
Chill Wind

by Penmore

Chapter 1: Past and Present

It was cold. Then again, it was always cold during the winter but, this year it was the coldest Applejack ever felt. With graduation came college and while the rest of the girls moved onto bigger and better things in brand new cities. She had stayed back to take care of the farm as Granny Smith's health took a turn for the worse. Big Mac had taken over the farm in her stead and Applejack decided against college in favor of being closer to Granny and helping him take care of the farm.

Applebloom was set to graduate within the next few weeks and they had finally convinced her into leaving for college. She would be leaving soon and attending a school three towns over for her psychiatric degree. It was a good school and it was close so as to visit often as she wanted to be ready in case worse came to worse with Granny. A.J had been walking for a while now and found herself in an unfamiliar part of town. It was the business area of Canterlot that she would avoid as it was practically nothing but high class clubs and bars.

"What am I even doing?" She said as she pulled her hat down and the scarf she wore tighter around her neck. Her brown fur lined leather jacket had helped much in blocking out the cold and reminded her that it was a good thing Rarity had pushed it on her. The usual plaid shirts she wore did nothing to prevent the wind chilling her bones. The blue jeans didn't help much either but it was natural for her to always wear them due to work on the farm.

"I'm putting up the south fields for sale." Mac said in a calm voice as the Apple family was eating dinner.

Applebloom's face was one of shock; her mouth hung open and her fork stopped as she tried to cut a piece of the pie on her plate. However, before the girl could say anything in regards to the matter she heard the sound of dinnerware slamming on the table and looked to her left.

"What do you mean you're selling the fields?! What gives you the right to do this without our consent?!" Applejack yelled getting up from seat and practically leaning across the table towards Big Mac.

"I didn't want to bring it up to you because of this exact reason. I'm selling the fields and that's final."

"This farm's been the family for generations as it is and you think that just because Granny left you in charge you can do whatever you want to it?!"

"What do you want from me A.J?!" Mac yelled as he gripped his fork and knife looking down. "What else can I do?! Granny's medical bills keep coming and the harvest wasn't any good this year! We didn't even have enough for cider and unless we can get an influx of cash soon we won't be able to pay the bills for most of the loans we already have!"

A.J leaned back surprised that her normally stoic and calm brother had raised his voice. She looked at his face as he stood up from and pushed his chair back.

"I've already laid off most of the workers we had and we've barely got anything to pay them as well. Unless I sell the south fields then we'll be hard set to pay anyone next season. If we cut anymore hands we won't be able to cover any fields at all and that'll mean more loss."

Applebloom watch as her siblings stood by silently waiting for the other to say something, anything. After a minute she raised her voice.

"I can not go to college. I don't have to go anytime soon. I can just put it off like you A.J."

The older Apple siblings looked at the girl in surprise and both calmed down instantly. Big Mac walked over to her and took a knee next to the girl.

"No, you're going to college Applebloom." He raised a hand as the girl started to protest. "This isn't up for debate. You more than all of us have wanted to do something not concerning the farm. If we tried to stop you now then I know that me and A.J would never live it down."

"Mac's right A.B. You're going no matter what. We'll take care of the farm; you don't have anything to worry about. We'll think of something soon."

A cold flash of air passed as A.J sighed once more. She sat down on a bench and stared off into space. She and Big Mac had been arguing the whole night after that and in a flash of anger she stormed out. It was stupid; she knew it was stupid and yet, she just couldn't get past the fact that part of her home was disappearing. She took out her phone and searched the contacts trying to find anyone to talk about it. She knew all her friends would be there to support her if she wanted them to, but it just didn't feel right bringing them in to a family issue.

As she put the phone away and ignored the calls from Mac, she lowered the scarf to blow on her hands and took a look at the bus map and schedule. It would be another hour before it arrived and she could go back home. She didn't even know if she wanted to actually go back at all for the moment.

"I don't know what to do. I just... can't deal with this right now." As she leaned back and her head dangled backwards. She reached for her hat only to see a a pair of slightly drunk business men coming out of the small street behind her. She walked towards where they had come out of to find a small door with the a simple sign hanging above it that read Dazzle Lounge.

She opened the door and walked down a small set of stairs to be another entrance that revealed a low-lit bar whose decor would make even Rarity praise the decorator. The booths lining the right were empty and kept clean as well as the few tables in the middle. The left side held the bar with an extensive collection of alcohol and a beautiful mahogany bar top that fit the ambiance of the room perfectly. Towards the back was a small stage with a piano and microphone in the middle empty and yet looked well used.

"Welcome, How may I..." The bartender stopped mid sentence as she took a look at A.J. "Fuck."

"No way. Aria?" A.J walked over to sit in front of the young woman who had stopped cleaning a glass. "Is this your place?"

"Yea. I guess you could say that. What do you want?" Aria asked with malice in her voice.

She wore a black pair of pants with a white button up shirt and suspenders. Her hair was shorter and in a ponytail as she tried to keep busy cleaning. Her eyes were full of hatred more so directed at something other than the pseudo-pony girl in front of her.

