
Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Mac?

by Bed Head


Chapter 1

It was a dark and moonless night...

Fluttershy let out a whimper, her ears falling flat as the words ran through her head.

She had never really liked stories that started like that.  No matter how much she wished otherwise, they always seemed to go the exact same way:

It would always be nighttime.  There would always be a helpless filly wandering, alone, through a spooky forest.  Sometimes she was lost, sometimes she was looking for something.  It didn't really matter which.

Either way she was never aware of the monster stalking her, lurking in the shadows just off the path.

At least, not until it finally leapt out.

The yellow pegasus never knew what happened after that.  She'd usually stopped listening long before then.  Often by diving under her covers and pulling a pillow over her head until the sun finally rose.  An option that was seeming more and more appealing with each passing second.

Of course, there was one other thing she knew well.  Something that the chilly breeze blowing across the back of her neck served as a harsh reminder of.

The ponies in those stories never had the luxury of just hiding from what scared them.

"A... Aaa..." Fluttershy drew in a shuddering breath as she tried to raise her voice.  "Aaaangel..."

The feeble whimper barely made it past the end of her muzzle.  It was still enough to set her heart racing as she stared, wide-eyed, into the shadows that surrounded her.  The darkness driven aside only by the weak starlight that filtered through the tree branches overhead.

And with each revealing flicker, Fluttershy’s breath caught in her throat.  Silently, she wished the woods would simply remain dark.  The desire didn’t seem to matter to the creaking, claw-like branches, however.  Not with the way they seemed to move closer and closer with each glimpse of light, nets of vines swaying in their spindly fingers.  Eager to snatch up the mare and carry her into the unknown depths of the Everfree Forest—


Fluttershy's wings snapped straight out at the sound of snapping wood.  She spun around, just in time for her frantically twitching ears to catch a rustle of leaves.  Blue eyes going wide, she realized she could just make out the outline of a bush not far from her.  One that was shaking ever so slightly in the darkness.  Almost as though something were on the other side of it.

"A-Angel?"  Fluttershy couldn't stop the question.  Not even with every fiber of her being struggling to send her running in the other direction.  "A-Angel Bunny, i-is that you?"

The bush began to shake harder.  Fluttershy gasped as she stumbled back a step.

Whatever the foliage hid, it was not a tiny helpless bunny.

It was something much, much bigger.

The yellow mare twisted, trying to turn and run.  Her slender legs tangled however, sending her toppling to the ground.  With a squeak of pain she landed hard on her side, her terrified eyes still locked on the bush.

Something was pushing its way through.  A silhouette at least twice the pegasus pony's size.  Fluttershy couldn't even open her mouth to try and scream.

All she could do was close her eyes as the massive shape tore out of the undergrowth.

Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Mac?

A Flipverse Story

By Bed Head

"Miss Fluttershy?"

Hearing her name, the pegasus cautiously opened one eye.

The other quickly followed as she noticed a hoof hovering in front of her.  Even in the dark she could make out the bright-red coat covering it.  The exact same color she could feel her cheeks turning.  Slowly her gaze turned upward, following the limb to the face of the massive earth stallion attached to it.

"Oh... B-Big Mac..." Fluttershy said with a relieved sigh.  "I-it's just you..."

The red giant didn't say anything in response.  The worry, however, was clear in his green eyes as he looked down at her.  Her heartbeat finally slowing, Fluttershy managed to put on a small smile as she hooked her leg over the one he'd been offering.

"Yew alright?" Big Macintosh finally asked as she started to get up.

"Oh yes, I'm fine!" Fluttershy said.  "You just surprised me-eep!"

Her assurances cut out in a yelp as Big Mac tugged on her leg.  Rather gently, she had to admit, for a stallion his size.

It didn’t stop the soft grunt the spindly mare let out as she found herself stumbling into the farm pony’s broad chest.  Suddenly Fluttershy’s face was burning all the hotter.  She could almost feel it starting to glow, even as Mac carefully took a step back.

"Uh... mah 'pologies..."  Big Macintosh's voice cut out in a chorus of throat clearing, which only prompted Fluttershy to focus her own eyes even harder on the ground.  "Didn't mean to scare ya.  Just got worried when Ah lost track o' yew—"

"I-oh no, I mean—"  Fluttershy tried to breathe.  Never before had she been so thankful for her long, pink mane covering most of her face.  "P-please don't apologize.  I-I'm the one that ran ahead after all..."

"Th-that's... well... uh..."

As Mac's voice trailed off, Fluttershy chanced a glance back to the stallion.  It was hard to tell through the darkness and his own red coat, but somehow she could almost see a blush on his face as well.  His muzzle tilted downwards, prompting her gaze to follow.

It was then that Fluttershy noticed her hoof was still hooked over his.  With a small, embarrassed squeak she quickly withdrew it back to her chest.  Mac just cleared his throat once more, rubbing at the back of his head as his eyes wandered to the side.


"S-so... uh, yew sure Angel went this way?" Mac asked, finally breaking the silence between them.  "The Everfree's awful dangerous."


Fluttershy frowned as she felt her blush start to fade.


"Oh, um yes.  I know," she answered as her gaze fell to the forest floor.  "Angel just... likes to act up for attention sometimes..."


Slowly, her voice trailed off.


Silently, Fluttershy knew she should have been thankful for the change in topic.  Instead her chest suddenly felt as though it was trapped in a vice.  She barely even noticed the concerned way Big Macintosh was watching her as she looked back over her shoulder.  Her breath hitched in her throat and her wings slouched as she saw what awaited her.


Nothing but more shadows and darkened trees, with plenty of branches and vines dangling low over the path.


And not so much as a glimpse of white fur.


"H-he's hopped close to the entrance before."  Fluttershy tried to clear her throat, but the lump of dread sitting in it refused to budge.  "I n-never thought he'd actually go in, b-but he wasn't anywhere else and—"


A surprisingly gentle hoof fell over her shoulder, cutting her off.  Looking to the side, Fluttershy could feel her blush trying to return.  Big Macintosh stood right next to her, a calm smile on his face even as it started to blur.  Fluttershy sniffled, her shoulders starting to tremble as she tried to wipe away the tears rolling down her cheeks.


"Oh... this is all m-my fault..." she whimpered.  "I-I couldn't get those b-baby carrots he likes, so Angel... he..."


"Don't yew worry none, Miss Fluttershy."  Big Mac's voice was quiet but firm as his hoof patted against her withers.  "Yer bunny probably didn’t go too far.  We’ll find him.”


Fluttershy sniffled again, but slowly lifted her gaze.  Mac was still smiling down at her, and despite herself she could feel her own smile returning at his words.  The tears were slowing, at least, as she wiped her eyes one last time.


"Thank..." she paused for one final sniffle before finally managing to nod to the red giant.  "Thank you so much, Big Mac.  I'm just glad you—"


The sound of dry twigs breaking caused Fluttershy's voice to stutter to a halt.  Her eyes darted as more snaps and cracks sounded, settling further up the rough path she'd been walking.  Once again she could just make out something shaking up ahead.  Another patch of bushes, one that was rustling more and more with each passing moment.  Without thinking, Fluttershy lifted one hoof to take a step forward.


She froze just as quickly as one of Big Mac's legs suddenly forced itself into her path.  Before she could say a word, the massive stallion had put himself in front of her.  One of his hooves scraped against the ground as he lowered his head.  A tremble ran down Fluttershy's spine as Mac let out a snort, and the sounds of twigs and shaking leaves grew louder and louder...


And with one final rustle, something burst forth from the bush.  Fluttershy's heart immediately shot straight to her throat.




Her own voice almost hurt her ears with how loud it was.  That didn't stop the pegasus however, as her wings flared out and sent her soaring past Big Macintosh with a single flap.  The rest of the forest was nothing but a black blur as Fluttershy scooped the tiny, white rabbit into her forelegs and clutched him tightly to her chest.


"Oh Angel!  You're alright!" she cheered, blinking away tears as she nuzzled the squirming bunny.  "I was so worried about you!  Are you okay?  What have you—"




Fluttershy’s voice cut out once again.  This time thanks to the sting of Angel’s tiny paw across her cheek.  Her eyes were wide with shock as she simply stared, slack-jawed, at her beloved pet.


“A… Angel?” she muttered.


Something's wrong...


Even without her special talent with animals, Fluttershy could have told that much.  Angel Bunny's normally beady eyes were wide, his chest heaving in and out with rapid breaths.  He was waving his forepaws, frantically pointing back to the foliage he'd just hopped from.  The gestures and tiny noises he squeaked out were coming too fast, however.  Fluttershy could feel her head start to spin as she struggled to make sense of them.

"Miss Fluttershy..."


Big Mac's voice broke through her concentration, his voice sending a chill down her spine.  Cautiously, the yellow pegasus looked back over her shoulder.


The uneasy feeling in her stomach only intensified as she saw how wide Mac’s eyes were.  


"Glad yew found Angel," he said, his calm tone failing to hide the tremble in his voice as he beckoned to her with one hoof.  "Now just... come on back to me.  Nice and slow like, okay?"


Fluttershy just blinked.  Slowly, she turned her eyes back down to Angel.  His motions and voice were still frantic.  The message was coming through clearer however.  And Fluttershy could feel her body grow cold with each part that she understood.




It's coming!






And then a puff of warm air hit her right in the face.


Fluttershy's nose wrinkled as the foul scent of rotting wood washed over her senses.  Trembling, her gaze shot up to the source.  The tiniest, most terrified squeak imaginable escaped her throat as she found herself looking into a wooden muzzle filled with fang-like thorns.  All set into the face of a horrific, canine creature leering at her from just off the path.


"T-t-t..." she stammered as Angel clung tightly to her coat.

She wanted to run, but her legs refused to move.  Even as the beast before her let out a growl.  Fluttershy could only stand, paralyzed, as its burning yellow eyes narrowed on her.  The loosely gathered sticks that made up its body creaked threateningly as it crouched low.


"Timberwolf!" Fluttershy finally managed to squeak out.


With a vicious howl, the monster pounced.


At that same moment, something yanked hard on her tail.




Fluttershy coughed, the wind knocked from her by her impact with the ground.  Her vision swam as she struggled to breathe.  She could just make out odd sounds in the distance.  Grunting and growling, coupled with the cracking of wood...




A desperate gasp forced its way down her throat as something soft and white bounced off her muzzle.  The world pulled itself back together, and Angel Bunny was hopping in place in front of her.  His fuzzy little fist reeled back, more than likely to bop the end of her nose again.  Fluttershy didn't wait for him to swing.  Her head snapped up, her mind managing to piece together what had just happened.


