
Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven

by Rixizu

Chapter 25

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"Fisher, wait!" Greengrass pleaded, but the Archduke ignored him and trotted towards Trixie.

You want a fight? Fine! Trixie thought.

“It’s morphing time! Ursa.” Trixie summoned her weapon and watched Fisher carefully and kept what else was happening in the corner of her eye. Raindrops and Notary were staring each other down both holding their morphers waiting for the other to make the first move. Cheerilee was glaring at Greengrass but decided to stand her ground for the moment.

"It seems the mare's on to you, Greengrass." Fisher laughed again. "She knows you seduced her so you could break her apart from her friends.”

What? What the heck was Fisher doing? Wasn’t he on Greengrass’s side? Cheerilee glared at Greengrass murder in her eyes. She pulled out her morpher.

“It’s morphing time! Libra.” Cheerilee took a threatening step towards Greengrass who looked a bit nervous despite his attempts to stay calm.

“Really, none of this is necessary," said Greengrass trying to diffuse the situation, "and that accusation is completely ridiculous.” Even through Cheerilee’s armor, Trixie could tell that the mare didn’t buy that one even a little.

Fisher laughed. “What? And ruin this perfect stage I created?”

“What?” Trixie asked. What was the Archduke’s game? Something wasn’t adding up. Why was he trying to escalate the situation?

"I worked hard to get us to this point," Fisher explained. Trixie stared at him baffled.

“Fisher," Greengrass growled. Trixie could not believe her eyes. Greengrass was actually angry.

"Explain," Trixie said with an edge to her voice.

"I was the one who proposed the idea of the Night Court Rangers in the first place," Fisher said, "I needed to create the perfect opponents for the Galaxy Rangers. I am quite happy with how things have turned out. Everything came along better than expected."

“For what? So, you could have a big brawl to relive the glory days of your youth?” Greengrass asked glaring daggers at Fisher.

Fisher snorted. “Hardy.”

“Wait wait.” Trixie interrupted. “Are you trying to say that you don’t want to replace us?”

“No, you were granted the powers of the Elements of Harmony. Why would I ever want to rid the world of that power? You have infinite potential after all. Our power is a drop in the bucket compared to that.” Fisher confirmed. “Think of it as a test to see if you worthy of the powers the Elements gave you.To do that.” Fisher continued. “I had to create challenges for each of you. To test your loyalty and resolve. I had to see if you really deserved to be the Galaxy Rangers and to push you past the breaking point. To see if you could overcome overwhelming odds. To make you more powerful. After all, only through pain and strife can one become strong. Unfortunately, though I had tests ready for Raindrops, Lyra, and Ditzy, I was never able to enact them. I think this turned out well enough despite that though. Night Light and Greengrass have been excellent antagonists for you. Especially Night Light, even I didn’t think he would go that far in his vendetta against you.”

Trixie laughed. “Are you trying to tell me you have been manipulating Duke Greengrass of all ponies? Likely story.” Night Light, maybe, but Greengrass was infamous for being an expert chestmaster of ponies.

“As usual, you put too much stock in Greengrass’s abilities.” Fisher shook his head. “He isn’t omnipotent. He also has a fatal flaw, he’s too sure of himself. Act a little dim and he thinks you the perfect pawn to play.”

Trixie’s jaw dropped. Fisher was playing Greengrass the entire time? It couldn’t be. Trixie cursed. Like with Night Light, Trixie had far too focused on Greengrass and complete ignored Fisher. Greengrass looked furious and his hoof shook in pent up fury.

“I get it.” Greengrass bit out. “Not only do you get to test the Galaxy Ranger, but get rid of two longtime and dangerous rivals.”

Fisher laughed. “You know me well. I never liked the two of you. You’re a disgrace to the Night Court. It’s better off without you.”

Trixie fumed. Because of this pony, she and her friends went through Hades and back. Not only that, she lost her horn, Pokey was murdered, and he has the nerve to laugh about it? Who was he to say if she was worthy of her powers or not? Trixie ground her teeth and summoned her sword. She would not let him get away with this. Raindrops and Cheerilee seemed about just about as angry as she was.

“Galaxy Rangers vs The Night Court Rangers.” Fisher seemed to beam behind his armor. “I wonder who will win?”

Fisher pressed a button on his morpher and summoned his hammer facing Trixie directly now. “Show me Trixie Lulamoon. Show me you are worthy of the Element of Magic and my respect.” He charged directly at Trixie.


Greengrass cursed. How could he fail to see Fisher's true intentions? He never counted on the Archduke purposely ruining their plan. Now Cheerilee was stalking towards him with the obvious intention of hurting him. Greengrass tried to hide his nervousness for he had never been in a fight in his life. If what Cheerilee said about her past was true, then he was well out of his league skill wise.

No, I can do this. Greengrass thought. I have the power advantage.

“It’s morphing time.” Greengrass trust his morpher forward. “Earth.”

He still wasn’t sure why exactly Cheerilee was so angry with him or why she so readily believed Fisher's words over his. No matter. He would knock her out for a short time and maybe then she would be more open to reason.

