
A New Dragon in the Crystal Empire

by Vedues

Chapter 31

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Party-fighter-planes were actually really, really tricky to fly. Pinkie learned that the hard way. In her defense, how was she supposed to have known that pulling up on the wheel-thingy would make the plane go down? For that matter, why did turning the wheel left make the plane turn left? If up and down were reversed, shouldn’t left and right have been reversed too?

“I think that’s everything,” Cheese gasped, pulling the last bit of their emergency party supplies out of the confetti-encrusted wreckage. He looked at the twisted metal and broken trees sadly, pressing his hat to his chest. “Rest in peace, Big Bertha.”

Pinkie put her foreleg around him. “I’m really sorry, Cheese. I should have told you that I don’t have my party-plane license yet.”

“It’s okay, Pinkie, she gave her life for a good cause.” He turned to the forest around them. Actually, it was more like a jungle, or a rain forest. What was the difference between a jungle and a rain forest anyway? Whatever it was, Cheese turned to it and put his hat back on. “We best get movin’ before we lose the daylight. Your friend’s counting on us to find that kumiho.”

“You’re right, there’s no time to waste.” Pinkie stuffed half the boxes into her mane and tail, while Cheese did the same with the rest. “I’m pretty sure I saw the village just before we crashed, so it has to be close.”

“I think you’re right, little filly. My cheesy sense is telling me that we can be there in a few minutes.” Cheese grinned over at Pinkie as they walked. “I’ve never been in an airplane crash before. I wish I’d been awake for more of it.”

“It was kind of scary, but really fun.” Pinkie bounced along at his side. “Kind of like a roller-coaster, only more like a flier-crasher.”

“And you were all ‘Aaaahhh!’ ”

“And then you woke up and were like, ‘Aaaahhh!’ ”

“And then everything was BOOOOMMM!” they finished as one, laughing enthusiastically.

The rain forest, or jungle, around them was strangely peaceful as they walked. There were tons of animals, Pinkie didn’t recognize most of them, but none seemed at all afraid of the two ponies. It was like one of Fluttershy’s dreams come true.

Eventually the forest gave way, revealing a bunch of giant buildings, like Castle of the Two Sisters giant. The city, town, village, or whatever was bigger than Ponyville by far. Drakes about the size of Celestia walked the streets next to ponies, and they actually looked really happy together.

Pinkie’s eyes widened when she saw a minty green stallion that wasn’t exactly a stallion. He had a pony’s coat, hooves, and mane and tail, but a drake’s wings, teeth, and eyes. He was walking down the street next to a purple drake.

“Ohmygosh, look, Cheese, it’s a kirin! Let’s go say hi!” Without waiting for him to respond, Pinkie ran over to do just that. “Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie.” She pushed her face right next to his as the dust around her cleared. “What’s your name?”

“Gah!” The kirin jumped back in surprise. Lots of ponies and dragons did that when Pinkie introduced herself, now that she thought about it.

“I’ve heard that joke before, I know your name isn’t gah.” She chuckled anyway though, just to be nice. “Come on, what’s your real name?”

A leathery wing inserted itself between Pinkie and her new friend. “Excuse me, you’re scaring my cousin.”

Pinkie gasped as she turned to the purple drake that had just spoken. “I am? I’m sorry, I’ve just never seen a kirin before and I got really really excited about becoming his newest friend.”

Now that she was up close, Pinkie realized that the drake was a dragoness, with royal purple scales and an elegant bearing to match. Not Rarity elegant, more like Spitfire elegant. The kind that could fit in at a nice ball but also have fun wrestling around in the dirt. Her light-blue head spikes were styled short but pretty, and her dark-blue eyes reminded Pinkie of a Canterlot guard. She was wearing a black collar with white spikes though, which was strange. If she was wearing a dog thing then did dogs wear ties and dresses here? Pinkie giggled as she imagined Applejack’s dog, Winona, in one of Rarity’s dresses.

“Just who are you?” The dragoness stared intently at Pinkie. “I’ve never seen you before, but I’ve never met an outsider that knew what a kirin is either.”

“I’m Pinkie Pie, your new friend!” She pulled one of her signature gem cupcakes out of her mane and gave it to the dragoness. Why did ponies and dragons always look surprised and confused when she gave them things? “What’s your name?”

“… Amethyst,” the purple drake said. She lowered her wing and held the cupcake out to her cousin. “Uh, Emerald, you want this?”

“Don’t worry, I’ve got another one for him.” Pinkie gave Emerald one of her other cupcakes. “Oooh, I hope I have enough for everyone. How many ponies, dragons, and kirins live here?”

