.

"I activate Reflection Guard" the attack hit but it revealed to only be a mirror image.

Flash: 3000
Fluttershy: 4000

"I still take the damage but my monster's safe."

"I end my turn."

Flash drew his card and saw it was a card he had recently added to his deck. "I activate Mythical Wormhole, which lets me look through your graveyard and had a Spell to my hand." Fluttershy handed him her graveyard pile and he looked through it. "I chose Swords of Revealing Light," he handed the pile back to her. "Now I'll activate it."

From the sky came swords made entirely of light which encircled Fluttershy's field, caging her in.

"Now you can't attack for three turns" Flash told her, "I end my turn."

"My turn" she drew, "I end my turn."

"My draw" Flash drew Magna Caster Lunara, if only he had an open Pendulum Zone he could Fusion Summon. "I summon Starbreak Dragon in DEF mode."

His dragon appeared kneeling down. (A1500/D1200/L4) "I end my turn."

"My draw" Fluttershy drew, "I end my turn."

"My draw" Flash drew his card, and saw it was another monster that couldn't beat Grand Grizzly. "I summon Brass Wing Magna Hawk in DEF mode."

The robotic bird appeared on the field, landing next to the rest of Flash's monsters in DEF mode. (A1400/D800/L4)

"I end my turn" Flash said.

"My draw" Fluttershy drew again, "I end my turn."

"Sword's of Revealing Light's effect ends" Flash handed the card back to Fluttershy. Next turn she could attack, meaning he need to draw a card that could beat Grand Grizzly this turn."

"My...draw" he drew and slowly opened his eyes, before they went wide at what card he had gotten. "I activate Mystical Space Typhoon."

A powerful gust of wind blew across the field. "This Spell card will destroy one Spell or Trap on the field."

"But I only have Downfall of the Prideful" Fluttershy said, "why bother destroying that?"

"I'm not" Flash replied, "I'm destroying Lucidum." His Pendulum Monster vanished in the storm.

"Why would you do that?" Fluttershy asked.

"Because it allowed my to empty the Pendulum Scale, which I can fill with Alchemy Dracokid." The pillar of light reappeared as the small dragon rose up."

"Oh no."

"Now I tribute Magna Hawk to summon Magna Caster Lunara," his bird disappeared, replaced by the magician. (A2400/D1200/L6/P1)

"Finally I'll use Alchemy Dracokid's ability, to Fusion Summon without a Polymerisation." Flash Heart and Lunara were sucked inside the dragon's beaker. "Now I'll fuse the Unequalled might of a Dragon, with the mystic properties of a Spellcaster." The smoke shot out of the beaker, "I FUSION SUMMON!"

The smoke cleared showing, "Spectral Nova Dragon." (A3000/D2000/L8)

"Oh dear" Fluttershy said.

"I switch Starbreak Dragon to ATK mode before attacking Grand Grizzly with Spectral Nova." The Dragon aimed its cannons at the bear, "Spectral Nova Dragon's ability"

"You ready?" he asked placing his hand on his deck. When Fluttershy nodded he drew and revealed, "Twin Lazor Dragon."

The large bear roared as its power was drained. (A1400/D1800/L6)

"Mystery Flare Cannon...fire" the cannons fired, destroying the bear.

Flash: 3000
Fluttershy: 2400

"Now I attack with Starbreak Dragon," his dragon shot at Fluttershy.

Flash then revealed the last card in his hand, "I activate Lightspeed. This raises my light monster by a thousand points."

Starbreak Dragon's points rose to twenty five hundred as he slashed the pink haired girl.

Flash: 3000 (Winner)
Fluttershy: 0

Fluttershy sighed as she sat back. "Another loss."

"It was close" Flash told her. "I could have gone either way.

"Your right" Fluttershy replied. "I don't think you have to worry about the Tournament, with your deck and your skills you could win the whole thing."

"Thanks" Flash said with a smile.

After he and Fluttershy finished the clean up Flash returned home.

It was now midnight and we find Flash walking out onto the roof of his apartment. He was unsure whether it was nervous, or excitement, or even just impatience but he couldn't seem to sleep. As he looked out over the city, he couldn't help but wonder about what kind of Duels he would face in the tournament?

Taking out his deck he remembered all the fun Duels he had had up till now. Facing Twilight and her mighty magicians, Pinkie and her Balloonimals and Fluttershy's Kuribohs and Sacred Guardian Beasts.

Then he remembered all the important Duels he had had. Garble and his Dragons, The Duel-Bot and its Justice Robos. Flash growled as he remembered facing Cold and his Frozen Heart Monsters, the memory of his Pendulum Monsters still haunting him.

Then there was the Shooting Star Micro Tournament. His Duel against Gizmo, Lyra, Tidal and Spike had pushed him to the limit each time.

Each of those Duels had pushed him beyond what he thought he was capable of. And now he would be competing in the biggest Tournament this side of the country, and if he wanted answers then he need to win and keep winning to get an audience with Cold Steel.

So many thoughts flashed through his head, until one hit him and made his laugh in disbelief. Had it only been three months since he had gotten this deck? three months since he met his friends? three months since his love of Duelling had been rekindled. With everything that had happened since then it felt like years since all this started.

"No turning back" Flash told himself. He looked back out at the city waited for sleep to begin taking it's hold.

Fireworks filled the skies as the competitors of the Celestic Cup gathered in the town squire, waiting to hear the lay out for this years tournament.

"Look at all these people" Scootaloo said as she, Flash, Twilight and Spike waited for their friends.

"Their all Duellist" Twilight said, "they've gathered from every corner of the country to compete in the Celestic Cup."

"This tournament might be tougher then I thought" Flash said.

"What did you expect?" they turned to see the rest of their friends arrive.

"The first round will be the most testing part of the tournament" Rarity said, "barely ten percent of the competitors will make it through to the finals."

"So how do we get to the finals?" Pinkie asked.

"No clue" Twilight replied. "All I know is it has something to do with these device we got sent." She held up a purple watch device strapped to her wrist.

Before they could say anything else, every screen on every building suddenly cut to show the Celestic Sisters.

"HELLO DUELLISTS" they both cheered.

"It's finally time for the Celestic Cup to begin" Celestia said.

"How will the Tournament play out?" Luna asked, "I can't wait to find out."

"Now before we explain the way this will work" Celestia continued, "let's hear from the tournament sponsor."

"HERE IS COLD STEEL" they both yelled before the screen cut to Cold Steel.

"The Celestic Cup is a tournament where only the strong can survive. Anyone who doubts they have what it takes should step down now."

"Well isn't he Mr Cheerful?" Rainbow said.

"The first round of this tournament will last until the bells toll noon in exactly one months time. That will test the Duellists stamina and skill to the limit."

"A whole month just for the first round?" Flash asked.

"Now you see why this is so high maintenance a tournament" Twilight explained.

"Constantly winning again and again for a month" Rarity said, "only high level Duellist can pull that off."

"Only the best" Applejack agreed."

"At the end" Cold continued, "only thirty two competitors will make it through this tournament. My question to you is...are you strong enough to be one of them?" The screen changed back to the Celestic Sisters.

"Here is how the first round of the tournament will go" Luna said.

"Each competitor was issued a Duel Point Meter," Celestia revealed a golden coloured version of the watch everyone had. "Once the tournament begins they will activate with a starting point count of one hundred."

"With each Duel Duellists will wager any number of points agreed upon" Luna said, "the winner of the Duel will keep the points wagered."

"At the end of the first round the thirty two competitors with the highest accumulated points, will move on to the finals" Celestia finished.

"The tournament will begin at the stroke of noon" Luna finished, "that is in five."

Celestia: Four.

Luna: Three.

Both: Two.

"ONE" everyone yelled.

The bells of noon rang. "WE DECLARE THE CELESTIC CUP BEGUN."

Flash looked down at his DPM as it flashed to life, and displayed.

Flash Sentry: 100Ps

"This is it" Rainbow said.

"We know what we gotta do" Applejack said.

"Gather as many points as we can" Twilight agreed.

"I wonder who'll be the first to Duel?" Flash asked.

Unknown to him that was about to be decided. Not far off someone armed a bow and arrow, before raising it high.

"The finals are my target" he said, "so I'll let my bow decide who will be the first to fall." He let the string go and the arrow released.

It flew upwards for several seconds before it began to curve back towards the ground, straight towards the crowd where our young heroes were standing.

"Hey what's that?" Spike asked seeing whatever it was fly through the sky.

"Whatever it is" Rainbow said, "IT'S COMING STRAIGHT AT US."

Everyone scrambled around, except Twilight who had froze as the UFO drew closer to her. "TWILIGHT LOOK OUT" Flash yelled as he pushed her out of the way, only for the object to hit him.

"FLASH" everyone screamed as they saw him get hit, only to be confused when they saw him still stand. His head now had an arrow stuck to it by a suction cup.

"What the?" he said pulling it off his head.

"So your the one?" he and the girls turned to see a boy their age, carrying a bow. He had light brown skin and dark brown hair. "You are the one my bow chose as my opponent."

"Wait" Flash said, "did you fire this?" He held up the arrow.

"Indeed" the boy said, "the names Sharp Shooter. Since you were struck by my arrow it means the two of us are destined to Duel in this tournament."

"So your a Duellist?" Twilight asked.

"I am" he pulled out a Duel Disk, "and now it is time to Duel.

Flash wasn't sure what this guys deal was, but if he wanted to get to the finals he needed to take on all challenges.

Turn 24, Aim for the Top

We return to our heroes as Flash had just been challenged by a Duellist named Sharp Shooter. The archer had launched a suction cup arrow which had almost hit Twilight, before Flash had knocked her out of the way. So now there they were.

"So do I get to hear the name of my first opponent?" Sharp asked.

"Flash Sentry" the blue haired teen replied, "now can I ask why you decided to conk me on the head with an arrow?"

"Like I said" Sharp replied, "my bow chose you."

"Your bow?" Flash asked."

"The bow is the greatest of all weapons" Sharp replied, holding his up in all its glory. "Its aim is as true as the wielders heart. As long as you are clear of mind it will never miss. I loaded my bow with a suction arrow and let it chose who would be the one it believed was a Duellist worthy of my might."

Flash scratched his head hearing this. "Did anyone understand...any of that?"

"No" was the united response of his friends.

"I think" Twilight said, "he just fired his arrow randomly into the air and by pot luck it hit you."

"Seriously" Flash said, before turning to Sharp. "You do realise you could have taken my eye out with that thing."

"Don't be so dramatic," Sharp replied.

"Tell me" Rarity said, "what would have happened if your arrow had hit the ground, or hit someone not in the tournament?"

Sharp Shot said nothing and just turned back to Flash. "So what about it? Will you accept my challenge?"

"Wait a minute" Twilight said, "your arrow would have hit me if Flash hadn't pushed me out of the way. Doesn't that mean I'm the one your bow 'chose?'" She did air quote with her fingers.

"Maybe so" Sharp said, "but my arrow did not hit you. It hit him" he pointed at Flash.

Flash glared at the archer, wondering what he should do. He need to make it to the finals, so Duelling anyone who offered was the best bet. "Your on, how many points you wanna put up?"

"I'm an all or nothing kind of guy" Sharp replied, "so since we both have the same amount of points I say we bet them all."

"But that would mean the loser is out of the tournament" Scootaloo said.

"Why would Flash agree to such a thing?" Rarity asked.

"And why would you bet everything on one Duel?" Applejack asked.

"I believe that when you put everything on the line, it forces you to do your absolute best" Sharp said. He turned back to Flash, "so what will it be?"

"You don't have to agree to this Flash" Twilight told him.

"What's the matter?" Sharp asked, "chicken."

Flash growled. No one called him chicken, "your on." He pulled out his Duel Disk and attaching it to his arm.

"Then we begin" Sharp said affixing his own brown Duel Disk which formed a brown blade.


Flash: 4000
Sharp: 4000

At Freeze Industries Cold Steel and Sunset were in the main computer room, as his many computer techies began working on keeping taps of all the Duels beginning. If anyone was caught cheating or a Duellist who hadn't been cleared to enter the tournament tried to get a DPM off another Duellist, then they would know about it and could deal with the situation.

"Duel beginning in Canterlot town centre," a woman at a computer said to him. "Competitors, Flash Sentry verses Sharp Shooter."

"How interesting" Cold said, "Sentry is competing in the first Duel of my tournament. What is the info on his opponent?"

"Sharp Shooter" the woman replied, "age eighteen, a highly skilled bowmen and winner of the Under-Twenties Archery Contest three years in a row. His win quota for the entry is seventy two percent."

"Sounds like a barely above average Duellist," Sunset said looking board.

"Shouldn't you be out gathering points" Cold said.

"I've got plenty of time" Sunset replied, "let me just see your fly boy's first Duel. Wanna see if he embarrasses himself."

"The rest of Duels are coming in as well," another woman at a computer said. "We're running each Duellist through the Registration Database for any non-authorised Duellist competing."

"Keep me posted on any you find" Cold ordered.

"You really think his flunkies will show up for this?" Sunset asked.

"If my sources are correct" Cold replied, "then he'll need as much Duel Energy as possible to succeed in his plans. A tournament of this magnitude will attract him like a fish on a hook."

"If you say so," Sunset said.

"I'll take the first move" Sharp said drawing, "and I play the Field Spell Archers Range." The field suddenly changed to that of a large stadium, as Flash and Sharp were suddenly transported onto a pair of platforms with giant targets behind them. Atop a taller platform stood a figure in Japanese archery clothing, with a mask and robin hood hat covering all but his eyes. A bow was in his hand and a quiver strapped to his back. "As long as this card is in play, the two of us will take no Battle Damage."

Up in the stadium's seats everyone else was confused.

"How is the Duel suppose to end if neither of them take any damage?" Sweetie Bell asked.

"Also" Sharp continued, "whenever a card is sent to the graveyard, its owner will receive five hundred points of damage."

"So Effect Damage is still activate" Twilight realised, "meaning Flash has to be careful."

"Why's that?" Spike asked.

"Every time he destroys one of Flash's monsters, Sharp'll be able to to deal Flash five hundred points of damage."

"But don't forget when A Pendulum Monster is destroyed it goes to the Extra Deck," Scootaloo said.

"Those cards are his best bet to win," Rainbow caught on.

"But it's not just the monsters he needs to worry about" Twilight said, "whenever he plays a Spell or Trap card he'll take damage."

"So he's got to use them sparingly" Rarity said.

"Now I summon Red Archery Girl in ATK mode," a giant clam appeared before opening up to reveal a mermaid with green hair carrying a large red bow and arrow. (A1400/D1500/L4) "I end my turn."

"My draw" Flash said drawing, "I summon Shine Craft Magna Fox" the multi tailed fox appeared. (A1600/D1300/L4/P7) "Now I attack your Red Archery Girl," the tips of Magna Fox's tails glowed before firing of nine beams of light. They span around and spiralled into a single beam of light, which hit the clam riding mermaid destroying her.

Suddenly the figure atop the taller platform pulled an arrow out of his quiver and aimed it at Sharp, before letting it fly and hit him in the chest.

Flash: 4000
Sharp: 3500

"I end my turn a face down" Flash said doing so.

"My draw" Sharp said smiling at the card he got, "first I play the continuous Spell card Damage Director. During my turn this card will redirect any Effect Damage I take to you."

"Meaning he can send cards to his graveyard without worry of taking damage," Twilight said in worry.

"And now I summon Archery Squad in ATK mode," a group of five archers appeared on the field. (A1300/D100/L4) "I attack your Magna Fox."

"But it has more ATK power?" Flash asked.

"That's why I'm using my Squad's ability," Sharp replied. "I discard a card and he gains five hundred points." (A1800/D100/L4)

The archer up to aimed his arrow at Sharp, but then his Damage Directer kicked in and he changed targets and hit Flash through the chest.

Flash: 3500
Sharp: 3500

The squad fired their barrage of arrows which struck Magna Fox, destroying the nine tailed creature. "When Pendulum Monsters are destroyed they got to the Extra Deck instead of the graveyard, so your Archers Range won't work."

"Maybe not but this is just the start" Sharp said placing a card face down and ending his turn.

"My draw" Flash said frowning at his lack of options since his only monster was Gladio, "I activate Pot of Greed. This card lets me draw two new Spell cards. He drew but as soon as he sent the Spell to the graveyard, the archer aimed at him and fired its arrow at him

Flash: 3000
Sharp: 3500

"Let's hope that Spell gave him the card he needed," Applejack said.

"I set Alchemy Dracokid and Lumino Jaw Dragon into the Pendulum Scale," the pillars of light appeared besides him as his monsters flew up. "Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory" he chanted, "I can now summon multiple level four monsters from my hand or Extra Deck." The portal formed above his head, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and a beam of light shot out and hit the ground.

"Get to work, Glow Craft Magna Fox." (A1600/D1300/L4/P7)

"That glorified rodent won't even scratch my Archery Squad," Sharp said.

"Actually foxes are closer related to dogs then rats" Flash said, "but your right about him not hurting your monster. That's why I'm tributing him to summon Magna Fighter Gladio," the fox disappeared and was replaced by the sword wielding steam punk. (A2100/D2200/L6/P4)

"Now he's playing rough" Scootaloo cheered.

"Plus he has Alchemy Dracokid" Rarity said, "meaning he's two thirds of the way to summoning Spectral Sabre Dragon."

"Magna Fighter Gladio attack" Flash ordered, as his monster flew at the five archers and one by one cut them down. The archer aimed it's bow and fired at Sharp.

Flash: 3000
Sharp: 3000

"I end my turn."

"Then I'll go," Sharp said drawing, "I play Monster Reincarnation. So I'll discard one card and return Archery Squad to my hand." The archer fired again at Flash, after the effect of Damage Director changed his aim.

Flash: 2500
Sharp: 3000

"Now I summon my Archery Squad in ATK mode," his five archers reappeared, "before I activate Monster Reborn." Red Archery Girl reappeared on the field, as the archer aimed once again since Monster Reborn went to the graveyard.

Flash: 2000
Sharp: 3000

"And now I activate the effect of a Spell card in my graveyard."

"But the only Spells he has are Monster Reborn and Monster Reincarnation," Twilight said, "neither of them can activate in the graveyard."

"Are you forgetting about Monster Reincarnation's ability sweet heart?" Sharp said. "I activate Barrage of Arrows, which I can activate when I have two monsters of the same level on the field. Now by banishing it I can summon a new monster with the same level, so I summon Blue Bowmen" a hooded archer in a blue getup similar to the green arrows appeared. (A1200/D1600/L4)

"Three monsters that are level four?" Rainbow said, realising this guys plan.

"And now, with these three monsters I build the Overlay Network." The three monsters transformed into lights and flew up before spiralling into the earth as a black hole appeared. "Wielder of the frozen arrow, with the truest aim of all" the black hole exploded revealing a new monster. "I XYZ SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing a new monster. It was similar to the Blue Bowmen only his clothing was a lighter blue, almost white, and he carried a bow made entirely of ice. Three orange balls of light floated around him. "Arctic Archer." (A2600/D2000/R4)

"Oh boy" Flash said looking up at the monster.

"I now remove one Overlay Unit to activate Arctic Archer's ability," Sharp said removing one card as the archer of the field spell aimed its bow at Flash.

Flash: 1500
Sharp: 3000

Arctic Archer primed his weapon as one of the lights shot into the arrowhead. "Now I can destroy one face up card on your field" Sharp explained, as his monster let rip and fired his arrow at Gladio. When the arrow hit him it caused ice to cover him, before it shattered destroying him.

"Gladio is a Pendulum Monster so I won't take damage."

"I end my turn with a face down" Sharp said.

"My draw" Flash said seeing Mystical Space Typhoon and smiled. "Once again my Pendulum Scale will carve the arc of victory," he said as the portal formed above him once more. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and a beam of light shot out.

"Get to work, Glow Craft Magna Fox. (A1600/D1300/L4/P7)

"Now I activate Mystical Space Typhoon." A heavy gust of wind appeared on the field, "now I can use it to destroy your field Spell" he explained.

"Oh no you don't" Sharp said, as his face down flipped up to reveal a Trap. "I activate Spell Reinforcement, which lets me add a shield to my Spell card." The entire field glowed for a second. "Now my Field Spell is protected from being destroyed by Spells, Traps and Monster Effects."

Flash growled, but then realised he could still make his Spell work. "Fine then I'll blow away your Damage Director," the Continuous Spell was blown away as the archer took aim at both Sharp and Flash before firing.

Flash: 1000
Sharp: 2500

"Alright" Twilight cheered, "now Sharp won't be as safe from his Spells effect."

"But Flash has already taken a lot more damage" Fluttershy said. "Will he be able to keep up?"

"Who knows" Rainbow said, "it all depends on how many cards he can protect from being placed in the Graveyard."

"I end my turn" Flash said.

"My draw" he looked at Flash's Pendulum Monster. He would be able to protect himself with it again and again, as long as he had his Pendulum Scale set. He drew and smiled seeing the monster he got. "I remove one Overlay Unit to activate Arctic Archer's ability," he said getting shot as he did so.

Flash: 1000
Sharp: 2000

"I target your Pendulum Monster, Lumino Jaw Dragon." The archer fired his arrow at the pillar and froze the dragon before he shattered.

Flash placed his card in the Extra Deck.

"And now I summon Recovery Archer in DEF mode" a new monster appeared, carrying a bow and an arrow with long rope tied around the end. (A100/D1900/L4) Sharp smiled, since during his next Standby Phase his archers ability would allow him to recover one random Spell card from the graveyard. with any luck he'd get back his Damage Director back. "I attack your Magna Fox with Arctic Archer," the bowmen fired a frozen arrow that covered Flash's monster in ice before it shattered.

"Without his Pendulum Scale Flash can't summon it back" Pinkie said looking worried.

"If he doesn't summon another Pendulum monster he's in trouble" Twilight said.

"Does it matter?" Spike asked, "Battle Damage doesn't matter so why summon a monster at all?"

"Sharp might have a way to nullify his Spells effects" Twilight replied, "if Flash doesn't summon a monster he could fall victim to a direct attack."

"It's my draw" Flash said and smiled. "I summon Magna Fighter Lucidum in DEF mode" the steampunk warrior appeared, brandishing his circular blades. (A1000/D1000/L3/P2)

"Everyone sighed in relief at the Pendulum monster.

"I end my turn."

"My draw" Sharp said and with it my Recover Archer's ability will activate, returning one random Spell in my graveyard to my hand."

Flash: 1000
Sharp: 2000

"If he gets Damage Director, Flash will be in trouble" Rarity said.

Recovery Archer aimed its bow at the floor and fired as the bow phased through the ground, as the rope showed its decent until it stopped and the monster yanked it out along with a card. Everyone watched nervously as Sharp grabbed the card out of the air, staring at it for a few seconds he sighed and showed it to be Monster Reincarnation.

"Lucky break" Sweetie Bell said.

""I attack Lucidum" Sharp's archer fired an ice arrow at the warrior destroying it.

"I activate my face down" Flash said, "Starburst Draw. This'll let me draw three cards"

"After this Flash'll only have five hundred live points left" Rainbow realised.

"He's putting everything on those three card" Twilight told her.

Flash drew his cards as he was shot by the archer.

Flash: 500
Sharp: 2000

"I end my turn" Sharp said.

"It's my draw" Flash smiled doing so. "Just what I needed" he said, "I'm placing Magna Caster Solaris into the Pendulum Zone." The second pillar of light appeared, as the flame wizard flew up. "Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," Flash said as the portal formed. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and three beams of light shot out.

"Shields up, Magna Fighter Arma." (A1800/D0/L4)

"Snap to it, Lumino Jaw Dragon." (A2300/D1600/L5/P5)

"Shine your light of victory, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

Everyone cheered seeing Flash's best card.

"Flash Heart and Lumino Jaw's abilities activate," Flash said. "Recovery Archer and all your Spell and Trap cards to the bottom of your deck."

"What?" Sharp said as his monster fell into a wormhole and his Spells all disappeared, first Spell Reinforcement followed by the field spell. The stadium began to fade away. "It doesn't matter" Sharp said, "my Xyz monster has more ATK then any of your monsters."

"Maybe these ones" Flash said as Alchemy Dracokid uncorked its beaker, releasing the smoke which consumed Flash Heart and Arma. "But my Fusion Monster is a whole other story, as I can now Fusion Summon without Polymerisation. I fuse the unequalled might of a dragon, with the unshakeable courage of a warrior." The smoke shot out of the beaker, "I FUSION SUMMON!"

The smoke cleared revealing, "Spectral Sabre Dragon." (A3000/D2000/L8)

"No way" Sharp said.

"I attack with Twin Sword Cleave," the dragon flew up and raised his swords before dropping down and slashing the archer.

Flash: 500
Sharp: 1600

"And now I'll activate Spectral Sabre's ability" Flash continued. "When Spectral Sabre Dragon destroys a monster, he deals damage to you equal to the ATK of the warrior used in his Fusion Summon."

"WHAT!" Sharp said.

"Magna Fighter Arma had eighteen hundred ATK points, so that the amount coming at you." The Fusion Dragon raised its swords and slashed at the air, sending a shock wave flying at Sharp. The attack hit and sent him flying onto his back.

Flash: 500 (Winner)
Sharp: 0

"Alright" Flash's friends cheered.

Flash stepped over to Sharp and offered a hand to help him up. "Good Duel."

"Same" Sharp said, as he was pulled up to his feet. "It seems my arrow fell short of the bullseye."

"Just a lucky draw" Flash said.

"Great work Flash" Twilight said as she and the others reached them.

"Thanks guys" Flash replied before turning back to Sharp.

"You won" he said "and as your reward," he pressed a button on his DPM.

Flash's DPM beeped as he looked down at it.

Flash Sentry: 200Ps

"Your one step closer to the finals" Twilight told him.

"Maybe" Flash replied, "but I've still got a long way to go."

"You'll get there" Sharp said, "you beat me after all."

"Thanks...I think" Flash replied.

Sharp picked up his bow and walked off.

"Looks like he pulled it off" Sunset said.

"That shouldn't have been much of a challenge," Cold said.

"Whatever" Sunset said, before turning around and heading out the door. "Well I'm off."

"Make sure you collect as many points a possible" Cold told her.

"I get it."

Later on the gang all decided what to do.

"Well I'm off to win my own points" Rainbow said.

"I'll go with you" Fluttershy said.

"It won't be as fun if we all split up," Pinkie said as her hair deflated.

"With nine of us there's no way we'd collect enough points in time" Rarity told her.

"I know it's tough" Twilight said, "but we can still meet up from time to time to compare points."

"YAY" Pinkie screamed, her hair bouncing back.

"Then let get out there" Applejack said.

"And win are way to the finals" Rainbow said.

"YEAH" they all said.

Everyone split up into groups. Flash, Twilight and Spike went off north, while Rainbow and Fluttershy headed east. Applejack, Pinkie and Rarity went south and the three younger Duellists went west. The Celestic Cup was just beginning, and each of them had no intention of missing out on the finals.

Author's Notes:

For those of you who didn't get what I meant last time when I said Equestria Games, Sharp Shooter is the Earth Pony who created the ice cloud during the Ice Archery contest.

Also I'm asking for background or side Ponies you think the characters should Duel against and what type of deck and stratagy they should use.

Turn 25, Derpy Muffins

Flash, Twilight and Spike were heading up town in search of their next opponent.

"So where should we go?" Spike asked.

"Not sure" Flash replied, "I can't tell if anyone around has a DPM." He looked around at the people passing them but couldn't tell if any of them had one of the watches they were looking for.

"Ha here we are" Flash and Spike looked over at Twilight, who had a paper book in her hands. The book had a picture of a DPM on it.

"Here what is?" Spike asked.

"What is that?" Flash asked.

"It's the instruction book for the DPM" Twilight replied, "it came in the box we had them delivered in."

"Really?" Flash said, "I didn't see it. So what does it say?"

"Well I haven't read it in its entirety. Didn't think I'd understand until everything was explained, but now I get it."

"So what were you looking for anyway?" Spike asked.

"When I skimmed it last night I found a section called tracking," Twilight explained. "Now that they're active we can use them to find other DPMs."

"Really?" Flash asked looking down at his own.

"All I have to do is press this button and-" as she pressed it, the watch suddenly projected something out of a small opening. A hologram appeared showing a map of the surrounding area, and in the centre were two dots. One dot was entirely black while the other was more like a black circle.

"How is this suppose to help us find other competitors?" Flash asked.

"I think" Twilight stepped back as she did so the black screen changed. The black spot stayed in the centre, but everything else inched a little to the side. "Okay the black spot is me" she explained, "and the circle is you Flash. Now if I can just make it zoom out," she touched the hologram and it acted just like a touch screen. She managed to make it zoom out so more of the city was visible, and soon a new circle showed up several blocks away. "Found you," she smiled.

"Then lets go" Flash said before running in the direction the new circle was located.

twenty minutes later they were at the street the Duellist was suppose to be. The street was a market place with many different stalls

"So where are they?" Flash asked looking around but couldn't see anyone with a DPM.

"No clue" Spike replied, "but look at this" he pointed to a store where many weapons were on display. Spike was mostly focusing on a cool looking sword with dragons etched into the metal.

"Oh excellent taste my boy," the vendor told him. "That there is a rare Dragon Soul Sword, forged in the flames of a great dragon, or so the legend says."

"So cool" Spike said, going to pick it up only to have Twilight slap his hand away.

"And most likely very expensive," she warned him.

"Oh don't worry my child" the vendor said, "the sword is so strong it could cut through rock with the right power." He picked it up and handed it to Spike, who carefully held it up. Unfortunately the sword was so heavy it caused him to lose balance and fall backwards, until Flash grabbed the hilt and held it up.

"Careful Spike," he told him. He took the sword from the boy and held it in one hand, feeling how well balanced it was.


Everyone turned around and gasped seeing a giant barrel rolling down the hill like street, straight towards them.

"It's coming right at us" Spike said, frozen as it rolled towards them.

Flash looked around and saw no place to dodge it, but then his eyes caught the sword in his hand and a plan formed in his head.

With all his strength he threw the sword forwards making it slice into the ground at an angle. Grabbing Twilight and Spike he pulled them down to the ground, right behind the sword. The barrel rolled towards them and hit the sword, rolling up the blade and flying over them before smashing into the ground and breaking.

Danger gone the three of them got back up before Flash went over to the sword and pulled it out of the ground. He took it back to now speechless merchant and put it back on its stand. "You were right about it breaking rock, doesn't even seem to have a scratch."

"I'm sorry" they all turned to see a girl their age running down the street towards them. She had grey skin and blonde hair, wore a blue shirt and green skirt, with a yellow neck tie. Half way down the street the girl tripped over her own feet and came rolling down towards them, stopping at their feet.

"Are you okay?" Twilight asked, kneeling down to help her.

"Ow," she replied as she sat up and rubbed her head.

"Nothing seems broken," Twilight told her.

"It's fine" the girl replied, "I'm use to falling over." She looked into Twilight eyes, who saw the girl actually had crossed eyes

"No surprise" Spike whispered to Flash, getting an elbow to the ribs in response.

"There you go" Twilight said as she helped the girl up.

"Thanks" she replied, "and I'm sorry" she bowed so low her head almost hit the ground.

"Sorry for what?" Twilight asked.

"I'm the one who sent that barrel towards you," she admitted. "It was an accident, I swear."

"How do you accidentally cause a giant man crushing barrel to roll down a hill?" Spike asked, getting a smack around the head from his sister in response.

"It's fine" she said in a warning tone to him, before turning back to the girl. "I'm Twilight Sparkle, this is Flash Sentry and my brother Spike."

"I'm Derpy Muffins" she said with another bow, "and I really am sorry. Please let me make it up to you."

Twilight would have refused but then she noticed a grey DPM strapped to the girls arm. "Your a Duellist?" she asked pointing to the device.

"Oh yes" she replied, "though I'm not very good. I barely got the win rate needed to enter."

"Great" Twilight said, "why don't we Duel?"

"You want to Duel me?" Derpy asked.

"Of course" Twilight replied, "I need an opponent and I'm always up to meeting new challenges."

"Okay then" Derpy replied cheerily.

They relocated to an ally way to prepare themselves.

"How many points do you want to put up?" Twilight asked her.

"I haven't Duelled yet, so I'm still at a hundred" Derpy said.

"Me to" was Twilight's reply, "let's say fifty points."

"Okay" Derpy replied, attaching her grey Duel Disk to her arm.

"It'll be interesting to see how someone like her Duels" Flash said. He and Spike were sitting atop a dumpster.


Twilight: 4000
Derpy: 4000

"I'll go first" Twilight said, "and I summon Silent Magician LV4" a child in white and silver wizards clothing appeared carrying a short staff. (A1000/D1000/L4) "I end my turn with two face downs."

"My turn" Derpy said drawing.

"Every time you draw a card my Silent Magician's ability activates, granting him a Spell Counter. Plus for each Spell Counter he has, he gains five hundred points. (A1500/D1000/L4)

"Well I summon Ditsy Angel" an teenage female angel appeared on the field, wearing ruffled robes that look like she had picked them up off the floor that morning. She had frizzy blonde hair and her face had a dazed expression, as if she was day dreaming. (A1200/D1200/L4)

"Weird card" Spike said.

"Probably more to it then meets the eye" Flash told him.

"Now I play the Spell Power Muffin." A muffin appeared infront of the angel, who scoffed it down in a second. "This baked good is packed with special berries which raises a monsters ATK points by five hundred for the turn." (A1700/D1200/L4)

"Talk about a tasty power up" Flash said.

"I attack" her angel ran towards Silent Magician.

"I activate my Trap card" Twilight said, as one of the face downs flipped up. "Spellbinding Circle, which will ensnare your Ditsy Angel." The mystic seal encircled the angel

"Really" Derpy asked scratching her head, "I thought Ditsy Angel was immune to Traps."

"She is?" Twilight asked.

"I thought she was" Derpy replied, "but if you say she isn't." But as the ring finished forming Ditsy Angel kept running, as if not noticing the Trap, and went straight through it as if the card wasn't even there. "Oh" Derpy said, "I guess she is immune...silly me."

"She doesn't even know her own card's effects" Spike commented in bewilderment.

Ditsy Angel continued her run at Silent Magician, before tripping right in front of him and knocking them both over destroying the magician.

Twilight: 3800
Derpy: 4000

"I end my turn" Derpy said before realising "oh wait I play a face down, then end my turn."

"My draw" Twilight said. "I summon Ventus Charmer" a monster looking similar to Shadow Charmer appeared, only his clothing was green instead of black and his staff had a spiral design similar to a tornado. (A1000/D1000/L3) "And on the turn Ventus Charmer was summoned, I'm allowed to summon another Spellcaster from my hand. That monster can't attack and will return to my hand at turns end."

"Then why play it?" Derpy asked.

"Who needs to use it to attack?" Spike said, "when you can Synchro Summon."

"I summon Striker Magician" a man in lighting styled wizards clothing appeared. (A1200/D1100/L3) "And now I tune level three Ventus Charmer with level three Striker Magician," the Tuner monster leaped into the air and changed into light which carved three circles. ""Watch as the unstoppable might of the wind unites the violent surge of lightning," the rings encircled Striker Magician who went transparent before exploding. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing a new monster. It to was a Spellcaster, wearing wizards clothing styled around a thunder cloud with lighting bolts. In his hands was a silver staff in the shape of a lightning bolt. "Tempest Conjurer." (A2200/D1400/L6)

"Pretty" Derpy said, seemingly oblivious to the fact that she was in trouble.

"Striker Magician's effect" Twilight said. "When he's used in a Synchro Summon, he deals damage to to you equal to half the ATK of the Tuner monster I used.

A ghostly vision of her magician appeared, pointing his staff at the girl before unleashing a surge of electricity which struck her.

Twilight: 3800
Derpy: 3500

"And Now I activate Tempest Conjurer's ability" Twilight said, drawing three cards from her deck. "I reveal the top three cards of the deck and send any Spell cards to the graveyard, to increase his ATK power by three hundred for each one." She revealed two Spells and a monster. The Spells she threw into the air as her magician created a tornado, sucking the Spells up and increasing his power. (A2800/D1400/L6) "Any other cards are place at the bottom of the deck. I now attack your Ditsy Angel," Tempest Magician's staff sparked as lightning shot out and surged towards the angel who didn't seem to notice the attack."

"Um" Derpy said thinking, "oh yeah" she pressed something on her Duel Disk. "I play my Trap Half Unbreak, which will save my angel from destruction and cut the damage I take in half." A barricade of bubbles appeared infront of the angel, still not noticing being attack, which caused the lightning to bounce off and hit Derpy shocking her.

Twilight: 3800
Derpy: 2700

Derpy stood wobbly with her tongue sticking out after the last of the lightning faded.

"I end my turn" Twilight said, "Tempest Conjurer's ability wares off returning his ATK to normal." (A2200/D1400/L6)

"My draw" Derpy said drawing. She looked at her cards looking confused, as if she wasn't sure what they did. A whole minute passed until Spike couldn't take it any more.

"Just play something" Spike told her.

"Oh okay" Derpy said smiling. "I tribute Ditsy Angel to play Ditsy Goddess," the angel disappeared and was replaced with a taller, older woman. She wore beautiful white and gold robes, also creased, she had frizzy blonde hair. (A1000/D1000/L5)

"A level five monster with a thousand ATK and DEF points?" Flash asked.

"Not very inspiring," Spike said.

"I attack with Ditsy Goddess" Derpy said, as her monster charged at Tempest Magician.

"What's she planning?" Twilight asked.

"Now I activate the Quick-Play Spell card, Ditsy Dynamic. It causes a Ditsy Monster to swap its ATK and DEF points with that of any other monster on the field."

"IT WHAT?" the three yelled as the monsters changed points. (A2200/D1400/L5), (A1000/D1000/L6)

The Goddess reached the magician and just like Ditsy Angel, she tripped and body tackled him to destruction.

Twilight: 2600
Derpy: 2700

"Now I activate Ditsy Goddess's ability. By paying a hundred life points I can reset a card face down.

Twilight: 2600
Derpy: 2600

Ditsy Dynamic flipped face down.

"So if Twilight tries to attack with her own monsters, that card will swap their attacks." Flash said.

"How's Twilight suppose to stop that?" Spike asked.

"I end my turn with a face down" Derpy said.

"My draw" Twilight drew her card and found she had gotten Spellbook of Power, perfect. "I summon Flame Burst Magician" the fire wizard appeared on the field. (A1300/D600/L3) "When Flame Burst is summoned, he inflicts eight hundred points of damage to your life points." The wizard fired a fireball that struck Derpy in the chest.

Twilight: 2600
Derpy: 1900

"Now I play Spellbook of Power. This card increase the attack strength of a Spellcaster monster, by a thousand points. (A2300/D600/L3) "Now attack" she smiled, seeing her magician attack. Even if she used to Ditsy Dynamic to swap their origanal points, Flame Burst Magician would have two thousand points to Ditsy Goddess's thirteen hundred.

"I activate Ditsy Dynamic" her Spell flipped up, "this will swap are monsters ATK and DEF points."

"It won't save your Goddess" Twilight told her.

"Won't it?" Derpy asked looking confused.

Twilight looked up and gasped seeing her monsters new total. (A1000/D1000/L3)

Derpy's monster also got new points. (A2300/D600/L5)

"So your Spell doesn't just change the original points, but also the power ups to?" she asked.

"That's right" Derpy said.

Flame Burst Magician's fireballs flew at the woman, who seemed to spot something on the ground and bent over to inspect causing the fireballs to pass her. The fireballs bounced of a garbage can, off a wall, almost took off Flash and Spike's heads before hitting a fire escape and flying a Flame Burst, destroying him.

Twilight: 1300
Derpy: 1900

"Now I pay a hundred life points to reset my Spell card" Derpy said.

Twilight: 1300
Derpy: 1800

"I end my turn" Twilight said.

"My turn" Derpy said, "I draw and I'll have Ditsy Goddess attack you directly" the clumsy woman ran at Twilight, tripping over her own feet and hitting her with a flailing arm.

Twilight: 300
Derpy: 1800

"I can't believe Twilight is losing to this girl" Spike said.

"She's got more skill then we thought" Flash said, "in fact her skills might be pro level."

"I now summon another Ditsy Angel" a copy of the scatterbrained angel appeared. (A1200/D1200/L4)

"Why didn't she summon that before?" Spike asked.

"I don't know" Flash said, "she could have won the match."

"Now I attack with Ditsy Angel" Derpy said. She waited but nothing seemed to happen.

"You do know you only get one Battle Phase right?" Twilight asked.

"Aren't I still in the Battle Phase?" Derpy asked.

"No" Twilight replied sweet dropping, "your in the second Main Phase. A turn goes Draw, Standby, Main one, Battle, Main two then the End Phase. "You can only summon during a Main Phase so when you summoned your Ditsy Angel you forced yourself out of the Battle Phase."

"Oh" she replied, "my bad."

"Seriously?" Spike asked.

"Kind of a return to form after the pro moment," Flash said.

"I guess I end my turn" Derpy said cheerily.

"My draw" Twilight saw the card she had drawn was Spellbook of secrets, but no matter which Spellbook she thought of adding to her hand she couldn't find a stratagy to beat Derpy's. "There has to be a card that can stop that Ditsy Dynamic?" Twilight asked herself, though she already new the answer. There was a card in her deck that would be able to stop it, but there was no way she could summon it. Just as she was about the end her turn, she spotted something on the ground.

It was the face down she had played on her first turn, which she had completely forgotten about until now. Suddenly an idea flashed through her head, as in her mindscape appeared several cards being linked together by her lines of thought until it reached one final card which practically glowed. "Got it" she said.

"Got what?" Derpy asked.

"The plan which will beat you," Twilight said. "I play Spellbook of Secrets, which will let me add another Spellbook to my hand." Twilight's deck shuffled before a card slotted out for her to take, I select Spellbook of Revival and add it to my hand."

"Now she can revive one of her monsters" Flash said with a grin.

"But no matter what monster she uses" Spike said, "Derpy's Ditsy Dynamic will make it weaker."

"I activate Spellbook of Revival and Summon Silent Magician LV4 from the graveyard," the young wizard reappeared on the field. (A1000/D1000/L4)

"Why'd she summon that one?" Spike asked.

"Maybe because their ATK points are the same Ditsy Dynamic's effect won't do anything" Flash guessed.

"But that'll destroy both monster" Spike said, "and it'll leave Twilight defenceless."

"Not once I activate my face down" Twilight replied to him, as her face down flipped up revealing a trap. "I activate Spellbook Restoration, which will let me return as many Spellbooks in my graveyard to the deck. She removed five cards from her graveyard and placed them back in her deck, which shuffled.

"How's that gonna help?" Derpy asked.

"You see Derpy" Twilight said, "Spellbook Restoration has another effect. For each card I return to the deck, you get to draw one card."

"Of course" Flash said, "Twilight's gonna power up her Silent Magician."

"But Derpy's still got Ditsy Dynamic" Spike said, "so no matter how strong she makes her monster it's just gonna give her monster more power."

"Patience Spike" Twilight told him, before turning to Derpy. "Go on, draw five new cards."

Derpy nodded and drew a card. (A1500/D1000/L4)

She drew a second. (A2000/D1000/L4)

A third. (A2500/D1000/L4)

fourth. (A3000/D1000/L4)

And finally she drew her fifth card. (A3500/D1000/L4)

"And now" Twilight said, "with five Spell Counters on her Silent Magician is able to evolve to her ultimate form." The small magician was surrounded by five lights, which spun around her forming a ring which gave off light that enveloped her completely. "Arise, Silent Magician LV8."

The light faded revealing Silent Magician as a much taller adult. (A3500/D1000/L8)

"Wow" Derpy and Spike said.

"Silent Magician attack Ditsy Goddess" Twilight ordered.

"I activate Ditsy Dynamic to switch their points" Derpy said.

"It won't work" Twilight told her, "because Silent Magician LV8 is immune to Spell cards."

Silent Magician let rip an incredible magic blast, which struck the daydreaming woman destroying her.

Twilight: 300 (Winner)
Derpy: 0

"Nice one Twilight" Spike told her.

"Thanks Spike" Twilight replied, before turning to Derpy. "And thank you for the great Duel."

"Yeah" Derpy said, "and I almost had you to."

"With a little more practice you'll make a great Duellist," Flash told her.

"If she learns to focus" Spike said, quiet enough for Derpy not to hear but loud enough so he got a thumb to the head from Twilight.

"Well here you go" Derpy said, transferring her points to Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: 150Ps

"I hope you continue doing well in the tournament" Derpy said.

"You to" Twilight told her.

Twilight's first Duel in the tournament ended with her victory, but she knew the Duels would only continue getting harder. Which meant she would need to up her game.

Author's Notes:

All hail the Muffin Mare. Hope you enjoyed Derpy's appearance and Duel style.

Next time another fan favourite's Duelling Debut.

Turn 26, The Bullying Harpy

"Rainbow Assault Wing Gold" Rainbow ordered her ace, "finish him off." The armoured bird-man flew at Flame Cerberus and slashed it in half, destroying it and reducing her opponent's life points to zero. "Alright" she cheered.

"Yay" Fluttershy said quietly, "way to go."

"Good game" Rainbow said to her opponent.

"You go lucky" he replied, but transferred the points anyway.

Rainbow looked down at her DPM

Rainbow Dash: 620Ps

"Awesome" she said, "only the second day and I'm already up to over six hundred points."

"Keep winning like this and you'll be in the finals in no time," Fluttershy cheered for her.

"You know it" Rainbow replied to her friend, "but all this none stop Duelling is making me exhausted. I had to miss my afternoon nap."

"Why don't you take a break and we go get something to drink?" Fluttershy told her.

"Great idea" Rainbow replied, "I think there's a cafe somewhere around here."

"Well lets go find it." With that girls went searching for a place to chill out for a short while, until Rainbow was ready to take on her next challenger.

They finally found the place Rainbow had mentioned and Fluttershy went to get their drinks, while Rainbow kept a couch free.

"Two hot chocolates" the barista placed her order on the counter, "that'll come to $6,50."

Fluttershy handed over the money and took the drinks off the counter, only to run into someone as she turned around. She crashed to the ground with a moan, before a growl brought her attention upwards to the person she had bumped. Said person was a girl her age, wearing a brown leather pilots jacket over a white T-shirt. She also wore ripped jeans and black combat boots, had light brown skin and white hair that was dyed purple at the tips.

The girl looked down at Fluttershy, as she wiped off the remains of the drinks the pink haired girl had spilt on her, and growled louder. "What's your problem?"

"Oh, oh..I'm sorry" Fluttershy stuttered, "I..I...I was just."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" she replied, trying to mimic her voice, "why don't you just watch where your going dufus?"

"But, but, but, but."

"You know what I do with losers like you who don't watch where their going?" she grabbed Fluttershy by the shirt and hoisted her up, before reeling back her fist to punch the girl. But before she could someone grabbed it and held it back.

"Let her go" a voice caught her attention from behind, making her look over her shoulder to see Rainbow Dash holding her by the wrist."

"Stay out of this" the girl said angrily.

"Fat chance" Rainbow replied, "I won't let you hurt my friend."

"This weakling's your friend?" she asked.

"So what if she is?" Rainbow said, "she's one of my closest and kindest friends. Now let...her...go."

The girl looked back at the still whimpering Fluttershy, before she loosened her grip and let her fall to the ground.

Rainbow rushed over to Fluttershy and help her to her feet. "You okay?" she asked. Fluttershy was still shaking but nodded anyway. "What a bully," Rainbow said looking back at the girl as she headed for the door, only to notice something strapped to her arm. "A DPM, so your in the Celestic Cup."

The girl stopped and looked back over at them. "So what if I am?"

"Just didn't think you would be a Duellist" Rainbow said back, "Duellists don't settle their issues with their fists."

"Cut the philosophy crud. Duelling's not some great religion or something, it's just a game with a means to an end."

"It's more then that" Rainbow said. "Duelling creates a link between those who play, and no matter what A Duel will settle any problem that may come up against them."

"What a load of hog wash" she replied, "I'm just in this tournament because it means I don't have to go to my hellhole of a school."

"School?" Rainbow asked, she then spotted the emblem on the backpack she was carrying. "Griffonstone High."

"I heard that school isn't very..." Fluttershy couldn't seem to find a word that wasn't offensive in her mind.

"Quit the stuttering cry baby" the girl said, "just call it a dump."

"So that's it?" Rainbow Dash said. For the competitors of the Celestic Cup still in school, they had been given the month off along as they remained in the tournament. Afterwards they would be taking extra long make up classes afterwards, but for those like this girl who hated school.

"Once I win this tournament I'll have my ticket out of this dump" she said.

"You know I never got your name" Rainbow said.

"Gilda" the girl named Gilda replied, "remember it. When I win my name will be all you'll ever see when I'm rich and famous."

"That's all your Duelling for?" Rainbow asked in disbelieve.

"What else is there to Duel for" Gilda asked.

"The thrill of contest, the pursuit of improvement, love of the game. Winning to win is a hollow life for a Duellist."

"Whatever loser" Gilda said before turning to leave.

"Don't you walk away" Rainbow told her.

"Whose gonna stop me?"

"I am" Rainbow yelled, "I challenge you."

Gilda stopped again. "You really think you can take me?"

"Of course" Rainbow said, "since I won't even be facing a real Duellist it'll be easy."

"I am a real Duellist" Gilda returned, "and I'm gonna make you eat those words."

Rainbow and Gilda were back on the street ready to Duel.

"This was the biggest mistake you ever made" Gilda said, strapping a brown Duel Disk to her arm.

"We'll see" Rainbow replied attaching her own.

"Oh dear" Fluttershy said from the side lines.

"So how many points you got?"

"Over six hundred" Gilda replied.

"Same" Rainbow said, "what's say we each put three hundred points up for grabs?"


"Then let's go."


Rainbow: 4000
Gilda: 4000

"I'll take the first move" Gilda said drawing, "I summon Birdface in ATK mode." A creature appeared on the field that looked like across between a man, a robot and a bird. It had a metal body and arms, human legs and a bird's head and wings. (A1600/D1600/L4) "I end my turn."

"My draw" Rainbow said, "I summon Rainbow Wing Purple Condor" a condor appeared on the field with dark purple feathers and a light purple head. (A1800/D100/L3) "With Purple Condor's ability, I can inflict six hundred points of damage to you once a turn." The large bird extended its large wings and then let out a mighty screech, which struck Gilda and pushed her back a few feet.

Rainbow: 4000
Gilda: 3400

"And now I attack your Birdface with Purple Condor" she ordered as her monster flew into the air before sky diving at Gilda's monster, destroying it.

Rainbow: 4000
Gilda: 3200

"When Birdface is destroyed by battle, I can add this card from my deck to my hand" she revealed a card called Harpie Lady which she added to her hand.

"A Harpie Lady deck" Rainbow realised. They were an incredibly tricky archetype to face off against if you underestimated it. "I end my turn with a face down."

"My draw" Gilda said "and I summon Harpie Lady, ATK mode" a woman with wings in place of arms appeared. (A1300/D1400/L4) "Next I play Harpie's Feather Duster, to blow away your face down." A gust of wind blow around the field, forming a tornado which sucked up Rainbow's Mirror Force Trap.

"HEY" she yelled over the wind. Once the gust depleted Rainbow's face down was gone, "so what? My Rainbow Wing is still stronger then your Harpie."

"Maybe one" Gilda said, taking another card from her hand, "but how will you do against three? I activate the Spell card Elegant Egotist." The Harpie Lady was suddenly consumed by a tornado, "this Spell card lets my Harpie Lady multiply into three." The tornado exploded revealing three different Harpie Ladies on the field, wearing golden armour over their chests and arms, "Say hello to the Harpie Lady Sisters." (A1950/D2100/L6)

"Not good" Rainbow said looking over the new monster.

"I attack your Purple Condor with my Harpie Lady Sisters" the three harpy monsters flew in a triangle formation, as a ball of lightning formed between them. The ball fired at Rainbow's monster, vaporising it.

Rainbow: 3850
Gilda: 3200

"I end my turn with three face downs" Gilda said.

"My turn" Rainbow said, "I draw and summon Rainbow Wing Red Kestrel in ATK mode." (A1500/D1200/L4) "With Kestrel's ability I can now summon Rainbow Wing Blue Falcon," a blue bird appeared and flew besides Red Kestrel. (A1600/D1400/L4)

"Two level four monsters" Gilda said.

"Now I use these two monsters to build the Overlay Network," Rainbow chanted as her two monsters flew up and into the black hole. "When birds of a feather flock together, an awesome power is unleashed." The black hole exploded in a burst of light. "I XYZ SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing Rainbow's best monster soaring through the sky, before taking a battle stance infront of her. "Rainbow Assault Wing Gold." (A2300/D1700/R4) "Now I activate Assault Wing's ability" the monster pulled out its katanna and slashed through one of its Overlay Units, "now I can add a Wind attributed Winged-Beast from my deck to my hand." Rainbow's Deck slotted out a card.

"Your silly bird man won't save you" Gilda told her.

"We'll see about that," Rainbow said. "Rainbow Assault Wing Gold, attack her Harpie Lady Sisters" the Xyz monster unsheathed his katanna and flew towards the trio. "Take it down," with one great slash it created an explosion. "OH YEAH" Rainbow cheered, until the smoke cleared revealing Gilda's monster(s) in one piece.

Rainbow: 3850
Gilda: 3350

"What the?" Rainbow asked.

"Her monster survived and she gained life points instead of losing them," Fluttershy said in confusion.

"It's my Harpie's Hidden Treasure Trap," Gilda explained revealing one of her face downs flipped up. "This trap prevents my monster from being destroyed and I gain the life points I would have lost."

"Dang it" Rainbow said. Just like she had thought, the Harpie Ladies were a tricky bunch. "I end my turn"

"My turn" Gilda said drawing "and first I activate one of my other face downs, Foolish Burial. Now I can send a card from my deck to my graveyard," her deck shuffled out a card which she sent to the graveyard. "Next for my final card, Soul Swap. This card lets me take a card in my graveyard and swap it with a monster in my deck," she removed Birdface from her graveyard as her deck shuffled out another card which she placed in the grave.

"What's she up to?" Rainbow asked.

"She's sending and swapping monsters around in her graveyard" Fluttershy said in confusion.

"Now I activate the Spell card, Harpie's Divide. This card lets me return Harpie Lady Sisters to my deck, and in return I can summon up to three Harpie Ladies from my graveyard."

"So that's what she was doing" Rainbow realised.

The three armoured Harpies were consumed by a tornado, and as it exploded the three unarmoured Harpies flew out and each took up a space on the field. (A1300/D1400/L4)X3

"Not good."

"And now" Gilda said as her monster glowed, before turning into lights which flew up and then down. "I'll use these three monsters to build the Overlay Network," the lights shot into a black hole. "Vicious, unpredictable, deadly. All things to describe the Harpie Ladies, as well as the winds themselves. Now a new more powerful wind blow." The black hole exploded, revealing a new monster. "I XYZ SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing a new monster. She looked like one of the Harpie Lady Sisters, but her armour was black and more streamlined. Her hair was light green in colour, along with the feathers on her arm wings. Three green lights floated around her. "Harpie Lady Tempest." (A2600/D2100/R4)

Rainbow looked over the new monster and gulped, "really not good."

"Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear" Fluttershy quivered at the sight of such a mean looking monster.

"I activate Tempest's ability" Gilda continued, "by removing a Overlay Unit she gains three hundred ATK points for each Winged Beast monster in my graveyard." The winged woman crushed one of the Overlay Units in her talon like fingers, as her power began to increase. (A2900/D2100/R4) "Now attack," the creature took to the skies before soaring down with its clawed feet reared and impaling Assault Wing Gold.

Rainbow: 3250
Gilda: 3350

"Rainbow" Fluttershy called out seeing her friend take a hit.

"I'm fine" the multi haired teen said.

"Not for long" Gilda said, "my Harpy Lady will finish you off sooner or later."

"No way" Rainbow said, "It's my turn. I draw," she saw the card she had gotten was an Equip Spell called Turbine Wing. It would come in handy if her could revive Assault Wing Gold, but for now. "I Play the Spell card Hatchlings First Flight, which lets me summon a Level three or below Winged Beast from my deck to my field." A portal opened and Rainbow Wing Purple Falcon flew out before taking its DEF stance. (A1800/D100/L3)

"Didn't I already destroy that card?" Gilda asked.

"Who says I had more then one?" Rainbow replied. "Now with Purple Falcon's ability I can inflict eight hundred points of damage to you," her bird let out its shriek attack which hit Gilda.

Rainbow: 3250
Gilda: 2550

"I end my turn" Rainbow said. Until she could find a way to revive her ace, she needed to play defence.

"My turn" Gilda drew then smiled, "I activate Harpie's Greed. This Spell lets me take a look at your the cards in your hand, then it lets me swipe one."

Rainbow frowned looking down at the four cards in her hand, knowing which one she would pick, and revealed them to Gilda.

The girl looked through them and smiled seeing the equipped Spell. "I'll take Turbine Wing." Rainbow growled but threw the card at Gilda, who caught it with ease. "Now I activate Harpie Lady Tempest's ability, to remove another Overlay unit and increase her attack power by three hundred points for each Winged Beast in my graveyard." The Xyz monster crushed another Overlay Unit in its claws, making its power raise. (A3500/D2100/R4) "Now I equip Tempest with your Spell card, Turbine Wing." Light flashed around Tempest's chest, which formed a solid mass taking the form of green chest armour and large metal wings with turbines in each one. "You know already but I just enjoy saying that it'll raise my monsters ATK power by a thousand points." (A4500/D2100/R4)

"Forty five hundred ATK points" Fluttershy gasped in fear. Every time she removed an Overlay Unit she was adding another monster to her graveyard, and with Turbine Wing it would only get worse.

"Now attack" the turbines on the metal wings began to spin, forming a tornado which blew away Rainbow's Purple Falcon. "And now Turbine Wing's other effect will activate, dealing you damage equal to half your monsters ATK points. The tornado struck Rainbow pushing her back and off her feet.

Rainbow: 1850
Gilda: 2550

"RAINBOW" Fluttershy screamed.

"That's right lay there defeated," Gilda taunted Rainbow.

"You have to get up" Fluttershy said.

"QUIET" Gilda yelled at her, "your cheers of support won't save her. She's going to lose this Duel on her own."

"Your wrong" Fluttershy called back, sounding more determined then ever. "She's not on her own, she has her friends."

"So where are they?" Gilda said, "if they were such great friends then where are they?"

"They're with me" Rainbow said, getting up and back on her feet. "Even if I can't see them, my friends while always lend me their strength."

"That's bogus" Gilda said.

"No" Rainbow said. "I can feel them, and they can feel me."

While they were having lunch Flash, Twilight and Spike suddenly felt something tingle in the back of their necks.

What was that?" Spike asked.

"I'm not sure" Twilight said, "but for some reason Rainbow popped into my mind."

"Same here" Flash said, looking up at the skies. "Good luck Rainbow."

As she Duelled Applejack also felt it, making her smile. "Don't give up Rainbow. You can't lose until you face me in this tournament."

Rarity and Pinkie nodded feeling the same thing.

Scootaloo looked up the skies as she felt it to. "There's no way your gonna lose, because your too awesome."

"That's the amazing thing about friendship" Rainbow explained to Gilda, "even if their a million mills away friends can be there for their friends. That's something you'd never understand."

Gilda frowned at this.

"You don't have any friends do you?" Rainbow told her.

"I don't need any friends" Gilda said. As she did so memories of her past flashed in front of her eyes, reminding her of being alone and scared. "friends just disappoint you when you need them."

"Your wrong" Rainbow said, "friends...real friends will always be there when you need them. You just need to have the courage to make them." As she put her finger on her deck, she closed her eyes and could feel all her friends calling out to her, and that made her feel unbeatable. "I...Draw" she said, before looking at her card and smiled at the sight of it and the rest of her hand. "I activate Monster Reborn, to revive a monster in my graveyard." A portal opened up and Purple Condor flew out of it.

"Why call that card?" Gilda asked.

"Because now I activate Flock Together" Rainbow replied. "This card only works if I have two of the same monsters, one on my field and one in my grave. It lets me revive the one in my graveyard to the field." Another portal opened up revealing a duplicate Purple Condor."

"So what?"

"So now I can use these two monster's abilities, to deal your sixteen hundred points of damage" Rainbow said. Her twin birds let out another high pitched screech, hitting Gilda.

Rainbow: 1850
Gilda: 850

"Still not enough to defeat me" Gilda told her.

"I'm not done" Rainbow replied, "for now I activate the effect of a monster in my hand. When I have a Rainbow Wing on my field, I can Special Summon this one. Say hello to Rainbow Wing Pink Owl," an owl appeared next to the falcons with pink feathers and large pink eyes. (A100/D100/L1) "Also when I summon her this way, I can change its level to match that of a monster on my field." (A100/D100/L3)

"Three level threes" Gilda realised what was happening.

"I Overlay my two Purple Condors and Pink Owl, to build th Overlay Network." Her monster changed into lights, which flew up and entered a black hole. "It's time to fly as one in a victory formation, to defeat our enemies." The black hole exploded, revealing a new monster. "I XYZ SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing a new monster. I looked like a human chicken standing at about four feet, with silver feathers. Its wings were long and more humanoid, with three metal claws on each end. It had three large feathers in a fan shape on its head, along with giant chicken feet and three green lights flew around it. "Rainbow Assault Wing Silver. (A2100/D2000/R3)

"That bird brain won't stand a chance against my Harpie" Gilda said, "not with all the power ups I've given it."

"Wrong" Rainbow said, "all those power ups will be your undoing. Assault Wing Silver's ability can activate when a monster on your field, has less or more ATK points then its origanal amount. It'll now reduce its ATK by half its origanal amount."

"WAIT!" Gilda said, but Assault Wing Silver slashed through one of its Overlay Units and created a gust that cut Harpie Lady Tempest's power by thirteen hundred. (A2700/D2100/R4)

"That was so much fun" Rainbow said cheekily, "I think I'll do it again." Her monster slashed through another Overlay Unit and created the gust again. (A1400/D2100/R4) "One more time," the final Overlay Unit was destroyed and the gust blew again. (A100/D2100/R4)

"Even with all those power ups" Gilda said in horror, "my monster is down to only one hundred points."

"Rainbow Wing Silver attack" Rainbow said, as her monster used its giant and powerful feet to launch itself at the Harpie. With its large claws its slashed through her, destroying her as she screamed in pain and flew at Gilda. Getting hit by her monster sent the jacket wearing teen backwards and off her feet.

Rainbow: 1850 (Winner)
Gilda: 0

"Yay" Fluttershy cheered running over to her friend, "you did it."

"We did it" Rainbow replied holding out her hand, which Fluttershy gently slapped.

Gilda managed to sit herself up and look down at her Duel Disk. "How? How could I lose?" Suddenly she found Rainbow standing above her, holding out a hand to help her up.

"When you stand alone, you can only fall alone," she said. "But when you stand with friends, they'll be there to help you up when you fall. Let me help you Gilda...let me be your friend."

Gilda looked down at the ground, as a tears threatened to break out.

"You don't have to be alone," Rainbow told her.

Gilda looked back up at her, and broke out crying as she took the hand and was pulled up. "I...I've been alone for so long, I don't think I can have friend."

"Rubbish" Rainbow said, "you've got one right here."

"And I'd be your friend" Fluttershy said, "if you'll let me?"

Gilda smiled and nodded, "okay. I'm sorry for earlier."

"It was my fault" Fluttershy replied.

"But I shouldn't have reacted like I did," Gilda said, "I am sorry."

"Water under the bridge" Rainbow said.

"Yeah" Gilda replied, before pulling out her DPM. "As promised," she pressed the button and Rainbow's DPM beeped.

Rainbow Dash: 920Ps

"Awesome" Rainbow cheered, seeing her score almost hitting one thousand.

"You'd better not lose after this" Gilda said smiling, "I can't have my friend be a loser."

"You bet" Rainbow replied, before her grumbling stomach caught her attention. "Oops," she said with a chuckle.

"With everything that happen," Fluttershy said, "we missed lunch."

"Come on" Gilda said, "I'll treat you guys."

"Awesome" Rainbow said, as the three new friends returned to the cafe.

Duelling is more then a game. It was a bridge that can connect people, through competition. No matter who you are, or where you come from you can learn everything about someone through Duelling them. Because the true power of Duel Monsters, isn't just the cards. Its all the friends you can make, thanks to the game.

Author's Notes:

Gilda's deck was suggested to me by through comment, that I've been unable to find. Whoever it was, thanks.

Don't expect this to be Gilda's last appearance.

Next Time, Twilight gets flustered and Flash is getting jealous.

Turn 27, Underdogs

"Twilight Sorcerer attack" Twilight ordered as her monster destroyed her opponents Insect Queen, dropping their life points to zero.

"ALRIGHT" Flash and Spike cheered seeing her victory.

After the Duel the three were in the park enjoying a rest.

"That's ten straight victories for you both," Spike said.

"Thanks Spike" Flash replied, "but it's only day four. There's still plenty of time for us to end up losing a Duel.

"Maybe" Spike said, "but right now your point totals are really high."

"I guess they are" Twilight said, as she and Flash looked down at their points.

Flash Sentry: 1050Ps
Twilight Sparkle: 1025Ps

"They'd probably be higher if you two would put up a few more points," Spike said.

