
I Won't Even Look Back

by GeekySonic


No Rest for the Weary

A cold draft infiltrated the empty morning air over Ponyville. The soft clouds rolled along agreeably, slightly off-course from where the weather team had arranged them. This fact did not escape the notice of a sky-blue Pegasus drifting lazily on the breeze.

Newbies. They gotta learn to teach those clouds who's in charge in this town.

The Pegasus slipped out of her comfortable position, kicking the clouds back into place within the blink of an eye. She yawned, falling back into the current of the wind. In only a few minutes, the mare had arrived where she wanted to be.

She hopped up to the doorstep of the cloud mansion. She gave a powerful flap of her wings, and the door swung open. The Pegasus yawned again as she shuffled in, kicking the door closed behind her. It had been a long day at work, and all she wanted was a good night's rest.

She flopped on a couch in the living room, eyes already drooping. Sprawled over, the aching in her muscles began to ebb away. Finally, sleepy time.

"Rainbow Dash!"

The Pegasus' head jerked up, ears perked. "Huh?"

A rapping on a window could be heard. Okay, sleepy time could wait long enough for her to clobber whoever was here upside the head. Rainbow Dash groaned as she pushed herself up, shaking her head to rattle her brain awake.

Rainbow trudged back to the door stiffly, then pulled it open to reveal her visitor. Well, she couldn't see through the burst of sunlight exactly who it was. Speaking of which, why was it sunny?

Rainbow Dash hissed and brought a hoof up to shield her eyes.

"Alright, what's going on, huh?" Rainbow Dash muttered.

"Rainbow Dash, the map!"

Rainbow Dash recognized the voice of Twilight Sparkle. What the hay was she bothering Rainbow Dash so early for?

"Twilight, what time is it?" Rainbow Dash yawned.

"It's 11:30." Rainbow could practically hear the Alicorn rolling her violet eyes.

"No way. I just got home and shut my eyes for a few seconds."

"Well, you must have dozed off." Twilight suggested patiently.

Rainbow Dash exhaled, leaning her head against the doorframe. "Fine. Now, what is it you need?"

"The map." Twilight repeated. She turned slightly to the left, allowing Rainbow Dash a glimpse of her glowing cutie mark. Taking the hint, Rainbow Dash glanced at her backside. Sure enough, her cutie mark was pulsating in a similar fashion.



"So, where exactly are we going?"

Rainbow Dash carefully examined the spot where her cutie mark chased Twilight’s in circles. It wasn't any place Rainbow recognized.

"I have no idea. It's in uncharted waters." Twilight answered truthfully.

Rainbow Dash massaged her head. Five hours of sleep on her vacation was already having a brutal effect.

"So, how are we gonna get there? It looks like a three-day flight out of Equestria."

Twilight straightened, giving that nerdy smile that always screamed that she had an obvious answer. "We won't be flying, Rainbow Dash. We'll be sailing."

"Oh, really? You know how to sail a ship?" Rainbow Dash grinned, picturing a scurvy-looking Twilight barking orders at scruffy pirates. Peg leg, eyepatch, earring and everything.

"I've read books," Twilight stated matter-of-factly. Of course she has. "But I am hiring a crew to take us there."

Rainbow Dash rubbed her chin. "Okay. When do we leave?"

"Tonight." Rainbow Dash pursed her lips, dropping her gaze. "What's the matter? If anypony would be up for an exciting journey into the unknown, I thought for sure it would be you."

"I'm just tired." Rainbow Dash mumbled, not entirely lying.

"Well then," Twilight began in her lecturing voice. "Pack what you need, get some food in your system, and rest up. I'll meet you at the marketplace a quarter after six."

"You got it." Rainbow Dash yawned, her wings lifting her off of her crystal throne chair thingy. She drifted out of the spacious room, pushing open a window. She squinted as the sunlight hit her once again.

A friendship problem far out in the middle of the ocean, huh? Well, this was the first one out of Equestria since Griffonstone. Rainbow Dash knew she should be excited. After all, she absolutely loved adventures. But, she just wasn't.

Rainbow Dash sighed as she made her way back home. Nestled into her cloud bed, Rainbow Dash shut her eyes. She was still tired, but her now-busy mind repeatedly reminded her just how dull she felt curled up, alone.


"He's doing it again."

"Doing what?"

"That thing with his eyes. They're all glowy, and he's mumbling a bunch of gibberish."

"Okay, okay. You and your little brother go get your father, I'll see if there's anything I can do."

A pattering of tiny hooves rushing out of the room. The clatter on the wooden floor turns into a soft thumping on sand outside. The mare jumps out of her bed, treading slowly down the hall. A green light glows from under the door of a bedroom of the hut.

The pony timidly pushes it open with a creak. "Sweetie? Are you okay in there?"

A mellow mutter can be heard. The mare gulps silently, then enters. The room is rather plain, star patterns occasionally etched into the walls. A bunk bed closest to the door is abandoned. A small gray colt sits upright in a bed by the window.

"Sweetie? Mommy's here. Are you okay?" She shouldn't feel afraid. This is her son. Not some criminal, or psychopath. But as the deep, alien sounds grow louder, fear is all that encompasses her.


The mumbling stops. The colt turns away from the window. Fierce green light shines from his eyes. She cannot see his pupils, but she knows they are locked onto her like a predator focusing in on a poor field mouse.

"You cannot stop it." The colt growls in a gravelly voice unbecoming of the otherwise innocent looking child. "The Great One will be made new, and he will rule all, as is his destiny."

The mare trembles, backing up away from her son. There is no trace of the smart, gentle young boy she had birthed in the face of the venomous creature before her now.

"And should you attempt to interfere with his fate, rest assured," The colt cackles hideously. "I will make you regret it."

Not a Sea Pony

As the ship lurched, so did Rainbow Dash's stomach. She retched, feeling as if her innards had liquefied and were sloshing around in her hollow body. This was truly torturous. It even sounded like the cries of the seagulls were mocking her.

"Not a born sea-farer, I take it?" Twilight asked, propping her forelegs up on the ledge that Rainbow Dash leaned over.

Rainbow Dash shuddered, her face green. "I've puked up more than I ate." She groaned in misery. "Don't tell the girls about this. I really thought it would be more like the trip Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie went on."

"You mean when they sank a ship in the shallows?"

Rainbow Dash raised a hoof to argue, but no comeback formed in her mind.

"Just... wake me when the worst is over, will you?" Rainbow Dash slid back onto the deck, wobbling over to the entrance to the barracks below. The wooden bunks were less than inviting, but Rainbow Dash desperately needed to shut her eyes for a while. Because with her luck, things would probably get much worse before their journey was over.


Twilight watched Rainbow Dash snoozing almost contentedly. She had a bit of a snore. Or, well, a really obvious snore. But still, Twilight couldn’t help but feel the slightest bit guilty to once again interrupt Rainbow Dash in what looked like a peaceful sleep.

"Rainbow Dash." Twilight nudged Rainbow's shoulder. She only muttered incoherently in response. "Rainbow Dash, we aren't rocking anymore."

Rainbow Dash lifted her head, blinking groggily at Twilight. "Huh? Is it time to go home?"

Twilight shook her head, slightly amused. "We haven't even arrived at... well, wherever we're going."

"Drat." Rainbow Dash thumped her head on the wood.

"What's the matter with you lately, Rainbow Dash?" Twilight prodded her again. "You are acting particularly sullen. Are you still feeling sick?"

"No, that's not it," Rainbow Dash sighed. She turned her head to look at Twilight. She stood by the bunk, a concerned look on her face. "Can we... can we talk about it up on deck? I need some air."

"Of course."

Rainbow Dash rolled off the bunk, popping her back in the process. She stretched her wings as she trotted over to the stairs, Twilight following. Rainbow Dash gratefully welcomed the gust of salty air, which washed away the stench of pickles and carrots from the barracks.

"So, what's troubling you, Rainbow?" Twilight asked, visibly pleased with the atmosphere, as well.

Rainbow Dash shrugged, rubbing a foreleg. "Well uh, I'm not sure how to explain it."

"Take your time." Twilight said cheerfully.

Rainbow Dash looked around, making sure no crew ponies were eavesdropping nearby. "Okay, here's the thing: you know how Fluttershy and Discord have been... together?" She gave a small shudder at the word.

"Yes...?" Twilight cocked her head.

Rainbow Dash began to blush in embarrassment. "Well, the thing is- and I know I shouldn't be, but- I'm just... it really makes me..." She faltered for a moment. "Upset."