Emerald stared at her quizzically as he accepted the cupcake. “Zephyr, is that you?”

“Who’s Zephyr?” Pinkie pulled out a mirror and checked to see if she had changed into a pony named Zephyr when she wasn’t looking. “Nope, I’m still just Pinkie. Is Zephyr my long lost twin sister? Ooh, I bet Maud would be really excited to have a new younger sister. I hope Marble won’t be jealous.”

“I don’t think that’s Zephyr,” Amethyst whispered to her cousin. “He always drops the act when you guess that it’s him.”

Cheese walked up and stood next to Pinkie. He tipped his hat to Amethyst and Emerald. “Howdy, little dragons,” he said in his serious voice. “The name’s Cheese, Cheese Sandwich. I hope my friend here didn’t scare you too badly. You see, we need a kumiho’s help for a friend of hers. Either of you two know where we can find one?”

Emerald stepped forward. “The kumiho all live in the forest, but you shouldn’t worry about finding them. Just go out and wander around for a while. If you really do need their help, and it’s for a good cause, they’ll find you.”

“Much obliged, son.” Cheese turned to Pinkie. “Looks like there’s only one thing left that needs doing here.”

Pinkie already had several thousand invitations in her hooves. “I agree, Cheese. It’s time to get our party on!”


“… And then, the great party ponies finally arrived at their destination, a place they would soon learn is called Kumiho Village. For centuries afterwards, the villagers would tell stories about the day they came. In the blink of an eye, if that eye took sixty-three minutes to blink, they rounded up everyone in town and threw the most awesome, super-amazing party they had ever seen. The tutti-frutti sherbet sugar punch was the perfect ratio of seven parts sugar to one part tutti. The cakes had come directly from the sacred hallowmount of deliciousness, Sugarcube Corner. Rocking jams from the legendary DJ Pon-3 filled the air. Most amazing of all, everyone got a brand-new best friend forever, that wonderful pony, Pinkie Pie! The end.”

Gathered around Pinkie’s hooves, a group of children cheered.

“Yeah, sure, I’ll tell my future hatchlings about it,” Amethyst said, struggling to get out of Pinkie’s grasp. “Now would you let me go?”

“No problem.” Pinkie released the purple drake. “So anyway, Amethyst, do you know if the kumiho will help us?”

Amethyst rubbed her neck. “They’ll definitely want to help your friend, so yes.”

One of the children, a mostly unicorn filly with a turquoise coat, a white mane and tail, and a yellow scaled underbelly, nodded. “Elise is really nice. She made sure that Grandma could have Mommy without any problems, then she helped again so that Mommy could have me.” Her name was Dulcita, Pinkie recalled. Her birthday was in eleven months and four days, her favorite snack was gumdrops, and she had two older brothers.

“Aw, that is nice.” Pinkie gave Dulcita a gumdrop cupcake.

Nearby, Cheese was literally blowing away the competition in a belching contest.

Ponies, dragons, and even kirins were crammed into the central square of the Village all around Cheese and Pinkie, eating, laughing, dancing, and generally enjoying the party. There weren’t nearly as many kirins as the other races, only a few dozen total, and it looked like every one of them had inherited a different combination of pony and dragon traits, which was really cool!

“What kind of drake is your friend married to, anyway?” Amethyst asked. “The martial arts he specializes in will give some hints about what the baby will inherit.”

“Huh? Oh, Flutters isn’t married to a drake. Cliffy’s a wyrm.”

The children gasped and backed away, and Amethyst jumped between them and Pinkie, spreading her wings to shield them. “You come from a village of wyrms?”

Pinkie paused. “Uh … yes? That’s not a problem, is it?”

“Wyrms hate ponies,” Amethyst almost growled. “Actually, they hate pretty much anything that isn’t a wyrm. It’s my duty to protect Kumiho Village against any threats, and if you really call those honorless dragons friends, then you just made the list, Pinkie.”

“No, wait! Wyrms really aren’t like that.” Pinkie reached into her mane and pulled out a picture. “Look, see how nice they are?” She held it out to Amethyst.

It had been taken a few days before the Everfree Platoon left for the Crystal Empire. All six Element Bearers were smiling for the camera. Fluttershy sat at the side of the picture. Cliff was next to his wife with his arms wrapped around her and a loving expression on his face. Whisper was sitting front and center, grinning in a pile with her fellow Crusaders. Twilight stood behind them, surrounded by Spirit and her draconic parents and grandparents.

Amethyst took the picture and looked at it suspiciously. “All this proves is that you really are friends with wyrms.”