"Slow and steady Spike" Twilight said, "we might not be getting many points, but we won't lose many points if we lose either."

"I guess" Spike replied.

"Why don't we get something to drink?" Twilight said, deciding to change the subject.

"Sure" Flash said, "I think there's some vending machines over that way." He pointed over to a dirt pathway, leading into a part of the park where the trees were thicker and close together.

"Great" Twilight cheered, "I'll go get them."

"I'll just have some water" Flash said.

"Whatever you get me," Spike began, "make sure it's packed with sugar."

Twilight just rolled her eyes and headed down the path in search of the vending machines. It took ten minutes but she finally found them outside the park's public restroom, and got two waters and a soda before heading back. The only problem was she couldn't seem to remember the way she had come, and couldn't find the boys.

"Okay I think I recognise the path" she said, looking around as she walked up the dirt track. "FLASH" she called, "SPIKE" but no one called back.

Suddenly a rustling coming from the bushes made her freeze, before screaming as whatever was in there shot out.

At that moment Flash and Spike were growing impatient at how long Twilight was taking.

"Where the heck is she?" Flash asked.

"Don't tell me she got lost" Spike replied.

"Come on" he said getting up, "we'd better go find her."

They followed the dirt track Twilight had taken and began their search.

"Twilight" Flash called out.

"You here?" Spike asked.

"Come on Twilight" Flash called, "we're getting worried here." Before he could call out again, a sound caught his hears. It was Twilight's voice, and she was...laughing, alongside another deeper voice. "Twilight" he said following the voices, stepping through the tree line, his heart suddenly went stiff at what he was seeing.

Twilight was sitting on a log with some guy he had never seen before. He was two or three years older then them, and had reddish brown skin and green hair. He was wearing a red shirt with an unfamiliar logo printed on and green combat shorts. At his feet was a large knapsack. The two were talking and looked to be getting very comfortable, which for some reason made Flash very uncomfortable.

"Twilight" he said, stepping out of the bushes.

"Oh Flash" Twilight said getting up with a start, "what are you doing here?"

"You didn't come back," Flash said, "we were getting worried." He and Spike walked up to them.

"Sorry" Twilight said, "me and Timber here were just have such a nice conversation."

"Timber?" Flash asked.

"Timber Spruce" the guy said, getting up and offering a hand.

"Flash" the blue haired teen replied, "Flash Sentry."

"So this is the famous Flash Sentry" Timber said, "Twilight was going on and on about your Pendulum deck."

"Well it is pretty impressive" Flash said feeling smug.

"All cards are impressive" Timber said, "with the right Duellist."

"What?" Flash asked a little confused.

"Hey guess what?" Twilight said, "Timber's in the Celestic Cup like us."

"Really?" Spike asked.

"Yeah" Timber said, "I've always loved Duelling and have wanted to go pro since I was a kid."

"So why didn't you?" Flash asked rudely.

"Flash" Twilight shot at him.

"It's fine" Timber replied, "I've been working at my families summer camp the last few years. Things have been so hectic there lately that I'd barely have time to just relax, let alone Duel. But I never gave up on my dream and practised every chance I got, and when I heard about this tournament I knew it was my one chance."

"What an inspiring tale" Twilight said.

"Yeah I guess it is" Timber replied, "but I'll never forget where I came from." He pointed at the T-shirt he wore, "this shirt is like the ones we wear at the camp. I wear it now as a way to spread the word about my home, and as a reminder of where I came from."

"Wow" Twilight said.

"Yeah" Flash said, "brimming."

Twilight glared at him, before looking back at Timber. "Could you excuse us for a second?"

"Sure" Timber replied.

With a node Twilight grabbed Flash by the back of his jacket, and pulled him out of hear shot.

"Hey" Flash said, "what's your problem?"

"What's your problem?" she shot back. "Why are you being so rude to Timber?"

"I just don't like the guy" Flash said, with crossed arms.


"I don't need a reason" Flash told her.

"That's just childish" Twilight said, before turning her back and returned to Spike and Timber.

"So how many points do you have right now?" they heard Spike ask him.

"Just over five hundred" Timber replied, "I haven't had the luck of meeting many competitors yet."

"Then how about you try me?" Flash said.

"Flash" Twilight said in a warning tone.

"What?" Flash asked, "we're both Duellists so why shouldn't we face off?"

"He's right" Timber said getting up, "I accept your challenge."

"Then lets do this" Flash said, pulling out his Duel Disk as Timber did the same with a red one.

"This is ridicules" Twilight said, "what's gotten into him?"

"Typical Twilight" Spike said, "can't see what's right in front of you."

"What are you taking about?" Twilight asked.

"Don't you get it. Flash is jealous."

"Of Timber...why?"

"I'll let you figure that out."

"So how many points you wanna put up?" Flash asked.

"How about just a hundred points" Timber said.

"Fine sure" Flash replied. Activating his Duel Disk as Timber's formed a green blade.


Flash: 4000
Timber: 4000

"I'll take the first move" Flash said drawing, "I summon Magna Fighter Arma in ATK mode." The teenager steam punk girl appeared, brandishing her signature bronze shield. (A1800/D0/L4) "I'll throw down two face downs and end my turn."

"My turn" Timber said, "I draw and play the Spell card Kishido Spirit. This Spell card prevents the destruction of my monster, when he battles one with the same points as him. Next I summon Dark Hunter in ATK mode," a large wolf with black fur appeared on the field with a growl." (A0/D0/L4)

"A level four monster with zero ATK points?" Spike asked.

"There has to be more to it then that" Twilight said.

"Now I attack your Magna Fighter" Timber said, as his wolf pounced at Arma.

"So what?" Flash asked, "she's got way more ATK points then your wolf has."

"Not after his special ability kicks in," Timber said with a smirk. "It raises Dark Hunters ATK points to become equal to your monsters ATK," the large black wolf glowed a dark glow as its power rose. (A1800/D0/L4)

"They'll both be destroyed" Spike said.

"No they won't" Twilight told him, "Timber has Kishido Spirit which'll protect his monster."

"I activate Brittle Shield" Flash said as his face down, flipped up. "This Trap card allows me to change Arma's battle mode from ATK to DEF, as long as her ATK power is greater the her DEF power." Arma held up her large shield, just as Dark Hunter claws were about to hit her, blocking the attack. "As long as Arma is in DEF mode she can't be destroyed by battle."

"Is that so" Timber said, "then I'll activate a Spell card. Different Dimension Capsule, which lets me remove a card from my deck" a card slotted out of his deck and he placed it in his back pocket. "But in two turns I can then add it to my hand."

"Whatever he took out" Twilight said, "you can bet it's something big."

"Then Flash needs to end this quick" Spike said.

"I end my turn with face down."

"My turn" Flash said, "I draw and then set the Pendulum Scale with Scale two Magna Fighter Lucidum and Scale eight Magna Caster Solaris." The pillars of light appeared on the field, as the warrior and wizard flew upwards into them. "Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," the portal formed above his head. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and a beam of light shot out and hit the ground.

"Arm your cannons Twin Lazor Dragon." (A2100/D1500/L5)

"So that was the famous Pendulum Summon," Timber said.

"Impressed?" Flash asked

"Depends on what you can do with it."

Flash growled, "I'll show you what I can do with it. Twin Lazor Dragon attack," his robotic dinosaur fired one of its cannons at Dark Hunter.

"I activate Defensive Hunting" Timber said, as his face down flipped up showing it was a trap. "This Trap card switches my monster to DEF mode and saves it from destruction," the wolf sat down as the blast bounced off.

"Well Twin Lazor Dragon has his own ability, one which will allow him to attack again." The second cannon fired, hitting Dark Hunter and destroying it. "I end my turn."

"Flash should have switched Arma to ATK mode" Twilight said, "he would have dealt actual damage if he had."

"But then Flash would have been left defenceless" Spike said, surprised his sister would suggest such a tactic. "If Timber summons something big this turn he's still safe."


"What's up with you?" Spike asked. "Why're you being so judgemental of Flash?"

"None of your business" Twilight said, crossing her arms.

"My turn" Timber said, "I draw and summon Forest Spirit Gaia Everfree in ATK mode." A woman with blue hair wearing plant style clothing appeared on the field, sitting on a chair made of vines which shot out the earth. (A1200/D1000/L3) "I activate Gaia's ability, to tribute a Plant type monster and add a banished card to my hand. Since Gaia is the only Plant type monster on the field, I'll sacrifice her." The monster was consumed by her own vines which dragged her down, before another vine shot out holding a card which Timber took."

"So he didn't need to wait till next turn to get the card Different Dimension Capsule was storing," Twilight said."

"But he's defenceless now?" Spike said.

"I now activate the Spell I just retrieved, it's called Lumber Fusion. This card lets me Fusion Summon a Plant type monster, by removing its materials from the graveyard." From the ground came vines, holding Gaia and Dark Hunter who were crushed and their essences drained into the vines. The energy flowed through them into the ground, as a large seed grew. "Watch as the might of the forest grants new life, new strength, new fury." The seed exploded, "I FUSION SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing a new monster. I looked like a wolf, but its entire body was made out of sticks and leafs. Size wise it was slightly bigger then a lion, by about half. "Say hello to Dark Timber Wolf." (A2400/D2000/L7)

"Wow" Spike said, looking over the creature Timber had just summoned.

"An impressive monster" Twilight said.

"Now Dark Timber Wolf, attack Twin Lazor Dragon." The living wood pail let out a howl, which released its toxic gas like breath which struck Twin Lazor Dragon melting it."

Flash: 3700
Timber: 4000

"I end my turn with a face down."

"My draw" Flash said doing so. Nothing in his hand could take on Dark Timber Wolf, so for now he had to play defence until he got one of his stronger cards. "I summon Shine Crest Magna Wolf, in DEF mode" his white wolf appeared on the field. (A1200/D1100/L3)

"You call that a puppy a wolf?" Timber asked, "compared to mine it couldn't hold up a candle."

Flash growled again. "Don't bad mouth my monster" Flash said. Flash Heart may have been his favourite card, but Magna Wolf had always had a special place in his heart.

"Look kid" Timber said, "this world is filled with alphas and omegas. The alphas get the best of everything, the best food, the best homes...the best girls." Flash noticed Timber's eyes zip to Twilight for a second. "Then there are the omegas, the underdogs who get the the scraps. That's just how the world works."

"Well these underdogs are gonna show you what we're capable of," Flash said.

"Sure you will" Timber said, as he drew his card and smiled. "I activate the Spell card Replanting, which lets me draw five cards then discard until I only have five. He did so and quickly refilled his hand, "now I equip Timber Wolf with Raregold Armor. This Spell means you can only target Timber Wolf for an attack."

"So Flash can't target any other monster Timber summons," Twilight realised.

"Now I activate Pack Regroup" Timber said, "this Continues Spell activates whenever a Beast type is sent from my field to the graveyard. It'll let me pay five hundred life points to revive that monster, except it won't be able to attack."

"So why have it?" Flash asked.

"Because now I summon Silver Fang to the field," a large silver wolf appeared on his side growling. (A1200/D800/L3) "And now I activate Dark Timber Wolf's ability," he turned to Silver Fang. "The weak fall in service to the strong, as I sacrifice Silver Fang." Dark Timber Wolf turned to the smaller wolf and with one bite destroyed it. "Now until my next turn any monsters you summon whose level is higher then the sacrificed monster, can't attack."

"So I can't attack with anything higher then a level three?" Flash asked.

"Exactly" Timber said, "and don't forget my Pack Regroup. I pay five hundred life points to revive Silver Fang."

Flash: 3700
Timber: 3500

The silver wolf reappeared, though it didn't look to good.

"So next turn he can just sacrifice it again," Spike realised.

"That's awful" Twilight said in shock.

"You'd put your monster through so much pain" Flash said, "just to prevent my attacks."

"Like I said" Timber said, "the weak fall so the strong my survive."

"Your wrong" Flash said, "the weak and the strong need to work together. That's how everyone grows stronger."

"Whatever" Timber said, "I activate the Spell card Stop Defence. This card lets me switch the battle position of your monsters."

"Oh nuts" Flash said as both his monsters stood up.

"Now Dark Timber Wolf attack Magna Fighter Arma," Timber said, as his monster released the toxic howl which melted Arma away.

Flash: 3100
Timber: 3500

"Arma" Flash flinched seeing her be destroyed.

"I think I'll let your mutt stick around, just to let it see what a real wolf can do."

Flash looked over at Magna Wolf, who was looking at the ground with its ears down in sadness. "Don't listen to him boy" Flash told his wolf, "you are a real wolf and your one of my best cards."

"Whatever" Timber said, "I end my turn."

"My turn" Flash said, "I draw and summon Starbreak Dragon in DEF mode" his ace wielding dragon appeared. (A1500/D1200/L4) "I'll switch Magna Wolf to DEF mode and end my turn."

"It's my draw and I once again sacrifice Silver Fang to activate Timber Wolf's ability," he said as his bigger wolf destroyed the smaller one. "And then Pack Regroup will activate.

Flash: 3100
Timber: 3000

Silver Fang reappeared on the field, looking worse then ever. "Now Dark Timber Wolf attack Starbreak Dragon," once again the toxic howl was unleashed and Flash's dragon was melted away. "Turn end."

"My draw" Flash said, "I activate Pot of Greed to draw two new cards." He smiled seeing what he had drawn, "I summon Magna Fighter Crossbolt in DEF mode." (A1400/D1400/L4) "I set a face down and end my turn."

"My draw" Timber said, "and once again Dark Timber Wolf will destroy Silver Fang to activate his ability." Once again the poor wolf was destroyed, "and Pack Regroup will now activate."

Flash: 3100
Timber: 2500

"And now I'll activate a card you probably remember...Replanting. I draw five cards and then ditch the some until only five remain, before activating my own Pot of Greed to draw two new cards."

"He's refilling his hand" Spike said.

Twilight didn't know what to say. Timber seemed so nice, but the way he was treating his monsters was so...heartless.

"I activate Stop Defence. You remember this card, it forces your monsters into ATK mode."

Flash frowned seeing his monster stand up.

"Next I activate the Spell card Lost Pride. By paying three hundred life points, I can cut your monsters ATK points in half for this turn."

Flash: 3100
Timber: 2200

Magna Wolf and Crossbolt became shaky as their power was drained. (A600/D1100/L3), (A700/D1400/L4).

"No" Flash called out.

"I think its time your little puppy felt the full power of my Timber Wolf, ATTACK!" The wooden wolf let out if toxic howl, which flew towards Magna Wolf. Only just as it was about to hit, Crossbolt flew in front of the attack and was destroyed instead.

Flash: 1400
Timber: 2200

"What happened?" Timber asked.

"Remember during my first turn, when I laid two face down. One of them was Brittle Shield and the other was a card named Interception. It activates when you attack an ATK position monster, while I have a monster with more ATK points. It let Crossbolt intercept the attack."

"Why would you waste a stronger monster to protect a weaker one?" Timber asked.

"Because that's how my monsters and I Duel. We work together to cover each others weaknesses, because no matter what we can find a way to win."

Twilight couldn't help but smile hearing Flash say that. He really was an amazing person.

"Now since Crossbolt was destroyed, I can activate my other face down, Starburst Draw. This card lets me draw one card for every Level star Crossbolt had, meaning I draw four."

Timber growled setting a card face down and ending his turn.

"It's my draw" Flash said smiling. "It's time for you to shine boy," he looked at his wolf. "With the Pendulum Scale set, I can once again cut through space time and carve the arc of victory." The portal formed above his head, as he grabbed three cards from his hand. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and three beams of light flew out, hitting the ground.

"Sky high, Brass Wing Magna Hawk." (A1400/D800/L4)

"Snap to it, Lumino Jaw Dragon." (A2300/D1600/L5/P5)

"Shine your light of victory, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"So what?" Timber said, "my Dark Timber Wolf's ability makes it so none of them can attack."

"I don't need them to attack," Flash said, "I need their abilities."

"What abilities?" Timber asked.

Flash smiled and held up a finger. "One, when Flash Heart Dragon is Special Summoned I can send your weakest monster to the bottom of your deck."

Timber looked over at Silver Fang as it fell through a worm hole, he swore he saw it smiling.

Flash then held up a second finger. "Two, when Lumino Jaw Dragon is Special Summoned every card in your Spell and Trap card zone is sent to the bottom of your deck."

Timber watched as the alligator dragon flapped its wings and blew away, his face down, Raregold Armor, Kishido Spirit and Pack Regrouping.

Flash held up a third finger. "Three, when Brass Wing Magna Hawk is Special Summoned three cards from your hand are returned to the deck. It is then shuffled and you draw three new ones."

Timber was confused as he returned them to his deck. "What's the point in all this?"

"The point" Flash said with a smile, "is that when a card is returned to the deck the skill of Magna Wolf grants him three hundred attack points for each one and if my math is correct then I just sent twenty four hundred points worth of cards to your deck."

Magna Wolf's chest crystal shined brighter then ever before, as its power rose. (A3600/D1100/L3)

"Not good" Timber said.

"Next I activate Lightspeed," Flash said. "This card increases a Light monsters ATK by one thousand." (A4600/D1100/L3)

"But that's"

"Enough power to turn your Timber Wolf to toothpicks" Flash said, "sick them boy." Magna Wolf growled as it ran at Timber Wolf so fast, it turned into nothing but a blur. Said blur cut straight through the massive wooden wolf and then flew towards Timber, slowing down just enough for everyone to see Magna Wolf use its claws to slash him across the chest.

Flash: 1400 (Winner)
Timber: 0

As the holograms began to fade, Magna Wolf looked back at Flash and smiled. "Good boy" he said, before Magna Wolf vanished.

"Flash did it" Spike cheered with a smile.

"He sure did" Twilight replied with a smile.

Flash headed over to Timber who was picking himself up. "Guess the underdogs won this time" Timber said.

"The only underdog is the one who can't see the value in something weak" Flash said, "you said yourself that every card is impressive with the right Duellist?"

"I did didn't I?" Timber said.

After Timber had transferred his points to Flash he was set to head back out.

"So what now?" Twilight asked him.

"I still intend to make it to the Celestic Cup" Timber said, "so I've just got to keep Duelling."

"Well when you do get there" Flash said, "expect to meet me again."

"Indeed I will" Timber said, "and next time I won't underestimate you or your monsters."

"Well good luck" Twilight said giving him a smile.

"To you to" Timber said, taking her hand. "And maybe after the tournament you could come visit me at camp?" Before she could answer Timber kissed her hand, making her blush and Flash growl.

"Come on get out of here" he said stepping in front of her, "your never gonna make it to the finals like that."

"Indeed" Timber said, letting go of her and grabbing his knapsack. "Until we meet again." And with that he ran off into the bushes, in hunt of his next opponent.

"Really" Twilight said when he was gone.

"I was just stopping him from getting distracted," Flash told her.

"That wasn't it and you know" she replied.

"Oh Cadance is gonna love this" Spike said, having been recording the whole thing on his phone. Intending to send it to Cadance, who made him swear to send her any footage of Flash and Twilight's relationship. She would watch it later and find Flash's jealousy oh so cute.

Author's Notes:

To anyone who likes the Twilight/Timber ship, I apologises but I hate this ship. It is the only reason The Legend of Everfree is my least favourite of the films. If it was removed then it would be my favourite, but it's there so...yeah.

Hope you liked how Flash beat Timber. Magna Wolf is one of my favourite cards from Flash's deck, which one is yours?

Turn 28, Party Time

It's was the last day of week one of the tournament, and we find Rarity and Applejack participating in a Tag-Duel against two young boys named Snips and Snails.

Rarity/Applejack: 3200
Snips/Snails: 800

Currently Snips and Snails only had one monster on the field named Great Defender, who was a large stone creature in DEF mode. (A100/D2700/L6)

While Applejack and Rarity didn't have any monsters on the field.

"It's my turn" Rarity said, "I draw and activate Gem-Knight Fusion. This card lets me Fusion Summon a Gem-Knight," she took two cards from her hand and placed them in the graveyard. "I fuse Gem-Knight Tourmaline and Gem-Knight Sapphire" a portal appeared with the remains of her monsters. "The stone warrior in armour of lightning and the ever flowing warrior in armour of water, come together as one" and portal exploded in light. "I FUSION SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing a knight like monster with bronze armour and odd looking weapons in its hands. "Gem-Knight Topaz." (A1800/D1800/L6)

"That monster won't even scratch our Defender" Snips said.

"Yeah" Snails said, before turning to his partner. "Why not?"

"He will when I equip him with Gem-Knight Sword which will increase his ATK power by one thousand," a jewel encrusted sword appeared in the knights hands. (A2800/D1800/L6) "And now I attack your Great Defender," Topaz flew at Defender and slashed through it. "When Topaz destroys a monster he can deal you damage equal to its ATK."

Rarity/Applejack: 3200
Snips/Snails: 700

"And plus Topaz can attack twice," the large knight swung its sword at Snips and beat him."

Rarity/Applejack: 3200 (Winners)
Snips/Snails: 0

"ALRIGHT" Rarity and Applejack high fived as the monsters faded.

"YOU WON" Pinkie screamed happily from the sidelines.

After the points transfer the girls were walking through town, while looking for their next opponent.

"So how well do ya think we're doing right now?" Applejack asked.

"We won't know for sure until the final day of the first round" Rarity said, "it's only then we'll learn whether or not we qualify for the finals."

"Yep, yep, yep" Pinkie said, bouncing up the street. "And when we get there I'll throw everyone a massive party to celebrate."

"Can't wait" Applejack said.

"Indeed" Rarity said.

At that moment the three of them turned a corner and found themselves at the back of a large crowd.

"What's going on?" Applejack asked, trying to see over the heads of everyone.

"What are all these people looking at?" Rarity asked.

Pinkie tried to look over the heads of everyone, but when she couldn't see anything she looked down and noticed a gap between everyone's feet. Getting on her hands and knees she began crawling through the jungle of legs, until she finally found herself in the middle of a circus.

Lights and colour were everywhere around her as she looked up at the spectacle, as many different monsters jumped around and threw things into the air. In the middle of them was a guy a year or so older then her, with light orange skin and bubbly out of control brown hair. He wore a yellow shirt and brown pants, while also playing an accordion his monsters danced to.

Finally the music stopped as the monsters finished their performance and bowed before disappearing. "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I hope you enjoyed our performance extravaganza."

Everyone cheered and clapped at the show before finally taking their leave.

As the teen put away his Duel Disk and accordion, he turned and then noticed that a certain pink haired psycho girl was still sitting on the ground. Her eyes still wide, filled with wonder and amazement, and her mouth was hanging so wide a train the drive through.

"Well hay there little lady" he said, "what can I do for ya?"

"That was...it was...you were..." Pinkie couldn't figure out what to say.

"Sorry about her" Rarity said, as she and Applejack finally reached them.

"It's okay" the guy said, "name's Cheese Sandwich though my friends call me Cheese."

"Howdy partner," Applejack said, "names Applejack." She turned to her friends, "this here's Rarity."


"And the one on the floor's Pinkie Pie."

"That was...AMAZING" she screamed finally finding the words. "The lights, the colours, the music. I've never seen anything like that."

"Well thanks" Cheese said, "Just as long as people smiled I'm happy."

"I know it made people smile" Pinkie said, "I wish I could do it so easily."

"Sound like another aspiring Dueltainer who wants to spread joy" Cheese said, "that's what I live for."

"A Duellist like you must be in the Celestic Cup" Rarity said.

"Yes indeed" Cheese said, showing a yellow DPM. "If I make it to the finals then I can Dueltain to a whole stadium and spread joy and laughter across the nation."

"Me to, me to" Pinkie said, bouncing up and down.

Rarity and Applejack shared a look and smiled nodding.

"Hey why don't you two Duel?" Applejack asked, pointing between them. "I bet a match between you two would by great."

Cheese and Pinkie looked at each other and smiled thinking how much fun they'd have against each other. "Alright" Cheese said, "but let's do this right."

Twenty minutes later Pinkie and Cheese were facing off against each other, as a crowd formed around them.

"Whose ready for some Dueltainment?" Cheese asked the audience.

"You all ready to party with our monsters?" Pinkie followed.

The crowd cheered and clapped as the two prepared themselves.

"How many points you wanna bet?" Cheese asked.

"How about three hundred points?" Pinkie said.

"I'm good with that" Cheese said, as he affixed a yellow Duel Disk to his arm.

"Then let's GO" Pinkie screamed, attaching her Duel Disk to her arm.


Pinkie: 4000
Cheese: 4000

"Me first" Pinkie said, drawing with a spin, "I summon Balloonimal Lion in ATK mode" her balloon animal appeared. (A1500/D1200/L4) "I set a face down and end my turrrrnnnn."

The audience clapped at the sight of Pinkie's lion. "Look mommy" a little girl said clapping, "I want one."

"Nice card" Cheese said, "this will be fun." He drew and smiled, "I summon Performapal Jestar in attack mode." A man appeared in purple jester clothing with star patterns sowed on. Star shaped bells hung from the cuffs of his sleeves, pants and the tips of his hat. (A300/D300/L4)

"Only three hundred ATK points?" Rarity asked.

"What's he up to?" Applejack asked.

"Now I activate Performapal Jestar's ability" Cheese said, as a six sided dice appeared in his hand. "I roll a dice and Jestar's points increase by the number I roll." He threw the dice into the air before it hit the ground and began rolling, slowly coming to a stop on...


"I rolled a six" Cheese said, "that means my Performapal's ATK and DEF strength increases by six times it's origanal value." The stars on Jestar's clothes glowed, as his power rose. (A1800/D1800/L4) "I attack," the jester ran at Pinkie's Balloonimal and once close threw a strong kick to it. But before the attack could make contact, a large red balloon appeared between them and took the hit and popped.

"Sorry" Pinkie said cheerily, "but that's a no no thanks to my Balloonimal Guard Trap. It protects my Balloonimal from going pop once this turn."

"Okay" Cheese said, "I place a card face down and end my turn." Performapal Jestar's points returned to normal.

"My draw" Pinkie said, drawing with another spin, "and I play the Spell card Polymerisation. Now I can fuse my Balloonimal Lion, with the Balloonimal Fish in my hand" her aquatic Balloonimal appeared next to the lion, before they were sucked into a portal. "Now watch as I fuse the mighty strength of a lion with a fish's watery wit, AND FUSION SUMMON!"

The portal exploded, revealing a new monster. The front half was Balloonimal Lion, only now it was made of blue balloons with a white balloon mane. The back half was Balloonimal Fish's tail. "Balloonimal Merlion." (A2100/D1700/L5)

"Pinkie's deck is so diverse" Rarity said with a smile.

"Yep" Applejack said, "she could Fusion Summon using any two of her Balloonimals."

"Now Balloonimal Merlion attack Performapal Jestar" Pinkie said, as her monster used its front paws and tail to leap into the air towards Jestar.

"I activate my Trap, Command Performance. This card forces all your monsters into DEF mode and they can't which back until the end of my next turn." Merlion rolled into a ball as Jestar narrowly dodged its attack, before it rolled back to Pinkie in DEF mode.

"I end my turn" Pinkie said.

"My draw" Cheese said, "I summon Performapal Acrobat Squirrel." A brown flying squirrel, wearing an old fashioned flying helmet and goggles appeared on the field. (A1200/D1300/L3) "And I activate Jestar's ability" another dice appeared in his hand, which he threw into the air before it landed showing...


"That's a four, meaning I increase Jestar's points by four times its origanal points." (A1200/D1200/L4)

"That won't be enough to get passed Pinkie's monster" Applejack said.

"Now I activate Acrobat Squirrel's ability" the Squirrel took to the skies, "by giving up six hundred ATK points my squirrel power up another Performapal by the same amount." The squirrel spun around in the air as it glowed and transferred the power to Jestar. (A600/D1300/L3), (A1800/D1200/L4)

"Oh Dear" Rarity said.

"I attack with Jestar" the clown once again charged and threw a kick, bursting the Balloon Fusion Monster.

"Merlion" Pinkie called covering her face from the force.

"And now Acrobat Squirrel will attack" the squirrel flew through the air and spun around, wracking Pinkie on the head with its tail.

Pinkie: 3400
Cheese: 4000

"And finally I activate my squirrels other ability, to pay six hundred ATK points to add a Spell or Trap from my grave to the hand." Once again the Squirrel glowed as it spun around and lowered its points. (A0/D1300/L3)

Cheese revealed Performance Command as he added it to his hand. "I set one card face down and end my turn." Jestar's points lowered (A900/D300/L4)

"So Acrobat Squirrel's ability stays active even after the turn ends?" Applejack said.

"Meaning next turn he can multiply nine hundred by the dice rolls" Rarity said, "plus that face down's gotta be Performance Command."

"Pinkie's gotta get rid of it" Applejack agreed.

"My draw" Pinkie said spinning around before smiling, "I play Swing of Memories. Now I can summon a Normal Monster from my graveyard, so I'm pumping some air back into Balloonimal Fish" the blue fish shaped balloon animal appeared on the field. (A1000/D500/L3) "And now I activate Balloon Gale, which causes my fish to go pop and then return a number of cards in your Spell and Trap card zone to your hand equal to my fish's level." Balloonimal Fish burst creating a powerful wind, "Balloonimal Fish is Level three so that's three cards returned to your hand, but since you only have one."

Cheese's face down blew back into his hand.

"And now I-" but before she could finish her sentence a loud pop interrupted her, as a pair of large boxes appeared in the air before falling on top of Cheese's monsters. "What the?"

"It's my Performapal Vanishing Act" Cheese said showing a Spell card in his hand. "It activates whenever it leaves the field."

"So that face down wasn't Performance Command?" Pinkie asked.

"Nope" Cheese said.

"He used it as a decoy" Rarity said.

"But how'd he know Pinkie would draw a Spell to remove it from the field?" Applejack asked.

"I had a hunch" Cheese said, "and now the ability of Performapal Vanishing Act. It allows me to summon a high level Performapal from my deck, by sacrificing the same number of Performapals as I would need to tribute to Normal Summon it. I've selected a Level seven monster, meaning I require two tributes." The boxes exploded revealing a new monster. It was a man in wizards clothing designed around a circus conductor and top hat. He carried a black staff and wore a mask around his mouth with a smile pattern sowed in. "Appear on the stage, Performapal Conductor Magician." (A2600/D1900/L7)

"Man he's more then an entertainer" Applejack said, "he's got skill."

Pinkie had to agree. "I summon Balloonimal Dog in DEF mode," the red balloon animal appeared. (A1000/D1000/L3) "I end my turn."

"My draw" Cheese said, "and with it I activate Conductor Magician's ability," The wizard waved his staff above his head. "Now we both declare a word and reveal the top three cards of our deck, and any monster with that word in the card name can summon it. Any card that doesn't have the word in its card name goes to the graveyard and we take four hundred points of damage each."

"That's kind of a risk isn't it?" Rarity asked.

"Who cares" Pinkie said, "it's sound like tons of fun."

"Then let's go, I declare Performapal."

"And I pick Balloonimal"

They both draw three cards and looked at them. "I only got one Performapal" Cheese said, sending two others to his grave."

"I got two" Pinkie said with a smile."

As the three cards were sent to the graveyard they each took the damage.

Pinkie: 3000
Cheese: 3200

"Now we can summon our monsters" Cheese said, "I summon Performapal Springoose in ATK mode." A large goose appeared on the field, its midsection being an actual Spring. (A1100/D2400/L5)

"And I can summon another Balloonimal Dog and a Balloonimal Hippo, both in DEF mode." A second Balloonimal Dog appeared alongside a purple Balloonimal shaped like a hippo. (A1200/D1600/L4)

"And now my Springoose will attack your Balloonimal Dog," the large bird took flight and flew towards the Balloonimal before using its wing to strike and burst it. "And now Conductor Magician will attack Balloonimal Hippo," the wizard's cane went poof and was replaced with a whip which it lashed at the hippo destroying it. "I end my turn."

"My draw, and I summon Balloonimal Alligator in ATK mode." A bunch of green balloons appeared, which twisted together into the shape of an alligator. (A1600/D1400/L4) "Attack Springoose" the alligator charged at the bird, and with one snap of its jaws it was destroyed.

Pinkie: 3000
Cheese: 2700

"I end my turn."

"My draw" Cheese said, "and once again I'll activate Conductor Magician's ability to declare Performapal."

"And Balloonimal" Pinkie said.

The magician waved his cane again and allowed them to draw three cards as they both smiled.

"I got three" they both said.

"I summon Balloonimal Turtle, Giraffe and Elephant all in DEF mode." A trio of balloon animals appeared, including a blue turtle with a yellow shell, an orange giraffe and a grey elephant. (A800/D2000/L4), (A1700/D1800/L5), (A1800/D2000/L6)

"I summon Performapal Buggler times two and Performapal Swordfish." A pair of humanoid insects appeared, each juggling five brown balls in their several arms. Also appearing on the field was an Elvis faced fish with a blade like hairpiece. (A1900/D300/L4)X2, (A600/D600/L2) "I activate Sword Fish's ability, to reduce your monsters ATK and DEF points by six hundred until the End Phase." The Swordfish fired a barrage of swords that surrounded Pinkie's monsters.

As the swords landed Pinkie's monsters felt their power drain. (A1000/D800/L4), (A200/D1400/L4), (A1100/D1200/L5), (A1200/D1400/L6)

"Conductor Magician attack Balloonimal Alligator," once again the magician's staff changed into a whip which was used to slash through Alligator.

Pinkie: 1400
Cheese: 2700

"Now my two Bugglers will attack your Giraffe and Elephant," the two bug-men threw their juggling balls at the defending monsters destroying them.

"I end my turn with two face downs" Cheese said.

"It's my...draw" Pinkie drew knowing this would come to an end on his next turn if she couldn't beat him. As she looked at her card she smiled, "I play Surprise Draw. This card makes my Balloonimal Turtle go pop and in return I card draw one card for each of its level points." Her turtle burst as she drew four cards and her smile grew wider, at the sight what she got.

"She's about ta pull off something big" Applejack said, knowing that look.

"I summon my third Balloonimal Dog" the third red twist balloon dog appeared, "and now I play Fusion Pop. This Spell card lets me perform a Balloonimal Fusion Summon by removing the materials from my field and graveyard." Her Balloonimal Dog burst, before being sucked into a portal "Now I can remove my three Balloonimal Dogs," Pinkie said doing so, "allowing me to FUSION SUMMON!"

The portal exploded revealing the new monster. "The creature was a bulkier version of Balloonimal Dog, that was about the size of an elephant but had three heads. "Balloonimal Cerberus." (A3000/D3000/L9)

"Wow Nelly" Applejack cheered.

"That's just the card she needed" Rarity said.

"I attack Performapal Swordfish with Balloonimal Cerberus" Pinkie ordered her monster as it charged.

"I activate my face down Performance Command" Cheese said, only for his trap not to work.

"Sorry Cheesy" Pinkie said, "but when Cerberus attacks you can't activate Spell or Traps until after the attack."

"Is that so?" Cheese said, as his monster was destroyed by the three headed balloon animal.

Pinkie: 1400
Cheese: 300

"Pinkie took the lead" Rarity cheered.

"Wait" Applejack said as she saw the dust settle, "look."

Everyone looked into the dust and saw something glowing. Finally from out of the dust came a metal ring with fire circling it, which flew through the air and attached itself around Balloonimal Cerberus's neck before exploding.

The explosion knocked both Cheese and Pinkie off their feet.

Pinkie: 0 (Draw)
Cheese: 0 (Draw)

"It's a tie" Applejack said in shock.

"Ring of Destruction" Rarity said, "it destroys a monster on the field and inflicts damage to every player equal to its ATK points."

Pinkie and Cheese pulled themselves up and shared a gaze at each other, until finally they snickered and broke out laughing as they laid back. "That was AWESOME!" Pinkie cheered.

"It sure was" Cheese said, "I don't think I've had such a fun Duel. And listen to that crowd."

The crowd that had been watching them all cheered at the performance, clapping and yelling out how much fun it was to watch. After some time the cheers died down and the crowd dispersed, leaving just the four Duellists who were preparing to leave.

"So since it was a tie I guess no one gets any points" Applejack said.

Pinkie and Cheese shared another look and smiled thinking the same thing. They both held up their DPMs and pressed the button, transferring the same amount of points to each other making their points unchanged.

"That works" Rarity said chuckling.

"Well I must be off" Cheese said, suddenly dressed in a poncho and hat, "more Duellists to Duel, more people to Dueltain." As he walked off her turned back to Pinkie, "you got a lot of potential as a Dueltainer little missy. Just keep doing what your doing and bring people joy and laughter."

"I will" Pinkie said with a smile, "and you keep doing that too."

"Promise" Cheese said, before walking into the sunset like a desperado in a western movie.

There are many types of Duellists in this world. And when two similar Duellists meet, their skill and love for the game can increase beyond its limits.

Author's Notes:

Hope you enjoyed Cheese Sandwich's appearance. I couldn't think of anything other then Performapals for his deck. What would you have used?

Next Time a major Duel will take place.

Turn 29, The Masked Riders

It was going midnight on the Canterlot highway where a Duel was taking place. The Duellists were both on motorcycle like vehicles, one being a man in black riding gear and helmet on a black bike. The second was actually two people, one male the other female, wearing white and pink riding gear on a white bike.

"Your winning streak is about to end" the rider of the black bike said.

"I doubt that" the rider in white said, as he took a card and placed it in the bike's inbuilt Duel Disk. A bright light appeared besides him as a giant monster materialised, and looked down at the Duellist before striking.

"No" the rider said as he was attacked, "NOOOOO." He lost control of the bike, as his life points were sent to zero and he found himself flung from the bike into the air. Once he came to a stop he looked over at his opponents.

The pink female rider walked over to the bike and picked it back up, before the bike's paint job changed from black to pink and she got on.

"You underestimated us" the figure in white said, his voice muffled by his helmet, "big mistake."

"I'll be back" the Duellist said, trying to pick himself up.

"Yeah" the female said with a chuckle, "good luck with that." And with that the two Duellists revved up their bikes and zipped past him, down the highway and into the night.

"The Masked Riders?" Flash asked as Rainbow finished the story. It was day ten of the tournament and everyone had met up at Sugarcube Corner to compare points, when Rainbow had mentioned something about it.

"I can't believe you guys haven't heard of them" she said, "their a pair of Turbo Duellists who ride around at night challenging Duellists to Turbo Duels and if you beat them you get all their points."

"What's a...Turbo Duel?" Flash asked.

Everyone was quite as they processed the question.

"Seriously Flash" Twilight said, "when you get home you need to do like...an hour of Duel History."

"Just tell me already" Flash said.

"A Turbo Duel is a Duel played on Duel Runners, which are high tech motorbikes with you can attach your Duel Disk into" Rainbow said.

"The rules are basically the same" Applejack said, "except your Duelling at high speed."

"Who comes up with this stuff?" Flash asked.

"I think the idea was first invented when two Duellists were dared to try and Duel on motorcycles." Rarity said. "They found it difficult but enjoyed the feeling so they both built the worlds first Duel Runner."

"Since then Turbo Duelling was really big" Twilight explained, "even Shining Armor is a Turbo Duellist."

"Over the last few years though" Rainbow said, "Turbo Duelling has begun getting phased out as Action Duels started picking up steam."

"But there are still those who enjoy it" Applejack said, "so they still play."

"So these Masked Riders" Flash said, "appear at night and challenge people to Turbo Duels."

"And if you win you get a bunch load of points" Rainbow finished.

"To bad I don't have a Duel Runner" Flash said sitting back with a frown, "I'd love to Duel these guys."

"It would give your points a serious boost" Twilight said as she looked down at his DPM.

Flash Sentry: 1950Ps

"You don't need to have a runner" Rainbow said, "the rumour is you just have to show up and they'll lend you a runner. I did say there were two Duellists, one Duels while the other rides with them and their opponent uses the others Runner."

"So I can Duel them" Flash said getting up with a smile, "then I know where I'm going tonight."

"You can't be serious" Twilight said.

"This might be the best chance I have to seriously up my Duel Points" Flash said.

"And when he loses I can then Duel them" Rainbow said.

The rest of the girls all sighed knowing they wouldn't be talking them out of this. "Fine but we're going to" Twilight said.

"Right" Rainbow said, "then we'll meet tonight at the port near the highway. That's where the Masked Riders are said to show up every night."

"Then that's where we'll be" Flash said with a smile, but before anyone could say anything else the shop door opened revealing Scootaloo, Sweetie Bell and Applebloom running in.

"Flash" she said running to her brother.

"Slow down Scoot" Flash said, "your gonna break something if you run around like that."

"Sorry" Scootaloo said, "but it's important" she reached into her pant pockets and pulled out a brown envelope with his name on it.

Flash recognised the envelope and took it. "Where did you get this?" he asked.

"Well" Scootaloo said


After winning their last Duel the three girls had gone to a nearby Convenience Store for drinks.

When they left the store Scootaloo returned to where she had placed her scooter, only to find the envelope taped to its handles.


"And then I brought it to you" Scootaloo finished.

"So what's inside?" Rainbow asked.

Flash tore open the envelope and just as he had suspected there were Duel Cards inside.

"New cards" Twilight said, as Flash removed them and placed them on the table.

There were new Monster cards and Pendulum cards, Spells and Traps, but the thing that caught their attention were two cards. The first was a monster card with a teen boy on it carrying a giant adjustable spanner, but the card was colourless like Alchemy Dracokid had been when he first got it. It had no name, attribute, level, ATK or DEF points.

The second card was completely blank but the boarder of it was a silvery white, just like a...

"Synchro card" Flash said picking it up.

"What's the point of sending you a blank Synchro card?" Rainbow asked.

"And this card doesn't have a name or points or anything" Twilight said, picking up the other card.

"Trust me" Flash told them, "if previous experience is anything to go by these cards won't stay that way for long."

"What'd you mean?" Twilight asked.

"This isn't the first time I've received blank cards before" Flash explained, "when I first got my deck it had blank cards. But then during my Duel with Garble.


"I...DRAW!" He drew his card and opened his eyes, seeing the glow he looked at the card and saw it was another blank card...but then.

The card's glow intensified and in a single second the card changed. The card was now an actual Duel Monster card, complete with text, numbers and an image. The only difference was the bottom half of the card was now blue like a Spell Card.


"Your saying your Pendulum cards were blank when you first got them?" Applejack asked, an eyebrow raised.

"And it wasn't the last time," Flash said. "My Fusion cards were blank when I first got them," he looked at Scootaloo, "you were there."

"I remember" Scootaloo said, "but I never saw them change."

"I'm telling you it's true" Flash said, trying to get them to believe him.

"Nice try there Flash" Twilight said, "but cards are just paper and ink. They can't transform."

Flash growled and took the cards off the table and walked to the door. "I gotta go prepare for tonight," and he was gone.

"Do you guy think..." Fluttershy said, "that maybe he wasn't kidding about all that."

"He can't have been" Twilight said, but looked the door confused. "Could he?"

Later that night Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Applebloom arrived at the harbour, where everyone had agreed to gather.

"Guys" they turned to see Pinkie Pie hanging out from between two large buildings, "over here."

The four teen girls rushed over to her and found the rest of their friends, minus Flash and Twilight, waiting for them.

"What took you so long?" Rarity asked them.

"It was a lot trickier to sneak out our houses then we thought" Rainbow told her.

"Whatever" Rarity said, "You took so long that you might not have enough time to change."

"Change into what?" Applejack asked, but regretted it when Rarity pulled out a light leather suit and helmet.

"TA-DAR" she screamed, "made them earlier."

"Awesome" Rainbow said taking the suit and looking it over.

"I figured since you and Flash were Turbo Duelling, why not make the appropriate outfits."

"Where is Flash?" Applebloom asked, "and where's Twilight?"

"In here" Twilight's voice came out from inside one of the two buildings.

"Their changing" Rarity explained.

"But Twilight isn't Duelling" Rainbow Dash said.

"I know" Rarity said, "but when your on a roll you just gotta keep going."

"Okay I'm ready" Twilight said.

"Same here" Flash's voice came from the other building.

"Well let's have a look" Rarity said, shaking with excitement.

The two doors opened up and the two stepped out, making everyone gasp.

Flash was wearing a full body leather suit that was a dark blue in colour with orange trim and black gloves and boots. His crest was sowed onto his left chest peck. In his hands was a blue helmet with an orange visor.

Twilight's was the same as his, only more feminine and was purple in colour with lighter purple for her gloves and boots. Her crest was on her left breast.

"Wow" they all said looking them over.

"How do we look?" Flash asked trying to look himself over.

"Before anyone answers" Rarity said, as she moved up to them and placed their helmets on their heads. Once they were properly fitted, she pressed a button on the side of them and something slotted out of them covering their mouths and connecting to their visors. "Now give your answers."

"They look awesome" Scootaloo said.

"If I didn't know it was them under those helmets," Fluttershy said, "I'd wonder who they were."

"Yeap" Applejack said.

"I need to try mine on" Rainbow said.

At that moment the sound of an engine caught their ear.

"This must be them" Rarity said, as she grabbed everyone and pulled them into the building.

"Wait" Rainbow said, "I need to get changed."

"To late" Applejack said, pushing her inside.

"Hang on" Twilight said trying to remove the helmet, "I think my helmet's stuck."

"Their here" Flash said.

"You'll just have to go with it" Rarity said, slamming the door shut.

"No wait" Twilight said.

"To late" Flash said, "just try and look cool until we leave."

The engine noise got louder as the two Runners drew closer, until they reached them and came to a skidding stop. Their Helmets saved them from getting a face full dust, but they still had trouble seeing until the cloud faded.

"Are you two our next challengers," the male in white asked as they got off their Runners.

"I'm your challenger" Flash said, his own voice being muffled by the helmet.

"What about her" the female asked, pointing at Twilight.

"I'm...huh" Twilight wasn't sure what to say.

"Oh I get it" she said, "to afraid. Duellists these days a pathetic."

"I'm not scared" Twilight said, "I'm just here to support my friends."

"Because your to afraid to Duel yourself" she finished.

Twilight began shaking in frustration.

"She could Duel circles around you" Flash told them.

"Alright then" the man said, "let's prove it. Two on two."

"You mean a tag Duel?" Twilight asked.

"Not exactly" he replied, "a team Duel." He pointed at Flash "me and him will be in charge during our own turns, while you and her are in charge during the opponent's turn."

"I've never heard of that kind of Duel before" Flash said.

"Me neither" Twilight said, "but I say we do it."

"You sure?" he asked.

"Let's show them," she said.

"Okay" he turned to them, "we're in."

"Then let's do this," the female said, before the Masked Riders got on the white bike. "You can use mine during the Duel," she said attaching her Duel Disk.

"Er...okay" Flash said, as he and Twilight moved over to the pink bike. "I'm not comfortable with this."

Twilight sighed and moved over to it and started typing something into the Duel Runners computer, before it suddenly flashed as the paint job changed from bright pink to dark blue with orange trim.

"Wow" Flash said looking over it.

"Body Work Control System" Twilight said.

"Cool" he said as he sat on it and attached his Duel Disk into the slot, as Twilight sat behind him and attached her Duel Disk.

"You ready?" the male Rider asked, revving his Runner.

"Let's do this" Flash replied, doing the same.

He nodded and held up a metal pipe, "then we'll start once this hits the ground. The first one to get on the highway will take the first move."

"Right" Flash said.

With that he threw it into the air, as they prepared to go. Finally the pipe landed and they shot off, racing down the street.

Up on the roof the others were watching from a laptop Twilight had linked to the security cameras, set to follow Flash's Duel Disk.

"You think they'll be alright?" Applebloom asked.

"Not sure" her sister replied, "Flash has never ridden a Duel Runner before."

"We'll just have to have faith" Rarity said,

The two were getting close to the entrance to the highway and the Masked Riders currently had the lead.

"Can't you go faster?" Twilight asked.

"I've never ridden one of these remember," Flash said.

Finally they reached it and the Masked Riders would be taking the first turn.


Masked Riders: 4000
Flashlight: 4000

Suddenly the Duel Runner seemed to come to life as a robotic voice spoke. "Duel Mode engaged, Autopilot online."

"Autopilot" Flash said, before sighing in relieve. Duelling would have been impossible if he had to focus on staying up right.

"I'll take the first move" the male said, drawing. "Since neither of us have any monsters on the field, I can Special Summon this guy straight to the field." In a flash of light a man appeared wearing white armour over a dark blur body suit, carrying a long sword in his hand. (A1500/D1200/L4)

"Royal Sword Paladin" Twilight said.

"You know that card?" Flash asked.

"I'm familiar with it" she said looking worried.

"Next I summon Royal Paladin Squire" a boy appeared on the field, wearing a similar but simpler armouring to Royal Sword Paladin. (A900/D1100/L3)

"That's a Tuner monster" Twilight said.

"What?" Flash said back.

"That's right" the Masked Rider said, "now watch as I tune Level four Royal Sword Paladin with Level three Royal Paladin Squire." The boy glowed and transformed into three lights, which craved a trio of circles that Royal Sword Paladin flew into. "I call on the power of the proud white wings of fate," the monsters vanished in an explosion of light. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing a new monster. It was a knight wearing silver armour, carrying a long silver lance riding atop a white armoured pegasus. "Royal Paladin Commander." (A2500/D2100/L7)

"No way" Flash said. He had Synchro Summoned on his first turn.

"I set three cards face down and end my turn," the Rider said turning to his female partner. "Sure you can deal with this part?"

"Of course" she replied, "just focus on the next turn."

"It's my draw" Flash said, drawing and looking through his cards. "Time to take theses new cards out for a test ride," he removed two cards from his wrist mounted card holder. "I'm setting Scale three Alchemy Dracokid and Scale eight Magna Caster Estella into the Pendulum Scale," the pillars of light appeared besides their Duel Runner as Alchemy Dracokid rose up alongside a new wizard. She looked like Lunara, only her clothes were orange in place of silver and her staff had a star in place of a moon. "Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory" he chanted as the portal above him formed. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and four lights shot out

The first was a man in yellow shinning armour and orange cape. "To arms Flash Knight." (A1800/D600/L4/P7)

The second was a silver lizard with a cream under belly and lower jaw, with a pair of large crystal horns on its head. "Dazzle them, Mirage Gleam Dragon." (A1600/D1200/L4)

"Invoke your moonlight magic, Magna Caster Lunara." (A2400/D1200/L6/P1)

"Shine your light of victory, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"Those cards" the female rider said.

"Flash Heart's skill" Flash said, "since he was Pendulum Summoned your weakest monster is getting sent to the bottom of your deck."

"I don't think so" she said, as one of their face downs flipped up "because I activate Paladin's Decree. This Trap makes our Light Attributed Warrior monsters immune to the effects of Spell, Traps and Monster Effects for this turn."

Flash growled, "fine then I activate the effect of Mirage Gleam Dragon." His dragons scales and horns began to glow, blocking people from seeing it. "Now my dragon can cast an illusion to transform itself into any other monster on the field, and I chose Flash Heart Dragon." The light faded revealing an exact duplicate of Flash's signature monster, though it's ATK, DEF and Level remained the same. "Meet Flash Heart Mirage Dragon."

"Two Flash Heart Dragons" the female rider said in shock.

"It's nothing we can't handle," the male said.

"Then can you handle this?" Flash asked, as Alchemy Dracokid uncorked its beaker. "I'm using Alchemy Dracokid's Pendulum Ability to fuse Flash Heart Mirage Dragon and Magna Caster Lunara." His two monsters were consumed by the smoke and pulled into the beaker. "Now watch as I fuse the unequalled might of a Dragon, with the mystic properties of a Spellcaster" the smoke flew out of the beaker. "I FUSION SUMMON!"

The smoke cleared revealing one of Flash's Fusion Monsters. "Spectral Nova Dragon." (A3000/D2000/L8)

"He Fusion Summoned" the male said.

"Like you said" the female replied, "nothing we can't handle."

"Now I activate Lunara's Special Ability," Flash continued. "When she's tributed through the effect of a Spell card and all the condition can be met, I can activate the Spells effects again."

"So your using Alchemy Dracokid's ability again?" Twilight asked.

"That's right" Flash said, as his Pendulum Monster repeated the process and uncorked the beaker, releasing the smoke consuming Flash Heart Dragon and Flash Knight. "Now watch as I fuse the unequalled might of a Dragon with the unshakeable courage of a Warrior," the smoke shot out of the beaker. "I FUSION SUMMON!"

The smoke cleared revealing Flash's other Fusion Monster. "Spectral Sabre Dragon." (A3000/D2000/L8)

Up on the building the gang cheered seeing what Flash had pulled off.

"A double Fusion" Pinkie cheered.

"Against that the Masked Riders won't stand a chance," Scootaloo said.

"Don't be so sure" Rainbow told the kid. "Don't forget the two face down's they have on the field.

"Impressive" the male Rider said.

"I attack Royal Paladin Commander with Spectral Sabre Dragon," Flash ordered his monster. If this worked then he could deal Effect Damage with Sabre Dragon's ability and then finish the Riders off with Nova Dragon.

"I activate a Trap card," the female said.

"Don't bother" Flash told her, "on the turn their Fusion Summoned both my dragon's are immune to card effects."

"But our monster isn't" she said, as their face down flipped up. "Paladin's Shield is an Equip Trap that makes our monster indestructible."

A giant shield replaced the Commander's lance, as he held it up and blocked the dragons Twin Sword Cleave attack.

Masked Riders: 3500
Flashlight: 4000

"Then I attack with Spectral Nova Dragon" Flash said, as his dragon charged up its cannons. "When he attacks I can draw a card and depending on what it is, I can activate a different ability." He drew and smiled, "I drew Lightspeed, a spell card meaning I can destroy on card in your Spell and Trap zone. Say goodbye to Paladin's Shield." A lazor shot out of the dragon's cannons, hitting the shield and destroying it. "Now go, attack with Mystery Flare Cannon" the dragon fired its blast, which struck Royal Paladin Commander destroying him.

Masked Riders: 3000
Flashlight: 4000

"I activate the Trap Paladin's Banner" the female rider said, as their last face down flipped up. "This trap allows us to revive a Royal Paladin from our graveyard, though it's ATK and DEF points will be zeroed out." Royal Paladin Commander reappeared on the field. (A0/D0/L7)

"Man these guys are good" Flash said.

"No" Twilight told him, "their better."

"What do you mean?" Flash asked, looking back and seeing Twilight had a weird look on her face. "What's wrong?"

"Those strategies, those monsters. There's no doubt."

"Twilight" Flash said, "do you know who these guys are?"

Twilight nodded and turned to the computer, which she switched to a visual of the Masked Riders. "That's is you isn't it...brother?"

The Masked Riders said nothing for a second, until he finally chuckled and then took his Runner out of autopilot and brought it to a stop. Flash managed to do the same, though not so gracefully. Once the had stopped the Riders went to their helmets and removed them, showing them to be...

"CADENCE AND SHINING ARMOR" the gang screamed seeing the two on the laptop.

"What the?" Flash said.

"What gave us away?" Twilight's older brother asked.

"After all the times we've Duelled, do you think I wouldn't recognise you?" Twilight asked back.

"Busted" Cadence said.

"Can someone tell me what the heck is going on?" Flash asked.

"Simple really" Cadence said, "we got bored so we entered the tournament."

"And the Masked Riders get up?" Twilight asked.

"Well since I've already won this tournament before, me entering again would give the press a field day. So we hid our identities."

"Plus it was more fun this way" Cadence said, "didn't think we'd be Duelling you two though."

"Flash wanted to Duel" Twilight said, "I was just trying on the suit Rarity made me and my helmet got stuck." with one good tug she finally freed herself from her helmet.

"Well what are you gonna do?" Shining Armor asked, turning to Flash. "You said you wanted to Duel me when you thought we were on equal ground, so is that now?"

Flash wasn't sure how to respond, but he looked back at Twilight who looked worried but driven. He could tell she wanted to keep Duelling. "Okay" Flash said, "let's do this."

"Now that's what I like to hear" Shining Armor said, as he and Cadence replaced their helmets and restarted their Duel Runner. When Twilight got hers back on Flash restarted the Runner, which went back into autopilot and the Duel was back on. "Now since your out of attacks I'm guessing your ending your turn, so I'll draw" Shining said doing so. "I summon the Tuner Monster Royal Paladin Flag Bearer," a boy appeared wearing Royal Paladin Squire's armour and carrying a flag with Shining Armor's crest on it. (A1200/D700/L3)

"Another Tuner Monster" Flash asked, why would he need that?

"If he's summoning that" Twilight said in fear, "then that means he's gonna use that card."

"Now" Shining said, "I tune Level three Royal Paladin Flag Bearer with Level seven Royal Paladin Commander." Flag Bearer transformed into the lights, which carved the three circles which Commander flew into. "Enter the fray, kneel before your king" the monster disappeared in an explosion of light. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing Shining Armor's new monster. It was a man in armour similar to Royal Sword Paladin's, only bulkier and more grand. He carried a giant long sword and rode upon a large blue steed. "Royal Paladin Grand Emperor." (A3500/D2500/L10)

Flash and Twilight were in awe at the sight before them. That was the most powerful monster either of them had ever seen, and if they wanted to win they'd need to defeat it somehow.

"So tell me Flash" Shining Armor said, "how do you think our skill levels compare now?"

Author's Notes:

How's that for a chapter?

Just note Shining Armor's Duel Runner is the same model as Kalin's form 5Ds only white, while Flash's Runner is the Alpha Frame from Stardust Accelerator 2009.

Turn 30, Accel

Flash and Twilight were currently Turbo Duelling against the mysterious Masked Riders. Twilight had revealed that the Riders were none other then her older brother Shining Armor and his wife Cadence, who had joined the Celestic Cup under the Masked Riders guise. Now Shining Armor had Synchro Summoned his most power monster, Royal Paladin Grand Emperor, which was the strongest monster either of them had ever seen.

"Since I Synchro Summoned Grand Emperor using Royal Paladin Flag Bearer," Shining said, "Flag Bearer's ability grants my monster a new ability. Now he's immune to the effects of all your Spells, Traps and Monsters."

"So none of my cards can do anything to him?" Flash asked.

"That's right" Shining said, "plus Grand Emperor has his own ability. Since I have two Tuner monsters in my graveyard, that's the number of attacks he can wage during each Battle Phase."

"You gotta be kidding me" Flash said.

"I'm afraid not" Twilight told him.

"Royal Paladin Grand Emperor" Shining said, "attack Spectral Nova Dragon." The king's horse neighed as they galloped towards the Fusion Monster, before he slashed through it destroying the dragon.

Masked Riders: 3000
Flashlight: 3500

"Now for his second attack" Shining said, "destroy Spectral Sabre Dragon." Once again the Synchro monster rode its horse towards the Fusion Monster and though it tried to block the attack with its own swords, Grand Emperor broke through and destroyed him.

Masked Riders: 3000
Flashlight: 3000

Flash's Duel Runner began to wobble as the force of the attack pushed them back.

"This is bad" Spike said watching the Duel with the others on the rooftop.

"Flash has got skill sure" Rainbow said, "but he's facing a Pro-Duellist and his best monster."

"But Twilight's with him" Sweetie Bell said, "she must have a way to beat him."

"Don't hold your breath" Spike said, "Twilight's never beaten Shining before."

"She's gotten close right?" Applejack asked.

"The best she's gotten is getting his life points below two thousand" Spike said.

"He's really that good?" Fluttershy asked.

"He didn't win the Celestic Cup for nothing" Rainbow said.

"Come on Flash" Scootaloo prayed to her brother.

As Flash regained control of the Runner, he looked up at the Synchro Monster then turned back to Twilight. "So you've seen this card before right? What's the low down on it? Significantly its weaknesses."

"I'm not sure it even has a weakness" Twilight replied. "As far as I know no ones beaten that card before."

"No one?" Flash asked.

"This is the card that won Shining the Celestic Cup when he competed," Twilight explained.

"That doesn't mean its unbeatable" Flash told her.

"But he's already destroyed your best cards," she reminded him.

"Happened before" he shot back.

"Plus his monster is immune to your card effects."

"Again, happened before."

"Then you'd better find a way to beat it and fast" Twilight told him, "once my brother takes a lead he doesn't give it up easily."

"Just watch" Flash told her. "It's my turn, I draw and with that I'll use my Pendulum Cards to carve the arc of victory." His monster shot the beam into the air, and caused the portal to form above them. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and thee lights shot out and hit the road.

"To arms, Flash Knight." (A1800/D600/L4/P7)

"Invoke your moonlight magic, Magna Caster Lunara." (A2400/D1200/L6/P1)

"Shine your light of victory once again, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"Playing defensive huh?" Shining asked seeing the three monsters take up DEF mode.

"Next I activate the Spell card Starburst Loading," Flash said, "by banishing a monster in my graveyard I can draw three cards. I banish Mirage Gleam Dragon to draw four cards," he said doing so. "Finally I lay down three cards and end my turn."

Twilight looked down at the Duel Disk as it displayed the cards Flash had laid down, showing their names and effects. A plan formed in her head using what she knew about Shining's strategies.

"Looks like your sister is trying to predict your next turn honey" Cadence said, as she looked back at the teens racing behind them.

"Maybe" Shining said, "but I doubt she'll be able to hold up against our team work."

Flash felt Twilight clutch him harder as she looked down. "Don't listen to them" he told her, "you might not have stood a chance when you were younger but things are different now. Your a great Duellist who's beaten tons of strong opponents before, so don't lose faith."

"I don't doubt that she's a strong Duellist" Shining said, "but the fact is against me and Cadence you two just out of your league teamwork wise."

"Maybe" Flash said, "but Twilight knows my deck better then anyone else. So if anyone can use it to beat you it's her."

"Flash" Twilight let out in barely a whisper.

"I trust you Twilight" he said back. "I know Duelling your brother wasn't something you expected to do, but we can do it."

Twilight wasn't sure why, but him saying that filled her with confidence. She nodded and looked back at her brother and sister-in-law, "bring it!"

"Oh it's on" Shining said. "It's my turn, I draw. I summon Royal Spear Paladin in ATK mode," A monster similar to Royal Sword Paladin appeared carrying a spear in place of a sword. (A1900/D100/L4) "Now I attack with your Flash Knight with Royal Spear Paladin," the two knights faced each other as Spear Paladin charged at him and they began sparing until Royal Spear Paladin managed to get passed his sword and impale him with his weapon, destroying him.

As Flash Knight was destroyed his sword flew into the air and struck Flash making him almost lose control of his Runner

Masked Riders: 3000
Flashlight: 2400

"Why'd we take damage?" Flash asked as he centred the bike.

"Royal Sword Paladin's ability activates when it destroys a monster in DEF mode," Shining explained. "It deals you damage equal to your monster's DEF points, but my monster switches to DEF mode after." As he said his Paladin kneeled down into DEF mode.

"Right" Flash said.

"Well we're activating two of our face downs" Twilight explained as their cards flipped up, "Starburst Draw and Code Change. First Code Change will change Starburst Draw's text to say two thousand in place of fifteen hundred, meaning Flash Knight now fits the bill for Starburst Draw. So now we can draw four cards," Flash did so.

"Fine" Shining said, "then my Grand Emperor will attack Lunara." The Synchro Monster Galloped towards the Pendulum Monster and slashed through her, destroying her. "I end my turn."

"Why' didn't he attack Flash Heart?" Scootaloo asked.

"He's taking Flash Heart Dragon's ability into account" Rarity told her, "when he's Special Summoned he can send a card to the bottom of the deck. But if he keeps him on the field his monsters are safe from the effect."

"But I though Grand Emperor was immune to card effects?" Sweetie Bell asked her sister.

"Maybe" Applejack said, "but Spear Paladin isn't."

Rarity nodded. "Unless Flash destroys Spear Paladin, it'll keep dealing damage to Flash when it destroys a DEF monster."

"But to destroy it he'd need to attack" Fluttershy said.

"Which means he needs a monster in ATK mode" Rainbow said, "giving Shining a target to deal Damage to Flash."

"No wonder he's a pro" Scootaloo said, "he's thinking three steps ahead."

"And Flash is gonna need ta think even further ahead," Applejack told her, "If he wants to stand a chance."

"It's my draw" Flash said. "And once again my Pendulum cards will cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," the portal formed once again. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and three beams of light shot out.

"Target sighted, Magna Fighter Radium." (A1600/D1400/L4)

"To arms, Flash Knight." (A1800/D600/L4/P7)

"Invoke your moonlight magic, Magna Caster Lunara." (A2400/D1200/L6/P1)

"Still defending huh?" Shining asked, seeing Flash's monsters were all in DEF mode again.

"Maybe they are" Flash said, "but Flash Heart won't be." Flash Heart Dragon stood up into ATK mode, shocking everyone.

"What's he planning?" Cadance asked.

"I'm using the ability of Magna Fighter Radium" Flash said, "by tributing her I can grant a monster on my field Piercing Damage." Radium jumped onto Flash Heart's shoulder and took aim at Royal Spear Paladin, before whispering into Flash Heart's ear.

"Royal Spear Paladin only has a hundred DEF points," Scootaloo cheered, "so Shining Armor's gonna take twenty four hundred points of damage."

"Go Flash" Rainbow cheered.

"Flash Heart Dragon attack" Flash ordered, as his dragon's boosters came to life and propelled it towards the spear wielding knight.

"We activate the effect of Royal Shield Paladin" Cadance said, as Shining discarded the last card from his hand. "By discarding it to the graveyard, Royal Shield Paladin negates the attack of one of your monsters."

