
His Greatest Treasure

by RoyalBardofCanterlot

Chapter 6: Problems and Solutions

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The sun's ray's were only now beginning to rise over the humble, thatched roofs of Ponyville. Spoiled yawned as she stepped out her door. The town was mostly still asleep, only a few Ponies wandering the streets. The market stalls weren't even being set up yet. Morning dew glistened off of flowers growing out of hanging baskets. Spoiled yawned again, stretching her tired back. She normally didn't wake up this early. Almost nopony did, though the Apple family certainly already awake. Last night, Spoiled hadn't been able to sleep. A few shots of vodka had finally knocked her into troubled dreams, but her eyes had opened with the rising of the sun.

Looking around at the still sleeping town, she stepped back into her home. There was a chill to the air so she hurried to her bathroom, passing a picture of herself, her husband and her daughter. She paused to glance at it, remembering the day it was taken. Then, she continued on her way.

Stepping into the blindingly alabaster room, she turned on the water and waited till steam had filled the room before pulling back the white shower curtain and stepping into the bath. She stood beneath the nozzle, letting the water rush over her perfectly styled mane, letting it pool around her perfectly manicured hooves.

If only fixing all my problems were as simple as getting my mane and hooves done.

Taking a bar of soap, she lathered her fur, her hooves and her underside. The water was soon full of soapy suds that rose up around her. She reached for a bottle of shampoo, working the red liquid into her mane. The sweet scent of strawberry filled the room.

How do I fix this?

Why hadn't she swallowed her pride, marched into the apartment and apologized to Diamond Tiara? Why had she struggled her entire life with moral concepts that every other Pony intuitively grasped? Meeting Filthy had been like a breath of fresh air. He might not have understood her (even she didn't understand herself), but he always forgave her.

That's how most of their arguments ended. Her committing some offense, he getting angry at her for awhile and then forgiving her. That's the way it worked, that's what their relationship had been built upon. Forgiveness. She forgave him when he did something stupid.

I still feel like I was in the right. My own mother...well, she wouldn't have done exactly the same, but she would never have tolerated disrespect. Diamond disrespected me, what was I supposed to?

She began to scrub more violently as the thoughts worked their way through her mind. I have nothing to apologize for. Let Diamond spend a week around my mother. She'll be begging to be back with me. The bitch. I wouldn't even think about leaving Diamond around her.

She let the heated waters flow around her, washing away the soap. I've always encouraged Diamond. Maybe I've made mistakes, but the world is full of predators. I've raised her to be strong. To survive. Filthy just doesn't get it.

The warm current gently flowed around her, working its way into her withers and neck. She sighed in contentment. After a few moments she turned off the shower and stepped out, wrapping a blue towel around herself.

After she had dried off completely, she trotted to the kitchen. The kitchen staff, attentive to their mistress, had begun to stir. When Spoiled walked into the kitchen she was greeted with the smell of coffee and frying eggs.

She detested eggs. They all knew she detested eggs. Luckily, she also detected the scent of pancakes. Tough Love, the nanny, stood flipping the delectable breakfast treats. She glanced around herself as Spoiled walked in. She was a strong, brown Earth Pony whom Spoiled suspected had missed a career in the Guard.

"Is the master and the little miss not back yet?"

Spoiled sat down. "No."

Tough took out two plates, scooped eggs and pancakes on hers and then just pancakes on hers. After pouring two glasses of orange juice she sat down. Spoiled raised an eyebrow. Normally, the servants ate in the servant's quarters. Tough raised a helping of eggs to her muzzle. "When will they be back?"

Spoiled sipped her juice. "I don't know. You'll still get your paycheck don't worry about that."

"It's not the paycheck I'm worried about, Mistress." She stirred the eggs. "Something happened between you and Filthy. I leave to pick up some fruit, I come back and you're all gone. What's going on?"

Spoiled sniffed. "That's none of your concern."

"Like hell it isn't. I've been a part of this household for a long time. I understand you and Master Filthy had a fight. A bad one. Things got a bit physical as I understand it."

Spoiled frowned. "I just told you, that's not your concern. You're the hired help. That's all. You are not part of this family and don't ever think you are. Is that clear?"

Tough gave a vicious slash to her pancakes. "I practically raised your daughter, Spoiled. Excuse me, Mistress."

