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Storybook didn't want to get tossed into this whole mess. But when you hold one of the most powerful relics in the universe around your neck, what choice do you have?
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In Vanhoover, a mother lays dying. At her side is her daughter, no older than 8 years old, holding her mother's hoof as they wait for death. Turning to her daughter, the mother hands her something, telling her it's very important and to never let it go. After that, she dies.

16 years later, Storybook has moved on from that haunting night, though holds onto the necklace, just as promised. Now living in Cloudsdale, working as a librarian, Storybook has forged out a quaint little life for herself, never once thinking her life would ever change. However, she is about to be proven wrong. One day, while shopping, a mysterious stallion corners her, demanding she hand over her necklace. Narrowly escaping with the help of a young street filly named Night Crawler, she learns from her best friend Harvest Moon that the necklace is part of a set of six powerful relics that, when brought together in the proper place at the proper time, could grant one pony a wish which could effect the entire planet. Now forced to set off on a quest for the remaining relics, Storybook must face impossible odds and dangerous enemies if she wishes to stop an ancient evil from using the wish for their own twisted purposes.


1,205 words: Estimated 5 Minutes to read: [Cache]

1 Chapter:

  1. Prologue [Cache] Aug 31st, 2016
Published Aug 30th, 2016


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