Another Royal Paladin, carrying a large rectangular shield, appeared between Royal Spear Paladin and Flash Heart Dragon and held up its shield. Flash Heart's fist struck the shield and destroyed him, but left Royal Spear Paladin unharmed.

Flash growled, looking down at his face down, Lightspeed, which he had planned to activate to up Flash Heart's ATK but Cadance had acted before he could. Maybe they had been right, their teamwork felt like to much for the him and Twilight.

"Don't lose faith" Twilight's voice reached his ears, making him turn to her. "You trust me don't you?" she asked.

"Of course" he replied.

"Well I trust you" she said back. "We can win this, but only if we don't lose hope. Remember what you said, that no monster is without weakness so let's find his."

Flash smiled and looked back to the road. "I set one card face down and end my turn."

Twilight checked her Duel Disk to see he had set Defence Draw, explaining why he'd taken the risk of using Flash Heart to attack.

"It's my turn" Shining said, "I draw and activate the Spell Paladin's Mage. With this you have to select a face up Spell card on your field and destroy it," he explained with a smile.

Twilight looked up at the Pendulum cards, their only face ups, and knew she had to pick one.

"It's your choice" Flash said, "I trust you."

Twilight nodded and went over their options, until finally she said. "Alchemy Dracokid."

From out of nowhere came a man dressed in white and blue wizard clothing, who waved his staff at the chosen Pendulum Monster and in a puff of smoke the little dragon was destroyed.

"Another effect of my Spell card lets me add a Spell card to my hand," Shining said as his deck slotted out a card. "Next I'll activate that Spell card Paladin's Provisions, which lets me banish up to five Royal Paladin's from my graveyard, though I'll only remove three." As he removed the three cards from his graveyard, the spiritual forms of Royal Sword Paladin, Royal Shield Paladin and Royal Paladin Commander appeared on the field before exploding. "Now for each one of them, I can add a Spell or Trap from my deck to my hand."

"So he's getting three cards" Flash realised.

"Correct" Shining said, as three cards slotted out of his deck. "And now I equip Royal Paladin Grand Emperor with Paladin's Lance," the king's sword transformed into a large lance with a drill like design. "As long as he's equipped with Paladin's Lance, my Grand Emperor can inflict Piercing Damage."

"You gotta be kidding me?" Flash asked.

"I'm afraid not" Twilight said.

"Now I'll active my Quick Play Spell, called Spell Stunner. Now you can't activate Spell cards for this turn."

"That means my Lightspeed is useless" Flash said.

"That's right and by discarding the top three cards of my deck I can reset my Spell card to use during your turn." Shining and Cadance looked back at them and smiled. They intended to end it here. "I switch Royal Spear Paladin to ATK mode and then have Grand Emperor attack Flash Heart."

The Synchro Monster charged at the dragon and aimed its new weapon at it.

"Twilight?" Flash asked nervously.

"Not yet" Twilight told him. In that second Flash Heart was destroyed, with such incredible power that once again Flash almost lost control of the bike.

Masked Riders: 3000
Flashlight: 1400

"Now Royal Spear Paladin attack Lunara," Shining ordered as his knight threw his spear at the female magician destroying her. Her staff flew through the air and struck Flash and Twilight.

Masked Riders: 3000
Flashlight: 200

"And now Grand Emperor finish them," the king charged at Flash Knight, "destroy Flash Knight and end this Duel."

"I don't think so," Twilight called out, as their Trap flipped up, "because we're activating Defence Draw. Not only does this card protect our life points but it also lets us draw a card." Despite Flash Knight getting destroyed, the teens life points remained unchanged.

"Lucky move" Shining said.

"It wasn't luck" Twilight replied to him, "I knew you'd try and go for the kill here so I saved the Trap for when you would target Flash Knight and try and deal the most damage."

"She got you there" Cadance told her husband.

"Well I set one card face down and end my turn," Shining said.

"That was a close one" Rainbow said, with a sigh of relieve.

"Good thing Twilight knew ta save that Trap for the right time," Applejack agreed.

"Yeah" Scootaloo said, "my brother would have probably used it to defend against the attack on Flash Heart."

"Alone they might not have had a chance," Rarity agreed, "but together they just might be able to pull this off."

"That all depends on Flash" Fluttershy said.

"Twilight got him another turn," Rainbow said nodding, "but unless he does something with it they won't be getting another."

"He can do it" Scootaloo told her.

"Great work Twilight" Flash said, smiling back at her.

"Thanks" she replied, "but we're not out of the woods yet. That face down's no doubt a Trap to negate any attack we try," Twilight told Flash.

"Then we need to find a way to neutralise it" he said.

"How?" she asked. "You could try and draw Lumino Jaw Dragon but I'm not sure what else we can try."

"There's gotta be something" Flash said, but in that moment he felt something. It was coming from his Extra Deck and felt...familiar. "Flash Heart?"

"What's up?" Twilight asked in concern.

"It felt like Flash Heart Dragon was...speaking to me."


"It sound nuts I know but..."

"If it spoke to you, what did it say?"

Flash wasn't sure, it just felt like Flash Heart wanted him to do something. His eye then drifted to his deck and suddenly he felt it again, and knew then that he had to draw to understand. Drawing his card he and Twilight's eyes went wide seeing the colourless card he had gotten that morning.

"What's that card doing in your deck?" Twilight asked, "why would you-" but her question got caught in her throat when her eyes noticed a weird glow. The card Flash had just drawn was now glowing, and each second it grew stronger. "What's going on?" Twilight asked, but she received no answer as in that second the glow turned into a brilliant burst of light which forced the two to slam their eyes shut.

As soon as it appeared it was gone and the two opened their eyes, only to find they were no longer on their Duel Runner on the highway. Now they found themselves floating above an ancient ruin with crumpling statues and overgrown plant life.

"This place again" Flash said looking around.

"You know where we are?" Twilight asked him.

"Not really" he replied, "but I've been here before. When I first used my Fusion cards something similar happened."

Before either of them could say anything else, a figure's arrival caught their attention. Flash Heart Dragon flew into the ruins and stood in its centre, before kneeling down infront of one of the large statues. Two other figures then arrived and stood on either side of the statue. The one on the right was Magna Caster Estella and on the left was the boy on the blank card, now showing to have purple hair and wore a black tank top and grey shots. The adjustable spanner he carried was now bronze in colour.

"What's going on?" Twilight asked, but before Flash could even guess a voice from no where spoke.

"Your future path lays before you," it spoke, "the time has come to accel passed your limits." In that second both Estella and the boy lifted up their staff and spanner and from them came a great light, so bright the two were forced to shield their eyes. Flash tried to look but all he could see was Flash Heart being enveloped by the light, before he was forced to close his eyes.

Once again the light faded and the two opened eyes to find themselves back on the highway on their Duel Runner.

"You two okay?" Cadance called back.

"You spaced out for a second" Shining agreed.

"What did we just see?" Twilight asked.

Before Flash answered their eyes caught sight of the blank card from before, which was still glowing before the glow exploded off the card revealing a new Pendulum Card in its place.

"The card...changed" Twilight couldn't believe it, but Flash could.

"This is it" he said, "our path to victory has just been shown to us."

Everyone wondered what he meant by that, until they watched what he did next.

"Here goes. I'm resetting the Pendulum Scale using Scale three Magna Mechanic Kuda," the new Pendulum Monster flew into the right pillar as a three appeared below him. "With these cards I can cut through space time and carve the arc of victory one last time," Flash chanted as the portal formed above them. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and two beams of light shot out.

"To arms, Flash Knight." (A1800/D600/L4/P7)

"Shine your light of victory once again, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"With the skill of Flash Heart, Spear Paladin is sent to the bottom of the deck." A wormhole opened up and swallowed the knight.

"What's he planning?" Shining asked looking at the ATK position monsters he had summoned.

"Now I activate the Pendulum Ability of Magna Caster Estella," Flash said as his magician waved her wand. "Once per turn she can either increase or decrease the level of a monster on my field by a maximum of three, so I'm dropping Flash Knight all the way down to level one." From the star on her wand came a beam of light, which struck Flash Knight. (A1800/D600/L1/P7)

"What's the point of that?" Cadance asked in confusion.

"The point," Flash said with a smile, "is that Magna Mechanic Kuda's Pendulum Ability only effects monsters that are level three or below. An ability that changes them into a Tuner Monster."

"WHAT?" Shining, Cadance, Twilight and their friends all yelled.

Kuda pointed his spanner at Flash Knight and from it came another beam of light that also struck him.

"I can't believe Flash has a Tuner Monster" Applejack said in amazement.

"He might have a Tuner," Rarity said, "but without a Synchro Monster it's useless."

"But he does have a Synchro Monster" Fluttershy said.

"You mean that blank card he got?" Rainbow asked, "how can he use that to Synchro Summon."

"Unless he wasn't making it up" Pinkie said, "maybe it will change."

"But that's impossible" Rarity said.

"Let's find out" Applejack said.

"And now," Flash said, "I'm tuning Level one Flash Knight with Level seven Flash Heart Dragon." Flash Knight glowed before transforming into a ball of light, which flew high up into the sky before carving a single ring that Flash Heart flew into. "Awaken the power sleeping within us all and allow your light to shine brighter then ever." Flash's Extra Deck opened as he pulled out the blank Synchro card which was now glowing, as Flash Heart was consumed by a burst of light. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light began to take shape before it exploded revealing Flash's new monster. It was Flash Heart, only he was...evolved. He looked more dragonic then before, with a lizard shaped head and body. His hands and feet became longer and sharper like claws and his booster wings disappeared and were replaced with glider shaped dragon wings. On his shoulders and hips were square engine like devices and his scarf changed and folded around his body to become more like a poncho/cape covering his neck, shoulders and flowing down his back.

"Flash Dragon...ACCEL." (A3000/D2500/L8)

Everyone was in awe at the sight before them.

"Is that Flash Heart?" Fluttershy asked in amazement.

Rainbow slowly nodded, not looking away from the screen, "it is. But he's...evolved."

"Incredible" Rarity said,

"That's a new one" Cadance said.

"Maybe" Shining said, "but it's no match for Grand Emperor."

"He will be" Flash said, "once I activate the Spell card Lightspeed."

"To bad our Spell Stunner will put a stop to that" Cadance said, but as she pressed their face down on her Duel Disk the device let out a error message. "What's going on? why won't it activate?"

"Oh" Flash said, "did I forget to mention that when Flash Dragon Accel is Synchro Summoned, you can't activate Spells or Traps for the rest of the turn."

"That's not good" Cadance said.

"So not only is Spell Stunner neutralised," Twilight finally spoke up, "but also their Trap."

"That's right," Flash said, "and now Lightspeed will activate and raise my Light Attributed monster's ATK by one thousand." Flash Dragon Accel glowed as the Spell increased his power. (A4000/D2500/L8)

"Now Flash's monster is stronger then Grand Emperor," Scootaloo cheered.

"Let's do this Flash Dragon Accel," Flash ordered as his Synchro Monster flew up. Once he was high enough the dragon took aim at the king as the top of the engine devices on its shoulders and hips opened up revealing a quartet of lazor cannons which folded out and began charging. "Rip through space time and blast them to the far side of destiny. Supreme Energy Blast." The four cannons fired, launching a quartet of energy beams which combined into a single shot which struck Grand Emperor, destroying it.

Masked Riders: 2500
Flashlight: 200

"Flash actually defeated Grand Emperor" Spike said in disbelieve, along with the others.

Twilight was in shock over what see had just seen, but smiled all the same.

"I don't believe it" Cadance said, unable to believe that someone had actually defeated Shining's best card.

"Relax" her husband told her, "next turn we'll work to revive him."

"Your not getting another turn," they heard Flash say as Accel began to glow. "I'm activating Flash Dragon Accel's Special Ability. After his attack I can then tribute him and summon a copy of Flash Heart Dragon from my Extra Deck." The glow spread to Accel's entire body and in a great flash it was gone and Flash Heart appeared in its place. (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"No way" Shining said in disbelieve.

"Sure this effect neutralises Flash Heart's ability," Flash said with a cocky grin, "but with your field empty and it still being my Battle Phase, I'd say it's a good trade."

"Flash Heart can attack us directly" Shining realised.

"And Accel's ability is still preventing us from using our face downs," Cadance said as she looked back at her husband. "What do we do?"

Shining looked over their options and with one quick flick of the wrist he spun his Runner around, so it was running backwards and they were facing Flash, Twilight and Flash Heart. "We take the attack like true Duellists," his eyes locked with Flash's as he smirked. "BRING IT!"

Flash nodded and a looked back at Twilight. "Care to do the honours?"

Twilight smiled back, "let's do it together."

They both looked back and then up at the Pendulum Monster. "FLASH HEART DRAGON, ATTACK THE MASKED RIDERS DIRECTLY!"

Flash Heart's boosters came to life and rocketed the dragon forwards towards Cadance and Shining, before he spun around and swiped his tail around to strike them.

Masked Riders: 0
Flashlight: 200 (Winner)

The Masked Rider's Duel Runner was forced to shut down, as they came to a undignified stop while Flash managed to stop theirs fine.

As everyone took what had just happened to heart they stayed quiet until finally Twilight said.

"We did it" she got off the bike and looked over at her brother and sister-in-law, "we beat Shining Armor."

"Yeah" Flash said getting off the bike, "we did." They both looked over each other and despite their helmets, they knew the other was smiling.

"WE DID IT!" Twilight threw her arms around him as they hugged in celebration.

"You sure did" they saw Shining and Cadance get off their Runner, helmets off, and smiling at the two.

The four of them returned to the port where they met up with their friends.

"I can't believe you beat Shining Armor" Scootaloo cheered for her brother.

"I only pulled it off because Twilight was able to keep me in the game."

"But you still managed to defeat us" Shining said, as he and Cadance held up a white and pink DPM, "so this is yours."

Flash and Twilight's DPMs beeped and they looked up to see their new totals.

Flash Sentry: 3200Ps

Twilight Sparkle: 3050Ps

"That's over three thousand points" Flash said in amazement.

"Your really giving us that many points?" Twilight asked.

"You earned them" Cadance said as the two placed their helmets on and got on Shining's Duel Runner.

"Hey" Flash said, pointing at Cadance's Runner, "what about this?"

"Keep it" Cadance said, "I got two others back home." And with that they shot off down the street and into the night.

With them gone everyone looked over at Flash's new Runner and suddenly the three youngest teens cried.

"AWESOME!" They moved over to look it over.

"I wanna give it a try" Sweetie Bell said.

"No way" Applebloom said, "I'm going first."

"It's my brother's" Scootaloo said, "I should get first go."

"No one's getting a go" Flash said, "I can barely drive this thing right now. No rides until I can actually ride it safely."

The girls all moaned but agreed, as Flash got on his new Runner and started messing with it to see how everything worked.

One by one the gang gathered around, until only Twilight remained. "You okay Sugarcube?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah" Twilight said, but she wasn't so sure. What had happened back in the Duel was still troubling her. How had she and Flash seen all that? And how had his cards actually changed like they had?

Twilight knew there was more to this then any of them realised, and she wanted to know what.

Author's Notes:

Man that was fun to write, I couldn't stop myself from typing. Now I'm exhausted.

I hope you enjoyed Flash's Synchro Summon. He'll get more soon.

Turn 31, Survival Duel

"I'm HERE" a loud voice yelled once it's owner stepped onto the floor of Canterlot Airport. The one who yelled it was a man in his early twenties. He had light brown skin, light blue hair and wore a white shirt, denim jeans and a dark blue scarf around his neck.

Tidal Wave spun around, arms out wide, as he surveyed the airport. "Aw America, it's so bonito to be back." His head turned from one side to the other as the sights and sounds surrounded him. Suddenly he felt a presence behind, making him spin around and gasped at who he saw. "Your..."

Meanwhile on the other side of the city Miss Twilight Sparkle was running at full speed towards the Duel Stadium, where the Shooting Star Micro Tournament had been held. "Hurry up Spike," she yelled to her brother who was running a little ways behind her.

"I'd like to point out," Spike said between pants for breath, "that the only reason we're rushing in the first place is because you took forever getting ready."

"Just keep going" Twilight retorted, as finally they made one last turn and found themselves infront of the Duel Stadium. A massive crowd was gathered outside, as Duellist from all four corners of the city had gathered.

"Wow" Spike said looking at the crowd, "that's a lot of Duellists."

"And there all here for the Survival Tournament," they turned to see most of their friends walking up to them. Only Flash and Scootaloo were absent.

"Hey guys" Twilight said as they arrived, "your all competing to."

"Of course" Rainbow said in an 'it's on' manor. "There's only two weeks of the first round left, and this tournament is the perfect way to up our points to get ahead."

"Got that right" Applejack said, only to look around afterwards. "Hey, where's Flash and Scoot? I'd have thought they'd be here with you."

Before Twilight could answer, the sound of an engine filled the air and grew louder. Everyone looked around and saw a familiar blue Duel Runner racing down the street, before it passed them and came to a screeching stop in front of them kicking up a dust cloud.

Everyone coughed as they tried to fan away the dust, hearing Scootaloo's voice. "That was awesome."

They looked up to see Flash and Scootaloo getting off the Runner, Scootaloo wearing a riding suit similar to her brothers only orange in colour, and walked over to the group.

"Couldn't you think up a less dirty way to show up?" Rarity asked, looking over her outfit to see if any dust had gotten on it.

"Sorry" Flash said as he pressed a button on his DPM. He had recently discovered the device also came with a function that could digitise and store clothing, so with a tap of the wrist he changed from his biker gear to his every day clothing alongside his sister. "I'd promised Scootaloo a ride once I was confident I could ride my Runner safely."

"So I'm guessing that was this morning?" Twilight said.

"He's been practising with it every night since he got it," Scootaloo said. "He's really good now."

"Well I can stay upright," Flash said, "so that's all that matters." Everyone laughed at that and headed inside.

Once everyone was registered for the tournament, they sat at a table to talk until it was time to compete.

"So how's everyone doing so far?" Fluttershy asked.

"Awesome" Rainbow said, "check it out." She held up her DPM to display her points.

Rainbow Dash: 4150Ps

"Nice one" Applejack said, as she held up her own. "but..."

Applejack: 4200Ps

"Don't get so high and mighty" Rainbow said, "your only fifty points ahead.

"Well your both doing way better then us" Sweetie Bell said, as she, Applebloom and Scootaloo showed their points.

Sweetie Bell: 3425Ps

Applebloom: 3395Ps

Scootaloo: 3500Ps

"Looks like you barely made the entry requirements" Spike said, referring that only Duellists with at least three thousand points could enter the Survival Duel.

"Yeah" Scootaloo said, "we had to risk a lot of points to get this many."

"Well you got here," her brother said, "that's all that matters."

"What about you Flash?" Pinkie asked, "after you beat Shining you must have a ton of points."

Flash held up his DPM and showed his points.

Flash Sentry: 4800Ps

"ALMOST FIVE THOUSAND" almost everyone yelled seeing them.

"Twilight's not to far behind" Flash said, "since our Duel with Shining and Cadance we've been able to take bigger risks with our Duels."

"Man if you end up winning this," Rainbow said, "you might have the most points out of everyone in the tournament."

"Maybe" Flash said, but before he could say anything else a pair of hands covered his eyes and a familiar voice said.

"Guess who amigo?"

"Tidal?" Flash asked in surprise, recognising the Mexican accent. Pulling the hands away he looked around to see the Duellist he had faced in the Shooting Star Tournament standing behind him.

"Hola mis amigos," Tidal said cheerily.

"Tidal" Twilight said getting up, "what are you doing here?"

"We heard you went back home after the Micro Tournament," Rarity said.

"I did," Tidal said, "I went back to tell my mother all about my adventures here in America. But I still intend to make it big as a Duellist, gotta keep my promise to Papa."

"That's great" Flash said, "I was hoping we'd meet again."

"Sí," Tidal said, "I was actually looking for you amigo."

"You were?" Flash asked confused, that confusion intensified when Tidal held out a brown envelope with his name on it. "Where did you get this?" he asked.

"Just at the airport actually" Tidal replied, "this stranger approached me with it."

"Do you remember what he looked like?" Finally he was going to get some answers.

Tidal thought for a moment and then shrugged. "Narr I forget."

"Figures" Flash said with a sigh. He tore open the envelope and found only two cards inside, which he took out and placed on the table to see. These cards looked very familiar to them, since they were the exact same as the card Flash now called Flash Dragon Accel. They were a pair of blank Synchro cards.

"New Synchro cards" Rainbow said, "but their blank like last time."

"Yeah" Flash said, "but for how long?"

Everyone thought back to what Flash had told them before his Duel with Shining and what had happened during the Duel, backed up by Twilight. They had finally come to the conclusion that Flash wasn't crazy and somehow the cards changed on their own. The only question was how long until these ones did it.

"I don't know what your all talking about," Tidal said, "but why don't we take our minds off it and get some snacks before the event."

Everyone agreed and as they headed over to the canteen to make their purchase, they didn't notice two tall figures whose face's were hidden in the shadows.

"So what'd you say brother of mine?" one said.

"I'd say this tournament will be easy pickings for us brother of mine," the other said.

As Twilight got her drink from the vendor and turned towards her friends she suddenly felt herself crash into someone, bounced off them, and fell back onto the floor. "Watch it," a female voice above her said. Looking up Twilight saw a girl her age with yellow skin and red and yellow hair. She wore a leather jacket over a blue dress, which had Twilight's soda spilt down.

"I'm sorry" Twilight said getting up and trying to clean it up.

"Save it" the girl said wiping it away.

"I really am sorry."

"I said" she then looked up and actually noticed who had bumped her, "oh it's you."

"You know who I am?" Twilight asked.

"Let's just say I have a friend who told me to...keep an eye on you."

"Who are you?"

"name's Sunset Shimmer" the redhead said, "keep your eyes open because I'm the one who'll be standing on that victory podium." Before Twilight could say anything else, Sunset turned around and walked away leaving Twilight very confused.

Everyone had taken their seats and were ready to watch an action packed tournament.

The main screen came to life and showed the Celestic Sisters.

"HELLO DUELLISTS" they greeted everyone together, making the crowd cheer. "WELCOME TO THE SURVIVAL DUEL!"

Celestia: We're half way through the first round of the Celestic Cup.

Luna: So we thought we'd shake things up and throw this little shindig.

Celestia: Now let's welcome to the stage our many wonderful Duellists who intend to win it.

In that moment the main stage opened and revealed a large group of people who walked out, Flash and his friends among them, and gathered in the centre.

Luna: And now let's welcome the one sponsoring this event along with the Celestic Cup...Cold Steel.

Everyone looked up at the the observation deck where Cold Steel himself was standing. He said nothing and simply nodded in response.

Flash growled seeing Cold, still sore about his defeat and the unanswered questions he had.

Celestia: Er...Alright then. Let's move on to the rules of the Survival Duel.

Luna: One hundred Duellists, each competing on one of four Action Duel Fields.

Celestia: This will be a Battle Royal where Duellists may Duel as many Duellists as they like.

Luna: Each of the one hundred Duellists will begin this tournament with the usual four thousand life points, which they'll need to keep a very close eye on.

Celestia: That's right, because even if they win their Duel their life points will not reset. Even if they only have a hundred life points left after a Duel, that's the amount they'll start with in their next one.

Luna: They will do battle across four Action Fields. The Forest, Volcano, Canyon and Glacier Zones where Action Cards are littered.

Celestia: This tournament will only be over once only a single Duellist remains standing and whoever that is will receive a total of fifteen hundred Duel Points.

Everyone nodded hearing this. fifteen hundred points was a big advantage no matter who got them.

Luna: Time to find your starting position.

The screen on the floor activated, then divided into a grid similar to a game of battleships, with numbers and letters on its X and Y axis.

The Duellists all took out a card issued to them by the receptionist and followed it to their point on the grid.

Flash followed the card and grid and now stood on C4.

Celestia: Everyone ready? then let's begin.

She pressed a button on her remote and just like that the field came to life, materialising the Duel Field. In a flash of blinding light the Duellists were transported to a whole new world.

Flash opened his eyes and found himself surrounded by trees. This was obviously the Forest Zone.

Many other Duellist soon found themselves in different areas. Applejack and Rainbow Dash found themselves in the Canyon Zone, while Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Twilight were in the Glacier Zone. Scootaloo and her friends found themselves in the Volcano Zone.

Celestia: Now that everyone knows where they are, we can start this tournament off. In three.

Luna: Two.

Everyone: ONE.

"DUEL!" the hundred Duellists screamed.

"ACTION CARDS DISPERSED" the robotic voice said.

Duellists: 100

"Time to find my opponent," Flash said as he began his search.

"Your opponents have found you." Flash looked up and saw a trio of girls, all standing on a fallen tree. One had pink skin with yellow hair, while the second had green hair and skin which was a lighter shade of pink. The last had cream coloured skin with rosy red hair.

Celestia: Flash Sentry the Shooting Star Champion is up against Lily Valley, Daisy and Roseluck

"So who wants to Duel first?" Flash asked activating his Duel Disk.

"Do you know what Battle Royal means" the green haired girl named Daisy asked.

"It mean," the cream skinned girl called Roseluck said, "that this is a three on one match."

"Doesn't sound very fair," Flash said.

"Don't expect us to be the only ones doing this" the blonde named Lily said. "A lot of Duellists will probably team up to protect their life points.

"Who'd be so scared of losing that they'd gang up on someone?" Flash asked.

"If we work together we can take out a load of Duellists without risking to many points," Scootaloo said as she and her friends rushed around the Volcano Zone.

"YEAH" Applebloom and Sweetie Bell said.

Meanwhile Rarity was travelling around the Glacier Zone in search of her own opponent, when she heard.

"Hey there little lady."

She looked up and saw a figure standing up on a high ice bank. He was a teen a few years older then her, with grey skin and short blue hair. He wore a red jacket over a white shirt and blue pants. The most noticeable thing about him was the dog collar around his neck.

"Rover found his first prey," he said as he jumped off the ice bank and landed on her level.

"You want to Duel me?" Rarity asked.

"Yes" the boy named Rover said, activating his Duel Disk.

"Okay" Rarity said, "but I warned you." She activated her Duel Disk.

Luna: it's Rarity vs Rover, Beauty vs Beast. Duel Start

Rarity: 4000
Rover: 4000

"Me start" Rover said. "Rover play Assault Dog ATK mode," a black dog in green armour wearing a blue machine gun appeared. (A1200/D800/L4) "Rover end turn now."

"Okay" Rarity said, "I draw. I summon Gem-Knight Alexandrite in ATK mode," a knight in silver armour appeared with purple jewels embedded. (A1800/D1200/L4) "And now I'll use his ability to sacrifice himself, in return I can summon a Gem-Knight Normal Monster from my deck." The knight disappeared in a flash of light, replaced by a giant silver armoured knight with gems sticking out of the armour like blades. "Say hello to Gem-Knight Crystal." (A2450/D1950/L7) "Gem-Knight Crystal attack Assault Dog." The knight's arms glowed as it charged at the pooch and with one great punch destroyed it.

Rarity: 4000
Rover: 2750

"Assault Dog don't play dead for long," Rover said, "now Rover summon two more Assault Dogs to field." A duo of Assault Dogs appeared growling at Gem-Knight Crystal. (A1200/D800/L4)X2

"I end my turn with a face down" Rarity said.

"Rover's turn and he sacrifice two Assault Dogs to summon Heavy Arsenal Hound." His two mutts disappeared and was replaced by a black dog the size of a lion, with a multitude of weapons strapped to its back. (A2600/D2400/L8) "Now Rover equip him with Acid Slobber, which makes your monsters weaker whenever he attacks them. Heavy Arsenal Hound attack.

As the dog aimed its multiple weapons at Crystal a slime shot out of his mouth and landed on the knight, causing his armour to melt. (A1450/D1950/L7) The dog fired its guns which ripped the knight to pieces.

Rarity: 2850
Rover: 2750

"I activate my Trap, Gem Re-Cutting. Since Gem-Knight Crystal was destroyed I can add any number of Gem-Knights to my hand as long as their combined levels equal Crystal's. So I'm adding level four Gem-Knight Tourmaline, level two Gem-Knight Baryte and level one Gem-Knight Lazuli to my hand."

"Rover play one card face down and end turn."

Up in the stands Spike, Fluttershy and Tidal were watching in concern.

"That Heavy Arsenal Hound is big trouble," Spike said.

"Doncella Rarity will have her work cut out for her," Tidal said.

"My turn, I draw and play Graceful Charity. This Spell lets me draw three cards in return for discarding two, and it just so happens that one of those cards was Gem-Knight Lazuli. His ability lets me return a Normal Type Gem-Knight from my graveyard to my hand. Welcome back Gem-Knight Crystal."

"What's the point in that?" Spike asked.

"She can't summon it" Fluttershy said.

"She's got a plan," Tidal said, though he wasn't sure what.

"Next I activate the Spell Gem-Knight Fusion," Rarity said, "now I can fuse my Gem-Knight Tourmaline and Gem-Knight Crystal." Her two monsters appeared on the field, before being sucked into a vortex. "Gem encrusted knights of old, merge your might so we might behold." The vortex exploded, "I FUSION SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing a new Gem-Knight. It was similar to Crystal, only it now carried a shield and lance along with a red cape. "Gem-Knight Prismaura." (A2450/D1400/L7)

"That sparkly wimp can't hurt Rover's Hound" Rover said.

"Wrong" Rarity said, "by discarding a Gem-Knight from my hand I can destroy one card on your field. I discard Gem-Knight Baryte to destroy Heavy Arsenal Hound." The knights lance glowed as it shot forwards and impaled the animal, destroying it. "And since I discarded Gem-Knight Baryte, his ability activates and I can add Spell card from my graveyard back to my hand." A card slotted out of her Duel Disk, "and now I attack you directly." Prismaura charged at Rover and reared a slash towards him.

"Rover activates his Trap," the boy said as his face down flipped up, "Dog Call. Lets Rover remove a card from graveyard and summon Dog monsters, whose levels is equal to removed monster." Rover removed Heavy Arsenal Hound, "Rover summons four level two monsters." Four flashes of light appeared before them and took the form of four small dogs.

The first was a long red dog with steam coming off its body. "Power Dog Hotdog." (A500/D500/L2)

The second was a blue husky like dog with two large fangs made of ice. "Power Dog Husky." (A700/D300/L2)

The third was a brown buff dog with bull horns on its head. "Power Dog Bulldog." (A800/D200/L2)

The last one was a small dog covered in fluffy pink fur. "Power Dog Poodle." (A400/D600/L2)

The four new monsters took DEF mode and Prismaura stopped in its tracks.

Rarity sighed seeing four new monster, "Prismaura attack Bulldog." Her knight impaled the dog destroying it. "I end my turn with a face down."

"It's Rover's turn" the boy said drawing, before he began to snicker and howl like a dog. "Rover tributes his three Power Dogs to summon Power Dog Cerberus." His three mutts disappeared and were replaced by a vicious black dog the size of an elephant, with three heads which each growled at Rarity. (A3200/D2700/L10)

"Oh dear" Rarity said.

"Cerberus use your special ability" Rover said, as his monster let out a deafening howl which caused shock waves. "Instead of battling he destroys every monster on your field, and you take five hundred points for each one."

Prismaura was struck by the shock wave and destroyed, while Rarity was pushed back by it too.

Rarity: 2350
Rover: 2750

"Rover ends his turn."

"Okay," Rarity said as she dusted herself off, "then it's my turn. I draw and once again play the Spell Graceful Charity, so I draw three cards and discard two. Next I summon Gem-Knight Amber in DEF mode," a Gem-Knight in yellow armour appeared brandishing flaming blades. (A1600/D1400/L4) "I end my turn."

"Rover's turn and he summons Mad Dog of Darkness," a large orange dog with horns appeared. (A1900/D1400/L4) "Mad Dog attack," the creature ran forwards and then pounced on the knight destroying it. "Now Cerberus end this," the three headed dog let out a unified howl straight at Rarity.

"RARITY" Spike, Fluttershy and Tidal screamed.

Celestia: Are we about to see the first elimination of the tournament?

"If you are it won't be me," Rarity said. "I activate my Trap Gem Reflector, which will redirect your mutts attack to any weaker monster on the field." A massive diamond appeared infront of her which the shock waves hit and bounced off, heading in the direction of Mad Dog of Darkness. The orange dog was struck by its teammates attack, as it let out a pained yelp as it was destroyed. "Another effect of Gem Reflector deals you damage equal to half your monsters ATK."

Rarity: 2350
Rover: 1800

Rover let out a growl as he ended his turn.

"That was a close one" Spike said, sitting back in his chair in relief.

"But she might not last another turn," Fluttershy said.

"Si" Tidal said, "she'll need to end this now."

"My turn," Rarity said, "I draw" she looked at her card and smiled as a plan formed in her head. "I activate the Spell card Gem Compression, Which allows me to to Fusion Summon using monsters in my graveyard. So I'll banish Gem-Knight Tourmaline, Amber and Crystal in order to Fusion Summon."

The icy floor smashed open revealing a powerful light, and from that light came a new Gem-Knight. It was the largest Gem-Knight anyone had ever seen, with sparkly silver armour with diamonds encrusted on it. It carried a giant long sword with seven different jewels encrusted down the blade, and a cape which was black on the outside and red on the inside. "Gem-Knight Master Diamond." (A2900/D2500/L9)

"Sure it's strong," Spike said, "but it still doesn't have enough ATK points to beat Power Dog Cerberus."

"I activate Master Diamond's ability," Rarity said. "I banish a Gem-Knight Fusion Monster from my graveyard and he gains its ability." She removed Prismaura as Master Diamond began to glow. "And now I'll activate said ability, to discard a Gem-Knight and in turn destroy your Cerberus."

"Not good" Rover said.

Master Diamond's sword shined as it slashed the air, creating an energy wave which destroyed Cerberus. "And don't forget that was only his ability, and I still have his actual attack." Master Diamond rose its giant sword and smashed it into the ground, causing the ice to crack and be sent flying. The ice flew towards Rover and smashed him in the head.

Rarity: 2350 (Winner)
Rover: 0

Celestia: Winner...Rarity.

Duellists: 99

Rover laid on his back in disbelief. "How could Rover lose to a girl?"

"You thought because I'm a lady I'd be a push over" Rarity answered, "but I guess I showed you." And with that she turned and walked off to seek out her next opponent.

The Survival Duel was only just beginning. Ninety nine Duellists remained and so things were just getting started.

Author's Notes:

Pretty cool tournament set up right?

Sorry about how Rover talked. I wanted him to sound like a dog and really wasn't in the mood to watch that episode to see how he did it.

Turn 32, Sunset Shimmer

The Survival Duel continues as multiple Duels were being waged. The current Duellist count had just dropped to eighty five Duellists

Flash was still Duelling the three female Duellists he had run into, who all had a copy of Naturia Beast. (A2200/D1700/L5)

Flash had Flash Heart Dragon, Lucidum and his Pendulum Scale filled with Magna Mechanic Kuda and Magna Caster Estella. Two face downs also lay at his feet.

Flash: 2400
Rose: 800
Lily: 1200
Daisy: 250

"And now." Flash said, "I'll use Magna Caster Estella's Pendulum Ability to reduce Flash Heart Dragon's level by two." The magician waved its wand as Flash Heart began to glow. (A2500/D2000/L5/P4) "next I'll use Magna Mechanic Kuda's Pendulum Ability to turn Lucidum into a Tuner monster," he said looking up as his monster fired the beam of light from his spanner which hit Lucidum. "And finally I'll tune level three Magna Fighter Lucidum with level five Flash Heart Dragon."

Lucidum changed into three lights take carved three circles which Flash Heart flew into. "Awaken the power sleeping within us all and allow your light to shine brighter then ever," the monsters were consumed by a blinding light. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing Flash's evolved dragon. "Flash Dragon Accel." (A3000/D2500/L8)

"Three thousand ATK points" Daisy and Rose said in concern. Their three on one stratagy wasn't going as planned, since Flash had the most life points out of the four.

Flash Dragon Accel flew into the air, as its cannons folded out and charged. "Cut through space time and blast them to the far side of destiny, Supreme Energy Blaster." The dragon fired in quartet blasters, striking Rose's Synchro monster destroying it and sending her flying back.

Flash: 2400
Rose: 0
Lily: 1200
Daisy: 250

Duellists: 84

"Rose" Lily called out to her friend.

"Are you alright?" Daisy asked.

"The horror" Rose said, "the horror."

"I'm not done yet" Flash said, "after Accel's attack his ability can activate." Flash Dragon Accel disappeared in a flash of light, "Flash Dragon...devolve into...Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4) "Now I activate my Quick Play Spell Lightspeed, which will raise Flash Heart's ATK power by one thousand. (A3500/D2000/L7/P4) "Attack."

Flash Heart flew at Lily's monster and destroyed it, sending her back.

Flash: 2400
Rose: 0
Lily: 0
Daisy: 250

Duellists: 83

"Lily?" Daisy said.

"It was awful" Lily said.

"And finally," Flash said, "I activate my other Spell Double Strike. By reducing his ATK points Flash Heart gets to attack again." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

Flash Heart spun around and swiped the final Nutria Beast with his tail, destroying it and sending Daisy away

Flash: 2400 (Winner)
Rose: 0
Lily: 0
Daisy: 0

Duellists: 82

"You girls okay?" Flash asked.

"A disaster" Daisy said, "a horrible horrible disaster."

"Drama queens" he said as he walked off to find his next opponent.

Meanwhile around the other Action Zones many other Duels were taking place.

"Orchard Cowboy attack" Applejack said as her Xyz Monster destroyed her opponents monster.

Applejack: 2900 (Winner)
Fluffy Cloud: 0

Duellists: 81

"Go Balloonimal Hippo" Pinkie Pie ordered her monster to attack her opponent directly, as it belly flopped on top of them.

Pinkie: 3100 (Winner)
Lotus Blossom: 0

Duellists: 80

Twilight had found herself in the Forest Zone battling a boy named Ride Along and his Stygian Deck.

Twilight: 2600
Ride Along: 2400

"I play Spellbook of Power to increase my Magician's Valkyria's ATK power by one thousand points. (A2600/D1800/L4)

Flash continued to run through the Forest looking for anyone to Duel, but he suddenly found himself standing in front of some kind of vail like creation that looked like an aurora.

"What's this?" Flash asked, as he placed his hand on it and found it went right through. Deciding to go for it he jumped through and found himself now standing in a desert like area, with many different sized cliffs around him. Realising he must have moved to the Canyon Zone he continued onwards, leaping over crevices and up cliff faces in search of an opponent.

As he did so he noticed something hidden in a small crack in the ground. Stepping over and digging it out he found it was actually a chest, with the Action Card logo on it.

Celestia: It seems Flash has found our first Action Chest.

Everyone in the crowd and playing on the field heard this.

Luna: allow us to explain. Action Chests are scattered all around the four Duel Fields and inside could be an Action Spell named Lucky Fortune which will raise your life points by a thousand points. This is a great way to raise your life points between Duels.

Celestia: But be careful, for the Action Chests might have an Action Trap named Unlucky Fortune. That Action Trap will in fact deal you a thousand points of damage.

Luna: It's up to you. Risk the chest or stick with the points you have.

After hearing this Flash looked down at the chest. Deciding to take the chance he pressed the catch of the lock and the box flipped open, revealing a bright light as a the card inside revealed itself before changing into energy bits that flew into Flash's Duel Disk.

Flash: 3400

Flash sighed in relief at having his chance pay off.

Meanwhile in the Volcano Zone.

Scootaloo, Applebloom and Sweetie Bell were walking around looking for anyone to Duel.

"See anyone?" Sweetie asked Applebloom who had climbed a large rock to see if there was anyone around.

"Nothing yet" the redhead replied.

"What do we have here?" The girls looked up to see Sunset Shimmer sitting on a bolder higher up the hill. "Three little girls playing Duellist."

"We are Duellists" Scootaloo said, "who the heck are you?"

"Sunset Shimmer" she replied, "but you three really shouldn't be playing here. You could get hurt."

"We're not little kids," Sweetie Bell said.

"Right" she replied with a snide smile.

"Come down here and we'll show ya" Applebloom said, jumping off the rock she was on.

"I wouldn't want to ruin your fun to soon."

"Are you saying you'd beat us easily?" Scootaloo said.

"Duh," Sunset said tapping her chin, "but you might stand a chance if you all faced me. How about we Duel three on one, where you three will alternate turns against me."

"So like I'd take a turn," Scootaloo said, "then you, then Applebloom and then you again?"

"Then your last friend takes a turn followed by me and then back to you," Sunset said. "You three might have a fighting chance against me then."

The three growled hearing this, but turned to each other and nodded before turning back to her.

"YOUR ON!" they said, holding up their Duel Disks.

"Very well" Sunset said holding up a yellow Duel Disk with a red blade.

Flash was in a Duel against a Duellist named Open Skies when he heard

Luna: Sunset Shimmer will now be facing Scootaloo, Sweetie Bell and Applebloom in a three on one match.

Flash felt worried but shuck it off and returned his focus to his Duel. His sister could look after herself.

Celestia: Duel start.

Sunset: 4000
Scootaloo: 3200
Applebloom: 3000
Sweetie Bell: 3400

"Four thousand?" Sweetie said.

"She must not have Duelled yet," Applebloom said.

"This is a Survival Tournament," Sunset told them. "Why waste points Duelling so early."

"Those points won't last long," Scootaloo said as she drew, "I'm going first. I summon Rush Raptor in ATK mode" her purple furred raptor appeared letting out a small growl at Sunset. (A1200/D1400/L3) "And whenever I summon him I can then summon another monster out, say hello to Blade Raptor." Next to Rush Raptor appeared another dinosaur, with was silver and had metallic spikes projecting the back of its head and down its spine and tail. (A1300/D1000/L3) "And finally I Special Summon Gilasaurus," she said as her brown raptor appeared alongside the other two monsters. (A1400/D400/L3)

And now" Scootaloo yelled, "I use these three monsters to build the Overlay Network." Her three monsters changed into lights which shot into the air, before flying into the black hole that had just formed. "Watch as the ancient powers of a Dinosaur are awakened" the black hole exploded in light as a new monster appeared. "I XYZ SUMMON."

The light faded revealing Scootaloo's Xyz monster. "Wild Rush Raptor." (A2000/D2000/R3)

"Impressive" Sunset said.

"That's nothing" Scootaloo said, "Since Rush Raptor was used as an Overlay Unit, Wild Rush Raptor gains five hundred ATK points." (A2500/D2000/R3) "I end my turn."

"My Draw then," Sunset said, "and I'll summon Sun Sabre Swordsmen in ATK mode." A man in yellow armour, carrying a pair of flaming long swords appeared before them. (A1500/D1200/L4) "Next I'll activate the Spell Reverse Polarity, which will increase my monsters ATK points by the difference between his and your monster." Sun Sabre Swordsmen glowed as his power increased. (A2500/D1200/L4) "Also your monster will go going down by the same amount," Sunset said as it occurred and Wild Rush Raptor lost power. (A1500/D2000/R3)

"Oh no" Scootaloo said.

"Swordsmen destroy Wild Rush Raptor," Sunset said as her warrior ran at the dinosaur and slashed through it with its flaming sword.

Sunset: 4000
Scootaloo: 2200
Applebloom: 3000
Sweetie Bell: 3400

"I end with a face down."

"My draw," Applebloom said, "and I summon Maiden of Safflower in ATK mode." A woman appeared wearing plant like clothing, her hair was styled like a flower. (A1600/D1300/L4) "Next I'll use her ability to discard a card from the hand to summon a level four or below Plant monster from my hand, so now I can summon the Tuner Monster Maiden of Spring's Beginning." A young girl appeared in red flower clothing, carrying a small hoe. (A1200/D1100/L3) "And now I tune level three Maiden of Spring's Beginning with level four Maiden of Safflower," Applebloom said as her Tuner Monster changed into three lights, which flew into the air and carved three circles which Maiden of Safflower jumped into. "Glorious flower, now is the time to blossom." The monsters disappeared in an explosion of light, "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing the new monster. It was a woman in red, green and yellow plant clothing, white hair up in a bun held by plant shaped hair clips. In her hands was a wooden instrument that looked to be a cross between a hoe and scythe. "Maiden of Great Bloom." (A2200/D2400/L7)

"Synchro Summoning" Sunset said, "impressive."

"I attack Sun Sabre Swordsmen with Maiden of Great Bloom," Applebloom said as her monster used her weapon to smash into the ground. Seconds later vines shot out of the ground. "During the Battle Phase my Maiden's ability kicks in, raising her ATK points by one hundred for each Plant Type Monster in my graveyard." (A2400/D2400/L7) The vines slammed into the swordsmen destroying him.

Sunset: 3100
Scootaloo: 2200
Applebloom: 3000
Sweetie Bell: 3400

"You activated my trap," Sunset said, "Eruption Draw. Since a Fire Monster with fifteen hundred points or less was destroyed, I can draw one card for each level point of the destroyed monster." She drew four cards.

"Doesn't that sound familiar?" Sweetie Bell asked.

"Yeah," Scootaloo said, "come to think of it her style does seem familiar."

Sunset smiled hearing this. Yes her deck would seem very familiar to them after all the times they'd seen it's origanal.


It was the day before the Celestic Cup was set to begin and Sunset had been called into Cold's office.

Once she was there Cold had placed something on the desk infront of her. "What's this?" She asked taking it and finding it was a Duel Deck.

"I designed this Deck for you," Cold told her. "It's was built around Flash Sentry's Deck, with certain difference to fit your preferred play style.

"Really?" Sunset said shuffling through the deck and smiling more and more as she saw how it was designed. Then she came to a card that made her almost squeal at the sight. "This is awesome."

"I'd thought you'd like it" Cold told her.

"So why the gesture?" Sunset asked pocketing the deck. "I'm not complaining, but this must have been to muck work to be just a simple gift."

"Our work on recreating her cards are improving in results," he told her. "But we still lack in power and Duel Energy. We thought if we tried to replicate her cards we might stand a chance."

"So in other words I'm the guinea pig" Sunset said.

"If you want to see it that way go ahead," Cold said, "but we need to see how far we've come."

"Fair enough" Sunset said, before turning and walking away. "I'll be in the training room. I've only got one day to master this deck."


And master it she had.

"I set one card face down and end my turn," Applebloom said.

"My draw" Sunset said, "and I summon Blaze Fang Sun Tiger." A large tiger appeared, wearing flame patterned armour around its chest and front legs. (A1200/D1100/L3) "Next I play Graceful Charity, to draw three cards and ditch two" she said doing so. "Next I activate Monster Reborn to summon Blaze Wing Firebird from the graveyard in DEF mode," a large bird with flame like feathers appeared. (A1400/D800/L4) "When Firebird is Special Summoned its ability activates, increasing my life points by two hundred points for each card in my hand."

"What?" the girl said looking at her hand to see six cards in her hand.

Sunset: 4300
Scootaloo: 2200
Applebloom: 3000
Sweetie Bell: 3400

"Also Blaze Fang Sun Tiger's ability now activates. Since my life points changed due to a card effect it gains the same amount in ATK points." The tigers armour set ablaze as its power rose. (A2400/D1100/L3) "Next I play the Spell card Blast Burn, to pay a thousand life points and destroy every set card in you Spell and Trap zone."

Sunset: 3300
Scootaloo: 2200
Applebloom: 3000
Sweetie Bell: 3400

A fireball exploded from her card and hit Applebloom's face down, destroying it.

"That was a lot of points to give up just to destroy one card," Scootaloo said.

"Sun Tiger's ability activates once again," Sunset told them. (A3400/D1100/L3) "Attack Maiden of Great Bloom," the Tiger pounced on the Synchro Monster destroying it.

Sunset: 3300
Scootaloo: 2200
Applebloom: 1800
Sweetie Bell: 3400

"I end my turn with a face down," Sunset said turning to Sweetie Bell. "Let me guess, since we've already seen Xyz and Synchro, your a Fusion Duellist?"

Sweetie frowned as she drew her card. "First I play my own Graceful Charity, to draw three cards and discard two. Now since you control a monster on the field and I don't, I can Special Summon this card to the field. Meet Solo the Melodious Songstress," she said as a ballerina in red appeared before them. (A1600/D1000/L4) "Next I summon Soprano the Melodious Songstress," a woman in blue armour and white skirt appeared. (A1400/D1400/L4) "And finally I can use Soprano's ability to fuse her and Solo together," she said as a portal opened up behind the two, sucking them in. "Two voices, singing in perfect harmony to create a new melody." The portal exploded, "I FUSION SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing a new monster. It was a feminine monster with long flowing orange hair and a golden mask, over her blue skinned face. Her clothing was a combination of brown, black and pink with gold trim. "Schuberta the Melodious Maestra." (A2400/D2000/L6)

"Called it" Sunset said.

"I activate Schuberta's ability, to banish three Melodious Monsters from the graveyard to increase her ATK power by two hundred for each one." Sweetie removed the three cards from her graveyard as Schuberta began to glow. (A3000/D2000/L6) "Attack Blaze Fang Sun Tiger," Sweetie said as her monster let out a song so loud it created shock waves, which struck Sun Tiger only for it to crack and shatter like glass revealing another Sun Tiger behind it.

Sunset: 1500
Scootaloo: 2200
Applebloom: 1800
Sweetie Bell: 3400

"Sorry kiddo" Sunset said, "But my Reflection Guard stops my monster for being destroyed.

"Reflection Guard?" Scootaloo said, "plus she had Reverse Polarity."

"And that Eruption Draw and Sun Tiger seem familiar," Applebloom said.

"Her deck is a cheap knock off of your brothers" Sweetie told Scootaloo.

"Yeah it is" Scootaloo said.

"Who you calling cheap?" Sunset said, "now are you done?"

Sweetie frowned, before throwing down a face down and ending her turn.

"My turn," Sunset said, "I draw and first I'll play the Spell Steam Refresher. This card lets me sacrifice a Fire monster and raise my life points by a hundred points times its level, so I'll sacrifice Firebird to increase my life points by four hundred." Her winged beast disappeared in a blast of steam which rose Sunset's life points.

Sunset: 1900
Scootaloo: 2200
Applebloom: 1800
Sweetie Bell: 3400

"Next I sacrifice Sun Tiger to summon Duel Cannon Phoenix," she continued as her tiger burst into flames and a giant armoured bird appeared with two large cannons on its back. (A2100/D1500/L5) "Next I activate the Spell card Solar Flare, which will power up a Fire monster by one thousand points." (A3100/D1500/L5) "Attack," she ordered as her monster fired one of its cannons destroying Schuberta.

Sunset: 1900
Scootaloo: 2200
Applebloom: 1800
Sweetie Bell: 2600

"And get this. Duel Cannon Phoenix can attack twice a turn," Sunset said as her bird fired the second cannon at Sweetie.

"I activate my Trap, Melodious Comeback. This lets me revive a Melodious monster." Schuberta reappeared on the field and intercepted the attack getting destroyed again.

Sunset: 1900
Scootaloo: 2200
Applebloom: 1800
Sweetie Bell: 2000

"I end my turn with a face down."

Meanwhile Flash had just finished his Duel and was looking around for his next opponent. As he climbed onto another high cliff, he sat down to take a rest.

Celestia: Despite facing three opponents, ms Sunset Shimmer is favouring quite well.

He looked up and found he was in view of the megascreen, which showed his sister and her friend's Duel. Seeing no one else around he decided to watch until someone came along.

In the Glacier Zone Rarity was Duelling against a girl named Berry Punch, but also kept her eye on the megascreen to watch her sister.

Elsewhere in the Glacier Zone Twilight was watching the Duel as well, wanting to see more of this girl's deck. The similarities to Flash's had made her very suspicious.

"It's my turn," Scootaloo said, "I draw and play the Spell card Earthquake." The ground beneath them shuck causing Duel Cannon Phoenix to go into DEF mode. "Next I play the Spell Last Ditch Effort."

"How do you have that card?" Sunset asked, knowing that was suppose to be in Flash's deck.

"My brother took it out of his deck and said I could give it a try," Scootaloo said. "Now I can summon a monster from my graveyard until the end phase, so let's welcome back Wild Rush Raptor." Her Xyz monster returned to the field. (A2000/D2000/R3) "Attack Duel Cannon Phoenix," she ordered as her monster took to the skies and flew at the bird with its claws at the ready destroying it.

"A bit much just to destroy one monster isn't it?" Sunset asked.

"I'm just setting the stage for my teammates next turn," Scootaloo said as she placed a card face down and ended her turn.

Sunset smiled as she drew her card. "There won't be a next turn for you."

"Why'd you say that?" Applebloom asked.

"Because I activate the Spell card Rebirth Flare. This card lets every one of my opponents summon a monster from their graveyard, in return I can add a monster of my choice from my deck to my hand for each one you summon."

The three girls wondered why she'd let them summon any monster they want just for some monsters, but would use it anyway.

"I summon Wild Rush Raptor." (A2000/D2000/R3)

"Maiden of Great Bloom." (A2200/D2400/L7)

"Schuberta the Melodious Maestra." (A2400/D2000/L6)

"That's three monsters so I get three cards," Sunset said as her deck shuffled out three cards. Taking them she smiled and looked up at the girls. "Sorry girls but this is where we end," she said holding up two of the cards, "as now I set the Pendulum Scale."


"What?" Flash said in shock. How could she have Pendulum cards?

"Her deck is more then just a basic copy of Flash's deck," Twilight said. "If she can Pendulum Summon then maybe she has her own version of it"

"Behold scale one Magician of Glorious Sundown and scale eight Magician of Glorious Sunrise." The two pillars of light appeared on either side of her as two similar magicians rose up. "Now watch as my monsters burn through space time and blaze the arc of victory," she said as her magicians fired ropes of fire which connected and forged a portal above her. "I can now summon monsters levelled two through seven all at the same time!" Sunset explained. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and three lights shot out and hit the ground.

Two of them were the same monster. A magician in flame style clothing, carrying a staff with fire on the end in the shape of the sun. "Blaze my path, Sunburn Magician. (A2000/D1000/L5)X2

The last monster was a giant bird with mostly red feathers, but had some blue around its neck and the base of its tail which was on fire long with the tips of its wings. It wore a bronze helmet with a sun marking on the top, while its beak and talons were also gold in colour. "Ignite your flame of victory, SOLAR FLARE PHOENIX!" (A2500/D2100/L7/P4)

Celestia: Incredible. So far only one other Duellist has been known to use this new summoning style. How will she use this technique?

"Since Solar Flare Phoenix was Special Summoned her effect activates," Sunset said as her monster flapped its wings and spread fire around her. "Since my life points are below two thousand her ability will cause them to double.


The fire flew into Sunset's Duel Disk.

Sunset: 3800
Scootaloo: 2200
Applebloom: 1800
Sweetie Bell: 2000

"Her life points are almost back to being full," Applebloom said.

"Now I activate the effect of Sunburn Magician," Sunset continued as her Spellcasters burst into flames and flew into Solar Flare Phoenix. "By tributing themselves Sunburn Magician will increase my Phoenix's ATK power by one thousand and grant it one extra attack." (A4500/D2100/L7/P4)

"Oh no" Sweetie said doing the math.

"And now I attack," Sunset ordered as her bird burst into flames and soared towards Schuberta.

"I activate my Trap," Scootaloo said, but as she pressed it her Duel Disk showed a warning.

"Sorry kid," Sunset said, "but my Magician of Glorious Sunrise prevents Traps from activating when a Pendulum Monster does battle." Her monster struck Schuberta, destroying on contact with enough force to push Sweetie Bell of her feet.

Sunset: 3800
Scootaloo: 2200
Applebloom: 1800
Sweetie Bell: 0

Duellists: 66

The girls looked around at their friend.

"You okay?" Applebloom asked he.

"Worry about yourself," Sunset said as her Phoenix circled around targeted Maiden of Great Bloom. Like before the Pendulum Monster flew like an arrow and struck the Synchro Monster, destroying it and sending Applebloom off her feet.

Sunset: 3800
Scootaloo: 2200
Applebloom: 0
Sweetie Bell: 0

Duellists: 64

All that was left was Scootaloo, who looked up at the big bird in fear as it circled once again. "Who are you?" she asked.

Sunset just smiled at the question. "I'm the one who crashed and burned, only to return stronger." And with that Solar Flare Phoenix smashed into Wild Rush Raptor, destroying it.

Sunset: 3800 (Winner)
Scootaloo: 0
Applebloom: 0
Sweetie Bell: 0

Duellists: 63

Celestia: Sunset Shimmer has won.

Luna: Despite her odds she managed to pull through.

As the girls got up they looked around at Sunset.

"I guess three on one wasn't enough to beat me," she said.

"You might of beaten us," Applebloom said.

"But our siblings will take you" Sweetie continued.

"I don't know how you have Pendulum card," Scootaloo said, "but you're nothing next to my big brother."

Sunset just smiled at this. "We'll see," and with that she turned around and walked off to find her next opponent.

Up in his box Cold had been watching her Duel closely, while his tablet had scanned the field. Sunset's Pendulum Energy was high, but it still lacked something. He then pulled out his own deck and shifted through it, pulling out a particular card. "How well will you fair?"

Author's Notes:

Finally we see Sunset's Deck.

I thought she having a replica of Flash's deck would help forge a connection they, sort of, had in the movies.

Next Time, Applejack faces her greatest enemies.

Turn 33, Flim-Flam

The survival Duel has just passed the half way mark with over fifty of its competitors being eliminated. The Duellist with the highest points was still Sunset, as her Solar Flare Phoenix's ability continued to increase them whenever she summoned it.

We find Flash rushing through the Canyon Zone, hoping to make it to the Volcano Zone before Sunset got away. If she had Pendulum cards then she must have had ties to Cold Steel, meaning this could be his chance for answers.

Meanwhile back in the stands Tidal, Spike and Fluttershy were consoling the previously eliminated teen trio.

"This bites" Scootaloo moaned, "that girl humiliated us."

"It wasn't that bad" Fluttershy said, trying to get her to calm down.

"We got beat despite playing her three to one," Applebloom said, "how is it not that bad?"

"Plus our Duel barely dented her life points," Sweetie said.

"It could be worse," Spike told them.

"How?" they asked, only for him to point passed them. They all turned towards a sulking Rarity who was sitting between Sweetie and Pinkie.

"At least there was no way to stop your lose," Spike said, making them all remember just how the two had been defeated.


Rarity: 1150
Berry: 600

"I summon Seiyaryu in ATK mode," Berry said as a pink dragon appeared on the field. (A2500/D2300/L7) "Next I activate Stop Defence, to switch your Gem-Knight Lapis to ATK mode.

As her monster stood up Rarity remained stoic but was suppressing a grin, since her face down was Draining Shield which would negate the attack and raise her life points.

"And now I attack," Rarity's focus suddenly shifted to the megascreen to see Sunset order Solar Flare Phoenix to attack Schuberta.

"Sweetie" she cried seeing her sister fall, but suddenly she remembered she was still in a Duel and looked back. Her eyes went wide seeing Seiyaryu was about to hit Lapis, "WAIT!" but it was to late and the attack landed

Rarity: 0
Berry: 600 (Winner)

Duellists: 65


"You should of been paying attention," Sweetie told her sister who growled in response.

Pinkie began to laugh hearing this, making Rarity turn to her. "You've got nothing to laugh at. At least I lost to an actual Duellist."


Pinkie was skipping through the Forest Zone after her last Duel, which had left her with only nine hundred life points.

Suddenly her eyes caught sight of an Action Chest. "OOH" she said picking it up, "free points," she went to open it but remembered that there was a chance it could the Action Trap which would wipe out all her life points. After what felt like hours of soul searching, it was less then a second, she decided to open the box. The second she opened the catch it flung open revealing her fate. The card revealed itself, before transforming into a lightning bolt which struck Pinkie.

Pinkie: 0

Duellists: 47


"Who cares?" Pinkie said with a shrug. "Its no fun without a little risk."

"I guess," Spike said as they turned back to watch the rest of the tournament.

Rainbow was Duelling against a girl named Lemon Hearts

Rainbow: 1900
Lemon: 1300

Lemon Hearts currently had Destiny Hero Defender on her field while Rainbow's was empty.

"My turn," Rainbow said, "I draw and summon Rainbow Wing Red Kestrel." Her red bird appeared on the field. (A1500/D1200/L4) "And with Kestrel's ability I can summon another Rainbow Wing from my hand and raise its level by one," she summoned Green Hawk to the field before increasing its level. (A1400/D800/L4) "And now I'm using the effect of Rainbow Wing Pink Owl since I have at least one Rainbow Wing on my field, I can Special Summon it to the field and increase its level to match that of another." The pink owl appeared and landed next to Kestrel and Hawk. (A100/D100/L4)

"And now" Rainbow said as Kestrel and Owl transformed into lights and launched into the air, before flying into a black hole as it opened, "I'll use these two monsters to build the Overlay Network. "When birds of a feather flock together, an awesome power is unleashed." The black hole exploded in a burst of light. "I XYZ SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing Rainbow's best monster soaring through the sky, before taking a battle stance infront of her. "Rainbow Assault Wing Gold." (A2300/D1700/R4) "Because I've got another Rainbow Wing on my field, my Assault Wing gains five hundred ATK points. (A2800/D1700/R4) "Assault Wing Gold attack" Rainbow ordered, as her Xyz Monster drew his katanna and flew at the rock monster and slashed it to rubble. "Next Rainbow Wing Green Hawk will attack you directly," the green bird of prey flew up high and took aim at Lemon before nose diving at her and hitting her dead on.

Rainbow: 1900 (Winner)
Lemon: 0

Duellists: 42

Luna: Winner, Rainbow Dash. Despite her victory she can't relax yet as her life points are growing dangerously low. Will she be able to remain in his tournament much longer?

Celestia: It wouldn't surprise me if some of the Duels end after only a few turns.

Luna: We'll have to wait and see.

Meanwhile Applejack was still in the Canyon Zone. She knew she would need to move on to another Zone soon, since opponents were growing slim. As she finally reached the peak of a cliff though.

"Well well well" a male voice caught her attention, "what do we have here brother of mine?"

"Looks like a lost little girl brother of mine," a similar male voice said.

Applejack looked over to see two tall men standing the other side of a ravine. They were dressed in the same cloths with a white and blue striped shirt, white pants and black bow ties. They both had red hair and the only difference was one of them had a moustache.

"Who are you guys? And who'd you think ya calling a little girl."

"The names Flim," the moustacheless one said.

"And I'm Flam," the other said.

"AND WE'RE THE FLIM-FLAM BROTHERS" they yelled in unison.

"Okay" Applejack said with a tilt of the head.

"So my dear" Flim said, "it seems this is where we eliminate you."

"Yeah" she replied with a smirk, "like that'll happen."

"Well let's see how you do once you have to face the two of us on your own," Flam said.

Applejack sweated, since Duelling them together might be to much. They'd probably have some stratagy for working together.

"She won't be on her own." They all looked up and saw Flash up on a higher cliff, before he leaped off and skipped down to a stop next to Applejack. "Mind if I join you?" he asked.

"Usually I'd say no," Applejack said, "but I get the feeling I'm gonna need it. Thanks"

"I was on my way to the Volcano Zone," Flash explained, "but seeing these two face off against you on your own I thought I'd lend a hand

"And I appreciate it," Applejack said.

"Then you lets do this" Flash said before turning to the Flim-Flam brothers, "you up for a Tag-Duel?"

"Please" Flim said

"You could be in the hundreds against us and we'd couldn't lose," Flam agreed.

Flash and Applejack didn't like the way they were so confident.

"We know who you are, Flash Sentry" Flim said.

"We saw you compete in the Shooting Star Micro Tournament," Flam continued.

"That means nothing," Flash said, "you may have seen me Duel then but I'm way better now then I was back then."

"And that's sayin somethin since he won the tournament," Applejack said.

"I matters not," Flim said.

"Against us you won't stand a chance," Flam said.

"The Flam-Flam Brothers a prepared for every contingency," they said together.

"Could it be?" Tidal said.

"What's wrong?" Fluttershy asked.

"I've heard of these two before," Tidal replied. "Their known as Tag-Duel legends who have a history for the occasional shifty Duel."

"You mean they cheat?" Scootaloo asked.

"Nothing was ever confirmed," Tidal said, "but there have been instances where they get just the card they need to win."

"So Flash and Applejack'll need to be careful," Rarity said.

"Si" Tidal replied looking worried

Celestia: Tag-Duel between the Flim-Flam Brothers and Flash and Applejack. To work with the Survival Duel you only take damage from battles involving your own monsters.

Luna: The Tag-Duel will end only when both members of one team are defeated. You cannot discuss stratagy or look at each others hand unless a card allows it, but you can use your partners monsters as sacrifices if they allow it.

Celestia: Finally, direct attacks cannot be waged on a Duellist if their partner has a monster on the field. Is that all understood?

The four nodded.

Celestia: Then Tag-Duel start.

Flim: 3000
Flash: 2700
Flam: 3000
Applejack: 2000

"I'll be taking the first move," Flim said, "and play the Spell Card Tag Force. This is card designed for Tag-Duels as it gives me and my brother access to each others hands, fields and graveyard."

"That's one rule out the window" Flash said.

"Next I play the Spell Card Cost Down, which will lower the level of every monster in my hand by two once I discard a card." Flim turned to Flam, "mind giving up a card brother of mine?"