How she managed to make the title of respect sound like an insult Spoiled would never know. "Put your concerns aside, Tough. We're just going through a rough patch. There's nothing more to it than that."

"Are you going to get divorced?"

Spoiled slammed a hoof on the table, knocking over the orange juice. It tipped over, shattering on the linoleum floor. The juice trickled along the floor. Shards of glass glittered in the morning light. "Are you going to pick that up?"

"I would normally, but y'know what? I don't really feel like it. If I clean up the mess you made, you'll never learn, now will you?"

"Why the hell are you acting like this?"

"I know what you did to Diamond."

Spoiled rose. "For the third and final time that is none of your concern!"

"She's more of a daughter to me-"

"Shut your mouth!" Spoiled swung a hoof.

Tough caught it. "You know it's true."

"You're fired!"

Tough chuckled. "Funny thing about that is you didn't hire me and you're name isn't written on my paychecks."

Spoiled felt her chest begin to heave. She wanted to beat the mare before her senseless, but she could feel the raw strength of the hoof holding onto her foreleg. Tough was stronger than her. That was just the way it was. "So what if we do get divorced? How's that affect you?"

She let go of Spoiled's hoof. "This is Filthy's ancestral home. You'll be the one that has to leave. However, judges tend to award custody to the mother. Maybe I just want to know what's to become of my little Diamond."

Spoiled growled. "She's my little Diamond."

"I helped raise her. I helped her with her homework and gave her her baths. I don't want her living with you."

Spoiled trembled. "Why is everypony turning against me?"

"You really want to know? Because you're a selfish, cruel, cold-hearted bitch."

"Get the hell out of this house."

Tough slowly, delicately began slicing up the pancakes and then stirred the eggs around her plate. "Once I finish breakfast."

The breakfast passed slowly, each second dragging. Spoiled barely tasted the coffee that she had to pour for herself. No matter how much syrup she poured on the pancakes, they seemed to be without any taste at all. Tough didn't say anything else to her, not that Spoiled tried to engage her in conversation.

At long last the breakfast came to an end as Tough swallowed one last piece of egg. She stood, turned and walked away. Spoiled ate the last piece of pancake, sipped the last bit of her tasteless coffee.

The orange juice had dried and the floor was sticky to her hooves. The maid would clean it up. She quickly trotted to the living room and then out the door. By this point, Ponyville was waking up, A few mares and stallions were strolling to their jobs. Colts and fillies were scampering to towards the park or other foalhood adventures, most of them prancing alongside their parents.

Further up ahead, the market stalls were being set up. The merchants set up multicolored tents with bright images of fruit and simple brown boxes overflowing with their wares. Spoiled strolled through it as a group of Pegasii laid out lines of multicolored flags. Many of them had symbols of fruit. For a while she lost herself in the herd of early morning customers, browsing a box of apples and then a box of pears.

She bought a bundle of green grapes, found a secluded path of grass beneath an old, gnarled oak and sat. Once she finished her second breakfast, which tasted better without the interference of nosy nannies, she continued her trek down the old dirt road.

Barnyard Bargains always opened at around nine. By the position of the sun it was nearly eight fifty. She hurried down the road, breaking into a light canter.

Filthy Rich stood before the imposing, marble edifice. It glowed orange as the shafts of the sun played across it. Atop one of the towers of the building was the imperial banner of Equestria, two familiar alicorns wrapping around a sun and moon upon a light blue field of white stars. Each star stood for a member of the empire. Filthy, though not more patriotic than any other Pony, had been staring up at it for the past ten minutes.

On the tower next to the Equestrian flag was the flag of the City-State of Manehattan. A blue background for the river that had given the city life. A blazing fire for the crucible in which the steel of this city had been forged. A hammer and scythe crossed above the flame symbolizing the hammer of industry combined with the symbol of traditional Earth Pony agriculture.

Atop the stairs was a statue of Celestia rearing, her wings spread and a stern expression upon her face. This was not the kind, benevolent mother-goddess of the sun. This was Celestia the Lawgiver. It was no comfort to the offenders brought before the court, but assured victims that this was a place where wrongs were made right, compensation was made and justice was done.