"Mister Macintosh!" she shouted, gasping in terror even as the words left her mouth.


Big Mac was still there.  Unfortunately, so was the timberwolf.  The wooden beast was snarling, one of its splintery paws swiping at the stallion as it circled the pair of ponies.  The hunger was radiating from its eyes as it glared past the red giant to Fluttershy and the bunny huddled by her fetlocks.


"Git ready..."


The pegasus blinked, barely managing to tear her eyes from the fearsome beast.  Big Mac was walking as well, carefully keeping pace with the timberwolf.  Each step was focused, keeping the stallion's mountainous frame between Fluttershy and the wolf.


His eyes, however, were locked solely on her.


"When I say so," Mac whispered, his rear hoof nudging her back a step.  "Run fer it."


"What!?"  Fluttershy squeaked out.  She almost regretted it as the timberwolf growled again, but couldn't stop her mouth from moving.  "B-but what about—"




She didn't have the chance to finish her question as a howl cut through the night.  The timberwolf pounced, claws and fangs bared.  With a furious cry of his own, Mac charged forward to meet the monster—


"Alright.  That's enough."


"Enough?!  Aw come on, Mac!—"



"—Ah'm not even at the best part yet!"


Big Mac could hardly hold back a groan as he rolled his eyes.


Normally he enjoyed mornings on Sweet Apple Acres.  The peace and calm as the sun slowly rose over the apple trees.  No sound but the chirping of birds flitting about their branches.  Absolutely nothing to keep a stallion from just closing his eyes and enjoying the scent of fresh apples, plowed earth, and the feeling of the sun slowly warming his coat.


“So like Ah was saying, the wolf started howlin’ up a storm—”


Mac let out a weary sigh as he realized it wasn’t going to be one of those mornings.


“AJ, please…” he muttered, his ears falling flat.


He already knew nothing would come from the pleading.  Despite his interruption, the orange earth mare walking next to him refused to drop her smile.


“What’s wrong?  Ah'm just tellin' yer buddy 'bout what happened last night," Applejack said, tilting her stetson back so she could cast her brother a quizzical look.  "Come to think of it, how come Ah’m the only one talkin’ ‘bout it?”


"Hey, yeah!"  Another voice chimed in from behind before Mac could even think of an answer.  "What's up with that, big guy?  You've barely said two words since I got here!"


Mac grit his teeth as he brought his hooves to a halt.  A tremor ran along his back, and the apple cart he was hitched to creaked in protest, threatening to spill its load of fresh-picked fruit at the sudden stop.  Both of which he ignored as he shot a look over his shoulder.




Whatever glare Mac had been planning collapsed into a wince as the cart gave another shake.  One nowhere near as strong as what he'd just caused, but more than enough to make him realize just how suddenly he'd stopped.  Especially when paired with the pained yelp that came from behind the ancient conveyance.




One ear twitched as he heard Applejack stifle a laugh.  Mac didn't even bother glaring at her.  Not with his attention on the purple unicorn plodding from around the back of the cart, one hoof rubbing the now sore end of his muzzle.


"Ow..." he muttered, a spark of green magic fixing the fedora sitting on his head.


"Sorry," Mac said with a grimace.  "Yew alright, Spike?"


"Yeah," the unicorn answered as he gave his nose one final prod.  "Maybe give me a little warning next time though?"


A short chuckle fell from Spike’s mouth as Mac let out silent sigh of relief.  Partially from seeing the smaller stallion brush off the bump.  More so, he reluctantly realized, from the peace and quiet that was finally returning to the apple orchard as the bit of laughter died out.


"Well alright then!"  Mac's ears went flat again as his sister's voice shattered the silence.  "Now, just where was Ah with that story?"


"Oh yeah!  Uh..." Spike's brow furrowed, his horn sparking again as he looked over his shoulder.  "Hang on a sec!"


Big Mac bit down on his tongue as a quill and notepad floated from behind the cart.  Spike’s stumble seemed to have interrupted whatever spell he usually cast on them, but the pages of writing were still clearly visible.  Every word that any of the three of them had spoken since the unicorn’s arrival, magically recorded by the seemingly living writing instruments.  And Applejack’s eager smile had already returned as she trotted to Spike’s side, craning her neck to peer at the notes over his shoulder.


"Let me see," Spike said as his quill moved down the page.  "Ran into Fluttershy looking for her bunny, Mac said he'd help out, they headed into the forest..."


Tightening his jaw, Mac turned his gaze back down the path he'd been walking.  His eyes moved instinctively towards the end of the orchard.  A small, genuine grin came to his muzzle as he saw the farmhouse waiting up ahead, his gaze settling on one window in particular.  One with solid oak shutters and his comfy, hay-stuffed mattress waiting inside.  Ready and waiting to hide even the largest of ponies away from the rest of Equestria.


Mac took a deep breath as he glanced back over his shoulder.  Spike and Applejack were still huddled over the unicorn's notepad, pouring over the pages of conversation he'd already transcribed.  Neither of them were even looking his direction.

With the smallest grunt of effort and a tiny squeak from the apple cart's aged wheels, Mac started walking again.  The smile on his face only growing as he looked back ahead, watching as his goal drew closer and closer.


"Then they found Angel Bunny, the timberwolf showed up and Mac... Mac?"  The red stallion's smile quickly fell away as Spike's voice floated up from behind him.  "Hey Mac, wait up!"


For a moment, Mac wondered whether the old cart would survive him breaking into a gallop.  He didn't have the chance to try it before an orange hoof suddenly threw itself over his shoulders.


"Whoa there, big brother!" Applejack said with a chuckle, her leg forcing Mac's head down so he was eye-level with her.  "What's yer hurry?"


"Ain't hurryin'," Mac said, praying his sister wouldn't notice the way his eyes were darting away from hers.  "Ah… Ah just wanna finish mah chores, that's all."


Looking to his other side, the earth pony had to bite down on his tongue to keep from cursing.  Spike was already there, raising one eyebrow as he watched the larger stallion.  His writing implements were trailing behind him once more, looking rather like a pair of oversized fireflies thanks to the green aura surrounding them.


"What about the interview?" Spike asked, his enchanted quill already recording the words again.  "Come on, I still didn't hear about how you got away from the timberwolf!"


Mac glanced forward again.  The edge of the apple orchard was only a few yards away.  The farmhouse almost seemed to be mocking him with how close it was.


"Spike, Ah just..." Mac's voice trailed off, his brain grasping for some excuse to throw out.  "Ah'm just busy, that's all.  AJ can tell ya the rest—"


"But you've been avoiding my questions since I got here," Spike argued, his gaze softening a bit as he moved to walk a bit closer to the red giant.  "Is something wrong, Mac?"




Mac flinched as Spike jumped back.  That and the feeling of Applejack’s hoof leaving his back told him he’d protested too quickly.  Before he could blink, the orange mare was standing right in his path and the apple cart was shuddering again as he stumbled to a halt.


"Now hold on thar.  Ah know that 'Nope'," Applejack said, digging her hooves stubbornly into the ground.  "Something's eatin' ya."


Now she notices...


The sarcastic thought quickly died under Applejack's probing glare.


“Come on, Mac,” Applejack prodded, taking a step closer and nudging his chest gently with her hoof.  “What’s the problem?”


Mac could feel his stomach knot slightly at the question.  Still, he drew in a slow deep breath.  Slowly, he turned his gaze to the side.


Spike still stood there, with quill still poised over his notepad waiting for the answer.


A moment of silence passed.  Followed by another.  Mac just bit down on his lip, watching as the confusion grew on the unicorn’s face as he glanced over his shoulder.  Mac’s voice felt caught in his throat, unwilling to say anything as he just waited for the purple stallion to realize exactly where he was looking.


"Wait... me?" Spike exclaimed, his eyes flying wide open with realization as he turned back around.


Reluctantly, Big Mac gave a single, short nod.


“I… but…” Spike sputtered before shaking his head, his hat nearly flying off in the process.  “What did I do?”


"Nothing… yet.  It’s just..."  Mac trailed off, his mouth drawing into a thin line.  He let out another sigh, one hoof rubbing against the side of his head as he forced the words out.  "Yer gonna write me up like Ah'm some kinda hero again, ain't ya Spike?"


"Wha-well I..."  Spike's brow furrowed, his hooves shuffling as he looked to his notepad before turning a hopeful smile back to Big Mac.  "Um... yes?"


The long-awaited groan finally slipped out.  Mac's tail drooped, his gaze falling to his ground thanks to the sudden headache he'd developed.  Even as his ears fell flat, though, he couldn't block out the sound of Spike's stammering voice.


"B-but I wanted to check on you too!"  The unicorn was talking very quickly, his hooves stumbling closer to the red giant.  "I heard what everypony in town was saying about you getting attacked and—"


"Alright, that's enough."


It was Applejack's voice that cut the other stallion off.  Mac grunted as one of his sister's hooves was suddenly under his chin, lifting his head and forcing him to look straight into her piercing, green eyes.


"Would you quit beatin' round the bush?" Applejack demanded as she released his face.  "So Spike wants to put you in his paper?  What's the big deal?"


Mac tried to turn away again, only to find his sister’s hooves on either side of his face stopping him.  Letting out a weary sigh, he gently pushed the orange-coated limbs away.


"The problem..." he grumbled, scuffing one hoof at the ground.  "Yew two remember that stampede from last week?"

"You bet I do!  When Daisy Jo and the other cows got spooked by that snake?" Spike answered with a grin, another notepad flying from his saddlebags.  "The way you and Applejack stopped that was awesome!  And all my readers went nuts over that article!"


"Ah know."  Mac bit off each word, his voice cutting out in a frustrated snort before he could stop it.


At the very least, Spike fell silent in response.  Even if it did send another guilty twist through Mac’s stomach.


“Shewt, Mac, what was wrong with that?”  Applejack asked with a chuckle.  “We had all sorts o’ ponies visitin’ just tryin’ to git a look at yew!”

That’s the problem,” Mac explained with a shake of his head.  “Ah didn’t even know half those ponies, and they were just mobbin’ me fer pictures and autographs—”


“Not to mention buyin' plenty o' apples to help out the 'local hero's' farm while they were at it!"

Mac's glare shot back to Applejack.  He could almost feel a hint of actual frustration at the angelic smile she was giving him.


"Heh, Ah'm just saying," she added with a shrug.


