
Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven

by Rixizu

Chapter 2

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Lunaverse: Galaxy Rangers - The White Raven
Chapter 2
by Rixizu

Trixie sipped her coffee as she read the newspaper. The headline was about the developments in the kidnapping scandal that happened yesterday. It lambasted the entire Night Court for what happened. On the front cover was a picture of Dinky that had to be the cutest picture of her ever. No doubt to elicit sympathy and outrage. Just as Trixie planned. She smirked. She wanted to give the Night Court a message of what happened if you mess with the Galaxy Rangers.

Trixie’s body still ached from this morning's training. Her legs felt stiff and almost completely dead. For some reason, Raindrops insisted they run six miles every morning. It was pure misery. Trixie wanted to regret asking for all this training in the first place, but she knew she couldn’t. She needed to get stronger. The Corvus incident a month ago proved it. They barely won that one through the skin of their teeth and who knew what Corona was planning next.

So far Corona had been completely dead silent. Not a single monster had been seen since Corvus. Trixie suspected Corona might be too weak to create a new one after getting her magic poisoned and her fight with Corvus. Due to the poison, thanks to Zecora, Corona was unable to replenish her vast but limited magic. But the peace just put Trixie more on edge. The Tyrant Sun was planning something. Trixie knew it to her bones. She couldn’t slack on her training regardless how peaceful it currently was. She was determined to be ready this time.

Trixie drank the rest of her coffee and looked at the clock. She had 20 minutes until her meeting with Mayor Ivory Scrolls. Trixie used her magic to get her cape and hat and walked towards the door. Trixie’s eyes widened when she saw the crowd of ponies at her front door. There were at least twenty reporters. They flashed their cameras at her momentarily blinding her. After getting her vision back, she could see plenty of eager foals in the crowd. There were some adult ponies too, and Trixie could also see, sigh, Rainbow Dash. She was their greatest fan and ran their fan club. She was grinning ear to ear and was wearing a Galaxy Rangers t-shirt with the Red Ranger on it. Wait a minute, where did she get that and why wasn’t Trixie getting any royalties for it? It was something to look into later.

“Miss Lulamoon! Do you believe the claims that Vicereine Puissance was behind the foalnapping yesterday?” One reported asked. He had his notebook ready and eager to take down anything Trixie said.

“Miss Lulamoon! What do you think of the current state of the Night Court?” Another said.

“Miss Lulamoon! What do you think Corona’s next plans are?” Said a third.

The reporters bombarded Trixie with questions to the point she could barely understand them.

Trixie cleared her throat loudly. The crowd quieted. “I don’t have much time, but I will answer a few questions. As for who was behind foalnapping my friend’s daughter, I will leave that up to the Princess’s investigation. She is better suited to discovering the truth than me. The Night Court does have some issues. Issues I plan to fix when I become a member of it. I don’t know what Corona’s plans are, but we will deal with it when the time comes.” Trixie knew Puissance was guilty as sin, but it was a bad idea to publicly denounce any Night Court noble. Especially without any proof.

The reporters rapidly asked more questions. Trixie raised a hoof to quiet them. “If you excuse me, I must be off.” Trixie made herself invisible and slipped away. The reported groaned in disappointment and went on their way. The foals eagerly chatted to each other. Rainbow Dash beamed enthusiastically.

This last month had been hectic. Routinely Trixie and her friends had been bombarded by reporters especially in the first week. On the streets, Trixie regularly had ponies ask for her autograph or got swamped by fanponies. When she first became the Night Court’s representative for Ponyville, Trixie was largely ignored and had basically no influence. Now the Mayor asked her attend town meetings and give her input and suggestions. Trixie was asked all the time to attend some banquet or do her act at a charity event. In fact, Trixie was going to do a magic act for a charity tonight. A pony by the name of Good Will was diagnosed with early stages of cancer and all the proceeds were going towards his treatments. Trixie didn’t mind doing charities, but all this was getting very tiring.