Twilight, despite being rather puzzled, maintained a very serious expression. "Why is that?"

"It's not that I'm upset because it's Discord!" She said defensively. "Okay, it was kinda weird. But that's not what I'm talking about. She's been my best friend since, forever!" Rainbow Dash mentally cringed at herself. "I guess, I got too attached to her, and... well, she never preferred mares in the first place."

Twilight nodded thoughtfully. Inside, she was gaping at what she just heard.

"I'm sorry to hear that. But you are a very strong, stubborn pony Rainbow. It must have taken a lot for you to open up and say what you just did. I am glad you chose to share that with me, Rainbow Dash." Twilight offered a small smile. "I imagine that adjusting to something like that would kill any mood for adventure."

Rainbow Dash blew her mane out of her eye. "I'm not upset at her. I just-" Rainbow stopped herself, clenching her teeth. "She's happy. That's all I ever wanted for her."

Twilight ruffled her wings. "That's a very selfless thing for you to say, Rainbow Dash."

"Yeah, well, what do they call me Loyalty for, huh?" Rainbow Dash gave a fraction of a smirk. She took in a deep breath. "Well, our journey is off to a weird start."

"That's certainly one way to put it." Twilight agreed.

Rainbow Dash paused momentarily. "Can you not tell Fluttershy about all this once we get back? It's something I should talk to her about once I'm ready."

Twilight smiled. "My lips are sealed."

The two mares stood there, unsure of what else there was to say. Rainbow Dash looked out into the horizon filled to the brim with the sparkling blue ocean.

"How long do you figure we'll be until we make it there?"

"A few more days, at least." Twilight responded after taking a millisecond to calculate.



"I didn't mean it."

"We know, honey."

Scared, blue eyes gaze out the sliver carved into the stone.

"It's just until Macaroni finds out what's causing all of this."

The colt sniffles. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault, son. We're not punishing you. This is just to keep the rest of the village safe."

A strip of bark is pushed under the door. On it is a mashed mixture of berries and nuts. The colt doesn't touch it.

"They hate me. They're scared of me."

"We're scared for you, sweetie."

"They don't understand. They can't. They won't."

The two ponies outside the stone cell exchange worried looks. They recognize the growing tone in his voice.

"It's okay, sweetie. Macaroni will fix you."

"They will bow!"

They flinch at the sound of their son hurling his body at the door with all his strength. A green glow radiates from the slit for his eyes.

"Wretched, pathetic mortals! You cannot bury me! You will bow! You will all bow before the Great One!"

Tears silently run down the face of the pink mare. An orange hoof is lain over her shoulder, and she is lead away, the inequine howls of her son still raging in her ears.

You Would Not Believe Your Eyes

Land. It was a sight to behold. Rainbow Dash wanted to rejoice. Never again would she brave the deep blue sea once she returned home.

The entire journey was one long nightmare. At least seven times it stormed. Seven times Rainbow Dash was tossed helplessly like a rag doll in a broken washing machine. The endless blue for as far as the eye could see drove her mad.

The clear, starry nights did little to make up for the feeling of entrapment. Oh, so many times did Rainbow Dash try to fly back. Each time, the fear of her wings tiring with nowhere to land sent her scurrying back to the ship. Rainbow Dash wasn't afraid of much, but it wasn't too late to add "drowning" to the list.

And the food was just awful. Rainbow wondered how much of her vomit was from the seasickness, and how much was from the taste. It got so bad that Rainbow Dash could almost hear the fabled Sirens singing to her, coaxing her to abandon her half-finished tin plate of soggy carrots and join them for a dive.

Pure superstition, of course. Rainbow Dash didn't actually believe in sea monsters. But then again, there have been more than a few stories of ships being discovered completely void of their crews at sea (Celestia knows those salty-looking crew ponies loved to tell their share of stories). The thought of a slimy tentacle reaching up from the depths to grab Rainbow Dash while she slept...

You know what, let's go ahead and add "sea monsters" to the list, too.

Her anxiety had tripled when the ship reached the border of the mapped ocean. Rainbow Dash could see why it wasn't charted. Jagged rocks jutted out everywhere. No ship could possibly get through, and what Pegasus would dare fly past it and risk getting lost?

Of course, that meant that their ride was officially over. They were given a rowboat and supplies. The ship would be back in two weeks to pick them up.

If we're still here, Rainbow Dash whined to herself.

She was not fond of the idea of rowing the boat while being inches from the surface of the water. So, she grabbed a rope, tied a couple knots, and soon she was guiding the boat between the rocks. Naturally, she had explained that as her reason for pulling the boat. Twilight didn't need to know that Rainbow Dash was scared of a little water.

Luckily, her rigorous training as a Wonderbolt paid off, as within five hours, a speck of land appeared on the horizon. And according to Twilight’s estimation, it was exactly where they were heading.

"Five days." Rainbow Dash groaned as they drifted closer to shore. "Five days on the water. How do those ponies do it?"

"It's a talent like any other." Twilight answered primly. "Maybe I should become a sailor. I seem to have a natural proficiency at sea, and my navigation skills would certainly come in handy."

"Don't you have a kingdom to run?"

Twilight smiled genuinely. "A girl's gotta have a hobby."

Rainbow Dash didn't bother retorting. She revelled in winning, but back-and-forths between her and Twilight hardly ever ended in success. Besides, Rainbow Dash was already a winner. Let the bookworm beat her at something, why not?

"Are we there yet?" Rainbow griped.

"Almost." Twilight said reassuringly. "I think we'll be close enough to shore to walk the boat the rest of the way."

"Can't you magic it to the shore?"

"I suppose I could," Twilight nodded. "But where's the fun in that?"

"Whatever. You push it." Rainbow Dash muttered as she rolled over onto her side. "I'm taking a well-deserved nap."

Twilight rolled her eyes slightly. She wished she could be exasperated at Rainbow's behavior, but she had grown used to Rainbow Dash being difficult a long time ago.

When the boat reached the shallows, Twilight hopped out. The water was perfect temperature to combat the sun. The soft sand underhoof was incredible, as well. Twilight’s heart raced with each step, as it felt like her hooves were sinking into the ground every time they pressed down.

Twilight grabbed the rope with her teeth, and tugged the rowboat behind her. The soreness of her limbs faded as she stretched, and the water lapped at her coat.

As she approached the shore, Twilight quickly saw that their arrival had already attracted attention. Two ponies watched her from the beach. She could only imagine what they must be thinking.

"Hello!" Twilight called out as she waved a hoof. After a brief pause, one of the ponies gave her a confused wave back.

Well, that's better than them turning and running off.

The two ponies turned and ran off. Twilight sighed.

"Hopefully they're just going to go locate and bring back a local leader."

With the rowboat landed, Twilight sat back next to Rainbow Dash, ignoring the snores. A few minutes passed, and the sound of hooves neared. Twilight stood back up and jumped out.

A light orange Pegasus stallion trotted cautiously towards her. His aqua green eyes studied her carefully. Finally, he spoke up.


Twilight shook her head.

He continued to examine Twilight, his eyes widening slightly as he took in her horn and wings. "You don't look like a sailor."

"I'm not," Twilight explained. "We were sent here to help solve a problem."


Twilight kicked the rowboat, jostling the Rainbow Dash inside.

"Whaddya want, eh? Put 'em up and fight me like a horse!"

Twilight cleared her throat. Rainbow Dash rubbed her eyes and looked around. She saw the hesitant pony standing on the beach.

"Oh. 'Sup?"

"You said you were sent here?" The stallion addressed Twilight. "Who sent you?"

"Well, a map did, good sir. We are here to solve a friendship problem."

The stallion shot a perplexed look at Rainbow Dash.

"Don't look at me, I don't know how it works."

"Why don't you take us to wherever you just came from, and I'll explain everything." Twilight smiled at the Pegasus.

He paused to consider, before nodding. "Follow me. The village isn't far."

Rainbow Dash dragged herself out of the boat, her limbs cracking as she trotted to catch up with Twilight and the new guy. The pair both introduced themselves to the pony. He revealed his name to be Torch, which suited his cutie mark. He went on to explain that there wasn't a friendship problem on the island he could think of.

"There tends to be more than meets the eye with these things." Twilight assured him.

Torch scratched at his short, shaggy orange mane. It was darker than his coat, and it seemed to be dotted with silver. "Well, there is a problem... Maybe you can help us. You have magic, don't you?"