Greengrass summoned his spear. In a blur of motion, he rushed forward and thrust his weapon at Cheerilee’s chest. Cheerilee dodged the attack to the right with little difficulty and grabbed his spear with a hoof. She used the other hoof to punch him in the face and he recoiled in pain. Greengrass unintendedly let go of his spear and his opponent tore it from his hooves. He screamed in pain when Cheerilee batted him in the head with the end of his spear. She flipped it around intending to cleave him into two with his own weapon.

Greengrass jumped back and unsummoned his weapon when it was only a few inches from his chest. He sighed in relief, but Cheerilee didn't stop there. She dove at him with a punch. Greengrass dodged, and they exchanged blows. Greengrass tried to use his speed and strength advantage, but somehow Cheerilee predicted his every moment and attack. He winced in pain as every punch and kick he threw at her ended with him getting hit. Greengrass jumped away from Cheerilee panting after receiving a blow in the chin that would have broken his skull if it wasn’t for his armor.

How could this be happening? He was the power of the Earth itself. Their difference in skill shouldn’t be this bad. Greengrass resummoned his spear. He would not play around anymore.

“Gaia’s Wrath.” A jaw of a fanged beast made of stone of rock and dirt erupted from the ground. It was in the shape of a giant snake and it charged right at Cheerilee. She tried to run, but it was too fast even for her. She surprised Greengrass by turning around and jumping right into the maw of the beast. She summoned her own weapon, a whip made of chain. The beast tried to devour her and she unleashed an attack of her own.

“Solar Sting!” Cheerilee whipped at Greengrass’s Gaia’s Wrath her whip shining and burning with the intensity of a flaring star. His snake was obliterated, exploding into a million pieces most of its remains were either melted or burned away. She landed weapon at the ready, the remnants of Greengrass ultimate attack falling around her like ash.

Greengrass stared stunned. He couldn’t win. Greengrass’s mind flashbacked to the reports of what happened to Night Light after he lost. No! He couldn’t let that happen to him. So Greengrass did the logical thing, he ran.

“Hey!” Cheerilee ran after him in hot pursuit. Notary tried to intervene, but Raindrops jumped in front of her stopping her. They both morphed at the same time and started fighting. Greengrass was soon too far away to learn what happened next, but he had faith Notary would be fine.

Greengrass picked up the pace to lose her. He ran so hard that the pavement under him cracked with each step. Despite this hard pace, Cheerilee didn’t relent or slow down even a little. Greengrass cursed. Cheerilee was gaining on him. Greengrass tried to use his knowledge of Canterlot to lose her but failed to shake her off. She somehow knew the town better than he did. He made a right turn, but it only drove him into a dead end. Cheerilee had him cornered. She summoned her whip.

"It's over," Cheerilee said, "unmorph and give up."

Greengrass was about to say something when pink energy bolts rained on Cheerilee who jumped out of the way to safety. A pink figure holding a crossbow jumped down from a rooftop and took a protective stance in front of Greengrass.

“Back off.” Vinyl said her voice turning icy. Greengrass sighed in relief. He could always count on her.

Vinyl turned her head towards the opening past Cheerilee she created. “I’ll take care of this old hag.”

Greengrass paused. Should he really leave Vinyl to fight alone? He trusted Vinyl and her fighting ability. Vinyl was no stranger to combat despite her disability and often helped the bouncers at her club deal with tough cases.

Vinyl pushed him towards the exit thrusting him out of his musings. “I said get going Greens. Your safety is the important thing here.”

Vinyl laughed. "Besides, you're no fighter. Leave this to the meatheads. You would only get in my way.” Greengrass gave a hesitant nod and made his way past Cheerilee.

"I'll deal with you later," Cheerilee promised eying him but let him pass.

Greengrass heard their fighting as he ran from the scene, He closed his eyes and prayed to Luna that Vinyl would be okay. He couldn’t bear the thought of something happening to her.

She’s a big girl. Greengrass thought trying to reassure himself. She will be just fine.


Coward. Cheerilee thought. He didn’t even attempt to fight her. What type of stallion runs at the first sign when things go bad? Even if it turns out he wasn’t seducing her to break up the Galaxy Rangers, she sure as heck would never take him back now. She wanted nothing to do with cowardly weasels like him. Cheerilee turned and eyed the pony that rescued him.

“Why are you even helping him?” Cheerilee asked. “He’s just using you.”

Vinyl shrugged. “I don’t expect you to understand. So, what if I’m his tool? I can live with that.”
Vinyl pointed her crossbows at Cheerilee. “I owe him a debt that can never be replayed.”

Cheerilee smirked. “It wasn’t very smart shooing Greengrass away like that. You might have lost your only chance of winning.”

Vinyl chuckled. “Is that what you think? I wasn’t lying about him getting in my way.”

In a blur, Vinyl disappeared. Cheerilee took a startled step back. Her eyes darted back and forth, but she couldn't find the Pink Ranger anywhere.

“You see.” Vinyl continued causing Cheerilee to start. Somehow the Pink Ranger had gotten behind her without even making sound and had her crossbow at the back of Cheerilee’s head. “Unlike Greens, I’ve actually been training in my powers.” Vinyl fired at point blank and Cheerilee screamed in pain as the attack threw her into a building.