Trixie liked the attention, but this was getting too much. She almost craved when ponies ignored her and called her a joke behind her back. Almost. She could really do without these meeting the Mayor invited her to. They were almost always about boring stuff like zoning. But Trixie was representative and having a positive reputation with Ponyville’s town council would go a long way in her Night Court career. Besides, Trixie had the perfect spell that made it look like she wasn’t sleeping during the meeting.


The music was so loud that Greengrass felt he might go deaf. It made no sense to him and sounded mostly like just loud incoherent noises. He did his best to have a neutral expression. The entire room was almost completely dark. Everypony around him was just a black figure in the flashing multicolored light. The rave was almost filled to the brim with young ponies. They had on strange seemingly random outfits.

Greengrass didn’t understand it, but maybe he was just too old. This wasn’t really his world. Truthfully, he wasn’t that old but sometimes felt like he grew up in a different era with how things were so different today. Above them all was the pony he was looking for. In the DJ booth was Vinyl Scratch, also known as DJ Pon-3. She was a white unicorn with an electric blue mane. She was wearing blue headphones and her eyes were covered by purple glasses. She had a cigarette in her mouth. The puffs of smoke seemed to move and wave back and forth with the beat. She was in front of a console with a turntable on it. She was bobbing her head completely enthralled with the music.

Greengrass made his way to the back area with Notary following behind. He knew where the backstage was. A bouncer recognized him and let him through. He led Greengrass to a back room that was a dressing room. It was really cluttered, mostly with booze bottles, and Notary clucked in disapproval when she saw the mess. It was the quietest room in the building, so he didn’t mind. Besides, this was typical of the DJ.

It didn’t take long for Vinyl Scratch to arrive. She limped towards them beaming ear to ear. Her back prosthetic leg tapped against the floor. The artificial limb resembled a normal one, but it was skeletal and completely metallic and covered almost all of her back right leg. Though she walked with a limp, she was able to walk around without much difficulty after having it for years.

Vinyl gave Greengrass a hug. “Hey! How has it been?” She greeted.

“Pretty good. I’ve been busy naturally, but it hasn’t been anything I can’t handle.” Greengrass replied smiling.

“Ahem.” Notary cleared her throat and pointed towards the cigarette in Vinyl’s mouth.

Vinyl sighed, rolled her eyes, and put it out in a nearby ashtray that was almost filled to the brim with used cigarettes. Notary hated when Vinyl smoked around her boss. Greengrass chuckled.

“So what did you think? Some pretty sick beats huh?” Vinyl asked. “Made them myself.” Vinyl was an accomplished songwriter and DJ and her songs always seemed to make at least the top 20 on the charts.

“It isn’t really my type of music, but I can see how it might appeal to some ponies,” Greengrass answered.

“You are such an old fogey!” Vinyl said. Greengrass laughed.

“So, what’s up?” Vinyl asked. “I’m guessing you have a job for me?”

Greengrass nodded getting back to business. “Indeed. I’m afraid this might require you to take a few weeks off.”

“Okay.” Vinyl said without hesitation as she usually did. She waved her hoof. “I know just the pony that could cover for me.”

Vinyl smiled. “He’s a little untested, but he’ll do great! It’ll be the perfect opportunity for him.”

“Splendid.” Greengrass was glad this wasn’t too much of a bother for her. Vinyl was quite adept at balancing her job with her work for him busy as she was. Though she seemed to put his work first most of the time and never complained no matter how much the job inconvenienced her. If he asked her to take a year off for something, she would in heartbeat. It was why he valued her so much.

“So Greens. What do you need me do?” Vinyl asked.

"I know you'll like this," Greengrass said smirking. His plan had a surprise he knew she would love.


After a particularly dull meeting with the mayor, Trixie starting preparing herself for the magic show. She looked over all the wires, mirror, and other gadgets she used to perform her tricks. She hadn’t performed a show since the Longest Night and since this was for charity, she planned on this one being her most fantastic yet. When everything was set up to her satisfaction, she left to greet her friends in front of the stage. All her friends were already there except Carrot Top. Bon-Bon wasn’t with them because she was off making treats for the charity and Dinky was conspicuously missing for some reason.