Twilight nodded. "Yes, I do. Is there a magical disturbance abound?"

"Well, I don't know. But whatever it is, it isn't natural." Torch warned her with frightened eyes.

Rainbow Dash yawned. "Then why would the cutie map call me? I'm not an Alicorn Princess."

Torch raised an eyebrow inquisitively.

"Like I said, I'll explain everything." Twilight tittered nervously.

A short distance down the trail later, and the trio arrived at what could only be the village Torch mentioned. A couple dozen huts poked up around a pool of presumably fresh water. Ponies strolling here and there stopped what they were doing to observe the newcomers.

"I'll introduce you to my wife," Torch said. "She might be able to explain what's been going on better than I can." He halted, processing his words. "She, uh... might get a little emotional."

Twilight and Rainbow Dash exchanged looks. "Is something wrong with her?" Twilight inquired.

"Not her," Torch shook his head. "But there's something very, very wrong with our son."

"I think we already found our friendship problem." Rainbow whispered.

Torch led them to a large hut, pushing open the door. Rainbow Dash and Twilight followed him inside.

"Did you find out what Bean and Bug were so worked up about?" They heard a mare ask.

"Yes. We have visitors." Torch answered as he trotted to a living room area. A pink Pegasus laid on a cushion, her chin resting on one hoof. Her sky blue mane fell over her eyes.

She looked up at them, her eyes widening in shock. Torch placed one hoof on her shoulder.

"This is my wife, Fire-"


Rainbow Dash gazed at the Pegasus, peering into her violet eyes.

"R-Rainbow Dash?" She asked in a quiet voice. She stood up, reaching a hoof towards Rainbow. She flinched when it brushed into Rainbow Dash's chest, as if expecting her to be an apparition.

"Rainbow Dash, do you know this pony?" Twilight asked slowly.

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash swallowed. "Twilight, this is Firefly. My mom."

Firefly's Story

Fifteen years ago...

The solid clopping sounds on the linoleum floor echoed throughout the hall. Aside from the young mare, the building was practically abandoned. She slowly walked to her assigned office, conscious of the noise she was making.

The Pegasus hummed softly to distract herself. As she entered the room, her ears drooped to see that it was empty save for one other pony. The stallion looked over his shoulder, staring up when he saw her.

"Hey, Firefly."

Firefly smiled, trotting over to her Flight School sweetheart. "Hey, Blaze." She gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "Is Dash safe?"

Rainbow Blaze nodded, his messy mane shaking. "I dropped her off with a foalsitter in Canterlot." He gave a look around the empty room. "Where are the rest of the emergency weather responders?"

Firefly sighed in frustration. "I don't know." She snorted. "I want to be angry with them, but I know most of them have family along the coast."

Rainbow Blaze frowned hesitantly. "I can’t push back an entire storm on my own."

"You won't," Firefly asserted as she trotted to a locker. "I'm going with you."

"Are you sure? It's gonna be nasty."

"It's my job as a supervisor to ensure the safety and well-being of my employees," Firefly insisted, tugging on a flight suit. "And to be able to fill in any position when understaffed."

"We're still short three pairs of wings." Rainbow pointed out.

"I'll telegraph the weather station in Las Pegasus. Maybe they can send a team."

Rainbow Blaze shook his head, smiling. "You never back down from anything, do you?"

Firefly grinned, slamming the locker shut. "And you love me for it."

Rainbow Blaze laughed, fitting on his goggles. "Alright, let's get this oversized grumpy marshmallow under control. I want to get home and finish my dinner!"


The roaring booms of thunder grew increasingly louder. Firefly could hardly see. The droplets of rain stung her face, like thousands of tiny whips. Every now and then she saw a spectral blur zipping by, signaling Rainbow Blaze coralling the looming mass.

Firefly flapped furiously, pushing the storm clouds with every ounce of strength she had. Occasionally the world lit up with a white light, followed by the cracks of thunder and smell of singed hair. Firefly groaned, heaving the mighty beast forward, into the ocean.

Rainbow Blaze circled continuously, keeping it away from the city and trying his best not to create a tornado. Firefly panted, feeling the inside of her suit lining with sweat.

"Come on, you stupid puffball! Buck off!" Firefly screamed with effort as she pushed, her muscles burning. With one final push, the storm seeped out over the ocean. Firefly laughed incredulously.

They had just made history! She and Rainbow Blaze had pushed an entire Class 4 thunderstorm safely off-course! She turned around in midair to find Rainbow. He was still circling lightly, slowing his trajectory. He sure looked rattled.

I am gonna tell this story to Rainbow Dash so many times!

Firefly smiled, her throbbing wings carrying her closer. All of a sudden, a giant invisible hoof punched Firefly backwards. She yelped as the after-current shoved her across the shoreline, straight towards the dangerous storm she had worked so hard to disable.

Firefly could faintly hear Rainbow Blaze screaming her name as she was tossed into the heart of the storm, which was still on a smooth path farther out into the ocean. Heart beating rapidly, Firefly struggled to regain her composure. It was okay, just simple spin-out corrections should do it.

She twisted upright, letting the wind carry her. Firefly found herself flying in circles. She scanned the walls of the storm, looking for a break in the clouds. Wait, walls?

Firefly stole a look upward. Her fears were confirmed as she gazed up into the opening of a funnel-like structure. She was in a tornado.

Panic creeping in, Firefly continued her search for an escape. All she needed was one tiny little window. Her eyes landed on a small gap. It wouldn't be there long. Firefly bolted for it. She practically made it.

Then her face was splashed by an airborne puddle of seawater.


Firefly shrieked in terror as her wings were soaked, dragging her down further into the hungry tornado.

I love you, Blaze. I love you, Dash. Firefly's eyes began watering underneath her goggles.

I tried.


Firefly blinked. She was floating aimlessly on her back. She paddled to get upright, trying to move her wings. Firefly winced at the movement. Casting a look over both shoulders, Firefly realized with a pang that her wings were dislocated. One of them might even be broken.

Firefly sighed, rolling back onto her back. So, this was it. By starvation, dehydration, exhaustion, or simply being eaten, it was clear: Firefly would forever be lost to the elements.

Twice the sun came down. Twice it came back up. Firefly strained to keep herself afloat the whole time. She knew she was just delaying the inevitable. Surely Rainbow Blaze had a search team looking for her. If they couldn't find her by now, then she was probably miles from the coast.

Her lips were cracked, and her stomach felt like a row of rusty knifes was carving it up. Firefly wished sorely for it to end. When she felt something tugging at her from above, her first thought was that vultures had discovered her, vulnerable. Then she heard a voice.

"Kahuna, help! I think she's alive!"

"Watch it, watch it. Set her down carefully."

"...She's definitely breathing. Let me see some water."

A trickle of cool water fell into her mouth.

"Hey, you with me? Try not to swallow just yet."

Firefly cracked an eye open. All she saw was an orange blur.

"Don't worry, you're gonna be okay. My name is Torch. Can you tell me yours?"


Rainbow Dash gazed off into space. Her ear twitched occasionally. Twilight leaned over to whisper in Firefly's ear, "She's just processing everything."

Firefly rubbed Rainbow Dash's shoulder. "This must come as a shock to you. I'm sorry to thrust all of this on you all at once."

Rainbow Dash licked her lips. "I... m-my brother?" She cleared her throat. "I have a half-brother?"

"Three, actually." Firefly added quietly.

"Three brothers. That's very interesting." Twilight said when Rainbow Dash fell silent again. "What are their names?"

"You've already met Bug and Bean. They were the ones who came and got me when you first arrived." Torch answered.

Firefly nodded. "You'll love them. They're such sweet boys." Her gaze fell, her smile dissipating.

"But, there's something wrong with our oldest son, Starswirl."

Like a Rainbow in the Dark

Rainbow Dash glared at Twilight, dripping coconut milk that had been spewn in a stream at her face.

"I'm sorry, did you just say, 'Starswirl'?"

Firefly stared at her in bewilderment. "Um, yes?"

"Would his namesake happen to be Starswirl the Bearded?"

Firefly looked up at Torch for help. He shrugged, equally confused. "I'm sorry, who?"

"Starswirl the Bearded: the Great Mage, ultimate spellcaster, genius alchemist, the single most powerful Unicorn in recorded history, tutor of Princess Celestia herself?" Twilight elaborated, her eyes glowing with excitement. "I've kind of studied him my entire life."

