
The NLAC Has To Deal With What?!

by Odeinoichus

Chapter 21: Aria Crashes Sonata's What?!

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Chapter 21

Scribe sat at the table waiting for the girls. It was a surreal experience sitting in a public restaurant without any clothes on. This place was definitely high-class, in spite of being catered to a niche market of the Canterlot social scene.

Fiddling with the bread sticks, he wondered how he was going to deal with Pinkie and Sonata. They’d barged into his private first date with Lemon, and he was still a little unsure about the entire dating Lemon Zest thing. He was physically attracted to her, there was no doubt about that. And she certainly kept her body in good shape. She had, by his estimation, a C-Cup and the tightest looking ass he’d ever seen.

But it was more than just physical. Out of all the girls he knew, Lemon was the closest to him, besides Sugarcoat. She was the party girl, the one he kept all those Headphones around in case hers broke when they were out, because she looked so cute when she was dancing and stuff.

Scribe felt his cheeks flushing as he remembered simpler times. When he was younger, well ok when they were all younger, he started out with a crush on Sunny Flare out of all of them. She was cute and really protective of him, but then – after he had met Diamond and Silver – he started to feel differently and he may have switched his crush from Sunny to Lemon.

And here he was on a date with Lemon Zest, and he felt way more nervous than he ought to be. His mind drifted back to Friday’s party again and a dopey smile spread across his face as he recalled some of the issues he’d had to deal with.


Immediately snapping out of his daydreams, Scarlet Scribe snapped to attention. Only years of etiquette lessons drilled into his head made him get up so he could pull Lemon’s chair out.

“At ease soldier,” Sonata said with a giggle.

Scribe’s cheeks flushed a deep crimson as he realized he’d let his mental discipline lapse just a little. Quickly, almost painfully, he sat back down to hide his shame from the girls. “Shit,” he cursed under his breath.

Pinkie, equally as nervous as her male acquaintance shook her head as she helped Sonata sit down. “Not cool, Sonata.”

Sonata frowned. “What? He doesn’t have anything to be ashamed of. His package is totally fine. In fact, it looks a bit bigger than average. Lemon really knows how ta pick ‘em!”

Lemon coughed awkwardly. “AHEM…so, what kind of food do they serve here?” she asked in a desperate attempt to change the subject.

Scribe picked up a menu and hid his face behind it. “Oh, well… are they serious?” His eyes widened when he noticed the prices of the dishes.

C’est beaucoup!” Sonata added after glancing at the menu. “I haven’t seen prices like these since Dagi took us to that fancy restaurant in Paris right after they built the Eiffel Tower.”

Pinkie giggled briefly, but her hair started to deflate. “Maybe tagging along wasn’t the best idea I’ve ever had...”

Scribe smiled briefly. “Don’t worry about the prices ladies. Order whatever you’d like. Tonight should be special for all of us.”

“What?” Sonata glanced at Scribe in surprise.

Lemon grinned. “I could cover this too, Scribe,” she reminded.

Scribe chuckled briefly. “Yeah, I know, but this is our first time together and it’s going to be special. And as for you girls…” he turned to Pinkie and Sonata and gave them a broad smile. “You both put up with a lot of stuff this past Saturday, and I would be remiss if I didn’t thank you properly by giving you something to cherish as well for your first fun outing as a couple.”

Sonata glared at Scribe. “I’m not some poor starving orphan here, Scribey. Just because I don’t live in a mansion or hire fancy chauffeurs doesn’t mean that I can’t afford to eat here.”


“Um… well…” Scribe trailed off without knowing what to really say after that.

Sonata laughed briefly and leaned across the table. The close proximity of this Goddess of the Sea did little to abort the stiffness in his lap. “But I’m not going to say no to a free meal,” she said with a wink. With a mischievous giggle, Sonata leaned back and returned to looking at the menu.

Pinkie frowned at her girlfriend’s actions.

Scribe simply shook his head, rolled his eyes, and turned to face Lemon. “I’m sorry.”

Lemon smirked and shook her head. “Don’t apologize, this is already starting to be a memorable first date. It’ll be a story we can tell the kids someday,” she teased good naturedly.