"I think it is fantastic you are doing this," Cheerilee said, "Tootsie Flute is going through a hard time and I think she will appreciate you doing this for her dad."

"I'm always here to help," Trixie said modestly, "I'm always here to help the community."

“I bet you are going to get a huge turnout. Being so popular and everything.” Ditzy said.

"I should hope so," Lyra smirked, "we practically gave out fliers to everypony in town!"

“At least we are putting this popularity to good use for once.” Raindrops said a bit pensively. Being famous didn’t sit well with her and she always ended up scaring ponies away with her annoyed looks. Trixie bet she didn’t know how scary she looked when angry.

“Tell me about it.” Ditzy gave out a sigh. “The press has been bothering me all day! I barely got my route done!”

Cheerilee put a hoof to her head. “It should die down soon. Something will pop up and they will forget when even existed.”

“I just hope the Night Court learned its a lesson and won’t bother us again.” Ditzy tapped her chin with a hoof.

"Don't count on it," Trixie said doubtfully, "they seem to think they deserve to control everything."

“I was afraid of that.” Ditzy gave another sigh.

Raindrops smacked her hooves together. “This time we will be ready for them.”

"Hopefully," Cheerilee said, "you really need to talk to the princess about this."

"I will believe me," Trixie said, "I plan to go to Canterlot to talk to her personally next week."

“That’s a relief.” Ditzy put out a breath. “I was….” Ditzy gave out a cry of alarm.

"Sorry, I'm late," Dinky said a little short of breath, "I lost track of time. I hope I didn't miss anything."

Trixie turned towards Dinky confused why her mother would make such a fuss. Trixie's eyes widened when she spotted the filly. Her jaw dropped. Everypony else in the group had the same expression. Dinky’s mane was in a mohawk.

“Dinky! Your mane!” Ditzy said taking a step back. She was in complete shock.

“Isn’t it cool? I just thought if I look tougher, ponies won’t try to kidnap or mess with me. What do you think?” Dinky’s face beamed with pride.

There was stunned silence. “It’s...interesting.” Raindrops clearly had no ideas what to say.

“Dinky. You are going to put your mane back to normal right now!” Ditzy said in a commanding motherly tone.

“No! It’s my mane and I can style it however I want!” Dinky protested.

“Not when you live under my household you won’t missy!” Ditzy shot back.

The two started arguing and Trixie chuckled. There it was. A streak of rebellion. In a few years, Dinky would start slamming doors and say things like ‘Get off my back mom!’ or ‘Leave me alone mom you’re not the boss of me!’.

Cheerilee also gave an amused expression. “They grow up so fast.” Lyra and Raindrops just watched the scene bewildered. Dinky eventually grudgingly left with her mom to fix her mane back to normal.

Trixie spotted Carrot Top coming towards them and motioned for her to come closer. Her eyes widened when she saw the state the carrot farmer was in. Carrot Top looked stressed and haggard. Trixie ran to her friend in a hurry.

“What’s wrong?” Trixie asked. The rest of her friends joined her.

Carrot Top waved a hoof. “Not much. The irrigation system was causing me problems.”

“What do you mean?” Lyra asked.

“It won’t distribute water properly. I am going to have a better look at it tomorrow. Made things so much more difficult. I just want to relax, watch some magic tricks, and get to sleep.” Carrot Top explained.

"That's a bummer," Lyra said sympathetically

“If you need any help. Be sure to ask.” Raindrops said.

“Thanks.” Carrot Top said appreciatively.

Trixie knew the system was old. Left over from when Carrot Top’s grandparents owned the farm. Carrot Top probably needed an entire new irrigation system. Unfortunately, it would be expensive. Very expensive. Not something a small farm like hers could afford easily. Trixie made a mental note to look for a way to finance it later.