Greengrass unmorphed and caught his breath as he made his way into the Ministry of War. His unexpected arrival started the guards, but they said nothing and let him pass. Greengrass put back on the air of supreme confidence and entered the science lab. It was empty because of the late hour, but he suspected the pony he was looking for was working late. Sure enough, he found her in her office, but strangely it looked like she was expecting him.

“Solitaire.” Greengrass did a gracious bow.

“Duke Greengrass.” Solitaire said without any pomp and circumstance.

"I have a question," Greengrass said, "is there a way to separate a pony from one of the Planetary Gems.”

Solitaire raised an eyebrow. “And why would you ever want to do that? I thought you wanted this power.”

Greengrass's mind flashbacked to the reports of what happened to Night Light and he did an involuntary shudder. “I have discovered that they have a dangerous side effect when destroyed.”

“No.” Solitaire said simply.

“No?” Greengrass asked. “There has to be some way to separate a pony from them.”

"Sorry Duke, but there isn't." Solitaire explained. "Once the gem chose you and you morphed, your fate was sealed. It becomes part of your soul. It can’t be separated without dire consequences to the host.”

Greengrass visibly drooped. He was afraid of this. Sure, he didn’t actually need to use his morpher, but it would be a constant reminder of his failure and cowardice. Why did he run? He should have fought. He scowled, he hated being reminded of his weaknesses.

Solitaire seemed amused by his torment. "What? You didn’t think that there would be a cost? Power has a price, Duke. Maybe you should have thought of that earlier."

Greengrass glared at Solitaire. Her eyes were mocking. Superior even. He didn’t like this one bit. He would not be looked down on by anypony. “You’ve had your entertainment. Get out. You do not want to provoke me even further.”

Solitaire didn’t seem to hear him and continued. “Even I never expected you to be this big of a disappointment. I never thought you would become a skilled warrior, but your fight against Cheerilee was laughable. And here you are hiding in a corner with your tail between your legs while Notary and Vinyl fight for their lives for you. Pitiful.”

Greengrass was about to bite back a remark but paused. Wait, how did she know about his fight with Cheerilee? And that Vinyl and Notary were in a fight? His fight with Cheerilee had to have been only 10 minutes at most ago. Teleportation? It would have taken a skilled teleporter, no a master teleporter to follow him at the speed he was running from his manor house. It would have also taken an enormous amount of energy, but Solitaire didn’t even look winded. And there was the mocking superior tone.

“How do you know about that? My manor house is at least 5 miles away from here.” Greengrass asked.

"I've been watching you all for some time now," Solitaire said instead, "you've created quite the entertaining show I must say. You pushed the Galaxy Rangers to the point of breaking, but they broke you instead. It never ceases to amaze how resilient Luna's student is. She just never knows when to give up." She said this in a way that showed she always all too familiar with how difficult Trixie could be to deal with.

Luna? The familiar tone Solitaire used towards the princess of the night confused him. Wait, a minute. Something was not right here. There was more to this mare than mere appearances. He was certain the mare wasn’t who she claimed she was. Greengrass thought through everything he knew about this mare. In an instant, everything clicked into place. His eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. No, it couldn’t be. But it made sense.

“You’re Corona, aren’t you?” Greengrass said in a breathy voice.

Solitaire held her head back and laughed. It was a loud and bellowing and it boomed through the empty lab. She burst into flames. Greengrass covered his eyes and backed away at the sudden and intense light and heat. She continued to laugh despite being on fire. Her voice changed. It became deeper and more melodic. The fire extinguished as suddenly as it appeared and left in Solitaire’s place was the Solar Tyrant herself.

“You did well to guess my identity, but it was a little too late I think.” Corona complimented.

No wonder she knew so much about the Elements of Harmony. Greengrass growled. Another pony that played him like a foal. Well, that was going to change.

“It’s morphing time. Earth.”

“I may have shamefully lost to Cheerilee as you said and ran when things look bad, but I have learned my lesson now.” Greengrass pressed a button on his morpher and summoned his spear. “Besides, I don’t think you are even half as powerful as Cheerilee was. If I bring you in, Princess Luna is sure to forgive just about anything.” He took up a battle pose.

“Stop.” It was a simple word, but it defeated him in an instant. A sharp wave a pain overcame Greengrass and much to his horror, his morpher broke to pieces. It fell to the ground and dissolved into dust. Greengrass collapsed to the ground and demorphed. All his strength left him. It was jarring losing so much of it at once. He felt so powerful before like nothing was beyond his hooves. His body aged before his eyes. He felt himself become weaker, he felt pain in his bones, and his eyesight became blurrier. It felt like the whole world was becoming more muted.

"Did you really think I would not put a failsafe in your morphers," Corona smirked, “you were never a threat to me.”

“No. No. No.” Greengrass said in a weak husky voice. It couldn’t end like this.

“I must thank you for the Planetary system, however," Corona said as she trotted towards the door, "I plan to put to good use, though I won't bother with the Planetary Gems. The power I desire far surpasses the might of a mere god.”

Next Chapter: Chapter 26 Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 31 Minutes
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