“Wyrms and ponies being friends at all does say a lot though,” a dark-green earth colt named Aqua Vista said from behind Amethyst.

“Exactly.” Pinkie pointed at the photo. “Look there. That’s my friend, Fluttershy, the one that’s pregnant with a kirin. She’s really nice and takes care of animals for a living. She even channels the power of the Element of Kindness. That’s her husband, Cliff Runner, next to her. He loves children, and used to be Everfree Village’s middle-school teacher. Do either of them really look mean or vicious?”

The purple drake looked down at the photo and then back up at Pinkie. “Even wyrms can be relaxed and friendly around their own kind, but they’ll never trust a drake. If I walked into this village of yours, they’d try to kill me as soon as my back was turned. Anyone that associates with them is the same.”

“Then why do I just want to be your friend?” Pinkie asked.

Amethyst frowned. “You’re … different.”

Pinkie giggled. She couldn’t argue with that. “Tell you what, Emerald said that kumiho can tell if you need them for a good cause. If they agree to help, you come back to Everfree Village with us, so you can see for yourself that wyrms can be nice.”

At first Amethyst didn’t respond, then she looked down at the picture and held it out to Pinkie. “The Village organizes an honor guard whenever a kumiho leaves for a potentially dangerous area. If you can convince one of them to go with you, I will volunteer for it.”

“Great!” Pinkie reached into her tail and pulled out a book, ‘Claws and Hooves: Mending the Rift between Two Races.’ “Here, you should read this. It’s a book about Cliff and Fluttershy.” She turned and bounced away toward Cheese Sandwich. “We’ll be back in a few hours, so you’d better read quickly.”

As she hopped, Pinkie looked up at the sky. There was still another hour until sunset, and with Big Bertha out of commission, they’d have to move fast to make it back to Everfree before twelve days had passed.

“Heya, Pinkie.” Cheese put away the accordion he’d been playing to accompany his belching solo. “Ready to go?”


Cheese pulled his poncho and hat out from behind his back and put them both on. “Well then, little filly, let’s get a move on.”


The jungle—or was it a rain forest?—was still really, really quiet as Pinkie and Cheese wandered around, hoping to get found by a kumiho. Well, the animals were quiet.

“Hello, Kumiho?” Pinkie yelled into her megaphone. “We’re still here, so could one of you come find us, please? My friend really needs your help!”

“Would a signal fire help?” Cheese asked. “We can send up flares if you’d prefer!”

Pinkie set her megaphone down and rubbed her throat. “I don’t get it,” she croaked, “we’ve been out here for hours and they still haven’t found us.”

“It’s getting pretty dark, Pinkie.” Cheese tossed his poncho onto the ground. It bounced back up as a tent. He flipped his hat upside down, revealing a cheery bonfire that he set in front of the tent. “Maybe we should settle down for the night and keep trying in the morning.”

“Nu-uh.” Pinkie shook her head. “I broke a Pinkie Promise once. I won’t break another one, even if it means I have to keep looking all night. A kumiho has to find us sooner or later.”

Cheese nodded and folded his hat in half, smothering the fire. “Alright then, my little pony. Let’s keep looking.” He lifted the hat, and frowned when he realized that it was full of ashes. “I’ll wash this later.” He retrieved his poncho as well and put them both away. “Lead on, Pinkie.”

After a few more minutes of stumbling through the rain jungle—it was the perfect name!—Pinkie noticed something bright in the distance. “Uh oh, I think we must’ve gotten all tipsy-turvy’d around and wound up back at the Village.”

“Getting found is harder than it sounds,” Cheese said, then he chuckled. “Hey, that rhymed. We should make a song out of it.”

“Okay.” Pinkie turned around and led them back into the rain jungle. Songs inspired by the magic of harmony were one thing, but normal songs took real work before they were good enough to sing in public. “What are some words that rhyme with ‘found’ and ‘sound’?”

“Round, ground, mound, hound, bound, wound, pound, zound … is zound a word?” Cheese asked.

“I don’t know,” Pinkie said. “Let’s use it anyway.”

About halfway through the first verse, Pinkie noticed a familiar light through the trees. “Wait, how did we get back here again?”

“We’ve been walking in a straight line,” Cheese said. “Maybe the light’s following us.”

“Celestia said kumiho are shape-changers. Maybe that’s one of them!” Pinkie jumped into the air and shot toward it. “Let’s go toward the light!”

“The last time my party howitzer fell on me, a bunch of ponies started yelling at me to stay away from the light,” Cheese said, but he ran after her regardless.