"Maybe that’s fine fer some ponies..." Mac grumbled, his mind already picturing just what sort of reaction he was about to receive.  "But Ah don't want ponies treatin’ me like some big hero.”


The orchard went quiet again.  Exactly as Mac had predicted, there was no enjoyment to take from the fact this time.  Not as long as he could feel the stares of the other two.


He didn’t bother trying to keep track of how long the silence lasted this time.  The soft crackle of discharging magic and thud of Spike’s notepads hitting the dirt were almost welcome if only for the fact that they confirmed for Mac that the other two had heard him.


Applejack’s light chuckling, however, was far less expected.  Mac clenched his jaw as he felt his cheeks starting to flush at the sound of it.


"Like… like a hero?" Spike finally said, shaking his head in disbelief.  "Didn't you save Fluttershy and her pet bunny from a vicious, pony-eating timberwolf?  How is that not heroic?!"


"Ah was just tryin' to be a good neighbor," Mac answered, trying very hard not to notice the bark of laughter that followed the statement.


"Mmmph-heh heh... Hooooo boy..." Applejack's voice chimed in, trying and failing to hide her giggles.  "Ah swear, Mac, they shoulda made yew the 'Element o' Humility' with that attitude..."


Mac's cheeks were practically glowing as he shot another glare at his sister.  Applejack didn't seem to notice.  Mostly thanks to the way her hat was pulled down over her face as she loudly cleared her throat from behind it.


"Come on now, big brother.  Spike wrote ‘bout both of us stoppin’ that stampede."  Applejack was still stifling chuckles, a smile stretching her face as she removed her stetson.  "It ain't his fault if the ponies that read it wanna focus on the guy that stopped Nightmare Moon, right?”


... She's got a point...


Even so, Big Mac let out a grunt in response as he tried to start walking again.  Applejack just snorted in response and shifted to the side, blocking his path anew.  Mac grunted, his eyes flicking from his sister to the farmhouse, searching for some way to get around the mare as he scraped one hoof along the ground...


"Geeze... I’m sorry, Mac."


He nearly stumbled upon hearing Spike's voice.  Looking back, Mac's glare softened as he saw the frown on the unicorn's face.  Only a dim glow shone from his horn, gently tucking his notepads and quill back into his saddlebags.


"I heard all the rumors going around town.  So, you know, I just had to come out and see if they were true before I..."  Spike let out a sigh as he adjusted his hat.  "I didn't know the stuff I wrote made you that uncomfortable."


"Now hold on thar," Applejack said, walking towards the other stallion.  "Yew ain't gotta 'pologize—"


"Actually, I kinda do if my articles were causing trouble," Spike interrupted, lifting his hoof to stop Applejack before looking back to Big Mac.  "Look, it’s fine.  I’ll just… find something else to write about instead.”


With that, the smaller stallion turned and started to walk away.


Mac stood still, teeth digging into his lip again.  For a moment, his gaze wandered down the now-clear trail to the farmhouse.  Inwardly, he could hear a small cheer rising up at Spike's words.


Letting out a final sigh, he quickly silenced the voice.  With a shrug of his mighty shoulders and a shake from the cart, he slid free from the harness and turned around.


"Hold on, Spike," he said, following the purple unicorn around the apple cart.  "It's fine, yew can write 'bout this—"




Mac froze mid-step as he rounded the old cart.  Spike stood there, his notepad and quill already out again and an eager grin on his face.  The red giant did his best not to scowl as he reminded himself just how quick the unicorn was at pulling out his writing tools.


"Eeyup," Mac said as he slowly lowered his leg.  "Jus... please don’t make such a big deal out o' it this time?”


"Heh, no problem big guy!" Spike said, his smile widening as his quill moved back to the paper.


A moment passed.  Then another.  Mac tilted his head in confusion as Spike's smile quickly began to fade and the unicorn let out a small cough.


"Of course, I still need to hear the rest of what happened..." he said with a gentle wave of his hoof.


Oh.  Right.


"Heh, yew sure 'bout that?"  Mac didn't even have time to facehoof before Applejack sprang up next to him wearing a huge grin of her own.  "Might wanna strap yerself down to somethin' then, partner."


Mac just rolled his eyes as Applejack started the story again.  Picking up, he noticed, almost exactly where she’d left off.  The large stallion couldn’t help letting out a small chuckle as he noticed how wide Spike’s eyes were going.  Like a foal listening to an exciting bedtime story.  With a small smile on his face, Mac took a seat to watch.


Suppose this is fine...



“Forgive me Mayor Mare, but ‘fine’ isn’t the word I’d use to describe the situation.”


The beige earth mare let out a frustrated sigh in response.


The noise wasn’t something she was proud of.  With as long as she’d been in charge of Ponyville, patience was one of the major virtues Mayor Mare prided herself on.  A fact that she had to keep reminding herself of as she watched the brown stallion pacing in circles around her office.

“Time Turner, don’t you think you’re worrying about this a bit too much?” she asked, carefully pushing her glasses back up her nose.


Much to the gray-maned mare’s relief, her question had the desired effect.  The stallion’s hooves came to a halt, his blue eyes turning towards her.  Drawing in a slow, deep breath, Mayor Mare did her best to put on a small, reassuring smile.


“The timberwolves have been living in the Everfree Forest since long before Ponyville was founded,” she said, her voice calm and even.  “They’ve never crossed the borders of the forest before.”


"They've also never just attacked ponies that were just passing through," Time Turner pointed out with a shake of his head.  "I've been in there three times now and never so much as glimpsed one.  But now Fluttershy and Big Macintosh—"


“Are absolutely fine.”  Mayor Mare flinched, taking another deep breath as she tried not to think about how challenging keeping her voice at normal speaking level was.  Clearing her throat, she began to idly shuffle some of the papers sitting on her desk.  “I can understand your concern since your friend was involved, but I’m confident this is the last we’ll be hearing about the issue—”


Clink, clink, clink


The sound of something rapping on glass cut her off.  Looking up at her office window, the beige pony could barely hold back her sigh of relief.


“Well, I suppose we’re about to find out for certain,” she heard Time Turner comment.


Mayor Mare just nodded as she quickly trotted over to the window.  Taking a moment to brace herself, she pushed it open.


Then she leapt to the side as it swung out.


For a moment the older mare worried she’d hadn’t been quick enough.  She winced as her knees ached in protest from the sudden jump.  At the very least, however, she was clear of the open window before the multi-colored streak burst through it.  Even if she could feel the tips of its feathery wings almost clip the top of her ears as it turned a tight circle overhead.


“Boo ya!” cheered the blur as it finally came to a halt, collapsing into a light-blue pegasus mare hovering over the center of the room.  “Record time, just like I told you!”

Of course, we did have to send Rainbow Dash…


Mayor Mare frowned as she looked back to her desk and the paperwork that now lay scattered all around it.  A mess the pegasus mare overhead apparently didn’t notice given the midair celebratory dance she was performing.


“Wait a moment,” Time Turner said, casting a worried glance back to the window.  “Where’s Thunderlane?  Weren’t the two of you together?”


“Probably still trying to catch up,” Rainbow Dash explained with a flip of her colorful mane.  “I lapped that slowpoke’s flank twice while we were out patrolling!”


“I already said it wasn’t a race…” grumbled another voice.


Rainbow Dash just chuckled and stuck her tongue out in response as another pegasus flew in through the window.  This one, Mayor Mare noted with silent thanks, causing much less of a wind storm as he landed.  Not surprising seeing as the dark-gray stallion’s attention seemed more focused on glaring at the flying mare.


“All the same, we’re glad you’ve both finished so quickly,” Mayor Mare said, putting herself between the two pegasi before either could say anything more.  “I hope that means everything was alright around the forest?”


“Not even a branch out of place, Missus Mayor Ma’am!” Rainbow Dash answered, her tongue retreating in favor of snapping a salute.  “We even buzzed by Fluttershy’s house to check with her.”


“She hasn’t seen anything since last night.”  Thunderlane shrugged his wings as he looked to the only other stallion present.  “I think Mayor Mare’s right, TT.  Nothing, let alone a timberwolf, has come out of that forest.”


“I… see…” Time Turner said.


And that settles that.


Mayor Mare just gave herself a small nod as she started towards the door.  She did her best to ignore how much lighter her hooves suddenly felt.  As well as the sense of relief that seemed to be going through her body.  Almost as though it was finally accepting exactly what she’d been telling her scheduler since he’d started talking about timberwolves and the Everfree Forest...


“Well, thank you both very much for your time,” Mayor Mare said, pushing the thoughts from her mind as she opened the door.  “We can settle the overtime pay later this week, if that’s alright?”


“Fine by me,” Rainbow Dash said as she trotted out through the door.  “Hey, Thunderlane, how about a race back to the weather office to punch out?”


“I don’t really—” the pegasus stallion started to answer.


Dash didn’t seem to be listening as she crouched low to the ground.  “Three-two-one-go!”

With a loud BANG of displaced air the rainbow-haired mare was gone.  Thunderlane just let out a frustrated sigh as he trotted out after her, and the door swung shut behind him with a soft click.


“Well… this is somewhat embarrassing...”


The voice of her aide brought Mayor Mare’s attention back to the desk.  Time Turner was shuffling around the furniture, quietly gathering up the scattered papers.  The mayor could feel her eyebrow starting to arch, however, as she noticed the way his cheeks were starting to darken.

“I’m truly sorry about the fuss ma’am.  I just thought that…” Time Turner sighed as he set the papers back on the desk before turning around with a grimace on his face.  “Ponyville has seen quite a bit of excitement since the Summer Sun Celebration.  This whole timberwolf attack just sounded… well it sounded like—”


“A sign of worse things coming?” Mayor Mare guessed.


Time Turner’s frown deepened as he nodded his head.  “I’m rather hoping you’ll pardon my, er… paranoia?”


Surprising even herself, the greying mare let out a soft chuckle.


One hoof instinctively lifted to cover the smirk on her muzzle and stifle the laugh.  Far too late to avoid the confused eyebrow Time Turner was raising.  With a small shrug to herself, Mayor Mare let the mild laughter continue as she trotted over to the younger earth pony’s side.

“I think for the best aide I’ve ever had and a town hero, a little concern for Ponyville’s safety can be forgiven,” she said, one hoof straightening out the stallion’s tie before she patted him on the shoulder.  “This one time, at least.”