Sputtering incoherently Scribe tried to regain control of himself when Genevieve returned to the table.

“Have you all made a decision on your appetizers yet?”

“Huh?” Sonata frowned slightly.

“Just water to start, we’re still deciding,” Scribe replied for the group.

“Tres bon, tres bon,” Genevieve said with a nod. “Monsieur Le Grave insists you not worry about the entree, he is preparing the house special.”

Scribe nodded. “Which would be?”

Genevieve leaned forward, thankfully her apron kept her cleavage covered up, and pointed to a line on the menu. “The Paidakia dish is the house specialty, the ingredients are flown in fresh each day, and the scalloped potatoes are excellent.”

Pinkie appeared a bit lost.

Sonata smiled however. “Do you have Chianti?” she asked.

Genevieve frowned as she glanced at the teen. “Pardon moi, madam but we do not serve alcohol to under-age guests.”

Sonata pouted and crossed her arms over her chest stubbornly. “But I’m over a thousand years old!” she complained.

Pinkie giggled nervously. “Oh, Sonata, don’t be silly.” Turning to Genevieve she offered an apologetic smile. “We’ll just stick with ginger ale for the main dish.”

Sonata instantly cheered up. “Oh goody! At least it has bubbles,” she said clapping her hands happily.

Lemon grinned at the antics of the other couple and then turned to Genevieve. “Please get us that water. We’ll be sure to have our appetizers selected when you get back.”

“Oui, I shall return.” Genevieve turned and walked off.

Scribe smiled as he glanced around the room, from what little he could see it was just like any other restaurant. The only difference was the fact the diners weren’t wearing anything. Although, because of the cozy booth-style nature of the tables, all he could see was the couple across from them and the wait staff. “This is nice.”

“Totally!” Pinkie’s hair poofed up as she cheered up. “We’re sorry about barging in, but thanks a lot for letting us tag along.”

“I didn’t really have much of a choice,” Scribe muttered.

“What was that?” Sonata demanded with a glare.

Scribe coughed. “Oh, it was my pleasure!” he exclaimed with false cheer and a huge smile spreading across his face.

Sonata’s glare intensified.

Silence fell over the group as they resumed examining their menus. The two hyper-active teenage girls across from Lemon and Scribe were a lot more subdued in this type of setting than either of them would have expected. Pinkie wasn’t jabbering non-stop about parties, or cakes, or anything and seemed to just sit there slightly unsure of herself.

At least Sonata wasn’t complaining about tacos not being on the menu.

“What’s Spanakopita?” Pinkie asked suddenly.

“It’s spinach, feta cheese and dried dill wrapped in phyllo dough,” Sonata replied.

Pinkie giggled. “Such a silly name, and I thought kumquat was fun to say.”

“It’s Gryphonian,” Scribe stated.

Sonata nodded along. “It’s pretty good. Not as good as tacos, but it tastes yummy. Want some?” she asked Pinkie with a smile.

Pinkie nodded. “Sure! I love trying new food.”

The two leaned closer and kissed as they both put their menus down.

Scribe tried not to think about it, he was not going to let two girls kissing in front of him affect him. Nope. Definitely not. If only he could calm the fuck down damnit, curse the male libido and it’s easily affected nature in teenage males, which he was of course. one of.

“Would you like to try that as well, Lemon?” Scribe asked.

Lemon shook her head. “That’s ok. I think I’d rather have the Gryphon salad.”

“Oh, sure, cool.” Scribe glanced over the prices for everything being selected, including the house special, and immediately decided he didn’t need an appetizer. His mom was going to kill him for spending so much on food as it was, and he was only dating the one girl.

“Here is your water.” Genevieve returned at that moment with the four glasses of water.

Pinkie took hers and gulped a large portion of it down. Sonata blinked at her reaction, but took her water without comment. Lemon grinned and took hers.

Scribe nodded and accepted his glass. “We are all ready to order the appetizers.”

Genevieve smiled happily and removed the pad and pencil from her apron pockets. “Bon, que désirez-vous?”

“We’ll take the Spanakopita,” Sonata declared proudly.

Pinkie nodded mutely and passed both menus to Genevieve.

“And Lemon will have the Gryphon Salad…” Scribe paused to glance at Lemon to make sure it was ok to order for her.