"N-No," Firefly stammered. "I named him after my mother, Stardust, and my grandfather, Cirrus Swirl. Star-swirl."

Rainbow Dash wiped her face. "You know, there is such a thing as coincidence." She jabbed at Twilight.

Twilight shuffled awkwardly. "Well, what's wrong with him, if you don't mind me asking?"

Firefly bit her lip. "At first he was just acting up. Saying phrases in a different language, and using his magic to make things move at random."

Twilight choked. "He's a Unicorn, too?"

"My father was a Unicorn." Torch explained.

Firefly nodded. "But then things got worse. He started making incantations. Threatening the villagers. And for the past week or so, he's been transforming completely."

"How do you mean?" Twilight asked, absorbing everything.

"I think you would understand better if you saw for yourselves."


Twilight followed the trail to where the cell was supposed to be. Torch gave them directions before returning to his berry-picking duties. Twilight didn't blame Firefly for not wanting to come. Seeing her son in such a state as she had described must be traumatizing.

She hoped Rainbow Dash's visit with Firefly went well. Rainbow looked a tiny bit distressed when Twilight left.


"Dad never so much as looked at another mare after you left us."

Rainbow Dash had waited several minutes to speak up. When they were alone, Firefly had tried to touch her cheek, but Rainbow Dash had dodged it. Firefly sat across from her, looking hesitant. And now, to Rainbow's satisfaction, ashamed.

"I didn't leave you, Rainbow Dash." Firefly said as her voice cracked.

"Oh no, of course not." Rainbow Dash drawled sarcastically. "You just bedded some island hunk for years while we mourned for you."

Firefly stared at Rainbow Dash, pain reflecting in her eyes. "Rainbow Dash, please. That's not how it happened."

"How did it happen, then?" Rainbow Dash began to shake. "Were we not as important to you?"

"Of course you are."

Rainbow Dash snorted. "You're just a doe-eyed fawn fallen in love with your dear rescuer, aren't you?" Her burning gaze tore into Firefly. "And now the stupid map sends me to clean up your mess and fix your happy little family that you chose over me!"

Firefly's eyes threatened to spill tears. "Rainbow Dash, I understand that you're angry. Please don't take it out on Torch or your brothers."

"Half-brothers." Rainbow Dash spat.

That word seemed to have more effect on Firefly than anything else Rainbow Dash said. She flinched as if she had just been slapped, her heartbroken eyes receiving no sympathy.

"Oh, don't worry. I'll fix whatever's wrong with your precious little angel. But then I'm leaving, and never coming back." Rainbow Dash jabbed a hoof at Firefly. "And you'd better not show up back home, either. I don't know what Dad saw in you, but he doesn't deserve to have you hurt him, too."

"I never wanted to hurt you," Firefly sobbed. "You have to understand, Dash."

"No," Rainbow Dash stood up, whipping her tail. "No I don't."


"Hi there."

Starswirl looked up. There was a stranger in his cell. How she had gotten in was a complete mystery.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Twilight Sparkle." The purple pony said with a smile. "And you must be Starswirl."

Starswirl nodded. "What are you? I have never seen a pony with the wings of a Pegasus and the horn of a Unicorn."

The pony hybrid coughed. "Well, I'm something that's called an Alicorn. But we're not here to talk about me. We're here to talk about you."

Starswirl shrank back in fear. "I knew it, I'm in trouble."

"Not the trouble you're thinking of." Twilight shook her head. "I hear that there have been some supernatural occurrences happening to you as of late."

Starswirl lowered his gaze.

"...Can you tell me anything about them?"

Starswirl pawed at the ground. "I dunno. Whenever I try to use my magic for anything, or when I get real scared, I just kinda grow cold. Then things move when I don't want them to. Then everything goes black, and I feel like someone else... holds the reins."

Twilight sat down next to Starswirl. "Can you explain that to me?"

Starswirl shook his head, silvery blue curls mopping over his eyes. "I don't know. It just feels like someone pushes me aside and takes over my body. Sometimes I can watch. Every time I come back, I'm tired, hungry, and I hurt."

Twilight tapped her chin, eyes narrowing in thought. "When did this all start?"

Starswirl shrank a little more. "When I, um... when I went into the Old Hermit's Cave."

"A hermit's cave? Why did you go inside?"

"It's abandoned." Starswirl added quickly. "Everypony says that it's dangerous because it's all unstable inside it. I bet my brothers that I was braver than them, so they dared me to go inside."

Twilight decided that this mysterious cave would have to be her next stop in her little investigation. "What happened? What was in the cave?"

"I couldn't really tell. It was really dark. But I could hear something like... whispers. They brought me to a stone table." Starswirl shuddered and curled up. "I-I touched it... and I was so cold."

Starswirl squeezed his eyes shut. Twilight came closer to pat his back. "It's okay, Starswirl. We don’t have to talk about it anymore if you don't want to. I have enough information, I think."

Starswirl stopped shaking. In fact, his whole body went rigid. Then he opened his eyes, filling the cell with green light.

"You." Twilight jumped back at the otherworldly voice. "You are a powerful sorceress." Starswirl's face twisted in rage. "They brought you here to vanquish me!"

The colt growled, leaping at Twilight. She disappeared with a flash of light, and he swiped at air where she had just been standing. Starswirl stood back up, peering into the slit in the cell door. Twilight stood on the other side, looking ghostly pale.

"Run while you can, sorceress."

The Alicorn gave him one last scared look, before turning and briskly trotting away. Starswirl hammered the door with both hooves.


The Mage's Secret

Twilight waited for her heartbeat to slow down. That definitely was not natural. She trotted back to the village, the memory of Starswirl's voice scratching at her ears.

Come on, Twilight. Focus. The sooner you get to the cave, the sooner you can find out what happened to Rainbow's brother.

Twilight made a quick scan through the sandy roads. She galloped towards the first pony she saw.

"Hello there! Not a lot of time to explain. Can you point me in the right direction of the Old Hermit's Cave?"

The befuddled red Earth Pony pointed in the general direction of a range of rolling hills past the village.

"Great! Thanks!" Twilight lifted off, taking to the sky for a better view. She shot closer to the hills, gliding down between them to find any cave-like opening.

It took a few minutes, but she eventually did find what looked to be a mouth of a cave. Twilight folded her wings, touching down softly. She trotted over to inspect it. It sure did look unappealing.

Twilight’s observations were cut short when she bumped headfirst into somepony.

"Oh, owowow!"

Twilight rubbed her forehead with a wing. "Oh dear, I'm terribly sorry. That was my fault."

"No no, it's fine," The lime green mare in front of her groaned as she massaged her temple. "I shouldn't have been up exploring like this." The mare, Twilight noticed, was a Unicorn. The expression on her face resembled the shock that everypony who saw her displayed.

"Why were you exploring out here? I was told that this cavern is a safety hazard."

The mare shrugged. "Better than sitting around doing nothing, I guess." She glanced curiously at Twilight’s cutie mark. "What's your name? I've never seen you before."

"My name is Twilight Sparkle. What is your name?"

"Four Leaf. My friends just call me Clover." She wiggled her flank, which did in fact have a four-leaf clover. "Clever, I know." She chuckled. "So, what are you doing out here?"

Twilight straightened up. "Well actually, I'm investigating some abnormalities which I'm certain originate from this cave."

"Ooh, that sounds exciting."

Twilight gave the mare a Yeah, not really look. "It has to do with whatever's been happening to Starswirl."

Clover's ears drooped. "Oh. Poor boy. I really do hope he's alright."

"As far as I know, he's fine. But there's no guarantee it will stay that way. Which is why I need to find out what's in that cave." Twilight chewed on her lip slightly. "I should go get Rainbow Dash."

"Friend of yours?"

"Yes, she is. She's actually catching up with family right now."


Rainbow Dash stomped loudly. She was mad, and she didn't care who noticed. A small, eensy little part of her mind timidly pointed out that she had missed her mother. The rest of her mind proceeded to beat it up and shove it in a locker.

Rainbow Dash gave the stink-eye to a group of ponies who had stopped to observe her tantrum. That got them on their way fast.

Where's Twilight? I swear, I might punch somepony.

"Rainbow Dash!"

Speak of the egghead, and she shall appear.

"Rainbow Dash, there you are." Twilight galloped up to her. "Come with me, I have a lead."

"Whatever you say, Sherclop Pones." Rainbow Dash fell in line with Twilight.

"So, uh, how was your talk?" Twilight asked.


Twilight gave Rainbow Rainbow a sideways glance. "It doesn't sound like it was."