Much to her pleasure, a small smile finally appeared on Time Turner’s muzzle as well.  Letting out one final chuckle and humming a soft tune, Mayor Mare trotted around to the other side of her desk once more and began sorting through the freshly gathered papers.


“No more time to dilly-dally then!” she said, her grin growing as Time Turner snapped a quick salute.  “What’s next on the agenda?”


As her assistant set himself to checking the schedule, Mayor Mare glanced out the still-open window.  A soft breeze was blowing in, carrying in the sound of birds chirping and foals playing in the streets.  All as the sun shone bright in the blue sky overhead.


Just another perfect day in Ponyville.





Big Mac winced as he plodded out of the barn.  A worried frown crossed his face as he looked down at his leg.  Somehow, despite the morning’s chores, the length of bandages wrapped around it was still there.  Uttering a silent prayer of thanks to Celestia that Spike either hadn’t noticed the covering or hadn’t thought to ask about it, Mac carefully lowered the limb and leaned on it.


He inhaled sharply through his teeth as an ache raced up his leg, stopping just below the knee.  Much more pronounced and far less easy to ignore than the the dull throbbing that had plagued the area since that morning.  Hobbling the few steps back into the barn, Mac propped the offending forelimb onto a nearby hay-bale.  With a quick tug of his teeth, the bandage came loose and fell away.


"Hmmm..." he muttered.


It don’t look bad...


Mac tilted his head as he peered closer at his leg.  Despite the discomfort it looked exactly the same as it usually did.  No sign of bleeding, no redness (at least none that didn’t belong to his coat), not even a trace of swelling as he carefully brushed aside the shaggy fur of his fetlocks.


Nothing but a barely visible set of tooth marks showing exactly where the timberwolf’s muzzle had clamped down the night before.


Chapter 2

Mac had lost track of how long he'd been running.

It had been a while, he could tell that much.  His lungs were burning as he pushed his legs for more speed.  His back and face were tingling from the countless number of branches and leaves that smacked and scratched across them.  Each thundering gallop was sending a lance of pain up his foreleg.  Almost as though another timberwolf were biting it each time it struck the ground.


But the pain didn't matter.  Not as another howl carried through the forest.  Pushing the hurt from his mind with a fierce snort, the red stallion forced himself to keep moving.

Can't be too far...

The heartbeat echoing in his ears drowned out all other noises.  Still they swiveled, joining his eyes as they scoured the dark blur of the forest racing past them.  Searching desperately for even a glimpse of pink or yellow.


Another howl ripped through the darkness.  This one much closer.  Mac barely noticed, however, as he spotted a flicker of motion up ahead.  His eyes narrowed on the spot, his heart skipping a beat as he kept running.

A huge smile broke across his face as he saw a faint glimpse of green light.


Mac stumbled, his injured leg nearly giving out as he tried to pick up speed.  He barely managed to right himself as he kept going.  Spike was just up ahead.  He could see the little clouds of dust the unicorn's hooves were kicking up as he ran.

"W-wait!" Mac shouted as he gasped for breath.


The farmer scowled as another howl drowned out his shouting.  Somehow his voice had been heard though.  The other stallion was looking back at him.

But something was wrong.

Mac's brow furrowed in confusion as his gaze locked with Thunderlane's.  The pegasus pony's eyes were going wide, his wings flaring in fright.  Before Mac could even open his mouth again, Thunderlane had started running even faster.

The sight of which brought a low growl from the back of Mac's throat.


He'd wanted to yell for them to come back.  To stop.  But the wolf's voice overpowered his once again.  Fangs were baring as Mac glared after his quarry.  He could feel the furrows his claws were leaving in the ground as they dug into it for ever more speed.

With a final howl, he lunged.  Applejack had just enough time to scream as he bore down on her claws-first—

And with a horrified gasp, Mac's eyes shot open.

For several long moments he just lay in place, heart hammering in his chest.  Letting his green eyes dart frantically in every direction, probing into the darkness that surrounded him.  Slowly, his pulse started to ease.  Even through the cover of night he could make out the closet door, the dresser, and the nightstand with several framed photos sitting atop it.  

All sure signs that he was in his bedroom and not the middle of the Everfree Forest.  A long sigh escaped his muzzle as he brought one hoof up to his forehead.

A bad dream.  Just a bad dream.

Even with his silent reassurances, the red giant's heart was still racing.  He could still hear the timberwolf's distant howl.  Feel the earth under his hooves almost as well as the bits of straw poking through his mattress...

And see the terrified look in the eyes of the ponies he'd been chasing.

A chill ran down Mac's spine.  He let out a low groan as he pushed himself upright, frowning at the way his back peeled away from the bed.  Despite his shivers Mac could feel his bed sheets clinging to his barrel, the fabric and his coat soaked with ice-cold sweat.  A raspy cough rose from his throat as he kicked them away, sending a burning feeling running through the rest of his chest.

Need some air...

Letting out a grunt of agreement, Mac rolled himself out of bed with a resounding THUD.


Mac quickly bit down on his tongue to silence his cry.  His eyes darted to the door as he held his breath.

No response came from beyond.  No sign that any of the house's other occupants had been disturbed.  Slowly letting the air hiss between his teeth, Mac glared down at his leg.  His jaw tightened as he spotted the bite marks, standing out all the clearer against the damp, matted hair of his fetlocks.  Gingerly, he tried putting his weight on the injured limb again.

"... Ow," he muttered under his breath.

The leg throbbed very lightly in response.  Nowhere near the pain that had shot through it a moment ago.  Slowly, he let out a relieved breath.  One that whistled over his dry tongue and lips.  Coughing once more, Mac shuffled his way over to the window.  With a soft grunt, his forehooves pressed up against the underside of the sill.

"C'mon..." he grumbled as the old pane of glass rattled at his efforts.  "Just want... a little—"


With a long shriek of aged wood on wood, the window opened.  A huge grin planted itself on Mac's face as a wave of cool air broke over him.  His jaw hung slack, tongue rolling out of it as he panted in the breeze, lowering his head until his chin rested on the window sill.  He could feel the sweat coating his body starting to dry, pulling a blissful moan from his muzzle as his eyes drifted shut.

His smile collapsed to a grimace, however, as another shudder of pain ran up his leg.  Wincing at the feeling, Mac brought the injured limb up to the sill, glaring at it as he planted it next to his head.

Dern timberwolf.  Hope Ah didn't...

The thought trailed off as Mac slowly blinked at his foreleg.

catch... somethin'...

His thoughts rolled to a halt.

Because, no matter how much he tried to convince himself it was his imagination, he couldn't help noticing how much thicker the coat on his leg seemed.  Especially around the faintly throbbing bite scar.

A soft flicker from the corner of his eye caught his attention before he could look any closer.  Almost unconsciously, Mac found his gaze lifting to the sky.  The quiet fields of the farm below were completely ignored in favor of a patch of clouds rolling their way through the sky.  Likely ones that had drifted from the Everfree Forest given the way they were moving on their own, slowly uncovering the silvery light of the moon that they'd been blocking.

And for some reason he couldn't look away from it.  Even as the sight sent a fresh shiver running through his body.


Down in the living room, Winona's head suddenly bolted straight up from her bed.

What was that?

The border collie let out a soft whimper as she leapt from her resting place, nearly landing on her face as her old blanket slid under her paws.  Somehow she managed to keep her balance and scrambled to the center of the farmhouse's old sitting room.  Slowly the canine began to pace around, her beady black eyes probing into the darkness around her.

Heard something.

Heard a noise.

What was it?

Where was it?

Nothing but silence answered Winona's questions.  Silence and more confusion as her paws came to a halt.  The things around her were all where they belonged.  The small table Little One had been sitting at before leaving.  The Elder's wooden chair where she'd rocked until Large One had taken her upstairs.  Even the sofa from which Kindly Loving Apple Master had thrown her bedtime treats.

And still, the frizzing, brown fur on her hackles was beginning to raise.  Teeth peeked from behind her lips as she let out a low growl, slowly turning in place to glare at each moonlight-cast shadow around her.

Know I heard something.

It's not here.

Where's the noise?




Winona's growl cut out in a frightened yelp as she jumped, nearly toppling into the table.  Catching herself just in time, the collie's head snapped upward.  Her eyes slowly grew wide as she stared at the ceiling of the room.

... Above?

Normally floppy ears stood straight up as Winona suppressed her own growls.  They twitched slightly, the unmistakable sound of distant, heavy breathing drifting into them.

Accompanied a second later by what could only be a very heavy footstep.

Followed immediately by another.

And another.




It's above!

Winona's paws flew as the realization shot through her.  In an instant she was at the base of the stairs, glaring up them into the darkened hallway that awaited at the top.


Her ears twitched at another footstep, and more heaving breaths.  Her doggy mind was whirring with thoughts as she warily put one paw on the bottom step.

Big steps.


Large one?


Winona snarled as she rejected the idea.  A soft scratching noise was accompanying each step.  The sound of something with large paws and claws.

Like a—

She didn't finish the thought.

Instead, both her ears lowered.  Lips pulled back into a snarl as her other forepaw planted itself on the stairs.

A cat.

A big cat.

A huge cat.

In my house!

Upstairs!  With Apple Master!

Winona's heart surged at the thought.  Just as she noticed a pair of pointed ears starting to peek over the top of the stairs.

With a final snarl and a ferocious chorus of barks, she charged.



The battle cry, and Winona's charge, came to a halt before she'd even climbed three steps.

One ear pricked up slightly as the slow creeeeeak of a door filled the house.

"Nnngh... 'inona..."

Apple Master's voice drifted from the door.  A drone that sounded barely coherent enough to even be considered "half-asleep."

"'ts too late fer that..." Apple Master slurred out.  "Be a good dog'n hush now..."

With another creak and a soft click, the door closed once again.

Winona barely noticed.  Or even realized that anypony had spoken at all.

Her attention was far too focused on the impossibly massive shadow that stood at the top of the stairs.  The one whose burning eyes were turning away from Kindly Loving Apple Master's bedroom to focus back on her.

Slowly, deliberately, it lifted one paw.

Winona's eyes shrank to tiny dots as she caught a glimpse of its claws glittering in the scarce moonlight.


The collie didn't wait to see the paw fall.  She didn't even take the time to yelp or bark.

She just ran.

It's big!



Her paws flew, carrying her as quickly as they could back down the stairs.  Nowhere near fast enough as each shuddering THUD reminded her just how close the massive thing truly was.





Winona actually cursed her sharp hearing as she darted back into the living room.