"Of course brother of mine," Flam replied, "that's what their there for." He discarded a card from his hand.

"Is that allowed?" Flash asked.

"That Tag Force Spell means their basically Duelling with one hand," Applejack said. "And I'm guessing their decks are designed to work best together."

"Next I summon the Millennium Shield," Flim said as a giant red shield with gold on the edge appeared. (A0/D3000/L6)

"That's a whole lot of DEF points" Flash said with a gulp.

"I end my turn with a face down," Flim finished.

"Then it's my turn," Flash said as he drew and smiled at his opening hand. Just the thing he needed to get ride of that Shield. "I set the Pendulum Scale with Scale two Magna Fighter Lucidum and Scale eight Magna Caster Solaris," he said as the pillars of light appeared in the sky. "Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," he chanted as the portal formed above his head. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and three lights shot out and hit the ground.

"Howl to the moon, Shine Crest Magna Wolf." (A1200/D1100/L3)

"To arms, Flash Knight." (A1800/D600/L4/P7)

"Shine your light of Victory, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"All right" the gang in the crowd cheered.

"With Flash Heart out this Duel is a shoe in for them," Scootaloo said.

"I wouldn't be so sure," Tidal said looking worried.

"What'd you mean?" Spike asked.

"Look at the Flim-Flam Brothers" Tidal replied. "They don't look worried."

"Flash Heart's skill," Flash said, "your Millennium Shield will be sent to the bottom of the deck."

"I think not," Flim said as his face down flipped up, "I activate the trap Divine Punishment. By discarding a card from the hand I can negate the effect of your dragon and...remove it from play."

"WAIT WHAT?" Flash screamed.


"Of course?" Flam said, discarding another card.

"Now be gone Flash Heart Dragon."

Flash looked up in horror as a lightning bolt shot out of the sky and struck his best card, causing it to be destroyed and its fragments sucked into a rip the lightning bolt had opened. "Flash Heart..."

"I can't believe its gone" Scootaloo said. She knew how much that card meant to her brother.

"This is what they had planned," Tidal said, "they knew summoning a monster strong enough to break through that shield would be difficult. So they knew Flash and AJ would try and use a card effect to get rid of it and set a Trap for it."

"Why go to such lengths to protect a monster that can't even attack?" Sweetie Bell asked.

"They probably just need it to defend," Rarity guessed. "Their looking for something."

"And that's not all," Tidal said. "Not only have they neutralised Flash's best card but also his best strategies."

Everyone wondered what he meant until they realised that without Flash Heart..."

"Flash can't Fusion Summon," Sweetie realised.

"Or summon Flash Dragon Accel," Applebloom agreed.

"His best cards need Flash Heart to work," Scootaloo said getting even more worried.

"I told you we were prepared," Flim told Flash.

"We saw you use that ability tones of times in the micro tournament," Flam said.

Flash growled, having his best card be taken from him. "I may be down but I'm not out. I place one card face down and end my turn."

"Then I'll take a turn," Flam said drawing. "I'll play the Spell Card Deal with the Dealer."

"Now I can look at the top three cards of my deck, then I add one to my hand, send one back to the deck and discard the third." He did like he said discarding a card to his graveyard."

Applejack became suspicious at this. All they'd done so far is play defence and discard cards, why?

"Next I play Graceful Charity, so now I draw three cards and discard two." He turned to Flim, "mind giving up some cards brother?"

"Why of course" Flim replied discarding one card while Flam discarded another.

"I'm starting to think they want their cards in the graveyard," Applejack told Flash.

"But what would be the reason?" Flash replied.

"Not sure."

"Finally I place one card face down in DEF mode, set a card and end my turn there."

"Then I'll go," Applejack said drawing. She went over everything on the field. If they were still playing defence then that face down card could be a Flip monster, so she'd need to find a card to negate its effect and she knew just what to do.

"I'm activating the Spell Card Reseeding, which will let me discard a Plant Type monster and in return I can summon monsters from my deck that have a combined level equal that of my discard monster. So I'll be discarding Astilbe Archer to summon Apple Knight, and Apple Kid" a knight in silver armour with a red apple shaped crest on its sword, chest and top of its helmet appeared alongside the boy in apple clothing. (A300/D300/L3), (A200/D300/L2) "And when Apple Kid is Special summoned its level increases by one." (A200/D300/L3) "Next I summon Sylvan Marshalleaf in ATK mode," a leaf creature appeared holding a purple fruit. (A1500/D1200/L3) "Next its ability lets me take a card from the top of my deck and if its a Plant I discard it."

"What's the point in all this?" Flim asked.

"The point," Applejack said as her monsters glowed, "is that with these three monsters I build the Overlay Network." The monsters shot into the air and then flew into the black hole as it appeared below her. "As the seasons bring fourth new growth, it can also bring fourth a new power," the black hole exploded in a burst of light. "I XYZ SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing AJ's Xyz monster. "Orchid Cowboy." (A2100/D600/R3)

"Xyz huh," Flam said.

"Orchid Cowboy attack Flam's face down," she ordered as her monster drew one of its revolvers and fired at the face down. The face down revealed itself to be some kind of arm before it was destroyed. "No Flip Effect?" Applejack asked, "then why play it face down?"

Flash was more concerned about the monster itself. He could swear he'd seen it somewhere but where? Suddenly he remembered the time at the museum and called out. "Exodia."

"What?" Applejack asked.

"That card was Exodia's Right Arm," Flash said, "I saw it once at the museum."

"But why have it on the field?" she asked. "Exodia only works in the hand."

"Maybe we don't intend to use the power of Exodia," Flim said.

"Maybe we intend to use a monster even stronger then Exodia," Flam said.

"A monster more powerful the Exodia?" Applejack asked. Wasn't Exodia the most powerful card in existence?

"You done?" Flim asked.

Applejack sighed and placed a card face down and ended her turn.

"Back to me then" Flim said smiling, "and I activate the Spell Card Unfair exchange. This Spell lets me sacrifice a monster on my field and in exchange, I can add a monster from my deck to my hand." Millennium Shield disappeared as Flim's deck shuffled out a card.

Flim drew the card and smiled as he said, "It's time. I should thank you little lady for destroying my brother's face down, as with it we can now activate the Spell Card Contract with Exodia." Five purple beams of light appeared infront of them, which changed into five purple dots before being covered in a dark shroud that soon took shape. "With all five pieces of Exodia in the graveyard, we can summon Exodia's ultimate form."

"A monster so powerful it can't be destroyed by battle," Flam said, "or by the effects of Spells or Traps."

Applejack didn't like the sound of that, but it didn't matter. "I activate the effect of my Orchid Cowboy," she said as one of her monster's Overlay Units flew into its revolver. "By removing an Overlay Unit my monster can negate your Spells Effect."

"Wrong again" Flam said, "as I activate my Trap Breakthrough Skill. This card negates your monster's effect until the End Phase."

Applejack growled as she watched the shroud began to disappear, as the Flim-Flam Brothers chanted.

"FROM THE DARKEST DEEPEST ABYSS WE CALL ON THE ULTIMATE INCARNATION OF FEAR AND DREAD. WE SUMMON THE MIGHTY EXODIA NECROSS!" The last of the shroud vanished revealing their new monster. It looked just like Exodia except its skin was black and its skirt and chains were red.

The two Duellists looked over the powerful monster and both gulped.

"Are you getting a 'we're totally screwed' vibe too?" Flash asked.

"To quote my brother," Applejack replied, "eyup."

Author's Notes:

What'd you think? I figured a pair of shady business men would use a contract card, but use loopholes to make it work easier.

How'd you think Flash and AJ will get out of this?

Turn 34. Exodia's Wrath

The Survival Duel continues with more and more Duellists being eliminated by the minute.

Flash and Applejack were currently Tag-Duelling against the Flim-Flam Brothers, who had just summoned a monster that was supposedly more powerful the Exodia himself...Exodia Necross. (A1800/D0/L4)

"You know," Flash said, "for a monster supposedly more powerful the Exodia that thing doesn't look so tough."

"Looks can be deceiving," Flim said, "but why don't I just show you that by attacking your Shine Crest Magna Wolf with Exodia Necross." The monster pulled back its fist before letting it rip, sending a punch that was so powerful it seemed to break the sound barrier as it did so.

"I don't think so" Applejack said, as her face down flipped up. "With my Power Wall Trap I can redirect your attack towards a stronger monster on the field, like my Orchid Cowboy." Her Xyz monster jumped infront of Magna Wolf and drew its pistols. "Also Power Wall increases his ATK points by two hundred for the turn." (A2300/D600/R3)

Orchid Cowboy fired at Exodia Necross, pushing it back as an explosion occurred

Flim: 2500
Flash: 2700
Flam: 2500
Applejack: 2000

"So mush for their unbeatable monster" Flash said with a fist pump.

"We never said it was unbeatable," Flam said.

"Just that it was more powerful then Exodia," Flim said, "and we weren't lying." At that moment the smoke cleared revealing Exodia Necross was still standing.

"But how?" Applejack asked, "my Orchid Cowboy should have destroyed it."

"It would have" Flim said.

"If not for Exodia Necross's Special Ability," Flam said.

"Don't tell me" Applejack said in fear.

"Didn't you hear us say that Exodia Necross couldn't be destroyed by battle?" Flim said.

"I thought they were just exaggerating when they said that," Flash said.

"It doesn't matter," Applejack said, "it might be indestructible but with only eighteen hundred ATK points it won't be to difficult to deal damage to."

"Is that so?" Flam said.

"It is so" she replied.

"Then prove it," Flim said, "I'll set a card face down and end my turn."

Meanwhile up in the stands Tidal and the gang were looking over the situation their friends were in.

"Not good," he said in concern.

"What is?" Applebloom asked, worried about her big sister.

"Not being destroyed in battle is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Exodia Necross's abilities."

"What else can it do?" Scootaloo asked.

"Let's just say that that your siblings are going to have a hard time getting rid of it."

"Twilight Sorcerer attack Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill" Twilight ordered, as her magician fired its magic attack at the robotic drill destroying it.

Twilight: 2600
Raindrop: 1400

"And now Magician's Valkyria will finish you." Her other Spellcaster fired another blast at the opponent, hitting her and sending her flying back.

Twilight: 2600 (Winner)
Raindrop: 0

Duellists 28

"Yes" Twilight cheered. Not long after that she continued her trek across the Glacier Zone, until she found herself at a vail that lead to the Volcano Zone. Twilight looked up at the aurora like body, hesitation filling her.

There was a good chance she was still there.

Sunset Shimmer.

Twilight had been feeling uncomfortable about the idea of facing her, seeing how she had completely destroyed Scootaloo and her friends, but knew she'd need to if she wanted any answers about Pendulum cards and the unusual events surrounding them.

With one deep breath she stepped through the vail and entered the Zone.

"It's my turn," Flash said drawing and looking at his hand, but nothing in it could defeat Exodia Necross. "I'll switch my monsters to DEF mode, set a card face down and end my turn."

"Now it's my turn," Flam said drawing, "and it's time for Exodia Necross's ability to activate. Each Standby Phase is ATK points will raise by five hundred."

"So each time their turn rolls around that card's going to get even stronger," Flash realised.

"That's right," Flam said. (A2300/D0) "Now I think I'll attack your Orchid Cowboy." Exodia Necross threw another punch, this time at the Xyz monster, which struck destroying it.

Flim: 2500
Flash: 2700
Flam: 2500
Applejack: 1800

"I activate my Trap card Overlay Recovery," Applejack said. "Now since ma Xyz monster had two Overlay Units attached to it when it was destroyed, I can summon them to the field and increase their levels by one each." The black hole opened once again as two lights shot out of it and landed on Applejack's field, revealing Apple Knight and Sylvan Marshalleaf. (A300/D300/L4), (A1500/D1200/L4)

"Don't be celebrating so soon" Flam said, as his face down flipped up. "Limbo, which activates whenever a monster is special summoned. Now one of your monster will be removed from play for three turns."

A wormhole opened below Apple Knight as it fell through into nothingness.

"I think that's far enough," Flam said. "I'll set a card face down and end my turn."

Twilight was trekking through the Volcano Zone but had yet to find anything or anyone.

She was currently climbing up a cliff face though the sweat forged from the heat was making it difficult, but eventually she managed to pull herself up and onto the top. "I made it," she said letting out pants after the exhausting amount of effort it took to get up. "Maybe I should have taken Cadance up on all those offers to go to the gym?"

"I doubt they would have helped a wuss like you," A voice above her let out. She looked up and saw Sunset Shimmer standing not to far off, across a wide river of lava.

"Sunset Shimmer," she said getting up.

"Twilight Sparkle," Sunset replied with an evil smirk.

"It's ma draw," Applejack said drawing. "I summon Red Apple Golem in ATK mode," she said as a giant red apple appeared with eyes, a mouth, legs and arms. (A1300/D1500/L4) "And with its ability I can add Green Apple Golem from my deck to my hand when it's summoned," her deck shuffled out a card which she took. "And now with these two monsters," Red Apple Golem and Sylvan Marshalleaf glowed before shooting into the air and into the black hole, "I build the Overlay Network. He who watches over all growth, lend us your protection." The black hole burst in an explosion of light, "I XYZ SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing Applejack's new monster. It was a bulky man covered in a green plant styled cloak that hid almost his entire body. The only thing on display were his arms, which were covered in a metal gauntlets with metallic oval shaped instruments connected to them. The figure placed those instruments together and formed and they linked, making an apple shaped shield with a red crystal orb at its centre which it hid behind. A pair of orange lights floated around his. "Orchid Defender." (A1400/D2600/R4)

"Playing defensive aye?" Flim asked.

"A clear sigh of fear," Flam agreed.

Applejack growled hearing this. "Don't think just because I summoned a monster in DEF mode, I'm giving up on beating you guys."

"Oh where have I heard that before?" Flim asked sarcastically.

"I believe it was from every second rate Duellist we've ever beaten brother," Flam replied.

"Then I'll let my cards do the talking," Applejack said as she ended her turn.

"My turn," Flim said drawing, "and once again Exodia Necross's ATK points will increase." (A2800/D0/L4) "Next I'll activate my face down Spell card Stop Defence, which will force a monster from DEF mode to ATK mode."

Flash flinched seeing his Magna Wolf stand up into ATK mode.

"Now Exodia Necross attack Shine Crest Magna Wolf," Flim ordered as his monster fired its super powered punch towards the wolf

"I activate Orchid Defender's ability," Applejack said, "by removing an Overlay Unit while he's in DEF mode I can negate your Exodia Necross's attack." One of the Overlay Units flew into the crystal orb in the centre of the Xyz monsters apple shaped shield, as it jumped infront of Magna Wolf ready to intercept the attack.

"I think not" Flam said, "as I activate the effect of Breakthrough Skill in the graveyard. By banishing it we can negate your monsters ability

"Crud," Applejack said as her monster suddenly froze, allowing Exodia Necross to get around it. It re-targeted Shine Crest Magna Wolf and continued its attack, which struck the wolf and destroyed it.

Flash felt his feet leave the ground as he was pushed away by the force of the attack, and sent hurtling onto his back.

Flim: 2500
Flash: 1100
Flam: 2500
Applejack: 1800

"You okay?" Applejack called back to him.

"Peachy" Flash replied pulling himself back up.

"I'll end my turn there," Flim said.

"Sorry Flash," Applejack said, "I couldn't help you protect your life points."

"It's fine AJ" Flash replied, "at least you tried but these guys are just really good."

"They know how to work together that's for sure," Applejack replied.

"I'm just wondering if the others are doing any better?" Flash asked.

Meanwhile in the Forest Zone Rainbow was in a Duel against a girl named Cloudchaser.

Rainbow: 600
Cloudchaser: 200

"I summon Rainbow Wing Orange Osprey," her orange bird of prey appeared on the field. (A1200/D1000/L3) "Orange Osprey attack her directly and end this Duel." Her Rainbow Wing flew up and then sky dropped towards the girl.

"I activate my Trap," Cloudchaser said as her only face down flipped up, "Magic Cylinder. Now your monsters ATK points will be dealt to you as damage."

"NO WAY!" Rainbow screamed as a pair of tubes appeared and Rainbow's monster flew into one, before shooting out the other and flew straight at Rainbow striking her in the chest.

Rainbow: 0
Cloudchaser: 200 (Winner)

Duellists: 21

Celestia: And Rainbow Dash is eliminated.

Luna: She did well but she just took to much damage in the long run.

"I was so close" Rainbow said looking heartbroken.

Back in the Volcano Zone Sunset and Twilight were staring each other down.

"Before when you said a friend told you about me," Twilight said, "that was Cold Steel wasn't it."

Sunset smiled hearing this. "I guess the rumours about you being some brain box were true, but I guess seeing me Pendulum Summon helped your deduction."

"What do you know about Pendulum Cards?" Twilight asked, "and what does Cold Steel intend to use them for."

"Now where's the fun in me simply telling you?" Sunset asked.

Twilight frowned before throwing up her Duel Disk, "I'll just have to force some answers out of you."

"You can try," Sunset replied, holding up her own Duel Disk.

Celestia: Twilight Sparkle vs Sunset Shimmer, Duel...start.

Twilight: 2600
Sunset: 3800

Spike started fidgeting seeing his sister about to Duel the girl who had destroyed Scootaloo and her friends, the three of which were cheering Twilight on.

"Go get her Twilight," Scootaloo yelled hoping she'd hear her.

"Avenge us," Sweetie agreed.

"Just be careful," Applebloom said, "her Solar Flare Phoenix will be tricky to win against."

"Indeed she'll have a hard time winning against that ability," Rarity said.

"But it only works if the monster is Special Summoned while her life points are below two thousand," Tidal said, "so it's not completely hopeless."

"I'll take the first move" Twilight said drawing, "I summon Flame Burst Magician in ATK mode." The flaming clothed wizard appeared. (A1300/D600/L3) "And when Flame Burst Magician is summoned, I can inflict eight hundred points of damage to you." The wizard shot a fireball at Sunset hitting her in the chest.

Twilight: 2600
Sunset: 3000

"I end my turn with a face down."

"My turn," Sunset said, "I draw and right away I'll set the Pendulum Scale with scale two Radiant Sun Knight Scarmick and scale four Radiant Sun Knight Slashim." The pillars of light appeared besides her as to her right, a man appeared wearing knight armour and carrying a spinning wheel blade with holes covering its outer side where flames shot out with a two appearing below him. To her left was another knight appeared carrying a giant flaming sword, a four appearing below him. "Now watch as my monsters burn through space time and blaze the arc of victory," she said as her knight fired ropes of fire which connected and forged a portal above her. "I can now summon multiple level three monsters all at the same time!" Sunset explained. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and two beams of light shot out and hit the ground.

The first became a familiar tiger "unsheathe your claws, Blaze Fang Sun Tiger." (A1200/D1100/L3)

The second was a teen boy in knights armour with a giant gauntlet on his right fist, which suddenly caught fire. "Sock it to them, Radiant Sun Knight Flame Fist" (A1300/D500/L3)

"Neither of them will hurt my Flame Burst Magician," Twilight told her.

"Maybe not," Sunset said, "but once I Overlay them." Her two monster glowed and shot into the air, before flying into a black hole as it opened. "Two flames, burn together as one." The black hole burst in an explosion of light, "I XYZ SUMMON!"

The light fade revealing Sunset's new monster. It was another man in knights armour, riding a horse with a flaming mane and carrying a sword that was on fire. Two red light floated around him. "Radiant Sun Knight Gallantine." (A2000/D1000/R3)

Twilight gulped seeing the Xyz monster. "I wonder if the others are doing any better?"

"It's my turn," Flash said, "I draw." He looked at his hand and saw he'd drawn Double Strike, which was useless against the Flim-Flam Brothers ever strengthening monster. If only he still had Flash Heart Dragon, then he could send Exodia Necross to the bottom of their deck but now. "I'll place a card face down and end my turn."

"Then It's my turn," Flam said drawing as there monster once again powered up. (A3300/D0/L4) "Next I'll play Pot of Greed to draw two new cards," he drew and smiled at what he got. "Next I'll play Ookazi to deal eight hundred points of damage to you Ms Apple."

The ground beneath Applejack's feet exploded, bathing her in fire.

Flim: 2500
Flash: 1100
Flam: 2500
Applejack: 1000

Applejack fell to her knees as her life points lowered.

"Next I'll equip Exodia Necross with the Spell card Mage Power, which will raise its ATK points by five hundred for each card in our Spell and Trap card zone and with itself, Limbo and Tag-Force that's fifteen hundred points. (A4800/D0/L4) "Now he'll attack your Orchid Defender." The monster threw another punch.

"I activate Orchid Defender's ability," Applejack said as the final Overlay Unit was removed, "now I can negate your monsters attack." The Xyz monster raised its shield and managed to repel the attack.

"Your only delaying the inevitable," Flam said ending his turn with a face down.

"We'll see," Applejack said drawing. "It's three turns after your Limbo activated, so its now gone and my Apple Knight now returns." The knight appeared on her field, its level still increased by the effect of Overlay Recovery. (A300/D300/L3) "Plus with one less card your Necross is down a few points."


"I'll switch it to DEF mode and end my turn with a face down."

"My draw," Flim said as Exodia Necross powered up again. (A4800/D0/L4) " I'll start by playing my own Pot of Greed to draw two card," he did so and smiled, "next I'll play the Spell card Pillager. Now I can take a look at your hands and then swipe a card."

"Oh no" Flash said knowing what card Flim would likely pick.

He and Applejack showed their hands as Flim looked through them, before smiling and pointing at. "Double Strike, hand it over."

Flash growled but threw the card at Flim, who caught it.

"Here brother" Flam said as his face down flipped up, "my Raigeki Break should be useful. I'll discard a card and destroy the girls Orchid Defender." A lightning bolt shot down and struck the Xyz monster destroying it.

"Thanks brother," Flim said, "it'll really help with this Spell card Zero Defence. "This Continuous Spell changes every monster in to ATK mode."

"WHAT?" the teens said, as their monsters both stood up.

"What's more whenever a monster on our side of the field destroys a monster, that monster DEF points are dealt to you."

"Not good," Flash said,

"Exodia Necross attack Apple Knight," Flim ordered as his monster threw a punch.

"I activate my Trap," Applejack said, "Scrap-Iron Scarecrow. Now I can negate your attack," a scarecrow made out of metal objects appeared and intercepted the attack. "And I can reset this Trap to use again next turn."

"Yes next turn," Flim said, "but you've got another attack coming." He placed a card in his Duel Disk, "I activate Double Strike. By lowering my monster ATK points it can attack again. (A3800/D0/L4) Exodia Necross threw another punch at Apple Knight.

"If this attack lands Applejack will be out," Rarity said in horror.

"Applejack!" Applebloom called out.

"I activate my Trap card," Flash said as one of his face downs flipped up, "Interception. This Trap lets a stronger monster take the hit for Apple Knight." Flash Knight leaped infront of Apple Knight and was hit by the attack, getting destroyed.

"All you did was sacrifice yourself boy," Flam said.

"Wrong," Flash replied, "because my other Trap will save me." His second face down flipped up revealing, "Defence Draw. My life points are safe and I can draw a card," Flash explained drawing his card and seeing he got Lightspeed.

"Well don't forget that since our monster destroyed yours," Flim said.

"Zero Defence will deal you damage equal to its DEF points," Flam said.

Flim: 2500
Flash: 500
Flam: 2500
Applejack: 400

"I'll end my turn," Flim said as his monsters ATK returned to normal. (A4800/D0/L4)

"Thanks Flash," Applejack said, "I would have been out without your help."

"Don't mention it," Flash replied, "but I doubt we'll be able to pull it off again next turn."

"Meaning this is our last chase to win," she agreed turning to him. "You can do it."

"I'm not sure," Flash said, "without Flash Heart-"

"Is that why you've been acting so indecisive?" Applejack asked, she had noticed Flash being hesitant the last few turns.

"Of course," he replied, "without Flash Heart I can't pull of any of my best combos." As if to prove his point, Flash drew and saw it was Magna Mechanic Kuda. If he had Flash Heart he might have been able to summon Accel but-

"Who cares if you don't have Flash Heart!" Applejack called to him. "So you've lost your best card, so did I" she pointed at her Duel Disk reminding him that Orchid Cowboy and Defender had been destroyed. "You know your problem Flash? It's that you've had that card in your winning image for so long that it's impossible for you to think you can win without it."

"That's not true," Flash said.

"Then prove it," Applejack said, "win this without him."

Flash turned back to Exodia Necross, and felt fear run through him. Without Flash Heart...no he wasn't dependent on that one card. It might be his best card, but he didn't need it to win. He would show them.

Suddenly his Extra Deck shot open as a light burst out coming from one of the cards.

Flash removed the glowing card, finding it to be one of the Synchro cards he'd gotten from Tidal. Suddenly the card was completely enveloped by the light, which quickly vanished revealing a new Synchro Monster. "Again?" Flash said, reading the card he frowned. After all that it couldn't defeat Exodia Necross...unless.

Flash looked back at the field and the Flim-Flam Brother's stratagy, and realised there was a gaping flaw in it which this new card could help him exploit. Turning to Applejack he smiled, "I got an idea. But I'll need your help."

Applejack smiled back. "My cards are your cards."

He nodded and looked back to the Flim-Flam Brothers. "It's my turn and I summon Magna Mechanic Kuda," the Pendulum Monster appeared on the field swinging its spanner around. (A1400/D700/L3/P2)

"What can that card do?" Flim asked.

"What it can do," Flash replied, "is tune itself to Applejack's Apple Knight." Kuda glowed and changed into three balls of light that flew up and then carved three circles of light, which Apple Knight leapt into. "With skills born through work and dedication, raise your sword for battle," the monsters disappeared in a burst of light. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

"He's using the cards Tidal gave him," Scootaloo said

"But they were blank?" Tidal asked.

"Not anymore," Rarity said as they watched the light fade, revealing Flash's new monster.

It was a tall man whose entire body was inside a set of gunmetal robotic steampunk armour, leaving only his head visible with a device covering his right eye reminding a few older watchers of a Duel Gazer. From his arms a pair of four foot blades shot out which it swung around creating a gust of wind as it did so. "Magna Champion, Assault Striker." (A2500/D2100/L7)

"Nice move and all," Flam said.

"But against our Exodia Necross it won't stand a chance," Flim finished.

"Say that again after I activate Assault Striker's ability," Flash said. "Once per turn I can discard a card from my hand and destroy a card on the field that's the same type as the card I discarded."

"Did you forget that Exodia Necross is immune to destruction from Card Effects?" Flam asked.

"Actually I didn't," Flash said, "which is why I'm discarding Lightspeed, a Spell card."

"Spell card?" the Flim-Flam Brothers asked in confusion.

"You see I noticed a hole in your stratagy," Flash said, "the only reason you managed to get Exodia Necross out is because you both sent parts of Exodia to the graveyard. Since your sharing a graveyard your able to do this, but what if you weren't sharing a graveyard?"

The Flim-Flam Brother's eyes grew wide and turned to their Spell, Tag-Force.

"Magna Champion Assault Striker destroy Tag-Force and Exodia Necross along with it." Assault Striker's shoulder pads opened revealing a pair of lazor blasters which aimed at the Spell card, before firing a blast which destroyed Tag-Force.

"But without that card," Flim said as he and his brother looked up at their monster. Cracks began to travel across the monsters body, some joining up causing pieces to fall off and disintegrate. "NO!" they both yelled as Exodia Necross finally turned to dust and disappeared.

"Oh and did I forget to mention that when Assault Striker uses this effect, it can attack twice a turn?" Flash asked coyly.

"Two attacks!" they said together.

"Magna Champion Assault Striker attack," Flash ordered as his Synchro Monster launched itself at Flim. Assault Striker raised one of its blades and slashed down his chest.

Flim: 0
Flash: 500
Flam: 2500
Applejack: 400

Duellists: 16

The Synchro Monster then turned to Flam raising its other blade, slashing him as well.

Flim: 0
Flash: 500 (Winner)
Flam: 0
Applejack: 400 (Winner)

Duellists: 15

Celestia: The winners are Flash Sentry and Applejack.

Luna: They came from behind and managed to defeat a pair of Tag-Duel masters.

"Alright!" the teens said, high fiving. "Great work Flash," Applejack said.

"I couldn't have pulled it off without you," Flash replied, "thanks for being honest with me about Flash Heart."

"Awe shucks," Applejack replied with a tip of the hat. "It's fine having a monster you like using more then others, but like I said you can't relay on it in every Duel."

"I get that now," Flash said.

"So what now?" Applejack asked.

"I need to get to the Volcano Zone," Flash said, "there's someone there I need to talk to."

"Who?" she asked.

"The one who knocked Scoot and her friends out of the tournament."

"You mean Applebloom's out?"

"You didn't see?" Flash asked, getting a shake of the head in return, "some girl named Sunset Shimmer Duelled them three on one and knocked them out using Pendulum cards."

"Pendulum cards?" Applejack asked, "then we'd better find her then. You can ask her about the cards and I can get revenge for Applebloom."

"Right," Flash replied, "I need to avenge Scootaloo too."

"Then let's go," Applejack said as the two ran through the Canyon Zone towards the last few rounds of the tournament. Fifteen Duellists remained, and that total wouldn't remain for long. But who will be the last one standing?

Author's Notes:

Now Flash has a stratagy that doesn't involve Flash Heart Dragon. I finally managed to add one to his deck after so many of you said he needed one. Hope I didn't disappoint.

Turn 35, Twilight at Sunset

The Survival Tournament was drawing to a close, as the final few Duellists began their Duels which weren't really lasting long since most of their life points were so low a single attack would wipe them out.

Celestia: How much longer will this tournament last I wonder?

Luna: We're down to the final few so not much longer my sister.

In the Forest Zone the Duellist who had beaten Rainbow Dash, Cloudchaser, was in a Duel against a guy named Time Turner.

Cloudchaser: 200
Time Turner: 1900

"I activate Mystical Space Typhoon," Time Turner said, "to destroy your face down. Cloudchaser's card flew up revealing Magic Cylinder, which was destroyed. "Now Chrono Fighter can wage a direct attack on you," his monster swung its sword at Cloudchaser slashing her down the middle.

Cloudchaser: 0
Time Turner: 1900 (Winner)

Duellists: 10

"How dare she lose," Rainbow said in fury up in the stands.

"I guess your Duel with her was to much to come back from," Scootaloo said.

"Yeah," Rainbow said suddenly chilled again, "guess your right.

"They were right in saying these Duels won't last much longer," Rarity said, "hopefully one of our friends can make it to the end.

Flash and Applejack were rushing through the Canyon Zone trying to get to the Volcano Zone where Sunset was suppose to be.

As soon as they saw the vail they also saw a girl with white skin and pink hair standing infront of it. "Names Redheart," she said holding up her Duel Disk, "who's up."

Meanwhile Sunset's Duel against Twilight continued. Radiant Sun Knight Gallantine was on her field while Twilight had Flame Burst Magician and a face down.

"I'll start by activating Radiant Sun Knight's ability," Sunset said as one of the lights flew into the Xyz monsters sword which ignited. "By removing an Overlay Unit, Gallantine can destroy one face down card on the field." The flames from the sword shot out towards Twilight's face down destroying it. "Now Gallantine attack Flame Burst Magician," she ordered as the knight galloped towards the Spellcaster and slashing it to pieces.

Twilight: 1900
Sunset: 3000

"I end my turn."

"It's my turn," Twilight replied, "I draw." She looked at her hand and nodded as a plan formed within her head. "First I'll summon Terra Charmer to the field in ATK mode," a teenage wizard in orange rock patterned clothing appeared holding a staff if a rock floating off the end. (A1200/D1800/L4) "With him on the field I can now play Spellbook of Rebirth, which lets me revive Flame Burst Magician."

Sunset frowned seeing the monster return to the field. Having gone over Twilight's previous Duel she knew what to expect.

"And now," Twilight said as Terra Charmer glowed and changed into three light, "I'll tune Terra Charmer and Flame Burst Magician together." The lights carved three circles which Flame Burst Magician jumped into, before going transparent. "When two mighty magicians unite their magical power an amazing event will occur." The monsters disappeared in an explosion of light, "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing Twilight's best monster. "Twilight Sorcerer's." (A2100/D2800/L7) "With Twilight Sorcerer's ability I can now add a random Spellbook to my hand," her deck shuffled around then a card slotted out. "Also since I have a Spellbook in my graveyard my Sorcerer gains a hundred ATK points. (A2200/D2800/L7) "Now I attack your Gallantine," she ordered as her magician fired a magic energy ball which struck the Xyz monster destroying it.

Twilight: 1900
Sunset: 2800

"I end my turn."

"My turn," Sunset said, "I draw and activate the Spell Eruption Draw. By removing a Fire monster from my grave I can then draw cards equal to that monsters level, so I'll remove Blaze Fang Sun Tiger to draw three cards." She did so and drew three times. "Next my Pendulum Monsters will once again blaze the arc of victory," she said as the portal formed above her head. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and a light shot out and hit the ground.

"Sock it to them, Radiant Sun Knight Flame Fist" (A1300/D500/L3)

"Next I'll summon Firewall Defender in DEF mode," a man appeared wearing a gauntlet with a small metal disk attached that shot out fired and formed a shield of flames. (A1800/D0/L4)

"Let me guess," Twilight said, "It can't be destroyed by battle while in DEF mode?"

"What tipped you off?" Sunset asked.

"Your deck is designed around Flash's," Twilight answered. "There are a few differences here and there, but all in all its the same basic deck."

"Then you should be scared," Sunset said, "after all how many times has that deck lost? once or twice maybe. With that in mind you really should just give up."

"No way," Twilight said shaking her head. "Your right saying Flash has barely lost since getting that deck, but that's Flash. Your deck may have the same look as his but it doesn't have the deck's soul."

"Soul?" Sunset asked.

"You've just copied all of Flash's strategies and combos. Strategies and combos that only worked because Flash thought them up, but you using them means nothing."

"Is that so?"

"It is," Twilight said, "and I'm going to prove it by beating you and that forgery deck."

"Then prove it," Sunset said. "I place one card face down and end my turn."

"It's my turn," Twilight said, "I draw and activate the effect of Terra Charmer from the graveyard. Now by banishing it, I can return a Spellcaster in my graveyard to my hand." She did as she said. "Next I'll summon it to the field, so return to me Flame Burst Magician." (A1300/D600/L3) "Now since he was Normal Summoned I can inflicted eight hundred points of damage to you," Twilight said as her wizard shot a fireball which struck Sunset in the chest.

Twilight: 1900
Sunset: 2000

"Next I'll use Twilight Sorcerer's ability to add a random Spellbook from my deck to my hand," Twilight said as her deck slotted out a card for her to take. "Next I'll play Spellbook of Secrets, to add another Spellbook to my hand." Once again her deck shuffled out a card, which she took. "I now activate Spellbook of Fate, which will let me remove two Spellbooks from my graveyard and have your Firewall Defender switch to ATK mode."

The flame shielded knight stood up as his gauntlet extinguished.

"Now Twilight Sorcerer attack Firewall Defender," Twilight ordered as her wizard fired its blast.

"I activate my Trap," Sunset said, "Brittle Shield. Now a monster with more ATK then DEF can switch to DEF mode," Firewall Defender pulled up its gauntlet and ignited it just as the magic struck him. Once the dust settled Firewall Defender was revealed to still be standing.

Twilight groaned seeing this, "Flame Burst Magician attack Flame Fist." The wizard shot a fireball which struck the Radiant Sun Knight, destroying it once again.

"I end my turn."

"Then it's my turn," Sunset said, "I draw and activate the Spell card Cleansing Fire." The two light pillars then transformed into flaming tornadoes, which consumed the Pendulum monsters within and destroyed them. "This card destroys every Spell and Trap card on my field and in return I get to draw one card for each of them. Since I destroyed two I can now draw two," she did so and smiled. "I reset the Pendulum Scale, with scale eight Magician of Glorious Sunrise and scale one Magician of Glorious Sundown." The pillars of light reappeared as the two Spellcasters flew up into them. "Now I can burn through space time and blaze the arc of victory, to summon monsters levelled two through seven all at the same time." Above her a portal formed, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and three beams of light shot out and smashed into the ground.

"Slice and dice, Radiant Sun Knight Scarmick." (A1000/D1000/L3/P2)

"Sock it to them, Radiant Sun Knight Flame Fist" (A1300/D500/L3)

"On guard, Radiant Sun Knight Slashim." (A2100/D2200/L6/P4)

The final one was a young female wizard in flame clothing. "Unify all flames, Magician of the Unified Flame." (A300/D800/L2)

"Not good," Twilight said. Now she had a large ray of monsters to summon.

"Since Scarmick was special summon," Sunset continued, "his special ability activates increasing the ATK of a Fire monster of my field by five hundred points for the turn." Fire shot out of Scarmick's weapon, surrounding Flame Fist and increasing his power. (A1800/D500/L3) "And now I activate Magician of the Unified Flame's ability," her little spellcaster waved her wand and burst into flames which also consumed Slashim. "She allows me to Fusion Summon without Polymerisation," Sunset explained as the flames connected into one before spiralling into a tornado. "The blazing heart of a Warrior, and the blazing mind of a Spellcaster now burn as one." The tornado exploded revealing Sunset's new monster, "I FUSION SUMMON!"

The new monster was a knight in golden flame patterned armour, carrying a magic staff with a blade on its bottom and a red crystal orb on its top. A golden cape flowed down its back. "Mystic Paladin of Glorious Sunstroke." (A?/D?/L10)"

Twilight raised her eyebrow seeing the new monsters points.

"Mystic Paladin's ATK and DEF points become the combined points of the Fusion Materials," Sunset explained. (A2400/D3000/L10)

Now Twilight gulped.

Back in the the Canyon Zone Flash and Redheart were Duelling. The pink haired woman had started with Injection Fairy Lily.

Redheart: 1100
Flash: 500

"It's my turn," Flash said, "I draw and set the Pendulum Scale with Alchemy Dracokid and Magna Caster Estella." The pillars of light appeared as the Pendulum Monsters rose up. "Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," Flash said as the portal formed. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and two beams of light shot out.

"Dazzle them, Mirage Gleam Dragon." (A1600/D1200/L4)

"Shine your light of victory, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"Flash Heart's skill," Flash said, "Fairy Lily to the bottom of the deck." A wormhole opened up and sucked the nurse monster inside." Now Mirage Gleam Dragon attack her directly," his dragon's scales glowed and fired a beam of light at her.

Redheart: 0
Flash: 500 (Winner)

Duellists: 6

"Nice one Flash," Applejack said.

"With her out no one's standing in our way of the vail," Flash said. "Come on," they rushed through the vail and entered the next Zone.

Meanwhile the Duellist Time Turner and his opponent Caramel were in their own Duel. Caramel currently had Vorse Raider while Time Turner had a face down.

Time Turner: 200
Caramel: 400

"My turn," Time Turner said, "I draw and summon Time Wizard." A red clock monster appeared. "With Time Wizard's ability I can spin its dial and if it lands on the time machine it'll destroy your monster, but if it lands on the skull it'll destroy my monsters and deal me damage equal to half its ATK."

Celestia: This is it. This one spin will decide how this Duel ends.

"Time Roulette," Time Turner said, "GO!" The Time Wizards spinner spun around and around. Everyone watched in anticipation as the dial began to slow, and eventually stop on..."NO" Time Turner yelled seeing the arrow land on the skull.

Luna: Looks like Time Turner is out.

As the time warp began to suck Time Wizard inside, Time Turner frowned. "If I'm going down I'm taking you with me, as I activate my Trap Ring of Destruction." A ring appeared around Vorse Raiders neck as Time Turner explained, "this ring will destroy any monster on the field and inflict damage to both of us equal to that monsters ATK points." The ring exploded, destroying Vorse Raider and dealing them both damage.

Time Turner: 0 (Tie)
Caramel: 0 (Tie)

Duellists: 4

Celestia: Now we're down to the final four.

Luna: Which will soon be down to three, as Ms Sparkle and Shimmer's Duel will soon be coming to a close.

"Mystic Paladin of Glorious Sunstroke," Sunset ordered, "attack Twilight Sorcerer." He Fusion Monster raised its staff and fired a flamethrower at Twilight's Synchro Monster, burning it alive.

Twilight: 1700
Sunset: 2000

"Next," Sunset continued, "Flame Fist will destroy Flame Burst Magician." The knight launched itself at the wizard and slammed it with his flaming gauntlet.

Twilight: 1200
Sunset: 2000

"And Finally Radiant Sun Knight Scarmick will attack you directly," the last monster charged towards Twilight.

"If this attack hit Twilight'll only have two hundred points," Spike said in fear.

"Look out Twilight!" Rarity called out.

"I activate the effect of Spirit Chanter," Twilight said as she discarded a card. "By discarding it I can reduce any damage I take to zero." In front of her appeared a wizard who held up its staff and created a force field that Scarmick bounced off.

"Your luck won't last forever," Sunset said as she ended her turn.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, seeing Twilight barely hold out.

"We're lucky she didn't switch Firewall Defender to ATK mode," Tidal said, "no way Dama Sparkle could have survived."

"Why didn't she use it though?" Sweetie asked.

"Sunset must have foresaw the chance that Twilight would survive the attack," Rarity replied, "so she kept it safe encase."

"But Twilight'll need to think up a way to beat that Mystic Paladin," Spike said, "or it'll be game over."

"It's my turn," Twilight said, "I draw and summon Shadow Charmer in ATK mode." He dark clothed Tuner appeared. (A1200/D700/L3) "With Shadow Charmer's ability, I can discard Silent Magician LV8 to revive Twilight Sorcerer." Her Synchro monster return to the field. (A2200/D2800/L7)

"Those two won't do a thing against my monsters," Sunset said.

"You forget about my Sorcerer's ability," she said as her deck shuffled out a card. "Now I activate the Spellbook of Eternity, which will let me return a Spellbook back into my hand. Next I activate the returned Spellbook of Secret, to add another Spellbook to my hand" her deck shuffled out another card. "Now I activate the Spellbook of Power, which will raise Twilight Sorcerer ATK points by one thousand plus with four Spellbooks in my grave, his power raises by another four hundred." (A3500/D2800/L7)

"A" Sunset said blankly.

"Twilight Sorcerer attack Mystic Paladin," Twilight ordered. Her magician fired a beam of energy as the Paladin fired its flamethrower. The two attacks met but Twilight Sorcerer's pushed back and eventually struck the paladin down.

Twilight: 1200
Sunset: 900

"Additionally," Twilight said, "Spellbook of Powers other effect lets me add another Spellbook to my hand." She took another card out of her Deck, "I'll end my turn by activating that card so say hi to the Spellbook Star Hall." The Spell card appeared on the field, as Twilight Sorcerer's ATK points returned to normal with the four hundred point increase. (A2500/D2800/L7)

"My draw," Sunset said, "and I play Pot of Greed to draw two new cards. Next my Pendulum Cards will burn through space time and blaze the arc of victory," the portal formed above her. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened an two beams of light shot out.

"On guard, Radiant Sun Knight Slashim." (A2100/D2200/L6/P4)

"Ignite your flame of victory, Solar Flare Phoenix." (A2500/D2100/L7/P4)

Scootaloo, Sweetie Bell and Applebloom all shuddered seeing the monster that had wiped them out.

"This is bad," Rarity said.

"Indeed," Tidal agreed.

"Twilight," Spike said in worry.

"I activate Solar Flare Phoenix's ability," Sunset said, "since my life points are below two thousand they now double since she was Special Summoned." The large bird released its fires, which Sunset bathed in.

Twilight: 1200
Sunset: 1800

"Now I activate this Spell Card," Sunset said setting a card. "Blazing Heart of Fire, which lets me sacrifice every Fire monster on my field other then Solar Flare Phoenix." Flame Fist, Scarmick and Slashim burst into flames, which then flew up and circled Solar Flare Phoenix. "This Spell increases my Phoenix's ATK points by the combined levels of my other monsters, times by one hundred."

"What?" Twilight asked in shock.

"Flame Fist and Scarmick are both level three," Fluttershy did the math, "while Slashim is level six. All together they equal..."

"Twelve hundred points," Rarity finished.

Solar Flare Phoenix spread its wings and took to the skies as its power rose. (A3700/D2100/L7/P4)

Flash and Applejack had arrived at the base of the cliff, when they heard a loud squawk which made them look up to see Solar Flare Phoenix.

"What is that?" Applejack asked.

"The monster that beat our sisters," Flash replied.

Twilight shook as the Phoenix rose up and high above them.

"Solar Flare Phoenix," Sunset ordered, "attack Twilight Sorcerer and end this."

As the giant firebird began its descent towards the magician, Twilight looked at her hand, field, deck, anything looking for a way to stop Sunset...but there was nothing she could do. The flaming winged beast struck Twilight Sorcerer, incinerating it and sending Twilight flying off her feet and into the air.

Twilight: 0
Sunset: 1800 (Winner)

Duellists: 3

Flash and Applejack saw the explosion and watched as the Duellist was sent flying off the cliff, only to realise who that Duellist was.

"TWILIGHT!" they yelled seeing her fall. In that moment they leaped into action and shot up the cliff, before jumping off and managing to catch the purple skinned teen in their arms and breaking her fall.

"Twilight," Flash said as he managed to pull himself up, "are you okay?"

"Flash," Twilight moaned out opening her eyes.

"Relax sugarcube," Applejack told her, "we got ya."

"Looks like it's just the three of us," they heard a voice say from above them. Looking up they saw Sunset skidding down the cliff, coming to a stop on a ledge a few feet off the ground.

"Sunset Shimmer," Flash growled standing tall and looking up at her.

"I guess the Pendulum Cards got me to stick in your mind huh?" Sunset said.

"You got them from Cold Steel right?" Flash asked her, "what do you know about them."

"Sorry handsome," Sunset said, "but that's need to know."

Flash growled and held up his Duel Disk.

"You want to Duel me?" she asked.

"We both do," Applejack said. "This is pay back for my sister."

"Oh right," Sunset said, "the three losers who couldn't even win in a three on one."

The two growled hearing her bad mouth their sisters.

Celestia: This is it, the final Duel.

Luna: which of these three will come out on top?


Sunset: 1800
Flash: 500
Applejack: 400

"Since it's two on one," Sunset said drawing, "I'll take the first move and activate Spell Replicator. Now by ditching a Spell in my hand, I can add two more copies of it from my deck." She sent a card to her graveyard as two new cards slotted out of her deck. "And now," she said slotting one of them into her Duel Disk, "I activate Hinotama. This Spell card will blast away five hundred of your life points."

"Oh no," Flash and Applejack said.

A barrage of fire balls appeared above her and flew towards them, before striking Applejack and knocking her off her feet.

"APPLEJACK!" Flash and Twilight yelled.

Sunset: 1800
Flash: 500
Applejack: 0

Duellists: 2

"That was so much fun," Sunset said placing another card in her Duel Disk, "I think I'll do it again. Hinotama FIRE."

Another fire ball appeared above her and shot towards Flash, striking him in the chest and knocking him down.

Sunset: 1800 (Winner)
Flash: 0
Applejack: 0

Duellists: 1-Winner Sunset Shimmer

Celestia: That's it, the Survival Tournament is over and Sunset Shimmer is the last Duellist standing.

Luna: She has earned the fifteen hundred Duel Points.

As the Duel Fields disappeared, Flash, Applejack and Twilight pulled themselves up and onto their feet.

They found Sunset about to walk passed them, but she stopped when she heard Twilight say. "This isn't over, we'll Duel again."

Sunset chuckled hearing this and replied without even looking at her. "You might want to drag yourself up to my level first," and with that she walked off stage.

Not long after, all the competitors were back on the field as Sunset walked on stage and shook hands with the Celestic Sisters.

"Let's congratulate our Survival Duel Champion Sunset Shimmer," Celestia said as she and Luna transferred the points to Sunset.

Everyone clapped for the yellow and red haired teen, though some weren't as enthusiastic as the others which included Flash and his friends.

Twilight continued to stare at Sunset, not able to get their Duel out of her head. She had been completely helpless against her, but she swore the next time they met she would settle the score.

Author's Notes:

The Survival Duel arc comes to a close.

What will happen next for Flash and his friends? Stay tuned to find out.

Turn 36, Scales of Ice

In the observation room of the Duel Dome, Cold Steel was watching the recorded Survival Duels closely.

"I SYNCHRO SUMMON!" the recorded Flash let out as the his new monster appeared.

Cold looked over at another computer and saw the energy output of the Synchro Summon and sighed. "Still not enough," he said. "I had hoped the Tournament would have pushed him more then this, but even after all this he still isn't where he should be." Cold then turned to another computer screen.

"I PENDULUM SUMMON!" Sunset said, as her arc of victory opened and Solar Flare Phoenix shot out.

Seeing the energy levels of this card made Cold feel a little better. But if they wanted to face what was coming, then they would need more. "Looks like I'll need to take more extreme measures." Before he could even think about what to do his computer beeped, catching his attention.

Accepting the alert Cold's screen switched to a video feed showing four figures hiding outside the dome.

"What's this?" he asked.

"Well that was an event of a life time," Scootaloo said as the gang and Tidal sat in the cafeteria after the tournament ended.

"More like a waste of time," Rainbow said. "We spent an entire day Duelling and didn't get a single point."

"Yeah well," Applejack said, "we knew of that risk going into this tournament."

"Yeah I guess," Rainbow said, still looking annoyed.

"At least we know one thing," Rarity said, "there's another Duellist who knows how to Pendulum Summon."

Everyone went quite remembering how Sunset had beaten six of them with out barely breaking a sweat.

Twilight more then anyone was still shuck up with how their match had gone. Sunset had barely had to try to defeat her, using those Xyz, Fusion and Pendulum Summons to decimate her.

"It's just one more reason for us to make it to the finals," Flash told them.

"Indeed amigo," Tidal agreed, "a Duellist of that calibre will no doubt be there."

"Your right," Pinkie said cheerily, "and with the amount of points we all already have it can't be that much harder."

"Yeah," Applejack agreed, "we just gotta keep doin what we're doin."

"RIGHT!" they all cheered.

Meanwhile outside the dome, the four figures Cold had spotted were waiting in the shadows.

"So you know what to do?" the supposed leader of the group said to the tallest of the lot.

"Y-y-yes," he stuttered out, "and if I do you'll keep your word."

"Of course," the guy said, "I'm a man of my word.

"Okay then," he replied.

"Well I guess this is it," Flash said as everyone stood outside the dome, ready to head back out.

"I guess it is," Applejack replied.

"We'll see everyone again," Rarity told them.

"Yeah," Pinkie agreed, "on the last day of the first round, let's meet up at Sugarcube Corner to celebrate getting through.

"Sound awesome," Rainbow said, with everyone agreeing.

"Excuse me," everyone turned to see a man in a lab coat, with bowl cut hair and large round glasses, approaching them. "Are any of you by chance Flash Sentry?"

"I'm Flash Sentry," Flash said raising his hand, "what can I do for ya?"

"I'm an employee at Freeze Industries," the man said, "part of the Duel Point Meter Division and I've come because we've detected a fault in your Meter."

"Really?" Flash asked looking at his DPM. "I haven't noticed anything wrong with it."

"The fault is only small," he said, "and won't cause any problems yet. But if it goes uncorrected it my cause all sorts of glitches and might even cause your points to be deleted."

"Oh no," Fluttershy said.

"You should probably have it checked out," Twilight told Flash.

"Right," Flash agreed turning back to the man and taking off his DPM. "Here," he held it out, "think you can correct it?"

"I just need to look at it to find the problem," he said taking it. He looked the DPM over and went into his pocket, most likely to get his tools, as he said. "Arr, here's the problem."

"What is it?" Flash asked.

"This DPM..." he said, before pulling something out of his pocket, "was owned by a complete chump." The man threw whatever he was holding to the ground as it exploded, creating a giant cloud of smoke.

"WHAT THE!" Flash said, getting blinded by the smokescreen but managed to rush away from it an back into the light. "What happened?" he asked until he realised the guy wasn't there anymore, and was running away. "Oh no," Flash said before rushing after him.

"Flash," he heard Twilight yell, "where are you going?"

"That guy's making a break for it with my DPM," Flash yelled back, "he's trying to steal my points."

Despite the head start the guy had, Flash's superior speed and agility meant he was soon catching up as they ran down the street. At that moment the guy turned left into an ally way, but as Flash was about to follow a sound caught his ears. Looking up he saw tons of barrels rolling down the street at him.

Thinking fast Flash leaped up and caught a high up fire escape, managing to dodge the barrels as they rolled underneath him and down the street. Once gone Flash dropped down and rushed into the ally way, as the guy had just finished scaling a large fence and was rushing down the street. Taking a deep breath, Flash ran as fast as he could and managed to jump up and grab the top of the fence before pulling himself up.

Once out of the ally Flash found himself in a busy street, but managed to catch a glimpse of the bowl cut amongst the people.

Pushing himself through the crowds he followed as best he could, until finally he saw the man turn left into an area and once Flash pushed through and ran inside he gasped seeing where he was. It was the construction site Flash had Duelled against Cold Steel in, and now he had chased another person here.

Said person now stood shaking at the sight of Flash glaring at him.

"I don't know who you are," Flash said, "but you'd better give back my DPM or else."

"I'm sorry," he quivered out in fear, "but I had to do it or he'd destroy my deck."

"Who?" Flash asked.

"Me loser," Flash froze as his head shot up to a girder where three teens were standing. In the centre stood someone Flash recognised all to well.

"Garble," he growled at the teen he'd first Duelled against after getting his deck.

"Long tome no see loser," Garble said.

"What are you up to?" Flash asked.

"Flash," everyone turned around and saw his friends running into the area.

"How'd you guys find me?" Flash asked as they rushed next to him.

"We tracked you DPM," Twilight explained.

"Is that Garble?" Spike asked.

"It is," Flash replied, "and I'm guessing he's the one behind all this."

"You not as dumb as you look," Garble said before looking down at Bowl Cut Guy, "now hand it over."

Bowl Cut Guy shook looking at how they were outnumbered.

"Do it!" Garble call out, pulling something out of his hoodie, "or your deck gets turned to ash." He pulled out a lighter and held it dangerously close to what they now realised was a deck holder."

"NO!" he yelled.

"Still up to your old tricks huh?" Flash said, "what's this got to do with me?"

"Are you dense?" Garble said, "after you humiliated me I lost my rep amongst Duellists. I'm getting pay back and my respect back by entering the Celestic Cup finals with your points."

"Like I'd let you," Flash yelled.

"Well like we expected you to be able to follow us," one of Garble's cronies Fume said, "those barrels were suppose to stop you in your tracks."

"That's what you use to slow someone down?" Flash asked looking embarrassed for them.

"Enough," Garble said, "hand it over or the deck gets it." He lowered the deck to the lighter.

"NO!" the guy said, before he threw Flash's DPM towards them.

In that moment something flew through the air and hit the device, which forced it to fly towards a girder.

Once it stopped everyone saw it was a Duel Card which had embedded itself in the metal with the watch hanging around it.

"What the?" Garble asked only to feel something strike his hand, making him drop the deck. He saw it was another card which had freed the deck allowing it to fall safely into the Bowl Cut Guy's hands.

"Duel Points are a Duellist's Spirit," everyone looked up and gasped at who they saw. Cold Steel was standing on the roof of the building next to the construction site. "Duel Points are proof of the battles the Duellist as fought," he said, "trying to take them away unfairly is unforgivable."

"What's it to you?" Garble yelled at him.

"I won't allow anyone to cheat in my tournament," Cold said.

"I'm not cheating," Garble said, "the idea is to collect points and that's what we're doing."

"He's right," Garble's other teammate Clump said.

"Is that so?" Cold said, "then why don't we settle this like Duellists." He took out his Duel Disk and fixed it to his arm.

"You wanna Duel us?" Garble asked smiling, "fine. But this'll be a handy cap battle, so it'll be three of use against you."

"If that is what it takes for you to feel sure you'll win," Cold said, "but I have my own condition." He clicked something on his Duel Disk as a robotic female voice spoke.


From the Duel Disk came a pulse which covered the whole area, before things started appearing in mid air. They were light green platform like structures that scattered around the area.

"What is this?" Flash asked looking around.

"I think," Twilight answered, "it's an Action Field.

"How's that possible?" Applejack asked.

"My companies newest creation," Cold said as he leaped off the building and onto one of the platforms, "consider yourselves the beta testers. This will be a three on one Duel where you three alternate between turns."

"That's fine," Garble said as he and his friends pulled out their Duel Disks, "but when we win those points are ours."

"Agreed," Cold said, "the winner gets the points.

"Don't I get a say in this," Flash yelled but they just ignored him


Fume: 4000
Clump: 4000
Garble: 4000
Cold: 4000

"ACTION CARD DISPERSED!" the voice said, as cards were suddenly scattered around the field.

"You think he'll be okay?" Scootaloo asked.

"He's facing those guys three on one," Sweetie Bell said, "I don't like his chances."

"You three more then anyone shouldn't judge a Duel just by the number of opponents," Rarity said.

"She's right," Applejack said, "what matters are the cards they play.

"I'll take the first move," Fume said drawing. "I summon Breakaway Dragon, in ATK mode." A large black dragon appeared on the field, with large scythe like instruments in place of hands. (A1900/D900/L4) "I end my turn it a face down."

"My turn," Cold said, "I draw and Special Summon Frozen Heart Knight in ATK mode." His knight in frozen armour appeared on the field, brandishing its weapons for battle. (A1700/D1500/L4) "Next I summon Frozen Heart Statue Söder," he continued as the compass like creature appeared on the field. (A900/D700/L3) "And now," he said as Söder transformed into three lights, "I tune Frozen Heart Statue Söder with Frozen Heart Knight." The lights carved three circles which Frozen Heart Knight jumped inside. "Now watch as two mighty pieces of ice merge into a new strength," the two monsters disappeared in an explosion of light. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing Cold's Synchro Monster. "Frozen Heart Lord of the Javelin." (A2500/D2200/L7)

"Oh," Fume said.

"Frozen Heart Lord of the Javelin," Cold ordered, "attack Breakaway Dragon." His monster flew into the air and aimed its spear at Breakaway, before throwing it at the dragon and impaling it causing it to be destroyed.

Fume: 3400
Clump: 4000
Garble: 4000
Cold: 4000

"I activate my Trap card," Fume said, "Dragon's Shedding. With this I can Summon a Dragon from my deck, whose level is lower then the one you just destroyed." He took a card from his deck and summoned it, "say hi to Hunter Dragon." A black serpentine dragon appeared on their field. (A1700/D100/L3)

"I place three cards face down and end my turn," Cold said.

"My turn," Clump said, "I draw and I'll tribute Hunter Dragon to summon Carnivore Dragon." Hunter Dragon disappeared and was replaced by a giant four legged dragon with black scales, dark green wings and claws and a crown of spikes on its head. (A2500/D1000/L6) "With Carnivore Dragon's ability, each player can send a Dragon Type monster to our graves and increase the attack of a Dragon monster on the field by five hundred points until the End Phase." Garble, Fume and Clump took a card from their decks and sent it to the graveyard, increasing Carnivore Dragon's attack points. (A4000/D1000/L6)

"A level six monster with four thousand ATK points!" Applebloom said in horror.

"Carnivore Dragon attack Frozen Heart Lord of the Javelin," Clump said as his dragon fired a stream of black smoke towards the ice monster.

"I activate my Trap," Cold said, "Synchro Out. Now my Synchro Monster will split into the two monsters I used to Synchro Summon him," he explained as Lord of the Javelin disappeared and was replaced by Frozen Heart Knight and Frozen Heart Statue Söder who were in DEF mode. (A1700/D1500/L4), (A900/D700/L3) "Looks like you don't have a target."

"I end my turn with a face down," Clump said as his monster returned to normal. (A2500/D1000/L6)

"My turn," Cold said, "I draw and tribute both Frozen Heart Knight and Frozen Heart Statue Söder, in order to summon Frozen Heart Golem." The two monsters disappeared and were replaced by a new monster, that stood at ten feet high and was made entirely out of ice with giant claws hands and a single eye in the centre of its head. (A2800/D1800/L7) "Frozen Heart Golem attack Carnivore Dragon," he ordered as the ice monster swung one of its giant fists at the dragon, destroying it.

Fume: 3400
Clump: 3700
Garble: 4000
Cold: 4000

"I end my turn," Cold said

"Then it's my turn," Garble said, as he drew his card and smiled.

"I don't like the look Garble's giving off," Rainbow said.

"He's planning something," Flash said having Duelled against him before he knew something was coming.

"I play the Spell Dragon's Resurrection," Garble said, "now we can all pay a thousand life points and summon a Dragon Type monster from our graveyards."

Fume: 2400
Clump: 2700
Garble: 3000
Cold: 4000

Three lights appeared in front of them, as three copies of the same monster appeared on their field. "WE SUMMON VIOLENT RAGE DRAGON!" The light faded revealing the trio, which were all humanoid dragons with mainly black scales but had purple scales around their wings, knees and shoulders which formed rune like patterns. They had blue mains running down their heads and halfway down their backs and their tails had a spear like instrument. (A3000/D3000/L8)X3

"Not good," Flash said checking the new monsters out.

Garble smiled, knowing they hadn't seen anything yet. "With Violent Rage Dragon's ability I can destroy one card on your field once per turn."

"But with three Violent Rage Dragons," Pinkie said.

"he can wipe out Cold's entire field," Twilight said.

"Violent Rage Dragon number one," Garble said, "destroy his face down." The first dragon raised its tail and used it to pierce Cold's face down, destroying it. "Next Violent Rage Dragon number two, destroy his other one." The second did a repeat performance of the first, destroying Cold's last face down. "And now Violent Rage Dragon number three, destroy his rock heap." The final dragon raised its tail and launched it at Frozen Heart Golem, impaling it and reducing it to rubble.

"His field is empty now," Scootaloo said.

"Violent Rage Dragon," Garble said, "attack him directly." The dragon took to the skies and prepared to strike Cold, who quickly jumped off his platform onto a higher one. "Running away huh?"

"Did you forget where we are?" Cold said as he leaped onto a beam and grabbed something, which he revealed as an Action Card. "I activate the Action Spell Emergency Defence, which will negate your attack and let me Special Summon monsters from my deck whose combined levels equal the level of you monster's." A barrier appeared between Cold and the dragon, blocking the attack from getting through. "And now I summon level four Frozen Heart Gardna and Frozen Heart Enchantress," he said as his two ice monsters appeared on the field in DEF mode. (A800/D2000/L4), (A800/D1600/L4)

Garble growled seeing his attacks be squandered, but still. "Our two other Violent Rage Dragons will attack and destroy your monsters," he said as the dragons flew up and slashed them to pieces. "I end my turn."

"It's my draw," Cold said, but when he saw what he had drawn he smiled.

"That's just weird," Flash said seeing that.

"I activate Icicle Crash," Cold said.

Everyone's eyes went wide remembering that card. When it appeared on the field it unleashed a blizzard which froze the field, and when it died down it showed five giant icicles with Cold's monsters inside. "With Icicle Crash," Cold explained, "I can remove up to five Frozen Heart Monsters from my graveyard and then add any five cards I want from my deck to my hand." His deck shuffled out five cards, which he took and formed a whole knew hand.

"That's the same combo he used on me," Flash said.

"Which means we probably know what's coming," Twilight said.

"I use scale ten Sol of the Frozen Sun and scale one Måne of the Frozen Moon to set the Pendulum Scale," the pillars of light appeared besides him as the two throne riding monsters flew up. "Now watch as my monsters will shatter the walls of space time and carve the arc of victory," Cold chanted as the portal formed above him. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and three lights shot out and hit the ground.

Two of them were the same monster. A magician in snowflake patterned clothing, carrying a staff with a snowflake shape on the end. "Frozen Heart Magician. (A2000/D1000/L5/P3)X2

The last on however was like nothing anyone had ever seen. It was a twenty five foot humanoid dragon with snow white scales covering its entire body. It had a thick chest but a very thin waist and think legs. It's wings were two sets of triple blades of ice and its tail was long with an ice pick like instrument on the tip. It's shoulders were large crescent moon shapes, while its arms had spikes trailing down them and the hands were large with five long claws. Its head was a large kite shape with no mouth, just a pair of light blue eyes with a long icy spike on each side. "FROZEN HEART DRAGON!" (A3000/D2500/L8/P5)

Everyone stared in shock at the dragon.

"That thing is..." Rarity could seem to find the words.

"I activate Frozen Heart Dragon's special ability," Cold said, "I tribute my two Frozen Heart Magicians." The dragon grabbed hold of the two Magicians, raising them up as they became covered in ice, before crushing them into nothing. "Now my dragon's ATK points will double until the End Phase." (A6000/D2500/L8/P5)

"SIX THOUSAND!" everyone yelled.

"Next I activate the effects of my Frozen Heart Magicians in the Extra Deck," Cold continued, "by sending them to the graveyard I can allow one monster on my field the ability to attack one additional time."

"So with two Magicians being sent to the graveyard," Spike said, "his dragon can attack three times."

"ATTACK!" Cold yelled as his dragon rose into the air and held up one of its clawed hands, which began to give of a cold mist.

"I activate the effect of Breakaway Dragon," Fume said, "by banishing him from the graveyard I can stripe a thousand ATK points away from your monster." A ghostly form of Breakaway appeared and flew at Frozen Heart Dragon, sticking its scythes into its body. But then something weird happened as the dragon's scythes began to freeze, followed by its arms and then the rest of its body. "What's happening?" Fume asked.