Lemon smiled and passed him her menu to give to Genevieve.

“I’m not hungry enough,” Scribe finished. “I’ll just stick with these delightful breadsticks until the main dish is ready.” Snatching one of the breadsticks he took a small bite of it and passed his menu to Genevieve.

“Bon.” Genevieve tucked the menus under one arm and checked her pad. “One Gryphon Salad and an order of Spanakopita to share for the lovebirds.” Shooting Pinkie and Sonata a wink she spun around and sashayed off.

Scribe forced himself not to gawk at Genevieve's shapely behind as it swayed back and forth.

“You didn’t want an appetizer?” Lemon eyed Scribe confused.

Scribe chuckled briefly and turned back to his date. “Oh don’t worry about me. I’m sure the main course will be very filling. Plus, there’s probably going to be a lot of snacks at the Sapphire Shores thing in the park. I need to save some room for the junk food. You know how we guys are.” Shooting Lemon a disarming smile he resumed nibbling on the bland breadstick. There wasn’t any butter on their table.

Pinkie still felt unsure about this entire dating business. She liked Sonata a lot, but they were totally taking advantage of Scribe. And now they were taking his money too. She was all too familiar with somebody giving up something for somebody else. She’d done it often enough for her friends at parties to recognize the signs. And she wasn’t even Scribey’s friend… at least not like Lemon or the Crystal Prep girls were.

Lemon and Scribe were sharing happy little looks. Pinkie watched them for a moment wondering what she was supposed to do in this kind of situation. She was mostly doing it to appease Sonata who really wanted this first date thing.

Glancing over at Sonata, she saw the other girl making something out of the rest of the bread sticks.

Ok, you’re starting to think too much about stuff. And this is your inner voice of potential insanity talking.” Pinkamena stated.

Pinkie jerked back at the sudden voice in her head and shook it. “What did Luna say about Diamond Tiara?”

Scribe turned away from Lemon and shook his head. “She hasn’t exactly formulated a plan yet. All I know is I’m supposed to convince her to come to this week’s party.”

“Woah! Seriously?” Pinkie fidgeted briefly. “I don’t know if the girls would like that.”

Scribe sighed and nodded. “Yeah, I know, but I’ve got to get her there so we can enact our third strike and you’re out goal.”

“Why don’t you just hit her over the head and take her there by force?” Sonata suggested with an innocent shake of her head. “It’s worked for my sisters enough times.”

“I think I’ll stick with the legal method Luna suggests.” Scribe bit the last of his breadstick and silence returned to the table.

Fifteen minutes of awkward silence later, the appetizers came out. Lemon grinned hungrily and started eating her salad. Sonata picked up the first Spanakopita and turned to Pinkie.

Pinkie opened her mouth and happily let her girlfriend feed it to her. “MMMMM Sfo Cheesy.”

Scribe rolled his eyes, but smiled. A few moments later, he furrowed his brow in confusion when he felt something soft brush up against his inner thigh. Glancing over to Lemon, he saw her obliviously nibbling away at her appetizer. Turning slowly, he stared at the two girls across from him.

Scribe shuddered when he felt the all too familiar sensation of blood rushing to a certain body part dangling in-between his legs. Upon realizing this, his eyes widened in horror. He practically jumped out of his chair and rushed off to the bathroom.

Lemon, Pinkie and Sonata watched him go utterly baffled.

“What just happened?” Lemon turned to the others confused.

“I have no idea,” Pinkie said.

Sonata glanced below the table at her legs, then over at Scribe’s empty seat, and then to Pinkie. “Uh oh. I think I played footsie with the wrong person. ”

Pinkie’s cheeks burned a bright pink in embarrassment.

Lemon glanced at Sonata and then where Scribe had been sitting and then burst into laughter.

“Sonata… you can’t just play footsie with someone sitting next to you,” Pinkie explained. “It’s physically impossible without folding your body into some kind of crazy yoga pose.”

“Well, in my defence: he was super smooth down there. I couldn’t really tell the difference. And I’ll have you know that I’m EXTREMELY flexible. Thank you very much!”