Shadows stretched into every corner, under every piece of furniture.  Winona didn't bother to think or even look twice.  One in particular had already caught her eye, and her paws skittered on the hardwood floor as she ran for it.  Dropping to her belly, she frantically squirmed forward, her collar catching for a brief second as she squeezed her way beneath the sofa.


For a moment, all was quiet.  Nothing but the sound of her own racing heart and panting breath.

Grunting softly, Winona twisted around to look back out at the living room.


Just in time for a massive paw to land mere inches from her nose.

A startled yelp flew from her muzzle before she could stop it.  Her tail darted between her legs as the huge, shaggy limb paused.  Her ears fell flat as the sound of heavy breathing began to fill the room again.


Not breathing.


The realization left Winona cold as the leg began to bend.  With a feeble whimper, the farm dog folded her paws over her eyes.  She could still hear the huge nose probing for her scent.  Feel those eyes bearing down on her and the puff of warm breath as It snorted in her direction...







Winona's ears twitched with each diminishing footfall.  Slowly, she uncovered her eyes and inched herself forward.

The massive creature was gone.  Only the slowly swaying front door and a heavy, familiar scent were left.

Along with one, dreadful thought running through Winona's head.

That was not a cat.


Everything ached.

The top of his head.  The pads of his paws.  His muzzle.  His fangs.  Every single muscle in his massive frame.

Even as he just lay in place, Mac could barely summon up the energy to groan again.  The dull throb echoed through his entire body like the beat of his paws on the ground.  He could still hear the clods of dirt flying behind him as he ran.  Wind blew against his face carrying the dull, musty odor of damp wood with every breath.  All as silver fire blazed in the sky above—


All sensations that vanished as the crowing of the farm's rooster pierced through his eardrums.  Grumbling under his breath and laying his ears flat against the noise, Mac reluctantly cracked one eye open as a single, dreary thought floated through his mind.

Mornin' already?

The blinding, yellow light that seared its way into Mac's sensitive retinas seemed to be trying to answer his silent question.  After several rapid blinks the spots began to fade from his vision, giving him a clear view of the slowly brightening sky, the sun just beginning to peek its way over the trees of the orchard.  Stifling a yawn, the massive stallion began to lift his head.

"Hnnnrgg..."  Mac's jaw tightened, his eyes squeezing shut again as the trees began to sway and ripple around him.  "Nnnoooope..."

With a defeated sigh, his pounding skull dropped back to the ground.  The corners of his mouth curled up into a small smile, however, as he felt the incoming headache ease itself to a halt.  Another yawn rose, this one escaping as he nestled his head against the ground, feeling the slowly warming soil of the orchard beneath his chin—

Wait a minute.

His eyes snapping open once again, Big Mac lifted his head.


For several long seconds the stallion could only stare, a confused drone carrying from his mouth.  Slowly, however, he managed to close his slack jaw.  Despite the aching protests of his body the massive stallion clambered to his hooves and slowly began to turn in place.

"Okaaaaay..." he muttered, eyes growing wider as they took in the scene around him.

When did Ah git outside?

Unfortunately, no answer to the question bubbled to the top of Mac's head.  The countless apple trees of the orchard remained just as quiet, their branches gently swaying in the early morning breeze.  A familiar sight, one that he was used to seeing from his bedroom window or one of the hills that overlooked the farm.

This time, Mac's eyebrow was starting to cramp from how hard he was arching it.  He could feel the questions approaching, crowding at the edges of his mind, eager to fill the silence.  His brow knit as he tried to hold them back, struggling to focus through the crowding thoughts to the hazy, half-remembered images of a darkened room.  He could almost recall a feverish awakening.  A dry cough rattling in his chest.  The soreness throbbing up his leg...

"Ah had that nightmare," Mac recalled as he drew in a deep breath, the blurry memory of his window floating through his mind.  "Then Ah... Uh... Ah—URK!"

The memory vanished as Mac's stomach gave a sudden lurch.  His eyes flew wide as they started to water, the stench of rotting plants suddenly burning its way down his nose and throat.  His hoof flew over his muzzle as he coughed and choked for breath, but not before another wind blew up from behind him.  One, he couldn't help but notice, that carried a fresh wave of stink with it.  Staggering on three hooves, Mac quickly spun around to face the smell.

With a heavy THUD, both his leg and jaw dropped to the ground.

Mac tried to speak only for a strangled squeak to escape his mouth instead.  He could feel his eyes beginning to burn, but he couldn't close them.  Or even look away.

For several long moments all the stallion could do was stare.  Stare and think about the many, many mornings he'd woken up on the farm.  The smile on his face and the proud swell of his chest as he watched the sun shine down on the pristine fields of Sweet Apple Acres.

Those same fields which lay between him and the farmhouse, now covered in piles of garbage.

"W-what—"  Mac's recovered voice cut out in another cough as he stumbled back a step.  "What in Equestria..."

He couldn't even finish the question as his stomach gave another twist.  One which the foul smells oozing through the air certainly weren't helping.  He could barely hold down the sensation as his eyes darted every direction.

Only the spot where he'd been laying remained untouched by the refuse.  Every other inch of the orchard before him lay buried beneath heaps upon heaps of trash.  Browning apple cores scattered along the path back to the farmhouse.  Moldy bits of bread and vegetable scrap tossed haphazardly amongst the trees.  Faded newspapers and the remains of old chew toys laying bunched up by the fence posts, plus even more that Big Mac couldn't even begin to identify.  All of it covering the orchard from the walls of his house right up to the toes of his hooves as though some kind of dam had broken.  

Much like the one that had been holding back the multitude of questions that suddenly flooded Mac's brain.

How could—

Who could've—

When did—

Mac grit his teeth, his breathing labored as his head spun.  Heat was rising in his chest, even as his guts twisted and froze like they were caught in a blizzard.  The combination of nausea and flurrying thoughts set his vision swimming, his hooves staggering to keep him upright.  Yet through it all, one question managed to fight its way above the others.  Surging to the front of his mind as his eyes shot from the trash to his bedroom window to his own trembling legs.

What... what happened last night?


A distant howl of pain brought Mac's mind crashing to a halt.  His head jerked back up, his eyes landing on the farmhouse just down the orchard trail.

"No!  Git offa me!"

The mare's voice shouted again.  This time Mac's heart leapt to his throat as he recognized it.

"APPLEJACK!" he shouted, his hooves already moving before he'd even thought of running.

The trash and the distance he'd apparently travelled in the night no longer mattered.  Neither did Mac care about the stench filling his nose as he drew in as much air as possible to fuel his sprint.  All that mattered was running, getting back to the farmhouse as quickly as possible.  Weaving his way around massive piles of trash, his hooves slipping slightly as rotting plants were smashed into paste beneath them, he continued to run.

Only his ears were focused elsewhere, swiveling forward as his sister's voice carried from the house again.

"Ah said-OW!"

Steam snorted from Mac's nostrils as he pushed his legs harder.  With a single, mighty leap he hurdled over the short fence around the house and charged straight for the front door.  For a brief instant instinct took over as he slowed down, one hoof starting to raise to open it.

"Now Bloom!"

Right before it swung open on its own.


"Right, sooo... uh, Ah'm really sorry Mac," Apple Bloom said as she trotted along.  "But, uh, you gotta admit it's kinda funny..."

The silence that answered the yellow earth filly seemed to indicate her older brother did not agree.

Quietly, Apple Bloom looked up, brushing a lock of her red mane from her face as she put on the sweetest smile she could muster.  One that did unfortunately little to change the look that Big Macintosh was giving her from his freshly blacked eye.

It was something of a relief to the little filly as the massive stallion simply turned his gaze back to the road the two of them were walking down.

With a sigh of her own, Apple Bloom's smile faded.  Slowly, her head turned back over her shoulder, looking down the trail towards the farmlands in the distance.  Try as she might her thoughts kept wandering back towards Sweet Apple Acres.

"Ah said-OW!"

It was still hard to suppress her giggles, though.

Even so, Apple Bloom winced in sympathy as Applejack was yanked back another step.  The latest in a long line of such stumbles that morning.  All of them courtesy of the brown-and-white canine that had her tail in its jaws.

Never thought Winona was that strong.

The filly tilted her head curiously as her sister grunted and strained, shaking her hindquarters one way then another.  Winona only growled in response, her teeth remaining firmly locked together even as she was forced to stagger about to keep the grip.  Hardly a surprise as Apple Bloom recalled the little show that had woken her up.  Specifically the sight of Applejack staggering past her room, dragging the growling border collie down the hall behind her...

Apple Bloom quickly shoved a hoof over her mouth to hide her smirk at the thought.  Even with as distracted as her sister seemed, she could still see Applejack's eyes darting in her direction.  One of the sole reasons the filly wasn't just rolling on the ground with laughter at the whole display.

The other being the way Applejack kept waving one hoof at the door, gesturing for her to be ready right before she jumped back several steps.

Winona gave a sharp whine of surprise at the sudden slack in her impromptu tug-of-war game  In an instant, Applejack pulled her tail loose from the dog's jaw and leapt behind her, planting her forehooves on Winona's shoulders.  The dog let out a barely audible bark and Applejack tensed, ready to push her outside.

"Now Bloom!" she shouted.

Swallowing the last of her laughter, Apple Bloom kicked out her hind legs as hard as she could.


Much to her surprise, the door only opened a few inches before coming to a halt.  Tilting her head in confusion, the filly turned herself around and peeked through the small gap she'd managed to make.

"Oops..." she muttered upon seeing the large red lump that now lay on the front step.

A sharp rattle from the cart Big Mac was pulling shook Apple Bloom from her thoughts.  Hopping over the branch he'd just run over, the filly quickened her pace to catch up with her brother's longer strides.

"Heh, it's just, uh... Ah mean, yew took on ursas and a timberwolf and all sorts o' scary stuff like that."  A giggle forced its way out of her muzzle as she looked expectantly up at the massive stallion.  "So it's kinda silly yew'd git knocked down by a door, ya know?  That, uh, Ah opened and... uh, well..."

Apple Bloom's voice slowly trailed off into a short cough.  Big Macintosh still wasn't laughing.  Neither was she as her gaze fell to her hooves.

"Ah really am super sorry, Mac," she said, kicking a pebble out of her path as she walked.  "Ah was just—"

"Tryin' to help to AJ," Big Mac interrupted.  "Ah know."

Apple Bloom nearly stumbled as the stallion finally spoke.  She didn't say anything though, only nodding her head as he glanced down at her again.  Gingerly, Mac lifted one hoof up to his face, wincing a bit as he prodded at the bruise around his eye.