"My Frozen Heart Dragon is immune to monster effects," Cold said bluntly.

The frozen dragon shattered, allowing Frozen Heart to continue its attack as it unleashed a blast of frozen air which struck one of the Violent Rage Dragons. The dragon was soon covered in ice which quickly shattered into pieces, striking Fume and knocking him off the girder.

Fume: 0
Clump: 2700
Garble: 3000
Cold: 4000

Frozen Heart Dragon then spun around and hit the second Violent Rage Dragon, freezing it into destruction and knocking Clump away.

Fume: 0
Clump: 0
Garble: 3000
Cold: 4000

And finally it turned to the last one, causing Garble to shake. "Wait," he said, "hang on."

"Finish this!" Cold yelled as his monster let loose and froze its opponent, destroying it and sending Garble flying.

Fume: 0
Clump: 0
Garble: 0
Cold: 4000 (Winner)

Everyone was in shock at what they had just seen.

As the Duel Field faded Cold jumped down and looked over at Garble and his cronies with disgust. "You three are hereby band from any Duelling Tournaments my company will ever sponsor," he said, "now leave before I do something you'll regret."

The three teens shook in fear, before leaping up and running out the area screaming. "You haven't seen the last of us," Garble screamed back before vanishing. With them gone Cold moved over to where Flash's DPM still hung.

"Hey" he turned to see Flash standing not to far off. "That's mine, give it back.

"I would," Cold said, "but I can't give this to someone who doesn't take proper care of it."

Flash growled, "what did you say?"

"This point total isn't just a number," Cold said, "the spirit of the rivals you have fought and defeated are apart of that total."

Flash wasn't sure what he meant by that.

"Someone who doesn't take good care of it really has no need of it."

"But he earned those points," Twilight told him.

"Maybe," Cold said, "but if memory serves I was the one Duelling for the sake of these points. Since I won that means these points now belong to me."

"WHAT?" they all yelled.

Cold pressed a button on Flash DPM causing it to beep.

"NO" Flash leaped at Cold but he quickly leaped up and onto a high up girder. Once steady Cold held up the watch and dropped it, so that it landed right infront of the blue haired teen. Flash fell to his knees as he read the total.

Flash Sentry: 0Ps

"How could you be so cruel?" Fluttershy asked, tears in her eyes.

"Defeat means losing everything," Cold said.


"Remember that Flash," Cold said, "remember this feeling." With that Cold leaped from girder to girder before hitting the roof of the next building.

"WAIT!" Flash yelled getting up, but Cold just walked away.

With him gone everyone was in shook at what had just happened. Flash's points were gone and without them Flash could no longer compete in the Celestic Cup...he was out.

Flash fell back to his knees, tears in his eyes. "NOOOOOOOOO!"

Author's Notes:

So...that happened.

I had to have Flash have some kind of set back. The question is, how will he deal with this?

What did you think of Frozen Heart Dragon?

Turn 37, Trail Blazer

Everyone was quiet as they tried to let what had just happened sink in. After getting his DPM stolen by Garble and his lackeys, Flash's points had been taken by Cold Steel leaving him with zero points.

"What now?" Spike finally broke the silence with that question,

"I'll tell you what we're gonna do," Rainbow yelled angrily. "We head over to Freeze Industries, bust our way in and force Cold to give Flash his points back."

"All that'll do is get us kicked out of the tournament," Twilight told her.

"Then what do you suggest we do?" Rainbow asked.

"Nothing," everyone looked over at Flash, who had now stood back up. "There's nothing we can do, I'm out."

"Don't say that," Scootaloo told her brother.

"She's right," Rarity said, "there must be a way to get you back in the tournament.

"What would you have me do?" Flash asked, "without points I can't compete."

"We'll give you some of our points," Scootaloo said.

"Do you know how many points you would need to give me for that to work," Flash told her, "more then you can afford to give up."


"But nothing," he almost yelled, "I'm done." And with that he turned and began to walk away.

"Amigo," Tidal whispered.

As Flash walked off a voice suddenly caught his attention. "So that's it, one minor set back and your ready to throw in the towel. How disappointing."

Flash's head flew up and his eyes went wide seeing who was standing not to far off. "Gramps," he said to his grandfather Grand Hoof.

"Grandpa," Scootaloo said, "what are you doing here?"

"I came to watch the Survival Duel," Grand Hoof said, "then when I saw what happened with those thugs I gave chase."

"Then you saw me get kicked out of the tournament," Flash said.

"All I saw is you running into a problem and not even try to overcome it," Grand said.

"What could I do?" Flash asked in irritation.

His grandfather sighed hearing this. "Where you get that negative attitude from I'll never know, since you certainly didn't get it from your father."

Flash winced hearing a mention of one of his missing parents.

"If this had happened to him he wouldn't have just given up," Grand explained, "he would have kept trying even if it seemed hopeless."

"Well he isn't here right now is he?" Flash said.

"No," Grand Hoof replied, "he's not. If he was he would be slapping some sense into that thick skull of yours, but looks like that falls to me." He strode over to his grandson and grabbed him by the back of his jacket, before he began to drag him away.

"HEY!" Flash yelled struggling, "what are you doing?"

"Your coming with me," Grand told him, "there's someplace you need to see."

As the two left the rest of the gang stood slightly confused about what had just happened.

"So um," Fluttershy asked drily, "do we follow or...or what?"

"Come on," Scootaloo said, "seeing Gramps knock some sense into Flash is a once in a life time event." And with that the gang ran out of the construction site after Grand Hoof and Flash.

The sun was beginning to set as everyone traversed the town and were now about to turn down an alley.

"Hey Gramps," Flash finally said, "I know your trying to be all mystical and Kung fuy, but could you at least tell us where we're going."

"No need," Grand replied, "because we're here."

Everyone raised and eyebrow and looked around the rather large alleyway.

"This is it," Flash said, "seriously. What's so special about this dump?"

"This dump," Grand Hoof replied, "holds significant meaning to you, me and your sister."

"It does," Scootaloo asked, "but we've never been here before."

"Maybe not," Grand said, "but this is the place where your existence began."

"Enough with the Zen Riddle crap," Flash almost yelled, finally having enough of all this, "what is so important about this place that you dragged us all here."

"What's important about this place," Grand almost yelled back, "is that that it is where your mother and I met your father for the first time."

Everyone's eyes went wide hearing this.

"Not the most romantic location is it," Rarity said.

"Maybe not a first glance," Grand Hoof replied, "but the situation is something right out of a mushy romance novel." He turned to his grandson. "This is where you and I will Duel."

"You wanna Duel me?" Flash asked.

"I might be old," Grand replied, "but Duelling is even older." He pulled a grey Duel Disk out of his jacket and affixed it to his arm.

Flash frowned but did the same, attaching his own to his arm. "Let's do this old man."

"Watch who your calling old," Grand said.


Grand: 4000
Flash: 4000

"Age before idiocy," Grand Hoof said, "I summon Shinobi Stealth Rouge in ATK mode." A man appeared on his field wearing black ninja clothing. (A1200/D1100/L3)

"Oow," Pinkie said, "ninjas."

"Pretty fitting," Scootaloo said, "Gramps is known on the force as the ninja. Back in his youth he was said to be able to disappear into the shadows when hunting criminals and strike without warning."

"I activate Stealth Rouge's ability," Grand said as he discarded two cards from his hand. "I discard any number of cards from my hand and then get to look at your hand, so show them." The ninja suddenly vanished into thin air only to reappear behind Flash.

A little freaked, Flash did as he was told and placed the cards on his Duel Disk. Holographic cards appeared in front of him, allowing everyone to see them. The cards were Solaris, Lunara, Stardust Draw, Reverse Polarity and Twin Lazor Dragon.

Grand Hoof smiled. "Solaris and Lunara, hand them over."

"What?" Flash asked.

"The other ability of Stealth Rouge, lets me take any number of cards from your hand as I discarded. Since I discard two I can take two."

Flash growled but threw the cards towards his grandfather, who caught them with ease.

Grand Hoof looked at the cards he had taken. "Pendulum Summoning, it's such an interesting form of summoning. One your father would have loved."

Flash frowned hearing this.

"Now," Grand said, "I'll set the Pendulum Scale with scale one Magna Caster Lunara and Scale eight Magna Caster Solaris." The pillars of light appeared besides him, as the magicians flew up. "Watch as I cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," Grand Hoof chanted as the portal formed above him. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and three lights shot out and hit the ground.

The first was a ninja in similar gear to Stealth Rouge, only with a hood over his head and a ninja claw. "Shinobi Shadow Striker." (A500/D1000/L3)

The second was a ninja in yellow ninja clothing, with thin crimson armour covering most of his body and a katanna in his hand. "Shinobi Commander." (A1500/D1400/L4)

The last one was a large figure in black ninja clothing and silver armour, carrying a pair of twin katanna. "Twin Blade Shinobi." (A2400/D2300/L7)

"Gramps Pendulum Summoned," Scootaloo said in amazement.

"Which means Flash has his work cut out for him," Twilight said.

"I end my turn," Grand Hoof said, as the Magna Casters disappeared. "Stealth Rouge's ability ends meaning the cards I took now return," he took the cards and threw them back at Flash.

Flash caught them and added them to his hand before looking up at Grand Hoof's field. Those ninja monsters could have abilities that could be a problem, so what could he do?"

"There's that look again," Flash looked over to his grandfather with a confused look. "That look you have, the one that says you have doubts whether you can win or not. I have to wonder where you get it from, because it certainly wasn't your father."

"So your saying my dad would just Duel blindly without thinking?" Flash asked.

"I'm saying your father never worried about winning or losing a Duel," Grand said, "he would just Duel his hardest and never give up. A quality you seem to be lacking right now." Grand Hoof looked around the alleyway and sighed. "I remember the first time I saw him Duel."


"Thanks for the help Daddy," a young Misty Vail said as she and Grand Hoof were walking down the street. Misty was carrying a metal briefcase in both hands.

"It's nothing Pumpkin," Grand Hoof said.

"I just can't believe Mr Sombra entrusted me with picking up these cards and bringing them in," Misty said.

Grand Hoof let out a unfriendly hum at that, making his daughter roll her eyes.

"You have got to get over this Daddy," she told him, "Mr Sombra's a good man."

"I don't trust him," Grand Hoof said, "call it intuition."

"I just think being on the force for so long as made you paranoid," Misty said.

Before the two could say anything else Grand Hoof stopped the two, causing Misty to follow his sight towards a trio of teens in punk gear with outrageous hair styles.

"So our tip was right," one with a mohawk said staring at the case with the Freeze Industries logo. The trio stepped forwards as Grand Hoof pushed Misty back. "Just hand it over sweetheart," Mohawk said, "and we won't hurt ya."

"What do we do?" Misty asked. They couldn't give up these cards.

Grand Hoof growled at the punks who would threaten his daughter, but knew they couldn't fight them off. He grabbed her by the hand and yelled, "RUN!" They shot back down the street, and then turned into an alleyway he knew lead to a busy street. The only problem was when they were half way down it, two more punks jumped down from out of no where and blocked their path as the other tree arrived behind them.

"You had your chance," Mohawk said.

Misty was shaking but she couldn't let them have the case, so she put it down and then pulled out her D-Pad and affixed it to her arm.

"Oh," Mohawk said as he and his gang laughed, "the little lady wants to try and Duel her way out huh?"

"I won't let you take these card," Misty said.

"Is that so?" The five punks took out their own D-Pads and placed them on their arms. "Good luck Duelling all five of us."

"She won't be," Grand Hoof said affixing his own D-Pad to his arm.

"The old fart can Duel?"

"Watch who you call old," Grand Hoof said.

"Whatever," Mohawk said, "just don't have a heart attack when we beat ya." He stepped forwards ready to Duel, but then something flew through the air and stuck itself into the ground.

Looking down everyone saw it was a Duel Card, but where did it come from?

"Every card has a destiny," everyone heard a voice say. They looked up and saw a man with orange skin and blue hair, sitting on the edge of the roof of one of the buildings they were between. He wore a red overcoat with a white yolk, pockets and cuffs with a collar that struck up. "Stealing those cards will deny the Duellist destined to have them, to Duel with them."

"Who's this guy?" Mohawk said.

"Names Trail Blazer," the guy said as he stood up and then leaped down off the roof, his coat acting as a parachute to cushion his fall allowing him to land between the first three punks and Misty and Grand. He pulled a D-Pad out of his jacket and attacked it to his arm, "I got these three."

"You can't take them on your own." Grand Hoof said.

"Of course I can," Trail replied, "anything is possible in Duelling as long as you believe."


"Your father never let the impossible slow him down," Grand Hoof said, "he would keep pushing no matter what got in his way."

Everyone was speechless at the tale of how Flash's parents had met.

The only one not effected was Flash it seems. "Whatever," he said, "it's my turn and with it I'll show you a real Pendulum Summon. I set scale one Magna Caster Lunara and scale eight Magna Caster Solaris into the Pendulum Scale," the pillars of light appeared as the magicians flew up. "Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," Flash chanted as the portal formed above him. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and two lights shot out.

"To arms, Flash Knight." (A1800/D600/L4/P7)

"Twin Lazor Dragon, energised." (A2100/D1500/L5)

"Next I play Reverse Polarity," Flash said, "This card raises the attack of a monster on my field by the difference between it and a monster on your field. I'm raising Flash Knight's ATK to equal you Twin Blade Shinobi." (A2400/D600/L4/P7) "Meanwhile your Twin Blade's ATK is lowered by the same amount." (A1800/D2300/L7) "Now I attack with Flash Knight," he ordered as his knight raised his weapon and charged.

"I activate Twin Blade Shinobi's ability," Grand Hoof said. "By tributing a Ninja monster I can negate your attack."

"But you don't have any Ninja monsters," Flash said.

"My Shinobi monsters count as Ninjas so I can sacrifice Shinobi Shadow Striker," Grand Hoof said. Twin Blade Shinobi swung its katanna and sliced through Shadow Striker, then used them to block Flash Knight's attack. "Now I activate Shadow Striker's ability, since he was destroyed due to an effect I can target another Ninja monster in my graveyard and add it to my hand." Grand Hoof removed a card from his graveyard, "and now Shinobi Commander's ability activates. Since a monster was added to my hand due to a card effect, I can Special Summon it face up on the field. In a flash of light a monster appeared on the field, revealing Shinobi Shadow Striker.

"But how?" Flash asked.

"Remember Stealth Rouge's ability?" Grand asked, "I used it to send another copy of Shadow Striker to the graveyard. Now I've created the ultimate defence."

Flash growled. "Twin Lazor Dragon attack Shinobi Shadow Striker," his robotic dinosaur fired its blaster at the ninja.

"Once again I activate Twin Blade's ability."

"So you can stop any attack?" Flash asked, as he watched the ninja once again destroy Shinobi Shadow Striker and negate the attack before using the same combo as before to resummon Shadow Striker. "He can keep using that ability again and again," Flash said.

"So what will you do?" Grand asked, "this is a wall for you to overcome. Can you?"

Flash frowned hearing this.

"Your father wouldn't hesitate with that question," Grand Hoof said. "I've seen him do it many a time, significantly the first time I saw him Duel."


"Divine Sky Angel attack" Misty ordered, as her monster drew its heavenly arrow and fired a shot destroying her opponents monster, reducing their life points to zero.

"Great work sweetie," Grand Hoof said as they deactivated the D-Pads after their Tag-Duel. They turned to where Trail Blazer was in his three on one Duel, with two of his opponents down to under a thousand while Mohawk was still at his origanal four thousand. Trail Blazer currently had only eleven hundred life points and no monsters on his field. The punks meanwhile each had three copies of Gear Golem the Moving Fortress, a copy of Level Limit Area B and a face down each.

"Face it loser," Mohawk said, "you can't win."

"Says who?" Trail said, "In Duelling there's no such thing as a no win scenario. With the right card you can do anything."

What a load of bull," Mohawk said, "just give up."

"He's right," Misty told him, "let us help you."

"Don't worry about it," Trail said back to her, "I'll be fine. Just because a Duel looks bad, it doesn't mean you can't turn it around. You know what it is? It's kind of like those swingy things."

"Swingy things?" Grand asked.

"You know, those things you see on clocks that always swing."

"You mean," Misty guessed, "a pendulum."

"There we go," Trail said, "a pendulum. Duelling's like a pendulum. If it swings one way, then it can just as easily swing back the other way to."

"Enough talk," Mohawk said, "just finish your turn so you can lose."

Trail Blazer smirked back at them. "Oh I'll finish something alright, but it won't be my turn." He placed his hand on his deck, "It's time for this Duel to swing my way. I...DRAW." Trail looked at his card and smiled, "I play the Spell card Mystical Revival. By paying a thousand life points I can revive one monster for every Spell card on your field." Trail Blazers life points dropped to a hundred as his opponent's Spell cards glowed, before shooting out a dark light which flew onto Trail's field. "I summon..."

The lights faded revealing Trail's new monsters

"Blazing Soul Firefly." (A900/D1400/L3)

"Blazing Soul Dragon, Magma Breath Dragon." (A1800/D1500/L4)

"And Blazing Soul Dragon, Burnout Dragon." (A2200/D1800/L6)

"Those three can't get passed our unbreakable defence," Mohawk said.

"They can't," Trail said as he took the last card in his hand, "But this can." He held the card high and chanted, "with the flame of adventure burning in his soul, he will incinerate anything in his way to forge a path to the future." His three monsters suddenly burst into flames which pulled together into a tornado of fire.

Everyone watched in amazement as they saw something appear in the tornado.

"Blazing Soul Dragon, Trail Blazer Dragon." The flame dissipated revealing a massive red humanoid dragon, with two sets of wings and three large horns. Two were where his ears should be while the third was on his snout. (A3000/D3000/L8)

"Your monster might be powerful," Mohawk said, "but with our Level Limit Area B it's useless."

"That's what you think," Trail said before looking up at his dragon, "do it." The dragon flapped its wings and shot giant embers onto the field, causing everything to be set ablaze.

"What's happening?" Mohawk yelled.

"When Trail Blazer Dragon is summoned using three monsters, he destroys every other card on the field and inflicts two hundred points of damage to each cards owner." The fires destroyed everything on the field, and burned the three punks, reducing two of them to zero life points leaving only Mohawk who had three thousand life points. "Now Trail Blazer Dragon," Trail said, "destroy him." The dragon let out a fire ball which flew straight at Mohawk, sending him flying back as his life points were reduced to zero.

With the Duel over everyone was in shock at the turn around. Misty came out of hers when she saw the briefcase being offered to her.

"I believe this is yours miss," Trail said.

Misty smiled and took the case, holding it close to her. "Thank you," she said, "you have no idea how much trouble I'd have been in if I'd lost this."

"It's fine," Trail said, "I'm Trail Blazer."

"I know," she said, "my names Misty Vail."

"Well it's nice to meet you miss Vail," Trail said with a smile, making Misty blush.

"That was quite an impressive feet Mr Blazer," Grand said.

"Just call me Trail," he said, "and that was nothing. I've gotten out of worse situations."

"How did you know you could still win?" Grand asked.

"I didn't," Trail replied placing a hand over his heart, "but as long as my spirit burned with the will to win then I knew I still had a chance."


"Even when things were at their bleakest, your father would never give up trying." Grand Hoof finished his story, letting it sink into their minds.

"It's my draw," Grand said, "I attack Flash Knight with Twin Blade Shinobi." The ninja held out its blades and slashed them at the Pendulum Monster, destroying it.

Grand: 4000
Flash: 3400

Flash felt himself fall to his knees after the attack.

"I end my turn with a face down," Cold looked over at his grandson. "Get up Flash. Get up and push on."

"I can't," Flash said.

"Yes you can."

"No I can't," Flash almost yelled. "I'm not like you and I'm not like my dad. I don't have this blazing spirit he talked about."

"That's a lie," Grand Hoof said getting Flash's attention. "You do have that spirit, I've seen it many times and so have your friends."

"What are you talking about?" Flash asked.

"Ever since I learned you'd begun Duelling again I've kept an eye on you. I was there at the Micro Tournament. Four times that day I watched you face a great obstacle and overcome it, using that same burning spirit your father had. Then last week, when you and Scootaloo snuck out."

"You saw that?" Scootaloo asked nervously.

"I did," he replied, "and I watched your Duel against the last Celestic Cup Champion. How you managed to overcome that wall. And then there was the Survival Duel, where I saw you Duel against many great Duellists. Each time you came across an obstacle you managed to push back against it despite the odds, using that unshakeable will you inherited from your father...but now."

Flash froze.

"Losing your points like that has caused you to lose that fire. Can you feel it Flash? Your will power is weakening."

Flash took what Grand Hoof said to heart.

"Understand?" he asked.

Flash was shaking as those thoughts ran through his head. "It's true, my will as a Duellist was lacking."

"Oh Flash," Twilight said.

"Losing my points," Flash said, "it made me realise that for the first time."

"Well," Grand asked, "what are you going to do about it?"

Flash wanted to say he didn't know, but that would be a lie. He knew what he had to do!

"I will get stronger," he said as he slowly stood up, "I'll overcome anything in my way and grow stronger with each challenge." Finally he stood tall, "from here until I win the Celestic Cup."

Everyone smiled hearing this. Flash was back, his fire rekindled.

Grand Hoof nodded. "Then come at me," he said, "right now I'm what's standing in your way. Show me that will, the will to overcome anything."

"Hope your ready old man," Flash said, "because this is where the real Duel starts."

Author's Notes:

Grand Hoof's deck, the meeting of Flash's parents and a new spark of determination in Flash. Writing this was tons of fun, I could barely stop.

So how will Flash push passed this wall? Let's find out.

Also check my homepage to read about a poll I've just put up about a future story idea.

Turn 38, Light of the Pendulum

The Duel between Flash Sentry and Grand Hoof continued with Flash about to start his turn.

"This is where the real Duel starts," he said as he drew. "First I play Pot of Greed, which will let me draw two new cards," he drew his cards and smiled. "Now watch as Solaris and Lunara cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," the wizards fired their magics and the portal formed above Flash's head. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and two lights shot out and struck the ground.

"To arms, Flash Knight." (A1800/D600/L4/P7)

"Shine your light of victory, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"ALRIGHT" everyone cheered seeing Flash's best card.

"With the skill of Flash Heart Dragon," Flash said, "I send Shinobi Shadow Striker to the bottom of the deck."

Grand Hoof looked over at his strategies key aspect, as a wormhole opened up and swallowed him.

"Without Shadow Striker," Twilight said, "Grand Hoof can't use his three card combo."

"Now Twin Lazor Dragon attack Shinobi Commander," Flash ordered as his robotic dinosaur fired one of its cannons at the armoured ninja.

"With Twin Blade's ability," Grand Hoof said, "I sacrifice Shinobi Commander." The sword wielding samurai slashed through its comrade before the blast could hit him.

"Why'd he do that?" Sweetie Bell asked.

"His monster would have been destroyed anyway," Rarity explained, "so Grand Hoof chose to use him to negate the attack and save his life points."

"Now Twin Lazor Dragon's second attack is coming at Shinobi Stealth Rouge," another blast was fire at the ninja monster.

"Once again Twin Blade will negate your attack," Grand Hoof said as his ace cut through Stealth Rouge. "Sorry Flash," he said.

"Don't be," Flash said, "you did exactly what I wanted you to do."

Grand Hoof raised his eyebrow, only to realise his field was almost empty and Flash still had his best card.

"Flash Heart Dragon attack Twin Blade Shinobi," Flash ordered as his monsters boosters came to life and propelled it forwards. With one swift punch, Flash Heart destroyed Twin Blade Shinobi.

Grand: 3900
Flash: 3400

"And now," Flash said, "Flash Knight will attack you directly." The Pendulum knight charged at Grand Hoof and slashed him down the chest.

Grand: 2100
Flash: 3400

"I activate my face down," Grand Hoof as his card flipped up revealing a Trap, "Ninjutsu Art of Wound Recovery. This card allows me to draw one card for every Ninja destroyed this turn." Grand drew three cards from his deck.

"I end my turn with a face down," Flash said. Once that was done he smiled. "How'd you like that Gramps? I managed to break through your impenetrable defence."

"Indeed you did," Grand replied, "with the power of your Pendulum Summon you overcame a stratagy that would destroy most Duellists. Tell me, the Pendulum cards you use. What do they say about you?"

Flash froze at the question, confused why he would ask.

"Every card has a purpose in the deck," Grand Hoof explained seeing his confusion, "they each tell a story about the Duellist who uses them. So I ask, what do the Pendulum cards tell about you?"

Flash looked up at Flash Heart, his Magna Casters and then down at his deck. Flash's mind flash back to the day he found them in his locker, then to the first time he used them against Garble. He remembered the first time he Duelled Twilight and meeting all of his friends. The first time he lost against Cold and everything else he'd been through.

Despite all those memories, he wasn't sure what the card said about him.

"Can't answer huh?" Grand asked, "maybe it'll come to you if we keep Duelling. It's my turn...I draw." Grand looked at his hand and smiled, "I activate Ninjutsu Art of Ambush. This card lets me remove a Ninja monster in my graveyard and draw cards equal to its level," he explained as he removed a card. "I remove Shinobi Commander and draw four cards," he drew and added the cards to his hand.

"Seven cards," Twilight said, "who knows what he could do with them."

"But Flash took out his best card," Spike said, "so what more can he do."

"Now my boy," Grand Hoof said, "who said Twin Blade Shinobi was my best card?"

"It's not?" Spike asked nervously.

"No," he replied, "let me show you my best card." Grand took a card from his hand, "in order to summon it, I have to remove Ninja Monsters from my graveyard whose levels are equal to or higher then his. I remove Shinobi Stealth Rouge and Twin Blade Shinobi."

"Those two will equal level ten," Twilight said.

"This is gonna be big," Rainbow said.

"Now rise, Grandmaster Shinobi Warlord!" The ground below them broke apart as a new monster rose up. It was a large bulky man who stood at about thirty feet in height, wearing a crimson red kimono. He wore a red demon mask which covered everything but his mouth and moustache with golden horns protruding from it. He had white hair and stood on geta shoes. In his hand was a black Japanese war fan. (A3000/D3000/L10)

Everyone stood in shock at sight of the new monster.

"I thought ninjas were suppose to be subtle," Rainbow said, "that thing is anything but."

"What is that thing?" Applejack asked.

"I'm not sure," Twilight said, "but it kind of looks like the Japanese warlord Takeda Shingen."

"Now I summon Shinobi Footsoilder." A ninja in green clothing under black armour appeared with a samurai war helmet on his head. (A1600/D1400/L4) "And then I equip him with the Ninja Weapon Naginata," a long bladed staff appeared in Footsoilder's hand. (A2100/D1400/L4) "Now attack Flash Knight," Grand ordered his Footsoilder who charged forward and slashed the naginata at Flash's monster and impaling him.

Grand: 2100
Flash: 3100

"I activate my face downs," Flash said, "Stardust Draw and Code Change. Code Change will rewrite Stardust Draw's text to two thousand, allowing Flash Knight to activate it and I draw four cards.

"Well now Grandmaster will destroy Twin Lazor Dragon." The giant man raised its colossal foot over the robotic brachiosaurus and stomped it down, crushing Twin Lazor Dragon

Grand: 2100
Flash: 2200

"I'll place two card face down and end my turn," Grand Hoof said.

"Then it's my turn," Flash said, "I draw and activate the Spell card Mystical Space Typhoon." A tornado appeared on the field which engulfed Lunara, destroying her.

"Why would you destroy your own Pendulum card?" Grand Hoof asked.

"To make room for this," Flash said placing a card on his Duel Disk, "I reset the Pendulum Scale with Scale three Alchemy Dracokid." The pillar to his right reappeared as the small dragon flew up. "Now I can carve the arc of victory once more," Flash said as the portal began to form. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and a single light shot out.

"Invoke your moonlight Magic, Magna Caster Lunara." (A2400/D1200/L6/P1)

"Here it comes," Scootaloo cheered.

"This might be just what Flash needed," Twilight said.

"Now I'm using Alchemy Dracokid's Pendulum Ability," Flash said as the small dragon uncorked its beaker. The smoke flew out and engulfed the two monsters on his field, before being pulled back into the bottle. "Now watch as I fuse the unequalled might of a Dragon with mystic properties of a Spellcaster," Flash chanted as the beaker was opened and the smoke shot out. "I FUSION SUMMON!"

The smoke cleared revealing the Fusion Monster. "Spectral Nova Dragon." (A3000/D2000/L8)

"An incredible feat," Grand said looking over the dragon, "I remember back when Fusion Summoning was such a high level skill that only master Duellists could pull it off. You kids today have it so easy." He looked back at Flash, a quizzical look in his eye. "You first summoned this monster during your Duel with Tidal Wave, am I correct?"

Everyone looked over at Tidal who smiled, while Flash simply nodded in response.

"Tell me," Grand said, "the first time you Fusion Summoned what was going through your mind?"

This again. Flash looked up at his Fusion Monster and thought back. "I first learned about Fusion Summoning from Pinkie Pie," he said, "she showed me that there was more to Duel Monsters then just summoning strong creatures. Only by working together with your monsters could your truly unleash your decks full strength.

Pinkie smiled remembering the super fun Duel they had had in the park that one time.

"Then I Duelled Rarity and she showed me how many different ways of Fusion there was, how you had to be flexible with it."

Both Rarity and Scootaloo smiled remembering that day.

"I wanted to help my deck grow," Flash continued, "to help my cards work better together as a team. Fusion Summoning was my answer." He looked up at his dragon and smiled, "my Fusion Summon was born through that desire to fight as one."

Grand Hoof smiled. "Good answer, so show me the power born from that desire."

Flash nodded and looked up at Spectral Nova Dragon. "When Spectral Nova Dragon attacks, I can draw one card and depending on the card I can activate an effect." The Fusion Monster aimed its cannons at Grandmaster Shinobi Warlord, as Flash went to his deck. "Here goes...I draw!" He drew his card and looked at it...before smiling. "I got Starbreak Dragon, so I'll be cutting your monsters ATK points by his amount." His dragon shot an red lazor a Grandmaster...but.

"I activate Grandmaster's special ability," Grand Hoof said, "by tributing a ninja monster my monster becomes immune to all Spells, Traps and Monster effects for the turn." Footsoilder became a spectral entity which flew up into Grandmaster's war fan, as he used it to block the Fusion Monsters ability. "Since Ninja Weapon Naginata was sent to the graveyard I can draw two cards."

Flash growled seeing his move negated.

"Next I activate my face down," Grand said as his face down flipped up showing a Spell, "Ninjutsu Art of Reanimation. This card lets me summon a ninja monster from my graveyard and summon it to the field in DEF mode." Shinobi Footsoilder reappeared on the field, kneeling down.

"I end my turn with a face down," Flash said.

"It's my draw," Grand Hoof said, "and with it Grandmaster's ability activates." Grand's monsters began to glow. "During each of my Standby Phases, my Shinobi Warlord will increase its ATK points by a hundred points for each ninja on my field and right now I have two. (A3200/D3000/L10)

"A," Flash said deadpan.

"Next I sacrifice Shinobi Footsoilder to summon Shinobi Sure Shot," his monster disappeared and was replaced by a ninja with a bow and arrow. (A2100/D1600/L6) "Now Shinobi Warlord, destroy Spectral Nova Dragon," Grand ordered as his monster once again raised its giant foot and stomped down on the Fusion Monster.

Grand: 2100
Flash: 2000

"Now Sure Shot," he said, "finish this." The archer Ninja raised its bow and aimed at Flash and fired its arrow.

"If this attack hits it's all over," Sweetie said.

"Flash!" Twilight called out.

"I activate my face down," Flash said as his card flipped up, "Defence Draw. Not only am I protected from your monsters attack but I can also draw a card." A force field appeared in front of him which the arrow bounced off.

"That was close," Rainbow said with a sigh of relief.

"Don't celebrate to soon," Twilight said.

"I'll end my turn, by activating the Spell card Ninjutsu Art of Sabotage. This card lets me destroy up to three cards in your Spell and Trap zones, though I'll only be destroying two...your Pendulums." Solaris and Alchemy Dracokid were destroyed as Grand Hoof drew two cards. "I'll set two cards face down and end my turn."

"My turn," Flash said, "I draw and play Starburst Reload. I remove Twin Lazor Dragon from my graveyard to draw five cards." Flash looked at his new hand and nodded. "I'm setting scale two Magna Mechanic Kuda and scale eight Magna Caster Estella, into the Pendulum Zone." the Pillars of light reappeared as the new Pendulum monsters flew up. "With these two monsters I can summon monsters levelled three through seven all at the same time," he said. "Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," the portal formed above his head. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and four lights shot out.

"To arms, Flash Knight." (A1800/D600/L4/P7)

"Invoke your moonlight magic, Magna Caster Lunara." (A2400/D1200/L6/P1)

"Cast your solar spell, Magna Caster Solaris." (A1200/D600/L3/P8)

"Shine your light of victory, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

Everyone marvelled at Flash's army of monsters.

"Flash Heart skill," Flash said, "Shinobi Sure Shot to the bottom of the deck."

As his archer was swallowed up by the wormhole, Grand smiled. "Your not the only one who can send cards back to the deck."

"What?" Flash asked.

"I activate my Trap, Ninjutsu Art of Trapdoors." His face down flipped up, as a wormhole opened below Flash's ace. "With this I can send one of your Special Summoned monsters to the deck, then shuffle it." Flash Heart fell through the hole as Flash returned it to the deck, which quickly shuffled.

Everyone felt worried about Flash losing his ace...everyone but Flash.

"You might have taken my best card," he said, "but that doesn't mean you've beaten me." Magna Mechanic Kuda raised its spanner and fired a beam at Solaris, hitting him. "With Kuda's Pendulum Ability, I can turn one level three or lower monster on my field into a Tuner Monster."

"But Flash can't Synchro summon Accel without Flash Heart?" Twilight asked.

"He's not summoning Accel," Spike told her.

"I tune level three Magna Caster Solaris with level four Flash Knight!" Flash yelled as the wizard changed into three lights which carved three circles that Flash Knight flew into. "With skills born through work and dedication, raise your sword for battle," the monsters disappeared in a burst of light. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing Flash's Synchro Monster. "Magna Champion Assault Striker." (A2500/D2100/L7)

"When did Flash get that?" Twilight asked.

"He summoned it in the Survival Duel," Applejack said.

"And I missed it?" Twilight moaned.

"So now it's Synchro Summoning," Grand said, "another high level tactic. So what about this one? What does it say about you?"

Flash had expected that question. "Twilight was the one who first showed me Synchro Summoning," he said remembering that Duel, "and ever since then I've Duelled tons of Synchro Duellists. Cadance, Spike, Shining Armor. They all showed me how Synchro Summoning can be used to push yourself further, so when I learned I could Synchro Summon I realised it was my chance to make myself better."

Everyone thought back to when they first saw Flash Dragon Accel, and how it looked like Flash had really grown since then.

"My Synchro Summoning was born from my desire to grow as a Duellist, to transcend myself."

"Then show me what that growth has given you," Grand said.

"I activate Assault Striker's ability," Flash said, "by discarding a card from my hand I can destroy a card on your field that's the same type as it. I discard Starbreak Dragon, to destroy Grandmaster Shinobi Warlord."

"With no other monsters on his field," Scootaloo said, "Gramps can't use his monsters ability."

As Assault Striker's shoulder pads opened revealing its lazor blasters, Grand Hoof smiled. "I activate my face down Out of the Shadows which lets me summon two Ninja Shadow Tokens to the field." A pair of ninjas appeared next to Grandmaster. (A0/D0/L1)

"But with those out," Twilight realised.

"I tribute one Shadow Token to activate Grandmaster's special ability," he said as one of the Tokens changed into a spectral entity that flew into the giants war fan. Assault Striker fired its lazors but the war fan blocked the attack. "I saw you pull off that move in the Survival Duel, so I knew what to expect."

Flash growled.

"You'll need to be more origanal if your gonna want to beat me kid," his grandfather said.

What more was there for Flash to do? He'd used everything he knew to try and beat that monster. Flash felt his confidence begin to falter. How was he suppose to win when all his best cards had been...no he wouldn't quit. Grand Hoof had said he had his fathers blazing spirit and with it he would find a way to overcome this wall. "I will not give up!" he said.

In that second his Extra Deck shot open and a light flew out. Averting his gaze so not to lose a retina, he grabbed one of the cards that was glowing and took it out to find it was the final blank Synchro card. At that moment the glow intensified and consumed the entire card before dying down revealing the new monster. This card was like nothing he had ever seen, as its top half was silver like a normal Synchro card, but the bottom was light blue light a Spell card...or a-

"Pendulum," he realised. In that second every this became clear to him. Ever since his first Duel against Cold he had though that his deck was incomplete because he could only Pendulum Summon, but it wasn't like that. Every time he'd been in a bind Pendulum Summoning was what had saved him. His first Duel against Garble, against Twilight, Pinkie and Rarity and so many time after. Even when he'd first Fusion and Synchro Summoned, they had been through his Pendulum Summon by using those abilities. "I get it now."


"Get what?" Grand asked.

"What Pendulum Summoning says about me," Flash explained, "you asked me and now I know." He looked down at his deck and said, "when I was a kid whenever I Duelled I always lost. I thought it was because I was a weak Duellist but now I realise that it was more then that. When I first got these cards I thought I was just luck that they came to me, but it's more then that." He looked back up, "I know now that these cards were meant to come to me, that this is the deck I was destined to have. That's why I always lost as a kid, because I wasn't using my real deck and Pendulum Summoning is at the heart of that deck." He held up the new card, "and it's time to show its full power."

Everyone watched as the monsters on the field and Pendulum Zones glowed.

"First I'm using Estella's Pendulum Ability to decrease the level of Magna Caster Lunara by three," he said as she waved her wand and cast her magic on the other Magna Caster. (A2400/D1200/L3)

"So what?" Grand said, "you can't use Kuda's ability again."

"I don't need to," Flash said, "the ability of the monster I'm summoning allows me to Synchro Summon using a Pendulum Summoned Pendulum Monster in place of a Tuner Monster." Lunara transformed into three lights which carved three circles that Assault Striker flew into. "Let the ancient light of ages past shine onto this battle field," the monsters disappeared in a burst of light. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing Flash's newest monster. It was a man in light blue and orange steampunk robe shaped armour, with gold cog like fixings on the arms, shoulders and hips. In his hand was a giant steampunk sword with two side by side blades which it held in one hand with ease. "Magna Guardian, Sacred Light Paladin." (A3300/D2500/L10/P8)

Everyone was in awe at the new monster.

"A Synchro Monster that's a Pendulum card," Twilight said in amazement.

"Awesome," Rainbow said.

"With Sacred Light Paladin's ability," Flash said, "I can add a Spell card from my graveyard back to my hand." He revealed Reverse Polarity and returned it to his hand. "And now Sacred Light Paladin attack the Grandmaster." The Synchro Pendulum Monster raised its sword and flew at the Shinobi, swung its weapon and slashed right through it.

Grand: 2000
Flash: 2000

"And now my Paladin's other ability activates," Flash said, "halving your life points." The Paladin's sword shined causing Grand to be blinded.

Grand: 1000
Flash: 2000

"I activate my Trap card," Grand said, "Ninjutsu Art of Body Replacement. This ability activates whenever a monster on my field is destroyed, and lets me revive it to the field." Shinobi Warlord reappeared on the field. (A3000/D3000/L10)

"I end my turn." Flash said.

"It's my draw, and with it my Grandmaster's ability raises its attack for each Ninja on my field." (A3200/D3000/L10) "Next I equip him with the Ninja Weapon Shuriken Star Blade," a sword appeared in his hand with a shuriken for the cross-guard. "This weapon raises my Ninja's ATK by one thousand points." (A4200/D3000/L10) "Now attack and as he does, Shuriken Star Blade's effect will destroy one Spell or Trap card on your field." The giant swung its sword and slashed through the Synchro Pendulum destroying it as the shuriken flew of and struck Estella, destroying her to.

Grand: 1000
Flash: 1100

"When Sacred Light Paladin is destroyed," Flash said, "I can place him in any empty Pendulum Zone." The paladin reappeared in the left pillar."

"I end my turn," Grand said, "but unless you can claim victory this turn. You know I'll end it next time."

"Then I'll just end it here," Flash said, "It's my turn...I DRAW!" he looked at his card and smiled. "With my two monsters I'll carve the arc of victory one last time," he said as the portal formed above him. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and a single light shot out.

"Shine your light of victory once more, FLASH HEART DRAGON!" (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

Everyone smiled at the sight of Flash's ace.

"Flash Heart's skill," Flash said, "your Ninja Shadow Token goes bye bye." The wormhole opened and sucked the token down, "and with that gone you can't activate your Grandmaster's ability, meaning I can use this card." Flash slotted a card into his Duel Disk, "Reverse Polarity. With this I can raise my monster's ATK to meet your's, while lowering yours by the same amount." (A4200/D2000/L7/P4), (A2500/D3000/L10) "Let's finish this Flash Heart," Flash yelled as his dragon's boosters fired and propelled it forwards and with one swift punch Grandmaster Shinobi Warlord was destroyed and Grand Hoof was knocked off his feet.

Grand: 0
Flash: 1100 (Winner)

"GRAMPS!" Flash yelled, running towards his grandfather as he got up.

"I'm fine kid," Grand said as he stood up, "now that was a great Duel."

"It was," Flash said, "and thanks. You helped me remember what you can do when you don't give up."

"Good to hear it," Grand said.

"Yeah," they turned to his friends as they drew closer.

"That was amazing Flash," Twilight said.

"Thanks guys," he said, "and I'm sorry for how I acted before." He frowned but it didn't last long, as Pinkie grabbed him by the checks and pulled them until he smiled.

"Forget about it," she said, "SMILE!"

"Okay," Flash said, "I'm smiling see." She removed her hands and sure enough he was smiling.

Grand nodded and then went to his wrist. "Flash," he said, "you won...so this is yours."

Suddenly Flash's wrist beeped and he looked down at his DPM as it read.

Flash Sentry: 100Ps

Flash looked at his grandfather and saw he wore a grey DPM. "How?"

"You think I'm to old to try and compete against you?" he asked, "you just competed in my first and last Celestic Cup match."

"But with those points," Twilight said.

"Flash can still compete in the tournament," Scootaloo realised.

"Yeah but," Rainbow said, "there's only two weeks left in the tournament. And Flash's starting from scratch."

"It doesn't matter," Flash said, "I'll make it to the finals."

"Yeah," Applejack said, "you can do it."

"Flash," the teen turned back to his Grandfather who was holding something out to him, "take this."

Flash took it and saw it was a blank Duel card. "This is..."

"You mother gave me that card before she vanished," Grand explained. "She said only a Duellist of incredible skill could unlock its potential, and I believe that Duellist is you."

Flash smiled and nodded before pocketing the card.

"Well then," Grand Hoof said seeing the sun almost completely set, "we'd better be getting home."

"Right" everyone said.

Later that night. Cold was in his office looking down at the white DPM with Flash's points displayed on top.

Suddenly his phone rang and he answered it. "Is it done?"

"Yes," Grand's voice replied, "now tell me why it had to be done?"

"In order to grow as a Duellist he needs to be pushed. If he wishes to enter the finals he will need to go all out to get there."

"You ever think maybe he's gone as far as he can?"

Cold said nothing. "Just keep an eye on him," and with that he hung up.

The next morning Twilight and Spike were waiting outside Flash's apartment building.

"How much longer is he gonna be?" Spike asked.

"I'd thought he'd want to get an early start," Twilight said.

"Twilight," they looked up to see Scootaloo stepping out the building, "what are you doing here?"

"We're waiting for your brother," Twilight replied.

"But Flash is already gone," Scootaloo said, "he was gone when I woke up this morning."

"What?" Twilight asked.

"It's true," they looked up to see Grand Hoof, "he's gone. Left early in the morning on his Runner."

"Do you know where he went?" Spike asked.

"No," he replied holding up a phone they recognised as Flash's, "he left this as well so I can't track him." Then he held out something to Twilight. "This was on the table this morning, addressed to you."

Twilight took the envelope and opened it up, taking out the note inside she read it allowed.

Dear Twilight.

I'm sorry, but if I'm to make it to the finals in time I'll need to keep Duelling nonstop. I don't want to drag you into that so I have to say goodbye for now. You'll see me again...at the finals.

Flash Sentry.

Twilight shook as she finished the letter, tears in her eyes. "Flash."

Author's Notes:

So Flash is going solo.

How will this effect Twilight? wait and find out.

AN: I suggest listening to this

Turn 39, Return of the Great and Powerful

We find Twilight alone in the park sitting on one of the benches. Her eyes looked red and sore after crying for so long.

"Why would he do this?" she asked for the eighth time.


Twilight shook as she finished the letter, tears in her eyes. "Flash."

"Is he nuts?" Scootaloo said, "what does he mean Duelling nonstop?"

"I'm guessing he intends to Duel night and day until he has enough points to enter the finals," Grand Hoof replied.

"That's crazy," Spike said, "he'll kill himself trying to do that."

"Can't we do something?" Scootaloo asked.

"This was Flash's decision," Grand replied, "he's an adult who can make his own choices. Besides it's not like we could find him. He left on his Duel Runner and left his phone, so it's not like we can do anything. He could be anywhere in the city by now."

"So there's nothing we can do?" Spike asked.

"I'm afraid not," Grand said, "we'll just have to trust Flash will be okay on his own."

"No" they all turned to Twilight who hadn't said anything since finishing the letter. "We have to find him."

"I know you're worried," Grand said, "but Flash chose to do this."

"Flash is wrong!" Twilight almost yelled. Before they could say anything else she shot off, down the street.

"Twilight!" Spike called out, but she didn't reply.


She took the note out of her pocket and reread the message. Even after five reads she still expected to see it say something different, that this was just some big misunderstanding on her part and Flash was just waiting for her to meet up with him.

"Twilight," the purple skinned teen looked over and her eyes went wide seeing her sister-in law standing not to far off.

"Cadance," she said standing up, "what are you doing here?"

"Spike called me," she said, "he was trying to get in touch with your brother but I picked up. Lucky I did, since if he had heard what had happened I doubt Flash would be in a fit enough state to enter the finals."

Despite finding the joke funny, Twilight didn't feel like laughing and just sat back on the bench. Cadance sat next to her and pulled her close, as she began crying into her shoulder. "It's alright," she said.

"Why would he do this?" she asked between tears.

"I can't say," Cadance replied, "he's a boy and they tend to do stupid things. But it's not like you won't see him again."

"We agreed to go to the Celestic Cup Finals together," she said.

"And you will," Cadance said, "do you honestly think he won't make it there?"

"I don't know," Twilight replied, "every time I think about it...my heart hurts. What if he can't make it? What if he never comes back?"

"Don't be silly," Cadance said, "you'll see him again."


"Enough," Cadance said pulling her away and looking her in the eye, "your letting your sadness control your mind and make up these ridicules fears. Calm down and use that big brain of yours and you'll realise the facts. Flash will come back."

Twilight did as she was told. Taking a few deep breaths she felt her heart begin to settle until finally it was its usual beat. She wiped away her tears and thought back on what she had said before, and just as Cadance had said they were silly and ridicules. "Thanks Cadance."

"Your welcome," she said, "you gonna be okay?"

"I think so," Twilight said, "though I think I should be alone with my thoughts."

"If your sure?" Cadance asked, getting a node in return, "okay. Call me if you need anything."

"I will," Twilight said before getting up and walking off.

A little later a convenience store's door opened as a teen girl in a blur hoodie stepped out, a lollipop in her mouth and a bag of chips in her arms. She turned a corner, only to stop in her tracks when she saw Twilight walking down the street. "Twilight Sparkle." she said to herself, "what's she doing here?" Before Twilight could see her, she stepped back around the corner.

When Twilight walked passed she leaned against the wall in a relaxed, calm pose as she said. "Long time no see," but Twilight either didn't notice or didn't care and kept on walking by, "ignore me!" she said angrily, biting down on her lollipop shattering it. She ran after her and jumped infront until she was inches from her face, getting her attention.

"Trixie!" Twilight said in shock.

"How rude," she said, "to ignore the Great and Powerful Trixie."

"What are you doing here?" Twilight asked.

"I'm competing in the Celestic Cup obviously," she said showing a light blue DPM, "I'm guessing your also competing."

"I am," she said softly.

"So how many points you got?" Trixie asked, grabbing her wrist and reading her DPM.

Twilight Sparkle: 4750Ps

"Almost forty eight hundred points," she said letting the girl go.

"Well you know now," she said, "I have to-"

"Your not going anywhere," Trixie said, "not until the Great and Powerful Trixie teaches you a lesson for what happened in our last meeting."

"You want to Duel me?" Twilight asked.

"Of course," she said.

Spike and Cadance were in the park discussing her earlier talk with Twilight.

"She's really shook up about Flash," Spike said.

"Of course," Cadance said, "after everything those two have been through they share a special connection. So him just leaving like that must have been a real shock for her."

"I guess your right," Spike said, "but I hope she'll be alright."

"She just needs some time," Cadance said. They would have kept talking but in that moment Cadance spotted something, or someone. "Twilight?"

"Where?" Spike asked.

"Over there," she said pointing through some trees.

There Twilight was stand with some girl only one of them recognised.

"Trixie!" Spike said harshly.

"This is that Trixie Twilight mentioned?" Cadance asked, "the one who tried to cheat against Twilight to win her card?"

"That's her," Spike said, "but what is she doing with her?"

"I think," Cadance said, "their Duelling.

Twilight and Trixie stood off against one another.

"Let's put up three hundred points each," Trixie said, "if by some miracle you manage to beat my you'll have five thousand points. How's that sound?"

"Sure," Twilight said though she sounded uninterested.

"Then let us do this!" Trixie said activating her Duel Disk.


Twilight: 4000
Trixie: 4000

"I'll let you take the first move this time," Trixie said.

If Twilight had had her head in the game she would have been suspicious of that, but alas. "I draw," she said, "and since we have the same number of monsters out, I can Special Summon this card from my hand." A man appeared in a suit and bow tie with a top hat on his head, "Illusionary Magician." (A1400/D1300/L4) "And now I sacrifice Illusionary Magician to summon Gauntlet Magician in ATK mode," her magician disappeared and was replaced by a figure in wizards clothing. His hands were concealed inside a pair of metal gauntlets, with a magical in the back of each one. (A2500/D1200/L6) "I end my turn with a face down."

"Then the Great and Powerful Trixie will take her turn," she said drawing, "she will start by playing the Spell card Power Leach. This cards lets Trixie pay five hundred life points and in return, she can summon any number of monsters from her deck as long as their combined levels equal that of a monster on your field."

"So that's why she let Twilight go first," Cadance said from the bushes.

Twilight: 4000
Trixie: 3500

"Thanks for summoning such a strong monster," Trixie said, "because now I can summon two monsters to my field." In a flash of light two monsters appeared on the field, ones see recognised from their last Duel. "Say hello to Performage Flame Baton, and Performage Mirror Juggler." (A1200/D1400/L3), (A1000/D1000/L3)

"She managed to get two monsters out without even trying," Spike said.

"And what's worse," Cadance said, "she still hasn't used her normal summon."

"Now the Great and Powerful Trixie will sacrifice these two monsters," she said as they disappeared, "to summon Performage Smoke and Mirrors Magician." A new Performage appeared, wearing a red and black suit and bow tie combo with a matching top hat and blue mask over his eyes. (A2600/D1900/L7)

"Not good," Spike said.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie activates Smoke and Mirrors Magician's ability," she continued. "By banishing a Performage from my graveyard, the ATK of a monster on your field is reduced by that monsters level times by two hundred. So if Trixie removes Flame Baton, then your Gauntlet Magician's ATK power will decrease by six hundred."

Smoke and Mirrors Magician took of its top hat and pulled something out of it, before throwing it at Twilight's monster. It turned out to be a pellet of some kind which exploded creating a smoke cloud, covering Gauntlet Magician. (A1900/D1200/L6)

"Now Trixie will have her Magician attack yours," Trixie said as once again her monster removed his top hat. This time however lightning shot out of it, shocking Gauntlet Magician and destroying while some residual energy shocked Twilight.

Twilight: 3300
Trixie: 3500

"The Great and Powerful Trixie will end her turn there."

"Then it's my turn," Twilight said, "I draw." She looked down at her hand and seemed hesitant for some reason. This did not go unnoticed.

"This match is well underway," Trixie said to herself, "but her hearts not in it. This can't be the same Twilight Sparkle that defeated me last time."

"I summon the Tuner Monster Shadow Charmer," Twilight said as her magician appeared, "and with its ability I send a Spellcaster form my hand to the graveyard. In return I can summon a Spellcaster in my graveyard whose level is equal to or lower then the discarded card." Illusionary Magician reappeared on the field. "And now I tune level three Shadow Charmer with level three Illusionary Magician," Twilight said as her Tuner transformed into three light and carved the circles for Illusionary Magician to jump into before vanishing in a burst of light. "I Synchro Summon."

The light faded revealing Twilight's monster. "Tempest Conjurer." (A2200/D1400/L6)

Something about that seemed off to Trixie. Twilight's usual fire was gone, and it was like she was just going through the motions. Suddenly she figured out something. "Maybe she's a little bit depressed?" she guessed.

"With Tempest Conjurer's ability," Twilight said, "I can look at the top three cards of my deck and discard any Spells I reveal." She drew three cards, two of which were Spell cards which she sent to the graveyard. "Now Tempest Conjurer's ATK points will increase by three hundred points for each card." (A2800/D1400/L6) "I guess I'll attack," she said as he monster fired a lightning bolt which struck Smoke and Mirrors Magician destroying it."

Twilight: 3300
Trixie: 3300

"I end by placing one card face down. Tempest Conjurer's ATK points return to normal." (A2200/D1400/L6)

"The Great and Powerful Trixie will draw and once again activate Power Leach," she said using the same card from before. "She pays five hundred life points and can summon monsters whose combined levels equal six."

Twilight: 3300
Trixie: 2800

"The Great and Powerful Trixie will summon a pair of Performage Hoop Hoppers," she said as a pair of clowns appeared on the field carrying hola hoops which they spun around like jump ropes. (A900/D1100/L3)X2 "Next Performage Raising Risley will join the party," a small monster appeared doing a hand stand while balancing a chair on its foot. (A300/D300/L2) "And now," Trixie said, "the Great and Powerful Trixie activates the Spell card Ritual of the Grand Amulet." A weird looking necklace appeared on the field with a gem in its centre. Trixie's Performages went stiff, as they began to glow before their souls were pulled out of their bodies, and sucked into the gem. Seconds later the gem began to give off a strange mist, which slowly began to take shape. "Now watch as Trixie's most powerful monster will be unleashed." The mist finished taking form and began to fade, revealing Trixie's new monster. "The Great and Powerful Trixie Ritual Summons!"

It was a woman in black tight fitting cloths under a black cloak. She had white hair done up in a large bun with a black jewel encrusted headband. The amulet was now hanging from her neck. "Enchantress of the Grand Amulet." (A2900/D1000/L8)

Twilight was actually a little worried about that monster.

"Be afraid," Trixie said, "as Enchantress of the Grand Amulet's ATK points increase by one hundred for every Spellcaster on both our fields and in our graveyards."

"Wait," Spike said, "how many Spellcasters are there right now?

"Twilight has Illusionary Magician in the graveyard," Cadance said, "plus Gauntlet Magician, Shadow Charmer, whatever Spellcaster she sent there with Shadow Charmer's ability and Tempest Conjurer on the field. That makes five and Trixie has another six Spellcasters in her graveyard along with her Enchantress making a total of...twelve."

"Enchantress of the Grand Amulet now gains twelve hundred ATK points," Trixie said as her Ritual monster began to glow a dark light while its power rose. (A4100/D1000/L8) "Now Enchantress of the Grand Amulet attack Tempest Conjurer. The amulet glowed, as the witch placed her hands on it and then pulled them away as they now glowed to. Placing her hands together she fired a beam of energy at Tempest Conjurer, destroying it.

Twilight: 1400
Trixie: 2800

Twilight fell to her knees after the attack.

"Twilight!" Spike yelled attempting to rush out to her sister, only to be stopped by Cadance.

"She needs this," Cadance told him before turning back to Twilight. "Come on."

As she watched Twilight try to stand up Trixie just sighed. "That's enough."

"What?" Twilight asked.

"If your not going to put any real effort into this Duel, then why should the Great and Powerful Trixie waste her time?" Trixie explained. "You've barely put up a fight against me."


"I challenged you thinking I could get pay back on the girl who beat me, but she isn't here. Instead I got some moody girl who doesn't care about giving it her all."

Twilight remained quiet.

"What happened to you," she asked, "did your boyfriend break up with you or something?"

Twilight flinched hearing that, which didn't go unnoticed.

"Bingo," Trixie said, "so he did break up with you."

"He's not my boyfriend," Twilight shot back.

"But he did something to turn you into this zombie," Trixie replied. "It's no wonder he did if you were this much of a downer with him."

"What did you say?" Twilight growled.

"If he was here right now, how do you think he'd feel seeing you Duel so lazily?"

"He'd," Twilight thought for a moment. If Flash was here right now he'd probably be yelling at her, telling her to get her butt in gear and beat Trixie. "What am I doing?" Twilight asked herself, "I'm in the middle of a Duel, why aren't I trying to win?"

"Good question," Trixie said, "when you Duel your suppose to forget about all your problems. You never bring them into the area."

"I know that," Twilight said.

"Then why is your head not in the game?"

Twilight shuck her head, knowing she was right. Flash was gone but that didn't mean Twilight was allowed to Duel so sloppily. "Okay," she said, "your right my head wasn't in the game but it is now. Let's keep going, I promise I'll try now."

Trixie frowned hearing this, but shrugged anyway. "Fine, you get one turn but if I'm not impressed I'm out of here."

"Thanks," Twilight said placing her hand on her Deck. "It's my turn, I draw and play Pot of Greed to draw two card." She drew her cards and looked at her hand, before smiling as she saw her stratagy come together. "I'll start by summoning the Tuner Monster Star Charmer," a new monster appeared besides her. It was a child in yellow wizards clothing with a giant hat on its head. (A100/D100/L1)

"Don't forget that with a new Spellcaster on the field," Trixie said, "Trixie's Enchantress gains another one hundred points." (A4200/D1000/L8)

"Well with him on the field," Twilight countered, "I can activate this. The Spellbook of Rebirth, which will let me revive a Spellcaster from my graveyard." In a flash of light another monster appeared. It was a wizard in bronze clothing and carrying a bronze staff. "Meet my Great Enchanter." (A2300/D1300/L5)

"When did that card get in your graveyard?" Trixie asked.

"Shadow Charmer sent it there with his effect," Twilight said. "Now I activate Star Charmer's ability, which lets me either increase or decease the level of a Spellcaster on my field by one point." The child clapped her hands making stardust appear, which flew towards Great Enchanter. (A2300/D1300/L6)

"With those two," Spike said.

"I tune level one Star Charmer and level six Great Enchanter," Twilight said as he Tuner changed into a single light which carved a ring around Great Enchanter. "When two mighty magicians unite their magical power an amazing event will occur." The monsters disappeared in a burst of light. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing Twilight's ace. "Twilight Sorcerer." (A2100/D2800/L7)

"Nice move an all," Trixie said, "but you just summoned another Spellcaster which means Enchantress of the Grand Amulet's power will now rise." (A4300/D1000/L8)

"Well let's see what Twilight Sorcerer's ability has to say about that," Twilight said as her deck began to shuffle and then slotted out a card. Twilight took the card and smiled seeing it.

"What did she get?" Spike asked.

"I activate my face down," she said as one of her cards flipped up revealing a Spell, "Spellbook of Illusion. This Spell lets me summon four Spellbook Tokens to my field." Four flashes of light shined as four hard back books appeared next to Twilight Sorcerer. (A0/D0/L1)X4 "And now," she held up the card her monster had gotten her, "I activate the Spellbook of Miracles. By revealing another Spellbook in my hand," she showed Spellbook of Power, "I can activate the effect of a Spellbook in my graveyard. I chose to activate Spellbook of United Magic. This card lets me sacrifice any number of Spellbooks from my field and then power up a Spellcaster by five hundred points for each one."

"To bad you don't have any Spellbooks out," Trixie said.

"You sure?" Twilight asked as her four Spellbook Tokens disappeared.

"Those things count as Spellbooks?" Trixie asked.

"Yeap," Twilight replied, "and with four gone I can increase Twilight Sorcerer's ATK by two thousand." (A4100/D2800/L7) "Next I activate Spellbook of Power," she said, "which will increase my Sorcerer's ATK by another thousand and his own effect will raise his power by one hundred for each Spellbook in the grave." (A5700/D2800/L7)


"Twilight Sorcerer," Twilight ordered, "attack." Her monster let rip its magic blast which struck Enchantress of the Grand Amulet, destroying her.

Twilight: 1400
Trixie: 1600

"Nice move," Trixie said, "but it looks like your out of attack."

"Am I?" Twilight asked as her face down flipped up revealing Synchro Out. "Twilight Sorcerer, de-tune back into Great Enchanter and Star Charmer." As she said that her Sorcerer disappeared revealing the monsters she had used in his summoning. "Now Great Enchanter attack." The wizard in bronze raised his staff and fired a blast at Trixie, zapping her.

Twilight: 1400 (Winner)
Trixie: 0

"It appears," Trixie said sliding to her knees, "that the Great and Powerful Trixie has been bested once again."

"It was close," Twilight said, "and thank you."

"For what?"

"For helping me get my head on straight," Twilight replied.

Trixie sighed and held up her DPM. "As much as I hate to do this, here's your points." She transferred the points and Twilight looked down at her own watch.

Twilight Sparkle: 5050Ps

"Now that you have bested the Great and Powerful Trixie twice," the silver haired girl said, "you'd best not lose until I've had the chance to defeat you."

"Okay" Twilight said, "deal."

"Then I must depart," Trixie said, going into her hoodie and pulling something out which she threw on the ground creating a smoke screen.

Once the smoke vanished Twilight looked around to see Trixie running out of the park.

Twilight smiled in amusement. "Glad to see that again," she turned around and saw Spike and Cadance walking up to her.

"Guys," she said, "you saw that."

"Yeah," Spike said, "that was an awesome come back."

"Thanks," Twilight said.

"So how you feeling?" Cadance asked.

"Better," Twilight said, "I get I can't let how I feel effect my Duelling. I need to get to the finals after all."

"That's good to hear," Cadance said. "Come on, you must be starved after such a hard Duel."

And with that the three headed off to find some lunch. Twilight might not have Flash with her, but she knew she would see him again...at the Celestic Cup Finals .

Author's Notes:

Never thought you'd see Trixie helping Twilight did you.

Hope you enjoyed Trixie's third person speak. In preparation for this chapter I reread her last appearance and the comments. One of which said they had been expecting it. Hope this was to your liking.

NEXT TIME: Flash begins his solo journey and meets everyone's favourite Time Traveller.

Turn 40, Time Turner

We find Flash in a Duel against a rather strong Duellist named Thunderlane. Thunderlane currently had Gilford the Lightning on his field, while Flash had Assault Striker as well as Gladio and Kuda in his Pendulum Scale.

"It's my turn," Flash said, "I draw and with my Pendulum Scale I carve the arc of victory." The portal formed above his head. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and two beams of light shot out.

"Howl to the moon, Shine Crest Magna Wolf." (A1200/D1100/L3)

"Slice and dice, Magna Fighter Lucidum. (A1000/D1000/L3/P2)

"Those three won't do a thing against my Gilford," Thunderlane said.

"They will once I tune Lucidum with Assault Striker," Flash said as his monster changed into three lights which carved the rings around Assault Striker before exploding in light. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing the monster. "Magna Guardian, Sacred Light Paladin." (A3300/D2500/L10/P8)

"Oh man," Thunderlane said.

"I attack Gilford with my Paladin," Flash said as his monster used its sword to cut through Thunderlane's.

Flash: 500
Thunderlane: 2400

"When Sacred Light Paladin destroys a monster," Flash said, "his ability cuts your life points in half."

Flash: 500
Thunderlane: 1200

"Now I attack with Shine Crest Magna Wolf," Flash's last monster pounced at Thunderlane, swiping him with his claws.

Flash: 500 (Winner)
Thunderlane: 0

After the Duel Flash was sitting on his Duel Runner looking over his Duel Points.

Flash Sentry: 680Ps

Even after Duelling nonstop all day he still wasn't even close to his origanal amount.

Flash sighed and then went to his pocket and pulled out the card his grandfather had given him.


"Flash," the teen turned back to his Grandfather who was holding something out to him, "take this."

Flash took it and saw it was a blank Duel card. "This is..."

"You mother gave me that card before she vanished," Grand explained. "She said only a Duellist of incredible skill could unlock its potential, and I believe that Duellist is you."

Flash smiled and nodded before pocketing the card.


But no matter what he did the card remained blank. "What am I missing?" he asked.

Before he could think about anything however. "Rainbow Assault Wing Gold," Flash looked up to a megascreen on one of the skyscrapers.

One the screen Rainbow Dash was being shown.

"Rainbow Dash has had a tough battle up until now," the announcer said.