“Pbbbfftt—I bet he totally got a boner from that. Hahahaha!” Lemon cackled, doing her best to keep her tone down so she wouldn’t upset the other patrons.

Sonata tilted her head to the side with a blank expression on her face. Slowly, her lips formed into a seductive grin. “Yay! I’m doing the double-date right! Ria would be so proud of me.”

Pinkie choked on her next bite of food and reached for her water to try and recover.

Lemon stared at the former Siren in confusion.

Pinkie chuckled awkwardly. “She still thinks double-dating means that we’ll all go home together afterwards and umm—do stuff,” she said apologetically.

Lemon shook her head. “Look, I don’t share my boyfriend with anybody. Not even for sexy magical girls from another world. I’m not comfortable with all of that orgy stuff.”

Pinkie choked on her water this time and practically turned into a tomato.

Sonata stared at Lemon briefly and then saluted. “Roger that, kitty cat!”

Pinkie stared at Sonata in shock. “What the fu—dge?”

Sonata shrugged. “All she had to do was ask,” she explained. “I may be new at this whole dating thing, but I don’t like forcing people to have sex with me if they don’t wanna.” she said to herself before popping another Spanakopita in her mouth and chewing loudly.

“Best. First Date. Ever!” Lemon giggled.

Pinkie’s hair deflated slightly. “You’re weird… even for me,” she stated.

Lemon shrugged. “Crystal Prep,” she stated as if that was an explanation.

Aria answered the door to her ‘emergency flop-house’ with a scowl. She was surprised to find Coloratura standing there with an excited gleam in her eyes and an outfit on that would have made Adagio jealous. The top was a strange bedazzled purple number, while her legs were covered in tight black leggings and a matching purple skirt. Around her neck was a choker with three jewels fastened on.

Aria blinked at the extremely out-of-character outfit. “Um, ‘Rara? What?”

Coloratura blinked at the odd shortening of her name, but then smiled. “Cool, we can match! Ria, Rara, that’s kind of awesome. Er, but would you please accompany me to the park tonight?”

Aria leaned against the doorjamb nonchalantly. “What’s at the park?”

Coloratura leapt up and down in excitement. “Sapphire Shores is having a concert and letting amateurs sing with her!” she squealed.

Aria blinked in surprise. “You want me to tag along for moral support and junk, huh?” she smirked slightly.

Coloratura nodded her head with a nervous smile. “You get me, and you don’t take shit. Plus, with you there I’ll probably have the courage to actually try.”

Aria would have laughed at the sentimental sap, but she decided it couldn’t hurt. She’d been stuck at her place for the past few days and it was getting kind of dull. “Sure, kiddo. I’ll tag along. Are you really gonna try to sing in that glitzy getup?”

“What’s wrong with my outfit?”

You look like a pop diva.” Aria took Rara by the shoulder and steered her inside. “Come on; let’s get you out of that silly outfit and into something decent so that Sapphire Shores will actually take you seriously.”

Coloratura sighed. “I guess this is a bit much.” She let Aria bring her inside without another word.

Scribe sighed contentedly as he sat next to Lemon. His fingers gently caressed her hair as she leaned against him in the backseat of Sunny’s limo. “That was a great dinner.”

Pinkie nodded with a grin. “Totally, and that restaurant was awesome! So much fun~ Well, except the part where you had to rush into the bathroom because you got a bo—”

“Can we please not bring that up again?” Scribe cut her off. “Ever!”

“Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

Sonata giggled and repeated the gestures. “Ditto.”

“Was it really that bad?” Lemon wondered glancing up at Scribe.

Scribe shot Lemon a deadpan look. “Lemon, I had to do something in a bathroom stall that I’m not—”

Sonata held her hand up. “TMI! Pinkie promise is in full effect, the topic is now closed for discussion.”

Pinkie nodded. “Yep, if me and Sonata can’t talk about it neither can you two. It’s the law of the Pinkie Promise.”

Scribe sighed. “Whatever, we’re almost at the park anyway.”

Sonata grinned. “I hope Sapphire Shores plays some wicked tunes.”

Lemon nodded disrupting Scribe’s gentle petting of her hair. “Oh yeah! She’s one of the hottest acts this year. I’m surprised she’s in Canterlot and not charging for her concert.”