"So, yew ain't mad?"  Apple Bloom bit down on her lip, too late to keep the question that had been hanging at the edges of her mind from slipping out.

A heavy sigh whooshed from Mac's mouth as he lowered his hoof again.

"Ah'm not mad, Bloom," he said, his leg reaching down to give her mane a surprisingly gentle tousle.  "Just be more careful next time, alright?  Don't think that ol' door can take another kick like that."

"Heh, there was a pretty big dent in it, wasn't there?" Apple Bloom asked before a huge grin appeared on her face.  "Oh hey!  Do yew think maybe Ah could git a cutie mark fer kicking stuff?"

Mac's hoof withdrew, his eyes wide and worried.  Apple Bloom managed to hold back for a grand total of one second before bursting into laughter at the sight.  Her brother's soft chuckles slowly joined hers, only adding to the feeling of lightness that was filling her body—


Apple Bloom's smile vanished in an instant, her hooves flying over her ears as another barrage of barking filled the kitchen.

"She been like this all mornin?!?"  Mac's normally quiet voice wasn't helping the filly's aching ears, especially since he had to shout to be heard over the excitable canine.

"Eeyup!" Applejack answered with a curt nod.



Whatever question Big Mac was about to ask cut out in a startled yelp instead, his head jolting up from the kitchen table he'd been resting on.  Apple Bloom barely ducked in time to avoid the flying bag of frozen peas that her brother had been pressing over his eye.  As she hit the floor she couldn't help but notice the noise of the iced vegetables spilling all over the ground.  One ear raised as she realized that Winona's incessant barking had stopped.

Her confusion quickly vanished as she saw why, and a hoof flew over her mouth again.  The collie's racket had given way to low growling, her teeth now clamped around Mac's short tail as she tried to pull him away..

"Winona, no!"  Applejack's scolding instinctively caused Bloom to jump, wincing as she nearly banged her head on the underside of the table.  "Fer the love of-just what has gotten into yew!?!"

"It don't hurt."  Despite his words, Mac was still flinching as Apple Bloom pulled herself back upright again.  "Uh, much..."

"She still knows better than this.  Somethin's wrong," Applejack declared as she marched towards the door.

"Maybe it's just cuz of the mess outside?" Apple Bloom suggested with a shrug.

Applejack didn't seem to be listening as she pulled something down from the wall.  With a practiced flick of her neck, a long red leash flew out and landed behind Mac.  Winona's growls suddenly stopped as a soft click sounded, indicating the restraint finding its mark on her collar.

"Ah don't know what it is, but there's only one way to find out," Applejack said, giving the leash a firm tug.  "Mac, can yew git her to the vet?"


The length of red nylon suddenly went taut as Winona bolted, nearly being pulled onto her back as Applejack dug her hooves into the kitchen floor.  Mac had a frown on his face as he looked from the dog, to Applejack, to the kitchen window.

"What about the farm?" he asked, jabbing a hoof out the portal to the trash that lay beyond.

"Yeah!  Don't you want our help with that?" Apple Bloom chimed in as she planted her forehooves on the table.

"Bloom, yew need to go to school," Apple answered, the serious look she was casting cutting off any protests the young filly could come up with before she could even speak.  "And Mac... No offense, but yew smell like yew've been doin' plenty out there already."

Mac was still frowning as he lowered his muzzle near one shoulder and took a sniff.  His head quickly snapped back up, a short cough coming from his throat as he wrinkled his nose.  He didn't make any further protests as Applejack trotted up and wrapped the end of the leash around his plow yoke.

"Plus, yer the best fer wranglin' her into line," Applejack pointed out as Mac braced himself against Winona's sudden sharp pulling.  "Ah can handle a little farm work on mah own till yew git back."

"If'n... yew say so..." Mac grunted, struggling to keep upright.


Apple Bloom just winced as she looked up at the source of the noise that had interrupted her laughter.

Winona didn't seem to care in the slightest about the filly's frown.  Nor about the leash that was straining to keep her at the bottom of the old apple cart.  Somehow, despite its pull, the border collie had managed to get both her forepaws on the edge of the wagon.  Her ears were bobbing as she bounced in time to her own rapid-fire barks, cutting out with a sharp whine only when the cart gave a sudden lurch and began to roll once again.

"C'mon Bloom," Mac ordered, a deep frown on his own muzzle as he started walking.  "Better git movin'."

Apple Bloom nodded as she fell back into step with her brother.  Despite the interruption and weight of Mac's load, the two had made undeniably fast progress.  Already the buildings of Ponyville were rising around them.  Smaller houses at the edge of town giving rise to the larger, more elaborate cottages and businesses that lined either side of the well-travelled dirt roads.

"Hnnng, hnnng..."

The filly wasn't paying them any attention, however, her attention drawn back to the cart by the sounds of quiet whimpering.

Beady, black eyes met her orange ones as soon as she looked up.  Winona whimpered again, her gaze quietly pleading as they darted from Bloom to the giant pulling the wagon.  The filly was barely aware of her teeth coming down on her lip as she looked down the road ahead, watching as every step brought the begging dog closer and closer to their destination.

"Uh, Mac?" Apple Bloom asked, jumping a bit as she hurried back to the stallion's side.  "Would it be okay if I, uh, came to the vet's with yew?"

"Uh, what fer?" Mac asked as he glanced down at her.

"Well... it's just Winona looks awful scared, and Ah'm worried 'bout her, that's all."  Apple Bloom glanced back at the dog, her frown spreading as she saw Winona's hackles rise.  The tip of the collie's tail was just visible over the cart as it stood straight up, her teeth starting to peek out from under her lips.  "Wh-what if somethin's really wrong with her?  What if—"

"Don't yew have a math test today?"

Big Mac's question instantly silenced her pleas.  Apple Bloom's eyes went wide as she spun back to him, noticing the suspicious look he was giving her.

"That don't—well yeah, but—" she started to say.

"Sorry, Bloom.  Schoolin's important," Mac interrupted.

Apple Bloom nearly bit her tongue as her brother looked ahead once more.  The last of her protests died in her throat even as Winona gave another soft whimper.  One far too late as they'd reached a crossroad, Mac already gently pushing her to turn the corner.

With a heavy sigh, the filly did as she was ordered.  Her eyes fell to her hooves once more as she rounded the building, her ears twitching only slightly as the cart's wheels continued to creak down the other road behind her.  Snorting a bit, Apple Bloom scuffed at the ground with one hoof before raising her head.

Immediately, she froze in mid-step.  Slowly, her eyes went wide and her mouth gaped open.

"Uh... M-Mac!?!" she shouted over her shoulder, her neck aching with how suddenly she'd turn it.

Fortunately the red stallion hadn't gone very far.  He came to a stop, leaning from around the cart with a curious eyebrow raised.

"What... uh, what if school got cancelled today?" Apple Bloom asked, her eyes darting back down the road she'd been about to walk down.  "Like, cuz of a tornado?  Or Somethin'?"

"Tornado?" Mac repeated, the cart groaning in protest as he turned fully around and walked back towards her.  "What are you—"

This time the filly was the one to interrupt, pointing down the road ahead of her.  Mac tilted his head before following her gesture.

Then his eyes went wide as dinner plates.

"Oh."  Was all he could say.

"Sorry, Spike.  Wish there was more I could tell you."

Spike did his best to put on a smile.  Even as he tried not to think about how tired he was of hearing those exact words.

Thankfully, if any frustration was showing through, the brown earth stallion he'd been talking to didn't seem to notice.  Hardly a surprise given the fact that he was trying to drag a massive, black trash bag that was nearly as large as he was.  Spike took a cautious step back, doing his best to make some room for the massive load as it slowly slid past on its way to the nearby dumpster.

"Thanks for talking to me anyway, Mister Davenport," Spike said, his head giving a quick jerk to send his quill and notepad back to his saddlebags.  "Uh, just one more question though—"

A grunt of effort from Davenport cut him off.  The unicorn frowned, unable to help but notice the sweat stains starting to show up on the other stallion's blue vest as he tried to heave the overstuffed garbage bag upwards.  Silently, Spike reignited his magic sending a soft green glow over the black mass.


Letting out a sigh of relief, Mister Davenport finally returned Spike's smile as he leaned against the now-full dumpster.

"Next quill shipment comes in tomorrow," he said, panting softly as he stood back up.  "Barring any future disasters, of course."

"Great!" Spike said as he spun around, casting one last smile and a wave goodbye over his shoulder.  "Thanks again!  And good luck with the rest of the clean-up!"

Walking back around to the front of Quills and Sofas, the purple unicorn couldn't keep one sentence from running through his head.

You're probably gonna need it.

Holding his breath against the odor, Spike was trying very hard not to think about the last time Ponyville's town square looked so bad.  Even that memory was put to shame by the mess before him, however.

The entirety of the plaza and the surrounding buildings were covered in multicolored smears.  Most of it, judging by the smell, was likely rotting vegetables.  Every few steps, though, something else popped up to add variety.  Piles of shredded newspaper in front of one building.  Old smashed cake boxes tossed about the center of the street.  Even the occasional (surprisingly intact) glass bottle like the one that sat right at the journalist's hoof.  All of it accented by countless colorful townsponies milling their way through the mess;  armed with brooms, shovels, and annoyed scowls as they tried to clean the composting mess from the road.

"Well?" a new voice chimed in from behind him.  "How'd it go?"

"No luck."  Quietly, Spike was thankful for an excuse to turn away from the scene before him as he looked over his shoulder.  "Mister Davenport didn't see anything either."


The purple baby dragon didn't even look up from the scroll she was musing over as Spike's horn lit once more.  Not even as his magic settled over her, lifting her with practiced ease from where she'd been leaning against the storefront.  Spike could barely suppress a chuckle as he set her down on his back, her darker purple head spines bobbing a bit as she landed.

"So, how're we doing Twi?" he asked, sending a gentle telekinetic brush over his assistant's head, finally causing her to look up.

"Looks like we've only got about two-dozen shops and other businesses to go," Twilight answered with a nod and a grin as she unfurled more of the parchment.  "Then we can get started on interviewing the residents that live nearby!"

"Oh.  Is that all?"  Spike flinched, hoping the question didn't sound as sarcastic as he thought it did.  "Alright then.  So who's next?"

Hopefully somepony that actually knows what happened.