"Rainbow," Flash smiled seeing his friend Duel. Her opponent was a man in his twenties, with brown hair in a brown suit and tie under a brown overcoat. The guy had Time Wizard and Baby Dragon on his field

"Will she be able to counter attack?" the announcer asked, "or will Time Turner turn this around."

"GO," Rainbow said, "Assault Wing Gold. Attack his Baby Dragon and end this."

"I activate my face down," the man named Time Turner said, "Fusion Flash. By paying five hundred life points I can perform a Fusion Summon."

Rainbow: 2200
Time Turner: 200

Time Turner's monster were sucked into a vortex, "I FUSION SUMMON!" The portal exploded revealing a large dragon that looked like an older version of Baby Dragon. "Thousand Dragon." (A2400/D2000/L7) The dragon let out a flamethrower from its nostrils, burning Assault Wing Gold.

Rainbow: 2100
Time Turner: 200

"I end my turn," Rainbow said.

"My turn then," Time Turner said, "I draw and I'll have Thousand Dragon attack you directly." Thousand Dragon fired another blast which struck Rainbow.

Rainbow: 0
Time Turner: 200 (Winner)

"And there you have it folks" the announcer said, "Time Turner wins it.

"I lost," Rainbow said in shock.

"No way," Flash said, "No one beats Rainbow that easily. Who is that guy?"

As time went on Flash continued to Duel anyone he could find.

"Twin Sword Cleave," he said as Spectral Sabre Dragon destroyed his opponent's monster.

Flash: 2300 (winner)
Prism Bolt: 0

Flash Sentry: 820Ps

"Finish this Gladio," the sword wielding Pendulum Monster slashed through his opponent with a direct attack.

Flash: 3100 (Winner)
Cinnamon: 0

Flash Sentry: 910Ps

"Flash Heart Dragon attack," Flash's ace destroyed his opponent's weakest monster.

Flash: 1900 (Winner)
Photo Finish: 0

Flash Sentry: 1000Ps

As night time fell we find Flash at a harbour after multiple Duels.

He felt exhausted after so many challenges and was having trouble staying on his feet. He wanted to rest but knew he couldn't until he was able to gather enough points, only then would he rest. But try telling his legs that, since they decided at that moment to give out making him stagger forwards and lean against a container before sliding to his feet. Flash felt his eyes grow heavy, but just as he was about to drift off.

"You look exhausted," Flash looked up to see a familiar brown haired man standing above him. "Need a hand?" he asked offering his hand.

Flash's eyes opened slowly as he regained consciousness.

He found himself next to a fire with some kind of blanket draped over him, as he was leaned against something blue. Properly getting up he found the blanket was actually a brown coat.

"Finally awake I see," Flash turned to see the man from before standing above him. "Don't suppose I could have the back then could I?" he pointed to the coat, "it is awfully chilly tonight."

Flash took the coat off of him and held it out for the man to take.

"Thanks kid," he said as he threw it over himself.

"Hey," Flash finally realised, "your the guy who beat Rainbow earlier."

"You saw that huh?" he asked, "the names Time Turner."

"Flash," the teen replied.

"Well it's nice to meet you Flash," Time said.

"Same," Flash replied as he pushed himself to his feet, "and thanks for helping me back there."

"It was nothing," Time said, "couldn't just leave you there to get mugged could I?"

"But what are you doing here?" Flash asked.

"I'm a traveller," the man replied, "I came to this town to compete in the Celestic Cup."

"I see," Flash said, "but why are you here in the harbour

"I'm straying at this harbour while competing."

"But why?" couldn't he have gotten a hotel or something?

"I like it here," Time explained. "It has quite a rustic feel to it."


"Like the thing your leaning on," he said making Flash look at the box he'd been sleeping against. It was actually an old police box he'd seen in some of Grand Hoof's old movies. "Can you honestly say you've seen anything like this before?"

"I guess not," Flash said.

"This is why I stay here," Time said, "because despite this town being so state of the art, this little piece of the passed still exists."

"You must be really into nostalgic stuff," Flash stated.

"The past is what makes the future possible," Time said. "Every decision has a purpose, whether they are seen as good or bad they matter."

"Unless they ruin everything," Flash said.

Time turned to him quizzically, "why so glum?"

"It's not important," Flash said, "I don't want to bore you with my problems."

"No it's fine," Time said, "maybe a fresh pair of ears will help you with it."

Flash sighed and explained about his situation.

"Oh," Time said, "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault," Flash said, "I let it happen."

"But it's still horrible," Time said, "but it does have some positives."

"How?" Flash asked.

"If your points hadn't been taken," Time explained, "you wouldn't be here and we might not have met."

"I guess you got a point," Flash replied. Suddenly a thought accrued to him. "Hey," he said, "do you want to Duel?"

Time Turner looked at him and then smiled nodding, "that sounds fantastic."

The two faced off with their Duel Disks at the ready.

"What's say we put up five hundred points?" Time said.

Flash nodded and they readied themselves.


Time: 4000
Flash: 4000

"Allons-y," Time said as he drew on his first turn. "I summon Clockwork Rabbit in ATK mode," a rabbit made out of metal with a clock in its stomach and a cog on its back appeared. (A800/D800/L3) "I end my turn."

Flash was confused. "Why would he place such a weak monster in ATK mode, with no face downs to protect it?"

Time Turner's poker face told him nothing.

"I'll just have to see for myself," Flash said, "I draw. I summon Starbreak Dragon in ATK mode," his axe wielding dragon appeared. (A1500/D1200/L4) "Now attack Clockwork Rabbit," the dragon charged forwards and slashed at the machine reducing it to scrape.

Time: 3300
Flash: 4000

"You activated my Rabbit's ability," Time said, "when he's destroyed I can summon a Machine Type monster from my deck with fifteen hundred or less attack points."

Flash didn't like the sound of this.

"Now I can summon my most powerful monster," Time said as his deck slotted out a card, "a monster that uses time as its weapon." A flash of light shined as a new monster appeared. It was a small clockwork robot designed around a knight with a sword in its hand, "Chrono Fighter." (A100/D100/L1)

"Wait," Flash said plainly, "that's your best monster? It barely has any ATK or DEF points."

Time Turner simply chuckled, "you'll see it's true power...in time."

"Whatever," Flash said, "I place on card face down and end my turn."

"It's my turn," Time said, "I draw and now that it's my Standby Phase Chrono Fighter's ability activates." Time's monster began to glow, "with each turn that passes my monster shall gain one level, five hundred ATK points and four hundred DEF points." The light faded revealing a slightly larger version of Chrono Fighter. (A600/D500/L2)

"So the more turns that pass the stronger that monster's going to get," Flash said feeling a sense of déjà vu at that ability.

"Next I activate the Spell card Blustering Winds, which will increase the ATK and DEF of my Fighter by one thousand points for this turn (A1600/D1500/L2) "Attack Starbreak Dragon," Time ordered as his robot charged forwards and slashed through Flash's dragon destroying it.

Time: 3300
Flash: 3900

"I activate my face down, Starburst Draw. With this I can draw a card for every level point my destroyed monster had, so I'll draw four."

Time Turner nodded at this. "I end my turn with a face down as Chrono Fighter's points return to normal." (A600/D500)

"It's my turn," Flash said, "I draw and set the Pendulum Scale with scale one Magna Caster Lunara and scale seven Glow Craft Magna Fox." The pillars of light appeared as Flash's monsters rose up, and then fired their magic at the sky. "Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," Flash chanted as the portal formed above his head. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and three beams of light shot out.

"Shields up, Magna Fighter Arma." (A1800/D0/L4)

"Target sighted, Magna Fighter Radium." (A1600/D1400/L4)

"Feel my passion, Aura Spear Dragon." (A2000/D100/L4)

"Fantastic," Time said, "Pendulum Summoning sure is an amazing thing."

"Just watch what else it can do," Flash said, "Alright Radium...attack." The bazooka wielding teen girl kneeled down and took aim at Chrono Fighter.

"You shouldn't rush in recklessly," Time said, "because you might overlook something." His face down flipped up, "Turn Jump. This Trap causes us to each jump ahead three turns, in which neither of us can make a move."

"But why would he do that?" Flash asked, until he remembered Chrono Fighter's ability.

"That's right," Time said seeing the realisation in his eyes, "for each turn we skip my Chrono Fighter will evolve a level and grow stronger."

One turn was skipped making the robot glow and grow taller. (A1100/D900/L3)

Then the second turn was skipped and the robot repeated the process. (A1600/D1300/L4)

Then the third and final turn was skipped and Chrono Fighter evolved one more time, until it stood a six foot with a sword almost as big as Flash's Gladio. (A2100/D1700/L5)

"And now our Duel resumes," Time said as Radium continued to aim.

"Radium stop," Flash said. Thanks to that Turn Jump Chrono Fighter was way to strong for them. "I'll throw down a face down end my turn, but I gotta say that last move really took me by surprise."

"Like I said," Time said, "Chrono Fighter is a monster that uses time as a weapon. In fact my entire deck is built to manipulate time."

"Man that sounds cool," Flash said, "I'd love to be able to effect time the way your deck does. Imagine if you could even travel through time?"

"Er...well," Time said, "I'm sure time travel isn't all it's cracked up to be."

"You kidding?" Flash asked, "the chance to go back and correct your mistakes. To fix everything wrong in your life."

"Now come on," Time said, "do you honestly think changing the past would actually better your future?"

"Why wouldn't it?" Flash asked.

"The mistakes you've made," Time said, "were they all one hundred percent bad?"

"Well..." Flash wasn't sure how to answer that, "no but I could fix the things that really matter. I could get my points back." He thought back to that day and what he would have done if he'd known what he did now. He'd ask bowl cut for some proof of being an employee at Freeze Industries and then go kick Garble's butt.

"So you'd rather try and sweep your mistakes under the rug?" Time asked, "instead of learning from them and fixing them the right way."

"What?" Flash asked.

"There's an old saying I think fits well here," Time explained, "experience is the name we give to our mistakes. Like I said earlier, every decision we make guides our future. Whether their good or bad, it's those decisions that make us who we are." Time pointed at Flash, "I ask you. Look back on the mistakes you've made in your life and think about what might have been had you not made those mistakes."

Flash did think back on them. There was the times he'd pushed his sister away, but if he hadn't he doubted whether their current relationship would be as strong after they're recrimination and if he hadn't pushed her away she might not have branched out and made the friends she had today. She might not have started looking up to Rainbow and become the amazing Xyz Duellist she was.

Then there was the time he'd stood up for Spike against Garble. He'd considered that a mistake at the time, but if he hadn't done it he'd never have rediscovered his love of Duelling.

And then there was getting his DPM stolen and his points taken. What had that lead to except bad things? True if it hadn't happened he never would have Duelled Grand Hoof and unlocked his Synchro Pendulum Summon. And he wouldn't have learned about how his parents had met and about the blazing spirit he'd apparently inherited from his dad.

"It's true our mistakes feel terrible at the time," Time said, "but it's how we chose to deal with them that make us grow as people and Duellists. Many times it's the mistake of our life that shape the most important parts of us more then our successes."

"I guess I can't argue with you there," Flash said.

"Then accept your failures," Time said, "and let them make you stronger." Time Turner placed his hand on his deck, "I believe it's my turn. I draw and with it my Chrono Fighter will grow to level six. (A2600/D2100/L6) "Next I play Pot of Greed, in order to draw two cards." He drew his cards and smiled, "I play Polymerisation. This card will let me fuse Time Wizard and Baby Dragon." His two monsters appeared on the field before being sucked into a wormhole, as Time chanted. "With age comes the wisdom of time and experience, which will grant a power stronger then any weapon." The portal exploded, "I FUSION SUMMON!"

The light from the explosion faded, revealing the monster Flash had seen him use on Rainbow Dash. "Thousand Dragon." (A2400/D2000/L7)

"Oh boy," Flash said.

"Thousand Dragon attack Magna Fighter Radium," Time ordered as his dragon short a flamethrower from its nose which burned Radium alive.

Time: 3300
Flash: 3100

"Now Chrono Fighter attack Arma," the robot raised its sword and charged at Flash's other Magna Fighter.

"I activate my Trap," Flash said, "Brittle Shield. This card lets a monster with more ATK then DEF switch to DEF mode." As Chrono Fighter drew closer Arma raised her shield and managed to block the attack. "While she's in DEF mode Arma is immune to destruction."

"Very well," Time said, "I end my turn with a face down."

Flash knew keeping Arma in DEF mode wouldn't stop Time for long.

"It's my turn," Flash said, "I draw and play the Spell card Starburst Reload. This card lets me remove a monster from my graveyard and then draw the same number of cards, as the monsters level. I remove Starbreak Dragon and draw four," he did so and smiled seeing his ace. "I sacrifice Arma and Aura Spear Dragon, in order to summon Flash Heart Dragon." His monsters disappeared and were replaced by the robotic dragon man combo, who raised its fists ready for battle. (A2500/D2000/L7/P4) "Next I activate the Spell card Lightspeed, to increase my Light attributed Flash Heart's ATK power by one thousand points." (A3500/D2000/L7/P4) "Flash Heart Dragon attack Chrono Fighter," Flash's monster was shot forward by its boosters as it aimed for the robot.

"I activate my Trap card Shift," Time said as his face down flipped up, "with this your attacks target changes to Thousand Dragon." Time Turner's monster blinked out for a second, only to reappear in each others place as Flash Heart threw its punch hitting the dragon instead of the robot.

Time: 2400
Flash: 3100

"I end my turn," Flash said as his monsters ATK points returned to normal. (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"It's my turn," Time said, "I draw and once again my Chrono Fighter will power up." The robot once again glowed and transformed, into a larger version of itself. (A3100/D2500/L7) "Now I summon Chrono Viper." A robotic snake with a gear around its neck appeared, the gear spinning like a buzz saw. (A1700/D1100/L4) "Chrono Fighter attack Flash Heart Dragon," he ordered as his monster used its sword and slashed through Flash Heart.

Time: 2400
Flash: 2500

"Now Chrono Viper attack Flash directly," the snake slivered towards Flash and used the gear to grind into him.

Time: 2400
Flash: 800

"I end my turn," Time said.

"It's my turn," Flash said, "I draw and play my own Pot of Greed. This card lets me draw two cards." Flash draw and his eyes went wide seeing what he'd drawn, before smiling as a plan came together. "You said my mistakes will shape my future," he said to Time, "and you were right. I can't just try and imagine what life would be like without them, because that won't help me grow." He placed a card in his Duel Disk which turned out to be Mystical Space Typhoon, which caused a strong wind to blow and destroy Magna Fox. "I need to accept them and push forwards to my future," Flash continued, "and this is my future. I'm setting scale eight Magna Caster Estella into the Pendulum Scale," he threw down the card and his magician flew up into the empty pillar. "Now I can cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," he chanted as the portal formed above him. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and a single light shot out.

"Shine your light of victory, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"Fantastic," Time said seeing the sceptical.

"Flash Heart's skill," Flash said, "Chrono Viper to the bottom of the deck."

A wormhole opened below the snake robot, sucking it down.

"And now I summon the Tuner Monster Magna Mechanic Kuda," the spanner wielding steampunk appeared. (A1400/D700/L3/P2) "Now with the Pendulum Ability of Estella, I can reduce Kuda's level by two." The witch waved her wand and changed Kuda's level. (A1400/D700/L1/P2) "And now," Flash said, "I tune level one Magna Mechanic with level seven Flash Heart Dragon." Kuda transformed into a light which carved the circle around Flash Heart Dragon. "Awaken the power sleeping within us all and allow your light to shine brighter then ever," he chanted as the monster disappeared in an explosion of light. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing, "Flash Dragon Accel." (A3000/D2500/L8)

"Wow," Time said.

"Now I play," Flash said, "Reverse Polarity. This card will cause Accel and Chrono Fighter's ATK points to switch." (A3100/D2500/L8), (A3000/D2500/L7) "And now Flash Dragon Accel attack," Flash ordered as his dragon flew high and released its four cannons. "Supreme Energy Blast!!" The cannons fired and shot four combined energy blasts at Time's monster, destroying it.

Time: 2300
Flash: 800

"And now for his ability," Flash said as his dragon glowed, "Flash Dragon Accel...devolve into...Flash Heart Dragon." The light faded revealing Flash Heart, whose jets fired propelling it forwards as it slammed into Time Turner.

Time: 0
Flash: 800 (Winner)

As the sun began to raise above the horizon, Flash and Time were prepared to head out.

"That was a great Duel," Time said.

"It sure was," Flash said, "and thanks. You were right, I can't just ignore my mistakes."

"Glad to here it," Time said, "and don't worry. You'll make it to the finals."

"Someone's got faith in the unlikely."

"It's not faith," Time said, "I know you'll make it."

"Thanks," Flash said before he turned to leave, "I guess I'll see you around."

"Maybe," Time said.

Flash walked off and around the corner. But as he did so a strange noise caught his ear, making him look back around and saw a strong gust coming from where he'd just been. quickly heading back there he turned around the corner and found both Time Turner and the blue police box were gone. "What the?"

Author's Notes:

If you guys didn't like that ending I'll change it, but it was just to funny to resist.

NEXT TIME: A chapter written using the ideas of you, the commenters.

Turn 41, Shining Spoon

Author's Notes:

Before we begin I'd like to thank SuperSonicHeroes and Foxhelm. This chapter was born from your comments and ideas, so really this chapter is thanks to you. An extra special thanks to YuGiOh Brony, for donating his OC for this chapter. Hope he enjoys it.

We find Scootaloo and her friends in the park while she was in the middle of a Duel with a boy their age, who they had just met. His name was Shining Spoon, he had orange skin and spiky red and blue hair. He wore a leather jacket over a white T-shirt.

Currently his field only had a monster named Archfiend Solider, while Scootaloo's had Rush Raptor on it.

Scootaloo: 500
Spoon: 1200

"Looks like this game goes to me," the boy named Spoon said.

"Don't count me out yet," Scootaloo said. "It's my turn," she placing her hand on her deck, "come on deck don't let me down." She took a deep breath, "I draw," she looked at her card and smiled. "I summon Bone Armour Raptor," a dinosaur wearing bones over its body appeared with a skull for a helmet. (A1800/D1200/L4) "Next I activate his ability," she said, "by cutting his ATK and DEF points in half I can summon a Dinosaur Monster from my graveyard." (A900/D600/L4) "Now I summon Velocity Raptor," a green raptor appeared on the field. (A1000/D1200/L3) "Velocity Raptor's ability activates since it was Special Summon, making every monster on my field the same Level as a monster of my choice. All three raptors glowed as Bone Armour Raptor's level changed to three.

"And now I'm using these three monsters to build the Overlay Network," Scootaloo said as her monsters flew up and into the black hole. "I XYZ SUMMON!" The black hole exploded as Scootaloo's monster flew out. "Wild Rush Raptor." (A2000/D2000/R3)

"With Rush Raptor as an Overlay Unit, Wild Rush gains five hundred points." (A2500/D2000/R3) "I attack and when Wild Rush Raptor attacks, I can remove an Overlay Unit and double any damage he deals." One of the Overlay Units flew into its mouth as it took flight, shot towards Archfiend Solider and swung around and smashed it with its tail.

"NOOO!" Spoon screamed as his life point dropped to zero.

Scootaloo: 500 (Winner)
Spoon: 0

"Alright Scootaloo," Sweetie cheered, as she and Applebloom rushed over to her.

"That was a great comeback," Applebloom said.

"Thanks guys," Scootaloo said.

"I lost," the girls turned to Spoon who was on his hands and knees looking at the ground.

"Are you okay," Scootaloo asked as she walked over to him.

"Why?" Spoon said, "why do I keep losing?"

"Hey it was a close match," Scootaloo said.

"But if I keep losing," Spoon said, "I'll bring shame to my master."

"Master?" the girls asked in confusion.

"I'll have no right to call myself his apprentice."

"Who are you talking about?" Applebloom asked.

"I'm talking the greatest Duellist in the world," Spoon said, "Flash Sentry."

That last part took a few second to drain into the girl's heads, but when it did..."WHAT!"

The four were sitting on a bench as Shining Spoon explained.

"I always loved Duelling, but always chickened out whenever I Duelled because no matter what I would end up overpowered by my opponents. But then one day I went to see the Micro Tournament."

"And that's where you saw Flash?" Scootaloo asked.

"Yeah," Spoon replied, "I didn't think much of him at first when he Duelled against that Gizmo guy. I thought his win was just luck, but then I kept watching and slowly I started growing more and more hopeful that he'd win and he did. Again and again he came up against a seemingly unbeatable rival and managed to overcome them. That's when I decided I wanted to be just like him, but there was one thing I lacked to make me like him."

"Pendulum Cards?" Sweetie guessed.

"That's right," he said, "if I make it to the finals I'll get my very own Pendulum cards and then I'll be just like Master Flash."

"That just sounds weird," Scootaloo said, "I don't think he'd like it if you kept calling him that."

"I'm sure he'd love it," Spoon said, "I mean it's not like you know him or something."

"Actually," Applebloom said getting his attention.

"You do know him?" Spoon asked.

Scootaloo didn't answer and instead took out her phone and showed him a picture of her and Flash together.

"Wait," he asked, "are you?"

"Flash is my older brother," she told him.

Spoon's mouth hung so low that you could race a Duel Runner through it. "Mind...blown!" he said.

"Thanks," Scootaloo said.

"So you could introduce me?" he asked.

"Well," Scootaloo said, "not at this moment."

"Why not?" Spoon asked.

The girls explained what had happened and by the end Spoon looked outraged.

"They can't do that to my teacher," he said leaping up.

"Well it happened," Applebloom said, "plus I don't think you can count him as your teacher since you've never actually met."

"But he will be," Spoon replied, "I'll see him in the finals and he'll have to make me his student when he sees my Pendulum Cards."

"But you have to get to the finals first," Sweetie said.

Spoon sighed and sat back down. "Your right, but my deck can't seem to get me there. If I had a Pendulum Deck like Flash's I'd be unstoppable."

"It can't be that bad," Scootaloo said, "show me it."

Spoon took out his deck and they spread it out on the bench to look over. "Everything seems to be well balanced," Scootaloo said, "but I get the feeling it's missing something."

"Yeah," Sweetie said, "it's like a golden brick path leading to a dead end."

"Are you sure these are all the cards you have in your deck?" Applebloom asked him.

"Well," Spoon looked uncomfortable but then went into his Extra Deck and pulled out a card, which he showed them making their eyes go wide.

"That's...that's...that's," Sweetie couldn't get the words.

"DARK REBELLION XYZ DRAGON!" Scootaloo screamed. The card was in fact an Xyz card, known world wide for its rarity

"Where did you get this?" Applebloom asked him.

"Family heirloom," Spoon said, "my dad gave it to me along with the deck."

"I can't believe I'm seeing the first Xyz Monster ever created," Scootaloo said.

"It's not that special," Spoon said.

"Are you kidding?" Scootaloo asked.

"Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon," Sweetie said, "along with Starving Venom Fusion Dragon and Clear Wing Synchro Dragon are the cards that helped redefine Duelling. The first Fusion, Synchro and Xyz cards ever created and you have one of them."

"This is it," Scootaloo said. "If you use that card you'll do great in the tournament."

"But I want to be like Flash," Spoon said, "and Flash doesn't Xyz Summon."

"Trust me when I say he would if he could," Scootaloo said.

"Whatever," Spoon said, "I'm out of here." he gathered up his deck and headed out.

"Wait," Scootaloo said, but he didn't stop.

"What do they know?" Spoon said, "I don't need Xyz Summoning. If it was as good as they say then Flash would use it."

Before he could say or think anything, three kids ran passed him.

"Come on," one of them said, "If we don't hurry the Duel will be over."

"Do you think it's true?" another one said, "that there's a kid willing to give up all his points if you beat him."

"If there is," the last one said, "it'll be major pay dirt for us."

"All his points," Spoon said, "perfect." He rushed off after the three.

"I can't believe that guy," Scootaloo said as the three walked through the park, "we try and help him and he throws it back in our faces."

"He was just to bent on being like Flash," Applebloom said, "he didn't realise how great his own deck is."

"Wish we could help him see that," Sweetie said.

The three continued until they found themselves near the park baseball field, where they heard. "I attack!" they looked over and saw a crowd gathered, before a huge explosion took place. Rushing over and through they found themselves staring at to kids their age. One was a boy with white skin, brown hair and a brown patch over his left eye, while the other was a boy in baseball gear with orange skin and blue hair.

"Sorry First Base," the first boy said, "but it looks like I win."

"No fair," the second said, "I had home field advantage."

"Pipsqueak's amazing," a kid next to the girls said.

Pipsqueak held up a brown DPM as it recalculated his points.

Pipsqueak: 4560Ps

"That's a lot of points," Scootaloo said.

"So," Pipsqueak said, "who's next?"

"ME" a voice rang out, making everyone turn to see Shining Spoon step out of the crowd. "My name is Shining Spoon and I challenge you."

"Okay then," Pip said, "how many points do you want to put up?"

"I was told your willing to put up all your points," Spoon said.

"That's only if my opponent has as many points," Pip replied, "how many points do you have?"

Spoon sweated but held up his own DPM.

Shining Spoon: 250Ps

"That's no where near as close to mine," Pip said.

"I know," Shining said, before he realised. "But if we do Duel for all your points and you win," he took something out of his pocket, "I'll give you this." He held up his Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon making everyone gasp. He was really willing to give up such a rare card.

Pip looked at the card and almost drooled. "Alright," he said, "you have a deal."

The two took out their Duel Disks and prepared to Duel.

"Don't do this Spoon," he heard making him turn to see Scootaloo. "Don't risk your Dragon like this."

"Leave me alone," he said, "this is my chance to get to the finals and meet Flash."

Speaking of Flash. The teen was had been walking through the park when he had noticed the crowd.

Hiding around the back of the field's bleachers he became wary when he saw his sister and her friends, but grew curious when hearing his name mentioned.


Pipsqueak: 4000
Spoon: 4000

"I'll take the first move," Pip said, "and I'll start by activating the Field Spell Nightmare Ghost Ship." The field suddenly changed so that everyone was now standing underwater, on a sunken pirate ship with black sails and spikes made out of bone. "Next I summon Dread Pirate Skeleton Crew in ATK mode." A trio of skeletons appeared on the field, wearing pirate hats and carrying cutlasses. (A1800/D0/L4) "I end my turn with a face down."

"It's my turn," Spoon said, "I draw and play the Spell card Reasoning. This card forces you to declare a level and I draw until I get a monster and if that card's level is anything other then the one you called, I can summon it."

"Alright, level four."

Spoon drew his cards and smiled. "Mine's level two, meaning I can summon it. Come out Meda Bat," a large eyeball with a blue tail, claws and bat wings appeared on the field. (A800/D400/L2) "Now I tribute Meda Bat to summon my Summoned Skull," the small monster disappeared and was replaced by a giant demon with bones covering most of its body. (A2500/D1200/L6)

"Good move," Sweetie said.

"His deck is built to allow Special Summons," Scootaloo said, "I think it's his way of substituting for a Pendulum Summon."

"I attack you Skeletons with my Summon Skull," Spoon said as his demon's body pulsed with electricity and fired a bolt of lightning, destroying the three skeletons.

Pipsqueak: 3300
Spoon: 4000

"Since a Zombie Type monster was just sent to the graveyard the effect of my Nightmare Ghost Ship activates," Pip said. "Now my destroyed monster will return to the field as a Pirate Ghost Token." A green mist slowly drifted from between the cracks of the deck floor, which soon collected together into the form of a green balloon shaped ghost with a pirate hat and eye patch. (A0/D0/L1)

"I end my turn," Spoon said.

"My turn," Pip said, "I draw and activate the Spell card Dread Pirate rebirth. This card lets me tribute a Pirate Ghost Token and give new life to my Skeleton Crew." The ghost disintegrated into dust on the floor as Pip chanted, "pirates may die but they are never truly gone." From the dust the Skeleton Crew crawled out and stood tall.

"Spoon will be in trouble of his opponents are a bunch of undead pirates," Applebloom said.

"Next I tribute my Skeleton Crew in order to summon Dread Pirate First Mate." The trio disappeared once again and this time were replaced with a pale man, in a frilly white shirt and holding a cutlass. (A2300/D0/L6) "And don't forget that since another monster went to the graveyard, I get another Pirate Ghost Token." Another green balloon shaped ghost appeared, "now I attack you Summoned Skull."

"But my Skull has more attack points?" Spoon said.

"Not once my First Mate's ability activates. When he attacks I can tribute a Pirate Ghost Token, and raise his ATK points by a thousand until battle's end." The Ghost Token turned back into mist which flew into the Dread Pirate's cutlass. (A3300/D0/L6) First Mate flew forwards and slashed Summoned Skull down the centre, cutting it in half as his ATK points returned to normal.

Pipsqueak: 3300
Spoon: 3200

"This is bad," Sweetie said. "Pipsqueak is planning out his strategy to a T while Spoon is trying to power through."

"He needs to think his plan out more," Applebloom agreed.

"I end my turn."

"It's my turn," Spoon said, "I draw and summon Looting Archfiend in ATK mode." A demon appeared with a long four fingered clawed tail. (A1500/D1100/L4) When this card is Normal Summoned, I can select a card in your hand and send it to the graveyard." Spoon looked over at Pip's hand and pointed to the far right, which Pip discarded with a smile.

"Since you sent Dread Pirate Boatswain to the graveyard, I get another token." A third Ghost Token appeared on the field.

"I place one card face down and end my turn."

"It's my draw," Pip said, "and I attack with Dread Pirate First Mate while tributing my Ghost Token to increase his ATK points." (A3300/D0/L6)

"I activate my face down," Spoon said, "Magic Cylinder. With this your monsters attack points will be deducted out of your life points, which means I win."

"Like it'd be that easy," Pip said, "I activate Dark Bribe. This Trap negates your Trap while letting you draw."

Spoon's Trap sparked before exploding, while First Mate continued its assault as destroyed Looting Archfiend

Pipsqueak: 3300
Spoon: 1400

"I end my turn."

"It my turn," Spoon said, "I draw and activate Graceful Charity. This card lets me two three cards as long as I ditch two."

He smiled making everyone raise an eyebrow. "What's he up to?" Applebloom asked.

"Look," Sweetie said pointing at First Mate.

Something appeared behind the pirate and grabbed it. It was some kind of red and blue demon.

"What's this?" Pipsqueak asked.

"My Archfiend of Gilfer," Spoon said, "when I sent him to the graveyard his ability equipped him to your monster. Now he's five hundred points weaker." (A1800/D0/L6) "Now I summon Archfiend Solider." (A1900/D1500/L4) "I attack." The archfiend flew at the pirate and slashed it with its claws.

Pipsqueak: 3200
Spoon: 1400

"He did it!" Sweetie cheered.

"Don't be to excited," Scootaloo said, "it's not over yet."

"Since another Zombie monster was sent to the graveyard, I get another Pirate Ghost Token."

"I end my turn with a face down."

"It's my turn," Pipsqueak said, "I draw and play the Spell card Corps Fusion. This card lets me pay a thousand life points and Fusion Summon by removing the materials from my graveyard."

Pipsqueak: 2200
Spoon: 1400

From the cracks of the deck came the ghostly figures of Pips monsters, before they were sucked into a vortex that opened. "Raise the sails and swab the decks, the pirates are going to make you walk the plank." The vortex exploded, revealing Pips monster. "I FUSION SUMMON!"

The monster was a humanoid figure in pirate clothes, with an anchor around its neck like a pendent. Its head was a green with tentacle like appendages flowing down, while its left hand was replaced with a crab claw. "Captain of the Mucky Depths, Dread Pirate Nightmare." (A?/D0/L9)

"No ATK points?" Spoon asked.

"His ATK points become the sum level of the monsters used in his Fusion Summon times three hundred." (A3000/D0/L9)

"Oh boy," Spoon said.

"Captain Nightmare," Pip said, "attack Archfiend Solider." The monster raised its clawed hand and charged at Spoon's monster.

"I activate my Mirror Force," Spoon said, "this Trap will negate your attack and destroy every ATK position monster on your field."

"It would," Pip said, "if my monster ability didn't negate your Trap. All I have to do is sacrifice a Zombie monster, like my Ghost Token." The Token flew into the Fusion Monster's claw as it slashed at Spoon's Trap. "Now my Captain can carry out his assault." Archfiend Solider was captured in the claw and cut in half. The force of the attack pushing Spoon off his feet.

Pipsqueak: 2200
Spoon: 300

"I end my turn."

As they watched him try and get up, the girl called out to Spoon. "You've gotta get up."

"Why?" he asked, "I can't beat him."

"Yes you can," Scootaloo called out, "there's one card in your deck that can beat his Dread Pirate. You just have to stop trying to be my brother and Duel your way."

"But I can't win that way," Spoon said.

"Well your not winning this way either," Scootaloo said. "If my brother was here right now, do you know what he'd say."

"He'd say to get up and win!" Everyone looked up at the ships rigging, where Flash was standing.

"Flash," Scootaloo said in shock.

"It's him," Spoon said.

"She's got a point you know," Flash said, "you can't win if you try and be somebody else. Even if you did win it wouldn't be your victory, it would be the victory of the person your imitating."

"But I've never won while trying to be myself, I always lose."

"I was the same way," Flash said, "when I was younger I lost all the time. You know why?" Spoon shock his head, "It's because I never believed in my deck. When you and your deck's hearts are one, then even against an impossible opponent victory can still be obtained."

Flash's words touched Spoon's heart. He hadn't really believed in his deck. To him the deck was just there until he could get the Pendulum cards he wanted, but maybe that was the problem. Why would the cards help him replace them? This deck that his father had given him, he was so obsessed with getting a deck like Flash's he never thought to try and improve it. But maybe he could still win, if he Duelled like himself."

"Get up," Flash said, "and win."

Spoon finally manged to stand tall and nodded to Flash.

"It's my turn," he said, "I draw and play Pot of Greed to draw two cards." He drew his cards a smiled seeing what they were. "I summon Jaw Blade Archfiend, in ATK mode." A demon with jaw shaped claws appeared on the field. "Next I activate the Spell card Fiends Rebirth, which makes me discard a Fiend Type monster and then I card summon a Fiend Type monster in my graveyard whose level is lower then the discard one. I discard Swift Archfiend to revive Meda Bat." The flying eyeball appeared on the field. (A800/D400/L2) "Next I activate the effect of Swift Archfiend in my graveyard, allowing me to remove him from play and then increase the level of a Fiend on my field by two." Meda Bat began to glow. (A800/D400/L4)

"Two level four monsters," Sweetie said.

Applebloom nodded "that means."

"I Overlay Jaw Blade Archfiend and Meda Bat," Spoon said as his monsters flew up and into the black hole as it opened. "Cloaked in shadows and relentless in its objective, I call upon the most dangerous of dragons." The black hole burst in an explosion of light, "I XYZ SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing the creature. A black and purple dragon with two purple Overlay Units flying around it. "DARK REBELLION XYZ DRAGON!" (A2500/D2000/R4)

Everyone marvelled at the sight of the first ever Xyz Monster.

"I activate Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon's ability," Spoon said, "by remove two Overlay Units I can cut you Captain's ATK points in half and add them to my dragons points." One of the Overlay Units flew into the dragons chest as its wings opened up and unleashed a surge of electricity. "Treason Discharge!" the lightning shocked Dread Pirate Nightmare, reducing its ATK points. (A1500/D0/L9), (A4000/D2000/R4) "Now attack," Spoon said as Rebellion Dragon's wings unleashed a blue glow and it took off, "Lightning Disobey!" The dragon struck the pirate, destroying it in an explosion of electricity.

Pipsqueak: 0
Spoon: 300 (Winner)

As the Field Spell and monsters disappeared, everyone was silent as they took in what had just happened.

Finally, Scootaloo began clapping loudly followed by her friends and the rest of the crowd.

Shining Spoon couldn't believe what had just happened. He'd actually won a Duel and it was with his own cards. "I did it."

"Yeah you did," Scootaloo said slapping him on the back.

"That was an amazing comeback," Pipsqueak said, "and I always keep my word." He pressed a button on his DPM and seconds later Spoon's beeped.

Shining Spoon: 4810Ps

"That's a whole more points all of a sudden," Applebloom said.

"If you keep Duelling you might just be able to enter the finals," Sweetie said.

"You'd better," Pip said happily, "now you've beaten me."

"I will," Spoon said, "and what's more is I got to actually win infront of him." He looked around, but his smile turned to a frown. "Where'd Flash go?"

Everyone looked around but Flash was gone.

Flash smiled as he walked away.

Another strong Duellist had revealed themselves. Flash would need to keep his guard up if he didn't want to fall behind.

"It looks like he left," Sweetie said.

Spoon frowned, but soon smiled again. "It doesn't matter, I'll see him again at the finals."

"You'll get there," she said, "as long as you remember to believe in your deck."

"I will," Spoon turned, "if I want to make it I gotta get going to find my next Duel."

"Good luck," Scootaloo said.

"Same to you," he replied.

As Spoon began to leave Scootaloo watch him go, only to notice something hovering over his shoulder. It was Meda Bat, or rather a transparent version of it. Meda Bat turned to Scootaloo and waved at her as if to say thank you, before it vanished.

"What was that?" she asked.

"What was what?" Applebloom said.

"I thought I saw...never mind," Scootaloo shook her head. She need to take a break, she was seeing things.

Turn 42, Showdown

In a run down corner of the city, Applejack could be seen walking through it. After the Survival Duel she had decided to spend a few days going solo just to get some extra points without losing time with watching her friend's Duel.

But right now it didn't look like there were any Duellists around.

"This place gives me the creeps," she said looking around, "it's the middle of the day and there's no one out."

That statement was soon countermanded when she saw a young boy run out of a nearby house, only to be grabbed by his mother. "Get back in this house right now," she told him, "what if there are Duellists around?" And with that they rushed back inside, leaving a very confused Applejack.

"What's she got against Duellists?" she asked, but before she could say anything else she suddenly found herself the target of a rock storm. "What in tarnation?" she asked trying to dodge the small projectiles, and in looking for their point of origin she noticed someone standing on a nearby building. Quickly reaching into her bag she grabbed a piece of rope and began spinning it around, before letting rip sending it flying over to the figure and wrapped around their leg. With one quick tug she pulled the figures foot from under them, causing them to lose balance and slip off the roof. With a cry of surprise whoever it was crashed into the ground, kicking up a dust cloud.

"Yee-haw," Applejack said returning the rope to her bag, "now what was that all about?" she asked only to gasped when the dust cleared revealing a young girl of about ten, with pink skin and dark pink hair. "What in tarnation?" she asked kneeling down, "are you okay?"

The girl looked up at the teen and almost growled at her, "stay away from me!"

"What's with the attitude?" Applejack asked, "I'm sorry for pulling you off the roof but you were throwing rocks at me."

"I threw those rocks because this town doesn't need any more good for nothing Duellists," she said.

"That's enough Cupcake," the two turned to see a woman that looked like an older version of the girl, but with white skin instead.

"Mommy!" the girl named Cupcake said, "I was protecting our home from this Duellist."

"She hasn't done anything," the woman said, "shame on you for judging her." She turned to Applejack, "I'm sorry about her."

"It's fine," Applejack said.

"My name is Sugar Coat," the woman said, "and that's my daughter Cupcake."

"Am Applejack," the cowgirl clothed teen said, "now what's with this hatred of Duellists?"

Sugar sighed, "why don't we go to my shop and I'll explain."

The mother and daughter took Applejack to a small cafe that reminded her of Sugarcube Corner, only this place was old and run down.

Once they were sat down Sugar explained. "It started about five years ago, when this part of town was so packed with people you couldn't walk down the street with bumping into someone."

"So what happened?" Applejack asked.

"Longhorn!" Cupcake said angrily, "he and his Duel Gang showed up one day and started roughing people and businesses up for protection money."

"If someone didn't agree then they made life very difficult," Sugar continued, "they've run several people out of business."

"That's horrible!" Applejack said, "why don't you try and so anything about it?"

"We've tried," Sugar explained, "but we're no match for them physically and there's only one other option."

"Duelling," Applejack asked.

"We've hired the best Duellists we could afford, but each one has been bested by Longhorn and his gang and were forced to either join them or have their decks destroyed."

"Meaning they definitely can't try again," Applejack said.

"We can't go to the authorities because if we do we they'll only send one or two officers, and even if they manage to catch a couple of his men the rest of them would attack whoever called them."

"What a bully," Applejack said, "someone needs to teach that rotten guy a lesson."

In that moment a chime from the door as it opened revealing three bulky men stepped in.

"Can I help you?" Sugar asked standing up while shaking.

"Longhorn wants five hundred blueberry muffins," one of them said.

"But...but Longhorn still hasn't payed us for the last batch," she said, "or the batch before that."

"Just put it on the tab," another said.

"But you haven't payed that tab in over two years."

"Do we have a problem here?" the last one asked getting up close and cornering Sugar against the counter.

"Leave my mommy alone!" Cupcake called out getting the thugs attention.

"You shouldn't go getting into situation you have no business in," one of them said closing up to her only for Cupcake to kick him in the shins. "OW! You little."

He went to grab her, only for someone to grab his arm and flip him over.

"What the?" The two others looked over at Applejack who did not look happy.

"Ya want to harm these good folks," she said, "then you'll need to go through me."

All three thugs did not look happy. "You just made a big mistake little girl," they took out Duel Disks while Applejack did the same.

<Ten Minutes Later>

"AAAARRRR!" The thugs screamed as their monsters were destroyed and their life points reduced to zero.

"You'd better get out of here," Applejack said, "or else."

The three growled at each other but turned and ran out the door anyway.

With them gone, Applejack turned to the mother daughter duo. "Are you okay?"

"Thanks to you," Sugar said.

"That was amazing!" Cupcake said.

"Thanks," Applejack said.

"I just hope this doesn't get you into trouble," Sugar said.

In an abandoned warehouse the three thugs were cowering as a bulky figure stood above.

"Beaten!" he said, "by a girl."

"She was really strong," one of them said.

"She was a girl!" he almost yelled.

"We're sorry Longhorn," they said.

The figure named Longhorn stood up from his chair and walked up to them.

"If this girl is so strong, we will simply have to add her to our ranks."

Applejack was sitting in Sugar Coat's store enjoying a muffin while texting on her phone when she heard a loud rumble in the distance, which caused both Sugar and Cupcake to flinch in fear.

"What is it?" she asked.

"It's him," Cupcake said looking generally scared.

Down the street a dust cloud kicked up as several Harley modelled Duel Runners ripped down the road, before finally coming to a stop in front of the store. From the biggest of the Runners stepped off a giant of a figure, who digitised his riding gear to reveal himself.

He was a man with gray skin and black hair with sideburns under a black stetson.

"Is that him?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah," Cupcake said, "that's Longhorn."

"APPLEJACK!" they heard Longhorn yell, "come out here and face me!"

"There's a door in the back," Sugar said, "you can make a run for it."

"No," Applejack said, "I won't run." She turned and opened the door, stepping out and walked out to the corner of the street and faced off against Longhorn.

"So your the little lady who gave my boys such a hard time," Longhorn said.

"Maybe if you taught them some real manners I wouldn't have to," Applejack said.

"My apologies for that little incident," he said trying to sound gentlemanly, "It won't happen again."

"Like I believe that," Applejack said, "you and your crew a just a bunch of criminals who need to be brought down."

"Is that a challenge?" Longhorn asked, "very well. We will Duel right here."

"Good," Applejack said, "and if I win you and your Duel Gang beat it and never come back."

"And when I win," Longhorn said, "you will come work for me. Are we in agreement?"

Applejack knew that demand was coming, but nodded in anyway.

"Very well," Longhorn said, holding up an arm for one of his lackeys to attach a gray Duel Disk to.

Applejack placed her own Duel Disk on and the two readied themselves for battle.

Glancing around Applejack saw many people in the windows of buildings, wanting to see her beat this bully.


Longhorn: 4000
Applejack: 4000

"I'll take my turn first," Longhorn said, "and play Different Dimension Capsule which lets me take a card from my deck and remove it from play." A large sarcophagus appeared before it phased into the ground, "now in two turns that card will be added to my hand. Next I summon Battle Ox in ATK mode." A humanoid bull appeared wearing red armour carrying an axe. (A1700/D1000/L4) "I end my turn with a face down."

"It's my turn," Applejack said, "I draw and summon Green Apple Golem in ATK." A green version of Red Apple Golem appeared. (A1400/D600/L4) "And when Green Apple Golem is Normal Summoned, I can add Yellow Apple Golem to my hand." Her deck shuffled out of card which she added to her hand, "next I play Miracle Feed. This special plant food will raise my Golem's ATK power by one thousand for this turn." Apple Golem began to grow until it was twice as big. (A2400/D600/L4) "I attack Battle Ox," the giant apple creature charged at the man cow and smashed into it.

Longhorn: 3300
Applejack: 4000

"I activate my face down," Longhorn said, "Call to the Wild. This Trap activates whenever a Beast Type monster is destroyed, and lets me summon another Beast Type that's ATK points are lower then Battle Ox. I summon Raging Bull," a large red bull appeared on the field. (A1600/D1600/L4)

"I end my turn with a face down," Applejack said as her monster's ATK points returned to normal.

"It's my turn," Longhorn said, "I draw and I'll get rid of Raging Bull in order to summon Ushi Oni in ATK mode." The red bull disappeared and was replaced by a large pot, which let out a mist that took to form of a large monster with a bulls head. (A2150/D1950/L6) "Ushi Oni attack that over ripe piece of fruit," he ordered as the bull creature flew towards Green Apple Golem and pummelled it to pieces. "I always preferred my apples crumbled," Longhorn joked.

Longhorn: 3300
Applejack: 3250

"I end my turn with a face down."

Applejack was quiet shaken by the force of that attack. This guy might have been a bully but he was good.

"It's my turn," she said, "I draw and activate the Spell card Graceful Charity. With this I can draw three cards, then ditch two," she did so and nodded at her new hand. "Next I'll use the effect of Astilbe Archer. By discarding a Plant Type monster I can reduce its level by two for this turn, meaning I can summon it to the field." Her archer appeared besides her. (A2000/D1000/L5) "Plus since my Apple Knight was sent to the graveyard, I can summon two Pip Tokens to my field." (A0/D0/L1)X2

"Those monsters can't hurt my Ushi Oni," Longhorn said.

"Maybe not," Applejack said, "but I can when I activate my Ultra Grow Spell card. This card lets me tribute my tokens for two level four of lower Plant Monsters, so say hello to Maiden of Vines and Sylvan Marshalleaf." The tokens dug into the ground, as a pair of watering cans appeared and poured their contents onto the ground. Seconds later a pair of flowers shot out of the ground, and as their bulbs opened the two monsters appeared. (A1000/D1000/L3), (A1500/D1200/L3)

"That's three level three monsters," Longhorn said.

"Now I Overlay my three level three monsters," Applejack said as her monster flew up and into the opening black hole. "As the seasons bring fourth new growth, it can also bring fourth a new power," the black hole exploded in a burst of light. "I XYZ SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing, "Orchard Cowboy." (A2100/D600/R3) "Next I equip my Cowboy with Turbo Revolver, which will increase his power by one thousand." (A3100/D600/R3) "Now attack," Applejack's cowboy aimed its revolver at Ushi Oni and fired. The blast ripped through the bull monster's chest, destroying it.

Longhorn: 2350
Applejack: 3250

"I'll place one card face down and end my turn."

"It's my turn," Longhorn said drawing, "and since it's been two turns my Different Dimension Capsule returns." The sarcophagus burst out the ground, opening up to reveal a card. "Now I can get back the card I removed earlier, before activating my face down." His card flipped up revealing a Trap. "Call of the Haunted, which will let me revive Ushi Oni."

"To bad for you my Orchid Cowboy's ability, lets me remove an Overlay Unit to negate that effect." One of the monsters Overlay Unit flew into it pistol, as it aimed and fired a blast a the Trap destroying it."

"Fair enough," Longhorn said not looking bothered by the loss of his card, "I'll activate this instead. Monster Reborn, revive Ushi Oni to my field." The pot returned and released the bull demon.

"He's so determined to get that monster back but why?"

"Now I release Ushi Oni," Longhorn said, "to summon the monster I got from my capsule. Giant Ushi Oni, arise in ATK mode. The bull demon disappeared and was replaced by a spider like creature with Ushi Oni's body in place of the head. (A2600/D2100/L8)

"Not good," Applejack said.

"That's Longhorn's best card," Sugar Coat said from inside her shop.

"No one who's faced it has ever won," Cupcake said in fear.

"I equip Giant Ushi Oni with Axe of Despair, which will raise his ATK power by one thousand points." A giant axe appeared in the monsters hands, which it raised and swung around menacingly. (A3600/D2100/L8) "Giant Ushi Oni attack Orchid Cowboy," Longhorn ordered as his monster charged at Applejack's and slashed it with the Axe of Despair.

Longhorn: 2350
Applejack: 2750

"I activate my face down," Applejack said, "Overlay Recovery. This card lets me take the Overlay Units that were still connected to my Cowboy and summon them to the field with their levels increase by one." Maiden of Vines and Sylvan Marshalleaf appeared back on the field in DEF mode. (A1000/D1000/L4), (A1500/D1200/L4)

"Don't think yourself safe yet," Longhorn said, "because Giant Ushi Oni can attack twice if it destroys a monster." The spider, bull demon charged once again and slashed at Sylvan Marshalleaf destroying it. "I end my turn with a face down."

"It's my turn," Applejack said, "I draw and summon Yellow Apple Golem in ATK mode." A yellow version of Applejack's Apple Golem appeared on the field. (A1200/D1200/L4) "And now," she said, "am using these two monsters to build the Overlay Network." Her monster flew up and into the forming black hole. "He who watches over all growth, lend us your protection." The black hole burst in an explosion of light, "I XYZ SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing, "Orchid Defender." (A1400/D2600/R4)

"Playing defence huh?" he asked chuckling.

"Laugh if you want to," Applejack said, "but I get the feeling my Defender will be doing some attacking against you later."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah," she said, "but for now I'll end my turn."

"Than it's my turn," Longhorn said, "and I play the Spell card Fairy Meteor Crush. Now my Giant Ushi Oni will deal you damage even if your monsters in DEF mode."

"Applejack's in trouble," Cupcake said.

"Looks like we're getting a new teammate," one of Longhorn's lackeys said.

"A cute one and all," another said.

"Giant Ushi Oni Attack!" Longhorn commanded as his monster charged at Applejack's Xyz monster, raising its axe and brought it down.

"I activate Orchid Defender's ability," Applejack said, "by removing an Overlay Unit I can negate your monsters attack." One of the Overlay Units flew into the orb in the centre of Defender's shield, and it blocked the attack completely."

Longhorn growled seeing his attack stopped, "you'll run out of Overlay Units eventually."

"That's true," Applejack said, "but that last move didn't just save my life points and monster but also got Yellow Apple Golem into the graveyard."

"So what?"

"So," she replied, "I'm just one card away from taking you down."

"Is that so," he said, "well in that case I end my turn. you honestly think you can beat me now?"

"Let's find out," Applejack said. "It's my turn," she placed her hand on her deck and took a deep breath, "I DRAW." She looked at her card and smiled. "I activate the Spell card, Apple Golem Grenade. This card lets me remove any number of Apple Golem from my graveyard."

"What'll that do?" Cupcake asked in confusion.

"Now for each Apple Golem removed, I can destroy a face up card on your field and inflict five hundred points of damage to you."

Everyone's eyes went wide as they saw the three Apple Golems appear floating infront of Applejack, before they flew towards Giant Ushi Oni, Axe of Despair and Fairy Meteor Crush. Once the made contact with the cards, the Apple Golems self destructed taking the three cards with them.

Longhorn: 850
Applejack: 2750

"My Giant Ushi Oni," Longhorn said, "destroyed!"

"And with your field now empty," Applejack said, "I can switch Orchid Defender to ATK mode and aim a direct attack at you." Her Xyz Monster stood up and charged at Longhorn, before smashing him in the gut with one of his shields and sending him flying off his feet.

Longhorn: 0
Applejack: 2750 (Winner)

Everyone was in shock at what they'd seen.

"You kidding me," one of his flunkies said.

"Longhorn lost," another said.

As Longhorn pulled himself up he looked over at Applejack, who had a confident smirk on her face. "You remember our deal," she said to him, "you and your gang get lost."

"Like I'd honour that deal," he said, "get her!" He order his men, who all charged at Applejack.

"APPLEJACK!" Cupcake screamed.

"Get out of there," Sugar Coat said.

But suddenly.

"HALT!" everyone stared up at the buildings, where many police officers stood, each holding guns pointed at them. "This is the police, you are all under arrest."

What are they doing here?" Longhorn asked, "which of you maggots called them."

"I did!" everyone turned and gasped when they saw Shining Armor standing at the end of the street, alongside Cadance, Twilight and Spike.

"Twilight," Applejack said, "you got my message."

"You bet," Twilight said, "as soon as I got it I contacted Cadance and Shining who used their contacts to get to the head of police."

"Turns out this Longhorn guy has quite the wrap sheet on him," Shining said.

"He also has several outstanding arrest warrants against him for multiple crimes," Cadance said.

It wasn't long before Longhorn was sent away in cuffs, along with many of his men.

The people of the town were finally free from the Duel Gangs tyranny. "The city will reimburse you all for repairs to the buildings and anything else you'll all need to get back on your feet," Cadance said.

"Thank you," Sugar said to her, before turning to Applejack, "and thank you for everything."

"Aw shucks," Applejack said before feeling a pull on her leg. She looked down and saw Cupcake smiling up at her.

"Applejack," she said, "when I grow up I want to be a Duellist as good as you."

"I'm sorry," Applejack said, "but you won't be as good as me."

"Why not?" she asked sounding hurt.

"Because you'll be even better," the teen replied making the little kid smiled along with everyone else.

Author's Notes:

Had to have a chapter where Applejack saves the day. Hope you enjoyed it, since I tried to have it feel like an old western movie but I don't really watch those so.

For those who don't know who Longhorn is, I'd suggest clicking here

Turn 43, The Irresistible Voices pt1

In a dark corner of the city three figures hid under a bridge, kneeling around a mysterious dish like object that gave off a mysterious glow.

"How goes your mission?" a muffled voice said, coming from the dish.

"It goes well," one of them said, "we have attained many points and have gathered a sizeable amount of Ener-D."

"Excellent," the voice said, "keep it up or you know what will happen."

"Yes Your Majesty," the three said as the dish's glow faded.

The three figures stepped out from under the bridge into the moonlight, revealing themselves as three teenage girls. The first having yellow skin and orange hair, while the second had pink skin with purple and green hair and the last had blue skin with two darker shades of blue in her hair.

"So what now?" the blue skinned one asked.

"Weren't you listening," the orange skinned girl said, "we keep collecting the points we need and the Ener-D he wants. Honestly Sonata."

"Right," the girl named Sonata said, "sorry Adagio."

"Whatever," the one named Adagio said. "Aria, where's the nearest Duellist."

The last one named Aria held up her DPM and searched for a Duellist signal, but found nothing. "Looks like we've cleaned house in this area."

"Then we'd better head to another one," Adagio said.

"I wonder who our next victim will be?" Sonata asked.

"Balloonimal Cerberus attack," Pinkie ordered as her three headed balloon animal charged at her opponent. With a single slash the boys life points were reduced to zero.

"Marvellous darling," Rarity cheered at her friends victory.

"Thanks," Pinkie replied as she bounced towards the violet haired girl.

"We've really been racking up the points," Rarity said as they both looked down at their DPMs.

Rarity: 5150Ps

Pinkie Pie: 5080Ps

"I wonder how the others are doing?" Pinkie asked.

"I'm sure they're fine," Rarity assured her. "Why don't we get something to eat, my treat."

"Yay!" Pinkie screamed, "how about that little restaurant we passed earlier?"

"Splendid," she said.

They made their way towards the restaurant named the Tasty Treat. The interior was very exotic in design with different coloured drapes and chairs.

"Wow wee!" Pinkie said looking around, "this place looks amazing." She sniffed the air, "and it smells amazing to."

"It does seem exotic," Rarity said looking around, "I just hope we can get a table." She looked around the restaurant for any free seats, only for her eyes to land on a pair of teen girls. One of these girls had creamy skin and blue and pink hair. She wore a white dress with yellow and blue trim. However she recognised the second girl, with her having aquamarine skin and hair, while wearing a pink top and dark blue shorts and around her neck was a necklace of a harp. "Lyra Heartstrings."

"Where?" Pinkie asked looking around, only to spot the girls and smile.

"Pinkie!" Rarity said, seeing her friend bounce off towards the two.

"Hi," the bubblegum haired teen said when she reached them.

The girls' heads shot up at Pinkie's high pitched voice. "Oh," Lyra said, "hello."

"I apologies for her," Rarity said, "we saw you in the Shooting Star Micro Tournament. You Duelled against our friend Flash."

"Flash Sentry?" the girl next to Lyra asked, "oh do sit down."

"Oh," Rarity said plainly before they took a seat, "thank you."

"It's nothing," she said, "any friend of Flash's is a friend of ours. I'm Bon Bon by the way."



"So how do you know Flash?" Rarity asked Bon Bon.

"Well we've never met," she said, "but I owe him a lot for helping Lyra."

"You mean when they Duelled?" Pinkie asked.

"I'm guessing you remember how that went," Lyra said.

"You tried to beat him by using his own monster against him," Rarity remembered, "but he still beat you."

"Back then all I cared about was winning," Lyra said, "but when I lost to him that frame of thinking just disappeared."

"It was almost like she was hypnotised," Bon Bon said, "she barely acted like herself at all."

"When did it all start?" Rarity asked.

"It started with the Dazzlings," Lyra said.

"Dazzlings?" the two girls asked.

"Their a team of Duellists who use the same stratagy I used against Flash," Lyra explained. "When I lost to them, I couldn't get them out of my head. All I could think about was being as good as them."

"So that's why you started using that stratagy," Rarity said.

"With each Duel I won with it I felt more and more need to be as good as them," Lyra said, "I started forgetting what was really important in Duelling. I started neglecting my friends."

Bon Bon placed a hand on hers and smiled at her.

"As soon as Flash and Flash Heart Dragon beat me those thoughts just vanished, as if they broke some kind of spell on me."

"That's an interesting story," Rarity said.

Soon their food arrived and they enjoyed the fine cuisine, before paying and leaving the Tasty Treat.

"So what are you two up to now?" Lyra asked.

"We're searching for opponents to Duel," Pinkie said, "we need to raise our points."

"Makes sense," Bon Bon said.

Suddenly a loud booming caught their attention, making them turn in the direction of a large explosion behind some buildings.

"What in blazes?" Rarity asked.

"Come on!" Bon Bon said as she ran towards it, followed by the rest of the girls.

They finally found a crowd gathered on a street.

"Excuse me," Pinkie said as they pushed through.

"Beg pardon," Rarity said.

Finally they broke through, and gasped at what they saw.

It was the legendary Black Skull Dragon, a monster that let out its powerful roar.

"Let's finish this," they looked down at the cards owner. A girl their age with yellow skin and orange hair, wearing a purple dress and pink mini jacket. Pink leggings and purple high heeled boots. "Black Skull Dragon end this," she ordered as the dragon let out a fireball which flew at her opponent. It struck him and he was sent flying off and onto his back, as his life points were reduced to zero.

"Oh no," the girls heard Lyra say from besides them as she saw the girl who had just won.

"What's wrong?" Rarity asked.

"It's her," Lyra said, "Adagio. She's one of the Dazzlings, the one that beat me."

"So that's her," Rarity said.

"What a meanie," Pinkie said.

Adagio stepped over to her opponent, who seemed to have a dazed looking in his eyes and she stepped closer. "Hand over the points," she said.

"Of course," he said sounding like he was talking to pop star.

After he transferred the points Adagio turned to leave, only to catch sight of the Lyra and stop. "Have we met before?" she asked, but seeing Lyra flinch back she was sure they had.

"Leave her be," Rarity said stepping between them.

"She doesn't want anything to do with you," Pinkie said.

Adagio smiled at the two. "So I'm guessing she's a loser I've beaten before," she said making Lyra recline more.

"That's enough," Rarity said, "you apologise to her right this minute."

"Like that'll happen," Aria said as she and Sonata stepped next to her.

"Why you," it took all of Rarity's will not to shout profanities at them.

"Your just a bunch of bullies," Pinkie said, "it's not nice to call people losers just because you beat them one time."

"That's right," Rarity said

"Well excuse us for not caring what a pair of nobodies think," Aria said, "if you really want to teach us a lesson you could always Duel us."

"You two against us two," Sonata said.

Both Rarity and Pinkie shared a glance, while contemplating what to do.

"Don't do this," Lyra told them, "you don't know what your getting yourselves into."

"We'll be fine," Pinkie said.

"Ready Pinkie?" Rarity asked.


"Then we agree," Rarity said pointing at the two, "a Tag-Duel between us and you."

"Okay then," Aria said as they all took out their Duel Disks, "prepare to lose."

"Hope your not to attached to those points of yours," Sonata said.

"Don't underestimate us,"

"Whatever," Aria said, "we'll each have four thousand points and alternate turns."

"Agreed," Rarity said, "plus you can't discuss stratagy and can't attack one of us if their teammate has a monster out."

"Deal," she replied.

"Well them," Rarity said.


Rarity: 4000
Aria: 4000
Pinkie: 4000
Sonata: 4000

"I'll take the first move," Rarity said, "and I summon Gem-Knight Sapphire in DEF mode." A knight in blue jewel encrusted armour appeared on her field, water spiralling around it. (A0/D2100/L4) "I end my turn with a face down." Rarity didn't know what tricks these two would use, so she need to play defensively until she got a feel for the stratagy.

"It's my turn," Aria said, "and I play the Spell card Alluring Melody. Now in place of Normal Summoning this turn, I can Special Summon a level five or higher monster from my deck in face up ATK mode." A flash of light occurred and a monster appeared on her field. It was a woman in long flowing ropes, with headphones on her head. "Alluring Pop Idol." (A2300/D1200/L5)

"She summoned a high level monster as if it was nothing," Bon Bon said.

"This is just how Adagio defeated me," Lyra said.

"Alluring Pop Idol attack Gem-Knight Sapphire," Aria ordered. He monster turned towards the knight and then let out a high pitched shriek, that was so horrible that everyone had to cover their ears. The only ones who didn't seem to mind were the Dazzlings, who were smiling at the pain everyone was in. Gem-Knight Sapphire didn't like the sound either, as he quivered in pain before exploding. "Also," Aria said, "when Alluring Pop Idol destroys a monster, she deals you a hundred points of damage for each of your monster's level points."

Rarity: 3600
Aria: 4000
Pinkie: 4000
Sonata: 4000

"I end my turn with a face down."

"My turn," Pinkie said spinning as she said, "I draw and activate the Spell card Polymerisation. With this I can now Fuse Balloonimal Fish with Balloonimal Elephant." The two Balloon Animal monsters appeared on the field, before being sucked into a vortex. "Now watch as I combine the watery wit of a fish, with the tremendous power of an elephant TO FUSION SUMMON!"

The portal exploded revealing Pinkie's new monster. It was a grey killer whale sized fish with the head of Balloonimal Elephant. "Balloonimal Gajamina." (A2700/D1300/L7)

"That's one big balloon," Lyra said.

"Let's hope it can do more then blow hot air," Bon Bon said.

"I attack your Alluring Pop Idol," Pinkie ordered as her giant monster started swimming through the air like it was water.

"I activate my face down," Aria said as her card flipped up revealing a Spell, "Alluring Backup. An idol can't always pull off a performance on her own, so this card summons four Backup Singer Tokens to the field in DEF mode." Four teen girls in similar clothing to Pop Idol appeared. (A0/D0/L1) "Also as long as these monsters are on the field, you can only target Token Monsters for an attack."

"Okay," Pinkie said, "then I'll just attack them all."

"Wait what?" Aria asked.

"My Balloonimal Gajamina can attack each of your monsters once," Pinkie explained as her monster swung around and slashed through all five of Aria's monsters.

Rarity: 3600
Aria: 3600
Pinkie: 4000
Sonata: 4000

"That was exquisite Pinkie," Rarity said.

"Thanks," Pinkie said with a goofy grin plastered on her face. "I'm placing a card face down and ending my turn."

"Then it's my turn," Sonata said, "I draw and play my own copy of Alluring Melody."

"Not again," Bon Bon said.

"I summon Melody Mistress in ATK mode." A woman in tight clothing appeared, twiddling a microphone in her hand. (A800/D2000/L4)

"But that card's ATK points are almost two thousand less then my monsters?" Pinkie asked.

"It won't be once I activate the Spell card Reversed Frequency, which will cause every monster on the field to switch their ATK and DEF points until the end phase of the turn." Melody Mistress glowed, as her ATK and DEF points switched. (A2000/D800/L4)

Meanwhile Balloonimal Gajamina flinched as his ATK and DEF points switched, making him loss power. (A1300/D2700/L7)

"Melody Mistress attack Balloonimal Gajamina," Sonata ordered as her monster held up its microphone and let out an attack similar to Alluring Pop Idol's. As everyone covered their ears, the sound waves struck Balloonimal Gajamina causing it to wither in pain before going pop.

Rarity: 3600
Aria: 3600
Pinkie: 3300
Sonata: 4000

"Pinkie!" Rarity called out, seeing her friend stagger back after her monster was destroyed.

