Vinyl must gather the elements to find the truth about the events that changed Equestria.
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Twenty years before the Summer Sun Celebration that would set Nightmare moon free, Princess Celestia and thousands of other ponies simply slumped over dead with no explanation. A new lavender Alicorn with a magenta colored starburst cutie mark appears suddenly and takes the throne on virtue of her being the only one who can now raise and set the sun. Twilight, now calling herself Penumbra, is the only one who remembers the normal history of Equestria and her friends from Ponyville. Accompanying her are a cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane, known as Spectra, and an orange earthpony with a blonde mane called Malus - her daughters who appear to be some mix of their mother Alicorn and two unidentified regular ponies.

Now, on the longest night of the thousandth year, Luna has returned to Equestria, free of the Nightmare and her own powers mysteriously drained.

Soon Pinkie Pie, the Element of Laughter, and Vinyl Scratch, a down on her luck DJ, find themselves on a quest to assemble the Elements of Harmony while being forced to evade Penumbra and her children.

Special thanks to:

-Timefather64 for helping me make this idea not a bad one.

-Jonshine for writing the line in his own story that in the end inspired this idea.

-OrphiusOlyandra for pre-reading and helping me be a less awful writer.

-AlicornPriest for pre-reading and giving me pointers on grammar.

-Slayerdarkcross on deviantart for letting me use his image. You should check out his other stuff.

On Hiatus

56,666 words: Estimated 3 Hours, 47 Minutes to read: [Fimfiction.net] [Cache]

5 Chapters:

  1. Prologue: Ordainment [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Sep 15th, 2012
  2. Chapter 1: The Players [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Oct 9th, 2012
  3. Chapter 2: The Tune [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Oct 9th, 2012
  4. Chapter 3: The Dance [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Jan 2nd, 2013
  5. Chapter 4: No One Special [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Feb 16th, 2013
Published Aug 16th, 2012
Last Update Feb 15th, 2013


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