Twilight was running one claw back up the list, barely even looking at Spike.  Something the unicorn was thankful for as he bit the inside of his cheek to keep from speaking the frustrated thought.

As much as he didn't want to admit it, any curiosity he'd felt towards the mystery before him or excitement at the prospect of a new scoop had faded long, long ago, lost somewhere while walking through a town that reeked of freshly-strewn trash and the half-dozen or so ponies that had all been giving him the exact same answer.

"Sorry, but I didn't see anything."

Spike was almost certain those words had bled through to every page in his notepad with how many times his quill had recorded them.

"Alright."  Twilight finally spoke up, and Spike quickly stopped grinding his teeth.  "Next is—"

"Hi Twilight!"

Spike jumped as a cheerful blur of yellow suddenly sprang up next to him.  A movement that had the unfortunate side effect of cutting Twilight off as well as sending her checklist flying through the air.  Quick as a wink, his magic reignited—


One second too late to keep the parchment from landing on a pile of squishy old tomatoes.  Wrinkling his nose, Spike carefully levitated the now-stained scroll and watched as a few drops of red rolled off of it.  

Suddenly Spike wasn't sure which was stronger:  The urge to sigh with frustration or let out a cheer.  Somehow he managed to push both down as both he and Twilight looked to the blushing earth filly next to them.

"Heh heh... Oops," Apple Bloom said, carefully walking backwards away from the duo.  "Sorry."

"Good morning, Apple Bloom," Twilight said, her claws rubbed against her temples as Spike turned around.

"Mornin' everypony," a much deeper voice accompanied by squeaking cart wheels chimed in.

"Morning Big—" Spike started.

His greeting stuttered out as he finished turning, finding himself face-to-face with Big Macintosh.  The unicorn's eyes went wide as they immediately shot to the very noticeable bruise on the earth stallion's face.

"Whoa.  What happened, Mac?" Spike asked.  "You lose a fight or someTHING?"

Spike nearly squeaked the last word as a sharp pain suddenly shot through his ear.  Thankfully, Twilight released her pinch as he whipped his head around to glare at her.  She simply crossed her arms in response, meeting his eyes with a disapproving look of her own.

"Nothin' to worry 'bout," Mac drawled out, quickly forcing Spike to forget his impromptu staring contest.  "Just a little accident's all."

Spike's uninjured ear twitched as Apple Bloom let out another nervous chuckle.  This time from somewhere behind the cart Mac was pulling.  From his own back, Twilight sighed and shifted her weight, dipping a paw into Spike's saddle bags and pulling out a fresh sheet of parchment.

"Heh, I think a lot of ponies can relate to that," Spike said as he floated the ruined checklist back a bit, unrolling it for the little dragon to read.  "Especially today."

"Looks like," Big Mac said, his head slowly turning as his green eyes scanned over the ruined plaza.  "What happened out here?"

"Actually, that's what we were trying to figure out," Spike answered.

He wanted to add a shrug to the statement, but froze instead as he felt a scaly paw pat him on his withers.  With a little sigh, Spike lowered his shoulders as much as he could, letting Twilight lay her new scroll flat over his back.  

"We've been talking to every shop-owner and gardener in Ponyville.  But, so far, everypony's said the same thing."  The scratching sound of pen on paper started as Twilight spoke.  Spike flinched, but fought to keep his back still.  Even if he could feel the nib of the quill through the scroll as Twilight copied their ruined list.  "They all woke up and found their trash and compost piles spread out all over the streets!"

"Oh..." Mac responded.  "Yew, uh, don't say?"

"Golly," Apple Bloom said as she peeked out from behind the cart.  "That sounds like what happened up on Sweet Apple Acres!"

Immediately, Spike's ears pricked up.

"Wait, wh-YEOWCH!" He shouted.

The unicorn's jaw clenched as he struggled to swallow the curses that were fighting to get out.  Quite a few of which were directed towards himself for not thinking before lifting his head at Apple Bloom's words.  Air hissed between his teeth as he looked over his shoulder to the most likely source of the sudden sting that he'd felt in the back of his neck.  Sure enough, Twilight's face was a shade paler than usual as she hastily scooped up her scroll.

"S-sorry!" she apologized, her quill nearly snapping in half from how hard she was clutching it.  "I-I was trying to dot an 'i'..."

"Yeeeeeah, we're definitely getting you a new clipboard before we go home," Spike grumbled, rubbing one hoof at his fresh puncture mark before looking back to the pair of earth ponies.  "So anyway..."

For a split-second Spike could swear he'd seen Big Mac motioning for his sister to be quiet.  Blinking a few times though, it seemed clear he'd imagined it.  The red giant was standing stock still, after all, and still giving him a worried look.  Even if there was a small dust cloud rising near his hoof like he'd put it down exceptionally fast.

"... So, all this happened on your farm too?" Spike asked, doing his best to keep his eyebrows where they belonged.

He certainly didn't imagine the sigh as Big Mac answered with a slow, "Eeyup."

"Hmmm."  Spike suddenly felt like sighing himself as he heard Twilight thinking again, accompanied by a crinkle of parchment in her paws.  "Sounds like we're going to need to make a few more stops today."

Swallowing another frustrated groan, Spike sent a few sparks from his horn.  Somehow he'd managed to hold onto the ruined list, and his magic swiftly floated it forward again until it hovered right in front of his eyes.

"Right, guess we'll do that after we see... umm..."  Spike squinted as he looked over the slightly smeared writing.  One hoof rubbed over his eyes, uncertain for a moment whether or not to believe them.  "Is that Time Turner's name?  Why is the 'i' dotted with a little—"


Spike's question gave way to a startled cry as he fell on his rump, the world suddenly going dark.  His magic sputtered out, quickly reigniting and filling his vision with green sparkles as it wrapped around his hat which had been pushed over his eyes.  Through the buzz of his own spell and his grunts of effort he could just make out the rustle of somepony grabbing up papers, and the rapid patter of scaly feet against the ground.

"Oh gosh just look at the time!"  Twilight was speaking very quickly somewhere among the blackness, both her voice and nervous laugh getting further away with every second.  "I'm gonna get that clipboard and finish this-list-before-I-forgetokay?berightbackSpike!"

With a soft pop Spike finally managed to pull his hat back up.  Just as the young dragon's tail vanished amongst one of the squads of cleaning ponies.

Okay then...

"Well, if'n that's all, we'd better go."  Big Mac's voice, and the returning creak of the cartwheels, broke in before the purple unicorn could even start to raise questions.  "Bloom and Ah both got places to be."

Spike blinked at the words, looking up as the old wagon started to roll away.  He quickly shook his head, jumping back to his hooves.

"Hey!  Wait a second Mac!" Spike called out as he hurried after the retreating apple farmer.

He didn't even check to see if the other stallion had heard him.  The unicorn was too focused on his magic as he pulled out his notepad and another quill.  With a thought he could feel the Come to Life charm weave around them both, letting him turn his eyes forward again.

Just in time to fill his vision with the sight of a stopped apple cart.  With a short yelp, Spike dipped to the side just before his muzzle smashed into the old wood.  He quickly skirted around the side, dashing around the front and coming to a halt right in front of Big Macintosh.

For a second, the unicorn paused.  Both to catch his breath and allow himself a satisfied smile as he poked at his uninjured nose.

"Somethin' wrong, Mister Spike?" Apple Bloom asked, tilting her head as she came to a stop at Mac's side.

"You guys just almost left before I could ask:"  Spike's grin broadened as he looked to the red giant before him again, eyes drawn once more to the bruise still sitting over his eye.  "You didn't happen to see just who wrecked your farm, did you?"

Mac let out a low grunt.  Spike barely noticed with the sound of his short tail wagging eagerly behind him.  Holding his breath, the unicorn leaned in closer to the giant, his sparkling writing tools pressing in alongside him.  All of it poised to record Big Mac's words as he took a careful step back and pulled himself to his full height.

"Nnno—"  As Mac started to speak, Spike could feel his smile crashing to the ground.

"Oh mah gosh, YES!"

"What?" Mac grunted as a burst of yellow suddenly jumped up between the two stallions.


Spike didn't even notice his friend's confusion over his own internal celebration.  That and putting as much effort as he could into not jumping for joy alongside Apple Bloom as she sprang away.  With a grunt of effort, the filly leapt from the ground, hooking both her forelegs over the edge of the cart behind Mac and heaving herself up.

"Ah cain't believe we didn't think o' this before!" Apple Bloom said as she pointed a hoof into the wagon.  "Yew and AJ didn't see nothin' but Ah’ll bet she did!"

"Alright!" Spike said, eagerly trotting up alongside the filly, ignoring the red hoof extending to stop him as he peered into the cart.  "Who was it, Bloom?  Granny Smith?  One of your cousins visiting?  Maybe—"


A sudden bark and lunge of brown fur sent him stumbling back.  Nowhere near quickly enough to avoid the big, sloppy lick that a certain border collie had aimed directly at his face.

"GABCK!"  Spike sputtered, frantically trying to wipe the dog slobber from his muzzle.  "Winona?!?"

"Tried to warn ya."  A short chuckle accompanied Big Mac's words, though it ended just as quickly as it started.  By the time Spike managed to turn to him the red giant was just fixing his sister with a confused stare.  "Now Bloom, what're yew on about?"

"Don't ya get it?  Why else would Winona be actin' so weird?"  Apple Bloom had a huge grin on her muzzle as Spike finally put his hoof back down, her own forelimbs wrapped around the panting dog in a tight hug.  "She musta seen who trashed the farm and was tryin' to tell us!  Ain't ya girl?"


Apple Bloom burst into giggles as Winona barked, slathering her face with a friendly lick.

Spike arched one eyebrow as he got back to his hooves.  Quietly, he willed his quill away from the notepad and drew in a slow, deep breath.


He quickly bit down on his tongue to silence the yelp as the feather's point jabbed into his flank.  The pain, at the very least, confirmed one thing.

Yeah, this is really happening.

He could see Big Macintosh shaking his head in disbelief as well.  One massive hoof was even pressed over the giant stallion's face as he let out a long sigh.

"Apple Bloom..." he muttered, lifting his head.

"We gotta git to Miss Fluttershy!"  Apple Bloom was almost shouting as she dropped back to the ground, racing over to her brother and planting her forehooves as high up one of his front legs as she could.  "She can use her special talents a-and tell us what Winona's tryin' to say!"

"Ah think Spike's a bit too busy to talk with our dog," Big Mac said firmly as he gently pushed the filly back down.