As they got closer, the rain jungle around them started getting lighter and lighter, until it was as bright as day, but there was no sun in the sky. Pinkie was sure of that; she checked. Twice.

Even with the light, though, things seemed to get fuzzy and fade away into the distance. Pinkie decided that she should check up with an eye doctor once they got back to Everfree.

Pinkie slowed to a walk. She could hear running water, but there weren’t any streams nearby. “Um, hello?” Her voice sounded a lot softer and more gentle than she was expecting, almost like Fluttershy.

Nothing responded.

Cheese stepped up next to Pinkie. “Maybe you should stay behind me, just in case something bad happens.” His voice was a little different too, deeper and more soothing.

“Maybe you should stay behind me,” Pinkie said, stepping in front of him. “I’ve fought an army of angry changelings.”

“I threw a birthday party for Queen Chrysalis,” Cheese said, taking the lead.

Pinkie stopped. “Wait, really? That meanypants let you throw a birthday party for her?”

“Yeah, it was a good one too.” Cheese trotted forward, smiling back over his shoulder. “Even changelings deserve to enjoy a party once in a while.”

“I guess …” Pinkie started to follow after him, but stopped when she saw something out of the corner of her eye. She turned, noticing a path that she could have sworn wasn’t there a moment ago, except that she had sworn never to swear. Pound and Pumpkin were at a very impressionable age. At the end of the path was- “Cheese,” Pinkie whispered urgently. “Look!”

Cheese turned back to her, looking a bit worried. “What is it, Pinkie?”

She motioned for him to come back toward her. “I think we found what we’re looking for.”

At the end of the path, surrounded by rabbits, was a creature unlike anything Pinkie had seen before. She looked like a fox, but only in the same way that Celestia looked like a normal pony. Light gray fur covered her arms and face, with a light pink mane combed down to cover one of her brown eyes, and more pink tufts on the inside of her large ears. In one hand, she held a long thin pipe, which she puffed on before letting out a small cloud of smoke. A blue shirt with a high collar covered her torso, but Pinkie couldn’t see how far down it went, because her lower body was hidden by eight ginormous tails. Unlike the rest of her body, the tails were creamy orange, and each ended in a white tip. Three baby foxes were nestled among her tails, and they looked so adorable that Pinkie had to fight the urge to grab one and snuggle it to her heart’s content.

Though she didn’t say anything, the pony-sized-spirit-fox-creature-thing smiled and motioned for both Pinkie and Cheese to come forward.

Looking over at the other pony, Pinkie nodded and walked toward this strange new friend. She was sure that this was a kumiho. It had to be.

A small bird fluttered down from the trees above. The second it touched the ground, it changed into another kumiho, but this one wasn’t wearing anything and only had four tails, which were all much smaller than the other one’s. She also walked on all fours, like a pony, and her forelegs didn’t really have hands as much as paws. “Hello, Pinkamena Diane Pie and Cheese Sandwich. I am Azure Essence, and my teacher, Elise, the Fallen, bids you welcome to the Court of Passage.” Her voice was melodic, like she was singing each word. Pinkie wished she knew how to do that. “What is your request?”

Pinkie swallowed and looked at Elise. At least, she hoped the one in the shirt was Elise. “My friend, Fluttershy, is pregnant with a kirin and she really needs your help. So will one of you pretty please come help her?”

Elise smiled compassionately. “Tell us the whole truth, Pinkie Pie.”

“Oh, uh.” Pinkie looked down. “Well … her husband is a wyrm.” She tapped her forehooves together and gave Elise a pleading stare. “But that’s okay, isn’t it? You’ll still help her, right?”

“Of course we will,” Elise assured her. “Kumiho live to guide all spirits to and from this world, regardless of species.” She turned her pipe upside down and shook out a few specks of glittering light, which faded before they even touched the ground. “A kirin between a pony and a wyrm. I haven’t seen one of those in a very, very long time …” Elise turned her attention to the four-tailed fox. “Azure, would you mind taking these two to Kumiho Village and asking Zephyr to accompany them back to Everfree Village?”

“Yes, Elise.” Azure bowed.

“Thank you.” Elise’s body began to glow, and suddenly a normal fox stood in her place, no larger than the young ones that surrounded her. She whistled energetically and ran into the bush, with the three younger foxes in hot pursuit.

Azure laughed softly as she watched them go. “Now then,” she stepped toward Pinkie and Cheese, “we should return to the Village. The Court of Passage is not a place where mortals should linger.”

At her words, the forest around them began to grow dark and everything lost its softer edges.