Filthy trotted up the steps, the stone warm against his hooves, almost uncomfortably so. He hesitated before the statue of the Princess and looked up at the wooden door. A black coated guard nodded to him. "Can I help you, Sir?"

Filthy took a moment before he answered. "I need to see a judge. Are any available at this hour?"

"What do you need to see the judge for? Civil matter or criminal complaint?"

"Civil complaint-matter.Civil matter. Divorce."

The guard frowned. "Your wife isn't present?"

"No, she isn't. Does she need to be?"

"It is customary, but not required. Things like custody or property division will need to be done with both spouses present. Do you know her whereabouts?"

"Not at present. I imagine she's back in Ponyville."

"Follow me. We'll go see Judge Fair Heart."

Filthy trotted behind the guard as he walked into the halls of the courtroom. A long tapestry depicted events of the chaotic pre-Unification and Discord Eras, then Unification with Celestia descending upon a cloud with a scroll containing Ponykind's first written law code. Following that was the submission of the tribal chieftains and founding of the imperial order. Then Ponies joining together to farm, build cities and settle the wild world. The message was obvious. Law brought harmony and peace. Without that, there was only chaos.

It was a message Filthy approved of. The disharmony in his home had gone on long enough. Restoring harmony to his household meant one member would have to be removed.

The guard turned a corner and walked into a chamber. An old, light red pony with a graying mane and wearing black judge's robes, was seated at a cherry wood desk. He looked up as the guard walked in. "Good morning, Stout Soul. Who is this gentleman?"

Filthy took a step forward. "I'm Filthy Rich and I'm here to get divorce papers."

The judge straightened up. "This is a bit irregular. Normally, both spouses are present so that I can counsel them. Alternatives to divorce, such as couple's counseling, are preferred."

Filthy shook his head. "No. The relationship is over." It surprised him when he smiled. He felt relieved to say that, like a stone had fallen off his back.


"Abuse, both emotional and physical."

The judge's eyes widened. "Could she be dangerous?"

"I honestly don't know. She won't consent to a divorce."

"The most dangerous time for an abuse victim is leaving the relationship. Has she ever been physically abusive towards you?"

"No, just our daughter. She's been emotionally abusive towards both us."

"I understand why you won't the divorce." He reached into a file and pulled out two papers. "Sign this and, if you can, get your wife to sign it. If she doesn't, I can and will dissolve the marriage anyway."

"Thank you. Do you have a pen?"

The judge handed one to him. Filthy sat down on the leather back chair, setting the papers before him. He thought he might hesitate when he began to write, but he didn't. There was not even a moment's hesitation as he signed his name and began the process of dissolving eleven years of legal union with Spoiled.

Spoiled strode through the aisles of the store. Everything was in order. A young, brown colt was busy stocking forks on the shelves. It looked right to her. She turned and strode down another aisle, this one filled with faux crystal cups and other dinnerware. One shelf proudly displayed a plate with a rather fetching Hearth's Warming design. Green holly leaves wrapped around its white surface, bright red berries sprouting from it.

The artistry was incredible. She reached for it, wondering if she needed to pay for it since she was the boss's wife. She stopped a red-maned, green-coated teenage filly. "You, there. Since I'm the wife of the owner do I need to pay for this?"

The filly sputtered, shying away nervously. "Well, ma'am, um, you, um can get a discount, but you need to pay for it."

Spoiled debated with herself. She could buy it, but what would she do with it? She couldn't take it home, she needed to manage the store. The filly couldn't be trusted to guard a goldfish from the way she was adamantly refusing to make eye contact and appeared to wish that Spoiled would very quickly go away. She groaned. "I'll check to see if its still available. Why don't you go...continue whatever it is your doing."

The store ran like a well-oiled machine. She was surprised Filthy needed to manage it at all. All of the employers knew where their departments were and what their daily tasks were. Why had Filthy asked her to come over anyway? Had he just wanted her gone?

Just as that depressing thought threatened to pull her back into the darkness, a shrill voice caught her attention. A yellow-coated teenage filly with a blue mane rushed up to her.

"Take a breath, Child." Spoiled noted to herself that her husband sure did hire a large number of young, attractive teenagers.

The filly, Razzle Dazzle Spoiled recalled her name as being, caught her breath. "I've been dealing with an irate customer."