Rainbow Dash groaned. "What were we supposed to do? Hug? Cry together? Pretend that the last fifteen years of my life never happened? Yeah, right."

Twilight raised her eyebrows. "You're mad at her?"

"Well, yeah!" Rainbow Dash scoffed. "How would you feel if your mom ran away and raised another family?"

Twilight paused. "Not so great, I suppose. But Firefly didn't run away. She broke her wing in that storm."

Rainbow Dash huffed. "She could have came back."

Twilight rested a wing across Rainbow's back. "Rainbow Dash, I know you're upset, but please just help me right now. Your little brother could be in serious danger if we don't find out what was in that cave right now."

"What cave?"


"Oh. That cave."

Clover must have headed home, Twilight noticed; she was nowhere to be seen.

"Starswirl felt a presence down there, and it must be whatever keeps influencing him. So, we're going to find it, and hopefully eradicate it."

"Sounds easy enough." Rainbow Dash cracked her neck. "But it sure doesn't sound like any friendship problem to me."

"I'm confident that it's somehow related." Twilight assured, before stepping into the dark opening. Rainbow Dash grimaced, then followed.

"It's really rank in here." Rainbow Dash coughed, her eyes watering.

"I know. Try to ignore it. Just keep your ears open for whispering sounds."

The two mares ventured deeper into the stale throat within the earth. Twilight kept her horn glowing to offer light. She wondered briefly if they might get lost, but then she saw something at the end of the tunnel.

"A door."

"Where?" Rainbow Dash peered over her shoulder. "I can't see anything."

"Directly in front of us."

"Well, lead the way, Your Majesty."

Twilight inched towards it. She locked her magical aura around the door handle, giving it a tug. It came open rather easily. So far there had been no whispers. Twilight didn't know if that was good or bad.

She stepped in through the door. The foul odor disappeared, and Twilight instantly felt magical energies at work.

"I think this is where we want to be."

Rainbow Dash scratched her head. "If you say so."

Twilight cast her illumination spell again. The room was lit up by a pink glow. Twilight became aware of so much more around her. Desks were strewn with scrolls, chalkboards were littered with ancient text. And books. So many books.

Twilight felt her hind legs give out. "Beautiful."

"What is?" Rainbow Dash looked around.

"All of... all of this!" Twilight scurried around to different bookshelves. She lovingly pried out dusty tomes that looked and felt older than Equestria. Her eyes widened as she pored through the pages of multiple books at once. "This-This is priceless! This is..." Her bright eyes came down in a moment of realization.

She gazed across the room once again. Reading glasses were left by an unfinished letter. A robe and hat were hung on a bedpost. A stone table sat in a lonely corner.

"This is Starswirl the Bearded's study."

Rainbow Dash whistled, waving a hoof in Twilight’s face. "Uh, you okay? There's nothing in here."

Twilight’s jaw dropped. "You don't see any of this?"

"Any of what? We're in an empty room."

Twilight frowned. "He must have placed a protection spell on it. I don't know why I bypassed it, though."

"Who cares? Let's just get out of here. This place is giving me the creeps."

"No," Twilight put the book back. "Whatever Starswirl found, he found it in this room." Twilight’s eyes landed on the stone table. She trotted over. "And I think this is it."

It was a rather plain table. Just one flat stone propped up by another hunk. But Twilight felt a sense of deliberation to it. There were markings scratched on the top, which Twilight immediately recognized as constellations. But what was its purpose?

Twilight thought hard. There had to be something about it. Something in... the books. Twilight froze. She didn't notice it at first. She was just too eager to read them to digest it. Those titles...

Death's Master, Conquering the Underworld, Demons: Myth vs. Fact, Practicing Shadow Magic...

"Come on, I think you know."

The two ponies jerked their heads towards the source of the voice. Clover leaned against the wall by the door, looking rather entertained. "You're smart, Twilight. Come on, tell me you figured it out."

"What's she talking about?" Rainbow Dash hissed as she instinctively shifted into a defensive fighting position.

"Starswirl." Twilight turned to Rainbow Dash, trembling.

"Starswirl the Bearded was a Necromancer."

Victims of Circumstance

Twilight yelped as a beam of magic struck her in the chest. She stumbled back into a bookcase, sending a cloud layer of dirt up.

"Twilight!" Rainbow Dash zipped over to her. Twilight panted, feeling the wind knocked out of her. Furious, Rainbow Dash turned her gaze back to the green Unicorn. "What did you do?"

"Nothing harmful, yet. I just hit her with a spell that temporarily leeches her magical capabilities."

Twilight coughed, struggling to stand. She winced, having to lean against Rainbow Dash. "Why are you doing this?"

"For what it's worth, I really am sorry." Clover tsked, but the smirk on her face clearly showed her enjoyment.

A green bubble appeared around Twilight and Rainbow Dash. It crackled with magical energy. Twilight fired a beam into the dome, to no effect. Clover still watched them casually, only shaking her head in mild disappointment.

"It's a shame that it had to be your brother, Rainbow Dash. Starswirl is a creatively unique individual. That's just how life goes."

"You had better tell me what's going on, you barf-haired mule!" Rainbow Dash growled.

Clover shrugged, as if to say, What can you do?

"The Great One only had a brief glimpse into you, Twilight. But believe me, he is impressed. That is a great feat. I mean, Master of the Elements of Harmony? That sure caught me off-guard, I'll tell you that much. Regardless, I think the Mage and I will find a way to manage without you."

"What do you mean?" Twilight shouted. "Starswirl the Bearded?"

"Who do you think brought me back?" Clover grinned innocently.

Twilight felt her blood run cold. "I don't believe it."

"Believe what?" Rainbow Dash stomped, getting fed up with being one step behind.

"You said it yourself, Twilight." Clover said. Twilight found a rising urge to knock her pearly whites out. Smile after that, you old bat! "Why do you think nopony has been able to find the Mage's last resting place?"

Twilight glared daggers. "But what do you need Starswirl for? He doesn't have anything to do with... whatever dark witchcraft you've cooked up."

Clover almost gaped at her in disbelief. "Really? You still haven't figured it out?" She was met with two silent glares. She sighed, shaking her head. "The Mage couldn't live forever. Nopony outruns Death. But, Death can be escaped.

"You see, that's why he raised me. When shipwrecked ponies began to settle here, I helped start a village. The Mage predicted his host would be born on the isle of his end. All I had to do was wait.

"Oh, it was pure destiny. A silver Unicorn, with unbelievable potential, born from a half-blood. He even has his eyes." Clover smiled, her voice filled with drunken adoration. "Oh yes. The spirit of Starswirl the Bearded will be reborn."

"You're delusional!" Twilight shook her head.

"Maybe," Clover sighed. "Getting right back into the thick of life after centuries of lying around doing nothing can do that to you." A golden aura flashed over her horn. "Well, I'm sorry about all this, but I really can't let you escape from this cave. If I'm going to fully bring the Great Mage back, I can't afford to have you trying anything undesirable... Shame about all the books though."

"I'm gonna kick your teeth down your throat, you ghoul!" Rainbow Dash pounced into the glimmering force field, receiving a scalding burn for her effort.

Clover chuckled, shaking her head as if Rainbow Dash was a mere filly throwing a temper tantrum. "Sorry again, girls!" She shot several blasts of magic into the roof, causing it to rumble as rubble dropped down. "Sweet dreams!"

She teleported in a golden flash, disappearing along with the shield trapping the two mares. They made a beeline for the door. The carvern dropped in on them before they even came close. The ponies shrieked as the rocks descended on them, silencing their screams.


"Hey there, Starswirl."

Starswirl looked up. Through the tiny slit, he could see the honey-colored eyes of the only other Unicorn on the island.

"Hi, Clover." He mumbled softly.

"Don't look so blue, Starswirl." He could hear Clover smiling. "You don't have to be afraid anymore."

Starswirl looked up in confusion. "Did Macaroni find a way to stop what's happening? Or did the new pony find something in the Old Hermit's Cave?"

"Something like that."

Starswirl sighed, and gave a short, incredulous laugh. "I can’t believe it. Does that mean it's over? Can I come out now?"

"Yes, Starswirl," Clover purred in smoothly cloaked joy. With a screech and a grinding, the door was pulled open. "It's all over."


Rainbow Dash trembled, clutching her hooves over her head. The giant rocks never hit her. Rainbow Dash gasped slightly when she felt something hot and wet dripping onto her mane.