"I'm not here to start anything. I just wanted to get a drink. I didn't know you'd be here at all, though, the sign did spur my interest."

Aria eyed her with disdain and sighed. "Fine, just order your drink and get out. I'd rather not have to look at you if I can help it."

"Come on, I know we didn't exactly get along but-"

"You and your friends blasted us with a giant rainbow beam and destroyed our voices."

A.J winced and took off her hat. "Sorry, but you didn't really give us much of a choice."

"Whatever. Just tell me what you want."

"Whiskey on the rocks. Strongest you got and make it a double." A.J set her hat down on the seat next to her and noticed Aria with curious expression on her face. "It's been a long day."

The sound of the soft music that echoed through the place was replaced with Aria moving to find proper glasses and looking through the collection of whiskey for the perfect one. When she found it she got to work on the drink and present the farmer with her order. Aria watched as A.J took it in hand before finishing it in one large motion. She set down the cash as the drink warmed her body from the cold.

"Really rough huh?" Aria said putting the money in the drawer and getting change.

"Yea. Let me get another one if you don't mind."

The drink was prepared shortly and A.J took her time with this one. She swiveled the drink and took small sips as the time ticked away slowly. She didn't like drinking in excess but with everything that had been going on in her life she had started to drink more often. The girls moving away, Granny's health declining, Applebloom's eminent departure, and Big Mac selling the fields. The stress of it all had finally gotten too much and there was little she could do in order to relieve it. She heard a glass touch down next to her and looked up to see a third copy of her order as she finished her second.

"What's this?" A.J asked trying to figure if someone had decided to order the same thing but found no one else in the place.

"On the house. You look like you need it."

The farmer was taken aback by Aria's actions. It had been a long time since the battle of the bands and from the short interaction she had with the girl she didn't remember her so... caring.


"Don't mention it. Like, ever."

A.J smiled slightly and chuckled as even when trying to be thoughtful Aria was still somewhat like she remembered.

"So, where's the rest of the rain goons?"


"I know what I said."

"Well, they've moved away." A.J said with another sigh. She had been doing that more and more. Pinkie had once told her how sighing let your happiness slip away. She hadn't believed it at the time but now it seemed completely possible. "You know how it is, graduating means splitting up and moving on."

"Hmm." was the only response she got from her former enemy.

"What about you?"

"What about me?"

"Where are the other two?"

Aria set down the glass she was wiping and picked up another slowly at the question. "They're busy."

"Ya'll still together then?"

"Yea. We do own the place so it's only natural we're together."

Taking a sip of her drink, Applejack took another look around the place. "That's mighty impressive. How-"

A loud crash came from the right and a door that A.J thought led to an office slammed open. A rather beautiful woman with short golden curly hair in a one piece black dress had opened it and who could only be Adagio.

"Aria! I need your help!" she screamed before noticing the farmer with mixed feelings. "Wha- "

"It's fine Dagi, what's going on?"

Adagio turned her attention back to Aria as her confusion became panic once more. "It's Sonata."

The rude dazzling dropped the glass she had in her hand and ran towards her once leader. They left A.J alone as echos of muffled screaming could be heard from down the new pathway. The farmer heard footsteps coming back fast as Aria once again came into view. "Please, we need your help."

It was all the notice A.J needed as she rushed down the hallway with Aria and up a set of stairs to a second floor where several rooms were located. One of the doors on the right was open and a light was coming from it as did the sounds of thrashing around. Aria ran past her and stopped short of entering the room to look back at the farmer.

"Come on!" she yelled before going inside.

Upon entering the room A.J saw the source of panic for both of the former villains. Sonata was on the only bed in the room as her body violently shook. Aria did her best to pin her down from the right side of the bed as Adagio was looking through cabinets for something.

"Help me hold her down!"

"Right." A.J took hold of Sonata's arm and leg from the left and together with Aria held the girl down.

Adagio come closer and injected the blue girl with something and soon her thrashing calmed down. Aria and A.J let her go and Adagio went to fetch water and close the shop. A.J wiped the sweat from her brow and took a good look at Sonata for the first time. Her hair was undone from her memorable ponytail and spread out. Her face was sunken and her eyes had bags underneath that told of long nights and exhaustion. Her skin was pale even compared to before and barely held the same healthy sheen it once had. Her breathing was slow and heavy as if she was even struggling that. She couldn't see much else as the blanket was covering the rest of her.

"Aria, what was that? What's wrong with her?"

Aria only looked at her silently as her eyes switched from relief to indignation. She marched over and slapped the farmer before anything else was said. Just as A.J was about to strike the girl back Adagio came into the room.

"Stop! This isn't the time! Aria, go make sure everything else is taken care of downstairs."


"Aria! Please, not in front of her." Adagio's voice cracked at the end and the other two girls knew she was holding back tears.

Aria left the room in a huff leaving the three alone. Adagio motioned for A.J to sit on one of the chairs in the room.

"I'm sorry about Aria. You didn't deserve that."

"It's fine." rubbing her cheek, A.J once again took a glance towards the blue dazzling. "Care to tell me what's going on?"

"It's... It's a long story."

"I've got the time."