"I'm okay," Pinkie said once she'd balanced herself.

"You won't be for long," Sonata said, "because after Melody Mistress attacks she switches to DEF mode. The woman kneeled down. "I place one card face down and end my turn."

"It's my turn," Rarity said, "I draw and play the Spell card Brilliant Fusion. With this I can Fusion Summon using monsters from my deck."

"From your deck?" Sonata asked.

"That's what I said," Rarity replied, "so now I can fuse Gem-Knights Alexandrite, Garnet and Tourmaline." The three monster appeared onto the field and were sucked into a vortex, as Rarity began chanting. "The radiance of these three jewels shine as one to form a power beyond description." The vortex burst in an explosion of light, "I FUSION SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing, "Gem-Knight Master Diamond." (A2900/D2500/L9)

"Oh boy," Sonata said.

"Due to the effect of Brilliant Fusion," Rarity explained, "my monster's ATK points are reduced to zero unless I discard a Spell card during each of my turns." She took a card from her hand and placed it in the graveyard, allowing her monster to keep its ATK points.

"So she'll need to keep discarding cards to keep that monster strong?" Sonata said.

"We can work with that," Aria assured her.

"And now with Master Diamond's ability," Rarity explained, "he gains one hundred ATK points for each Gem-Knight in my graveyard. With four Gem-Knights in the the graveyard, his ATK power goes up by four hundred." (A3300/D2500/L9) "Attack Melody Mistress," she ordered as the knight raised its colossal sword and struck it into the ground. The force caused the ground to crack and splinter as rocks went flying and smashed Sonata's monster, destroying it.

"To bad her monster switched to DEF mode," Lyra said, "that would have caused some major damage."

"But with that Master Diamond on their field," Bon Bon said, "the Dazzlings will have a tough time taking them down."

Adagio heard this from the side smiled at the girl's ignorance. What they didn't know was this Duel was going exactly how the Dazzlings wanted it to.

"I end my turn by placing one card face down," Rarity said.

"That it's my turn," Aria said, "I draw and activate the Spell card Unified Stage." A giant stage appeared behind the Dazzlings, with spot lights and curtains and anything else you'd find on one. "With this Continuous Spell on the field, I can banish monsters from my deck to summon a high level monster without a tribute. I'll banish one card to summon Power Ballad Performer in ATK mode." Another woman in singer clothing appeared, this one with a headset microphone on its heads. (A2200/D1800/L6)

"She must have had stronger monsters then that she could summon," Rarity said, "why summon a monster who can't even dent my Master Diamond?"

"I place one card face down and end my turn."

"It's my turn," Pinkie said spinning once again, "I draw and play Shuffle Party. This card lets us return our hands to the deck then draw a new hand." Pinkie figured this would not only help her, but give Rarity the chance to draw a new Spell card for next turn. The four Duellists returned the hands to the deck, then after the Duel Disk's shuffled them they drew new cards. Pinkie glanced at Rarity who smiled at her new hand making Pinkie happy she helped. "And now," Pinkie said, "I once again play Polymerisation. With this I can fuse three Balloonimal Dogs together."

The three red balloon dogs appeared on the field, before they were sucked into a vortex. "Three mighty beasts, unified by the power of having fun." The vortex burst in an explosion of light, "I FUSION SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing, "Balloonimal Cerberus." (A3000/D3000/L9)

"Yes!" Bon Bon said, "two super powered Fusion Monsters. Just what they needed.

"I don't know," Lyra said, "I get the feeling that was to easy."

"Balloonimal Cerberus attack," Pinkie ordered as the three headed dog charged at Power Ballad Performer and slashed through her.

Rarity: 3600
Aria: 2800
Pinkie: 3300
Sonata: 4000

"I end my turn with a face down," Pinkie said.

"Then it's my turn," Sonata said drawing a card and smiling at what she had. "I should thank you for that Shuffle Party Spell card, because it's given us the cards we need to win this Duel."

"But how?" Rarity asked, "against our monsters how can you possibly win?"

"We'll show you!" both Dazzlings said. Sonata placed a card in her Duel Disk, "I play the Spell card Dimensional Revival. By paying a thousand life points this card lets us all summon a monster that was removed from play."

Rarity: 3600
Aria: 2800
Pinkie: 3300
Sonata: 3000

"She payed a thousand life points to play a Spell she can't use?" Pinkie asked confused.

"She can't," Rarity said, "but her partner can." She realised now why Aria had summoned such a weak monster, because she wanted a certain card removed from play.

"I summon," Aria said taking a card from out of her pocket, "my most powerful monster." In a flash of light a new monster appeared, looking like the cross between a horse and a sea horse. It was purple in colour with the front half looking like a horse, with with only difference being instead of hair it had a webbed dorsal fin like appendage. It's bottom half however was more like a sea horse with a fish like tail. "Behold the mighty Alluring Siren!" (A0/D0/L7)

"Oh no," Lyra said in fear, "not that card."

Pinkie and Rarity however, were more confused then scared.

"That monster doesn't have any ATK points?" Pinkie asked.

"Why summon something so weak?" Rarity agreed.

"You'll see," Sonata said, "but first I activate the Spell card Duet. With this I can summon a monster from my hand or deck, as long as another copy of it exists on the field." A card shuffled out of her deck, which she took and placed on the field. "I summon my own Alluring Siren." An exact copy of Aria's monster appeared on the field, the only difference being it was blue instead of purple. (A0/D0/L7)

"Another one?" Pinkie asked.

"Now watch has our monsters abilities activate," Aria said. "I activate my face down," her card flipped up revealing a Spell, "Cut in. With this, as long as the conditions are met I can activate the effect of my Alluring Siren."

"Meanwhile I also activate my Siren's ability," Sonata said.

The two girl then spoke in unison. "I discard a monster form my hand, in order to take control of a monster on your side of the field." The two horse creatures opened their mouths and let out a loud, beautiful sound. The music spread across the field and was heard by Rarity and Pinkie's monsters, causing them to go limp.

"Oh no," Rarity said.

"Plug your ears," Pinkie ordered but the monsters instead began walking over to the Dazzlings field.

"That's right," Aria said to Master Diamond, "come to your new mistress."

"Good doggy," Sonata said to Balloonimal Cerberus."

"This is bad," Rarity said.

"Oh it gets worse," Aria said, "because our Sirens now gain the origanal ATK and DEF points of the monsters they've taken control of."

Master Diamond and Cerberus glowed, which spread to the Sirens causing their power to raise. (A2900/D2500/L7), (A3000/D3000/L7)

"This is just how Adagio beat me," Lyra said. Her mind flashed back to when she Duelled against the Dazzlings leader and faced off against her Alluring Siren, that one being yellow, who took control of her monster which she used to defeat her.

"Face it girl," Adagio said as she watched, "your monsters are under our spell."

Author's Notes:

And we have the Dazzlings as one of the series villeins.

How will Pinkie and Rarity get out of this one? You'll just have to wait and see.

Turn 44, The Irresistible Voices pt2

In his computer room, Cold stood looking at the big screen. On said screen were the images of three teens, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk.

The doors of the lab opened and Sunset Shimmer stepped in.

"Hey," She said before noticing Cold's attention on the screen, "is there a problem?"

"We managed to locate three individuals we suspect are working for him," Cold said.

"I see," Sunset said, "what do we know about them?"

"Very little," he replied, "which is why we're so suspicious of them. They weren't in the Celestic Cup database until a few days before it started."

"You think they hacked in?"

"It's a possibility," Cold said.

"I'll go find them and bring them in for questioning," Sunset turned to leave.

"No," Cold said making her stop.

"But this is our chance to get his location."

"Maybe," he replied, "but I doubt they'd give it up. We'll wait and watch them from a distance and see if they lead us to him."

"Fine," Sunset said, "I just hope whoever's Duelling them are careful. Who knows what anyone connected to him could do."

The Tag-Duel between Rarity, Pinkie and the Dazzlings Aria and Sonata continued. Things seemed to have been going well for Rarity and Pinkie having Fusion Summoned Gem-Knight Master Diamond and Balloonimal Cerberus, until their opponents both summoned Assuring Siren who managed to take control of the Fusion Monsters and increase their ATK and DEF points.

"This suddenly got much harder," Rarity said.

"Hard," Aria said, "try impossible. Against the power of our Alluring Sirens and your most powerful monsters, what hope do you honestly think you have?"

"Just wait and see," Pinkie said.

"You might have control of our monsters," Rarity said, "but that doesn't guarantee you a victory."

"Oh yeah?" the Dazzling girl said, "well let's see if you say that after getting attacked by your own monster. Sonata!"

"On it," the second girl said, "Alluring Siren attack Pinkie directly." The blue horse monster turned to the bubblegum haired girl and let out a high pitched sound wave attack.

"Pinkie's field's bare," Bon Bon said.

"She's about to take three thousand points of damage," Lyra agreed.

"I activate my face down," Pinkie said as her card flipped up revealing a Spell, "Balloon Party. I'll take a cue from you and summon four Balloon Tokens to my field in DEF mode." Four different coloured balloons appeared on the field, each with a smiley face on them. (A0/D0/L1)

The Siren's attack struck the red balloon causing it to go pop as it was destroyed.

"That was close," Bon Bon said, "now she's protected from Cerberus's attack as well."

"She already was," Lyra said. "Even though Balloonimal Cerberus is on their side of the field, they can't use it or Master Diamond to attack."

"So their just there to give the Sirens more power," Rarity said hearing that.

"You also can't target them for attack, Spells, Traps and Monster Effects," Adagio spoke up. "Against the power of the Alluring Sirens, no one can stand against us"

"We'll see about that," Rarity said. "It's my turn and I draw," she did so and looked at her hand. She had been expecting the Dazzlings to take control of her monster, but had expected it to be similar to how Lyra had control Flash's monster. He had overcome that stratagy by destroying Maiden of the Enchanted Harp when it was an Equip Spell, but these Sirens were on a whole other level since they were protected from any manner of destruction. There was only one choice. She and Pinkie would have to destroy their monsters, as without them the Sirens would lose their points and be vulnerable to attack. The only problem was she had no idea how she could possible destroy them with her current hand.

"No choice but to play defensively," she said, "I set one card face down in DEF mode and end my turn."

"Then it's my turn," Aria said, "and I attack with my Alluring Siren." The horse monster let out its own scream attack, which struck the face down monster causing it to flip up revealing a gem shelled turtle. The attack caused the monster's shell to crack before it was destroyed.

"Since Gem-Turtle was Flip Summoned," Rarity said, "his ability activates and transfers a Gem-Knight Fusion from my deck to my hand." Her deck shuffled and slotted out a card for her to take.

"Whatever," Aria said, "I set card face down and end my turn."

"My turn," Pinkie said spinning, "I draw and summon Balloonimal Hippo in DEF mode." (A1200/D1600/L4) "I end my turn."

"My draw," Sonata said, "and I attack Balloonimal Hippo." Her Siren fired its sonic wave which destroyed the Hippo Balloon animal, "I end my turn with a face down."

"Then it's my turn," Rarity said, "I draw and activate the Gem-Knight Fusion card I received earlier. Now I take the Gem-Knight Obsidian with armour of black and Gem-Knight Lapis with armour of stone, and merge them into one." Her monsters appeared on the field, before being sucked into a vortex which exploded in a burst of light. "I FUSION SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing, "Gem-Knight Zirconia." (A2900/D2500/L8)

"That monster has the same ATK as Master Diamond," Bon Bon said.

"Since Gem-Knight Obsidian was sent from the hand to the graveyard, his ability activates." Rarity took a card from her graveyard and placed it on the Duel Disk's blade, "now I can take a level four or lower Normal Monster and summon it to the field." In a flash of light, Gem-Knight Garnet appeared on the field. (A1900/D0/L4)

"I get it," Bon Bon said, "she's gonna attack Master Diamond with Zirconia and destroy them both before destroying Aria's Siren with Garnet."

"Zirconia attack," Rarity ordered as her giant monster charged towards the hypnotised one and raised its giant arms.

"I activate my face down," Aria said, "Power Ballad. This Trap increase the ATK points of a monster on my fiend, by one hundred for every monster I have. So with two monster Master Diamond's ATK will raise by two hundred." (A3100/D2500/L9)

Everyone gasped seeing the target's power raise up, but Rarity was prepared. "I activate De-Fusion, which will let me split my monster back into the monsters I used to summon him." Zirconia was consumed by light and split into two beams of light, which flew back onto Rarity's field and revealed Obsidian and Lapis who kneeled in DEF mode. "I end my turn."

"Then it's my turn," Aria said, "I draw and I attack Gem-Knight Garnet with Alluring Siren" The sea horse aimed at Garnet and let out its mighty screech at the knight, who forged a shield of fire which he used to defend against the attack. Eventually however the sonic blast managed to push through and struck Garnet, causing him to go flying before he was destroyed.

Rarity: 2600
Aria: 2800
Pinkie: 3300
Sonata: 3000

"I end my turn." Aria said.

"Then I'll go," Pinkie said, "I draw and summon Balloonimal Lion in ATK mode." The yellow lion balloon animal appeared on the field. (A1500/D1200/L4) "Now attack Balloonimal Cerberus."

"What is she thinking?" Lyra asked, "Cerberus has twice as many ATK points as her lion."

"Not once I activate this," Pinkie said placing a card in her Duel Disk, "Shrink. With this I can cut your...I mean my Cerberus's ATK points in half."

Balloonimal Cerberus began to grow smaller and smaller until it was half its origanal size, just as Balloonimal Lion began its charge. (A1500/D3000/L9)

"When Balloonimal Lion attacks a monster I can look at the top two cards of my deck," Pinkie explain doing so, "I add one to the hand and send the other to the graveyard. Now Lion destroy Cerberus."

"I think not," Sonata said as her face down flipped up, "because I happen to have my own Shrink. I'll use it on your lion."

Balloonimal Lion began to grow smaller like Cerberus, until it was half it's origanal ATK points. (A750/D1200/L4)

As the lion finished its charge, Balloonimal Cerberus raised one of its paws and stomped down on it causing the lion to burst.

Rarity: 2600
Aria: 2800
Pinkie: 2550
Sonata: 3000

"Everything those two do keeps getting cancelled out," Lyra said.

"I hate to say it but those two Dazzling girls are good," Bon Bon said, "to good. And I get the feeling their only getting started."

"Their decks work well together as well," Lyra agreed, "while Rarity and Pinkie's decks are just to different. They might both use Fusion but that's it, so how can they stop them?"

"I end my turn," Pinkie said as her hair began to deflate.

"Don't lose hope Pinkie," Rarity said, "we're not out of this yet."

Pinkie took a deep breath and nodded.

Meanwhile Adagio was watching with a smile on her face, as she took something out of her vest. It was a small pendant like accessory, with a red jewel in the centre which was glowing faintly. She used to wear it around her neck, but found the glow drew to much attention so just kept it in her pockets. "Perfect," she said to herself seeing the glow, "these two are giving off an impressive amount of Ener-D. at this rate we may not need to be in the finals to accomplish our mission."

As Adagio placed the pendant back in her pocket, her mind wandered back to how the three of them had been brought into this situation.


Adagio, Aria and Sonata kneeled before the figure sitting on a giant throne. The three were dressed in rags with their hair dirty and a tangled.

"What do you desire?" The figure asked.

"We want to be seen," Adagio replied, "no...we want to be adored. We want to be the one thing that people feel they have to look at."

"And what will you do to achieve this desire?"

"Anything!" the three said in unison.

"I can grant you whatever you wish," the figure said, "all you must do is serve me unconditionally."

The three girls didn't care what they had to do, as long as they were adored like they wished. "We will."

In that second the shadows cast by the throne began to flicker, before moving towards them. The girls gasped but by then the shadows had surrounded and consumed them, creating three dark bubbles which soon burst revealing the three in new clothes with a shinning pendent around each of their necks.

"I have given you the power to make anyone you defeat obsessed with you," the figure said, "as long as you gather the Ener-D I require then you may keep them. But if you fail me."

"We won't," Adagio said in fear of losing this new power.

"We shall see."


What he had promised had come to pass. Whenever they defeated someone they would almost fall in love with them and all they needed to do to keep it was collect this Ener-D he wanted.

"It's my turn," Sonata said, "I draw and then have Alluring Siren destroy another of your Balloon Tokens." The horse monster fired another blast at a blue balloon, causing it to burst leaving only a yellow and green Token. "I end my turn."

"My turn," Rarity said, "I draw and summon Gem-Knight Sardonyx in DEF mode." A knight whose armour was made out of different types of stone appeared, swinging a mace like weapon. (A1800/D900/L4) "I end my turn."

"My turn," Aria said, "I draw activate the Spell card Stop Defence. With this I can switch one of your DEF position monsters to ATK mode," she explained as Gem-Knight Lapis stood up. "Now I attack Gem-Knight Lapis with my Siren." Once again her monster blasted Rarity's with a sonic blast, while also pushing the teen back and almost off her feet.

Rarity: 900
Aria: 2800
Pinkie: 2550
Sonata: 3000

"I end my turn."

"It's my turn," Pinkie said, "I draw and play Pot of Greed. With this card I can draw two new cards," she said doing so. Looking at her new cards, combined with the ones she already hand she nodded. "I activate Fusion Pop, which lets me Fusion Summon using Balloonimals in my graveyard." The remains of yellow, green and grey balloons floated out of a portal, before they were sucked into a vortex. "I'm removing Balloonimal Lion, Alligator and Hippo, to form a new power." The vortex exploded, "I FUSION SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing a new monster. It was a balloon animal with Hippo's rear, Lions centre and Alligator's snout. "Balloonimal Ammit. (A2800/D2800/L8) "Next I activate the Spell card Air Pump, which will raise my Ammit's ATK by one thousand." (A3800/D2800/L8) "I attack Balloonimal Cerberus," she ordered as her monster charged at her controlled one.

"I activate the effect of Defence Drummer from my hand," Sonata said, "By discarding it I can negate one of your monsters attack." A man carrying a large drum appeared and beat out a rhythm which caused a wall of sound which Ammit bounced off.

"I place a card face down and end my turn."

"Then it's my draw," Sonata said, "and I activate Spell Recycle. By discarding another card, I can now take a Spell card from anyone's graveyard and add it to my hand." She discarded a card as Aria took a card from her grave and threw it at her partner. "I activate Stop Defence, which will make you Balloon Token switch to attack mode."

"But that card's got zero ATK points," Lyra said.

"If she attacks it's over for Pinkie," Bon Bon said.

"Which is why I'm attacking it," Sonata said as her Siren let out a sonic blast which was aimed at the token. However, before it could make contact a wall of bubbles appeared and took the attack

Rarity: 900
Aria: 2800
Pinkie: 1050
Sonata: 3000

"Sorry," Pinkie said, "but Half Unbreak saves my monster and cuts the damage in half."

Sonata growled, "I end my turn."

"it's my turn," Rarity said, "I draw." She looked at her cards, but none of them could do anything against the Sirens or their mind controlled monsters. Sighing, she did the only thing she could do. "I end my turn."

Aria smiled, believing she was losing hope. "It's my turn," she said, "I draw and play Pot of Greed to draw two cards. She looked at them and smiled. "This is where this Duel ends," she said making the girls grow worried. "I activate Tag Force, a Continuous Spell made especially for Tag-Duels. With it I can use my partners monsters as if they were my own, so now you've got two Alluring Siren attacks coming."

"Oh no," Rarity said.

"And," Aria continued, "I activate another Continuous Spell called Zero Defence. Now all your monsters switch to ATK mode."

The girls began to sweat as Obsidian, Sardonyx and the Balloon Tokens switched modes, making them easy targets.

"And now my Sirens," Aria said as Sonata joined in, "ATTACK!"

The horse monsters prepared their attacks and the two teens felt themselves got limp. There was nothing they could do.

Rarity looked back at Lyra hoping she might know what to do, but she looked as heartbroken as she felt. Rarity looked back at the field and the monsters what were about to be obliterated, but then she noticed something. At her feet laid a face down she had placed on her first turn. She hadn't thought it important at the time and had forgotten about it, but now was the perfect time to use it. "I activate my face down," Rarity said as her card flipped up, "Emergency Magic. This Trap card is a gamble but it might just save me. How it works is I draw a card and if its a Spell card that can be activated, it does but if it isn't then I take a thousand points of damage.

"So she's risking everything on a single card," Bon Bon said.

"Kind of reminds me of how my Duel with a certain someone ended," Lyra said remembering how one draw had effected her life.

Pinkie smiled at Rarity's determination and looked down at a face down, which she had placed on her first turn. "I activate my face down, Emergency Magic."

"She had one too?" everyone said.

"Now I can draw a card and if it's a Spell that can by played then I can."

"So their both risking everything on one draw," Bon Bon said.

"I hope it pays off," Lyra said.

Rarity and Pinkie placed the hands on their decks, before sharing a glance and nodding. "WE DRAW!" they yelled in unison, before looking at the cards they had both drawn and gasped. Looking at what the other had drawn, they couldn't believe what they were seeing, but smiled anyway. "We discard one card from our hands so we can activate the Spell card, SUPER POLYMERISATION!"

"WHAT!?" the Dazzlings screamed.

"With this," Rarity said, "we can now perform a Fusion Summon."

"But the twist is," Pinkie Pie continued, "we can use monsters one both our fields and yours."

A pair of vortexes appeared above them.

"I now fuse the Gem-Knight Obsidian and Sardonyx on my field, along with the Master Diamond on yours."

"While I'll fuse my two Balloon Tokens with Balloonimal Ammit and the Cerberus you stole."

The seven monsters were sucked into their respective vortexes and merged together, while the girls chanted in unison. "United through the bonds of friendship, we unleash the ultimate power." The two vortexes exploded in the burst of light, "WE SUPER FUSE!"

The lights faded revealing the girl's new monsters. Rarity's was a knight with a feminine figure, wearing cream coloured armour with diamonds on the shoulders, chest, hips and head. In her hand was a long sword which she swung around gracefully, as she twirled around like a ballerina. "Gem-Knight Lady, Brilliant Diamond!" (A3400/D2000/L10)

Pinkie's monster was a giant balloon animal made up of balloons of every colour imaginable. It had Balloonimal Lion for a central head, with Balloonimal Dog's head coming off its right shoulder and Balloonimal Hippo for the left shoulder. On the tip of its tail was the head of Balloonimal Alligator. "Balloonimal Chimera!" (A?/D?/L10)

The two Duelling Dazzlings were speechless at what they had just witnessed.

"You look a little stunned," Rarity said, "could it be cause without our monsters your Sirens aren't as powerful as they used to be?" (A0/D0/L7)X2

"What's worse," Pinkie said, "is that my Balloonimal Chimera's ATK and DEF points increase by eight hundred for each Balloonimal I used in the Fusion Summon." (A3200/D3200/L10) "And let's not forget that your Sirens ares still attacking."

"Oh no!" the girls said, as they looked up to see their monsters let out their attack. However their once impressive sonic blasts, had been down graded to an annoying whistle sound which bounced of the new Fusion Monsters. The two instead charged at the two monsters, sword and claws at the ready, and with a single attack they destroyed the horse-fish combo.

Rarity: 900 (Winner)
Aria: 0
Pinkie: 1050 (Winner)
Sonata: 0

Rarity and Pinkie fell to their knees, exhausted from what they had just gone through.

"You did it!" Lyra cheered as she and Bon Bon ran over to them.

"That was incredible," Bon Bon said.

"Thank you," Rarity said.

"That wasn't much fun though," Pinkie said, "those girls need to learn a new style."

Aria and Sonata both pulled themselves up off the floor, still shaken by how fast that Duel had turned.

Adagio walked up to them. "What happened?" she asked angrily.

"They just got a lucky draw," Aria said, "that's all."

"Hardly," they looked up at Rarity and the others. "I believe you owe Lyra an apology."

"I don't remember agreeing to that," Adagio said. She turned to leave along with her teammates.

"Hey," Bon Bon said, "you guys need to transfer your points to them.

"Again," she said, "I don't remember agreeing to that."

As much as they hated to admit it, they hadn't actually put up any points but Rarity had a feeling if they had lost those two would have taken their points. "Hang on," Rarity tried to say, but in that moment Adagio spun around and pointed something at them which gave off a blinding light. Everyone shielded their eyes for several second, until the light finally vanished allowing them to look and see the Dazzlings were gone. "What in the?"

The Dazzlings were resting on a rooftop after their escape.

"That was close," Sonata said.

"To close," Adagio said. Before they could say anything else however, something in Adagio's pocket began vibrating. Reaching in she pulled out a small metal dish, which she threw on the ground as it increased in size and began to glow.

"Your Majesty," they said in unison.

Silence came from the dish for almost a full minute, making the three grow more and more afraid. Finally the voice erupted from the dish, proclaiming three words.


Turn 45, The Black Griffons pt1

It was midnight in the abandoned warehouse district of the city and atop the largest building in the area, a Duel was taking place.

One of the Duellists was a teen girl, wearing a brown leather pilots jacket over a white T-shirt. She also wore ripped jeans and black combat boots, had light brown skin and white hair that was dyed purple at the tips. Her name was Gilda and she was losing.

Her opponent stood across from here, practically unphased by the Duel that was taking place. "This game has been very amusing," he said, "but I think it's time for it to end." He held up card and placed it on his Duel Disk, causing a brilliant flash of light to take place.

"Oh nut," Gilda said seeing what was coming, before she let out a yell as the light consumed her.

The next day we find Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy traversing the town on the look out for opponents. There were only four days left before the first round would come to a close and opponents were starting to grow short.

"See anything?" Fluttershy asked her, as she looked at her DPM's holographic screen.

"Nothing," Rainbow said, "not one activate DPM in the area."

"I guess we shouldn't be surprised," Fluttershy said, "with the end of the first round drawing closer the number of Duellist left in the tournament can't be that many."

"Your right," Rainbow said, "but I still need to get more points. I'm almost at six thousand."

"We'll just have to look in another part of town," Fluttershy told her."

"Yeah," Rainbow said, "your right." Suddenly her DPM began to beep, signalling it had located a Duellist within the area. "Scratch that," she said, "let's go." They rushed down the street following the signal, until they came across a shady part of the town.

"I don't like the looks of this," Fluttershy said looking around.

"Just stay close," Rainbow told her, "and keep a look out." Continuing to follow the signal they turned into an alleyway, and as they went further in they found no sign of a Duellist despite the DPM saying they were practically on top of them.

"I don't get it," Rainbow said, "where are they?"

"Do you think a Duellist might have dropped their DPM around here?"

"It's possible," Rainbow replied, "but I don't see a-" she stopped when she spotted something in the corner of her eye. Something was sticking out from behind a dumpster, which looked like...a leg. "There," she said as she rushed over and around the metal container, only to gasp at who she saw. "GILDA!" She screamed kneeling down to look the unconscious girl over.

"Oh dear," Fluttershy said, "is she okay?"

"Looks like it," Rainbow said as she gently tapped the teen's face, "Gilda...Gilda wake up."

Slowly, but surely, Gilda began to stir from her sleep and gently opened her eyes. "Dash..."

"it's me," Rainbow replied, "what happened to ya?"

"It was...Guto."

"Who's Guto?" Rainbow asked.

"That doesn't matter right now," Fluttershy told her, "we need to get her out of here and someplace she can rest."

"Your right," Rainbow said. She grabbed Gilda by the arm and placed it around her, before helping lift the girl up and out of the alley.

They managed to get Gilda to a park and sat her on a bench. Since she refused to go to a hospital it was the best they could do.

"So Gilda," Rainbow said, "how did you get into that alley and who's this Guto you mentioned?"

"Guto is the leader of a Duel Gang from my neighbourhood," Gilda replied, "the Black Griffons."

"Sounds scary," Fluttershy said.

"They weren't always," Gilda said, "they used to help people around the town. They used Duelling as a way to connect people and prevent small time situations the cops wouldn't bother with, but all that changed when Guto took over and changed everything. Now the Black Griffons are nothing but a bunch of thugs, tearing up my home and ruining the name of the group I idolised. When they attack an orphanage a friend of mine lived in, I'd decided I'd had enough and went to their hang out to challenge Guto."

"You Duelled him?" Rainbow asked.

"That's how he took over," Gilda said, "he beat the origanal leader of the Black Griffons named Grover. I thought if I could beat him, the gang would lose respect for him and make me the new leader so I could put things back the way they were."

"But you lost," Rainbow guessed.

"He was just to strong," Gilda replied, "after I lost his goons dumped me in that alleyway and then you found me."

"This guy sounds like a major creep," Rainbow said, "we can't let a guy like that keep getting away with this."

"That's why I'm heading back to their hang out to challenge him again," Gilda said as she pulled herself up.

"But your still injured," Fluttershy said.

"It doesn't matter," Gilda said though she held her side as she stood up. "I'm not giving up."

"Then you leave me no choice," Rainbow said.

"What?" Gilda asked, "you gonna make me not go."

"No," Rainbow replied, "I'm going with you."

"This isn't your fight," Gilda warned her.

"It is!" was the teens sharp reply. "Did you forget we're friends? I never let a friend deal with a problem on their own, so like it or not I'm coming with you." She and Gilda shared a hard look, until finally Gilda sighed.

"Alright loser," she said, "just don't come crying to me when this is over."

"Deal," Rainbow said, "now let's go take this guy down.

Gilda lead them to an area of the city where many abandoned warehouses stood. It was there, right between a soap factory and mattress warehouse, that they found the Black Griffon's hideout. It was a the largest building in the area.

"Is this it?" Rainbow asked.

"Yeah," Gilda replied, "Guto is on the top floor. If we want to Duel him we need to beat his flunkies first."

"Well, well, well," a voice caught their attention. They looked around at the main doors, where three teens in leather were waiting. "If it isn't the little weakling the boss beat yesterday. What happened? knew you couldn't take us so you asked a friend to do it for you."

"I'm back to settle the score," Gilda told them.

"We'll see," the guy said before they stepped into the building.

"Fluttershy," Rainbow said, "you stay out here. If we're not back in half an hour then call the police."

"Okay," Fluttershy said shaking.

Rainbow turned to Gilda. "You ready?"

"Let' do this," Gilda said. The two girls placed their Duel Disks onto their arms, before the shot off into the building.

On the top floor of the building, a man sat in an old parker chair with CCTV camera screens surrounding him.

"So the little chick returns to the nest," he said watching the screen, "and with a friend no less. Let's see what you got."

Rainbow and Gilda burst through the doors and found several Duellists standing there waiting for them. Several of them had a monster named Cannon Solider out.

"Let's do this," Rainbow said, only to have to duck when one of the Cannon Soldiers fired at her and blasted the wall behind her. "How did a hologram do that?"

"Their using an ARC System they stole to make the monsters and their attacks real," Gilda said, "be careful."

"Yeah yeah," Rainbow said jumping back up, "but if their cards become solid then so will ours. I activate Blustering Winds," A powerful gust of wind appeared around her. It was so powerful that many of the Duellists were sent flying because of it, leaving a path for the girls to follow. This went on for sometime as the two worked together, breaking through the multitude of Duellists and travelled up floor by floor.

Until finally...

"Do it!" Rainbow ordered as her Rainbow Assault Wing Gold slashed through the doors, allowing them to step through into the highest room of the building.

No one was there. The room was completely empty aside from a parker chair in the centre, surround by TVs.

"Where is he?" Rainbow asked looking around.

Gilda stepped towards the centre of the room and let out, "Guto! Show yourself."

"Very well," a voice spoke as the chair suddenly spun around revealing a man with grey skin and hair, wearing black leather clothing with a yellow scarf around his neck.

"Guto," Gilda growled.

"Back for more punishment I see," Guto said with a chuckle.

"I'm here to take you down," Gilda said, "you beat me before but I won't quit until your gone and I return the Black Griffons to who their suppose to be."

"I see," Guto said, "but let me ask you. What will you do if I refuse your challenge?" He clicked his fingers and several doors opened as more and more Black Griffons stepped in and surrounded the duo.

"You wouldn't refuse in front of your gang," Rainbow told him, "wouldn't that make you look weak if your to scared to Duel a girl."

"A girl I've already beaten," Guto reminded her, "what would I have to prove by facing her again?"

Rainbow wasn't sure how to respond to that.

"However," Guto said, "you quite impressed me on your journey up here. I will accept your challenge."

Rainbow was taken aback by this offer, not expecting him to challenge her.

"I'm the one your Duelling," Gilda said.

Guto glance between the two of them and smiled. "How about the both of you? The two of you Duelling together might be an actual challenge for me."

The two girls shared a glance, but both nodded and looked back at him. "Your on," Rainbow said.

Back outside Fluttershy was waiting nervously but her friends were nowhere to be seen.

"Okay," she said, "stay calm. They'll be fine." Just by chance she looked up and then noticed a bunch of people standing on the top of the building, Rainbow and Gilda amongst them. "Oh no."

The two girls stood off against the man they would need to work together to defeat.

"Since it's two on one," Guto said, "I'll take eight thousand life points while you two will both have four thousand. As for the turns you two will alternate, with Gilda going, then me then Rainbow, then back to me and it starts again with Gilda. Is that agreed."

"It is," Rainbow said, "but here's a rule for you. You can't attack one of us directly if the other already has a monster out."

"Deal," Guto said, "are we ready?" He placed a black Duel Disk on his arm.

The girls nodded and activated their Duel Disks.

"Then let's do this," Guto said activating his.


Gilda: 4000
Guto: 8000
Rainbow: 4000

"I'll take the first move then," Gilda said, "and I summon Harpie Lady in ATK mode." Her winged woman appeared brandishing hers sharp claws. (A1300/D1400/L4) "Next I activate the Spell card Elegant Egotist, which will turn my one Harpie into three." The Harpie Lady was suddenly consumed by a tornado, which soon exploded revealing three different Harpie Ladies on the field, wearing golden armour over their chests and arms, "Say hello to the Harpie Lady Sisters." (A1950/D2100/L6) "I end my turn with a face down."

"Then I'll go" Guto said, "and I summon Phantom Griffon in ATK mode." A large blue griffon with yellow wings and head appeared. (A2000/D0/L4) "Next I equip him with the Spell Black Pendant, which will raise my monsters ATK power by five hundred points." A necklace appeared around the monsters neck, with a purple jewel as the centre piece. (A2500/D0/L4) "Now attack those overgrown pigeons," he ordered as his monster flew up and soared towards the three. Using its oversized claws it slashed through all three of them.

Gilda: 3450
Guto: 8000
Rainbow: 4000

"I activate my Trap card," Gilda said as her face down flipped up, "Harpie Regrouping. Since the Harpie Lady Sisters were destroyed, I can summon up to three new Harpies from my deck in DEF mode as long as their DEF points are fifteen hundred or less." Three flashes of light appeared on the field, "I summon two new Harpie Ladies and Harpie Lady Brother." The light died down revealing two new Harpie Ladies and a winged man in red and black clothing, with a massive claw on his right hand. (A1300/D1400/L4)X2, (A1800/D600/L4)

"I place three cards face down and end my turn," Guto said.

"Then it's my turn," Rainbow said, "I draw and summon Rainbow Wing Red Kestrel in ATK mode." The red bird of prey appeared, soaring through the air. (A1500/D1200/L4) "When Red Kestrel is summoned, I can Special Summon Rainbow Wing form my hand to the field so I summon Rainbow Wing Blue Falcon." A blue bird now appeared and took position next to the red one. (A1600/D1400/L4)

"Alright," Gilda said, "with those."

"I now build the Overlay Network," Rainbow said as her monsters flew up and into a black hole that had just formed. "When birds of a feather flock together, an awesome power is unleashed." The black hole exploded in a burst of light. "I XYZ SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing Rainbow's best monster soaring through the sky, before taking a battle stance infront of her. "Rainbow Assault Wing Gold." (A2300/D1700/R4) "Now I activate Assault Wing's ability, allowing me to remove an Overlay Unit and add a Rainbow Wing to my hand." Assault Wing Gold used its katanna to slash through one of the Overlay Units, as Rainbow's deck slotted out a card. "Then I equip Assault Wing with Turbine Wing, which will increase his ATK points by one thousand." Light flashed around Assault Wing's chest, which formed a solid mass taking the form of green chest armour and large metal wings with turbines in each one. (A3300/D1700/R4) "Attack," she said as the turbines on the metal wings began to spin, forming a tornado which blew away Phantom Griffon.

Gilda: 3450
Guto: 7200
Rainbow: 4000

"Good move," Guto said, "but since you destroyed the Black Pendent it's effect activates and deals you both five hundred points of damage." Black electricity suddenly surged around the girls, shocking them.

Gilda: 2950
Guto: 7200
Rainbow: 3500

"Don't get to exited," Rainbow said once the shock passed, "because when a monster equipped with Turbine Wing destroys a monster, it'll deal you damage equal to half that monsters attack. Your Phantom Griffon had two thousand so that's one thousand, coming out of your points"

Gilda: 2950
Guto: 6200
Rainbow: 3500

"I'm setting two cards face down and ending my turn."

"My draw," Guto said drawing "I activate Payment to the Gods. With this I pay between five hundred and two thousand life points and for every five hundred points I give up, I can summon one monster from my graveyard, but its ATK and DEF points are reduced to zero."

Gilda: 2950
Guto: 5700
Rainbow: 3500

A gust picked up and Phantom Griffon appeared one again. (A0/D0/L4)

"Why'd he play a monster that's so weak?" Gilda asked.

"I don't think he plans to keep it around for long," Rainbow said.

"To right you are," Guto said, "as I now tribute Phantom Griffon to summon High King Griffoneon." Guto's monster disappeared in a flash of light and was replace by a new, larger, griffon with many coloured feathers and crown on his head. (A2400/1300/L6) "Now I attack one or your Harpie Ladies," he ordered as his monster took to the skies and then flapped its wings. Doing so sent a barrage of blade like feathers at Gilda's monster, destroying her. "Now Griffoneon's ability activates," Guto said. "When it destroys a monster, I can destroy one face up Spell or Trap card and deal the own three hundred points of damage." Griffoneon fired more bladed feathers which hit Rainbow's Turbine Wing, destroying it.

Gilda: 2950
Guto: 5700
Rainbow: 3200

"I end my turn."

"It's my turn," Gilda said, "I draw and summon Harpie Dancer in ATK mode." A new Harpie Lady appeared, spiralling around as it did so. (A1200/D1000/L4) "And now I use all three monsters to build the Overlay Network," he monsters flew up and into a black hole. "Vicious, unpredictable, deadly. All things to describe the Harpie Ladies, as well as the winds themselves. Now a new more powerful wind will blow." The black hole burst in an explosion of light, "I XYZ SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing, "Harpie Lady Tempest." (A2600/D2100/R4)

"That card again," Guto said, "did you not learn from last time."

Gilda ignored him. "I activate Harpie Lady Tempest's ability," she said, "by removing an Overlay Unit I can increase her ATK points by three hundred for each Winged Beast in my graveyard. Last I checked I had three Harpie Ladies and Harpie Lady Sisters in there, meaning an increase of twelve hundred. (A3800/D2100/R4)

"That's a boat load of points," Rainbow said.

"I attack you Griffoneon with Tempest," she said as the Xyz Monster took to the skies before soaring down with its clawed feet reared and impaling the griffon.

Gilda: 2950
Guto: 4300
Rainbow: 3200

"Got ya," Gilda said with a fist pump, "almost got you level with us."

"You really don't learn do you," Guto said, "did you forget what happened last time you defeated my High King Griffoneon?"

Gilda's eyes went wide, looking down at the three face down that suddenly flipped up revealing three copies of the same Trap. "I activate Royal Idol of Great Wealth. This Trap can only be activated when High King Griffoneon is destroyed, and lets me summon a Royal Idol Token. Since three were activated I can now summon three Tokens." In a flash of light three golden statues appeared, with a claw like foot at the bottom and a wing like design wrapping around a multi colour orb. (A0/D0/L1)X3

Gilda growled seeing them. "I end my turn."

"So what's the deal with those idol things?" Rainbow asked.

"The deal," Guto said, "is that with them I can now summon my monster powerful monster."

"Oh boy," Rainbow didn't like the sound of that. Using three monsters to summon meant something big was coming.

"It's my turn," Guto said, "I draw." He looked at his card and began to chuckle, before breaking out into an insane laugh. "You never should have come back," he said, "I went easy on you last time, but now you won't be so lucky." He held up the card, "I sacrifice my three Royal Idol Tokens." The three statues disappeared in a flash of light, "Now I summon the mightiest monster of them all. Arise Fiend of the Dark Abyss, Arimaspi!"

The light began to take shape and formed a new monster, before fading revealing the creature within. It looked like a giant humanoid goat with shaggy grey fur. It had sharp claws and long curled horns, and in the centre of its forehead was a single giant eye.

"That's the card he used to beat me last time," Gilda said actually sounding scared.

"This could be hard then I first thought," Rainbow said.

Author's Notes:

So Gilda returns and Rainbow needs to help her take over a Duel Gang. This story's getting weird even for me.

Can the girls defeat Guto and his monster? Let's find out.

Turn 46, The Black Griffons pt2

The Duel between Rainbow Dash, Gilda and the Black Griffon's leader Guto continued. Rainbow and Gilda had Rainbow Assault Wing Gold and Harpie Lady Tempest on their fields, while Guto had just summoned his most powerful monster. Fiend of the Dark Abyss, Arimaspi towered over the two girls and their monsters. (A0/D0/L10)

"That's your most powerful monster?" Rainbow asked him, "it doesn't have any ATK or DEF points."

"It does," Gilda said, "because that thing's origanal ATK and DEF points becomes the combined total of each Idol Spell or Trap card in his graveyard, times by a thousand."

"I see you remember that from before," Guto said, "yes my Arimaspi's power does rise each time I send an Idol card to my grave. Seeing as I currently have three Idol cards, then his ATK and DEF points are three thousand." Both his Duel Disk and Arimaspi glowed, as the light from the Duel Disk flew into the monster making it grow larger.(A3000/D3000/L10)

"Okay," Rainbow said, "that's bad for us."

"Very bad," Guto said, "because I'm launching my Arimaspi's attack on your Rainbow Assault Wing Gold!" The monster raised its giant claws and threw them towards the Xyz Monster, who tried to defend but didn't stand a chance and was cut down.

Gilda: 2950
Guto: 4300
Rainbow: 2500

"I end my turn," Guto said with a threatening smirk on his face.

"You okay?" Gilda asked seeing Rainbow shaken up from the force of the attack.

"I'm fine," Rainbow asked once she was steady. "It's my turn, I draw and summon Rainbow Wing Purple Condor!" Before her appeared her purple bird of prey, "and with it on the field I can then inflicted six hundred points of damage onto you." The large bird extended its large wings and then let out a mighty screech, which struck Guto pushing him back a few feet.

Gilda: 2950
Guto: 3700
Rainbow: 2500

"Next I'm using the ability of Rainbow Wing Green Hawk," Rainbow continued, "since I have another Rainbow Wing on my field I can Special Summon this bad boy to my field." A green bird of prey appeared, soaring through the sky and taking its place next to Purple Condor. (A1400/D800/L3) "Now for another ability, this one coming curtsy of Rainbow Wing Pink Owl. Like Green Hawk I can also summon this guy to the field, but unlike his feathery friend Pink Owl can change his level to fit the level of a monster on my field." The small pink owl appeared and stood next to the others, it's level changing to meet theirs. (A100/D100/L3)

"Three level threes," Guto said. If she had one Xyz Summon.

"I Overlay my Rainbow Wing Purple Falcon, Green Hawk and Pink Owl, to build th Overlay Network." Her monsters changed into lights, which flew up and entered a black hole. "It's time to fly as one in a victory formation, to defeat our enemies." The black hole exploded, in a burst of bright light. "I XYZ SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing, "Rainbow Assault Wing Silver!" (A2100/D2000/R3)

"I activate my Arimaspi's special ability," Guto said. "Whenever a monster on the your field is summoned my monster cuts its ATK points in half for the turn." The goat man monster's colossal eye shined before it fired a beam of light, which struck Assault Wing Silver causing it to scream in pain. (A1050/D2000/R3)

Rainbow growled seeing the plan go up in smoke, as she looked down at her Blustering Winds card. Her plan had been to increase Assault Wing Silver's ATK power just enough to defeat Arimaspi, but now that plan wouldn't work.

"I end my turn," Rainbow said.

"Then once again it's my go," Guto said as he drew his card. "I activate the Spell card Crystal Idol, which lets me transfer up to a thousand of my life points to the ATK points of a monster on my field. I pay one hundred life points to increase my Arimaspi's ATK points by one hundred."

Gilda: 2950
Guto: 3600
Rainbow: 2500

A crystal statue appeared as Guto glowed, which travelled through the idol and into his monster. (A3100/3000/L10)

"What's the point in that?" Rainbow asked, until she realised where that Spell card was going after it was done with.

"Since another Idol card was sent to my graveyard," Guto said, "Arimaspi gains another one thousand ATK and DEF points." Once again the monster began to grow as its point increased. (A4100/D4000/L10)

"Now Arimaspi attack Harpie Lady Tempest!" He ordered as his monster ripped through Gilda's monster, reducing it to bits and sending the girls back a few feet.

Gilda: 2650
Guto: 3600
Rainbow: 2500

"I end my turn as the Crystal Idol's effect wares off." (A4000/D4000/L10)

"It's my turn," Gilda said, "I draw and play Pot of Greed to draw two cards. Then I play the Spell card Monster Reborn, which lets me revive a monster in my graveyard." In a flash of light one of Gilda's Harpie Ladies appeared on the field. (A1300/D1400/L4) "Now I summon Harpie Lady Queen, in ATK mode!" A Harpie Lady with white wings and green hair appeared on her field. (A1900/D1200/L4) "And now," she called as her monster began to glow, "I'm using these two monsters to build the Overlay Network!" The two monster flew up and into the black hole, as Gilda began to chant. "Let the Harpie of the heavens descend upon this battle field." The black hole exploded in a burst of light. "I XYZ SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing a new monster. I was another Harpie Lady, only this one was decked out in majestic white armour. She had a white battle helmet atop her head and carried a pair of long swords in each of her talon like hands. her hair and wings were a shinning gold colour and two green light floated around her body. "Harpie Lady Valkyrie!" (A2400/D1900/R4)

"I activate Arimaspi's ability," Guto said, "which will cut your monsters ATK points in half for this turn." Once again the monster fired a beam of light from its eye, striking the Harpie. (A1200/D1900/R4)

"I end my turn," Gilda said as her monster ATK returned to normal.

"What a waste of a turn," Guto said, "watch and maybe you'll see what a real turn looks like. I attack Harpie Lady Valkyrie with Arimaspi!" The goat monster raised its giant claws, ready to strike.


"I activate Valkyrie's ability," Gilda said, as her monster slashed through one of the lights with her sword. "By removing one Overlay Unit, I can negate my monster's destruction and then deal you damage equal to half the damage I would have taken." Harpie Lady Valkyrie raised her swords in an X formation, blocking Arimaspi's claws.

Gilda: 2650
Guto: 2800
Rainbow: 2500

"Nice one," Rainbow said with a smile.

"You know it," Gilda replied.

"If your quite finished?" Guto said, "just because you took me by surprise once doesn't guarantee you this victory."

"Yeah," one of his gang members said, "and no one surprises Guto twice."

"So I hope you enjoyed it," another said, "because it won't happen again."

"We'll see," Rainbow said, "if your done with your turn?" She saw Guto node. "Then I'll go," she said drawing. Nothing in her hand could help take down that behemoth, so for now she'd need to play defensively. "I switch Rainbow Assault Wing Silver to DEF mode, place a card face down and end my turn."

"My turn," Guto said, "I draw and attack Rainbow Assault Wing Silver!" Arimaspi raised its claws once again and slashed them down and through the chicken monster, destroying it.

"I end my turn," Guto said.

"My turn," Gilda said, "I draw and summon Harpie Girl in DEF mode." A blonde Harpie Lady with pink wings appeared, flying around beautifully before landing and kneeling down. (A500/D500/L2) "I set one card face down and end my turn."

Meanwhile back outside Fluttershy had been trying to watch the Duel from afar, but could make out all the details. She looked over at the scary looking building, shaking at the sight of it, but knew her friends needed her support and ran inside before she could stop herself.

"Then it's my turn," Guto said, "I draw and activate the Spell card Idol of Eternal Damnation. With this I can select a monster in your graveyard and no matter what, you can't resummon it to the field. I select Rainbow Assault Wing Gold!"

The girls both growled. Now Rainbow's best card was locked, meaning they couldn't attempt any stratagy with it.

"And don't forget," Guto said, "with another Idol in my graveyard Arimaspi will grow even stronger." The monster grew once again, now twice the size it was when Guto had first summoned it. (A5000/D5000/L10)

"That monster needs its own zip code," Rainbow said.

"Now I attack Harpie Girl with Arimaspi," Guto ordered as his monster struck the young Harpie Lady with its claws. The force of the attack sent Gilda sliding back along the roof, until she nearly toppled over the edge.

"Be careful," Rainbow called over the force of the attack.

Once Gilda got her baring and returned to stand next to Rainbow, Guto continued. "I end my turn."

"Then it's my draw," Rainbow said. "I summon Rainbow Wing Yellow Eagle in DEF mode." A giant yellow bird appeared, soaring through the air before landing in front of her. (A1700/D1300/L4) "I end my turn."

"It's my turn, "Guto said, "I draw and activate the continuous Spell card Idol Guard." A large stone statue appeared on the field. "Now I attack Harpie Lady Valkyrie," he ordered as Arimaspi attacked with its claws.

"I activate Valkyrie's ability," Gilda said, "I remove and Overlay Unit and negate the attack while dealing you half the damage I would have taken." Her monster struck the final Overlay Unit, before blocking the attack. However Guto's life points remained undamaged.

"I told you no one surprises me twice," Guto said, "my Idol Guard negates any effect damage that would be dealt to me."

"Should have figured as much," Rainbow said.

"What's more," he said, "now your Valkyrie is out of Overlay Units. Next turn it'll be going bye bye."

"I don't think so," Gilda said, "It's my draw and I summon Cyber Harpie Lady in DEF mode." A Harpie Lady in purple metal armour appeared. (A1800/D1400/L4) "I switch Harpie Lady Valkyrie into DEF mode and end my turn."

"Now it's my turn," Guto said, "I draw." He looked at his card and began to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Rainbow asked.

"What's funny is I just drew the card that will eliminate one of you from this duel," he replied between laughs, "the question is which do I pick?"

"Stop stalling," Gilda said.

"Very well," he said, "since your so eager to lose then you can be the one who feels the power of Arimaspi first hand."

"What are you talking about?" Rainbow asked.

"I activate the Spell card Stop Defence," Guto said making the girl's eyes go wide. "With this I can force one of your monsters into ATK mode," he continued, "so stand up Cyber Harpie Lady." The armoured Harpie stood up, as Arimaspi brandished its claws. "Now my mighty beast," Guto said, "attack and finish her." The goat man monster charged towards the monster belonging to Gilda, who just stood there.

"Hey Dash," she said.

"Yeah," Rainbow asked still trying to think up a way to save her.

"Thanks for coming here. It means a lot that you were willing to help try and stop the guy."

"Your my friend," Rainbow replied, "of course I'd help you."

"Well as my friend I have something to ask of you," Gilda said.


"Beat him," she simply said, "beat him for me."

Rainbow sighed knowing what she meant, but nodded anyway.

"Thanks," Gilda said, "and to help you I activate my face down." Her card flipped up revealing a Spell, "Harpie's Charity. With this card, as longs as I have a Harpie Lady on my field. I can take one card from my deck and give it to any other player." Gilda's deck shuffled out a card, which she took and threw at Rainbow who caught it.


"Just don't mess this up loser," Gilda said as her monster was attacked and destroyed. The force of the attack sent Gilda flying off her feet and over the edge of the building.

Gilda: 0
Guto: 2800
Rainbow: 2500

"GILDA!" Rainbow screamed seeing her fall. She ran over to the edge, but Gilda was no where to be seen. "Gilda," Rainbow said as tears threatened to break through.

Everyone else was shocked at what Guto had just done. They were thugs sure, but none of them ever dared go that far.

Guto meanwhile was only laughing. "What a riot," he said, "she tried to beat me but now she won't be beating anyone ever again."

Rainbow was still looking over the edge crying, until.

"Quit with the tears loser," Rainbow's eyes shot open as she followed the voice further down. There, hanging out of an open window, Fluttershy had hold of Gilda around the legs.

"Fluttershy?" Rainbow asked.

"Hi," the pink haired girl whimpered out under the strain of holding the much heavier girl.

"You saved me," Gilda said.

"I don't let friends down either," Fluttershy said as she finally managed to pull the punk girl through the window to safety.

"Good grief," Rainbow said holding her heart after its attack.

"So what if your little friend survived," Guto said, "you still can't defeat me and Arimaspi."

"I wouldn't count on that," Rainbow said. "You tried to hurt one of my friends and you'll regret it, almost as much as you'll regret not taking me down when you had the chance."

"As if," Guto said.

"Just wait and see," Rainbow said. She looked down at the card Gilda had given her, Armored Xyz, but even if she used it she couldn't take down Arimaspi. Gilda had risked everything to give her this card, but she'd need to draw something big to use it with. "It's my turn," she said placing a hand on her deck, "I DRAW!" She looked at her card and gasped. With this...

Fluttershy and Gilda arrived back on the roof to see it.

"First I switched Rainbow Wing Yellow Eagle to attack mode," Rainbow said as her bird took flight.

"You do realise that next turn I'll be able to destroy you now?" Guto asked.

"Wrong," Rainbow said, "because your not getting a next turn. I activate the Spell Gilda gave me, Armored Xyz."

"Alright!" Gilda cheered.

"With this," Rainbow said "I can take and Xyz Monster in my graveyard an equip it to another monster. Since Gilda's been eliminated every card on her field becomes mine, so I can equip Rainbow Assault Wing Gold to Harpie Lady Valkyrie." A black hole appeared which Assault Wing Gold rose out of. "Your Idol of Damnation might have stopped my from summoning my monster," she explained, "but I can still use him this way." Gold transformed into a stream of light which covered Valkyrie, as the Assault Wing's armour appeared on her body. (A4700/D3600/R4)

"Nice move," Guto said, "but even with all that your monster's still three hundred points short of equalling mine."

"Who said I was using that Spell to increase her ATK points?" Rainbow said. "Now that Assault Wing Gold is equipped to Harpie Lady Valkyrie, she now counts as a Rainbow Assault Wing meaning I can use this on her." Rainbow took the card she had just drawn from her hand and placed it in her Duel Disk, which appeared on the field before them. "Go Rank-Up-Magic, Rainbow Force! With this I can take a Rainbow Assault Wing and use it to rebuild the Overlay Network." Harpie Lady Valkyrie transformed into a stream of light, which flew up and into a black hole as it opened.

"Let the rainbow shine its brilliant light upon you, as you take flight to a new future," Rainbow chanted as the black hole exploded, releasing a light brighter then anyone had ever seen from an Xyz Summon. "CHAOS XYZ EVOLUTION!"

The light faded revealing Rainbow's new monster. It looked like Assault Wing Gold, but his armour was a shinning metallic colour. His wings were now on both his arms, glowing in a rainbow of colours. On both hands were sharp razor like claws and a long silvery scarf was wrapped around his neck and flowed in the wind. "Rainbow Assault Wing Platinum!" (A2800/D2200/R5)

Everyone marvelled at Rainbow's new monster.

"Nice card, but remember that my Arimaspi's ability will cut your monster's ATK points in half." The monster fired a blast that struck the new one. (A1400/D2200/R5)

"I didn't forget," Rainbow said, "I'm just gonna use Rainbow Assault Wing Platinum's ability. By removing an Overlay Unit I can reduce your monsters ATK points by seven hundred, for every Rainbow Wing or Rainbow Assault Wing in my graveyard." The new Xyz monster crushed its single Overlay Unit in both hands, before extending his wings. They shone a brilliant light which spread and began to take the form of the monsters in Rainbow's graveyard.

Red Kestrel, Green Hawk, Blue Falcon, Purple Condor, Pink Owl, Assault Wing Silver and Assault Wing Gold, flew around the Xyz monster as astral projections. "DO IT!" Rainbow ordered as the seven monsters flew towards the giant goat monster, reducing his ATK Points with every strike until it was down to only one hundred points. (A100/D5000/L10)

"No!" Guto said seeing his best card be de-powered.

"Next I active Blustering Winds to power up my monster by one thousand points," Rainbow said as a powerful wind whipped up. (A2400/D2200/R5) "And now I attack Arimaspi with Rainbow Assault Wing Platinum!" Rainbow ordered as her monster flew up and the charged toward Guto's, bringing its hands together and spinning around till it was like a rainbow coloured drill. The spinning monster struck Arimaspi, causing it to scream in pain as it was destroyed while Platinum cut through it.

Gilda: 0
Guto: 500
Rainbow: 2500

"Impossible," Guto said, "he was my best card."

"And since your field is currently empty," Rainbow said, "I can use Yellow Eagle to wage a direct attack on you." The yellow bird of prey flew up and soared high above Guto's head, before dive bombing towards him and striking him dead on and knocking him off his feet.

Gilda: 0
Guto: 0
Rainbow: 2500 (Winner)

"SHE DID IT!" Fluttershy and Gilda cheered.

Rainbow Dash fell to her knees in exhaustion after such a hard Duel.

Meanwhile Guto sat himself up and turned to the three girls, an angry look on his face and a crazy look in his eye. "GET THEM!" He ordered his gang, "we'll teach them a lesson."

None of the Black Griffons moved, each having an unsure look upon their faces.

"What are you waiting for you twits?" Guto screamed, "I said get them."

"Why should we listen to you?" one of his cronies said, "you lost and you almost killed someone."

"You will do as I say because I am the leader," Guto said.

"Maybe we don't want you as our leader," another said, "I only followed you because I was scared of what would happen if I didn't."

"Yeah," another, female, member said, "I hated what you made us do."

"We're always trying to look big and scary," another said, "it's no fun anymore."

"QUIET!" Guto screamed, "do as I say or-"

"Or what?" Rainbow hollered, "face it Guto. They're not afraid of you."

"They can make their own choices," Gilda said.

Guto looked at the two girls, then at his deserting army, before getting up and fleeing through the nearest doorway.

"Hey," Gilda said going to follow until Rainbow grabbed her shoulder.

"Leave him," she said, "he's powerless now."

At that moment the Black Griffons crowded around them. "You defeated Guto," one said to Rainbow, "that means your the new leader of the Black Griffons."

"As much as an honour as that would be," Rainbow said, "I'm not one for leading."

"But we need a leader?" a girl said.

"And you got one," Rainbow said pushing Gilda in front of them.

"Me?" she asked looking back, "but I didn't win?"

"And I never would have won without your Armored Xyz card," Rainbow said, "this is both our victories. Plus you were the one who wanted to become the new leader of the Black Griffons, so go make them great like they used to be."

Gilda was silent for several seconds until finally she nodded and turned to the Duel Gang. "Okay Griffons," she said, "thing are gonna change. We got a lot of work to rebuild our reputation, so no more crime."

"YEAH!" every member said.

Gilda then turned to Rainbow and Fluttershy. "I can't thank you two enough, but just know that if either of you ever need help then just ask. As far as I'm concerned your bother members of the Black Griffons."

"Awesome!" Rainbow cheered.

"Thank you," Fluttershy said with a bow, before turning to Rainbow. "It's to bad this event made use lose out on a day of Duelling for points."

"It's fine," Rainbow said, "I'll just Duel extra hard tomorrow."

Three days remained in this tournament. Only three days for the Duellist to gain the points they needed to enter the Celestic Cup finals. But the question was, who would those Duellists be?"

Author's Notes:

Hope you enjoyed. Not much else to say.

Turn 47, Blaze of the Phoenix

Two days remained until the Celestic Cup's first round was to come to a close and we find Ms Sunset Shimmer In the middle of town, currently in a Duel against a Duellist named Indigo Zap.

Sunset: 2000
Indigo: 1100

Indigo's field contained a monster named Thunder Smasher who carried a large war hammer in its hand, along with a single face down. (A2400/D1400/L6)

Sunset's field was currently completely empty.

"Face it," Indigo said, "you know you can't win."

"We'll see," Sunset said.

What Sunset didn't know was that Indigo's face down was the Trap card Unstable Power, which would activate if Sunset Summoned a monster and deal her damage equal to that monsters ATK points.

"It's my turn," Sunset said, "I draw and with scale eight Magician of Glorious Sunrise and scale one Magician of Glorious Sundown to set the Pendulum Scale." Her two magicians rose up in the pillars of light. "Now I can burn through space time and blaze the arc of victory, to summon monsters levelled two through seven all at the same time." Above her a portal formed, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and a single beam of light shot out and smashed into the ground.

"Ignite your flame of victory, Solar Flare Phoenix." (A2500/D2100/L7/P4)

"Big mistake," Indigo said, "because my Unstable Power Trap card will deal you damage equal to that monsters ATK points." Her trap flipped up and fired a beam of light that struck Sunset. "Got ya," Indigo said before seeing the smoke clear and her opponent still standing.

Sunset: 1500
Indigo: 1100

"But how?"

"My Phoenix's ability doubles my life points whenever she's Special Summoned," Sunset said, "so my points increased before your trap took effect. Now I activate the Spell card Solar Flare, which will increase Phoenix's ATK points until the end phase." (A3500/D2100/L7/P4) "Now attack," she ordered as her large bird took to the skies as its body ignited and attacked Thunder Smasher, destroying it.

Sunset: 1500 (Winner)
Indigo: 0

After her Duel Sunset was walking down the street admiring her points.

Sunset Shimmer: 6600Ps

She smiled looking at them, since almost seven thousand points had to be one of the highest amounts in the tournament. Suddenly her phone buzzed, signalling a call. She took it and rolled her eyes at the Caller ID. "I'm here," she said answering.

"How goes the Duelling?" Cold's voice replied from the other end.

"I just hit sixty six hundred," Sunset replied.

"That should be enough," he said.

"So I'm in the finals," Sunset smiled, "and I'm in the mission?"

"That remains to be seen," Cold said.

"But what else is there for me to do?" Sunset asked infuriated.

"There is one more person I need you to defeat," Cold replied, "do this and I will agree that you are the one worthy of this mission."

"Who?" Sunset asked.

"You know who."

"Twilight Sparkle?" Sunset said, "but I already defeated her?"

"Then you shouldn't have a problem doing so again," he replied, "do this and you will take her place besides him. I've sent you the coordinates of her location...don't fail me."

With that he hung up leaving Sunset listening to nothing. She closed her phone and sighed, "I won't fail you. Not after everything you've done for me."

We find Twilight, Spike and Applejack in the park looking over the two girl's points. After their run in with Longhorn Applejack had decided to stick with Twilight for extra support.

"Man," Spike said, "you two are doing great." He was referring to their points, which were amazingly high.

Twilight Sparkle: 6550Ps

Applejack: 6470Ps

"We do have a considerable amount," Twilight said, "but is it enough to get to the finals?"

"No clue," Applejack replied, "all we gotta do is keep winning and winning to get enough points."

"But how do you do that?" Spike said, "it's been two days since we've seen a Duellist with more then a thousand points."

"True," Twilight said, "I wouldn't be surprised if the number of Duellist in this tournament are down to at least a hundred."

"Then we'd better be on the look out for any Duellist we see," Applejack said.

"But if we find them there's no grantee they Duel you," Spike said. "If their points are so low they might be intimidated by your point totals."

"Oh please," the three of them froze hearing a familiar voice. They spun around and there was Sunset Shimmer, leaning against a tree with a cheeky smirk on her face. "You guys are as intimidating as a fluffy little bunny, with the word boo written on its nose."

"Sunset Shimmer!" Twilight almost growled, "what are you doing here?"

"Public park isn't it?" Sunset said.

"Don't go playing the fool," Twilight said, "you wouldn't be here unless it was for a reason."

"Maybe," Sunset said, "but what are you gonna do about it?"

"That's enough," Applejack shook angrily, "Duel me right now. I'll knock that smile off your face."

"Depending on whether you'd make it to your turn this time," Sunset joked.

"Why you little-" Twilight held up a hand to stop her.

"I'm Duelling her," Twilight said, "I have a score to settle."

"You sure Twilight?" Spike said, "you remember what happened last time."

"That won't happen this time," Twilight said before turning to the red headed girl.

"So how many point you got?" Sunset asked her, to which Twilight showed her her DPM. "Almost as many as me," Sunset said. "Let's make this interesting and put up two thousand points each. That should guarantee the winner makes it to the finals.

"Two thousand point?" Spike asked in shock.

"You don't have to do this Twilight," Applejack said.

Twilight shuck her head. Sunset had humiliated her in there last bout, using her Pendulum, Fusion and Xyz Summons the way she did. She needed to do this, not for the points but for herself. "Your on," she said, "two thousand points each."

"To easy," Sunset said.

They pulled out their Duel Disks, threw them on their arms, activated them, drew their cards and were ready.


Twilight: 4000
Sunset: 4000

"I'll take the first move," Twilight said, "I draw and first I play the Spell card Spellbook Organisation. with this I can look at the top three cards of my deck, then place them back in any order." She did so and nodded at her future cards, before placing them back. "Next I summon Flame Burst Magician in ATK mode." Her flame clothed wizard appeared on the field, spinning its flaming staff around. (A1300/D600/L3) "With Flame Burst's ability," Twilight continued, "I can inflict eight hundred points of damage to your life points.