"Actually..." Spike rolled his eyes upward, straining to repress the memory that was trying to surge up.  "It wouldn't be the weirdest interview I ever had."

He could feel the stares both earth ponies were giving him.  The unicorn could only imagine how shocked they were given that he had his own eyes on the ground.  His teeth ground together as he silently prayed neither of them would ask for more details.


Oh thank goodness.

Shoving the flurrying memories back into a corner of his mind, Spike quickly spun towards the voice.  His smile returned as he spotted the blur of purple scales racing towards him, her claws leaving small furrows in the road as she skidded to a halt.

"Th-there... you are..." Twilight panted out, doubling over as she tried to catch her breath.  "Come on!  W-we gotta... gotta hurry!"

"Something wrong, Twi?" Spike asked as his horn lit again, pulling a handkerchief from his saddlebag and floating it to the young reptile.

Twilight didn't answer at first, being far too busy wiping the sweat from her face.  She didn't even bother folding the cloth before tossing it back and jabbing a claw back at the plaza she'd just come from.

"I ran into T-Time Turner.  He said Mayor Mare's gonna be making an announcement in front of Town Hall!"  Twilight wasn't in front of Spike anymore.  By the time he blinked she'd somehow managed to race around to his side and clamber onto his back.  "I'll bet they figured out something about what happened!"

"Seriously?!  Alright!" Spike said, his head snapping back to the other two.  "Oh, thanks for, er, trying to help, guys!"

"It's no problem," Mac said with a nod and a wave.  "See ya later."

"Come on, Spike!" Twilight scolded, her footpaws lightly kicking his sides.  "We're gonna miss it!"

The unicorn let out a short whinny before taking off, racing towards the tower at the far end of the plaza where numerous other ponies could already be seen gathering.  Mac just let out another soft chuckle as he hooked himself back into the cart harness, and started back down the street.

"Hey, ain't we going too?"  Apple Bloom's question, along with the filly suddenly planting herself right in his path, forced Mac to a halt before he made it three steps.  "We need to tell 'em what Winona saw!"

"Sound like they've got things covered," Mac said, gingerly trying to step around the glaring yellow pony.  "Sides, the mayor don't need us tellin' her what to do."

"But Winona could still help!" Apple Bloom insisted with a stomp of her hoof.  "Fluttershy's ain't that far the other way—"

"No, but the vet's this way," Mac interrupted.

Apple Bloom fell silent.

Something in Mac's tone had changed.  Just for a split-second.  So quick she couldn't even be sure what was so different about it.  Staring up at her brother, everything still looked familiar.  The gentle look in his green eyes, the way he patted her on the head as he carefully maneuvered the cart around her...

And the sly little smirk that he cast her way as he trotted past.

"'Sides, even if Ah did go to Fluttershy's instead," Mac said with a casual nod in the opposite direction.  "Yew'd still be goin' to school."

Apple Bloom could feel her jaw nearly hit the dirt, another thing for her to almost trip over as Mac pushed her down the road again.  By the time she'd finished stumbling and turned around to protest, the stallion and his cart were already vanishing around the corner.

"... Aww phooey," Apple Bloom grumbled, her ears drooping.

The outside of Town Hall was, to put it simply, chaos.

Not just because of the still present garbage or the varieties of stink rising from it either.  It had apparently taken all of five minutes before the whole of Ponyville had heard about the announcement.  Everypony that had been out in the plaza cleaning, and countless more that had been scattered around town, were now gathered in front of the town's center of municipal power.  With the sheer amount of anxious chatter, scowls, and agitated rustling of hooves and cleaning implements, it was difficult to imagine an angrier-looking group of ponies.

Not like you can blame them.

Even with the thought running through his head, Thunderlane still felt some relief as the doors began to sparkle with a magical aura.  The last thing he saw through them as they shut was Mayor Mare, with Time Turner beside her carrying a stack of notes, taking a deep breath as she stepped up to the waiting podium.  

"If I could please have everypony's attention—" the mayor's voice carried through the doors.

Thunderlane grimaced, his ears falling flat as the mayor's request was ignored in favor of a sudden rush of very loud voices.

"Here.  Let me get that."

Another glow of magic flared over the doors, and the rush of questions and worries was instantly muffled to near silence.  The pegasus knew the sudden quiet should have been calming.  Instead he could feel his wings tense in frustration as he turned to the source of the quieting spell:  An armored unicorn, one who was watching him with a patient smile on his muzzle.

"It's better without all the noise, don't you think?" the guardspony asked as a quill and notepad floated up next to him.  "Makes getting a statement a lot easier."

"Yeah, I get that," Thunderlane responded, lightly clearing his throat as he tried to keep his eyes from darting up to the nearby clock.  "I just don't know what you want from me.  I mean, you guys spoke to Rainbow Dash already, didn't you?"

 "It's standard procedure, Thunderlane," the unicorn said with a shrug, his smile faltering a bit.  "Plus I figured the 'Element of Honesty' would be... less prone to exaggerating."

Standard procedure.

Thunderlane just rolled his eyes at those words, trying very hard not to think how long "standard procedure" had left him sitting around doing nothing.

"So, Mayor Mare assigned you and Rainbow Dash to go see how far the trash had been spread."  The guard was speaking again, forcing the frustrated pegasus stallion's attention back to him.  "And from the sound of things, that's when you found the trail?"

"It wasn't really a trail, it was..." Thunderlane bit down his lip, his mind searching for the words as his wings twitched a bit.  "I mean, the trash is all over the place.  But there's only one road out of town that really had a lot spread on it."

He had to ignore the stench blowing in his face as he flew.  As well as the more pleasant feeling of the sun warming his back and wings.  Rainbow Dash was still flying ahead of him, tossing an infuriating grin over her shoulder every few seconds.  Thunderlane just sneered as she turned around again, pumping his wings for more speed as the houses and roads of Ponyville turned into grassy fields and a winding path.

"That was the same road that goes to the big farms nearby, right?"

"Yeah," Thunderlane grumbled, biting down on his tongue before it could start asking why he was still being questioned.

"And that's where you found the print?" the guard asked.

Thunderlane blinked as he stared at the ground before him.

Silently, he looked back at Rainbow Dash.  Given the slack-jawed stare she had, she was seeing the same thing as him.

Slowly, he lifted one hoof and hovered it over the area in question.  He did his best to swallow the nervous lump in his throat as his hoof barely covered half of the massive, clawed paw-print beneath it.

From somewhere outside, despite the quieting charm on the door, Thunderlane could make out a collective gasp.  No doubt from Mayor Mare telling the townsponies the exact same thing he was thinking as he looked back to the unicorn.

"Look, there was a problem with some Timberwolves the other night."  Thunderlane was doing his best to keep his voice steady, even as his eyes dropped to his hooves.  "We thought everything was fine but... that print and now all the trash..."

His voice trailed off, something heavy settling in his stomach.  Even as he tried not to, he couldn't help but picture the pale-gray colt lying on his back.  Trembling like a leaf, moaning in fear, utterly unresponsive to his brother's attempts to wake him...

A spark of reddish-violet light caused his head to jolt back up.  The unicorn had put away the quill and notepad, his magic now shining around the helmet of strange, purple metal he'd taken off earlier.  Despite the sudden quiet that had fallen, he was still smiling, a spark of confidence glinting in his blue eyes.

"So you're worried, along with a bunch of other ponies.  Understandable between this and Nightmare Moon," the other stallion said as the helmet settled over his blue mane.  "The Mayor's office did the right thing contacting Canterlot about this."

"I... kinda expected you guys to write this off as a prank or just wild animal attack," Thunderlane admitted as he stood back up.  "You're really gonna stay to help?"

"Of course," the unicorn said, his magic lighting once more.  "After all, I've got family of my own living here."

The doors glowed again, and slowly swung open.  Thunderlane blinked a bit as sunlight re-entered the room, his eyes trying to adjust.  He could just make out the crowd outside, as well as the pure-white coat of the stallion he'd been talking to as he flashed Thunderlane a wink.

"Now then, let's extend a warm Ponyville welcome to the Canterlot Royal Guards that agreed to assist us with this matter!"  Mayor's Mare's voice carried inside.  "Lead by Guard Captain—"

"SHINEY?!?" the dragon and unicorn duo at the front of the crowd suddenly shouted.

The moon glowing in the sky above.  Cool air breaking over his face.  A clear view of the farm below.

"Hmm... nope," Mac muttered, his hoof lifting to his mouth again.


Crunch, crunch...

Chewing over his snack, the farmer began to tap one hoof impatiently.  He barely even paid attention to the scuff marks he was leaving on the tiled floor, or the various posters of kittens hanging from tree branches on the wall around him.  Mac's mind was back on Sweet Apple Acres, hazy images of the nighttime fields floating through his head as he sat with his head resting on the windowsill...

Right before it all faded to nothing.  With a frustrated sigh, Mac set himself down on one of the numerous chairs that lined the Ponyville Veterinary Office's waiting room.

Why cain't I remember?

Mac grimaced as the question clawed at the back of his mind.  No matter how hard he tried, his memories of the night before simply stopped shortly after opening his window.

Nothing but several hours of blank space, ending with him waking up in the fields.

Crack, crunch, crunch...

Mac swallowed hard, another bite of food vanishing down his throat as his hoof stretched out for more.

"Mister Macintosh?"

The sound of a door opening and voice calling his name stopped him.  The red stallion clambered out of his chair, nodding to the yellow mare with the blue mane as she walked over to him.

"How's Winona, doc?" he asked.

"Well, she was terribly worked up about something.  Probably just the same thing everypony in town has been this morning," the veterinarian said as she looked over her clipboard, before lifting her head and giving him a smile.  "I gave her a little medicine to calm her down.  She'll probably sleep all the way back home."

Mac breathed out a long sigh of relief.

Least one thing goes right.

He took a careful step to the side as the town's vet trotted past him.  Humming a bit, she set her clipboard down on the office desk and slid over a large glass jar.

"I recommend you take her home and try to keep things quiet around the house for a little while.  No roughhousing or yelling, alright?" she said as she pulled the lid off the container.  "And here, take a few treats with her to... help..."

Mac tilted his head as the mare trailed off.  She seemed almost as confused as he was as she turned over the empty jar, a few lonely crumbs rattling out onto the desktop.

"That's odd," she muttered.  "I would have sworn I just refilled this."


Mac covered his muzzle with one hoof as a belch escaped.

His eyes went wide, however, as he noticed the odd taste that lingered on his tongue.

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