
Crossing Lines

by TheTalentlessPony

Chapter 1: Too Far

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"N-no! Get back! Stay away from me!"

Rainbow Dash was in a panic as she backed away from everypony. This zombie situation was getting out of control and her eyes were dilating from the sheer horror of the situation. How did this happen? How did these cookies cause all this? She didn't know, but her stomach was in knots at the fact that this was caused by her own prank.

Desperate tears came to her eyes. It's all my fault. I just thought it'd be harmless; that it'd be a little prank and nothing more. I-I didn't want this!

Despite her panic, the zombie ponies kept walking towards her. She was backed into a corner now, surrounded by ponies who weren't themselves anymore. For all she knew, her friends were gone forever. Dead.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I didn't...!

Her chest heaved, her forelegs felt hot, and her mouth was dry. She didn't know what was happening; only that she was feeling faint, her view blurring as the zombie ponies seem to multiply. Tears kept coming and all she wanted to do was end this nightmare. Her mind repeated in her head; this was all her fault. She might not've intended it, but she caused this. She caused this.

...I didn't mean to.

Her shimmering eyes went dull as her body gave out on her. She fell forward, passing out, the stress having finally gotten to her.

The zombie ponies all stopped in their tracks, staring down at the fainted pegasus. Their eyes returned to their normal sizes and their groaning ceased.

"...R-Rainbow Dash?" Twilight was the first to speak up, surprised by this change of events; she definitely wanted to scare Rainbow Dash, but she didn't want to scare her this badly!

She hesitantly trotted forward, a hoof touching the cyan fur as Twilight lightly shook her. She waited a moment, but there was no response, though a few loose hairs in her mane fell to her face.


Next Chapter: Talking it Out Estimated time remaining: 38 Minutes
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