
I Won't Even Look Back

by GeekySonic

Chapter 2: Not a Sea Pony

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Not a Sea Pony

As the ship lurched, so did Rainbow Dash's stomach. She retched, feeling as if her innards had liquefied and were sloshing around in her hollow body. This was truly torturous. It even sounded like the cries of the seagulls were mocking her.

"Not a born sea-farer, I take it?" Twilight asked, propping her forelegs up on the ledge that Rainbow Dash leaned over.

Rainbow Dash shuddered, her face green. "I've puked up more than I ate." She groaned in misery. "Don't tell the girls about this. I really thought it would be more like the trip Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie went on."

"You mean when they sank a ship in the shallows?"

Rainbow Dash raised a hoof to argue, but no comeback formed in her mind.

"Just... wake me when the worst is over, will you?" Rainbow Dash slid back onto the deck, wobbling over to the entrance to the barracks below. The wooden bunks were less than inviting, but Rainbow Dash desperately needed to shut her eyes for a while. Because with her luck, things would probably get much worse before their journey was over.


Twilight watched Rainbow Dash snoozing almost contentedly. She had a bit of a snore. Or, well, a really obvious snore. But still, Twilight couldn’t help but feel the slightest bit guilty to once again interrupt Rainbow Dash in what looked like a peaceful sleep.

"Rainbow Dash." Twilight nudged Rainbow's shoulder. She only muttered incoherently in response. "Rainbow Dash, we aren't rocking anymore."

Rainbow Dash lifted her head, blinking groggily at Twilight. "Huh? Is it time to go home?"

Twilight shook her head, slightly amused. "We haven't even arrived at... well, wherever we're going."

"Drat." Rainbow Dash thumped her head on the wood.

"What's the matter with you lately, Rainbow Dash?" Twilight prodded her again. "You are acting particularly sullen. Are you still feeling sick?"

"No, that's not it," Rainbow Dash sighed. She turned her head to look at Twilight. She stood by the bunk, a concerned look on her face. "Can we... can we talk about it up on deck? I need some air."

"Of course."

Rainbow Dash rolled off the bunk, popping her back in the process. She stretched her wings as she trotted over to the stairs, Twilight following. Rainbow Dash gratefully welcomed the gust of salty air, which washed away the stench of pickles and carrots from the barracks.

"So, what's troubling you, Rainbow?" Twilight asked, visibly pleased with the atmosphere, as well.

Rainbow Dash shrugged, rubbing a foreleg. "Well uh, I'm not sure how to explain it."

"Take your time." Twilight said cheerfully.

Rainbow Dash looked around, making sure no crew ponies were eavesdropping nearby. "Okay, here's the thing: you know how Fluttershy and Discord have been... together?" She gave a small shudder at the word.

"Yes...?" Twilight cocked her head.

Rainbow Dash began to blush in embarrassment. "Well, the thing is- and I know I shouldn't be, but- I'm just... it really makes me..." She faltered for a moment. "Upset."

Twilight, despite being rather puzzled, maintained a very serious expression. "Why is that?"

"It's not that I'm upset because it's Discord!" She said defensively. "Okay, it was kinda weird. But that's not what I'm talking about. She's been my best friend since, forever!" Rainbow Dash mentally cringed at herself. "I guess, I got too attached to her, and... well, she never preferred mares in the first place."

Twilight nodded thoughtfully. Inside, she was gaping at what she just heard.

"I'm sorry to hear that. But you are a very strong, stubborn pony Rainbow. It must have taken a lot for you to open up and say what you just did. I am glad you chose to share that with me, Rainbow Dash." Twilight offered a small smile. "I imagine that adjusting to something like that would kill any mood for adventure."

Rainbow Dash blew her mane out of her eye. "I'm not upset at her. I just-" Rainbow stopped herself, clenching her teeth. "She's happy. That's all I ever wanted for her."

Twilight ruffled her wings. "That's a very selfless thing for you to say, Rainbow Dash."

"Yeah, well, what do they call me Loyalty for, huh?" Rainbow Dash gave a fraction of a smirk. She took in a deep breath. "Well, our journey is off to a weird start."

"That's certainly one way to put it." Twilight agreed.

Rainbow Dash paused momentarily. "Can you not tell Fluttershy about all this once we get back? It's something I should talk to her about once I'm ready."

Twilight smiled. "My lips are sealed."

The two mares stood there, unsure of what else there was to say. Rainbow Dash looked out into the horizon filled to the brim with the sparkling blue ocean.

"How long do you figure we'll be until we make it there?"

"A few more days, at least." Twilight responded after taking a millisecond to calculate.



"I didn't mean it."

"We know, honey."

Scared, blue eyes gaze out the sliver carved into the stone.

"It's just until Macaroni finds out what's causing all of this."

The colt sniffles. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault, son. We're not punishing you. This is just to keep the rest of the village safe."

A strip of bark is pushed under the door. On it is a mashed mixture of berries and nuts. The colt doesn't touch it.

"They hate me. They're scared of me."

"We're scared for you, sweetie."

"They don't understand. They can't. They won't."

The two ponies outside the stone cell exchange worried looks. They recognize the growing tone in his voice.

"It's okay, sweetie. Macaroni will fix you."

"They will bow!"

They flinch at the sound of their son hurling his body at the door with all his strength. A green glow radiates from the slit for his eyes.

"Wretched, pathetic mortals! You cannot bury me! You will bow! You will all bow before the Great One!"

Tears silently run down the face of the pink mare. An orange hoof is lain over her shoulder, and she is lead away, the inequine howls of her son still raging in her ears.

Next Chapter: You Would Not Believe Your Eyes Estimated time remaining: 43 Minutes
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