"Twilight... are we alive?"

"D-Don’t... move."

Rainbow Dash twisted her head upwards. A dim violet light overhead illuminated Twilight standing over her protectively. Twilight’s horn was aglow, and a thin shield held up the rocks inches from them. Tears dribbled from Twilight’s eyes, which were clenched shut.

Twilight’s knees buckled, as if carrying a stack of lead bars on her back. Her hooves slid, and soon she was pushed down against Rainbow. Twilight groaned in effort, short breaths coming between teeth burning from the pressure of being locked together. Even though she focused all of her magic on maintaining the feeble force field, the pink glow began to dim as the corners shrunk gradually.

Rainbow Dash gulped. "Oh Celestia."

The Beginning of the End

A shortness of breath. A sharp, twisting pain. An icy sensation. Then it was over. But Starswirl could still see. It hadn't completely removed him just yet.

When he opened his eyes, he saw everything in enhanced colors. The cell that imprisoned him was open, revealing the entirety of his first target. Starswirl climbed to his hooves. His head snapped in the direction of the Unicorn mare.

"It is done?" Starswirl internally shivered at the voice that was not his voice.

"Yes, Great One."

Starswirl nodded, a noticeably unpleasant smile forming on his face. "Very good, Clover the Clever." He stepped out into the soft heat of sunset. "In less than a day. How appropriate."

Clover smiled widely, reveling in the moment. "Are you ready for the final stage, Great One?"

"I am ready," Starswirl turned his gaze to the hills just past the village. On the other side of the island was a sandbar he knew led to something which would make his parents hysterical. "Round them up."


Rainbow Dash groaned. She was... okay. Sore, and maybe the slightest bit woozy, but A-okay. She turned over to face the sky. Oh, what a welcome sight! Buck it, tight spaces is going on the list!

Rainbow Dash had feared that her final moments had come. When the shield had shrunk to the point that it just barely covered the two mares, they had latched together, balling up to inhabit the space as long as possible. Then Twilight had whispered, "Hold... on!"

Rainbow Dash's entire life flashed before her eyes in a matter of milliseconds. In that span of time, Twilight dropped the shield, allowing the stone to crash down on where they were trapped. Rainbow Dash hardly noticed Twilight’s magic enveloping her, until she heard a burst of magic.

She raised her hooves, kicking and screaming in a very unheroic fashion. After about a minute of this, Rainbow dared to open her eyes. She was met with a homely light from the sun. Rainbow Dash giggled in shock.

"Oh, oh my gosh." Rainbow Dash began laughing. "Omigosh, omigosh Twilight, we're alive!" Rainbow Dash sprung up, doing a victory dance in the air. "Oh, smell that air! Talk about cuh-razy! Can you believe it? Two hours ago we were still stuck on-"

Rainbow Dash stopped when she realized she was celebrating alone.


Rainbow Dash's relieved smile faltered. She looked around. Nopony accompanied her in the field. Eyes widening, Rainbow Dash zipped up. She whipped her head in every direction. When she saw no purple egghead lying about randomly, the realization hit her.

Rainbow Dash zoomed back down, launching into the cave at full speed. She scraped her sides on the cave walls as she navigated her way through. Finally, she came to the remains of the doorway, blocked with large chunks of rubble.

"Twilight!" Rainbow Dash began desperately digging. She pulled out heaps of rock, only for them to be replaced with larger pieces. The boulders pieces wouldn't budge at all.

"No, no, no, no!" Rainbow Dash pounded on the rocks, grunting in aggravation when they wouldn't give way. "Twilight!" She screamed in vain. The entire time she tried to force her way in, the room on the other side had been silent.

Rainbow Dash panted, collapsing against the rock pile. She began shaking. From fear, anxiety, and an internal pain. After a few minutes, she stood back up.

Rainbow Dash stalked out of the cave, moving slowly and purposefully. Her body still quivered, but not from any combination of the former factors.

Now she shook with fury.

Never Alone

Choices. Rainbow Dash made them every day. Do I eat hay fries on cheat day, or apple dumpling? Do I chill by the lake, or hang out with one of the girls? Easy questions like that.

When the question is Do I save my mother and extended family from being incinerated in a volcano, or save one of my best friends from being blasted by two psychopathic wizards? things tend to get just a little bit more complicated.

Rainbow Dash was a natural fighter. Put her up against any foe, and it was likely she would find a way to end it with her standing triumphantly over them. It was instinct. No thought required.

But she was never good with feelings. Dad said she just had trouble interpreting things like other ponies did. Rainbow Dash could never fully understand why, or how. Feelings made her think.

That was something dangerous to do right then and there. The sounds of villagers shouting in protest, her brothers screaming in terror, their parents begging not to let their foals burn, Twilight grunting as she blocked beam after beam of lasers launched at her, Starswirl cackling and shut up shut up shut up!

Rainbow Dash shut her eyes, blocking out all the noise, the heat, the buzzing of her brain. Rainbow Dash drew in a deep breath. With a bound, a leap, and a flap of her wings, Rainbow Dash made her choice.


30 minutes ago...

Stop, stop! How do I stop?!

Starswirl watched helplessly as his friends and family were herded in a line along the path. They were all shackled with a shiny alloy conjured by his own horn that cast an azure glow. His brothers cried as they stumbled past.

"Star, please! Don't do this to us!" Bug struggled to run to his brother.

Bean trembled, sniffling. He stopped by Starswirl, trying (and failing) to meet his gaze. "Sorry I ate your cocoa bits." He flinched as he said it, as if expecting that Starswirl would lash out at him, and that chaining up the entire village was in protest of losing a few sugary treats.

No, Bean! Eat all my cocoa bits, I don't care! Just please don't hate me!

Starswirl felt his face harden, and the sick voice growled, "Move it."

Bean winced, flattening his ears against his head. With a horrified look on his face, Bug followed his little brother back into the line. Starswirl's mouth curled into a cruel smirk. The line crept on steadily, with Clover yelling commands for the ponies who just that afternoon thought of her as a close friend to move faster.

Then another orange pony passed. Then a pink one.

Please don't look at them, please don't look at them!

Starswirl looked up, his eyes meeting his father's, then his mother's. Starswirl couldn't think of a word to describe the way they looked at him. Starswirl's smirk grew larger.

"I warned you once, wretch. You think you know despair? Just wait," Starswirl laughed against his will as his mother turned away. "The fun is just starting."



Rainbow Dash flew from hut to hut. The entire village was empty. How do 30+ ponies just up and disappear? Was it another magic trick from that dastardly pony? She was going to suffer once Rainbow Dash got her hooves on her.

Rainbow Dash shot like a rocket back to the beach. She would search every inch of this stupid island to find Clover, if she had to.


Rainbow Dash flared her wings, catching the wind to slow herself down.

"What the- Hey! Who said that?"

"It's your conscience. We don’t talk a lot these days."

Rainbow Dash froze, tensing her body. "If somepony is pulling something, I'm warning you, I guarantee you that I will win."

"It's me, smart one," A tiny creature no bigger than a fly landed on Rainbow's muzzle. She crossed her eyes to focus on it. "Thanks for coming back for me."

Rainbow Dash blinked. "...Twilight?"

The fun-sized Princess waved a hoof. "Wow. Talk about a close call, huh? I'm so glad to see that my teleportation spell got you out safely. I was worried that I wouldn't have the strength to pull it off. Sorry I didn't come with, I had to make sure I could just get you out. Luckily, I'm not too rusty with size-shifting, or I would have- wait, are you crying?"

Rainbow Dash fell back onto her rear. "Sweet Celestia, Twilight! I thought you were..." Rainbow Dash angrily wiped at her eyes.

Twilight covered her mouth with a hoof. "Oh. Oh my goodness, Rainbow Dash, I'm so sorry."

"Look, it's nothing," Rainbow Dash sighed. "You're fine, so it's nothing, okay?"

Twilight patted Rainbow's muzzle comfortingly. "It's alright, Rainbow Dash. Now come on, we still have to save your brother!"

Rainbow Dash rubbed her neck. "About that, slight problem. Everypony's gone."

"What? Where could they possibly have gone?"

"I don't know," Rainbow Dash frowned. "I was just searching for them."

"Well then, we'd better hurry!" Twilight flew up, burrowing into Rainbow Dash's mane. "Just uh, don't hurry too much. It's kind of hard to hold on."