Razzle stared at her. "I told her I'd get my manager. Mr. Rich isn't here and you are so..."

Spoiled shook her head. "Of course, of course. I've never done this before you understand."

Spoiled thought Razzle muttered that she could tell, but let that pass as she followed the younger mare to the cash register. "Are you the manager?"

"I am."

The mare swung her hoof, revealing a coupon. "Your employee says this coupon isn't valid."

Razzle spoke up. "It isn't for pots."

Spoiled looked at the coupon. "No, it looks valid. What's the problem?"

"I want to buy this pot and get half-price."

"Oh, I see the problem. Ma'am, that coupon's only for cutlery. We had a surplus and were trying to get rid of it-"

"Why's it have a picture of a pot on it?"

Spoiled's jaw worked up and down. "That's...that's a very good question. I think somepony messed up, it very clearly says cutlery." You illiterate moron.

"I really want a new pot."

Spoiled bit down an insult. How does Filthy deal with this? "I'm very sorry, but that's not a coupon for pots."

The customer grumbled. "Fine." She stalked away, leaving her cart.

Spoiled had no idea how Filthy would have handled the situation, but she didn't know what more she could have done. She hadn't insulted the customer, that was good. "Nothing more I could have done right?"

Razzle shrugged. "No, I don't think there was."

Spoiled turned to walk away. Razzle stopped her. "Ma'am?"

She turned. "Yes?"

"What do you want to do about the cart?"

"Put it back. Oh, and the merchandise too."

Razzle chewed her lip. "I have to work the cash register."

It was a small store. There was only one register. Filthy had once gone on and on to her about how annoyed he got when things in his store were arranged out of order. It was irksome, but he liked order and she didn't know what order he wanted that kitchenware put in. A line had started to form now that the other customer was gone.

"I'll handle the register, return the merchandise."

Razzle hurried to her task. Spoiled stood at the register with the conviction that she had no idea what she was doing. However, it was easier than she thought it would be. After a few minutes, she found herself getting into a steady pattern of ringing up the merchandise. That's how Filthy found her as he walked into the store. He nodded to a stallion stocking pruning shears and sent him to the cash register. Then he motioned for Spoiled who walked over to him. "Good to see you back." She leaned in for a kiss.

He stepped back. "Twister, work on the register would you?"

Twister, who had been walking around rather aimlessly, went to the register.

Filthy returned his attention to his now, legally speaking, ex-wife. "Spoiled, thank you for caring for the store. Did you have any trouble?"

"An angry customer, that was all. Rather dull."

"Yes, it normally is. Let's go to my office."

She walked by his side as they made their way to his office. It only contained an oakwood desk and a chair. Some papers were scattered on the desk. He opened his saddlebag, pushed aside some papers and laid a new paper down. Spoiled's eyes widened. They were unsigned divorce papers.

"Don't make this difficult, Spoiled."

"I'm not signing them."

"Doesn't matter. The judge will still divorce us."

She slammed down a hoof. "How could you do this to me? After all I've done for you!" Her eyes narrowed. "You're leaving me for some tight little young whore aren't you?"

Filthy raised an eyebrow. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

She advanced on him, so close her breath was on his neck. "Who is it? I'll kill her!"

"Spoiled, you're not making any sense!" He stepped back. "You know full well why I'm divorcing you."

"You don't think I see all those pretty little fillies working here? One of'em lift her tail for you? Bend right over and lift her flipping tail?"

He blushed at the image. "Spoiled, stop it! You know that's not true!"

Spoiled looked over to a letter opener on the edge of the desk. Her hoof twitched. Filthy placed his hoof on it. "Spoiled?"

The emptiness was returning, swallowing everything up. An image flashed in her mind of Filthy with his throat slashed. She grabbed the blade, shoulder blocking him into the wall. Quickly, she raised it into the air.

"Spoiled you crazy bitch, stop!"

She plunged the blade into her chest, blood splattering on paper and wood.


He rushed to her, cradled her in his arms. She was still breathing though she had collapsed immediately after stabbing herself. Brief medical training back in the Colt Scouts instructed him not to remove the blade. It would stop up the wound, though blood was already running down her fur. He pulled her onto his back and rushed out of the office.

Next Chapter: Mommy Dearest Estimated time remaining: 17 Minutes
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