The magician shot a fireball which struck Sunset in the chest.

Twilight: 4000
Sunset: 3200

"Now since I have a Fire Monster on my field," Twilight said, "I can Special Summon this card to my field." A young wizard in flame patterned clothing appeared, "meet Pyro Charmer. (A1300/D1200/L3) "Finally I tune level three Pyro Charmer and Flame Burst Magician," her monsters flew up as Pyro Charmer transformed into three lights which carved circles for the magician to jump into. "The spirit of nature burns unstoppable, as new power is unsealed." Her monsters disappeared in a flash of light, "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing, "Tempest Conjurer." (A2200/D1400/L6)

"Still Synchro Summoning I see," Sunset said, "I would have thought you'd get another gimmick after the last time we squared off."

"No way," Twilight said, "you may have beaten me once but my deck and I don't give up that easily. I'm gonna settle the score with this deck."

"Yeah right," Sunset said.

"I'll show you," Twilight said, "I place on card face down and end my turn."

"Then it's my go," Sunset said, "I draw and Summon Firewall Defender in ATK mode." The man with the flaming gauntlet appeared, fist raised ready to strike. (A1800/D0/L4) "Next I play Solar Flare, to raise my Defenders ATK power by one thousand until the end phase. (A2800/D0/L4) "Now attack," she ordered as he monster charged forwards gauntlet raised to destroy Tempest Conjurer.

"I activate my Trap," Twilight said, "Guardian Seal. When you declare an attack on one of my Spellcasters, I can pay five hundred life points and negate the attack ending the battle phase." A magic circle appeared infront of Tempest Magician, blocking Firewall Defender's attack.

Twilight: 3500
Sunset: 3200

"I place one card face down and end my turn," Sunset said. "Solar Flare wares off now." (A1800/D0/L4)

"My draw," Twilight said, "and since it's my standby phase I can use Tempest Magician's ability to look at the top three cards of my deck. If any of them are Spell cards, I can discard them and increase my monster's ATK points by three hundred for each one. I already know the first two will be Spell cards," she drew from her deck and placed them in her graveyard without looking, "now let's see what the third is." She drew and smiled, before revealing the card to be another Spell. "That's three Spell cards, meaning nine hundred points go to my Magician. (A3100/D1400/L6)

"That's way more then Sunset's Firewall Defender," Spike said cheerfully.

"She should have kept that varmint in DEF mode," Applejack agreed.

"Tempest Conjurer," Twilight ordered, "attack Firewall Defender." Her monster held up its staff and fired a lightning bolt at the man.

"I activate my Trap card," Sunset said, "Brittle Shield. Since your attacking a monster whose ATK is higher then its DEF, I can switch him into DEF mode." Defender kneeled down, his gauntlet igniting to form a shield which the lightning struck but couldn't break through.

Twilight growled seeing her attack be neutralised. "I end my turn and Tempest Conjurer's ATK points return to normal. (A2200/D1400/L6)

Sunset smiled at the girl's annoyance. Did she honestly believe she could defeat her? Sunset had to much on the line to let a weakling take her place, to be the one Cold chose to stand by Flash when the time came. "I won't let him down...not after everything he did for me."


I never had a family that I can remember. I never had to do chores or go to sleep early, which might be every kids dream but it wasn't mine. I wanted to be loved and cared for, but I knew that would never happen. Besides having a family I had another dream, to be a master Duellist. I wanted nothing more then to make that dream come true, so I started searching. The dump, trash cans and even the bin bags I saw people throw away. I kept searching in a hopes of finding a couple of cards I could use to build my deck, to begin my career as a Duellist.

A younger Sunset was rummaging through a trash can until she found what she was looking for. "There's one," she said as she grabbed a Duel card laying on the bottom. Holding it up to the light she cheered seeing her first card.

Eventually I managed to get a deck together and hit the streets, ready to work my way up to the pro leagues. But I soon learned that getting to the top was gonna be much harder then I'd thought.

Sunset was walking through the park looking for her first opponent, when suddenly she found herself surrounded by older bigger kids.

"Hey pipsqueak," one of them said, "what ya got there?"

"My deck," Sunset said with a smile, "you wanna play?"

"Sure," another said with the innocent Sunset not registering the sinister hint in his voice.

<Ten Minutes Later>

"I lost," Sunset said when her life points hit zero.

"You sure did loser," her opponent said, "so I'll be taking these." Before she could say or do anything the boy swiped up her cards.

"Wait," she said reaching for them, "those are mine."

"Not any more," he said holding them out of reach, "weaklings like you don't deserve these cards."


"Get lost wimp," one of them said before throwing the little girl into the mud.

As the gang ran off laughing with her cards, Sunset tried to pull herself up while trying not to cry.

That day I realised that becoming a Pro-Duellist wasn't going to be as easy as I thought. I realised that in order to be the best I'd need to become stronger, much stronger. I wouldn't just give up, so I picked myself up and started again. And eventually.

The bullies she had lost to were cowering after all being defeated by the new Sunset. This wasn't the weak little girl they had beat before.

"I believe you have something of mine," Sunset asked. The bullies shook and held out the cards they had taken back then, which she quickly snatched back. Seeing her cards back with her, she smiled.

From then on I never let anyone push me around. Eventually I found myself at the top of the street circuit. I was queen of the street rats. Until the day he appeared.

In an abandoned warehouse an explosion occurred. Once the smoke cleared everyone saw Sunset standing over a man with grey skin and hair, wearing black leather clothing with a yellow scarf around his neck.

"That was the best you could do?" Sunset asked the man, "lame. Maybe you should try actually getting stronger before you take my turf. Why not try those Black Griffon losers, I hear there really weak.

The man scrambled to his feet and ran for the door. "You haven't seen the last of me."

"Anyone else?" she asked looking around at the Duellist around her, who all backed away at the prospect of Duellist the Queen of the Streets. "Anyone at all?"

"I'll Duel you!"

Everyone looked back at the doors where a man with with pale blue skin and white hair was standing.

"And who are you?" Sunset asked, never seeing him around before.

"Just a Duellist looking for talented opponents," he replied coldly.

"Well then you've come to the right place," Sunset said activating her Duel Disk while the man did the same. "So do I get a name."

"Cold," he replied.

"Well Cold," she said, "prepare to lose."


<Ten Minutes Later>

Sunset was sent flying back as her monster was destroyed and her life points reduced to zero.

"Not to bad," Cold told her though he still sounded emotionless.

"We're not done," Sunset said pulling herself back up, "again."

<Fifteen Minutes Later>

Sunset fell back again as she was defeated again.

"Again," she said pulling herself up again.

<Twenty Minutes Later>

"Again," she almost screamed after her third lose.

<Twenty Five Minutes Later>


"No," Cold said, "I've seen enough."

Sunset sighed and fell to her knees. Losing four times in a row was humiliating and her reputation was destroyed.

"Your strong," she heard him say, making her look up to see him standing above her.

"But I lost," she said.

"But you never gave up," he said, "and you learned from you mistakes. You must have noticed how much better you did with each Duel."

"I guess," she said.

Cold kneeled down to her eye level. "You remind me a great deal of the phoenix, who when it falls, flies even higher then before." He stood up and offered a hand to her. "I need your help," he explained, "something big is coming and I need powerful Duellists who never give up to help me."

Sunset hesitated.

"Be like the phoenix and rise higher then you ever believed you could be," Cold said, "will you do that?"

Sunset stared at him before finally smiling and taking his hand, "I will."


After that day Cold had taken her in, helped train her to be an even better Duellist and become the person she was today. And now she was one Duel away from becoming his champion against what was coming.

"It's my turn," she said, "I draw and now I set scale one Magician of Glorious Sundown and scale eight Magician of Glorious Sunrise to set the Pendulum Scale." The pillars of light appeared on either side of her as the two magicians flew up. "Next I activate the Spell card Wildfire Draw, which will let me draw until I have six cards and then I pay three hundred points for each one." She drew five cards.

Twilight: 3500
Sunset: 1700

"that's a lot of points to give up," Spike said

"Not if she has that card," Applejack said

The magicians both raised their staffs and fired the beams of light towards the sky. "Burn through space time and blaze the arc of victory," she chanted as the portal began to form above her head. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened up and two lights shot out and hit the ground.

"Slice and dice, Radiant Sun Knight Scarmick." (A1000/D1000/L3/P2)

"Ignite your flame of victory, Solar Flare Phoenix. (A2500/D2100/L7/P4)

Everyone stared at the monster that had beaten Twilight in her last Duel.

"You remember my little friend right?" Sunset asked.

"How could I forget?" Twilight said, her mind flashing back to that time.


"Solar Flare Phoenix," Sunset ordered, "attack Twilight Sorcerer and end this."

As the giant firebird began its descent towards the magician, Twilight looked at her hand, field, deck, anything looking for a way to stop Sunset...but there was nothing she could do. The flaming winged beast struck Twilight Sorcerer, incinerating it and sending Twilight flying off her feet and into the air.

Twilight: 0
Sunset: 1800 (Winner)


That monster had completely wiped her out in their last Duel.

"That won't happen again," Twilight assured herself.

"We'll see about that," Sunset said. "I activate Solar Flare Phoenix's ability, to double my life points if I have two thousand or less life points." The bird released its flames that surrounded Sunset, causing her to glow.

Twilight: 3500
Sunset: 3400

"This is where the Duel gets interesting," Sunset told Twilight, "but no matter what you will fall to me."

"Don't think just because you beat me once It'll happen again," Twilight said.

The two stared at each other, both determined to defeat the other no matter what.

Author's Notes:

And we have Sunset's backstory. What did you think?

Will Twilight be able to settle her score or will Sunset claim victory?

Turn 48, Twilight's Ascent

The Duel between Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer continued. Twilight currently had Tempest Magician on her field, while Sunset had Solar Flare Phoenix, Radiant Sun Knight Scarmick and Firewall Defender on her field.

"This is where the Duel gets interesting," Sunset told Twilight, "but no matter what you will fall to me."

"Don't think just because you beat me once It'll happen again," Twilight said.

The two stared at each other, both determined to defeat the other no matter what.

"Let's see about that," Sunset said, "I attack Tempest Conjurer with Solar Flare Phoenix." The firebird flew up and set its body alight, before rushing at Twilight's Spellcaster and destroying it in a ball of fire.

Twilight: 3200
Sunset: 3400

"Now I attack you directly with Scarmick," Sunset continued as her knight charged at the girl. He raised his flaming weapon and slashed her down the chest

Twilight: 2200
Sunset: 3400

"I end my turn with a face down."

"It's a good thing she forgot to switch Firewall Defender to ATK mode," Applejack said, "she could have attacked and dealt Twilight some serious damage."

"I don't think she forgot," Spike said, "she did the same thing in their last Duel. She's preparing for if Twilight manages to counter attack."

"It's my turn," Twilight said, "I draw and play Graceful Charity. Now I'm allowed to draw three new cards, as long as I discard two." She drew three cards and discard one of them, along with one from her hand. "Next I summon the Tuner Monster Shadow Charmer in ATK mode." (A1200/D700/L3) "Now I discard one card to activate Shadow Charmer's ability," she said, "meaning I can revive a Spellcaster whose level is equal to or lower then the monster I discarded." In a flash of light Magician's Valkyria appeared on Twilight's field, waving its staff around. (A1600/D1800/L4)

"Just what she needed!" Spike cheered.

"Do it Sugarcube," Applejack said.

"NOW!" Twilight yelled, "I tune my level three Shadow Charmer with my Level four Magician's Valkyria." Shadow Charmer glowed before transforming into three balls of light, which each circled around creating three rings which Valkyria jumped into. Once inside them Valkyria became transparent. "When two mighty magicians unite their magical power an amazing event will occur." In that moment Valkyria burst into light, "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing, "Twilight Sorcerer!” (A2100/D2800/L7)

"Bringing out the big guns I see," Sunset said, "hope he does better then he did last time."

"Oh you'll see how much better he does," Twilight said, "because I activate his ability to add one random Spellbook from my deck to my hand." Her deck shuffled around before a card slotted out for her to take, which she did and smiled seeing it. "I activate Spellbook of Power, which will raise my Sorcerer's ATK points be one thousand for the turn." (A3100/D2800/L7) "What's more, my Sorcerer also gains one hundred ATK points for every Spellbook in my graveyard. I have five Spellbooks in my grave, meaning five hundred more points. (A3600/D2800/L7)

"That's way more then Solar Flare Phoenix," Spike cheered.

"I attack!" Twilight ordered as her Spellcaster raised his staff. A bolt of magic shot of it, flying towards Sunset's monster, striking it and causing it to exploded in a burst of fire.

Twilight: 2200
Sunset: 2300

"Bye bye Solar Flare Phoenix," Spike cheered.

"But did you forget what that card is?" Applejack asked, making Spike think and realise.

"A Pendulum," he said, "she'll just summon it again next turn."

"Not if I have anything to say about it," Twilight said, "because when a monster powered up with Spellbook of Power destroys another one then I can take a Spellbook and add it to my hand." Her deck slotted out another card for her to take, "now I'll activate it. Spellbook of Sealing, which lets me destroy one face up Spell or Trap on the field while I get to draw a card."

Everyone looked up at Magician of Glorious Sunrise as black lightning sparked around him, before he was destroyed while Twilight drew her card.

"Alright," Spike said, "without her Pendulum Scale Sunset can't resummon her Phoenix."

"Meaning Twilight's still in this thing," Applejack agreed.

"I told you," Twilight said to Sunset, "I'm not gonna lose to you."

Sunset just smiled, unphased by the loss of both her monster and Pendulum Scale. "We'll see."

"I end my turn," Twilight said, "Spellbook of Power's effects ware off, but with six Spellbooks in my graveyard my Sorcerer's ATK points are still at twenty seven hundred. (A2700/D2800/L7)

"It's my turn," Sunset said, "I draw and activate my face down card." Her card flipped up revealing a Spell card, "Brush Fire. With this I card select one face up Spell or Trap card on my field and destroy it, but in return I can draw three cards." Magician of Glorious Sundown was consumed by fire and destroyed, while Sunset drew three cards. "Next I play Pot of Greed, to draw two more cards," she did just that.

"That's seven cards," Spike said.

"Who knows what she'll do with them," Applejack said.

"And now," Sunset said, "I set the Pendulum Scale with scale two Magician of Radiant Sunlight and scale six Glorious Sun Knight Strider." The pillars of light appeared besides her, as her monsters rose up and the numbers appeared beneath them. "With Strider's Pendulum Ability as long as I have a Fire Attributed Monster in my other Pendulum zone, I can increase his scale by two." The number under Strider increased to eight, before the portal began to form above Sunset.

"With that scale," Twilight said.

"Oh no," Applejack said.


The portal opened and three lights shot out.

"Invoke your blazing magic, Magician of Glorious Sunrise." (A1100/D700/L3/P8)

"Wave your flaming wand, Magician of Glorious Sundown." (A1400/D2200/L6/P1)

"Ignite you flame of victory, Solar Flare Phoenix." (A2500/D2100/L7/P4)

"Five monsters!" Spike almost screamed.

"Don't worry," Applejack said though she herself sounded worried, "Twilight can handle it."

"Yeah," Spike said as he realised something. "Yeah she can, because none of Sunset's monsters can destroy Twilight's."

"Don't be so sure little man," Sunset replied, "maybe they can't but they will help me summon a monster who can."

"What's she up to?" Twilight asked herself.

"I activate Magician of Glorious Sunrise's ability," Sunset said as her monster burst into flames which then surrounded Firewall Defender. "By banishing him I can then burn away three levels of another monster on my field." As the flames were absorbed by him, Firewall Defender's level was reduced to one.

"Reducing her monsters level?" Twilight asked before a thought occurred to her, "that sound familiar." Her deck was based off of Flash's, so if she was reducing her monsters level.

"Now I activate the Pendulum Ability of Magician of Radiant Sunlight," Sunset said, "an ability that turns any level three or below Fire Monster into a Tuner monster." He teenage wizard raised it's wands and fired a magic blast at Firewall Defender.

"A Tuner monster," Spike and Applejack yelled.

"Oh no," Twilight said.

"Did you really think I wouldn't use it?" Sunset asked, "I'm gonna beat you with your own Summoning Style. Now watch as I tune level one Firewall Defender, with level seven Solar Flare Phoenix." Firewall Defender glowed before transforming into a ball of light, which flew high up into the sky before carving a single ring that Solar Flare Phoenix flew into. "Awaken the power sleeping within us all and allow your flame to burn brighter then ever." The Phoenix was consumed by a burst of light. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing Sunset's new monster. It looked like Solar Flare Phoenix but it was larger with two pairs of wings, and it's tail was longer with three even longer blue extensions. It's helmet was now bigger and made of gold with five sets of horns sticking out of the back and gold chest armour "Solar Phoenix...REBIRTH!" (A3000/D2500/L8)

"Oh man," Spike said, "look at that thing."

"Twilight's in trouble," Applejack said.

"I activate Solar Phoenix Rebirth's ability," Sunset said, "Once per turn I can increase my life points by one thousand." Solar Phoenix Rebirth let out a golden fire that surrounded Sunset, bathing her in the flames as her life point rose.

Twilight: 2200
Sunset: 3300

"Now I attack Twilight Sorcerer with Solar Phoenix Rebirth," The colossal bird took to the skies before its entire body ignited. It then soared down towards Twilight's monster, before striking it and causing an explosion destroying it.

Twilight: 1900
Sunset: 3300

"Twilight's in trouble," Applejack said seeing her empty field.

"This is it," Sunset said to herself, "finally I can take my rightful place. I'm only one attack away from my destiny." She looked over at Twilight who had a stoic face. "What was Cold thinking when he told me to Duel her, she's nothing special. She didn't go through the hardships I had to face, the training I undertook.


"Hellfire Demon attack!" Sunset ordered as a red demon fired its attack at her opponent, reducing their life points to zero. "YES!" She screamed, spinning around to see Cold standing on a balcony. "You see that? I won."

"Maybe," he said, "but there is still a ways to go."

"What are you talking about?" Sunset said, "I annihilated him."

"It's one thing to win," Cold said, "but in order to face off against our enemy we must be more then victorious. There's something more you'll need."

"What?" she asked.

"That's for you to find," he said.


"All the days of training, the strength I gained, everything I've done up until now. I won't be stopped now." Sunset turned to Magician of Glorious Sundown and ordered, "attack!" The wizard pointed its staff at Twilight and fired of a flamethrower at her.

"Twilight!" Spike yelled.

"I activate the ability of Spirit Chanter from my hand," Twilight yelled, "by discarding him I can reduce any damage I take to zero." In front of her appeared a wizard who held up its staff and created a force field, that the fire bounced off leaving Twilight unscaved.

Sunset growled, "Scarmick attack!" The knight charged at Twilight and slashed her down the middle.

Twilight: 900
Sunset: 3300

"I end my turn by equipping Solar Phoenix Rebirth with Unequalled Flame," Sunset said, "with this the only monster you can target for an attack is my Phoenix."

"That's not good," Spike said, "how's she gonna win now?"

"It's my turn," Twilight said looking down at her deck. With no cards in her hand she'd need something big to turn the Duel around, "I draw and set one card face down and end my turn."

"That's it?" Spike asked sounding stressed.

"She's being backed into a corner," Applejack told him, "so she needs to just keep herself in this till she can draw a game changer."

"It's my turn," Sunset said, "I draw and summon Sun Sabre Swordsmen in ATK mode." The yellow armoured sword wielding monster appeared (A1500/D1200/L4) "Next I'll activate Solar Phoenix Rebirth's ability to increase my life points," she explained as she bathed in the golden flames he most produced.

Twilight: 900
Sunset: 4300

"This is it," Sunset said, "I attack you directly with Rebirth." Her monster once again set itself ablaze, as it charged towards Twilight."

"I activate my face down," Twilight said as her card flipped up revealing a Spell, "Spellbook of Illusion. With this I can summon four Spellbook Tokens to my field in face up DEF mode." Four books appeared in front of Twilight, preventing the direct attack and forcing Rebirth to destroy one of them instead.

Sunset growled seeing this. "Sundown destroy another one," the magician fired its flamethrower and destroyed another book. "Sun Sabre," the swordsmen ignited his blades and charged at another, slashing it in half. "Scarmick," she ordered as her last monster destroyed the last of the tokens, leaving Twilight's field once again bare. "I end my turn," she said sounding at her wits end, "just stop struggling. You know you can't win."

"Maybe," Twilight said, "but I won't let that stop me from trying. I have to much riding on this to stop now."

"Like what?" she asked.

"Everything," Twilight said. "My friends and family who have supported me until now, who've been there for me when I needed them." Twilight closed her eyes and thought back to all her friends who were working hard to make it to the finals, her brothers and sister-in-law who believed in her and Flash who had promised to meet her at the finals. "I can't lose here," she said, "not to you."

"Then Duel," Sunset said, "and you'd better hope that whatever you draw can single handedly destroy my Phoenix, and deal me forty three hundred points of damage."

"Let's find out," Twilight said placing her hand on her deck and with one deep breath, "It's my turn and I...DRAW!" She looked at her card and gasped at what it was. "I summon the Tuner Monster Royal Charmer, in ATK mode." A young wizard appeared in majestic wizard clothing, holding a staff made out of pure gold. (A100/D100/L1) "And when Royal Charmer is summoned to the field I can Special Summon a Synchro Monster from my graveyard," Twilight said as Twilight Sorcerer appeared on the field. (A2100/D2800/L7)

"What can either of them do?" Sunset asked not looking impressed Twilight's move.

"Why don't we see what Sorcerer's ability has to say about that," Twilight said as her deck shuffled and then slotted a card out for her to take. Looking at it she smiled, "perfect."

Sunset didn't like the look on her face.

"I activate the Spellbook of Rebirth," Twilight said, "since I have a Spellcaster on my field I can use this card's effect to revive a monster in the graveyard." A flash of light shined and in its wake came Spirit Chanter, ready for what was to come. (A500/D300/L2)

"But if she tunes them together," Sunset realised she might be in trouble.

"It's go time!" Twilight almost yelled, "I tune Royal Charmer with Twilight Sorcerer and Spirit Chanter!" Her Tuner's staff gave off a brilliant light which almost blinded everyone. The light began to take shape, forming a twenty foot transparent version of Royal Charmer who held his hands together as Twilight Sorcerer and Spirit Chanter jumped between them into a ball of light. "Eternal Magic born from the united strength of friends working together," Twilight chanted as the two monsters became transparent before disappearing in an explosion of light that once again blinded everyone. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

From the light came a new monster. It looked like Twilight Sorcerer only his overcoat were now flowing purple robes, with a larger hat and golden version of his staff. "Imperial Magician of Twilight." (A3500/D2800/L10)

Everyone was in awe at the sight of Twilight's new monster. They'd never seen her use anything like this before.

"Impressive," Sunset said, "but it's not enough to defeat me."

"Oh really," Twilight said, "well see if you think the same after I activate Imperial Magician's ability. First I attack Solar Phoenix Rebirth," she said as her monster levitated itself into the air and then raised its staff towards the giant bird. "Now whenever my Magician attacks, I can remove any number of Spellbooks in my graveyard from play and for each one I can drain five hundred points from your Solar Phoenix Rebirth."

"WHAT!?" Sunset screamed as she watched Twilight remove six cards from her graveyard.

"Don't worry," she said, "their going to a good cause. My Imperial Magician of Twilight gains the same number of points, as your Phoenix loses." In that moment six different Spellbooks appeared infront of the Spellcaster, which all opened and fired a beam of light at Solar Phoenix Rebirth. As the six beams of light struck it the Synchro Monster cried out as its power was drained. (A0/D2500/L8)

Once that happened the six books closed then flew around Imperial Magician of Twilight and formed a circle, before opening and shooting the beams at him. Unlike before as the beams hit him he felt a rush of power as he gained the strength sapped from Rebirth. (A6500/D2800/L10)

"It...can't be," Sunset said, not believing what was happening.

"Oh it can be," Twilight said, "let's do this Imperial Magician of Twilight. ROYAL BLAST!" The Magician fired a massive burst of magical energy, which rocked the earth as it flew toward Solar Phoenix Rebirth. Finally it struck the bird, vaporising it along with the rest of Sunset's monsters.

As Sunset felt the attack wash over her and send her flying off her feet, she felt something inside her click. "I get it now," Sunset said, "why you were so interested in her." With that she smiled.

Twilight: 900 (Winner)
Sunset: 0

As the monsters vanished, everyone was speechless at what had just happened, until finally the silence was broken by Spike.

"SHE DID IT!" He screamed as he jumped in the air.

"YEEHA!" Applejack screamed happily.

Twilight fell to her knees, panting after the tough Duel, but she still smiled. She'd done it, she'd settled the score.

"Twilight," she looked up to see Sunset standing over her, "congrats. You've proven you are the one."

Twilight raised an eyebrow at this. "The one for what?"

"To stand by Flash when the time comes," Sunset said. "You once asked me what Cold has planned for Pendulum card and I didn't say anything. The fact is I had two reasons. The first is because I don't know myself, but I know its not for anything bad. Cold's a good person."

"And the other?"

"Because I didn't think it mattered if you knew," Sunset said, "I thought you were nothing special. But now I see why Cold was so interested in you." She went to her DPM and pressed a button, causing Twilight's to beep making her look down at it.

Twilight Sparkle: 8550Ps

"Wow," Spike said when he and Applejack looked at the points, "that's sure to get you into the finals."

"You earned them," Sunset said turning to leave. "Be careful," she said, "something big is coming and depending on the circumstances your friend Flash might be involved."

"Flash?" Twilight asked, "what do you know?"

"All I know is your friend has one final test before I can be certain," she replied, "and depending on its outcome he might need your help. I was ordered to test you to see if you could handle it and replace you if you couldn't."


"Looks like I get to stay in bed tomorrow," was the last thing she said before she left.

"I wonder what all that was about," Applejack asked.

"If what she said is true," Twilight said, "then we'll need to be careful.

In his office Cold was sitting at a computer which had pictures of all of Flash's friends, their points and best cards. He then pressed a button and the screen switched to a picture of Flash, Flash Heart and the blank card Grand Hoof had given him.

"Times running out," he said, "no choice. One final chance, then I'll have no choice.

Author's Notes:

What did you think to Twilight's answer to Majestic Star Dragon?

We're into the home stretch now.

Turn 49, Flash vs Cold, the Final Battle

"Orchid Cowboy finish him!" Applejack ordered as her monster destroyed her opponents, reducing his life points to zero.

Applejack: 7170Ps

"Gem-Knight Lady Brilliant Diamond," Rarity ordered, "attack!" The knight pierced the opponent and reducing their life points.

Rarity: 6900Ps

""Rainbow Assault Wing Platinum go!" Rainbow said as her monster destroyed her opponent.

Rainbow Dash: 7170Ps

"Attack!" Pinkie ordered as Balloonimal Chimera attacked her opponent defeating them.

Pinkie Pie: 6880Ps

It was the final day of the Celestic Cup's first round and we find most of our heroes in Sugarcube Corner. At noon that day the first round would come to a close and the thirty two Duellists with the highest points, would be sent a message by their DPM. Considering everyone had such high points they felt guaranteed that they were in the finals.

Everyone was there. Twilight and her friends, along with Spike, Shining and Cadance, Scootaloo, Sweetie Bell and Applebloom. Even Grand Hoof and Tidal Wave had shown up.

"Felicitaciones," Tidal said pulling a party popper along with everyone else.

"It was a long road," Shining said, "but you made it."

"We're not entirely sure we've made it to the finals you know," Twilight reminded her brother.

"Oh please," Spike said, "every Duellist we've met has no where near as many points as you guys."

"Yeah," Scootaloo said, "though I doubt we've gotten through. We just ended up losing to much at the end." They held up their DPMs,

Sweetie Bell: 3810Ps

Applebloom: 3770Ps

Scootaloo: 3950Ps

"But now the real battle is just beginning isn't it," Rarity said.

"Yeah," Rainbow said, "the Celestic Cup will be a tournament filled with super strong Duellists."

"We are going to have to focus all our skills to compete," Applejack said.

"I just wonder," Twilight said, "about Flash."

Everyone went quiet at that.

Suddenly the doors opened ringing the bell as a familiar voice said. "Boo."

They all turned to see Flash standing there at the door.

"FLASH!" they all yelled rushing over to him.

"Always with the big entrance huh amigo," Tidal said.

"Flash," Twilight almost whispered seeing him.

"Hey Twilight," he said sheepishly.

"You got some nerve showing up here after the stunt you pulled," she said.

"I know," Flash said, "and I'm sorry."

"So," Grand Hoof said, "I hope it was worth it."

"How many points do you have?" Scootaloo asked her brother, getting her answer when he help up his DPM.

Flash Sentry: 4700Ps

"Only forty seven hundred," Shining said.

"If it wasn't for what happened after the Survival Duel," Rainbow said growling.

"But I'm amazed you were able to get back that many points so quickly," Rarity said.

"But probably not enough to get into the finals," Cadance said.

"Yeah," Flash agreed before turning to his grandfather, "and the card." He pulled out the card he had given him which was still blank.

"It's okay" Grand Hoof said as he held out his phone, "here."

"Thanks," he said taking it. The second he switched it on however the started ringing at a call. "Hello," he answered.

"You know where to meet me," a familiar voice said.

"Cold," he said getting everyone's attention before the phone went dead.

In the construction sight where Flash had Duelled against Cold and Cold against Garble and his cronies, Flash and his friends were waiting.

The time was eleven o'clock and they had been waiting for the better part of an hour.

"How much longer is he gonna be?" Rainbow asked in irritation.

"I'm bored," Pinkie moaned.

"Just wait a little longer," Applejack told them.

It was at that moment the they all heard footsteps. Spinning around they saw Cold Steel casually walking into the area.

"Sorry for the wait," he said stoically, "Flash Sentry."

Flash frowned seeing him again. "So," he said, "mind telling me why you called me all the way out here?"

Cold simply stared at him, until finally he asked. "How many points do you have?"

Flash was surprised by the question, but answered. "Forty seven hundred."

Cold heard this and frowned. "Currently the Duellist in thirty second place has a point total of fifty five hundred."

Everyone heard this and frowned. Sure most of them had made it through, but Flash hadn't.

"It doesn't matter," Flash said, "the only reason I entered this tournament was to meet with you again and get some answers. If I can't make it to the finals, I'll just get the answers I want from you!" He said pointing at him. "You and I have a lot of unfinished business. We need to put an end to it, so we can move forward." He pulled out his Duel Disk and placed it on his arm, "let's Duel!"

Cold continued to stare, but eventually nodded. "If you insist," he said taking out his own Duel Disk, "but when you lose...I will take the deck I let you keep."

Flash knew that demand was coming, but he wouldn't lose.

Cold went to his Duel Disk and clicked something, causing a robotic female voice to speak.


From the Duel Disk came a pulse which covered the whole area, before things started appearing in mid air. They were light green platform like structures that scattered around the area. It was just like his Duel with Garble.

"What is this?" Shining asked.

"Crossover," Twilight replied, "their going to Action Duel."

The two Duellists jumped up onto the same girders they had Duelled on in their last encounter, before activating their Duel Disks and drawing their cards.


Cold: 4000
Flash: 4000

"I'll take the first move," Cold said drawing. "I set scale ten Sol of the Frozen Sun and scale three Frozen Heart Magician, into the Pendulum Scale." The pillars of light appeared on either side of him, as the monster rose up ready. "Now with these two monsters, I can cut through space time and carve tha arc of victory." The portal formed above his head. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and two light shot out and hit the ground.

"Now rise, Frozen Heart Knight." (A1700/D1500/L4)

"And Frozen Heart Gardna." (A800/D2000/L4)

"Two level fours," Rainbow said.

"He's not messing around," Applejack said.

"And now," he said as his monster flew up and into the black hole as it formed, "I use these two monsters to build the Overlay Network." The black hole burst in an explosion of light, "I XYZ SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing, "Frozen Heart Lord of the Hook." (A2400/D1200/R4) "I end my turn with a face down."

"It's my turn," Flash said, "I draw and set my own Pendulum Scale with scale three Alchemy Dracokid and scale eight Magna Caster Estella." The pillars of light appeared on either side of him, as the monster rose up ready for what they had to do. "Now with these two monsters I cut through space time and carve the true arc of victory," he chanted as the portal formed above his head. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and three lights shot out.

"Invoke your moonlight magic, Magna Caster Lunara." (A2400/D1200/L6/P1)

"Feel my passion, Aura Spear Dragon." (A2000/D100/L4)

"Shine your light of victory, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

Everyone cheered seeing Flash pull out the big guns right away.

"With Flash Heart's skill," Flash said, "Lord of the Hook is sent to the bottom of the deck." A worm hole opened up, which the Xyz monster began to fall through.

"I activate Lord of the Hook's ability," Cold said, "by removing one Overlay Unit I can prevent my monster from leaving the field." One of the lights flew into his monsters hook, which he tossed out of the wormhole and hooked around a higher girder, before pulling himself out

Flash wasn't phased. "I activate the Pendulum Ability of Alchemy Dracokid," he said as the little dragon uncorked his beaker and released the smoke. "With this I can perform a Fusion Summon without Polymerisation," he said while his monsters were consumed by the smoke and pulled into the beaker. "Now watch as I fuse the unequalled might of a Dragon, with the mystic properties of a Spellcaster." Alchemy Dracokid uncorked the beaker again as the the smoke flew out. "I FUSION SUMMON!"

The smoke cleared revealing, "Spectral Nova Dragon." (A3000/D2000/L8)

"Now that's how you Duel," Spike said.

"Now I attack," Flash said, "and when Spectral Nova Dragon attacks I get to draw a card and depending on that card I get to activate an effect." He went to his deck and drew his card, "I got a Spell card meaning one of your Spell and Trap cards goes bye bye." The dragon fired a lazor, which struck the face down on Cold's field destroying it. "Now my attack with Mystery Flare Cannon!" The Fusion Dragon fired its twin blasters at the Xyz Monster.

It was in this moment that Cold acted, leaping off a girder and onto one of the solid hologram platforms. Then he jumped off towards a girder where an Action Card rest and grabbed it, before landing on another platform. "I activate the Action Spell Evasion, which will let my monster dodge your attack." Lord of the Hook leaped back, just getting the attack to miss.

Flash growled, but if he could use an Action Card. He looked around and saw one a level up, so leaping off the girder he jumped onto a platform and then to another before leaping over to the card and grabbing it. Seeing what it was he smiled. "I attack Lord of the Hook with Aura Spear Dragon."

"But Aura Spear is four hundred points weaker?" Sweetie asked.

"Unless that Action Card can help," her sister replied.

"I activate the Action Spell Power Level," Flash said, "which causes my monsters ATK point to increase to match yours." (A2400/D100/L4) Aura Spear formed a javelin of energy, which it charged at Lord of the Hook with causing them to both be destroyed. "Thanks for the sacrifice Aura Spear," Flash said. "I end my turn."

"It's my turn," Cold said, "I draw and activate Icicle Crash."

"Aw man," Flash said as the Spell card appeared on the field and from it a sudden burst of cold wind blew, freezing the area around them. Everybody shielded their faces from the wind, before it finally died down and two giant icicles were shown with Frozen Heart Knight and Lord of the Hook inside.

"With this I can banish my two Frozen Heart monsters and add two new Frozen Hearts from my deck to my hand," he said as the icicles shattered and his deck slotted out two cards for him to take. He then leaped off the girder onto another platform before leaping onto another one and then onto another girder, were he picked up an Action Card. "Now I activate Pendulum Recall, which forces both players to return their Pendulum Cards to the deck."

Flash growled but took Dracokid and Estella and placed them back on his deck as Cold did the same.

"Now we can draw two new cards," Cold said before they drew. "Next I'm resetting the Pendulum Scale, with scale two Frozen Heart Demon and scale nine Frozen Heart Angel." The pillars of light once again appeared, as two new Pendulum Monster rose up. One looked like a woman in blue clothing, with pale blue skin and wings made out of ice. The other was a a gargoyle like creature made entirely off ice. "Unleash your powers to cut through space time and carve arc of victory," Cold chanted as the portal began to form. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and two lights shot out.

"Arise Frozen Heart Enchantress." (A800/D1600/L4)

"And Frozen Heart Lancer." A monster that looked like Frozen Heart Knight appeared holding a lance. (A1800/D1300/L4)

"Since Frozen Heart Enchantress was Special Summoned her ability activates, letting me return Frozen Heart Gardna to my hand." Cold removed a card from his grave and placed it in his hand, "now I activate the ability of Frozen Heart Statue Norr. By discarding it I can now Fusion Summon." The ice sculpture appeared before it exploded creating a wormhole, which sucked his two monsters inside. "Ice is an element that symbolises both strength and fragility, and when two pieces of ice meet they freeze together to make and even stronger piece." The portal exploded, releasing a burst of light. "I FUSION SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing, "Frozen Heart Lord of the Sword." (A2000/D1500/L6) "Now attack!" he ordered, making his monster raise its swords and charge at Spectral Nova Dragon.

"But Spectral Nova Dragon has a thousand more ATK points?" Fluttershy asked.

"He must be a reason," Twilight said.

"Now my Frozen Heart Demon's Pendulum ability activates," Cold said. "Since a Frozen Heart monster is battling a Special Summoned monster, then mine gains half the ATK points of yours for the turn." The gargoyle opened its mouth and fired a burst of snow that surrounded the Fusion Monster, as it attacked the other Fusion Monster. (A3500/D1500/L6) Lord of the Sword used its swords and ran the dragon through, destroying it.

Cold: 4000
Flash: 3500

"I end my turn."

"My turn," Flash said, "I draw and activate Stardust Reload. With this I can banish one monster from my graveyard and then draw cards equal to its level, so by removing Aura Spear I can draw four new cards." He drew his cards and nodded. "Now I reset my Pendulum Scale with scale two Magna Mechanic Kuda and scale seven Flash Knight," he placed his cards on his Duel Disk as the pillars of light appeared besides him and the monsters rose up. "Now watch as I cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," he chanted as the portal formed above his head. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and four lights shot out and hit the ground.

"Howl to the moon, Shine Craft Magna Wolf." (A1200/D1100/L3)

"Sky high, Brass Wing Magna Hawk." (A1400/D800/L4)

"Slice and Dice, Magna Fighter Lucidum." (A1000/D1000/L3/P2)

"Get to work, Glow Craft Magna Fox." (A1600/D1300/L4/P7)

"It's an army of monsters," Scootaloo cheered.

"But none of them can defeat Lord of the Sword," Applebloom stated.

"Don't worry," Twilight said, "this isn't the same Flash who lost to him before."

Grand Hoof nodded. "This is the true power of Flash's Pendulum."

"With Magna Hawk's ability," Flash said, "up to three random cards from your hand return to the deck then you shuffle and drew the same number." Since Cold only had two cards he returned them to his deck, which shuffled before he drew two more. "Since two cards were returned to the deck," he went on, "my Magna Wolf gains six hundred attack points." (A1800/D1100/L3)

"But that's still not strong enough to beat Lord of the Sword?" Pinkie asked.

"Did you forget who's in the Pendulum zone?" Shining replied making everyone gasp.

"With Kuda's Pendulum Ability I can turn one level three or below monster on my field into a Tuner Monster," Flash said as Kuda fired the energy from his spanner hitting Lucidum. "Now I tune my level three Lucidum with level four Magna Hawk," Lucidum glowed and then transformed into three lights which carved three circles for Magna Hawk to fly into. "With skills born through work and dedication, raise your sword for battle," the monsters disappeared in a burst of light. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing, "Magna Champion Assault Striker." (A2500/D2100/L7)

"YES!" everyone yelled.

"Magna Champion attack!" Flash yelled as his Synchro Monster brandished its blades and charged at Lord of the Sword.

Cold leaped off the girder he was on to a lower one, then onto a platform before finally jumping onto another girder where he picked up an Action Card just as the attack landed. Lord of the Sword was destroyed, but Cold activate the Action Card just as it happened

Cold: 3500
Flash: 3500

"I activate the Action Spell Damage Guard," he said. "When a monster that's level five or higher is destroyed I can activate it, and for the rest of the turn any damage I take it halved.

"That's fine," Flash said, "damage is still damage. Magna Wolf attack," his monster jumped from girder to girder before reach cold and slashing him down the middle.

Cold: 2600
Flash: 3500

"Magna Fox," Flash ordered as his monsters tails ignited with light, which it fired and hit Cold.

Cold: 1800
Flash: 3500

Flash leaped towards a platform leading to a staircase of platforms, which he climbed before leaping onto a girder where an Action Card laid. He took the card and smiled seeing it, "I activate Pendulum Recall. Now we both return our Pendulum Cards to our decks which shuffle, then we can draw two new cards." They did so, returning the cards to the decks which shuffled before they drew. "I end my turn."

"It's my turn," Cold said, "I draw and I summon Frozen Heart Statue Söder in ATK mode. (A900/D700/L3) "And when he's summoned I can summon another Frozen Heart from my graveyard." Frozen Heart Lance reappeared on the field. "And now I tune level three Frozen Heart Statue Söder, with level four Frozen Heart Lancer." The Tuner monster changed into three lights which carved the circle for Lancer to jump into, before they disappeared in a flash of light. "I SYNCHRO SUMMON!"

The light faded revealing, "Frozen Heart Lord of the Javelin." (A2500/D2200/L7) "Attack Magna Champion!"

"But they'll both be destroyed?" Flash said.

"Not once I activate Frozen Heart Lancer's ability from the graveyard," Cold said, "by removing him I can increase my monsters ATK by five hundred points for this turn." (A3000/D2200/L7) Lord of the Javelin threw its weapon at Magna Champion, impaling him into destruction."

Cold: 1800
Flash: 3000

Flash began to lose balance as his monster was destroyed and fell off the girder.

"FLASH!" everyone yelled seeing him fall, before he managed to grab the girder then swing onto a platform.

"That was close," Flash said catching his breath

"I end my turn with a face down," Cold said.

"Man," Flash said, "every time I up my game, he ups his twice over." He looked around and saw his monsters looking at him, both with a smile on their faces which made him smile. "But we've still got a lot more to prove," he looked down at his deck, "don't we?" He closed his eyes and felt the images of everything he'd been through, flash before him. "From the first time I encountered you guys, things happened fast." His mind went to the day he'd found his deck in his locker and how he had ended up Duelling Garble. "From that day onwards, my fate changed its course forever."

He opened his eyes and turned to look down at his friends, all cheering him on to victory. "And now here I am, facing a future I never even imagined possible. I didn't mind being alone, I'd always thought that's how life would be for me. However..." He closed his eyes and imagined himself in total darkness, but surround by the monsters of his deck who were all there to support him. "Thanks to our encounter, my life has taken a drastically different path." In his mind his monster began to disappear, until only Flash Heart Dragon remained. "Thank you," he said to Flash Heart who nodded before vanishing.

Flash opened his eyes to look at Cold, a new look of determination on his face. "It's my turn," he said, "I draw and with scale five Lumino Jaw Dragon and scale eight Magna Caster Solaris I set the Pendulum Scale." The pillars of light appeared once again as the monsters rose up, ready to put an end to this Duel. "Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory," Flash chanted as the portal formed above his head. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and a single light shot out.

"Shine your light of victory once again, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"ALRIGHT!" everyone cheered seeing his ace.

"With Flash Heart's skill," Flash continued, "Lord of the Javelin to the bottom of the deck." A wormhole opened, which the Synchro Monster fell through. "With that, my Magna Wolf gains three hundred ATK points." (A1500/D1100/L3) "ATTACK!" The wolf leaped at Cold, ready to strike.

"Go," Cold said as his face down flipped up, "Draining Shield. With this instead of losing life points, I gain them."

Cold: 3300
Flash: 3000

"Oh no," Fluttershy said.

"It's not over yet," Flash said "Magna Fox." His last monster fired a blast which struck Cold.

Cold: 1700
Flash: 3000

"I end my turn."

Cold remained stoic in his demeanour as he drew his card. "In the heat of battle a players true character is revealed," he said making Flash remember how he'd said that before. Cold glared at Flash hard, "I'm attacking with everything I've got. To try and stop it your gonna need to risk everything."

Everyone felt slightly scared hearing him say that.

"I play Pot of Greed," Cold said, "to draw two cards." He did so and nodded seeing his cards. "I reset the Pendulum Scale, with scale one Måne of the Frozen Moon and scale ten Sol of the Frozen Sun." The pillars of light appeared as the monster rose up. "Cut through space time and carve the arc of final victory!" Cold yelled as the portal formed. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and a single light shot out, crashing into the ground a creating a storm a freezing wind.

"Appear to freeze everything on this battle field in place, FROZEN HEART DRAGON!" (A3000/D2500/L8/P5)

Everyone stared at the dragon in horror. This was no doubt his best card and Flash would need to find a way to defeat it, if he ever wanted to finally defeat Cold Steel. But the question was, could he?"

"Are you ready for this?" Cold asked, "Flash Sentry."

"Oh you bet I am," Flash said, sounding just a serious as Cold. "Bring it on."

Author's Notes:

The final battle. Will Flash win or will Cold prove to much for him to overcome?

Turn 50, Flash Heart vs Frozen Heart, the Deciding Battle

The Duel between Flash Sentry and Cold Steel continued. Despite Flash having more life points, Cold had just Pendulum Summoned Frozen Heart Dragon who far outmatched any of Flash's monsters.

"Flash Heart verses Frozen Heart," Grand Hoof said, "an interesting match up."

"Oh man," Scootaloo said, "that dragon is so powerful."

"Do you think Flash can defeat it?" Applebloom asked.

"A'h don't know," Applejack answered her sister. "This might be to much for Flash to overcome."

"No," they all turned to Twilight, who stared up at the Duel with no worry in her eyes. "He can do this."

"Yeah," Rainbow agreed, "he's faced off against countless powerful Duellists and took them down."

"Got that right," Shining said, "after all he is the guy who beat me."

"And me," Tidal said cheerfully, "you can do this amigo."

Flash nodded, still looking up at Frozen Heart Dragon. He could beat this monster but he'd need to be careful, since Frozen Heart Dragon could double its ATK points by tributing two monsters. Also the dragon was completely immune to Monster Effects so he couldn't use Flash Heart Dragon's ability. "It doesn't matter," Flash said shaking his head, "I can still win. That oversized snow cone won't get the best of me."

"You think so?" Cold said, "let's see if that's true. Witness the full power of my Pendulum Monsters, as Frozen Heart Dragon attacks Flash Heart Dragon!" The giant ice dragon rose into the air and held up one of its clawed hands, which suddenly fired a burst of frozen wind.

As the wind flew towards his ace, Flash jumped off the platform towards another, before jumping towards a girder where an Action Card sat. It was at that moment that the wind struck Flash Heart, covering it in ice before it shattered sending a wave of energy which knocked Flash away from the Action Card.

Cold: 1700
Flash: 2500

"Sorry bud," he said as he landed onto a platform.

"I end my turn."

"It's...my turn," Flash said shakily getting up, "I draw and once again carve the arc of victory." The portal formed above his head, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and a single light shot out.

"Shine your light of victory once again, Flash Heart Dragon." (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

"Flash Heart again huh?" Cold said seeing the robotic dragon take a defensive stance.

"I switch Magna Wolf and Magna Fox to DEF mode," Flash said, "then I'll set one card face down and end my turn."

"My turn," Cold said, "I draw and with my Pendulum Scale I will now carve the arc of victory." The portal formed above his head. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and a single blue light shot out and hit the ground.

"Arise, Frozen Heart Golem." (A2800/D1800/L7) "Attack Magna Fox," he ordered as his golem charged at the fox and pounded it with its giant fist.

"And now Frozen Heart Dragon destroy Magna Wolf," Cold said as her monster prepared its ice blast.

"I activate my Trap," Flash said as his face down flipped up, "Interception. With this a stronger monster can take the hit for Magna Wolf, so Flash Heart's stepping in." Flash's ace leaped infront of the wolf, once again being frozen in place before getting destroyed.

"Why'd he do that?" Sweetie asked, "it's not like he would have lost life points."

"But now he can summon Flash Heart next turn," Rarity explained.

"Meaning he can use his ability and get rid of Frozen Heart Golem," Cadance finished.

"In order to activate Frozen Heart Dragon's ability," Twilight said, "he needs to sacrifice two monsters."

"It's my turn," Flash said, "I draw and PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal formed and opened, allowing a light to shot out and hit the ground revealing Flash Heart in DEF mode. "Flash Heart's skill," Flash said, "Golem to the bottom of the deck." A worm hole opened below the ice monster, sucking it up into the void. "I end my turn with a face down."

"Then it's my turn," Cold said, "I draw and play the Spell card Pendulum Draw. This card allows me to draw three cards, but then deals me two hundred points of damage for every card that isn't a Pendulum." Cold drew his cards and looked at them before saying, "only two are Pendulums." He was suddenly zapped by electricity.

Cold: 1500
Flash: 2500

"Now my Pendulum Scale will swing and carve the arc of victory," Cold said as the portal formed above his head. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal open and two beams of light shot out.

"Arise, Frozen Heart Angel." (A300/D200/L2/P9)

"And Frozen Heart Demon." (A1900/D2100/L5/P2)

Everyone gasped seeing this. With those two he could activate Frozen Heart's ability.

"Now I tribute Frozen Heart Angel and Demon," Cold said as his dragon grabbed hold of the two monsters, raising them up as they became covered in ice, before crushing them into nothing. "Now my Dragon's ATK points double for the turn." (A6000/D2500/L8/P5) "Next I activate the Spell card in my hand," Cold said, "Stamping Destruction. With this I can destroy one Spell or Trap card and deal the owner five hundred points of damage."

Flash looked over at his face down, which suddenly exploded with the bits hitting him.

Cold: 1500
Flash: 2000

"Now I activate the effects of my Frozen Heart Angel and Demon in the Extra Deck," Cold continued. "By removing them from play I can destroy one random Spell or Trap card on your field with Angel's ability, while Demon's ability does the same with a random monster. Also you'll receive five hundred points of damage for each one."

Flash looked over at his field and saw Angel appear infront of Lumino Jaw Dragon in the Pendulum zone, while Demon appeared infront of Magna Wolf. They both placed a hand of the cards, causing them to become frozen before shattering.

Cold: 1500
Flash: 1000

"Flash is down to only a thousand life points," Scootaloo said in concern.

"But with Flash Heart in DEF mode he'll be fine," Rainbow reassured her.

"Don't be so sure little girl," Cold said as the leaped of his girder to a lower one. There he grabbed an Action Card, "I activate Marionette. With this I can change the battle position of any monster on your side of the field.

Everyone's eyes went wide as they watched strings shoot out of Cold's Duel Disk, hitting Flash Heart who Cold pulled into a standing position.

"But with the difference in their monsters ATK power," Cadance said, "and Flash's remaining life points means that if this attack gets through.

"Oh me amigo," Tidal said, "You will not be able to survive."

"It's over," Cold said, "FROZEN HEART DRAGON ATTACK!" His monster prepared its final attack.

Flash was shaking, but wasn't giving up. There had to be a way to stop this. It was at that moment that Flash remembered the Action Card he'd failed to grab earlier, and began his trek to reach that girder again.

"It's pointless," Cold said, "give up!" At that moment his monster fired its attack at Flash Heart.

"Never!" Flash yelled as he leaped towards the girder. Time seemed to slow down as everything happened, with Flash drawing closer to the card and the attack striking his dragon and causing an explosion.

"FLASH!" everyone screamed.

Cold sighed looking over at the smoke cloud and turned to leave, when suddenly.

"That was to close," he turned back around as the smoke cleared to see Flash standing on the girder.

Cold: 1500
Flash: 500

"But how?" Cold asked.

"Right before your attack hit I managed to activate the Action Spell Emergency Trap," Flash explained. "By paying half my life points I was able to activate the effects of a Trap in my graveyard, so the Defence Draw your Stamping Destruction destroyed neutralised the damage and let me draw one card."

Cold stared at him in intrigue.

"Man that was to close," Shining said.

"But even surviving that," Twilight said, "Flash is down to only five hundred life points. Plus his Pendulum Scale has been broken."

Flash heard this and had to agree. He had drawn Lightspeed thanks to his Trap, but without a monster it was useless. "I hate to admit it," Flash said, "but your good...I mean really good at Duelling."

Cold frowned at this, but cracked a small smile. "I end my turn, but we both know what this all means."

"Yeah," Flash said, "there's probably zero chance of me surviving my next turn, so the outcome of this battle...will be decided right now!"

"Flash just made a final turn declaration," Tidal cheered hearing that.

"Now you've declared it you gotta follow through," Shining said.

"I don't wanna see some lame attack," Rainbow yelled, "you hear me."

Flash nodded and drew his card, seeing Reverse Polarity. He needed to find a way to reset his Pendulum Scale, and had just seen the one card that could help him do that. "Here we go," Flash yelled leaping off the girder towards a platform, before leaping to another and another on route to the very top of the construction. While he moved, he couldn't help but think back on the times he and Cold had squared off. The first time they'd faced each other, Flash had been just a newb and was quickly defeated in what had turned into a very one sided battle. Then the second time they'd fought, Flash had thought he'd mastered everything there was with Pendulum Summoning only to be shown he'd barely scratched the surface.

He finally reached the highest girder, where the Action Card sat waiting. Grabbing it he looked at what it was and smiled. "I activate the Action Spell Destiny Pendulum, which lets me take a Pendulum Monster in my Extra Deck with a scale of five or lower and place it in the Pendulum zone." His Extra Deck opened and he pulled out a card, which he slapped on his Duel Disk, as the pillar to his right reappeared and Lunara rose up. "This Spell card also increase its Pendulum Scale by five," Flash said as Lunara's number changed from one to six.

"That means he can only summon level seven monsters," Twilight said.

Flash looked over at his magicians and smiled. "Solaris, Lunara. It's time to cut through space time and carve the arc of victory one last time!" The wizards raised their staffs and fired the magic beams, opening the portal above Flash's head. At that moment Flash leaped off the girder and began to free fall, as he let out a great cry." I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and a single light shot out, flying past Flash towards the ground.

"It's time for your light of victory to shine, brighter then ever before. FLASH HEART DRAGON!" (A2500/D2000/L7/P4)

Flash's ace flew up, just as Flash landed on his back between his jets. He looked up at Cold with a hardened stare. "you once told me that my Duelling was cowardly, that I hid behind my monsters. Well does this look cowardly? I'm going to battle alongside my monsters, and nothing you throw at us will stop that."

Cold continued to stare at the teen, but in his mind he knew that this wasn't the same kid as before. "Then show me," Cold said as he leaped off the girder and onto his dragons head, "show me the power of you and your deck."

"I activate the Spell card Reverse Polarity," Flash said, "to increase my dragon's ATK points to match yours." (A3000/D2000/L7/P4) "Meanwhile yours will decrease by the same amount." (A2500/D2500/L8/P5) "Next I activate the Spell card Lightspeed, which will increase my Light Monster's ATK points be a thousand." Light surrounded Flash and his monster, as its power rose even higher. (A4000/D2000/L7/P4)

Everyone gasped seeing this.

"Let's do this," Flash said to Flash Heart, "Partner!" The Pendulum Monsters jets ignited, firing to two of them towards Cold and his dragon. "Into our future!" With one mighty swing Flash Heart launched a punch that struck Frozen Heart Dragon's midsection, shattering it and unleashing a mighty burst of light which enveloped everything. Cold was sent flying off his dragon as it was destroyed, but despite that he had a smile on his face.

"So this is why," he said, "it had to be you."

Cold: 0
Flash: 500 (Winner)

As the attack ended Flash felt himself be enveloped by the light. Looking around all he could see was white, as far as the eye can see.

"Finally, I heard you." Flash froze hearing the sound of someone new, "I heard your voice." He spun around a his eyes went wide at what he saw. A beautiful fairy like creature, at about two feet in height with silvery skin and a green dress along with sparkling insect wings and purple hair. The two stared at each other intensely, before the creature smiled at him. "Welcome home," it said happily while Flash remained still and unable to talk, "nice to see you again." It held its dainty hand out towards him as his own hand lifted up subconsciously, making the two touch which caused a brilliant light to pulse from their hands causing Flash to close his eyes.

When Flash opened his eyes he found himself back in the construction sight, standing on the ground. Cold was also on the ground, pushing himself up.

Suddenly he realised something and went into his jacket pocket, before pulling out the card Grand Hoof had given him. The card was revealed to be glowing, before the light exploded off the card revealing a new one in its place. That card was a level one monster, with a picture of the creature Flash had just met in his vision. Reading the card name he felt a sense of familiarity to it and spoke. "Vail Pixie, is that you?"

That name struck a cord with two people there. Both Cold and Grand gasped at hearing that name.

Flash continued to stare at the card, until a sound caught his attention. It was laughter, which was coming from...Cold.

As he picked himself up off the ground, Cold's gentle chuckle broke out into a full on laughing fit as he walked over to the teen and held out a hand. "I'm Cold Steel."

Flash was startled by the question, only to remember their first Duel and smiled back taking the hand. "I know who you are." They had one firm shake before Flash was bombarded by his friends.

Once the excitement died down everyone gathered around to see Flash's new card.

"Vail Pixie," Twilight said, "is that?"

"The card Gramps gave me," Flash replied, "the one my mom made. It was completely blank up until now."

"That card is more important then you realise," Cold said. "The fact that it's here proves your ready."

"Ready for what?" Flash asked, "it's about time I got some answers."

"In time," Cold replied, "but before then I must ask what you all know of the Duel Monster Spirit World?"

Almost everyone was confused by the question, until Twilight spoke. "Isn't that the place where the origanal monsters summoned to this world by the ancient Egyptians are said to have come from."

"Isn't that just a legend?" Spike asked.

"No," they heard Cold say, "that place is quiet real and it is where everything starts."

"Go on," Flash said.

"Centuries ago a darkness existed in the Spirit World," Cold explained, "which threatened to destroy it. In retaliation the strongest monsters of the time rallied together into an army, which managed to push back the darkness. That army, are the monsters in your deck Flash."

Everyone gasped, before looking down at Flash's deck. "My monsters battled a great evil."

"And defeated it," Cold went on. "They used their great power to open a breach into a realm of shadows where they sealed the evil away. But now someone wishes to unseal that evil and if that happens, both our world and the Spirit World will be in great danger."

"Who is this person?" Rarity asked.

"My brother," Cold replied, "Sombra. He believed that the Duel Monster Spirit World existed and that there were breeches leading from here to there. He mounted an expedition around the world to find one of these breeches, with many great scientists and explores following in toe." He turned to Flash and Scootaloo, "including your parents."

"My mom and dad?" Flash asked, "but they disappeared-"

"Twenty years ago," Cold finished, "my brother also disappeared along with them but there's something not known by anyone else."

"What?" Flash asked.

"That the accident that caused your parent's disappearance was no accident," he said, "and it was caused by Sombra."

Everyone went wide eyed at that.

"The fact is that Sombra and your parents didn't die that day as I'm sure is obvious," Cold said, "but in fact they fell through a breech."

"Wait," Flash said, "Are you saying?"

"Your parents, Trail Blazer and Misty Vail, were sent to the Duel Monster Spirit Realm."

Everybody's mouths went wide.

"I now it's a lot to take in," Cold said.

"Oh no," Flash said sarcastically, "I find out my parent were sucked into another dimension all the time. This is nothing."

"How do you even know all this?" Twilight asked, "you were like five when it happened."

"I learned about this from someone who experienced it," Cold replied, "your father Trail Blazer."

"You met our dad?" Scootaloo asked.

"Yes," he replied, "long ago. By chance or fate we crossed paths and when he learned who I was he explained what was happening. While your parent fell into the Spirit Realm, my brother Sombra instead ended up somewhere else. The realm of shadow where the evil was sealed."

"And he intends to unleash it," Grand Hoof guessed.

"Yes," Cold said, "but instead of the Spirit Realm he intends to bring it here."

"And what does this have to do with me?" Flash asked.

"When your parents learned of this, they devised a way to stop it by bringing their own power to this world. The monsters who originally defeated the evil."

"Flash's deck?" Twilight asked.

Cold nodded. "Your mother created the cards and your father brought them here to do battle, however there was a flaw in the plan. In order to have the power needed to defeat this evil, the cards were infused with the spirits of the monsters themselves. Instead of being simple representations like most cards, they had to forge a connection between the two worlds. Unfortunately the more powerful cards required more power, more then both your mother and father could give. To this extent the card would remain blank in this world, until a proper connection could be made.

"So Flash was able to forge that connection?" Rarity asked.

"Why me?" Flash asked, "I'm nothing special."

"Wrong Flash," Cold said, "the fact is your more special then you've been lead to believe. Your capable of opening the gates between this world and the next, because you yourself are a product of both worlds."

"What are you saying?" Flash asked warily.

"I'm saying that though your origin is of this world," Cold explained, "you actually came into being in the other."

"Hang on," Twilight said, "if I get what your say then...Flash."

"Was born in the Duel Monster Spirit Realm," Cold finished.

Once again everyone went quiet.

"Because of this you share a connection with that world, allowing you to call the cards down to the blank cards," Cold said. "I was tasked with making sure you completed that objective, be pushing you to improve your Duelling skills, thus improving your ability. Now the deck is ready to face the evil." He held out his hand, "I'm giving you a choice now. Either hand me the deck and return to your normal life, or keep it and know you may one day have to face a great danger."

Flash was taken aback by the choice, but looked down at his deck. "These cards are more then just paper and ink to me, they've become a part of my soul. If they have some great destiny then its my destiny too." He looked up at him, "I won't give these cards to anyone else."

Cold remained stoic for a moment before smiling. "I should have guessed as much. Very well, but you still have a ways to go before your ready to save the world. For now focus on the finals," he held up his wrist, "and to help with that." He pressed a button, causing Flash's DPM to beep.

Flash looked down and his eyes went wide.

Flash Sentry: 9500Ps

"Wow," Spike said, "I've never seen so many points."

It was in that second that they heard bells ringing. It was noon, the first round was over.

"Congratulations," Cold said, "your in the finals." He turned to leave, "I'll be in touch." And with that he left.

"Wait!" Flash called but he was already gone, leaving him feeling like he had more questions then answers. Suddenly he felt someone take hold of his hand, making him turn to see Twilight standing there with an assuring smile on her face. Flash smiled back, knowing that whatever was to come, he would be ready.

Later on we find the gang back at Sugarcube Corner, enjoying the party they had left to see Cold, celebrating the fact that Flash and the girls had all made it into the finals.

"PARTY TIME!" Pinkie screamed as everyone laughed, holding up their glass for a toast.

Meanwhile Flash was stilling on a couch looking at the Vail Pixie he'd summoned.

"Flash?" he looked up to see his sister and grandfather above him, "you okay?" Scootaloo asked.

"Yeah," Flash said, "though I wish I knew what to do with this."

"I think you should add it to your deck," Grand said, "I'm sure she'd like that as well as your mother."

"Yeah," Flash said remembering the events of meeting the monster, "you could be right. This might be another fateful encounter. Let's do it...here's to a new future."

In a desert area a man in a cloak along with a small cloaked creature sat around a fire. The creature then looked up suddenly, as if feeling something. "What is it?" The man asked noticing this. However the creature simply stared at the moon and the man knew why. "I see," he said before removing the cloak and revealing Vail Pixie, "then it'll be starting soon."

That night many people reported seeing a strange creature flying through the skies over the desert, before disappearing in a flash.

A few days later the gang had just finished their remedial classes, after skipping a whole month of school. They had been taking so long that the sun was starting to set as they walked down the halls.

"That was hell," Rainbow moaned.

"You agreed to this when you signed up for the tournament," Twilight said.

"Yeah," Flash said spinning around to talk, "besides it's not that difficult."

As that moment the group turned a corner and Flash saw everyone suddenly freeze as they saw something. "What's the matter?" he asked but no one replied. Deciding to turn around, he suddenly froze at what he saw.

There, standing at his open locker, was Cold Steel. The man had a familiar brown envelope in his hand, which was suspended in midair as he looked at them. Recovering first Cold placed the envelope in the locket and closed it, before turning to leave without a word as the teen remained silent.

Once outside Cold cracked a smile. "Caught in the act," he said as he walked away.

Barely a second later Flash's voice echoed through the halls.


Author's Notes:

And done.

I'd like to thank every one of my supporters who have helped make this story a reality. When I first started writing this, I never thought a guy like me could finish such long story. But here we are five months later.

Even though it was me writing it, just know that it was you, the audience, who made this story possible. Without your support and comments, I probably would have given up at chapter ten. But you kept me going.

A special thanks to certain individuals.

SuperSonicHeroes: The first commenter who commented on every chapter. Helping me with the silly mistakes I overlooked and who edited the first several chapters. :twilightsmile:

Foxhelm: Lots of your comments gave me ideas to help fill in the blanks I'd usually have trouble filling. :twilightsmile:

YuGiOh Brony: Thanks for lending me your OC. If it's alright I'd like to use him in the sequel. :twilightsmile:

Thanks to the rest of you who also commented and shared your ideas.

As you probably realised by now there will be a sequel story coming out in the near future, titled Yugioh, Equestria Girls-Shadow Gates. I hope you enjoy it as much as this.

Until next time. Good bye

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