Pinkie shrugged. “I heard it was because Chrysalis came to Canterlot for some uber secret meeting at City Hall.”

Sonata cringed slightly. “Dagi never liked her. She always tried to sign us up so she could get us to work for her.”

Lemon, Scribe and Pinkie stared at her in confusion.

Sonata stared back. “You three look like you want to ask me a question.”

“I’m afraid what the answer will be,” Scribe admitted.

Pinkie shook her head. “I’m not. I’m just surprised it hasn’t come up before in previous conversation.”

Sonata cuddled closer to Pinkie and giggled. “Not important until now, I guess.” She pulled Pinkie into an intense smooching session that happened to last for about five minutes.

Lemon and Scribe watched in silent awe at the sheer stamina the two seemed to possess.

“Don’t they need to come up for air?” Lemon wondered.

Scribe shrugged. “It’s Pinkie, I think she secretly has gills.”

Lemon slapped his chest playfully. “That’s for breathing underwater, silly!”

Scribe laughed and stroked Lemon’s hair some more. “Pinkie exists on a diet of fun and parties. I think breathing in through gills outside of water would be perfectly appropriate.”

The car came to a halt suddenly and the partition lowered. “We’ve arrived at the park, young master.”

Scribe smiled. “Thanks, Stately Toner, I’m not sure how long this will be so we’ll take the bus home or perhaps walk. Please thank Sunny for the use of her car tonight again.”

Stately nodded. “Understood, young master, I’ll inform Miss Mist as to your whereabouts.”

The four teens climbed out of the limo and waved goodbye.

Lemon grinned and grabbed Scribe by the wrist tugging him towards the sounds of tuning instruments and murmuring crowds. “This is going to be awesome!”

Sonata giggled as she dragged Pinkie off as well. “Totally!”

Sapphire Shores stared frustratedly at Chrysalis as she stood in her trailer. “I don’t appreciate being used to drum up new talent,” she stated.

Chrysalis smirked and traced her fingers over the frame of the mirror on the vanity. “You signed the contract, my dear.”

Sapphire turned away with a grimace. “I know, biggest mistake I ever made was trusting you had the best interests of your talent at heart.”

Chrysalis shook her head. “I love all of my special talents.” The dark-skinned woman strode over to Sapphire Shores and licked her lips slightly.

Sapphire wanted to retreat, but couldn’t move fast enough before the older woman grabbed her by the arm and leaned down to bite her lips in a forceful kiss.

Chrysalis lapped at the sudden spurt of blood and pressed her fingers to Sapphire’s lips, a sickly green glow flowed from her fingers to the star’s lips and healed the damage. “Now get out there and fetch me a hidden new talent to sign!” she ordered slapping Sapphire on the ass and pushing her towards the exit.

Sapphire glowered at the physical affection, but remained silent on the subject. If she wanted to get paid she had to put up with a lot, and it wasn’t as if Chrysalis was a slave driver or anything like that. The Entertainment Industry was ruled by her and those who seriously wanted to make it big there had to put up with the devil in high-heels and her ‘personal interests’.

Chrysalis sighed contentedly as she caressed her talisman from Starswirl. A crown-shaped pendant of jade the magical gift allowed her to control the entire Entertainment world, and the Fashion world to a lesser degree. It fit in well with the power behind the magic, allowing her to absorb the adoration of the people and maintain her youthful appearance.

Immortality had its perks. And she didn’t need to tap the powers of the talisman nearly as often as Discord or Tirek, so she still had tons of reserves of energy. She could keep going for centuries at this rate. Licking her lips again she turned to face the mirror.

Discord stared back at her dispassionately.

“What are you doing there?”

“Just making sure you aren’t overextending yourself.” Discord smirked playfully and emerged from behind the trailer’s dressing room curtain.

Chrysalis waved him off dismissively. “Unlike you lot, I enjoy my role in this world order. I don’t try to honestly control anybody, even if I could tap this talisman for mental coercion powers.”

Discord nodded. “I know, I just thought I’d remind you that two of the sirens have been drawn here tonight, kindly refrain from antagonizing them.”

Chrysalis smirked and played with her hair. “When have I ever antagonized anybody?”