To the eye of most ponies, the dormant beast could be easily dismissed as just an old mountain. But as the Mage knew, it was in fact a very active volcano. He focused his magic, throwing several telekinetic punches at the stone wall, creating his own opening.

He grinned as a wave of heat blasted into him, followed by clouds of steam.

"Listen! I'm on a rather tight schedule if I want to cement this body as my own. And that requires a specific number of ponies to give up theirs. Now tell me," He shouted at the cowering herd of ponies. "Which of you would like to go first?"


"What are they doing?"

Rainbow Dash and Twilight watched from afar in the safety of a bush.

"It can't be anything good. Look, they're all shackled."

Indeed the villagers were. It thankfully hadn’t taken long to scour the island. After deducing that they must have moved somewhere else, the pair searched the beach. Soon they found the sandbar leading to a lonely mountain on the other side of the island.

Sure enough, there they were, Chained and shoved along. Rainbow Dash and Twilight arrived just when the top of the mountain was obliterated. Steam rose from it, giving them both a sinking feeling as to what Starswirl and Clover were up to.

"We're going to have to swoop in and stop them."

"Hold up there," Rainbow Dash grabbed at the tiny Alicorn. "One close shave was enough. You need to wait until you can use your magic to get tangled up in this."

Twilight crossed her forelegs. "Rainbow Dash, we don’t have time for this!"

"Look, I'm not letting you face them. Comprendo?"

"And just how are you going to stop me?" Twilight scoffed. She balked at Rainbow's evil grin. "You wouldn't dare-"


Rainbow Dash closed her mouth around Twilight, careful not to crunch down on her. The inside of her mouth was tickled by a vibration, which Rainbow assumed to be Twilight screeching at the top of her lungs.

"Save your breath, Twi," Rainbow muttered through clenched teeth. "We're not stopping for breathers."


Clover smiled in sadistic satisfaction at the sight of the villagers clamoring in rage as Bug and Bean were tied in a bundle and left on the pillar in the middle of the pool of magma. The lava was slowly rising, creeping up towards the boys. Their parents screamed from above, helplessly.

Starswirl looked up through the top. The sun was set. By the time he was done here, the moon would rise, and this body would be his. Finally. After centuries of waiting, he could claim what he coveted for as long as he existed.

The existence of the young Alicorn gave reason to worry, however. Starswirl was certain that the Alicorns went extinct. If there was one, surely there could be more. If they were all as easy to defeat as this sorceress, then he would be fine.


A blue blur barreled into the volcano, ramming Clover at full-speed. The mare grunted as she was knocked back into the hard ground.

"Alright, give it up, pricks!" Rainbow Dash whinnied threateningly.

Starswirl raised an eyebrow. "Clover?"

"I'm sorry, Great One," Clover coughed, staggering back up. "I don't know how she escaped."

"Oh, I brought reinforcements!" Rainbow Dash smirked. "Blehh!"

She stuck out her tongue, revealing a lavender hairball which furiously shook off spittle.

"Rainbow Dash! I don't know what I'm going to do, but I swear you won't like it!"

Starswirl frowned. "What is this?"

"Of course, how rude of me."

The fuzzball disappeared in a purple flash. She reappeared instantly, a full-sized pony, standing next to Rainbow Dash. "Recognize me now?"

"What?! Her lover survived too?"

Rainbow Dash and Twilight exchanged looks. Twilight’s pupils constricted.

"Lover? Who said lover? I didn't say lover! Did you say lover? Lover's a bit of a stretch, isn't it? More like a one-sided crush, or unrealistic infatuation." Twilight began hyperventilating, her face red. "Boy, it's getting hot in here. It's not mating season, is it?"

Clover cocked her head. "But the memory Starswirl dug up..."

Twilight stiffened as Clover projected the mental image.

"That's not a memory."

The four ponies stood facing each other, now rather awkwardly. Rainbow Dash scuffed at the ground with a hoof. "So..."

"Savelivesnowtalkaboutthislaterokaygotit!" Twilight pounced, shooting an immobilization spell, which was easily countered.

The two Unicorns drew back, launching a variety of spells back. Rainbow Dash dove. She flew straight towards the pillar where her brothers struggled against their binding. She braked to a halt when she heard Twilight grunting in effort.

Rainbow Dash began to sweat. Those two ponies had proven that they were able and willing to fight mercilessly. And now, Twilight dueled them on her own.

Rainbow Dash found herself between a rock and a hard place. This called for a very important decision. Rainbow Dash hoped this was the right one.

The Most Powerful Magic

Bean bit at the rope. Maybe he could chew their way out. He read that in a book, once. Bug wiggling only made it harder.

"Bug! Bug, hold still!" The dusty brown colt shouted as his brother's hind leg jabbed his back.

Bug sobbed, pulling against the ropes. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Bean bent his neck again, gnawing at the restraints. The heat sucked the energy right out of him, and it was steadily getting worse. Bean risked a glance over the edge of the pillar. His guts twisted at the sight of the magma. It was so... close. He hurriedly continued his work.

Bean groaned in stress to see that he was getting nowhere. All he succeeded in doing was getting the rope wet and getting scratchy bits of it in his teeth. Just as Bean relented, he felt a jerk as he was lifted into the air. The oxygen in his lungs left with a jolt.

Eyes watering, he looked up. The blue Pegasus from the beach was carrying the both of them.

"Don't worry, I gotcha!"

She whisked them away from the pillar, taking them back up to the ridge. Bug trembled from shock, and Bean only stared in awe. The rest of the ponies above cheered, shouting grace in joyous relief.

The mare allowed a minute smile to form on her face, before setting Bug and Bean down in front of their parents.

"Okay, you guys take care of the boys," The rainbow-maned Pegasus nodded at them. She turned to where a bright show of lights was being orchestrated. "I still gotta stop those two maniacs."

"Wait!" Bean's mom struggled in her chains. She looked at the Pegasus with silently begging eyes. "Thank you. Thank you so much, Dash." The Pegasus stood still, refusing to respond. "I love my babies, Rainbow Dash. I need them. Please. Please don't hurt Starswirl."

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes at Firefly. "I'll do my best."

Firefly nodded, her eyes reddened from crying. "Thank you." As Rainbow turned to fly away, she spoke up again. "I know you don't want to believe it, but I love you, too."

Rainbow Dash said nothing, launching herself into the air towards the ongoing duel. Still laying at their parents' hooves, Bean squirmed in protest.

"I'm not a baby..."


Uncertainty. It was absurd. It was unjust. For centuries, Starswirl waited for this very moment. The moment he would be reborn into a body capable of things only recorded in the most ancient of textbooks.

And this pony- no, this abomination created the mere possibility of failure. The rainbow one had already retrieved his sacrifices while he was distracted.

"You idiotic creature!" Starswirl roared. "Do you realize what you're doing?"

Twilight panted, shielding herself from a nasty incendiary spell. "I'm stopping a power-hungry sorcerer from harming innocent ponies!"

Starswirl bared his teeth. "You foal! Only under my rule can ponykind thrive. Only under my leadership can we survive!"

"I get the feeling that somepony who would be willing to burn two children alive doesn't have Equestrians' best interests at heart." Twilight quipped.

Clover and Starswirl both advanced suddenly, simultaneously casting lasers at Twilight. Twilight was quick to form a shield; she was quite practiced at that. As the lights faded, Twilight saw that Clover had broken away, and was now galloping towards the trapped herd of ponies. Twilight called out in alarm.

"No you don't!"

Clover was tackled to the ground a second time. Rainbow Dash snorted, pounding her hooves on the floor in a challenging fashion. Twilight let out a small sigh of relief.

"How are you fighting me?" Starswirl spat in rage. "I have studied ancient techniques and forms beyond your comprehension!"

Twilight shrugged indifferently. "I have a bad habit of reading books that I shouldn't. And while you're not the pony I admired, I still spent my lifetime studying you, Starswirl the Bearded."

"Have you now? What an interesting concept."

The foal dashed forward at an amazing speed. Before Twilight could react, he touched his glowing horn to her chest. She gasped, losing all sense of feeling as the world faded to white.



Starswirl paused, dazed by the rush of information. He had been expecting a list of things to expect when fighting this nuisance. Not... this.

I guess the first look wasn't enough, was it?

Starswirl spun around. In the dreamy whiteness, he was joined by the Alicorn.

Impossible. How can you possibly resist a mind-seizing spell?

I'm not. Not at all. In fact, I let you in, Starswirl. Welcome to my mind-scape.