Trixie watched the crowd behind the screen. It was growing into a rather large one. All the seats were already full so ponies were forced to watch the show from the sky or standing up. It was a larger crowd than Trixie was expecting, but she didn’t mind. Her fame would actually come in use this time. It was a beautiful night for the show with a full moon lighting the sky. Trixie saw Ditzy return and she sat in the reserved VIP spot in front. Dinky was not with her. Bon-Bon was on the sidelines in a stand selling her treats to the attendees. By the looks of it, she was making a killing.

“Huh? Where’s Dinky?” Lyra asked.

"She's grounded," Ditzy said matter of factly.

“Um, isn’t that a little extreme?” Lyra said shocked. “She was really looking forward to this.”

"It's called a punishment for a reason Lyra," Cheerilee said.

Ditzy nodded. “She should know better than to talk back like that.”

"Bummer," Lyra said dejectedly.

Trixie was a disappointed that Dinky couldn’t come. She would just have to give her an encore later. Well, all except her last trick of course.

Mayor Ivory Scrolls walked out to the front of the stage. “Greetings ladies and gentlecolts. I am proud that so many ponies came to help Good Will and his family during this difficult time.” The family in question gave a wave. “Showing the unity and commitment of the community of Ponyville and our ability to overcome any obstacle.”

“Laying on a bit thick, aren't we?" Trixie muttered under her breath. It was almost election time and the mayor was trying to look as good as possible.

“And now the star of the show and the pony that made all this possible.... Trixie Lulamoon!” The mayor concluded. Suddenly the stage was covered in smoke obscuring it completely. The mayor took her leave under the cover of the smoke. The smoke cleared and Trixie replaced her.

“Are you ready for the most fantastical and unbelievable illusions and magic of the Great and Powerful Trixie?” Fireworks erupted around Trixie as she kicked her front legs in the air. The crowd cheered.

“Not if I have anything to say about it!” A booming voice said. A figure jumped on stage. He was a black pegasus dressed in a dark gray costume with a red stripe through it. “It is I, your arch-nemesis Master Impossible!”

Trixie facehoofed. “Not you again!”

“You thought you beat me? Banished me? Never! I will stop until I defeat you once and for all!” Master Impossible boomed.

“Go away Thunderlane! I’m in the middle of a show!” Trixie’s eye twitched. Ever since her secret identity got revealed this joker kept challenging her convinced they were arch-enemies. He never knew when to quit and Trixie had it up to here with him.

“This time Master Impossible will be victorious! Especially with my secret weapon!” Thunderlane got out some nunchucks from his belt and started swinging them around awkwardly.

Trixie started rubbing her head. She pondered what was the best solution to this dolt.

“Hiya!” A voice from the sky cried out. Suddenly a rainbow blur fell from the sky and drop kicked Thunderlane in the face. Thunderlane dropped to the ground with a thud. Rainbow Dash grinned in satisfaction and gave Trixie a salute. She roughly grabbed the arch-villain from the ground and flew away from the stage.

“Mark my words! I will have my revenge!” Thunderlane weakly cried out as he was carried away.

"Anyway," Trixie said with a sigh when they were out of sight, "the Great and Powerful Trixie will show you magic never seen by pony eyes!"

Trixie spun her hoof around and she suddenly had a hoop in her hooves. She spun it around her hoof then around her body with practiced grace and confidence. She threw it to her right hoof and it dropped down her leg. As if she cloned it, she now had two hoops. She threw them in the air and started juggling them. At first, she only had two, but as she was juggling them they somehow multiplied. Now she was juggling four hoops in the air. When they were all in the air, she spun around and grabbed them all at the same time. When she faced the crowd again, the hoops were gone. The crowd applauded and stomped their hooves

Trixie flung off her hat with a thrust of her head and grabbed it midair with a hoof. She reached inside it and pulled out a sword. It glistened in the stage’s lights. She planted it in the ground. She put her hoof back into her hat and pulled out a tomato. She threw it in the air. In a single motion, she grabbed the sword from the ground and cut the tomato in half.