Discord remained silent.

Chrysalis grit her teeth. “Whatever! I won’t interfere with whatever little game you’re playing, but if there happens to be some impressive talent here tonight, not that I expect any, but if there is they are mine!”

Discord nodded slowly. “Sure they are, if they agree to your terms of course.”

“One time! I was only turned down one time! And that’s because the little Beaver brat was so far in the closet he couldn’t put aside his proclivities for the one night I needed him in order to cement his popularity.” Chrysalis grumbled to herself as she marched out of the trailer to watch the talent pouring in.

Discord smirked, snapped his fingers, and vanished.

I really don’t like this world’s version of Chrysalis. She feeds on love, but in so many wrong ways.” A voice seemed to speak from nowhere.

“Thorax, please leave your comments to yourself, this is getting good,” Discord’s voice chastised from beyond the nether.

I personally would love to study those talismans, how did Starswirl provide those abilities that so closely match the ones of their Equestrian counterparts? And why?”

“Starlight, for the last time, I don’t know!” Discord snapped. “Just shut up already and eat your popcorn.”

I feel I deserve some answers, I signed that stupid paper for you.”

Discord let out a groan. Then seemed to realize something. “Oh for, Trixie, my dear! You left the microphone on again!” he chastised.

Trixie thought that was a Microwave.”

Discord chuckled to himself and a snapping sound could be heard, the voices from beyond the dimensional barriers vanished instantly.

Aria glanced around at the group of people in the park and rolled her eyes. There were so many hopeful dweebs and a few tweens that were desperate to get discovered; she could tell most of them probably had no talent, but wanted a chance to sing with their idol.

A ton of them were dressed in Sapphire Shores’ look-a-like costumes. It was sad.

Coloratura smiled as she walked beside her towards the stage. “Thanks for forcing me to change.”

No problem.” Aria glanced at the outfit she’d gotten Coloratura in. It was a much more subdued number that wasn’t trying too hard to be a pop-star sensation, which was a huge improvement. It was a somber dark blue skirt with a matching dark green, almost black blouse with some tasteful musical note markings that matched the jeweled necklace Coloratura always wore.

Coloratura eyed the assembled crowd with a nervous smile. “Do you really think I should try and sing in front of everybody?”

Aria glowered at her and firmly nodded. “Don’t sell yourself short ‘Rara, you are seriously talented!” she insisted.

Coloratura surprised Aria with a hug. “You are such a supportive friend.”

Aria did not know how to react to that. Her cheeks flushed slightly and she shook her head. “It’s n-nothing!”

Coloratura grinned and then started to cheer as Sapphire Shores stepped out onto the stage.

“Hello Canterlot!”

Lemon, Scribe, Sonata and Pinkie cheered alongside the rest of the crowd when Sapphire Shores stepped out. And then the music began drowning out everything else as she broke into one of her hit songs.

The crowd began to jump and scream along with the music. One particularly enthusiastic guy bumped into Sonata and knocked her into somebody nearby almost sending her crashing to the ground.

“Hey!” Pinkie reached out to help stabilize her girlfriend.

“It’s ok, Pinkie. I’m used to ravers.” Sonata squeezed Pinkie’s hand.

Scribe glared at the slightly taller dude. “Not cool.”

“Fuck off, shrimpy.”

A flying fist suddenly slammed into the guy and sent him sprawling into the mosh pit.

Scribe blinked in surprise and stared in awe at the familiar head of hair nearby.

“Oh, hey, Ria,” Sonata greeted with a grin. “This double-date just got way more fun.

The girl quirked her brow and glanced between the quartet with a growing look of irritation and protectiveness.

“’Ria, who’s this?” the girl that Sonata bumped into asked curiously.

Aria Blaze shrugged.

“I’m her sister, Sonata Dusk,” Sonata greeted. “Are you on a date too?”

The girl’s cheeks flushed darkly and she quickly shook her head. “Oh no! I asked Aria here for moral support, I’m going to try and get up on stage later.”

“Cool.” Lemon grinned and held out a hand. “I’m Lemon Zest, this is my boyfriend Scarlet Scribe.”

“Coloratura.” She shook Lemon’s hand and smiled in return.