“What is the Court of Passage, anyway?” Pinkie asked, looking around. Her voice was returning to normal too.

“A gateway between your world and the worlds of the spirits,” Azure replied. She walked between Pinkie and Cheese. “Come, Zephyr awaits.”

Turning around, Pinkie was super-dee-duper shocked to find that they were standing right in front of the Village. Even at a distance, Pinkie could tell that the party in the central square had died down a lot, but almost everyone was still there. “We’re right back where we started?”

“Life is a circle,” Azure said. “Why should the Court be any different?”

When they reached central square, a hush fell over the crowd, broken only by a couple of the younger children pointing and laughing at Pinkie and Cheese.

Pinkie pulled out a mirror to examine herself, but didn’t see anything strange. Cheese looked normal too. With a shrug, she put it away and waited for Azure to say something.

It was a drake near the back of the plaza that actually broke the silence. He raised his head and began to sing in a language that Pinkie didn’t understand. The others joined in right away. Whatever they were singing about, it sounded like some kind of mystery, like that excited feeling Pinkie got right at the start of a really good game of hide-and-seek.

Azure stood almost completely still until the song was finished, then she nodded. “Thank you, but I’m not bringing a message from Elise, I just need to talk to Zephyr.”

Aqua Vista, the dark green colt that had listened to Pinkie’s story, came running toward them with a huge grin. “She wants me to go with them, right?”

The kumiho laughed. “Yes.”

“Alright!” He jumped into the air, and when he landed, he was another kumiho. Unlike Azure and Elise, he was reddish-brown with tufts of black fur on his ears and at the tips of his six tails, which were all twitching energetically. He turned back to the crowd and called, “I still don’t need an honor guard, but if you insist on forming one anyway, I’ll be leaving at sunrise tomorrow morning.”

Amethyst groaned and stepped out of the crowd. “I volunteer for the honor guard.”

A bunch of other dragons and ponies volunteered right after her. Ninety-three, to be precise, but Pinkie hadn’t had time to learn forty-one of their names yet.

“I’ll return to the Court, Zephyr. Take care.” Azure turned and walked sedately toward the forest.

“See you in a few years,” Zephyr called after her. “Two decades, tops.”

Pinkie rushed up to the new kumiho. “Hi there, my name’s Pinkie, but you probably already knew that if you disguised yourself as a pony and sat in on my story.”

“You’re a good storyteller,” Zephyr said. “Besides, I wanted to see if Amethyst would notice that there were two of Aqua Vista running around tonight.”

Cheese tipped his hat to Zephyr and said in his serious voice, “The name’s Cheese, Cheese Sandwich. I can’t thank you enough for helping us out of this bind.”

“No need to thank me,” Zephyr said. “Helping spirits is what kumiho do. Well, that and playing pranks.”

“Really?” Pinkie grinned.

He nodded. “Yep, speaking of which,” his tails reached forward and pulled something off of each of their backs, “it looks like Azure got you both good.” He held out two glowing signs. Both said, ‘I’m With Crazy’ and had an arrow so that Cheese’s would point at Pinkie and Pinkie’s would point at Cheese. “Those were enchanted so that everyone could see them except for you two.”

Pinkie giggled. That was a good one.

“Would she have minded if I pranked her back?” Cheese asked, then he facehoofed when Zephyr nodded. “Why didn’t anypony tell me that I could play pranks on the immortal spirit guardians of a hidden village? I had a brand new whoopee cushion and everything!”

Zephyr chuckled. “You can always try to prank me, if you think you can, that is.”

“Ooh, ooh!” Pinkie hopped up and down, ignoring the looks the three of them were getting. “I’ll join in too. It’ll be a three-way battle to see who’s the best prankster ever!”

The fox spirit grinned. “How about whoever pulls the most pranks between now and when your friend has her baby wins?”

“Sounds like you’ve got yourself a deal,” Cheese said. He held out his hoof. “Let’s shake on it.”

Pinkie, however, hesitated. “What if your Cheesy Sense calls you away before then?”

Cheese shrugged. “Then I’ll come a runnin’ back as soon as the party is finished.”

Being on the road by himself would give Cheese a disadvantage, but if he was okay with it, then Pinkie was too. She bumped her hoof against his. “Okay. This is going to be great!”

“May the best kumiho win.” Zephyr joined in the three-way hoofshake.

Fun fact: three joy buzzers going off simultaneously could, and often did, result in small explosions. Pinkie didn’t care about that though. After all, they had succeeded in their mission, and eyebrows grew back.

Next Chapter: Chapter 32 Estimated time remaining: 10 Hours, 21 Minutes
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