Trixie twirled the sword around. “As you can see, this sword is very sharp. For my next trick, the Great and Powerful Trixie will need a volunteer.”

Hooves rose up in the air. Trixie examined the ponies raising their hooves carefully. Trixie pointed towards a colt in the second row. “You?”

“Me mam?” The colt said nervously. The colt was an earth pony with a brown mane and a white coat. He had splotches of brown all over his coat.

“Yes, you. Come to stage. Don’t be shy.” Trixie said soothingly. The colt nodded and trotted towards the stage.

“What is your name?” Trixie asked.

“Pipsqueak mam.” The colt answered.

"Hello, Pipsqueak." Trixie greeted with a smile. She planted the sword in the ground again. "This colt will assist the Great and Powerful Trixie in a very dangerous and daring trick!"

Pipsqueak gulped. “You aren’t going to use that thing on me, are you?”

Trixie looked surprised. “What? No never. The Great and Powerful Trixie would never endanger an audience member.” Pipsqueak was visibly relieved.

“No!” Trixie boomed. She grabbed the sword with a hoof again and twirled it around. “It will be used on the Great and Powerful Trixie!”

Pipsqueak’s jaw dropped and the audience gasped. Trixie used her magic to pull out a box from the back stage. It was just big enough to fit an adult pony. It had two doors. A smaller door at the top for a head and bottom one for the body. It also had a hole in the middle with an X on it that was placed at the heart.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie will go into that box and my assistant Pipsqueak will stab me in that hole right in the middle!” Trixie flourished her cape. She spun the box around with her magic to show it had no way out except the front.

Pipsqueak gulped. “Are you sure about this Miss Trixie?”

Trixie beamed. “Positive. The Great and Powerful Trixie would never attempt anything she knew Trixie couldn’t do.”

Trixie used her magic to turn the box 45 degrees so they could see the sword go completely through the box. She opened the latch in the front and inside the box was completely empty. She snugged her way inside just barely fitting in. It didn’t give her much wiggle room. She closed the door and left the door for the head open.

“As you can see, there is no way for the Great and Powerful Trixie to use her magic without you all seeing it!” Trixie said. “Is Trixie’s assistant ready?”

Pipsqueak gave a hesitant nod and approached the box. He picked up the sword with his hooves. The sword shook nervously in his hooves. He closed his eyes and thrust it all the way into the hole with abandon.

“Gah!” Trixie screamed. Pipsqueak and the audience gasped. Trixie’s eyes were closed and her tongue hung out. The sword went completely through the box.

“Miss Trixie!” Pipsqueak cried out.

Suddenly Trixie’s eyes opened and she grinned. She used her magic to pull out the sword and opened the box. She was completely unharmed. Pipsqueak and the audience clapped in amazement.

“That was amazing!” Pipsqueak cheered.

“You haven’t seen anything yet.” Trixie took the sword in her hooves and twirled it around. Suddenly it was a giant chocolate bar. “This is for you for being so brave.”

Pipsqueak eyes widened and took the candy. "Thanks, Miss Trixie!" Trixie smiled and ushered him back to his seat.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie’s next trick will have her teleport from this box.” Trixie gestured to the box she used earlier. “And this one.” Trixie pulled out another box from backstage. It looked exactly like the last one.

"But it won't be just a simple teleportation spell," Trixie said grinning, "the Great and Powerful Trixie will teleport while levitating in midair!"

Murmurs came from the crowd. Trixie got into the box again only closing the bottom door like before. She used her magic to lift herself and the box high into the air. She was visibly sweating from the difficulty of doing this. Self-levitation wasn’t an easy trick to do. She hung in midair for a few moments before dropping her levitation and used it to close the top door instead. Not suspended in the air anymore, the box quickly fell to the ground and broke into millions of wooden shards. The audience gasped. Trixie was nowhere to be seen.