Adagio sighed and hid her face with both hands wiping the tears in the process. "It was after the battle of the bands. We lost a lot more than our voices that night. We lost the means to our livelihood. Our voices gave us a lot throughout the years; a home, money, transportation, you name it. We never really kept any of the money ourselves as we just used it immediately. It was an incredibly bad decision in hindsight."

The dazzling moved over to Sonata's side and reached for her hand. "It meant that we had to adjust to doing things differently than we've ever done. Myself and Aria didn't take it very well and we just couldn't seem to change our habits. We spent money non-stop and argued practically every day. Sonata throughout everything was the only one willing to work and put food on the table."

A silence hung over the room as Adagio tightened her grip on Sonata's hand and tried to collect herself. "We never questioned where she went or what she did for that money. It was never something that came to mind. It wasn't until we had a call from the police about her being arrested that we stopped to think about something other than ourselves. When... When we got down to the station..." She began to cry and tried her best to keep from breaking down.

"Listen, if this is too much I can just-"

"We found out she was selling her body." A voice from the doorway spoke.

A.J turned to see Aria and didn't know if she'd heard her correctly. Aria walked over to her friend who finally broke down next to the bed and rubbed her back.

"She was a prostitute?" A.J asked in a voice slightly above a whisper.

"Yea. We didn't have much in the way of identities back then so that meant we couldn't get regular jobs. Sonata was trying to get enough money for three people and with the way me and Dagi spent it she needed more than a part-time could afford. She ended up selling herself to anyone that would pay and eventually got addicted to a lot of bad stuff."

"But, then why is she like this now?"

"That night when they arrested her and we got her out she came back and locked herself in her room. When we finally got inside she was having an overdose so we rushed her to the hospital. She's been like this ever since; we sold everything we had. We sold it and got proper identities along with jobs."

"So this place?"

"It's ours, it took a lot of work and it wasn't easy but it was one of the first ideas the idiot had back then. She would always talk about it when she came home from work and we'd always just ignore her. We listened, but we didn't much care about it back then."

"I can't even imagine..."

Aria seemed to flare at the words and immediately lashed out. "No, you can't! You can't imagine how we felt when we found out! When she decided to die rather than live with us knowing how she got the money! How she would never complain about anything and just take the abuse we directed towards her! You and your friends did this to her!"

"Aria, that's enough! You know it wasn't their fault at all! It was ours!" Adagio yelled as tears flowed down her face. "It was all our fault. We should have listened to her... Oh Sonata. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

The air in the room was heavy as Adagio kept crying. Aria motioned for the farmer to follow her and the pair left the former leader with Sonata. The two went downstairs and A.J once again took a seat while Aria poured some drinks for them next to her.

"Sorry." The bartender said shoving a drink in front of the farmer.

"For what?"

"Slapping you and yelling. I know you didn't deserve it but, I've just nothing else to direct all of this hate on. We've had a lot of low points ever since being banished to this world and throughout it all Sonata always tried to cheer us up. She's done nothing but be there for me and Dagi. Trying to keep us together and stopping us from basically killing each other." She chugged the remainder of her whiskey and poured another one for herself.

"There were plenty of times I've hurt her and more than enough times I've mentally abused her due to her personality but, the fact that she took it all with a smile was never lost on me. She smiled all the time when she came back those days after the battle. Every day she'd leave the money on the table and every night she'd come back with food for us. I'd trade everything just to see her smiling again." Tears hit the counter-top as Aria's voice began to crack. "I just want her back. I want her to smile for real instead of the fake one she'd always show."

Aria found herself in a hug as A.J held the girl. At first, she wanted to push her away but stopped and leaned into it. She let go and cried for what seemed like the first time in a long time. A.J silently held her as she let herself go, she thought about her family and what she'd be willing to do if something like this ever happened.

"You've done good to come this far. Both of you, have done good. You've realized what was important to you before it was too late and you've turned everything around. You're all a family whether you're related or not."

The girl let loose once more and the two sat there for a long time. At the end of it, Aria thanked the girl and they both drank one more glass. Adagio came down and joined them for it before leaving once more to check on Sonata. They exchanged numbers and A.J promised to visit in the future.

Taking a step outside and looking at the night sky she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. A.J took our her phone once more and dialed a number she didn't think she would for a while.

"Hey, Mac."

"A.J! I've been trying to reach you all night where-"

"Mac, listen. I think you should sell the fields after all."

The wind picked up as silence grew from the other side of the phone.

"What made you change your mind?"

"I just realized that the well being of family is a lot more important than anything else. I'll see you in a bit."

"Alright. I'll be waiting."

A.J hung up and stashed the phone away once more. The chill wind dug into her cheeks as she walked the path towards the bus stop. She knew Big Mac would ask her what had happened to change her mind and she'd tell him the truth. It was going to be a long night but she felt ready for whatever would come next.

Author's Notes:

Just another short story I've had swimming around in my head for a while. I feel good actually getting it typed out. Not much else to say.

As always, thank you for taking the time to read my story. Please leave a comment or critique below as any critique helps me grow as a writer. Have a wonderful day!

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Chill Wind

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