Crossover story based on the "Word and Void" series of Terry Brooks' Shannara
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Long ago, there was the Word and the Void. Two powerful forces, waging a war that has persisted since the beginning of time, and will continue until the very end of ponykind. It is a conflict between good and evil, a balance that each side has attempted to tip more than once. Most ponies in Equestria don't even know this conflict exists, but there are a select few who have been chosen to fight in the war.

Angel Rose is a Knight of the Word, a chosen champion of the Word's power in the world of Equestria. Hoof-picked by the Lady of the Word, it is Angel's duty to hold the dark forces of the Void at bay. Gifted with prophetic dreams of the future where she is shown what is to be if she fails, Angel seeks to understand her place as a Knight and what it means to fight for what is right.

Elsewhere, in Manehattan a lone Unicorn is hiding. Sought by a powerful demon, one of the Void's greatest servants, the Unicorn will have to rely on Angel Rose to protect her. If Angel fails, the balance will be shifted, and the Void will become more powerful than ever.


This story is based on the intent of crossing over the worlds of MLP and the world inside of Terry Brooks' fantastic Shannara series. Primarily it is based on the chronological beginning of the series, the "Word and Void" trilogy.

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10,840 words: Estimated 44 Minutes to read: [Fimfiction.net] [Cache]

4 Chapters:

  1. Chapter One [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Sep 1st, 2016
  2. Chapter Two [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Sep 17th, 2016
  3. Chapter Three [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Dec 9th, 2016
  4. Chapter Four [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Jan 14th, 2017
Published Sep 1st, 2016
Last Update Jan 14th, 2017


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