The door of the second box burst open to reveal Trixie. The crowd erupting in cheers and applause. Trixie gave a gracious bow.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie’s next trick will require another volunteer.” After twenty minutes, Trixie’s show came to a close. She dazzled her audience with confusing tricks and illusions. One of her most impressive tricks of the show was cutting a card in midair that was chosen by an audience member while blindfolded with a sword. She then used that sword to fight her shadow that came to life to fight her. She vanquished it after a heart-pounding duel. Unfortunately, the show had to come to an end, but Trixie saved her best trick for last.

“And now for the Great and Powerful Trixie last trick! One so dangerous and daring that she might not even come out of it in one piece!” Trixie trotted off the stage and audience watched her with their eyes curiously. She trotted up to a something covered in a tarp that was a few hooves away from the stage. “Behold!” Trixie pulled off the tarp to reveal a cannon.

“In this trick, Trixie will escape being shot from this cannon into that brick wall over there.” Trixie pointed to a brick wall in the distance. “But alone would be just dull. Trixie will make this even more dangerous and daring! When Trixie hits the wall, it is set to explode with TNT!” The audience gasped in amazement and shock. If one squinted, they could see red boxes of TNT lining the bottom of the wall.

“Um, Trixie. Is this such a good idea?” Ditzy with full of apprehension.

“Yeah! That’s nuts!” Raindrops said alarmed. Lyra nodded. Cheerilee just watched to see that Trixie would do.

“Positive. And to make escape even more difficult, Trixie will be in a straitjacket and chained when she’s shot out of the cannon.” Trixie beamed with confidence.

"Please tell me she's kidding," Lyra said.

“Trixie would like to thank the Ponyville Fire Department and Hospital for overseeing the trick and making this as safe as possible.” Trixie pointed to some fire ponies and Doctor Stable that were watching from the sidelines. Trixie could see some fire pony pegasi in the air making sure everypony stayed away from the blast zone.

Trixie gave her hat and cap to Lyra and got into the straitjacket with a fire pony helping her with the chains. She climbed the ladder on the back of the cannon. She gave a reassuring smile to her friends and the audience that watched on nervously.

“She’s crazy. She going to get herself killed.” Lyra looked like she was about to faint.

“I’m....sure she has it under control. It’s just a trick, right?” Ditzy said hesitantly.

"Please be okay. Please be okay.” Carrot Top muttered to herself.

Trixie loaded herself into the cannon with some more help from a fire pony. A few moments later the cannon was fired and a blue and white shape was shot from the cannon. The crowd winced at the painfully loud sound of the cannon being fired. Trixie could just barely be seen racing towards the wall. In a blink of an eye, she hit the wall and there was an explosion. There was an eruption of dust and the crowd coughed. The smoke started the clear and the audience looked into the cloud to see anything. They could see the smokey remains of the brick wall when the smoke cleared.

The crowd gasped in unison. There was no sign of Trixie anywhere. They started murmuring to each other in fear and alarm.

"No need to fear! The Great and Powerful Trixie is just fine!”

The crowd turned around and there Trixie was on the stage in one piece. She was still wearing the straitjacket, but her legs were free and unencumbered. The audience erupted in cheers and whinnies. They seemed to stomp their hooves as one. Trixie could feel the ground shake a little. She bowed several times. She drank in the love and affection the crowd was giving her. Trixie felt amazing right now. Like she was on top of the world.

Suddenly Trixie felt something felt something fall and cover the top of her head. Curious, she used her magic to examine it and dropped it in wide-eyed shock. Panties. Somepony just threw their pink panties on Trixie’s head. Trixie screamed at the top of her lungs and run off the stage in complete and absolute horror. The entire crowd was stunned silent.

“Huh. That was not the reaction I was expecting.” Cloudkicker said confused over the silence.

Next Chapter: Chapter 3 Estimated time remaining: 7 Hours, 7 Minutes
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