Starswirl felt dizzied. All around him were the outlines of memories. How had she gone through so much, and still remained the victor? Yaks, Dragons, Griffins, tyrants, monsters, and so much more. He saw the Crystal Empire, the gates of Tartarus, the Royal Castle, a Changeling hive, and... Alicorns.  There were five Alicorns?!

How did you do all of this?

Look carefully, Starswirl. What do you notice?

Starswirl tried and tried and tried to see the answer. He did discover a trend; along with the young Alicorn, a small group of ponies consistently appeared in significant memories. The rainbow one was also heavily present. But what was their relevance?

I guess there's one thing the history books got right. You really don't know the magic of friendship.

...You're joking.

I am the Princess of Friendship, sir. I do not joke when friendship is on the line.

'Princess'? That must be how you discovered my study. I designed it so that only the Royal Alicorn Sisters could enter. But you... how?

I don't know how, or why. I just know that I am. It is my purpose to spread the magic of friendship. And that is why you will not succeed in hurting any of these ponies.


Starswirl gasped as he was forced back into reality. Friendship? Friendship conquered lethal foes, and united Equestria? It was an insult. A hoof-bite at all of his work.

The Alicorn looked at him expectantly, waiting for his next move. Behind her, Clover was pinned to the ground, receiving a knock to the back of her head for her struggling.

"You... you're trying to fool me! You have something up your sleeve."

Twilight shook her head. "I have absolutely nothing. Nothing but the faith that you will take a chance and do the right thing. What you're doing isn't just hurtful. It's wrong.

"You said that you want to help protect Equestria. And you tried to tear apart a family. End the lives of two innocent boys with just as much potential as anyone else. If you truly want to do Equestria a favor, then stop what you're doing.

"The magic in ponies has protected us time and time again. The love of family, the love of friends... and the love of the pony you want to spend the rest of your life with." Twilight detected Rainbow Dash leaning forward to hear through her peripherals. "Please. Let go of your fear, anger, and distrust. Even for the smallest of moments, I ask that you take my hoof in friendship."


Clover? The dusty old Unicorn wheezed. From the blanket of nothingness, a green mare trotted forward.


Was I wrong, Clover? Have I spent all of these years for nothing? Planning for a threat that never existed?

I think... I think we were both wrong. I'm sorry, Starswirl. I waited so long, I forgot what I was waiting for. I let this become about power.

...Is it wrong for me to fear the end? For so long, I awaited my chance to be reborn. And just when I had a taste of what it felt like to live again, this happens. I don't want to let go.

You're scared? I'm terrified! Clover chuckled. ...It doesn't hurt.

Starswirl sighed deeply. Very well.

You know, all that mooey-gooey lala friendship stuff she was talking about actually kind of made sense. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to give it a try.


Clover took Starswirl's hoof.



Starswirl blinked. The first thing that hit him was the pang of hunger. Then a blast of heat. He was sticky with sweat.


"Welcome back, Starswirl." Twilight gave a rueful smile. Starswirl shook his head.

"Is it over over?"

"Yes, Starswirl," Twilight laughed. "I think it's over over."

You Know I Gotta Know

Clover just turned to dust beneath Rainbow Dash. Just poof, and she was gone. Rainbow Dash spat wildly when some of the dust landed on her tongue. The bitter taste of dear-Celestia-hopefully-not-pony-ash still on her tongue, Rainbow looked up. Twilight was leading Rainbow's brother back to them.

Rainbow Dash fell in line with them. "So... that's that?"

"I guess it is." Twilight sighed. As they trotted closer to the villagers, Starswirl slowed down, bowing his head in shame. Using her magic, Twilight got rid of the chains holding the ponies in place.


Two Pegasi galloped forward. Firefly scooped up the colt. Torch wrapped the both of them into a hug. Bean and Bug raced to their family, worming their way into the hug.

"You're okay, you're okay!" Firefly and Torch held their boys tightly, crying into their manes.

"I-I'm so s-s-sorry." Starswirl choked out.

"Do not think it was you. Don't you dare." Firefly kissed her son's forehead.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash watched the reunion silently. Rainbow raised her eyebrows when she realized something. She wasn't angry. She wasn't jealous.

Firefly looked up briefly at her daughter. Still overwhelmed with emotion, Firefly simply mouthed the words, Thank you.

Rainbow Dash nodded, trotting over to them. "So," Rainbow Dash began, catching her brothers in a second hug. "We haven't officially met. I'm Rainbow Dash-"


Rainbow Dash watched morosely as the villagers scuttled back and forth. Saving the boys was well and done, but the volcano would still be pushing out hot lava. If the ponies here wanted to survive, they would have to find a new home.

"So... what do I tell Dad?" She asked Firefly.

"Nothing," Firefly sighed. "I'll talk to him. It's high time that I stopped running away from my responsibilities."

Rainbow Dash raised her head. "So, you all decided to come to Equestria?" Firefly nodded. "But... you're still gonna stay with your family."

Firefly nodded again, the pained look in her eyes making her look much older. "Two wrongs don't make a right, Rainbow Dash. I'll stay with my husband and sons." She looked at Rainbow with some hope in her eyes. "But you're always welcome to be part of the family."

Rainbow Dash chuckled wryly. "I have Dad, and a sister back home. Adopted," She added at Firefly's confused look. Rainbow turned her head to where Twilight was helping some villagers move supplies. "And I might even have a partner of my own, soon."

"I see."

The mother and daughter duo sat for some time.

"I'll visit," Rainbow Dash promised. "Whenever I can. Hang out with the boys, and stuff."

Firefly smiled. "Thank you. I think they'd like that." Firefly ruffled her wings. "Well, I'm going to go help Torch move our things. I love you, Rainbow Dash."

Firefly left, leaving a kiss on Rainbow's cheek. Rainbow Dash felt a mental urge to wipe it off. The rest of her mind proceeded to beat it up and give it a swirlie.

Spotting Twilight again, Rainbow Dash unfolded her wings, gliding down to where the Alicorn was catching her breath.

"So. Lover, huh?"

Twilight jumped, her face red before she even turned to face Rainbow Dash.

"Uh, um, huh? Idunnowhatyou'retalkingabout."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes slightly. "Oh yeah, allow me to correct myself: 'one-sided crush, or unrealistic infatuation'."

Twilight slumped. "I'm sorry, Rainbow Dash. I just didn't want to tell you, given everything that had been going on."

Rainbow Dash nodded. "Okay. So... what next?"

Twilight shrugged. "I have no idea."

Rainbow Dash peered at Twilight, smiling a bit. "I thought you were into stallions, anyway. What happened to that Flash guy?"

"Rainbow," Twilight chuckled. "Flash Sentry is a handsome stallion, but I look for more than that in a pony."

"Like what?"

"Are you willing to find out?"

Rainbow Dash paused to think. "I don't know. I want to just close my eyes and trust my instincts. But it's not as simple as letting the stars guide you on a long, cold flight. It's like just around the corner, there's only heartache. But I don't want to let that keep me down. So, yes." Rainbow Dash inhaled through her nostrils, courage sweeping over her.

"Even if sometimes it hurts, if you want to, I'll give it my all, and... and I won't even look back."

Twilight stared at Rainbow Dash, stunned. "That... wow."

Rainbow Dash blushed. "Yeah, that sounded a lot smarter in my head."

"No, no. Pro tip, Rainbow Dash," Twilight giggled. "Girls love poetry."

"Poetry?" Rainbow Dash laughed. "What, with like stanzas, and meters? Not a chance."

The two mares shifted on their hooves, both unsure who should make the next move.

"So, does that mean we're together, now?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I think it does."

Rainbow Dash grinned. "Good. So, I guess now it's okay if I do this." She slid forward, wrapping one wing around Twilight. Before Twilight realized what Rainbow Dash was doing, their lips had already met. Twilight felt her wings stiffen as Rainbow Dash worked her magic.

It wasn't nearly as glamorous as Twilight pictured. But it was warm, it was firm, it was Rainbow Dash. When Rainbow's comforting lips pulled away, Twilight opened her eyes. Rainbow Dash turned her head and coughed slightly.

"What is it?"

"Nothing, nothing," Rainbow Dash coughed again. "It's just that you still kinda taste like pickles."

Twilight scoffed incredulously. "You have no room to complain!"

Rainbow Dash snickered. "No, I guess I don't."

For a minute, they just sat there silently. Eventually, Rainbow Dash's attention was caught by a pulsating glow originating from Twilight’s flank.

"Hey, look at that. It's time to go home."

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