Sonata, why are you on a double-date?” Aria demanded glaring at her sibling.

Sonata waved a hand dismissively. “Oh don’t worry, Ria. It’s nothing like the dates you and Dagi used to have. Scarlet Scribe and Lemon Zest aren’t swingers.”

Everybody not Aria Blaze or Sonata Dusk felt their cheeks growing red hot with embarrassment.

I don’t like this influence she has on you.” Aria glared at Pinkie.

Pinkie smiled disarmingly. “Hey, Aria! I promised I wouldn’t hurt Sonata, she’s totally having a great time… except for that jerk just now.”

Aria squared her shoulders and shot a glare at Pinkie.

Scribe sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Can’t we all just get along and enjoy the concert? Lemon and I were really looking forward to this.”

“Ria! If you mess this up for me, so help me, I’ll…” Sonata trailed off and glanced briefly between Coloratura and her sister.

Aria flinched. “Please don’t. I won’t mess this up for you.”

Sonata nodded. “You’re right you won’t. Now come on, let’s get closer to the stage so your friend can get up there when it’s time!” Happily snatching Pinkie in one hand and Aria in the other she rushed off.

Lemon smirked briefly and turned to Scribe. “Let’s go.”

Scribe noticed the guy getting back to his feet and turning with murder in his eyes to where they were standing. “Yes, let’s!” he declared snatching Lemon and Coloratura in each hand and rushing off after Sonata.

Abacus Cinch left Spoiled’s office with a slight frown. She prided herself on being quite skilled with blackmail of her students, but that woman… she was decidedly more dangerous. And whatever it was she was after currently left her questioning the agreement she’d made with Mister Discord.

“Abby, my dear, don’t look so glum.” Discord smiled as he stepped out of the shadows nearby.

Abacus glowered at the elderly School Board head.

Discord laughed and produced a piece of paper from his briefcase. “Don’t be such a downer, here is what you asked for. I trust you told Miss Rich exactly what I desired.”

Abacus gave a curt nod. “As per our agreement, Mister Discord.” She glanced briefly at the paper and gave a slight nod. “You are certain that this will prevent me from being in trouble over my actions during the Friendship Games?”

Discord smirked. “My dear, Abacus, I am a man of my word. You will have no trouble from anyone over your attempts to blackmail students.” He chuckled and held up a hand to prevent her from interrupting. “However, I would suggest you change your methods. The student body will not capitulate after witnessing your failure to control young Miss Sparkle.”

Abacus sighed. “Rest assured, Mister Discord, I am well aware of that. The Shadowbolts – or at least half of their number – are already embracing this magical nonsense. Fortunately, I only need put up with it for one remaining year.”

Discord laughed briefly and slipped his arm over Abacus’ shoulder. “Yes, yes, Superintendent Sombra might have something to say about that, though.”

Abacus swallowed down her sudden fear. “S-S-Sombra, you say?”

“No need to fret. That little piece of paper is your ‘get out of jail free’ card, so to speak. I look forward to our next meeting, Abby, ta-ta.” Discord waved his hand and left the street as suddenly as he’d appeared.

Abacus sighed and pocketed the piece of paper carefully. “The things one must put up with for reputation.” Turning she headed over to the parking lot and her car. She intended to wash her hands of this entire affair once she got home, perhaps with a nice bottle of Chateau Diamande.

Discord, what’s going on with that woman? Why is she important, and what did she discuss with Spoiled Rich?” Starlight asked curiously as the Microphone clicked back on for some inane reason.

“Probably narrative convenience,” Discord commented off-handedly. “Either way, Starlight, it isn’t important that we know that just yet.”

The Great and Powerful Trixie continues to be amused by this ridiculously complicated world. Trixie should sell tickets nightly for shows like this.”

Aren’t we going to see what happens with Chrysalis and the others?”

Discord shook his head. “I’m afraid not, Thorax, my good Changeling. We’ll save that outcome for another time… now if you’ll excuse me it’s time for tea at Fluttershy’s, I’ll see you all again bright and early tomorrow afternoon to continue this delightful show.” Snapping his fingers silence reined once more.

Next Chapter: Adagio Explains About What?! Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 27 Minutes
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